Encyclopedia of Muromets (malium anticoagulant ship)

Maliy protichovnovy ship "Muromets" (large "MPK-134") project 1124M, which is a modification of project 1124, was sent to the shipyard "Lenin's forge" in Kiev, Ukraine, for the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

The ships assigned to the project 1124 were to provide for the protection of the Radyansk SSBNs, the protection of the Viysk-sea bases and the strike ships and the escort of ships near the coastal areas (the waters of the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, Kolskaya, Amurskaya and Ussuriyskoy Ayvachinskoy zatok). Combat operation of ships at folding maritime theaters (Pivnichniy ta Pacific Fleet) did not transfer the stasis of ships near the open sea.

Project 1124M is the last version of the modernization of a small anti-ship ship to project 1124, a kind of expansion in 1976. In parallel with the project 1124, the ships of the 1124M project were equipped with more modern equipment and radio electronic devices. Modernization of the project has led to a significant increase in tonnage. Regardless of all the efforts of the designers (I had a chance to hire one RBU), the standard water tonnage of the ship increased by 10%.

For the NATO code designation of modifications, project 1124M was designated as a corvette of the "Grisha-5" class.

Maliy protichovnovy ship "Muromets" was laid down under the name "MPK-64" (budive number 001) on 30 February 1980, becoming the first ship of project 1124M. Launched on 27 February 1982. On July 27, 1982, the ship was given the name "Kyivskiy Komsomolets". Introductions on December 10, 1982. Included to the warehouse of the Chervonopraporny Black Sea Fleet on 05 February 1983. At this hour, to be found in the military warehouse of the Russian Navy at the warehouse of the 149th tactical group of anti-tactical ships of the 68th brigade of the ships of the protection of the water area from the base on the Pivdenna Bay of Sevastopol.

Board numbers: 085 (since 1983), 073 (since 1985), 061 (since 1987), 064 (since 1989).

Main characteristics: Water tonnage is 1070 tons, standard is 930 tons. Dovzhina 71.2 meters, width 10.15 meters, siege 3.64 meters. The speed of the full run is 32 knots, the economic one is 14 knots. The cruising range is 2750 miles at 14 nodes. Swimming autonomy 10 deb. Crew 89 crew, 9 officers.

Energy plant: DDTU M-8M. 1 gas turbine GTU-8, pressure rating - 18,000 k.s. 2 M-507A diesel engines, total exhaustion - 20,000 k.s. 3 diesel generators: DG-500, DG-300, DG-200, total power - 1000 kW.

Equipment: 76 mm artillery mount AK-176, 30 mm artillery mount AK-630M, launcher for the Osa-MA anti-aircraft missile system, 2 pairs of 533 mm torpedo launchers, rocket launcher RBU-600.

MPK "Kyivskiy Komsomolets" at the warehouse of the KPUG in 1985, 1986 and 1989 became the Volodar of the prize of the Palace of Culture of the Navy for counter-training.

On April 05, 1999, in the urochist environment, the small opposite ship "MPK-134" of the opposite division was renamed "Muromets". Commander - Captain 3rd rank V.P. Romashov. I have become a volunteer for the prize of the Palace of Culture of the Navy for counter-training already like MPK Muromets.

At lipnі 2007 to the roku vіdpratsyuvav vіdprаtsyuvav vіdnі dіії i come in combat training zі z'єdnannyam surface ships.

For pіdbags 2011, becoming the best ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation from the anti-technological and radio engineering training.

In September 2013, a special order was given to protect the Olympic facilities to save Sochi. The crew was given a task to start a defensive battle when attacking the enemy from the sea Olympic Games in Sochi. The initial maneuvers were carried out simultaneously by the crew of the sea minesweeper "Vice-Admiral Zakhar'yn". On May 12, the fate of the parade of ships in honor of the 230th anniversary of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia near Sevastopol. Taking the fate of the chervnya from the Russian-Ukrainian “Fairways of the World-2013”.

In 2015, the fate of the military-sea parade on the Day of the Navy near Sevastopol.

As a reminder, on February 11, 2016, within the framework of the rapt reconsideration of the combat readiness of the military and military forces of the Pivdenny military district, at the opposite tactful military district, at the hour of the new tactful military, the military strike group of the naval strike group (Khork) was The grass has become aware that shipborne hydroacoustic systems MGK-335MS will be repaired, as well as MG-339T Shelon-T stations, which will be lowered.

For confirmation, on April 12, 2017, in the firing ranges of the Black Sea Fleet, anti-aircraft missiles were fired at air targets that were dropped. For information on May 14 at the Black Sea, a court order for a submarine.

For information on April 3, 2018, the setting of initial mines at the combat training ground was due. For povіdomlennyam vіd 29 January, having taken over from the planned commander of the counter-forces of the Black Sea Fleet. For information from the 07th chervnya, there was a search for an underwater shell of a smart opponent near the maritime combat training grounds of the Black Sea.

For information on 08 April 2019, the crew of the artillery shooter in the maritime combat training ranges during the planned training of the special course task “Sailing and conducting combat by a single ship”.

Small missile ships to the project 1234.1 є distant development project 1234. The stench took away the more exhaustive and more thoroughly radio-electronic possession. RTOs are designated for the sinking of surface ships and the launching of the enemy fleet in the far and near maritime zones, covering convoys and amphibious operations for the fleet, patrolling near assigned areas.
Mirage(born in 1986, tail number 617),
"Calm"(1978, tail number 620).

Smaller anti-ships of project 1124M are a further development of project 1124. The stench took a tighter design, a new GAS and a thoroughly radio-electronic possession. Ships of this project are recognized for investigation and undermining enemy submarine forces in the far and near maritime zones, securing anti-aircraft defense and anti-aircraft defense forces for the fleet, covering convoys and amphibious operations for the fleet, patrolling in assigned areas. The stench was a kіlkom in series, like a trio to fight for performance characteristics. IPC project 1124 - the main escort ships of the Russian Navy.
At the warehouse of the Black Sea Fleet:
MPK-118 "Suzdalets"(born in 1983, tail number 071),
MPK-134 Muromets(born in 1982, tail number 064),
MPK-199 "Kasimov"(born in 1986, tail number 055),
MPK-207 "Povorine"(1989, tail number 053),
MPK-217 "Yaysk"(1989, tail number 054).

Maliy opposed ship "Oleksandrivets" to project 1124 was assigned to search and reduce enemy submarine forces in the far and near maritime zones, secure anti-aircraft defense and anti-aircraft defense operations for the fleet, cover convoys and landing operations for the fleet, patrol in assigned areas. The ships of this project were the lead escort ships of the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic. The stench was a kіlkom in series. The IPC took off the current upgrade of PPO and PLO, two GAS, and new radio-electronic control. "Oleksandrivets"є the remaining chinny ship of the project.
At the warehouse for the fleet since 1982

Maliy, the opposite ship "Volodimirets" to project 1145.1, is a further development of project 1141. Having taken a new design, I have perfected the GAS and radio-electronic equipment, the design of the ship has been thoroughly completed. Yak EU vin otrimav gas turbines of economical running, which allows to provide a wide range of speeds and operating modes. Smaller ships are unique for their design - the stench is equipped with fixed-type underwater fenders with automatic ceramic fenders. IPC project 1145.1 is recognized for investigation and reduction of enemy submarine forces in the far and near maritime zones, security of anti-aircraft defense and anti-aircraft defense forces for the fleet, covering convoys and landing operations for the fleet, patrolling in assigned areas. The IPC on the PC cannot be analogous to the native fleet of the world. "Volodimirets"є the remaining ship of the series, scho diє.
At the warehouse for the fleet since 1991.

The sea minesweeper "Zaliznyakiv" project 12660 is a new generation of anti-ship ship, which, having taken off the current design, radio-electronic control, soobe that low min. For the first time, you can conduct a search for mines at the vіtchiznyany fleet right at the hour of the ship. MTSC assignments for searching and lowering mines in the far and near maritime zones, covering convoy and landing operations for the fleet, patrolling in assigned areas. MTShch to project 12660 є the best anti-ship ships of the Russian Navy.
At the warehouse for the fleet since 1988

Sea minesweeper "Vice-Admiral Zakhar'yn" project 02668 is a further development of project 266M. The ship took on a new design, anti-tank complexes (for example, DAS "Livadiya") and radio-electronic control. The minesweeper can lead the search for min directly under the hour of the ship. Vіn appointments for poshuku and mines in the far and near maritime zones, covering escort and amphibious operations of the fleet forces, patrolling in assigned areas.
Warehouse fleet from 2009

Sea minesweeper "Valentin Pikul" project 266ME is a further development of project 266M. The ship took off a new design, anti-aircraft complexes and radio-electronic control. The minesweeper is assigned to search for and reduce mines in the far and near maritime zones, covering convoys and landing operations for the fleet, patrolling in assigned areas.
At the warehouse for the fleet since 2001.

Marine minesweepers of project 266M are a further development of project 266. The stench took away new constructions and anti-tank complexes, the design of the ship was improved. The minesweepers are designated for searching and lowering mines in the far and near maritime zones, covering convoy and amphibious operations for the fleet, patrolling in assigned areas. Boules are the main type of protimin ship in the maritime zone of the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic.
At the warehouse of the Black Sea Fleet:
Vice Admiral Zhukov(born in 1978, tail number 909),
"Ivan Golubets"(born in 1973, tail number 911),
"Turbinist"(born in 1972, tail number 912),
"Kilimivka"(1974, tail number 913).

The base minesweepers of project 1265 are designated for surveying and lowering mines in the near sea and base zones, covering convoys and landing operations for the fleet, patrolling in assigned areas. They were released in a few series, like a few trochs were scolded for performance characteristics. This project was the main type of protimin ship in the base zone of the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic.
At the warehouse of the Black Sea Fleet:
BT-40 "Lieutenant Illin"(born in 1982, tail number 438),
BT-241 Mineralny Vody(1990, tail number 426).

MPK Muromets

MPK at the Pivdenny Bay of Sevastopol

Russia, Russia
class vessel typemaly protichovnovy ship
Home portSevastopol
Virobnik"Leninsky smithy", Kiev
Budіvnitstvo rozpochat1980 rock
CommissioningDecember 10, 1982
StatusAt the combat warehouse of the Black Sea Fleet
Main characteristics
Water Tonnage930 (standard)
1,070 tons (overall)
Dovzhina71.2 (highest)
65.9 m (at the waterline)
Width10.15 m (largest)
9.5 m (at the waterline)
litter3.71 m (middle)
6.28 m (behind the GAS counter)
DviguniDDTU M-8M
2 DD M-507A
Tension18 000 l. With. + 20000 l. With.
Dvigun 3
Speed ​​on the go32-35 vuzla (povna),
15 hubs (economical)
cruising range2700 miles on 15 knots,
1890 miles at 19 knots
Swimming autonomy10 dB
Crew89 osib, including 9 officers
Anti-aircraft artillery1×1×76 mm AK-176 gun mount (550 rounds of ammunition)
1 × 6 × 30 mm gun mount AK-630 M (ammunition load of 2000 shells)
Rocket fire1 × 2 × SAM "Osa-MA" (20 missiles)
Protichovnikove ozbroєnnya1 × 12 × 213-mm rocket launcher RBU-6000 (ammunition - 12 clay bombs or 18 mines)
Mines and torpedoes2×2×533 mm torpedo tubes

On April 5, 1999, in the urochist environment, the small opposite ship "MPK-134" of the opposite division was renamed "Muromets". Commander - Captain 3rd rank V.P. Romashov. 1999 year IPC again became a Volodar of the prize of the Palace of Culture of the Navy for counter-training, already like the MPK Muromets.

At the end of 2007, the MPK "Muromets" conducted combat training for surface ships.

In 2011, the MPK Muromets became the best ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation due to anti-terrorist and radio engineering training.

In September 2013, the MPK "Muromets" took part in a special task to protect the Olympic facilities to save Sochi. The crew was given a command to start a defense battle at the hour of the enemy’s attack from the sea at the hour of the Olympic Games near Sochi. The initial maneuvers were carried out simultaneously by the crew of the sea minesweeper "Vice-Admiral Zakhar'yn". In red 2013, fate took part in the Russian-Ukrainian competitions "Fairway of Light-2013".

In 2015, the ship is transferred to the military warehouse of the Russian Navy at the warehouse of 149 tactical groups of anti-tactical ships of the 68th brigade of ships for the protection of the water area from the base on the Pivdenna Bay of Sevastopol.

ship commanders

This ship was commanded by a different hour:

  • Captain 3rd rank V. M. Romashov
  • captain 3rd rank O. Mіkhєєv
  • captain 3rd rank S. Tkach

Board numbers

  • № 064




    MPK "Muromets" (064) that demagnetization ship СР-137 (project 130) near Sevastopol, 30 Serpnya 2005

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  • Apalkov Yu.V. Ships of the Navy of the USSR. Dovidnik in 4 volumes. - St. Petersburg. : Galea Print, 2005. - T. III. Opposing ships. Part II. Small opposite ships. - 112 p. - ISBN 5-8172-0095-3.
  • Kostrichenko V.V. Albatross sentinel in the sea. History of the ship project 1124. - M .: Viyskova book, 2005. - 166 p. - ISBN 5-902863-04-X.


Urivok, which characterizes Muromets (malium against the ship)

“I’m not a watchman in the world,” said Dron.
- Then it’s not a leader, it’s a windmill!
Two old men spoke their own. Like only Rostov, adjoining Illinim, Lavrushka and Alpatich, pidishov to the attack, Karp, putting his fingers in his belt, chuckling lightly, viyshov ahead. Drone, navpaki, zaishov at the back row, and at the same time destroying the gap.
- Hey! who is the elder here? - shouting Rostov, pіdіyshovshi shvidki krok to natovpu.
- Headman? What do you want? .. - having drunk Karp. Ale did not catch the guilt of homecoming, like a hat flew up from a new one, and his head darted to the side in the face of a strong blow.
- Get off your hats, zradniki! - Shouting the deep-blooded voice of Rostov. - Where is the elder? - Shouting Vіn in an unselfish voice.
- Headman, headman, call ... Dron Zakharich, you, - I felt here weeping voices, and hats began to rise from heads.
“We can’t rebel, we observe the rules,” having washed Karp, and a few voices in the back, and the mites spoke in a rapt:
- How did the kids sense that the bosses are full of you ...
– To move?.. Riot!.. Robbers! Zradniki! - Silly, not with his own voice, covering up Rostov, grabbing for Karp's yurot. - Get Yogo, get it! - shouting wine, although there was no one to do yoga, krim Lavrushka and Alpatich.
Lavrushka, prote, pidbig to Karp and shopping yogo by the hand.
- Will you punish our z-pіd burn and click? - shouting wine.
Alpatich turned to the peasants, yelling for two at them, to hit Karp. The people walked out of the natovpu and began to break up.
- Headman de? shouted Rostov.
Drone s frown and look at the faces of viishov s natovpu.
- Are you an elder? Come on, Lavrushka! - shouting Rostov, nіbi th th order did not instantly mischief. Indeed, two more peasants began to pick up Dron, who, without help, helped him, taking care of himself and giving it to him.
- And you all listen to me, - Rostov turned to the peasants: - At once a march on houses, and I don’t feel your voice.
- Well, mizhnoї images did not rob. Mi tіlki, mean, s fools. Only a little nіsenіtnitsa amassed... Well, having said that there are disorders, voices seemed to be heard, like they were telling one to one.
“I have shown you the axis,” Alpatich said, entering into his own right. - It's bad, lads!
- Our fool, Yakov Alpatich, - the voices chimed in, and at once they began to disperse and spread around the village.
Two peasants were tied up and taken to the panska. Two drunk men followed them.
- Oh, I'll marvel at you! - one of them said, turning to Karp.
- Hiba, can you speak like that from the panami? You thought what?
- Fool, - confirmed another, - right, fool!
For two years the drivers stood outside the yard of Bogucharovsky's booth. The men zhvavoly vindicated and invested in the pansky speeches, and Dron, for the bajannya of Princess Mary, releases from the locker, where they closed the yogo, standing on the underside, ordering the peasants.
- You don’t put it so nasty, - saying one of the peasants, a tall man with a round smile of disguise, taking the rest from his hands. - Won tezh pennies worth. Well, you її so then kinesh abo pіdloga motuzka - and rub yourself out. I don't like that. And shchobi all honestly, according to the law Bulo. Axis so pіd matting, that blue prikry, from i it is important. Love!
“Batch of books, books,” said another peasant, who vindicated Prince Andriy’s library cabinets. - Don't sip! And importantly, lads, books are healthy!
- So, they wrote, they didn’t walk! - Significantly blinking, the tall, round-looking man said, pointing to the vocabulary of the tovst, that lay to the beast.

Rostov, not trying to impose his familiarity on the princess, did not go to her, but left in the village, looking for a way out. Having reached the exit of the carriages of Princess Mary from the house, Rostov from the tops and to the path occupied by our troops, twelve miles away from Bogucharov, the tops saw off. At Yankov's, in the back yard, he said goodbye to her in a grand manner, having first allowed himself to kiss her hand.
- It’s not shameful for you, - chervoniyuchi, giving the wines of the princely Mary in return for її ryatunok (as she called yoga vchinok), - having made the skins of the standings yourself. Yakby, we only had a chance to fight with the peasants, we would not have allowed the enemy to go so far, - showing guilt, swearing at something and trying to change rozmova. - I'm happy only to have a good time to get to know you. Farewell, princess, I wish you happiness that time, and I wish you to work with you for more happy minds. If you don’t want to piss me off, be kind, don’t speak up.
Ale, the princess, as if she didn’t speak more with words, spoke to you with all the viraz of her very gentle and low appearance. Vona couldn't believe youma, what їy mute for what youma shove. Navpaki, for her it was those who didn’t have a yakbi yoga, then there, singsongly, it would be small to perish and look like rebels and like Frenchmen; what a fault, in order to lie to you, inflicting on yourself the most obvious and terrible insecurities; And even more bezsmnіvnіshe were those who were guilty of a human being with a high and gentry soul, as they made the camp and grief understand. Good-natured honest eyes with tears that fell on them, even as she herself, crying, spoke to him about her waste, did not come out of it.
If she said goodbye to him and lost herself, Princess Mary raptly spoke in her eyes of tears, and then it was not the first time that she had a wondrous education, why should she love yoga?
On the road far away to Moscow, regardless of those that the princess’s camp was not happy, Dunyasha, as she rode with her in a carriage, more than once remarked that she was a prince, hanging at the window of the carriage, which I laughed heartily and summarily.

01/17/2018 Newsletter

I am transmitting the SKTs Rosmorrichflot, about 8:31 16 September, from the MSPTs Sevastopol, we have received information about those that the OD TCU to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet from the PSO nadishov will ask for help in the conduct of the search-and-trip operation. Lyudina fell overboard from the military ship of the MPK "Muromets" of the Russian Navy at about 00:20 on September 16 in the Black Sea, 10 miles away from the Miss Meganom of the Crimea Pivostrova. MSPTS Sevastopol rozrobiv rozrahunok district poshuku, forwarding the helper of the OD TCU to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet from the PSO near the city of Sevastopol, sending to help in the pohuka the warm ship "Soldier", which is located nearby, the port of registry Astrakhan, the head of TOV "SK Ladoga", which is 9:12 at 13:55, taking the fate of the PSO with five other ships and three helicopters.

About 13:55 teplohod "Soldier" called for participation in the search. IPC "Muromets" was recognized as the coordinator at the locality. Poshuk continued for help of forces and assistance of the Russian Navy until the dark hour of dobi (18:30). Coordinator of the poshukovo-ryatuval operation - TCU to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet from the PSO near the city of Sevastopol. For information from the assistant of the OD TCU to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet from the PSO at 21:00, 16 September, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, yak took their fate from the joke, flooded the area for the joke. The food for the continuation of the poshukovo-ryatuval operation will be completed on September 17, after 8:00.

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