Eliza tanaka - right for women's health and that libido. For the sake of a gynecologist. Intimate gymnastics for women's health

To the right "Metelik" - more corisna for woman's health. It develops pelvic floor mounds, improves the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, shrinks the uterus, makes it easier and easier for the hour of menstruation, weakens the oscillators not only the organs of the small pelvis, but across.

In addition, I have the right to activate the robots, sechostate system, to serve as a preventive measure for radiculitis, grizhi that varicose veins veins.

Before the speech, it is shown at the first hour of vagity, the shards of the womb, the sieve mikhur and the relief of the slopes.

Right "Metelik": Technique vykonannya

1. Sisti with crossed legs.

2. Three feet and five feet, take your hands on your feet and bring them as close as possible to the crotch.

The back is curved from the kuprik to the top. That chest cell lives uphill. Trochy omitted. Shoulders extended, shoulder blades retracted. The inner lining is strongly pressed to the inner surface of the quilt.

3. If possible, lower the yakomog's steg lower to the bottom, until the stench falls on him again.

4. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds breathlessly.

Shorazu next zbіlshuvati trivalіst vikonannya.

The stronger you want to stop with your hands, it’s better to pull the toulub. Put on your back for an hour of vikonannya, don’t bend over, and don’t lift your shoulders to the vuh.

You can ease the vikonanny right like this:

Lay a wooden block under the bed or put it in a kilka once a carpet.

If you can’t choke your feet with your hands, take hold of the tassels or wink the belt.

It's important to sit with a straight back, you can lean against the wall.

Yak to kill:

Burn down the bottoms of the soles of the feet with the palms of your hands, touching the inner edges of the feet.

Striking the back from the kuprik to the top, lower the body forward, put the forehead on the back, and then lift it. Do not wind up the seats in front of the logs, pull the toulub in advance.

Respect! In case of injuries to the groin chi colin, it is necessary to bend the chiu to the right, laying the support for the stegna. published

How to save a woman's health? Do you need simple gymnastics to help you, as it will saturate the pelvis, the lower press and the internal stegna. Effective showed v_domy gynecologist Lyudmila Shupenyuk.

According to statistics, practically 75% of women suffer from various gynecological problems. Vіdomy gynecologist Lyudmila Shupenyuk showed five simple and right intimate gymnastics, which will save you from various gynecological problems! It is right to help tighten the pelvic floor, the inner lining and the lower press. Come to our training!

Give respect: the complex is not recommended for women who suffer from acute illness, as well as women and women in the first 3-4 months after the fall.

For the sake of a gynecologist. intimate. Divitysya online


Sit in a comfortable position for you. The back is straight. Rozslabte lives and lays down the palms. To grow deep in the breath, live vivaciously forward and shtovhayuchi dolon. Trim as much as possible. See. When you live, you can go under the ribs. Repeat right 5 times. Under the hour of yogo vikonanny, the blood circulation in the empty stomach is improved. The rush of blood stimulates the immune cells, as they smolder shkidlivy microbes and generate antibodies to fight against various infections.


Lying on your back, bending your legs in the knees, raising the seats as much as possible and then sharply lowering them, n_by slipping them on the bottom. Do not forget to strain the anus m'yazi when you do it. Repeat ruhi 5 times. Rightly good zmіtsnuє m'yazi pelvic floor, sit, back quilt, as well as the lower press. Є vіdmіnnoyu prevention of cystitis, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus.


Lie on your back and relax your diaphragm. Put your feet on the steel under the hood 90 degrees. Spiraling on the new legs, lift the seats and the pelvis. M'yazi of the anus with which one is to blame but the strain. Repeat right 5 times. To the point, it doesn’t just give a tonic effect on the pelvic organs, but rather a reversal of the inguinal hernia.


Have a seated position, bend your legs in the knees, wrap your feet with your hands and begin to raise your kills. On the breath - call, on the sight - sharply win the return. When you breathe in the anus, you can feel tension, when you see it, relax all the mucks as much as possible. Zavdyaki tsіy right zmіtsnyuєtsya transversely-krizhovy vіddіl ridge, which vindicates for the reproductive function of the woman. Repeat ruhi 5 times.


Have a seated position, bend your legs in knees, wrap your arms around them and start moving around here and there. Do not forget to strain the anus m'yazi. Having relaxed, repeat rightly chotiri again. Zavdyaki youmu is treated with sidnichny m'yaz, as well as the risk of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures is reduced.

For materials to the site dobre.stb.ua

Zhіnka - tse true marvelous creation, yak mає maє masu singularities, yak z psychological, so і z physical side. A skin representative of the beautiful state of all her life, be on the greatest equal (self-realization, as a matter of fact, a little compliment, look luxurious, mother of a miracle of health, be in order with a good person, thinly).

But for reaching such goals, one mission is not enough. So that all the world's dreams have sunk into reality, the girls and women have to spend their whole lives prac- ticing over themselves with the nameless zusilli (especially when it comes to the health of that ovnishnіy look). The article is given to the representatives of the weak status of women with recommendations that women have the right to help them preserve their good looks, as well as trim the state of health within the framework of normal indications.

The most popular right for women

Under women's rights, they can be busy, as a rule, for molding an ideal woman's body. Tse does not mean that the strongest supporter should not beat them better. Just give it the right to be loved by the heads of the big women who run the gym.

Also, the most popular and effective women's rights, how to make the body beautiful and sexy, є:

  • Death nig. Tsya to the right is straightened on the training of the rear surface of the stegon.
  • Zvedennya nig. This training trains the inner surface of the quilt. Krіm tsgogo, podіbna right side by side trains intimate m'yazi, scho priyaє poshchennju akostі sexual life.
  • Twisting on a poor lava. Tsya has the right to do it with a simple and more effective one. Vono direct training of m'yazіv press.
  • Separation with dumbbells lying down. It’s a similar activity to train the chest muscles (without pumping up the arms). Systematic training breast m'yazyv help trochs to enlarge the breast.

Set for women's breasts

Garn the shape of the breasts in all hours was a sacred dream for the greater number of girls and women. Today, a great pity, not all representatives of the beautiful state can boast of the ideal state of a part of the body. Ale, not everything is so bad, as it seems at first glance. Preserve springy breasts and give them a bigger beautiful shape to help lower the complex of right for women's breasts. Qi busy bazhano vykonuvaty today - at evening chi has a ranking hour.

Right #1. Squeeze the valley. Take a vertical position and put your feet shoulder-width apart. Fold the dolons in front of you (with your fingers on top), so that the litters were on the equal breasts. Squeeze the lower parts of the palms strongly, and then turn your fingers towards yourself. Let's straighten the arms, put our hands down. Repeat this right for women's breasts 5 to 8 times.

Right #2. Chained hands. Take a vertical position and put your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands on the line of disguise, bend at your elbows. The fingers of the hands should be chained together. Then, with a sharp rush, try to raise your hands sideways. Number of repetitions - 10-12 times.

Right #3. Raise hands. Bringing the legs together, take a vertical position. With a soft hand, place straightened hands in front of you. Then, turning the dolons, burn down, spread their kills. Then, it’s more appropriate to raise your hands above your head and in such a position to clatter at the valley, after which you turn around at the outer position. Number of vikonan - 6-8 times.

The complex of rights for women's health

Zhіnoche zdorov'ya may tend and thin organization, which is easy to destroy and even more importantly to renovate. Therefore, in order to save the unimportant problems and improve the physical strength on the river, the skin girl in the obligatory order is obliged to regularly improve the complex of rights for women's health, to help relieve various ailments and sexual disorders.

Today, there are no special rights for the female organs, like toning up the pelvic floor and pelvic floor, reversing the burning of the inflammatory processes, bringing the state of the disease back to normal, helping to get ready to fall, and also, it is beneficial to infuse in case of absence.

It is right for women's organs to follow systematically (on the day), correctly and without fanaticism. The trivality of employment can become a maximum of 30 minutes. We brought a lot of medical fahіvtsіv, what is right for women's health, krіm zmіtsnennya physical forces, to give a significant increase sane looking So like a stink roar the body is tight, stringy, beautiful and more familiar.

Right #1. Sit on the bed, maximally developing the legs of the victim. On the inside, try to heal the yakomog's body lower. For an hour, the sickly pidboridya needs to be squeezed up to the collarbone. Number of repetitions - 8-10 times.

The beauty of that health is - and two understanders must always go in order. To look young and friendly, first for everything, you need to be in a miraculous physical, emotional and spiritual state. Tse pіd force kozhnіy zhіntsi.

beauty and health modern woman lie down bezposeredno in that way of life, like a long day out. Important, don't forget healthy image life and look after yourself like in the middle, so call it. The daily cream will not be effective, as the m'azovy tone is used up, and the skin becomes sluggish. Strengthen the body in a good form, as well as easy charging.

Two effective rights for women's health

Right 1

Apply the fingertips of the hand to the inner tassel and find the San'inko point (approximately 6 cm beyond the tassel of the breath along the tassel). Razdratuvannya tsієї points pleasantly vplivaє with women's ailments.

Press hard on the speck with a pad thumb three hands for 10 seconds.

Right 2

On the point Sedzan, ruffled in the middle of the calf, strongly press with the pads of the thumbs (10 times for 5 seconds).

Three effective rules for a string figure

Right 1

Zachіplyuyut vkazіvnі fingers one by one and pull їх at the prolonging sides. At the same time, the greatest zusils are reported, with whom it is enough to see and immediately draw in life. Let's sweat, relaxing the zusilla, sigh in the breath (10 times).

Right 2

From the stands lying on the back, they raise the toelub, without bending the back, and at the same time straighten the legs. The clenched fists are pulled straight forward. Save 6 seconds. Right to rob 3 times.

Right 3

With legs wide apart, squeeze with the palms of the kіntsі palitsі with a length of 70-90 cm. right hand not reach the scarp of the left leg. It is important that the legs and arms are left straight. For an hour of nachiliv to spit vidihi through the mouth (10 times per skin side).

At the thought of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, the sickness in the body is blamed for the damage to the blood circulation. In the wake of stagnation of blood, inflammation is blamed, tissues change their appearance. Women's ailments that are blamed on the small pelvis are not the blame (for sure, Crimean infectious diseases). Active blood circulation in the pelvic cavity pereskodzhaє sedentary way of life and low rotability.

Another problem in the pelvic space in women can be called cellulite, which can be seen before the dead. You can solve such problems with the help of a special woman of yoga, at the hour when you win the opening of the kulshovyh suglobivs.

Take an hour to visualize the cystic structure and listen to yourself. Right mayut vykonuvatisya smoothly.

Zhіnocha yoga: the description is right

  1. View of the pelvis

Lie on your back and bend your legs, in case of which do not pull your knee up to the board, the cry is guilty of lying on the bed. Pull one leg, and trim the one that is bent with your hand. Relax, flatten your eyes, make yourself look at the body in such a rite, don’t lie on the bed with offended legs. Breathe deeply, you can create an injury, you can’t even go all the way to the pelvis. At the moment when you see the same symmetry, change your legs.

  1. Breeding day

Cross your legs in front of you, take a handful pose. Under the bedside brushes, put a small volume - at home, you can use a thick pillow or a folded blanket. Use your hands to spread the seats, so that the supports would stick out less than the brushes. After that, start wrapping your coccyxes with microruhs for the year's arrow. Ruhi may be more povіlnimi, sіd povnіstyu concentrate on vіdchuttah - kuprik herself is guilty of describing the stake. If everything is within reach, proceed to the vikonannya ruhіv kuprik back and forth.

Tsya right for the pelvis is even more effective for the mind of a regular vikonnannya - youmu can take the pain across the pelvis, train the m'yazi pelvis.

  1. Metelik

Sit in the "blizzard", the side bones of the guilty are on the high ground. Kolіna try to spread wider ubіk. Straight arms to bring back, the stench of the guilty vikoristovuvatisya like a support, the back is perfectly equal with it. Relax your pelvis, watch how the knees sink to the ground under the arm of the body. The body will be loosened again, the cool muddy soils will be more open.

  1. Twisting

In order to have the right to vikonate for the pelvis, you need a belt. The side brushes are just on the bottom, the straight legs are spread out to the sides. Throw the strap on the right foot, the strap itself is trimmed with the left hand. Vidihayuchi, spread the right leg behind the back. Zavdyaki such a twist, tazostegnovі fold up the ability to grow up, and m'yazi can relax. Sweep qiu to the right for the pelvis softly, keep your back straight. On the skin leg, there was a trace of sprat twisting.

  1. "Goydalka"

Stand on all fours, spread the arms under the shoulder, knee - under pelvic loams. Start the pelvis in one direction. In this order, the whole vaga is straight to the airy brush, with sight it is necessary to straighten uphill, and, obviously, down from the air. Step by step, a hand comes to the goydalka. Everything can trim on the pelvis. Those are right for the pelvis to repeat the next leg.

  1. "Step"

Stop spreading the killer yakomog wider. Fold your hands in front of your chest or pull them up. Squat on the video, as much as possible spreading the quilts and killing the knee. Pull the pelvis and kuprik forward and down. important

breathe freely, at the position of the next zatrimatisya for 30 seconds. Zavdyaki is right for the pelvis, the pelvic floor is trained, which is even more relevant for women's health.

  1. Vipadi

Now slide from position No. 6 to go down, resting your hands on the front. Fight vipadi first one side, then the other side.

  1. "Happy Womb Pose"

Lie on your back, bend your legs in knees. Find out the number of trochs killed. Krish roll from side to side, as well as back and forth. In this way, a miraculous massage of the back and spine is created. Treat yourself in such a position and breathe deeply, in this position the pelvic floor mucks are relaxed, and the state of the woman's system is normalized. It is noteworthy that this posture is called by the woman's yoga "posture of a happy uterus."

Zhіnocha yoga will help open the pelvis, improve blood circulation in your hallucis, stretch the m'yazi, relieve pain in the cross section and improve the burning self-feeling.

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