Stepovy Vovk short description. Creature of the steppe vovk: description, pictures, photos and video of the life of the wild steppe animal. Other retellings and tips for the reader

The novel is written by Harry Haller's notes, found in the room, de vin is alive, and published by Mr. Budinka's nephew, de vin is named in the room. In the name of the lord's nephew, it was written and forwarded to these notes. There the way of life of Galera is described, his psychological portrait is given. Vіn lives already quietly and closed, looking like a stranger among people, wild and fearful at the same time, in a word, giving himself a sense of the other world and calling himself Stepovy Vovk, who lost his way among the netrities of civilization and philistinism. A back of the line to be put up to the new wary, to tell a fortune, more wise in the Gallery extraordinary people, which is sharply blown away by the ears. In the future, alertness changes with sympathy, founded on the great sympathy for the suffering of people, as they did not understand all the richness of their forces in the world, de everything is founded on the strangled will of specialness.

Haller is a clerk in marriage, a distant view of practical interests. They don’t work anywhere, lie in bed, often get up on the morning of the day and spend an hour in the middle of books. It is important to make them creative writers

Usikh chasіv narodіv vіd Goethe to Dostoyevsky. Sometimes wines are painted with watercolor farbs, but then you’ll live so that you’ll stay with your own world, without worrying about the mother of anything sleeping with the nasty philistinism, as if you’ve successfully survived the pershu holy war. Like Haller himself, he also calls him the Stepovy Vovk, who, having lost his way “at the place, at the herd of life, - no other image is more accurate than a small person, її fearful self-esteem, її savagery, її anxiety, yogo tightness for fatherhood without that” . The hero is familiar in his own two natures - a person and a wolf, but on the face of other people, who calmed the beasts in their own and grafted them, And one only tormented another, and if two cursed enemies converge in one soul and in one blood, life is no good.”

Harry Galler tries to know spilnu mova with people, but knowing the collapse, joining up with similar intellectuals to themselves, as if they seem to be the same, like a mustache, respectable inhabitants. Zustrivshi on the streets of a well-known professor and leaning on a visit to a new one, do not blame the spirit of intellectual philistinism, as the whole situation is soaked up, starting from a sleek portrait of Goethe, “beautify the building, be-like a philistine booth”, and finish with the blessings of the gentlemen of the world. The disillusioned hero wanders at night in a place and mind, that this episode is for the new “farewell to the philistine, moral, high light, having overcome the steppe wolf” in Yogo Svidomosti. You want to drink from the other world, but you are afraid of death. Vіn vipadkovo wanders to the restaurant "Chorny eagle", de zustrіchaє dіvchinu іm'ya Germіna. They are bound to a kshtalt romance, wanting to sooner ce controversy of two self-sufficient souls. Hermine, as a more practical person, helps Harry to get on with life, douchayuchi him to night cafes and restaurants, to jazz and his friends. Everything is pre -Magic Hero Chitkiesho of the Zrozumiyt of the “Meschansky, Brechy,”: Vin Vistupa for the rosam and the people, protested by Zhorstocosti Viyni, Protei Hires Vini, and Zumvyv, and Zumvyv, knew to the situation. rule that exploitation, however, the bank has a lot of shares of industrial enterprises, for hundreds of thousands of wines without a rag of conscience alive.

Rosemykhkovoi about the role of class muziki, a galler in his own revered person, to the non -“share of all -izhmetso izhteligenosti”: the deputy one, the pyznaty Zhitti, Nimetsiy izdeligent “hegemona muziki”, Mriyas without the same, “ wondrous and blissful sounds and moods, like “they don’t change into intellect”, and as a result - “the German mind, having lost most of its right tasks ... people are intelligent, all did not know the intellect, they were strangers and soothsayers, and even in our German action, in our history, in our politics, in our public opinion, the role of the intellect was such a miserable one.” Reality is determined by the generals and industrialists, as they respect the intellectuals "inconsistent, broken in action, insipid company of warm basics." In these worlds of the hero, that author, perhaps, is crying out for a rich “curse” on the nutrition of German action and, zokrema, on nourishment about those that one of the most cultural nations in the world rose up two worlds of war, for which people did not fall short.

Like a novel, the hero goes to a masquerade ball, despoils the elements of eroticism and jazz. At the whispers of Hermine, dressed up as a young woman and permanaging women with "lesbian charms", Harry dragged into the basement on top of the restaurant - "inferno", de playing devils-musicanti. The atmosphere of the masquerade reminds the hero Walpurgis of nothing in Goethe's Faust and Hoffmann's kazkovy visions, which are already perceived as a parody of Hoffmann, de good and evil, sin and honesty are inconceivable: The fantastic, fantastic, the peeling of the pelyusts of their own aroma of serpent spent on me, the green fingers, the lotus’s quilted jar of shakwin, the fire-bird on the gyloks are in the same way of romantic. : , a music lover gets along with the killer Tse in the "magic theater", where Galler takes her friend Pablo, a saxophonist, who knows narcotic herbs, for help. Fantasy and reality are angry. Haller is driving in Hermine - something like a harlot, something like her muse, chiseling the great Mozart, sort of revealing your sense of life - you don’t need to take it seriously: “You’re guilty of living and you’re guilty of learning to laugh… metushni". Humor is indispensable for this world - guilt is guilty of mitigating the rozpachu, to help save the mind and faith in the people. Then Mozart transforms into Pablo, and that reconversion of the hero, who lived the same life, ruled that he had to do it well. The hero rejoices in tim, if it is possible to win more times.

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  2. Hermann Hesse Stepovy vovk Roman є notes by Harry Haller, found in the room, de vine is alive, and published by the nephew of Mr. Budinka, in which he knows...
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  4. The novel, which is made up of three short stories, lasts until the hour of the economic depression of the 1930s. Florida fisherman Harry Morgan from Key West earns a living by building his...
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  14. Diya comes from a distant future. The infallible Master of the Game and the hero of Castalia Josef Knecht, having reached between formality and zmistovnoy thoroughness in the spirit, visibly dissatisfied, and ...

"Steppe Vovk"- A novel by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1927

"Steppe Vovk" short zmist

The novel, behind its structure, is a kind of "book by the book". Rozpovіd starts from the move of a person who has published notes written by the main hero and under the title "Notes of Harry Haller (notes for the divine)".

A novel from the notes of Harry Haller, a guest in the master's hut. Її nephew knows these notes after that, like Harry z'їhav and published them, having written his editorial before them. The editorial gives a description of Harry's life, his evocative and psychological image. Tse buv quiet and closed youngak, like twirling people and looking at the light of the world. Prіzvisko "Steppe Vovk" Vіn vigadav himself. Stepovy vovk - tse vin himself, that he got lost in civilization and bourgeoisness. A handful of wines are not worthy of an excuse, zmusiv yoga is put up to a new fight, but in the course of a year wines are taken over by sympathy, as if yelling out loudly. It’s spying, if it’s a confession of a self-described person, it’s not possible for me to know that my strength is in the world, which will bend the will of specialness.

Galler is more spy, less practical. Youmu is far from the real life - he doesn’t practice wine, sleep until he’s offended, but after throwing himself, spend an hour reading. Zdebіl'shogo vіn read art literature, vіd gote to Dostoyevsky. Sometimes, depending on reading, painting a watercolor, but when you change your life, you are far away from your world, which is unacceptable and hated by you. Galler successfully survived the first world war. Opovidach also calls Galler Stepovik, but he adds to the whole troch and more meaning, vvahayuchi yogo vovkom, that having lost his way "near the city, in the herd of life, - no other image is more accurate than to name a person, її fearful self-sufficiency, її savagery hardships for the fatherland and її bezrіnostі”. The hero coexists with two individuals - a man and a wolf. Sound in people qi two images of subordering of others and upokorenі. But in Harry, people and for a long time were not only fortune-tellers one to one, and they didn’t want to get along, but they didn’t support one to one, only the stars were one to one. It was possible to reveal how unsalted life was with Harry, even if two curses of the enemy converge in one of you, then life will go to the encore.
Harry Galler sometimes consorts with people, tries to understand them, but knows bad luck. Podіbnі up to the new intellectuals for re-verification are the same respectable dwellers, like all others. For example, leaning on a guest at a well-known professor, you become filthy in view of that intellectual philistinism, as if it was screeching: at the lacquered portrait of you, like embellishing whether it’s a kind of mishchansky boudinok and exclaiming the extreme originality of the sergeant’s boudinka; with the fidelity of the ruler to the Kaiser, that yoga will please the peace. Harry comes out of the guests of the resolutions, and all the night he throws himself around the place, until the morning of the morning, that tsya zustrіch has become for the new rest of the zustrіchchyu with the mishchansky, moral, vchenim. Stepovy vovk having won a new victory. Vin bi put his hands on himself, yakbi was not so afraid of death. Ignoring the place, go to the restaurant "Chorny Orel" and get to know the girl Hermine there. It can be seen that a love affair is predicted, it was true that the self-sufficiency of hearts was disputed. Only Hermine seems to be attached to life, but Harry: and she helps you get to the night life, jazz knows him with her friends. Hero of the Usvidomlyu, for all his calls, hesnitage, vigorous, glyboko, deposit VID “Michansky, Brahniye”: Vistupychi for the people of healthy stupid, protesting an hour of rehabilitation. On yoga rack at the bank lie a round sum, prote wines criticizing the government and exploitation of the common people.
Thinking about the role of class muziki in Litheaturi I wounded, they are not so good, the galler is entering “I am inhibiting the all -izhmets izhigennosti”: Ajo deputy, alive at the whole wrappers, nimezky izhteligent in the gazydani mugemon. b in the day words. Such a language, in the mind of an intellectual, would be a good idea to speak to the nevimovna. In the face of reality, the German intellectual should not drink at the light of warm sounds and warm moods, as if he couldn’t think of anything good for action. And as a result, the minds of Nimechchini missed all their references. The stench did not know what such a trick was, the yonder was an alien fortune teller for them. To this very fact, according to Haller's thought, the intellect for the suspіlstvo buv zovsіm zhalugіdnoy rіchchyu. Reality was foretold by the generals and promislovity. So think of the hero (and, of course, the author) to bring us to the point of recognizing those for whom one of the most cultural nations in the world did not blame the people for a little, having opened two grand wars on a world scale.
The romance will end when Harry is taken to a masquerade ball, where the atmosphere of eroticism and jazz swelled. At the ball, whispering to Hermione, as if knowing wine, she was in the costume of a young man and was engaged in it, which enchanted the present “lesbian charms”. At the door, go to the entrance to the restaurant, where there is a sign “Inferno” at the entrance, and in the middle, musicians in devils' costumes are playing. Everything in this evening will tell you nothing about Walpurgis - and the very ones that were described in Goeta's Faust. Until what did Hoffmann's fairy tales come home, de good and evil, sin and honesty are mixed up so that it is impossible to separate them: from the green shade of the leaves, the lotus flower spread over the black quagmire, the firebirds on the backs beckoned me ... ".

The hero, who is constantly going through the world, to the total division of specialness and multiplication of their skin: a philosopher, a mrіynik, a music lover to judge from a murderer. Galler is dragged to the magical theater (“entry only for the divine”), where Hermine’s friend, saxophonist Pablo, an amateur and a knower of any kind of drugs, has passed. Through the door fantasy penetrates the real world. Haller beats in Hermine, as if she was some kind of a harlot, some kind of a muse, there she speaks the great composer Mozart and speaks with him, at the process of moving Mozart reveals the sensation of life. The secret is that you don’t take everything that comes to mind, too seriously: “You are guilty of life and you are guilty of learning how to laugh ... you are guilty of learning to listen to the damned radio music of life ... and laughing at this stupidity.” Without humor in this world, you won’t last long - you’ll try to tear it apart, helping to save the health of the mind and faith in people’s garlic. Then Mozart and Pablo merge into a single person, and this person reveals a mystery to the hero: life is the cost of life, and the rules of the city need to be trimmed. Harry is left to indulge in himself, so if you can play with him in another way.

Hermann Hesse
Tvir “Steppe Vovk”

The novel is written by Harry Haller's notes, found in the room, de vin is alive, and published by Mr. Budinka's nephew, de vin is named in the room. In the name of the lord's nephew, it was written and forwarded to these notes. There the way of life of Galera is described, his psychological portrait is given. Vіn lives already quietly and closed, looking like a stranger among people, wild and fearful at the same time, in a word, giving himself a sense of the other world and calling himself Stepovy Vovk, who lost his way among the netrities of civilization and philistinism.

The back of the head should be put up to the new warily, to make a fortune, to that one who sees in the Gallery even an unmarried person, who is sharply shaken by those who are soothing. In the future, alertness changes with sympathy, founded on the great sympathy for the suffering of people, as they did not understand all the richness of their forces in the world, de everything is founded on the strangled will of specialness.
Haller is a clerk in marriage, a distant view of practical interests. They don’t work anywhere, lie in bed, often get up on the morning of the day and spend an hour in the middle of books. It is important to establish their number of writers in the current hours and peoples from the Gete to Dostoyevsky. Sometimes wines are painted with watercolor farbs, but still, so you stay with your own worldly world, without worrying about the mother of anything sleeping with the nasty philistinism, as if you successfully survived the first world war. Like Haller himself, he also calls him the Stepovy wovk, who, having lost his way "near the city, in the herd of life, - any other image is more accurate than a small person, її fearful self-sufficiency, yogo savagery, yogo anxiety, yogo tightness for fatherlessness" . The hero in his own two natures - people and wolf, but on the guard of other people, calmed down in his own beasts and accustomed pidkoryatisya, calling something else, but if about

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The novel is written by Harry Haller's notes, found in the room, de vine is alive, and published by the nephew of Mr. Budinka, in which vine is found in the room. In the name of the lord's nephew, it was written and forwarded to these notes. There the way of life of Haller is described, his psychological portrait is given. Vіn lives already quietly and closed, looking like a stranger among people, wild and fearful at the same time, in a word, being the essence of the other world and calling himself the Stepov Vovk.
got lost in the netry of civilization and philistinism. The back of the head should be put up to the new warily, to make a fortune, to that one who sees in the Gallery even an unmarried person, who is sharply shaken by those who are soothing. In the course of time, alertness changes to sympathy, based on the great sympathy for the suffering of people, who did not understand all the richness of their forces in the world, de everything is based on the strangled will of specialness. A galley for a vdacha scribe, a distant view of practical interests. You don’t work anywhere, you lie in bed, you often get up and spend an hour in the middle of books. It is important to make their number of writers in all hours and peoples from Gete to Dostoyevsky. Sometimes wines are painted with watercolor farbs, but still, so you stay with your own worldly world, without worrying about the mother of anything sleeping with the nasty philistinism, as if you successfully survived the first world war. Like Haller himself, he also calls him the Stepovy Vovk, who, having lost his way “in the place, in the herd of life, - no other image is more accurate than a small crowd of people, fearful self-sufficiency, wildness, anxiety, yoga tightness for fatherhood” . The hero is familiar in his own two natures - a person and a wolf, but on the face of other people, who calmed the beasts in their own and grafted them, And one only called another, and if two cursed curses converge in one soul and in one blood, life is no good.” . Streets of a well-known professor and leaning on a visit to a new one, blame not the spirit of intellectual philistinism, which seeped through the whole situation, starting from a sleek portrait of Goethe, “beautifying the building, be like a burgher’s booth”, and ending with the virnopiddannye of the mistress of the masters.
The disillusioned hero wanders at night in mist and intellect, which is the episode of yoma “farewell to the shifting, moral, high-minded world, having overcome the steppe vovka” at yogo svidomosti. You want to drink from the other world, but you are afraid of death. Vіn vipadkovo wanders to the restaurant "Chorny eagle", de zustrіchaє dіvchinu іm'ya Germіna. They are bound to have a kshtalt romance, wanting the dispute of two-lone souls to come sooner. Hermine, as a more practical person, helps Harry to stick to life,
doluchayuchi yogo to night cafes and restaurants, to jazz and their friends. Everything is pre -Magic Hero Chitkiesho of the Zrozumiyt of the “Meschansky, Brechy,”: Vin Vistupa for the rosam and the people, protested by Zhorstocosti Viyni, Protei Hires Vini, and Zumvyv, and Zumvyv, knew to the situation. rule that exploitation, prote in a jar in the new lie a lot of shares of industrial enterprises, on hundreds of such wines without a rag of conscience alive. the hegemony of music", a dream about language without words,
pragmatically drink at the world of wondrous and blissful sounds and moods, like “they don’t fall into the right”, and as a result - “the German rose mind having lost most of its right tasks ... intelligent people, everyone didn’t know the intelligence, they were strangers, and that’s a fortune teller in our German activity, in our history, in our politics, in our public opinion, the role of the intellect has been such a miserable one.” Diyalnist is appointed by generals and promises,
vvazhayut intellectuals "inconspicuous, broken in the form of activity, insipid company of warm bases." In these thoughts of the hero and the author, perhaps, there is a cry for a rich “curse” on the nutrition of German action and, for the sake of nourishment, for those who, one of the most cultural nations in the world, rose two world wars, which did not impoverish the people. Like a novel, the hero goes to a masquerade ball, despoils the elements of erotica and jazz. At the whispers of Hermine, dressed up as a young man and persuading women with “lesbian chaklunstvo”, Harry is drinking at the basement on top of the restaurant - “inferno”, de playing devils-musikanti. The atmosphere of the masquerade reminds the hero Walpurgis of Goethe's "Faust" (masks of the devils, enchanters, the hour of doby - opivnochi) Hoffman's kazkovy bachennia, which are already perceived as a parody of Hoffmann, de good and evil,
sin and honesty are indistinguishable: “... the hilary round dance of masks, becoming step by step like a divine,
fantastic paradise, one by one the pelyusts calmed me down with their scent […] the snakes stared slyly at me from the green shade of the leaves, the lotus flower spread over the black quagmire,
the firebirds on the hips beckoned me ... "The hero of the German romantic tradition, who lives in the world, demonstrates a split or multiplication of special features: in the new philosopher and mriynik, music lover gets along with the killer. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya in the "magic theatre" ("entry only for the divine"), where Galer is taken for help by a friend of Hermine's saxophonist Pablo, who knows narcotic herbs.
Fantasy and reality are angry. Haller drives in Hermina - either a harlot, or her muse,
sounding the great Mozart, which reveals the sense of life to you - you don’t need to take it too seriously: “You are guilty of life and you are guilty of learning to laugh ... you are guilty of learning to listen to the cursed radio music of life ... and laughing at this blast.” Humor is indispensable for this world - guilt is to be humiliated by the sight, to help save the mind and faith in the people. Then Mozart transforms into Pablo, and that reconversion of the hero, which is the same life, the rules that need to be sharply finished.
The hero rejoices in tim, if it is possible to win more times.

Meanings in other dictionaries

Herman Broch - Innocent

I. A young man, no older than twenty years old, without a cape, three or three drunks, drinking beer at the bar. Two people are moving at the court table, one can feel a human, perhaps cottony voice and the voice of a woman, chesty, maternal. Young people molting turn their heads in їх bіk, vіn yavlyaє sobі, scho tse mothers and syn. Rozmova go about pennies, the stink of a woman is necessary - loving, turbulent. In a young man...

Hermann Hesse - Gra In Beads

Diya comes from a distant future. The infallible Master of the Game is the hero of Castalia, Josef Knecht, having reached between formality and zmistovnoi thoroughness in the spirit, seeing dissatisfaction, and then rozcharuvannya and go from Castalia to the suvori of the world beyond її intermii, schob serve concrete people that imperfection. The Castalian Order, the Master of which is a hero, - tse suspіlstvo saves...

Herman Melvill - White Bushlat

In 1843 p. in one of the harbors of the Pacific Ocean, a young sailor - it doesn’t matter to him to recognize the hero of the novel Taipi, who follows his path home - to board the American frigate Neversink. Shards on the ship after the bagatoric swimming are not found in a sailor's jacket, You can easily smuggle like a linen shirt and a strong ganchir, and the bright color is improvised ...

Hermann Hesse

"Steppe Vovk"

The novel is written by Harry Haller's notes, found in the room, de vin is alive, and published by Mr. Budinka's nephew, de vin is named in the room. In the name of the lord's nephew, it was written and forwarded to these notes. There, the way of life of Haller is described, his psychological portrait is presented. Vіn lives already quietly and closed, looking like a stranger among people, wild and fearful at the same time, in a word, giving himself a sense of the other world and calling himself Stepovy Vovk, who lost his way among the netrities of civilization and philistinism. The back of the head should be put up to the new warily, to make a fortune, to that one who sees in the Gallery even an unmarried person, who is sharply shaken by those who are soothing. In the future, alertness changes with sympathy, founded on the great sympathy for the suffering of people, as they did not understand all the richness of their forces in the world, de everything is founded on the strangled will of specialness.

Haller is a clerk in marriage, a distant view of practical interests. You don’t work anywhere, lie down in a bed, often get up on a daily basis and spend an hour in the middle of books. It is important to make them creative writers in all hours and peoples from Goethe to Dostoyevsky. Sometimes wines are painted with watercolor farbs, but still, so you stay with your own worldly world, without worrying about the mother of anything sleeping with the nasty philistinism, as if you successfully survived the first world war. Like Haller himself, he also calls him the Stepovy Vovk, who, having lost his way “at the place, at the herd of life, - no other image is more accurate than a small person, її fearful self-esteem, її savagery, її anxiety, yogo tightness for fatherhood without that” . The hero is familiar in his own two natures - a person and a wolf, but on the face of other people, who calmed the beasts in their own and grafted them, And one only tormented another, and if two cursed enemies converge in one soul and in one blood, life is no good.”

Harry Haller tries to get to know the people, but knows the collapse, collaborating with similar intellectuals to himself, as if they seem to be the same, like a mustache, respectable inhabitants. Zustrivshi on the streets of a well-known professor and leaning on a visit to a new one, do not blame the spirit of intellectual philistinism, as the whole situation is soaked up, starting from a sleek portrait of Goethe, “beautify the building, be-like a philistine booth”, and finish with the blessings of the gentlemen of the world. The disillusioned hero wanders at night in a place and mind, that this episode is for the new “farewell to the philistine, moral, high light, having overcome the steppe wolf” in Yogo Svidomosti. You want to drink from the other world, but you are afraid of death. Vіn vipadkovo wanders to the restaurant "Chorny eagle", de zustrіchaє dіvchinu іm'ya Germіna. They are bound to a kshtalt romance, wanting to sooner ce controversy of two self-sufficient souls. Hermine, as a more practical person, helps Harry to get on with life, douchayuchi him to night cafes and restaurants, to jazz and his friends. Everything is a pre -magino of the heroic of the virazumi of his own in the departure of the “Michenski, shyness”: Vin Vistupa for the rosams of the people, protested by Zhorstocosti Viyni, prote pind Hour Vini, and Zamvyv was compliance with the knowledge. rule that exploitation, however, the bank has a lot of shares of industrial enterprises in the new bank, on hundreds of such wines without a hundred consciences alive.

Rosemykhkovoi about the role of class muziki, a galler in his own revered person, to the non -“share of ilmetsyko izonteligenosti”: the deputy of this, Schobli Zhitty, Nimetsiy izdeligent “Hegemona Muziki”, Mriyas without the “ and blissful sounds and moods, like “they don’t turn into intelligence”, and as a result - “the German mind, having lost most of its correct tasks ... people are intelligent, everyone did not know intelligence, they were strangers and soothsayers, and to that in our country intelligence, in our history, in our politics, in our public opinion, the role of the intellect was such a miserable one.” Reality is determined by the generals and industrialists, as they respect the intellectuals "inconsistent, broken in action, insipid company of warm basics." In these worlds of the hero, that author, perhaps, is crying out for a rich “curse” on the nutrition of German action and, zokrema, on nourishment about those that one of the most cultural nations in the world rose up two worlds of war, for which people did not fall short.

Like a novel, the hero goes to a masquerade ball, despoils the elements of eroticism and jazz. At the whispers of Hermine, dressed up as a young woman and permanaging women with "lesbian charms", Harry dragged into the basement on top of the restaurant - "inferno", de playing devils-musicanti. The atmosphere of the masquerade reminds the hero Walpurgis of nothing in Goethe's Faust (masks of the devils, enchanters, the hour of doby - opivnochi) and Hoffman's kazkovy visions, which are already perceived as a parody of Hoffmann, de good and evil, God's steps are unresolved: a fantastic paradise, one by one, the pellets calmed me with their aroma<…>the snakes stared at me from the green shade of the leaves, the lotus flower spread over the black quagmire, the firebirds on the backs beckoned me .... Tse vіdbuvaєtsya at the “magic theater” (“entrance is less than divine”), where Galler uses the assistance of Hermine’s friend, saxophonist Pablo, who knows narcotic herbs. Fantasy and reality are angry. Haller is driving in Hermine - something like a harlot, something like her muse, chiseling the great Mozart, a kind of revealing your sense of life - you don’t need to take it even seriously: “You’re guilty of living and you’re guilty of learning to laugh ... metushni". Humor is indispensable for this world - guilt is guilty of mitigating the rozpachu, to help save the mind and faith in the people. Then Mozart transforms into Pablo, and that reconversion of the hero, who lived the same life, ruled that he had to do it well. The hero rejoices in tim, if it is possible to win more times.

Tvіr є opovіdannya Harry Haller, what a boon of knowledge at the kіmnati, living de vin. This essay was published by the nephew of the master of the booth. Opovіdach in the person of the nephew is on the vіdnositsya to Haller with vigilance. It’s a good time to talk about the new one with sympathy, which, having transferred to Stepovoy Vovka through the suffering of the rest in the world, de the basis of all laws, strangulation of specialness.

For his sutti Galer was a bookworm. Vіn buv far from the interests of this world. Great number of works at the library of Haller, the writers of all hours are stored. Beginning in the form of Gote and ending with Dostoyevsky. Sometimes Galler writes pictures, but, like before, he rests at his closed world. Vin does not want to show his life with such a suspense, as if it were the right of all material things. Like Haller himself, his nephew calls him Stepov Vovk, in whom two different things cannot get along. Those who have strangled the practical light of their own world, live happily with others. But you don’t get sick of Galler, who can’t survive in himself the struggle of a free wolf and a man who has subdued.

Harry tries to be arrogant with suspіlstvo, but knows the blows. Cooperating with them to yourself, you will know them the same, like all respectable inhabitants. Navit zustrіch on the streets known by the professor and afar from Rozmov call out to Haller for the sense that everything in this world is reminiscent of philistinism. Wine number. A walk in a night place, bring Yogo to the restaurant "Chorniy Orel", de vin get to know the girl on the name of Hermina. The stench is tied up in a blue, like a zdebіsh can be called, like a zustrich of two self-sufficient people. Hermine is trying to help Harry get to life with the conscience. Stink walk to restaurants and clubs. Vaughn know yoga with your friends. However, it helped the hero to make it even more powerful, which is the fault of self-reliance in the world of succulent philistinism. Vin preaching is put one to one wiser and lyudyanishe. Vіn vvazhaє yourself as an opponent of a bitter war, but at the same time, not allowing yourself to be shot and sticking to the situation that has developed. Vіn against everything material, but at the bank in the new lie the shares of other companies, on dividends from those vins live.

Looking at the infusion of classical music, Haller dances at the quivering stage before her, a share of the entire German society. Vіn vvazhaє that the German intelligentsia is staying with the hegemony of music, instead of knowing life in such a way that it won't. The result of this thought was those that the German authorities showed more of their rightful tasks. The German intelligentsia did not know about the real standard. That is why, like the mirror of Haller, all echelons of power have such a zhalugidna like intellect. The realities of the lower world are defined by the soldiers and businessmen, who respect the intelligentsia with the abandonment of the suspense, the indecent lanka in the German activity. Such mirkuvannyah hero and the author's work crying out on deaks nabolili nutriment. Zokrema, for food about those why such a cultured nation was educated before the unleashing of two world wars.

Nasamkinets, Galler is dragged to the ball - a masquerade, where the attack of the duality of special features is trapping. Under the infusion of which I will become a wine, I drive in Hermina, as if the bula was dressed up as a boy. Let's sweat in the name of Mozart, who pretends to be Pablo. The one that seems to be necessary for life to adhere to the rules of Gri. And Harry instills in himself a team that you can play again.

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