Olga rider and yaroslav maliy. Soloist of the "Machete" group, having left the squad with a donka and vtik from the country. You have been deprived of friendly hundred-days from a large number of people

Yaroslav Maliy was born in 1973 in Crooked Rose (Ukraine). Childhood wines have little chimpanzee in their one-liners - so shaming football, truanting lessons and taking part in different cotton rallies. Before entering the school, the boy showed extraordinary musical vibes, and the fathers hit on the additional training at the music school.


Wanting to reluctantly learn musical notation, zbіgav z іspіvіv kontsertіv, educators could not help noticing that the genius musician is in new growth. His first teacher of music, Igor Semenovich Beyar, is filled with warmth by the musician. At the music school, I had a chance to learn the balalaika, then the piano.

After completing the education at the school, Yaroslav Maliy decides to continue the musical education, he enters the music school near Kiev at the conducting faculty. Ale’s training didn’t bring joy to you, that inspiration. The life of students, in the course of night clubs and the inculcation of drug addictions, were more affected by the life of students. Through a great number of absenteeism of a student, even though she is talented, she gives great hopes, to get out of school for the third degree of education. In order not to turn around to the native Krivoy Rog, Yaroslav plans to break up to Moscow. The seventeenth young man, one by one, destroys the majestic place. Tse buv folded 1991 rіk, but the musician virіshiv that the economic situation in the country can not fit into this plan.

In Moscow, you can write music, watch night clubs, meet people who are familiar with music in rock style. The clubs and agencies that allow him to speak to the public are suddenly attracted to him. According to the words of Yaroslav Maly, his creativity at that time did not bring you satisfaction, so he is engaged in the organization of night clubs and rozvazhalnyh centers. It’s reluctant to talk about the ten years of life, the shards of the period of wine begin to get used to drugs. A real upheaval in the musician's life was his acquaintance with Gosha Kutsenko. The actor zoomed in enough pennies to organize and push the Tokio team. In 2002, the roci group first declared about itself, having performed at the festivals. For two years, the musicians released their debut album. After tsієї podії, the soloist of the group started having problems with the intake of drugs. Ale, after a trivial exultation, that rehabilitation, Yaroslav turned to a colossal life.

The musician salutes two groups of different directness (rock and rock, mixes with pop directly). The leather project of the Small Successful and is gladly accepted by the practitioners of yoga creativity.

In 2014, Yaroslav Maliy radically changes his life and moves to Kiev. On the new strongest reaction, they celebrated the podії in Ukraine. I take an active part in mass rallies, perform at concerts and call for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. In Kiev, the musician takes part in various show programs, as a teacher for new young musicians. In the roles of a screenwriter and director, she often plays in her clips. I experiment, create new projects and protect the Jewish community in Ukraine.

Life Specialist

Yaroslav Maliy is a man in love, he can’t stand the borders of that framework. In the period of the birth of Moscow, the life of a young man had a lot of girls. Vіn shukav rozuminnya, podtrimku that vpevnіnіnіst і іn pochuttah. I got to know my first team of wines at the sound recording studio. Like a girl came to the studio, like she wore the same thing, like a musician. Tse turned Yaroslav's respect, and he immediately got to know her. The girl's name was Natalia Simakova, she was an actress, played in the cinema and theater. The couple became friends, they had a daughter, Michelle. Ale after eight fates sleepy life the couple broke up. The musician dedicating the best songs to his first retinue.

Zovsіm soon Yaroslav will appear on the public order from a new kohana named after Olga. The stench got to know the litak for an hour of flight. Yaroslav is firm, that at first glance I understand that this woman will become a well-to-do man. Vin often speaks with her in public, gives interviews and talks about her stature. Yogo Kohana is engaged in organizing concerts, as well as other catering for other robotic groups in Ukraine and the Happy States.

Yaroslav, how else creative people, far away from intelligence. Like a kohannya going from the life of a person, it means that there is a need for new feelings. At the same time, the musician's children are rіznih zhіnok Vіn dbaylyvo put to the skin of them. Maliy does not succumb to the weather, often taking it from his trips to other lands. A lot of photographers try to take a picture of a happy tata with his children.

The musician plans to continue working on his work in Ukraine and the USA. Yaroslav is going to spend his future in otochenny children at a house here in Israel.

Already chotiri rocky the leader of the group "Machete" and "Tokyo" without a bachelor's daughter, it was born from a new wife with the actor Natalia Simakova. The couple parted ways in 2013, and even though they spoke together, they said that no team, no little Michel would not demand - no pennies, no father. Ale did not finish the words. Not long ago, Nataltsy literally whacked away from the 44-year-old Yaroslav alimony for the morning of a child - Little had a chance to overthrow many homelands all the sum that has accumulated for the qi roki is a sprat of million rubles.

“For the rest of the time, Yaroslav spoke to Michel, if that’s the turn of the river,” Simakov’s “StarHit” was told. - I’m already embarrassed, I can’t figure out why I should be so robbed. I would be happy, yakbi tato, taking the fate of the life of a child. I need girls, I see. I call out with all my might, I’m going to hell.”

From Natalia Maliy pishov to his wife - Rahel Ora, as at that moment she was waving a couple of children from the front faces. Yaroslav, having left his silence, having adopted її spadkoєmtsіv like relatives.

“For a long time I tried to know the robot, call me that I will raise a child alone,” continues Simakova. - Tse buv lesson. Navit and reveal could not take such a turn. Mi and Yaroslav were always the same, marveled at one bee. Vіn assigning me a song. But if a daughter was born, a person unconvincingly uttered to live well - talking, we brooded one to one ... After an hour, I recognized that the hundred sons were guilty. The first woman in her heart was inspired to work correctly. I tried to talk to her, explained that we have a child, family, do not need to rub it. Ale, everything is far away, but I don’t know and I didn’t exist at all. We parted, financially Yaroslav did not help me, nor the donations. Vin is alive in different lands - most importantly in Ukraine, having changed his mind, not wanting to pay alimony, even if he had a penny. Just didn’t work hard to get the best result!”

“Yogo was jostled by the judges, my friends, I forced telegrams, called my friends, my current woman. For a long time, the ex-person did not come to Russia, to the one who got into all the services like an evil non-payer, they would not let him out of the country without paying the Borg. At the result, for the help of people, as if they could hope for a new infusion, everything happened. It helped to open the houses, which I may have in my mortgage. I thought that now I’ll think about it, guess about my daughter ... But I still can’t know Yaroslav. Vіn znovu znik".

If Yaroslav Maliy has died upside down? Why does the leader of the "Tokyo" group get high? If Machete does not take pennies for his concerts? What do you turn on to the technical rider as the first point and how much money you earn at the Moscow metro crossing? Vіdpovіdі on qі supply you know right now.

Data specifics

Sprist: 204 cm. Therefore, one of the first points of the technical rider of the artist is not much shorter than 2.20 m and without a backrest.

Prizvisko: Machete (for the name of the group) and Grigory Rasputin (for what? For more on page 3).

Financial camp: it seems that I never got involved in business, just robbed those who were appropriate for you. Ale Tokio is a project that pays good money for it. “We make money on our own satisfaction,” the leader of the group clarifies. – We really catch a buzz from the music, like robimo, like people, like going to our concerts that and vіd life!”

Apartment catering: apartments near Moscow and Kiev.

What's in the garage: car and motorcycle.

Access: Tokio edge. In 2006, at the MTV Russia Music Awards, Tokyo took the top spot in the nomination "The Best Rock Project".

Noodles: After the release of the debut album, Yaroslav started having problems with drugs. Ale lads in the distance overcome the fallow land and turn to normal life. “Thank God, once I learned that life is the best drug! I have learned to take joy in the fact that I live, that I have talents, that I can realize my ideas, that I have people who love me and whom I love.

Human hobbies: love the ocean, Garne movies and books. And also football (extremely well), bolіvaє for Barcelona and Chelsea.

Characteristics of friends: all those who sing Yaroslav in a special way, vociferate that he is too sentimental, may cry for an hour when I watch the film.

Where can you tell: at Moscow. Ale vvazha for yourself important minyati mіstsya, schob not grow to one point.

Respect! Yakscho Yaroslav Maliy is not your ideal, obov'yazkovo left a comment, who would be on the list of 100 most famous people in the world.

Favorite woman

Yaroslav Maliy from the squad of Natalia Simakova

First suffocated in first class. Your name was Natalya. I wrote a song and came home to her to sleep about my smut. Ale, the girl was not at home: the fathers took her to the dacha. Yaroslav ishov to Natalka a good day and a dream, like a victorious song ... And if after 6 years it’s not a day, then there was no strength anymore. Vіn sіv on the lava i... fell asleep. Prokinuvshis through those that yogo kissed at the cheek ... dog kohanoi.

At 17 years, Yaroslav moved from the native Krivoy Rog to Moscow, de occupied with the opening of clubs. In this period, the woman in life was rich. “I fooled the senses at the kohanni, then to one girl, then to another, but then I gradually broke off,” the interviewer guessed. Ale one time vin zaishov at the studio, where they recorded music, that after pumping the girl, like a bula vzuta in the same red kedis, like a new one. Tse bula was the actress that partner Natalia Simakova. At the spring ceremony, Yaroslav and Natalya exchanged rings under the sounds of the composition of the band "Metalika" "Nothing Else Matters". The plans of the bet had a long and happy life with a friend of that evil, no less than six children, but at the fierce fate of 2013, after eight years, the couple filed for separation. Donka Michel, who at that hour had a few months in the life of the people, lost her life with her mother. Yaroslav said that Natalia and the little one would not be required in any way.

Yaroslav Maliy and Yogo Kokhannya Olga

In the birch of the same year 2013, at the gala evening on the MUZ-TV channel, Machete appeared with a secret bulletin. "Tse my kohannya",- presenting the girl's wine. A few hours later, the name of a new kokhannya was announced - Olga. The stench got to know each other at the letak, when they flew from Miami together. Step by step, the blues from the friends outgrew those of the neighbors. Nini Olga is the victorian director of the Machete Records project.

Zagalom at Yaroslav's vіsіm children, like, after yoga words, they linger in different countries - from Switzerland to Ukraine. The names of the children were born to the zmist and tied up with the All-Vishishny.

Five misunderstood facts from life

Yaroslav Maliy

  • Before the music school, having spent the one who wanted to skip classes. At the entrance to sleep, remember Yaroslav from the football field, in a sports uniform and with broken knees. The fathers bought a son's piano, but the boy had a chance to play balalaits. Before the speech, at the music school, he was awarded for every third year “for everything”, having studied at the conductor's faculty.
  • In early 2010, I shot a video for the song “Krigolam Nadia” on the island of Vaygach, which is on the border between the Barents Sea and the Karsk Sea. We were shocked by the fact that people live there, and the children have a lot of toys - candy wrappers in the form of zukerok. To help the bagmen of the island by organizing an auction near Moscow, selling photographs of the group, scattered on the island. Having bought clothes, crockery and toys with the money earned. The process of delivering gifts to videos and videos from YouTube.
  • As if ahead of New Rock, the group of Yaroslav Maly Machete performed at ... the metro, at the transition between the stations "Teatralna" and "Okhotny Ryad". One of the musicians is engraved on maracas, and next to him is a bubo. People passed by and threw pennies into the bubo. Musicians earned 600 karbovantsi for a kіlka khvilin.

The ex-druzhina of Yaroslav Maly sued alimony with a scandal. For a long time, Natalia Simakova could not know her husband, who had left her daughter for the sake of another woman. Kolishna squad the musician turned to justice, and she took away the extra pennies for the child’s morning, but she couldn’t manage to do a bad job.

Actress Natalia Simakova is trying to achieve a lot of child support. Z'yasuvalosya, the leader of the group "Machete" Yaroslav Maliy did not bachiv the donka chotiri rocky, she did not take it easy. Moreover, in 2013, if you are a friend of your family, you will say that no team, no don Michel will be demanded. Prote the word Maliy so i did not finish. Obrazhennaya Simakova turned back to the court, in order to know a rich person and take away pennies for the morning of a child, and a chimala accumulated for the qirok - a sprat of million rubles.

“For the rest of the time, Yaroslav spoke to Michel, if that river was raised. I’m already embarrassed, I can’t figure out why it’s so troubling. I would be happy, yakbi tato, taking the fate of the life of a child. I need girls, I see. I’m calling out with all my might, I’m going to hell,” Natalya snapped.

Natalia Simakova and Yaroslav Maliy
Photo: Sotsmerezhi

It appeared, Yaroslav pishov, from the squad to the kohanka Rachel, as already a small child. The artist forgot about his native land, quickly accepting the recession of his wife as his own. Heartbroken, Simakova tried to find out the robot, so that even though it might be a cry of silence, nothing happened for a long time.

“It was a lesson for me. Mi and Yaroslav were always the same, marveled at one bee. Vіn assigning me a song. But when a baby girl was born, a man unstoppably uttered to live well - talking, three trochs nabrid one alone, - Natalya rose up.

After an hour, I found out that the vines of the stosunkah. The first woman in her heart was inspired to work correctly. I tried to talk to her, explained that we have a child, family, do not need to rub it. Ale, everything is far away, but I don’t know and I didn’t exist at all. We parted, financially Yaroslav did not help me, nor the donations. Vin is alive in different lands - it is important in Ukraine, having changed his mind, not wanting to pay alimony, wanting a penny. Just didn’t work hard to get the best result!”

Yaroslav to grow children Rohel in front of the front
Photo: Sotsmerezhi

Z'yasuvalosya, scho musician, scho vtіk, for a long time the judges were joking, the editors of vіdomih teleprograms and svіlnі znayomi, but Maliy did not show up in Russia. Ale, nareshti, justice prevailed.

“At the result, for the help of people, as if they could hope for a new injection, everything has become a mess. It helped to open the houses, which I may have in my mortgage. I thought that now I’ll think about it, guess about my daughter ... But I still can’t know Yaroslav. Vіn znovu znick, ”the actress shared

If Yaroslav Mal th, the soloist of the group "Tokyo" and "Machete", and his team of Rahel came in time for the interview, I was already zdivuvalas, so you can't talk about the special life, but about children - there are more. Dosi presi was more than evident that Yaroslav had four children in a large number of squads and four children of Rachel, as they became yoga children.

We got together at the synagogue about the 9th anniversary of the wound. I couldn’t get my thoughts together all morning - I was already worried. Before that, I wanted to know Yaroslav the Father - I know Yaroslav the musician, I know his performances: these are not the only concerts, after all, some come out of the senses of love, that light is in the middle. It is incredibly warm to look like texts, music… and vzagali – from Yaroslav himself.

Under the hour of our roaming, I caught myself thinking, which is typical for each other: “I’m a father - you are a child: I’m learning - you are listening” here they fall in with a shrill voice. Yaroslav and Rahel put up one another and talk about their children in such a way that I suddenly realized that it was such a mess.

- Yaroslava, do your children go to your concerts?

Yaroslav: So, obviously, our children perform with us

Rachel: And then we walk and marvel at the quiet, who befits them (laugh - author).

- And what kind of viconauts do they like?

Yaroslav: Well, at once, for example, we decided to go to Hurts. So let's go all at once.

- I asked about concerts, because I only had one novelty about those that your children were at your concert.

Yaroslav: So, before the speech, it seems like a miraculous rank first, who photographs us with children. I'm on the verge - I look like that, if we came with this, then we give an interview - it's better.

Rachel: We were told earlier, but…

Yaroslav: You were worthy of Rachel.

- It's welcome! Yaroslav, tell me, how should you be such a rich dad?

Yaroslav: We don't have any dramatic stories. Our child's skin is our sleepy child. The share of our skin is our shared share. Therefore, we are not divided by our children, we stink - really ours. We are very much loved.

For example, the teacher Rahel spoke to my little girl every year by phone. Between them is a miraculous contact. I know less about Rachel what is going on with her.

Vitalik (syn Yaroslav - auth.), For example, call Rachel less. For what you know - you can put power on (laugh - author).

- How little did you feel, if you knew that you would have the first child?

Yaroslav: You know, with the appearance of Rachel, 4 children appeared in my life. Odrazu! I can say that, obviously, without judging it. Ale, these floorings are strong ... I can’t explain, but I’m running into them myself - the stench is really similar to me. Axis literally suddenly had a situation: we came to the synagogue, I sat behind the column, opened the Torah, began to learn ... I smell the rose of two didusivs: The first copy of the tat is not similar to the mother!” (laughing - auth.).

I respect that the cream of physical connections has a spiritual connection. І mi її already kindly vіdchuvaєmo.

We vzagali so visibly one of one - you don’t see it. As if we are going through some difficulties, we are looking after our children. Axis we have to stick together, we have to roll, we have to make a move, and we have to fight, stink with us with an infection. We do not ask anything from them at all. We rarely say that such a situation needs to be respected. If you need to pray to the Almighty, ask him to help us win.

Rachel: For the one that we know all the light of God together with them. Together with them we sit on Saturdays on Shabbat, on family day and read stories about people, about their evils, de zrazumilo, what is so good, and what is so bad. We will discuss it, and then the whole day the skin will take care of its rights. Saturday is a special day, if we touch the light at once from the children. In the next day before us, a rose will come, who we are, what we want to work.

- In your cultural tradition, it is customary to put up to children, to the singing age, like to celestials, if, in principle, everything is allowed - why so?

Yaroslav: We don't have such traditions. It’s just that until the 3rd anniversary of the day, people don’t show respect for children, and then we’ll already go to bed. Ale, in principle, we were just really spared with the children. The axis just stink us, I don’t know why - maybe it would be easier for us (laughs - author).

So, the stench doesn’t bother us, and the stench is not a deity for us, not in any way, the stench is just our partners in this life: we can learn from them, the stench will learn from us. We have a wild scale of values. I don’t have any kind of violence in the future - we absolutely calmly speak on the occasion of those, and we don’t mind anything at all. It's just like mi vіdchuvaєmo - so we're talking about them. And then let's understand that the stench smells like that. This is a marvelous moment, to the fact that children sometimes speak with us in such a way that we understand - tse and є razrul situation, like we had a bula.

- Tobto children are not required?

Rachel: You need koriguvati. 🙂 And our faith is helping us. Nasampered, tse povaga to the fathers. And what's the catch? Tse yakraz dovira. Tobto not just a stupid rumor, but she herself believed in the thoughts of your fathers, for the stench has already lived. Our faith in reading children is correctly placed before fathers.

Yaroslav: We do not force, we do not force - we give them freedom in their choice. Ale, with whom we are careful, so that later it did not appear on their psyche. We are already dbaily placed before them, and the stench is already dbaily placed before us.

Rachel: Tato rozmovlyaє with them. In any situation, the stench curls up at the office - and speaks.

Yaroslav: Go love me with me їzditi go where. For the whole hour, curl up їdemo, children will tell me about it. They have a lot of light in the middle - scorched, cool! І mi tsim light we shared one with one.

- And stink with you on tour?

Yaroslav: So, sometimes we take them with us.

- Is there a song on the record?

Yaroslav: So, and at the rehearsal, stink skrіz іz us. The two of us went nowhere, we didn’t go anywhere - with us it’s obov’yazkovo somewhere else.

- I bachila, what help you, do you have a nanny?

Rachel: So, nanny, well, є. Ale tse not vihovannya - tse sight.

- How long has your nanny been with you? I cherish the fact that not long ago a nanny appeared to me, and I was very worried about this fact, because it’s like a filthy mother, since I’m depriving my child and I want to take care.

Rachel: Well, perche, the nanny is obov'yazkovo buti, so that my mother felt good about herself. To the one who became a mother, the child is transferred without intermediary. If the mother is tired, the child will also be drastic. It's overturned! 🙂

When a nanny comes, it is not obligatory to go home at once. Rather, take a nanny yourself, if you are at home. You can cheer up the people, as if to correct them. Adzhe, in a be-like mood, the nanny can’t tell the truth once everything is clear. Ale, the headiest - before her it is necessary to be put like a caretaker, for to bring up like a child that nanny will be a little bit - not a mother's kohannya. Vaughn - less with a child with a mother. Navіt akscho mother is already busy.

- How do you go about your special day? Zvichayny working day, if everyone has rushed in and where they are virushayut?

Yaroslav: We are thrown about the 6th wound. Rachel prepares the children before school, I go to the synagogue to pray, then we will pray after prayer at home. We hang out there, work hard to do it, sometimes I go to work on music, because there are no rehearsals for some kind of sound. Then I'll go to the rehearsal, and Rachel will take care of speeches, business, contacts, negotiations, concerts. To hang on it without a face, except for the one who won't be a mother. Then I come, and we sound again all at once, the children turn around, we, together, then at once, we go to the synagogue. In the evenings, we may have an hour to play at once, sometimes in me there is an hour to make music - troch. 🙂 You can also take the fate of this process, and then we will virubuyemosya mittevo. 🙂

- Chi scary buti dad?

Yaroslav: Don't be scared!

- Were you not afraid at all?

Yaroslav: Hі, tse vzagali majestic high. It is impossible to explain what is required if there is contact with a child. Tse fantasy and vzagali are not scary - Tse are absolutely happy. I wish we had more children.

- What is the role of the father? What obov'yazkove can tell the father to his children?

Yaroslav: Dad just can be a good and good person. Sometimes we suvorim, but rarely. Basically, mom is strict. Yak on me, we go out like that. Our mother is a general at the booth. 🙂 Really, tato is vin there, on the street, and it’s still a big one here. And the houses are all oriented towards their mother.

It's important that the children are buli good people. І tse trace to show on your butt. Aje ti rostesh with your children. You understand that you can’t give up slack, more to marvel at you. You can organize more, you can organize more. Well, to that stink to take a butt from you. Wow love you. Tom stinks to be surprised that yak ti robish. I, obviously, the mutual process of growth.

- Are you like in your homeland? I am so understanding that there are older children. Are you going to rob your way yourself? Chi vie as if you are trying to straighten them out?

Yaroslav: Mi dopomogaєmo їm at tsomu. Rachel is taking care of us. Yak, in principle, i reshta. 🙂 I'm telling you, you needed to take an interview with her - she'd tell you everything!

Rahel has been having ideas all the time, and we won’t share them with our children, and then we’ll think about what good ideas are! Like a miraculous rank, she always comes out. Ale mi nіkoli nі on what do not napolagaєmo. We always have our own idea, it’s 100% clear for us, and we її rarely change it, for that it’s even more rare, it’s wrong, more. 🙂 Ale, the stink of the stench, obviously, the boys have grown up, the whole life. Our task is to smash everything around them so that the stench is allowed to be pardoned even less.

– Do you share your knowledge with them? Do you tell them about the moments of your life?

Yaroslav: We, in principle, especially have nothing to share. You can take the stench yourself (laugh - author).

- I’m on the verge of, for example, that I read Wikipedia, that from 16 years you have implanted drugs and you have been stale. Can you tell them about such moments?

Yaroslav: Older people know about it, obviously, but children live in such an atmosphere and environment that they don’t know what stinks are like drugs. Thank God! And for me, it’s a spiritual joke, because they stopped putting in all the speeches for me, they made me feel lost. And to that I shukav shchos. I'm leaving. And, in fact, all the life of a person is the ability to become a better one, the ability to let your soul manifest itself. Possibility to see a piece of the All-Vishish. The first thing is more important, then there are good ways here. Maybe, for me, for that soul, what is in me, it was necessary to go through this moment. And it’s not necessary for them - the stench is already rebuffed at such a level, that sometimes one simply marvels at their vchinki, at those, like the stench marvels at the speech, and understands that you yourself should be in them. Mi tse is not good at any time. This is my way, and I’m a radiant one, that it’s good for yoga and I’m going far.

- Yakbi vi performed before the fathers and they asked you to please them - what would they recommend to you ?

Yaroslav: Well, singly, be yourself and understand that you live this life not for children - you live this life for those people, as if the order is with you. You can grow up a beautiful, happy person in your parish - the whole thing is better. Children - stink for a long time. The stench is not in the first place, to that, like only children are standing in the first place - it’s a pidmina. Naygolovnіshe - tse vіdchuvat yourself tsіlіsnym in tsomu world. And you can’t feel whole without your other half. Children also need to explain. The stench will be better to understand, and then we will lash out at those who will sharpen their soul mate, and so far the stench will pass on this knowledge to their children. And in this sense alone, that we would like to be pampered - do not waste yourself for the everyday furnishing.

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