I'm a fool. Leningrad State University named after O. Pushkin Pushkin. See the otrimannya is done

The presence of great enlightenment is an important priority in to the current world. Vono nadaє mozhlivist vlastuvatisya on the prestige, and poked kar'ernymi gatherings. That is why there are a lot of young people to start finishing the highest initial pledge. Today in our country there is a large number of cherries, as if to promote a wide range of different specialties, forms of training and direct training. The article mentions about the university, distribution in one of the largest places in our country - St. Petersburg.

About backfilling

Leningrad is made up of thirteen faculties and thirty laboratory studies. In the installation it also functions for the sake of protection science practices. Nearly ten thousand students study at LDU named after O. S. Pushkin. You can get education at the university in person, in absentia, remotely and externally.

For students who came from other places of our country or from foreign powers, LDU offers accommodation at the student's place. The university is famous for its advanced and qualified teachers. Among the pledges are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other scientific associations, as well as leading teachers R.F. Pushkin: tips, education, faculties, resources, art and science and passing balls.

History of formation and development of the university

By the date of its establishment, it is accepted to respect 1992, and the status of the institute is low on the cob of its foundation. In 1996, the foundation was pledged to the association with the regional institute and becoming a university, and in 1996 it was given the name of A. S. Pushkin. The university is known to the guardians of the Leningrad region, I will pledge everything to the authorities.

LDU im. Pushkin's address may be as follows: the town of Pushkin, Leningrad Region, Petersburg Highway, 10 booth. Another student's place, which can lie up to the first initial mortgage, is planted near the village of Gorbunki. The University works from the ninth morning until the fifth forty-fifth evening, from Monday to Friday, and then the children work on Saturdays (until 14-45). At LDU im. Pushkina priymalna komіsіya works from Monday to Friday, from 9-00 to 17-45. Saturday of that week - weekends at the pracivniki of the same parent.

Є LGU im. Pushkin's family:

  1. Altai.
  2. Boksitogorsky.
  3. Viborzky.
  4. Ekaterinburzka.
  5. Zapolyarny.
  6. Kingsepsky.
  7. Luzka.
  8. Moscow.
  9. Yaroslavsky.

Administration and warehouse warehouse

Kerivnik LDU є S. G. Yeremєev, President - V.M. Skvortsov. The same is practiced at the university:

  • A. G. Maklakov (vice-rector);
  • A. V. Mayorov (protector of the kerivnik);
  • L. M. Kobrina (protector of the scientist from scientific work);
  • T. V. Maltseva (intercessor of the military worker from the UVR);
  • V. p.
  • E. S. Narishkina (curator's assistant).

At LDU, teachers of Belkin I. M., Vorobyova D. I., Komisarova T. S., Levitska K. I., Pozdeva N. V., Smelkov M. Yu., Stetsyunich Yu. N., Chepurenko R P. and many others.

Shchodo LDU im. Pushkin's opinions of students reflect positive and negative sides. Let's talk about tse mi troch by the goda.

Direct staff training

LDU zdіysnyuє navchannya fahіvtsіv at raznyh galluzah scientific knowledge. Є at LDU im. Pushkin faculties of different directions, for example:

  1. Defectology, corrective pedagogy and social work.
  2. Natural science and tourism.
  3. Faculty of Foreign Languages.
  4. Faculty of History
  5. Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Applied Information Technologies.
  6. Archeology.
  7. Earth ordering.
  8. economy.
  9. Faculty of Jurisprudence.
  10. Cultural studies and theology.

For tribute to this fate, at LDU im. Pushkin's passing ball sings from one hundred and ninety-seven to three hundred and forty. At the university, students are promoted to bachelor's and master's degrees, students can get education both full-time and in absentia. Vіd usіh tsikh aspects to lay, how much stink to pay for training. At LDU im. Pushkin's vartist navchannya starts from fifty thousand karboventsiv on the river, the maximum payment is close to one hundred thousand karbovantsiv (behind the tribute of 2017).

Activities for preparing for the entrance tests

Leningradskiy state university to carry out preparatory work in order for the applicants to successfully get into their beds, like the stench of a building with a method to enter the university. Courses can be introduced by people who have opened up the program of new secondary education, as well as students of the eleventh grade of the school or the lyceum.

In order to prepare for the assignment of the EDI in LDU, there are busy activities, like trying three or six months. Lessons are used to prepare students for entrance exams in Russian language, biology, mathematics, history and modern science. The minimum number of errors in a group is fifteen. Classes are held in the form of lectures, seminars and consultations. The effectiveness of mastering the program of the course is assessed with the help of sub-bag tests. Lessons take place week by week, the stench begins on the tenth morning. For the period you need to pay close to twenty thousand rubles.

If you choose to study in this mortgage, you want to make a report about the possibility of joining LDU im. Pushkina, the primal commission is ready to respond to all the food that you need to call.

Gurtozhitok to the university

Student's place LDU im. Pushkin's address may be as follows: the city of Pushkin, St. Petersburg Highway, Budinok 10. The manager was Ivanov A. A., the caretaker was Yu. D. Penegina. Іnshі budіvlі student's mіstechka roztashovani at the addresses: Leningrad region, Lomonosіvskiy district, Gorbunki village, bud. 27, buildings 1, 2, 3; Saint-Petersburg, Baseina street, budinok 8.

Three chi chotiri individuals live near the kіmnata tsikh primіshchen. Gurtozhitki paid, їhnya varіst kolivaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє dvіd dvoh to chotiroh tysyach rublіvі per month. First-year students, who arrived from the Leningrad region, are settled to the room on the last day of summer, and those who have arrived from other places in Russia, from the 29th to the 31st day. Before which term, it is necessary to prepare a photocopy of the passport, three photographs and a statement about the passage of the fluorographic lining. The maximum number of places for living at a student's place is three hundred and sixty.


This project was created for the university in 1993, the day of opening was the 15th leaf fall. The main source of replenishment of the resources of the library is the collection of books The library has a large amount of literature from pedagogy, psychology, philology, defectology, foreign language. In the future, there are close to 1 million books, magazines and newspapers from different historical periods (є navit drukovanі vidannia of the 19th century).

The library fund includes:

  1. teaching aids for various subjects;
  2. science robots;
  3. socio-political and mass periodic meetings;
  4. advanced literature;
  5. create art (vіtchiznі and zarubіzhnі).

Students can win all over for independent primary activity. Also, for those who study at the university, a reading room, a PC and wireless access to the Internet were provided.

Periodic sightings

LDU publishes the following types of journals:

  1. Bulletin of Leningrad Sovereign University im. Pushkin” (was previously seen in 2006; the journal articles are dedicated to nutritional psychology, pedagogy and philosophy).
  2. "Leningrad legal journal" (date of the first issue - 2004 rіk; revenge articles on the topic of jurisprudence).
  3. "History of everyday life" (it was seen before the past fate; the main topic of the articles is history).
  4. "Economics of the New World" (magazine drukuetsya from the past fate, devotions to the problems of the economy).

In addition, an online library is available for LDU students, which provides a wide range of literature for preparing to take, writing term papers and diploma theses, as well as video and audio resources.

Positive characteristics of the university

LDU im. Pushkin's advice will take away the difference. How to win a university call to name a high level vocational training future specialists. Students and graduates talk about those who, like the stench, were violating the hour of training, helped them at the next labor activity. Also middle positive rice The university should be rehabilitated with a handful of roztashuvannya yogo budіvlі and those who have a student's place to know the order from the head office. The students are also satisfied with the work of the library and the reading room, the great number of resources for the development of resources and materials, the high professionalism of the lecturers, and the ability to conduct lectures and lectures and preach the works.

LDU im. Pushkin

What is the cost negative sides, like a robotic skin initial pledge, students of the Leningrad State University call it unimportant standing to the side of the teaching staff of the teachers and practitioners of the admissions committee. There are talks of many vikladachivs about those who are among the sympathizers initial mortgage get sick. The team has tiles, rudeness, teachers and administrative practitioners often change. Bagat'okh students v_drakhovuyut for insignificant faults (chewing a zhuyka for a busy hour, zapіznennya for five hvilin thinly). It is especially unimportant to be placed before the quiet, who came from the region. Takozh negative rice The work of the VNZ is great to the primal commission, which indicates the lack of vigilance to the staff of this branch.

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