The shape of the product line. Documentation of the appearance of the work of the workers. See the salary

148. The shape of the product salary organized in the field according to the type of production, the system of organization of work, zastosovuvanih systems and forms of payment.

Expansion of the rights of business at the galuzі pracі and wages, zdіysne for Rest of the Rocks, has created great opportunities for the implementation of the skin treatment of the greatest effective forms that system pratsi and the provision about the award.

149. An important form of payment for the majority of industrial enterprises dosі є vіdryadna. Її zastosuvannya at bagatioh vipadkah more effectively. Vіdryadna payment is effective at times, if the result of the work is uninterruptedly deposited in vikonavtsya and strictly proportional to the amount of glassed-in work.

The main minds of zastosuvannya vіdryadnoї form of payment є rationing robit, organization of the exact form of the work and the selection of the dotsіlnіst zbіlshennya obyagu robіt on this work place.

For the remainder of the wide expansion of the nabula, a collective system of payment for work was established. The development of collective payment for practical work is connected to the expansion of the stasis of streaming and conveyor lines on the rich business lines of industrial enterprises.

150. Collective row system fallow according to the method of inducing payment for services may be two different: collective row rates and individual row rates. Zastosovuyuchi kolektivnі vodryadnі raztsіnki, nasampered, determine the amount of earnings of the entire team (group) of workers, and that, rozpodіlyayuchi tsyu sum, know the amount of payment for the work of a skin worker. In case of individual wage rates, the skin worker's work is paid on the basis of the rates set on the work performed, the prote shape of the work is carried out for the rest of the operation, and the payment is carried out for the last results of the work of this team.

151. The payment of the hour is subject to simple weather and the weather-premium system.

The hourly payment is fixed on the harvesting plots with the advancement of the assistants to the accuracy and purity of the work and the selection of the harvests, on the experimental and other robots.

Under this system, wages are paid for a fixed hour of work at a tariff rate (annual, daily, monthly), established according to the qualifications of a practitioner and the nature of the work done.

The main minds of the most effective zastosuvannya pogodinno-premialnoy system of payment for work is the presence of a clear description of the employee's work, the rights and obov'yazkіv pracіvnіkіv; Suvore zakriplennya robіtnikіv for the possession, vіdminnіst veritable and timely appearance of pokaznіnіv derzhаnіy prіyovannym prаcivіnі.

152. In modern minds with the development of technical progress in enterprises, automatic selection lines are widely used. With an automated control function, that control is often transferred to the property, which is carried out without the participation of a worker.

On automatic lines, the main thing is to improve the mode of work, transferred by technology, but not to stimulate the increase in the production of products with the improvement of the workforce form of remuneration. Minds also have a stagnant weather and weather-premium payment system.

153. The form of the wage payment is organized with the help of the plan for the form of the wage payment for the norms and the allowances for the norms.

Pid wages according to the norms, there is a fee for the work, the transfer of the technology installed on the undertaking of those chinnymi norms.

Exemption from norms - the cost of paying wages for robots that are not transferred by the technological process of manufacturing, as well as additional payments of a different kind, for example, additional payments, due to the lack of quality of materials, tools and other inputs in the form of normal minds of robots.

154. Fallow depending on the nature of the production, the system for organizing payment for work, the technological process, the system for controlling the quality of products, equal to the mechanization of the appearance and a number of other features of work in enterprises, at workshops (dealers) for the production different options the appearance and form of the primary documents (route sheet, report about the birth and arrival of work, information about the birth, special arrangements, dress up and in.).

155. In the minds of flow-mass vibration on conveyor lines with a regulated rhythm of robotics on flow lines with a free rhythm, for the obviousness of fixed operations for skin robotics, a report about vibration should be heard.

The report of the transfer of the late arrival of the brigade (conveyor) for the rest of the operation during the stellar month. The calculation of the salary of a worker (a member of the brigade) is carried out on a return bots report. On the change that we spent a month, the fixed workers for the military operations have a good reputation. The recruitment of workers (teams) is insured and paid for additional expenses, accepted final operations, for the total sum of all actually completed operations assigned to the worker (team).

With the consistency of the main principles of the appearance of the future operations at the end of the business, a difference in documentation is established.

156. At other enterprises, the main document is the form of the election and the double brigade election. For the additional calculation technique after the end of the summer period, an hour is paid for the norms, the sum of the wages for the skin name (number) of the details and the operation for the entire release of the products and the sum of the wages of the skin worker are allowed until the date of appointment. The total sum of the earnings of the entire brigade for the data of the appointment of reports is set from the sum of the earnings of the entire brigade, depending on the amount of products built by the controller of the VTK. With the method of control over the savings of details in the selection in the appearance, the balance of the details of the brigade is changed: a surplus of the cob of the rozrahunk period; the number of details that came to the harvesting of the yard during the rozrahunk period; attached details, adopted by the VTK; a number of details that were lost for example during the rozrakhankov period. Data about the production of the brigades of the brigades, which are insured in the prescribed way, are compared with the indicators of the brigades.

157. characteristic feature serial type of production є ruh parts for an hour of processing in front installed batches. In the minds of the most rational, there is a staging of the route system in appearance.

Маршрутний лист є документом, який супроводжує партію деталей у процесі виробництва за операціями її обробки в цеху та забезпечує необхідний контроль за правильністю дотримання встановленого технологічного маршруту, за правильністю обліку руху партії деталей у виробництві та за відповідністю кількості виробленої продукції сумі нарахованої робітником заробітної плати.

Routing lists, as a rule, are written down by the practitioners of the planning and dispatching (planning and distribution) bureau to the workshop on a batch of parts, according to the schedule for the launch of parts at the manufacturing plant, technological maps and in. cards.

When you see materials, details, napіvfabrikatіv at the robot at the route sheet, the amount is seen.

Skin batch of parts to undergo all operations, as a rule, according to the route sheet. Prote in a few ways, the batch of parts in the robotic process can be enlarged (divided) into two or three batches. On the newly seen party, an okremium (additional) route sheet is written.

158. At other enterprises, the route lists are blocked with reports about the death of workers for a change. And here the change report takes on the role of the rozrachunk document, in which case the results of the technical procedure for skin surgery are recorded in the route lists.

The collection of change reports gives the opportunity to conduct operational analysis of the work of the skin worker and all the farms in general in the same period of change of virobnichim.

The provision of the route system to the appearance of the pov'yazane іz carried out low preparatory work, zokrema: organization of the completion and collection of batches of parts; from the safety of the selection of standard and peaceful containers, bags and other rahunkovy accessories, which make it easier and faster to assign a number of parts from the party by means of technological processing. The number of nutritional organizations in the appearance of po'yazani іz zagalnym polypshennyam organіzatsії vyrobnitstvа i control.

If the route system is successfully carried out, if the number of parts that have been processed, not changed, the fragments of the way the increase in the number of parties is growing, then the route system is losing its value and ceases to function normally.

For the availability of the machine counting station, it is possible to mechanize the listing of route lists for additional machines.

159. At the enterprises with individual (single) and other serial types of production, the form of production and the increase of wages are carried out for work recruitment for a work job. Oshatna system looks like zastosovuєtsya also when vikonannі repair work and okremih one-time zamovlen.

The essence of the random system is based on the fact that the worker is usually given in the outfit for the work of the worker, the robot is required to have a normal hour for the її vikonannya.

In the world, the task of dressing up is affixed the result of technical acceptance. Pіdrahunok sumi zarobіtku, nalezhny worker, zdіysnyuєtsya machinorakhunkovy stantsієyu (calculating center) by the way of taxation of the number of prepared parts (virobіv) for the established retail price.

Dress up to get dressed up, different: individual selection (who apply for one employee) and collective (which apply for a group or a team of employees). The outfits are written in one change more trivaly term dії.

160. On robots, which are collected collectively (tobto a large number of robots), put on the uniform of the brigade team, in which on the front side the name of the foreman is indicated, and on the back - the name of that personnel number of the workers, to enter the warehouse of the brigade, from the appointed and actual ranks at the right time.

The system may have a number of shortcomings, to which the presence of a large number of primary documents remains, easing the control over the operational development of workers, which often leads to the attachment of a ship, missing details of those other negative phenomena.

161. Due to the method of short documentation and improvement of control functions to the appearance great value may zastosuvannya accumulative outfits, scho to make a trivial hour.

Different types of accumulative outfits and facial robes of workers and other similar documents. The stagnation of accumulative outfits and special jobs of employees allows you to significantly reduce the labor intensity of formal work from registration, registration and processing of documents.

162. The issuance of work orders for the work of the contractor is carried out up to її on the cob on the basis of technological cards and other technical documents and apparently up to the production program of the workshop.

After the receipt of products from working outfits, they are transferred to the CC, MSS or accounting with additional sheets for additional payment, sheets for downtime payment, certificates of travel and other documents.

At the enterprises, where the HRC can be run, or the machine-rachunk stations, the dual-cards will be heavily loaded, in which the first documents and the perforated card will be used.

163. Whether or not additional payments for the care of normal minds of work and unproductive spending and may be one of the reasons for overturning the fund of wages of business.

Surcharges for admission to the normal minds of the robots are charged at the time of the injury due to the timing of the entrances to the installed technological process. Tsі vіdhilennya viklikayutsya nedolіchno ї tehnіchnії іdgotovki vіrobnіstva, nechasnoyu і the correct organіzієє materialі poshchannya just. Therefore, for surcharges up to the official norms of tariffs, as well as for the payment of operations that are not carried out by the technological process, suvoriy control can be established.

164. Vikonannya dodatkovykh robit is allowed in advance by the head of the business - the director (chief engineer) or a special one approved by him. In case of a skin-smooth type of depression, it is necessary to reconsider the need for an additional payment. Proper organization of the form and control over surcharges will allow to conduct an effective fight against the choice of reasons that call for improvement in the established norms.

As a means of control over the correctness of the form, the number of the main document (to the report along with the report) is put down in the sheet for additional payment, for which it is assigned to the robot, and in the new one, in its own line, the number of the document for additional payment is recorded.

165. Surcharges and payments that are not transferred by the technological process are made out by the following documents: for different surcharges up to standard norms of tariffs - sheets for surcharge; on payment for additional and additional operations that were not transferred by the established technological process - orders for a work order with an official sign (for example, with a red border along the diagonal of the form along with). In these documents, the reasons for additional payments and additional work are indicated, as well as the guilt of the resignation.

166. For the correct appearance and analysis of waivers in the form of norms from wages, a nomenclature of the reasons for waivers is established.

Відхилення від норм із заробітної плати на роботах з погодинною оплатою праці визначаються за спеціальними розрахунками, в яких наводяться (виходячи з переліку робочих місць та штатних посад, кількості виготовлених умовних машинокомплектів виробів та встановленої суми заробітної плати погодинників на один машинокомплект) сума заробітної плати даної категорії workers for the norms on vikonaniya obsyag work; the amount of wages actually earned by this worker, the amount of income that is shown as a difference between the actually earned wages and the amount of wages paid for the norms (for the rozrakhunk).

For the operational analysis of the timely life of the appointments, the appointments are made at the survey of the harvesters (teams) for five days or decades. For the presence on the application of the calculation technique at the VC or the MCC systematically (for five days or decades) on the submission of data primary documentation summaries (tabulagrams) about compliance with the norms (for workshops, divisions, brigades) from the designated reasons for their guilt and guilt.

Analysis and control of surcharges may be based on the method of revisiting the priming, explaining to your pet the authority of the reasons, and establishing the correctness of the registration of surcharges.

An analysis of the reasons for and blame for additional payments gives the opportunity to come in, direct to the elimination of negative results from the formation of positive results of work.


    Zagalnі position with the shape of practice………………………………………………….….….3

    1. Regulation of labor relations………………………………………………....3

      The shape of the number of workers and the working hours………………………………….4

      Indicators of the growth and payment of labor…………………………………………………..5

    Organization of payment for services………………………………………………………………...6

    1. Tariff system……………………………………………………………………….…8

      Fund for the payment of labor………………………………………………………………………...9

    The procedure for earning money to pay for the cost…………………………………………..11

    Analytical appearance of bills for wages……………………………………………….14

    Synthetic form of payment for the cost of rozrakhunkiv for her…………………………………..15

    Rozrahunok that appearance utriman that payment from wages………………………………18

    Control over the recruitment fund for payment of labor ……………………………………...19


List of written literature……………………………………………………….….22


p align="justify"> The process of being a pіdpriєmnitskoї іyalnostі, especially the preparation of products, comrades, vikonannya robіt і nadannya servіts, pov'yazaniya s vitraty not only speeches, but also lively practice, which is the most important element of vitrat vitrat. The value of the price of practice is vimiryuєtsya is more important than the number of hours given. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the obligation to pay the work to the skin doctor for the necessary expenses and insurance fees for the payment of the work of the doctor. Іsnuyut pevnі vomogi to form and control over the payment of pratsі.

The wages are a part of the cost of the suspensory product, expressed in a penny form and are seen by the workers and servicemen as much as possible and the quality of the work they have stained.

Vikonuyuchi important function control over dotrimannym principle rozpodіlu pratsі, oblіk is guilty of ensuring the vikonannya of such tasks: the formation of data about the number of practices in business and the practice hour; displaying external information about working hours and product output; grouping of data on external information and formation of analytical and synthetic indicators of wages and wages and rozrakhunkiv with workers and servicemen; folded zvіtnostі about vykonanny plan pratsі; control over the camp and the vicissitudes of labor resources of the enterprise, the hiring of workers for the productivity of work, the maintenance of the planned salary fund for the types of payments and categories of personnel, and the compensation for rozpodіl zarobitnoi ї pay.

The basis of the organization of the appearance of work and wages is: classification of the personnel of the entrepreneurs; signs and indications of the operation; tariff system and forms of payment for workers and service workers; grouping wages by types of payments.

The classification of personnel is the basis for organizing the appearance of the number of workers and the number of working hours. Signs and displays of technological displays give information that is victorious for the appearance of the worker-workers. The tariff system and forms of payment for work are the basis for rozrakhunkiv іz zarobіtnoї pay. The grouping of wages for the types of payments to serve as the basis for the organization of analytical and synthetic appearance and the folding of zvіtnostі about vikonanny plan pratsі.

At the foreman’s of those other government processes, like vicorist, the bones of practice are stained with objects of practice, and he himself takes care of the practice.

    Zagalni ambushed in the guise of practice.

1.1. Regulation of labor permits.

At the gate ahead of Nini systems organized, to pay the prazi is Vozhno Dvydin Zavdannya: one side, the submarine of the submarines of the values ​​of the values ​​of the rights of the forms of the forms of Pay Rosimi, the regime of the Roboti regime, and forgotten by the mechanism of the sorcerer, for the help of the establishment of a lower level of payment for labor, payment for the other categories of personnel, the maximum three-value working day. At zv'yazkah zberіgaєtsya tsentralіzovanе regulivannya trudnosin, vstanovlyuє norms, obov'yazkovі dermal organizations independently in view of the type of activity and organizational and legal form (Code of Laws on Pratsyu of the Russian Federation). To lay down the price and to the appearance of the cost and її payment. Vіn maє buti suvoro dokumentirovanim, stovіrnim and richly in what odnomanіtny on the whole territory of the country.

Vihodyachi z tsogo, the personnel of the organization are distinguished by the following signs:

    spheres of occupational work - personnel of the industrial and non-viral spheres. Prior to selection, the staff should be assigned the practitioners of the main, additional and other structural subdivisions, which will determine the most important types of activity of the organization. How should the cultivator organizations of practitioners, yak take part in the process product selection vykonannya robіt that nadannya servitov, scho cheruyut tsim process or serve yogo. Prior to the non-viral staff are brought to the workers of the organization, employed in the non-viral sphere.

    professionally-qualified and other signs - plumbers, turners, milling machines, fitters, mechanical engineers, designers, accounting, economics, etc. The qualification of workers is the initial official when they are assigned ranks: what is the qualification, then the highest rank is assigned to the worker.

For proper legislation, a working hour is worth an hour, by stretching such a hire, the worker wins his obligations, assigned to the labor contract and the rules of the internal order.

1.2. Appearance of the number of workers and in the practiced hour.

This appearance is carried out based on the original documents. When you enter the practice for a skin practitioner, a special card is issued for a unified form T-2. Vіdomosti about the number of days of work and years, about the variation and other data are taken from tables, orders, reports, vіdomosti virobіtku, rosrakhunkovyh and payment vіdomosti and special cards pratіvnіv, yakі are systematized by the singing rank.

The report card is kept at the organization's subdivisions. With this help, take care of the information about the practice of the hour and the absence of other reasons for the year and day, be more careful about going to work, before the arrival of the rules, the camp of labor discipline.

Absences of chi zapiznennya pratsyuvati z important reasons are made out by such documents: leaflets of timchasovoi non-practice, dovіdkami vykonanny state and hromadskih obov'yazkіv. The documents are given to the timekeepers, and after the badges in the timesheet are transferred to the accounting department for the accountants from the practitioners.

Substandard work, allowed in the prescribed manner, is fixed on the lists by the masters and controlled by the time sheet. An hour of downtime is due for leaflets about simple, like signing the administration of a structural subdivision.

Internal downtime for reasons to be insured on the basis of photographs of working areas and other evidence of downtime. The values ​​are determined by the data acquisition, typical for the sunny period, are victorious in the analysis of indications in practice for revealing the reasons that give rise to unproductive time spent working at the enterprise.

Vitrati working hours are grouped behind singing signs: an hour of payment, an hour of non-payment of payments, and an hour of non-payment of non-payment. Evil the skin of the group to be visible: vidpraztovs for the time of the timid day, the prefabrication of Godino, the robot at the Vikhіdnі Tu Svyatkovі Dni, the service of the Vidniyzni, the intra -names of the bast , don’t go to work in the wake of temporal incompetence, a happy birthday for mothers-anniversaries, workers and workers, employed in health care work, absenteeism, and late work.

Indicators for the duration of the month are grouped from the timesheets and characterize the labor resources for the undertaking. The stench is necessary for control over the vicarious workforce in terms of work, liquidation of downtime, short work breaks, the adoption of other unproductive hours of the working day and the ordering of information from work.

Also, at certain undertakings, victorious priyomi and rational appearance of the year of birth are celebrated. At the report cards, they show less inspiration from the normal minds of the robot.

      Pokazniki vyrobіtku and pay pracі.

Before the most important indications, which are required to pay for the payment of labor, there are norms of labor, which characterize the variation of products. The norm of practice - the norm of the rate, hour, service, number, how it is established for the practitioners in a reasonable way to the attained level of technology, technology, organization of production and practice.

Norma virobіtku vmіryuyut vstanovleny obsjag roboti, scho pіdlyagaє vykonannyu in a single working hour; Different types of norms change - norms of service, standardization of tasks.

The norm of a working day is the value of the working day's profits, set up to the last unit of work.

The shape of vikonannya norms of practice at the other stages of the manufacturing process is the basis for the appointment of obligatory vikonakh robit, due payment for the labor of the virobnichoi brigade.

The shape of the vibration is necessary for the safety of data collection about the details and the finished products, the finished products and the rejected varieties. It is necessary to correctly select the system for the form of the selection, as well as the primary documents for the execution of the selection.

The system is the shape of a deposit in the form of organization and standardization of practice, the technological process, the establishment of rational methods in the collection of information, in the form of a system of payment for work and a method of acquiring work. The axis of the number of options for the appearance of vibration, which can be put into practice:

    at the mass virobnitstv, the laborers of the workers on the rich farms should be organized by the brigades, like a singing cycle of robots. The acceptance of products is carried out according to the final operation. Ale buvaє i operational system in the shape of a virobitka;

    in serial productions, that income is registered in rich vipadaks in a change report-dress. Deyakі pіdpriєmstva zam_nіh raportіv аbo at poddnanny z them zastosovuyut system of route cards, scho vіdkrivayutsya on the skin lot of parts or vuzol parts. The stinks are registered by the picking service and they supervise the second batch of details until the completion of their preparation;

    in single and random serial productions, one-time documents are often victorious - outfits, as if they are fixed by a brigade of singing robots. Acts of undertaking such collections stop the monthly accumulation of documents at the sight of special documents in the future, but the flow of documents is fast.

In the subjects of the state of the state of other galuses of material production, specific systems are formed in the form of a vicarious hour; often the stench is surrounded by danim, necessary to pay for the work.

    Organization of payment for services.

Under the payment of labor, it is taken into account that the penny form is part of the labor of the workers in the production of the product, vikonannі robit that nadannya servic, as it should be at the special police officer. Payment for the practice of a skin practitioner should be deposited in the form of a labor contribution and as a cost of practice.

For the appointment of an obligatory duty, they work with a brigade, or we will adorn a worker as a worker. On this basis, wages are paid for in a row form of payment for work. These data also serve to control vikonannya norms pratsі that hour, schob gain data about the ruh parts and beverages, finished products and on the ship.

Distinguish two systems for the appearance of the work: operational and final operations (products).

Depending on the nature of the production, the system for organizing and paying for work, the method of controlling the quality of products, the industry is filled with such forms of primary visual documentation: an order for a work order (form T-40), a route sheet or a map (form T-23), a report on the production (f.T-22), a statement of the appearance of the forecast (f.T-17, f.T-18), an act on the hiring of vicons, the standardization of the weathermen and others.

Primary documents in the form of a prototype can be typical or independently divided and confirmed at the enterprise, but if you are guilty of revenge, such requisites:

· Place of work (workshop, vіddіl, dilyanka);

· Rosrakhunkovy period (r_k, m_syats, date);

· ПІБ, personnel number, employee rank;

· Code of appearance of vitrate (virib, zamovlennya, rahunok, statya vitraty);

· Discharge of robots, quantity and quality of robots;

· Norm hour that price for a unit of work;

· Amount of earnings;

· Kіlkіst normo-year for vykonanіy robotі.

These documents are updated on the basis of technological maps, standard norms and prices depending on the production program for the workshop, the schedule of their work is seen by the worker (brigade) to the cob of work. After the completion of the work in accordance with the technical control (VTK), the actual quantity of the manufactured (accepted) products and the hose is put down.

By means of speedy obsyagu of the primary documentation from the appearance of the production of products and of the latter, it is necessary to consolidate, comprehensive norms of pricing, as well as rich (accumulative) documents to replace the developmental ones.

The biggest contribution to the motivation of documentation about the production of workers is given by the technology and type of production.

In the minds of mass production and large-scale production zastosovuyutsya reports and vіdomostі vіrobіtku, scho are cumulative documents, with the help of which the generation of workers for a few days, tizhnіv, ten days, pіvmіsyatsya, mnіsyatsya is made out. It is possible for the one who, in such circumstances, the workers, day by day, to perform the same operations, does not need to bring the task to mind and understand, to normalize the choice of price.

Є kіlka typical forms of reports and vіdomosti produced by robіtnіv-vіdryadnіv. The report about the brigade's vibration (f. T-18) is stagnant at the mass-stream vibration. Vіn vypisuєtsya the sing type of the processed products, for which one the total price is established. For a month, in the report of the day, the details are accepted from the rest of the operation, so that a variant of the appearance of the end products is established. The rate depends on the number of products accepted by the controller at the end of the operation. The earnings of the brigade are covered by the total cost (for all technological operations). The individual vibration of the skin member of the brigade depends on the nature and rhythm of the work.

In virobnits with a firm, regulated by the rhythm of work, the value of the virobitka for all the workers is the same, so the master will fill in the virobіtka for a month (f. T-17) for all members of the brigade. We will then compile an accumulative report from the assigned number of the operation and the number of virobs taken from the conveyor for replacement by a skin worker. At the report, all workers are required to work, as they work at the qiu change, their wages.

On dilnitsyakh and virobnitstvah with a free rhythm of work and the establishment of the actual work on the work of the skin robotic worker that hour of the vikonannya work can be changed. The appearance of an individual test will follow the data of the operational inventory of an unfinished test on the skin work area. Following the data of the inventory, a change report is compiled about the change and it is transferred to the accounting department.

In serial production for the appearance of the election, route sheets and change reports-attire are put in place.

Serial production is characterized by the preparation of parts in small batches, and the trivality of their processing, as a rule, does not exceed one change. The batch of parts launched by the manufacturing is accompanied by a route sheet (map), which ensures control over the completion of the technological process and the saving of parts in the manufacturing process. That is why, on the rich undertakings of serial production in machine production and in the process of production, there is a report about vibration (f. T-22) or wines with the route sheet (f. T-23-a).

The route sheet is written by the planning and dispatching service to the shop of enterprises. At the new one, specify the name of the details, the number of pieces in the batch, the number of operations in that sequence, which stench is installed in the technological cards, the names of vikonavtsiv, the name of the order, the VTK badges about the reception.

Data about the choice of whether a practitioner for a change from different route lists is recorded before the report, which is a victory for wages.

Reports about viroblennya zminu are written, sound, a group of workers, served by one controller of the VTK. In this rank, at the report for the change, which is zastosovuetsya with the route sheet, they are considered by the worker for the change of details, and in the route sheet - operations with a batch of details.

Even though the triviality of the processing of the details, or, if you don’t overwhelm the changes of the day, you can settle down when the damage is done with one report. The itinerary list is also zastosovuetsya as an independent document without a report.

In a single and dry-series production The main document of the appearance of the worker and the salary of the worker is the order for the work of the worker (f.T-40).

Such variances are characterized by the fact that the workers perform different operations, that they are not repeated. Attires are issued for one worker or for a brigade, for one change or a longer period (up to a month), prote zavzhd once outfits are issued only for one type of product that is released.

The order is written by the majstr on the cob of work with the improvement of technological cards. In the world of vikonannya robit at the new one, there are a number of adopted accessory details and a shell, after which the bill is closed, it is transferred to the accounting office for wages.

With the brigade method, the vikonannya works on the back, along with the necessary data for the repayment of income and the distribution of income among the members of the brigade.

Accumulation outfits (for a decade, pіvmіsyatsya, mnіsyatsya) give the opportunity to shorten the number of documents for the registration of the generation of workers, to the fact that they are subsequently written down in them for the order of the day of that їх vikonannya. Їх nedolіk - the need to put together a bill of rozpodіlu earnings for the ciphers of witrat (zamovlen). Therefore, in the case of manual processing of documents, one-time selections are most often made.

The shape of the workforce is organized as a worker, and for a yearly payment, the work is done with bonuses and rationing of the work. The tributes of the primary appearance are won not only for the purpose of earning wages and bonuses, but also for the purpose of raising the wages of the norms of wages (norms of the hour). Vіdsotok vykonannya norms virobіtku (standard hour) pіdrakhovuєtsya as vіdnoshennia normative hour for vikonaniya robіt until actually vіdpratsovanogo hour.

Depending on the nature of production, the system for organizing payment for work, the method of controlling the quality of products in the industry, such forms of primary physical documents are formed, which are formed for the appearance of production and work for them: an order for a work order, an itinerary sheet (map), a report on the selection of a ticket for a change, a change in the appearance of a worker, an act on the hiring of vicons, a rationing of the weatherman, a dress book and so on.

Qi documents are guilty of revenge and such requisites: place of work (workshop, dealership, widdle toshcho); rozrakhunk period (rіk, міsyац, number): prizvische, ім'я, according to the father; personnel number and category of the worker; code for the appearance of vitrati (virib, zamovlennya, rahunok, statya vitrati) and the category of work; the amount of work, the hourly rate and the cost per unit of work, the amount of earnings, the amount of the normo-year for the work.

Unification of the forms of documents for the payment of wages by the Decree to the State Statistics Committee of Russia N 1 is not transferred. The necessary forms of the organization are responsible for the development of self-supporting, vicarious accumulations of the necessary work given species activities. Decree was ordered to submit only a report-attire about the work of a wake-up machine (mechanism) for the form N ECM-4.

The appearance of a virobitka, vibir tієї chi іnshої form original document lie due to various reasons: the type of activity, the peculiarities of the technology of production, the organization and payment of labor, the control system and the quality of products, the safety of the production of peaceful containers, wags, lichniks and other vimiruvalnymi accessories.

When developing the forms of outfits for work, you can take the old forms of outfits as a basis, since now they are not worn for zastosuvannya, but you can also use the accumulation of additional work and enterprises of different galuzy of industry, for example, a report about the formation of a brigade (form N T-17), a report about payment for a change (form N T-22), a report on the work (accumulation) (form N T-28), a report on the appearance of a work order (on a different job) (form N T-30), an order for a work order (form N T- 40) and in. In everyday life, trades, additional and other choices for brigades of practitioners, the “Outfit for the work of the worker” was previously won for the form N 414-APK.

In case of independent development of the necessary forms, the organization is guilty of reaching the first documents, published by federal law dated 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "About accounting form" Bogachenko V.M., Kirilova N.A.. Accounting oblіk: Pіdruchnik/V.M. Bogachenko, N.O. Kirilova. - View. 6th, reworked. that dod. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.

All assigned primary documents are updated with the improvement of technological cards, financial and pricing, with the improvement of the production programs for the workshop (dealer) and the schedule of the work and the brigade of the worker is seen on the cob of work.

Dress up for the work of a worker, sound like a master (a viconrobe or a head of a trainee) today, or on singing period(As a rule, up to one month). For such a choice, the sounds are assigned: the place of work (workshop, business, service), name, initials of the practitioner, the name of the worker, the rank of the work, the norm of the hour and the cost for a unit of work.

When filling in the brigade squad, the names of all employees of the brigade are indicated, their personnel numbers (like stink) and discharge. For the brigade along with the earnings of the skin worker, the sound is proportional to the total amount of work, the hour, the order of work and the costs set for it.

When the initial documents are drawn up in terms of the appearance of the products (they work, the hired servants), data are put down about the hourly rate, the rate of change, and the cost of the cost. All these norms can be periodically rozdrukovat on the computer and are made out at the sight of good friends and even in the outfits they can not be shown.

Often, along with the form, there is a table like a report card for a skin care practitioner. However, the time sheet may not be included in the entry form, but filled in completely.

After the appointment, the master closes the line and writes down to the new number of accepted votes, or else he works, indicating the hour, the total amount of payment of the cost and the additional payment, the cipher of the appearance of the windshield, on which the salary is paid, the salary is paid.

There, decedently, call out enlarged, complex norms of prices, as well as rich (accumulative) primary documents (for a day, a decade, two days, a month, for a cycle of operation chi robit) instead of one-time and one-day bills.

Warehouse of the necessary primary documents and їх зміst suttєvo lie down in view of the payment of labor.

In the first documents, according to the appearance of the production of products, and the performance of the last work for the summer period, there is also an hour, the establishment of the norm for the completion of the obligation of work. The actual hour, spent on the day of work, for the winter period is charged for the data of the report card to the appearance of the working day.

Vykoristannya chi іnshoy ї type of primary documents from the appearance of the manufactured products should be deposited also in the specifics of the manufacturing process and the type of activity.

So, for example, in workshops with a drіbnoseriynym and іndіvіdualnym character of virobnitstva in case of development and repair robots for the appearance of vikoristovuyutsya cumulative, or razovі, vbrannya. Acceptance of prepared products (vicons) is carried out by the master, the foreman or the controller in charge of technical control and is certified by their signatures on the relevant documents.

With the serial nature of the variability, the appearance of the variability of products is often created for additional route maps (archives), as they are formed on the basis of technological maps adopted for this variant.

The route card can be drawn up not only as a document for the appearance of the manufactured products, but also for the purpose of paying wages. Every now and then, the necessary showings are given. Route maps, sing, are written down by the experts of the dispatching service who added a batch of details. The route system in the form of a change can be stopped by the train with a report about the change for change.

With the brigade organization, it works for the minds of the streaming and large-scale production, the shape of the production is carried out at the end of the reception of the products of the end operation.

The shape of the production of products from this method is changing among the trainees, who have to pay the workers of the brigade for the products, accepted the end of the operation, according to the latest total prices of all the actually completed operations assigned to the brigade.

Vіdom_st priymannya serve as a document actually vikonannya zavdannya zavdannya brigade and vіkoristovuєtsya vznachennya kіlkostі produktsії, prinyatї kіntsevoї її operation for zvіtniy їyatsі, vstanovlennіa іїlkostі defectiveії ї ії, i navіt vnіm vnіt vnіm vnіm vnіmny vіrobnіnі ї і navіt vnіm vnіm vnіm vnіm vnіmny vіroblіnії іn navіt vnіm vnіm vnіm vаnіnnyа vіroblіnії vіdnіm іnnіm vnіm vnіmny vіroblіnії vіdnіm. For this document, the total amount of wages is charged, and the wages of the brigade are necessary.

The appearance of the products of the skin brigade member is carried out by the master and foreman. Rozpodіl zagalnoї sumi zarobіtnoї pay mіzh okremymi brigade members can zdіysnyuvatisya proportionately to vіdpratsovanogo hour, їx tariff rates or coefіtsієntіv labor participation.

At wake-up organizations for the appearance of the maiden robit and wages, dress up for work (according to the chords), outfit-books, report cards and acts about the dress.

For a rozrahunka to earn a living, we need to know how many hours, trained by a skin practitioner. The shape of the working hours is carried out in timesheets standard form. At the leather shop chi vіddіlu pіdpriєmstva folded okremia report card. At the table, all practitioners are recorded for categories and personnel numbers. Today, the records of the proprated and unproblem hours are scribbled on the skin practitioner, especially the above-normal year, the year of the night change, the pilgrim year of the pidlіtkіv are especially visible. Absences from work are indicated by insertion in the report card letter designations(B - non-working and holy days, Pro - chergovі vіdpuski, B - sickness). Crimium timesheets for the shape of the practiced hour, lists of those who work above the norm are compiled, at no change, leaflets about simple. The hour of vikonanny of the sovereign and the bulk of obov'yazkіv is confirmed by evidence. The report card for the next month is transferred to accounting.

In order to earn a living, workers need to know, krіm at the right time, that volatility. Viroblennya can be protected for a number of victorious operations, for a final operation, for a quantity of vibrated products. The way to lay down the appearance of the virobitka depends on the characteristics of the virobnitsa. Qi f osoblinosti signify the procedure for documenting the selection. The most widely used are the following types of primary documents in the form of a prototype:

· Attire for a work order is made in individual and dry series productions, on repair and one-time robots, which may be special tasks, robots, which practically do not repeat. The outfit can be individual (one worker) and brigade (brigades are registered). The other one looks like the first one, the shards on the brigade’s collar along with the appearance of the years worked by the skin practitioner for the dates of the month, a kind of writing attire, and a re-working of the skin member of the brigade is carried out.

· The route sheet is signed for the leather batch of parts that are transferred for processing. The number of details that have been started by the doctor, the result of taking them after a skin operation (the number of accessories and that plume), as well as earning money, is shown to the new one. The itinerary list is zastosovuєtsya at the serial warden and can be supplemented by a change report, for which the group of workers is ordered to change for the change.

· Vіdomіst vіrobіtku zastosovuієtsya in masovіh vіrobnіtstvа, if the payment brigаі is carried out for accessory products on the last operation for all operations, attached to the brigade. Vіdomіst zastosovuєtsya and on streaming lines, where a specific operation is assigned to the skin worker and it is protected from yоgo іndivіdualne viroblennia.

· Documents attached for machine processing (punched cards), which simultaneously win the role of the primary document and the technical carrying of oblique information. The stinks themselves can be wiped out, like the front documents about bending, or applied to the document in a technical way (by punching, enclosing the required numbers).

Crime of repaid documents for the repayment of income is collected and other documentation for additional payments, for example, sheets for additional payment for entrance fees from normal minds of work, sheets about simple, lists for subnormal, night, winter years, etc.

Form that system of payment for services

At the present time, the weather will stop and that form of payment for the work will be done. When paying by the hour, payment is made for the last hour (independently per hour), and in case of regular payment - per hour (independently per the scheduled hour).

Form of payment includes different systems. So, the weather form can be simple (you pay for an hourly payment for an established price), an hourly premium (you pay for an hourly payment and you pay a premium for the hourly and annual showings). The form of this form is the same by bouti (all the Kilki for the wipes of the product is paid for the єdina rosick), the same-time (if the krim pay for the sinks of the piplico tu. in the wages of the main workers, such stinks to serve), acordna (payment to spend for the singing of the work of the vikoniks), collective (earnings are paid for the results of the work of the entire brigade).

For whatever system of payment, the cost per hour or the volatility is multiplied by the price per unit hour or production. Therefore, the stagnation of primed prices is the most important element of any system of payment for practice. Rivn raztsinok can vrakhovuvat yakіst pratsі, qualification pratsіvnik. The basis for the designation of prices is tariff-qualification documents, tariff scales and tariff rates.

Tariff-qualification dovіdnik to give a description of specific jobs that are consummated by practitioners of various professions, characteristics of folding and the category of work. Z vikonannya working robots and singing folding you are assigned a qualification category. Similarly for servicemen.

Tariff table - a table of zastosovuvannyh ranks for the qualifications of workers, tariff coefficients, annual and daily tariff rates for skin ranks. Monthly settlement salaries are established for servicemen. Rozmіr salary to lay down depending on the characteristics of the business of that category of practitioner for the results of professional attestation and vocational work.

The enterprises of Russia have been given the right to independently determine the procedure and the rate of payment for labor, but the enterprise may come out of the minimum amount of payment for labor established by the state.

See the salary

For the specifics of the payments, the main and additional payments are divided. The main salary is paid for the attendance hour for the undertaking, if the worker is present at the undertaking. To that, before the main one, payment of the estimated hour is due for tariff rates, land salaries, wages, additional payments for the above-standard night year, downtime not to blame the workers, premiums for permanently dead systems, the bonuses are too thin. Prior to the supplementary salary payment, payment is due for the work for the hour, not for work at the enterprise, if the worker for the enterprise is not used, but in the cases established by law, we deduct the salary for the whole hour (admission, sickness, etc.).

The total amount of money recognized for the payment of labor for the singing period of the work of the entrepreneurs, to establish a planned fund for the payment of labor, and the actual wages - the actual fund for the payment of the labor of workers. Payment of money, paid in foreign currency, is repaid at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and enters the money payment fund in rubles. For in-kind payment, prices will be charged at market prices.

Rozrahunok earnings of practitioners

The procedure for the repayment of earnings for the repayment period is to lay down in the form of payment for the work.

With the weather form, the payment will be covered by the corrected report card for the working day. When paying for the planting salary to the practitioner, which propraciuvav in the days after the schedule, the salary is set for a month. As for the duration of the month in full working days, the payment of the work is paid in proportion to the number of working days:

payment allowance = salary per month * number of working days / number of working days per month

For annual payment, the tariff rate is multiplied by the number of working years.

Contractual payment is paid for multiple quantities of manufactured products at the fixed price. Earnings are dependent on documents for the destruction of the skin robin. As a rule, they are paid for the brigade as a whole;

The wage income can be multiplied by the coefficient of labor participation, which is established for the skin practitioner by the work team (the tariff income is multiplied by the establishment of this coefficient).

Deyakі see opratsovannogo hour paid in a special order. For example, the above-normal work of the weatherman - the first 2 years at the second rosemary, all advances - at the upper rosemary; weatherman - first 2 years 50%, next - 100% of the tariff rate of the weatherman. In case of a bagatism regime, an additional payment for an evening change is made - 20%, for a night change - 40% of the annual tariff rate for a skin day of work. The work at the holy days is paid for at the underbelly rose. An hour of downtime is not due to the worker's fault and is paid at the rate of 50% of the tariff rate of the weatherman of the highest grade. Chastkovy shlyub not from the fault of the worker is paid for equal appurtenance to the work, the remaining shlyub - at the expense of 2/3 of the rate of the weatherman of the highest category. On the basis of the type of such payments, a document is added (lists of those who work above the norm, for a night change, for holy days, acts about a shlyub).

Payment for non-problem hour (in the cases established by the law) to go through the tariff rates or for the average income. Середній заробіток підраховується для працівників, які отримують твердий оклад, шляхом поділу окладу за встановлений період та премій на кількість відпрацьованих у цьому місяці днів, а для робітників, які отримують відрядну оплату праці шляхом поділу заробітку за встановлений період на кількість відпрацьованих днів за ці місяці. The procedure for the rozrahunka of the average salary and the warehouse of payments, for which vins are rozahovuetsya, is carefully established by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and is published by the press.

The payment of the permit is carried out according to the average daily income for 3 months, which is changed during the holidays (the average income is divided by 25.25 - the average number of working days or by 26.6 - the average number of calendar days). Calculations in such a way, the average daily earnings are multiplied by the number of days of leave.

According to the average salary, the payment of workers for non-victorian admission at the call will be paid. The number of days of non-permanent leave is determined by the number of personnel in proportion to the number of working months from the moment of the rest of the leave.

When the practitioner is called to the army, short staffing and other statutory cases are paid to the practitioner for help. The amount of money spent on help is paid for the double earnings: for the weathermen - for the average day's earnings of that month, in which the doctor works, for the workers - for the average day's earnings of the two preceding months of work.

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