Services from the rozrahunka wages. Payroll service outsourcing

Practically a leather company, an organization or a sole proprietorship, is bound by the need to maintain the appearance of a salary payment from the moment of registration of an IP / TOV. І navit as a practitioner is only one (for example, a director), get paid s / n. that zdіysnyuvati obov'yazkovі payments from podtkіv to be brought. First food, which can be blamed on your head: why start? From which side should you go?

And so the most important food, tse yakіs documents, yakі terms of payment, yak PZ vikoristovuvat, yak system of payment vikoristovuvaty, spіvrobіtniki will be in the state, or else in the state too. And so to infinity.

Now you start, come and understand, what a dilyanka rozrahunka salary є one of the most complicated and highly paid, and adding oil to the fire is more folding Russian legislation, as it is constantly changing.

It is also necessary to apply the term “spontaneity” to the established term, as it is constantly changing, to the Pension Fund, the Social Fund. insurance, tax inspection and Rosstat. It is necessary for the mother to be informed about the average salary and the possibility of forming roses for the salary / payment, because. Your subject can ask for any information. If you have the wrong appearance, you have a risk that a person who works for hiring can turn up to a labor inspectorate. And after that, with a re-verification, you can come to the PFR and the FSS, as well as taxes for re-verifying the correctness of the calculation of the PDFO.

As practice shows, if there is any interest from the side of the controlling bodies, it will end with one thing - fines. And after the revisions are carried out, it is necessary to correct the declarations and re-openings - in the shortest time, and in the worst case - to renew the appearance. And don’t steal a river, as it can be - blocking a rozrahunka rahunka on lines up to 90 days, which can lead to bankruptcy.

Іsnuyut wider pardons in the case of keeping the house:
1. At the expense of an average salary, in which one takes the fate of illness, maternity leave and admission pay;
2. At the preparation of zvіtnostі;
3. Incorrectly issued primary physical documents (for example, additional medical records, incorrectly issued in medical facilities).

Roblox wisnovok, sho salary payment- this business is not so simple, as it seemed, and you will need a highly qualified accountant, who can be well-discovered not only from submissive personnel, but also from the Labor Code, know personnel management and be aware of the remaining changes in legislation. It is difficult to find such a highly qualified professional, and that variability of hiring a full-time accountant from a salary for a small and medium-sized business for a small number of practitioners may turn out to be unpleasant.

To that end, often clerks and clerks of organizations vicorist the services of an accountant at home, or they turn to an accounting company. "MBK FINEK" monitors the company's wages, ensure the payment of wages, tax payments, payments, personnel documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the impact of the risks associated with untimely publicity buildings.

With this, you can apply as an accounting service in full obsyazі, so it’s OKremo. salary payment. Variety of accounting services

Accounting services include:

Formation of orders for admission, call for admission of practitioners;
- Rozrahunok that narahuvannya s / n.
- Rozrahunok іnshih narakhuvan - admission, for likarnyanimi sheets;
- PDFO and insurance payments to the PFR, FSS, ZMS;
- preparation of payment statements;
- preparation of payment instructions for the payment of taxes and payments;
- monitoring of personalized appearance;
- zapovnennya zvіtnostі to PFR, FSS, IFTS quarterly and for pіdbags roku;
- Zdacha zvіtnostі to PFR, FSS, IFTS electronic channels zv'yazku.

Your beneficiaries when transferring salary from TOV MBK FINEK

You have more than an hour to develop your loved one;
Show us the whole routine for this business;
You cease to vouch for the result and that is the same as the wage bill;
Forget about food with personnel documents;
Taxes are being reduced (the amount of debts is overpaid to the budget, the penalty is too low);
Take back your privacy;
Savings on special software products of an additional salary increase.

Fakhіvtsі TOV "MBK FINEK" guarantee high quality and efficiency of service salary payment, self-folding of zvіtnostі, povnu confidentiality of income of your spіvrobіtnikіv. And what is important, our company bears material responsibility for its actions: as a result of our fault you will be awarded penalties and fines - we will charge you.

5 reasons to choose the block TOV "MBK FINEK":
1) We have highly qualified accountants.
2) The basic benefit of the remote service is those that are cheaper than the helper in the state, and the time spent on specialized software security.
3) We take care of the confidentiality of the client's data, depending on all the laws on personal data, commercial privacy and the protection of information. In addition, we agree with the client about not disclosing confidential information.
4) Our professional life is insured.
5) We give services throughout Russia.

By entrusting us with accounting, you will indulge yourself with possible food and claims from the side of controlling bodies and save pennies for that hour, which is so necessary for the development of that business.

You can focus on important speeches for the development of your business, and we will spare you a headache!

Fahіvtsі Oschad Decision to transfer to outsourcing the rozrahunki payroll, whether it be folding for companies with a wide range of activities, staff numbers and organizational structure, ensuring the accuracy and svoєchasnіst rozrakhnіv, as well as the confidentiality of the platform

Get in touch with us in any way that is convenient for you and take away the fired proposition from the assigned services and advances.

Why is it important to secure the salaries of workers?

First food - why start? How do you need documents and software security, what rank and how do you pay salaries to workers, how are the standards for rozrahunku and how do you take documents off the worker. So, before I hire new recruits, you need to choose a payment system.

These tasks are folded as they are transferred to different schedules of work in the regions, the system of bonuses, shkіdlive variability, and part of the staff is trained by the state on civil law contracts (CPT).

For example, the oil and gas company is working on a dodatkovo supply plant in the region of the extreme pivnochi, and will work on a rotational basis. It is necessary to calculate the amount of money to be paid to the workers, to pay off their average earnings and how to raise awareness for them to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Tax Inspectorate and the Federal State Statistics Service. Moreover, it is necessary to reconsider, so it is not necessary to pay regional taxes and collect. At the next stage, it will be necessary to collect documents (for us to send personnel) for correct payments, review them for completeness and availability of pardons. With this varto, lie, that the spіvrobіtniks do not discriminate in the cunning gossip of the wages and increase the cost of the wages at the established days.

What does the service of the wage earner consist of?

Uzgodzhuєmo with the client schedule of interaction

Describe the planned documentation for a month. Schedule of prompting on payment dates approved by the client. If locally-regulatory acts are installed, they are not supplemented, additional difficulties may be blamed.

For example, a client wants to pay a salary no later than the 10th day of the skin month, but a specific date to deposit after the arrival of the cats on the rahunok - from the 1st to the 10th. In this case, the company Sber Solution has successfully completed its part of the work, we need documents for the start of the settlement 3 working days before the date of payment. At the time of negotiations, the last date of submission of documents is indicated. Oskіlki for uninterrupted work, we need an exact schedule for the recruitment of specialists (practically like on a conveyor belt). This is the kind of discipline and optimization of the interim business processes of the deputy.

As practice shows, the bigger the company, the bigger the efficiency, the payment days already fixed, and the problems with the preparation of the schedule of document processing are not found. We take all the information up to the salary payment.

We take all the data for the salary payment

We collect information from rіznih dzherel: from the HR specialist on the client's side or Oschad Decision (as one hopes to serve as a HR manager) to the client's accounting or Oshchad Decision (as one hopes to serve as accounting outsourcing).
Some Russian representative offices of foreign companies do not waste information on the equal wages of sponsors. Therefore, such data is given by the head office directly in SberDecision.

Qi data required
  • Information about the number of days of work (admission, medicine, admission for high school, absenteeism), about the hour of practise (especially for one-time payment)
  • Data about help for a spivrobitnik
  • Submission to award
  • Vidi utriman
  • Personal data of a spivrobitnik (passport, insurance certificate)
  • Banking details of the spivrobitnik
  • Vitrates molding analytics
  • Reimbursement of wages

Obrobka all the information in the form of a deputy and further expenses of the self-salary payment, to help with the time of work, admission, remuneration, bonuses, allowances and all payments guaranteed by the LNA robots and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Taxes are paid out of the wages and various payments, established both within the company, and for specific spіvrobіtnikov.

Preparing documents for pidbags

  • Rozrakhunkova vіdomіst
  • Podatkova vіdomіst
  • Files for investing in the bank-client or paper payments for repayment of wages and taxes
  • Postings for accounting style
  • Rosrakhunkovі leaflets for staff
  • Sound on the reserve

Dodatkovo prepared a package of documents, stalely in the name of the deputy. For example, details of tax returns, decryption before the formation of postings, various types of account statements.

Depending on the legislation of the Russian Federation, our team prepares the entire set of language information:

  • Statistical form P-4
  • RSV-1 (link to the Pension Fund, including individual reports on practitioners)
  • Form 4-FSS (call to the social insurance fund)
  • Form 6-PDFO from 2016
  • Register of dovodok 2-PDFO (in IFTS)
  • Periodicity of preparation of forms of obov'yazkovoї zvіtnosti deposit according to the norms of legislation
  • The building of obov'yazkovo ї zvіtnostі

Savings Decision to give the call for submission on a paper carrier and / or in XML format for entry into the EDO system (electronic document processing). For consumption, we will build up the zvіtnіst from state agencies for the past period. We are ready to raise the sound, which is correct, to reduce the amount of fines, and to be able to increase the sound of nadal. For example, if you have pardons on the svіtni forms given to the Pension Fund, and you didn’t get lost during the stellar campaign, then the Pension Fund is guaranteed not to accept the zvіt for the new zvіtniy period. And if you don’t break the chain of food at the same time, then the fences and problems grow like a snow sack. I farther, more folded, and with more windows you will have a mother on the right.

What is the job of outsourcing the salary payment?

  • Reimbursement of wages due to timchasovoi unpractice
  • Rozrahunok of the average salary when paying for a permit
  • Weekend helpers; rozrahunok average earnings and the appointed base for the filing of the PDFO, the terms of the fee.
  • Rozrahunok from foreign spivrobitniks.
    For example, the general director is a citizen of France, who is a taxable resident of the Russian Federation, and takes part of his wine for work on the territory of the Russian Federation for work at the registration office of the head office in Paris. For the sub-bags of the taxable period, you need to submit a Declaration for the form 3-PDFO for declaring income and paying a tax on income from physical features to the budget of the Russian Federation. At the time, even though the tribute was already cut off, it was paid off to the budget of France. In order to get rid of the dependent tax, we may have the right to accept a tax on income from physical disabilities to the deposit until then. he will not be able to pay two children for one and the same wine city.
  • A gift of zvіtnostі, scho coriguє

What should Sber Solution give to customers?

  • Povna confidentiality of data. We are violating all laws 152-FZ, 98-FZ, 149-FZ about personal data, commercial secrets and protection of information. With a skin client, we sign for the sake of unvoiced.
  • Qualifications of the staff of accountants, experts-methodologists. Corporate University
  • Activity Sber Solution is certified according to international quality standards ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and SSAE 18. Audit is carried out by AFNOR.
  • Services in the be-yakoy regions of Russia and the lands of the SND.
  • Professional Vidpovidalnist Oschad Rishen is insured. The amount of compensation is up to 180,000,000 rubles.
  • The only contact is the appearance of folding customer meals.

In order to take away additional information, pay a salary, or get another service, be kind, turn around.

Reimbursement of wages (reimbursement of wages) is a service that is hoped for by organizations of any organizational and legal forms, directly by the number and number of employees, as well as by individual entrepreneurs (IP).

Our accountants will take on themselves the latest transfer of obov'yazkіv shkodo rozrahunka salaries of workers in your organization or IP, ensuring the completion of civil legislation in the sphere of payment for work.

Salary budget - number of services:

The following services are paid additionally:

When laying down a contract for accounting services in a line for 6 months and more rozrahunok salaries, which is insured on an individual basis.

Benefits of transferring salary to outsourcing:

Accountant’s salaries should be raised, yak heaped up a great practical certificate directly, yak to follow the changes in legislation and periodically raise the level of your qualifications.

You do not need to see on the subsidiaries of additional work, spend pennies on material and technical security, and advance the qualifications of accountants from the payroll.

If a full-time accountant can fall ill, drink at the door, or call at an inopportune moment, then we guarantee uninterrupted service for the work of interchangeability of employers in our company.

The services of the rozrahunka are relied upon by our accountants for the strict confidentiality of information about the client (data about the organization, warehouse commercial mystery, special data of practitioners, information about the rіven salaries and іnshі), which became known to us from the cob of service.

An accountant from the payroll department will calculate the next steps for the needs of your business:

  • pay salary, allowances, bonuses for a month, rіk toshcho;
  • zdіysnit rozrahunok earnings for the permit;
  • zdіysnit rozrahunok raising the salary of spіvrobіtnikіv;
  • rozrahuє rozmіr zarobіtku at vіlnennі;
  • zdіysnit rozrahunok zatrymki nelezhnyh viplatov;
  • zdіysnit rozrahunok іndexatsії nadezhnyh vyplatov;
  • pay the amount of the wages;
  • zdіysnit razrahunok podtkіv іz zarobіtnoї pay ta repahuє їх.

Preparation of rozrahunkov_ vіdomosti; zvedeni vіdomosti z podtkіv, pov'yazanih іz salary; payment documents for payment of wages. And also our accountant is able to pay for the food of the salary and taxes related to her, which is blamed on your personnel service and other employees in the enterprises.

Fundamentals of the organization of the system of payment for the cost of wages and salary payments are fixed in the upcoming regulatory legal acts:

1. Labor code Russian Federation;

2. Subsidiary Code Russian Federation;

3. federal law No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 "About ob'yazkove social insurance for the type of timchasov's incompetence and connection with motherhood";

4. Federal Law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 “I’ll help the people of the state about the sovereignty, like they care for children”;

5. Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 24, 2009 “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fund for Obligatory Medical Insurance”;

6. Decree No. 922 issued to the Council of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2007. "About the specifics of the calculation of the average wage";

7. Decree to the Derzhkomstat of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated 05.01.2004. “On the approval of unified forms of primary oblique documentation for the form of payment and payment”;

8. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 94n dated 10/31/2000 “On the approval of the Plan for the Accounting Form of the Financial and Governmental Organizations and Instructions on how to establish it”.

The main systems of payment for work, you see.

The system of payment for the cost is a way of calculating the growth of the winegrowers for the work, according to the cost and the result (in other words, the way to calculate the income).

Payment systems, including tariff rates, salaries, systems of additional payments and allowances (compensatory, stimulating nature) and bonus systems, are established by the company by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations.

Wash the payment for the work done by the robot provider, due to compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, as if to avenge the norms of labor law.

Weather payment system- the whole system, if the wages of spivrobitnikiv are to be deposited in the actual time spent by them at those tariff rates (annual, daily tariff rates or the established salary).

The main different types of the weather payment system and the ways to pay wages.

For simple weather payment system:

a) at times, as the practitioners have been set a one-year rate, earnings are paid in this order:

the amount of money actually spent by the practitioner is multiplied by the annual rate, as a result, the amount of wages is taken away;

b) in times, as the practitioners have a fixed rate, the amount of the salary payment is insured by such a rank:

the number of days actually spent by the practitioner multiplied by the daily rate, the result is the amount of earnings;

c) if the practitioner has a monthly salary and the practitioner is repaid in the month, then the salary is paid at the full obligation, if the month of payment is not paid, then the earnings that need to be paid, are paid in such a way:

The monthly salary of a practitioner is divisible by the number of working days of the month, and multiplied by the number of actually worked days, as a result, we take the amount of earnings.

For a yearly-premial system of payment for the work of the Crimean salary, the workers can be paid bonuses (for a fixed amount or for a hundred in a salary). The wage bill is set as for a simple weather-based system of payment for work, up to the value of which the premium is added.

Vіdryadna payment system transferring the wages of workers to workers in terms of the quantity of manufactured products.

The main variances in the system of payment of labor and the methods of salary distribution.

Simple winding - the whole system of payment, for which the salary increase is due to the coming rank:

in a row, the price for a unit of viable products is multiplied by the number of viable products, as a result, the amount of earnings is obsessed.

For its part, the price for a unit of manufactured products is determined by the annual (day) rate for the year (day) rate of production (the number of products, as it is necessary to increase the number of workers for a single hour).

Vіdryadno-premіalna - tse system, for which krіm zarobіtnoї pay pracіvniki narahovyutsya bonuses (for hard sums or for hundreds of salaries for vіdryadnii roztsіnki). Earnings are paid out as a result of a simple winding system, then the amount of the premium is added to the salary.

Vіdryadno-progressivna - the whole system, for which vіdryadna roztіnka to fall in the amount of products, viroblenї for singing period hour (day, month, etc.)

Outsourcing of the payroll— ce transfer to the process of rozrahunku zarobitnoї pay ovnіshnyoї spetsіalіzovanої organіzatsії. Rozrahunok zarobitnoї pay, as well as tax and other benefits є labour-intensive accounting process.

In the rich countries of the world payroll services(Outsourcing of payroll) is one of the most widespread types of business process outsourcing.

Vartist to outsourcing the cost of wages

Vartist services to the rozrahunka of the salary pay to lie down in the rich parameters.

You can estimate the rating of the service level at the Moscow metro station by using our calculator:

Rozrahunok payroll outsourcing

Prices for outsourcing payroll

For okrem pay:

  • Delivery of salary salary by electronic communication channels;;
  • HR management.

What to enter before the service of outsourcing the salary payment

  • Reimbursement of wages for the salary system (advance salary)
  • Rozrahunok wine city for civil law contracts
  • Reimbursement for admission and compensation for non-viceraneous admission in the event of an exemption, repayment for medical records, repayment of allowances for assistance and other compensatory payments transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Rozrahunok taxes and insurance payments
  • Preparing the rozrachunk and payment statements and individual rozrachunk sheets
  • Preparing the file for the registration of postings from wages and accrued taxes to your accounting program
  • Preparation of final documents 2-PDFO
  • Formation of payment instructions for payment of taxes and insurance contributions;
  • Preparation of an income statement from taxes related to the salary payment of employees of your business
  • Preparation of obov'yazkovoy taxable income from earned payment to IFTS, FSS, PFR
  • The delivery of the salary from the salary of the spokespersons (by mail or by electronic communication channels)

Benefits of payroll outsourcing

The most important benefits of outsourcing payroll outsourcing include:

Reduced costs for maintaining the accounting appearance of an organization

Since specialized outsourcing companies can improve their processes and learn to control co-operation, the quality of their services sounds less, lower the quality of the work of an accountant.

Consistently high level of service and feedback on applications

Vlasny accountant can drink at the entrance, fall ill, chi vihati to the bank, tax-free.

The terms of payment to practitioners in advance, wages, admission and compensation are clearly regulated by the Labor Code, labor contracts and other regulatory legal acts. Pardons allowed during the repayment of wages or underpayment of lines to pay taxes and repayments can lead to serious penalties, while paying fines, penalties and arrears to the budget.

If you are paying a salary for outsourcing, then the terms and conditions for pardons are clearly written in the contract. Skills in an outsourcing company work a lot of accountants, if any of them can be at any time of submission, then you will always be guaranteed a support and a quick response to your application.

Chomu mi

Postiyne pragnennya thoroughness

Accounting for the appearance of organizations has become a service to the corporate market. More companies to give Danish view servants, virobili their pіdkhіd to vіdkhіdnya biznesu and practically nothing in the new not change rіk y rіk, regardless of changes in the legal field and business landscape.

Well, now, vvazhaemo, scho can bring our customers significantly more retribution, lower just a remote accounting appearance that sounding.

We constantly improve our internal processes and technologies, as well as expand the range of services and complex solutions.

We give special respect to the processes of po'yazani іz zabezpechennyam askostі services. Our management system is certified for compliance with ISO 9001-2011.

Yakist, yak can be spoiled

Our company improves its own information system, as it allows fixing all the main interactions between us and our customers. In this system, all applications are recorded in the form of clients, the terms for accepting applications for a job, the term for accepting an application for a job, the term for accepting an application. Also, this system has all the generated documents.

The system allows you to select and display the statistics of changes in the system, including the number of applications, the number of applications that were not received, the number of applications for more hours, the number of applications set in the regulations, etc.

In such a rank, the client can at any moment evaluate the results of the work carried out.


Our professional activities are insured, and we also provide guarantees for the performance of our services.

If the client incurs a debt to pay pardons, allowed by our fakhivtsy to pay wages, then we are ready to compensate for the debt.

Get a service

Why mi?

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The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates all the key moments of labor days. Reimbursement of wages, repayment of income tax, and repayment of wages, repayment of the robotic provider.

Principles of salary compensation for workers

  • The main point at the accounting appearance is to pay the salaries of spivrobitnikiv in the organization - a staff list, for which the salary of a skin practitioner is assigned. At the report card of the appearance of the working day, the actual working hour is shown. Punish, service notes to avenge information about the award of workers and other payments and compensation, as well as admission and confusion.
  • Sladnіshe vіdbuvaєtsya rozrahunok vіdryadnoї pay pratsі. The enterprise establishes the norm of wages and prices for vikonan work fallowly according to the grade assigned to the worker and the lot.
  • For the practitioner, the role of the hour is not important, but the payment will be higher, if there are monthly charges for the production of goods, or the cost of the work will increase. For the sake of the bag, please pay a premium and pay more.
  • Dali vіdbuvaєtsya calculation base podatkuvannya, yak includes wages, premiums and other wines from vikonannya obov'yazkіv, and pay compensatory nature of that іn., minus podatkovy vіdrahuvan(Yakscho stinks є).
  • Depending on the basis of subsidies, a cash contribution is paid, credited to a pension fund and funded from obov'yazkovogo social insurance and more. Fines, alimony, expenses for child support, expenses for the professional fund and other expenses can be reduced from the salary payment, as a business at once from the salary payment to the re-employment funds and organizations.

Rozrahunok salaries and vidpovidalnist worker

After the payment of the sum of the salary is carried out, the dermal practitioner is issued that kind of a sheet of paperwork, which is reportedly deciphered the sum of the salary, as well as the payment of that sum, the total amount of money that pays for the payment.

It is important that the workers of the rozrakhunniki regularly underwent retraining and raised the level of knowledge at their gallery, were aware of the changes in legislation regarding the increase in wages.

To come with a re-check for admission, you may have the right to submit tax іnspektsіya, Іnspektsіya pratsі, the Social Insurance Fund, the prosecutor's office. For pardons from paid salaries, pay practitioners, calculate tax payments and repay to the Fund, the robot provider bears administrative criminal liability evidently to the extent of damage.

The order of the salary payment for outsourcing

To optimize the work of the enterprise, it is necessary to recruit third-party specialists. Such a pidhid may have its own experience:

  • optimization of salaries for practitioners behind the lines,
  • decrease in the employment of the company's robots in the rozrahunkovy group, including the number of facivists entering the permit, decree,
  • securing the privacy of your data
  • the possibility of a round of data on other enterprises and in the middle of the organization.
  • changing the number of employees for staff accountants, renting for them, improving the qualifications of accountants.

Instead of outsourcing, change the income base for business, which will reduce the income tax for business. We take responsibility for the correctness of the investigations and their validity legislative base and be ready to incur liability for vikonan's work, as well as to treat the pliable organs with food, which is blamed.

Enterprise of the building to increase the obligation of volatility without increasing the number of practitioners in accounting; labor obov'yazki that navantazhennya on spіvrobіtnіkіv pіdpriєmstva and mіzh services as a whole rozpodіlyayutsya more effectively.

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