Rules for the safe selection of gas appliances. Rules for the safety of bottled gas. Reminder for the rules of corystuvannya with gas

I. Zagalnі vimogi bezpeki.

The place for cooking and for the reception of the living is to be clean. All smittya and vіdhodi slid systematically viosity (vivozity) on a specially introduced delyanka, smіtєviy container.

Before working on gas and electric stoves, a special warehouse is allowed, which is a briefing on the protection of work.

The main exits, passages, corridors, tambours must be worn at the right station and not be harassed with materials of various kinds. In these places, the power of the komori is protected, as well as the materials that are burning. The place for preparing that is due to the mother, both natural and electrically illuminated.

At the place for cooking, there is a drawer installed over a gas or electric stove, as it is necessary to regularly clean yourself from boiling water, drink that fat.

Mustache practitioners of goiter should be able to ensure the safety of fire safety, the nobility of the local community could help fire extinguishing, and be able to cope with the first fire extinguishing measures.

In case of an unfortunate fall on the ward, the victim, or the eyewitness, is guilty of negligently telling the head of the unit (the head of the varti) about those that happened, to save the situation at the place until the investigation, preparing for the reception of such, such as the stench of the boules at the moment of entering (I will not threaten my health 'yu otochyuchih pracіvnikіv). do not call for accidents, please).

For the preparation of food, gas and electric stoves are installed in these places;

In case of an unfortunate fall, the practitioner is guilty of giving the first dolikarska help to the victim and viklikati I'll help the shvidka, tell me about those that became part of the kerіvnitstvo.

Rooms for cooking and also guilty are provided with instructions for the protection of work during the operation of gas and electric stoves, alterations of tableware.

It is allowed to embellish the walls with aesthetic paintings or lively painting.

Getting the water inside the middle of the electric stove is unacceptable.

It is not allowed to use the burners for three hours without heating.

II. Wimogs are safe in front of the cob of robots.

2.1. Before skin switching on of the electric stove, check:

The camp is wired, the integrity of the insulation, the presence of evil is too thin;

Availability and correctness of the grounding conductor to the body;

Correct socket and plug.

2.2. The electric stoves of the butted stone are to be installed on a stand that does not burn, on a stand not less than 0.5 m from objects that burn, and the structure is awake.

2.3. It is fenced off by the power of time spent to the electric stoves, as well as the connection of a few spares of electricity to one plug socket.

2.5. In front of the gas stove windows, it is necessary to change the taps, so that all the taps of the upper burners and the burners of the oven are closed. Check the integrity of the gas pipeline and the hose that connects the balloon from the gas pipeline.

2.6. The pracіvnik is guilty of the nobility and dorimuvatisya rules of special hygiene, before skin preparation and taking it, keep your hands warm by warm water. Rinse the dishes for cooking and go miyuchim apart by warm water.

2.7. You can start vykonavshi all ts_ vimogi before preparing that їdi.

III. Wimogi safety for an hour of work.

3.1. When cooking food on an electric stove, follow the steps behind the robot.

3.2. For the presence of third-party noise, the persistent smell of burning insulation, it is necessary to turn on the electric stove in a negligent manner.

3.3. When robotic electric stoves are blocked, access to the jet parts is obstructed. Faults in the electrical installation are taken care of.

3.5. We fenced vicoristovuvaty electric stoves of butt used for drying clothes and other items and for heating the room.

3.6. Do not allow water and water to be spilled on the electric stove and jet-conducting parts.

3.7. Keep the surface of the electric stove clean.

3.8. When preparing food on a gas stove, before that, ignite the gas, then open the control valve in front of the stove (on the gas-cylinder installation, open the valve on the gas stove by turning the yogodinnikovoy arrow 1-2 turns), then bring the fire to the burner, push on the handle of the valve on the stove and add yogo for a quarter wraps. If you don’t burn the gas, turn off the faucet in a negligent manner, then repeat the priming process.

3.9. After filling the gas, it is necessary to switch over for the correct regulation of the burners. Gas is guilty of igniting at all openings of palniks. In a normal half-moon mountain, you can be calm with even tongues, which can be blue-violet color (when crusting with light gases - with green nuclei). It is necessary to know that when the gas is hot, in half-moons, the occupant sees a significant amount of jet black gas.

3.10. If, when the stove is spitting on the stove, that stove half-light will slip (which is accompanied by a specific noise and the appearance of more tops on the tongues of the half-light), so that the gas will ignite in the middle of the burners, it is necessary to close the tap, let the burners cool down. If the slip is to be repeated again, it is necessary to close all the valves and repair the stonework of the part.

3.11. In order to escape the splashing of the half-moon of the palnik with boiling water, the rhubarb at the dishes installed on the stove is to blame but the troch below the edges. Under the hour of boiling water, half a day, I should change the piping of the faucet of the palnik.

3.13. In order to escape the unfortunate moods and the exit of their way, the stoves are protected:

Open the locking valves on the gas pipeline and the valve on the gas-cylinder installation, without overturning the closing of all valves on the slab under the switchboard;

Blow out the half-light, shob lower the fire, sufficiently close the air tap on the stove shield;

Pour palniks to burn with boiling water, or else cooked, as if there is little space left, then clean the palnik, wipe the stove and see the motherland from the piddon;

Znіmati tabs and put the dishes without a middle on the palnik;

Knock on faucets and fins with metal and wooden objects, turn the faucet handles for additional keys, pliers and other outbuildings;

Zdіysnyuvati be-yakі corrected, change in the stove or in the іsnuyuchiy wire to the persons, yakі do not think about those right;

Tie to gas pipes, stoves and cranes of a hank, hang whiteness and other speech on them;

Capture the top of the stove at once with large tanks for drinking water;

Place objects on gas stoves, or close to them, that can be easily popped;

Corystuvatisya stove, which revealed a malfunction, connected with circulating gas and disrupted the robotic mode.

3.14. After that, as the hedgehog was prepared, it is necessary to turn on the stove, take hot dishes with oven mitts or a towel, put them on a metal or wooden stand, spread the hedgehog on plates and proceed to the hedgehog.

IV. Wimogi safety in emergency situations.

4.1. Dotik to the stream-guided parts of the electric stove, which are under pressure, not safe for life. As soon as you have spent some energy, it is necessary to give the injured perch additional help. Vіlniti victim vіd dії ate. struma. Take care of biological life until the arrival of the doctor. Call to the doctor about obov'yazkovo for any result of an electric shock.

4.2. Zvіlnennya injured vіd ate. the struma is connected to the electric stoves connected to the living room. When the fire is revealed, tell the resting workers, tell the head of the unit (the head of the warty) about the fire, turn on the electric stove, turn off the fire with obvious fire extinguishers. If you don’t turn on the electric stove in a negligent way, you can extinguish it only with carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.

4.3. In times of unsafe minds (faulty grounding, loss of stability of constructions, short flickering thinly.) the practitioner of goiter should be prepared to prepare a hedgehog, turn on the electric stove to eat. merezhі.

4.4. Do not turn on the faulty electric stove until the end of the shortcomings, faults.

4.5. As soon as a gas stove is installed, smelling the smell of gas, it is necessary to inadvertently connect the gas supply to the stoves, for which close the tap on the rose shield, close the tap on the gas cylinder installation. With this, do not burn the sirniki, do not turn on and off the electric light, do not enter the room with a cigarette to burn. At the time of the appearance of the gas coil, inform about the gas service at the telephone number “04” and open the door to air the room.

4.6. In case of recovering injuries, opikiv, crippling chi rapt ill, it is not right to inform the head of the unit (head of the varti), organize the first help, or call for medical help.

V. Vmogi security under the hour of completion of work.

5.1. After preparing it, it is necessary to turn on the electric stove in the railing, turn off the knife switch.

5.2. After cooking on a gas stove, it is necessary to close all taps on the stove itself, as well as on the gas cylinder installation.

5.3. Wipe the slabs like a saw, a brud, surpluses of a skinny one, keep a lid on.

5.4. Having finished with the reception, it is necessary to wash all the dishes in a warm place near warm water and put them for drying in a specially placed bowl.

5.5. Clean up leftover products in bags, put them in special wardrobes, boxes.

5.6. Wimiti hands of that guise of sweetness near warm water.

5.7. Close all windows and doors.

5.8. About all the shortfalls revealed in the process of preparation, and to the receptionist, tell the head of the unit (the head of the varti).

Reminder for the rules of corystuvannya with gas

Vіdpovidalnіst for the safe operation of pracyuyuchih pobutovyh gas fittings at the booths and apartments, for utrimannya їх vіdpovіdno up to the Rules carry vlasniki that individuals, like koristuyutsya gas.

Population, like vikoristovuє gas at the bottom, goiter

· Pass instruction on safe gas treatment in the operating organization, mother of instructions for operation of accessories and dotrimuvatsya їх.

· Supervise the normal operation of gas appliances.

· In case of failure of the gas supply, the contact of the practitioners of TOV "Rubtsovskmizhraygaz-detal" for tel. 2-58-17, 8-923-722-0171.

· When the gas is finished, close the taps on the gas appliances and in front of them, and when the cylinders are placed in the middle of the kitchens, close the valve of the 50 l cylinder or the ensign on the reducer of the 27 l cylinder.

· When a smell of gas appears in the apartment (booth) of the apartment (booth), it is negligible to pinch it with gas appliances, turn off the valve on the gas pipeline (close the valve of 50 l of the bottle, close the ensign on the reducer of 27 l of the balloon) for tel 04 (or 104 if you choose a stylish phone) from an ungassed area. Do not light a fire, do not smoke, do not turn on or turn on electrical lighting and electrical appliances, do not make electric noises.

· When raptovuyu attached supply of gas (at rich apartment booths) close the taps of the gas fittings, the tap on the gas pipeline and call the emergency gas service for tel. 04 (104).

In case of detecting the smell of gas in the hallway, under the door, on the street, it is necessary:

Tell otochyuchih about come in safety;

Call the emergency gas service for tel. 04 (104) from an ungassed area;

Live when people come in from a gassed environment, forgetting the inclusion of electric lighting, victoria of electric sparks, the appearance of fire and sparks;

Prior to the arrival of the emergency brigade, organize airing of the premises.

The population is being harrowed

· Change self-sufficient gasification booth (apartments), rearrangement, replacement and repair of gas fittings, balloons and shut-off valves.

· Coristuvatisya with gas fittings with closed quarters (transoms).

· Lack of practical gas fittings without sight.

· To allow children of preschool age to cory with gas appliances, especially if they do not control their own minds and do not know the rules for corying with gas appliances.

· Vykoristovuvaty gas and gas fittings are not recognized. Koristuvatsya gas stoves for scorching the place. Coristuvatsya incorrect gas fixtures.

· Koristuvatisya by appli- cations , de-installed gas fittings, for sleep that vіdpochinku.

· Zastosovuvati vіdkritiy vogon for vyyavlennya vitokіv gas (for tsgogo vikoristovuyutsya miles of emulsion).

· Take care of empty and refilled baloons at the premises and dumps. Independently, without special instructions, carry out the replacement of empty cylinders for filling and connecting them.

Basic rules for coring with a gas stove

· In front of the stove, it is necessary to ventilate the place, so that all the taps in front of the upper burners and the burner of the oven are closed, and in this direction, I should open the tap on the gas pipeline to the stove (valve for 50 l of bottle, ensign for reducer of 27 l of bottle).

· Inflammation of the sirnik should be brought up to the burner, then we’ll open the tap of the burner, which vmikaetsya, at which the gas is guilty of igniting at all openings of the rosette of the burner.

· Higher gas is considered normal, like a half-moon of a palnik is calm, blakytne or violet, with which half-light it is not guilty to vibivatisya z-pіd utensils and vіdrivatisya in a palnik.

· Before igniting the burner, the oven must be aired with a sharp blow and the oven door closed (3-5 times). Bring a sirnik to burn (special igniter, ignited jgutik) to the palnik. Gas is guilty of falling off at all openings of the firebox and burning to normal half-lights.

· When corystuvannya wind shafoy periodically guard for the work of the palnik. At the time of extinguishing the half-moon of the burner, close all taps of the burners in the gas stove and the valve on the gas pipeline to the stove (valve for 50 l of a balloon, ensign on the reducer for 27 liters of a balloon), air out the closet, so that the "bavovni" gas escapes and, if necessary, fire the burner.

· The slab must be kept clean, not allowing її zasmіchennya (especially palnikіv) spilled even thinly.


A memo for the rules of corystuvannya gas at the booth.

Vidpovidalnist for the safe care of the butt gas fittings at the apartments, for their mornings at the bedside station relies on lords and renters of living quarters

(Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 30,67 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)


In snowy weather, check Dimar!

The damage could be caused by the safety of the corrosiveness of the gas near the booth to unfortunate falls


Vitikgas is seen in the presence of a characteristic odor. Vaughn can be blamed at the gas outlets on the taps in front ofaccessories.

Crimeamoreover, the wind of gas can be guarded inslipperswhen the faucets are closed badly.

Vitik gas can cause a heavy blow to the people's breath, I'll burn the viklikati or vibuh.

The need for a round of gas for the help of fire is suvoro protected.

In case of systematic violation by the subscriber of the rules for gas supply and non-conforming orders of the operational gas service, the subscriber is charged with gas supply.

In the event of a malfunction of the gas distribution and abnormal operation of gas appliances, the subscriber is guilty of calling the gas service for necessary repairs or adjustment of gas appliances.

In case of three interruptions of gas supply (opening, repairs, etc.), the subscriber of the goiter must declare about the connection of the apartment with gas supply.

The clerks of the gas distribution company, which are vigilant on the call of the subscriber to eliminate the accident, may have the right to appear at any hour of the day.

For requests for gas delivery, as well as for repairs, regulation and gas flow, get on the phone: 04.

REMEMBER: PUBLIC PEOPLE are not allowed to repair gas equipment on their own.


Undergo a briefing on safe gas treatment in the operating organization of the gas state, mother of instructions for the operation of the fittings and dotrimuvatsya їх.

Keep track of the normal operation of gas appliances, smoke ducts and ventilation, check the draft before switching on and the hour of operation of gas appliances with the introduction of combustion products into the gas chimney. Before vikoristannyam gasified pichchu pereveryat, chi will open the damper. Periodically clean the “swarm” of the dimar. After finishing with gas, close the taps on the gas appliances and in front of them, and when the balloons are placed in the middle of the kitchens, close the valves of the balloons.

At the time of the inadequacy of the gas ownership, the representatives of the practitioners of the gas state government. In the event of a spontaneous gas supply, close the taps of the palniks of the gas appliances and call the emergency gas service by phone 04!

When the smell of gas appears in the apartment, it is negligible to pinch it with gas appliances, turn off the taps to the appliances and on the appliances, turn on the windows for airing the apartment, call the emergency service of the gas state on the phone 04! (posture for gassed occupants). Do not light the fire, do not smoke, do not use the electric lighting and electrical appliances, do not make an electric sound. In front of the entrance, at the entrance, there were those liohs, until the light was turned on, the fire was lit, and the smell of gas was overwhelmed at the sight.

If the smell of gas is detected in the pіd'їzdі, near the yard, on the streets - it is NECESSARY:

  • to tell the restless about the zapobіzhnі come in;
  • call the gas service by phone 04 from an ungassed area;
  • get used to when people come in from a gassed environment, zapobigannya switched on and switched on electric lighting, the appearance of fire and sparks;
  • before the arrival of the emergency brigade, organize airing of the premises.


Carry out self-gasification of the booth (apartment, garden booth), rearrangement, replacement and repair of gas fittings, balloons and shut-off valves.

Change the re-planning of the accommodation, de-installation of gas fittings, change the area of ​​the accommodation, which are scorched, without weather with the relevant organizations.

Make changes to the design of gas appliances. Change the attachments of smoke and ventilation systems; Seal ventilation ducts, wall up or seal “guts” and hatches designated for cleaning chimneys.

Vimicati automatic safety and regulation. Corystuvatisya with gas in case of faulty gas fittings, automation, fittings and gas cylinders, especially when there is a loop of gas. Crack with gas in case of damaged masonry, plaster (when cracks appear) of gasified stoves and chimneys. Self-installation of additional dampers in chimneys and on pipes to bring in water heaters.

Corystuvatisya gas without carrying out chergovirok and cleaning of smoke and ventilation ducts at the line, designated by the Rules for the safety of the gas state.

Koristuvatisya with gas fittings with closed quarters (transoms), jalousie doors, ventilation ducts, draft in chimneys and ventilation ducts, gaps under the doors of bathrooms.

Get rid of the practical gas fittings without looking at them (the crime of fittings, invested for uninterrupted work, like you can for this type of automation).

To allow children of preschool age to cory with gas appliances, especially if they do not control their own children and do not know the rules for corying with them.

Vykoristovuvat gas and gas fittings are not recognized. Koristuvatsya gas stoves for scorching the place.

Corystuvatisya by appli- cations , de-installed gas fittings, for sleeping that vіdpochinku.

Zastosovuvati vіdkritiy vogon for vyyavlennya vytokіv gas (for kogo vikoristovuyutsya miles of emulsion chi special accessories). Take care of empty bins and dumps filled with compressed gases. On your own, without special instruction, carry out the replacement of empty cylinders for filling with gas and connecting them.

Mothers in a gas-fired place more than one balloon with a capacity of over 50 (55) l or two balloons with a capacity of over 27 liters of leather (one of them is a reserve).

Roztashovuvat baloons against the doors of the furnace furnaces at a distance of less than 2 m.

To allow the escaping of gas possession and the escaping of gas.



  • The operation of the gas stove is allowed after the subscriber has been instructed on how to use safe gas with the completed valid documentation.
  • Dotrimanny ruled corystuvannya gas stove and vikonannya їх during operation, it was impossible to blame for accidents and unfortunate fluctuations.
  • The subscriber is guilty of vivchiti and strictly comply with these rules.
  • The subscriber is guilty of cleaning the gas stove clean and in good condition.
  • Self-repair of gas equipment is not allowed. In case of malfunctions of gas distribution, abnormal operation of gas appliances, the subscriber is guilty of calling the slusar of the gas state service at the telephone number 04.
  • Remember that careless gas rules for dotrimannya. However, with a coil of gas, a vibro-unsafe summish is established in the admixture, and with an uneven combustion of gas, fumes appear.
  • Knowing that vikonannya ruled corystuvannya with gas appliances, it was unbearable for unfortunate fluctuations.
  • Before igniting the gas on the gas stove burners, it is necessary to ventilate the premises, turn over,close the taps in front of the stove, the taps of the burner burners on the stove, the tap on the oven and the valve on the balloon with the other gas balloons.

1. Turn on the valve on the balloons (during the opening of the gas balloons).

2. Open the tap in front of the stove.

3. Light the siren, bring it up to obottom of the stove. Slightly pressing the handle of the faucet of the palnik, open yoga. In a similar sequence, gas is ignited in other burners. For rozpalyuvannya palnik it is recommended to install electric or silicon igniters.

  • as if half a cloud slipped through the middle of the torch, it is necessary to close the tap of the torch, I will re-ignite in a deaky hour.
  • with a normal mountain gas, the half-light near the palnik is clear, calm with a blackish-green light 2-2.5 cm high.

With abnormal high gas:

  • through the misfortune of wind - half a day, to save up with yellow wine, the mountain is accompanied by the sight of fumes, unsafe for the body of a person;
  • after too much half a day, I pragnied through the palnik.

Regulating the regime of the city is carried out by the service of the gas state.

Before winding the windshaf, yogo should be aired with a stretch of 3-5 strands of non-single work and repairing the doors of the shaffi. The scorching of the gas burners in the oven shafi is established through a special access to the stoves in the path of the fire with an one-hour tap of the oven tap. Gas is guilty of burning at all openings of palniks.

To turn on the gas stove, close the tapshotplates, as well as a faucet palnik_v windshafi.

Close the valve in front of the stove on the gas pipeline.

Close the valve at the gas bottle for an hour when the gas bottles are left).

It is not allowed to put dishes with a wide bottom on the low burners of the stove;

It is not my fault to vibivatisya z-pіd utensils, we can clean the bottom of the utensils, because for the obviousness of the boil, the amount of gas is increased and the hour for cooking hedgehogs.

When vikoristannі utensils with ribbed bottom and bottom, which overlap the flooring of the gas stove, put a spare burner on the top of the burner for normal serving.


The scorching of palniks in the oven is carried out in the following order:

1 . Turn on the hot tap on the gas pipeline in front of the stove, as if it weren’t blown open (ventilate the oven with a stretch of 2-3 strands, opening the door).

2. Bring the executioner a splinter or a sirnik on the back of the head to the right palnik i, properly open the faucet (extreme right-handed or middle), set fire to її, and then quickly bring fire to the left.

Give respect to the mountain gas - the gas is guilty of catching fire at all the openings of the palniki. Like one of the palniks in the fire, turn off the tap and ventilate the closet, and then repeat the process of priming again.

Having perekonavshis, scho gas to burn in both palniks to normal half-lights, mend the hatch of the bottom, the door of the oven.


In order for the stove to work flawlessly, it is necessary to keep it in order, cleanliness. When it is necessary to follow the advancing rules:

1. Rinse your toe pads and pads periodically with soda or water.

2. Piddon (mud sheet), spread under burner hobs, hang after skin brew, rinse in a mile of warm water and wipe dry.

3. Regularly wash in warm water and wipe all objects of the oven, as well as the bottom of the wall.

4. Wash the outer surface of the stove with warm water and wipe it.

5. Before the first peeling of the oven, wash it with hot water and burn it. Turn on the fingers and do not put them in a new dish with the cooking method.

6. The gas bottle is to be placed on the 0.5 m of the gas stove, 2 m of the hard fire stove, 1 m of the electric appliances, 0.5 m of the sink and washbasin.


1. Leave a lit gas stove without sight, as well asallow small children and those who are not known from the rules of coring with gas appliances to watch over the stove.

2. Vikoristovuvat gas stoves for heating the premises.

3. Protect the slab with third-party objects, or put more easily borrowed objects on it.

4. Tie to the gas pipes and ventilators of the winder for the expansion of whiteness and other speeches.

5. Tap on the valves, fins, reducer with metal objects, and also turn the handle of the tap on the stove for additional keys, tongs, pliers, important things.

6. Place heavy weights on the oven door.

7. Get on the stove, put more important tanks for boiling whiteness,place pans with a wide bottom on burners with low ribsand etc.

8. Open the faucets, not tossing in the hands of a scorched sirnik.

9. Pour palniki to burn with boiling natives.

10. Sleep in the apartment, where a gas stove is installed, otherwise, make sure that the burners of the stove are lit up at night, if everyone sleeps at the apartment.

11. Independently change the place of installation of the gas stove or repair the gas fitting and the internal gas wiring.

12. Whisk the slab when it is closed or there is inadequate ventilation.

13. Fire up the stove, and also smoke, turn on that electrical appliance when you smell gas in the room. For this person, it is necessary to call the emergency service by phone 04.

Buying a gas stove, it is necessary to remember the principles of work. Oskіlki, not respecting the greatness of the number of achievements, є і nedolіk - nebezpeka borrowing. If nothing happened, it is necessary to provide yourself with security. In times of improper operation or other catastrophes, it is necessary to carry a baggy booth and a coristuvachi fittings.

For special safety, the varto keruvatisya with praised perekonanny, that the taps on the stove are closed. If you operate the attachment correctly, then half a day the fire will be calm and mother will see a black color. In addition, the fire is not guilty of vibivatisya z-pod utensils. At the end of the work, do not forget to close the faucet of the burner, and after the completion of the stove, the valve on the gas pipeline. Vіd tsogo lie down your safety when corystuvannya gas stove.

  1. Instructions from the zastosuvannya are added to the skin technique. It is necessary to get to know her.
  2. At the same time, do not push the pipe to the gas taps and pipes while coring with a stove.
  3. Do not overtighten and stretch the hoses.
  4. Do not flood without a glance the fittings that burn, follow the constant control of the process of boiling the various fires with victorious stoves.
  5. When preparing, it is not possible to close the windows, and the doors to the bottom can be filled with wine. Appointments can be regularly aired.
  6. Do not allow the table to be flooded with water, so do not touch it with wet hands.
  7. It is self-sufficient to carry out repairs, replace and gasify the fittings or balloons near the apartment.
  8. It is not allowed to burn with gas for recognition, for example, to scorch the life.
  9. You can spend your free time sleeping there;
  10. Incorrect fittings are not allowed at the work.
  11. Do not rob timchasov z'ednannya darts.
  12. It is not possible to harass the technique with third-party objects, and also to put objects in charge from it, as they can quickly hit. Tse can be different ganchirki, papier.
  13. Keep children away from the unit.

Yakshcho yogo vіdchuli, it is necessary to do everything you can, so that you do not become vibuh. Algorithm: stop cooking on this stove, turn off the gas taps. It is not possible to beat the electric lighting, electric links. After this airing out the room, I will immediately call the emergency service number 04.

While the special service is getting to your booth, it is necessary to tell about those who were trapiling the booth to the bagmen. Until the usunennya turns, zdiisnyuvaty operations are hindered, connected with fire or with sparks. For example, smoke, sip on electrical appliances.

How to secure life in a round of gas

As soon as it was already guessed, do not close the trumpet, dim it with decorative walls or a set in the kitchen.

IMPORTANT! The break is coming step by step, so remember yoga smoothly.

Symptoms can be listed as:

  • bіl at the hiding places;
  • woohoo noise;
  • discomfort at the frontal part of the head;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • development of m'yazovoi weakness, especially at the feet;
  • the man cannot get up;
  • as soon as the head gets stronger, it becomes more difficult to breathe, and after it tedium and vomit;
  • the rest of the stage can be stunned and untiring.

Be drunk, є deadly outbursts of the destruction of whole families in the wake of the hourly shutdown of the pipes on the pipe.

However, remember that the severity of the injury is directly related to such factors, as physical activity during the hour of consumption of speech in the body, trivality of children, the state of health and the peculiarities of the physiology of the person.

Three stages are seen:

  1. Light foot. It is characterized by severe weakness, tachycardia, boredom, confusion, broken eyesight. It can also be blamed for lacrimation and the advancement of the arterial pressure.
  2. Middle. Hallucinations begin for her. A person's guilt is often interrupted by dihannia and uncoordinated ruhi. Svіdomіst vzhe perebuvає at the station of the nebula. In general, all signs of the first stage begin in folding forms.
  3. The rest of the stage, nayvazhcha. Zinitsa are expanding, the pulse is as frequent as possible. Maybe a coma or a waste of information was enough. Paralysis is blamed on some people, judged by that mimicry sporozhnennya. Cyanosis is established on the skin's curve.

Knowing all the symptoms of illness, you can suspect in advance, through which those other illnesses are blamed.

1.1. The instruction for safe gas recovery in case of satisfaction of utility and utility needs (hereinafter - the Instruction) has been expanded in accordance with the decision of the Uryad Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 N 410 "Come in for the security of safety in the case of both internal and external gas supply and internal gas supply" (Selection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 21, art. 2648; 2014, No. 18, art. 2187, 2014, No. 18, art. 2017, No. 38, articles 5628, No. 42, articles 6160).

1.2. Persons who are responsible for the safety of vikoristannya and the morning of the internal gas supply (far - VDGO) and the internal gas supply (dale - VKGO), є:

  • schodo VDGO at a rich apartment booth - individuals who manage the rich apartment booths, give services and (or) work for the repair of a sleeping lane at rich apartment booths (among them, keruyuchi organizations, partnerships of Vlasnikiv living quarters, special living cooperatives) , and for the uninterrupted management of a wealthy apartment house by the hairdressers, a place for a wealthy apartment house - the hairdressers of such a place, or one of the housekeepers, has a place in such a house, or another person, as may be newlywed, is credited with trust, seen by the housekeepers, a house of a wealthy apartment house;
  • schodo VDGO in the households - vlasniki (koristuvachs) of the households;
  • schodo VKGO - vlasniki (koristuvachі) accommodation, roztashovannyh at a rich apartment booth, in which such a possession is placed.

2.1. With the method of ensuring safe gas recovery when the utility and utility needs are satisfied, a special organization is established, in order to arrange an agreement on technical maintenance and repair of the VDGO and (or) VKGO, to conduct the first and repeated (chergovy) instructing the safe gas recovery when the consumption is satisfied (communal dali vidpovidno - first briefing, repeated (chergovy) briefing):

  • щодо ВДГО багатоквартирного будинку - осіб, які здійснюють управління багатоквартирними будинками, що надають послуги та (або) виконують роботи з утримання та ремонту спільного майна у багатоквартирних будинках (у тому числі керівників організацій, товариств власників житла, житлових кооперативів або інших спеціалізованих споживчих кооперативів) either their representatives, and for the uninterrupted management of a wealthy apartment boudin, a place for a rich apartment boudin - in such places, or one of the lords for a place in such a boudin, or another individual, as it may be, is assigned to a boudin house, seen by a boudin;
  • schodo VDGO among householders - Vlasnikiv (koristuvachiv) householders or their representatives;
  • schodo VKGO - vlasnikіv (koristuvachіv) accommodation, roztashovannyh at a rich apartment booth, in which place such a possession, or their representatives.

2.2. The first briefing is due to be carried out after laying down a special organization agreement on technical maintenance and repair of the VDGO and (or) VKGO. There is no charge for the initial briefing.

2.3. The first briefing is due to be carried out by a specialized organization until the end of the first start-up of gas (including the balloon with compressed carbohydrate gas (hereinafter - the LPG balloon) at VDGO and (or) VKGO, as well as in such conditions:

  • in front of the universes of vlasnikiv (koristuvachіv) at the deposit on the right of vlasnostі (the second legal basis) gasification of living quarters, crim vipadkіv presence at tsikh osіb of the document, which confirms the passage of the primary briefing by them;
  • in the case of the transfer of fluffy butyl gas and corystaceous possession from one type of gas-like fire to another;
  • when changing the type (kind) of vicarious quarry-button gas-corrosive possessing;
  • when transferring a debilitating butt-burning flask to the method of grub preparation, scorching and (or) hot water supply from solid firewood (vugillya, firewood, peat) on gas-like.

2.4. Первинний інструктаж повинен проводитися за місцем розташування ВДГО та (або) ВКГО співробітником спеціалізованої організації, відповідним вимогам, встановленим Правилами користування газом у частині забезпечення безпеки при використанні та утриманні внутрішньобудинкового та внутрішньоквартирного газового обладнання при наданні комунальної послуги з газопостачання, затвердженими постановою Уряду Російської Федерації 14 May 2013 No. 410 (Selection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 21, Art. 2648; 2014, No. 18, Art. 2187; 2015, No. 37, Art. 5153; 2017, No. 38, Art. 56-42, Art. 6160 (further - Rules for corrosive gas), due to the stosuvanniy tekhnіchnih zabіv and dіyuchûchûchûchûchûchûchûchý pobutový gazokovychistý vodnânnâ, including pobutový gazovodovychýchistový svodnânâ z organіzirovanim vіdvedennyam vіdvedenniâ produktіv zgoryannya dіmoviy kanal.

2.6. The first briefing is to include the following information:

  • interoccupancy and vibrancy of carbohydrate gases (methane, propane, butane), physiological injection of carbohydrate gases, as well as carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide;
  • warehouse and power of products of combustion of gas, provision of a surplus of fresh air for full combustion of gas, efficient and economical recovery of gas;
  • the order of accession of butyl gas and corystuffs to the dim channels; budovu and work dimovih and ventilation channels; rechecking the draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, causing damage; the legacy of the work of a butyl gas-corrosion plant for damaged traction in smoke and ventilation ducts; ventilation premises, which have installed a gas-and-corrosion plant, organization works for re-working the camp, cleaning and repairing smoke and ventilation ducts, draining them at the lay station;
  • the order of action for the presence (destruction) of draft at smoke and ventilation ducts; legacy of vikoristannya zasuvki (shield) on Dimov channels;
  • main technical characteristics, principles of work, rooftop windows about power, construction, recognition and warehouse of VDGO and VKGO; methods for getting and fixing VDGO and VKGO, safety rules for victories and mornings VDGO and VKGO, see malfunctions of VDGO and VKGO, places of possible gas flows, causes of their fault, methods of manifestation;
  • budovu, design, main technical characteristics, placement and principles of operation of reservoir, group and individual balloon installations for filling with carbohydrate gas (further - balloon installations ZVG); possible faults, which is to be blamed for different reservoir, group and individual balloon installations of ZVG, the consequences of their rearrangement and heating of the cylinder of ZVG; rules for taking care of and order for replacement of balloon installations ZVG;
  • dії in case of detected malfunctions of the VDGO and VKGO, the detected coil (smell) of gas in the application, the use of signaling devices or systems for monitoring the gas content of the application;
  • rules for giving first aid in case of opik, frostbite (for ZVG balloon installations), poisoning, poisoning, electric blasting.

2.7. Individuals that have passed the first briefing are registered in the journal in the form of the first briefing on how to safely extract gas when satisfied with utility and butovyh needs, and how to take care of it by a specialized organization.

2.8. Persons who have passed the first briefing can see a copy of the Instruction, as well as a document confirming the passage of the primary briefing.

2.9. Repeated (chergovy) briefing of the osib, assigned to clause 2.1 of the Instruction, is to be carried out by a specialized organization at the chergovy technical service of the VDGO and (or) VKGO. The fee for conducting a repeated (charging) briefing is not charged.

2.10. Vlasnik (koristuvach) of a householder or a living accommodation at a bagatokvartirny budinka, or a representative, a kind of first or repeated (chergovy) briefing, is guilty of knowing and helping the Instructions of all osib, like living together with him at the living quarters.

3.1. Persons who are responsible for managing the apartment houses, to give services and (or) to work for the repair of the sleeping lane at the apartment houses, are necessary:

3.1.1. When a loop of gas is detected, and (or) spratsovuvannye signaling devices or systems of gas contamination, the application should be switched off, listed in the section V Instructions.

3.1.2. Designate a person who is responsible for the safety of victoria and morning of the VDGO, so that he can pass the first briefing on the zastosuvanniy tehnіchnih zabіv and the fiery butyl gas-and-corrosive property, including the butyl gas-and-corrosive property on organizing the introduction of the fire of smoke canals.

3.1.3. Забезпечувати належний утримання димових та вентиляційних каналів, у тому числі самостійно (за наявності ліцензії, виданої у порядку, передбаченому Положенням про ліцензування діяльності з монтажу, технічного обслуговування та ремонту засобів забезпечення пожежної безпеки будівель та споруд, затвердженим постановою Уряду Російської Федерації від 30 грудня 2010 roku) r. N 1225 (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 2, art. 298; 2015, N 19, art. 2820; 2017, N 42, art. 6160) (hereinafter - License), or under an agreement with an organization, which may , at the same time, that yakіsno zdіisnyuvati reverification of the functioning of smoke and ventilation ducts, the presence of traction, as well as, if necessary, cleaning and (or) repair of chimney and ventilation ducts (including the heads of the ducts).

3.1.4. Until the beginning, I will work on re-checking, cleaning and repairing smoke and ventilation ducts to help a hairdresser (koristuvach) be assigned to a rich apartment booth about the need to turn on the butyl gas-corous water supply for the period of the appointment.

3.1.5. In the opiate period, it is safe to freeze up and clog the heads of smoke and ventilation ducts.

3.1.6. At the time of the installation of an improper camp of dimov and (or) ventilation canals of a rich apartment booth, it is negligible to call the Vlasniks (koristuvachiv) near the rich apartment booth about the inadmissibility of the quarry of a buted gas and corystous property.

3.1.7. Ensure proper operation of VDGO.

3.1.8. Negatively inform the emergency dispatch service of the gas-discharge organization about the occurrence of such damage:

  • the presence of a coil of gas and (or) the use of signaling devices or systems for monitoring the gas content of the facility;
  • vіdhilennya size tysku gas vіd znachen, transferred by the Rules for the provision of communal services to vlasniks and koristuvachs occupied at rich apartment houses and living quarters, approved by the decree of the Council of the Russian Federation on January 6, 2011. N 354 (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, Art. 2012, No. 23, Article 3008; No. 36, Article 4908; 2013, No. 16, Article 1972; No. 21, Article 2648; 8, Article 811; , Article 919; No. 14, Article 1627; No. 40, No. 5428; No. 47, Article 6550; No. 52, Article 7773; 2015, No. 9, Article 1316; 37, Article 5153, 2016, No. 1, Article 244, No. 27, Articles 4501, 2017, No. 2, Articles 338, No. 11, Articles 1557, No. 27, Articles 4052; 5628; (further - Rules for the provision of communal services);
  • unauthorized shut-off valves (faucets) installed on gas pipelines that enter the VDGO warehouse;
  • Poshkodzhennya VDGO and (or) VKGO;
  • the accident is another supervising situation that caused the gas to rise.

3.1.9. Забезпечувати наявність проектної, експлуатаційної та іншої технічної документації, в тому числі, що підтверджує належний технічний стан ВДГО, димових та вентиляційних каналів, а також подавати копії зазначених документів на запит спеціалізованої організації, уповноважених органів виконавчої влади суб'єктів Російської Федерації, які здійснюють регіональний sovereign living sight of the distance - the organs of the sovereign living sight) and the strengthening of the bodies of the local self-regulation, yakі zdіysnyuyut municipal living control (hereinafter - the bodies of the municipal living control).

3.1.10. Safeguard the agreement on technical maintenance and repair of the VDGO and (or) VKGO, the agreement on technical diagnostics of the VDGO and (or) VKGO (for visibility), as well as the acts of assignment and acceptance of vicons (services), assistance (advancement) of special organization, a postal worker of gas, the order of the authorities of the sovereign housing inspection and the authorities of the municipal housing control.

3.1.11. Take care of your technical maintenance, repair, technical diagnostics and replacement of VDGO and (or) VKGO.

3.1.12. Not later than 10 working days before the start of the planned interruption of the supply and (or) reduction of the working pressure of the cold water, inform the Vlasniks (koristuvachivs) at the apartment house, in some places of heat generators, in terms of such an interruption.

3.1.14. At least 1 time per 10 working days, carry out a recheck of the gas content of pdval, lohiv, pdpillya and technical surfaces with fixation of the results in the control of the log of rechecks from the appointed date of the recheck, osib, what stinks were carried out, application, the results were carried out.

3.1.15. In front of the entrance to pіdvalіv, lоkhіv, pіdpіllya and technical surfaces until the inclusion of electric lighting, or the ignition of the fire will change at the presence of gas contamination of the designated area.

3.1.16. At the same time, get used to visiting at some time to revoke (reinstate) a specialized organization, as well as to arrange the arrangements for the bodies of the state housing supervision and the bodies of municipal housing control.

3.1.17. Being an hour of getting non-rejection access to the permission, the Yakiki has pink and such an attempt to forget the access to the vkgo of the Avar-Service of the Gas-Red Organized Service of the Operational Services of the Zabi-Lyzhany. with vikoristannyam and zmіst VDGO and (or) VKGO.

3.1.18. Take care of the tide again until you arrive at the bagatokvartirny booth, in which there is a gas-and-corst valve installed, to enter the warehouse of the VDGO. If so, in the lower part of the doors, either the walls that go into the summation of the room, it is necessary to increase the gap between the doors and the bottom, as well as special tidal extensions at the outer walls or the windows of the specified room.

3.1.19. On the basis of an agreement on technical maintenance and repair of VDGO and (or) VKGO and an agreement on technical diagnostics of VDGO and (or) VKGO, provide representatives of a specialized organization with access to VDGO, as well as secure access to VKGO with the following methods:

  • carrying out preventive and planned work, directing the VDGO and (or) VKGO on a safe way;
  • prizupinennya, vіdnovlennya supply of gas at the vapadki, transferring the Rules of corrosive gas, the Rules for the provision of public utilities, the Rules for the supply of gas for the provision of utility and butovyh needs of the population, approved by the decree of the Council of the Russian Federation on April 21, 2008. N 549 (Collection of legislation of Ukraine, 2008, No. 30, Articles 3635, 2011, No. 22, Articles 3168, 2013, No. 21, Articles 2648, 2014, No. 8, Articles 811; 5628) (hereinafter - Rules for the supply of gas).

4. Vlasniks (koristuvachs) of households and accommodation at rich apartment houses need to:

4.1. Know that dorimuvatisya Instructions.

4.2. When a loop of gas is detected, and (or) spratsovuvannnі signalizatorіv or systems of gas contamination, the application is vikonuvat dії, listed in the distribution V Іnstruktsії.

4.3. Stezhit behind the camp of smoke and ventilation ducts, keep the guts clean of smoke walkers in cleanliness, check the presence of traction until it is turned on and the hour of the work of the butyl gas and corrosive water.

4.4. Ensure the opening of the blower (gate) with the obviousness of the design of the butt scorching furnace with the installed gas burner attachment and sealing from the outer side of the wall of the fume channel to the opening (hole).

4.5. Before rotting the burners in the butt-button, which is the vicorist gas supply, ensure the front ventilation of the combustion chamber (stove furnace, oven shafi) with a stretch of 3-5 fibers.

4.6. After the completion of the coring with gas, close the taps on the buttress, which is gas-cored, and when the ZVG balloon is placed in the middle of the house, or if it is placed in the apartment house, close the valve of the balloon further.

4.7. Negatively inform the emergency dispatch service of the gas distribution organization about the following facts:

  • the presence of a coil of gas and (or) the use of signaling devices or systems for monitoring the gas content of the facility;
  • vіdsutnіst or broken draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts;
  • vіdhilennya size tysku gas vіd znachen, peredbachenih by the Rules of nadannya communal services;
  • suspension of gas supply without prior notification by a specialized organization or a gas supplier;
  • unsanctioned shut-off valves (cocks) refurbished on gas pipelines that enter the VDGO warehouse;
  • Poshkodzhennya VDGO and (or) VKGO; the accident is another supervising situation, which caused a gas attack; flowing through the VDGO and (or) VKGO strumіv coil, zamikannya on the body of the butyl gas-corrosion possessing that zvіvnyalny strumіv.

4.8. In front of the entrance at the basement of that loha, until the electric lighting is turned on, the fire is ignited at the entrance to the presence of gas pollution in the room.

4.9. Be safe with the stretching of lines, insertions federal laws, other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account:

  • povіdomlen (povіdomlen) spetsіalіzovanої organіzatsiї, postal manager of gas, order of the authorities of the state housing supervision and bodies of municipal housing control;
  • technical documentation for VDGO and (or) VKGO, copies of which are due in due time to be submitted to the request of a specialized organization, bodies of state housing supervision and bodies of municipal housing control;
  • an agreement on technical maintenance and repair of the VDGO and (or) VKGO, an agreement on technical diagnostics of the VDGO and (or) VKGO (for availability), as well as acts of assignment and acceptance of vikonah robit (given services).

4.10. Take care of your technical maintenance, repair, technical diagnostics and replacement of VDGO and (or) VKGO.

4.11. Своєчасно вживати заходів щодо виконання повідомлень (повідомлень) спеціалізованої організації, а також розпоряджень органів державного житлового нагляду та органів муніципального житлового контролю в частині дотримання обов'язкових вимог до наявності договору про технічне обслуговування та ремонт ВДГО та (або) ВКГО зі спеціалізованою організацією, встановленим The rules of corystuvannya gas.

4.12. Being an hour of getting non-reversed access to the permissions, in the Yaki pinkish VDGO (Abo) VKGO, the pitsiyvniks of the Avar-Dispatch of the Gas-Rede Service of the Extraints of the Znobyganni, the Localiza that Utrimannyam VDGO and (abo) VKGO.

4.13. У разі майбутньої відсутності осіб більше 24 годин у приміщенні в багатоквартирному будинку закривати запірну арматуру (крани), розташовану на відгалуженнях (опусках) до побутового газовикористовуючого обладнання, крім опалювального побутового газовикористовуючого обладнання, розрахованого на безперервну роботу та оснащеного відповідним обладнанням.

4.14. Close the locking of the fittings (faucets), open them on the vіdgaluzhenny (descents) to the opaluval butovy gas and corrosive glacier, including the one that is secured for uninterrupted work and equipped with automatic safety equipment, if the number of days is more than 48 years old at the apartment house in the bag.

4.15. Secure access to representatives of a specialized organization, a gas supplier to the VDGO and (or) VKGO with the method:

  • carrying out work on technical maintenance, repair, installation, replacement, technical diagnostics of VDGO and (or) VKGO;
  • suspension of gas supply at vents, transmission by the Rules of gas supply, the Rules for the provision of utility services, the Rules for the supply of gas.

4.16. Responsible for the work of the butyl gas-and-corrosive owner.

4.17. To secure the proper technical mill of the VDGO and (or) the VKGO, adjusting the shape of the gas and saving the seals placed on them.

4.20. Installing (replacing) furniture and other easily occupied objects and materials on a safe vіdstanі in the form of a gas-and-corrosive butt-rubbed glacier, it is possible to exceed the norms of anti-burning safety.

4.21. Make sure that the tide rises again until the arrival, in which a gas-and-corst valve is installed, to enter the warehouse of the VDGO and (or) VKGO. If so, in the lower part of the doors, either the walls that go into the summation of the room, it is necessary to increase the gap between the doors and the bottom, as well as special tidal extensions at the outer walls or the windows of the specified room.

5.1. In the event of a gas flow and (or) special signaling devices or systems for monitoring the gas content of the premises, it is necessary to live in the coming entrances:

  • negainoly pripinit koristuvannya on butovym gas and koristovuyuyuchih possessions;
  • block the locking fittings (faucets) on the butyl gas-corrosion valve, and on the vіdgaluzhennі (vіdpustsi) to the new one;
  • when placing a ZVG balloon in the middle of a household or placing it at a rich apartment house - close the valve of the ZVG balloon in addition;
  • negainoly secure a rush of water to the destination, in some of them a whirlwind of gas was detected;
  • in order to prevent the appearance of a spark, do not turn on that non-vimic electrical equipment, including electric lighting, electric bells, radioelectronic features call (mobile phone and others);
  • do not ignite the fire, do not shoot;
  • get used to visiting people from the polluted environment;
  • inform (for the obviousness of the possibility) about the strangers who come in, as if they are staying at the summaries at the rich apartment booth, including those at the homes that lie up to the sleeping lane of the Vlasniks at the apartment booth (at the entrance, the corridor, the descent of that klіsh);
  • leave the room, in which the flow of gas is detected, and go to a safe place, the calls to inform about the presence of the flow of gas by phone to the emergency dispatch service of the gas distribution organization (when calling from a mobile phone, dial 112, when calling a taxi call 4), for consumption in other emergency operational services.

6. Individuals who manage the rich apartment houses, give services and (or) work for the repair of the sleeping lane at the rich apartment houses, the hairdressers (koristuvachs) of the household and the household at the rich apartment houses are not guilty:

6.1. Вчиняти дії щодо монтажу газопроводів мереж газоспоживання та їх технологічного приєднання до мережі газорозподілу або іншого джерела газу, а також щодо підключення побутового газовикористовуючого обладнання до газопроводу або резервуарної, групової або індивідуальної балонної установки СУГ без дотримання вимог, передбачених законодавством Російської Федерації (самовильна гази);

6.2. Carry out, in violation of the laws of the Russian Federation, the refurbishment of VDGO and (or) VKGO, smoke and ventilation ducts.

6.3. Curve (brick up, seal up) open the smoke and ventilation channels, hatches swarm clean the smoke walkers.

6.4. Zdiyasnyuvati samovolno rebudova that (or) replanned employment, in which the VDGO and (or) VKGO were installed, without delay with the body of the local self-regulation in order, transferred by the living legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. Independently without training, a specialized organization should re-verify the spratsovuvannya signaling devices and systems for monitoring the gas content of the site.

6.6. Install a chute (gate) on the smoke channel, smoke walker, smoke water.

6.7. Vykoristovuvaty, install gas-fired equipment in scorching after-butov furnaces at their placement at the premises of rich apartment houses.

6.8. Vykoristovuvaty, install a new gas and corrosive oil, the intensity of which is changing the meaning, as allowed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, technical documents and project documentation.

6.9. Break the safety of the seals installed on the fittings in the form of gas.

6.10. Independently connect the VDGO and (or) the VKGO, among those, on the basis of gas and corrosives, the possession of a special organization or a gas distribution organization, including the emergency dispatch service, which can be included in such a warehouse

6.11. Bring a dimovidvedennya from the butovy gas and corystoid area to the ventilation ducts.

6.12. Make changes to the design of smoke and ventilation ducts, open them to get to the place from the installation of butovy gas-corous ducts.

6.13. Vimicati automatics for the safety of the butyl gas-and-corrosion equipment.

6.14. Vykoristovuvat VDGO and (or) VKGO, the designs of which transferred the connection to the electric line, or the presence of galvanic elements (batteries), without additional assistance, it was possible to take the inputs-virobniks.

6.15. To deprive without a glance of the practical gas-and-corrosion equipment, the crime of possession, the insurance for uninterrupted work, and the equipment equipped with automatic equipment for a safe period of time, designated in paragraphs 4.13 and 4.14 of the Instruction.

6.16. Допускати до використання побутового газовикористовуючого обладнання дітей дошкільного віку, осіб, які не контролюють свої дії, осіб з обмеженими можливостями, які не дозволяють безпечно використовувати побутове газовикористовувальне обладнання, а також осіб, які не пройшли інструктаж щодо безпечного використання газу при задоволенні комунально-побутових потреб .

6.17. Leak at the open position the taps on the butt-operated, which is the vicorist gas, without securing the borrowing of the gas-supply sum on the gas-burning outbuildings for more than 5 seconds.

6.18. Corystuvatisya in the fire, turn on any electrical accessories, including electric lighting, electric calls, radioelectronics, make a call (mobile phone and others) at the exits:

  • vikonannya robіt z technical service and repair VDGO and (or) VKGO;
  • showing a coil of gas;
  • spratsyuvannya signalizatorіv chi control systems of gas contamination of the premises.

6.19. Intermediate representatives of a specialized organization, a gas supplier, with access to the VDGO and (or) VKGO with third-party items (including furniture) for carrying out work, which will ensure that the morning of the VDGO and (or) VKGO is properly secured.

6.20. Vikoristovuvat VDGO and (or) VKGO not for recognition, including:

  • scorch the application of butovim gas and cork-lined possessions, recognized for the preparation of hedgehogs;
  • tie to gas pipelines that enter the warehouse of VDGO and (or) VKGO, third-party items (coils, cables and others);
  • vikoristovuvat gas pipelines as a support or grounding;
  • dry clothes and other objects over the buttovy gas-and-corrosive possessions or near him;
  • pіddavati VDGO and (or) VKGO di ї static chi dynamic navantagen.
  • heat firewood, coke or other types of solid scorching fires on butovі opaluvalnі kіnі, priznachenі for work on gas-like fumes.

6.21. Vykoristovuvaty for sleeping that kind of accommodation, in which there is a gas-and-corystal holder installed.

6.22. Twisting, pushing, twisting, pulling or tightening the gas hoses, which are connected to the gas pipeline.

6.23. Check the operation of the ventilation ducts, the tightness of the vents of the VDGO and (or) the VKGO for the help of a half-light vent, including sirniks, an igniter, a candle and others.

6.24. Allow the psuvannya that poshkodzhennya VDGO and (or) VKGO, rozkradannya gas.

6.25. On your own without passing a special instruction, or without submitting a requisition to a special organization, to change the empty ZVG cylinders, as well as switch on the ZVG cylinders to the by-button possession, which vicorist gas.

6.26. Take care of the ZVG baloons near the dwelling houses, accommodation at the rich apartment houses, as well as on the evacuation paths, exit cells, socle surfaces, at the basement and mountain dwellings, on balconies and loggias.

6.27. Розміщувати всередині житлових будинків, приміщень у багатоквартирних будинках балони ЗВГ для побутового газовикористовуючого обладнання, за винятком 1 балона, підключеного до побутової газової плити заводського виготовлення, обсягом, що допускається Правилами протипожежного режиму в Російській Федерації, затвердженими постановою Уряду Російської Федерації від 25 квітня 2010 року . N 390 (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 19, art. 2415; 2014, N 9, art. 906; N 26, art. 3577; 2015, N 11, art. 1607; N 46, art. 6397; 20 , No. 15, article 2105, No. 35, article 5327; No. 40, article 5733; 2017, No. 13, article 1941; No. 41, article 5954; No. 48, article 7219; article 553).

6.28. Add a ZVG balloon to a sony and other thermal injection.

6.29. To install (replace) furniture and other easy-to-use items and materials without additional manpower could be up to standing in the butt gas-cork area, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety.

6.30. Place the ZVG balloon on a height of less than 0.5 m from a gas stove (with a crown in the balloons), 1 m to the scorching accessories, 2 m to the scorching scorching furnaces, less than 1 m from the electric heater, and other electrical accessories.

6.31. Allow the dotik of electrical wires with balloons ZVG.

6.32. Relocate the balloon installation ZVG for emergency exits from the side of the head facades.

6.33. Turn over, place it in the vertical position, or in the unstable position of the LPG tank, connect to the by-button possession, which vicorist gas.

6.34. Vikoristovuvati VDGO and (or) VKGO in such situations:

6.34.1. Vіdsutnіst agreement on technical maintenance and repair of VDGO and (or) VKGO, laid with a special organization.

6.34.2. Vіdsutnіst draught in dimary and ventilation ducts.

6.34.3. The daily flow of the tide is repeated in the amount necessary for the complete combustion of gas, including such reasons:

  • vіdsutnіst аbо perebuvannya at the closed position of the adjustable window chair, transoms, flats, special tidal outbuilding at the outside walls or windows, close the position of the jalousie grille on the ventilation duct in the premises, in which the gas burners are installed on the windows;
  • vikoristannya in the premises, in which there is installed a gas-and-corrosion sump, with the introduction of combustion products into the smoke channel, an extension of an electromechanical sponkukannya for remote control, without transferring project documentation.

6.34.4. Vіdsutnіst svoєchasnoї reverification will become smoke and ventilation ducts.

6.34.5. Vіdsutnіst z'єdnannya dimovіdvedennya vіd pobutovy gazovychorist obladnannya z dimovi channel.

6.34.6. The presence of damage to the integrity and thickness of the stone masonry (the presence of cracks, rubble), the tightness of smoke and ventilation ducts.

6.34.7. The presence of a shutter (gate) on a dim channel, dimari, dimovidvіd.

6.34.8. Detection of malfunctions in security automation.

6.34.9. The presence of non-selective process in the process of technical maintenance of the gas coil.

6.34.10. Identification of faults, lack of completeness and non-applicability to repair of VDGO and (or) VKGO.

6.34.11. The presence of an unauthorized connection of the VDGO and (or) VKGO to the gas pipeline to the gas supply line, or to another gas supply.

6.34.12. The presence of an emergency station for budding structures of a residential building or a rich apartment house, in the premises of which a VDGO and (or) VKGO were installed.

6.34.13. The presence of the past normative term of exploitation or the term of service, introduced by the enterprise-virbnik, at VDGO and (or) VKGO (okremnaya obladnannya, scho to enter the warehouse of VDGO and (or) VKGO) at the presence of a positive sign behind the results of technical diagnostics of a designated possession continuation of this term after the results of technical diagnostics - the presence of the extended line of operation of the designated possession, which has passed.

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