Musk aromas. Describe and apply. Buy human and female musky perfumes.

One of the most popular perfume components is musk. Wt_m, the majority of flavors for today's day have a natural-looking wine that is not present through its height. Let's replace it with a piece, whichever one wants and acquiesces for the richness of the criteria of right speech, prote may be impersonal yoga of perfume authorities.

Vishukaniy Bergamot: the quintessence of the world and the freshness. head hero- bergamot, on a thin day of orange and jasmine colors. Tse zrobit stylish that stylish environment. Sheep timber: composition at the same time fresh that village. With lemon, sandalwood and vanilla.

Eucalyptus: balsamic. Smak Bukato: the aroma of whiteness, which looks good. Cedar for Lebanon: against tension. green tea: encouraging. Winter of Russia: aroma to character, z yalіvtsem. Wild herbs: refreshing. Sea storm: a bite, the smell of an iodized sea.

Sea pina: cleansing, sea perfumes with eucalyptus. Summer wood: you want to start again with fresh notes of dew. Mint door: clarity of ideas, mint tea with jasmine. Cologne: energetic, fresh and spicy aroma with citrus and ginger. Cyclades: flavored aromas sirkovih sirok.

Musk - what is it?

Musk is an aromatic speech that has a specific strong smell, which vibrates with strongly odorous burrows of certain creatures (for example, a beaver or a deer-musk deer) or roams in the roots of special growths. At natural minds vin vikoristovuєtsya creatures in order to signify "their" territory, or to acquire a person of another status for pairing. In this hour of speech, speech is already widely used in the perfume industry, as well as jubilant and preventive zasib. Vono nada fixing and improving the effect on a be-like aroma and є the strongest aphrodisiac and natural pheromone.

Leaves of tomatoes: refreshing, with herbs and add to the leaves of tomatoes. It's cute not to talk: kіtuche and cyprus, z pіvonіya, bavovna that licorice almond. My first perfume: subtle notes of mandarin, bergamot, orange blossoms and musk. With peach, that sumish pivonia and jasmine. Lavender: Relaxing.

Jasmine: euphoric. Lily against apathy. Lilla: emotional. Orange flowers: in the form of nervousness. Lemon slices: Joy. Freezing: calm. Wild orchid: kindness. Iris: safety. Lower powder: licorice, with floral notes that embrace vanilla and white musk.

Musk history

If the power of this speech was determined to be powerful, and the wine would drink over the market of perfumery craftsmanship, it began to be actively pursued. On the back, the main dzherel for yoga was the musk deer, and for a species of less than 1 kg of musk, up to 40 creatures were needed. Through such a brutal massacre of deer, their population began to rapidly dwindle, and, perhaps, stench could have risen from the face of the earth, and before 1980, the fence was introduced to watering and degrading this species of animals.

Entry into Capri: a free spirit, with jasmine and scent, bestowed by moss. Oleandro: Calm down. Honeysuckle: know that. Paris: Bulgarian rozhevy, against anxiety. Cote d'Azur: Relaxation, with trojans, figs, olive leaves. Corsica: wellness, with the wild flavors of Corsica, vape, lavender and mimosi.

Mis Violetta: fragrance, scented with violet and vanilla raspberry powder. An exotic cocktail: the freshness of citrus fruits pairs with the chaklunism of a cocktail with coconut and rum, cavi and vanilla. Grapefruit: Energy. Green apple: concentration. Black Garnet: Relax.

Why are musk taken today?

However, it was impossible to be aware that, having gained such a high popularity, it was impossible. Tom began viroblyat synthetic musk. What is it? The basis of speech is a light chemical component - nitroglycerin. However, the toxicity of this compound was later established, and the musk viability was blocked by such a rank. The Alejanians did not sing their rozrobok and without delay began to gain a growing musk, which is vibrated from galbanum. Vіn practically does not disturb anything in the form of creatures, prote does not have such sharp and vivacious powers. Ale, which is most valued in this speech, it takes softness, sensitivity and warmth to the power of natural musk. This is the reason for the widespread zastosuvannya in the perfume industry. In the present hour, it is mostly synthetic musk, which is not sloppy for a person of that kind of medium.

Citrus leaves: stimulating. Midnight and kivі: licorice help. Verbena: freshness. Bahiya: wake-up call with lemon. Grape grapes: growing peach in France in the middle of vineyards, with grapes. Savory cherries: Intriguing, black cherries embrace flowers and patchouli.

Grandmother's breasts: calm, pear and brown. Vanilla: the smell of harmony. Istanbul rejoices: candied fruit with oxamite zucr and orange flower. Orange and brown: new harmonies emerge from contrasts. Burshtin: positive atmosphere. Dance of spices: radiance, with warm spices that embrace amber notes.

Exalted power of musk

Musk - sho tse: faces or cosmetic zasib? Adje tsia speech can be unreplaceable jubilant authorities the same kind of richness. It’s better to add more to the whole human body, improve immunity, increase the strength, improve the capillary bleeding of the vessels, cleanse the bronchi, legenia, normalize the work of the slung-intestinal tract. In cosmetology, musk also knows its own zastosuvannya, shards of the building to improve the turgor of the skin and smooth out the wrinkle. The musk on the shoulder was victoriously important as an awakening zasіb in the midst of the fall of the heart activity. The speech is given to put pressure on all the nerves of the mind, so the priming and stasis in case of damage to the robotic heart is entirely natural.

Patchouli: sensual. White moss: relaxation. Hidden wood: enveloping, warm and spicy tone from sandalwood comir. Oud Wood: with notes of rosewood - that precious wood on the Skhodі is noble, so expensive itself, like gold. Shkira: clarity of ideas, with accents on the English skin, cedar, licorice and sandalwood.

Masses of the earth: cheerful, spicy and licorice. Mirra egyptska: suitable banyan, with warm and spicy notes of myrrh, burshtin, patchouli and saffron. Vitonchene and Vishukane creations. Tara: kvіtkova, that cherry with hunger is calm. Eva: that village is flowery, with pivony and white mousse.

Also, musk can be victorious as an anti-sudominal disease, especially with spasms of the vocal cord and cough. To know the fault of one's zastosuvannya and in dentistry - when you add the stench, you know the building for a three-hour visit from the company. Today, yogo zastosuvannya in medicine is not more popular, as before, shards of the same nameless medical preparations, building diseases and ailments may be less varty. Speech is already widely vindicated itself in perfumery, but the smell of musk is even more individual and special.

Solal: Relaxing, with magnolia and sandalwood. Vaughn: sensibility, with orange tickets and expensive forests. Diego: fresh and dry aroma with expensive woods and orange coachmen. Kashmir: a hideous, expensive tree. The stench is stored in a square, succulent, more black packaging, more Arabic embellishments, as if it were a riddle for deciphering. Wash the bottle, not vkazyuchi on yogo vmist. Not im'ya, date chi figure. Tse would be riddled with a riddle, the yakbi is not a golden yarlik, the ruffles on the top of the cap, which reveal the person's skin aroma.

Musk in perfume industry

The main power of this speech (aroma of musk) is vicorous itself in the perfume industry, mostly in the selection of expensive perfumes, fixatives in the smell, or as natural aromas, aphrodisiacs (attractants). Anonymous varieties of perfumes are used to victoriously mix a variety of different types of musk in the main formula of the whole fragrance, so that the original smell of the natural component can be most authentically reproduced.

Shkira deflagrue tight, tighten, if the stench rises from the heat of the blood. І if you don’t take them, є routes that collapse on the way, and the smell of the fox stands in front of the riddle of perfumes. Initially turning the ancient knowledge of the formulas of ancestors, hours, reservations only for a few newcomers. Vіn vikoristovuє syrovina nayvishchoї akostі, bred for active forces on tіlі psychіku, yakі vpuskayutsya at zmіshuvannі, sutnostі, skhilnі to the magic of science, schob viklikati Quintessence, speech with marvelous effects.

The leather ingredient in the Absolutes is literally a reference for certain specific powers and one legacy for a person. The sums are even simpler, reduced to a minimum, notes, but with a great sensory effect, combined to the rule of gravity. The absolutes greet with the Blessed Barrack, the fragrance with strong sensitive connotations, which evokes three aromatic columns at once: Sandalo, Amber and Moss. This is the smell that sticks from the vіddanіstyu shkіrі and to teach the magic of conquest. Well, it’s supposed to be a Mystical sign, but it’s more in the favor of “Moss and Kava”, like, for a change in the Arabian Pivostrov, it seems like a strong sexual response, like you can get a better way to become.

Black and white musk - what is it?

In this hour, you can find riddles in different dzherels about two types of speech - black and white. Black is called olive musk, yak is taken from the hawks of male deer-musk deer. On this day, the process of vidobutku tsієї speech vibrates humanity. The saliva does not hurt, and the creature does not feel pain during the procedure. The smell of black musk exudes astringency, sharpness from the house of a creature's eye.

It is marvelous that this evolution is going to be sufficient and enveloping it, leaving behind it a long tail on a rich meter. You don’t know what kind of sourness is, to inspire the Absolute Aphrodisiac, which, without being afraid to be cross, is created by the “right aphrodisiac day” from the triad Moss, Castoreum and Vanilla. Charmingly ambiguous, gloomy in the collection - tse Divine gravity, like not vicorist peace of creatures, but the enchantment of two things, suffocated by the human all-world, Shkir and Vetiver, which vibrate in unison in an elegant loop and gentry.

We will especially distinguish the variety of speech and white musk. I took away such a name of wines not through my zabarvlennya, but through the most fresh, pure and lower aroma, which can be compared with the smell of a child’s skin. Vіn more vitoncheniy, vishukany and elegant, but not so sexy and hot, like black. Like a smell of splendid musk, it is pleasant even for evening, sensitive aromas, it is widely used in perfumery compositions, which are used for everyday, daytime victoria.

"If science is reversed, it becomes a mysticism." Absolutely that magnetic sumish creation for mixing at once, to take a unique smell, which, if the wine smells like skin, becomes unique. It’s unbelievable that the mein mantras say: “Gods create scents, human perfumes". Chotiri creations, creations from the best sums of rare ingredients, driven by their magic power and those mysterious virtues.

That p'yanka combination of musk and kawi is thinned, whose aroma suffocates a little and shakes the soul. A scent for beginners, like a whisper of transcendental experiences. Sleepy aroma from the sacred power, building creation of possibility. Intriguing sumish moss, sandalwood and burshtina. Carrying ablutions with name-calling energy. Yogo efekti kolivayutsya mizh force and right fallow.

Masterpiece perfume with musk

It is known to be anonymous in perfumery compositions, which have musk in them. Zastosuvannya yoga in tsіy yakost zumovlyuє high price of perfumes. The number of selective aromas is even greater, with notes of white musk, which evoke in house vines. The tsey component is added like in a woman, so in a human composition. Such aromas are full of songs of power. For men, the stink of the stink is given more sensuality, sexual prudence and active brutality, while the stink of women is given even more sensitivity and tenderness.

Shkira and Vetiver, beauty and supernatural strength in harmony, like wine to love to provoke. Aroma, which is my fantasy. The softness of vanilla is closely tied to the strength of moss and castoreum creatures. Intense aroma, which deprives the memory of an unforgettable memory.

The stench vikoristovuyut the power of pheromones. Three aromas, prepared from invisible molecules, built to infuse into the behavior of a person. If science is reversed, it becomes a mysticism! Deep mystery of the molecule, reminiscent of the pheromone power of moss. Vіn rages in one zі shkiroy, magnifying yоo іntimnіshu nature. Like fire under ice, this softness grows in a crescendo, like it does not flood the leak.

White musk in vicarious spirits in new perfume compositions: M. Micallef's "Ananda" fragrance with fruity, citrus and musky notes, "Ananda Parfum" with floral notes, "Automne" with woody-spicy notes; in Montale fragrance "Aoud Blossom" with shidno-citrus notes, "Ginger Musk" with spicy notes at once, "White Musk" - the quintessence of white musk; Serge Lutens composition Clair de Musc, reminiscent of the lower aroma of white musk, and impersonal others.

Noble and dominating aroma. Yogo natural notes strengthen the power of pheromones of the molecule. With the help of bodily strength and supernatural vibrations, moss and incense give magnetism. Let's find out, yakі tsіkavі new season. Mandarin, bergamot, orange flowers, pivonia and talar flower. Sicilian lemon, Lebanese cedar and lilac leaves are combined with scents and peach notes for a fresh and delicate product. The orchid is the main hero of Mis Byblos, and Elizabeth Arden is unrecognizable, exudes notes of gardenia and jasmine.

Flush with beveled corners of the creations by the architect Antonio Siterio, and the space with the leading hero Gaius Trussard was shot by Gabriele Salvatore. Like the season, which fate the aromas of the international stars turn anew. We start from that next turn її Hunger, the essence of a dark color, ale translucent on the skies, with tiger orchids, jasmine, honey, apricot and saffron. The first is characterized by a floral bouquet enriched with erysipelas grapefruit, wild berries, wood, moss and patchouli. The other one, with his own notes, eats fruits and aromas of musk, wood and vanilla.

A leather creation fragrance based on musk, a unique composition based on all the subtleties and aspects of such a broad concept, like “musky”.

21 robbed

Zakohana to pass the musk deer,
Among the wild kіz vіdma aroma.
If it is not a fragrant waste,
Under her are spirited girsky bows.
P'yanky musk. Zmiti take care
Impartiality. Kokhannya will be paid here.
K. Balmont

The plyashka is characterized by a golden pendant in the shape of a key, an object that evokes the youth of a young couple of divine will. Amber sees its charm, warmth and subtlety from ancient hours. Vykoristannya burshtin for yoga smells of ancient hours, if in ancient China they burned burshtin for the hour of rites. Ale, do not deceive yourself - today's perfumes do not vicorate the right burshtin! The main reason for this is that the spravzhnіy burshtin may have a rather light aroma, which is not enough for perfumery purposes.

In these varieties, "burshtin" is victorious for the manifestation of the quality of perfumes - a warm, rich aroma with similar and earthy notes. The smell of burshtin in perfumery was smelt from burshtin and lamb. Cusollo, from which the intestines are twisted, as you know, in the perfume industry, lambdanum is mainly used to reach the golden cake of the Burshtin.

"Deer with a fatal smell"

Musk, yak and amber are widely used in perfumery as a strong aromatic composition. Similar to ambergris, musk is valued as the most expensive product of natural travel, wine is valued for gold from the past hours and to the present day. So what is it that reveals this enigmatic speech? Musk is a special article secret, which is taken from certain musk creatures - muskrats, musk jocks, musk turtles, musk beetles, some species of crocodiles, representatives of the cat family and artiodine.

Axis deyakі z naivіdomіshih perfumes, like vengeance tsey mystical ingredient. Elegant and sensual, whose aroma fills cashmere with a miraculous smile. Regardless of the light and clear wine, the wine is rather thick - with its main notes Burshtin, the wine is ideal for a symbolic smell. Like Stefano Gabbana, not a banal classic, but a classic human fragrance, which will suit men with a rich rock, and women will love yoga. The composition is woody-similar to its masculine main notes of burshtin, cedar and tyutyun.

  • This secret elixir is the main reincarnation of right womanhood.
  • Yogoo vrahayuchy aroma of specially created creations for modern people.
  • Yogo subtle and vishukany aroma to avenge my hidden feelings.
What is the perfume from Burshtin, which has instilled your heart?

"Musk" in translation from old Sanskrit means "testicle". Earlier in Russia, the main sources of musk were male deer musk deer. For the help of this secret, stashed on the neck of the creature, the male adopts the female, and also marks the boundaries of his territory.

For Russia, musk is always of great importance: even if it is exported to France, it is one of the income items in the country. Axis scho writing about the craft of musk Russian mandrivnik Athanasius Nikitin: " Domestic reindeer have navels - musk is born in them, and wild reindeer navels are thrown across the field and over the fox, but they inhale the smell of stench, that musk of that stale buva.. In order to take a kilogram of musk, it was necessary to kill about 50 individuals of musk deer. To that, behind the creature, "a deer with a fatal smell" creaked. Beginning in 1979, and until that day, musk deer were hunted, and the creatures were listed until the Red Book.

True, natural musk continues to be obtained. In Saudi Arabia, for example, from the introduction of fences for the production of musk in wild nature, began to open up private farms from the wild reindeer roaming. For some hour, grown-up individuals snuggle with sleep, a catheter is inserted at the m'yazovy pouch, for the help of which they literally zcidzhuyut expensive speech. The sound of it is a brown draglist mass, as if it were subject to a deep cleansing and a distant dryness. When you come out the most - black granulated musk, yoga varty is 100 euros per 1 gram.

Victory to musk

The charms of the power of musk were in the home of people who are still rich in this. Zrozumіlo, the most musk victorious on love thorns. They said that speech can truly have a magical power to get a better life, to increase human power and zhіnoche libido. It seems Marquise de Pompadour, which was not struck by its special beauty, won the love of King Louis XV with the same charm of musk, as it rubbed the temples of that wrist. At the majestic shani buv musk і at the court of Katherine II. Grigory Rasputin gradually took musk, which was explained by yoga legendary human strength and I'm healthy. Before speech, natural musk is included in most preparations for the treatment of impotence.

In these fragrances, vikorosteny growing musk is more important, but in others it sounds less beautiful and the stench did not become pleasant:

  • L`Instant de Guerlain vіd Guerlain
  • Very Irresistible as Givenchy
  • Pure Poison by Christian Dior
  • Chanel Chance
  • Agent Provocateur
  • Crystal Noir by Versace
  • Jadore by Christian Dior
  • Miracle So Magic v. Lancome
  • Amor Amor as Cacharel

Musk in perfumery

Yak and amber, musk are included in the faceless perfumery compositions. We give the spirits special grace and sensitivity. In addition, musk can have a marvelous brightness - when heated, the wines bring all the warehouse aroma. It is recommended to apply it on the wrists, temples, cleavage between the breasts.

The high quality of musk and the wide range of flavors in perfumery and medicine have outweighed the joke of cheap analogues. I stink, zrozumilo, knew. In particular, synthetic substitutes and dewy syrovina. The musk-like speech is found in angelica root, common ambrette, angelica root, common hibiscus, galbanum and some others.

The first chemical replacement of animal musk appeared in 1888. The very variant of musk, having left a trace in such masterpieces of perfumery, like "Chanel #5"і Lair du Temps view Nina Ricci. In 1981, the roci-synthesized speech was found to be toxic and was denigrated. Ale you shvidko knew the day's replacements.

Do you know how, how to revive perfume, de vicoristizes creaturely musk in the face of de stasis of growing chemical? And it’s even simpler - give advice to our brothers and sisters. The intestines of that dog sing strongly, if they smell the smell of natural musk.

Natalia Karpova

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