Pleasure about non-disclosure of confidential information is an eye-opener. Agreement on non-disclosure of commercial confidentiality Agreement on non-disclosure of confidential information of commercial confidentiality

Folding goiter about non-disclosure of commercial secrets is necessary if the organization needs to secure itself a wide range of secret information about its activities. Zobov'yazannya can be drawn up in a visible document, as an addendum to an employment contract, or it is included directly to the text.


New need for goiter about undisclosed commercial secrets

In the first place, for the help of this document of entrepreneurship, which is practiced by the commercial sector (especially in the field of manufacturing), to secure its own products from foreign competitors. Goiter permits you to take the spivrobitnikiv obityanka not to expand the commercial secret that you have squandered in your hands, as it is most often

  • classified innovative ideas,
  • unpatented winemakers,
  • information about the pricing policy and the company's income,
  • data about the arrangement of contracts please,
  • further plan that strategy for the development of entrepreneurship.

It should be noted that the companies are also guilty of protecting secret information by way of access to them. In a different turn, even as far as the right to the ship's super-cats, it would be more difficult to speak out loudly, and it would be problematic to bring the fault of that other practitioner.

Who is filing the document

Zobov'yazannya is written in the name of the spivrobitnik of the company, but, as a rule, the basis is broken down

  • legal advisers of the business
  • otherwise, it’s bezporedny kerіvnitstvo.

Whether it’s a vipadku, fahivets, to become a form of a document, the mother is to blame for the necessary knowledge for its competent execution, and it’s also the fault of the knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of civil, administrative and labor law. Do not forget about those that the document is legally significant and can be requested from the court at times.

Who can sign the goiter

For a number of reasonable reasons, access to secret information is not given to all employees of enterprises and organizations. Sound like this to the technical facivities, practitioners of financial services, and those who can right with the documents. The very representatives of the staff most often write goiter about undisclosed commercial secrets. However, other companies require the signing of this document in accordance with the relevant spe- cialist .

If you draw up goiter about undisclosed commercial secrets

Vzagali tsey papira is written without interruption during the hour of production. However, the version of the document written during the work period is not excluded, for example, when transferred to another settlement or in quiet situations, if there was no such document before the translation of the documents before signing.

It is necessary to remember that in front of them, as a vimagati in the form of a spivrobitnik, a signing of goiter, a robotic giver (also a receipt) of goiter, knowledge of yoga full list information about the cost of commercial secrets.

What will be, how to destroy the goiter about unvoiced

Destroyed by the spy of the signed document, I threaten it myself different types punish, pochinayuchi vіd, zvіlnennya that vіdshkoduvannya material zbіtkіv, right up to criminal reinvestigation. To lay everything in the same way that the information itself was voiced, and also the company knew how to spend it.

Document folding rules

There is no standard, unified approach to goitre, so the enterprises and organizations can write them at a pleasant sight, depending on their needs. The company can also develop a document template, but in any case, it may be confirmed in the corporate policy of the company. Regardless of which path will be taken, the goiter may include information about

  • company name,
  • the date of that place of yoga folding,
  • personal data of the spіvrobіtnik,
  • and navit without intermediary the goiters themselves.

The agreement of the document is not obmezheniya, to that, to protect the situation, the more the main text will be broken up, there are more guarantees that there will be no violations, but in the future, the robot seller will be able to bring this fact to the court.

Rules for registration of goiter about non-disclosure of commercial secrets

The goiter may be written especially by a specialist in the hands (under the dictation of a senior practitioner of the enterprise) or ordered on a computer. It can be issued on the standard A4 format archipelago or on the company's letterhead.

The only unbreakable rule: the document is guilty of revenge on the right signature of the practitioner.

VIN is issued for a single copy.

After the folding and signing of the goiter, it is in order with other personal papers to be taken in a special reference of the spivrobitnik.

  1. In the middle of the corner, the name of the enterprise is written, in a row below - the place of storage of goiter (the place of the third population point) that date.
  2. Give the name of the document.
  3. Mainly fit on the back
    • a nickname, im'ya, according to the father and the settlement of a spivrobitnik,
    • number and date of the labor contract,
    • as well as the term, by stretching some kind of wine is guilty of protecting the secrets of the enterprise after the call.
  4. Dali go the text of the goiter itself - here you can enter any information, as you need to turn on the robot for the need.

    Among other things, it is recommended to indicate that, in order to give all the necessary information to the most important persons, and if the goiter is damaged, the punishment should be punished (suvoro within the framework of the civil law).

  5. On completion of the document, the signatures of the practitioner of the enterprise (from the appointment of the legislator and the decryption of the signature) can be signed.

Contract (please)

about undisclosed commercial secrets

R. ___________________ "___" _____________ 200__ p.

The name(s) were given "Robotist", in the person of the director ___________________, on one side, and __________________, the names(s) were given "Robotnik", on the other side, they laid down the following about the step:

1. Subject please

1.1. The practitioner takes on himself the goiter of not voicing the voices to establish a commercial secret of the Roboticist, as they became known to you at the link with the robot in the organization.

1.2. PID Komerziya Tamitsyu in the first rosema, be the same, Yaka Maysnu, the potatziin Komerziyn Tsіnniy through the non-revenue, to the lawying of the vanistan.

1.3. The transfer of information about the maintenance of commercial secrets is indicated in the Regulations on the protection of commercial secrets.

1.4. Vіdomosti, scho to establish a commercial mystery, can be transmitted orally, in writing, in photographs, in electronic, graphic, and also in any other way.

1.5. For the sake of favor, they cannot become commercial secrets of the output, designated in paragraphs. 1.3 and 1.4 tsієї please:

Yakі dosі ukladennia tsієї pleasing were publicly publicized;

Yaks have become inaccessible under the hour of the day, but without the wine part of the vidpovidnoy side.

1.6. Pratsіvnik, signing for the sake of it, zasvіdchuє, that you are aware of the Regulations on the protection of the commercial secret of Robots.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties

2.1. The worker of goiter is not to speak out the vіdomostі, scho to establish a commercial secret of the robot, to have become familiar with the connection with the robot in the company, and also to protect the most important vіdomostі vіd encroachment and try to apprehend them by third persons.

2.2. The worker of goiters is vying to win the vіdomosti, taking away the hour of vikonnannya of his labor shoes, less for the fury of the robotic worker.

2.3. The worker of goiters is to follow after the completion of the work with the company, not win the information, take away from the connection with the work of the company, with the method of competition with another company.

2.4. All information that becomes a commercial mystery is taken away by Pratsivnik from material (diagrams, little pictures, leaves, photographs, etc.) and non-material forms, to the exclusive authority of the Robotic giver and vikoristovuetsya less on the minds of the favor.

2.5. At the time of attaching the employment contract to the labor contract, the practitioner of the goiter must turn the mustache, remove it from the other side on the material carriers, as well as their copies for one day from the moment of the first help.

2.6. At the time of the announcement of statements, which to establish commercial secrets for the sake of pleasure, the Practitioner of goiter has a full responsibility incurred by the Robot provider after such an announcement of the crowd, the rozmіr of which is appointed by an independent expert commission.

Pratsіvnik pіdtverdzhuє, scho ahead of those, scho vodpovidno before the legislation of the Russian Federation of the announcement of statements, scho to establish commercial secrecy, can cause civil law, administrative and criminal vidpovidalnіst.

3. Lines please

3.1. Tsya pleasing is gaining rank from the moment of signing that for a stretch of 3 years from the moment of attaching the employment contract.

4. Special mind

4.1. Please change that addition to the tsієї please є dіysnimi less at the drop, as if the stench was broken by letters and signatures by the parties.

4.2. Mustache superechki and rozbіzhnostі schodo tsієї please vyrіshuyusya way of negotiations. If it is impossible to settle disputes with the negotiating regime, the parties may have the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

4.3. This favor is placed at two primaries, one each for the skin side, yakі may have the same legal force.

Signatures of the parties:

Robot seller Pratsіvnik _____________________ ___________________________ (signature, friend) (signature)

name legal entity , named nadal "Robot-seller", in particular Posada and PIB signing, which is on the basis Zasnuvannya again, from one side, i
PIB Pratsivnika, naming (s) given "Practitioner", which is a physical person, from the other side,
collectively referred to as the "Parties", and individually as the "Party", laid down the confidentiality before the employment contract in the form of DD .MM .RRRR to the fate (hereinafter - "Favor") about the offensive:

1. Subject please

1.1. Укладаючи цю Угоду, Працівник підтверджує свою згоду на отримання конфіденційної інформації від Роботодавця і бере на себе обов'язок щодо дотримання конфіденційності отриманої інформації, у тому числі відомої Працівнику під час здійснення трудових функцій або інших дій, пов'язаних з виконанням завдань, поставлених Роботодавцем in front of Pratsivnik. vіdnosin.

1.2. Under the confidential information of your Ugodі razumієtsya be-yak іnformatsija, yak may deystnіynu chi tsіnіnі tsіnіst robotodavtsya through nevodomіstі її їії tіrdіmі persons, until ії іn't vіlnogo vіlnogo іnformatsiі, ії ії dіyesnі chi potentiаіnіu іnіnіstі for robotodavtsа through invisibility її їії tіdіmі people, until ії іn't vіlnogo vіlnogo vіlnogo іnformіy prіdstаіbіb:

1.2.1. Be-yakі vіdomosti about kliєntіv and contractors Robots.

1.2.2. Information about the negotiations held by the robot provider with contractors.

1.2.3. The personal data of practitioners, which determined the work functions of the roboticist.

1.2.4. Personal data physical features, with which the contracts of a civil law nature were laid down

1.2.5. Wash, the provisions and the details of the contracts for other purposes, as if you are planning to put the robot provider.

1.2.6. Vіdomostі about tekhnіchne osnovannja and tehnіchnі mozhlivostі Robotodavtsa;

1.2.7. Vіdomosti about the mine and the mine camp of the robot;

1.2.8. Vіdomostі about financial displays and displays of the efficiency of robotics.

1.3. The transfer of additional confidential information may be approved by the Robot Provider under the provisions on confidential information, and the Provider is responsible for such provisions until the recruitment of rank.

2. Lines please

2.1. Tsya Ugoda is gaining rank from DD .MM .RRRR to the date and time of 5 (five) years from the moment of attaching the employment contract.

3. Side bindings

3.1. Pracіvnik goiter:

3.1.1. Do not speak out the voices that establish the confidential information of the Robot Provider, as they have become known to the Practitioner in connection with the work functions, or other duties, injunctions from the responsibilities of the tasks set by the Robot Provider in front of the Practitioner within the framework of labor contracts.

3.1.2. Protect Confidential information in case of encroachment and sprob їх public relations by third persons.

3.1.3. It is negligent to inform the robot about the disclosure of information about the disclosure or the threat of disclosure of Confidential information.

3.1.4. Do not win confidential information for your own benefit or for others.

3.1.5. Do not succumb to defence, sob'yazku at the hour of transmission of Confidential information at the hour of the termination of labor functions or by handing over the robot.

3.1.6. For the first time, I can turn all the material information carried, removed from the robot for a period of 3 (three) working days.

3.1.7. At the time of attaching to the employment contract, return all material information, withdrawal from the Robot Seller, for a period of 3 (three) working days.

3.2. The robotic goiter speaks:

3.2.1. Bring to the doctor's office the procedure for working with confidential information.

3.2.2. Bring to the practitioner the transfer of information, so that the Robot Provider has introduced a confidentiality regime for information.

3.2.3. Use your mind to maintain the regime of confidentiality of information.

3.2.4. Apply the necessary technical assistance and technical solutions for accessing the regime of confidentiality of information.

4. Procedure for obtaining confidential information

4.1. The robot provider is aware of the local acts that establish the regime of confidential information. When aware of the local acts of practitioners of goiter, the popularity of this information will be recognized by way of signing a legal document.

4.2. Vіdomosti, scho to become confidential information, can be handed over to the practitioner in both written and written forms, including victories electronic applications, graphic image or other information fixation.

4.3. Publicly accessible vіdomosti and inaccessible vіdomosti without the wine participation of the practitioner cannot be confidential information.

5. Vidpovіdnіst sides

5.1. When confidential information is disclosed, the practitioner of goiter is obliged to blow all the beats that the Roboticist blamed, including:

5.1.1. Vіdshkoduvati all vіtrati, yakі ponіs Robotodavets pіd an hour of creation and removal of confidential information.

5.1.2. Vіdshkoduvati all vitrati, as if acknowledging the robot provider for the adoption of negative nasledkіv, as if having created a practitioner for the hour of disclosing confidential information.

5.1.3. If you don’t get paid as a Robot Provider, if you winkle at a Robot Provider, then your right to confidentiality of information will not be violated.

5.2. The robot seller may have the right to unilaterally open an employment contract at the time of disclosure of confidential information, subject to the Labor Code Russian Federation.

5.3. Pratsіvnik pіdtverdzhuє, scho properedzheno about those, scho vіdpovіdno before the legislature of the Russian Federation of the announcement of statements, scho to establish confidential information, can cause administrative and criminal vіdpovidalnіnіst.

6. Inexhaustible strength

6.1. The parties are called upon due to the violation of the law for non-violent (non-necessarily vikonanny) goiter for the CI Treaty, as the non-violent (not equal vikonanny) goiter has become a legacy of non-exhaustive force .

7. Mind better

7.1. The parties recognize that it is as if it were the position of the tsієї Please become undead, or be recognized as not the same, the other provisions of the tsієї Please take their strength and є obov'yazkovymi for the Parties.

7.2. Be-yak housekeeping between the Parties, which attracts new rights or bindings, which does not squeal out of it Please, may be confirmed by the Parties in the form of additional rights before it. If you change that addendum to tsієї Please respect the actions, as they are issued in writing and signed by the Parties.

7.3. The parties have established that all superechki and rozbіzhnostі, scho blame mіzh The parties that yell out of tsієї Please, virіshuyusya way of conducting negotiations. In times of impossibility of conducting negotiations, please reach out for 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the moment the letter of claim is withdrawn, the super-checks are ruled by the Court, apparently up to the dignified legislation of the Russian Federation, for the blame of the failures, before paragraph 8.

7.4. Tsya Pleasure is stored at 2 (two) Russian purists, one for the skin from the side.

8. Zastosovne right

8.1. Until then, please, the legislation of the Russian Federation will be enforced. Oddi, Yakshcho, the legislation of the Federal Federal Antiquian forces is not a guaranteum of the Office of the Robotodavtsya rights through the serpent of the fact of the factory of the pratsivnik, the robotodaveti is 1211 of the Central Committee of Ukraine The right to the enthusiasm of the fact of the law, the rights of the Robot Provider, or at the time of the current negative consequences for the Robot Provider, due to the disclosure of confidential information by the Pracivnik.

9. Details and signatures of the parties

Robot seller

Name: " External name "

Addresses: Legal addresses



checkpoint: checkpoint

R / rax: Rosrachunkovy rachunok


Cor/rah: Correspondent's rahunok

Name of the Robot Provider _______________ Name and initials


"Specify PIB Pratsivnika "

Addresses: Registration addresses

The passport: Series and passport number

Seen: External name of the body

Date of sighting: Date of sighting



Practitioner _______________ Name and initials

Example tsієї Ugodi otrimano Pratsivnik: DD .MM .RRRR r.

Practitioner _______________ Name and initials

This is due to the popularity on the Internet us forwarded through the efforts of kerivniki in commercial and other enterprises to protect the price of information from competitors. This document is compiled in such a way and you can read about the traces of this way in our article.

Privacy mode: if and for what wine is needed

As soon as the robot gives the hour of laying down the employment contract, if there is any other moment, the signing by the worker is necessary for confidentiality, then, go, better for everything, go for the security of commercial and service security.

Crazy, sometimes pleasing, as a tool for the protection of the sovereign, tax-paying bank tax, but access to it may be surrounded by a large number of practitioners for the washing of the settlements they have occupied at the state establishments and organizations. For example, can spіvrobіtniki of law enforcement agencies, credit organizations, fіdrozdіlіv and molding of the Federal tax service and etc.

Practitioners of private, tobto commercial, organizations (with a little credit for banking) statements that are made until the refurbishment of secrets, do not hesitate. But in the current order, other information may appear in full, as it is no less protected by the law in the form of an unlawful whistleblower.

What is a commercial mystery

Vіdpovіdno to st. 3 of the Federal Law "On commercial secrets" dated 29.07.2004 No. 98-FZ tse regime of savings of revenues, which allow you to hide untrue taxes or, at the same time, increase your income, save and stabilize the camp on the market, or take away other commercial opportunities.

In this manner, before the object of a commercial secret, you can add whether there is information about the activity of business, if there is any value through її invisibility to other persons. For example, you can have information about technical developments, the results of intellectual activity too.

What is service and professional mystery

Service secrets, even if they don’t have a personal law to protect themselves, but also to slander. More precisely, the appointment is given in the Perelik of confidential information, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/06/1997 No. 188: service information, access to such obligations by state authorities is subject to federal laws. For example, tse taєmnitsa adoption, naslіdki, vіyskova taєmnitsa just.

Important! Access to the service secretary can only be used by the state servicemen for violating their townsman's functions.

Otherwise, on the right with a professional secret. Vіdomosti, scho її fold, may be available and to the practitioners of private enterprises, and state employees, yakі do not perebuvayut in the state service. The Persian blacks have personal data of spivrobitniks, like representatives of the personnel apparatus, be it firms or organizations.

Do you not know your rights?

To ensure the safety of such information, please respect confidentiality.

Please note about confidentiality and undisclosed information

The announcement of information, which is signed for the sake of confidentiality, is dragged along by the current evidence, right up to the criminal one.

It was careless to break the secrecy, the maximum that I threaten the scoundrel is a disciplinary contraction. True, it’s possible to instill a call to such people, so that the softness of punishment is to this particular type prominent.

In the case, if there is a turn of information, admitted to the present, for scurrilous and other motives, the traces lie in specific conditions. For example, revealing the secret of provadzhennya from Art. 1472 of the DC of the Russian Federation imposes on the guilt of obov'yazyok vіdshkoduvati vіdshkoduvati all zbіtki, scho vinikli zv'yazku z tsim.

Pro criminal liability you can speak in a situation, if you have a voice, what to establish a commercial or other secret, which is protected by law, they are chosen to the side for a distant rhetoric. For tse Art. 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it was transferred early until 7 years of age in the fall - fallow in the past.

Violation of confidentiality, which may be less cynical in nature, falls under Art. 13.14 CAP RF. It is clear that ordinary defenders are guilty of paying a fine in the amount of 500 to 1,000 rubles, Posadovtsi - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Important! If the voices of the data that are being buried are allowed to be adopted, otherwise the competition will be reduced, the latter may come after other standards: Art. 14.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (non-summary competition) part of art. 178 of the RF Criminal Code (competition exchange).

Please please about non-disclosure of confidential information

Legislation does not avenge the rules that regulate the procedure for laying down the confidentiality of that form. In most cases, it is added as an addendum to an employment contract (otherwise civil law - as a favor is placed between contractors).

I do not use a single document, but traditionally I am similar to an agreement or a contract. Adopt an open format that is practically identical:

  • introductory part (name of the document, date and place of folding, information about the parties, please and note about the method of folding);
  • distributed “Item Please” (statement according to the confidentiality regime with the re-adjustment of the previous entries to it);
  • distributed "Zobov'yazannya storіn";
  • distributed the “Zalniy Provisions” (approved to the order of the other parties, please, in case of current circumstances, if there are any other situations, for example, in the event of a third-party error test, remove access to information that is being protected);
  • distributed "Vіdpovіdalnіst" (after violation of the confidentiality regime);
  • addresses, details and signatures of the parties.

In this rank, there is nothing unsafe about confidentiality in the packing room. Golovnya - respectfully get to know the light of day, and in the meantime, take care of all the provisions and prevent the disclosure of information that is being protected.

One of the ways to protect valuable information, which can be seen as a mystery, which is protected by law (including commercial or service), is the introduction of a legal code of practice in the TD to protect the confidentiality of information. So, the robot supplier has the right to the worker’s worker not to speak out the information that is protected by law by the secret path of including such a mind before the employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Umov about undisclosed secrets that are protected by law, are brought to the minds of the labor contract and are included for the good of the parties. As a rule, such a mind is transferred to a labor contract with a practitioner, to whom it is known that it is a secret place, that they are protected, they will be in the course of victorious work obov'yazkiv.

Іsnuyut raznі pіdhodi to the formulation of the employment contract ієї umovi. One of the requirements is to state specific information at the employment contract, so that you trust the practitioner.

Second pidkhid - think about the unspoken secrets that are protected by law formal form, and the report of the zmіst cgo goiter was taken from a visually recognized document added to the employment contract.

- know the signature of the practitioner, who has access to information, to become a commercial secret, the necessary swiping of his labor shoes, with the transfer of information, to become a commercial secret, to become a counter agent;

- know the practitioner for special features of the signature from the established by the robot provider the mode of commercial taєmnitsі and with calls in vidpovіdalnostі for yogo damage;

- Create practitioners necessary mind for dotrimannya installed by the robot provider to the mode of commercial confidentiality (for example, to secure the practitioner for the robot with valuable information in the relevant possessions, technical documentation and other necessary measures).

Since the practitioner's access to information is not limited by labor obligations, such access is only possible for the practitioner's benefit.

- Vikonuvati installations by the robotic provider of the mode of commercial taєmnitsі;

- do not give out information and do not sing for special purposes without the help of robots or other contractors (for example, stench є vlasniks of information);

- do not voice out the information after attaching the employment contract by stretching the line, transferred by the favor between the supplier and the robot supplier, laid down at the period of the line of the labor contract, or by stretching three years after attaching the employment contract, as the appointment was not laid down (from the 1st date 'you will save commercial secrets after attaching an employment contract, as it did not fit in a pleasing way);

– transfer the worker to the supplier at the time of the termination of the employment contract to the employee of the worker of the material information, which is to avenge the information, to become a commercial mystery.

With whom the practitioner may have the right to swear at the court order illegally established by the regime of commercial confidentiality of any information, to the extent that wines have been deprived of access to the link to the vikonannym him labor obov'yazkiv.

Vykhodyachi іz zagalnyh obov'yazkіv pratsіvnik, znachenih statti 11 federal law No. 98-FZ, before the employment contract, the following provisions may be included:

- do not transfer to third persons and do not disclose information publicly, as to become a commercial secret of the organization, without the permission of the administration of the organization;

- Take care of the information to become a commercial mystery of these organizations, with which they are businesslike;

- at the time of testing third-party osib, take away the information from the practitioner, as to become a commercial secret of the organization, negligently tell about tse vidpovidnu posadova person;

— негайно повідомляти відповідну посадову особу організації про втрату або нестачу носіїв інформації, що становить комерційну таємницю, посвідчень, перепусток, про інші факти, які можуть призвести до розголошення комерційної таємниці, а також про причини та умови можливого витоку інформації, що становить комерційну таємницю;

- Oddi Zvilnnnya VSI Noseiii, INFOSISE COMERTSIIN TAMMNINY ORGANICA (Document, Cold, Manuscripts, Magnita Opeks, Yaki, Yaki, they were overwhelmed from the Rizyazni Vikonovs, to transmit the service in.

The cerebral of the organized marshy, then in the employment agreement, they have traveled to the yogo zobin io io osoli ovnnya Zhodennya Okhononi Conformati, the power of the organized contract, and the fiddle of the Obvikoneta, FZ).

40. Legal guarantees for the receptionist.

Guarantees pіd hour laying the labor contract is assigned to Art. 64 TK. The labor legislation has the following guarantees for the people of the community under the hour of laying down the labor contract (the recipient of the work):

1. It is not defensible to the bulk of the population at the laying of the labor contract. An unprimed recognition of admission to a job for the presence of a vacancy for any motives that are not related to the practical qualities of a practitioner (for the motive of state, race, nationality, century, social status, place of residence, in addition residence or perebuvannya that іn), krіm vipadkіv, before the legislation.

Vіdmova priyomi pracsyuvati for motives, "pov'yazanі z dіloviy yaknosti practitioner, ceasing to be ungrounded.

2. Protecting women from laying down an employment contract for motives related to the presence of children. The legislature has specially handed over such a great deal;

3. We reserve the right to comply with the employment contract with the practitioners, we will request from the letter of the form for a job in order to transfer to another worker. In this way, the term fence has been passed on: stretching one month from the day, zvilnennya from a huge month of work.

4. The worker of the goiter should explain the reason for giving the letter in the form of a large citizen, to whom it was advised by the employment contract.

5. The law establishes the judicial procedure for oskarzhennya vіdmov at pryomі pratsyuvati. Tim, the citizens themselves are guaranteed a judicial defense against non-primed judges at the employment contract. Gromadyanin can turn against the skargou to the bodies of the Federal Inspectorate of Labor (Article 356 of the Labor Code), to the bodies of the prosecutor's office, to keep an eye on the rule of law.

41. See employment contracts. Terms and references to non-meaning terms.

Vіdpovіdno to st. 58 of the Labor Code of Labor Agreements can fit into: for non-significant terms, that is, without a designated line;

for the last term, three more than five years (terms of labor agreement), as another term is established by the Labor Code and other federal laws.

Different types of string labor contracts - agreements on time work (term up to two months) - art. 289 of the Labor Code and about seasonal work (for the period of the season, but, as a rule, no more than 6 months) - art. 293 TK.

If the contract does not include the term yogo diї, it is important to lay down the term without meaning.

Part I Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan transfers the possibilities of laying down a line labor contract, if due to the nature of the work of minds, the possibility of establishing labor permits for inconsistencies is excluded. Therefore, the terms of labor contracts fit:

for an hour of watching the obov'yazkіv of the daily practitioner;

¦ for an hour of vykonanny timchasovyh and seasonal robit;

with persons who are sent to work across the cordon;

when arranging for a viborn landing on the appointment of a term;

in other ways, peredbachenyh law.

Part II Art. 59 TC transfers vipadki, if the string labor agreement can be laid down for the sake of the parties without improving the nature of the future robot and the minds of the vikonannya. For example, there are many possibilities: with individuals who need to work to robots - subjects of small enterprises (including individual enterprises), the number of workers does not exceed 35 employees (in the sphere of retail trade - 20 trade services);

with pensioners for a century and persons, like for a camp of health, it is allowed to work on an exclusively temporal character;

with intercessors for work in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi and pririvnyany before them;

with persons, we will embrace the competition;

with kerіvniki, їх intercessors and head accountants of organizations;

in other ways, peredbachenyh law.

An important legal guarantee is a provision, zgіdno s like a string labor agreement, regulations without sufficient substantiations, it is respected by the non-insignificance of the term.

As soon as the term of the contract has passed, even though the parties did not see it, the worker continues the work, thinking about the terminological nature of the labor contract, the employee enters into formality and the labor contract is considered to be laid down on the non-significance of the term.

The laying down of the terms of employment contracts is protected by the method of improvement in the form of rights and guarantees, transferring for workers, with which the labor agreements are laid down for non-significance of the terms (Article 58 of the Labor Code).

42. Labor agreement about the work at the Last Pivnochi and equal to the new month.

Conclusion in a letter form with persons who came from in. for r-ty and living in danіy mіstsevosti, after the completion of wine m.b. no continuation<,чем на 1 г.Особенн-и закреп.ТК РФ и З РФ «О гос.гарантиях и компенсац.для лиц раб-щих….»,для привлечения в эти р-ны раб.силы гос-во устан.опр.гарантии и компен.на местных жителей не распростран.доп.льготы,они и.П.лишь на основные.Основные:ежемесячн.надбавка к з/пл;ежегодн.доп.отпуск(24 на Кр.Сев. и 16 к приравн.к ним мет-тям,раб-к вправе соединить все отпуска полностью или частично,но не более,чем за 2 г);оплата 1 р в 2 года проезда к месту использования отпуска и обратно;имеющ.детей до 16 лет и.доп.вых.день ежемесяч.без сохран.з/пл.Дополн:оплата в повышен.размере переезда к месту р-ты,лица,к-рые по истечению срока 1-го д-ра перезаключ.новый д-р на такой же срок выплачивается единовременное пособие в размере 50 % сред.месяч.заработ.;оплата обратного проезда р-в и членов его семьи к постоянному места жит-ва по истечению срока д-ра или придосрочном его расторж.не по вине раб-ка;обеспеч.по месту р-ты жилой площадью и бронирование жит-ва на весь срок действ.ТД.при их высвобождении с р-ты в связи с ликвид.орг-ции,либо скоращ.числен.или штата сохран.з/пл на период трудоуст-ва,но не >6 ms; move. hall in tr. experience (1.5 g per 1 g) for an hour in the districts. .pilgamy, krіm pay for travel until the month of r-ti.persons, zvіlnenim-m s military service hour of the military line of service in these districts and mіstsevosti zarahovuє to the length of service, which gives the right to otrimanna pіvnіch.pіlg, yakshcho in between 3mіs. after the dismissal, the stench came on the pre-thie, roztash.

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