Information on the topic of Fyodor Konyukhov's record Fyodor Konyukhov's Fyodor Konyukhov's name-breaking flight of the earth is over: Light's record to lay Russia! Preparing for the povtryanoї kuli

Fedir Pilipovich Konyukhov. Born on December 12, 1951 near the village of Chkalov, Zaporizhia region. Russian mandrivnik, writer, artist, Ukrainian priest Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchy.

Fedir Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951 in the village of Chkalov (later - Troitsk) Zaporizhia region.

Batko - Filipp Mikhailovich Konyukhov, bait of the Arkhangelsk fishermen-pomorіv.

Mother - Maria Efremovna, originally from Bessarabia.

Okrim Fyodor in the same time there were two more blues and two bottoms.

From the early years of my life, I chose to become a mandriving man. I was getting ready to build my dream, zokrema, learning to swim, pirnati, bathing in cold water, walking on boats with a glass and oars. Often Fedir was on his way to the Sea of ​​Azov together with his father.

Graduated from vocational and technical school No. 15 of the city of Bobruisk (Ninі Bobruisk state vocational and technical art college) for the specialty rіzbyar-іncrustator. Potim - Odessa Naval School (Shipmanship) and Leningrad Arctic School (Ship Mechanic).

Studied at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary.

The first expedition was built at 15 rocks - having thrown the Sea of ​​Azov on a spring chute.

In 1977, the group organized yacht trips near the northern part of the Pacific Ocean - following the route of Vitus Bering and other seafarers. Rising in price, Konyukhov recognized that the spivvitchizniks of this century had opened up the lands and streams and founded settlements there.

In 1989, they took the fate of their young brother Pavel at the Radian-American bike ride Nakhodka-Leningrad. 1991 - Radian-Australian car race - Znahidka - Brest.

Zdijsniv near the polar no less than the transition to the Pole of visibility inaccessibility, as well as with the Canadian mandriving through Baffin land.

Let's get away from the Pivnichny Pole at the warehouse of D. Shparo's group.

Also zdіysniv transarctic lizhnі transition SRSR - Pіvnіchniy pole - Canada. They were part of the first autonomous expedition "Arktika" to the Pivnichny Pole on the coast of V. Chukovym.

Bagato with the expedition Konyukhov zdіysnyuє singly, but taking the fate of the groups. The main leitmotif is more expensive than a yacht captain - the whole sea is the ocean.

In 1990, having accumulated before that period the last few polar trips, Fedir destroyed an independent voyage to the Pivnichny Pole, which he reached in 72 doby, having himself created his own dream and won the commandment of Georgy Sedov.

In 1995 Konyukhov crossed the ice wilderness of Antarctica one by one and on the 59th day it was difficult to get out of the speck. Pivdenny Pole, above, there is a Russian tricolor. During the course of the campaign, the Minatom is victorious, freezing on the way to the pole, the natural radiation field of Antarctica, that prohannya of doctors - assesses their physical and psychological state, vikonuє іnshi guarding.

1998 Fedir Konyukhov became the head of the laboratory for remote training in extreme minds (LDOEU) at the Moscow Modern Humanitarian Academy.

One by one zdіysniv three circumnavigations:

1. In 1990-1991, the seafarer started from Sydney, where he turned after 224 days.

2. In 1992, roci: sailing on a great double-headed yacht following the route Taiwan - Singapore - Indian Ocean - Chervone and the Mediterranean Sea - Gibraltar - Atlantic - Hawaiian Islands - Taiwan, calling on all continents and having entered in 508 days.

3. At the spring-grass 1999 fate: having circled the entire Svitovy ocean (50 thousand km) and following the route the port of Charleston - Cape Town - Auckland - Punta del Este - Charleston.

On May 19, 2012, at the warehouse of the Russian team "7 Peaks" Fedir Konyukhov made his friend climb to the top of Everest, which once was the Pivnichny ridge (on the side of Tibet).

In 2013, an “expedition” by Konyukhov and Viktor Simonov from Karelia to the northern edge of the island of Greenland through the Pivnichny Pole is planned. This route is for those who found it in the Arctic (over 4000 km). As a result, mandrivniki covered only 900 km. More div. Expedition of Fyodor Konyukhov and Viktor Simonov.

From December 22, 2013 to May 31, 2014, the price was higher across the Pacific Ocean on the Turgoyak rowing line from the port of Concon (Chile) to Brisbane (Australia). Having spent 160 days on the road, Konyukhov showed the best result for the transition one by one to the rowing line without stopping at the port and third-party assistance (the best time was 273 days).

Tse buv the first span of the Pacific Ocean on a cheerful line from continent to continent.

June 12, 2016 Fedir Konyukhov, after the training for the support of the team, having shown his single flight on the counter of "MORTON", prepared by Cameron Balloons (Bristol). The launch took place at the airfield in the Australian town of Northam on the same route, which was the record flight of the pioneer Steve Fossett in 2002, a rotary aircraft flying over the ground at 07:33 after the local hour (02:33 Moscow time). November 23, 2016 at 11:11 Moscow time. Fedir Konyukhov landed safely in Australia. Having set a new light record for the navkolosvitny polot - 11 days 4 years and 20 minutes or 268 years and 20 hours.

“For me, the head record is the completion of the circumnavigation for the first time. My champion, American pilot Steve Fossett, needed six samples in 2002. Kulya flew around the world in a record hour - 11 days and 6 years - for the first time. At the end, I was able to fly over the Northam airfield and turn over my starting line, which is unique! You see, the spool flew maybe 35,000 kilometers and reached the starting point. Moreover, vikoristovuyuchi less wind flows. For sailors, this is the best class, ”Konyukhov said.

Radioamator's call by Fyodor Konyukhov - R0FK.

At the beginning of 2016, at the Shevlino summer near Moscow, Konyukhov, having begun to work his first steps in the sphere of gliding, set himself a new task: to take away that knowledge for further training before setting the light record of height on a glider.

Having created over 50 unique expeditions, that similarity, hanging its light in paintings and books.

Vіn first in the world of people, as it has reached five poles of our planet: Pivnіchny geographic, Pvdenny geographic, Pole of visual inaccessibility in the Pivnіchny Ice-covered ocean, Everest (pole of altitude), Mis Horn (pole of yachtsmen). He is also the first Russian in the world, to whom the program was "Sim the heights of the world"- Climb to the highest points of the skin continent. However, the scope of yoga interests is richly shirsha, lower cost is more expensive than that expedition.

Artistic creativity of Fyodor Konyukhov

Back in 1983, the number of admissions to the Union of Artists of the SRSR (the youngest at that time). Since 1996, he has been a member of the Moscow Union of Artists (MSG), section "Graphics", since 2001, he has also been a member of the section of the MSG "Sculpture".

Since 2012 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Mystics. Author of 18 books, a member of the Union of Pismennikov in Russia.

Artistic images Konyukhov were molded by numerical expeditions. On the way to the Pivnіchny and Pivdenny poles, at the hour of the root of Everest Fedіr Konyukhov robbed notes and lines in olive at a temperature of minus 40-50 degrees. On board your own yacht, if you left the world for a long time, you worked on new plots of future paintings. Already in Moscow, picking up the bags of expeditions, the artist created lithographs, etchings and pictorial works, as if they would also become part of the exhibition.

The creative method of Fyodor Konyukhov, an artist, is based on the creation of a single image of nature and people.

Having lived for five years in Chukotsk, having created over a hundred graphic arcades on the theme “The life of that people will be destroyed by Pivnochi”. More works in vicons at the creative booths of "Chelyuskinsk" and "Senezh".

So the artist has worked not only in Russia, but also in the art studios of Switzerland, France, the Wealthy Kingdom, the USA and Australia.

Konyukhov's creative workmanship was stitched near Moscow on Sadivnitsky Street. In 2004, roci under Nіy Fedir Konyukhov prompted the Chapel to a riddle about dead sailors and mandrivniks. The chapel was consecrated in the name of Mykoli Mirlikiysky the Wonderworker and attributed to the Visoko-Petrivsky Monastery.

Provіv dekіlka personal exhibitions. “I want to be a spectator, who will come to the exhibition, not only shaking that world, which I love, but also seeing the beauty of our skin life on our planet Earth,” said Fedir Konyukhov.

At 2010 roci on the day of the Holy Trinity Fedir Konyukhov hung at the deacon. Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Volodymyr (Sabodan) celebrated the rites of the hour of visiting Zaporizhzhia. And at the breast of the same fate, at the day of St. Mykola the Wonderworker, at the priesthood in his small Batkivshchyna at the Holy Mikilsky Temple of Zaporozhzhya.

Mandrivnik of awards with the order of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Great Martyr George the Victory of the 1st degree - for the apprenticeship of that diligence for the merit of the Holy Orthodox Church of God.

Fedir Konyukhov. Volodar wind

Near the Chelyabinsk region tsiliy rik dіє childish tabir "School of mandrivniki Fyodor Konyukhov".

In honor of Fyodor Pilipovich, the X International Olympiad in the basic sciences and geography is held.

In honor of Fyodor Konyukhov, a child regatta “Fyodor Konyukhov Cup in the Optimist class” is held on Lake Turgoyak, Chelyabinsk region.

Since 2014, a prize named after Fyodor Konyukhov has been awarded to the city of Tobolsk.

September 3, 2016 The Russian Geographical Partnership declared about us to open the art gallery of Fyodor Konyukhov.

Zrostannia Fedor Konyukhov: 180 centimeters.

Fedor Konyukhov's Life Specialist:

Friends. Druzina - Irina Anatolyivna Konyukhova, Doctor of Law, Professor.

The couple has two children: son Oscar Fedorovich (born in 1975) and daughter Tetyana Fedorivna (born in 1978).

Konyukhov added 69 hectares of land near the Zaoksky district of the Tulsk region, on which he planned to build a village, nine chapels, the temple of Mykoli the Wonderworker, a school of mandrivniki and a sports and tourist tabir for a child, as well as a museum of history that is more expensive, a hotel complex, and a library. The creation of the settlement of Fyodor Konyukhov, which is located three kilometers away from the Oka river, has been crowned. The goal of the project is to create a unique and quiet place for life, and a combination of one-thinkers, including mandrivers, writers, artists.

Bibliography of Fyodor Konyukhov:

My spirit on the deck of "Karaani"
Mustache birds, all wings
Veslyar in the ocean
Road without a bottom
I pumped the new sky and the new earth...
Yak admiral Ushakov
How I became a mandriving man
Vitryla beat stars from the sky
Alone with the ocean
The ocean is my abode
Under the chervonim windows
Mine is more expensive
Pacific Ocean
The power of faith. 160 days and nights alone in the Pacific Ocean
Mine is more expensive. Next 10 years
My way to the truth

Dosyagnennya Fedor Konyukhov:

♦ First in the world of people, as it has reached five poles of the Earth: Pivnichniy geographical (trichy), Pivdenniy geographic, Pole of inaccessibility near Pivnichniy Icy ocean, Chomolungma (altitude pole), Mis Horn (yachtsmen pole);
♦ The first Russian, to whom the program "Great Sholom" (Pivnichniy Pole, Pivdenniy Pole, Ms. Gorn, Chomolungma) was sent away;
♦ The first among the SND having completed the program of 7 peaks, having climbed the peaks of all parts of the world (including Asia - Chomolungma, Europe - Elbrus);
♦ Throwing one by one atlantic ocean rowing chute UralAZ with a light record of 46 db 4 years (in the category "autonomous");
♦ First in the history of Russia alone circumnavigation on yachts without teeth (1990-1991). Konyukhov is also one of the representatives of the large SRSR, who took part in the most prestigious and famous single yacht Vendée Globe (to the finish line, he did not finish, having made a tooth in Australia, Sydney);
♦ Record holder of the sailing trip Antarctica Cup Race Track around Antarctica in the yachtsman class - the same;
♦ Swinging over the Pacific Ocean one by one on the rowing line K9 (Konyukhov 9 meters - a long line) with a light record at 159 deb 14 years 45 hvilin;
♦ On September 23, 2016, having completed a record-breaking day of rising prices on a repeating coil of Morton company, 52 meters and a car of 10 tons: for a minimum hour, an increase in price (268 years 20 hours), a maximum distance of flight (35,168 km), a maximum height of 10, ). Minuly record set by American Steve Fossett, yoga flight took 13 days;
♦ The earth's sack flew around the world first. Awarded with the title of FAI Pilot Roku 2016;
♦ On February 9, 2017, at the same time, the Master of Sports and Swimming Ivan Minyail broke the world record for an hour of non-stop flight on the top of the thermal balloon - the wind cooler of "Binbank Premium". Polit trivav 55 years 15 hvilin, it was covered over 1000 km. The previous record of 1997 was held by the Japanese Michio Kanda and Hirazuki Takezawa.

Expeditions of Fyodor Konyukhov:

♦ 1977 – scientifically proven expedition on a yacht following the route of Vitus Bering;
♦ 1978 – scientifically proven expedition on a yacht following the route of Vitus Bering; archaeological expedition;
♦ 1979 – another stage of the scientific and historical expedition on yachts following the route Vladivostok – Sakhalin – Kamchatka – Commander Islands; descent to Klyuchevskiy volcano;
♦ 1980 - international regatta "Baltic Cup" at the warehouse for the crew of the Far Eastern Maritime University;
♦ 1981 - dog sledding of Chukotka;
♦ 1983 – scientific and sports league expedition near the sea of ​​Laptevykh. The first polar expedition at the warehouse of Dmitry Shparo's group;
♦ 1984 - international regatta for the Baltic Cup at the warehouse for the crew of the Far Eastern Maritime University; rafting along river Lenі on the flesh;
♦ 1985 - expedition through the Ussuri taiga on the trail of Volodymyr Arseniev and Dersu Uzala;
♦ 1986 – the lower crossing at the polar night to the Pole of water inaccessibility at the Pivnichny Icy Ocean at the warehouse of the expedition;
♦ 1987 - voyage to Baffin's Land at the warehouse of the Radian-Canadian expedition;
♦ 1988 - transarctic expedition following the route of the SRSR - Pivnichny Pole - Canada at the warehouse of the international group;
♦ 1989 - the first Russian autonomous expedition "Arktika" under Volodymyr Chukov's ceramics to the Pivnichny Pole; Radian-American transcontinental bike ride Znahidka - Moscow - Leningrad;
♦ 1990 - solo trip on the ice to the Pivnichny Pole (the first in the history of Russia) in 72 days;
♦ 1990-1991 - one-by-one circumnavigation on yachts without teeth following the route Sydney - Mies Horn - Equator - Sydney in 224 days (earlier in the history of Russia);
♦ 1991 - Russian-Australian motor race on the route Znahidka - Moscow;
♦ 1992 – climbing Elbrus (Europe); climbing Everest (Asia);
♦ 1993-1994 - round-the-world expedition on a double-headed kech following the route Taiwan - Hong Kong - Singapore - Ve Island (Indonesia) - Victoria Island (Seychelles) - Yemen (Aden port) - Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) - Suez Canal - Katariya - Gkabral Morocco) - Santa Lucia (Caribbean Islands) - Panama Canal - Honolulu (Hawaiian Islands) - Mariana Islands - Taiwan;
♦ 1995-1996 - autonomous solo hike to the Pivdenny Pole (the first in the history of Russia; in 64 days);
♦ 1996 – September 19: Descent to the Vinson massif (Antarctica); 9 birch: descent to Aconcagua (Pivdenna America);
♦ 1997 - February 18: descent to Kilimanjaro (Africa); April 17: descending to Kosciuszka Peak (Australia); May 26: descent to McKinley Peak (Pivnichna America); European regattas Sardinia Cup (Italy), Gotland Race (Sweden), Cowes week (England) at the warehouse for the crew of the maxi-yacht Grand Mistral;
♦ 1998-1999 - American single round-the-world race Around Alone on yacht Open 60 (third single round-the-world round-the-clock);
♦ 2000 - Iditarod dog sledding race across Alaska following the Anchorage - Nome route;
♦ 2000-2001 - French single round-the-world round trips (non-stop) Vendee Globe on a yacht (first in the history of Russia);
♦ 2002 – camel caravan expedition “Following the Great Shovkovy Way (the first in the history of modern Russia); crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a rowing line (first in the history of Russia; light record - 46 dB 4 years) for the Canary Islands - Barbados route;
♦ 2003 – Russian-British transatlantic record crossing with a crew behind the Canary Islands – Barbados route (light record for large-hull vessels – 9 dB); Russian-British transatlantic record passage with a crew behind the route Jamaica - England (light record for large-hull vessels - 16 decibels);
♦ 2004 – a single transatlantic record crossing from the right to the landing on a maxi-yacht for the Canary Islands – Barbados route (a light record from the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean – 14 days and 7 years);
♦ 2004-2005 – solo circumnavigation on a maxi-yacht following the route Falmouth – Hobart – Falmouth (the first in the history of light show sport solo circumnavigation on a maxi-class yacht across Mies Horn);
♦ 2005-2006 – project “Navkoro Atlantic Ocean”. At the warehouse of the Russian crew, they went on yachts on the route England - Canary Islands - Barbados - Antigua - England;
♦ 2006 – testing of an experimental polar buoy on the coast of Greenland;
♦ 2007 – crossing Greenland on dog sleds from the western to the western coast (record 15 deb 22 years);
♦ 2007-2008 - Australian ferries around Antarctica following the route Albany - Miss Horn - Miss Good Nadiya - Miss Luyn - Albany (102 decibels; yachtsman-same, non-stop);
♦ 2009 – another stage of the international expedition “Following the Great Shovkovy Way” (Mongolia – Kalmikia);
♦ 2011 – expedition "Nine greatest peaks of Ethiopia";
♦ 2012 - May 19: descending to the top of Everest along the Pivnichny Ridge (Konyukhov became the first priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, who climbed Everest);
♦ 2013 - crossing of the Pivnichny Icy Ocean on a dog sled along the route: Pivnichny Pole - Canada;
♦ 2013-2014 – Pacific crossing on a fun channel without calling to ports for a record 160 days (Chile (Con Con) - Australia (Mululuba));
♦ 2015 – Russian record for the 3rd flight on a thermal balloon class AH-9 (19 years 10 minutes);
♦ 2016 – light record for the most flight on a thermal balloon (32 years 20 minutes); expedition on dog sleds "Onizke Pomor'ya"; a single round-the-world flight on the "Morton" air cooler (the best round-the-world flight for an aerostat of any type: 11 days 4 years 20 minutes - an absolute light record)

"Morton" siv at the sunset of Australia. Behind three oceans and that three continents! Call soon Fedir Pilipovich will be able to round up the squad of that young son, as if to check for a turn for hundreds of kilometers. Father Zustricha Oscar Konyukhov is a ceremonial worker for the headquarters of the yogo of the world's dearest. Usі 11 dіb dіb lоtu shogodini vіn buv to the link with the pilot, praising her nervously for the father, who happened to risk life more than once.

On the way to Australia, Fyodor Konyukhov was flying from a group of supporters and in the cool to the landing.

Light record to lay Russia! A photo: Nail VALIULIN

Before the speech, it was not at once to land in the distance - collapsibly winicking through the anger of the hlinushіv from the cool water. More than a few days ago, over the Atlantic Ocean, the sack drank in the snowy gloom and crept into the ice with a ball.

Behind 34 thousand kilometers A photo: Nail VALIULIN

Low temperatures, in which the mandriving poked out in the Indian Ocean, even though Antarctica itself was not allowed to get around. As soon as the Australian sun began to drown the ice, the water rushed out of the hulls in an angry manner.

The place of the finish line was appointed as a distant milestone - 100 kilometers of the penny-like mise of Llewyn (the most important stopping point of Australia). Coming in for landing, Fedir Konyukhov, having already descended to 2000 meters - after flying 10 kilometers above the sea level, for Fedor Pilipovich, he is a "child" height.


13.37 After landing Fedir Konyukhov is not rich in terms:

The most terrible thing was to fly under the hour of a thunderstorm over the Indian Ocean, - Fedir Flippovich recognized, - before entering the sea to Antarctica.

After that, as a sack drank in a snow cyclone and it was rough, the temperature in the gondola dropped below zero, the water in the dances froze, it was impossible to get drunk normally and make dry rations - porridge or soup. Luckily, there were energy bars in stock at the mandrіvnik, on them sit the rest of the dobi before the finish.

12.00 Fedir Konyukhov, and after the finish at the right, he didn’t help, helping to “extinguish” the dome. A 56-meter silver cloud lies on the ground - they shave their whiskers along them, who, having shot Fyodor Konyukhov at the landing site, needs to release helium from the shell. A little more glory to that wine was wide in the sky, and now it has turned into a great glimmering lake, as if wine was not poured into the Australian wilderness. There were rivers of English firms "Cameron Ballons" flying over three continents and three oceans, seeing cyclones, turbulence and snow storms. The final episode of the more expensive one has been successfully completed. Landing went smoothly, the pilot practically did not suffer - sprats of underwear and synths should not be taken to respect.

11.11 The torment of the earth! Fedir Konyukhov landed in Australia on the backside of Morton. Navkolosvitnіy flight to the revisited couloir near the Earth ended.

10.18 Fedor Konyukhov's transfer hour to the finish line is 11-12.30 Moscow time. At the same time, the “group of pickups” on helicopters and cars following the tracked sack of “Morton” coalesced the Australian continent. Fedir Konyukhov has already overtaken the golden field of Northem township, the stars started on the 12th lime, and the record for the most recent windfall was also fixed. Ale, a 56-meter shoal still needs to be planted. After the vigoryannya paliva, that skidding the ballast of a 10-ton sack, it is important to carry here 3 tons, but all the same, the weight is serious. We hope that Fyodor Pilipovich's expedition will be completed so successfully, as it passed all 11 December and 6 years.

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Fyodor Konyukhov's cult has reached Australia. The world's largest air cooler "Morton" to come in for landing at the approach of Australia

08. 20 - Fedir Konyukhov breaking one of the world's records. It’s still a few years before landing at the sunset of Australia, but it was already clear that Fyodor Konyukhov needed less than an hour, less than 11 days and 8 years, for the most famous flight, and the front record holder, American Steve Fossett, was included.

8.00 - Povіtryana kulya rozpochala lowering

Chronicle of the famous flight

Australia - Tasman Sea - New Zealand - Pacific Ocean - Pivdenna America - Atlantic Ocean - Africa - Indian Ocean - Australia

Three... two... one... Angry! About pіv on the third night after the Moscow hour from the golden field of the Australian town of Northham, the 56-meter sack "Morton" violated the political. The first year, Fyodor Konyukhov was able to gain a height of 3000 meters and straighten his descent through the Australian continent. In Persh Dobu, the wind speed was 60 kilometers per year, the temperature overboard was 12

Fedir Konyukhov on the sidelines of "Morton" having turned over half of the Australian continent. Formerly, the pilot practiced with fingertips and accessories at the poitry - up to the top of the veins, he trained only on the ground. Watering at a low speed of 60 kilometers per year and at an altitude of 7000 meters. Behind the boat - minus 16 degrees Celsius, at the cabin - minus 7. First, Fedir Pilipovich, having had a bite of dry rations, rose porridge and vegetable broth by warm water. No good, garnii mood

Fedir Konyukhov and yoga class "Morton" defeated the first continent - Australia. “I am passing over the coastline of Australia, the height is 7200 meters, I am running ships on the roads. Now the earth will not be seen for a long time. In front of the Pacific Ocean! - writing Fedir Pilipovich at the pollut control center. Behind 3560 kilometers

The speed of the wind for the fourth quarter grew to 100 kilometers per year - if it gives Fedor Konyukhov the hope to set a world record, or if it doesn’t allow you to relax: it’s necessary to take the decision even more quickly. The right-hander lost New Zealand. Kulya Plive over the Pacific Ocean right off the bat Pivdenny America

The first 10 thousand kilometers have been passed! Nareshti kula "Morton" could increase the demand for speed - 240.5 kilometers per year. Fedir Konyukhov rush over the Pacific Ocean at an altitude of 7700 meters.

For a penny of profit, Fedir Konyukhov zoomed in to catch up with Steve Fossett's flight schedule. Ale here on the path of the pilot became the strongest cyclone - a cold front literally blocked the road. Fedir Konyukhov, having drunk the scoundrels in the epicenter: the snow crystals made the visibility worse, the temperature dropped sharply, and in front - the greatness buys gloom, like a smoke from the surface of the ocean, like a pipe. If you want to have a drink with them - you can just sip it. The pilot overcame the storm front over the tops of the cloud at an altitude of over 8.5 kilometers. The maneuver failed! The first time you spend it: by moving the valve to bleed the tight vice on the balloon with sour - the whole flight will be transferred to Konyukhov, which is overflowing, I will manually regulate it. One of the palnikovs went wrong. Ale vin rush to Pivdenny America!

Passed 15,400 kilometers - cull "Morton" over Pivdennaya America. Throw Andy and the top of Aconcagua, 6962 meters high, one of the most expensive tasks. The wind over the peaks creates the so-called “rotor” - a turning wind, deadly for the wounded wind. The only way out is to fly over the peaks. I Fedorov Konyukhov didn’t get away!

Fyodor Konyukhov climbed the country of that whole continent on the coolies of "Morton" in one day! The pilot flew over Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil in just 17 years. Speed ​​- 105 kilometers per year, altitude 7500 meters. Vin viyshov near the Atlantic Ocean. 20,000 km behind, heading for Africa!

Kulya "Morton" crossed the Zero Meridian over the Atlantic Ocean - speed over 200 kilometers per year, height - 7700 meters. And at night the pilot was taken to the epicenter of the most intense cyclone! Hail, turbulence hit the dome of the cooler... Sometimes the cooler goes uphill for 300-400 meters, the autopilot fails, then the cooler goes down sharply. The head of the office walks up to the sweatshirt! - Fedir Konyukhov said. The wind blowing out three fingers (blowed їх shіst). Through the frost - 44 degrees, the stench chilled and turned green, it happened to fly for three. In the Indian Ocean - the third in the world - kudi veyshla cool, having left behind Africa - the third continent - there is a rage

28,000 kilometers have been covered in the minds beyond the boundary of possibilities, behind two oceans and three continents! At a height of 10 kilometers and a speed of 200 kilometers per year, Fedir Konyukhov collapses to Australia. Bring Kul to the day: “The bee doesn’t work. Fit everything in another. I hold the satellite phone in my bosom - I play it, to call. I’m going to the edge of darkness, I can’t lower myself. Pull to Antarctica!” - having brought Fedir Konyukhov to the ground. “- I’m checking for the sound of the wind, so that I can start climbing to Australia”

Having seen the view of Antarctica, Fedir Konyukhov on the side of "Morton" veyshov on the finish line! The cyclone in the Indian Ocean passed at a record height of 10614 meters! In front of it is one test - a narrow 200-meter corridor between the Albanian town and the Lewis town, which needs to have a sack. Otherwise, you can go to Tasmania

Until the finish line 800 kilometers that kіlka year! Everyone who believes that Fedorov Konyukhov under the force of the first try to fly around the planet, triumph! The pilot of that yoga cool “Morton” mayzhe set a new light record! 33,699 kilometers left behind - finish in front!

On Saturday, the leading light newspapers appeared with heavy headlines: “The Russian breaking the light record of a single light-lighter on a winding cool”! The famous extreme sportsman, yachtsman, climber, priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, record holder, writer and artist (who wrote 3000 paintings!), Fedir Konyukhov completed his unapplied policy on 23 June 2016, once again inscribed his name in the Guinness Book of Records and History Guinness records. It is possible to welcome the mandriving man with the yogo cherdov for the sake of similannyam. "Russian Planet" guarantees: Fedir obov'yazkovo read your comments!

Someone who calls a Russian the greatest of mandrivniks that they live. The modest father Fedir is born with great titles, but the title is entirely deserved. Judge for yourself, if you want to rewrite the titles of Fyodor Pilipovich, you can take a couple of paragraphs: Honored Master of Sports of the SRSR for sports tourism, member of the Union of Artists of the SRSR, the Association of Writers in Russia and the Association of Journalists in Russia. Academician of the Russian Academy of Mythology. The first Russian citizen and one of 14 in the world, who won "The Explorers Grand Slam" (having topped the most peaks of all 7 continents and the poles). The world's first reach is the five poles of the Earth. Having set records in the categories "Sail alone across the Atlantic Ocean on a rowing boat", "Sail alone across the Pacific Ocean on a row boat", "Sail alone on a sailing yacht around Antarctica". Now the list reaches Fyodor, popovnivshis new rows.

Narazi batko Fedir knows: the idea of ​​​​record-breaking wine wines 23 years - from that moment, as the hour of his first root, Everest first felt about watering there on the winding cool. Surprisingly, the idea of ​​a non-stop round-the-world trip on a winding coupe fell on the mind of not only a Russian - at this moment, extreme swimmers (among them, for example, the eccentric billionaire Richard Branson) had already killed 29 of them, but three of them lost such a flight.
Swimming is not the safest sport. Accidents of aerostats occur regularly, beginning in 1785, when the sailor Pilatre de Rozier perished (before the speech, he himself, on the basis of the “Rozier” type, set his own record of Groomsmen). Tourists suffer the most in disasters, and professional-mandrivniki also perish. The expedition of Salomon Andre in 1897 is especially memorable. Then, when trying, they traveled on the crossroads to Russia, Canada, through the Pivnichny Pole, three Swedish mandrills knew of an accident, and then they perished, without reaching for help - maybe, they fought off the meat of a white bear.

The idea of ​​a round-the-clock trip on a lethal vehicle was easier to repeat, looking logical - it was broken up by the airships, but the airship stained at least the fire, which means less refueling at the road, otherwise it didn’t help. The German airship "Graf Zeppelin" made a successful round-the-world flight in 1929, and for this team it happened to make a few landings. A non-stop flight is a very serious weekend. First of all, the Swiss Bertrand Picard and the British Brian Jones were born in 1999, but try it for the third time. American millionaire Steve Fossett until now, having already done a lot of work, try to make a single trip around the world. Only a few of them, 2002, turned out to be successful. Fedir Konyukhov, in this rank, having become the fourth person on Earth, who flew around on a winding coop without landing, the other, as if she killed them one by one, and the first, who, having flown in the distance, flew from the first.

Preparing for the weaning
The giant 56-meter shoal "Morton", carved by Fyodor Konyukhov, landed on a beautiful green plain, near a farmer's wilderness near the Australian town of Bonnie Rock. Ale zovsіm not so buv yogo polit - Fedorov had a chance to overcome serious difficulties and in a right way to risk life.

Obviously, today the cult of victorious space technologies has been developed, which makes piloting much easier. Under the light, almond shell, there are a shard of containers filled with helium and hot winds - such a hybrid design is called “I’m sipping Rosie”, it helps to save money for gas burners. At the end of the carbon fiber gondola kuli, as it can serve as a raft at the time of emergency landing, the installation of a new set of daily navigation, meteorological and communication facilities. The flight is often controlled by automation - the building's autopilot adjusts the given height, using propane toes. The air traffic control center, which is in Australia, keeps in contact with the pilot, with air traffic controllers, who control the traffic on the highway, with meteorologists and with the pilot, giving him all the necessary information and providing relevant information. The best British company Cameron Balloons encouraged Konyukhov to showcase the Morton bag for Konyukhov. The weather forecast was given by the world's best Belgian meteorologists in collaboration with Professor Dikhinav. The management of the poll was taken care of by the best team in the world on the basis of Oscar Konyukhov, the son of the mandriving man.
Nareshti, Fedir often victorious, having already reconsidered the decision of Steve Fossett, he flew by the same route, having worked out of it by the meteorologist himself.
But everything doesn’t mean that Konyukhov’s water will be an easy walk, and Fyodor could sleep on the couches installed by the gondola, checking, while the command of that automation will bring it to the record. One can judge about the foldability of health by such a simple fact: by stretching the eleventh doby, Fedir slept only 2-4 years a day with short urivki! Adzhe povіtryana kulya - so, not an airship and sail a sailing ship. We can’t move that wind, we can’t walk on tacks and it’s less likely to fly there, where the wind is. To this, the round-the-world flight on the back of the country looks like this: work yoga - tidy up the forces of nature.

Fedir started on the 11th line from the airfield at the entrance of Australia. The cob of flooding of the floods was useless, the speed of repeated flows over the "Green Continent" was small, it was possible to lessen the ground for an hour and a half of the zone of active pollutants over Sydney and Melbourne, so as not to disturb the passenger flights. Over the Pacific Ocean, the Morton shovel rose to a height of about 8 km and rose to the maximum speed - a mark of 240 km / year was fixed! Immediately, Fedir ran into problems - he had a chance to fly through a snowy gloom, drink up to a zone of strong turbulence, throw empty propane balloons into the ocean, in an emergency order, nationalize the vise at the sour balloons, walk out of the gondola.

The Pacific Ocean was repaired in less than 92 years, and Pivdenna America - in 17, at his Fedor had a chance to rise to repair the great peaks of the Andes. Over the Atlantic, the sack drank into the epicenter of the cyclone. A hurricane wind blew out the half-light of three out of six palniks, and the stench of mittevo turned on the rooftops.
Part of the way that passed over the Indian Ocean was the best. Oginayuchi storm front, Fedorovі had a chance to rise to a height of 10,600 m and five from a tropical stream in the polar. Farther away, threatening the bi-pilot with great problems - we’ll grow weary, which, under the pressure and watering at great heights, can bring to caisson sickness. Adzhe Konyukhov flew by the leaky cockpit, to the view of the European mandriving, like a small supercharged gondola.
The temperature overboard dropped below -50 degrees and, to top it off, the cabin heating was broken. Fedir Konyukhov switched, for the best knowledge, "to the survival mode." The cooler, which rushed at the polar night on majestic swedishness, grimaced with ice, all the water froze near the cabin, the palnik did not start to draw the hedgehog, but the pilot, who fell from the bottom of the air, all one had to regularly get out of the cabin to regulate the cabin balloons and skids. In his bosom, Fedir put on one livid mask, while breathing through another, that satellite phone for calling the team. Fortunately, this stage was successfully repaired - Fedor was helped by a colossal experience of living in extreme minds that prayer.
The stop call for the mandriving man became landing. The cooler needed to pass at the vozka “Vikno” so as not to drink in the windy waters that carry yoga to Tasmania. Steve Fossett
Nareshti, after a short hour after the start of the meridian, after 11 days and 11 years from the moment of zloto, Konyukhov landed on a resurfaced shovel, which "lost" from 10 to 3 tons. Just don’t take a small garden to the point of respect, I’ll take it off when I’m on the ground, and the last step of it, Father Fedir, in the first order.
The team of that blue Fyodor flew in helicopters on the field of zustrіchі and could beat the mandriving majzhe as soon as they landed. Here are exclusive shots of the return of this family:

Kulya "Morton" will be transported to Russia and borrow its space in the exposition of a special museum, which will be the creations of the residential complex "Peter I", which will be the company "Morton" in Moscow. Father Fedir is also virushaya to Russia, so that he will not hesitate to announce about his new projects. Earlier, it was said that Konyukhov was planning to sink to the bottom of the Marianskaya trough with Artur Chilingarov, another famous Russian mandrill. We stezhitimemo for the rise in price of Fyodor Konyukhov and povodlyatimemo all naytsіkavіshe.

© Russian Planet. 2016.

Born 1951r.

Professional Russian mandrivnik, merited master of sports, yacht captain, alpinist, polar explorer, artist. Three trips to the Pivnichniy Pole, including one single trip, several yacht trips around the world, convergence on Everest, bike rides from Wrangel Bay to the banks of the Nevi and to Brest - the axis is beyond Konyukhov's main creative work. In total, there are over 50 different expeditions for yoga.

About the price of dreams from childhood. At 15 rokіv overflowing on the chovni of the Sea of ​​Azov, yogo іdealom Chichester buv - the seafarer is the same. I youma was spared in life: the child of the dream permeated all life, Konyukhov became a professional mandriving man. Professional, but we don’t cast. It is not necessary for you to be confused by the climbers, but by the same yachtsmen, as they respect people of other ranks and in two professions - people who are lower for themselves.

In youth, self-reliance (and Konyukhov, ring out, walk alone) disdained. With the fates of Marnoslavism, ambitions were often satisfied, creative passion came to change the craving for sports records (to painting and literature), which tarnishes the whole nature of a non-gaming people and does not let them fall into tightness and nostalgia in the middle of a vast ocean.

One of the more expensive ones is the root of the Kilimanjaro volcano, the highest point in Africa (5985 m), in 1997. Let's take a few days - even if the mountain is available, be it a trained person. Ale on the right was not in a sports shoes. "Dahs of Africa" ​​having become the devil's point in the program of raising the highest peaks of all continents. Behind Fyodor there are the most beautiful mountains: Everest, the Vinson massif in Antarctica, Aconcagua in Pivdenniy America, Elbrus (for example, in Europe, Mont Blanc can be left out), McKinley in Pivnichniy America. I, nareshti, for the completion of the program "Sim Peaks" - the root of the mountains of Jaya in Oceania.

“My dearest is the exercise to know not only nature, but also your soul,” Konyukhov said, turning around from the world-famous voyage on the Karaana yacht, built over 224 days 1990-1991. It was the first time in Russia for flawless solitary voyages. Vіn viyshov from the Australian Sydney and without stopping at the port of the most folded path between the roaring forties and crazy fifty from the call to the equator, rounding the earth sump. Konyukhov, who knew, like nothing, a riot of elements, who sounded all the time and the silent, and gurgling ocean, which, by will and wonder, more than once, having seen from the fragile cigts of nebuttya, having known at his own card: “Look at the card: to believe that you can climb into such a wilderness, near such an island of Easter, it is closer to people, lower I am at once on a small yacht. Everything is so trendy, that once the ocean rises and descends on us like a trail - and my soul rises to the heavens of light, and the body goes into the abyss of the waters forever. Under me, the depth is the day, above me, the height is the day. Where do you want to go? Where can you get lost in safety?

So the most dramatic boom and single root of the Pivdenny Pole in 1996. (before the speech, the most recent organization of the expedition). Mandrivnik after 1350 km of the ice hollow and 60 days the way went "five" of the Earth already under Orthodox Rіzdvo. Having installed on the Pivdenny Pole Russian ensign, for which, having been honored with the vital telegrams of the Russian President Ale, the polar explorers of the American station Amundsen-Scott still received the first, as they became evidence of this achievement. After that, Konyukhov, having become the only person on the planet, yak corroborated all the earth's poles - Pivnichny and Pvdenny - and the height pole - Everest. And also Miss Horn, having rounded, is a kind of record for sailors, the pole of ships. Tse yak is the prize of the Great Sholom for professional mandrivniki, sea and land. And there was one more root point at Konyukhov - the Pole of Inaccessibility - even far from the pine points of the mainland in the place near the Pivnichny Icy Ocean.

It's wonderful, ale Fedir to build up after a visceral ice campaign to the Pivdenny Pole, to finish it with a garne shape. Once harvested, the organism is already quickly mobilized before important trials, and it is easily inspired. Vіn not rushing to the possibility of flying from Antarctica, but continuing to follow the primary plan - I will reach the top of the continent (5140 m) - the Vinson massif. Ale navit until її podkornya vіn vvozhav yourself, scho for a long time zіyshov to the place of Antarctica. І navіt painted її at farbakh. And in one of the Moscow salons, he said so: First of all. Now it’s only left to go and marvel at her.” Axis so tsey unimaginable person- Fedir Konyukhov. Everything is simple for him: having thought, come, podkoriv ...

And in the order of the day - the devil's plan: zanurennya in the Marianskaya depression, dog sledding with eskimos from Greenland to Chukotka through the pivnіchny pole, the life of an unseen and gigantic yacht for rooting all world records, and also having a wealth of science ... Adzhe vin can no longer imagine his own expedition without ground science advice.

Fedir Konyukhov having set a new light record for a round-the-clock round-the-clock tour on the winding cool. Russian mandrivnik virushiv on the road 12 lime. I climbed into the sky on a winding backdrop from the Western Coast of Australia. Today's holidays, 23 limes, the Russians reached the coast of Australia after 11 days of the way. Minuly record set by the American Steve Fossett, it will take 13 days to fly. A wondrous person who hasn't set such records, hasn't set any children. This post has taken deeds of its reach:

1) Climbing to a height of 10 thousand 600 meters on a winding cooler

Climbing to a height of 10,000 600 meters per hour on a windy backdrop, Fedir Konyukhov, a mandriving man, broke a record, set by an American businessman, yachtsman, sailor Steve Fossett. Yogo, the maximum height of the sky became 10 thousand 200 meters.

2) The first Russian, to whom the program "Great Sholom" was entrusted

The first Russian, who was given the program "Great Sholom" to vikonate. Here, sometimes for twenty years on top of the gatherings, they climb importantly, not seeming already about the mountain peaks. Why don’t you enter the “Great Sholomy” just to see the program?

3) Vikonav program "7 Peaks of the World"

The first Russian, who was able to follow the program “7 Peaks of the World” - climbed to the highest peak of the skin continent.

Within the framework of this program, Fedir Konyukhov has worked out similarities:

4) Paddleboarding across the Atlantic Ocean

2002 Fedir Konyukhov, one by one, overcame the rock of the Atlantic Ocean. I changed my shoes on the rowing line "URALAZ", having set a light record - 3 yew. nautical miles for 46 dB.

5) Paddle across the Pacific

Russian mandriving Fedir Konyukhov in the spring of 2014, the fate of the reach of saving Australia. In this order, win zooms over one by one on a cheerful chandelier the Pacific Ocean without stopping at the port of that third-party help.

Konyukhov started on December 22, 2013 from the port of Concon (Chile) at 09:15 am for the Chilean hour, having finished on the string under the name "Turgoyak" over 17 thousand. km and finish near the town of Moululaba (Queensland) about 13:13 after the shift. saving Australia. "Turgoyak" has a length of 9 meters, a width of 1.8 meters; Your own wine is more expensive for 160 days.

6) First history of Russia, solo circumnavigation of the world non-stop

Created the first history of Russia, single-handedly circumnavigating the world non-stop. On the yacht "Karaana" the owner of 36 pounds of wine passed the route Sydney - Mies Horn - Equator - Sydney. It took him 224 days to complete. The round trip of Konyukhov began in the autumn of 1990, and ended in the spring of 1991.

7) Solitary trip on the slopes to the Pivnichny Pole

1990 - the first solo trip in the history of Russia on the slopes to the Pivnichny Pole. Starting from Misu Lokot, Seredniy island, 3rd birch. Dosyag Pole 8 May 1990 roku. An hour at the door is 72 days.

8) Solitary trip to the Pivdenny Pole

1995-1996 - the first in the history of Russia, a solo trip to the Pivden Pole with an offensive descent to the highest point of Antarctica - the Vinson massif (5140 m). Starting from Hercules Bay 8 leaf fall 1995 - reached the Pivdenny Pole on September 6, 1996. Reaching the Pivdenny Pole in 64 days, one by one, autonomously.

9) Peretin Greenland by dog ​​sled

The record for setting up in 2007 was the crossing of Greenland on dog sleds from the escape shore (Isortok settlement) through the ice dome, to the west coast (Illulishat settlement), the Polar Col. A record was set for crossing Greenland on this route - 15 dib and 22 years.

10) Light record for trivality

In September 2016 - together with his partner Ivan Menyail, setting a light record for flying on a thermal balloon with a volume of 3950 cubic meters - 32 years 20 minutes.

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