Simple car battery charger. How to install a battery charger. See chargers

The photo shows a self-automatic charger attachment for charging car batteries at 12 V with a jet of up to 8 A, selected in the housing as a V3-38 millivoltmeter.

Why is it necessary to charge the car battery

The battery in the car is charged for the help of an electric generator. For the protection of electrical control and accessories in the form of a boosted voltage, as if it is vibrated by a car generator, then a relay-regulator is installed, which reduces the voltage in the vehicle’s side rail up to 14.1 ± 0.2 V. For recharging the battery, a voltage of at least 1 .

In this way, it is impossible to charge the battery again from the generator, and before the cold weather it is necessary to charge the battery from the charger.

Charging circuit analysis

A special feature is the scheme for the preparation of a charger attachment for the computer's living unit. Structural diagrams of computer blocks for living the same, electrically different, and additionally require high radio engineering qualifications.

I was interested in the capacitor circuit of the charger, the KKD is high, it does not see heat, it provides a stable stream of charge independently in the step of charging the battery, and there is no need to be afraid of short flickers in the output. Ale tezh may be missing. If in the process of charging there is a contact with the battery, then the voltage on the capacitors increases by a factor of 1, (capacitors and the transformer establish a pulsating resonant circuit with the frequency of the electrical circuit), and the stench breaks through. It was necessary to take only a single water, which I was far away to grow.

As a result, a scheme for a charger was built, without resurfacing, more incomplete. For more than 16 years I have been charging it with 12 V acid batteries.

Schematic diagram of a car charger

When folding, it’s possible, the scheme of a self-contained charger is simple and folds out of all the completed functional nodes.

If the circuit for repetition seems foldable to you, then you can choose to work more on the same principle, but without the function of automatic switching on when the battery is recharged.

Schematic diagram of a struma interfacing on ballast capacitors

In a car capacitor charger, the regulation of the magnitude and stabilization of the power of the battery charge is ensured for the account by switching in series with the primary winding of the power transformer T1 of ballast capacitors C4-C9. The greater the capacity of the capacitor, the greater will be the charge of the battery.

Practically the final version of the charger attachment, you can connect the battery after the diode bridge and charge it, but the cost of such a circuit is low. If the contact with the battery terminals fails, the capacitors can go out of tune.

The location of the capacitors, as to lie in the magnitude of the strum and the voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer, can be approximated by the formula, or it is easier to focus on the data in the tables.

To regulate the stream, to speed up the number of capacitors, they can be connected in parallel to groups. I have a switch for the help of two biscuit switches, or you can put a sprat of tumblers.

Zahistu scheme
pomilkovy connection of battery poles

Scheme of protection against polarity reversal of the charger when the battery is connected incorrectly to the Vikonan output on the P3 relay. If the battery is connected incorrectly, the VD13 diode does not pass the strum, the relay is unstrung, the contacts of the relay K3.1 of the connection and the strum are not located on the battery terminal. When the relay is connected correctly, the contacts K3.1 close and the battery is connected to the charging circuit. Such a circuit can be reversed with a reversal of polarity with a charging device, whether transistor or thyristor. It is sufficient to turn it on at the opening of the wires, for the help of which the battery is connected to the charger.

Scheme of vimiryuvannya strumu and voltage charging of the battery

The key to the visibility of the S3 switch on the diagram is higher when the battery is charging - the ability to control not only the magnitude of the charging stream, but also the voltage. At the top position of S3, the strum is reduced, at the bottom - the voltage. If the charger is not connected to the electrical supply, then the voltmeter will show the battery voltage, and if the battery is charging, then the charging voltage. Like a head of stasis, the M24 microammeter with an electromagnetic system. R17 shunts the head in the mode of vimiryuvannya struma, and R18 serve as a dilnik when vimіrі voltage.

Scheme of automatic memory switching
when recharging the battery

For the livelihood of the operational support and the folding of the reference voltage, a microcircuit of the DA1 stabilizer type 142EN8G was installed on 9V. The microcircuit is not framed properly. When the temperature of the microcircuit case changes by 10º, the output voltage changes by less than a hundred parts of a volt.

The system of automatic switching on charging when the voltage reaches 15.6 vikonan on half of the microcircuit A1.1. Visnovok 4 microcircuits for connecting to the voltage dilator R7, R8, for which a reference voltage of 4.5 V is supplied. The value of the resistor R9 is determined by the threshold for switching on the charger of 12.54 V. Zavdyaki the diode VD7 and the resistor R9, the necessary hysteresis between the voltage switched on and switched on the battery charge is ensured.

Practice the scheme in this way. When connected to the car battery charger, the voltage at the terminals is less than 16.5 V, at the output of 2 microcircuits A1.1, sufficient voltage is set to drive the transistor VT1, the transistor is turned on and the relay P1 is connected, the transformer is connected to the winding. that fixes the battery charging.

As soon as the voltage of the charge reaches 16.5, the voltage at the output A1.1 will change to a value that is not enough to boost the transistor VT1 at the power station. The relay is switched on and contacts K1.1 are connected to the transformer through the capacitor of the charging mode C4, with some stream charge reaching 0.5 A. In this case, the charger circuit will be replaced, until the voltage on the battery changes to 12.54 V. As soon as the voltage becomes equal 12.54, I will turn on the relay again and charge under the set strum. The possibility has been transferred at the time of consumption by the switch S2 to turn on the automatic control system.

In this way, the system of automatic speed after charging the battery turns off the possibility of recharging the battery. The battery can be left connected to the charger, I will add it to the countryside. Such a regime is relevant for motorists, as it is less likely to drive a wind. After the end of the car race season, you can connect the battery to the charger and turn off the hinges. Navіt yakscho in elektromerezhі power loss, for yogo appear charging attachment continue to charge the battery in normal mode

The principle of the operation of the circuit for automatically switching on the charger at the time of the voltage shift through the voltage supply, selected on the other half of the operating substation A1.2, is the same. Only the threshold for the total switching on of the charger in the event of a charge is 19 V. If the charging voltage is less than 19 V, at the output 8 of the A1.2 microcircuit, the voltage is sufficient, for the transistor VT2 to be switched on at the critical station, when the voltage is applied to the relay P2. As soon as the charging voltage is turned over 19, the transistor closes, the relay releases the contacts K2.1 and the voltage supply to the charger is fixed again. As soon as the battery is connected, it will power the automation circuit, and the charger will immediately turn to work.

The design of the automatic charger

All the details of the charging attachment are placed in the case of the B3-38 miliammeter, from which the whole place, krіm of the arrow fixture has been seen. Installation of elements, crim schemes of automation, winching in a hanging way.

The design of the body of the miliammeter is two rectangular frames, which are closed by folds. At the little folds with a equal crock, open the doors to the smallest details.

The power transformer ТН61-220 is fastened on four M4 screws on an aluminum plate with a thickness of 2 mm; The power transformer ТН61-220 is fastened on four M4 screws on an aluminum plate with a thickness of 2 mm; C1 is installed on this plate. In the photo, I look at the charger from the bottom.

Up to the upper coils of the case, a plate is also fixed with a 2 mm thick cloth, and up to it with screws capacitors C4-C9 and relays P1 and P2. To tsikh kutochkіv is also screwed to the board, on which the circuit of automatic keruvannya is soldered by charging the battery. In reality, the number of capacitors is not six, as per the circuit, but 14, so for the removal of the required capacitor, the nominal value had to be connected in parallel. Capacitors and relays are connected to the external charger circuit through a rose (in the photo it is more black), which made it easier to access other elements for installation.

On the outer side of the rear wall there are finned aluminum radiators for cooling power diodes VD2-VD5. Here, too, the installation of a Pr1 plug for 1 A and a plug (taken from the computer's power supply unit) to supply the power supply.

The power diodes of the charger are attached behind the help of two pressure bars to the radiator in the middle of the case. For this, a rectangular opening is cut in the back wall of the body. This technical solution made it possible to increase the amount of heat to a minimum, which is seen in the middle of the building and economy of space. Visnovki diodes and conduct, what to bring, soldered on a non-fixed bar from foil-coated sclotextolite.

In the photograph, I look like a self-contained charger, I will attach a right-hander. Installation of the electrical circuit of the wires with colored wires, changeable voltage - brown, plus - red, minus - wires of blue color. The span of wires that go through the secondary winding of the transformer to the terminal for connecting the battery is to blame but not less than 1 mm2.

The ammeter shunt is connected to a high-resistance rod of constantan with a length of about a centimeter, the end of which is soldered in the midsection. The length of the shunt rod is selected when calibrating the ammeter. I checked by taking the shunt of the burnt arrow tester. One end of the middle soldering sockets without a middle to the outer terminal of the plus, to the other soldering socket is a conductor, which goes through the contacts of the P3 relay. On the line of the shunt, go yellow and red wire.

Drukovan board for the automation unit of the charger attachment

The scheme of automatic regulation and protection in the event of incorrect connection of the battery to the charger is soldered on a different board made of foil-coated sclotextolite.

The photo shows old look selected schemes. The little one of the hand-drawn scheme of automatic regulation is simple and simple, open the loop with a 2.5 mm crochet.

Looks better in the photo pay From the side of the installation of parts, we will apply a red color to the marking of parts. Such an armchair is more comfortable when folding a dress.

Armchairs of hand-made pay are more likely to be in good time when prepared for additional technology from the stoppage of a laser printer.

And the armchair of the handmade bed will stand in good condition when the strum-guided paths of the handmade bed are applied by hand.

The scale of the pointer attachment of the B3-38 millivoltmeter did not fit the necessary adjustments, I had to cross it on the computer with my own version, overruling on the white paper and glue the moment of gluing the animal onto the standard scale.

Zavdyaki larger size scales and calibration of the fixture in the zone of vibration, the accuracy of the voltage was 0.2 Art.

Provid for connection of the AZU to the battery terminals

On the wire for connecting the car battery to the charger, a crocodile-type clamp is installed on one side, and different tips are on the other side. For the connection of the positive connection of the battery, a red wire was selected, for the connection of the negative - blue. The span of wires for connecting to the accumulator is not less than 1 mm2.

To the electrical cord, the charger is connected to an additional universal cord with a plug and socket, as it is used for connecting computers, office equipment and other electrical appliances.

About charger details

The power transformer T1 is of type TN61-220, the secondary windings of which are sequentially connected, as shown in the diagram. So, as a KKD charger, I will add at least 0.8 and the charge does not sound more than 6 A, if there is a transformer with a power of 150 watts. The secondary winding of the transformer is responsible for providing a voltage of 18-20 V with a current of up to 8 A. If there is no ready-made transformer, you can take any voltage and rewind the secondary winding. You can calculate the number of turns of the secondary winding of the transformer with the help of a special calculator.

Capacitors C4-C9 of the MBGCH type with a voltage of at least 350 V.

Diodes VD2-VD5 are of any type, rozrahovani on strum 10 A. VD7, VD11 - be it pulsed cream. VD6, VD8, VD10, VD5, VD12 and VD13 be-yak, scho vitrimuyut strum 1 A. Svitlodiod VD1 - be-like, VD9 I zastosuv type KIPD29. Vіdmіnna singularity of which light source, which changes the color of the light when changing the polarity of the connection. For jogging the vicoristano, contact K1.2 of relay P1. If it is charged by the main stream, the light diode will shine with a yellow light, and when switched to the battery charging mode, it will turn green. The replacement of a binary light can be installed, whether it be two single colors, by connecting them to the lower induced scheme.

Yak operatsiyny pіdsilyuvach obrany KR1005UD1, an analogue of foreign AN6551. So pіdsilyuvachі zastosovuvali blotsі sound and video vіdеоmіtofonі ВМ-12. Pіdsilyuvach good tim, scho not vmagaє dvoh polar zhivlennia, lanceugіv korektsії i zberіgaє pratsezdatnіst pri pruzі zhіvlennja vіd 5 to 12 В. It’s good to go to replace the microcircuit, for example, LM358, LM258, LM158, but they have a different numbering, and it’s necessary to make changes to the little ones of the other board.

Relay P1 and P2, whether on a voltage of 9-12 with contacts, rozrohovanimi for switching strum 1 A. R3 on a voltage of 9-12 V і strum switching 10 A, for example RP-21-003. As in the relay, there is a kіlka of contact groups, they should be soldered in parallel.

Changer S1, no matter what type, insurance for the robot at a voltage of 250 V and I can get enough contacts to switch. If it is not necessary to regulate a strum at 1 A, you can put a spear of toggle switches and install a strum charge, for example, 5 A and 8 A. If you charge only car batteries, then the solution is completely correct. Jumper S2 is used to switch off the system and control the level of charging. When the battery is charged with a great stream, it is possible to start the system earlier, but the battery can be recharged again. In such a situation, the system can be turned off and continue charging in manual mode.

Electromagnetic head for vimiruvach strum and voltage pidide be-yak, with a strum of total exhalation 100 μA, for example, type M24. As there is no need to control the voltage, but only a strum, you can install a ready-made ammeter, allow for a maximum current strum of 10 A, and control the voltage with an external needle tester or a multimeter, connecting it to the battery contacts.

Adjustment of the automatic control unit and the AZU lock

With a non-milk choice, pay for the correctness of all radio elements, the scheme will be charged immediately. If you don’t want to set the voltage threshold with resistor R5, when the battery is charged, it will be transferred to the charging mode with a small strum.

The regulation can be carried out without delay during the charging of the battery. And yet, it’s still better to insure and before installing in the case, the scheme of automatic regulation and the protection of the AZU should be reversed and adjusted. For whom you need a block of life for a constant strum, which can be able to regulate the voltage between voltages of 10 to 20 V, rated for a strum of 0.5-1 A. constant stream of voltage, between the boundary of the vimir vіd 0 to 20 V.

Rechecking the voltage stabilizer

After the installation of all parts on a different board, it is necessary to supply a voltage of 12-15 V to the heating wire (minus) and output 17 of the DA1 microcircuit (plus) from the block of life. Changing the voltage at the output of the power supply unit from 12 to 20 V, it is necessary to change the voltage for an additional voltmeter, so that the value of the voltage at the output of the microcircuit 2 of the voltage stabilizer DA1 is 9 V.

Microcircuits of the K142EN series and analogues may start a short-circuit on the output and if they short-circuit the output to a hot wire, then the microcircuit will go into the mode of a short circuit and will not work. As a result, the re-verification showed that the voltage at the output of the microcircuit is equal to 0, but it does not mean that it is wrong. As a whole it is possible to have a short circuit between the tracks of a different payment, or one of the radio elements to solve the circuit is faulty. To re-verify the microcircuit, it is enough to pay її viddennia 2 and if you come to the new one 9, it means that the microcircuit is correct, and it is necessary to know and use the short circuit.

Recalibration of the system overvoltage due to overvoltage

The description of the principle of operation of the circuit is based on the simplest part of the circuit, to which strict standards for the stress of work are not presented.

The function of turning on the AZU in the electrical circuits at the different battery outlets is a part of the circuit, selected on the operational differential switch A1.2 (further OS).

The principle of a robotic operational differential pilot

Without knowing the principle of robotic op-amp, it’s easy to understand the robotic scheme, I’ll point that out short description. OS may two come in and one out. One of the inputs, which is indicated on the diagram by the “+” sign, is called not inverting, and the other input, which is indicated by the “-” sign or by a circle, is called inverting. The word differential OU means that the voltage at the output of the substation lies in the difference of the voltage at the inputs. This scheme has an operational switch-on switch without turning links, like a comparator - equalization of input voltages.

In this order, if the voltage on one input will be constant, and on the other it will change, then at the moment of passing through the point of evenness of the voltage at the inputs, the voltage at the output of the power supply will change like a string.

Re-checking the circuit for protection against overvoltage

Let's go back to the diagram. Non-inverting input of the power supply A1.2 (visnovok 6) of connections to the voltage dilator, selected on resistors R13 and R14. This dilnik of connections to a stabilized voltage is 9 and to that the voltage at the point of connection of resistors, does not change and becomes 6.75 V. Another input of the op-amp (visnovok 7) of connections to another dilator of voltage, selected on resistors R11 and R12. This dilnik of the voltage of connections to the bus, which is where the charging strum is, and the voltage on the new one changes in the fallage depending on the size of the strum and the stage of the battery charge. Therefore, the magnitude of the voltage on the output 7 will also change significantly. Opir dilnika is chosen in such a way that when changing the voltage of charging the battery from 9 to 19, the voltage at the output 7 will be less, lower at the output 6 and the voltage at the output of the OS (visnovok 8) will be greater than 0.8 V and close to the voltage of the OS. The transistor will be energized, the relay winding P2 is supplied with voltage and the contact K2.1 is closed. The voltage at the output also closes the diode VD11 and the resistor R15 in the robot circuit does not take part.

Just change the charging voltage to 19 V (it can only be used at the output, so the battery will be connected to the output of the AZU), the voltage on the output 7 becomes larger, lower on the input 6. In this output, the voltage on the output of the OU changes to zero. The transistor will close, the relay will fire and contacts K2.1 will open. The voltage supply to the RAM will be pinned. At the moment, if the voltage at the output of the op-amp is equal to zero, the VD11 diode is turned on, and in this order, R15 is connected in parallel to R14. The voltage will change for 6 seconds to turn on the pardon at the moment of voltage equalization at the inputs of the op-amp through pulsations and a transition. By changing the value of R15, you can change the hysteresis of the comparator, so that the voltage, when the circuit turns at the exit station.

When the battery is connected to the RAM, the voltage on output 6 will again be equal to 6.75, and on output 7 it will be less and the circuit is more likely to work in the normal mode.

To recheck the robotic circuit, it is enough to change the voltage on the block of life from 12 to 20 and connect the voltmeter to replace the relay P2 to monitor the display. When the voltage is less than 19, the voltmeter is responsible for showing the voltage, with a value of 17-18 (part of the voltage falls on the transistor), and with a larger one - zero. All the same, it is necessary to connect the relay winding to the circuit, then you will not only override the robot of the circuit, but also the practicality, but by clicking the relay you can control the automation robot without a voltmeter.

As the circuit does not work, it is necessary to change the voltages at the inputs 6 and 7, the outputs of the op-amp. If the voltage is different, it is necessary to check the ratings of the resistors in the relevant dilniks. If the resistors dilnikov and the VD11 diode are correct, then, also, the op-amp is faulty.

To recalibrate the lancet R15, D11, it is enough to turn on one of the switches of these elements, the circuit will work, only without hysteresis, so that it turns on and off at the same voltage that is supplied from the block of life. Transistor VT12 is easy to override, using one of the R16 switches and controlling the voltage at the output of the op-amp. When the op-amp comes out, the voltage changes correctly, and the relay is permanently switched on, also, maybe there is a breakdown between the collector and the emitter of the transistor.

Re-verification of the battery circuit diagram when re-charging

The principle of operation of the op-amp A1.1 does not differ in any way from the operation of A1.2, for the sake of being able to change the threshold of the voltage excitation for the help of the auxiliary resistor R5.

To recalibrate the work A1.1, the voltage of life, supplied from the power unit, gradually increases and changes between 12-18 V. When the voltage reaches 15.6 V, the relay P1 is switched on and contacts K1.1 switch the AZU into the charging mode with a small jet through the capacitor C4. When the voltage level is lowered below 12.54 V, the relay will turn on and switch the AZU into the mode of charging with a jet of a given value.

The threshold voltage of 12.54 can be adjusted by changing the value of the resistor R9, but there is no need for that.

For the help of the switch S2, you can turn on the automatic mode of operation by turning on the relay P1 without interruption.

Capacitor charger circuit
without automatic switch-on

For those who do not have enough access to the storage of electronic circuits, or they will not require automatic switching on of the charger after the completion of charging the battery, I will use a simple version of the circuit to attach for charging acid car batteries. The peculiarity of the scheme is in its simplicity for repetition, reliability, high CCD and a stable charge stream, detection of protection against incorrect battery connection, automatic continuation of charging at different life voltages.

The principle of stabilization of the charging jet was left unchanged and safe by the block of capacitors C1-C6 connected in series with a transformer. For protection against overvoltage on the input winding and capacitors, one pair of normally open contacts of relay P1 is broken.

If the battery is not connected, the contacts of the relay P1 K1.1 and K1.2 are disconnected and turn on as a charger for connecting to the squirrel tank, do not appear on the circuit. Those same vіdbuvaєtsya, yakscho pіmilkovo connect the battery for polarity. With the correct connection of the battery, the strum is connected through the VD8 diode to the winding of the relay P1, the relay is activated and the contacts K1.1 and K1.2 are switched on. Through closed contacts K1.1, the voltage is connected to the charger, and through K1.2, the charging jet is connected to the battery.

At first glance, it appears that the contacts of the K1.2 relay are not needed, but if they are not, then when the battery is switched on, the stream will flow from the positive battery output through the minus terminal of the memory, it was sent through the diode, and it was sent without a middle to the minus-modemator bridge. Zu out of tune

A simple scheme has been proposed for charging batteries; it can be easily adapted for charging batteries at a voltage of 6 or 24 V. It is enough to replace relay P1 with a different voltage. To charge 24 volt batteries, it is necessary to ensure that the output voltage from the secondary winding T1 of the transformer is not less than 36 V.

Behind the bazhannym, the circuit of a simple charger can be supplemented with an attachment for indicating the charging stream and voltage, adding it to the circuit of an automatic charger.

How to charge a car battery
automatic self storage

Before charging from the car, the battery must be cleaned in the open and wiped over with a soda solution to remove acid residues. If the acid lies on the surface, then the water will start to sting.

If the battery has plugs for pouring acid, then all the plugs need to be unscrewed, so that the gases that are settled in the battery when charging can freely come out. Obov'yazkovo it is necessary to reconsider the rіven elektrolіta, and even less wine for the necessary, top up with distilled water.

Next, you need to switch S1 on the charger, set the value of the stream to the charge and connect the battery to the polarity (the plus side of the battery needs to be connected to the plus side of the charger) to the third terminal. If the switch S3 is in the lower position, then the arrow on the charger will show the voltage, as if it were a battery. It was not possible to insert the plug into the socket and the process of charging the battery will stop. The voltmeter is now more likely to show the charge voltage.

Hello uv. reader blog "My laboratory of radioamator".

In today’s article, I’ve been “zayuzan” for a long time, but I’ll also draw a circuit for a thyristor phase-pulse tension regulator, which we will use as a charger for lead-acid batteries.

For some reason, the charge on the KU202 can be low:
- Zdatn_st vitrimuvat strum charge up to 10 amperes
- Strum the charge of impulses, which, at the thought of a lot of radioamators, helps to continue the life of the battery.
– Scheme was selected from non-deficient, inexpensive parts to work even more affordable for the price category
- The first plus is the ease of repetition, which will give you the opportunity to repeat, like a novice in radio engineering, so it’s just a master of a car, who doesn’t have any knowledge in radio engineering, who needs a simple charge.

Having tried for a year an additional circuit with automatic battery draining, I recommend reading
In my own time, I chose the scheme on the line for 40 quills at once from the grass to pay and prepare the components of the scheme. Well, to read the explanation, let's take a look at the scheme.

Scheme of a thyristor charger attached to KU202

Variation of twisted components in the scheme
C1 = 0.47-1uF 63V

R1 = 6.8k - 0.25W
R2 = 300 - 0.25W
R3 = 3.3k - 0.25W
R4 = 110 - 0.25W
R5 = 15k - 0.25W
R6 = 50 - 0.25W
R7 = 150 - 2W
FU1 = 10A
VD1 = strum 10A Well, at 15-25A, that reverse voltage is not lower than 50V
VD2 = any pulse diode, for reverse voltage not lower than 50V
VS1 = KU202, T-160, T-250
VT1 = KT361A, KT3107, KT502
VT2 = KT315A, KT3102, KT503

As it was said earlier, the circuit is a thyristor phase-pulse pressure regulator with an electronic charge stream regulator.
The control of the thyristor electrode is controlled by a lance on transistors VT1 and VT2. The strum to pass through VD2, which is necessary for the circuit to be driven from the return lines of the thyristor strum.

Resistor R5 is used to charge the battery, which can be 1/10 of the capacity of the battery. For example, a battery with a capacity of 55A needs to be charged with a 5.5A strum. Therefore, at the exit, in front of the charger terminals, I put an ammeter to control the charging jet.

For the drive of eating, for the purpose of the circuit it is necessary to select a transformer with a variable voltage of 18-22V, it is necessary for the tension without a reserve, even if a thyristor is used in the control. Yakshcho napruga more - R7 podnіmaєmo up to 200 Ohm.

It is also not forgotten that a diode mist and a heating thyristor must be placed on the radiator through a heat-conducting paste. So, just as you see, you can simply use diodes of the type D242-D245, KD203, remember that you need to insulate them from the radiator case.

We’ll put a booster on the need for a stream, if you don’t plan to charge the battery with a 6A booster, then you need to hit the booster at 6.3A over your head.
Also, for the protection of your battery and charger, I recommend installing my battery, as a battery protection from reverse polarity, to protect the charger from the battery connection with a voltage of less than 10.5V.
Well, the axis of principle looked at the charger circuit on KU202.

Drukovana board thyristor charger attached to KU202

At the chosen one I looked at Sergius

Success to you with repetitions and I check your food in the comments

For safe, acidic and superficial charging of any type of batteries, I recommend

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Do not want to delve into the routine of radio electronics? I recommend that you exercise respect for the propositions of our Chinese friends. For a reasonable price, you can add some chargers

A simple charging attachment with a light charging indicator, the green battery is charging, the red battery is charged.

Є zahist in the form of a short circuit, є zahist in the form of polarity reversal. Vіdmіnno pіdіyde for charging Moto battery єmnistyu up to 20A, battery 9A charge in 7 years, 20A - in 16 years. Price per charger 403 rubles, free shipping

This type of charger building is automatically charged practically whether it is a type of car or motorcycle batteries 12V up to 80A\H. There is a unique way of charging in three stages: 1. Charging with a constant stream, 2. Charging with a constant voltage, 3. Dripping recharging up to 100%.
There are two indicators on the front panel, the first one shows the voltage and the charge rate, the other one shows the charge stream.
To finish the yak_sny prilad for household needs, the price of the whole 781.96 rubles, free shipping. At the time of writing these rows kіlkіst zamovlen 1392, assessment 4.8 out of 5. When booking, do not forget to indicate European fork

Charger attachment for the most common types of batteries 12-24V from a strum up to 10A and a peak strum 12A. Vmіє charge Helієvі batteries and CA \ CA. Charging technology like in the front in three stages. Charging attachment building charging both in automatic mode, and manually. There is an indicator on the panel that shows the voltage, the jet charge and the amount of charge.

Problems with batteries are not such an uncommon phenomenon. To restore the practicality, recharging is necessary, but it is normal to charge a few decent pennies, and you can do it with a handy “motloch”. The most important thing is to know the transformer with the required characteristics, and to build a charger for a car battery with your own hands - on the right, literally a bet of years (for the obviousness of all the necessary details).

The process of charging the batteries is to be followed by the same rules. Moreover, the process of charging should lie in the form of a battery. Violation of these rules to lead to a change in the capacity and term of operation. Therefore, the parameters of the charger for a car battery are selected for a specific skin type. Such a possibility is given by folding the memory with regulation parameters, or by attaching a specially charged battery. The second practical option is to build a charger for a car battery with your own hands. Schob nobility, as the parameters of the faulty buti trohi of the theory.

See battery chargers

Battery charge - the process of renewing the stained capacity. For this, a voltage is applied to the battery terminals, so that the trochs outweigh the working indications of AB. You can submit:

  • Constant strum. An hour of charge is not less than 10 years old, with a stretch of the last hour, a strum is fixed, the voltage changes from 13.8-14.4 per cob to the process up to 12.8 in the very beginning. For this type of charge, the charge is accumulated step by step, it is trimmed more. Not enough of this method - it is necessary to control the process, turn on the charger at the hour, the shards can boil when recharging the electrolyte, which can reduce the working resource.
  • Constant voltage. When charging with a constant voltage, the charger sees a voltage of 14.4 V for the whole hour, and the surge changes from large values ​​in the first year of the charge to even small ones - in the rest. There will be no reloading of AB (hiba scho you deprive yoga for sprat dib). The positive moment of this method is that the charge changes for an hour (90-95% can be gained in 7-8 years) and the battery that is being charged can be left without sight. Ale, such an “emergency” mode of recharging the charge is rottenly injecting the term of service. With frequent vicarious constant voltage, the AB is charged more quickly.

Zagalom, as it is not necessary to hurry up, it is better to win the charge with a steady strum. If it is necessary for a short hour to confirm the battery performance, apply a constant voltage. If you are talking about those who are better at making chargers for a car battery with your own hands, the answer is unambiguous - potik, which gives a steady strum. Schemes will be simple, which are made up of available elements.

How to determine the required parameters for the hour of charging with a constant strum

It was established by the confirmation path that charge car lead acid batteries(їх greater) necessary with a strum that does not exceed 10% of the battery capacity. The capacity of the battery, which is charged, is 55 A / year, the maximum charge will be 5.5 A; at a capacity of 70 A / year - 7 A, etc. With this, you can put a trochi smaller strum. Charge time, ale povіlnіshe. The charge will be 0.1 A. Just to recharge the capacity, it will take more than an hour.

So, as in the roses, they take it, so that the charge becomes 10%, the minimum charge hour is 10 years. Ale tse with a full discharge of the battery, but yoga cannot be allowed. That is the actual hour for the charge to lie in the "glybini" category. You can determine the depth of the discharge by changing the voltage on the AB to the cob charge:

Shchob razrahuvati Approximate hour of battery charge, it is required to recognize the difference between the maximum battery charge (12.8 V) and the current її voltage. Multiplying the figure by 10, we subtract an hour from Godinah. For example, the voltage on the battery before charging is 11.9 V. We know the difference: 12.8 - 11.9 V \u003d 0.8 V. Multiplying this figure by 10, we will take an hour for the charge to be close to 8 years. Think about what we will give a strum, which will become 10% of the battery capacity.

Charger circuits for car AB

To charge the batteries, turn on the 220 V battery, so that it changes to a lower voltage for an additional switch.

Forgive schemes

The most simple and effective way is to use a step-down transformer. Itself reduces 220 V to 13-15 V. Such transformers can be found in old tube televisions (TC-180-2), computer blocks of life, and can be found on the "breakdown" of the flea market.

And at the output of the transformer, the voltage is changed, so it is necessary to rectify it. Roil for help:

Guiding schemes have also zapobіzhniki (1 A) and vimіryuvalnі accessories. The stench gives the ability to control the charge process. You can turn off these circuits, or you can periodically turn on the control of the multimeter. While controlling the voltage is more tolerable (just attach the probes to the clamp), then it is easy to control the strum - in this mode, the vimiruvalny attachment is turned on when opening the lance. To be able to see the vimikati of life, put the multimeter in the mode of vimiryuvannya strum, turn on the life. sort out the vimiryuvalny lanceug at reverse order. For this reason, I want to use an ammeter for 10 A - more than a bag.

The shortcomings of these schemes are obvious - there is no possibility to regulate the charge parameters. So, when choosing an elemental base, choose the parameters so that at the output the power of the struma will be 10% of the capacity of your battery (or a troch less). Do you know the voltage - the bagan is in the range of 13.2-14.4 V. Add a resistor to the circuit. Yogo put on the positive output of the diode bridge in front of the ammeter. Opir pick up "for the job", focusing on the strum, the tension of the resistor is larger, so that a charge will rise on them (10-20 W or close to that).

And one more thing: a do-it-yourself charger for a car battery, charging for these schemes, better for everything, getting very hot. Tom needs to add a cooler. You can insert a circuit after the diode bridge.

Schemes with the possibility of regulation

As has already been said, lack of all these schemes - the impossibility of regulating the struma. The only possibility is to change the supports. Before speech, you can put here a replacement substring resistor. Tse will be the simplest exit. Moreover, the manual control of the struma in the circuit with two transistors and a substring resistor was realized more superbly.

The jet charge is changed by a changeable resistor. Vіn cost more after the folded transistor VT1-VT2, so the stream through the new one is small. Therefore, the intensity can be close to 0.5-1 W. Set the value of the selected transistors, which are chosen by the last path (1-4.7 kOhm).

Power transformer 250-500 W, secondary winding 15-17 V. The diode site is selected on diodes with a working stream 5A and higher.

Transistor VT1 - P210, VT2 is selected from decal options: German P13 - P17; silicon KT814, KT 816. For the introduction of heat, install on a metal plate or a radiator (not less than 300 cm2).

Remarks: at the input of PR1 - by 1 A, at the output of PR2 - by 5 A. The same for the circuit and signal lamps - the presence of a voltage of 220 V (HI1) and a stream of charge (HI2). Here you can put some 24 V lamps (including light bulbs).

Video on the topic

Do-it-yourself charger for a car battery is a popular topic for car enthusiasts. Sounds just don’t wind transformers - from blocks of living, micro-furnaces .. wind up yourself. Schemes are not implemented in the most convenient way. Also, you can learn without skills at electrical engineering you can get in on your own.

It's too early for a leather car driver to blame battery problems. Not niknuv tsієї dolі i ya. After 10 minutes of unsuccessful attempts to start your own car, having found that it is necessary to bring a charger or charge it. Vecheri zrobivshi revіzіyu in the garage and znayshovshi there coming transformer, virіshiv robiti charging itself.

In the same place, among the non-traditional junk, I know the voltage stabilizer from the old TV set, which, in my opinion, miraculously looks like a case.

Exploring the boundless expanses of the Internet and really assessing your strengths, having singsongly chosen the simplest scheme.

Rozdrukuvavshi scheme pishov to susida, like zahoplyuєtsya radioelectronics. In a stretch of 15 lengths, having typed the necessary details, cutting a piece of foil textolite and giving a marker for painting boards. Having spent close to one hour, I painted an acceptable fee (installation of the expanses of the hull allows). I won’t tell you how to ask for a fee, there is a lot of information about it. Well, I see my creations susidov, and I’m guilty of mine. In principle, you can buy a circuit board and build everything on it, but it seems like a gifted horse.
Having drilled all the necessary open and saw the pinout of the transistors on the screen of the monitor, I took up the soldering iron and in about a year I had a board ready.

You can buy a daylight place at the market, a smut, and you can buy at least 10 amperes for a strum. I knew diodes D 242, their characteristics fit well, and I soldered a diode to a piece of textolite.

The thyristor must be installed on the radiator, the shards for an hour of work will be warmed up.

Okremo can say about the ammeter. Yogo had a chance to bathe in a store, where the sales assistant also got a shunt. Scheme vyrivishiv trohi to add and add a jumper, so that it is possible to change the voltage on the battery. Here, too, a shunt is needed, but when the voltage is reduced, the veins are connected not in parallel, but sequentially. You can know the formula for rozrahunka on the Internet, I’ll add to myself that great value there may be an increase in the tension of the resistors in the shunt. A 2.25 W bula is to blame for my surgeries, but I have a 4 W shunt. The reason for me is unknown, I don’t see the evidence in the similar right, but I believe that in the main I need the information of an ammeter, and not a voltmeter, I’m confused. Tim more, that in the mode of a voltmeter, the shunt heats up every 30-40 seconds. Otzzhe, zіbravshi all nebhіdne that revіvіvshi everything on stools, I took up the case. I'll rebuild the stabilizer, I'll win the whole yogo stuffing.

Having opened the front wall, I drilled open the change resistor and jumper, then with a small diameter drill along the stake I drilled open the ammeter. Gostrі kraї dopratsyuvav file.

Trohi zlamavshi head over roztashuvannyam transformer and radiator with thyristor, zupinivsya on this option.

Having bought a couple more “crocodile” zippers, everything is ready for charging. The peculiarities of this circuit are those that work only for the sake of vanity, so you choose attachments and do not know the voltage on the visnovkas with a voltmeter, do not hurry me to bark. Just hang on the hangers if you want a car light bulb and you will be happy.

Take the transformer from the voltage on the secondary winding of 20-24 volts. Stabilitron D 814. All other elements are shown on the scheme.

Often car owners have to deal with such a phenomenon, as it is impossible to start the engine through a battery discharge. To solve the problem, it is necessary to quickly charge the battery, so as to save money. If you don’t want to spend money on buying a new charger for a car battery, you can build yoga with your own hands. It is important to know the transformer with the necessary characteristics. For the preparation of a self-reliant attachment, I will not be obligated by an electrician, but the whole process of a mortgage loan no more than a few years.

Features of the functioning of batteries

Not everyone knows that lead-acid batteries are used in cars. Such batteries are revitalized by their vitrivality, so the buildings serve up to 5 years.

To charge lead-acid batteries, a strum is used, which provides 10% of the total capacity of the battery. This means that for charging the battery, the capacity of which should be 55 A / year, the charging strum is 5.5 A. . A small charging strum does not continue the term of the battery service, the battery does not build a negative impact on the integrity of the building.

Tse tsikavo! When a stream of 25 A is supplied, the battery is charged, and after 5-10 minutes after the connection of a charger with such a rating, the engine can be started. Such a great strum is seen by modern chargers and inverter attachments, only wines are negatively signified in terms of battery service.

When charging the battery, the charging jet runs backwards to the working one. The voltage of the skin can can be higher than 2.7 U. In the battery for 12 U, 6 cans are installed, which are tied together. Depending on the voltage of the battery, the number of cans is blown, and the voltage for the skin can is also necessary. If the voltage will be greater, I will bring the electric and plates to the process of laying out, which will help the output from the fret of the battery. In order to prevent the process of boiling the electric current, the voltage should be set to 0.1 V.

The battery is charged discharged, so when connected to a voltmeter or a multimeter, attach a voltage of 11.9-12.1 V. Such a battery should be recharged negligently. Charging the battery may have a voltage on the terminals 12.5-12.7 Art.

The butt of the voltage on the terminals of the charged battery

The process of charging is the renewal of the glassed capacity. The battery can be charged in two ways:

  1. Constant strum. With this, the charging jet is regulated, the value of which is to become 10% of the capacity of the attachment. An hour of storage charge is 10 years. The charge voltage at the same time changes from 13.8 to 12.8 for the entire duration of charging. The disadvantage of this method is that it is necessary to control the charging process and immediately turn on the charger until the electricity boils. Such a method is sparing for the battery and neutrally embeds its term of service. For this method, transformer chargers are used.
  2. Constant voltage. With this, a voltage of 14.4 is applied to the battery terminals, and the strum changes from large values ​​to smaller ones automatically. Moreover, change the struma to lie in such a parameter, like an hour. The longer the battery is charged, the lower the amount of struma becomes. It is not possible to recharge the battery, so don't forget to turn off the device and deprive it of a small battery. The advantage of this method is that after 5-7 years the battery will be charged by 90-95%. The battery can be deprived without seeing, this is a way to promote popularity. However, few people from car owners know that such a charging method is “emergency”. For this reason, the term of battery service is significantly reduced. In addition, the more often you charge in this way, the more the attachments are discharged.

Now you can understand that there are no inaccuracies in the water, that there is no need to hurry up from charging the battery, then it’s better to overcome the first option (by stream). With an accelerated renewal of the charge, the term of the service will be reduced, so the high level of the ability to buy a new battery in the next hour. Based on the foregoing, the material will have options for the preparation of charging attachments behind the jet and the pressure. For preparation, you can vicorist, whether it’s handy attachments, we’ll talk about yaks later.

Vimogi before battery charging

Before carrying out the procedure for preparing a self-contained charger for a battery, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  1. Safety of stable voltage 14.4 Art.
  2. I will build autonomy. Tse means that the self-confident attachment is not to blame for keeping an eye on him, the shards are often charged at night.
  3. Bezpechuyu viknennya charger attachment when zbіlshennі charging strum or voltage.
  4. Zakhist as a polarity reversal. If the attachment is connected to the battery incorrectly, then it is the responsibility of the spratsovuvat zahist. For implementation, a zapobіzhnik is included in the language.

Polarity reversal is not a safe process, as a result of which the battery can vibrate or boil. If the battery is in charge and only slightly discharged, then if the charger is connected incorrectly, the charger will move the charge higher than the nominal one. If the battery is discharged, then when the polarity is reversed, the voltage increases more than the specified value, and as a result, the electrolyte boils.

Variants of self-contained battery chargers

Before that, how to expand the battery charger extension for the battery, it is important to understand that such a device is self-contained and can negatively add to the term of battery service. However, in some cases the equipment is simply necessary, the shards allow you to save pennies for the provision of factory outbuildings. Let's take a look at why you can make chargers for batteries with your own hands and how to work.

Charging from a light bulb and a conductor diode

Which method of charging is relevant with such options, if it is necessary to start a car on a battery, so siv, in home minds. For this purpose, you need storage elements for the selection of the device and the power supply of 220 V (socket). The scheme of a self-contained charger for a car battery contains the following elements:

  1. Roasting lamp. Zvichayna light bulb, as it is called among the people as a "lamp of Illicha". The intensity of the lamp is poured into the speed of the battery charge, the more this show, the more quickly you can start the engine. The best option is an intensity lamp of 100-150 watts.
  2. Napіvprovіdnikovy diode. An element of electronics, the main feature of which is that the strum is carried out on only one side. The need for this element of the design of charging is related to the fact that it can change the voltage in a constant. Until then, for such purposes, an exhaust diode is needed, which can show great interest. Vikoristovuvaty can be a diode like a vіtchiznyа vіrobnitstvа, so it's import. Sob not to buy such a diode, you can know it from the old primers and life blocks.
  3. Plug for connecting to a socket.
  4. Provid with terminals (crocodile) for connecting to the battery.

It's important! Before folding such a scheme, it is necessary to understand that you have a risk for life, so be sure to respect it with the utmost respect and protect it.

Scheme of connecting the charger from the light bulb and the diode to the battery

Plug in the plug at the socket next only after the whole circuit is selected, and the contacts are isolated. In order to avoid the short chirping struma, a 10 A automatic switch is inserted into the lancet. When folding the circuit, it is important to reverse the polarity. The light bulb and the conductive diode are connected to the positive terminal of the battery. When using a 100 W light bulb, a charging jet of 0.17 A per battery is needed. To charge the battery at 2 A, you need to charge it for 10 years. The greater the intensity of the heating lamp, the greater the value of the charging jet.

Charge the battery with such an attachment, which I’ll use again, I don’t have a sense, and the axis of charging with the presence of the factory charger is real.

Charging attachment for battery with straightener

This option is included in the category of the simplest self-contained chargers. The basis of such a memory includes two main elements - a voltage changer and a straightener. There are three kinds of vipryamlyachiv, which charge attachments in such ways:

  • postiyny strum;
  • change strum;
  • asymmetrical strum.

Vibrators of the first option charge the battery with an on-and-off constant strum, which is cleaned by the pulsation of the changing voltage. Vipryamlyachі zmіnnogo struma apply pulsing zmіnnu prugu to battery terminals. Asymmetric straighteners have a positive warehouse, and as the main elements of the design, they are victorious with one-time straighteners. Such a scheme can achieve the best result compared to the directives of the permanent and luminous strum. The very same construction will be looked at further.

In order to choose a battery for charging the battery, you need a straightener and a booster. Vipryamlyach is composed of advancing elements:

  • zapobіzhnik;
  • pushing diode;
  • stabilitron 1N754A or D814A;
  • vimicach;
  • change resistor.

Electrical diagram of an asymmetric straightener

In order to choose a circuit, you need to change the voltage, increase the maximum stream of 1 A. The transformer can be taken from an old TV set, the voltage of which is not guilty of exceeding 150 W, and the voltage of the voltage is 21 V. - 2. Vipryamny diode is responsible for buti insurance for the stream is not less than 5, and the best option for this is the model type D305 or D243. The controller is based on two transistors of the KT825 and 818 series. During installation, the transistors are installed on the radiators for cooling.

The folding of such a scheme is carried out in an overhead way, so that on the cleared paths of the old board, all the elements are sorted out and connected to each other for additional wires. Її advantage є mozhliv_st regulivannya vyhіdnogo jet for charging the battery. Not a lot of the scheme is the need to know the necessary elements, as well as to correct them correctly.

The simplest analogue of the presented scheme is the simplest version, presented in the photo below.

Simplified wiring diagram with transformer

It is suggested to speed up with a simple circuit from the stoppage of the transformer and the straightener. In addition, you need a 12 V and 40 W light bulb (automobile). It is not important to choose a scheme for newcomers, but if it is important to pay attention to those who have a direct diode and a light bulb, they should be put in a lancet, which is fed to the negative terminal of the battery. A small part of such a scheme is the elimination of a pulsating struma. In order to smooth out the pulsations, and also to reduce the strong beat, it is recommended to speed up the scheme, as shown below.

Scheme with a diode bridge and a capacitor, which smoothes, changes the ripple and reduces the beat

Charging attachment from the computer's life block: instructions manual

In the rest of the hour, such a variant of car charging is becoming popular, which you can make on your own, speeding up with a computer block of life.

On the back, you need a robotic life block. For such purposes, you need to build a block that can have an intensity of 200 watts. If you see a voltage of 12 V. It will not be enough to charge the battery, so it is important to increase the value to 14.4 Art. Pokrokov's instruction the preparation of memory for the battery from the block of life from the computer looks like an approaching rank:

  1. On the back of the head, all the darts rise, as if they were coming out of the block of life. Deprive the need for less greenery. One end needed to be soldered to minus contacts, the stars came out black darts. To fight this manipulation so that when the block is turned on, the attachment will start running in the middle.

    The tip of the green dart must be soldered to minus contacts, where black dart was known.

  2. Conduct, as if connected to the battery terminals, it is necessary to solder to the outer contacts of the minus and plus of the life block. Plus, I solder on the place where the yellow wires exit, and minus on the place where the black wires exit.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to reconstruct the operating mode of pulse-width modulation (PWM). For the price you need the microcontroller TL494 and TA7500. For reconstruction, you need the lower leftmost bottom of the microcontroller. To get to her, it is necessary to turn the board over.

    For the PWM mode, the microcontroller TL494

  4. Three resistors are connected to the bottom view of the microcontroller. We need to click on the resistor, which is made from the 12 V block. This element should be removed, after which the value of the support should be reduced.


  5. The resistor may be opir close to 40 kOhm. Vіn pіdlyagaє zaminі on the resistor with the lowest value support. To specify the value of the required support, it is necessary to solder the regulator (change resistor) to the contacts of the distant resistor.

    Solder the regulator on the side of the remote resistor

  6. Now close the attachment at the tether, connecting the multimeter in front to the outer terminals. The output voltage is changed for the auxiliary regulator. It is necessary to take the voltage value of 14.4 V.

    The output voltage is regulated by a changeable resistor

  7. As soon as the value of the voltage is reached, next solder a change resistor, after which the opir is measured. For the above-described butt, the value becomes 120.8 kOhm.

    Otrimany opir may become 120.8 kOhm

  8. Vykhodyachi z otrimanogo value support, next pick up a similar resistor, after which solder it on the old plate. To know a resistor of this size, the support is not known, you can pick it up with two elements.

    After soldering resistors pіdsumovuє їх opіr

  9. After that, I will reconsider the practice. A voltmeter (possibly an ammeter) can be installed behind the bazhannya to the living block, which allows you to control the voltage and charging jet.

Illuminated view of the charger from the computer life block

Tse tsikavo! Zubrane ZU can function as a shield against the short strum, as well as overwhelming, the protein does not protect against polarity reversal, so you should solder the bright colors of the double color (red and black), so you don’t get confused.

When the charger is connected to the battery terminals, a stream of about 5-6 A is supplied, which is the optimal value for the attachment of 55-60A / year. The video below shows how to build a charger for a battery from a computer life block with voltage regulators and a stream.

More options for memory for batteries

Let's take a look at a few options for independent chargers for batteries.

Alternative charging station for laptop battery

One of the simplest swedish ways battery life, what siv. To implement the scheme for recharging the battery for additional charging from the laptop, you need:

  1. Charging attachment for any laptop. The parameters of the chargers are set to 19 V and the jet is close to 5 A.
  2. Halogen lamp 90 W.
  3. Happy darts from zatskachami.

Let's move on to the implementation of the scheme. The light bulb vikoristovuetsya in order to close the strum to the optimum value. The replacement of a light bulb can be a resistor.

A charger for a laptop can also be recharged for a car battery.

It is not difficult to choose such a scheme. If charging from a laptop is not planned to be charged for recognition, the plug can be removed, after which it is connected to the wires. In front of the help of the multimeter, the polarity is indicated. The light bulb sticks into the lancet, which goes to the positive terminal of the battery. The minus terminal of the battery is connected without a middle. Only after connecting to the battery, you can supply voltage to the life block.

Do-it-yourself memory from a micro-furnace and similar accessories

For the help of the transformer unit, which is in the middle of the micro-furnace, it is possible to install a charger for the battery.

Pokrokov's instructions for the preparation of a self-contained charger attachment from a transformer unit in a micro-furnace are presented below.

Scheme for connecting a transformer unit, a diode bridge and a capacitor to a car battery

The storage facility can be placed on a stand. With this, it is important that all the structural elements were overprotected. If necessary, the circuit can be supplemented with a vimikachem, also with a voltmeter.

Transformerless charger

If the transformer's noises were brought into a deaf hut, then it is possible to speed up with the simplest scheme without lowering outbuildings. Below is a diagram that allows you to implement a memory for a battery without using a voltage transformer.

Electrical diagram of the charger without voltage transformer

The role of transformers is to condense capacitors, which are protected by a voltage of 250V. In the next circuit, turn on at least 4 capacitors, expanding them in parallel. Parallel to the capacitors, a resistor and a light diode are switched on. The role of the resistor is polagaє at the quenching of the excess voltage after the inclusion of an attachment to the fence.

In lancers, one also turns on a day's mist; At the circuit, the place is switched on after the capacitors, and before the second switch, the rods are connected, which go to the battery for charging.

How to charge the battery from a self-propelled attachment

Okremo sled rasіbratisya at pitannі about those how to properly charge the battery with a self-contained charger. For which it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Dotrimannya polarity. It’s better to override the polarity of a self-contained attachment with a multimeter, lower “bite the tongue”, shards, the reason for the out of tune of the battery was a pardon with wires.
  2. Do not change the battery for additional contacts. Such a method is less likely to “drive in” attachments, but if you don’t chew yoga, like a rich man’s dzherelakh.
  3. Vmikati pristriy at measure 220 In a next less after that, as vividny klemy will be connected to the accumulator. In a similar rank, it is necessary to turn on the annex.
  4. Dotrimanny tehnіkі zpeki, oskolki robot zdіysnyuєtsya not only with electricity, but with battery acid.
  5. The battery charging process must be controlled. The smallest injustice can cause serious consequences.

Vyhodyachi z vishchevkazanih recommendations, next zrobiti vysnovok about those, scho self-contained pristroї hochі є є yatnymi, but all the same not zdatni zaminiti factory. It is not safe to prepare self-sustained exercises, especially if you are not convinced that you can do it correctly. The material presents the simplest schemes for the implementation of chargers for car batteries, which will always be in line with the state.

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