Hospital ship irtish. The unique ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" after modernization

Memorable post is special for me. Having first experienced the experience of a gigantic spital on the water, which is known to the skin inhabitant of Vladivostok. This ship is an unofficial symbol of Vladivostok, it occupied a lot of places on the 33rd berth in the Zoloty Rig Bay and served as a business card. It would not be given to anyone.

On the hospital ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" another stage of modernization and installation of a new modern medical facility has been completed. In accordance with the sovereign contract, the marine hospital-passenger vessel of the Pacific Fleet took new X-ray systems and ultrasonic performance, modern surgery and resuscitation, possession for laboratory studies, anesthesiology and care system of the rest of the generation, - the press service of the HPE says.

"Irtysh" was given to the Polish design bureau "Prorem", and prompted to the shipyard "Adolf Barsky" near the town of Szczecin. Laid 25 leaf fall 1988 year. Launching 6 lime 1989 rock. Introductions on June 31, 1990. Be up to the category of an additional non-combat fleet.

Ship parameters:

Dovzhina 145.7 meters
-width 19.6 meters
- water tonnage 11 300 tons
- speed 19.8 knots
- 10,000 miles range
-siege 6.2 meters,
-crew 207 osib


Medical vessels of the type "320 Ob" began to be introduced into the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic starting from September 1981.

Tsey floating spital buv is not alone. Usyi zbudovano 4 such ships: "Yenisei", "Ob", "Svir" and "Irtish" - one each for the Baltic, Pivnichny, Pacific and Black Sea fleets.

In the present hour, the first batch of the series included only Yenisei, which is based in the Pivdenny Bay of Sevastopol, Irtysh - the Pacific Fleet and the Svir, which are preparing to modernize at the same time. Until 2008, DS "Ob" knew the fate of the Dalzavod pier near Vladivostok and a little bit went to the flowers. "Yenisei" marked the first hour of the Georgian-Abkhazian war of 1992, which saw 7 thousand refugees in a month. In total, for an hour of its service, the ship crossed 3 oceans, having performed 200 operations in one lisha of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ship goiter's work to carry out 4 functions: the treatment of injured or sick sailors, the evacuation of people from ships at times of consumption, the organization of the replacement of crews and the supply of medical lanes to the fleet.


Heads of the hospital ship "Irtish" at the same time: reception, rozpodіl, nadannya medical assistance to the wounded, sick and injured in peacetime or in the hour of combat; evacuation of victims from ships and vessels; organization of calls for the repair of crews of ships and underwater chovniv at the sea.

The clinic is built to take the wounded and sick, both from the shore and into the sea. For this skin board, two ladders were transferred, an electric crane for the first time of six victims on the platform, a medical boat and a helicopter.

The air-conditioning system ensures a friendly mind at all the places of the ship. The hospital consists of: surgical, resuscitation, therapeutic, infectious, dermatological and primal care, intensive care, wards for sick people, X-ray room, diagnostic center, pharmacy and medical warehouse.

On board the vessel, 100 months are fired for the sick, and up to 450 months for the mass reception of patients. Also є 200 months of rehabilitation recognition. Usі medіchnі pіshchennya posladnі na obkhіdnіm obladnannyam.

In 2016, the modernization of the ship’s ownership began, the first stage of which was completed at the sickle. Since then, the ship set off on a long journey, taking the fate of the ASEAN international navigators on the shores of Thailand. At the beginning of their journey, they were working hard to help with the hour of natural disasters. On the "Irtyshi" wards were opened for the reception of the seriously wounded, a team of naval medics provided assistance and assistance to the operations carried out by the marine minds.

After the return from Thailand "Irtish" took the fate of the commanders of the Forces of poshukovo-ryatuvalnoe security of the Pacific Fleet with the order of the crew of the underwater line, which mentally recognized the dash in the butt of Peter the Great.

Let's go aboard with a spit:


Sergiy Milovanov, head of the anesthesiology department of the ship's hospital, demonstrates the state of the art in resuscitation for postoperative ailments.


Sergiy Stanchik (Visti Primor'ya) helped cameramen and photographers organize the picture.




"Irtish" designs in such a way that all operations are located lower than the waterline, this is not hit by much praise, operations can be run by a five-point storm.


New surgical tables were placed recently. The stench allows you to work all kinds of operations, including the most complicated ones. Deyaké new possession, for example, they have already caught up with those in resuscitation, as it seems, at the right.

Tsya looks unpresentable on the screen - really a mini-operation. With help, you can not only ruin the life of the patient, but also speed up the sewing.


During certain operations, it was possible to gain access of 20 centimeters. Here, operational access will be close to a centimeter. Tse to bring to the fact that already offensive we can finish off the wounded. And for two or three ailments, you can beat your own bindings without intermediary.

Head surgeon of the military-marine clinical hospital of the Pacific Fleet Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Zachinyaev demonstrates the mobile endo-surgical complex KST-01-EX in the operating room.


Sergiy Milovanov, head of the anesthetic department of the ship's hospital, demonstrates a new anesthetic and respiratory apparatus in the operating room.

Nurse in intensive care unit


Chief Surgeon of the Military Marine Clinical Hospital of the Pacific Fleet Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Zachinyaev demonstrates to journalists the possession of a traumatological operating room

Nezabar on the ship z'appear special telecommand, as a way to allow you to watch for operations in real time:

“Before the hour of the operation, the surgeon can consult with the head specialist on the birch. In online mode, every hour of the operation, it is possible to correct, consult.

Andriy Shesternin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the ship's hospital, demonstrates to journalists an orthopedic attachment in a trauma surgery.


Head of the venereal and venereal department Valery Koshkin at the dressing room of the venereal and venereal department of the ship's hospital.

Fluorography cabinet

Ophthalmological cabinet


Office of physiotherapy


Ultrasound cabinet


X-ray room




In 2017, the hospital ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" takes away the license for telemedicine.

The provision of telemedicine is allowed to be carried out jointly with the provided medical equipment of the central hospitals of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in online mode surgical operations. Carry out TV shows and consultations of military medical fahivtsiv near the sea.


They gave a photo from the archive. The hospital ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" was sent to the Pacific Fleet for the first time by the Forces of the Pacific Fleet, with a crew of an underwater boat, which mentally recognizes the trouble in Peter the Great's camp.




Thematic reports in my blog:

Military Service of the Emergency Service of the Pacific Fleet

Forces poshukovo-ryatuvalnoe security of the Pacific Fleet held a ceremony for the order of the crew of the underwater chute, which mentally knows the trouble in the butt of Peter the Great.

A diesel-powered underwater vessel of the Pacific Fleet of the project 877 "Halibut", a fishing vessel "Igor Bilousov", with a deep-sea dwelling apparatus "Bester-1" on board and a teleportation vessel "Panthera Plus", a hospital vessel "Irtish", and a marine diver were commissioned. The helicopter Ka-27PS of the naval aviation of the Pacific Fleet was beaming before the start.

On the Pacific Fleet, they went through the training for the order of the spacecraft, which was brought up.

In the waters of the Ussuriysk zatok, a large-scale training was held to investigate and evacuate astronauts descending to the sea with the participation of representatives of the command of the Air Force and the PPO, Rosaviatsi, Roskosmos and the military forces of the Pacific Fleet.

As an idea, head to the zone of the Pacific Fleet's emergency landing of the apparatus, which is descending with the astronauts on board. Behind the signal to the landing area, the Pacific Fleet’s naval aviation flew first, and next after it, the vyyshov ryatuvalny zagin at the warehouse of several ships.
For respect!
-The use of photographic material is allowed only for my special needs.
-If you win photos with a non-commercial method, don't forget to actively post to my magazine.
-All signs, published in this journal, of my authorship, as it is not written otherwise.
- Text description of the objects of vikoristaniya z vіdkritih dzherel

Russian military-marine hospitals - the judge "Svir" and "Yenisey" - with the closest fates to turn to the right after the repair and modernization, they called "Gazeti.Ru" at the Head Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense.

Before the hospital courts, special international assistance is presented, as a guarantee that no one will be opposed, be it like a fortune teller. Zokrema, like a vessel not guilty of victoria for military purposes and guilty of a mother, it is clear that it is the hospital ship itself (sound the white ensign from a red cross). In addition, such ships are not guilty of intervening at the battlefields to cross over to the fortune-telling battleships. First of all - the vessel can give medical assistance to representatives of any nation.

“The hospital judges “Svir” and “Yenisei” will undergo repairs and turn around in 2018 and 2019, it is clear. Marine hospital-polyclinic vessels can be used for medical examination of military service workers in the Arctic, dental care, gynecological assistance and others, evacuation of serious ailments, medical rehabilitation,” the SHMU said.

The Navy of Russia maw chotiri (one per skin of the fleets: Pivnіchny, Baltic, Pacific and Chornomorsky) was called upon for radio hours near Poland by hospital ships: "Yenisey" (to stand at the Pivdenny Bay of Sevastopol); "Irtish" (to serve in the Pacific Fleet, at the same time to the coast of Thailand for participation in the international training of humanitarian directing among representatives of the powers of the Association of countries of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia, ASEAN); "Ob" and "Svir" (to enter the warehouse of the Pivnіchny fleet, they took the fate of the medical security expedition from the apk "Kursk").

Significantly, for example, the ship "Yenisey" was insured for 200 sick people and 100 sick people. In case of emergency evacuation, the building ship can take on board 450 people at a time. The delivery of the sick and the wounded to the ship was carried out for the help of the ship’s Ka-27 helicopter gunship and ryatuval. Full water tonnage of the vessel - 11620 tons. Full speed - up to 19.5 knots.

The ship is equipped with surgical departments from three operating rooms, resuscitation, therapeutic and primary care, intensive care, a ward for ailments, an X-ray room, a diagnostic center, an ultrasound scan, a pharmacy, a polypharmacy. For carrying out, it is possible to play sports on board - a cinema and concert hall, a gym with exercise equipment and maidanchiks for tennis, volleyball and mini-football, a swimming pool, a spa with a sauna, a shooting range and a saloon for recovery.

Two of the first hospital ships - "Ob" and "Yenisei" - were transferred to the Navy in 1980, and two more ("Irtish" and "Svir") prompted a change in the project with an increase of up to 11,875 tons of water tonnage and were transferred in 1989-1990 .

This year, Russian doctors are voicing that marine hospital-polyclinic vessels are necessary for the fleet, shards near the Mediterranean Sea post-yny bases the operational squadron was fired, the ships of the Russian Navy are constantly rebuying in the Adensky prison, to fight against piracy. In addition, they appoint from the Ministry of Defense, especially the importance of a boat similar to a ship to a link with pods near Syria.

“The presence of one hospital ship in the ordered region violates all the food for the medical care of the crews of the ships. In addition, in this hour, the Arctic is developing at an accelerated pace, including the presence of Evil Forces there. Russian Federation traverse the Pivnichnogo sea way,” Gazeti.Ru explained to the military medical department, voicing that a number of garrisons were deployed on importantly accessible islands.

About those that floating hospitals require repair and modernization, three more years ago, now the ex-chief commander of the Viysk-Navy Fleet, Admiral Viktor, spoke. “It needs repairs and modernization. This decision was praised by the Minister of Defense, and mi yogo vikonaemo. Hospital ships can be sent to carry out an operational mission near the Mediterranean Sea,” Chirkov said in an interview in 2013.

At the same time, the modernization was completed only on the "Irtish" - a new modern medical facility was installed on the new one. There is no official information about the share of the vessel "Ob", but, for the data of ZMI, as often as that, there was a discussion about the sale of the vessel to unknown businessmen.

In the United Shipbuilding Corporation () on this day there is no information that at the shipyard of the Ministry of Defense it is planned to repair hospital ships and equip them with some new capabilities. Prote

an official representative of the USC told "Gazeti.Ru" that "in the documents of the long-term planning, plans for the life of new hospital ships are to be found."

“However, the implementation is changing in competence. Narazi zamovlenya for the design and life of hospital ships can not be a new project for the admission of the USC, ”adding a commendation.

Previously, one of the helicopter carriers of the Mistral type, which had started on the never-transferred Russia, told Russian sailors to Gazeti.Ru that “everything for the people was broken down” on French ships. Zokrema, who had already been honored by the gym on the Mistral, and especially the sailor, having dealt with the medical unit of the helicopter carrier: become,” the sailor explained. Helicopter carriers "Mistral" to Russia, as it seems, have not been consumed, but it has not been turned off that the capabilities on these ships will be implemented on Russian ships of the new generation, as well as during the modernization of ships, which are already at the warehouse of the Navy.

18,000 nautical miles behind: 6 pm to Vladivostok, the hospital ship "Irtish" turned from a long voyage. The ship hovered around the waters of the world ocean for a couple of months: after helping the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet on the coast of Syria, and also visiting the ports of Malaysia and Vietnam.

The hospital ship "Irtish" wrecked on a distant voyage on September 27, visited the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, passed through the Suetsky Canal near the Mediterranean Sea, and then gave additional help to the Black Sea Fleet from the medical care.


The Russian ship served on the coast of Syria, at the point of material and technical support of Tartus. Since then, the ship also made a visit to the ports of Langkawi (Malaysia) and Cam Ranh (Vietnam).


After more than 130 decibels on the march, the sailors, medical staff and marine infantry on the way turned to the city of Vladivostok.






A brass band sounded on the birch, commanded by the intercessor of the commander of the Pacific Fleet Rear Admiral Anatoly Zelinsky, as well as relatives and relatives. Friends, blues, daughters and people who checked, checked their relatives on the 33rd berth from the very wound. Bagato came from them povitryanymi sacks and with quotations, and did not take tears of joy.















Close to 11.45 "Irtish" moored to the 33rd berth, after which the shooting ceremony began, as if it was an hour after the preparation for the midday poststrіlu.


That is why the Pacific sailors and medics who arrived on the ship, as well as their natives on the birch, were able to watch a volley from the 122-millimeter D-30 howitzer, standing right on the pier.








Then the crew members went down to the shore, and the commander of the hospital ship "Irtish" Oleksandr Denisov asked the intercessor of the commander of the Pacific Fleet Rear Admiral Anatoliy Zelinsky about the success of the commissioning of the vessel.

Zamkomanduvach at his side, arguing about those that in an hour’s campaign the sailors and the medical staff caught up with boredom for the sleepy Vladivostok, which this day is filled with fog and darkness, and also in the name of the military for the sake of the fleet, that command grafted the crew from the turns to the river base for work, service, that patience.


“It is necessary to watch out for the whole crew of that team who prepared them. The stench went through the great path and honored the difficult mission, the head of the sovereign vaga! - adding Anatoly Zelinsky, after which, following the tradition, he called out to the captain of the ship, what had come, and handed him the lubricated pig.

Also, the rector of the Viysk-Marine Church of Andriy the First-Called, Father Sergius, brought the crew from the faithful. The clergyman pidkresliv, shoch for the rich sailors and doctors was not remembered, she was all the same important, the shards of stench for a stretch of months carried their right to the world, calm and healthy.

Quiet, who was especially distinguished during the campaign, was awarded medals for service, 55 honorary diplomas were taken away, and another 45 crew members were deafened.

At the end of the urochist ceremony, the Pacific sailors and the lads from the Viysk-patriotic movement "Yunarmiya" marched through the urochist march in front of the intercessor of the commander, after which the relatives and loved ones were quiet, who, turning from a distant campaign, were allowed to embrace them .








The hospital ship "Irtish" is designated for receiving, dispensing, providing medical help to the wounded, sick and suffering in the hour of peace or the hour of combat. It is also necessary to organize for the evacuation of injured ships and vessels, the organization of the repair of crews of ships and underwater bodies by the sea.

The ship can not accept the wounded and sick, both from the shore, and at sea. For this skin board, two gangways, an electric crane for the first time of six victims on the platform, a medical boat and a helicopter were transferred. p align="justify"> The medical part is placed without a middle in the middle part of the ship to lower the hitavity from the sea.

The hospital consists of surgical, resuscitation, therapeutic, infectious, dermatological and primal care, intensive care care, wards for sick people, an officex-ray, diagnostic center, pharmacies and medical warehouse.

On board the vessel, 100 months for sick people were transferred, and up to 450 patients can be accommodated during the mass reception. Also є 200 months of rehabilitation recognition. All medical facilities are equipped with the necessary equipment. For general physical training on board gyms, as well as a place for tennis, volleyball and minifootball.

Ship parameters:

- Dovzhina 145.7 meters
- width 19.6 meters
- water tonnage 11 300 tons
- speed 19.8 vuzlіv
- 10,000 miles range
- Fall 6.2 meters
- crew 207 osib

The unique ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" after modernization

Memorable post is special for me. Having first experienced the experience of a gigantic spital on the water, which is known to the skin inhabitant of Vladivostok. This ship is an unofficial symbol of Vladivostok, it occupied a lot of places on the 33rd berth in the Zoloty Rig Bay and served as a business card. It would not be given to anyone.

On the hospital ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" another stage of modernization and installation of a new modern medical facility has been completed. Згідно з державним контрактом морське госпітально-пасажирське судно ТОФ отримало новітні комплекси рентгенографії та ультразвукових досліджень, сучасне хірургічне та реанімаційне обладнання, обладнання для лабораторних досліджень, анестезіологічне обладнання та системи життєзабезпечення останнього покоління, - повідомляє прес-служба ВВО.

Іrtish on training:

Military Service of the Emergency Service of the Pacific Fleet

Forces poshukovo-ryatuvalnoe security of the Pacific Fleet held a ceremony for the order of the crew of the underwater chute, which mentally knows the trouble in the butt of Peter the Great.

A diesel-powered underwater vessel of the Pacific Fleet of the project 877 "Halibut", a fishing vessel "Igor Bilousov", with a deep-sea dwelling apparatus "Bester-1" on board and a teleportation vessel "Panthera Plus", a hospital vessel "Irtish", and a marine diver were commissioned. The helicopter Ka-27PS of the naval aviation of the Pacific Fleet was beaming before the start.

For respect!
-The use of photographic material is allowed only for my special needs.
-If you win photos with a non-commercial method, don't forget to actively post to my magazine.
-All signs, published in this journal, of my authorship, as it is not written otherwise.
- Text description of the objects of vikoristaniya z vіdkritih dzherel

On the hospital ship of the Pacific Fleet "Irtish" another stage of modernization and installation of a new modern medical facility has been completed. Згідно з державним контрактом морське госпітально-пасажирське судно ТОФ отримало новітні комплекси рентгенографії та ультразвукових досліджень, сучасне хірургічне та реанімаційне обладнання, обладнання для лабораторних досліджень, анестезіологічне обладнання та системи життєзабезпечення останнього покоління, - повідомляє прес-служба ВВО.

"Irtysh" was given to the Polish design bureau "Prorem", and prompted to the shipyard "Adolf Barsky" near the town of Szczecin. Laid 25 leaf fall 1988 year. Launching 6 lime 1989 rock. Introductions on June 31, 1990. Be up to the category of an additional non-combat fleet.

Ship parameters:

Dovzhina 145.7 meters
-width 19.6 meters
- water tonnage 11 300 tons
- speed 19.8 knots
- 10,000 miles range
-siege 6.2 meters,
-crew 207 osib

Medical vessels of the type "320 Ob" began to be introduced into the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic starting from September 1981.

Tsey floating spital buv is not alone. Usyi induced 4 such ships: "Yenisey", "Ob", "Svir" and "Irtish" - one each for the Baltic, Pivnichny, Pacific and Black Sea fleets.

In the present hour, the first batch of the series included only Yenisei, which is based in the Pivdenny Bay of Sevastopol, Irtysh - the Pacific Fleet and the Svir, which are preparing to modernize at the same time. Until 2008, DS "Ob" knew the fate of the Dalzavod pier near Vladivostok and a little bit went to the flowers. "Yenisei" marked the first hour of the Georgian-Abkhazian war of 1992, which saw 7 thousand refugees in a month. In total, for an hour of its service, the ship crossed 3 oceans, having performed 200 operations in one lisha of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ship goiter's work to carry out 4 functions: the treatment of injured or sick sailors, the evacuation of people from ships at times of consumption, the organization of the replacement of crews and the supply of medical lanes to the fleet.

Heads of the hospital ship "Irtish" at the same time: reception, rozpodіl, nadannya medical assistance to the wounded, sick and injured in peacetime or in the hour of combat; evacuation of victims from ships and vessels; organization of calls for the repair of crews of ships and underwater chovniv at the sea.

The clinic is built to take the wounded and sick, both from the shore and into the sea. For this skin board, two ladders were transferred, an electric crane for the first time of six victims on the platform, a medical boat and a helicopter.

The air-conditioning system ensures a friendly mind at all the places of the ship. The hospital consists of: surgical, resuscitation, therapeutic, infectious, dermatological and primal care, intensive care, wards for sick people, X-ray room, diagnostic center, pharmacy and medical warehouse.

On board the vessel, 100 months are fired for the sick, and up to 450 months for the mass reception of patients. Also є 200 months of rehabilitation recognition. Usі medіchnі pіshchennya posladnі na obkhіdnіm obladnannyam.

In 2016, the modernization of the ship’s ownership began, the first stage of which was completed at the sickle. Since then, the ship set off on a long journey, taking the fate of the ASEAN international navigators on the shores of Thailand. At the beginning of their journey, they were working hard to help with the hour of natural disasters. On the "Irtyshi" wards were opened for the reception of the seriously wounded, a team of naval medics provided assistance and assistance to the operations carried out by the marine minds.

After the return from Thailand "Irtish" took the fate of the commanders of the Forces of poshukovo-ryatuvalnoe security of the Pacific Fleet with the order of the crew of the underwater line, which mentally recognized the dash in the butt of Peter the Great.

Let's go aboard with a spit:

Sergiy Milovanov, head of the anesthesiology department of the ship's hospital, demonstrates the state of the art in resuscitation for postoperative ailments.

Sergiy Stanchik (Visti Primor'ya) helped cameramen and photographers organize the picture.

"Irtish" designs in such a way that all operations are located lower than the waterline, this is not hit by much praise, operations can be run by a five-point storm.

New surgical tables were placed recently. The stench allows you to work all kinds of operations, including the most complicated ones. Deyaké new possession, for example, they have already caught up with those in resuscitation, as it seems, at the right.

Tsya looks unpresentable on the screen - really a mini-operation. With help, you can not only ruin the life of the patient, but also speed up the sewing.

During certain operations, it was possible to gain access of 20 centimeters. Here, operational access will be close to a centimeter. Tse to bring to the fact that already offensive we can finish off the wounded. And for two or three ailments, you can beat your own bindings without intermediary.

Head surgeon of the military-marine clinical hospital of the Pacific Fleet Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Zachinyaev demonstrates the mobile endo-surgical complex KST-01-EX in the operating room.

Sergiy Milovanov, head of the anesthetic department of the ship's hospital, demonstrates a new anesthetic and respiratory apparatus in the operating room.

Nurse in intensive care unit

Chief Surgeon of the Military Marine Clinical Hospital of the Pacific Fleet Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Zachinyaev demonstrates to journalists the possession of a traumatological operating room

Nezabar on the ship z'appear special telecommand, as a way to allow you to watch for operations in real time:

“Before the hour of the operation, the surgeon can consult with the head specialist on the birch. In online mode, every hour of the operation, it is possible to correct, consult.

Andriy Shesternin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the ship's hospital, demonstrates to journalists an orthopedic attachment in a trauma surgery.

Head of the venereal and venereal department Valery Koshkin at the dressing room of the venereal and venereal department of the ship's hospital.

Fluorography cabinet

Ophthalmological office

The hospital ship "Irtish" is the last one of the series of ships of the project B-320 (Poland), type "Ob", as a bula was called at the shipyard Stocznia Szczecinska im. Adolf Warsky (city of Szczecin, Poland) for the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic. This series was initiated in the period from 1978 to 1990 with two modifications.

The project was developed by the Polish design bureau Prorem.

The vessel was laid down on November 25, 1988 under the future number B320-II/2. Launched on June 06, 1989. Zbudovano 31 lime 1990 rock. Went to the warehouse of the Pacific Fleet. Ensign of the Navy on the ship was dated 01 September 1990.

Appointment of the hospital ship "Irtish": medical care of ships at sea in base points, which can be victorious for the accomplishment of evacuation and transport tasks of the medical service of the fleet and land troops; we are wounded and sick for qualified surgical and therapeutic and other types of specialized medical assistance; medical assistance to the damaged special warehouse in case of accidents of underwater vessels and surface ships and other power plants; medical assistance in case of earthquakes and other extreme situations of peacetime; isolation and treatment of infectious and other contact diseases; nadanny polyclinic assistance; medical care of inter-campaign care of crews of fresh water personnel from exuberant physical culture and control over the functional state of health of a special warehouse; constant readiness until the throat is delivered to the hospital for the reception of similar infectious diseases at the call with an important station of the infectious diseases hospital; medical examination of ships that are going to combat service, work in remote and little-owned areas (Kurila, Sakhalin, Kamchatka).

Main characteristics: Water tonnage 11570 tons. Dovzhina 152.3 meters, width 19.4 meters, siege 6.3 meters. The maximum speed of crossing is 19 knots. The pressure of 15,600 k.s. has been installed. The cruising range is 10,000 nautical miles at 18 nodes. Crew 124 individuals plus 83 doctors. There is a hospital on board, which can cover 100 beds and may have 7 operating rooms. Under the hour of mass admission of patients up to 450. Also є 200 months of rehabilitation appointment. Usі medіchnі pіshchennya posladnі na obkhіdnіm obladnannyam.

Dodatkovo: primal-sorting, surgical, therapeutic care, dispensary, polyclinic, pharmacy, additional hospitals, housing and services, storage of medical lane, Ka-25 helicopter.

From the moment of departure from the port of Szczecin, the hospital vessel made a transition to the port of Vladivostok from the port of Liepaya, Aden, Djibouti, Colombo and Kam-Ran. At the time of the passage of the ship, the medical care of combat ships of the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic was put in charge of the medical care of the combat ships of the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic, as they carry out combat service in the Persian platoon. During this period, over 15,000 Yemen military servicemen underwent medical treatment on the ship.

Under the hour of military service in 1991, during the war between America and Iran, under the name "Storm in the Desert", they carried out chemical research in the Persian zatoc.

The vessel arrived at the port of Vladivostok near the birch in 1992, and in April 1992 it gave medical assistance to the TAKR "Novorosijsk", "Minsk", and the SR "Ural".

From 1994 to 1997, it was necessary to cross to the port of Cam Ranh with the method of medical assistance at the PMTO and the delivery of a special warehouse and civilian personnel of the PMO, PMM, equipment and food products, medicines.

The hospital ship "Irtish" constantly provides medical assistance to military servicemen, workers and servicemen.

On 19 September 2016, due to the date of departure to the port of Bangkok (Kingdom of Thailand) for participation in the ASEAN international training center for humanitarian assistance, where may arrive on 31 September. The first large-scale expedition after the modernization, at the same time, a modern medical facility was installed on the floating hospital. For information on the 09th of spring, cooperation with the military ships to Thailand, Japan and China near the Siamese butt of the Pivdenno-Chinese Sea. Maritime cooperation between Russian ships was held within the framework of the “SMOA Plus – 2016” conference, which is held in Thailand, a humanitarian directive, as it will take place from 01 to 11 April in the province of Chonburi and the sea waters of the Siamese inlet of the Pivdenno-Chinese sea. On the 13th of spring, following the announcement, from the territorial waters of the kingdom of Thailand, she headed for Vladivostok, where she plans to arrive at the other half of the spring. For advice on the 23rd anniversary of the wedding, to help the underwater chute, which mentally knew the trouble in the captivity of Peter the Great.

As of September 13, 2017, due to the fate of the ship, a new medical facility was installed. With a sovereign contract, the marine hospital-passenger ship already took away the new complexes of radiography and ultrasound services, current surgical and resuscitation facilities, laboratory facilities, anesthesiological facilities and the system of life care for the rest. In addition, the ship at the hospital has a facility for telemedicine, which allows you to carry out operations in online mode, as well as televised consultations of military medical doctors near the sea. For further information on May 23

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