Die that tabority. Gusitsky wars: causes, overrun, results and consequences. Head of the military day and cross walk

, Jan Gvezda from Vitsemilice , Bohuslav from Shvamberk , Jan Rogach from Dubi , Prokop Goliy and іn .

Idea basis

Ruh buv skrіz leaks political and social elements. Although the religious reconstitution of the taborites was less in form, the yak had many elements, then in times of social and national feeling the stench played an even more significant role. The Czechs suffered from the German expansion, connected with the influx of the Catholic Church. At the political vіdnoshennі tabority plundered the corruption of the king's power and all their attacks were directed at King Sigismund, who else at the Diet in Chaslav was called the persecutor of the sacred rights of the people, the enemy of the Czech movement of faith. “Let’s tell the skin of a German, a Czech and a Latin,” Sigismund said, “what I’m looking forward to with impatience for that hour, if I can drown all the klifists and husits.” The ideal of the Taborites was a democratic republic. The stench quarreled whether it was a hierarchy, like a spiritual one, and a worldly one. The community was the basis of the hromada organization, moreover, they viciously quarreled with the masses of the viysk and family. Obov'yazkom first bulo winyatkove zaynyattya on the right, another - crafts, the strong government that delivery of everything necessary for the war. The taborites were forced to lower the panuvannya of the Nazis and establish a new independence and independence of the element.

Social basis

The lower class of the people - the peasants, the peasants, who formed the main contingent of Taborism - were filled with hatred to the Catholic clergy, like, propagating mercy and love for the neighbor, exploiting that "neighbor" mercilessly. The clergy lived in luxury and wealth, and the people were taxed with great taxes and taxes. The rightful archbishopric, for example, had up to 900 forces and a rich place, for which others were awarded for the size of that good royal places. The privileges of the clergy reached such expansions that the kings thought about their fencing. It is not surprising that in 1419, for the first call from the side of radical Taborism, the masses of the people were rushed to Mount Tabor - the head stronghold of Taborism. Daily threats from the side of the vlady and paniv could not stop this ruckus. Many who threw their mayo or sold yoga for nothing, spat their houses, opened huge family ties. The oppression of the people knew the discord in the new vchenni, based on the Holy Letter. They spoke to you about my dear mother, in the midst of an idyllic environment, about evangelical simplicity and love, about jealousy, about brotherhood. Religion in this form ceased to be for the people unaware of abstract ideas, but strove for real inspirations of divine love and mercy. The “chalice”, which was more importantly turned into a religious struggle against Catholicism and Hussitism, was a symbol of fraternal unity and equanimity in the future for the oppressed lower classes of the people. Vandalism, with a kind of taborites ruined the temples of those embellishments, the paintings were wretchedly, it is explained to them that they hated the patrons of the art - the clergy, barons, wealthy townspeople - that very mysticism was given to him by a sin and a waste. Z tієї zh dot zor stink condemned secular science. ], Latin, liturgical writing.


The stench swept in their ideals at the time of the gathering on Mount Tabor with an offensive rank: the natovpi, who came with banners, sang at Tabor with spirituality. Kozhen, who comes, baiduzhe, to what class of wines he didn’t lie down, having respected his brother and sister. Before the obidu, the priests chanted different obov'yazki according to their will - they preached, consecrated, communed under obom's views. Opivdni all at once robbed a brotherly meal. Їstіvnі supplies, yakі were brought by the guests, shared equally among us. The authority between mine and yours did not exist. Be-yakі rozvagi buli vignanі; dotrimuvala povna moral purity. The rest of the day passing by the roses about the best life. Deyakі authors skhilnі ascribe to the taborites songs communist look. But with brotherly love and mutual assistance, communism as an organization is still far away. The contrast between life on Tabor and the difficult home environment created dreams, until the realization of such labors they really didn’t shy away. In order to add to the significance of the rice of the Taborite movement, to add to the mass of humane vimogs, as if they put on their ensign, as, for example, toleration, the punishment of the death kari, then, to be able to see the unimaginable manifestation of the midst of the wild misfortune of ignorance, then. Mrії taboritіv, ignorant of the type of soil, unexpectedly knew the collapse.


In the course of the roaring of the bitter struggle, the radical hussits did not have small prevails in Prague and demanded their own base. On the cob, the Hussite hetman Petro Gromada knew the most important place - Mount Tabor near Pivdenniy Bohemia and told about the goal to the leader of the radicals Jan Zizka. Out of nowhere, a lot of people were picked at the camp, some of them came from their families. So the place Tabor was founded.

By the end of 1420, the taborites, independently and jointly with the darkening, won the victory over the Catholic forces, which organized the first cross-country campaign against the Hussites. Tse designed the Taborites as the basis of the Czech military power.

Until 1421, Zizka became the recognized leader of the Taborites. In the course of the internal struggle, the lion krylo-pikarti was reduced in the region, together with their leaders (Martin Huska, Petro Kanish, Martin Lokvis and others).

U -24 mm. Zhizhka rose with the gravel of fading taborites and fell asleep New Tabir near Kraliv Hradec. After the death of the yogi, the warriors began to wear prizvisko "orphans" and at times of the military actions they worked together with taborites, forgetting about ideological differences.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Gusitsky wars (Russian) History of the Middle Ages.


    Under the wire of Jan Zizka


Idea basis

Ruh buv skrіz leaks political and social elements. Although the religious reconstitution of the taborites was less in form, the yak had many elements, then the stench played an even more important role in different social and national areas. The Czechs suffered from the German expansion, connected with the influx of the Catholic Church. Some of the Hussites were honored by the masniks “because of the image of the Russian language and the words of the Jansk”. At the political age, the taborites were especially vicious against the king's power, and all their attacks were directed at King Sigismund, who was also called the persecutor of the sacred rights of the people, the enemy of the Czech movement of faith. “Let’s tell the skin of a German, a Czech and a Latin,” Sigismund said, “that I am impatiently checking for that hour, if I can drown all the klifists and husits.” The ideal of the Taborites was a democratic republic. The stench quarreled whether it was a hierarchy, like a spiritual one, and a worldly one. The community was the basis of the hromada organization, moreover, they viciously quarreled with the masses of the viysk and family. Obov'yazkom first bulo winyatkove zaynyattya on the right, another - crafts, the strong government that delivery of everything necessary for the war. The taborites were forced to lower the panuvannya of the Nazis and establish a new independence and independence of the element.

Social basis

The lower class of the people - the peasants, the peasants, who formed the main contingent of Taborism - were filled with hatred to the Catholic clergy, like, propagating mercy and love for the neighbor, exploiting that "neighbor" mercilessly. The clergy lived in luxury and riches, and the people were taxed with great taxes and taxes. The rightful archbishopric, for example, had up to 900 forces and a rich place, for which others were awarded for the size of that good royal places. The privileges of the clergy reached such expansions that the kings thought about their fencing. It is not surprising that in 1419, at the first call from the side of radical Taborism, the masses of the people were demolished on Mount Tabor - the head stronghold of Taborism. Daily threats from the side of the vlady and paniv could not stop this ruckus. Many who threw their mayo or sold yoga for nothing, spat their houses, opened huge family ties. The oppression of the people knew the discord in the new vchenni, based on the Holy Letter. They spoke to you about my dear mother, in the midst of an idyllic environment, about evangelical simplicity and love, about jealousy, about brotherhood. Religion in this form ceased to be for the people unaware of abstract ideas, but strove for real inspirations of divine love and mercy. The “chalice”, which was more importantly turned into a religious struggle against Catholicism and Hussitism, was a symbol of fraternal unity and equanimity in the future for the oppressed lower classes of the people. Vandalism, with a kind of taborites ruined the temples of those embellishments, the paintings were wretchedly, it is explained to them that they hated the patrons of the art - the clergy, barons, wealthy townspeople - that very mysticism was given to him by a sin and a waste. Z tієї zh dot zor stink condemned secular science. ], Latin, liturgical writing.


The stench swept in their ideals at the time of the gathering on Mount Tabor with an offensive rank: the natovpi, who came with banners, sang at Tabor with spirituality. Kozhen, who comes, baiduzhe, to what class of wines he didn’t lie down, having respected his brother and sister. Before the obidu, the priests chanted different obov'yazki according to their will - they preached, consecrated, communed under obom's views. Opivdni all at once robbed a brotherly meal. Їstіvnі supplies, yakі were brought by the guests, shared equally among us. The authority between mine and yours did not exist. Be-yakі rozvagi buli vignanі; dotrimuvala povna moral purity. The rest of the day passing by the roses about the best life. Deyakі authors skhilnі ascribe to the taborites songs communist look. But with brotherly love and mutual assistance, communism as an organization is still far away. The contrast between life on Tabor and the difficult home environment created dreams, until the realization of such labors they really didn’t shy away. As far as the appointment of the rice of the Taborite movement to add to the mass of humane vimog, as if the stinks were put on their ensign, for example, tolerance, the punishment of death kari, etc. Europe. Mrії taboritіv, ignorant of the type of soil, unexpectedly knew the collapse.


In the course of the roaring of the bitter struggle, the radical hussits did not have small prevails in Prague and demanded their own base. On the cob 1420 rub. the Hussite hetman Petro Hromada knew the most important place - Mount Tabor near Pivdenniy Bohemia, and told about the leader of the radicals Jan Zizka. Out of nowhere, a lot of people were picked at the camp, some of them came from their families. So the place Tabor was founded.

By the end of 1420, the taborites, independently and jointly with the darkening, won the victory over the Catholic forces, which organized the first cross-country campaign against the Hussites. Tse designed the Taborites as the basis of the military power of the Czech Republic.

Until 1421, Zizka became the recognized leader of the Taborites. In the course of the internal struggle, the lion's wing - pikarts, together with their leaders (Martin Huska, Petro Kanish, Martin Lokvis and others) was lowered in the region.

In 1423-24 pp. Zhizhka rose with the gravel of fading taborites and fell asleep New Tabir near Kraliv Hradec. After the death of the yogi, the warriors began to wear prizvisko "orphans" and at times of the military actions they worked together with taborites, forgetting about ideological differences.

The superbility of taborites with dead hussites (mornings, teacups) was brought to the point of war between them. At the bottom of the battles (1423, 1424) the bowls were broken.

In 1433, a situation developed, if the immediate threat of the bula was taken by the low victory of the Hussites, negotiated a compromise between the Taborites and the Basel Cathedral failed, the population was exhausted from the war and the economic blockade. In this situation, the Hussites were peaceful, the teapots went to deeds (Prazki compactati) and reached the favor of the Catholic Church. Tse zustrilo opir taboritiv. The resistance ended on May 30, 1434, when the Taborites recognized the blows from the united forces of the Chashniks and Catholics at the Battle of Lipani. Okremі pens of the taborites lived until 1437, when the rest of the fort of Sion fell.

The vchennya taboritiv, however, took root more deeply in the Czech people. Before the singing of the world, the “Czech brothers” appeared as direct prodovzhuvachs of yoga, the activity of those on the leadership of the taborites was inspired by a new calmness and peacefulness.

Even though the religious transitions of the taborites were less formal, the political and social elements were poured into the yak, then in every case the social and national feelings played an important role in them.

The Czechs suffered from foreign captivity; a lot of people from the Hussites were respected directly by the masniks "for the image of my language and the words of the Jansk". At the political age, the taborites especially despoiled the wretchedness of the royal power and directed all their attacks on King Sigismund, who was also called the persecutor of the sacred rights of the people, the enemy of the Czech movement of faith. “She tells the skin of a German, a Czech and a Latin, saying Sigismund, that I am impatiently checking for that hour, if I can drown all the viklefistiv and husitiv.”

The ideal of the Taborites was a democratic republic. The stench quarreled whether it was a hierarchy, like a spiritual one, and a worldly one. The basis of this community organization was the community, moreover, they viciously quarreled with the masses of the Viysk and family; obov'yazyk first bulo winyatkove zaynyattya viyskovoy on the right, another - crafts, strong government that delivery of everything necessary for the war.

The taborites were forced to lower the panuvannya of the Nazis and establish a new independence and independence of the element. The lower-class people of the villagers, the peasants, who laid down the head contingent of the taborites, began to grow hatred to the Catholic clergy, like, propagating mercy and love to the neighbor, exploiting the “neighbor” mercilessly.

The clergy lived in luxury and riches, and the people were taxed with great taxes and taxes. The rightful archbishopric, for example, had up to 900 forces and a rich place, for which others were awarded for the size of that good royal places. The privileges of the clergy reached such expansions that the kings thought about their fencing.

It is not surprising that for the first call from the side of the radical taborites, the masses of the people were rushed to Mount Tabor - the main stronghold of the taborites.

Daily threats from the side of the vlady and paniv could not stop this ruckus. Many who threw their mayo or sold yoga for nothing, spat their houses, opened huge family ties.

The oppression of the people knowing vtіhu in a new vchenni, based solely on the Holy Letter. I was told to my dear mother about Evangelical simplicity and love, about jealousy, about brotherhood. Religion in this form ceased to be for the people unaware of abstract ideas, but strove for real inspirations of divine love and mercy.

The "chalice", which was like a leading rank, turned into a religious struggle against Catholicism and the Hussites, was for the oppressed lower classes of the people of the Czech people a symbol of fraternal unity and equivalence in the future.

Vandalism, with a kind of taborites, ruined the temples of those embellishments, the paintings were miserable, it is explained to them that they hated the patrons of the art of the clergy, barons, wealthy townspeople, that very art was given to him as a sin and a waste. From the tієї point of view, the stench condemned secular science, latinism, writing during liturgical services.

New ideals of their own and the hour of their gatherings on Mount Tabor the stench instilled, behind the words dzherel, so. The Natovpis, who came with ensigns, marched to Tabor with us naked. Kozhen, who comes, baiduzhe, to what class of wines he didn’t lie down, having respected his brother and sister. Before the obidu, the priests sang according to their different obov'yazki - they preached, sang, communed under obom's views. Opivdni all at once robbed a fraternal meal; stіvnі supplies, yakі brought by guests, shared equally among us. The authority between mine and yours did not exist. Be-yakі rozvagi buli vignanі; dotrimuvala povna moral purity. The rest of the day passing by the roses about the best life.

The deyakі authors are smart to ascribe to the Taborites the songs of the communist look; but in the form of brotherly love and mutual assistance, communism as an organization is still far away. The contrast between life on Tabor and the difficult home environment created dreams, until the realization of such labors they really didn’t shy away.

Mrії taboritіv, ignorant of the type of soil, unexpectedly knew the collapse. King Jiri Podebrad has a complete lack of self-reliance as a religious and political party. Їx vchennya let, however, deeply rooted in the Czech people. Before the singing of the world, the “Czech brothers” appeared as direct prodovzhuvachs of yoga, the activity of those, on the vіdmіnu vіd taboriіv, vіdіznyala povіnі pomіnі і peacefulness.


P. Vasiliev, Causes of the nature of the Czech religious revolution, ZhMNP, 1876, part 186, pages 90-125, 234-280; Ivan Palmov, Food about the bowl, St. Petersburg, 1881; article by S.A. Vengerov at "Visnik Evropi" for 1882.

revolutionary representatives. antifeod, wings of the Hussite revolutionary movement of Khoch to the "hulk of the Tabor" (as they called themselves stink, stars - T.) lay various social elements - wide villages, gir. poor, lower clergy, part of the dribnoy nobility, artisans, but the initial in taborism (especially in the period of revolution) was revolutionary. antifeod, peasant-plebeian ideology. The basis was chiliastic. vchennya about the "kingdom of God on earth" - the "kingdom" of total equivalence and social justice. T. propoved the idea of ​​establishing such a fellowship at the next hour, fret, if there were no kings, no pans, no krіpaks, they demanded the payment of all duties and feuds, payments, liquidation of private power (prem. great feudal labor), obov life. T. tried to put their ideals into practice: at Tabora, Piseku, and in. places of T. were placed in the kadі, where the big pennies and koshtovnosti were accumulated. T. recounted church rites, the Catholic cult, and the deacons from them - all Christian holy rites. Under the veil of biblical terminology, T. expressed the influence of feudal-deposit villages and gir. plebs about the creation of suspense without strangling that violence. T. did not show a single flow: the most radical among them were pikarts (div. Pikardstvo), which were the most consequentially chiliastic. look (one of the main ideologists Martin Huska). Their steps with the development of the Hussite movement, the daedals more zestrichated the opposition of the fading T., expressed the interests of the goal. arr. foreign villagers and foreign townspeople. In 1421 p. pomіrnі T. rozpalissya z leaders pikartіv. However, regardless of all differences, T. was deprived of the main fighting force of the Czech Republic, which rose up. T. created a poland war, as if it was cherished by the combat statute of J. Zizka, they made a front line for that hour of war. tactics, which were transferred by maneuverability, by stowing combat carts and artillery. Taboritsk Viysko, like a very Viysk. the leaders Mikulash iz Gusi (the first hetman T. until the cіn. 1420), J. Zhizhka (until 1424), Prokop the Great, defeated five cross-border campaigns in organizing the feudal-catholic. reaction and imp. Sigismund I against the Hussites. Together with the "orphans" they launched a series of brilliant trips beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. At T., they set up a guest house with a burgher-litsar camp - t.z. teacups. Qi protyricchya increased after 1421 p. and they called to the end of the war between them. Chashniki were beaten at the bottom of the battles (near Gorzhitsa, 1423; Maleshova, 1424). May 30, 1434 Viysko T. and "sirit" recognized the blows of the united forces of the privates and the feudal-catholic. tabori near Lipany; vіd. T.'s corrals continued their struggle until 1437, when the rest of the fort of Sion fell.

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  • - Christian bullshit of the middle class. He is a radical-democratic krylo Husitiv ...

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  • - the Czech Republic has a revolutionary wings of the Hussites. Program - Twelve practical articles of 1420 years. In 1421 p. pomirnі tabority rozpalilis z lvimi - pіkartami. Tabority created combat military, rozrobili viyskou tactics ...

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  • - pl., R. tabori / tov ...

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"TABORITY" in books


3 books by Jan Zizka author Revzin Grigory Isaakovich

XI. TABORITI "If ... the class struggle is small even a religious challenge, if interests, the needs of the greater classes were rehabilitated under a religious shell, then these antrohi do not change and are easily explained by the minds of the hour." K. Marx and F. Engels,

Husiti, taborites and those Czech brothers. XV century

From the Book of Mystical Orders author Andreev Oleksandr Radiyovich

Husiti, taborites and those Czech brothers. XV century Spiritual life of the Middle Europe on the cob of the XV century suffered a shock, like a hundred years later it called the reformation of the almighty Catholic Church, as if by force it did not stand its own right to founding. On the Cob XV

Chapter IV The Cob of Peasant War in the Czech Republic. Tabority and cups (1419–1420 rocky)

author Rubtsov Boris Timofiovich

Chapter IV The Cob of Peasant War in the Czech Republic. Tabority and Chashniki (1419–1420) The bedroom of Jan Hus and Ієronim Prazky called out in the Czech Republic to the storm of all faiths to the people. Throughout the Czech Republic, the blight of the people's uprisings against the Catholic clergy swept through. Villagers in the villages

Chapter VIII Tabority posture Czech Republic. Defeat of the Fifth Crusade. Prokip the Great. Transition of Chashniki to the Tabor of Reaction (1427–1433)

From the book Husitsky wars (Great Peasant War of the XV century in the Czech Republic) author Rubtsov Boris Timofiovich

Chapter VIII Tabority posture Czech Republic. Defeat of the Fifth Crusade. Prokip the Great. Transition of Chashniki to the camp of reaction (1427–1433)

Husiti, taborites and those Czech brothers

3 Terrorist books author Andreev Oleksandr Radiyovich

Hussiti, those German brothers Lyudina is not guilty of wrapping up her summation with nonsense, not recounting and not stubborning anything in front of the truth. At the beginning of the 15th century, Jan Hus from Husintsya, Ієronim Prazky, Stanislav from Znojmo, Shtepán from Palče, Jan from Yesenitsa called out to the people in the Czech Republic,


From the book of the Great Radianska Encyclopedia (TA) of the author Wikipedia

Yakogo was stratified in 1415. Through a few rocks near Bohemia (the territory of the modern Czech Republic), mass rebellions were fired, as if they were suspenseful moods that were a protest against the religious, political and economic situation in the kingdom. Wars began in 1419, and trivalid until 1434. Tse bula part of the Reformed Rukh, like in the 15th century. engulfed the whole of Europe.

Vcheni point out one important feature of this local conflict - they began to massively start to put up a fire pit, through which a great number of people perished.

War participants

  • The villagers, who were called Hussites. The dead rebels were called chasniks, and the radical ones were called Taborites;
  • Misky plebs;
  • Dribnі mishchani;
  • Nobles;
  • German, Austrian, Ugrian, Polish and Italian feudal lords.

Indirectly supported the Polish and Lithuanian kings.

At the very beginning of the Hussite wars, the participants of the Rukh split into two camps - the revolutionary one and the death. Representatives of the first krill were called taborites, as in 1420 people in the Czech Republic's primeval regions fell asleep at the same place. Tse buv is the center of the struggle of the revolutionary directing of the Hussites. The Moscow plebs, burghers, villagers, part of the nobles' nobles reached the radical rebels.

The Taborites wanted to reform the church, to restore the political and supremacy, the system of the Czech Republic, to destroy the Catholic monasteries and churches, to secularize the current power and motherhood. They wanted the same stench, so that the skin person could interpret the Bible freely. The cult of the saints, the chanting of the relics of the taborites did not recognize and so they implied that they were told. Priests could stop wearing pishnі and rozkishnі vbrannya. A leather man could become a priest, as the Holy Letter knew. Tse could be a woman, as if she was sleeping on the knowledge of the Bible.

Another krylo - more peacefully - called themselves cups, shards stood for those who, having communion, could come out of the cups for everyone, and not only for the priests. Among the chashniki were the top patricians who lived near the towns, the gentry and the lady of the Czech Republic. Chashniki folded their document from the vimogami, which was called “Chotiri prazki statti”. Vіn mіstiv іdеї Reformаtsії, vymogi hold liturgy dear to my Czechs, say privileges to priests, fulfill church requirements.

Taborites were steadily welded together, not showing the tension of the fight and the tension. Years of stink split on the fading taborites and radical chiliasts.

The superstitiousness among the Hussites laid the foundations of the revolutionary movement in the Czech Republic, respected the reach of the set goal. The wars passed not only with the German zagarbniks of the Czech Republic, but also rose up. Chashniki, for example, tried to organize a swing at Jan Zizka, but they appeared not far away. The dead and radical Hussites fought one against one in the ideological sphere.

Change your mind and cause

The Catholic Church and the German feudal lords were created in the 15th century. in the Czech Republic, mind the development of the opposition movement. Yogo ocholiv the rector of the Prague University, Jan Hus, who was the leader of the radical reform in the middle of the church, criticizing the riches. As a result, Gus duzhe shvidko became popular among the poor. Among the main merits of Jan Hus were:

  • Call for indulgence;
  • Vikrivav the simony of the clergy;
  • Speaking out against the German colonization of the Czech Republic;
  • Having retranslated the Bible with my own, which made the Holy Letter accessible to the poor.

The teachers of Hus were radical, shouting to the point of reprisals against the clergy of the Catholic Church. Zvichaine reformation did not rule. The Pope of Rome, having respected that Jan Hus was to blame for the wider heresy, called out to him on the cathedral at Constance. Before going to the rector of the university, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire saw a special funeral certificate. Aleone was not accepted by any of the priests and clergy to respect. Hus was arrested and burned on the bagatti.

As a result of similar zhorstocity, the masses began to move, as until 1419 they became nationwide. The uninterrupted causes of the Hussite wars were the following factors:

  • The nobles of the Czech Republic sent a protest to the cathedral in Constance;
  • People's preachers began to appear, interpreting the ideas of Jan Hus in their own way, after which the stench began to take on radical directness;
  • Vidkrita disobedience of the villagers to their feudal lords;
  • Bazhannya pozbutisya German panuvannya that sill.

The drive to the war was the collection of the battle of Prati (Mount Tabor) in 1419, which turned into the essence of the Hussites and Catholics.

The nature of the war

  • Religious;
  • National;
  • anti-feudal;
  • Folk.

Head of the military day and cross walk

After the first slaughter of the Hussites and Catholics, the rebels began to salvage the whole country. Zokrema, representatives of the Moscow plebs joined the lava of Jan Hus' ideas near Prazi. During the skin month, the Daedals more than the population of the Czech Republic came against the churches of that Nimtsiv. Days and battles, albeit a small local character, ended differently:

  • Overcoming the Hussites;
  • Porazkoy in the eyes of Catholics;
  • I overcame the rich versions of the Suspіlstva, as if they supported the Nimtsiv.

The internal situation in the country was aggravated by the death of the King of the Czech Republic, Vaclav the Fourth, and the enthronement of his brother Sigismund the First, who was the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire for madness. The population of the Czech Republic did not accept the new king;

Sigismund voiced the Christian march against the Hussites on the podії in the Czech Republic. This was a series of military entries, in which one can see a few stages:

  • First Khrestovoy trip - 1420;
  • Another - 1421;
  • Third - 1422;
  • Quarters-1427 p.
  • P'yatiy - 1431 p.

1420 to the rock to Bohemia, the bearers of the cross-bearers, such as the whites of Prague were shot by the geese. Їх ocholyuvav dosvіdcheny military leader that commander Jan Zhizhka. They stood up under yogic ceremonies to fight against the cross-bearers, and won the battle. In this way, the problem of falling to the throne in the Czech Republic was left unresolved.

Another Khrestovy pokhіd appeared through the river after the first one, and again Jan Zhizhka with the geese zmusiv liskarіv bіgti. In one of the battles, the commander was wounded, then blinded, but continued to successfully win his shoes, stalking the Hussites.

The third chrestovy trip again ended in failure, but passed on the aphids of the inner split in the Hussite Rus. In 1424, radical hussiti - tabority, yakі stunned Zhizhka, defeated the chashniki. A few months later, Yan Zhidka died, having contracted the plague. Having occupied the same place, Prokop the Great, who became active and important in the Reformation in the Czech Republic. The taborites of the wines cherubov already made sure, having won more than one battle against the Germans and other foreign zagarbniks. The Fourth Chrestovy Pokhіd The Pope, voicing once upon a time, how the taborites defeated the army of the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Hussites played again, which allowed them to launch a counterattack against the enemies, and to enter the Volodymyr Empire in Austria and the Ugrian region. Let's move a little far away to the Baltic coast, expanding the ideas of Jan Hus and the Reformation. The Catholic world and the Catholics called this faith rotten from Bohemia.

The Pope of Rome and Sigismund the First realized that the sound of the Hussite Rukh is necessary for any price. The stench began to beat the internal splits, robbing the bet on the cups. Ce bula opposition to radical-taborites. While food was being served, like housekeeping with cups, the Pope re-voiced the Fifth Cross of the Cross, which was the fate of 1431. Litsarіv again smashed, tso once under Domazhlitsy.

In 1431, there was a cathedral near Basel, on which there were present death geese cups. The Pope of Rome made his home with them, calling for a compromise solution. On the basis of this bulk, a document was folded under the name of Prazky compactati (grounded on the “Prazky stats)”, as if they were so mindful:

  • Liturgical services in the Czech Republic are allowed to be carried out by my mother;
  • You can take communion at the church with both views;
  • Bulo liquidated ecclesiastical jurisdiction;
  • The fact of secularization of confessions, like finishing;
  • Czechs and Moravians were small to root for the Catholic Church and recognize the rule of the Pope of Rome;
  • The sermon at the national churches was voted freely;
  • Priests have the right to recognize bishops;
  • Mustaches and Greeks were punished by both the clergy, and the civil government and other bodies;
  • The priests were allowed to take the lead.

The Taborites did not recognize the compacts, and again began to fight with the cups. The rest returned to the Vatican.

Poruch Pomіrnі and radical husits ​​snickered at the battle on May 30, 1434, the village of Lipani, near Chesky Brod. The Taborites played out the battle, not caring for the destruction of the leaders of the rebellion, but they continued to wage a partisan war against the Nazis. The most important opir trivaly hour repairing the region of Zion. Only in 1437 did the region fall into the rock, and the Tabor stone worker Jan Rogach was stratified.

The results of the legacy of the Hussite wars

Two years later, Sigismund the First was suddenly voted king of the Czech Republic. The last thing was the arrival to the edge of the majestic number of priests-Catholics, Germans. Foreigners zhorstoko dealt with the Hussites, as if they were in official power. The mustache of the obitsyanki, like Sigismund, having given the first hour of the coronation, were sacked and destroyed, the vimogi were not victorious, the Czech Republic began to react, as if it was strengthening the positions of the feudal lords. Zvichayni people suffered from the peresliduvan that taxable oppression.

In 1437 Sigismund the First died, the Czechs and the National Czech Party did not recognize the fall of the emperor, like Albrecht of Austria. Deputy of the new to the throne in 1438, the roci took Casimir Jagiellon, brother Polish king Vladislav. Which candidate was not accepted by the Catholics and the dead, number of participants goose rush. Chergovy strife broke out, Czechs, Poles, Austrians, Germans were drawn into the yak. Zreshtoy, the Catholics in the Czech Republic took their representative to the throne, becoming Meinhard Neygauzky, and the tea-makers - Henryk Ptachek, they fought one by one. Ale, the struggle ended in nothing for them, the little birds of Ptachek died, and the tea-owners robbed their foreman Yrzhi (Yury) of Podebrad. Vin, having arrested the opponent Ptachek, the reason why the party of chashniki became the ruler of the country. In 1458 vіv buv obraniy king. The glory of the one who smashed the bars of the Taborite Rukh lies with you. Members that survived became members of the community of the Czech brothers, founded in 1457. The participants of this organization began to propagate morale thoroughly.

Among the merits of Іrzhі Podebrad, try to surround the svaville of feudal lords, the gentry, change them to the peasants. Krіm tsyogo, the king priyav that, schob actively developed trade and crafts, pіdvishchiv tributes. Podebrad did everything he could to the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope of Rome, who in the Czech Republic had a triumphant hour of freedom of religion. The whole principle of supremacy and religious life was confirmed by the adoption of Podebrad - for King Vladislav (Poland). In 1516, the Czech Republic became the warehouse of Austria, and Ferdinand of Austria was placed on its throne. Through this, the freedom of religion began to step-by-step intersect, through which re-examinations began to prevail in the country. Vechennya Hussites knew in vchenniy suspіlstva Bohemian brothers.

The Hussite wars did not bring a new king to power, who tried to encourage the peasants and the plebs. The resistance pushed against the Czechs and Moravians, as if before the stormy threat they united and for a long time repaired a serious support for them. The majority of society fought for an independent national power, supported the reform of the church, which took on the molding of a Czech character, self-confidence and mentality. The battles of Jan Hus became a rethink at the development of the Reformation in the Czech Republic;

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