Beautiful Viysk women 18. Viysk women from different countries of the world. Women in the army. Statistics

24 spring 2015, 21:24

Woman-warrior. Peace of mind was more than a blame from the rule, even women were created to look after children and to take care of the calm of home, if their men were at war. Today, in the 21st century, the foundation of such professions, like a woman-policeman and a woman-soldier, has not surprised anyone for a long time.
Varto signify that women today serve in the rich armies of the world, in Israel, service on the call of obov'yazkovoy and for men, and for women. If you talk about Europe, then the largest "woman" army today is French, de serve 23 thousand women in uniform, which becomes 8% of the total number of special stock - from private to colonel. Zhіnki є practically in all parts, for a little bit of marine pihot, foreign legion and crews of underwater chovnіv.
The second successful example of realizing your right to military service in the army of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and Canada. Thus, according to the Pentagon's publications of tributes from 1.42 million soldiers and officers, 205,000 women (over 14%), with 64 of them, generals and admirals' ranks.

Today's women in the Russian army reach high commanding heights. So, the intercessor of the head of the head department of the international military defense (GUMVS) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is Major General Olena Knyazev, who, having taken off the rank, after the long break, became the only woman in the Russian military general.
Women have penetrated into such a “human” rіd vіysk yak VDV. For example, ZMI repeatedly published information about those who in the famous 76th division of the Airborne Forces, stationed in Pskov, serve about 383 women, among them 16 officers. If so, as women in the medical and financial services have not surprised anyone for a long time, then the women in the settlement of the platoon commanders will be able to bring the appearance of redkishne. The guard lieutenant Katerina Anikєєva served in the battalion in the battalion, moreover, all of them were men.
More than that, do not stand at the Ryazan military airborne school. This famous initial pledge, which today is the beginning of entrants in the 32nd country of the world, since 2008, the rock has begun to accept girls. Representatives of the beautiful state are encouraged to master the profession under the name "Stopping Airborne Provisions". School graduates - female officers command the parachute stowage pens, and also help to equip the military equipment and paratroopers, including the number of foldable bagatokopolnyh systems and special platforms. As a way to show special service to Russia, women-military servicemen, to file a sufficient reserve for the replenishment of that staffing of the RF Armed Forces, with which the stink cannot be principled to contra-indication for carrying out military service. More than that, the results of the research conducted show that women in the army are characterized by a higher level of health equal to military servicemen. The same one Russian army already can dosvіd work with zhіnkami, yakі to serve for the contract.
It is important that women are “weak pidloga”, but it’s not right. So, it seems that the physical strength of a woman with an equal weight of the body is three times less, lower in people, but at the same time, this little physical strength can be compensated for by the master’s strength of the woman’s health and fitness of the woman. A trained female military service can easily overcome an untrained person.

I’m just saying have mercy on the woman in the form =)

Girls at the self-defense pens of Kurdistan (YPG).
The militants of the “Islamic state” are afraid to die at the hands of these women, because in this way they will not go to heaven, but to hell.

United States Marine Corps.

United States Marine Corps.
Call of the Australian Army Natasha Miller poses for a photo at the hour of the reloading to Iraq, spring 2015.
U.S. Air Force.

Pivnichna Korea.
The first female pilot of the army of Italy.


Great Britain.


Navy of Great Britain.
Girls from the Ryazan Airborne Forces School.
Lieutenant Olena Boldireva. First platoon of the Airborne Forces. Head of the analytical station of the Airborne Forces. Graduate student of the Academy of Chemistry.

Military Service of the US Army under the hour of the Ranger School (Army Ranger School).
Sweden. Japan.
The oath of girls at the Viysk Space Academy.


At the training camps of Russian and Kazakh paratroopers "Vzaemodiya-2008"

Comandant (Major) Virginie Guyot - the first woman at the warehouse of Patrouille de France, commanded the military commander in 2009-2010, in 32 years.

Basic Combat Training (BCT), and "Red Phase of Basic Combat Training" itself, which means going through the gas chamber for an hour of basic training in the US Army.

Under the hour of training all newcomers must pass the so-called. gas chamber The gas chamber is even more fun to try. It’s even more ridiculous to marvel at the recruit, like coming out of it filled with tears and snot, with which you cough wildly. Deyakі z D.I's went into this cell, if they suffered from a cold or a cough - a cough, like a hand knew, and the cold passed during the day. The gas chamber allows you to virobit moral stability in front of the visible and appreciable nebezpekoyu, year, sound, after another approach, the fear of the gas chamber is known, because. after 20 minutes, the tear gas is attached. The camera - tse obov'yazkove vyprobvannya, yogo pass the mustache of military service carefully.

At all sorts of drunken warriors who bathe at the fountains, and not only, you are already amazed. Now let's marvel at those who truly enchant.


25% of our soldiers are women, 13% are mobilized, 7% serve in an officer's warehouse. And we may have 12 female generals. Vіtaєmo їх іz professional saints. Lovely, write, that yakuёmo. Gortaemo.


In 1924, the Swedes allowed women to join the army only on volunteer ambushes. 1989 came to the point when women appeared absolutely in the skin pen of the Swedish army.

Today, the number has changed: less than 5%. Must have - take, pussycats, and a laugh.


Czech Republic

11% of the Czech army are women. And most of them embrace administrative plantings. However, the Czechs miraculously took root in the pens of the UPU.


American soldiers are taken from those same men. Everyday women's accessories and berets with chuckles. But all the ladies don’t lie: in 2012, the US Army was 12% formed from a representative of a weak position. Nearly 165 thousand insured and active + 35 thousand officers' warehouse.



In Rumunia, there is no one to help, man, you woman. With usima, however, you are dressed, zhitimesh, pitimesh, stimesh and spatimesh. I fight. That's why so many soldiers went to war in Iraq and in Afghanistan.



In Poland, there are about 2.5 thousand at the back. Have the right to serve with:

  • special forces.



Women were not allowed to join the British Army until 1990. They are not allowed on the battlefield, do not take them to the Navy / Air Force / Special Forces. Maybe don’t give automatic hands. And vzagali, maybe, they allowed him to go to the barracks, exclusively in order to please the soldier's eye.



Women in the life of the Turkish army will play a role far from remaining. The first woman-pilot in the world of Viysk was the same in Turechchyna. Panyanok to take from the infantry, and sailors on the submarine. Well, in the officer's warehouse, it's also a pleasure.



During the hours of the First and Other World Wars, Canadian women worked at the “pіdtrimtsі”:

  • zv'yazkіvtsami;
  • operators;
  • doctors and nurses.

In 1965, the ranks of the country became a spokesman: allowing 5,000 women to go to the warehouse of the armed forces. In 1982, the veto fell into a residual: a weak status was allowed to serve in an unimportant amount of work in any kind of Viysk branch.



Ways of women from the Norwegian army of thorns: they “did not take” a bunch of them, then, beginning in 1938, they piled them with “buckets”. In 1947, all of them were re-adjusted to gromadyanka. Late, 1977 and 1984, they slowly began to recruit more Nordic warriors. It went to the point that in 1995, a troubled woman could easily become the commander-in-chief of a submarine.

Today's situation has changed the wraps, and there are no more ladies on the underwater strings. Singingly, the stench outgrew the "water" and leaned into the "red beret".



To take the people from the Greek army from the 18th seniors. Primushuyut serve 9 months. Women can also go to the service, but only for the vlasnym bazhanny.

The Russian army has no term service for girls, prote in the military service has been over 300 thousand representatives of the beautiful state.

It is impossible to show the Russian Army today without a representative of the beautiful state. The stench is tying the woolen shoes at the pidrozdilakh special recognition, at the marine infantry, at the motorized rifle and arctic brigades in the settlements of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, ensigns, midshipmen and officers. It is forbidden by law to get women to war, garrison and internal service. The fate of the girls on the battlefield, or their direction at the hot spot is also not allowed. Today, a lot of girls complain about the injustice of laws and the uneven opportunities for women in the Russian army. It seems that the girls are going to serve, to tell themselves that they don’t stink more for the people Ale smut swears in the fact that the girls are ready to give their shoes to the local country.

Girls before the army can eat in two ways. First, having entered the apprenticeship at the military school and taking off after completing the officer rank. Navchannya at military schools for girls without cost. In another way, the girls can spend up to the army for a contract. For the rest of the official tributes in Evil forces Russia has 326 thousand women. Tsya figure is added to the civil staff and quiet, who wear chases. There are about 45,000 women servicemen in the army.

Zgіdno zі statistics for today's day in the defense forces Russian Federation 1950 women serve in officer quarters. Of these, there are twelve at the rank of colonel, two hundred and sixty lieutenant colonels, five hundred majors, five hundred and fifty two captains, six hundred lieutenants and a few senior lieutenants. Dani is getting old, because women are getting bigger in the army.

With skin rock, the girls are interested in the military service, among them the number of adults is quiet, who serve for the contract. It is wonderful to become a high level of social protection in the service of us: a salary, social guarantees, the prospect of taking away a service life, and medical services.

The Russian army has female generals. In 2010, Army General Tetyana Shevtsov was recognized as the intercessor of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation by order of the Commander-in-Chief.

Tetyana Shevtsova to serve at her homestead.

Olena Knyazeva - intercessor of the head of Viysk University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation from the beginning science robot from 25 spring 2012 to the year.

Olena Knyazeva became the head of the Head Office of the International Military Defense Ministry of Russia, won the post of doctor of philological sciences, professor, major general.

The women of this year are ready to protect the Batkivshchyna from the people. The day of the defender, having become their saint, and the stench will take away the stench at once from the people. The girls in the service do not take away special indulgences, but the girls themselves know that the stench takes away unofficial indulgences in the service. And all the same, the girls are born in the army with their own hands, the stench is beautiful, in the same way the clothes are worn. Bring girls to the army, de zavzhdi panuvav clean human spirit, new stosunki. The stench changes the look of the Russian Evil Forces in the literal meaning of the word. The army is becoming a garno.

Woman-soldier - so what? Like earlier, to better nutrition. The women were created to look after the children and to secure the lull at home, if their men are at war.
Woman-warrior - for a long time it was more than a blame from the rule, and today, in the 21st century, a woman-policeman and a woman-soldier have long been surprising no one.

1. Cadets of the Serbian army stand at the graduation ceremony near Belgrade on 15 September 2007. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

2. Israeli military forces for an hour of training at the military base on the air day in Israel on February 12, 2007. REUTERS/Eliana Aponte

3. Israeli platoon commander Rachel Levant to undergo combat testing at the Netanya sports center on February 22, 2007. REUTERS/Eliana Aponte

4. Special military training of police officers for the first hour of training in Yinchuan, at the brewery entry to China in Ninsya-Khuisky, May 28, 2007. REUTERS/China Daily

5. Female combatants of the Philippine National Police will show their skills during demonstrations at the headquarters of the Taguig police, on the afternoon of Manili on July 30, 2007. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco

6. Female American soldiers walk along Mogadishu Beach on 11 September 1993. REUTERS/Dan Eldon

7. A police officer charges a pistol for an hour of fire during the shooting of women-spivrobitnikov in the police from the coming International Women's Day in the Russian city of Stavropol, March 5, 2008. REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko

8. Palestinian women of Viysk during the hour of the Viysk show in Saladin, near Damascus on 15 April 2010. REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri

9. Pivnichno-Korean female soldiers on the banks of the river Yalu near the Pivnichno-Korean town of Sinijju, April 27, 2010. REUTERS/Jacky Chen

10. On the eve of the ceremony of awarding diplomas at the Far-East Law Institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia near the city of Vladivostok, June 28, 2010. This female officer out of 50 officers completed their apprenticeship, having completed a five-year course. REUTERS/Yuri Maltsev

11. Women-soldiers help one to one to fill one's mouth before the military parade near Beijing, June 29, 2010. REUTERS / Jason Lee

12. Female soldiers, dressed in traditional clothes for the hour of the military parade in Mexico City, 16 spring 2010. Dozens of thousands of Mexicans flocked to the street to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Mexico's struggle for independence from Spain. REUTERS/Eliana Aponte

13. Iranian female police cadets stand at the graduation ceremony at the Iranian police academy in Tehran on 12 March 2005. REUTERS / Raheb Homavandi

14. Women soldiers of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army to China (PLA) of the land forces march in formation on Tiananmen Square for the first hour of the mass parade from the 60th hour on the day of the founding of the People's Republic of China near Beijing 1 July 2009. REUTERS.

15. Female soldiers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo near the capital of Kinshasi, February 18, 2006. REUTERS/David Lewis

16. A woman of the Islamist rebel forces lifts the stadium in Mogadishu, Somalia, September 14, 2009. REUTERS/Ismail Taxta

17. A soldier from an honorable varty looks back, the official ceremony of the appointment of the Prime Minister of St. Lucia Stevenson King at the Harbor, 7 September 2010 to the year. REUTERS / Enrique De La Osa

18. Police cadet in Baghdad. REUTERS/Erik de Castro

19. Israeli army, a female soldier screaming at the hour of the winter for the course of survival for women in the wilderness in Israel on May 23, 2005. REUTERS/IDF

20. Croatian warriors on shooting at the snowy minds at the military base near Zagreb on September 31, 2003. Chotiri women Members of the Croatian Army's military force, they will go to Afghanistan in the fierce part of the German NATO mission force. . REUTERS/Nikola Solic

21. Residents of Baghdad walk behind a woman of an American soldier on patrol in the mall, May 26, 2008. REUTERS / Mohammed Ameen

22. The orderly soldier carried silence on his back, at the exit of the Congo, September 26, 2009. REUTERS/Alissa Everett

23. Women's cadet corps marching at the military school in Bogota on 4 February 2009. REUTERS/John Vizcaino

25. Female police cadets conduct training in Baghdad on 22 February 2009. REUTERS/May Naji

26. Iraqi policemen check in after their departure for one hour at the police academy in Karbala, 80 km away for a full stopover from Baghdad, 22 March 2009. REUTERS/Mushtaq Muhammed

27. Venezuelan civilian reservists take their fate at the entrance to the honor of the 7th turn to the rule of President Hugo Chavez, after a short coup in Caracas, April 13, 2009. REUTERS / Jorge Silva

28. Somali girl.

29. A French woman-policeman shows a new pistol, which is an unstoppable hope for an attack on the French police and the gendarmerie, 24 spring 2003. SIG Sauer SP 2002 9-mm automatic pistol of destruction by the German company JP Sauer and Sonh.

The 8th of Bereznya - brought the bik superechki about the war conflicts and terrorism, about new developments and other hot topics. It’s more logical than another day to talk about the beautiful half of the Russian Defense Forces. Currently, the Russian army is close to 45 thousand women-contractors, who are like a strong statute to win their military shoes. The total number of girls, as if they still belong to the army of Russia, has exceeded 326 thousand. Showing that the figure with skin rock is only growing: military service becoming more and more attractive for our girls.

RF LA give women over 150 different specialties. It is necessary to understand that the army is not only trenches, fords, but th. Most of the girls are getting calls from the trainees, specialty chiefs, medical staff, food and speech services. It is important to reevaluate the current reach, the new butt is a medical aid to help the civilian population of Syria. Fearless women are ready to break in the hot spots and compare with people to win the most difficult jobs.

Varto signifies and seriously increases the number of those willing to join before initial mortgage Ministry of Defense. The popularity of the Viysko-Maritime Academies at St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad, VVDKU near Ryazan, VA East Kazakhstan region near Tver, the capital Viysk University and many other branches are gaining popularity. A graduate of one of these institutions, for a pіyskom, takes away a diploma of that military rank, which opens the way for her to the military structures.

As a girl, you can’t wait to enter the lava of the defense of the Batkivshchyna, and you can always serve for a contract. Here, obviously, it is necessary to protect the deacons of vimogi: from 18 to 40 years old, the presence of health problems, the physical training. I specialty, needed by the Armed Forces, will be an absolute plus.

It is necessary for the skin candidate to come to the selection point, conduct a conversation with a special inspector and build sports standards for three points: strength, speed and vibrancy. Nothing extraordinary - right on the press, official big and kilometer cross. Normatives differ in a fallacious way. Failed one of the three tests? No problem, already in a month the maiden mother can go and sleep anew. At the time of success, it is necessary to come with the necessary documents and dovіdkami to the military committee, deputies about the candidate's attachment to the service for the contract are voted by the method of voting.

The duty of right patriots to serve for the benefit of the Fatherland region is not left behind by respect for the side of the state, as it is supposed to be about representatives of the RF AP. Army service - stability is guaranteed. Here you can’t have everyday problems because of the payment of wages, more minds will be paid to the Labor Code, and good opportunities for career growth. Wait a minute, it's far from easy to know a robot with such basic minds on the "hulkers".

The second important moment is social security. Absolutely all military servicemen of the army of Russia are expected to receive a new social package: rejoicing for the rahunok of the state (viysk medicine is even higher rіven), serious expenses for travel, living security. There are 12 more important points here, and three more stand alone.

Perevag masa: a problem-free decree (there’s definitely no job for you anywhere), a good pension, and for someone else you can be in order with a person-veysky. At Rest of the Rocks The work of the Evil Forces has become extremely prestigious. The first patriotic moods in the country have been great, and the army of Russia itself has been put in a new mood.

It’s not so easy to get to the army, but a skin woman can be smart, with some difficulties she can get stuck in a new work place. Steady moving, rebuilding, drawing... Carrying a gracious, but if you tell me, what will be easy in this sphere? On the horse, the safety of the state. Do not go here for the sake of earning money and not for those for whom patriotism is considered alien. In the army, this is not the place, here the priority idea can be left behind the interests of one's own country. As a candidate, there are such nuances, there are no more problems.

At the International Women's Day, I want to welcome all the representatives of the beautiful state and commend the girls and women for those who try not to stench the people and their fields. Rosyanki with skin rock to slay more and more contribution to the safety of our Fatherland. And the stereotype "the army is not a woman on the right" is already leftover.

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