Who will be participants in the 18th battle of psychics. Battle of psychics (Season 18) (2017). The new season of "Battles of Psychics" shows a clairvoyant from Iskitima

For example, the casting of one of the most popular and most popular shows of the country - "Battles of the Psychics" - was held. Irrespective of those that the program has not yet been on the air, a lot of participants have already caught the respect of ZMI and acquire chanuvals.

Through the greatness of the number of those who want to demonstrate their strength and compete for the Blue Hand in 2017, the organizers have ventured to continue accepting applications. In the rest of the days, the limestone for three entrances was sampled by impersonal psychics, magicians and chakluns from the Ukrainian region. There have already been three traditional trials: a screen, people's noise at the trunk, and "Mr. X". Having shown themselves the skin of the participants in the casting in their own way, but the deuces from them have turned special respect to themselves.

StarHit saw a few of the most potential participants in the project. As the producer of “Battle” told, which fate among the applicants were those who had already come to the casting more than once, and in whose life the show played a special role, becoming the cause of interest to esotericism. The participants of the past season came: Ivan Vlasov, Violetta Polyakova - a witch, who miraculously showed herself on the cob in the 17th season, and Margarita Bakhtiyarova also took positions. This practice is not new anymore - for example, Marilyn Kerro, who was not satisfied with another place, appeared in the show for other girls. There were a few people who wanted to try their hand at the show, the young brother of Oleksandr Sheps Oleg. The exact list of participants will be available only from Veresni, if the 18th season of the show will be on the air.

Olena Sinilova

The maiden, who came under the hand of Oleksandr Sheps, pecked at her with a few glances. Olena is an actress in the theater and cinema, she played a few roles in popular projects on the TNT channel. Sheps positions Olena as her student, and she writes at the world of esotericism, but a lot of shanuvalniks in the show suspected a romantic connection between them.

Mikita Turchin

Mikita Turchin is the youngest contender for the show, who previously starred in a number of television series. A lot of gazers, like they visited the "glade", marked the similarity of the young man with Oleksandr Sheps.

Nika Lirovska

Nika is a native tarologist from St. Petersburg. For її words, she began with various psychics, the secret of Natalia Bantєєvoya, known to all gazers.

Marina Zueva

The witch, who called Natalya Bantiev more than once, she showed her gift in childhood, and through the years she learned how to get attached to other people of speech. She herself tried to make her own life out of magic.

Rafael Zamanov

Raphael is a healer, a builder with his hands. Already two dozen years of wines are practiced by this gallery. And it all started in childhood: Raphael is alive with a child's house and already in his young age, having helped the healers to get rid of the problems of health.

Marina Grechishnikova

Marina is a spadkova gypsy, who performs a wide range of magical services: she jokes around people, knows negative infusions, helps to improve a special life. Lately, Marina has already taken part in other esoteric television projects.

Chi is true ochіkuvannya shanuvalnikov and who is allowed to be called for the title of the strongest psychic, we know from faith. In the meantime, it remains only to vomit for the participants who have been honored. We wish you well, and do not forget to press on the buttons that

15.08.2017 03:10

The battle continues. Psychics already have to spend, also ahead of the naytsіkavіshe. We already see that...

In 2007, the fate of the TV broadcasters simply kicked off the project “The Battle of Psychics”, which showed the cross-eyed viewers people from paranormal conditions. Irrespective of those that similar shows have long gone all over the world, Russia has not bothered with such an experiment for a long time. But all the same, the ratings of foreign projects for some time were changed by the producers on the TNT channel from the one who made the gamble cost a candle. At the same time, the 18th season of the show will appear on the screen and its popularity will continue to grow.

Marat Basharov, the actor of the theater and cinema, will spend this fate again. I have been borrowing a lot of land since 2009 and have not yet planned to complete my part in the project. Like skeptics, the brothers Illya, Sergiy and Andriy Safronov, also perform like an illusionist, and the actress Vira Sotnikova performs at the same time during the competitions of the skin release of the show.

Participants of the 18th season of the Battle of the Psychics

The participants of the skin season of the "Battle of the Psychics" were exclusively people who claim that they have extraordinary traits. Some of them called themselves Mishka shamans like Katerina Rizhikova and Ivan Shabanov, some played the roles of Olen Golunov and Ilona Novosyolova, some positioned themselves as a medium like Oleksandr Sheps and Margarita Bakhtiyarova.

In the 18th season, the project could not do without new “professions”. So Mikita Turchin from Ufa calls himself the Keymaster. It doesn't matter if you guess that your robot has a seventeen-digit psychic vicorist's keys, as before they lay dead.

Yak appoints Mikita himself, does not allow you to speak with sweaty light And it’s rich to know, even if the keys are to be found in the presence of people all of their lives, accompany yoga in the joy of that mountain, at home that on a robot. And from

Maxim Nikitin positions himself as a cursed chaklun, who deals exclusively with black magic. Tsey psychic is ahead, scho vin є unsafe for supernikіv and can beat the fence priyomi.

Among the participants of the new season of the show "Battle of the Psychics" and those who once having pried themselves the respect of the peeps and of the first whilins, becoming vvazhatisya a contender for victory. Our target is the urologist Kostyantin Getzat, who calls himself a medium.

The right person is Taimuraz, at the same time he lives and works in Moscow, and his ancestors from Alanya. Stately redness looks spectacular on the screen and makes history. For the knowledge of Hetzat, first of all, having felt the voices of the dead, while still a student. Ale chi to help Kostyantin, I have not yet figured out the connection with those who died on the project.

The other participant of the season is the witch Marina Zueva. A woman means that she lives at the same time working in Portugal, but her fatherland is the hero of Volgograd. The supranatural gift came to Marinishche in childhood and first mating with spirits immediately after the death of a sister.

The rating of the 18th season of "Battles of the Psychics" appeared to be high.. Glyadachi love the show, marvel at the live broadcast in the recording, actively discuss those other tests, cheer for the singing participants. Let the 18th season of “Battle” become the most and most scandalous, yet it’s important to judge, even if you look at it in absentia, you’ll die in the project and in any case marvel at it from the beginning to the end.

"Battle of Psychics" Season 18: Kostyantyn Hetzati - who is he, short biography, facts of life, photo. picking up wraps. Shanuvalniks of the show are impatiently checking for a new leather issue. Not less than a cіkavo їm to know and details about life is quiet, who fell in love. One of the favorites of the peeps in the 18th season of "Battles of the Psychics", insanely, є Kostyantyn Getzati.

Kostyantin is more likely to pass the test, he has already taken two more envelopes. Glyadach befits yoga honesty and pidhid to people.

It's a pity, but about Hetzat it's not so rich. Ale deyakі facti can not help but silence the psychic. For example, apparently, scho Kostyantyn was born on 10 Lipnya 1987. Tobto at once to you 30 years, with no friendships.

For the profession, this participant of the "Battle of the Psychics" is a doctor. Kostyantyn viris on the Chukchi Pivostrov, the village of Vugil'ny kopal'ny. And I started at Vladikavkaz. Nin vin live near Moscow. Kostyantyn, having taken the decision to dedicate to himself that life of his exaltation of people, walking in the footsteps of his grandfather. That is why, without regard for being overwhelmed by supernatural speeches, the wine continues to practice in medical mortgages.

Psychics Kostyantin Getzaty learned from Ossetian magicians. Recognizing your own well-being magician for an hour of post-mortem procedures. Souls that ghost of dead people told the doctor, like the stench died. Let's face it, before taking part in Kostyantina's, I didn't show off with my unique gift. Vіn navіt pracіcally nоmоm about nоgo without telling, they knew about the goal only the closest people.

Ale, maybe, the spirits have lied, what time will we learn about that gift, like the wine of Volodya. Possibly, Kostyantin Getzat herself can override the skeptics of what the psychic is aware of.

» on TNT channel.

Kostyantyn Getzati. Biography

Kostyantyn Getzati- Nashchadok Alani magi. Help for the medium - Timur (Taimuraz) Getsayev. Born in this homeland of the economist and surgeon, grew up and Chukchi. Started at Vladikavkaz, 2011 graduated from Pivnichno-Ossetian Medical Academy. Having arrived to Moscow, I studied at the postgraduate course on the basis of NDI Urology and Interventional Radiology named after A.I. ON THE. Lopatkin, and then ruled to work in one of the capital's clinics.

Have a great life Getzati - practicing a urologist and an andrologist and vvazha, who will continue to the right of his father, who exulted in prayer, herbs and hands. Prote at the robotic victorist, including the traditional methods of jubilation. Kostyantin does not plan to leave the medical career after the end of the show.

Hetzati, writing to his blog on Instagram, who does not have online receptions with Merezhya: “I don’t like the Internet. My "social services" are here, in nature. I don't have many sides on the Internet, Crimea. I don't run daily Internet receptions. I do not ask you to save me a penny! Do not lead to shakhraiv. Fighting them with my forces.

First, Kostyantin saw his vivacity at the hour of lessons in pathological anatomy, if the spirits of people, having broken the bodies of such veins, told him to surround their death. Kostyantyn Getzaty, having learned magical practices from ancestors from an ancient Ossetian family, who taught yoga to call the spirits of dead people.

Kostyantyn Getatі at the show Battle of psychics, season 18

At the first release of “Battle of Psychics”, season 18, Kostyantin Hetzat hit the posters and Sergiy Safronov, who knew the people in the trunk of the car, and accepted Safronov’s viklik, having waited to know three people at the trunk. As a result, I know two people.

Kostyantyn also started to make a good night Yulia Samoilov. Medium s close ochima and not knowing who to sit in front of him, saying at once: a man cannot collapse. More than that, Hetzat accurately named the diagnosis, which was given to Julia by the doctors, and also revealed the details of her special life, as no one could know, the Crimean artist herself. On camera, neither the artist nor the medium voiced any special topics for Yulia.

Already after the first release of the show “Battle of the Psychics”, season 18, the project’s chanuvals began to talk at the social media about how to play the show at Kostyantina Getzat’s own. At another graduation, the magician did not reveal the TV viewers, successfully passed the test: I knew the girl, I was hiding in one of 600 chambers at the majestic zanedbanіy budіvlі likarni.

On July 7, 2017, at the third release of the "Battle of Psychics", season 18, Kostyantyn Getzat again showed miraculous results in two tests. Vin became the first participant in the 18th season, whose photo, for the sake of judgement, squandered to a white envelope. I will win my first battle at the “Battle” of Hetzati, dedicating it to my homeland.

On the 23rd of December, in the rest of the release of the “Battle of the Psychics”, it was announced that he had passed the 18th season of the project - he became Kostyantyn Getzati (53% of those who voted). Another place went to Sonya Egorova (20%), the third - Oleksandr Kinzhinov (17%), and the fourth - Jean and Dana Alibekovi (8%).

“Peremoga is not determined by force, but by the gazing kohanny of the project. І tsya Lyubov do not always choose the strongest. That’s why the remoz didn’t feel guilty. However, if the results were announced, I already had no doubts about the penetratingness of those who voted for the first season. Emotions changed, it was important for me to speak, but I’m the best voter who voted for me. Vdyachny "Battle", which she gave the opportunity to show herself. On the project, I'm not for, but for the whole. And I'm happy that I've made a good choice and leaned on the "Battle". So far, the plans are to come to you. I want to hang out with people close to me. At once I want to renew strength, and let the whole world check, ”- Kostyantyn Getzati.

At the spring of 2018 rock on TNT started the continuation of the show “Psychic. The battle of the strongest”, and the peepers sang among the participants of the Hecate and two finalists of the 18th season of the Battle of the Psychics. So, in one of the episodes of the program, Kostyantin worked with a couple with Viktoria Rydos and explored taєmnichi deaths of three little girls

On April 7, 2019, the show "School of Psychics" was launched on the TNT channel. ”, a participant of which became Kostyantyn Getzatі.

Under the hour of zyomak, the project "School of Psychics" Hezati had a chance pretty blonde, yak failed one of the trials. After whom, a little bit arose, that the girl in such a rank wanted to press on pity, so that the mentor would not blame him. In addition, Hetzati, having seriously quarreled through one entrant with Swami, resentful mentors wanted to take it from their team. Getatsі i Swamі with great difficulties having separated the leader of the project Sergiy Safronov.

Kostyantyn Getzati. Life Specialist

From the youth of Hecates, they start collecting stamps, sports and photography. To love to rise in price, giving the priority to the smoky lands and the beach resort.

After participation "Battles" by Kostyantyn Getzat began to attribute the novel from the finalist project to Sonya Egorova. They got a bit stronger after the fact that the couple showed up at the same time for the casting in the 19th season of the project, to support the participants, and also took part in the program “Extrasensi. Battle of the strongest "(The releases for the participation of Hetsa and Yegorova were aired on TNT at the spring of 2018).

Kostyantyn Hetzatі rozpovіv, that his herbal tea is such a cultivator of 32 roki, intriguing everyone with the phrase: “You already know me, but I still don’t know.”

Kostyantyn Hetzati is the most important supporter of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics. The very beginnings of this transfer of wines, becoming the leaders of the Ukrainian country. Here the hero managed to realize his extrasensory vibes and achieve us, that he is a strong magician.

Kostyantin Hetzat has a rather aggressive tone, as if he had chided rich women. To that yogo shanuvalnits tsіkavit not only yogo an extraordinary gift, but also a special life. However, even though it would be possible to tell about the first wines ready to be told, it would have been inexcusable, then you don’t want to talk about the other food, which even more piques the interest of a representative of a weak state.

Biography of Kostyantin

Kostyantyn Getzati is a pseudonym for a psychic. Yogo spravzhnє im'ya - Getsaev Taimuraz Kostyantinovich. I changed my wine after my arrival to Moscow, taking my father with me, which is more important for the residents.

The date of birth is 10 June 1987. The nationality of the magician is Ossetian. The city of the yogo people is the capital of Pivnіchnoi Ossetia, the city of Vladikavkaz. Taimuraz was born in the same doctors. Vin is not a single child in this family. The magician has a sister, with which vin dosі podtrimuє teplo stosunki. At the sight of a brother, I can’t get out of a magical gift.

Regardless of those who were born chaklun near Vladikavkaz, his homeland did not stop living there. Rice Taimuraz in Chukotsk near the village of Vugilni Kopi. Learned the wines at the school under number 3. Krym tsgogo, the lad, having entered the music school, de taking the guitar lessons.

After that, yak Taimuraz Getsaev finished school and moved to Vladikavkaz. I myself, in the same city of wines, have obtained a new medical education. In 2011, he graduated from the Pivnichno-Ossetian Medical Academy. If chaklun otrimav diploma, vіn poїhav pіdkoryuvati Moscow. Here you will find it practical to know your job. I worked on the back of my head at the state clinic, after which I switched to a job until I installed it privately. Yogo specialty - child urologist and andrologist. In an hour, the work of wine has proven itself to be a miracle fakhivets. Zavdyaki tsomu vin may be a lot of patients. Kostyantin does not plan to say goodbye to medicine, so he continues to realize himself in his field.

Vіn zahoplyuetsya not only medicine and esotericism. Kostyantyn loves to go in for sports and look at photography. Vіn є comradely young man, who has a lot of friends, to which one enters and famous specialties.

Zrostannia Kostyantina - 188 cm. However, a high age and a young age are not the only thing to overcome, like a magician, having been honored with publicity. Golovnya - tse yogo zdіbnostі, yakі vіn demonstrating the strength of the country.

Such is the biography of Kostyantin.

Specialist life and work as a doctor

The doctor does not expand on his special life. One piece of information, such as the magician's magician's will - they haven't friends and have not yet reached the mother of children. However, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to voice my name.

About the special life of a magician it is impossible to know from social networks. Right in that a psychic does not like to spend an hour on the Internet, and not register with social measures volіyuchi more often be in nature. You can only have a side on Instagram, de chanuvals can have mercy on your photos.

Yak was appointed, Kostyantin realizing himself, like a doctor. Nine wines are practiced at two private clinics in the capital, calling them "Family doctor" and "Alternative". In his work, he is oriented exclusively on the methods of traditional medicine, which are thoroughly slandering student fates. To patients, the doctor is to his rightful names. A pseudonym vin is less likely to be used if it "transforms" into a magician. Taimuraz is more likely to take as a drug. Yak magician of wines does not work at once. The esoteric services of the wines cannot be cast through the Internet.

If the magician took the fate of the zyomkah show, he did not zvіlnivsya z roboti. The doctor took a permit for the whole hour of the zimok. After the end, the doctor turned back to his official duty.

The appearance of psychic zdіbnosti

Getzati Kostyantyn for his adventures and the tips of the Alanian magicians. Prote's fall did not appear immediately. Dovgi rocky gift without letting yourself know.

Psychic Kostyantin Getzat's gift manifested itself in students' fates. It is important to say how many fates you have had, if it happened, but you know what happened in the pathological anatomy classes. Tse happened, if the veins opened the bodies of the beaten people. At that moment, their souls rose to Kostyantina, for some of the furnishings the stench perished. After some wine, having begun to master the magic and rituals. Rick after rock wins, having finished his gift.

The magician learned from the ancestors of the ancient Ossetian family. Zavdyaks їm vin can call the spirits of people who have not been on this earth for a long time.

The very spirits and pidshtovhnuli Kostyantin take the fate of the Battle of psychics. They said that the magician can be tested, installed in the show. Chaklun vowed with his obligatory vikonati tse "handed over".

Kostyantyn Getatі at the Battle of Psychics

The 18th season of the battle of psychics has become Kostyantin's "dawn year". From the first whilins of the wines, it struck no less than all the gazers, and the head skeptic of the country - the wise Sergiy Safronov. On the right, in the fact that you’re not only smart enough to know a person in the trunk of a car, but having received the leader’s call, he’s urged you to know not one, but three people. As a result, the magician was able to reveal two people.

Psychic Kostyantin Getatі struck the matchmaker Yuliya Samoilova. Already on the first hairs, the magician was tested, whose eyes were tied up, saying that a person, as if perebovaya in front of him, cannot collapse. However, not all the information, like a magician, about Yulia. Vin also accurately voiced the ailment, as the bula was diagnosed by doctors. So Kostyantin, voicing the details of the special life of the couple. She didn’t tell the participants in the significant process about them, the magician once zdivuvav not only Yulia, but the entire significant group. Need to say that not all psychics ran into these trials. Bezkoshtovna consultation of an astrologer, guides to a psychic after registration

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