The main forms and indications of the organization of practice. Collective form of organization of practice. Safety of labor activities

In the fall, in the subdivision of this cooperation, there are two forms of yogo organization in the enterprise:

Individually - a skin worker at his working place vikonu is permanently attached to him or one or a few of the same operations, or a complex of various operations or all operations for the preparation of a specific type of product (virob);

Collective - a group of practitioners unite for joint and most effective concluding a complex of diverse and similar groups of labor operations.

The most effective collective form of organization of work is the brigade. At the votchisnyany industrial enterprises, it is stale for the sake of victorious robits to zastosovuyat different virobnichih brigades:

Specializations that create technologically uniform work and operations and unite workers in the same profession and specialty;

Comprehensive, scho to build a complex of technologically different, but mutually related types of work and operations and unite workers in various professions and specialties. Tsі brigades can be like іz povnim, chastkovy rozpodіl pratsі, і without podіlu pratsі.

Depending on the work regime, shift teams are organized, which unite the workers in one shift, that cross-brigade, which includes the workers in a number of changes. Qi brigades can be as special, and complex.

On industrial undertakings, virobnichi brigades are created at such occasions:

1) maintenance of large aggregates, automatic lines, flexible picking systems;

2) if a group of workers is tied up with a wild rhythm of work (for example, stream lines);

3) under the hour of the victorious obsyagu of a homogeneous work, as it will require the one-hour participation of many vikonavtsiv;

4) just as a part of the technological process has been completed, it cannot be done by one worker and by a parallel work of a group of workers;

5) for vikonannya singing work with the method of improving the performance for the final results of the practice and the security of material congestion in the most efficient and effective work.

The formation of brigades at the foremen's minds will require the following low principles:

technical isolation, which is applied to the teams assigned to the first operations, the nomenclature of parts and knots;

Territorial integrity, which means fixing the brigade of the singing area, de-stashing of the working area;

Dobrovіlnostі, scho transferring the brigade of the brigade and the association of working jobs on the basis of special zatsіkavlennostі robіtnikіv, and not only virobnichoї nebhodnosti;

Rivnoznachnosti, scho transmitting, scho employees of all changes, occupied on the very same possession, are included in one strict brigade for saving the necessary organizational self-sufficiency of the skin change;

Credibility of the appearance, which indicates the need and possibility of ensuring the correct and reliable acceptance of the results of the working team;

Efficiency of planning, which transfers bringing to the brigade of the foreman, which reflects the change of activity and the system of material incentives;

The optimal number, which characterizes the number and warehouse of workers in the brigade, is up to the strict standards of keratinization.

The confidence of the organized brigades can be reeded with boti, Yakshcho at the same formulantly resiliented analism of the Varies of the Varies, the character of the Vibrations Zv'yazkiv, the virin is the virtue of the rags.

Improvement of technique and technology, growth of cultural and technical level, qualification and craftsmanship of workers create rethinks for the promotion of advanced forms and methods of organization of practice. Tse may be economical, but socially significant; spryyaє usunennyu monotony pratsi, pіdvishchennyu її privablivosti and zmіstovnostі, increasing the qualifications of workers and expanding their labor profile. To these forms of practice, one can add more professions and functions, richer service.

The rise of professions is the consummation of one working function and that works, as they stand in different professions. Tse means that the worker is working through the normal treadmill of the working day, in order of his main work, vykonuє work with other professions and specialties. You can change different functions, but remember that the productivity of work does not change. A common profession is one that can be technologically organized with the main one and work in a working position for the main profession (for example, a worker-adjuster). Vikonannya work for the summіzhnoy profession is called every day. To the point of confusion, lie and work as a worker with another specialty (profession), labor functions as there are no common signs with the functions of the main profession. Poednannya can be equal, as a worker performs all the labor functions of a worker in his specialty, or as a private worker, as a worker, less than a part of the functions of a worker of one specialty is transferred. As a result, there is an increase in the workforce's interest, and the rapid increase in numbers, the increase in labor productivity.

More professions are possible with such minds:

1) the employment of a worker for the main profession is not regular;

2) equivalence of total functions;

3) the presence of a negative impact on the confusion works on the accuracy, accuracy and productivity of work;

4) sufficient mastery of another profession (specialty) equal to the qualification of a worker.

The rise of professions is most effective, if the professions (specialties) become more common, they are responsible for the change and the course of the technological process, the unity of the production of objects of work, the security of increasing the productivity of work and the advancement of jobs.

Life of the professions for whom, the practitioner has been established by the law of three times the working day, the order of his main work is to win the supplementary work of another practitioner, I have entered, sounded, to the sum of the professions. Tse vede until the total wilting of practitioners, as before, they started working in a total profession (as a result, confusion is constantly being created).

When the functions are confused, the practitioner, taking care of the forward profile of his work, often wears the shoes of the other wearer. Such a decrease in functions is accompanied by private vigilances of practitioners.

Expansion of service zones depends on the confusion of professions, which in to this particular type work together within the same profession. With this approach, you can reach more than half a working day, more workers.

Increasing professions (functions), expanding service areas call for the need for a rational working day, increased workload, increasing staff flexibility, and ensuring interchangeability.

Increasing professions (functions) expands the professional profile of the practitioner, promotes the promotion of professional and qualification mobility, changes in practice, and improves the monotony of the work.

The main mind, for which it is possible that it is economically viable to improve the professions:

Appearance among the practitioners of a non-corrosive working hour, educated by the technology of production or possessing, that zastosovuetsya;

Zagalnіst zmіstu pratsі for professіy, scho join, їх technological and functional vzaymozalezhnіst;

Territorial proximity of working areas;

The diversity of functions that are confused;

Vіdsutnіst negative influx of confusion robіt on chіchіst, yakіst that proizvodstіnіst pratsі;

Sufficient professional riven Prats_vnika chi mozhlivist yogo promotion.

Variety of professions

I. For the types of mixed professions, jobs, functions:

Poednannya main functions from the main ones;

Improvement of the main functions from additional ones;

Poednannya the main functions of the functions of the maintenance of the possession;

Poednannya a number of additional (or service) functions;

Poednannya additional functions (or service) from the main ones.

II. For a number of total professions (specialties):

One profession (simple everyday);

Dekilka of professions (combined daily).

III. For equal confusion:

Outside (for the sake of all obligation, he works for a sum profession);

Chastkov (with the participation of part of the functions for the total profession).

IV. In order of confusion: parallel; last.

V. For the foldedness of the sum of the work of the partners with the robots for the main profession:

Lower rank;

Similar category;

Vishchogo rank.

VI. For the stability of confusion:



The specific form is chosen by specific cultivators, depending on the technology of cultivation, the warehouse and roztashuvannya obladnannya, the forms and depths of the bottom of the practice, the qualifications of the workers toshcho.

Bagatovetnaya service - cin form organized pratsі, under the Yaki Robitnik (an aboard of timids), the service is one -time Kilka Verstativ (aggregate), Vikonychi Richni Eleemeni on the skin of them, and the same partial service of the murderer of the Robo -Automatic .

The worker’s work is not organized at the work sites, the activity of the worker is active at the workbenches, it is controlled by the worker’s automatic work, while the worker’s role is to be guarded.

With technical rethinks, the development of rich services and the improvement of automation, the improvement of the control system and the design of technological equipment, why part of the manual work is short and the part of the robotic one is increasing.

Wash the organization of a rich service:

1) rational planning of the possession, which ensures the security of your service;

2) the shortest route for crossing from the verst to the verst;

3) efficient organization of services to working areas.

Ekonomichna dotsіlnіst bahatoverstatnogo service

Polegaє at the possibility of ensuring the full employment of workers-producers, and at the increase in efficiency of victorious possession.

The basis of the rozrakhunkiv of a rich service is the trivality and structure of the cycle of a rich work (TC). The cycle of a rich service is an hour, with a stretch of some kind, all the elements that are regularly repeated operational work at workbenches to be served. As if with a richly serviced service, the hour of the worker is celebrated, then

Tc = ZT3 (ZT3 is the hour of employment at all versts).

If a worker may have a good hour (Tsv), then

Tc \u003d Sum ZT3 + Tsv

Yakscho є simple ї possession, then

TC \u003d Tm.s. + Sum ZT3 + Тp.

de Tm. - free machine hour, tobto. an hour of machine-automatic work of verstat manual robot that active watchfulness for the technological process at this stage;

Tp. - an hour of break at the robotic workbenches in the aftermath of service checks, up to one cycle.

It is necessary to practice, so that the equality Tp = ZT3 is ensured. It is worth laying in the selection of verstativs and the appointment of victorious robotic operations.

When the optimal service area is determined, the level of employment of the worker is covered by a way to calculate the coefficient of employment (K3), which is calculated as a minimum for the hour of employment (T3) by the value of the operational hour of the average mileage (Top)

For the optimal minds, the sum of the coefficients of employment for all the workloads that are served is not guilty of revisiting alone, in a different situation, you can be idle.

Razrahunok kіlkostі verstіv, scho included in the chіlkostаnі slugovuvannja (n) at the simplest turn, if all versatіvі the same and vikouyut one and the same operations (this service is called cyclical), carried out according to the formula

n= 1+Tma*Kp/T3

de: Kp - coefficient, scho vrakhovuє hour for crossing from the verst to the verst and micropause in the robot; 1 - first verst; Tma - machine-automatic hour.

With non-cyclic service, if there are different types of operations of unequal trivality, the number of typesets that are serviced depends on the formula: n = Tma * Kp / T3

de: Tzm - the maximum hour of employment of a worker at one verst.

The most wide-spread in the industry of nabuli are 3 methods of rich service: sentry (chergovy), route and route-sentry.

Podіl that cooperation of workers of kerіvnikіv, specialists and servicemen

The skin industry undertaking is the main organizational structure of management, the basis of which is laid down by the forms of subdivision and cooperation of management personnel: ker_vniki, spetsialist_v and sluzhbovtsіv.

Functional podіl pratsі kerіvnikіv, fahivtsіv and sluzhkovtsіv zumovleno zmіst vykonuvannymi them funktіnіnіnіn і poljaє vіdokrіmlіnі odnorodіnі robіt, scho nekobubuyut sing complex knowledge, training and skills. So, kerіvniki win overhead functions management: to organize, direct, coordinate and regulate the activities of the support lines and osib, take decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Fahivtsі - ce practitioners, yakі zdіysnyuyut okremі functions ї administrіnnya, scho vymagayut special technical knowledge, vіdpovіdnogo rivnya vocational training, novice and dosvіdu (technologists, mechanics, normatives, economy and іn). The stench wins engineering and technical, economical, financial work, are engaged in the organization of production and practice.

Servicemen - ce practitioners, as they perform the functions of management, as they require special knowledge. The stench is responsible for the preparation and execution of documentation, the form and control. Tse dilovodi, secretaries, kasiri and іn. With the formanced organized structures, the management of the piddrimism is picked up to the functions of the same pitsvyki in the services of the Aparat Manovannya, the laying about the Tsi Pydrozdi, the prisoners, the serpent of the servants, the vicenovannias, the vicenovannovani, the vicenovanias are mutually

Technological podіl pratsі polagaє spetsializatsії pratsіvnіkіv vykonanny robіt, pov'yazanih splnіstyu tekhnologichnyh protsessіv. On the basis of this support, kerіvnikіv and specialists for administrative and managerial and shop staff are trained. In addition, from different types of activities, stereotyped and formalized operations are seen, which are typified by specialized technical services. These services provide functional updates and key information necessary for making managerial decisions.

Професійно-кваліфікаційний поділ праці керівників, спеціалістів та службовців передбачає розподіл обов'язків та розмежування відповідальності між працівниками з урахуванням займаної посади, ступеня складності робіт, що доручаються, рівня професійних знань, необхідних для їх виконання та заміщення посад, спеціальності та кваліфікації для забезпечення ефективності pratsі dermal practitioner. Професійний та кваліфікаційний поділ праці керівників, спеціалістів та службовців на підприємствах здійснюється на основі Єдиного кваліфікаційного довідника посад службовців, в якому за кожною посадою визначено коло обов'язків, зазначено, що повинен знати працівник, та встановлені кваліфікаційні вимоги (освіта, практичні навички). Перелік професій (спеціальностей) фахівців та службовців, рівень їхньої професійної підготовки (кваліфікації) визначаються змістом виробничо-господарської діяльності підприємства, складом виробничого процесу, рівнем технічної оснащеності, організації виробництва та праці, номенклатурою та характеристикою продукції, що випускається, масштабами виробництва.

Podil pratsі kerіvnikіv, spetsіalistіv sluzhbovtsіv inconspicuously connected with yogo cooperation, yak є system of stable virobnicheskih vzaєmin mіzh functional pіdrozdіlami, systems of order in the middle of them. So, the functional subdivision of the practice zooms in on the need for cooperation between structural subdivisions and services for the hour of typing functions assigned to them. With a technologically advanced practice, cooperation is possible both between okremimi practitioners, and between structural subdivisions, and for a professionally qualified rozpodіl practice, it is more important to cooperate between practitioners in the middle of the skin subdivision.

p align="justify"> Для реалізації на практиці форм поділу та кооперації праці керівників, фахівців і службовців на підприємстві розробляють положення про структурні підрозділи, в яких чітко розмежовують і фіксують завдання, функції та права кожного підрозділу, визначають взаємовідносини з іншими підрозділами підприємства. On the basis of these provisions, instructions are formed, in which the organizational and legal provisions of the skin practitioner are assigned: functions, rights, obov'yazki, mutually, assessment criteria and validity. These documents are drawn up for organization of work and management of ker_vniki, specialists and servicemen.

Food for self-control

1. Why do you think you have rozpodil pratsі for business?

2. How do you see the bottom of the praccy make a place for business? Give me a description.

3. How do you characterize rozpodіl practice? Why stink?

4. What can be learned about cooperation for entrepreneurship? How is she tied up with a broken work?

5. How to get started for business, see the cooperation in practice?

6. What criteria characterize rational inter-cooperative practices?

7. What forms of organization of work can be established for business? Describe them.

8. How do you think of the formation of brigades for undertakings?

9. What principles are used in the formation of brigades at the foremen's minds?

10. What is the current profession? In what minds is it possible?

11. Describe the richness of the service and wash your mind.

12. How to form a subdivision of practical work for managerial personnel to stop at enterprises?

13. What is the cooperation between the management staff and how will it be implemented for business?

Behind the methods of installing planned tasks, that appearance of the vikonan robots is seen individualі collective form of organization of practice

individual to name such a form of organization of practice, if it is a task, the appearance of a vikonan robot and narahuvannya salary for the treatment, a skin practitioner is required.

Collective naming the form of organization of practice, if the vineyard of the worker is established as a zagal as a worker of the enterprise, the form of vikonanny is carried out for the final results of the practice of the worker of the work, the salary is paid by the workers of all the work of the work.

One of the widest forms of organization of work is the brigade. Behind the brigade form of the organization of practice, one can find cooperation. The productivity of work in teams is 5-10% higher, and the cost of work is 20-30% less, lower in the minds of individual work.

Virobnicha brigade is the first labor collective of workers of the same number of different professions, specialties, qualifications, so that they can conscientiously work together as a single worker and collective economic assessment of the results of their work.

See so brigade uniforms:

Specializations brigades are organized with workers in the same profession or specialty, the same or different qualifications for the execution of the same technological operations, most often for plumbing and storage, assembly, taxation, vantagerozvantazhuvalnyh operations. Їhnya prevaga in porіvnyannі z іndivіdіduоnіy organіzієєyu prаtsі polyagє in that in tsіh kolektiv vnutrіshnіznіnі spend the working hour in a way: more organized security with tools, outbuildings, blanks; organic training of highly qualified workers from workers of lower qualification; exchange of dosvidom; stronger discipline.

Complex brigades organize from workers of various professions and specialties for the development of a complex of technologically diverse, but also mutual workers. The stinks are created during the maintenance of folding units, on streaming and automatic lines, and there may be such advantages: the possibility of optimal cooperation between the main and additional workers; zastosuvannya summіshchennya professions and specialties; the flexibility of the virishennі nutrition of the distribution of the workers.

In addition, brigades (specialized and complex) can:

- change(dіyut protyazh zmіni and then act as a workman of the іnshіy brigades); shortfalls in the work of such brigades - the lack of interest in the installation, non-rhythmical work;

- honestly(additional), which include workers employed by dekilkoh change; These brigades take care of short working hours, downtime of settling, for which there is a collective strength and material impact on the final results of practice.

Principles of organization of practice

Topic 4. Principles and forms of organization of practice

Activity in the organization of workshops is based on international principles effective human activity. Let's take action from them.

1. Science (winning the robotic organization of the practice of the remaining achievements of science).

2. Comprehensiveness (complex and thorough organization of practice for all elements and hundred of all practitioners).

3. Bezperervnіst (organization of work is obliged to follow the technical progress and to support the minds of the lesser minds).

4. Normativity (the work of the organization of work is guilty of zdiisnyuvatisya on the basis of a singing regulatory framework that regulates the environment).

5. Economy (achieving maximum results for minimum costs).

In economy practice, two main forms of organization of practice are traditionally seen: individual and collective.

With an individual form, it is planned, it is covered, and it is normalized to work on the cutaneous repair. For the individual form of organization of work, it is characteristic that operations are fixed at the work station, close to the complexity of vikonannya. With an individual form of organization of practice, cooperation is manifested in the following species:

1. Continuation of specialties (professions) - Vikonannya with one working function and work, which belongs to other professions. There are three main types of summation of specialties:

Podnannya different specialties at the borders of one profession (turner-milling machine);

Improvement of labor functions for one working area (processing of parts - adjustment of the installation - additional repairs);

The completion of labor functions between one working month (painter - plasterer - sklyar - molyar).

The rise of professions called for mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes, which lead to an increase in the number of free hours for workers. Vono allows virishity important for the welfare of social work - increase the zmіstovnіst and privablіvі pratsі, reduce its monotony, increase the professional zeal of workers.

Among the main minds, for which it is possible and economically true to increase the number of specialties, one can name advances:

The presence of workers in a non-corrosive working hour,

Zagalnіst utrimannya pratsі pratsіvnikіv,

The diversity of the functions that are confused,

The impact of the negative impact on the confusion works on the accuracy, accuracy and productivity of work,

Qualification of a worker sufficient for training in another profession.

The possibility of becoming a profession is determined by the improvement of these “photographs” of a working day, including caution. For sub-bags, the analysis is taken away from your work hours and the hours of the working day, the most additional forms of professional training are appointed.

Bagatoverstate out of service. There is such a form of organization of work, if there is one group of workers serving at one hour a sprat of work, hand-to-hand service, service of the work area, pre-preparatory and final surgery for the skin from them and an hour of automatic work of other work.

Technical Rethinking the development of a rich service: increasing the level of automation of the victorious installation, expanding the control system of the installation and design of technological equipment, in which the part of manual work is changed and part of the maintenance of the robotic installation is more

Organizational Rethinking the introduction of a richly versatized service: rational planning for the establishment of a work space, ensuring the safety of its service, the shortest route for crossing from a verst to a verst, the implementation of the most effective service system for workers.

economical Association of the bagat vertical service of Polega at the can of the same time the rabbit rabizhnitvyvivovyvivovyvivovs.

Chapter 11

11.1. Understanding about the forms of organization of practice, their diversity and understanding, effective stosuvannya

The organization of practice is based on the subdivision and cooperation of practice. Cooperation in the undertakings to fall in the nature of the depths of the field. Кооперація між окремими працівниками реалізується подвійно: як кооперація окремих самостійних працівників, виробнича діяльність яких обмежена їх робочим місцем (індивідуальна форма організації праці), і як кооперація групи працівників, які мають колективне робоче місце та виконують загальне виробниче завдання, пов'язаних спільністю предмета праці , which are being developed, and often with the same znaryaddym praci, vicorist uzgodzhenі zusillya vshogo kolektiv that bear the main impact of the results of practice (collective form of organization of practice).

In this manner, the organization of the labor process can appear in one of the following forms: individual and collective. Numerous forms of organization of work are characterized by a warehouse of establishment, a warehouse of work (how many functions are performed), a warehouse of vikonavtsiv, ostentatious displays, such as payment for practical work, and other ostentatious displays.

The government practice is constantly blamed for new organizational forms of labor processes and outdated ones, which do not seem to be able to be done. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly analyze and reveal the main directives in the development of organizational forms of labor processes, so that you can stop them, so as to ensure better working hours and workforce that create minds for effective entrepreneurial activity.

The need for the association of practitioners among the group has long been motivated by the technical and technological and organizational features of the past years of practice, and of work. The main ones are as follows: maintenance and operation of units, possession, as required

uzgodzhenih spilnyh diy vykonavtsiv;

The presence of great physical and psychological innovations, which will require complex zusil vikonavtsiv (folding, processing and installation of great parts, vuzlіv machines and devices and іn.);

The necessity of vikonnanny of the great virobnicheskih zavdan, razchlenuvannya yakikh on okremі elements mіzh okremi vikonavtsy impossibly or skrutne (repair robots);

Vikonannya works, for such an individual form of organization of work, viklikaє simple obladnannya and vikonavtsiv (work at the great nursery of the machine-automatic work, the difference for the labor of the work, which is included before the picking plant);

The need to speed up the term vikonannya robs one-hour fate among some number of vikonavtsiv;

Vidsutnіst have robіtnіv stіyny working mіstsya and the ability to accurately install the shoes of okremіh pracіvnіkіv (vintage-rozvantazhuvalni, transport robots);

Vikonannya odnorodnyh technologichnyh robit, if zavdannya can be okremim vykonavtsy and vymagaє splnyh dіy groups of workers (additional craftsmanship).

В умовах науково-технічного прогресу форми організації праці, орієнтовані на індивідуальні трудові процеси, часто вступають у суперечність із сучасною високомеханізованою і автоматизованою технікою, що вимагає спільної, узгодженої з кінцевої мети діяльності робітників однієї чи різних професій, а отже, що передбачає організацію колективних трудових processes

Okrіm tehnіchnіh and organizatsionnyh, nebhіdnіst vykoristannya kolektivnyh protsesіv pratsі dictated also by economic and social reasons. So, in singing minds, the collective form of organization of work has to increase the productivity of work, reduce the co-production of products, improve the quality of work, economical use of material resources, and more effective work time. Соціальними перевагами колективної форми організації праці є: можливість створення більш сприятливих умов трудової діяльності, зниження монотонності праці, підвищення його змістовності, різноманітності, забезпечення зміни праці, розширення професійного профілю працівників та підвищення їх кваліфікації, посилення зацікавленості та відповідальності кожного члена колективу за кінцеві результати праці , the development of self-ordering and self-organization and more.

Also, the most important mind of an effective collective form of organization of practice: the universal appearance of technical and technological and organizational rethinking is stosuvannya, complex economic and social education and promotion.

The form of the organized form of the pratsi male riosnovidi: the boyfriend of the service, Lanka, Grup, brigade, Dilnitsa, the workshop of the same., The cigarette tie, the stake of the named pile, is to be overwhelmed by the viconal. The most expanded form of collective practice is the picking brigade.

The virobnicha brigade is the first labor collective, which unites workers of the same or other professions, so that they can collectively win over the main virobnichii tasks and bear the collective responsibility for the results of work. Бригади є ланками в системі управління виробництвом, ним плануються основні кількісні та якісні показники роботи, встановлюються норми трудових витрат на виробництво продукції (виконання роботи), за ними закріплюються відповідні виробничі площі, обладнання, інструмент, сировина, матеріали, в них забезпечується матеріальна зацікавленість працівників at high end results of collective practice.

The organization of such a team can be based on offensive principles.

The principle of benefiting the sleeping students: the brigades can be safe and stable mutual communication between the practitioners, synchronization at the hour and space of their labor activities, vikonannya different labor functions. This principle allows creating for the members of the brigade a more friendly mind, practice and improvement of efficiency. Uzgodzhenіst process pratsі space obumovlyuє character raztashuvannya іndivіdualnyh working mіsts, їh pevnu vyv'yazyaz each with one at the boundaries of the collective work mіstsya.

At individual working places, they can permanently train one worker themselves, or they can train one person alone. Tse transferring to the brigade on the principle of mutuality.

Behind the permanent link of the working place with the singing zmist, he works, which are counted on the new one, it can be specialized or non-specialized (universal). As a worker, who is a worker in the minds of an individual organization of practice, cannot get involved in the specialization of his work area, but should enter the competence of the carpentry of the business, then the brigade of the building is responsible for establishing the principle of specialization.

Entrusting the organization of the process of practice space zooming and the possibility of vikonnannya one and the same work on a large number of working places. The presence of a number of such working places and the possibility of arranging an obligation to work from them allows the brigades to establish the principle of one-hour parallel vikoning of singing work in a number of working places.

Brigades can improve the organization of work at the hour. Viconnia’s post -sinter in the brigades of a technology technology, the process of organizing the object of the prazi -in one timid miStsya to the whole viconnya of the bribe, on the vast robot of the British.

The invisibility of the work regime of the robotic support to the change regime of the work of the workers is ensured by one more principle of organizing work in brigades - the principle of uninterrupted work and stretching a few changes.

The people's state has formed that function see different brigades, which are divided into three groups of classification signs: organizational, technological and economical.

I. Organizational signs

1. For the forms of professional, qualification and functional subdivision and cooperation, the brigades can be specialized and complex.

Specialists are called brigades, if they join practitioners in the same profession (specialty), one or other equal qualifications. Such brigades are the most efficient for the great achievements of technologically homogeneous robots, which ensure the outer involvement of the skin member of the brigade.

Complex brigades unite practitioners of different professions (specialties) of one or more equal qualifications and it is possible to form different functional groups.

2. Behind the stage of subdivision and cooperation, complex teams can have three different types:

With a new bottom of practice, if the leather practitioner is vikonu obov'yazki strictly according to his profession (specialty) and equal qualifications;

With a private division of labor and a private mutual interchange, if practitioners choose two or more professions and win over the main job, the sum of jobs from other professions;

Without a subdivision of practice with a new interchangeability, if practitioners of a wide range of professions are united in the brigade, as if they were lucky with different professions, they can win whether they are assigned to the robot brigade.

The greatest opportunities for solving economic and social problems may be integrated teams with full mutual substitution. In such brigades, it is possible to organize a work with a change of practice, so that it works for the work, that it takes care of different professional knowledge, a beginner, or for the vicons it works sequentially in different work areas, the skin of which they operate with their own set. It is important for virobnitstv with an already narrow rozpodіl pracі, scho vіdіznyayutsya great yoga monotony.

3. Brigades are divided according to the nature of the work:

Technological, if the robots can only be victorious by the collective efforts of a group of workers;

Organizations, if the robots can be victorious as in the minds of an individual, so in the brigade organization of practice, but due to the low organizational chi of the economy, the brigade's form is hoped to prevail.

4. Due to the nature of the service of the working area of ​​the brigade, there can be both stationary and mobile with the transferable nature of the work.

5. For the protection of working shifts:

Replacement brigades - are formed, if the virility of the work cycle in the preparation of the work (finished work) is more than a multiple of the work change. With such brigades, with a change, it is possible to complete the release of one number of workers again (visiting a number of tasks);

Naskrіznі (dobovі) brigades - are formed, if, under a rich regime of work, the trivality of the production cycle is greater than the trivality of the working change. The work, rozpochata in one change, is carried out by practitioners of another and offensive change. In this way, there are quite a lot of practitioners of different changes, like they win a big task, unite in one brigade, like they are called a cross.

Naskrіzna pobudova brigades in case of rich robotics of the enterprise is effective and in that case, as the trivality of the vibratory cycle allows organizing the replacement brigades. Moreover, it is necessary that the planning of the work brigade was carried out on the basis of a single team. In our brigades, the minds of the savings of the preparation-final hour are being created. If the practitioners of all changes are members of the same brigade, who work on a single outfit, then all procedures for completing and working on the cob between changes are required. The effect of saving time and increased performance for the outrageous result of work in the worst brigades is to work with the best equals for the best brigades in the minds of rich work.

6. Behind the numerical warehouse, the brigades are: great; middle; small. However, it is important to understand the mind: for one choice, a team of 10 people. you can be small, for others - the average is thin. Innumerable teams of 3-5 people. do not worry about the necessary stability. Number of teams 50-70 people. importantly cured. Prior to skin specific scoring, there is an optimal number of scoring teams. In machine building, for example, the optimal number of teams at the boundary is 15-25 people.

7. Behind the internal structure, enlarged brigades can be: trilancos, etc.

8. During the period of functioning, the brigades are divided: - Timchasov; postiyni.

P. Technical and technological signs

1. At the stage of discreteness of technological processes, the teams can: service without interruption; service interruptions.

2. According to the nature of the technological processes, teams are divided, how to beat: - machine processes; hardware processes; warehouse processes; main processes and in.

3. Behind the stage of the technological field and cooperation, the brigades will be: private, so that the operation will be completed or the last operations will be low; top - to complete the cycle of operations (robit) from the preparation of products (details, assembly, kit).

III. Economy signs

1. Behind the stage of zastosuvannya elementіv gosprozrahunku separate brigades: gosprozrahunkovі - brigades, scho to lead the appearance of sirovina, materials,

napіvfabrikatіv, energy, pratsі pіd hour vykonannya planned zavdan. For the establishment of state prozrakhunkovyh vіdnosin brigades need:

a) set the norms for the amount of cheese, materials, energy, tools, practices and other elements of the production per unit of production that is produced (robit);

b) improve the appearance of the actual stains for all the indicated elements of the production;

c) organize incentives for practitioners to meet the standards of syrovin vitrates, materials, and especially to stimulate their savings.

With a private state prosecutor - brigades, in some forms of vitrat and resources are conducted for these statutes of vitrat, like to establish the greatest vag in the cooperative production (robit) of the brigade. As far as the variability of products depends on the materials, then the appearance of the materials is carried out, otherwise the brigade will not be subject to insurance; If it’s a waste of energy, then it’s safer to waste less energy.

2. According to the principle of payment for labor, the brigades will:

Whiskers for individual selection:

Tі, scho work on one outfit;

With payment for the last few operations of the technological process and part of the manufactured products (works);

With payment for the final result (product, robot).

3. According to the principle of distribution of collective income, the brigades are divided into collectives, as a result of which they are divided:

s urahuvannyam actually vіdpratsovanogo hour;

For the tariff range and for the hour;

For a mental discharge, that vіdpratsovanim hour;

Z rahuvannyam scoring;

For KTU (coefficient of labor participation) or KTV (coefficient of labor contribution) and the required hour.

4. Depending on the status of the brigade, they are subdivided into: • contractors; rent; do not sing for hired workers.

A brigade is called a contracting team, as it laid down a contract in a row with a greater stoneworker. Such an agreement can be enforced between the brigade and the administration, to make them more obov'yazkovym. At the contract in a row, there are divisions: obov'yazki, right-hand man and vіdpovіdalnіst, which, however, are placed before the skin of the contract.

The economic reality of the brigade order is that the brigade-contractor accepts goiters and accompanies the release of products (they work or services) at the singing office in the given term, and the deputy administrator , accept the work and pay її for the best prices with other minds. The work can be done by the contractor's mornings - with the help of materials, with the help of the forces of the contractor.

The most important principles of organizing contractor teams:

Reading the introduction of the kіlkіsnyh and yakіsnyh pokaznіkіv kіntsevoy result pratsi podryadnogo kolektiv;

Attached to the sub-contracting team of workers of virobnitsva; 296

Self-reliance of the contract team in the choice of forms and methods of organization of work, selection and management, selection of selection funds;

Vidpovіdalnіst podryadnogo kolektiv for svoєchasne that yakіsne vykonanny zavdan, and adminіstrаtsії - for the provision of virobnitsva with the necessary resources, the creation of normal organizational and technical and socially-butovyh minds of the workforce;

Material zatsіkavlenіst have rational vikoristannі resurіvіv and vysokih kontsevih results pratsі.

The brigade is called a rent, as it laid down a rent agreement with the landlord, for which the landlord goiters are obliged to pay for the first payment at the timchas’ volodinnya and coristuvannya or at the timchasov’s coristuvannya. The products of that income, otrimani by the rent brigade in the aftermath of the victory of the rented lane, according to the contract, є її authority.

When renting a form of organization of practice, the brigade independently determines the type of its activity, repaying for renting the property with a rent, the amount of such a line of payment is established at the lease agreement.

Contractors and rental teams for the highest organizations will secure the achievement of high final results in practice for the minimum cost of seeing resources, the foundation of their state independence and high material efficiency.

Budіvelnі robіtniki

For vikonannya budіvelnih protsessіv nebhіdno razdіlіt prаtsyu, basing on the qualifications and specialization of workers. As a rule, the buddіvelnі protsesi vykonuyut not okrі robіtniki, but lanks, brigades.

Lanka is made up of many working ones and different professions. Qualification of workers to lie down in view of the victorious work.

A simple part of the robots is beaten by less qualified workers, and a part of the robots is folded by qualified workers.

Dekіlka lanok fold the brigade. Qualification and kіlkіsny warehousing of lanok and brigades to lie down in obligatory work and folding of budіvelnih processes.

Specialized brigades are made up of workers of the same profession, yakі vykonuyut the same processes. For example, stone, concrete, assembly work. The number of special brigade - 25 individuals.

Complex brigades are made up of workers of various professions and specialties, who are concentrating at once on the main and preparation processes and going through an uninterrupted organization of work and on the basis of the unity of end products. Number of complex brigade 40-60 people.

Complex brigades, involved in the end of the end of the year, efficient production of the last few technological cycles (parts of the week) and the life of the fire. Vibration in complex brigades of end products is 20% higher, lower in the most specialized integrated brigades, to that the professional riven of workers is higher and greater viability of workers.

Leading regulatory and instructive documents based on the main provisions scientific organization Pratsі (NOT) of everyday workers є cards of labor processes (KTP).

KTP rozrobleyat one simple budіvelny process, razzlechennogo deyakі trudovі operatsії.

The distribution warehouse of the KTP is responsible for all the regulations for the operation of the day-to-day operations from the safety of the highly efficient work of the workers.

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