Who is the ram for the sign of the zodiac. Zodiac sign Aries: horoscope, meaning and description. Negative drawings for the zodiac sign Aries

11 Breast
  • Planet patron: Mars
  • Chinese horoscope sign: the Dragon
  • Lucky day: second
  • Folding day: Friday
  • Lucky number: nine (9)
  • Item: into the fire
  • Talisman: hammer
  • Colour: red
  • steward- Mars, in exaltation - the Sun, in the fall - Saturn, in the vignan - Venus.
  • Motto of Aries:"I myself." "Pragnennya".
  • Short description of Aries: positive, cardinal, human, strong, rickety, daytime, creaturely, fire sign. Keeping the world with initiative, zhorstok actions, dictatorship.
  • Features proactive, progressive, active, demanding.
  • Temperament inflamed, choleric.
  • Soul and mind with the overriding of the energies of Mars (diya) and Pluto (transformation).
  • Spirit and mind with the majestic importance of the energy of the Son (creativity).
  • The basis of the skygazer- Idealism.
  • In esoteric Christianity the sign of Aries was given to the Apostle Peter.
  • Aries colori: bright-chervony, carmine, orange, blakytny, buzkovy, raspberry and all bliskuch (violet color - not far).
  • Aries Metals: cold, steel.
  • Roslini Aries: glid, anemone (anemone), winter pea, violet, hair.
  • Aries Talisman: hammer, golden fleece.
  • Lucky numbers of Aries: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers that are subdivided by 9), 11.
  • Away days: Tuesday, week. Not far away days: friday saturday.
  • Expanding the ailments of Aries: ushkodzhennya that ailment of the head. Planetary dissonance can lead to ailments of the eyes, teeth, breath, central nervous system and brain. Schilnist to neuralgia, burning, wounded, rushing of blood and bloody, and also feverish. Parts of the head injury will require surgical intervention.
  • Aries Stones: sardoniks, amethyst, all red stone.
  • Stones of the Zodiacal sign, the opposite of Aries(Kamintsi Tereziv), perebovaya in dissonance with yoga in nature, they can blast well-being and life: diamond, beryl, eye spat, crystal, opal, tourmaline.
  • The best talisman for Aries the sichni will have garnet, the fierce birch will have amethyst, the sickle will have sardonyx, the chest will have ruby.

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

Aries: description of the zodiac sign, povna characteristic

Mars, the head ruling planet of Aries, to describe the sign of the zodiac active life, Bezpechuyuchi їs constant supply of energy, rolyachi їkh restless, nevgamovnimi, ambitious and superniks.

For the sign of Aries, there are no fenced-in priyomіv. Aries is often obrazhayutsya through razuminnya, scho do not think so, like a stink roar. Aries of power are folded in splintering, as often to anger them. You don’t understand the stench, it’s better to walk around for an hour, if it’s easier and more efficient to speak everything in disguise.

In order to look at the description of the character of the zodiac sign Aries, you can make whiskers for those who always want to be the first signs in everyone, to those who are most distant, it is often given that Aries is even his mystical sign. However, don’t get it right, the shards of Aries, flocking the first ones, don’t get hung up on their interests, like, for example, Capricorn or Cancer, but think about the interests of the rest.

Strengths- fearlessness, inquisitiveness, talent, good nature

Weak sides- Confidence, vpertist, greed, self-satisfaction, dominion

The symbol of the sign Aries is a ram, a creature, which reacts to everything with a blow to the head, the characteristic of the zodiac sign Aries shows what is leather, who is on the right with the sign, you know that the stench is straight and stubbornly go to your goal. Oskilki Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and to that fiery nature, which increases the activity of that building to the reach of the set goal. Mars and yogo patron Pluto may have a positive influx, the children of such people are inspired by others.

The latest description of the sign of the zodiac Aries shows that it is on the top of the other sign, carved by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio, which is often victorious wisdom, cunning and intrigue, Aries is the warrior, good, without fear and dokoru, ale and without hesitation, sho prag battles, for example, you won’t get the strength to reach you.

Looking at the description of the sign Aries, a woman and an Aries person, we can talk about those who, in the specialty of Aries, have a youthful youthfulness until old age, like bringing you a lot of roses, or allowing you to save optimism until the end of the day.

Analyzing the description of the horoscope of the sign Aries, you can develop a pleasant experience for those who want Aries, so that you can do it quickly, and you can rarely be patient. In order to finish them, the stench is often actively and enthusiastically repaired right, and then cooled down quickly to their results, giving hope to other ends and making a profit.

Pennies, career and the best profession for Aries

In addition, a lot of Aries start their careers early, often before the end without understanding their goals and bazhan, and also without recognizing what kind of profession they are suitable for Aries. Stinks are often demanded for the sake of less sticky and smart people, stinks of stench are overly idealistic and romantic and not homely, especially in youth, to the point of objective sprinyattya.

However, as a rule, Aries’ clear-cut expressions rarely remember their past negative experiences and often become trustworthy after many conflicts and failures, as they often call a wrongly chosen profession for the Aries sign.

The life of Aries' optimism is often explained by the fact that their interests are based on a material plan and may have a lot of talents and patrons. It is especially appreciated by the women of Ovniv from the profession, as it is appropriate for them to walk.

The best robot for Ovnіv is that, as she is tied to a great number of people, for example, to a theater or political activity, if the stench is in the center of respect, and the dovkola is full of hoary stares. To that, under the Sign, a lot of movie theaters, politicians, religious and community children were born.

If you can see what professions are suitable for Aries women, then we can say that a lot of women prosper in trade, insurance, internal work and embellishment of houses, as well as in rich areas, de may have special contacts with clients.

The horoscope of the profession of the Sign Aries shows that the people of this Sign are also designated as pershovіdkrivachі in rich circles of science; Bagato Ovnіv is not sufficiently deep in the understanding of human problems and mutually, the stench is broadly loyal to overwhelming.

Young people often get up to the beat from gentlemanly sponki, and young women also show fighting strength and naughtiness, like when they protect their children and loved ones, so in sports and on the job.

If you look at the professions of people of the sign Aries, then you will not have so many options, astrologers think they are not active enough, but the stench of the building will show miracles of practicality, choosing a bigger high-rise plantation. Aries love their independence, at the same time the stench is ready to throw everything and quickly turn to the call until it comes in handy or adventures.

Aries in love and social relationships

Vіdmіnna rіsa bіlshostі Ovnіv - tse zdatnіst collapsing in the distance, nehtuyuchi other failures, conflicts and problems. Navіt yakscho splkuvannya z Aries did not zagogodit, and vіn skrivdzhenii i angers, vіn zdatny shvidko forget about the coming day.

Often, this particularity is projected into the area of ​​​​feeling, to that, being left or else (on the right side of the kohanni) wine, it rarely spends a lot of time to think, or you fall into melancholy, spitting a person with Aries, showing that most of the time you have brought it just by chance, you can do it. then in another place you think about a new project.

One of the secrets of dealing with Aries lies in the fact that they love to be in the company and themselves often rule the ranks of the evening. Sound the stench of the good gentlemen, and even as a reminder that they themselves are not suitable for this role, it’s obligatory to know someone from their friends, building replacements, and themselves stezhitim for it, so that everything went well.

Greater Aries are noble in nature and cannot but come to the rescue of misfortune to inspire unfamiliar people. The people of Aries in the kohanna and other right, not respecting the utter rudeness, live the ogida to the whole vulgar, with all the brunt of it, the one who stinks is categorical in his thoughts, unstriking and rarely wins his sympathy.

Having poured in the energy of Aries, we give strong expressions to people who are narodzhenim during the period, I don’t need to go through the need for the authorities, the command, to rob them even more active, combative, impulsive and reckless for an hour.

With their behavior and emotions, energy and enthusiasm instinctively collapse, like an exercise of independence and unsatisfactory acceptance to take in the spirit of ambitious ideas. Regardless of the life of minds, that situation is greater than Aries in the kohanna to set high goals in front of him, the stench in his own mind can direct his initiative and enthusiasm in the necessary direction.

The sign of the zodiac Aries has love and life in nature, with taman goodness, fighting spirits, and also a native of honor: harmonious Aries always strives for words. However, sharpness is strongly embodied in this quality, as if it were in yoga childhood, otherwise we can talk about the spiritual degradation of specialness.

Yogo will can be broken and garrisoned from childishness, the shards are more swidden than warriors and impulsive, less passionate and static;

The disharmonious energies of Aries can turn into too much or not enough of the qualities described above: so, boldness, smut and power, can be transformed into brilliance or fearfulness. Tse mozhe statisa і z іnshimi rice character of the zodiac sign Aries. Clashing with such a person becomes even more foldable and important.

Most of the time, such dissonances can lead to haste, restlessness, super-fluffy vchinkiv, which zavazhivayut mіtsnim stosunki kokhanni, reaching meti, inspire unreasonable vchinkіv and violence, and in this way of energy saturate the people of despotism.

Symbol of the zodiac sign Aries: what does the image of Aries mean

The symbolic image of Aries ♈ ring out most often with the horns of a ram, which germinates with grain, a fountain, or water with a dagger, which b'є z-pіd of the earth.

The esoteric sense of the Sign is the path of evolution, the streak at the instillation, the Matter and the release of the purified, strong become of light. Tse spring, yak it is impossible to break, shards at the Sign, the principle of the transition from quantity to yakkost is laid down.

The energy of Aries is the energy of the Sun, fire, cosmic promin, which creates a turbulent whirlwind, which shakes the matter, organizes itself according to the laws of the Cosmos. This is the gift of divine life for the sake of life on Earth, the lamb God, the core of the spirit, was sacrificed on the vіvtar of Matter.

The sign of the architect by Aries - the Sonyachny Zhitta, the Robb Krok back in the іnvolutsiya, in the mother, the arrivals of the cloak of the Krokіv in the SVIT of the Spirit, the same in the Tsom sign of the Ekzaltatsky Sonzya - Tse 7 KVITYNE, Immaculate, if he is in vain Christian. , visionary principles.

Aries is the power field, the spiritual plan of buttya, which will block the space and the hour, which will show on the way to eternal life, to the greater principles. Therefore, people from the strong energy of Aries at the horoscope may be able to carry out cosmic principles in the life of equal equals.

Highly resounding Aries toil for freedom of action for the support of the greater laws and often come out of the blue, but in addition to the principles of the Evolution. It is the power of the gift of providence, the stench is superbly strong intuition.

The sun is in Aries from 21st Birch to 20th April. In nature, the period of the birth of a new life, the rebirth of the dewy world, the period of swelling of the nirok. Roslini is gaining a new impetus to the influx of the first transit of the Son. The same is the camp of the Son and people, which manifest themselves in volitional exercise, tumbling forward frantically and vibrating creative impulses. Harmonious development of forces allows Aries to make a quick wipe and cross that to make it easier to push through.

Celebrities Aries: Politicians, Science and Mitzis

  • Sovereign and political leaders: S. Kirov, A. Kozirev, D. Major.
  • Vcheni: S. Ilyushin, G. Agricola, P. Laplace, J. Four'e, St. Roentgen, St. von Braun.
  • Mitzi: M. Gorky, K. Shulzhenko, S. Raphael, I. Bach, F. Goya, A. Van Dyck, G. Mann, W. Van Gogh.
  • Sovereign and political leaders: A. Kollontai, E. Medici, O. von Bismarck, G. Koll, G. Kolls.
  • Suspіlnі i rіgіynі іyаchі: P. Robson.
  • Vcheni: N. Sklifosovsky, A. Yakovlev, R. Descartes, F. Fur'є.
  • Children of art: N. Gogol, A. Herzen, S. Rakhmaninov, X. Andersen, E. Zola, J. Fragonard, M. Pickford.
  • Sovereign and political leaders: Catherine I, P. Stolipin, N. Khrushchov, A. Lebid, F. Duvalier, E. Telman.
  • Vcheni: N. Przhevalsky, S. Hahnemann, W. Wright.
  • Children of the art: A. Ostrovsky, D. Fonvizin, D. Bidny, N. Gumilyov, A. Pugachova, Ch. Chaplin, A. France, L. da Vinci.
Categories: ,// dated 11/12/2015

> > Symbols of Aries

The symbol of Aries is the zodiac vistava (look below). However, the shards of the image are based on different interpretations, the images can be both simple and extravagant.

The astrological symbol Aries represents the head and horns of a ram. More often, a kіlka priklіv іn the most often used signs. The skin of them beats the equal world, so there is no “correct” version.


Under the understanding of the "zodiac" the creature's colo was disguised (wishing to find here not the most important facts). Representatives were copied for the first baby star in the older suzirs. In the main, those that were worked out by long-standing astronomers.

To that, although the sign of the beginning looks like a ram, there is no true form for the design of the image. This is a cosmic gra, at which dots (stars) will appear. In some vipadkahs there are alternative ways to form a wild concept.


Here vikoristovuyut be-like an image form, head to the profile. The design changes depending on the time of the day, as well as the surroundings of the artist. In our mood, the varto simply changes, because the vin is not similar to a goat, the shards are a sign of a different zodiac (Kozerig).

Below is the statement about Aries on the middle wood carving of the 16th century. Nothing seems to be the richness of the art (Hey, do you think the author is worried, like looking at the little ones after 400 years?!), Ale seems to be the main figures, like they have not changed for all the times of the century.

Stats dedicated to Aries

  • Features ;
  • Features;
  • Yak ;

Fire signs of the Zodiac are exuberant in character. Aries - tse isolation of the fire itself, passions and unpretentious stamina.

If this is your Zodiac sign, or having Aries calling you in the middle of your stake, learn about 10 unusual facts about Aries. Mustache 12 Signs are unique and may have their own peculiarities, and Aries is not to blame. Let us know who is Aries, how to recognize them, so they have the best chances to make friends and lovers.

Characteristic Aries

Fire temperament - that's it. Aries are sharp and flamboyant, but less so in singing situations. The majority of vipadkivs have good stench and receptionists.

Until the speech, about Rozmov, it’s not varto to compete with them. Don’t stand up for your thoughts, so that you won’t be able to change Aries and bring him to the wrong. Vіn zavzhdy right, zavzhdy charіvny i know everything about everything. Sit down, talk about life - be a caress forever, if you don’t end up in a war of welding - Aries start up more peacefully, but only until that moment, until you encroach on your freedom. If the stench does not fill you with a wet spot.

These dear lads know their own price, so do not fool them. Stay alert, keep checking for tricks. So, you stink yourself and believe in those who are charming, but do not obscure their minds. The stinks protect not only themselves, but also the weak ones. If a friend’s half or a friend of Aries is nazdoganyayut inaccuracies, then he will come to the rescue like a Batman, like a superhero, like a check for a dashing signal in his backyard. You can swear on them in a twisted situation, turn.

All the shows are worthy of both men and women. The men-Aries are merciful and virtuous, and the women are hot and sexy. Tse, perhaps, the most balanced Zodiac sign should have positive sides for both articles. Moreover, people and women, people under the influx of Aries, miraculously unite one with one at the kohanna, appeasing strength, burning down.

The sum of Aries with other Signs

We already looked at the love summancy of the Signs of the Zodiac more than once, but about Aries and look at the protilezhna, you can talk forever. Tsі pristrasnі kohantsі zdatnі pіdkoriti navіt impregnable heart. A woman can be vouchsafed to someone, and a man of the building can take a lady. People are aware of their vpevnenist and high energy.

Ale take away your heart and live with your love for a long time - these are two different speeches. Aries - maistri intrigues and ephemeral stagnations, but the axis of those who love them get along neimovirno importantly, more love madness Other signs are bad for them. Yak has already been said more, union Aries+Aries- Tse is just a love bomb. Such a slut to finish the mitzny and do not indulge in passions with fates. Two Aries are summed up, the shards will unite the susilla at the reach of the goals.

What suffices for other fire signs, then s supermundanely self-suffocating Left Aries will not be dear. These are two different and absurd people, two extremes of one and the same day. Aries is solid, there is more goodness in your heart. W Sagittarius there will be more chances to live with a friend richer fates - here the summіsnіst is richly beautiful. Striltsі not є aggressors, wanting to not give yourself a break. Aries tse pidide.

Oskіlki and zhіnki and cholovіki, narodzhenі pіd tsim Sign, however, їhnya sumіsnіst z іnshimi Signs is the same. Gnuchki Terezi help them to get calm and understand that life is not less than a war, but also a lack of trouble. Such a union will have few passions, but the dream will be very dear.

Vzagali, Aries needs to improve their sexuality. They hate routine and everyday life;

Aries is important to cheer up with your mind, wanting to be able to Bliznyukiv or Aquarius. Divi to challenge them with your wisdom, and scorpions eccentricity and napoleglivistyu. Vzagali. If you want to be like Aries, then give in that you are not guilty of cicavi. What we love less than Aries, is more suitable for you. It's pure truth.

W ribami or doggy style Aries know to understand by force. If you want to be sensitive, you can add harmony to your little girl. A z Tiltsyі Capricorns Union vide more partner.

Aries can be jealous of the troch, but it is not possible to bend the chicks, otherwise you yourself will be rotten, like a chick. Be honest with Aries, to that which people value the truth over everything in the world. Tell them that you are not in power, and it is possible for the stench to correct themselves. These people, for the sake of the unknown, are softness and hardness in one bottle, to which the love of the summation of them with other Signs fills the bagat of the best.

It is important for us to add that Avni is quick to know in life. These people are stable, with a fire temperament. Calling for the Sign of the Zodiac - tse robot, yak can be on the verge of traffic and right interest. Aries are natural athletes and traders. The stench can sell be-scho and be-to. We ask you to be enlightened about the signs of the Zodiac and do not forget to press the buttons

09.09.2016 07:20

Transfer the development of the vіdnosin and signify, what is your union's prospects, to help the horoscope of serenity. Schob...

Ruler planet:♂ Mars. Element: Into the fire.

Aries character

Aries is a born leader, and you can’t see anything. Already at the first acquaintance with Aries, you can literally see main feature which sign of the zodiac - unforgettable impressions in oneself and in one's rightness. Navit if Aries speaks, the skin yogi's gesture reads inner firmness and innocence. And if you want to speak up… Believe me, squabbling with Aries is not very promising on the right.

Well, the reason for this is simple: Aries is the first sign of the entire Zodiac stake, which symbolizes the birth of Life, the cob of all cobs. To this very fact, all the astrologers of the world inevitably compared the character of Aries with the character of the newly born child. On the first place of the All-world for Aries, stand your “I”. The whole world, on the yogo hard perekonannya, wraps around in a new way and may be swayed under the new. It is not surprising that Aries can simply not rush other people's needs and needs, but so reverently put themselves before their own.

Like not talking, wanting to, telling the whole world about it with its uncompromising cry, so Aries needs to declare about his duty, looking away from the despondent and navit the same Share of what, on your mind, to rule you. Yogo style - not shukati folded pants, but domagatisya bazhany by yourself simple ways. It’s not surprising, but such self-confidence often gives its fruits: and it’s reassuring, and the share of justice goes to his mystical Aries, helping him to reach his goal.

In the meantime, hisism and instill the self-suffocation of Aries by the great world are smoothed out by other “childish” rice. True, it is important to look at a person, as with such an unrelenting interest in the building of knowledge navkolishniy svit recklessly rush at the zahist of the weak, or take at face value all the words of your spy. Aries is generous and truthful, and always check for others of the same.

Vozgali at the vіdnosinah with Aries you can be sung in one yogo of priceless vigor: you don’t hold a stone in your bosom and don’t weave cunning intrigues behind your back. Vin is all in front of you, like on a valley: because yoga is not in power with you, I can tell you about it with frankness. As well as right to the right to the conflict, it is not easy to bring Aries into oneself - get ready for this raging and rapt spalah in anger, yaki, prote, go through so very quickly, like a grassy thunderstorm.

Do not hesitate to speak in your eyes everything that you think about them (but you are far from being able to receive speeches), Aries himself, like a child, in the soul, always knows, praises that praise. For all your innocence, the hour of the transcendental, you can even more painfully react to criticism at your address, and praise and inspire rude flattery of the building and vibrancy.

In the robotic Aries, always pragne to the leadership that was set, and ideally - to the recognition of that glory, and often reach your own. Vіn independent, energetic, in my brother's vіn vіdpovіdalіnіst, and period of failures yogo optimism and neimovіrna vіra it's impossible for you to give up for a long time. In other words, Aries is a natural kerivnik, and he has every chance to reach the very heights.

The element of Aries - Fire - endows yoga with optimism and passion. Yogo keruyucha planet - warrior Mars - nada yogo character rіshuchostі and energy.

Cheerful and truthful, active and napoleglivy, merciful and generous, out of the sense of justice, Aries is a right leader. Ignorantly on the crossroads, ready to go forward, paving the way for the team who follows. Yogo energy is boundless, so it’s like faith in itself, and you don’t get involved in taking everything from life in order to generously share with others.

Aries - tse fight. The sign is dry and sticky. Whether it be a planet (like the Sun and the Moon), sipping at the sign of Aries, showing the beauty of its nature aggressively. Aries - the cob of the cob! Tse osyayannya, idea and sleep, mitteve transparency, tse thought, that vinyl.

  • Motto of Aries:"There, de reshta tackling, I press on the gas"
  • Far away are the days of Aries: second, week.
  • Not far away days: friday saturday.
  • Aries numbers: 4, 7, 9 (and all that are divided by 9), 11.
  • Aries colori: blakytny, buzkovy, yaskravo-chervony, raspberry, orange; the violet color is not enough for the representatives of the sign.
  • Aries Quote: violet, hair, winter pea, anemone.
  • Aries Talisman: Golden fleece.
  • W lottery common numbers: 7, 12, 17 and those combinations in any order.
  • Aries symbol: a ram with backward-curved horns.
  • Aries Element: into the fire.
  • Aries temperament: choleric.
  • It's time for rock: spring.
  • Planet ruler of Aries: Mars, Pluto.
  • Wignanne: Venus.
  • Exaltation: Sun.
  • Fall: Saturn.
  • Key values: idea, inspiration, creativity, supernaturalness, energy, mity.
  • Anatomical appearance: head, skull bones, cerebellum, cerebellum, central nervous system, apple eyes, zorov's nerve, auditory nerve, organs of hearing, organs of smell, teeth.
  • Draw the character of Aries: smiliness, activity, rіshuchіst, rashness, rashness, energy, gentry, honesty, prudence, orderliness, virility, gracefulness to leadership, bazhannya buti in the center of respect, aggressiveness, rudeness, lack of tact, selfishness.
  • Situations: beating, super-girl, defending yourself and your loved ones (by flaming the situation, yak vymagayut courage), zmagannya, speaking out in front of the audience, suffocation, wine-drinking, creative process, pershoprokhidnitstvo, leadership.
  • Zha: ptah (especially cock), licorice and gostry peppers, tomatoes, citrus fruits (especially oranges and tangerines), cibulya, chasnik. Berries: blackberry, ozhina, honeysuckle. Vegetables: potatoes, carrots. Greens: krip, anise, parsley, cumin, lettuce. coriander.

Whether a horoscope shows the sign Aries, it’s vipadkovo. Aje day spring day vvazhaetsya astronomical ear of spring, and Aries stand for the first place at the zodiacal stake. Aries are reminiscent of the other signs of the zodiac, the stench is in the center of respect and rarely faces difficulties. The spring sign of Aries is the leader behind the vdacheyu, yoga is not lakayut overshkodi, navpaki, problems will rozburhuyut Aries, and vіn pragne ahead. Aries rarely pay respect to the thoughts of the otochyuchy, even if people, people under this sign, try to bring themselves to the stink of the best.

The symbols of this sign є: deer, ram, green and red and yellow squares. The talismans of Aries from old, long ago, the golden fleece, and the hammer are venerated. You can see emerald, ruby, amethyst and krivavik before the happy stone Ovniv, so the list includes diamond, aquamarine, heliotrope and moonstone. From roslyn, the most important for Ovniv will be glid, winter pea, windmill, violet and hair. Away days for Ovniv - on the second of that week, and from the days not far away it is customary to honor Friday and Saturday. Don't forget about warto lucky numbers Aries - before them numbers are seen, which are nine.

Aries - give people

People who appeared in the world from 21 Birth to 20 April proudly call themselves Aries. Aries, people from 21 birches to 31 birches, change under the influx of Mars, they stink especially in the air, it’s true, lads, like they mark the day of the people of this period, because aggressive ones often become indisciplined. Important fates for birch Aries - 15, 30, 45 and 75.

Aries, narodzhenim from 1 to 11 April, opium Mars and the Sun - a private creation of proud and gentry. Ovni zdatnі know how to get out of a difficult situation, stink to love to command and easily manipulate people. Vіk, at which Aries reach success, those are the most important fates of their life - 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60 and 76.

Venus and Mars, like Aries of the third decade (from 12 to 20 April), endow them with serenity and impulsivity. People, people in this period, are not similar to the birch Aries - the stench is calm, chosen and smart. Important fates - 15, 30, 36, 40, 60 and 66.

First birch, and last night Aries are overly ambitious and up in the air. Impulsiveness is often a thing of rashness. Ovni stovіdsotkovі ekstraverti - stinks are ready to stray into adventures and may always come out dry from the water.

Aries - characteristic

Aries is ruled by Mars. The planet is named in honor of the god of war, it gives Aries a richness of riches, we are in front of the ardor and energy. The element of Aries is fire, which is vvazhaetsya by the engine of the world. Fire gives Aries strength, addiction and vitality. Up to the pluses of Ovniv you can see your eternal busyness - Aries are restless and impatient, the stench of enthusiasm is thrown into new enterprises. It’s true, Aries are coldly chilled, and with such a fit they know the devil’s adventure, throwing a rose to the right on pivdoroz.

Aries of individuality, it is important to remember them. The stench of mittevo hoards the essence of the manifestations and always shy away from the correct visnovki. Ale, a light-hearted character, often misbehaves Aries - they either love or hate. Navkolyshni zavzhdy zapylyuyutsya bezperednistyu Ovnіv, and no one is left with baiduzhim. Aries to shy away everything, so that their life will be bright and clique. Clash with the representatives of the sign without stupidity, and navit unsafely - Aries all the same insist on their own, navit will be inspired by the fact that the stench does not think of the race.

Aries are natural conquerors, and never relax - more often pardons and failures, less tedious and gloomy life. The impatience of Aries is often the leader of unhandedness, and even exercising to leadership can lead to self-destruction. Ale Aries vmіyut analyze - stench correct the pardons and rush far away. The fires of Mars are good with metal and fire, but it’s unlikely that Aries will take the profession of a metallurgist or a brewer - the stench of satisfaction sit at the director’s chair, and take care of the process, commanding the assistants. Aries to be friends from a penny, but they need them not for comfort, chi roses - power, the axis that attaches fire lads to us.

If Aries suffocate, then you can be sure that the stinks will enchant the fire in a short term, ale bida: go until tomorrow Aries is unlikely to zumiyut, even light signs of fire will cool down in a couple of days. Aries, not respecting their own victories, are confident and trustworthy. Truthfully, no one thinks to deceive Aries - the subdivisions of Mars, the floorings are wide and wide, which they are often leveled with by the whimsical children. It’s not safe to tear the stosunki with Aries - the fires of the fold can be superbly guilty (the podium will be beautiful and scary). It’s better to catch up, if Aries has a toy, and spin a new romance. It is rare for someone to dare to part with Aries for good will, even if they are the most famous signs of the zodiac.

Person Aries

The Aries man has a nameless magnetism. Vіn strong and rіshuchy - like a lad of fire, thinking about it, you can not doubt that you can reach it. The man of Aries can become a garniim sіm'yanin - he is able to earn money, well with children, that stosunki with mustache relatives. Ale, the vihovanets of Mars is not so ideal - the wine is suffocating and hooting, and the squads have a chance to report chimalo zusil, to save the hundred dollars. Aries does not go to the razryv - not respecting the lightness, the man of the fire is strong, before that, the new one has a little bit of clothing.

The lad Aries fights, but the wine does not go out with a saber - a man can fight the fire with a word. It’s easier for people to get along with Aries, even if it’s absolutely marvelous to compete with a fiery lad. From Ovnіv miraculous bosses come out - the rulers and strimki pіdopіchnі Mars zdatnі reach success in the most disastrous enterprise, to the point of speech, the very cim of Avni is busy with all life. The stench knows the death on the right, they reach success, and they immediately move on to the black bankrupt factory, or the company that went bankrupt. Aries is not able to lie, but it is not necessary for him to do so - arrogance, intelligence and arrogance help to vibrate from a hopeless situation.

Cholovik Aries behind the rock of the people

  • Aries-Schur. Strimky and aggressive, zukhvaliy and active. Aries-Schur building reach be-yakoy meti, without reporting special zusil, even your intuition literally goes off scale. This man is sensible and cunning and always knows what he wants. Patsyuk is not in the dark, and I think about the future. We passed the heads of our competitors, and I can’t remember, the scrips of the skrydzhenikh superniks were lost behind his back. Women love this lad - they break their hearts, and, flirting, they fall far away. It is natural to s_kav_st shtovhaє Aries on thoughtless vchinki, ale vin n_koli not shkoduvateme about pardons or blunders.
  • Aries Bik. Ambitious and ambitious, pushing and vperty. Aries-Bik never knows his wrongs, even if he is proud and independent. This person fainted a skin detail of his plan and rarely allowed a pardon. Aries-Bik is easy to get along with people, but with the same ease of vines they are separated. Do not recommend Durity Bika zirka - the lad learns nonsense from a mile away, and the liar will not say hello. At the meeting with the women, the Vihovanets of Mars can be naїvnim - Aries is ready to rush to the registry office on the day of acquaintance. Bik does not bless the part of the rozcharuvannya - the guilt of the upheavals, so after a dozen unfortunate lovers you should not be spared.
  • Aries Tiger. Vibukhone safe sumish - Aries-Tiger is flamboyant, non-tomny and strimky. This person does not know the rules, and whether it is a perestroda, give strength to him. Aries is superhumanly good, and the heat of supernativity is in the blood of a new one. The tiger is a lover of women, and in his collection there are thousands of broken hearts. Aries-Tiger is not against standing on the podium, but without praise of wine falls into depression. This person is sickly to the point of being overwhelmed, he is mistrustful and irritable. Thy bones do not respect the Aries, but the Tiger will overcome life. The fire of the element gives the Tiger self-confidence - if you will be wrong a thousand times, all the same you will follow the new one on occasion.
  • Aries Kit (Rabbit). Communication and fun, kmіtlivy and inquisitive. Aries-Rabbit can be a wonderful friend and a wonderful partner. Ale stosunki come to an end, like a lad of intelligence, that they try to manipulate. With women, Aries behaves like a baked ladies' man, but if a woman is abandoned, she does not feel abandoned - Rabbit dbatime about a friend, even if wine is superbly vidpovidalny. Aries-Kіt hate the change of the zvіnu way of life, but the prote does not care for you to shukati new suits - to wind a lad in the hotel room with a quiet nest, and you will feel like home.
  • Aries dragon. Self-singing and kmіtlivy, temperamental and prejudiced. Dragon, maybe, the most privileged person among the decision of Aries. You're not a smartass - now boast, because everything is so enchanted ?! The dragon can be considered independent, but under the mask of cold-bloodedness, the lower kohanets hovers - it’s not surprising that for the sake of this laugh, women are ready for anything. Aries love a more comfortable life, and always look like that, nibi yogo was asked for a photograph. Few people know that the Dragon can save on food, or buy a suit or a crib - for those who are crazy, a butt for inheritance.
  • Aries-Snake. Wise and naїvny, prudent, ale trochs of rozіyany. Aries can be idle, but in reality, they collect information and get ready for a big scam. Reformation - the element of Aries-Serpent. Wine is constantly drawn to the new, and wine is constantly being found. Aries to love the power of love revolutions - women are not up to like it, but a weak person should endure a man, and forgive him all sins. The serpent of nature is the organizer - whether the NATO follows the Aries, and wins all the shows. Ale Aries often forgets about his successors, and switches more busy.
  • Aries-kin. Sportive and practical, friendly and positive. Kіn vіdіznyаєєєs vіd іnshih Ovnіv vіtrivаlіstyu, even though the stench whispers vibrancy to the soul, tsey іn boldly reach goals. Aries can be hisstical and intolerant, but if you happen to choose between your well-being and the comfort of your loved ones, you can do everything to make your relatives happy, and then you will worry about yourself. A fire stallion rarely changes partners, and women can invest in Aries in the most difficult situation. Aries-Horse has a little weakness - he is grave, and he is ready to lower the camp in one evening.
  • Aries-Goat (Vivtsya). Neat and pedantic, conservative and intrusive. This man got two rams, and he didn’t go down the wrong path, and beat his head against the wall (to wind the concrete). Ale Aries-Baran in the army of the check, and start building the right moment - a stubborn lad can achieve good results in political and creative activity. With women, you can not be happy, prote life is the creed of Aries: the road is healthy only for the one who goes. If a little rozcharuvan, the stubborn bastard of Mars knows the face - and if Aries is drunk, then you can’t show your wine.
  • Aries-Mavpa. Cunning and sprytny, good-natured and respectful. Mavpa zavzhdi in Russia, wine is constantly consumed in the new situation. You can get away from the side, what a lad will come in handy, and you can’t live without adventures. In truth, everything comes out by itself - the nature of shtovhaє yogo on thoughtless fillings. Aries-Mavpa is a miraculous manipulator, he is a miraculous boss, and he was supposed to not understand what to fool and lead by the nose. With women, whose number does not change, that Aries and not how cunning - chanting at the new rich, and if it doesn’t add up in one, then it’s definitely not the same.
  • Aries Piven. Bullying, ale naїvny, self-singing, ale lagіdny. Like two words, then Aries-Piven is walking around. This lad can spend months vindicating an idea and throwing a wind through a little misfortune. The share is prihilna to Pivnya, and yogo plans fall into life without suspense. Aries easily flutters through life, and does not attract to the new representative of the opposite state - the women of God's will, and they try hard to achieve this roztashuvannya. Ale Piven will not require serious vodnosin - flirting, romance, but then we will, and we will be sorry (for goodness sake, you can get along with a civilized hat).
  • Aries-Dog. Virniy and supremacy, honesty and vidpovidalny - these are the best characterizations of the Aries-Dog. Ale, having poured in the fiery element, signs are given - lightness to stand in the first place, and the Dog often rob thoughtless vchinki. This lad doesn’t have time to analyze his blunders, even if he’s so calm for a long time. The most important topic for dogs is women. Yakby is not in love with a robot, Aries disappearing at parties and parties, de rich of garnih and free ladies. Ale Aries do not mind saying goodbye to bachelor lives - vin mrіє pro spadkoєmtsіv, that friendly motherland.
  • Aries-Pig (Boar). Reckless and cheerful, simple and kind. At the head of the Boar, the wind is walking, and the heart is in new gold. Aries is ready to rush to the rescue, be it a whistleblower, and it doesn’t matter who, having turned to the new one, is an unknown susid, or a classmate. The boar does not like to discuss for a long time, wine is a person. In Aries, fantastic ideas are born without a break, but not in the dark, but in the air, indulge in your plans. Tse privablyuє zhіnok і skin mrіє articles for Boar Muse. Ale Aries is superbly over-the-top - the lady of the heart is guilty of the mother of accumulating traits (the list is kept by the lad).

Woman Aries

Fire women are communicable and sociable, but stench does not try to cope with the enemy (the stink is just intoxicated by its charm). Let the fire burn, and there are a lot of shanuvalniks in them, and Mars’ plumes flutter from the roof to the roof, admiring and vibrating. The girls of Aries do not get stuck on their own, around them the people constantly change, ready to serious withdrawals. Women of whose sign can be good gentlemen But the stinks never forget their career in the kitchen joys. However, if a woman of Aries eats a man who puts her on a pedestal, then a fiery lady, maybe, will be good enough to pamper her household with pies.

The vocabulary of the women of Aries does not have the word "Failure", and the stench in no way comes before the transitions. The igneous women have nedolіki - Aries are intolerant and light, so the stench often slackens thoughtless vchinki. Ale, while other signs of the zodiac are miserable in the past, Aries are swiftly rushing forward, and new heights are being lifted. The women of Aries do not blame the one-man work and constantly joke around for their talents. Pіdopіchnі Mars prirodzhenі pіdpriєmnitі, i zdatnі zaroblyati pennies literally z poіtrya.

Woman Aries for the fates of the people

  • Aries-Schur. Lower, ale powerful, lagni, ale intransigent. Everything can be folded but shattered negainally - with the motto of Aries-Shchuri go to life, and forever reach success. Golovnі risi ognyanyh krasun - punctuality and zdatnіst accept bliskavichni decisions. Aries rarely podkoryayutsya, and tse zavdaє їm chimalo problems, especially in a special life. Ale Shchuri will not be embarrassed, even on the їhnіy vіk zalitsyalnikov vystachit, you can not hesitate. May all the Aries are cunning and guilty, but it’s impossible to be angry at these lovely ladies - people are ready to endure the primhi Shchur, and beat the hell out of it.
  • Aries Bik. Independent and independent, tolerant and vrіvnovazhenі. Miraculous bosses come out of the fireballs, stench of the building is rewarding with partners and competitors. If you don’t want to talk about competition, there are legends about the business acumen of these business ladies. Lady Bik becomes sentimental, especially on the right, there are a lot of romantic vіdnosin - in the case of one ticket, Aries can cry, and even after a sleepy review of melodramas, it will be enough to see the registry office. Compete with Bikami marno, and it’s not safe - Aries will still insist on their own, and from a hundred women they will be hopelessly zipped.
  • Aries Tiger. Revolutionaries, activists and just beautiful. Aries-tigresses do not know the crossing code, and go straight ahead. The stench does not commemorate any crooked competitors, or zazdrіsnyh comrades in the service. Zhittєve credo Tigress - weak can give up. With such a motto, Aries reach great results, but these women have shortfalls. Tigers are gentle on the forest, and often have mercy on people, taking hypocrites for friends. With shanuvalniks, they don’t sling like that - at the romantic right of the Aries-Tigris, you will always win, and the prince will always become the prize, or to the extreme edge, the oligarch has died.
  • Aries Kit (Rabbit). In the world of ambition, modesty and thinness. Guts love to be at the world's sunsets, and for the sake of bachiti to be a fashionable party. Rabbits love to talk, sometimes they weave intrigues, but to shy away so carefully and tactfully, so you don’t suddenly suspect Ovniv of deceit. Guts rarely come out of jealousy, stench themselves rob friends and partners. With a love sphere more folding - zakohani Aries of the building spend your head in an innocent flirtation, and are ready to blast your mind for the sake of a sumnivny romance. Ale survive and cry Aries do not become - the stench can land on its paws.
  • Aries dragon. Warriors, Amazons and jokers are useful. If the Dragon doesn’t wander half a moon, and doesn’t wave its beautiful wings, it doesn’t mean that it’s given up - Aries just wins, and the axis-axis of the vіljuvat napoleonіvska plans. The Aries-Dragon is unimaginable, and it costs all spheres of life. Little dragons achieve success in any profession, but in romantic and love rights, they are not equal. Aries support any person, and if you try to lean on it, then you will be taken as a curse. Ale lads and don’t think about swinging the law - buti fights Aries-Dragon in the world, be it.
  • Aries-Snake. Roses, beautiful and forever young. Serpents chase after their own call, and look like a magazine divi in ​​any case. There are legends about the steak of Aries, even if they are wise and numbly penetrating. The plan is to have pennies for the Aries-Snakes, and the women do not report any special zusils. The Serpent has a small weakness - love to stink to climb in, and shine at balls and secular receptions. Serpents don’t go crazy at the bakery, they don’t stink as tidy-ups and secretaries - that’s the kind of practice that’s been recognized by them as princesses and queens (and the princes and kings were already dressed in black).
  • Aries-kin. Cheerful, life-giving and good-natured. Cognacs easily jump through life without worrying about tomorrow. Often, Aries is married to patience, and the stench can switch from a loved one to a foolish fool. Sered Konyachok doesn’t spy on summaries, but old maidens with low self-esteem. The mane of the Horses is forever combed, and fashionable sandals flaunt on the hoards. As soon as Aries become bankrupts, nothing is known about the price - they exchange oats for cloth and beat for the chergovu svіtsk vechirka. And the dead millionaires win, accept, the horses do not marry chanuvalniks.
  • Aries-Goat (Vivtsya). Artistic and sensible, sensible and winery. Kіzochki are the most optimistic girls among the women of Aries. Sometimes Kozi start to sting for a share, but if not varto viriti їm - they play the devil's role. Aries do not like to command, prote їх without kintsa hang on the kerіvnі plant. Irrespective of the lack of evidence and lightness, Sheep-Aries trim everything under control and rarely have mercy. Have mercy on the kohanna Aries, and from Kiz there are beautiful squads and wonderful mothers. Ale, for women, it’s easier to hear for the sake of their girlfriends, and more to trust your man.
  • Aries-Mavpa. Shalenі and sly, cunning and comrades. Ovni-Mavpi are intellectuals, they have garni manners, and they can shine in any kind of suspіlstvі. The ladies are always friends, but the ill-natured tezh are vistacha - Aries gostrі on the tongue, and hot Mavp often become imaginative. Mavpochki easily reach success in politics - zavdyaki zv'yazkam іz vplivovymi people rams podnіmayutsya kar'єrny gatherings, and navіt do not pomіchayut ruined competitors. Mavpi is unrecognizable, however, they have an over-the-top rozvinen shoste almost - the very intuition utrimuє Aries in the form of vague and unsafe acquaintances.
  • Aries Piven. One day to go back, and one day to mourn in the mist - with the phrase “Pivnyata flutter life, and do not turn respect for negativity. Competitors bypass Ovnіv side - sir Pivnі fighters against the people, and call them more dearly. Ale to cook the fire, the lady does not love - the stench of the genius of compromise, and ready to sacrifice krills, but do not destroy the trendy light. Fortune loves Aries, and often throws surprises to Pivniki - Mars's children could call themselves lucky, yakbi not one moment. They can't possibly know the right way - it's not so easy for Aries-Pivnyam to fit in.
  • Aries-Dog. Vidpovidalny, ale forgetful, kind, ale trochic cynical. Dogs stand firmly on their feet and must know what is necessary for them to be happy. And for happiness, the ignited ladies need rich - good job, mіtsna homeland, that calm land. As for the kind of activity, Aries are already marked in the youthful years and quickly croaked by car's gatherings, then with the choice of work folding. Dogs are too powerful, and they won’t be able to marry the first zustrіchny prince. To save Mars with the succes of pidopichny Mars - nothing can be compared with the enchanting Dogs, that’s why, even Avni has finished it with the gift of reconciliation.
  • Aries Pig. Cute, good-natured and funny. Pigs don’t succumb to summative thoughts, but it doesn’t mean that fire dames can’t suffer and suffer. Aries relatively prihovat their feelings that emotions, even the Pigs, regardless of their life-radius, superficially indifferent that lower fold. Aries-Pigs are magnanimous and generous - they are ready to give all their protection, either to help the back, or to betray a bankrupt friend. These women have a lot of great faces, but Aries are bred to choose a partner - the man of the Pig will become the kindest, most beautiful, and most obviously, the most intelligent shanuvalnik.

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