Why is it so important to separate after long centuries? What a job, like a lad is chilled (06/16/2016). Rush far away after serious stosunkiv

Pochatkova vtrata chi vtrata doviri lead to the fact that the foundation collapses at the vіdnosinakh: go a little bit of protection, arrogance.

Dovira Ruinuє jealousy (primed for no reason), or knowing that the partner does not win his obіtsyanok, or else, it’s more like a cool cocktail of pіdozrіlostі that image.

Undoubtfulness is a painful reason to bet: prove it, drink it up, don’t accept it, you’re constantly being deceived, that you’re taking all the juices, feel guilty, cheating on your partner’s freedom, as if you could harm your career growth and that social interaction.

2. Life goals

You understand that it is impossible for a long time to run in one harness, as if you were pulled in different sides. Like the lives of partners in the everyday rank, they don’t melt and don’t stick, the stench can’t evoke long-term blues.

Some stosunki navit zavazhayut one of the partners to collapse to the goals of that life the way you want to.

3. Violence

Thoughts about physical or sexual violence fall on a thought. Ale, krіm tsgogo, є emotsiyne violence, traumas like to go where it was more important and more important, lower sintsі on tіlі.

Signs of emotional abuse:

  • Try to control your partner more.
  • Verbal humiliation: image, that post-criticism is ungrounded, the words are unimportant.
  • Demonstration of the power of that power with the method of calling the partner fear.
  • Overworldly jealous, and not only for people, but also for work, goals, hobbies.
  • Ochіkuvannya, that the partner is a servant and vikonuvatim all the favors.
  • Partner manipulation.
  • Allowing the partner the right to vote for the hour of making big decisions.
  • Try to isolate your partner from relatives, friends, vzagali from life poses like a pair of blues.

If we are talking about violence, it seems that a person can act in the role of evil. However, well, not bad. Women do not often demonstrate physical violence, even if it is May in the afternoon, then they can manifest themselves in psychological violence in all farbs.

4. Oshukanі ochіkuvannya

We are happy, if everything seems to be so, as they said to me, it’s more beautiful. I am unfortunate, if reality is shown as a cost for stunning. Oshukani ochіkuvannya, pov'yazanі z partner, lead to discord that aggression, like a new one and wriggle.

Our head has an image of a partner, on a new wine it’s like that, like mi want yogo bachiti. It’s a pity that the kohana person hasn’t been told about this picture and it’s unlikely that you want to crawl out of the shkir, so that you can confirm it. And if you are honest to the end, then you are not guilty of confirming what you yourself invented.

However, we do not overwhelm our hopes, all the same, we “make” the partner to the ideal. Sounds like a thread of dissatisfaction, criticism of everything that a partner wants to do, ignoring his reach, because they don’t fit in the picture I need.

5. Fallowlands, with which one does not dare to fight

Tі, scho to make life unbearable: alcoholism, drug addiction. Without a doubt, if problems are just born, the supporter of a kohanoi people can help to get into them. But, unfortunately, often they don’t help anything, until the person herself sees that it’s necessary to fight.

Dodamo sudi pathological staleness vіd a lot of kohan otherwise, kokhanіy, the struggle for any kind of future, more for everything, is run out, but you didn’t put a lot of energy and strength into it.

6. Vіddalennya, nudga, zvichka

Different goals and problems with splintering lead to the fact that the partners go one by one. You can trim at the same time the fear of selfishness, children, financial stagnation. But if there are no streaming reasons, a couple quickly break up.

The classic stock is the empty nest syndrome. If the children grow up and deprive the native donkey, the fathers will feel unknowingly, between them there is nothing sleepy, even if the stink of the rich rocks is focused on the children and they forget about the intercourse one with one.

7. Rіzna shvidkіst rozvitku

Before speech, this is one of the reasons for the distance: one of the partners is constantly developing and changing, the other is left on the same level as when you know each other. The results have different interests, a svetoglyader, numbers, priorities, a number of conversations.

8. Financial problems

Financial problems - not more than a few pennies, all the problems s s rozpodilom. For example:

  • One of the partners earns more than the other, which embarrasses the other partner to recognize his impossibility and financial stagnation.
  • The global budget is being split up with less than one partner.
  • One of the partners spends pennies, not being happy with others, through which then we don’t waste money on dirty consumption.

9. Opening the link: emotional and physical

Physical development: partners (or one of them) are not satisfied with their sexual life and cannot discuss the problems that have accumulated, and know the solution.

Emotional development: partners cannot communicate, cannot speak and understand, do not understand one another. An increase in dissatisfaction, like the stink of the same, they cannot explain and discuss. At the result, the skin is whispering for: from friends, relatives, new acquaintances.

Often a person jokes about the lack of warehouses among representatives of the protilezhnoy state, what to bring to new deadness that evil.

Leo Tolstoy affirmed that "the skin is unhappy in itself, unhappy in its own way," but it is permissible to compete with the classic. Cause discord in the hundreds of women by yourself, it’s not enough to start recognizing them for the great weldings.

In the video clip below, a typical welding is presented (similar, sing-song, traplelisya and your couple), prote caused serious problems for it in the waters.

Wagers razluchayutsya z rіznih reasons. Some of them rose through the unbroken crisis among the brethren, among the lives of others the kohanna simply died, and a third parted through the evil of one of them. There is no such thing as a right way of having “many” partners in life. Images, anger, aggression, embarrassment change the setting to a person, but if you feel like a little authority, they allow you not to wake up. Before that, trival stosunki zmushuyut people "grow up" one to one, between them they blame especially razuminnya, a kind of "butt telepathy", it's not easy to win back if a kokhan is a person from life forever. For this very reason, rich people blame the thoughts about the renewal of hundreds of thousands of people.
Under the hour of controversy with a lot of cohanim, do not guess about the opening. Don't steal the past, don't play the stounki. All the same, you can cause welding, so put a cross on the rotated columns.

Like a couple rose up for mutual marriage without weldings, that scandals, stosunkivs on this basis will not happen. Sound like this, people become overwhelmed with friends, they can talk to each other, and the weaklings of selfishness get stuck in one lie. Ale respectfully does not change anything. Even so, the bets are separated through the presence of common goals and interests, nothing more will show them. And having risen to the truth for mutual benefit, then nothing can be said about them.

Chi varto innovate zruynovane?

If you want to turn your partner around, why did you get thrown, think about what you really need. After a certain hour, after the rise, only a few bright moments are lost in the memory, the negative is simply erased, so you can remember all the greatness of your colossal kohan, forgetting about those shortcomings that caused the separation.

Innovate the relationship with a huge half, a miracle platform for which to give social services. If you see that you are making good contact, encourage you to get in touch, more often ask for a big kohan in a small company, so the situation will not be too intimate.

Do not fight flirting with a lot of partners, because Yogo has your memory, remember about those, how your feelings were born, which are only for retaliation, so you really want to turn Yogo chi її.

It's easier to make contacts with a large number of people, as you have sleeping children. The stench and the main "glue". The father's visit to the child is a miraculous way to smear the soil. Zvichayní rozmovi, splnі those spogadi - an axis that brings people together. The presence of a child is simply to rob such a rozmov and possible, shards are not required to specially whisper zustrіch, which can look like n_yakovo.

Really, shortest way(which is suitable for smart people) - call up your big partner, ask him to speak up and speak out your thoughts. It is possible to work, if you want the least bit of pressure on the least bit.

Emi Chan is the founder of the Renew Breakup Bootcamp, an inspiring camp that practices science and spirituality to the point of breaking hearts. The team of psychologists and coaches has helped hundreds of people in just 2 years, and has been recognized by CNN, Vogue, The New York Times and Fortune. Її debut book "Breakup Bootcamp" ("Tabіr Broken Hearts") will be published by HarperCollins in September 2020.

Kіlkіst dzherel, yakі in this article: . You will find their list at the bottom of the page.

After the trivaly serious vіdnosin, it’s impossible to guess, they’ve been before, like a mustache, it’s even more folded by the people themselves. Step forward for the sake of it, and effectively lead you out of depression, after raising it, and help you to revive the lost status, which is the same, in which I understand the whole point.


Rush far away after serious stosunkiv

    Stop calling yourself, it's all over. It doesn’t matter, who pinned everything on what he said. Just as you parted, it means that one of you and both of you did not go one to one, and regardless of those who are important to know, you should see it as a positive phenomenon in the long-term perspective. Ale, we will all sweat, but for the time being, one thing, about which you need to remember, - those who are not your fault. Vidnosini - the whole road with a two-sided rush. Nobody is guilty, as if nothing was seen. So stop beating yourself up. Don't waste your emotional energy.

    Give yourself a little time to get bored. Everyone will say to you: “Everything will be good”, “You were all the same good for someone else”, - those other banalities that try to make you feel good. However, the truth lies in the fact that you will be confused, and the fight against them seems to be ignoring the turmoil, it’s not enough to aggravate the situation. The point is not to get rid of the confusion, but to establish the rest of the terms for її podannya. Let me think for a long time, or close to it: it's cold, marvel at wide films and cry in the soul. Ale this day will end, the hour has come, take it into your hands and collapse far away.

    • I can’t say for sure, how many hours you can sumuvat. Prote do not allow your confusion to ruin yours everyday life and others are blue.
    • Іsnuyut deyaki prove (schopravda, non-scientific) that most people come to the norm in about three days.
  1. Find out that at the very least self-confidence can be wondrous, alien and uncomfortable feelings. Prote you are guilty of understanding, that on its own there is nothing supernatural, - you simply stick to something new. Vіdnosini vplyvayut Mayzhe on the skin part of our life, so if the stench ends, everything can be wondrous and incomprehensible. However, it's just that your brain and body switch to the same mode. I don’t have anything to say about your decisions and the permanent changes of your individual.

    Take photographs, speeches and guesswork about a huge partner from every look. Through post_yni divination about the old one, it will be even more important to call to the status of the same. You don’t need to say anything, if you don’t want anything else, just put all these words in a box and take them to the closet / garage / mezzanine for one hour. It’s up to you to know that it’s not necessary to spare speeches, otherwise, if you are too busy to work, all you have to do is carry out a small cleaning.

    • To stifle your emotions, ask a friend to help you. So you’ll be better off, and you will have a support system in order to speed up the jubilation.
  2. Slow down this period of emptying, rearranging furniture or buying a new piece. Zvichaynno, now, if you yourself, do not varto go radically change your life. However, for the help of a bet of small changes, as if you, perhaps, could not work, if you were at the windows, it would be much easier for you to turn around with other changes. Better for everything, it will be enough just to go somewhere on holidays or go on a hike, so that the three will grow up and marvel at the speech in another world.

    Revive and appreciate your friendship and encouragement. Even though you have good friends, for all the stench, trochs went into the background, but all the same they were a charge, if you tried at the windows. Vykoristovyte tsey hour, schob to visit the world and to serve all the spent moments that resurrection of the request. Now you have the chance to connect with old friends and the freedom to meet new ones. Friendly blues- even more positive is the manifestation, and the stench of the mіtsnіshі, it will bring more crusty stink during the passing folding period.

    Recognize to yourself and write yourself, wisely, that those who speak with you do not recognize your person. Be self-reliant - it’s blessed, and it’s very important part of growing up that self-knowledge. The camp of self-sufficiency among wines can be the greatest wine-making moment in life. This is the hour, if we become strong and reconsider our priorities and interests as specialism. Success and success to your new "I"!

    Know happiness in your own life

    1. Try something new. The hour that energy, as you have assigned to a lot of partners and your partners, can now be redirected to priority number one: on yourself! Vidnosini, inspire kindness, often end with small anger of people: you choose your own hoarding, models of behavior and friends. Ale be self-reliant again - this is a chance to think to yourself again, what do you want to be and what do you want to work.

      • Ask yourself: What do I want? What are you talking about, how did you want to deal with a large partner, but you didn’t have it? Zakhoplennya, yakі vydklali shukhlyad at the dovga, if the blue ones started? New speeches, try out if you didn't know the hour? At the same time, it’s time to put your own food, to those who are no longer guilty of protecting another person.
    2. Make a contribution from your future by purchasing a subscription from gym, having signed up for an online course, having put a new car'erna meta and your energy, pennies that hour will now lie with you, so get it from the melancholy. The best way to get out of routine is to plan your life with romantic zestriches. Focus on the speeches, if you don’t think of anything sleepy with sex, then dedicate yourself to what you want the best people. You will become inspired by yourself, happy and more attached to your own way of life.

      Say "so" life. Naypriёmnіshe na samotі - tse shoranka wandered around, not knowing exactly where the whole day led. The life of the natives is already familiar and, as a rule, it sounds like a song about a kokhannya that is repeated. On the back of your head, your soul is dying and blizzards are fluttering in your stomach, but after a certain hour it becomes boring and splendid. Then now you have a chance to say “so” whether it be of some marvelous ability, as you have more interest. As if you have a friend, a kind of person in a musical group, go to one of your performances or plan a trip to the weekend only with your friends. Work be-scho! Try everything! Ale nagolovnіshe, wait for the opportunity, as you hope. Tse shortest hour for knowledge that is useful. This is a valuable period, to make new speeches in your own mind and try to try out those that, perhaps, you are lying and are unknown.


      Emi Chan is the founder of the Renew Breakup Bootcamp, an inspiring camp that practices science and spirituality to the point of breaking hearts. The team of psychologists and coaches has helped hundreds of people in just 2 years, and has been recognized by CNN, Vogue, The New York Times and Fortune. Її debut book "Breakup Bootcamp" ("Tabіr Broken Hearts") will be published by HarperCollins in September 2020.

      Reinvention coach

      Self-sufficiency is the hour to make a connection with yourself. Coach for inspiration after I explored Emily Chan's words: “Once, if we are resting at the windows, we use the “I” well. Rozstavannya - it’s just the end of one split that cob of offensive Therefore, to accept the decision to attack the offensive, we barvist, yaskravim, grieving and tsikavim.

      Look a little sexier. The great vibe is in the greater vіdnosin - tse "phase of sports pants", de jouden from the partners can not cope with the enemy on his own. with a sultry look. You can easily endure the trend in the self of life, but you can’t ignore the fact that often the feeling of happiness in yourself comes from sexual prudishness. Get dressed like a selfish person, and you see yourself like that.


Otzhe. Meni 23, maidens 21. They began to chat a long time ago, already 7 years and 2 months. It can be said that we grew up at once and went through a lot. There were welds. But one can say that it was an idyll at the vіdnosinakh. On the 3rd of spring 2017, the fate began to work, we live far away, one and the same. Ale, everyone knew the hour to chat. I arrived before her after work at weekdays, and out before me at night on weekends. Everything was good. Ale after the New 2018 fate, I behaved nastily, rudely spoke to her, sharply reprimanded, if I needed a bula support, I didn’t press with a proper rank. She loved me more, she didn’t have a soul in me, her eyes burned. Ale, she endured everything for 5 months and was taken in it. Vaughn wanted to take it all in for the rest of the month, but she didn’t care, she said she was afraid to part ways, because she felt like she had me. For example, the worms were small to fly to Turechchina, de I wanted to work out my proposition. It so happened to Alya that she "vibrated". She had everything piled up. In the first week of the morning, I said, I take a break, I need to think about everything. I wrote it, pretending to make everything better, but I didn’t want to talk to each other, I ignored it. I don't know what to think. After the end of the day, pauses, we spent time at the house of її grandmother, we were alone. Vaughn said that she thought about everything, and we are separated. I didn't believe it in a moment. For 5 years they have been moving, I’m grateful to give me a chance, that everything will be sensible and I will get better. Aleone, with tears in her eyes, could not change it. At some point, I said, "Will you let me in?" Vaughn hugged, cry, like "how can I let you in, you are my own native person Nareshti buv sex. They couldn't separate when they got together. Everything ended well on the whole day. Aleone said that tomorrow I will make a decision. The next day, they still parted on the phone. Їy it was important. Aleone said that I drove її. I feel like I lost it, but it wasn’t the same earlier. I asked you not to be turbulent, I wanted to be alone. I wrote periodically, it was clear that it was like a beaten up to me, I didn’t want to talk, everything was on my nerves. she got out of the way, friends trimmed a long poster with the inscription "Ridna, turn around, we can do it all together." She was in tears. Touched. So having passed the їy verse, on the 3rd side. She didn’t want to talk about stosunki with me, let me read alone. I know the upcoming Friday, I am chatting at the wedding of my dearest friend. While they walked, embraced, greeted one another, for example, at parting, the persha hugged and kissed. I felt better. I have made the checks of the coming Friday and do not write it. Aleone herself wrote of the coming day, she wrote for the next day, nourished about the fun and nothing less. If only I could recognize and name. I was cheered up, thinking everything would be alright. The next day, in a week, I myself wrote the evening, sleep, like a passing day. Vaughn was already calling us another. Dialogue proyshov shvidko. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I did not write, did not call. І axis y Wednesday evening, she wrote it herself, how to do it well. We had a good dialogue. I try to show turbota and respect. At four I know silence. And on Friday, as we got home, I arrived before her before the wedding, got out, everything was good, good, they agreed, without an image. At the wedding, they also walked hand in hand, kissed, wanting to guess that they didn’t tell us, and we didn’t want to go out a “one-time action”. Rozmova about stosunki came in again. I say you just don't give a chance, I'm on the mend, don't worry that I'm changing. But it seems that a person cannot change so quickly. I want to complain that now everything will be different. For me it's a lesson in life. For 7 years, the same has been done. If young people were in the air, I grew up with all the propositions. There was no other option, for those who didn’t fly to Turechchin, they already reissued my tickets to my sister. Vaughn was in the school, she stood, but she was like this: “We have some difficulties at the same time and if we get into them, then I will tell you So.” As a result, the fun ended well between us. On the coming day, I began to say that as our folding, then it is necessary to make everything at once. Mabut, talk. Aleone began to cry, as if she was already weary at the sight of her old stounks. What is not so virazilos. What are the problems, and I need to deal with them. And now you need to give me peace. But with my deeds, I fill up the most hostility. Bach that I am changing. Tse mi discussed at Saturday. In a week, she herself wrote to me, bachiled that I was still online, and finished up with kim I gulyav. I said that with colleagues and that's it. Hush. At Monday evenings, I wrote, having asked chi to go on National Day to my niece, and marvel at how she will talk. All harazd, talked. In the second place, I vyrishiv that idleness can’t help, and having gone to work after it, I wanted to give tickets and zukerki and go. Ale didn’t win. I’m remembrance, tears, etc. Vaughn once again said what it is necessary for her to see. If you don’t get bored then zі shkіri he wilіze schob to turn himself. I was relieved, because I was afraid that I myself would not break the first crock. I said that I will not write, if you are bored, then write yourself. Vaughn vіdpovіla scho I can write їy, just not often s tsim. With all the rozmovі zrozumіv, scho jealousy and a sense of authority є. If I said that you can quickly transfer pennies for Turkey, the type of admission did not disappear, with friends I can give money. Why did she reply, "But how can you fly without a cordon?" I say, "Well, can you help me?" And then we freaked out, wherever you want, etc. Ale then it will be exactly the point between us, trust the end. She said that it was empty in her head at once, she didn’t know anything and didn’t want to. Just don't get bored. Well, then she wrote to me, if you need a passport. I said that it’s not necessary, if you’d like to take advantage of Turkey, you’ll be so calm. And I’ll fix it here at the admission, to the one who had a mortgage in the plans, and they saved up for a cob deposit. Vaughn said that you need a dream, do not lie, I have changed so much. Trying. I all. 3 days did not move. I wrote on the 4th day. Ale, not just, but like a drive. Having said that at її father the dog died, having transferred me pennies for the Turech region, having laid down the troch until the end of the coming winter. I know silence. If you write something, then sing-songly remind you of the same type about turning to Borg. I don't know how to be me. I'm afraid that I'll give it to you, I won't look at me and oholone. Want to get out of the social. I can’t sit on the fences right now, I don’t need anything, that one-woman woman herself, I’ll understand. But all the best ... To fly 16 chervnias to Turechchina with my mother, her cousin, and her cousin. for 7-10 days. Literally, before Turechchini, you can’t do anything for nothing. Maybe it’s more than a little extra. It's been a month since that moment when she took a break. i Skilki tse trivatime. Please, how can you be and what might happen?

First of all, having rolled up your sleeves to be robiti, like a lad chilled, think, what is the real cost of a candle? Possibly, "seem blue" were contrived by you, but I know and do not suspect about those who are "your lad". Abo like this: you baiduzha, vіn rozvezhivsya, ale budvavat stosunki and not thinking. You can take care that there was no zakohannosti and start shukati іnshoy lad, like:

  • You are propagating to speak, and the receivers know the fault, so that they don’t go to hell. And so it is constantly repeated. Under the obscene drives of the varto, increase your mind on the constant employment and “do it right”, “the weather is bad - I don’t have a mood”, “I’ll rather stay at home with my cat today”, “this day - friends will come, tomorrow I’ll play football” and all in such a mood.

Amurochka does not call you to go out, because the lad really has problems, there are no pennies for a gift, and cafes and wines are experiencing stress through negative influences in yoga sim'ї (separation of the father, podіl myna too). In all these moods, we must cross an important period and do not miss it once again, try to talk heart to heart and treat morally, so that we will leave our own experiences without guilt.

  • Vіdkrito “send you”: “You got me”, “Vidchepis”, “Search for yourself else”, “What do you need for me”, “I don’t want to speak to you”. What a job, like a lad laying cold - nothing, live far away to your lives and forget about it. Similar phrases to speak about the day of elementary courage to honestly talk to you, the day of honor is up to you like a special one. Prodovzhuvat podіbnі "vіdnosiny" and bigati for the lad will be condescending to you.
  • You visit a couple of times a month for your initiative, and then in the company of friends, wanting to linger in one place or visit one area. Remember that the lads and wines were right for you, having respected you with "your soul mate", then be ready to burn and burn, to flirt with you. Better for everything, vіn vvazhає, what you have already spent on a hack, you won’t go anywhere and follow him, like only vin you call. Be "virnim dog" or let yoga and shukati right "your share" - you virishuvati.
  • At your presence of wines, you will play with your girlfriends and girlfriends, girl friends. Such is the behavior to talk about the daily existence of serious naughts for you from your side. Possibly, if you want to call out your jealousy, and possibly, if you don’t give a damn, what you think and see, you can piss about the satisfaction of your instinct of a conqueror. It’s so unacceptable to you, that your skin is tight because of your knowledge of the wine “rubbing your feet about you”, openly tell you about it, but then: if you want to be with you, change your behavior, don’t - think about what you need a “womanizer”, ready to tikati for skin back.
  • You have sex and after that vin sharply znick, having stopped calling and writing, or it’s driven by the most powerful drives and doesn’t pull on far away stosunki. Well, it’s a pity, nayimovіrnіshe, you’re just vikoristav, but you can’t even look at your post maiden. Zdivova? At daily life sex often doesn't impose everyday goiters on partners, you don't care about your own goiter. Just nadali need to be more usual in intimate ties, and better not to allow situations "having sailed and left". How tse robiti? In right pairs, ideally, there may be a tsukerkovo-bouquet period, between partners there may be a garne of understanding and mutuality, there may be a little bit of similarity one in front of one, and only then you can go to intimacy.

Varto categorically and once "send" even far quiet lads, as if after a few zustriches declare: "Without sex, you can't get kittens." Better for everything, the stench jokes a fool for one or two, but they don’t need serious stoks. Natomist risky take ZPSSh into account with such "machos" is already high.

The lad chilled after a long time

If you regularly and often spoke a few months, or navit rіk, but if you remembered the coldness of Yogo, he was sensitive to you, then we are forward:

  • Z'yasuy, chi nemaє new serious problems chi impudent rights. As if you were doing the right thing, then it’s not enough to pick up calls, sms, and write incessantly to you. You are guilty of wanting yoga pragnennya to grow a successful career, to support it to help with joy. Remember that the "fighting girlfriends" are often confused in the shade and calmly check, if the cohanies are "overwhelmed by the fire."
  • Give respect to those who behave like vins in the case of zustrich. If you rarely run through yoga employment, but if you are on the bottom of the vines, then you are respectful, then you don’t want to tear your hair out of your head, so rob it, like a lad is chilled. On the right, after the end of the tsukerkovo-bouquet period, if the girl is "conquered", a lot of people have a lot of power to direct them to work, they assign a lot of time to a sports hobby. The presence of singing freedom in people at this stage is absolutely normal. Possibly, you are ready to make a proposition for you, or take a penny at a double price. Do not impose yourself, but be ready, in the lonely moments of your pampering, to stand in front of him with all the beauty and do not forget to develop professionally, so that you will have a good time with you. Todі vіn vpevneniy, scho having made the right choice.
  • As if you remembered that on the right it clearly doesn’t smell like fun, that the lad is chilled after long-term dreams: cherish you at your failures, spend all your free time with friends in clubs without you, don’t want anything a little about your sleep If not, then here already, nayimovіrnіshe, nothing is left to work, we will be separated. Mabut, you don’t care about your soul mate and don’t hang out at the future. With different ways of life, different exercises, and the manifestations of one’s place in the world are more likely to disperse.
  • Possibly, the lad understood his unpreparedness to the point of serious stosunkiv. You really check the transition to a more serious day (friendship, the appearance of children, acquaintance with the fathers), otherwise the lad thinks that you are checking in the same boat, and this thought began to squeeze on the new one psychologically. Having set your own priorities and cleanliness, calmly talk to him. Otherwise, we will unicate the distant zustriches with you, make it stronger between you. If you are inspired by the romance, which will end the fun, tell you directly about it, if you are in power, if in life everything is going your own way, it’s just important to you, that at this moment you mean one for one - explain to the lad. Possibly, you are not ready to take on yourself the responsibility for the squad of those children, and tell you about it in the doorway. Say goodbye and you know the one who is already ripe for the creation of this, about the yak so dream.

Like a lad "cooled", misinterpreted his pulse ... Smіh smіhom, but the difference in temperament means rich. It is important to reveal your own couple, in which one is a "shilopopy", and the other is a more phlegmatic and "bore" or a couple, one of the partners in the dream about five children and houses on the forest node, and the other - about the karkolomnu car'єru in the metropolis and one child maximum.

How to turn the lad, how to cool the wine

Amurochka rozpovist you, scho robiti, like a lad chilled. It doesn’t mean that the girl is guilty of “turning around navivorit”, just wait for the lad: stop everything that has developed in you the situation and for the improvement of what you really want to awaken to yourself again your love:

  • Stop calling him a kіlka once a day. Become ur_vnovazhenoyu at the plan_ sms and lists. Do not run after him, find a hobby, right to the soul. New zakhoplennya to create more topics for splkuvannya and fill empty for the hour of clearing yoga calls and zustrіchey with him.
  • Change your image. The cross is hairy, or just put on a beautiful evening make-up and a haircut in the salon, buy a garnet of a dress. In a word, dress up, and let him know once again that the beauty is in order with him.
  • Take care of your beloved right, grow creatively and professionally. Boys love girls, it’s not enough to have sex with them, but talk about something.
  • Together with the lad, find out a new sleeping place: hike, trips to archaeological excavations, parkour, cycling and go fishing. Give him a chance to demonstrate that he is the right person, build a bagatty, break a name, and bring a pike to the supper. The skin of this heroic torment is supported by the praises of one’s own side and interest, praise.
  • Stop yogo "saw" and stop giving in to unsatisfied lives next to him. A smile is the key to the heart of being practical people. Positive attitude, lightness, it’s worth making a compromise, and not spitting into a scandal the rank welding through the rubbish - which is often not seen by rich girls. The next step is to take a lad like this, like a wine, even if a skin person is not enough and a skin to make pardons, including those. Ale doesn’t mean that it’s necessary to endure the order of a boor, that you spit, call out - it’s not a small nedolіk anymore, but clearly a mental boost.
  • Perhaps you need to be more of a master: prepare, often clean up the houses. Є type of lads, yakі not to blame to instill a small "creative disorder".
  • Bring romance into the routine, let your teeth become rare. Have a supper by candles, dance a striptease, start floating candles by the bath, give the boys a small gift or call for a picnic. With him, be kind and gentle with him, do not hang out with dissatisfaction at the drive of his trival reality. You’ll bobachish - such a pidkhid you are worthy, and the lad again wants to bachit you more often. Just don’t start to get away with it with twinkles, otherwise everything is zipsuesh, be a “safe harbor” of a kohannya.
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