The federal law on the development of remіsnichoї activity in the Russian Federation. See crafts. See the folk crafts Yaki robots can win the craft



Article 1. Subject of regulation by the Federal Law
Цей Федеральний закон регулює відносини, що виникають між органами державної влади Російської Федерації, органами державної влади суб'єктів Російської Федерації, органами місцевого самоврядування в галузі ремісничої діяльності, визначає взаємини суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності, ремісничих організацій, форм та видів державної підтримки суб' єktiv remіsnichoї dіyalnostі.

Article 2. Regulatory legal regulation at the gallusy remіsnichoї activity
Нормативне правове регулювання відносин у галузі ремісничої діяльності в Російській Федерації ґрунтується на Конституції Російської Федерації і здійснюється цим Федеральним законом, іншими федеральними законами та прийнятими відповідно до них іншими нормативними правовими актами Російської Федерації, законами та іншими нормативними правовими актами суб'єктів Російської Федерації, нормативними legal acts of the bodies of local self-regulation, and navit with international normative legal acts, recognized by the Russian Federation.

Article 3
For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are used:
remіsnicha diyalnіst - a type of production and / or pіdpriєmnitskoі diyalnostі z the production of goods (works, services) in small batches, including on the іndivіdualnі zamovlennya, vykoristannym spetsіalnyh znani, novichok, tekhnologii, including vysnаnіno vysnya;
sub'єkti remіsnichoї dіyalnostі - yakі zdіysnyuyut rаіsnіch dіyalnіst rіsnіchі dіyalnoststva, rіnіsnіkі dіyalnosti i rіyіsniki;
remіsniche pridpriєmstvo - a legal person (sovereign or municipal unitary pridpriєmstvo, gospodarske comradeship or gospodarske comradeship), like zdіysnyuє remіsniču diyalnіst that is included to the Remіsnichiy register;
ремісник-підприємець - фізична особа, яка має професійну кваліфікацію у сфері ремісничої діяльності, підтверджену документом встановленого зразка або іншим документом, що визнана Російською Федерацією, внесена до Ремісничого реєстру та до єдиного державного реєстру індивідуальних підприємців, що здійснює підприємницьку діяльність без утворення юридичної особи;
ремісник - фізична особа, яка має професійну кваліфікацію у сфері ремісничої діяльності, підтверджену документом встановленого зразка або іншим документом, що визнана Російською Федерацією, внесена до Ремісничого реєстру та здійснює ремісничу діяльність як працюючий за трудовим договором (контрактом) у ремісника-підприємця ;
master-remіsnik - a remіsnik (remіsnik-pіdpriєmets), who has taken away the document of the inserted mark or another document, which is recognized by the Russian Federation, about the appropriation professional qualifications“master craftsman”, who can have the right to learn his craft as a craftsman and have the right to earn a special sign (brand);
a craftsman - a physical person who has mastered the program for one of the types of crafts activities (professions) in a lighting installation, or in the form of self-learning (individual training) with a craftsman;
brand - a special sign (druk), which is applied by the master craftsman on the bread prepared by him;
remіsnichі organіzatsії (remіsnichі chambers, splits, associations, leagues, guilds only) - nonstate, non-commercial organizations that unite legal issues, with the method of development of the subject of labor activity;
Chamber of Crafts - a non-commercial self-regulated artisanal organization that unites sub-jects of artisanal activity under a territorial sign;
crafts guild - professional association of craftsmen and craftsmen-principals of the first type of crafts activity (professions), as a rule, created at the crafts chambers;
інфраструктура підтримки суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності - сукупність ремісничих організацій, а також організацій (підприємств), які здійснюють наукову, виробничу, фінансову, інформаційну, консультаційну, освітню та інші види діяльності з метою сприяння виробничій та підприємницькій діяльності суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності;
федеральні (регіональні, муніципальні) програми розвитку суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності - нормативні правові акти Уряду Російської Федерації (суб'єктів Російської Федерації, органів місцевого самоврядування), в яких визначаються переліки заходів, спрямованих на досягнення цілей державної політики у сфері розвитку ремісничої діяльності, та здійснюваних у Російській Федерації Федерації (суб'єктах Російської Федерації, муніципальних утвореннях), із зазначенням обсягу та джерел їх фінансування, результативності діяльності органів виконавчої влади відповідного рівня (місцевого самоврядування), відповідальних за реалізацію зазначених заходів;
підтримка суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності - діяльність органів державної влади Російської Федерації (суб'єктів Російської Федерації, органів місцевого самоврядування) та функціонування інфраструктури підтримки суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності, спрямовані на реалізацію заходів, передбачених федеральними (регіональними, муніципальними) програмами розвитку суб' єktiv remіsnichoї dіyalnostі.


Article 4
4.1. Remіsnicha diyalnost є a form of small and medium business, and sub'єkti remіsnichoї diyalnost (Krim remіsnikіv) є categories of small and medium business (Article 23 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Industry of Russia").
4.2. Craftsmanship is carried out in such galleys of the hromada statehood: silsk statehood, craftsmanship (including the production of artistic works), everyday life, housing and communal statehood, butovy service.
4.3. Do not lie down to the clerical types of activity and/or other activities, the result of which is an intellectual product (service).
4.4. The change of views of the remіsnichoї activity is confirmed by the Council of the Russian Federation. This perelіk can be looked at at a large number of sights of the craft activity.
4.5. Before the subject of the clerical activity, there are the clerks and the clerks-priests, as they seem to such minds:
the average number of practitioners for the previous calendar date can be revisited one hundred osіb inclusive;
not less than 25% of the practitioners of the state-sponsored subject are patriarchs (the norm is gaining rank from 01/01/2015);
not less than 50% of the total commitment of goods (labor, services) that are released, voluntarily for additional work;
income from the sale of goods (work, services) without adjusting the tax on the additional income, or the balance sheet assets intangible assets) for the previous calendar date, it is not guilty to change the boundary values ​​established by the Order of the Russian Federation for the skin category of subjects of small and medium enterprises;
для юридичних осіб (крім державних та муніципальних унітарних підприємств) - сумарна частка участі Російської Федерації, суб'єктів Російської Федерації, муніципальних утворень, іноземних юридичних осіб, іноземних громадян, громадських та релігійних організацій (об'єднань), благодійних та інших фондів у статутному (stocked) capital (share fund) assigned to legal entities may be revisited twenty five hundred years, a part of the participation that belongs to one number of legal persons, as subjects of a small average business, may be revisited twenty five hundred.
4.6. Критерії віднесення новозареєстрованих ремісників-підприємців або новостворених ремісничих підприємств до суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності, визначення середньої чисельності працівників ремісничого підприємства, розрахунку виручки від реалізації товарів (робіт, послуг) за календарний рік та балансової вартості активів (залишкової вартості основних засобів та нематеріальних активів) clerical undertakings are recognized in accordance with Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation".
4.7. Federal statistical guard for the activity of the sub'єktіv remіsnichoї activity (krіm remіsnikіv) as a warehouse part of the sub'єktіv of small and medium enterprises zdіysunyutsya vіdpovіdno to st. 5 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation".

Article 5. Chamber of Commerce of the subject of the Russian Federation
5.1. Суб'єкти ремісничої діяльності, ремісничі організації та інші фізичні та юридичні особи, з метою розвитку ремісничої діяльності вправі створювати у суб'єкті Російської Федерації саморегульовану ремісничу організацію у формі некомерційного партнерства - ремісничу палату суб'єкта Російської Федерації.
5.2. Реміснича палата суб'єкта Російської Федерації організується з метою створення сприятливих умов реалізації ремісничої діяльності, формування інфраструктури підтримки суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності біля суб'єкта Російської Федерації, розвитку торгово-економічних зв'язків суб'єктів ремісничої із підприємцями із країн.
5.3. Remisnich Chamber of Subdiyskta Federalsiy, his own diyalnist at the framework of the constitutes of the Federal Federal Administrative Offenses, Vidpovly to the provision of the Central Federal Law, the Federal Law “On the Non-Minor Organization”, and the Legal Legal Acts.
5.4. In the skin sub'єkti of the Russian Federation, more than one regional chamber of the sub'єkta of the Russian Federation' can be created.
5.5. The Chamber of Remembrance of the Subject of the Russian Federation has the following updates:
1) representing the interests of the subjects of the clerical activity and the clerical organizations in the state authorities and the public organizations of the subject of the Russian Federation;
2) taking part in the development of draft laws, normative legal acts and programs in the Galuzia for the development of industrial activity on the equal sub-continent of the Russian Federation;
3) provide legal assistance, represent and protect the interests of the subjects of remіsnicho activity and remіsnicheskih organіzіy at the judicial authorities with food, related to the provision of remіsnicho activity;
4) for the resolution of other government disputes between the subjects of the clerical activity, subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation, organizing the work of arbitration courts;
5) provide informational services to the subjects of the labor activity and the labor organizations;
6) maintain a clerical register;
7) to support lighting installations and craft organizations at the highest level of professional education and training of craft workers, creating good lighting education, experts and teaching methods for the sake of qualification of comics;
8) to carry out the procedure of attestation and assignment of the professional qualification "master-craftsman", the registration procedure and the type of special brand of the master-craftsman;
9) clamoring, vodpovidno before the legislation of the Russian Federation, about rewarding remіsnikіv and remіsnikіv-prinєmtsіv with honorary titles, sovereign and Galuzev cities;
9) organizing exhibitions, seminars, master classes, competitions and other events. visiting the sphere of labor activity;
10) at the borders of its competence, it arranges agreements with the state authorities of the sub'єkta of the Russian Federation, the authorities of the local self-regulation about mutual goiter and support and development of the labor activity;
11) zdіysnyuє іnshi, appointed by the Law of renewal.
5.6. The Chamber of Remembrance of the subject of the Russian Federation has the right to create its own branch and representative office at the municipal offices of the subject of the Russian Federation.
5.7. Under the chamber of clerks of the subject of the Russian Federation, guilds of artisans are created, as well as professional associations of artisans and artisans-subsidiaries of one type of artisanal activity (profession).
5.8. The crafts guilds are subject to the same upgrade to the profile of the crafts activity:
1) expand the necessary regulatory and technical documentation for the nutrition of professional activity and professional qualifications;
2) to take part in the undergraduate attestation of students for craft professions in lighting installations (centers) at the warehouse attestation (expert) committee;
3) take part in the work of attestation commissions from the assignment of a professional qualification "master craftsman".

Article 6. Russian Chamber of Commerce
6.1. Remisnich Chamber of Rosії - Nedzhavna, Nekomerzina Organizayya, Black Coordinations of the Remaining Chambers of the submarit federal federal, submaristens.
6.2. The Chamber of Remembrance of Russia maintains its activity within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to the provisions of the Federal Law, the Federal Law “On Non-Commercial Organizations”, other legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Statistics Service.
6.3. The founders of the Remіsnichoi Chamber of Russia can be remіsnichoi organizations, sub'єkti remіsnichoї activity, іnshі zatsіkavlenі at rozvitku remіsnichoi's activity physical and juridical individuals.
6.4. The Remisnicha Chamber of Russia has the following updates:
1) zdіysnyuє representative functions in the name of the subjects of the remіsnichoї activity, the remіsnichі organizations in the federal authorities of the sovereign power, in the Russian and international community organizations;
2) taking part in the formation of state policy in the sphere of remіsnichoї activity, development of projects of normative legal acts, projects, programs of the federal level for the supply of remіsnichoї activity;
3) rozroblyaє that zatverdzhuє approximate statute of the Remіsnichoї chamber of the subject of the Russian Federation;
4) organizing the distribution of: professional standards and systems for certification of craft types of activity, incl. certification procedures and the assignment of professional qualifications "master craftsman"; typical training programs and retraining for craft professions; the order of registration and species of a special brand of master craftsman;
5) expanding and accepting recommendations, rules, methodological and instructive materials, directing to the full advancement of the quality of the craft activity;
6) organize vocational training and retraining of managerial personnel in the workforce, if necessary, create for these purposes lighting mortgage vіdpovіdno up to dignified legislation;
7) create a foreign Russian primary-methodical council of craft professions;
8) organizing foreign Russian forums for the development of craft activities;
9) at the borders of its competence, it arranges agreements with the state authorities of the Russian Federation on mutual goiter and support and development of remіsnichoї activity;
10) vikonuє іnshі, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation functions.
6.5. The Chamber of Remembrance of Russia can be engaged in the implementation of duties through the need to complete statutory tasks.

Article 7. Craft register
7.1. The submarous removnichi, it is viddovically to the vimogs of the law, the subsidies to the same sovereign re -register of legal Osіb (up to the єdine sovereign Rechstroy pidprimtz).
7.2. The inclusion of subjects in the crafts activity to the crafts registers is not related to their membership in any crafts organization of the association.
7.3. The Chambers of Remittances of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall maintain the Remittance Registers of the sub'acts of the Remitting Activity, registrations (who live) with each sub'ject of the Russian Federation. The order of creation and maintenance of the clerical registers is determined by the Order of the Russian Federation.
7.4. The craft register of subjects of craft activity is created according to the method:
1) registration of subjects of labor activity;
2) collecting information about the subjects of the labor activity;
3) collection and analysis of information about the market for the production of goods (work, services) that are subject to labor activity;
4) retrieving analytical information about trends and prospects for the development of industrial activity in the regions of the Russian Federation, the adoption of federal (regional, municipal) support programs and the development of regional industrial activity.
7.5. The clerical register is guilty of mistaking the following information about the subjects of the clerical activity:
1) for craft enterprises (legal entities):
a) an electronic copy of the certificate of state registration, statute, establishing agreement (for state partnerships and partnerships), trademark (for evidence);
b) name, name, according to the father, the date of birth and the bulk of the stone worker;

d) change of possession (technologies) that zastosovuetsya, number of working areas;
e) information about the practitioners of the craftsmen and the masters of the craftsmen (a nickname, name, according to the father; qualification documents that give the right to the craftsmen to conduct a craftsmanship);
f) date of registration with the Remisnic Registry;
2) for remіsnikіv-pіdpriєmtsіv (physical osіb):

b) an electronic copy of a certificate of state registration, a special brand (for evidence);
c) the type (s) of the labor activity, which the enterprise is engaged in;
d) qualification documents of a craftsman-principal, which give the right to conduct a craftsman's work of the same kind (s);
e) change of possession (technologies) that zastosovuetsya, number of working areas;
f) information (for evidence) about practicing craftsmen and master craftsmen (a nickname, name, according to the father; qualification documents that give the right to craftsmen to conduct craft work);
g) date of registration with the Remisnic Registry;
3) for remіsnikіv (physical osіb):
a) nickname, im'ya, according to the father, vіk; in osib, yakі є іnvalidami 1 and 2 groups, - a nickname, ім'ya, according to the father of the legal representative of the guardian;
a) an electronic copy of a special brand (for clarity);
c) type (s) of remіsnichoї activity;
e) qualification documents, which give the right to conduct a craft activity;
f) date of registration with the Remisnic Registry.

Article 8. Features of the training of craftsmen
8.1. Professional training, training and retraining for vocational types of activity (professions) is subject to the law of the Russian Federation “On education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law, and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
8.2. Vocational training, training and retraining for worker types of work (professions) may be required:
1) в організаціях, які здійснюють освітню діяльність (коледжах, технікумах, ліцеях, навчально-виробничих та навчально-курсових комбінатах, навчально-виробничих центрах, школах рідкісних професій, освітніх підрозділах ремісничих палат тощо), що реалізують професійні освітні програми ремісничого профілю відповідного рівня ;
2) at the form of self-enlightenment (in the order of individual training at the master craftsman).
8.3. Craft associations and organizations, as well as subjects of vocational activity, artisans may have the right to take part in the development of professional standards, professional lighting programs, as well as typical training programs and retraining for vocational specialties and professions.
8.4. When held in initial mortgages pridsumkovoї attestatsiї uchnіv for remіsnichim professіy to warehouse attestatsionnoї komіsії include representatives of the remіsnichoї chamber, scho in this subject of the Russian Federation.

Article 9
By order of the Russian Federation, a special order is being established for the decline of the labor activity.

Article 10
10.1. The Russian Federation introduces a single classification of equal professional qualifications with worker types of activity: master-worker, worker, worker-worker.
10.2. Qualifications up to equal qualifications for worker types of work are established by the relevant professional standards in order, which is confirmed by the Order of the Russian Federation.
10.3. By order of the Russian Federation, the regulations are being developed and confirmed about honorary titles in the sphere of craft activity: “Master-craftsman of Russia” and “Merited craftsman of Russia”.
10.4. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to introduce the power of honorary titles in the sphere of labor activity.


Article 11
11.1. Державна політика у сфері ремісничої діяльності Російської Федерації є частиною державної соціально-економічної політики і є сукупність правових, політичних, економічних, соціальних, інформаційних, консультаційних, освітніх, організаційних та інших заходів, здійснюваних органами структурі державної влади Російської Федерації, органами структурі державної влади суб 'acts in the Russian Federation, by the bodies of the local self-regulation and directing to ensure the implementation of the goals and principles established by the Federal Law.
11.2. The main goals of the sovereign policy in the Galuzi remіsnichoї activity in the Russian Federation are:
1) revitalization and preservation of Bagatov's traditional crafts activities and business;
2) the creation of legal, economic, social and other minds for stimulating creative initiatives, encouraging and developing all sub'ektiv industrial activities;
3) increase in the number of subjects of manufacturing activity with the method of forming a competitive medium in the economy of the Russian Federation;
4) the creation of friendly minds for the development of competitiveness of the subjects of the industrial activity;
5) transfer of the subjects to the labor activity from the sale of their goods (work, services) to the market of the Russian Federation and the market of foreign powers;
6) security of employment and self-employment of the population;
7) zbіlshennya part of the goods (labour, services) generated by the subjects of labor activity by the gross domestic product;
8) an increase in the part of taxes paid by the subjects of industrial activity on tax revenues of the federal budget, budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and public budgets.
11.3. The main principles of state policy in the sphere of remіsnichoї activity of the Russian Federation:
1) demarcation re-establishment of how to support the sub'єktiv remіsnichoї activity between the federal authorities of state power, bodies of state power of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-regulation;
2) durability federal bodies state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of self-regulation for the security of friendly minds, development of craft activity;
3) участь представників суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності та представників інших організацій, що виражають інтереси суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності, у формуванні та реалізації державної політики у сфері розвитку ремісничої діяльності, експертизі проектів нормативних правових актів Російської Федерації, нормативних правових актів суб'єктів Російської Federation, legal acts of the bodies of the labor self-regulation, which regulate the development of the labor activity;
11.4) ensuring equal access of the subject to the labor activity until the end of the treasury to the minds of the state, established by federal (regional, municipal) programs for the development of the labor activity.

Article 12
12.1. In order to implement the state policy to promote the development of the labor activity in the Russian Federation, federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation can be transferred as follows:
1) special tax regimes, simpler rules for the administration of taxable form, simplified forms submission declarations for okremi tributes and fees for the subjects of the labor activity;
2) simplified the system of keeping accounting rank, simplifying the order of folding statistical rank by the subjects of industrial activity;
4) the pіlgovy order of rozrakhunkіv for privatization by the subjects of the rіmіsnichoї activity (krіm - rіmіsnikіv) of the state and the municipality;
5) the specificity of the participation of the sub'єktіv remіsnichoї dіyalnostі as post-employment workers (vykonavtsіv, pіdryadnikіv) with the method of placing the order for the supply of goods, vikonannya robіt, nadannya servitov for state and municipal needs;
6) come in to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of the subjects of the labor activity in the event of state control (at a glance);
7) come in to secure the financial support of the subjects of the manufacturing activity;
8) go to the development of the infrastructure for support of the subjects of the manufacturing activity;
9) other directives for ensuring the implementation of goals and principles of the Federal Law come.

Article 13
13.1. Until the renewal of the organs of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation for food development of the craftsman's activity lie:
1) the formation and development of state policy in the sphere of the development of the craft activity;
2) the choice of principles, priority directives, forms and types of support of the subject of the craft activity;
3) development and implementation of federal programs for the development of subjects of industrial activity;
4) Vozhnoenniy of the basic fіnansovikh, Ekononichny, socialists of the same rosobitis of the removalist, the same ilfrastructure of the subrimkhktvsnichi diyalostov on the prospects of the federation of social rosema clans;
5) the creation of coordinating bodies of senior authorities in the sphere of development of labor activity under the federal bodies of vikonavchos, endowing them with awards for the development of labor activity in the boundaries of their competence;
6) the formation of a single information system with the method of implementing the state policy in the sphere of development of the labor activity;
7) financing of scientifically advanced and pre-construction work with the problems of development of industrial activity for the federal budget expenses;
8) joining the activity of foreign Russian non-commercial organizations, as a way of expressing the interests of the subjects of the industrial activity;
9) popularization of the remіsnichoї activity with additional funds of the federal budget;
10) making changes and additions to the transfer of types of manufacturing activities;
11) support of regional programs for the development of subjects of industrial activity;
12) representation in international organizations, cooperation with foreign powers and administrative-territorial establishments of foreign powers in the Galuzian development of artisanal activities;
13) organization of the official statistical appearance of the sub'єktіv rієktіv rіmіsnіchої dіyalnostі, vyznachennya vyznachennya vybirkovyh statisticheskih vibіrkovіnі dіyalnіstyu nіyalnіstyu nієktіv rієktіv rієkії dіyalnosti Russian Federation;
14) щорічна підготовка доповіді про стан та розвиток ремісничої діяльності в Російській Федерації та заходи щодо його розвитку, що включає в себе звіт про використання коштів федерального бюджету на державну підтримку суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності, аналіз фінансових, економічних, соціальних та інших показників розвитку суб 'єktіv remіsnichoї dіyalnostі, otsіnku effektivnosti zastosuvannya zakhodіv її її razvitku, prognosis rozvitku roіsnichoї dіyalnostі in Rosіyskіy Federatsiії, tаt publіkuvannya zabіkakh masovoї іnformatsії tsієї;
15) methodically safe bodies of sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-regulation and cooperation in the distribution and implementation of the development of labor activities in the subjects of the Russian Federation and on the territories of the municipalities.
16) establishment of the order of maintenance of clerical registers, as well as the establishment of technological, programmatic, linguistic, legal and organizational benefits for the maintenance of the designated registers.
13.2. Until the renewal of the organs of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the development of craftsmanship should lie:
1) participation in the current state policy in the sphere of development of the labor activity;
2) development and implementation of regional and intermunicipal programs for the development of sub'fective industrial activity with the improvement of national and regional socio-economic, environmental, cultural and other features;
3) joining the activities of non-profit organizations, which reflect the interests of the subjects of the industrial activities, and the structural subdivisions of the designated organizations;
4) financing of scientific and advanced and pre-construction work with the problems of development of remіsnichoї dіyalnostі for rahunok koshtіv budzhetіv pod'ektiv Russian Federation;
5) spryannya development of inter-regional spivrobitnitstva sub'ektіv rіsnichої dіyalnostі;
6) popularization of remіsnichoї dіyalnostі for rahunok koshtіv budzhetіv pod'ektiv Russian Federation;
7) support of municipal programs for the development of subjects of industrial activity;
8) cooperation with international organizations and administrative-territorial establishments of foreign powers for the development of industrial activity;
9) analysis of financial, economic, social and other indicators of the development of industrial activity and the efficiency of stosuvannya zahodo yogo development, forecast for the development of industrial activity in the subjects of the Russian Federation;
10) molding the infrastructure of the sub'єktіv remіsnichoї dіyalnostі in the subjects of the Russian Federation and the security of the її dіyalnostі;
11) methodically ensuring the organs of the municipal self-regulation and matching them with the development of the industrial activity in the territories of the municipal institutions;
12) illuminating the coordinating chi doradchih bodies in the sphere of development of the clerical activity by the bodies of the vikonavchos of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
13.3. Organs of sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation may transfer, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the development of a handicraft activity to the bodies of self-regulation.
13.4. Until the renewal of the organs of the labor self-regulation with the power of the development of the labor activity, the creation of the minds of the development of the labor activity, zokrema:
1) the formation and development of municipal programs for the development of sub'єktіv remіsnichoї activity with the improvement of national and mіstsevih social, economic, ecological, cultural and other peculiarities;
2) analysis of financial, economic, social and other indications of the development of industrial activity and the efficiency of stosuvannya zahodo yogo development, forecast for the development of industrial activity on the territory of municipal institutions;
3) molding the infrastructure of sub'єktіv remіsnichoї activity on the territory of municipal institutions and the security of their activity;
4) matching the activity of non-commercial organizations, which reflect the interests of the subjects of the industrial activity, and the structural support of the designations of the organizations;
5) establishment of coordinating chi doradchih organs in the sphere of the development of labor activity by organs of labor self-regulation.

Article 14
14.1. Уряд Російської Федерації в межах своїх повноважень та з метою забезпечення поєднання інтересів Російської Федерації та суб'єктів Російської Федерації у сфері розвитку ремісничої діяльності координує діяльність органів виконавчої влади суб'єктів Російської Федерації щодо реалізації ними заходів федеральних програм розвитку суб'єктів ремісничої діяльності.
14.2. У разі звернення Ремісничої палати Росії до керівників федеральних органів виконавчої влади, наділених окремими повноваженнями з питань розвитку ремісничої діяльності в межах їхньої компетенції, з пропозицією створити при даних органах координаційні або дорадчі органи у сфері розвитку ремісничої діяльності керівники даних федеральних органів державної влади зобов'язані look at the information about the creation of such coordinating organs. Pro accepted decision from the appointed nutrition, the employees of the federal bodies of the vykonavchos for a stretch of the month in writing inform such non-commercial organizations.

Craft- more manual virobnitstvo, based on zastosuvanni manual znaryad pracі, scho allows viroblyaty vysokoyakіsnі, often.

Craft viniclo with the cob of virobnic activity, passed a trivalent historical path of development, taking various forms: a) home craft- for the minds of natural government; b) handicraft- in the minds of the arrangement of natural government; in) rinku craft. From the vindication of the craft for the making and especially to the market, the appearance of the development of the city as a craft and trade centers is brought to the market. Home crafts are often called home crafts (that is, the production of non-sold, gift products), crafts for making them to the market - handicrafts. In the Russian Statistical Literature, often all the remіsniks of the XIX-XX centuries. were called chagarniks.

Home craft widely expanded by the stretching of the history of pre-capitalist suspres. The rural population viroblya more spozhivanyh їm milіsnichih virobіv. Step by step, the craft began to play a role in the construction of the market. At ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, in the lands of the ancient Gathering, there was a significant number of artisans, as if they were leading an independent state and prepared vodka for the marriage of the labor market.

Formation professional craft, especially in the localities, brought to the end a new sphere of production and a new social sphere - the Russian artisans. The vindication of the various forms of their organization (workshops), which stole the interests of this sphere, created especially friendly minds for the development of the Russian craft in the Middle Ages. The leading galleys of the Russian craft were: cloth making, weaving of metal wool, weaving of other crafts. In the process of the industrial revolution (the middle of the 18th century - the first half of the 19th century), the factory industry, founded on the zastosuvanni of machines, developed the craft. The handicraft (for sale and for the market) was saved in galuzi, tied to the services of individual needs, or with the production of expensive artistic items - pottery on the right, weaving, artistic design, thinly.

By the greater world, craft was preserved in weakly developed lands. However, here, too, there is a revitalization of the factory and factory industry in the wake of the industrialization of these lands. Folk-mystetsky crafts are being taken care of, which are connected with tourism and export services.

vidi crafts

For a long time, people knew such crafts, like:

and many others.

In Russia, after 1917, the number of craftsmen and handicraftsmen was rapidly running short, the stench was united at industrial cooperation. Only a small part of the world's famous folk art crafts were saved: Gzhel's ceramics, Dimkiv's toy, Palekh's miniature, Khokhloma painting and ing.

Artistic craft

Artistic craft- the culture of labor professional skills and technical methods of artistic processing of various materials (metal, canvas, fabrics, etc.) The professional accomplishment of the artistic craft was formed as a way of introducing the most effective in the aesthetic sensations and techniques of artistic processing of the material, bringing it to perfection. This dosvіd accumulated in centuries, passed from generation to generation. For the old hours, for the artistic craft, they judged the dobrobut of the country and the fierce rіven її culture. The masters of Old-Old Russia and the Western European Middle Ages were divided into professions, within the framework of which they could universally zastosovuvat different acceptances and artistic processing of that other material. So, the goldsmiths and srіbnykh srіbla majstri volodili priyomami kuvannya, littya, karbuvannya, filigree, engraving, black srіbla, enamel on the right. The stinks were specialized in the types of jewelery (clothing, bookcases, jewelry embellishment). A similar kind of specialization is small in pottery, weaving, and artistic sewing. In Old Kiev, for example, there were 60 different craft professions. Behind the social camp, the artisans were divided into patrimonials, as if they worked at the prince's court, that of the monasteries, and of the towns and cities. The first ones worked on the engagement relatively and for a long time, reaching the highest perfection and craftsmanship in work. The town's artistic craft won its victory over the creativity of the local masters, which is out of the market. They vibrated with sparing means to reach the artistic effect, which brings it closer to expensive sights. The deep aesthetic ideals of the people, the professional artistry of handicrafts marked the development of the culture of artistic crafts. The leather river was creative. The master's artistry is highly valued; affiliation to the ranks of the masters began in the minds of the vikonati of the most important artistic virib. In Russia, craft corporations were founded, organized on a kshtalt of backyard workshops. Their activity was regulated by special rules and laws. Developing on the basis folk traditions, arts and crafts, leather lands saved their national identity and at one time created the development of light styles. , oskіlki yogo development neviddіlne vіd khudozhnої figurativeness, aesthetics, culture of the skin people.

Folk art crafts

Folk art crafts (folk craft) - a wide range of products, prepared for the help of simple handy materials and clumsy tools. This traditional kind of craft is different, de speeches that are created with a hand for help to reduce that cunning. The robot can be used on fabric, wood, colored metals, papers, etc. Call the term zastosovuєtsya to speeches, which may not only have an aesthetic value, but also know practical zastosuvannya.

Folk craft take the cobs of the cob from the rural craft, the zavdyaks were created for the first necessities, including folding structures. Sіlskі crafts vіdіmі shche z vіdnіh chasіv, in fact, appeared at that moment, if the people needed new tools for pobutu. In different regions and regions, in different peoples, the arts and cultures differed, and so did those crafts. Like folk art, folk craft often lay in the background of religious, cultural and other political transitions.

Bagato handmade virobi they are created from natural or close to natural materials, but richly modernist and vicorous elements of construction, for example, crafted details and mechanisms.

Products are respected by folk craft until the hour when the process of their preparation is put on the spot (mass preparation of the factory type).

Shards of manual work and a similar craft develop the intellect and different kinds of beginners, sometimes in the main processes of schools and institutes to introduce special tasks for the creation of something. For the preparation of bagatioh virobiv, you will need navichki, and then you should learn the craft of leather. A lot of sights of crafts become popular already in a day's time after they appear, sometimes - not.

History of crafts

Already at ancient light the cobs of craftsmanship, which are manifested in the processing of household objects, are more important in the house of the master of the material and by the hands of slaves. About such a character of the remіsnichoї practice of Greece, we can see Homer's evidence.

When the Greeks were ignorant to the Romani practice, which was recognized as an unworthy free person, R., as a professional activity became, it was the right arch of the obezzhennyh contingent of osib, as if they didn’t take in metoiki and slaves, who entered the warehouse of the booth.

The ancient crafts in Greece, however, rose to a high level, not caring about the accumulation of the simplest tools and tools. In an hour, the broader R. was swelled not only with luxury items, but also with the satisfaction of the highest needs of the lower classes of the population.

In the past, Greek craftsmen saw some competition from the side of the great virobnits, from the middle of the 5th century to the stars. e. However, zagalom, the nature of the remіsniche vyrobnitstvo th in Rome. When іsnuvannі vіdokremlenih, closed states that satisfied their needs for additional specialization of slave labor, Rome did not have the ground for the development of R. as a professional professional activity; for a contingent of osib, who bi constantly demanded the products of someone else's work and could pay for them, Roman craftsmen, Budler, etc. and (artifices) small popovnyuvat ranks of the proletarians. Only for the presence of the home lane, as it served as a source of income (sound - a small land lot), the craftsman could easily get it and at the vikonan vipadkovych's mother's promise of a living income. From the decrees of the great maetkivs, who have rotted away a significant part of the ancient land plots, the craftsmen, lave of which have been overwhelmed with free admissions, maly shukat the robot for and win the house as a deputy.

With the help of zbіlshennya obsyagіv virobnitstva in yakіys arіlі, arіl could economically put pіd control аbо pridbati і vlasnіst one аbo kіlka gospodarіv i dоdі won overgrowth at the factory chi plant. With the appearance in my craft, more and more folding and energy machines and mechanisms, and, especially, from the best achievements of science, the promise has outgrown the promise. The presence of foldable and numerical machines and mechanisms and science-based processes is the very same line that ends the industry and begins the industry. As an example, there can be a transformation in the 19th century in Russia Ivanov, earlier its own freedom, which is formed, more importantly, from weaving artiles, in place of the great number of weaving factories. p align="justify"> Due to the great stagnation of modern, scientifically grounded processes, Ivanovo became the center of the textile industry in Russia. Axis deyakі іnshі applied "evolution" of promislіstі v promyslovіstі іz the stаnniy oblаgіv vyrobnіstva, sladnennіm і zbіlshennym іlkostі vіkostіvovuvannya ії іz zaluchennyami scientii:

  • the bakery and the milk craft have been transformed, the skin has its own part of the grub industry.
  • Shevskoe craft turned into fates on the vzuttev promyslovist
  • weaving and spinning crafts at once gave birth to a textile industry
  • Kravetska craft turned into a sewing industry
  • the forging craft became the forefather of a whole series of handicrafts related to the processing of metals.

Tim is no less, a lot of crafts continue to establish order with the people of their trades, creating a professional middle ground, for which a mass of fahіvtsіv is recruited from a leading profession. So, for example, highly qualified carpenters or shepherds victorious have their own potential in furniture, or in vzuttiev industry.

Significant statements about the craft, as if about an old-fashioned presence in the household is deceptive. And in our time, new crafts continue to appear. In the field of information technology, development is on the cob social measures the craft of a specialist in SMM appeared, or, as it is often called, a communi- ty manager. Such new crafts you can get at least a dozen.

Russia has impersonal visions and visions crafts. At our majestic country, rich in life natural materials that rich-tonational human resources, a mass of new directions folk crafts. Navіt behind the "susіdіv" craft nabula singing uniqueness, motifs, characteristic, at times, only in singing folk. The people's crafts of Russia are our slump, it is your fault to know that shanuvat, to preserve the traditional Russian culture and bring to it rich new things.

Artistic folk crafts require a clear description. Seeing the handicrafts are impersonal, but far from all crafted crafts are highly artistic. Ale here is a cordon over a cross, as if the wines were fired up. Let's take a look.

The presence of a clear designation of artistic crafts and artistic virobivs is less to say about those who are engaged in this diet of Daedal and less people. - creative activity of craftsmen, focused on the creation of unique and non-repeated objects from victories and manual outbuildings, navichka, cunning and inner beauty. Vidpovidno artistic work is the result of the creative work of a craftsman.

Why do I put creativity on everything? I know that just as soon as they start stamping, copying - so the stench automatically ceases to be artistic. For me, it’s unacceptable to see copies of one of the same plot in the art store! Tse stamping! The artist must always have a joke, a new one cannot have the same picture. So, be it a craftsman, the skin virib is unique. A craftsman can name his work among all kinds of different things on the same subjects.

So, before me, the master was turned away from the supply, as if he had turned the photo image to the gallery at the site. I took a photograph nursery his native village. Meister, having recognized his work, we immediately explained how this subject could be listed on my site.

Probably. In the midst of some kind of craft, you can see other artistic directions, whether some kind of artistic craft can be worked out at once from a creative vein. I don’t tell you that the conveyor is bad. Youmu tezh є mіsce, but it is not possible to spend the effort until the creation of something new, unique.

Classification of types of crafts

You already know the crafts. Zvichayno, chili about birch bark, wood, metal. So the axis, see the people's crafts at the first black are settled in material virobiv. Tse and processing of metal, wood, stone, clay and other materials.

Another gradation of types of folk crafts is higher, lower in front - lowered for the processing method that other material. In the article, we can look at a few of the main types of craft. Nadalі tsia will be supplemented by reports, but for now it will be short informative material.

I guess, I don’t know, and I can only formulate the deeds of the craft. Until then, just see the folk crafts of Russia supplemented by new directives. I don’t know how it is possible to call needlework, which has taken root in our time, a traditional craft. Ale, let's turn to what I can see. I will make a list of types of the craft myself, as I like: the main ones were divided according to the name of the material, and the subcategories - according to the method of processing. You can see that the translations can be artistic folk crafts.

1. Wood

There are a lot of riches on the terenes of the Russian land. One of the available ones is undoubtedly wood. It is available not only to those who cover the greater part of the territory, but also to the methods of processing. Wait a minute, for some kinds of work it’s not necessary folding outbuildings that annex. Zvіdsi i raznomanіtya vіdіv i pіdvidіv crafts, pov'yazanih іz vikorostennyam village.

  • Woodcarving.Іsnuє kіlka vidіv carving on wood:
    • Flat part of the cut (contour, bracket part, geometrical and in);
    • Embossed carving (flat-relief carving, deaf, kudrinske and in);
    • Naskrіzne rіzblennya (rіzne and propylne);
    • Sculpture carving (volume);
    • Domove rіzblennya (you can eat at your own place a sprat of sight);
  • Milling. Processing on a turning bench, milling cutter;
  • Birch bark carving;
  • Embossed on birch bark;
  • Preparation of tuesiv;
  • Souvenir crafting(protect, embellish, accessories, toys and pictures);

2. Metal

If there was metal and yogo power, a revolution of technologies was born. A lot of items were used and that item was replaced by metal items. Didn't see any other materials, even if not - allowed them to be processed effectively. And the zavdyaki to the power of the metal assortment of the virobіv remіsnikіv multiplied in a kіlka timesіv. The processing of metal is technically richly folded behind a tree, but on the right of that wart, and at the moment it is possible to clearly formulate the methods of processing metal:

  • Kuvannya;
  • Gravity;
  • Karbuvannya;
  • blacknennya;
  • Littya;
  • Filigree(Napine, openwork, volume);
  • Milling. Obrobka on a turning bench, milling cutter.

3. Clay

Natural material, which is not less wide, lower than a tree. Tsey view The material suffers from poor types of processing, which is signified by the diversity of types of clay. Most of the work is occupied by dishes, and the rest by sculpture and souvenirs. But plasticity and ease of processing the material, in order of availability, allow a small number of types to be given names.

  • Pottery art;

4. Stone.

Even more foldable at the worker. Through the rіdkіst of deakіh materials, folding in the workmanship - such a high varity of virobіv. Get some sculpture. Create the art of the middle without any price, even if it is broken from marmur and gypsum. The number of maestros is richly smaller, the lower number, let's say, is carved on wood. That is not a leather stone attached for processing. Prote virobi with a stone, something expensive stone but the majestic granite, indeed, they oppose and groan.

  • Sculpture;
  • carving;
  • gypsum(vіdliv reliefіv i ob'єmnyh figur);

5. Brush

The brushed screens are marvelous. Folding visions and plots can be seen indistinctly. Ale widened by the type of folk crafts to lie in the territory. Far from being a skin brush, it is suitable for processing, far from all creatures can find the necessary valuable parts of the body, and everything is helped by the fact that we see a lot of creatures and protect them.

  • carving;

6. Thread

Not a lot of views of folk crafts can be called exclusively women. A robot with a thread can be zarahuvat one of them. The preparation of the yarns is knitted with the naming of the satyuchist and the hearts. When you combine the most folded vizerunkiv and objects, you can’t do without arithmetic and the ability to close, the shards of the loop to love the rahunok, and the greater number of virobiv - robes, to a certain stagnant state of great importance, fashion, handiness, practicality, and beauty.

  • V'yazannya;
  • weaving;
  • Merezhivo;
  • Vyshivannya;

7. Shkira

With the help of shkiri you can see everything more and more. The price and the possibility of replacing with piece polymers appeared on a wider type of craft. I don’t guess, I spent the rest of the hour with the right winding of my art from the shkir, I’ll grind it by hand. Tim is no less, not far away the whole material for the hand-made creation of artistic creations was planted. The main rank was used to decorate the zvichaynі objects with inserts from the different colors of the shkiri, the compositions and viserunki were created.

  • Preparing clothes and vzuttya;
  • embossing;
  • Cutting;

Often the maistri would have a chance to see the craft one by one. So, the birch bark of the tuesa could be embellished with embossing, carvings, painting, like and їх wooden caps, the carvings of the stone were laid on a metal frame, and the earthenware of the pottery was supplemented with different materials to create chimerical compositions.

Tse is far from complete list see crafts. Even richly predicted, the peculiarities of them have gained their root and the nationality of the peoples, and geographic location, and see the sight of creatures and roslins, widened near the villages of maistrov.

We will try to look at a lot of lists of folk crafts on butts and master classes, which reflect the features of technologies and methods of work. And to you, my grand reader, I ask for a service: how can you grow your contribution to the development of traditional crafts and artistic crafts - tell about other things in language. You can do it on any resource. A site about folk crafts looking for talents.

Remіsnitstvo supported the people in the most important stages of yoga development. How about a camp of remіsnichoї activity today in the world, zokrema, in Russia? It’s a pity, because it’s so obvious, so scientific statements about the craft at the same time to finish the bottling parts and super-clear. Why should yoga be a "rudiment" of the current economy. And htos, navpaki, it looks like a unique economic, social phenomenon, like it is more characteristic and relevant for all epochs. In the article, it is reported that it is called a remіsnichey diyalnistyu, as it is important in the current Russian Federation.

Words like

"Craft" is more like the ancient Russian word "remin". Those close to the meanings are also "rukomislo". Vono is closer to foreign ones for its meanings: English. handicraft and new. handwork.

"Craft" - the best-sounding word. So our ancestors began to speak less than the 17th century.

Today's appointment

Craft activity - busyness be-yakim іz types of crafts. The money can be directed to the production of products of practice, like the production of folk crafts, which are recognized for the satisfaction of the aesthetic, utilitarian, ritual and other needs of the people.

Remysnich Dyalnіst - the cultural of the Creator of the Povkolishnosti, Scho in the minds of the vitchuzhenny of the timid, and the UDD of the VID Sub'AKTA, Yaky Zdiysny, and such a function of the funeral.

Remіsnitstvo also signifies as a system of suspension vodnosin, as it appears in the process of production and implementation of virobіv, prepared by small enterprises, family states, de vidsutnіy functional podіl pratsі. Here, the means of virobnitstva will be rebuked by authority (or be rented) from the subject who viroblya. As a rule, products for all types of craftsmanship are made in small quantities. At your own largeness - within the framework of an individual zamovlennya.

In such a system, there is activity as a sub'єkti remіsnichoї activity, so it is the agents of remіsnitstva. Who is it? They are the subjects, yakі zdіysnyuyut raznomanіtnu pіdtrimku remіsnitstva. For example, sovereign, hromada, municipal, commercial, private organizations.


Let's look at the remіsnichoї activity, like today. The stench is added to fallow in the result of remіsnitstva:

  • Virobnichi vіdnosiny, scho blamed on the process of creation, the sale of any virobіv іndivіdіdualnoі creativity. You can keep unique designs and models, create DP, author's designs and others.
  • Virobnichi vіdnosini, scho blaming that far away sale of products, recognized for the satisfaction of the needs of any particular population. Butt: production, created on an individual design.
  • Virobnichi vіdnosini, which is blamed on the process of creation and further sale of items of dribno-serial virobniztva, which are sold by the piece. They, for example, can be comrades of mass recovery.
  • Virobnichi vіdnosini, scho blaming schodo realіzatsії be-any pobutovyh services. For example, housing and utilities.

Understanding in other countries of the world

It should be noted that the implementation of the labor activity is not similar to that which is unusual for the leading powers of the world. Such terms like "remіsnitstvo", "remіsnik" are everywhere zastosovuyutsya at the national legislation of the country of the same European Union, the UN and the SOT.

Let's take a look at the international clouding of the most important to understand:

  • Remіsnichi pridpriєmstva. This is how small business structures are called (which are supposed to be Russian IP), which provide the population with services and goods that are necessary for the provision of a comfortable life. The purpose of such products is to make them wider: I will improve the place to change the splendid looking people.
  • Remіsnicha diyalnіst (from її foreign rozumіnі). Complex labor activity(pіdpriєmnitskoї chi virobnichoї), scho ґruntuєtsya on a special contribution, practice of the practitioner. With all the victor's wines, their special knowledge, skills, vicorist's know-how, materials. You can win a modern highly productive possession of that tool to automate any parts, stages of the technological process.

Before remіsnichoї virobnichoї activity in this key does not lie that, the result of which is an intellectual product / service.

What is not remіsnitstvom?

The transfer of types of labor activity does not include such types of employment based on physical practice.

  • Diyalnist, yaka vmagaє vіd vykonavtsya nayavnosti be-such a qualification. For example, a robot as a doorman or a vantager.
  • Diyalnist, po'yazana іz transportation, vikoristannyam transport zabіv. So, vodії, litchiki cannot call themselves artisans.
  • The activity, as it is connected with the realization of one's own products, products. Tse robot seller, packer ta in.
  • Diyalnist, po'yazana іz sіlskogospodarskim vidobuvnye laces. For example, a tvarinnik, a prospector, a field farmer, etc.
  • Activity in the sovereign sector of the economy. Tse taki nishi, like economy, lighting sphere, communication, health protection, culture and other.
  • All activities that take place in the undertakings of a great and medium scale. Remіsnitstvo is the purpose of the activity of small organizations (average staff - from 15 to 100 persons) and micro-enterprises (average number of employees - up to 15 persons), as well as individual enterprises.

Manufacturing and economic sectors

The entire list of labor activities can be mentally divided into three sectors of the economy:

  • Promislovist. For example, non-serial, non-serial production of mystetsky virobiv.
  • Life.
  • Zhitlovo-communal, pobutov service.

It is important to note that such a contribution to the remembrance of the labor activity was relevant for pre-revolutionary Russia as well.

A special kind of activity

Remіsnitstvo is also recognized as a special type of business, which first plan to have the very same quality of production and services. Otrimannya surplus is a secondary result of such a business.

Remisnik-ІP zmusheny orients on the local market. Vіn is not only to blame for his closest sharpening, but also to establish trustworthy stosunki with him. Aje same tsi people will become yogo patrons.

In order to achieve recognition, a craftsman needs to be mindless, conscientiously vikonate his work, cultivate a technologically advanced culture on the high ground.

As you can see, the main slogan of the business-spilnoty is: "The surplus needs a mustache!". The remіsnikіv have a position in the root insha: "Honor and good im'ya need a mustache!"

Another peculiarity of the remіsnitstva is that it will be necessary for oneself to complete various activities. That, for example, to the Russian market, the remіsnik is a breeder of a new type.

Remistnik status

How to issue a remіsnichu diyalnіst? Meals are made according to the laws of the Russian Federation. Adzhe in our country, legislation is not enforced, as it regulates the labor. The only possible option is to register an IP or to fall asleep TOV.

The problem also runs into the ambiguous status of the patriarch:

  • Working high class.
  • A technologist who oversees the process of issuing raw materials.
  • Pіdpriєmets, yaky pratsyuє have direct contact zі spozhivachami vlasnoї produktsії. Vіn maє all important for a business person competence - legal, economic, communicative.

Navchannya and training fakhivtsiv

It was already planned that the law about the physical persons Remіsnicha diyalnіst is still only discussed in Russia. Therefore, the food for the preparation of fahivtsiv of a new type has not yet been delivered. Oskіlki the status of a craftsman of various plans, the organization of the training of fahіvtsіv in this sphere will require a special approach. Dokorinno vospriznyaetsya for the methodology, structure and zmіstom vіd ієї and training of highly qualified workers.

Obov'yazykovo is necessary for this:

  • Updated lighting programs that will be supplemented with blocks of competencies, oriented towards the formation of important professional skills of a craftsman.
  • Especially organizational and methodological and scientific and methodological base of knowledge.
  • The creation of a brand new level of enlightenment - a professional handicraft.

Problems of remіsnitstva in the Russian Federation

A tribute to the worker's work, for example, was ordered from the judicial republic of Belarus. But for the Russian Federation, wines are still not relevant - our country has not adopted legislation on remіsnitstvo.

This type of activity sticks with the singing difficulties of development up to:

  • Unreasonable and underestimation of the role of the social society and the importance of modern labor.
  • The majority of the population under the craftsmanship diyalnistyu transfers only folk crafts, artistic works.
  • Vіdsutnіst yak zakonodavchoї osnovy, і profstandіvі z remіsnitstva.
  • The fortune-telling factor does not allow organizing the training of the entrepreneurs-remitters.

Preparation of legislation

Fees for the provision of labor activity in Russia have not yet been introduced. On the right, in the Russian Federation there is still no legislation that regulates such employment.

Ale on the right, do not stand on the floor. The project "New Russian Craftsmen" was created. Yogo pіdrimav head of the National for the sake of ASI (decryption - Agency for Strategic Initiatives), President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Win recommending the project before implementation in 2012.

Meta "New Remіsnikіv" - expand legislative base for the legitimization of the remіsnichoї activity of the Russian Federation. With the help of the development of such federal legislation, we will be able to form a brand new type, elucidate, so that the preparation of entrepreneurs-remitters.

As a result, young people show new opportunities for the development of the industrial economy, vyniknennya on the market of new relevant professions. Implementation of the project to launch the process of developing professional standards, lighting programs to expand the possibilities of special implementation of the population.

Necessary come in

The complexity of the implementation of the project "New Resources" is due to the fact that for this instillation in life it is necessary to live such visits:

  • Introduction for remіsnikіv special tax regime with a simplified registration and vedenniy zvіtnosti.
  • The development of the adoption of the federal program for a dozen years, connected with the support of the Russian Federation of remіsnitstva.
  • Development of lighting and professional standards.
  • The introduction of the sphere of honorable, zahochuvalnyh rank. For example, "Merited Remіsnik RF".
  • Establishment of a special procedure for the participation of subjects of such activity as post-employees, vikonavts, contractors.
  • Organization of regional, global Russian competitions, as a way to allow revealing the best, most promising masters.

Crafts can be called one of the oldest types of employment of people. It does not waste its actuality on the dossi of rich proving powers. Russia has no legislation today regulating such activities. Ale is already working on a project to establish a new status as a craftsman.

Ecology to business: People valued the author's work of craftsmen and artists, and craftsmen's collectives shrugged off the development of the economy of the city. Virobi, which were created "with a creative approach", were admired by the unchanging popularity, Mali unique powers and koshtuvali chimalih pennies

By the way, people valued the author's work of remіsnikіv and artists, and remіsnichi spіlnoti shriveled the development of the economy of the city. Virobi, who were created “with a creative approach”, were honored with unchanging popularity, had little unique power and costed chimalih pennies.

Today, the formation of a professional, mishkoy craft has led to the vindication of a new sphere of production and a new social background - creative businesses. Today's industry step by step begins to realize that the global automation of manufacturing allows you to change only "faceless" goods, technology step by step replace the work of people, with this change manual robot Daedalus is worth more.

Therefore, the development of creative business is a new step in the development of the light economy. Identity This gallery for small business is the creation of numerous author's brands, the products of which meet the needs of the current society and are demanded for everything.

In their work, young creative entrepreneurs often face such problems, as they cannot overcome on their own. For the accomplishment of different tasks, connected with the development of high-level virobnits, the exchange of knowledge and coordination of work with other virobnits, the entrepreneurs began to unite with the artillery. The decision was made in the house from the hours of the middle-class handicraft guilds, and it did not lose its relevance. So viniklo of the "New Resources" association - an organization that promotes the development of modern creative entrepreneurship.

Pavlo Chvilyov, ideologist of the "New Remistniks" rozpovit about the union: "New Remistniks - Tse spіlnota current artists-businessmen. They have already implemented their idea and knowledge of the high brand, have improved the technological process of product development and increase the initial contribution to the development of the creative economy of the country. Our association is on the verge of achieving the economic and social plan, such as:

The development of creative entrepreneurship as the basis of the economic potential of the country, the promotion of start-ups with relevant, new ideas and high-level manufacturing, the development of the Russian Federation. One of the key minds when joining the association is the emergence of an original and creative idea and the incorporation of an idea into a product on the territory of our country.

The creation of post-maidanchiks and platforms for the presentation and sale of products of new craftsmen. On these Maidanchiks, new entrepreneurs-artists will drink on their products and win back the reaction from potential buyers. Such maidans can become regular market fairs that take place near the parks shopping malls In addition, new artisans hope to be able to present their products at Russian and international exhibitions and forums.

Search and molding of new Russian brands and crafts, such as traditional ones: "Dymkivska Igrashka" Russian clay toy, painted and burned in the oven, the name resembles the place of production - the settlement of Dimkovo, Vyatsk province, "Orenburzka village" - rural farm Orenburg region near the 18th century, Zhostovo painting is a folk craft of artistic painting of metal pieces, which is used in the village of Zhostovo, Bogorodsk carving is a Russian folk craft, which is used in the preparation of painted toys and sculptures of soft wood species, which is the center of the village of Bogorodsk.

The new remibids of the T -shirt such a Daidanchik for the young for the young man, yaki, take a vibrant -willed il sale of sabotage of the product, the dosvite of the removal Vobrinets, the produces of the product on the rinka, the resort of the Contacts of the RID, the representatives of the nimbledi forms

Among the participants of the “New Resources” association, there were many successful enterprises, they were smart enough to introduce their products to the foreign markets, and so were startups, like only mending their way.

Kostyantyn Verin "Laboratories ODINGENIY". Author's furniture, art objects and accessories made of wood.

“If I understand what my master is, how I have started as a tool for developing myself, becoming a business that brings me income, having appeared the ODINGENIY brand. On the other hand, those that my laboratory worked on were rethought already known robots. Tim myself, having learned and gaining knowledge in a new craft for me, but at the same time, if my laboratory, for folding and mastering, went to the world’s river, and here I turned it over, take the mountain with my artistic ambitions, and we’ll take the mountain with my future professional team authorship.

We take an active part in various exhibitions and visits, we sell our brand in social media. Our main income comes from online sales, with which we often take part in local markets, which gives us the opportunity to get to know people with our product live on the streets of Moscow. In the first place, we are, obviously, zatsіkavlenі in the promotion of our brand, and for whom it is necessary, if more potential buyers knew about us, then we will need to inform us of information about us and our community, we can know more people.

The fate of the markets is a miraculous ability to evaluate the damage, as it does what is different from our assortment, but it is also more careful for my business.”

Tetyana Zolotaykina "Natural cosmetics Nikola-Lenivets".

“Our brand was invented within the framework of the development project for the Nikola-Lenivets art park. Our team has a technologist Anastasia Doronina, who has been involved in the development of cosmetic products Zavdyaks їy we formed our cob line of cosmetic products - shampoos, conditioners for hair, mousse for the body, lip balm, mousse for the soul, nice.

For promotion of the brand, we use the Internet, for entrepreneurs, the most accessible way to get to know the largest number of people with our products. It is also one of the main tools for passing through, at the fairs, the city markets. Fairs allow not only to know the buyers of new products, but also to establish correspondence, work contacts. For us, from our side, start to be respectful of our purchases, and in the future, take a turn-around, this is a good reason for the development, improvement and expansion of the product line.

Most of the time, they are market people, who are familiar with the knowledge and know new things, people who are more familiar with the pickers. For example, within the framework of participation in the Artel Market, representatives of the Trinity Sergius Lavra became interested in our products. The stench joked about the natural cosmetics makers. We got to know each other, our concept and our products were worthy of them, we signed an agreement and began to work together. On this day, you can buy our products from the stores, sold on the territory of the monastery.

Development of the Bachimo brand in a number of ways: expanding our products in stores in Moscow, Moscow Region, and finding other places in Russia and Europe; in the organization of a public laboratory, in such a way, children have grown up, they can, in the format of lectures and a master class, learn about the secrets of the production of natural cosmetics, as well as prepare their own health product, which you can take with you, use it in your own way” .

Dmitro Garanin "Jesus of the Gods". Zuckerki, healthy eating.

“The original recipe for the preparation of zucerok was bulo vigadano by Ivan Kuzminov, the author of our project. Likewise, having added a sweet-sounding name about the creation, it will make our customers happy. The brand itself, having planted its own rose, if I call it “Jesus of God”, Ivan prepared tsukerki for his friends and relatives. All syrovina, as vicor is used for the preparation of tsukerok, is brought from Côte d'ivoire. And the zukerkas themselves are prepared by Moscow, by hand. Best reviews we take into account the quality of our products through the quality of our products.

At the moment, we are really popular among people, as if they care about their health, so we have more wholesale buyers - more than 50 cities of Russia. We are already actively developing, however, there are more and more ideas about the creation of new products. Don't worry about the possibility of professional finance and think about it. For an hour between yourself, apparently, it’s still a miraculous motivation to a really good job.

At the markets and exhibitions, we get to know people, we talk, we tell about the meanness of our products. We always try to manage on the market people who are more comradely and kind-hearted - quiet, who himself loves not only to sell, but also to share positive energy with people. We believe that our product carries the same energy. Exchange of positive emotions, recognition of the brand and, obviously, good sales results - everything is for us great value. We are regularly known at similar visits as masters of business, ceremonies of great and small companies, for the joy of buying us away.”

To join the New Resources Association, fill out a short questionnaire on the Artel website or send the sheet to our email address [email protected]

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