N i bukharin short biography. Bukharin Mykola Ivanovich (short biography). We need additional help with the help of those who

Radyansky political that state fiend Mykola Ivanovich Bukharin was born on July 9 (March 27, according to the old style), 1888, at Moscow's family with his readers.

In 1905, while being a high school student, he went to school with a revolutionary organization of students. In the other half of 1906, he joined the party of the Bolsheviks and worked in the Zamoskvoretsky district as a propagandist.

1907 Bukharin entered the economic department of the law faculty of Moscow University. Navchannya having attached little respect, shards cherubing the propaganda and illegal activities of the bilshoviks among the cadet youth.

From 1907 to 1908 he was a propagandist and agitator in the Khamovnitsky district, in 1908 he was appointed as the second organizer of the Zamoskvoretsky district, in 1909 he was appointed to the Moscow committee of the Belarusian party.

1909 to the fate of Bukharin dvіchi buv zaareshtovany. The university was turned off through arrest.

1910 to the fate of Bukharin I renew myself on the party work in legal institutions. For example, in 1910, the fate of yoga was again arrested at the link with the defeat of the Moscow party organization. Until Chernya 1911, having stayed at the bunkers near Moscow, before the court, I sent directions to the administrative office in Onega, and in 1911, I emigrated to Nimechchin.

In emigration, he worked with the Belarusian and socialist organizations of the Nimechchyna, Austria-Ukraine, Switzerland, and the Scandinavian countries. In 1912, in Krakow, I got to know the leader of the Bolsheviks, Volodymyr Lenin.

Ganna Larina (1914-1996), the adopted daughter of the famous Belarusian leader Yuri Larina, became another yoga retinue. 1937 rock won

Mikola Ivanovich Bukharin. Born on March 27 (July 9), 1888 near Moscow - died on February 15, 1938 near Komunartsy (Leninsky district, Moscow region). Radyansky political, sovereign and party fiend. Member of the Central Committee of the Party (1917-1934), candidate member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1934-1937). Candidate for membership of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) (1919-1924), member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1924-1929). Candidate member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) (1923-1924). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR (1929).

Born in the family of school teachers Ivan Gavrilovich Bukharin (1862-1940) and Lyubov Ivanovna Izmailova (room 1915). Since 1893, she lived near Chisinau, de Ivan Gavrilovich worked as a tax inspector. Then again in Moscow, de Mikola began studying at the First Gymnasium, after graduating from 1907, having started at the economic department of the Faculty of Law of the Moscow University, in 1911 he was excluded from the connection with the revolutionary prison.

On the eve of the revolution of 1905-1907, at the same time, with his best friend, Illya Erenburg, taking an active part in student demonstrations organized by students of the Moscow University. In 1906, the roci joined the RSDLP, joining the Bolsheviks. In 19 years, together with Grigoriy Sokolnikov, having organized a youth conference in 1907 in Moscow, as a matter of course, she respected the Komsomol as a supporter.

In 1908-1910, he was a member of the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP, and worked for trade unions. At this hour, having approached V. M. Smirnov, she got to know her future squad N. M. Lukina. In chervni 1911, the fate of arrests and sendings for 3 years to Onega (Arkhangelsk province), the same fate from the sending. Transferred to the apartment of V. M. Shulyatikov in the documented documents. Then we illegally traveled to Hannover, and in the autumn of 1912 we reached the Austro-Ugric region.

In 1912, roci in Krakow, Bukharin got to know z , z friendly blue. Having continued to engage in self-enlightenment in the emigration, you create like the founders of Marxism and socialists-utopists, and your co-workers. A particularly strong inflow of molding looked at Bukharin by pressing A. A. Bogdanov.

In 1914, roci, with an ear of the First World War, were arrested by the government of the Austro-Ugric region for suspicion of spying and hanging to Switzerland. In 1915, they moved through France and England to Stockholm. Moisha Dolgolevsky is alive in Sweden under a strange name.

Irrespective of those that the emigrants were prevented from getting involved in Swedish politics, writing for the Scandinavian newspapers and taking part in the selection of the emigrant club, which the Swedish police respected as a representative revolutionary organization. On March 23, 1916, he was arrested at the apartment on Salmetargatan, de vin lived together with two other Belarusians (Yuri P'yatakov and Evgeni Bosh). At the police station, calling himself Moishe Dolgolevsky. After a few years of imprisonment at the quarter of 1916 hanging from Sweden to Norway, lives near Khristiyanії (Oslo), Copenhagen, from Zhovtnya 1916. - near New York (USA), de got to know Leon Trotsky and Oleksandra Kollontai and redaguvav (since 1917). at once from Trotsky the newspaper Novy Svit.

In 1915, having written the work "Light state and imperialism", I dedicated the analysis of the features of capitalism to the cob of the 20th century. Lenin, having written before her (which was not published before the revolution) an editorial and victorious series of її position in his practice “Imperialism as the newest stage of capitalism” (1916). On the other hand, in the discussion about the right of the nation to self-appointment, which broke out on the cob of the First World War among the social democrats, Bukharin spoke out against the position of Lenin and his followers (Zokrema, and Zinov'eva). Take a look at Bukharin and P'yatakov, who came to the new, Lenin called "a caricature of Marxism" and regarded as a relapse of the economy of the 1890s, which was connected with the inevitable revival of political nutrition in the economy.

In 1917, he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), after which he worked at the Moscow Committee of the Party and edited the other edition of the Izvestia of the Moscow Revolutionary Committee. In active propaganda work during the Zhovtnevoi revolution of 1917, occupying a radical leftist position. John Reed at the book "Ten days, as if they struck down the world" affirms that Bukharin, having respected "we live for Lenin." With a short break in 1918, the editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper was actually a good party ideologist. Preparing propositions for the nationalization of industry and the creation of economic management bodies in the country with the Greater Rada of the People's Government (VRNG).

In 1917-1918, as the editor of the "left-wing communist" newspaper "Komunist", he was the leader of the "left" communists, together with the other "left" communists, as well as the left esers, speaking as against the signing of the world with the Germans in Brest-Litovsk radyansk delegation, despite the continuation of the line of the light of the proletarian revolution. Pіznesh, pіd hour of іnizovyovo in 1923 Rotsky Trotsky about the fraud at the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b), Viskliva, PID PID Hour of the Conversation of the Brest Svikh Eseriv, the fate of Yoma Lenina on the Osniki powers. Lіvі eseri stverdzhuvali, scho tsey order zmozhe razіrvati dogovіr і continue the revolutionary war, Prote Bukharin encouraged to take the fate of the zmovi against the leader of the party and the state. A few hours later, after the signing of the Brest svit of transfers to the Bik of Lenin, the sign of which was the return of Bukharin to the landing of the editor-in-chief of Pravda. On spring 25, 1919, Bukharin became a victim of a terrorist act: he was wounded by a bomb thrown by anarchist terrorists at the premises of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) near Leontyevsky Provulk. As a result of the vibukha, 12 people perished in the Leontievsky Provulk, 55 were wounded.

In early 1918, having released a brochure that became widely known, “The Program of the Communists (Bolshoviks)”, in a theoretical way, he underlined the need for labor service for non-labor classes. After the publication of the work "Political economy of rent" and "Light state and imperialism" becoming one of the leading economists-theorists of the RCP (b). In 1919-1920, he was a member of the Vikonkom Comintern.

At the same time in 1919, the fate of Yevgen Preobrazhensky wrote the book “Abetka komunizmu”, as a year he saw it for over 20 years. In early 1920, having written (partially by co-authorship with Georgy P'yatakov) the robot “The Economy of the Transitional Period. Part I: The global theory of the transformational process. These robots were on the whole positively applauded by Lenin, who, like a prote, having taken into account that Bukharinim looked at the low level of food, not to Marxism, but to the “hard-boiled organizational science”, which A. A. Bogdanov was describing, and also criticizing the author for the over-the-top shove style of the book .

Having taken a position at the “professional discussion” of 1920-1921, Bukharin took a position, as he himself looked like a “buffer” between the main sides of the super river: Lenin and Trotsky. Vіn tried to bring, that the differences between the participants of the discussion are based on incomprehensible and guess the super girl of a person, as if they call the bottle a glass cylinder, and a person, as they call that very bottle a tool for drinking. Lenin (having respected the position of Bukharin with a different type of Trotskyist) victorious butt of Bukharin with a bottle for the popular viklad, having looked at Marxism, they didn’t understand, at the same thought, Trotsky and Bukharin (Lenina’s blessing in the spirit of the glass).

Bukharin, Lenin gave his advancing characteristic, as if he took it away wide popularity:

Бухарін не тільки найцінніший і найбільший теоретик партії, він також законно вважається улюбленцем всієї партії, але його теоретичні погляди дуже з великим сумнівом можуть бути віднесені до цілком марксистських, бо в ньому є щось схоластичне (він ніколи не вчився і, гадаю, ніколи не розумів ) whole dialectics).

From the fall of the leaves of 1923, fate actively fought against the “Trotskyist” Left opposition. The death of Lenin on September 21, 1924, was a serious blow to Bukharin, who was one of the leader's closest comrades. Bukharin, having reacted to the death of the successor of the Radyansk state, we support those emotional animals of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). After the death of Lenin, he translated translations from a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee (2 Cherry, 1924) and became one of the most important clerics in the party of that power. Yak and Zinov'ev, speaking out against the opposition of Lenin's Zapovit. During this period, Bukharin became a close friend of Stalin, who in one of his conversations characterized the core members of the party with the following rank: Stalin on the “tee” and you, who called yoga at his ledges, Stalin, at his back, calling Bukharin “Mikolasha” or “Bukharchik”). Bukharin gave his support to Stalin in the fight against Trotsky (1923-1924), Kamenev and Zinov'eva (1925-1926) and in the residual defeat of Trotsky (1927). For deakim tributes, cherubing Trotsky's bastion until the Virny 1928 fate.

For the permission of Zinov'ev, plant the heads of the ІККІ at the VII plenum of the ІККІ (leaf fall-breast 1926), a camp site in the Comintern occupied Bukharin.

Having analyzed the reasons for the failures of "military communism", Bukharin pretended to be an active stalker of Lenin's new voice economic policy. After the death of Lenin, he balked at the need to further carry out economic reforms in the direction of the NEP. At this hour, Bukharin, having hanged the famous fading out (1925), savagely to the villagers: “Get rich, save up, develop your state!” in their words). At the same time, Bukharin took part in the development of the Stalinist theory of "socialism in one well-taken country", which contrasted the idea of ​​Trotsky's permanent light revolution.

In 1928, standing up against the strengthened collectivization, propagating an evolutionary path, if the cooperation and the hromada sector (wealthy economy) step by step economically remove the individual state, and the kulaks do not accept the status of a class, but act with the inhabitants of the world. In the publication of Pravda’s article “Notes of the Economist”, Bukharin declared the only acceptable crisis-free development of the agricultural and industrial sectors, and all other approaches (we are facing Stalin) are “adventurous”. Tse, prote, superchilo Stalin's course for a global collectivization and industrialization.

The Politburo sued Bukharin's outburst, and the one in the field Secretary General"take the line of galvanization of collectivization" by calling Stalin "an absurd despot". At the fall of the leaves 1928 The plenum of the Central Committee called the position of Bukharin, Rikov and Tomsky "ruling scum" (against Trotsky's "left slick").

September 30, 1929 M.I. Bukharin wrote a statement to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks with a drive to spread rumors about the new one. February 9, 1929 M.I. Bukharin, A. I. Rikov and MP Tomsky sent a joint statement to the Joint Meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Presidium of the Central Control Commission.

At the quarterly Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (1929), Stalin declared that "there are now special friends, now we diverge from him among the politicians." The plenum completed the "rout of the group of Bukharin", and Bukharin himself was taken from the settlements. Stalin, having proponuvaly recognized Bukharin for honoring, but in the end the unsatisfactory post of people's commissar, prote Bukharin himself asked to give him a quiet tenure of the head of the Science and Technology Department of Vishchoi for the sake of the people's state. Voroshilov writing on 8 chervnya 1929 G. K. Ordzhonikidze:

Bukharin thanked us not to recognize yoga on the People's Commissariat of Education and proponing, and then on the NTU. I celebrated yoga in tsoma, supported a few more people and more unanimously (against Kobe) we did yoga.

19 Chervnya 1929 Rock on the X Plenumi Ikki Vidbulo Usunennya Bukharyna VID post member of the Presidium Ikki, Yoma Bulo was pre -prone to the half -tint, “Clotted to the reference of the fact of all the billed rodchitae, more than the nerd.” Prompted to “repent”, on the 17th leaf fall, 1929, the fate of yoga was brought from the Politburo of the Central Committee. Some of the members of the Communist International, who supported the position of Bukharin, who were swayed by the members of the American Communist Party, were excluded from the Comintern, having established the "International Communist Opposition". But Bukharin himself has already recognized his pardon for the past ten days and declared that we are conducting “I am going to fight against all the tricks of the general line of the party, first for everything, against the right trick.” On the 17th anniversary of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1934) at his speech, he declared: “Obviation of the skin member of the party is the appointment of comrade Stalin as a personal inspiration to the mind and will of the party.” In 1934, transfers from members of a candidate to a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

Bukharin became one of the most prominent representatives of the Bolshevik Party after he came to power. Bukharin was free to speak French, English and my German. At everyday life letter of affection and hospitality, having become accessible to the splurge. Colleagues called yoga "Kolya-balabolka."

In 1929-1932 he was a member of the Presidium of the VRNG SRSR, head of the science and technology department. Since 1932 - Member of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Important Industry of the USSR. In 1931-1936, he saw the popular science and the community magazine Socialist Reconstruction and Science (SoReNa). Bukharin was one of the editors and a participant in the first meeting of the BCE. The foreign intelligentsia (Zokrema, André Malraux) has a small project to put Bukharin on the editorial board of the unpublished international "Encyclopedia of the XX century".

On September 12, 1929, he was elected a de facto member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR from social and economic sciences.

Since 1930, the head of the Committee on the History of Knowledge (KIZ), since 1932, the director of the Institute of the History of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, established on the basis of the Institute of History of Science and Technology, since 1932, having pinned his foundation in 1938, he worked as a director. Bukharin, propagating the theory about the possibility of a transition from the dictatorship of the proletariat to socialist humanism, speculating about the revolution in science as a wake-up call for revolution in the suspile.

From February 26, 1934 to September 16, 1937, the editor-in-chief of the Izvestia newspaper. In the fierce 1936, the party was reintroduced for the cordon to repurchase the archives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who had laid down the German Social-Democratic Party, who had taken the Nazis to a number of countries of Europe, after the Nazis came to power in Germany.

In the name of Bukharin, they tied over part of the intelligentsia to the expansion of the policy of the state for the most part. The warmth of the blue sang Bukharin's name (the year of Bukharin's call to the judge at the honor before Gorky's death); Osip Mandelstam and Boris Pasternak were helping in conflicts with power. In 1934, Bukharin spoke at the First Star of the Radian Writers with a promo, devinyatkovo high, and also criticized the "Komsomol poets":

He sings a song of the old intelligentsia, who became the Radyanskaya intelligentsia… Original Pasternak… as a number of low lyrical pearls, and giving a number of deep revolutionary speeches.

The party, however, did not hesitate to cross the ledge. Bukharin took part in the posthumous campaign against that "Yeseninshchyna", and his fate was rich in what began with the internal party struggle with Trotsky (who spoke out of positive assessments of Yesenin's creativity). In 1927, in the newspaper "Pravda" Bukharin published the article "Evil Notes", seen later in a book, de writing:

Yesenin's poetry is, in essence, a little peasant, who half pretended to be a "trader-merchant": at lacquer boots, with a stitched lace on a embroidered shirt, "bang" falls today to the feet of the "sovereign", tomorrow is an icon, the day after tomorrow. , and then we “spiritually” scold, weep, ready to beat the dog and raise the deposit at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra “for the memory of the soul”. Vіn navіt can hang on the mountains internal empty. "Mila", "know", "truly Russian" picture! Ideano Yesenin represents himself negative drawings the Russian village and the so-called "national character": scuffle, the most internal indiscipline, the deification of the most important forms of suspenseful life in fire.

Years ago, at the top of the first star of the Radian writers of Bukharin, I found out about Yesenin, “a twinkling harpist, a talented lyric poet”, although critically, but richly warmer, putting on a par with Blok and Bryusov the yak of “old” poets, who imagined a revolution in their creativity.

Bukharin was caricatured, having captured the rich representatives of the Radian elite. Yogo caricatures of Stalin are respected by the single portraits of the "leader", depicted from nature, and not from photographs.

In 1936, in the course of the First Moscow Trial (over Kamenevim, Zinov'evim, etc.), the courts gave evidence (immediately published) against Bukharin, Rikov and Tomsky, and they created a “right bloc” like no other. Bukharin found out about the damage to the other right, hopping at the exit in Central Asia. Immediately after the process, on the 1st of September 1936, Bukharin wrote to Voroshilov: “The cynic-driven Kamenev is the most powerful of people, human carrion. What shot dogs - terribly radium. Ale 10 September 1936 "Pravda" reported that the Prosecutor's Office of the SRSR pinned investigations into Bukharin and others.

At the beginning of 1937, on the eve of another Moscow trial, against Bukharin, a new call was made to the magistrates' activities, and a full-time appointment was made against the arrest of Radek. At the fierce 1937 p. having voted the hunger strike against the presentation of Yomu, the call to accountability to zmovnitskoi activity, and after the words of Stalin: “To whom do you give an ultimatum, Central Committee?” - Having pinned її. At the Plenum of the Central Committee at the fierce 1937 of the exclusions from the party and 27 fierce arrests. Napolyagav on his innocence (zokrema on the sheets before Stalin); having written a note before the party, a kind of inspiration before us, like the 1980s, records of his squad from memory. Naprikintsі (at the inner v'yaznitsa on Lub'yantsi) worked on the books "Degradation of culture under fascism", "Philosophical arabesques", on the autobiographical novel "Pori", and also wrote poetry. None of the texts have been seen.

"If there weren't any incomprehensible things, I tell you from the very beginning that for the light (suspility) 1) I'm not going to take anything back from what I wrote; 2) I'm nothing in this sense I can’t ask you for anything, I don’t want any blessings, that would lead to the right from the quiet rails, like they’re going to roll, but for your special information I write, I can’t live without writing you the rest of the rows, more I am overwhelmed with torment, about yakі ty maєsh nobility.

1. Standing on the edge of the river, with no turning, I give you a word of honor before death, that I am innocent in these mischievous people, as I confirmed in the investigation ...

... as a great and funny political idea of ​​general cleansing a) at the call of the front hour; b) linked to the transition to democracy. Tsya purge zahoplyuє a) wine, b) suspected and c) potentially suspected. They couldn't get along without me. Some people eat like this, others - in a different way, thirds - in a third way. An insurmountable moment is those that people will inevitably talk one about one and forever settle one to one underestimation (judgment by myself: how I got angry at Radek, who got on me! In this manner, curiosity creates an absolute guarantee. For God's sake, don't think so, that I'm stuck here, let me think of myself. I’m spreading the feathers from childish feathers, that I’m smart, that great plans, great ideas and great interests are twisting my ears, and it would be dribbling to put nutrition about my own person in order from all-worldly-historical goals that lie in front of us on your shoulders.

But here I have a headache, and a headache, a paradox. 5) Yakby, I was absolutely stunned, that you yourself think so, then my soul would be more calm. Well, what! It is necessary so it is necessary. Ale believe me, my heart is drenched with a hot stream of blood, if I think that you can believe in my evil deeds and in the depths of your soul you yourself think that I have all the right wines. Then why go out? Why do I myself help to inflict low people (repairing from myself!), That I am obviously doing evil! Even so, nothing is true. And everything gets lost in my head, and I want to scream at the cry and beat my head against the wall: even if I become the cause of the death of others. What is work? What to work?…

... 8) Allow me, damn it, to go to the rest of my small passages: a) it’s easier for me to die a thousand times, it’s easier to survive the future process: I just don’t know how I will run into myself - you know my nature; I am not an enemy of the party, nor the SRSR, and I will destroy everything that is in my power, but I have strength in such a minimal situation, and heavy feelings seem to rise in my soul; I would, forgetting rubbish and pride, on the knees would be blessed, so that there would not be anything. But, maybe, it’s already impossible, I would have asked, if possible, to give me the opportunity to die before the trial, even though I know how suvorously I marvel at such a request; c) if you check the death penalty on me, then I beg you for a long time, I conjure directly to everyone, what is dear to you, replace the shot that I myself will spit in the cell (give me morphia, so that I fall asleep and do not fall over). For me, this point is extremely important, I don’t know what words I can know, for blessings about the same as about mercy: even if it’s politically worth nothing, we don’t know anyone. Ale, let me spend the rest of the seconds, as I please. Please! You, knowing me well, understand. I sometimes marvel at the clear eyes in the guise of death, just like that - I know well - that the building is on the good side. And sometimes I am such a winter, that nothing is left in me. Also, as I was judged by death, I ask for a morphine cup. I pray for tse ... c) I ask you to let me say goodbye to the squad that son. Daughter is not necessary: ​​Skoda її need to be, it’s important, just like Nadia and dad. And Anyuta is young, experienced, and I want to say the rest of the words. I asked you to give me a paternity with her until the trial. Arguments are as follows: like my homework, from which I know, the stench can lay hands on itself in the face of incompetence. I seem to be able to prepare up to what. I’m wondering what the hell I’ll do in the official interpretation ... "

(From the sheet of Bukharin to Stalin, dated 10.12.37)

Bukharin was one of the main accusations (in order of Rikovim) at the trial at the right of the “Anti-Radian Right-Trotsky Bloc”. As may all other charges, acknowledging the fault and often giving evidence. At his last word, having tried to call out the sounds for a new ringing. Although Bukharin wanted to say: "The greediness of my evildoers is worldless," he did not directly recognize in any particular episode of his guilt. Literary-philosophical right Bukharin - tse screen, behind which Bukharin tries to hide in the light of his residual vikrittya. sabotage, philosophy and driving in - like a genius and villainy - two words are not spiln! crush his head with a pink flail!(A. Ya. Vishinsky on the ranking date of 11 February 1938 to the date of the trial at the right of the Bukharin-Trotsky block, cited by the Judgment of the Bukharin-Trotsky trial)

On February 13, 1938, the Viysk Collegium of the Supreme Court of the SRSR found Bukharin guilty and sentenced him to death. The death of Bukharin was blamed by the members of the commission, who had decided Mikoyan, members of the commission: Beriya, Yezhov, Krupskaya, Khrushchev. The fussing about pardon was taken, and two days later they were shot at the Komunarka training ground in the Moscow region, where they buried him.

Not long before the shooting, Bukharin uttered a short message, addressed to the future generation of party workers, as a reminder of the third squad of A. M. Larin:

"I'm going out of life. I lower my head not before the proletarian juice, as I may be merciless, but as a valuable one.

But, step by step, the miraculous traditions of the Cheka were gone in the past, if the revolutionary idea was cherishing the usima її diyami, the truth was zhorstokі to the enemy, it was protecting the state from the counter-revolution. The organs of the Cheka deserved a special dovira, a special shana, authority and respect. In this hour, in its greatness, the so-called organs of the NKVS are the organization of the idle, who have been born, the well-behaved officials, like, hardened by the colossal authority of the Cheka, for the sake of Stalin’s sickly suspicion, I’m afraid to say more, in the pursuit of orders to measure their glory instruct, to the point of speech, not wisely, that one hour you should be impoverished by yourself - history does not tolerate witnesses of vagrant inquiries!

On January 21, 1938, N.I. Bukharin from among the current members and warehouse of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. In the "cult" film "Lenin at 1918 Rots" (1939) in one of the episodes, Bukharin was like a master of images, a kind of malicious swing at Lenin.

On April 13, 1956, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union praised the decision “On the conclusion of court proceedings at the right of Bukharin, Rikov, Zinov'ev, Tukhachevsky and others”, after which, on December 10, 1956, a special commission was appointed to rehab give me a fight." Bukharin, as and most of the convicts from this process, the crime of Henrikh Yagodya (not rehabilitated), only in 1988 (4 fierce) and in the same roci posthumously in the party (Cherven 1988) and in the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR (10 May) ).


The first ship of friendship since 1911 on Nadia Lukina (his cousin, sister of M. M. Lukina, who was also the cousin of Mikola Bukharin), with whom they lived for about 10 years, she was arrested on 138 days. that was shot on the 9th of Birch, 1940

Suddenly (1921-1929) friends with Esther Gurvich (1895-1989). Vіd tskogo slubu - daughter Svіtlana (1924-2003). Tsya sim'ya called Bukharin as early as 1929. Meet (since 1934) friends with the daughter of the party clerk Yu. Sin Bukharin and Anni Larino - Yuri (1936-2014), artist; virіs at the child's house under the name of Yury Borisovich Gusman, they don't know anything about the fathers. Having taken away a new nickname, after the adoptive mother, Idі Gusman, tittsі the right mother. Then I wore the name of Larin and, like a father, Mikolayovich.

Onuk Bukharin, Mykola Yuriyovich Larin (born 1972), dedicating his life to football. Ocholuє (as of 2010) child-youthful football school GOU Center of Education "Chertanovo" near Moscow.

In 1924, the emigrant Illya Britan sang to the rock by publishing the brochure “Because I am a Bolshevik!!”, in which the text of the sheet, nibito otrimanogo from one of the letters of the big party, was written. The list of letters of signatures, but a bit widened, the author of the letter Bukharin. At the birch tree in 1928, the French newspaper La Revue universelle published a translation of the sheet on French language, under the heading "Boukharine: Un document sur le Bolchevisme."

Revolutionary activity. cob

Under the hour of the bourgeois upheaval in 1905-1907, the fate of the wines took a part in student demonstrations. 1906 rock came to the Bilshoviks. In 1907, together with Grigoriy Sokolnikov, he prepared a youth conference, which became the backbone of the future Komsomol organization.

In 1908-1910, at the warehouse of the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP, spivpratsyuvav z professional splunks that gained vag. Just as it was stated that at least four clerks in the Moscow Committee were agents of the Okhrana. Among them is Roman Malinovsky. Lenin did not want to believe in those that Malinovsky is a health resort for a long time. From the easy submission of Malinovsky, who knew that, de moment buti Bukharin, at the heart of 1911, the fate of Mikola Ivanovich was trapping and hanging from Moscow to the Arkhangelsk province. At vyazku іz tsim arrest yogo was excluded from the university for revolutionary activity.


Under the hour of his re-buying in Krakow in 1912, roci vin got to know z. Tse familiarity has done a great deal of hostility on the young revolutionary. Until the very death of the leader of the proletariat, Bukharin groaned at him, pretending to be like Lenin. In emigration, I was constantly engaged in self-illumination, cultivating the practices of Marx, Engels, socialist utopians, analyzing, and vindicating them.

In 1914, when the revolution began, the Austro-Ugric government suspected a new spy and hung out of the country. Then I went to Switzerland. Ale, having tried it here for a short time. In 1915, the wines turned over France and England, emigrated to Sweden. In Stockholm, they knew Moisha Dolgolevsky.

In 1915, Bukharin created an analytical article “Little State and Imperialism”, in order to analyze the peculiarities of capitalism in the first decades of the 20th century. The article was worthy of Lenin. Vіn having written to the article before the editorial, vikoristav deyakі tablki at the book "Imperialism, as the naïve stage of capitalism".

Ale Bukharin rose with Lenin at the Duma about the right of nations to autonomy and sovereignty.

Vin wrote for the Scandinavian anti-Uyad drukovannyh vidan, taking part in the meetings of the club of emigrants, which the Swedish police respected as rebellious. March 23, 1916 Mykola Ivanovich was arrested. In April 1916, the rock of yoga was extended to Norway. Lives near Oslo, near Copenhagen. At the same time in 1916, the rock crossed to the USA. At New York, L. Trotsky and Oleksandra Kollontai became close. For an active hour, Lev Davidovich edited the revolutionary newspaper Novy Svit at once.

Return to Russia. Party activity

At the quarter of 1917, N. I. Bukharin turned from emigration and was elected a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. Vіn innocently worked at the Moscow Party Committee, editing “News of the Moscow Revolutionary Viysk Committee. Actively in the propaganda-roz'yasnyuvalnu work under the hour of the Zhovtnevoy revolution.

On the 25th of spring 1919 the Moscow Committee of the RCP(b) was wounded by a bomb, like anarchists were thrown into the wake of life. As a result of this terrorist attack, 55 people were injured and 12 people died.

Mykola Ivanovich, in the order of Lenin, Chicherin, Bonch-Bruevich and Lunacharsky, being one of themselves illumination of people at the Central Committee of the party. Yomu was entrusted by the maids, who would require deep knowledge.

  • In 1919-1920, he became a member of the ІK Comintern.
  • 2 chernya 1924 to the date of transfers to the Politburo of the Central Committee
  • born 1929 -1932 was a member of the Presidium of the VRNG SRSR, cheruvav scientific and technical management.
  • In 1931 -1936 the fates. Vіn taking part in the issue of the popular science magazine "Socialist Reconstruction and Science".
  • Since 1932, he was appointed director of the Institute of History of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic, appointed on the basis of the Commission on the History of Knowledge, which worked until his last arrest.

Bukharin was a retailer and co-editor of the first issue of the Great Radiansk Encyclopedia.

Stalin's meat grinder

Irrespective, it would seem, Bukharin's friendly sisters, reprisals did not pass him by. Stalin did not marvel at those who Bukharin supported yoga in the fight against Trotsky, Zinov'evim and Kamenevim. Josip Vissarionovich rozumiv, that Bukharin is a kind of authority among the party, especially popular with young people, and if he wants to, it’s unlikely that he can shove it, revenge, ale ... Being himself a human being, building on a reputation, the leader of the party of that power, suspecting success. Bukharin's misfortune among the nutritionists gave Stalin the opportunity to call Bukharin against the party and especially the opposite, Josip Dzhugashvili. Marveling at the numerical strata of the old Belarusians, his friends and associates, Mikola Ivanovich spoke of fear and wrote to the tyrant a numerical humiliation of the leaves with kayatts. The leader engraved him like a whale with a bear, pidbadyoryuchi and calm, and then ...

historical portrait

Rocky life: 1888-1938

Mikola Ivanovich Bukharin is a revolutionary, a prominent political and sovereign fiend, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic since 1929, one of the leaders of the Bolshoi Party of that First Radianian state.

In 1936, roci buv were not primed for repression and suffering. Rehabilitation is less than 1988.

The main directives of the activity Bukharin N.I. those results

One of the direct the activity of the bula party and the sovereign robot. Bukharin N.I. joining the party at 1906 roci, at 18 roki, having lost his vіddanim їy until the end of his life. Before the revolution, actively engaged in party work. Buv repeatedly arrested and for revolutionary activity in the field of insurance from the economic award to the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State University in 1910. Since 1911, fate - in emigration.

Behind the cordon, I got to know the leaders of the international robotic movement. In 1917, they took the most active part in the preparations for the Zhovtnevoy revolution. At the end of the hour of resurrection, I was the editor of the newspaper "Izvestia of the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee".

After the victory of the revolution, he embraced important party posts: he was a member of the Central Committee of the party, and from 19245-1929 he was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the party. For a long time he was the editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper (1918-1929), at the same time in 1919-1929 he became a member of the Vikonkom Comintern, an actual kerіvnik of the international robotic movement.

After the death of Lenin V.I. Vіn, order zі Stalinim, becoming one of the kerіvnikіv pії (1925-1929), pursuing a policy of peace, how little it is to bring to the modernization of the economy and the life of socialism. However, in 1928-1929, the fate of Yomu happened to be very anti-Stalinist opposition, the shards of the wine were suitable for Stalin's hard methods of ceramics, especially for the conducted collectivization and industrialization. In addition, Bukharin developed the theory of "promoting socialism in one country," as well as the theory of "incremental transformation of the kulak into socialism," which superchimed Stalin's glances. Bukharin was a symbol of support for the development of Stalinism in the 30s.

As a result of taking more posts, becoming a borrower of more modest plantings. Prote continued to actively engage in party work, taking an active part in the writing of the editors of the Constitution of 1936.

The life of the communist ended tragically: he was called to participate in the anti-radian law - the Trotsky bloc of 1938 and was shot.

The result of this activity- active participation in the revolutionary robot, in the life of the new radian state. Bukharin N.I. buv one of the party leaders, lenintsiv, for which the share of the country lay without a trace. However, after drinking wine from a number of people, whom Stalin V.I. going to the heights of power. Authority, intelligence, activity, practicality Bukharina N.I. - everything, having respected Stalin, became his competition. To that Bukharin N.I. having perished, like a lot of hundreds and thousands of people, ringing with the enemy, spying, actually being party people.

Іnshim directly activities Bukharin N.I. bula science robot. Vіn having created a lot of work on the theory of political struggle, economics. Tse takі roboti, yak: "Civil government and imperialism" (1915), "Theory of historical materialism" (1923), "Marx's exaltation of that yogo historical significance" (1933) and others.

Highly appreciated Bukharin N.I. Lenin V.I. In his famous "Leaf to the Star" he called him the greatest and most important theoretician of the Bolshevik Party. Popularity Bukharin N.I., yoga science practices bula near Russia, and far away її between.

Bukharin N.I. having spoken out at the class nature of the state in their own prac- tices , advocating the dictatorship of the proletariat, dorimuvavsya Marxist-Leninist glances. Vіn, like all the laziness of those epochs, having encouraged violence, vvayuchi that the state cannot exist without it, without dictatorship. Vіn vvazhav, scho "The sovereign primus stove under the proletarian dictatorship - by the method of life of communist supremacy". Under the concept of "primus" wine, including shooting, and labor bindings. These thoughts were drawn from the “Economic Primus in the Transitional Period” section of the “Economics of the Transitional Period” robot. Lenin V.I. told about this himself. writing: "The axis of the miracle split!"

If you talk about democracy, if you see "proletarian democracy", if you have the right to "expropriate expropriators", then democracy may not be for everyone.

Bukharin N.I. richly zrobiv for swaying, theoretically grounding the regime of the new socialist republic. As a result, he himself became a victim of the big-terrorist regime.

The result of the activity- Numerical practices, in which they were laid theoretical foundations encourage socialism, the principles of a new radianian arrangement.

in such a manner, Bukharin N.I. - One of the leaders of the revolutionary movement in Russia and the world, an active participant in the life of socialism. Calling yogo Lenin a "lover" of the party. Bukharin N.I. zavzhdy entering at the nearest corner of Lenin, that buv and Stalin. Speaking about the epoch of preparations for the Zhovtnevoy revolution, inciting socialism in the SRSR, the first years of the Radian power, one cannot help but mention the name Bukharin N.I., who is in the center of the political and state life of the country. After the rehabilitation in 1988, the party's vins were renewed, he was given the title of academician of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR.

Prepared by: Melnikova Vira Oleksandrivna

Mykola Ivanovich Bukharin
Mykola Ivanovich Bukharin
Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks 2 chervnia 1924 - 17 leaf fall 1929
Candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, 25 February 1919 - May 23, 1924
Nation: 27 Veresnya (9 Zhovtnya) 1888 Russian empire
Death: 15 February 1938 Komunarka, Leninsky district, Moscow region, RRFSR, SRSR
Pokhovovy: Shooting range "Komunarka"
Party: RSDLP (since 1906)

Mykola Ivanovich Bukharin(March 27 (March 9) 1888, Moscow, Russian Empire - March 15, 1938, Komunarka, Leninsky district, Moscow region, RRFSR, SRSR) - radian political, sovereign and party fiyach. Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1924-1929). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR (1929).

Activity of Mikoli Bukharin before the revolution

born Mykola Bukharin with my school teachers - Ivan Gavrilovich Bukharin(1862-1940) that Lyubov Ivanovna Izmailova (date of 1915) since 1893 lives near Chisinau, having worked as a tax inspector. Started at the 1st Moscow Gymnasium. After graduating from high school, he entered the economic department of the law faculty of Moscow University (1911, the year of inclusion for participation in revolutionary activity).
On the eve of the revolution of 1905-1907, at the same time, with his best friend, Illya Erenburg, taking an active part in student demonstrations organized by students of the Moscow University. In 1906, the roci joined the RSDLP, joining the Bolsheviks. In 19 years, together with Grigoriy Sokolnikov, having organized a youth conference in 1907 in Moscow, as a matter of course, she respected the Komsomol as a supporter.

In 1908-1910, he was a member of the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP, and worked for trade unions. At this hour, having approached V. M. Smirnov, she got to know her future squad N. M. Lukina. In chervni 1911, the fate of arrests and sendings for 3 years to Onega (Arkhangelsk province), the same fate from the sending. Transferred to the apartment of V. M. Shulyatikov in the documented documents. Then we illegally traveled to Hannover, and in the autumn of 1912 we reached the Austro-Ugric region.
Behind the cordon Bukharin getting to know Lenin, with such a good fortune, raising friendly stosunki. Having continued to engage in self-enlightenment in the emigration, you create like the founders of Marxism and socialists-utopists, and your co-workers. A particularly strong inflow of molding looked at Bukharin by pressing A. A. Bogdanov.
In 1914, roci, with an ear of the First World War, were arrested by the government of the Austro-Ugric region for suspicion of spying and hanging to Switzerland. In 1915, they moved through France and England to Stockholm. Moisha Dolgolevsky is alive in Sweden under a strange name. For the help of Bukharin’s squad A.M.

Until the rest of the hour, coming to the father, Mikola Ivanovich called himself that. Ringing at the door, you won’t catch the verdict, as you can already feel the yoga of contagious laughter: “Look, Moishe-Abe-Pinkus Dovgolevsky come!”

Irrespective of those that the emigrants were prevented from getting involved in Swedish politics, writing for the Scandinavian newspapers and taking part in the selection of the emigrant club, which the Swedish police respected as a representative revolutionary organization. On March 23, 1916, he was arrested at the apartment on Salmetargatan, de vin lived together with two other Belarusians (Yuri P'yatakov and Evgeni Bosh). At the police station, calling himself Moishe Dolgolevsky. After a few years of imprisonment at the quarter of 1916 hanging from Sweden to Norway, lives near Khristiyanії (Oslo), Copenhagen, from Zhovtnya 1916. - near New York (USA), de got to know Leon Trotsky and Oleksandra Kollontai and redaguvav (since 1917). at once from Trotsky the newspaper Novy Svit.
In 1915, having written the work "Light state and imperialism", I dedicated the analysis of the features of capitalism to the cob of the 20th century. Lenin wrote before her (which was not published before the revolution) an editorial and victorist in a number of positions in his practice “Imperialism as the newest stage of capitalism” (1916). On the other hand, in the discussion about the right of the nation to self-appointment, which broke out on the cob of the First World War among the social democrats, Bukharin spoke out against the position of Lenin and his followers (Zokrema, Stalin and Zinov'eva). Take a look at Bukharin and P'yatakov, who came to the new, Lenin called "a caricature of Marxism" and regarded as a relapse of the economy of the 1890s, which was connected with the inevitable revival of political nutrition in the economy.

Nick. IV. [ Bukharin] the economist who is engaged, and in what mi yogo was encouraged. Ale wine (1) docile to tiles and (2) diabolically unstable in politics. - From the sheet of Lenin to A. G. Shlyapnikov, 1916 (div.: PSS Lenina, vol. 49, p. 194)

After the Lute Revolution of 1917 Bukharin having negainally made a decision about turning back to the fatherland, he turned back to Russia less in the early 1917 year, shards of the barrens from Japan, and turned around through the territory. At Chelyabinsk, the government was arrested for agitation among soldiers and sailors.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

Theorist and economist Mikola Ivanovich Bukharin

In 1917, he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), after which he worked at the Moscow Committee of the Party and edited the other edition of the Izvestia of the Moscow Revolutionary Committee. In active propaganda work during the Zhovtnevoi revolution of 1917, occupying a radical leftist position. John Reed at the book "Ten days, as if they struck down the world" affirms that Bukharin, having respected "we live for Lenin." With a short break in 1918, the editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper was actually a good party ideologist. Preparing propositions for the nationalization of industry and the creation of economic management bodies in the country with the Greater Rada of the People's Government (VRNG).

In 1917-1918, he was the editor of the "left communist" newspaper "Komunist" as the leader of the "left" communists, together with the other "left" communists, as well as the left esers, speaking as against the signing of the world with the Germans in Brest-Litovsk radyansk delegation of Lev Trotsky, despite the continuation of the line of the light proletarian revolution. Pіznesh, pіd hour of іnizovyovo in 1923 Rotsky Trotsky about the fraud at the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b), Viskliva, PID PID Hour of the Conversation of the Brest Svikh Eseriv, the fate of Yoma Lenina on the Osniki powers. Lіvі eseri stverdzhuvali, scho tsey order zmozhe razіrvati dogovіr і continue the revolutionary war, Prote Bukharin encouraged to take the fate of the zmovi against the leader of the party and the state. A few hours later, after the signing of the Brest svit of transfers to the Bik of Lenin, the sign of which was the return of Bukharin to the landing of the editor-in-chief of Pravda. On spring 25, 1919, Bukharin became a victim of a terrorist act: he was wounded by a bomb thrown by anarchist terrorists at the premises of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) near Leontyevsky Provulk. As a result of the vibukha, 12 people perished in the Leontievsky Provulk, 55 were wounded.
In early 1918, having released a brochure that became widely known, “The Program of the Communists (Bolshoviks)”, in a theoretical way, he underlined the need for labor service for non-labor classes. After the publication of the work "Political economy of rent" and "Light state and imperialism" becoming one of the leading economists-theorists of the RCP (b). In 1919-1920, he was a member of the Vikonkom Comintern.

At the same time in 1919, the fate of Yevgen Preobrazhensky wrote the book “Abetka komunizmu”, as a year he saw it for over 20 years. In early 1920, having written (partially by co-authorship with Georgy P'yatakov) the robot “The Economy of the Transitional Period. Part I: The global theory of the transformational process. These robots were on the whole positively applauded by Lenin, who, like a prote, having taken into account that Bukharinim looked at the low level of food, not to Marxism, but to the “hard-boiled organizational science”, which A. A. Bogdanov was describing, and also criticizing the author for the over-the-top shove style of the book . Tsikava zhirtivliva Lenin's review of the book "The Economy of the Transitional Period", in a kind of parody of Bukharin's engulfed vocabulary:

Miraculous likenesses of a miracle book are recognized by dequalification, stink shards are limited by this furnishing, primo, that the author does not adequately fund his postulates ...
- Z "Recensio academica" V.I. Lenin on the book "The Economy of the Transitional Period"

In 1918-1921, all of Bukharin's works were written under strong opposition to the practice of "Viysk communism", but with a wide stagnation of the economic primus of the economy of the country. Typical quote:

From the perspective of the great for its size and historical scale, the proletarian primus stove in all its forms, starting from the shooting and finishing the labor service, is, paradoxically not to sound, by the method of converting the communist people from the human material of the capitalistic era. - "Economics of the Transitional Period", Chapter X

At the "professional discussion" of 1920-1921 Bukharin having taken a position, as he himself looked like a “buffer” between the main sides of the super girl: Lenin and Trotsky. Vіn tried to bring, that the differences between the participants of the discussion are based on incomprehensible and guess the super girl of a person, as if they call the bottle a glass cylinder, and a person, as they call that very bottle a tool for drinking. Lenin (having respected the position of Bukharin with a different type of Trotskyist) victorious butt of Bukharin with a bottle for the popular viklad, having looked at Marxism, they didn’t understand, at the same thought, Trotsky and Bukharin (Lenina’s blessing in the spirit of the glass).

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags svoїrezhennyam for diyalnistyu Bukharin, Lenin gave їy offensive characterization, that by the end of the year he gained wide popularity:
Bukharin not the same hut -nested, the ethnic theorist of the part, it is legally entangled in the loving of the second part, ale theoretical, look at the Great Smnish, the bouty of Marxist, dialectics).
- Z "Sheet to the Star" V.I. Lenina

At the first conference of Marxist-Leninist institutions near the birch, 1928 M. Pokrovsky, in his introductory additional povіdі, naming “two of the most wonderful suspіlstvoznavchi works” for ten years, which had passed in the hour of the Zhovtnevoy revolution: Lenina - “Power and Revolution” and Bukharin - “Ekon”. “In Bukharin,” T. Pokrovsky said, “without regard for deeds, forecasts that didn’t come up, the number of basic thoughts is low, like in the gallery of the political economy they may represent the same turn, like the Leninist book “State and Revolution” in the gallery of law.”

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

Struggle against Trotsky and rozbіzhnostі zі Stalinim

From the fall of the leaves of 1923, fate actively fought against the “Trotskyist” Left opposition. The death of Lenin on September 21, 1924, was a serious blow to Bukharin, who was one of the leader's closest comrades. Bukharin, having reacted to the death of the successor of the Radyansk state, we support those emotional animals of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). After the death of Lenin, he translated translations from a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee (2 Cherry, 1924) and became one of the most important clerics in the party of that power. Yak and Zinov'ev, speaking out against the opposition of Lenin's Zapovit. During this period, Bukharin became a close friend of Stalin, who in one of his conversations characterized the core members of the party in such a way: turned) to Stalin on “ti” and you, who called yoga at his vantahs, Stalin, at his back, calling Bukharin “Mikolasha” or “Bukharchik”). Bukharin gave his support to Stalin in the fight against Trotsky (1923-1924), Kamenev and Zinov'eva (1925-1926) and in the residual defeat of Trotsky (1927). For deakim tributes, cherubing Trotsky's bastion until the Virny 1928 fate.

Having analyzed the reasons for the failures of "military communism", Bukharin pretended to be an active addict of the new economic policy voted by Lenin. After the death of Lenin, he balked at the need to further carry out economic reforms in the direction of the NEP. At this hour, Bukharin, having hanged the famous fading out (1925), savagely to the villagers: “Get rich, save up, develop your state!” in their words). At the same time, Bukharin took part in the development of the Stalinist theory of "socialism in one well-taken country", which contrasted the idea of ​​Trotsky's permanent light revolution.
In 1928, standing up against the strengthened collectivization, propagating an evolutionary path, if the cooperation and the hromada sector (wealthy economy) step by step economically remove the individual state, and the kulaks do not accept the status of a class, but act with the inhabitants of the world. In the publication of Pravda’s article “Notes of the Economist”, Bukharin declared the only acceptable crisis-free development of the agricultural and industrial sectors, and all other approaches (we are facing Stalin) are “adventurous”. Tse, prote, superchilo Stalin's course for a global collectivization and industrialization.

Bukharin in disgrace

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

A week later, the Politburo sued Bukharin's protest, and the latter, in polemics, decided to help the general secretary "to take the line of galvanizing collectivization" by calling Stalin "an absurd despot". At the fall of the leaves 1928 The plenum of the Central Committee called the position of Bukharin, Rikov and Tomsky "ruling scum" (against Trotsky's "left slick").
September 30, 1929 M.I. Bukharin wrote a statement to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks with a drive to spread rumors about the new one. February 9, 1929 M.I. Bukharin, A. I. Rikov and MP Tomsky sent a joint statement to the Joint Meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Presidium of the Central Control Commission.

At the quarterly Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (1929), Stalin declared that "there are now special friends, now we diverge from him among the politicians." The plenum completed the "rout of the group of Bukharin", and Bukharin himself was taken from the settlements. Stalin, having proponuvaly recognized Bukharin for honoring, but in the end the unsatisfactory post of people's commissar, prote Bukharin himself asked to give him a quiet tenure of the head of the Science and Technology Department of Vishchoi for the sake of the people's state. Voroshilov writing on 8 chervnya 1929 G. K. Ordzhonikidze:
Bukharin thanked us not to recognize yoga on the People's Commissariat of Education and proponing, and then on the NTU. I celebrated yoga in tsoma, supported a few more people and more unanimously (against Kobe) we did yoga.

19 Chervnya 1929 Rock on the X Plenumi Ikki Vidbulo Usunennya Bukharyna VID post member of the Presidium Ikki, Yoma Bulo was pre -prone to the half -tint, “Clotted to the reference of the fact of all the billed rodchitae, more than the nerd.” Prompted to “repent”, on the 17th leaf fall, 1929, the fate of yoga was brought from the Politburo of the Central Committee. Some of the members of the Communist International, who supported the position of Bukharin, who were swayed by the members of the American Communist Party, were excluded from the Comintern, having established the "International Communist Opposition". But Bukharin himself has already recognized his pardon for the past ten days and declared that we are conducting “I am going to fight against all the tricks of the general line of the party, first for everything, against the right trick.” On the 17th anniversary of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1934) at his speech, he declared: “Obviation of the skin member of the party is the appointment of comrade Stalin as a personal inspiration to the mind and will of the party.” In 1934, transfers from members of a candidate to a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

Kerivnik and journalist. Bukharin and intelligentsia

Bukharin became one of the most educated representatives of the Bolshevik Party after coming to power. Bukharin was free to speak French, English and German languages. Everyday life is friendly and welcoming, having lost its accessibility to the splurge.

In 1929-1932 he was a member of the Presidium of the VRNG SRSR, head of the science and technology department. Since 1932 - Member of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Important Industry of the USSR. In 1931-1936, he saw the popular science and the community magazine Socialist Reconstruction and Science (SoReNa). Bukharin was one of the editors and a participant in the first meeting of the BCE. The foreign intelligentsia (Zokrema, André Malraux) has a small project to put Bukharin on the editorial board of the unpublished international "Encyclopedia of the XX century".

On September 12, 1929, he was elected a de facto member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR from social and economic sciences.

"The candidacy of comrade Bukharin is less firmly (lower Pokrovsky. - Note): formally, the academicians rely on the "journalistic nature of yoga robot", but in fact, in their own narrow circle, they are fighting against comrade Bukharin, as one of the champions of the Comintern, "you can create for the Academy if it's easier in її international payments", "lose її authority" too thinly. to this particular type Zabolotuvannya tsієї candidatures, you can vvazhat, what comrade. Bukharin will be reprimanded

The Politburo in Zhovtni 1928 informed the fate of the commission for the election to the Academy of Sciences

Since 1930, the head of the Committee on the History of Knowledge (KIZ), since 1932, the director of the Institute of the History of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, established on the basis of the Institute of History of Science and Technology, since 1932, having pinned his foundation in 1938, he worked as a director. Bukharin, propagating the theory about the possibility of a transition from the dictatorship of the proletariat to socialist humanism, speculating about the revolution in science as a wake-up call for revolution in the suspile.

From 1934 until the other half of sichnya 1937, the year occupied the office of the editor-in-chief of the Izvestia newspaper. In the fierce 1936, the party was reintroduced for the cordon to repurchase the archives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who had laid down the German Social-Democratic Party, who had taken the Nazis to a number of countries of Europe, after the Nazis came to power in Germany.

In the name of Bukharin, they tied over part of the intelligentsia to the expansion of the policy of the state for the most part. Warmly stosunki called Bukharin to Maxim Gorky (Bukharin's year to call the court at the clergy before Gorky was beaten); Osip Mandelstam and Boris Pasternak were helping in conflicts with power. In 1934 Bukharin spoke at the 1st rank of radian writers with a promo, deviously putting Pasternak high, and also criticizing the "Komsomol poets":

He sings a song of the old intelligentsia, who became the Radyanskaya intelligentsia… Original Pasternak… as a number of low lyrical pearls, and giving a number of deep revolutionary speeches.

The party, however, did not hesitate to cross the ledge. Bukharin took part in the posthumous campaign against Yesenin and that “Yeseninshchyna”, and his fate was rich in what was started by the internal party struggle with Trotsky (who spoke out from positive assessments of Yesenin’s creativity). In 1927, in the newspaper "Pravda" Bukharin published the article "Evil Notes", seen later in a book, de writing:

Yesenin's poetry is, in essence, a little peasant, who half pretended to be a "trader-merchant": at lacquer boots, with a stitched lace on a embroidered shirt, "bang" falls today to the feet of the "sovereign", tomorrow is an icon, the day after tomorrow. , and then we “spiritually” scold, weep, ready to beat the dog and raise the deposit at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra “for the memory of the soul”. Vіn navіt can hung on the mountains from the inner empty. "Mila", "know", "truly Russian" picture!

Ideally, Yesenin represents the most negative aspects of the Russian village and the so-called “national character”: scuffle, the most internal indiscipline, deification of the most recent forms of suspial life in fire.

Years ago, at the top of the first star of the Radian writers of Bukharin, I found out about Yesenin, “a twinkling harpist, a talented lyric poet”, although critically, but richly warmer, putting on a par with Blok and Bryusov the yak of “old” poets, who imagined a revolution in their creativity.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

Bukharin was caricatured, having captured the rich representatives of the Radian elite. Yogo caricatures of Stalin are respected by the single portraits of the "leader", depicted from nature, and not from photographs.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

In 1936, in the course of the First Moscow Trial (over Kamenevim, Zinov'evim, etc.), the courts gave evidence (immediately published) against Bukharin, Rikov and Tomsky, and they created a “right bloc” like no other. Bukharin found out about the damage to the other right, hopping at the exit in Central Asia. Immediately after the process, on the 1st of September 1936, Bukharin wrote to Voroshilov: “The cynic-driven Kamenev is the most powerful of people, human carrion. What shot dogs - terribly radium. Ale 10 September 1936 "Pravda" reported that the Prosecutor's Office of the SRSR pinned investigations into Bukharin and others.

Virok at the right Bukharin-Rikova-Yagodi, birch tree 1938
At the beginning of 1937, on the eve of another Moscow trial, against Bukharin, a new call was made to the magistrates' activities, and a full-time appointment was made against the arrest of Radek. At the fierce 1937 p. having voted the hunger strike against the presentation of Yomu, the call to accountability to zmovnitskoi activity, and after the words of Stalin: “To whom do you give an ultimatum, Central Committee?” - Having pinned її. At the Plenum of the Central Committee at the fierce 1937 of the exclusions from the party and 27 fierce arrests. Napolyagav on his innocence (zokrema on the sheets before Stalin); having written a note before the party, a kind of inspiration before us, like the 1980s, records of his squad from memory. Naprikintsі (at the inner v'yaznitsa on Lub'yantsi) worked on the books "Degradation of culture under fascism", "Philosophical arabesques", on the autobiographical novel "Pori", and also wrote poetry. None of the texts have been seen.
So that there weren’t any misunderstandings, I’ll tell you from the very beginning that for the world (suspility) 1) I’m not going to take anything back from what I wrote; 2) I can’t ask you for anything in this sense (and at the link with the cym), I don’t want blessings about anything that would lead to the right from quiet slats, like it’s going to be. Ale, for your special information, I am writing. I can’t live without writing the rest of the rows, more I’m in torment, I’m guilty of knowing about you.

1. Standing on the edge of the river, with no turning, I give you a word of honor before death, that I am innocent in these mischievous people, as I confirmed in the investigation ...

... as a great and funny political idea of ​​general cleansing a) at the call of the front hour; b) linked to the transition to democracy. Tsya purge zahoplyuє a) wine, b) suspected and c) potentially suspected. They couldn't get along without me. Some people eat like this, others - in a different way, thirds - in a third way. An insurmountable moment is those that people will inevitably talk one about one and forever settle one to one underestimation (judgment by myself: how I got angry at Radek, who got on me! In this manner, curiosity creates an absolute guarantee. For God's sake, don't think so, that I'm stuck here, let me think of myself. I’m spreading the feathers from childish feathers, that I’m smart, that great plans, great ideas and great interests are twisting my ears, and it would be dribbling to put nutrition about my own person in order from all-worldly-historical goals that lie in front of us on your shoulders.

But here I have a headache, and a headache, a paradox. 5) Yakby, I was absolutely stunned, that you yourself think so, then my soul would be more calm. Well, what! It is necessary so it is necessary. Ale believe me, my heart is drenched with a hot stream of blood, if I think that you can believe in my evil deeds and in the depths of your soul you yourself think that I have all the right wines. Then why go out? Why do I myself help to inflict low people (repairing from myself!), That I am obviously doing evil! Even so, nothing is true. And everything gets lost in my head, and I want to scream at the cry and beat my head against the wall: even if I become the cause of the death of others. What is work? What to work?…

... 8) Allow me, damn it, to go to the rest of my small passages: a) it’s easier for me to die a thousand times, it’s easier to survive the future process: I just don’t know how I will run into myself - you know my nature; I am not an enemy of the party, nor the SRSR, and I will destroy everything that is in my power, but I have strength in such a minimal situation, and heavy feelings seem to rise in my soul; I would, forgetting rubbish and pride, on the knees would be blessed, so that there would not be anything. But, maybe, it’s already impossible, I would have asked, if possible, to give me the opportunity to die before the trial, even though I know how suvorously I marvel at such a request; c) if you check the death penalty on me, then I beg you for a long time, I conjure directly to everyone, what is dear to you, replace the shot that I myself will spit in the cell (give me morphia, so that I fall asleep and do not fall over). For me, this point is extremely important, I don’t know what words I can know, for blessings about the same as about mercy: even if it’s politically worth nothing, we don’t know anyone. Ale, let me spend the rest of the seconds, as I please. Please! You, knowing me well, understand. I sometimes marvel at the clear eyes in the guise of death, just like that - I know well - that the building is on the good side. And sometimes I am such a winter, that nothing is left in me. Also, as I was judged by death, I ask for a morphine cup. I pray for tse ... c) I ask you to let me say goodbye to the squad that son. Daughter is not necessary: ​​Skoda її need to be, it’s important, just like Nadia and dad. And Anyuta is young, experienced, and I want to say the rest of the words. I asked you to give me a paternity with her until the trial. Arguments are as follows: like my homework, from which I know, the stench can lay hands on itself in the face of incompetence. I seem to be able to prepare up to what. I’m wondering what the hell I’ll do in the official interpretation ...
- from the sheet of Bukharin to Stalin, dated 10.12.37 p.

Bukharin was one of the main accusations (order іz Rikovim) at the trial at the right of the “Anti-Radian Right-Trotsky Bloc”. As may all other charges, acknowledging the fault and giving evidence. At his last word, having tried to sing the words to a new ringing. Hocha Bukharin, all the same, stating: "The greediness of my evildoers is worldless," in any particular episode of guilt, he did not directly know.

Literary-philosophical right Bukharin is like a screen, behind which Bukharin tries to hide himself in view of his residual vikrittya. Philosophy and spying, philosophy and shchidnitstvo, philosophy and sabotage, philosophy and driving in - like genius and recklessness - two words are not a match! I don’t know of other examples, - the first example in history, like a spy and hammering in a weapon of philosophy, like a forger, to dust your victim’s eyes in front of him, like crushing his head with a rose flail!
- A. Ya. Vishinsky on the ranking date of 11 February 1938 to the date of the court session at the right of the Bukharin-Trotsky block, op. behind the Judgment of the Bukharin-Trotsky process

On February 13, 1938, the Viysk Collegium of the Supreme Court of the SRSR found Bukharin guilty and sentenced him to death. The death of Bukharin was blamed by the members of the commission, who had decided Mikoyan, members of the commission: Beriya, Yezhov, Krupskaya, Khrushchev. The fussing about pardon was taken, and two days later they were shot at the Komunarka training ground in the Moscow region, where they buried him.

Not long before the shooting, Bukharin uttered a short message, addressed to the future generation of party workers, as a reminder of the third squad of A. M. Larin:
I go from life. I lower my head not before the proletarian sokira, as if I could be merciless, but rich. I see my shamelessness in front of the hellish machine, yak, crusty, imovirno, by the methods of middle-class, maє veletensky force, fabricating the organization of hardening, it is boldly inspired.

Dzerzhinsky, step by step, the miraculous traditions of the Cheka went down in the past, if the revolutionary idea was cherishing us with її deeds, true cruelty to the enemy, protecting the state from counter-revolution. The organs of the Cheka deserved a special dovira, a special shana, authority and respect. In this hour, in its greatness, the so-called organs of the NKVS are the organization of the idle, who have been born, the well-behaved officials, like, hardened by the colossal authority of the Cheka, for the sake of Stalin’s sickly suspicion, I’m afraid to say more, in the pursuit of orders to measure their glory instruct, to the point of speech, not wisely, that one hour you should be impoverished by yourself - history does not tolerate witnesses of vagrant inquiries!

January 21, 1938 N. I. Bukharin from the number of active members of that warehouse of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. In the "cult" film "Lenin at 1918 Rots" (1939) in one of the episodes, Bukharin was like a master of images, a kind of malicious swing at Lenin.
On April 13, 1956, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union praised the decision “On the conclusion of court proceedings at the right of Bukharin, Rikov, Zinov'ev, Tukhachevsky and others”, after which, on December 10, 1956, a special commission was appointed to rehab give me a fight." Bukharin, as and most of the convicts from this process, the crime of Henrikh Yagodya (not rehabilitated), only in 1988 (4 fierce) and in the same roci posthumously in the party (Cherven 1988) and in the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR (10 May) ).

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

The first ship of friendship since 1911 on Nadia Lukina (his cousin, sister of M. M. Lukina, who was also the cousin of Mikola Bukharin), with whom lived close to 10 herbs, and she was arrested on 18 n_ch. and shot on the 9th of Birch, 1940.
Suddenly (1921-1929) friends with Esther Gurvich (1895-1989). Vіd tskogo slubu - daughter Svіtlana (1924-2003). Tsya sim'ya called Bukharin as early as 1929.
Meet (since 1934) friends with the daughter of a party clerk Yu. Sin Bukharin as Anni Larina - Yuri (born 1936), artist; virіs at the child's house under the name of Yury Borisovich Gusman, they don't know anything about the fathers. Having taken away a new nickname, after the adoptive mother, Idі Gusman, tittsі the right mother. Nina wear the nickname Larin and in the father's way Mikolayovich.
Onuk Bukharin, Mykola Yuriyovich Larin (born 1972), dedicating his life to football. Ocholuє (as of 2010) child-youthful football school GOU Center of Education "Chertanovo" near Moscow.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

Create what is attributed to Bukharin

In 1924, the emigrant Illya Britan sang to the rock by publishing the brochure “Because I am a Bolshevik!!”, in which the text of the sheet, nibito otrimanogo from one of the letters of the big party, was written. The list of letters of signatures, but a bit widened, the author of the letter Bukharin. Near the birch of 1928, the French newspaper La Revue universelle published a translation of the sheet in a French language, under the heading "Boukharine: Un document sur le Bolchevisme." Deyakі historians vvazhayut that the author of this document is Bukharin. The sheet to revenge the borderline at the door of the vikrivalnі vyslovlyuvannya schodo diyalnostі kerіvnitstv bіshovikiv, zokrema it says:

We are experimenting on our people, like a medical student experimenting on a corpse, we are buying it in an anatomical theater.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

Roboti N.I. Bukharin

Political economy rent 1914/1919
Holy State and Imperialism 1915
The program of the communists (bіlshovikіv) - M., 1918.
(by co-authorship with Y. Preobrazhensky) Abeta to communism: popular explanation of the program of the Russian Communist Party (Bilshovik). - M., 1919.
Economics of the transitional period 1920
Theory of historical materialism 1921
Attack (collection of articles) 1924
Accumulation of capital and imperialism 1925
Syndicalism and communism // Schopravda. - 1921, 25 September.
About the revolution of the world, our country, culture and other (Report to academician I. Pavlov). - L .: Derzhvidav, 1924.
Statement of the XIV Moscow Provincial Party Conference // Schopravda. - 1925, 13th chest.
The struggle of new people. The role of personnel in the transitional period (from the end of Leningrad on February 5, 1923) // Bukharin N. Fight for personnel. - M.-L.: Young Guard, 1926.
Evil notes. - M: GIZ, 1927.
Economist notes // Schopravda. - 1928, 30 spring.
Darwinism and Marxism. Introductory article to the book "The Walking of the See" by Charles Darwin. - M.-L.: OGIZ-Silgospgiz, 1935.
Political economy of rent. – Orbita, 1988.
Study. - State Technical and Theoretical Education, 1988. - ISBN 5-212-00225-7
Choose to create. - M.: Politvidav, 1988. - ISBN 5-250-00634-5
Selected practices. - M.: Nauka, 1988. - ISBN 5-02-025779-6
Problems of theory and practice of socialism. - M., 1989. - ISBN 5-250-01026-1
Academician N. I. Bukharin. Methodology and planning of science and technology. Choices of work / Styling V. D. Esakov, Y. S. Levina. - M: Nauka, 1989. - 344 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-02-008530-8
Way to socialism. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1990. - ISBN 5-02-029630-9
Revolution and culture. - Fund im. N. I. Bukharin, 1993. - ISBN 5-250-02351-7
V'yazen Lub'yanka. Prison Manuscripts of Mykoli Bukharin. - M: Aero-XXI; RDTEU, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-91022-074-8
Before posing the problems of historical materialism (1923)
watch. Novel. Peredmova and commentary B. Ya. Frezinsky. - M: Progress, 1994.

Dialnost Mikoli Bukharin

In 1919, the rotation of Zolotorizka street in Moscow was renamed to Bukharinska, but after the arrest in 1937, the rotation took off a new name - Volochaevska.
Also, in 1929-1937, the Dzerzhinsky district of the Kaluz region was called Bukharinsky.

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