Select an alarm for a private booth. A security system for a private booth: a look at the shortest virobniki and vіdguki. Optimal dacha protection – GSM signalization

Control over the current situation in the middle of the booth can not only protect the living space, but also control the systems of scorching, heating the water, air conditioning, some kind of electric butteries, supplying gas. The gsm signaling system for the booth has been fired, including a varied range of accessories that can be used to implement any level of control in the simplest way, up to the “Smart House” system.

Complex gsm signalization for home

Sets of security gsm alarms for houses and dachas, apartments - security, anti-burning outbuildings, which tell about the alarming situation behind the additional channel of the style call. The SIM card of any operator is inserted into the module. Under the hour of registration is a sign of unauthorized penetration, smoke, drive slowly. the control appli- cation sends text messages to the object's supervisor. When the video is connected, the dialing number is displayed, by switching to which one you can look at the current situation online.

You can connect a small number of mobile numbers to one priymalnoy outbuilding, on which you can immediately receive notifications about the alarm. Tse allow you to promptly react in an emergency situation, go to the aid of law enforcement agencies for consumption.

Standard equipment transfers the presence of the receiving module, sensors in the hand, door openers, remote controls. remote care, Sometimes a faulty antenna, a reserve block of life. With this system, it is possible to add additional installation of the necessary sensors to control the application.

When bazhanni, vminni, you can create a security complex for the house with your own hands.

How to choose a gsm signalization for protection

The primary official, which is often chosen is the signaling system for living space, є varst. The value of the indicator is to be deposited according to the parameters of the complex: єmnіsny obsjag of the installation of the additional property, functionality, wireless connection and etc.

Asking for food, how to choose, first for all the next needs for the current moment. Small accommodation, apartments have a standard basic complex with a motion sensor, door openers. If necessary, they can be supplemented with sensors for dima, temperature increase, water coil, broken rock, video camera. The number of additional possessions depends on the capabilities of the receiving module.

In addition, it is possible to install temperature sensors for regulating the opalization, air conditioning, etc. butt fittings that support this option.

Security complexes can be conductive, bezdrotovy. Drotova gsm signalization costs less, but the installation will take more effort, an hour, it is necessary to lay the cable to all sensors. A droto-free complex with a gsm module is more expensive, it is easier to install, there are no problems with the installation of wires, and they are in conflict with the outburst.

Fire alarm

Often there is a security signalization from the fire. Tse zruchno, oskolki keruvannya vіdbuvaetsya behind the help of one control outbuilding. Okremo anti-burning system is rare. For the connection, there is also a necessary priymalny attachment, which sensor and overpower the information signal.

The sensor type depends on the specific application. Often installed dimovy spovischuvach, which reacts with an increase in the optical width of the field. Also, thermal, sensory extensions of half a day can be installed.

Protipozhezhna signalization for a booth with a module of stylistic connection for the same principle, as well as security.

Bezdrotov GSM signalization: a complex for guarding a booth

Advantages of a wireless signaling system for a private living space: autonomy, independence from electrical energy, trouble-free installation, easy maintenance when replacing batteries of sensor devices.

Signaling gsm wifi via the Internet for data transmission about the plant of the object, as well as the steel channel of the merezhі. Do not need a great Internet traffic, do not lie in the quality of a mobile connection. Such outbuildings lie Guard Smart GSM. In addition, the security complex can be used at low temperatures (up to -40⁰ C). Other features of a wireless wi-fi system:

  • Low battery warning;
  • presence of a reserve block of life;
  • Anti-vandal protection of the primal block;
  • Connecting 3 rooms to one module;
  • Warning about the loss of the Internet signal, stylnikovy zv'yazok;
  • The staging was done, the funeral was taken.

Smart GSM Guard is the new generation's possession. Bіlshіst systems vikoristovuyut stіlnikovy zv'yazok. To the extensions with some Internet connection, for example, a gsm alarm system for the ZTA 110 booth.

Zont ZTA 110 for the protection of such indicators:

  • Connection of 5 mobile numbers;
  • Cost-free Internet service;
  • The awakening of the microphone allows you to listen to the reception;
  • Complete set with a siren;
  • Handy web interface.

Chinese GSM signalization for home

GSM signalization for home in China is popular among people who live at low temperatures, especially because of the climate in Russia and Europe. Feedback from buyers is different: positive and negative. To the minuses, those who have no instructions to attach the Russian mine are brought to minus.

As a butt, you can set an alarm for the booth G2b, G3b with a motion sensor, door openers, a sound siren, a built-in battery, a control key fob. Vіdsutnіst drotіv easier installation. Zastosovuyutsya for budinkіv, dachas of small rosemіrіv. It is possible to additionally install up to 99 different sensors (for safe, for storage). The call from the Vlasnik is installed at the mobile phone.

Possibility of calling the complex as a telephone for moving around with a person in the middle of the premises, which can also be reached by calling the system.

The best gsm alarm system for home

Selection of the best signal systems for the protection zamіskogo booth includes a lot of subjective factors associated with individual likenesses of coristuvachs. The prote rating of popular search engines is Jablotron, Optex, Visonic, LifeSOS, Texecom, Ajax, Strazh. Attachments for the protection of the gsm module for the shelter of the rehabilitated pickers are respected by the nadіynymi, yakіsnimi.

In addition, among Russian buyers of complexes for protection, there is a growing popularity of GSM signaling for a private booth Sapsan (China).

SAPSAN GSM PRO 5S is standardly equipped, suitable for a small apartment outside the area. Perevagami є vіdstrochena arming, as well as automatic arming for the presence of signals and sensors. Adaptation to the Russian climate, working in the temperature range -40⁰С - +60⁰С. Support up to 10 numbers of mobile subscribers. Poednuє without darts, wired alarms (13 zones without darts, 2 wires).

In addition, gsm signaling for home with a video camera - Sapsan GSM 3G CAM - is issued by this operator. Like a call to vikorist's stylnikovy channel. Possession of a steel, militant body. Wide temperature range, which suits the Russian climate. The complex with a camera allows you to monitor the situation that occurs after an alarming notification from the object's supervisor.

The best security system is the one that optimally approaches the features of a particular location, object. You can build the simplest complex of protection for the house with your own hands. Ale tse will require singing skills, decrease. For sale, inexpensive standard security complexes for a reasonable price (4000 thousand Russian rubles) are transported at all great places (for example, EKb).

Friends! More tsіkavі materials:

Spheres of zastosuvannya of security systems GSM alarm systems

Bezpeka boudinka - tse those that the skin of the master pikluєtsya in the first black. For this reason, the protection of cottages and living quarters is one of the most popular services, as Delta company hopes. Installed by our fahivtsy home security systems, you can buy them at bargain prices, to allow the evil to intimidate the ability and penetrate into the private territory. Of particular importance is the security of the security of a private booth, if it is necessary for the rulers to stay away for a certain hour and deprive them of their lives without sight.

Security systems for a private booth or dacha in the Delta

If you entrust the defense of your booth to highly qualified specialists of our company, then you can be calm. Security complex for home or dachas, like a bezdrotova security signaling about the safety and inadequacy of your private citizens. According to the concept of the Delta company, the protection of a house is not a luxury, but an indispensable attribute of the realities of everyday life.

Therefore, we are actively promoting our managers security complexes for home in the life of people, to give the skin the ability to feel calm, it is inspired by the nutritional safety of the safety of the hairy lane.

The guard house can be set up with a path installed by a security alarm, behind the client’s guardhouse, supplemented with an alarm button. This system is broken up in such a way that it allows you to blame the most debilitating situational situations. Let's get an instant message about the "visit" of unfortunate guests, a security alarm can transmit a signal about a communal accident to the dispatcher's console. In this way, the Delta company guarantees that after the installation of the possession, your life will become richly calm and comfortable. You can buy security systems and signalless alarms for a zamіsky booth, a dacha or a cottage, right now on our website.

Behind your towers hope servant SMS alerts, as well as complex service maintenance of all the equipment installed on the object. The work of our company is based on the norms and standards, which are broken down to advanced achievements and innovations, which are to be found in the whole world. You can find out how much money to put a house for the guard, as well as find out about the prices for connecting home security systems, you can on the website or by calling us on the contact phone.

You want to see the skin for yourself at the safety of your own wet life. For whom people often fail to buy security systems for a private booth. Vіkna z pіdvishchenoy stіykіstyu to evil, vandal vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vhіdnі vіdnі і garage і tse pіdvishchenоu sіstіvі vіd zlovіsnikіv. They are also different systems, as they are also called elements of a “smart booth”, for example, video security perimeter systems for a private booth, darts and without darts, with traffic sensors and others. What are the best security systems for a private booth, how do you choose what to pay attention to when buying?

If you take care of yourself and your own family safety, we go to different ways and benefits. At private booths, often put special windows, doors, blinds and parkani, as if protecting the booths from evil and the penetration of unwelcome guests. When looking for different options, people try to buy a dog, leave valuable speeches in a safe, or take them from a bank account. One way to choose a security alarm system. And it’s right, it’s more important to look at nutritional safety in a complex way.

Zahisnі doors may feel less than once, if the entrance to the terrace is well protected. Vіkno z pіdvishchenoy stіykistyu to the evil bank vіd penetration into the houses only once, if similarly the protection of all vіkna, including vіkna also at the pіdvalі. However, do not impose the principle - the more, the better - the better. Nasampered, it is necessary to evaluate the risk and adapt it to the new stage of the individual defense.

Officials who need to be protected when choosing a security system

The defender of the booth is guilty of buti escaping and subduing, vidpovidno, to the point of possible threats. The stench cannot be imitations, or they can be assessed according to the established or accepted scheme on the basis, there is simply no such scheme. The skin type can be looked at individually, healing different aspects. Let's take a look.

  1. Architecture of life- Tobto, yogo form ta rozmir. Apparently, there are more houses, there are more dots, through the evil one you can penetrate to the house. In short, it seems to be a simple form - without virgins, kutіv and can be seen from the streets. The signaling system is to blame, but it is broken down to the number of entrances, including the doors to the terrace and balconies, which are much easier to break, lower than the main doors.
  2. Visvіtlennya that otochennya budіvlі- importantly, as it is illuminated and as far as possible, the life and the territory are well looked through, which makes you feel better. Chi grows like a booth of rich trees and chagarniks. Like a tree, the stench is not to blame for closing the windows on that door. It is necessary to remember that all the growths - tse dodatkovy expanse, in which the villain can hide. It is important to display the mustache of similar places. For some reason, it’s not to blame for the richly tall trees, it’s easy to climb on them and climb over them to the balconies of that window. Also, in the middle of nowhere, in the wake of life, the growths of low height are more likely to hang out.
  3. Fencing. The houses can be fenced at such a height that it is not possible to easily cross over the parkan. It’s also necessary to tell about those who didn’t break parkan. Varto buy a gate that automatically closes, and install an intercom and lighting on the door.
  4. Architecture of the place of residence– security signaling systems should be chosen depending on whether there are houses in the wilderness, far away from other houses, or on the other hand – in a compact microdistrict and drained by susky houses, how close to planting. Important is also the type of street lighting and those who can see who walk and drive the street at night. A larger signalization system will be needed, if there is no permanent lighting in the uninterrupted proximity to the booth, and the booths are located near the Kremlin city.
  5. Way of life of the Meshkants- more importantly, as often the bagmen go out of the house. The cost of the signaling system is selected, if in the future you should be known and less likely to go out and if you want, another system will be needed, as if bagatelles work hard outside the house, or often rise in price. How can I love the skin of the house, where the vizhdzhati, the next mother on the vase, that the robbers can remember and the empty skin of the house of the house becomes an easy health. Some people rely on a dog, which, for the power of the ruler, protects their power. Good, the dog was trained and knew how to react to strangers.
  6. Dobrosusіdskі vіdnosiny– as far as visibility is concerned, this is an important factor that influences the choice of a security system for a private booth. To that, as a judge, if in different times you need to turn on the light at the booth in the evening, pick up the correspondence from the mail screen (the screen is redrawn as a signal for the villain, that there is no one in the booth), road security system is not needed for us.

Yakshcho mi come to the visnovka, that the threat is high, put the bazhano professional system signaling. Regardless of what you choose, the system can be broken down by a professional, who takes care of the consumption of the way of life of the bagmen, to help you choose additional solutions that will counter potential threats. Budinok can be plundered by zahal, in a complex chi chastkovo - fahivets additionally turn the correct solution. As a household creature, you can install the system without being reactive to them.

Dart and non-dart security systems for a private booth

In private booths, most often there are alarms of class B (standard) and C (professional).

The security systems are:

How to choose a security system - drotov chi bezdrotov? This is a dilemma, in front of which the skin of a person closes up, how to violate the installation of an alarm system. Conductors of the system are respected by the superiors, for those who are more important to destroy their work. Ale їх vstanovlennya vymagaє vtruchannya in the design budіvlі, it's better to plan її at the stage of budіvnitstvа booth chi apartment, or zrobiti tse z nagodnovlennya façade.

Dart-free security systems do not interfere with the work carried out, but advanced solutions good quality of this kind are dear, lower proof version. Such a system does not require a connection. The installation of the signalization is even simpler, that shvidka, scho rob її priblivoe for already prepared budinkіv. The possibility of installing such security systems for a private booth with your own hands further reduces the variability of such a solution.

The block of control of po'yazaniy with small sensors rush in the premises and the so-called contactors, roztashovaniyami on the doors and windows. The maintenance of the system is simple - for remote chirping, a remote chirping remote control is installed, for the help of which you can turn off or turn off the alarm, chirping an individual code. Placement of additional controllers in different areas of the house makes it easier to activate the alarm signal at different needs.

Sensors - you see, the advantages are not enough

Depending on the need for diagnosing possible threats, the security signaling system can be supplemented with various detectors, which can be used to initiate an alarm after recognizing a specific threat.

Infrared sensors

The most common vicorist sensors are ruhu, among which PIR (passive infrared detectors) are more important than passive infrared sensors. Qi detectors respond to changes in the amount of vibrating heat in the infrared range.

On the market you can also find MW (micro-fluid) ruhu sensors. PIR and MW sensors may have a lot of imperfections:

The ultrasonic detector is based on the same principle as the micro-wave detector, which is based on the Doppler effect, but there may be more low frequency(close to 20 - 30 kHz). The stench is kind to itself in small occupants, the prote is more sensitive to the ruin of the wretched creatures, coma, to the ruin of the wind, to that, having stretched out, they can give a lot of pardoning worries. Through qi, nedolіki nіnі vikoristovuyutsya infrequently.

Ultrasound - tse zvukі khvili z frequencies more than a human sound, that is more lower than 20 kHz. The detector is built up one by one: the transmission and reception of ultrasonic waves, as if at once they make an ultrasonic radar detector. Transmitting viprominyuє energy, like zherelom zavad acoustic whilі zі swvidkіstyu 332 m/s. Priymach receives energy with such a frequency, often without intermediary transmission, and often in the form of a wall that possesses that they swear. Appearing in this room of the evil-doer, who is collapsing, calls out to those who part of the energy is vibrating in the new.

The sensitivity of the ultrasonic detector is the greatest for axial movement. In this rank, the detector is guilty of the premises in the straight-forward wreck of the intruder: for example, on the path from the door to the windows, and I may be closer to the object that is being protected. At the same time, varto designate that the destroyer is collapsing on a permanent stand in the detector (for example, on a stake), there can be no manifestations.

Other types of sensors

The alarm can also be installed in other types of sensors, for example:

See the alarms

The signaling devices are sent to calls and internal ones. The system can respond in two ways:

  1. acoustic (sound intensity less than 110 dB);
  2. acoustic in combination with optical signals, as a rule, of a red color.

Good signaling strength allows you to select alarm modes, and more importantly, you can resist an unauthorized connection. The stinks raise an alarm, as if they were cracking them in the lining, and also, as if the villain tried to manipulate them, for example, try to fill them with PVC foam. Experts indicate that by itself the presence of a security signaling system can have a streaming effect, and a lot of evil-doers act in the presence of evil.

When choosing a system, pay attention to those who, by some rank, will warn us about the threat that vinyl is.

  • Siren– ce garniy way inflict vipadkovy villainy, but do not start. The siren does not work, as if the booths are located near the remote area, and at the moment there is no one in the booth for the evil one, obviously no one is responding.
  • , then t telephone module - It is not possible to warn about the threat by watching SMS (not practical, as they have hung up the phone). The most secure way to connect to the monitoring of the signaling system is a specialized company that takes the necessary information about the threat and sends the patrol to the delivery date.

Control and management system

Awareness and warning of the signaling can be done in different ways. You can have a control panel in the middle of the room, a remote control panel, as well as a program on a tablet or smartphone. Security gsm systems can alert the clerk to voice alerts and SMS about evil, as well as about others going to the booth.

Information about defects and failures of the security system is also transmitted to the monitoring console, as a way to see the service personnel. The next thing is to remember, like a sign on the parking lot, to avenge information about those that the object is known to be under the protection of a specialized security company, in response to villainy.

The price of a security alarm for a private booth

It is simple to have a security alarm and with extended functions. Bigger potty outbuildings will be smarter to respond to threats, even better the system, more expensive than that. Simple security systems consist of a signalization module with a GSM / GPRS communicator, remote monitoring, infrared detectors, acoustic-optical lilacs, batteries and batteries that cost close to $1000. Sound such an attachment, enough for the security of a private booth. A professional guard for a house and a house, which ensures the security of the home guard against threats (not only theft), the cost is 3-4 times more.

Dedali more people to rob different ways that method, so that it’s better to protect yourself and your own mine. Most people install shutters and shutters, armored doors and locks. Tse good decision, but without additional possession of the stink istotny nedolіk- if you want to stink good, for the sake of evil, but not to strimuvalnyh yakost.

Complex and simple security systems for a private booth are no less suitable for the protection of houses and recreational houses, roaming far away from the courts, and for the protection of living near apartments or garages. The proposition of defense systems and firms that protect the dwelling, the flooring is laid, that the skin knows the proposition for your needs - in simple solutions with one or two detectors to zastosuvannya complex security systems, building security booths with adjacent territory.

Sometimes you blame the need to install a simple road and a security signalization. Without bells and whistles and "bells and whistles", like adding to her virobniks, to expand the functionality of your system and as if you could see the middle of other competitors. A dacha, a garage, a pribudova pobutova or a greenhouse, in such places you don’t have to build a complete security system.

In this article, we can see a sprinkling of outbuildings, which pretend to be simple and accessible to the skin, who want to protect their own mind from the sight of not passing guests.

What can you think of such a signalization?

  • react to the intrusion (like a callous infusion - rush, the doors were repaired, they hit it hard);
  • give a sound signal, schob zlyakat bugger;
  • the mother of the possibility of staging that funeral;
  • bazhano trohi saves electricity.

Tsі pristroї mayut on the other hand, close the access to the booth, more than just a villain. Feeling a loud signal, you don’t want to risk and don’t get into the place, Crimea psychological injection she can still turn the respect of the sudіv.

Security alarm system based on roo sensor

The simplest security alarm system for a booth can be made by hand on the basis of an excellent on-the-spot sensor for lighting, which is installed at the door, to save electricity. In addition to replacing the lighting lamp, you can install a siren.

What do you need for whom?

  • Ruhu sensor- you can buy it in any grocery store, for example, OBI or Leroy Merlin. It is necessary to take care of the voltage of the sensor’s work - we need to, if it’s working in the direction of 220V, then I’ll look around - to lay it in front of the outside sensor (the real one or the stele) and the lens (it can be 180 degrees wide or the corridor type). The average price is 400 to 800 rubles;
  • Siren. For example, PKI-3 "Ivolga-220", the average price is 250 rubles. You can come to radio stores;
  • Zvichayny vimikach to turn off the alarm. Pіdіyde be-yaky, vіd 100 rubles. and more.

The connection diagram is shown below:

The sensor needs to be chosen such that it needs two types of regulation - adjusting the hour (TIME) and the sensitivity of the sensor (SENS). For help first, you can set up an hour to help our alarm, tobto. the hour of the sound of lilacs. Tse zvuchennya zvuchayte pyat khvilin. Another adjustment changes the sensitivity of the sensor, for example, if the wine does not react to you, or the change in the so-called “heavy alarms”.

Vimikach is needed in order to use vimikati if you are in this field and if you are depriving yourself of a place. Vimikach should be put in a potai, in such a manner that after the activation of the security signaling, you would not be squandered within a radius of її dії. Cream of lilac, you can also plug in a special light bulb for a hanging spit on a torch.

The main shortcomings of such an implementation are those that for some models of sensors in operation, after switching on, it is necessary for 1 to 10 seconds for “stabilization” and the transition of the robot to the draft mode. If you come across such a sensor, it is necessary to add an hour relay to the relay circuit, as if trimming the siren turned on for an hour.

For sale are miniature sensors for movement, which work with 12V, for example, model DD-03. It is also possible to create the simplest signalization on them, but it is necessary to connect it to the 12 volt power supply or the battery. Zavdyaki tsomu the system will be energy-independent and pracyuvatime, navit yakscho є interruption of electricity.

Security signalization from a ready-made kit

The simplest security attachment based on autonomous signaling can be done without darts. In stores for radioamators, two options can be used - based on an infrared sensor (vin ruhu) or a magnetic contact sensor, which reacts to the input. True, the choice is not great enough and you often happen to walk around the shops in order to know the goods “in reality”. The easiest way to get your goods is to buy yoga in one of the great online stores.

Set based on infrared sensor.

The butt can be a Chinese signalization under the name “Alarm mini”. It consists of the IR sensor itself, a bracket for installing one or two key fobs. The kit has a clear instruction for installation and operation. It can also be used with 4 AA batteries, or you can use a 6V power adapter (sold separately). Independent vikonati installation is not difficult.

After inserting the batteries into the attachment, it is necessary to install the unit itself on such a place, so that the yoga lens is directed to the place that is being protected. On the front panel there is a window of an infrared receiver for signaling the remote control. The lens, like "catch the movement" in the control area, light indicators of the robotic siren.

We press the button on the remote control - the green light is spalling, which means, pishov calls to leave (seconds 15-20), to get out of the apartment. Let's sweat the green vіchko fading out - pristriy soil pratsyuvati. Now, as if it were only a little bit of a rush at the host - a person will pass, a dog or a gut will pass, a red light will light up, and after 15-20 seconds, a deep sound of lilac will linger. Get it right!

Kit based on magnetic contact sensor.

Security signalization based on the alarm sensor as the main unit, in which there is a sensor with open contacts and a magnet for closing these contacts. It is necessary to set them one against one, so that there is direct contact between them. As if a villain entered the booth, at the opening of the doors, or the windows of the elements move away one at a time and an alarming siren sounds.

Such an alarm can be set up mainly for the detection of blasters and the main advantage is the low price, close to 100 rubles per sensor. And the installation is even simpler, there is a sticky line on the skin part, it is enough to remove the ball and stick the sensor on entrance doors or else.

Often such kits are put in place to protect the perimeter of the booth at that moment, if you are in the middle, for example, sleep at night. The sound of lilacs will wake you up, and you will be able to get used to it, be it for your zahistu.

Security alarm simulator

It is becoming popular to put an apartment on guard at richly-surfaced booths, in which case the road is covered for protection from penetration, and the signals are transmitted to the guard control panel. Ale, not to the skin of the Lord, such a gut, that and not forever, it was true.

Do you remember such attachments on cars, under the frontal slope, ring out the kerma, place the red light, what kind of light shines constantly? Vіn zasterіgaє that the car is under protection. So, for an apartment or a summer residence, similar structures are used, and otherwise - imitators of a security signal. The stench is designated for those who are unprepared and unprofessional villains or burglars.

To prepare such an imitator, you need to buy a red light diode (for example, AL307), a mounting box for its distribution, a 100 Ohm resistor, a jumper and a switch for two batteries. For the whole set, you will need to pay approximately 100 - 200 rubles. Depending on the characteristics of the light-emitting diode, it is necessary to connect a resistor to the new one, which is connected in series with the stream. Choose the correct resistor to help you at the radio store (as you, obviously, do not have the AL307 radio light, like the butt).

Walking around the house, turn on the light, which constantly shines, turn around, turn on. Strangers think that the apartment is on a signalization.

Here you will see a storehouse of possession of a security signal for a private booth, as if it were victorious as a place for residential living. We will choose from three options:

  • autonomous security system;
  • GSM signalization;
  • centralized protection for the auxiliary control panel (PTsZ).

I’ll once again respect that for the zamіsky booth the rest of the moment is not relevant, the shards are not visible for tens of kilometers, the group is not going. Moreover, as a basis for any kind of security system, you can take an autonomous signalization, as for apparently small additions, it can be transformed like a GSM one and a remote option for protection.

Father, - autonomous security alarm

To the warehouse of such a system for a private booth, one should enter:

  • priymalno-control attachment;
  • security sensors;
  • extension of sound and light notification;
  • living block.

This is the name of the object part of the signalization, which is to enter the warehouse of any system. Add a GSM module here and you can control the security of your booth from your mobile phone.

By connecting the re-enabled possession to the system of transmission of the message (SPI), you deny the ability to protect your authority for the help of the PCO.

I would like to express your respect that there are a lot of modules and objects of SPI building themselves to control the functions of control devices and panels.

At the link with the cim, your signaling system is more likely to be recognized as vikoristovuvatimetsya - less vitrate.

However, it’s not obov'yazkovo, you can use an autonomous option for an hour, and if necessary, you can use additional necessary outbuildings.


Independently from the view of your home and the type of signalization without sensors (helpers) can not do. The stench will be needed, in pershu black, for blocking windows and doors. Sometimes the helpers protect walls and crosses from possible attempts to break or ruin in another way.

Behind the great rahunka, it’s better not to be stingy and install security sensors on all the first days on top of the booth and, of course, the entrance doors. Vіkna slid to block like on vіdkrivannya, so on rozbittya.

The first one is reachable by the installation of magnetic-contact speakers, the other way is to use acoustic speakers (sound speakers).

The same varto zrobiti with windows of the upper surfaces, even before them there is more or less handy access to calls: visors, descend, gently sloping dahu and іn.

The installation is unambiguously needed on the paths of a possible rush of a demolition plant when penetrating through unprotected signalizations, the sound constructions of the budinka, for example, through the walls of a bus and a path through a break, or a selection. If you see additionally, please make such suggestions at the premises with the windows, turn around, we won’t take it.

The next moment is to choose a primary control device (PKP). If we talk about a wired signalization, then these sensors are combined into an electric lance, which is called a loop (AL).

In its own way, one of the main characteristics of the PKP is the third information capacity, so the number of alarm loops that are connected to the new one. The number of times, as a rule, lies in the range of vіd 1 to 20.

Regardless of that, how many security sensors can be placed on the signaling loop when using the system?

It is said not to reach the address systems, but for the time being, we can look at the home alarm system that has been found in the possession of a home alarm system - a non-address system. In such a rank, the more loops - this is the greatest riven of the localization of the space for the promotion of the spokesmen. Therefore, it is recommended to break up the entire security fence at the following zones (SHS):

  • perimeter of the skin on top;
  • sensors obsyagu first on top;
  • entrance doors.

In this way, for a private home alarm system, a choti-wire attachment is minimally required (one loop will be a backup). Yakshcho budinok maє great roses or I’ll fold the configuration, maє sense of leather from the refurbishment of loops, divide it into a sprat, for example, a facade and til. It is essential to need more information capacity.

There is no choice of sounds and light warnings. Golovne, what is the need for respect here - tse vikonannya (outdoor and internal installations) that working voltage (for use with a priymalny prilad).

It’s easy to finish everything, moreover, the rest of the division given articles about kits for home security alarms, specific models of possession have been pointed out, which can be chosen for our purposes.


In quiet situations, if from a technical or aesthetic look, laying a wire link into a booth (or even a part of it) is impossible, otherwise it’s not possible to vikoristovuetsya bezdrotove security possession. Let's marvel at why yoga is an endless plus in front of traditional systems.

  • little labor and quick installation;
  • scalability of the system;
  • bezdrotovy signalization one hour є addressable.

From the first point, everything is clear and I don’t need an explanation of the wine, so we’ve given it to you.

System scaling.

To put it simply, the cost of increasing (installation of additional sensors) in the process of operation. In addition, the droto-free system allows you to easily change the configuration. Here you may be on the verge of transferring the establishment of another place, and its grouping by zones. The security zone to the first person nearby can be seen as a signal loop.

Since a skinless sensor without a dart can be assigned a unique address within one system, then information about it can be recorded in a different distribution of the priymalny outbuilding. Similarly, when a new sensor is installed, it is only necessary to reprogram the control to fix the changes that have appeared.

Addressing principle of stimulating signalization.

Basically, I already said that the skin sensor at the warehouse of the signalization may have its own unique address, for which the system uniquely identifies it and is controlled (modified) according to the specified algorithm. Address signaling can be:

  • droitless;
  • conduct.

Another way to combine all sensors is to use one double-wire line for transmitting information. Eating is served okremo and can be organized in different configurations. Bezdrotov_ spo_shchuvach_ live in v_d vbudovanih batteries.

Mayte at your disposal - a number of sensors that are connected to one attachment, in address systems it is not unlimited, but for a private booth it will be better for everything, enough.

When choosing an addressable, dartless, binding system, pay for the moment. If you want to get a lot of opportunities for a private zamіskogo booth of opportunities for you to get more lines. For example, the attachment "Astra 812" allows you to connect up to 192 wireless radio channels.

In addition, there is a low organizational and technical solution that allows to increase the information capacity of drotoless systems.

Dekilka slіv about nedolіki.

It's not so rich, but the deacons can appear suttivimi. Also, as minuses, it is possible when a droto-free signaling is installed:

  • varity;
  • Vіdsutnіst postіynogo kontrol channel zv'yazku;
  • the need for periodic replacement of batteries.

I won’t talk about the price too much - I don’t have a choice, I’ll have to buy it this way. If there is an alternative, then there is a better option, if you have it, you can get it cheaper. As for the installation, then it is necessary to rahuvati in a specific skin condition, as you are not going to install a signalization in your home with your own hands.

The control capacity of the channel can be increased to the point where it is not possible at the moment to determine the station and performance of the radio channel sensor. So it is not possible to say with 100% confidence that in times of alarming situations we need to be informed.

Tse does not mean that the droto-free systems are not good, but in the minds of strong electromagnetic shifts, this factor can be damaged.

Batteries need to be replaced not so often, on average once per day. It's true, the stench can cost a decent price - a few hundreds of rubles, but save money, buying cheaper analogues, they are not needed. More warnings may be an option to notify you about a low living wage, it is not necessary to carry out a special voltage reduction.


As it has already been said on the cob of the article, whether the signalization can be converted to GSM (style) with the help of the installation of a sound module. However, until the possession of the house with security sensors, however, the choice of protection is the same.

If you talk about a primary control attachment, then it’s more practical to install attachments with a double transmission.

Tsim you yourself will get rid of the need for additional adjustments, re-switching and other. Wimogi to GSM devices are similarly provided for the same devices in other systems. We are worthy of informational capacity.

If you talk about the bezdroto vikonanny of style systems, then the stench may be your own advantages and shortcomings, attached to the "classic" options. The only choice of wireless GSM signaling is not as rich as I would like it to be, that system itself does not always look solid.

If you haven’t come a long way to pick a suitable variant of the middle ready-made solutions, promoted by virobniks, then you can win a different radio channel system at the warehouse:

  • jetless sensors;
  • priymacha;
  • relay block.

The relay block is connected to a special wired GSM accessory. Obviously, you can’t control the skin sensor for this type of view, but 8 zones will be enough for the booth, in order to combine them in support of the previous principle.

Stosovno to zamіskom booth, especially in case of frequent failures of the government, it will be possible to attach a GSM signaling device, which may be connected to sensors in the control of various parameters: temperature, water flow or gas, light intensity and control of other engineering and technical systems.

Dodatkovo can recommend placement on this site material about security gsm systems for summer cottages. The main principles of organizing this type of funeral are suitable for a private booth.


I’ll tell you again - a warehouse of possessing a signalization system for whether it’s a velmy’s booth is an individual one, it’s important to have a ready-made kit for that. There are more such propositions, krіm GSM kits, I'm not especially aware of them. Therefore, attach the sensors to the required quantity to be picked up independently. We need:

  • motion sensors, rozbittya and vіdkrivannya;
  • priymalno-control attachment;
  • living block;
  • sound and light alerts;
  • cables, darts and other glass materials.

The number and types of necessary security alarms in the kit should be laid down depending on how many budding structures and accommodation you choose to block (proceed at the branch about the choice of signaling for the booth). There and about the rules for assigning informational capacity to accessories.

Now about the life block. Vin is responsible for the safety of the weekend working (nominal) strum, sufficient for the life of all companions. To this, it is taken by the sum of the summation of all the contributors, taken from their passport data. We choose the life expectancy. Behind the great rakhunok is our set of signaling formations.

At the end - a copy of specific models of equipment for security alarms, so you can win in your kits. I don’t choose to advertise them every other time, just at a different hour, I’ve got rid of the lower possessions and I don’t have any serious claims.

Wired alarm sensors:

  • ruhu - Astra, Rapid, Photon;
  • rozbittya - Astra, Harp, Sklo;
  • vіdkrivannya - sposovshchuvachi series ІV 102-***.

Acceptable control accessories: VERS (more rich variety of modifications), Granite, Quartz, Note

Life Blocks: Skat, Reserve, RIP, Vitrilo, BBP.

Tse scho cost a complete set for a wired non-address signalization - the simplest and most budgetary system. Such a possession is more sumly one by one other options the kind podednannyah.

A set of bezdrotovoy signalization is shorter than choosing from a line of one picker, to build one model range. The Astra RI-M radio channel system is quite popular.

One of the advantages is a large set of sensors of various types and recognition: security, fire, driving coil and other. In general, it is worth to reach the richness from the point of view of the dawn and induce signalization of various configurations and possibilities of the system.

How to talk about conduction address systems, then you can pay attention to the set of possession of the Orion production of the NUO Bolid. Wide range of accessories, garniy interface, programmability and customization.

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