Yaku people I respect my husband. What is masculinity. Contemporary faces: men and women

Yaku people can vvazhat strong? On my life as a strong person - it means to forgive, mother of great willpower, to take the right decision in a complicated life situation. I respect that such feats of taman are not only people, but creatures. To confirm what was said before the text of L. M. Andreev.

First, the dog, in the name of Kusak, can be called strong. That is why she overcame her fears and could, after a doubt, go to the people. Kusaka forgave the people for all those evils, like a wine manager. Please go to the river 19.

In a friend way, I want to bring one more butt of a strong and strong-willed creature dog to Hachiko's prize. There is no one who gave the professor a tsutsenya. The dog fell in love with his master and spent the day seeing him to the station, and in the evening he sounded. But one day the professor died. Hachiko tried to swear, but all the same, they turned to the station and continued to shukati at the natovpі know lichchya.

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The dog could not be killed otherwise, I think that for a new pet before this people meant to protect his master, and before rest days having spent his life on a new check.

In this rank, I figured out that if you are strong, have a moral sense, you can be not only a person, but a creature.

Updated: 2017-02-17

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Tim himself will give unappreciated malice to the project and other readers.

Thanks for the respect.


It so happened that courage is most often ascribed to people, as they risk their lives. Tse can be soldiers, pozhozhniki, ryatuvalniks chi doctors, like ryatuyut lives of other people. They reward them with medals and praise them. Tsі people fearlessly vvazhayut smiles - few hto can offend like that. Alece is far from the only one with good luck.

A brave man of neobov'yazkovo can be rejoiced by great vchinki. To gain an insignificant reach for such people is a whole feat. The timid young man, who stubbornly urged the girls to chatter, feels like a hero in the middle. Povna the girl, not respecting all her complexes, who wears a chic cloth for the graduation ball, is no less a hero. Ale chi can such people be called merciful?

What is empathy?

Ozhegov's dictionary states that courage is the essence of courage, so that fear is present in one's decisions. To call people bold, to practice their dreams, no matter what. However, we don’t know for sure, to those who don’t reach the reach of the bazhany, you can be bound by fear.

Better zoom out Mark Twain. Look out for him, merciful people - not for those who have daily fear, but for those who can repair opir yoma and control yogo. If a person can subdue his phobias and take an adequate decision, and more than that, then we can do it, then he can be called bold without a doubt.

What a sleepy hero, who pulled people out of a burning car, that people, how they speak not to the public, without fear? And in that, and in another turn, there is an internal struggle. The first person knows that you can perish, but all the same, go to hell. The other one knows the unbearable stress, but go on stage, step by step. Obviously, the significance of the first step is richer, but there is more courage in both modes.

Draw a brave person

Humility for the sake of such a character:

- Insolence;
- vitality;
- Tsіlіsnіst;

Smіlivіst not varto swindle with irrationality. It's a pity, this kind of trapleyaetsya often. Vіdomі vipadki, if the rulers, bajayuchi to glorify their own, ruled majestic military fight against a strong enemy and were brutally defeated. But the soldiers, like one by one, violated to the camp of the enemy, in order to bring courage, they dragged them to the full, or they perished in a row.

Courage is the middle of gold between fearfulness and irrationality. There is a thin line that makes a person look with great spiritual strength.

Shanov's colleagues! Shanovni people!

Ignorantly on the right, turn on a sprat of khvilin. Read the article, I prepared it Moscow Suspіlstvo viprobuvachіv nature, about a member of the MOIP, about Dmitri Pavlenok, Tsey lad, after the tragedy, having spent his arms and legs, ale, the zest of masculinity, having overcome his illness, becoming a new life. Dmitro, unimpressed by the age of his hands, having graduated from high school, learned to drive a car, practice on a computer, and make icons. For some wines, having developed his technique, for which he trimmed his head with his teeth. Vіn having created this family, vyhove two children, taking the fate of the handicapped, organizing a huge organization - "Rehabilitation Center", which helps others, like vin.

Dmitro does not lose his hands and nig, but on the vіdmіnu vіd rich of us, yakі mayut tse, not "ridaє", do not squander on his unfortunate fate. The life of this lad is an example for wealthy people, especially quiet, who live in alcohol, drugs and ... just don’t hurt anything in their life, weed those that are given by nature, fathers, or maybe be ... and God.

I think that there are some friends among us, people we know and just people who can read the story of the fight for life.

With respect,
O.P.Sadchikov, Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov,
Vice President of MOIP (http://www.moip.msu.ru)

People of the older generation remember well, at that time, a book by Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Good Man" was laid on the skin of a young person. Vaughn was in me. A lot of fates have passed, but I remember this book, I remember, as if I looked like a stranger, I remember її zmіst. Wanting to sound pompous, but there was a road trip for young people of my generation, a god for me. The current "ideologists" do not need to chime in on my words. The skin clock, the skin epoch has its own orientation, its own application for inheritance. The stench helped young people to know their way of life.

I will briefly describe this story, because incense, richly modern young people do not think about this reason. Adzhe їх writhe on other butts, mum on other idols.

Vitchiznyan war. Povitryany bey. Fly like a beat, falling at the fox behind the front line. Oleksiy Meresiev, the pilot, was badly injured, his legs were broken. The man's husband was taken to the front line. 18 dіb - without a driver that їzhі, in the cold and cold. Frozen nig. Partisans. Likarnya. Amputation nig. Life has lost its sense. Thoughts began to come out of life. Zustrich from a miracle man. Vіn vіdrodiv vіdrodiv at the liotchik bajannya to life, vpevnennosti, scho can turn to the tune. An article about the Russian litchik of the First Light War, who, after spending his feet, continued to fly. Meresiev began to train on prostheses - bigav, stribav, dance. Terrible pain. Medical commission. Meresiev napolig, so that Yogo was sent to the first regiment. The masculinity of the pilot allowed him to carry on fighting, to fight, to beat the enemy.

At literary hero Oleksiya Meresyeva buv prototype liotchik Oleksiy Petrovich Maresiev. Through the grievously wounded under the hour of the Great Vitchiznyanoi war, Ioma was amputated with his offended legs. However, regardless of disability, the pilot turned to the sky, flying with prostheses. Usy in an hour of war, he built 86 combat villots, having beaten 11 fortune-telling letaks: chotiri until injured and then immediately injured. For masculinity and goodness, he was given the title of Hero of the Radian Union.

A.P. Maresyev was a noble person, having lived a long and long life, not having lived more than two days to his 85th birthday. Vіn with his butt wrenched the younger generation.

The book "A Tale of a Good Man" helped rich people to know themselves in important situations. I can say about myself. At one o'clock, if it was important for me, I took the book and trimav її in my hands. Read bulo sensu, because good remembrance її zmist. Like a man without a leg, he could fly, he could live, be a koris suspіlstvo, why I can't solve my rubbish problems on my own.

Significantly, the book of Dale Carnegie squandered me to my hands, the author recommends to people who have lost their minds to read the rest of the weekly newspaper, where obituaries are being read. For the sake of exchanging with those who died with their problems. They died, on one thought, out of satisfaction they took all the problems of the people who were disappointed, in exchange for a life away.

And now I’ll tell you about my wife, now I’m married, my husband and a strong person. Yogo іstorіya, singsongly, dramatic, lower at the leading litchik. He had arms, legs, veins, even on prostheses, yet he could still walk. And our hero is neither one nor the other.

Qiu people's name is Dmitro Pavlenko. Being in the army, on term service, became a tragedy. In the wake of the vibe of the battle grenade, the 18th lad was left without hands and that nig. Reveal, young man, for some only a life began, becoming a total invalid, a burden for everyone, and, first for everything, for himself.

Life is over! Tse for the rich, God forbid, lean in such a situation. Ale is not for which lad. Irrespective of an important injury, vin becoming a new life. Tse miracle butt fight for life. Aje in this situation is the skin of a day of life - tse fight for life.

I write this for young people and all of them, who aimlessly slander those given by God, nature, and fathers. The stench is proclaiming your health, your life, as if it were shorter, irrespective of your fate. Bagato who does not know where to go. Zvіdsi alcohol, drugs, suicide and in. The stinks spend their stupid lives in bars, night clubs and just ... don't shy away. All this is a tragedy for relatives and loved ones, for welfare, and for us in front of the people themselves. Zreshtoy, such people are not needed by anyone in a distant life.

I think Dmitro is ready to take on all the problems of the people, more than one, just to play football, walk along the street with a girl's hand, pick up a hammer and hammer flowers. Zagalom, for the problems of all people!

Dmitro, unimpressed by the number of hands and feet, having entered the university, graduating from a university, having mastered such skills, like, it would have been possible, no matter what his physical abilities were - he learned to drive a car, practice on a computer, embroider icons. For some wines, having developed a high-tech technique, for which I trimmed the head with my teeth. The very embroidering of teeth has become busy for them, as a kind of wine, bringing us and ourselves more importantly.

Dmitro finished his essay initial mortgage- Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law, Faculty of Psychology. Theme of yoga thesis work Peculiarities of psychological rehabilitation of the disabled-visitors”, topics, as richly relevant, as well as a variety of candidate and doctoral dissertations. Vіn u nіy write about life, about living on a wet butt. How to survive, not tossing neither hands, nor nig. Chi not tsya diploma work є prodovzhennyam usіm vіdomoї "Talk about the right person"? Vіn having written a diploma work, not guessing about those who won't tell about the life of people in the most extreme minds. Before that, it’s not only for the disabled, but also for healthy people, for some reason they were unsettled in life, or they didn’t know themselves in a new way.

Dmitro organized " Rehabilitation center of Dmitry Pavlenok» near the Sverdlovsk region. Having gone through a difficult path, having chosen your own wines, not less folding - help those who leaned against the twisted situation. The motto of the Pavlenka Center is " All lie down for you».

Діяльність «Реабілітаційного Центру Дмитра Павленка» спрямована на надання реабілітаційної допомоги людям, які постраждали внаслідок надзвичайних подій – ветеранам воєн, членам сімей загиблих під час виконання військового обов'язку, заручникам, жертвам тероризму, техногенних, стихійних катастроф, інвалідам, у тому числі іншим the bulk, yakі suffered after suffering injuries. People, persh for everything, the needful reconciliation butt of the behavior of another person in a similar situation. The presence of a powerful name at the name of the organization is a sign of a special, personal excellence for the work that the Center is doing, for its quality and brilliance. Dmitro promotes the functioning of his side on the website of "Lyudina's Light", is browsed with readers (http://www.mircheloveka.ru/node/5). With his special butt, he shows how you can get out of a psychologically deaf hut.

At the “Postіstі pro spravzhnyu lyudina” there was a lyudina – a commissar, who helped the angry pilot. Dmitri has a bula (і є) such a person. Tse Valeriy Mikhailovich Mikhailovskiy – medical rehabilitation specialist. Now he is not so Dmitri's doctor, but a mentor and senior comrade. Lyudmila Oleksivna Korchagova, a miraculous woman-teacher, knew the miraculous, as a result of her own initiative she led hospitals, where the wounded were treated in Chechnya military service.

Dmitri is given great moral encouragement by his homeland - the father of that squad Olga, who is a graduate specialist in social work. I don’t know the problem of rehabilitation theoretically, I’m alive. Dmitri and Olga had a son for six years. And now the family has expanded even more - a small son has been born. About the children of Dmitro and Olga, they sing with great batkiv's tenderness and love. I think that such a friendly homeland is not scary.

The manager "Rehabilitation center of Dmitry Pavlenok"є Autonomous non-commercial organization "Mizhgaluzevy Institute of Rehabilitation of People named after Professor M.S. "SVIT Lyudini" having fallen asleep and additionally organized a number of author's rehabilitation centers - near Moscow, the Moscow region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Sverdlovsk Region (http://www.mircheloveka.ru/). The creations of the center "SVIT Lyudiny" united the whole strategy of rehabilitation, developed by Mikhail Semyonovich Mikhailovsky, who himself, at 18 years on the front in 1941, had hurt his legs, but without regard for the price, becoming a doctor, professor, president of the federal university. In yoga, the subject of rehabilitation is the development of creative suspile-brown specialty. Tsya strategy of rehablіtаtsії ob'єdnuє svorenі in kіlkoh regions of the Russian Federation, the center "SVIT Lyudiny" help people, like they spent in a complicated life situation. Sin of M.S.

Lyudina, as she took off the physical and psychological trauma, it’s important to deal with it independently. You need the help of a rehabilitation doctor. main task rehabilitator - to help these people survive the trauma, learn to live in a new way. The doctor-rehabilitator is guilty of bringing the person to life, working so that the person herself wants to change her share.

Valery Mikhailovich is not easy to declare the idea of ​​rehabilitation. 1990 year in Zelenograd wines, having organized a non-state Center for Disabled Persons and Military Veterans under the name "School of Rehabilitation", which, having pressed without cost, will help people for seven years. In 1998, the Regional Center was reorganized into the state institution "Rehabilitation Center for Social Adaptation of the Disabled and Participants of the Military Activities" to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow. Vrahovoyuchi, sho frames sovereign stateсковували директорську ініціативу, В.М.Михайловський у 2004 році організував «СВІТ Людини», об'єднавши людей у ​​​​добровільний громадський рух, спрямований на підтримку ветеранів воєн, інвалідів, членів сімей загиблих військовослужбовців, розвиток реабілітології, створення в Росії ефективної служби rehabilitation.

Dmitro Pavlenko to hold a school marathon for disabled visa workers, himself taking part in these miracles. Vіn took part in the New York marathon (photo), in the race on the Borodino field, in marathons near the Sverdlovsk region and other regions of the country. Marathons allow you to turn the respect of the bulk to the problems of the disabled, as well as to reveal their potential, to demonstrate the strength of the spirit, and that exercise is the most important of society. Dmitro and his comrades with a special butt will change people, so that they can improve their health, so that the guarantee of success will help themselves. Rehabilitation is in the first place in a special pragmatic change in the situation, readiness to work on yourself, work on yourself, make up for yourself and your troubles.

Dmytro regularly takes part in the scientific and practical conference “Problems of modern rehabilitation”, as it will be held on May 14 at the Rehabilitation Center near Zelenograd. There you will tell about your success and reach. In 2013 – this was already the 12th such conference. The work of this conference is inextricably linked to the names of Professor Mikhail Semyonovich Mikhailovsky, who is, well, and є її the main ideological inspiration.

Divine Liturgy at the Spaso-Borodino to the woman of the monastery, where the tomb of St. Mary of Borodino is located. On the Borodino field itself, the ascetics of the ascetic activity of Abbess Mary (in the world, Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova), having begun the process of rehabilitation of people, had lost their loved ones at the war of 1812. At that time, there was no notification about post-traumatic stress disorder, about rehabilitation centers. Ale people after the war of 1812 suffered no less fate, even today veterans and family members died. Margarita Mikhailovna helped everyone who had gone before her to help, with the word of God, and with prayer, and with the fate of people, and with a kind word. For the monastery, she created an almshouse, she gave extra help to the disabled - participants in the Battle of Borodino.

V.M.Mikhailovsky respects that “the progress of the ascetic activity of Father Mary and the most important development of domestic rehabilitation, represents a scientific and practical interest for the current rehabilitation of war veterans and family members.” That's why all your come in (conferences, marathons and do other good things) stink after the divine liturgy beat the work of the abbess Mary (divine photo).

In 2012 The Presidium of the Moscow Association for the Probation of Nature fell asleep at its warehouse section "Rehabilitation". This section is organized with initiatives collective member MOIP- Rehabilitation center "SVIT Lyudiny" named after Professor M.S.

The Muscovite Suspіlstvo viprobuvachіv nature writes that such men and strong people are its members.

The activities of the MOIP, organized in 1805, are intertwined with the historical victories of 1812, the Battle of Borodino in a wondrous manner. A lot of members of the MOIP, yogo presidents took their fate from the military bases of that hour. It is even more symbolic that the section "Rehabilitology" appeared ahead of the 200-year celebration of victory Vytchiznyanoi war. People, like to establish the team of the section, by stretching the bagatioh rokiv to work to create an effective model of the rehabilitation service for war veterans and the disabled. A significant part of this work is carried out on the Borodino field, de forces of volunteers, among them disabled and veterans of the war, the Rehabilitation Center of the SVIT Lyudiny "Budyok zahisnikiv vtchizni" on the Borodino field was created.

I'm looking for new forms effective methods Rehabilitation V.M.Mikhailovskiy came to the center of the mass work, which will increase the possibilities of sports and group rehabilitation support, yak was called "Rehabilitation march-trial". Previously, the Rehabilitation march was made near Borodino on 14 April 2010, following the route Spaso-Borodino monastery - Rehabilitation center "Budinok zahisnikiv Vitchizni" on the Borodino field. The length of the route is 5.5 km. The first rehabilitation march took the fate of 157 osib, the other - 254, the third (2012) - about 400 osib (and it doesn’t matter if you’re angry). Div photo.

If you are interested in the development of the rehabilitation service for military veterans and disabled veterans in Russia, SVIT Lyudina and the “Rehabilitation Center of Dmitry Pavlenok” will be asked to rehabilitate.

From my side I turn to journalists and writers to write a story about Dmitry Sergiyovich Pavlenok, as it would become a life guide for today's young people.

Anatoly Sadchikov,
Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
Vice-President of the Moscow Association for the Testing of Nature

Masculinity is one of the volitional and moral virtues, which includes self-control, courage, tolerance, steadfastness and boldness.

In antiquity, masculinity was respected by one of several basic, fundamental honors.

Under the pressure of rice, maw on the verge is not less than a brave character, and smarten yourself up in important situations.

See masculinity and their specialness

Husband - does not mean absolutely fearless: nothing more to be afraid of than a fool.

Volova people can be endowed with wisdom, peace of mind, rational perfomance and goodness. Moral strength helps the individual to overcome the worst fear and start working against it.

Forms, in which masculinity is manifested, are different:

1. Readiness to oppose the outer powers of the fortune tellers, fight with the enemy, regardless of the numerical superiority of that force.

2. Husband (tobto - steadfastly, tolerantly) can endure pain, suffering, waste, evil, ailment.

3. The Church respects masculinity with an important warehouse faith.

4. Building for the sake of their own interests for the benefit of the wealthy. Lyudina, as she watches over her disabled relative, has an unparalleled masculinity.

5. Pevna masculinity is necessary for children to endure humiliation and hot heat at school. Let's grow up - to turn around with a fortune-telling mindset.

A man’s husband does not cause panic in an unsafe and terrible situation: instead of shouting and wringing hands, there is a serious thought and diatima.

History of masculinity: from honor to self-sacrifice

In all hours, masculinity, like garlic, was closely tied to the class of warts, warriors and faces. A clear parallel was drawn between the rice and the understanding of honor, goodness, spirituality and moral firmness.

Surprisingly, the heroic quality of the bula was attached only to a strong stat and was repeatedly demonstrated (read - it was shown) at tournaments, magic and fights.

The American orator and Viyskovsky Robert Ingersoll appreciated that for masculinity the most successful tests are a shock.

If a person, after falling into the bottom and knowing the most humiliation, not to waste his goodness, you can rightfully be respected as a husband.

Aristotle affirmed that masculinity is manifested in the readiness to risk one's lives (and to inspire good will to do so) for the sake of good. With this, the hero is not guilty of being afraid of death and goiter, vitiating the power of honesty.

The association of masculinity with valorous behavior in the hour of battle and, in particular, with a strong status, came to the ancient Greek philosopher himself.

Contemporary faces: men and women

Having respected Nietzsche, what's the hour, if the suspіlstvo zavodіl promyslі vіnnostі, and aristocratic porivi came up with another plan.

Rosuminnya masculinity "zblidlo", its significance was leveled. Moral steadfastness has become the neobov'yazkovoy greaterness of the people.

Philosophers began to inspire the deeds with a zakіst zayvoi and “harsh for life”: even the fear of death is more likely to take away the joke of compromises with the fortune-telling lands and, as a result, lead to a truce.

Ale Nietzsche was inspired to the last, that the ethical sense of masculinity would be born every year.

Today, without respect for the “brutal” root of the word, a woman can get into a man’s way, and philologists don’t recognize their everyday denials.

That and there is not much to do: tell me, by what strength of character during the hours of war the nurses and hospital workers were small. With some kind of self-imposed efforts, the stench came out of the wounded and fought back the shelling quietly.

To show, with such courage, the squads looked out for people sent to Siberia by objectionable powers. With such pride and honor they endured the stench of the war hour, hunger and poverty.

Possibly, for daylight ce and є demonstration of masculinity in yoga to the primary, good value?

Men's people are the most famous heroes in our current gathering. The stench lived and died a little in such surroundings, it’s scary for us to think about yaks. The stinks fought at the wars, danced against death, performed acts of miraculous heroism and survived to tell about it.

Hugh Glass (Hugh Glass)

In 1823, it was time to water the game, to the banks of the Grand River (Grand River) at the same time with their friends zvіrolami, Glass zіtknuvsya vech-na-vіch with the veterinary medicine of grizzlies and її vedmezhatami. Having leaned down without his twine under his hand, he couldn’t get the veterinary medicine to win, but he couldn’t tear it to pieces. Vaughn healed deep torn wounds on yoga guise, breasts, arms and back. It's marvelous, but the voice of the zmіg її vіdlyakat for the help of one only myslivsky knife. It’s a pity, the stench of the boules was on the Indian territory, and the voice of the wounds, which yogo to the comrades of myslivtsy, did not lose anything crim, like hitting yogo in a mirauche body and depriving yogo behind. Ale Glas is not dead. Vin came to you, straightening his broken leg, lit up at the skin of a bear and popov bridled the banks of the river. Glass had his own tricks. At some point, you had a chance to pick up the larvae from a rotting log, so that the stench would engulf the dead flesh on the nose, so that the gangrene would disappear. Yom had to drive in that їsti snakes in order to cheer himself up. Tim is not less than, through six days (six times!) of vin reach of civilization, we live and are in good health.

Simo Hayha

Yogo was nicknamed "Bila Death" (The White Death). Simo was a Finnish sniper, which, in fact, turned the life of the Radian soldiers into hell for the hour of the Other World War. Pid hour Radyansk-Finnish War In the 1939-40s, Simo assisted in picking up the Radyansky garrisoners in a single way, knowing what kind of wine, shooting at them from the great stand. For the last 100 days, Simo skoїv 505 drivings, and all the stinks were confirmed. The Russians, being spantelic, sent snipers to counterattack and fired artillery at Simo, but the stench could not strike. Zreshtoy, the Russian soldier showed up in the guise of Simo. If the stench knew yogo, Simo bov at komі, and half of yogo shoky was in the day, ale vin moved to die. Vіn priyshov to tami and becoming gave life to the full life, breeders of dogs and polyuyuchi on elks. If yoga was powered, with some rank of wines, I learned how to shoot well, Simo said to those who are underestimated in the history of mankind: "practice."

Samuel Whittemore

Whittemore was a right patriot, and, like many others, he fought for his freedom against the English under the hour of war for the independence of the United States. A single difference between people and Samuel was indicative of the fact that Wittemore was 78 years old at that time. Prior to that, Whittemore served as a private in the King George's War (King George's War) and assisted in the burying of Fort Louisburg (Fort Louisburg) in 1745. Dehto vvazha, scho vin also taking the fate of the French-Indian war (French and Indian War), if it was 64 years old. Vin also drove three British soldiers one by one in his fields for the help of a twine and his dueling pistol. For this effort, you were shot in disguise, wounded by bagnets, and deprived of death. Vіn vіdmovivsya to die, and truly fully clothed and lived to a mature age 98 years, if, perhaps, God has seen that you do not want to bachiti, like a 150-year-old man to fight in Hromadyansky war(Civil War).

"God Jack" Churchill ("Mad Jack" Churchill)

John Churchill has a motto, and by himself it is cool to do it, for who in our days has his own motto? At every time, Churchill said: "Whoever is an officer who starts without his sword - wrong robes." І "God's Jack" pіdtremuvav his words on the right. At that hour, as a lesser number of good people, they victorious with armor, "God's Jack" victorious with a bow with arrows and a sword to drive in the Nazis. Itself so vіn vvazhav, scho fire armor was invented for cowards. "God's Jack" as the only soldier at the Other Light War, which drove the enemies with bows and arrows. What is the only difference is the fact that this lad, having tied his volinka into a battle, and once having turned on a fortune-telling position, roaring at him, moreover, we are the only one who survived this battle! Vin also penetrated Sicily and took a full 42 soldiers and a mortar team. At that hour, as much as they wanted, the war was over, Churchill didn’t say anything, apparently: “Yakby didn’t have such cursed Americans, we could have waged war for a dozen more years.”

Bhanbhagta Gurung

The English rewarded Bhanbhagta with the Victoria Cross for yogo susilly at the Other Light War. Why have you grown such a special wine? Well, let's just say that having vryatuvav his entire brigade in the sight of a sniper, calmly standing up and shooting at him, he also shot him in the cloud. We didn’t lash out at the enemy, rushing at the fortune-teller’s trench, piercing the enemies with a grenade (without punishment, and one by one), then we slashed the enemy’s trench at the offensive trench (de, as we admit it, two Japanese soldiers were in full line) and stabbed them to death with a bagnet . Encouraged by his success, having cleared two more trenches, driving in the enemies with grenades and bagnets. Oh, so, we forgot to guess what everything was under machine-gun fire, which fell on that new comrade from the machine-gun bunker. Bhanbhagta solved this problem, climbed out of the trenches into the bunker, stubbed on the dachas and threw a grenade into the bunker. Let's sweat and fly away from the bunker and take from the full of the rest of the Japanese soldier.

Augustina of Aragon (Agustina of Aragon)

Augustine was on the way to the fort to deliver an apple to the Spanish soldiers at the hour of the Spanish War of Independence, if she showed them to be on the aphids of the French attack. Vaughn ran forward and began to charge the armature, littering the soldiers on the flooring strongly, so the stench, maybe, thought they were going to turn around before the battle. With help, the stench blew up in the French. Vaughn bula, zreshtoyu, taken in full, ale beagle and became the leader of the corral of partisans. Vaughn served as a battery commander at the Battle of Vitoria. People called her Spanish Joan of Arc (Joan of Arc), and it was a well-deserved honor.

John Fairfax

If youmu was 9 years old, John Fairfax blew a super-cup for the help of a pistol. Vіn buv exclusions from the boy scouts for the shooter in the other group from the fire brigade. At 13 rokiv vіn vtіk іz home, schob to live like Tarzan in the Amazon jungle. If youmu was 20 years old, vin virishiv put his hands on himself - for help, go to the jaguar! Vіn took the pistol out of him on the verge, as if he would change his mind, that he would kill him, and having shot him with luck and rescuing the creature. Vіn provіv three roki like a pirate, then try to raise the price of a bicycle and hitchhiking all over Pivdenny America. Let's sweat, let's go, we'll drink one by one at the chovn atlantic ocean, and then the Pacific Ocean in tandem with a friend.

Miyamoto Musashi (Miyamoto Musashi)

Miyamoto was holy with a sword, warrior Kensai (kensai) in Japan, for example, 16th and on the cob of the 17th century. Win your first duel, if youmu was 13 years old. Evidently, it was worthy of you to fight, for you lived through your life, thrashing about with strength and fighting among people. At the end of the life of the wines, having taken the fate of that win, the greater the lower in 60 fights. Vіn training at school Yoshioka-ryu (Yoshioka ryu), and then turning around and looking like a її, maybe, to the one who vіg vіg tse robiti. Once I fought to finish the famous duel against Sasaki Kojiro, the master of the sword, who beat the greatsword. Tse, maybe, Miyamoto didn’t blather, to that Sasaki won the win for the help of a small wooden club, like wins virizav on the way to the duel. Zreshtoy, Miyamoto fell ill and died at the stove, dey died. Vіn buv knowledge, scho having slain a kolіn with a sword in his hands.

Likar Leonid Rogozov

Doctor Leonid Rogozov served in Antarctica in 1961, if peritonitis developed in the new. The closest surgeon, for a moment, saw the appendix, more than a thousand kilometers, and the majestic khurtovin was small axis-axis began to move. Yakby's appendix is ​​not buv b without a bar of trials, vin bi died. Not wishing for another choice, virushiv, what is the best way to see it independently. Rogozov vikoristovuvav mirror, troch novocaine, scalpel, as well as two misguided assistants and having collected a cut. You needed two years and a good will, but the appendectomy was successful. Rogozov buv, zreshtoyu, awarding the Order of the Red Ensign of Labor by the Radyansk Union, the shards of the goiter were to reward the lad, who had cut himself and removed his organ.

Adrian Carton de Wiart

You can think that you are a mite pot, but in the povnyanni with Adrian Carton di Viart, be a man to be made of sticky human flesh. Adrian fought in three wars, among them in the Anglo-Boer War (Boer War), the First Light War, and, most importantly, in the Other Light War. Vіn survived two plane crashes and otrimuvav fire wounds in the head, disguise, live, tassels, quilts, legs and that vuho. Vіn buv uzyaty is full of pіd hour Another svіtovoї vіyni and zumіv zrobiti five samples in the camp for viyskovopolonenikh. Zreshtoy yoma was far away, if I had broken through a tunnel from the pit and uniquely drunk for eight days, seeing myself as an Italian peasant. We already said that at that time I was 61 rok, without speaking Italian, he didn’t have one hand, and he wore a bandage on his eyes? So, there is another story about doctors, who were inspired to amputate Adrian's fingers, having made the very logical speech, and tasted them. After the First Light War d Viart wrote: Can't booty.

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