Skarga before the prosecutor's office should not pay wages. How to correctly write a statement to the prosecutor's office for not paying salaries (srazok). Application to the prosecutor's office. Zrazok

What should dissatisfied practitioners complain about most:

  • the robot seller does not want to fit into an employment contract;
  • labor agreement, but it’s impossible to understand anything, through the presence of obov’yazkovyh points (often the same point, which confirms the salary calculation);
  • the robot seller to pay a lower salary for the one that was specified in the contract;
  • not allowed at the entrance;
  • fines;
  • do not pay salaries in arrears.

It’s too rich for someone who doesn’t have a labor contract, relying on the order of the robot, and also through commitment, that “they don’t formalize it anywhere”. This is a great pardon, the shards of the labor agreement itself are the main proof that de and kim wi worked on such minds. The list of obov'yazkovykh clauses of the employment contract is inserted in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Salary ( Art. 129 part 1 of the Labor Code) is guilty as a clause of the contract obov'yazkovo buti present in the document. Rozmir її lie down depending on the qualifications of a spivrobitnik, as well as in some minds, wines are practiced, including climatic and nasty stinks in normal conditions.

Also, before the payment of the cost, incentives and incentives are included, and allowances are also included. bud. The day is also to blame, if you pay for it (at least twice a month - art. 135-136 of the Labor Code). If the robot seller does not pay for the work of his practitioner, youma, according to Article 142 of the Labor Code, I threaten a fine, administrative, and even criminal liability.

Why does the salary seem lower, lower was it for spivbesid? Often brought a little scary to practitioners for serious fines to robots. Really, the boss has no right to fine you in return. Navіt yakscho vie, let's say, overslept.

Increase respect, denounce the dog, speak up - the axis and everything that the boss can tell you about. Let’s say, we’ll tell you to slander you for a delay, but there’s no right to pratsyuvati vin no rights for nevihіd.

Otherwise, you have given a shkody roboticist - in which case you can get compensation from you, the amount of money cannot exceed the average monthly income.

ale whether any court may appear powerless, as between you and the robot supplier, it’s not a labor agreement, but a civil law agreement - in any way, the norms of the Labor Code simply don’t spread on you. Otherwise, you didn’t have a single document and all your minds were delusional.

Submit: who has the right to submit

If a robot seller has violated your rights, for example, not to pay you a salary for more than two days, you can simply not work for a new distance. About tse vy vinnі povіdomiti kerіvnitstvo letter.

Skarga can be filed as an individual order, i.

At the prosecutor's office - instructions

Ale, admittedly, trapilos naigirshe. the supervisory authority does not. And here the truth is brought to the attention of the prosecutor's office. You can write a scarga with the help of carrying out a re-verification and destroying the criminal law for the article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). At once, you will have to file a call for robots before the court and pay the bill from your salary.

Terms of submission and review

Vіdpovіdno up to article 124 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor of the goiter will look at your skarga for thirty days from the day you need to go to the prosecutor's office. For a stretch of three months after the call to the office of the office, the court of sole jurisdiction may lie down your application for the payment of fees from wages. Moreover, it remains to be worthy of all labor superechok in fire.

Hold poses of this kind do not podatkovuєtsya.

Can you file anonymously?

Can't. You can ask for savings incognito, if you write a scarga before labor inspection - it is subject to Article 358 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the MOP Convention on Work Inspection, you have the same right.

Via the Internet

You can file a scarga online, on the website of the prosecutor's office. There, ring out and find out the form for filling. When submitting a ticket via the Internet, you must specify your passport details, phone number and e-mail address, as well as your registration address.

Results of the review

What do you need to know, tell the prosecutors? Those who are prosecutors Russian Federationє an independent body and submits to no one, as to certify the Basic Law of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation”. In other words, if you weren’t worthy of a prosecutor’s appointment, or if you were ruined in yoga, you could be more sorry for the prosecutor, which costs more.

As soon as the re-examination has been passed, and in the case of a broken criminal record, it will be advised, the applicant will be sent a letter of reproof, de crim priming the judgment, and the procedure for challenging the decision of the prosecutor will also be indicated ( Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation").

Features of the folding of the application and the nuances of their filing

Why has this kind of beastliness? For skarg, what is collective, what is not set in a single form, that stench is written in a pleased look.

In fact, if you don’t have mercy and don’t waste time on the correction, it’s better to ask for help from a professional lawyer - you will help you to fold your scarga and posture correctly.

Have some kind of temperament, have a scary, crim given you that office, may be clearly that it is clearly indicated, in which case your rights are violated, yakі statti law violating the robot-seller I, obviously, vimogi, so that the prosecutor's office was embarrassed by the greedy boss to give you money. Applications are submitted to the bodies of the prosecutor's office for the organization.

Application for a salary cut

The application shall report on the data of the organization, whom and how much you worked there, what salary you were paid. Yak and skіlki razіv for a month you otrimuvali pennies, through a savings book or bank card. Obov'yazkovo say, if you no longer pay for the work. They gave you the responsibility to write that you are asking for a tribute to an unscrupulous robot seller who can help you pay for your debt and attraction to criminal liability.

The prosecutor is not charged, if you state in the document the articles of labor legislation, which were violated by the robot seller.

Collective application for non-payment

If you are writing a collective letter to the prosecutor's office, please state all the specifics, the rights of which have been violated. Indicate your addresses, for which you need to take a letter letter to your skarga.

About non-payment when calling

As if you were angry, but the robot provider doesn’t want to see you a permit, your scarga is guilty of revenge, and I can see that you have a sum of rent, which includes a salary, also a bonus, compensation for a non-victorian permit, etc. Before the scarga obov'yazkovo add documents a copy of the employment contract, work book and rozrakhankovy leaflet for the period about which to go.


All the same, the best thing is to formalize your signature with a robot seller. You don’t need to rely on this order: I would like to talk about її daily hours of the fact that the boss admits the possibility of not formalizing you officially. Only in this way you can protect your rights from different ruins. And in spite of that, you got stuck with the unsettled worker and you choose to go to court, or rather get a competent lawyer - you will help you quickly and competently fold the scarga, and also poses to the court, if you may need more documents.

The applicants are practitioners of the sewing shop in the organization. All applicants are disabled. Among the skin of them, a labor agreement was laid down with the organization.

Rest of the months, for the most part, the applicants will not be paid wages. The applicants repeatedly rushed to the organization with the help of others to pay the fees from wages, for which the stench was taken away from the unmotivated opinions. Applicants to ask to organize a re-verification of the organization for the fact of delay in paying salary applicants. Obtain the guilty osіb up to the legally established viability.

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Zrazok Skargi before the prosecutor's office, don't pay salaries

To the Prosecutor's Office of the city _________, to the Prosecutor of the city ________ _____________________________
Addresses: _________________________________



Addresses for sending correspondence: __________________________________________


Mi, _____________________, є practitioners of the sewing workshop, Partnerships with an obzhezhenny vіdpovidalnіstyu "________________" (given by the Robot supplier). All the people with disabilities of the ІІІ group are hearing impaired.

Between the skin of us and the Robot supplier, a labor agreement was laid, obviously, to the extent that one of the workers' obligations was paid by the Robot operator for the completion of labor obligations.
Due to a low number of reasons, as the robot maker is supposed to explain, the rest of the months, destroying the vimogi, we are not paid wages.

So, the cost of paying wages _____________ for the period of _____________ r. at the present hour to become _______ rub. __ kop.
Borrowing from the payment of wages _____________ for the period from ____________ p. nі become __________ krb. __ kop.
Borrowing from wages _________________ period from ___________ p. to the present hour to become _________ krb. __ kop.
Borrowing from paying wages ________________ becomes ____________ krb. __ kop.
Borrowing from paying wages ______________ becomes ___________ krb. __ kop.
Borrowing from paying wages ______________ becomes ____________ krb. __ kop.
Borrowing from paying wages _____________ becomes _____________ krb. __ kop.

We have repeatedly turned to Robots with sleepy wimogs to pay the bills from wages, for which they took unmotivated vouchers. They advised us to do the same, and in the form of additional documents __________. Such a finalization of the accounting department of TOV "_____________", after the numerical calculations and skarg, has seen only _____________
More than that, zdijsnennya labor activity we did not agree, through the part of the payment of the robot, to pay off the higher fees from the payment of wages.

Daniil dії z side Robotodavtsya shkodo zatrimki and pay wages rudely violate our rights like Pracіvnikov.
At the same time, we, the disabled of the ІІІ group with hearing, earn money for a trivial hour (in some cases, the terms zatrika sagaє pіvroku), all of us were subjected to significant moral suffering due to the fault of Robotodavtsya.

How is it assigned to Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, labor is free. Primus' Pratsya is fenced.

Kozhen may have the right to work in the minds, which allow people to be safe and healthy, to the winery for work without any discrimination and not lower than the minimum amount of payment for work established by federal law, as well as the right to protection from worklessness.

So, apparently up to Art. 145.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Nevvia Pauna Two MISYATSI PETS, PENSISIS, SHEPENDISIA, DOPOMENT OF THE LAW VIPPLAT ABOT VIPPART INTARITE Two MISHIT in the Rosiric Lower Law of the Minimal Rosemic of Plaziye. physical specialty, керівником філії, представництва або іншого відокремленого структурного підрозділу організації, карається штрафом у розмірі від ста тисяч до п'ятисот тисяч рублів або у розмірі заробітної плати або іншого доходу засудженого за період до трьох років, або примусовими роботами на строк до трьох років з позбавленням the right to take singing plant or engage in singing activity on lines up to three years, or without this, or to allow the will on lines up to three years, for the relief of the right to embrace songs, plant or engage in singing activity on lines up to three years, or without.

So, apparently up to Art. 2 federal law RF dated 02.05.2006 “About the order of looking at the animals of the citizens of the Russian Federation” the citizens may have the right to be specially hunted, as well as to direct individual and collective animals to sovereign bodies, organic self-rowing and gardening practices.

On the basis of Art. 10 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01/17/1992 p. No. 2202-1 "About the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" in the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office, statements are allowed up to a new date, skarga and other punishment, to avenge reports of violations of laws.

Vіdpovіd on the application, the scarg that іnshe votnennya can be motivated. As soon as the applicant was satisfied with the scarg, the applicant may be explained the procedure for defamation. accepted decision, and inculcate the right to bring before the court, as it is given by law.

Members of the community, military servicemen and members of their families, landlords and other persons are allowed for 30 days from the day of their registration in the bodies of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, and not require additional registration and change - not 15 days.

By such a rank, the Robot Provider is rudely violated by the Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation.

5/5 (4)

Zrazki stating about non-payment of wages to the Prosecutor's Office

UVAGA! To look at the completion of the application, declare to the Prosecutor's Office about non-payment of wages for the hour of the call:

DOWNLOAD statements about non-payment of wages to the Prosecutor's Office can be requested below:

How to format a document correctly

Zatrymka nelezhnoї payment of labor for more than two months gives the right of workers to turn away from the labor force to the prosecutor's office. There is no standard form for this kind of declaration, but there is a simple regulation for the obviousness of the information in order to allow the conversion and acceptance of the decision.

The prosecutor's office, where the application is submitted, is indicated at the upper right corner. As a rule, the prohannya is written in the name of the head prosecutor (including the class rank and P.I.B.) for the position of the hired man, who allowed a salary cut.

At that very upper hood (the title of the document is called) the applicant shall provide his special information (P.I.O., addresses, contact telephone number for a return call). If the application is submitted to a large number of citizens - the specialty and contact information of their skin is protected.

The text should include the following data:

  • name of hirer and legal address;
  • the applicant's residence (the period of work in the organization, installation, at the enterprise);
  • the date of the remaining payment of the salary;
  • statement about trying to settle the dispute by filing a claim with the clerk and filing a claim against her;
  • zahalny borg naymach s pay praci before the applicant at the time of writing the application to the prosecutor's office;
  • information about the provision of labor obov'yazkiv (as there is so little space).

At the resolutive part, the supporters of the practitioner are mentioned.

Zrazkovy perelіk such vimog:

  • zobov'yazati robotodavtsa narahuvati due payment for labor;
  • zastosuvati administrative sanctions before the organization, as the salary payment was allowed;
  • destroy the criminal law (as well as sufficient for those submissions) for Art. 145.1 QC;
  • accept the transfer, take it to court.

Respect! Our qualified lawyers will help you free of charge and without any food.

Necessary papers

The priming could be confirmed by such documents:

  • a copy of the employment contract (contract) of the spivrobitnik;
  • copies of records from the labor book (which confirms the fact of practice in the singing organization);
  • copies of claims to the organization's signature (with the registration number and stamps on them).

When it is necessary to swear

Depending on the norms of the Labor Code (Article 136), the payment for the payment should be made at least twice a month. Dates of salary increase may be resurrected at the working place.

As a rule, for the first half of the month, the payment is due from 16 to the rest of the month; for a friend half of the current month - from the 1st to the 15th day of the coming month.

Remember! The moment of the beginning of the overrun of the fence starts from the day following the date of the date of payment, confirmed by the internal regulations. At the very moment, a practitioner can file a claim for ceramics in addition to paying for the work.

A claim for the name of a ker_vnik can be filed again after the fence. In practice, spivrobitniks are often reluctant and afraid to file an application with the prosecutor's office in order to avoid conflicts with the robotic provider.

It should be noted that before the appointment to the prosecutor, it is necessary to try to regulate the nutrition through the clerk. As if it were negative, but the slander is not good, the citizen, for the sake of defending his rights, is guilty of going to the prosecutor's office.

The path of peaceful regulation is less likely to be possible at reasonable borders. Lines of prescription should be made one month after the change to TC (2016).

Not alone, if you are a robot-seller, knowing about the terms of prescription, delaying your payment, overcharging in parts and calming down the spy of obitsyanki.

Watch the video. How to competently file an application to the Prosecutor's Office:

Drawing up a collective application

The return can be filed as physical and legal special, and a team of citizens.

The application will be collective, as it will be accepted as two and more osib.

Skarga as a group of osib is considered as an individual main text part. It is necessary to describe the damage to the payment for the work, the admission of a hundred and fifty applicants (including the dates of P. I. O. of the landlord's tax). Before the resolutive part of the scarga, the prohannya about the unification of rights, which are looked at, is included in one.

Zvernennya after zvilnennya

The termination of the labor contract (agreement) is transferred, according to the norms of the law, to pay on the day of the fixed salary payment for the work period, compensation for the unrealized admissions, the river bonus, as such is the salary of the collective labor force (so rank).

Utrimannya viplats at the time of expulsion gives the right to zdiisnennya, whether it be lawful entry, by the method of defending one's rights.

In addition, the sound will allow you to be some kind of streaming entry (nebazhzhannya polyuvati vіdnosini with the robot driver, the fear of being lowered in the landing or rushing). To that, the rozrahunka from the side of the hiring man was sent to the office of the clerk for an hour, while watching the submission of an application to the prosecutor's office.

Sometimes practitioners feel the need to turn around to help the organs that they inspect. Let's try to figure out how to competently file an application to the prosecutor's office about non-payment of wages.

Introductory part of the application

Until the form is declared, no hard fees are presented. On the melancholy of the practitioner, state all the necessary data, as if to allow the reviewing authorities to take objective data.

In the "header" of the document, letters to the prosecutor's office may be sent to the prosecutor with a binding statement of yoga PIB. Also, you need to know who to enter the application for, address of residence, contact details (telephone number - obov'yazkovo, e-mail - for business).

The filing of an application may be filed before the prosecutor's office, until the organization-robotic supplier is due for a job. As pracіvnikov it is important to determine the number of data, next to write to the highest authority.

main part

Before claiming non-payment of wages, please include specific information, and for yourself:

  • organization name, address;
  • information about the applicant, please specify the length of service in your organization;
  • indicate the terms of the wage bill;
  • information about the execution before the management of the organization to determine the reasons for the delay and the results of the execution;
  • the total amount of non-payment, the signification of the increase in earnings;
  • information about the details of the work (as there is so little space).

Resolutive part

The application to the prosecutor's office about non-payment of wages is guilty of including data about the results, as if transferring the applicant for the charges of re-checking the prosecutor's office.

For example, you can let the injured person know that the information that is needed will be transferred to the labor inspectorate, and the robot supplier will be attracted to the administrative capacity.

As an option, the applicant can transfer the damage to the criminal justice organization. It is necessary to know that an application may come from one individual, as from a group of people.

Before the document, it is necessary to add a copy of the employment contract, an order for admission, transfer to another settlement, and also, if possible, a confirmation that the applicant is the representative of the organization.


As it was said more, there are no more zhorstky ones to the point of form, there are no more singing moments, like a trace to the applicant. Therefore, the application form can be lowered and folded to the prosecutor's office independently.

Prote pitanya about those that speak in the main and resolutive part of the statement, blame the skin practitioner, which is to deal with a similar situation.

Later, having entered in the cap (near the upper right corner of the document) all the necessary data, we begin the text of the document itself.

  1. At the center of the form, the heading “declaration” (with small letters, without a dash of naprikintsi) should be rushed.
  2. Dalіd sіd zaznachit, about vono: our way of going about the trouble of getting used to is to go to a robotic organization that allows a delay / non-payment of wages, what to lay down (this entry must be made after the word “application” in the center of the form, otherwise it is allowed to spread її zlіva).
  3. Further, dividing the information into paragraphs, we write the text approximately as follows: I, ПІБ (hereinafter - the "applicant"), bu / є practitioner of the Partnership with an obzhezhenny vіdpovidalnіstyu "____" (organizational and legal form may be entered correctly) h . in the settlement __________ (we marvel at labor). Data are confirmed by an employment contract (Addendum No. 1), an order for acceptance (Addendum No. 2), a copy of the work book (Addendum No. 3), additional benefits to the employment contract (Addendum No. 4), an order for attaching to the contract (Addendum No. 5). For the sake of the contract / please, at clause No. ___, it is appointed that the salary payment becomes ______ (sum in words) rubles. Until the wages were paid to the full debt of the two for the to pay the applicant Bulo pinned. On my letter of completion to the cerebration (addendum No. 6) there were no replies. The global rozmіr borg robodovtsya in front of the applicant at a time to become ____________ (sum in words) rubles. With the consent of the employee, zgіdno with strict legislation (part 1 of article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), a re-exploration and expenses are due to be seen on the rest of the working day. articles 114, 115, 122). At 20__ p. The applicant was vikoristano for less than 14 days of the permit. The Applicant’s supplements were not satisfied with the payment of fees from the salary, compensation for admission by the robot provider, which was prima facie ______________________________________. also nelezhnoї zgіdno іz the law of compensation for moral shkoda.
  4. Appendices before the application (accurately rewrite all documents, for which we ask)
  5. For example, the document - date, signature, PIB of the applicant.

Vikoristovuyuchi srazzko declare to the prosecutor's office about living in a robot, which allows a delay in paying a salary, you will make an effective payment, as it will be promptly reviewed, so that all necessary data will be clearly spelled out.

Peaceful regulation of the conflict

Turning to the prosecutor's office, maybe, following one of the extreme approaches. Most organizations at the same time to legalize and pay to workers, and those roboticists, as presented at the same time to the market, try to change their positions.

First of all, it is recommended to work for a worker to resolve the problem in a peaceful way. Achievement tsієї meti can become like this:

  1. Return to the accountant's accountant, which is a kind of reprimand for paying that fee.
  2. If you don’t give a result, otherwise the wine will be unsatisfactory, then you can go to the head accountant for clarifications.
  3. In case of a negative result, the letter of counsel may be addressed to the head of the corporation. In a great organization, if you have access to the management of the facilities, then file an application by calling the secretary.
  4. Sob the general management took away the information in a sing-song manner, and asked for more force. It is important to add a recommended sheet with instructions about delivery.

More often than not, it’s enough to get enough food from the Borg from the salary. With a large scale of organization, the clerk may not know about similar problems in the structure, and without allowing the conflict to escalate, the clerk may save garni vodnosiny the collective has a calm work activity.

In view of the result, all survivors will come in to prove that there was a trial of pre-trial conflict resolution on the 1st side.

The application may be filed in a free form, smut - so that they had all the information necessary for an objective re-verification and praise of the solution for a robotic delivery.

Introductory part

If you say that scary, that you are going to the prosecutor's office, it is customary to address it without intermediary to the prosecutor, who was very lucky. With whom you have to give the first class rank, the title of that initial (butt: To the Prosecutor of the Moscow Region of the Sovereign Justice Department, 2nd class A. Yu. Zakharov).

Immediately follow the data of the applicant: nickname, name, father's address, residence address and contact phone number.

It is important: the application should be submitted to the prosecutor's office for the purpose of arranging the organization of robots that is currently standing up (for example, for the prosecutor's office of the city of Moscow, it is the prosecutor's office of the Moscow region).

Opisova part

All information relevant to the essence of the application is provided:

  • outside the name and address of the place of significance of the organization-robot supplier;
  • the work experience of the applicant;
  • lines, by the stretch of which the wages were not paid, starting from the 1st day of the hustle and the camp on the date of the filing of the application;
  • information about the recruitment to the organization of the organization for the explanation of the reasons for non-payment of wages and її results;
  • a massive increase in the cost of the money from the assigned sum of the sixty-fourths of the monthly income;
  • date of completion of work (as there is little space).

Resolutive part

Wimogi of the applicant (in order to transfer the result of the prosecutor's review):

  • making a filing by a roboticist for the violation of labor legislation;
  • sending materials for re-verification to the inspection of work on the delivery of robots to administrative compliance under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • vyrіshennya pitanya about the damage to the robots of the criminal law in accordance with Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • filing before the court with a summons to defend the rights of the applicant.

It is important: the application to the prosecutor's office about the non-payment of wages can be made as one-way, so in the name of a number of spivrobitniks in the organization - there is no need for the transfer of funds.

Before claiming, add the documents confirming the practice in the organization. Such copies of the employment contract, instructions for hiring for a job or for transferring to another settlement, a hero from the work book and in. If other copies of the documents were not seen, it is necessary to tell about the scarg for the reasons indicated.

Srazok declare to the prosecutor's office about non-payment of wages

To the Prosecutor of Moscow

Sovereign Officer of Justice 2nd class

S. V. Kudeniev

from Ivanov Petr Oleksiyovich

m. Moscow, st. Baranova, d. 99, apt. 99,

Do you not know your rights?

tel. +7 111 1111111


about non-payment of wages

I, Ivanov Petro Oleksiyovich, work at TOV "Bilochka", roztashovanomu for the address: m. Moscow, st. Kozlova, 33, from 01/01/2012 to the fate of the electrician with a salary of ____ rubles.

Starting from 01/10/2015, I’m due, in violation of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are not paid. As of (date of application), the amount of the billing rate will be _____ rubles __ kopіyok.

I repeatedly appealed to the general director of TOV "Bilochka" Petrov Petr Viktorovich for clarification of the reasons for non-payment of wages and the date of repayment of the bill, because I am not motivated to provide such information.

I didn’t swear by the clothes of labor and I swear by them.

With regard to Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Articles 136, 142, 236 and 237 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

  1. Carry out a review of the legality and obstruction of non-payment of wages by the robot provider of TOV "Bilochka" to me, Ivanov P.A., and enter the prosecutor's response.
  2. Blame at the address of TOV "Bilochka" a file on the adoption of admissions for the violation of labor legislation.
  3. Vzhiti zahodіv until zaluchennya vinnyh osіb to vіdpovіdalnosti vіdpovіdno up to the norms of decorous legislation of the Russian Federation.


a copy of the employment contract No. __ for 1 arkush;

hero from the work book for 1 arkush

The date. signature

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