Russian mandriving Fedir konyuhiv. Biography of Fedor Konyukhov. Russian mandrivnik and artist. The cob of forwarding activity

Fedir Konyukhov is the first “professional mandriving man” among the SRSR and Russia, a captain of a distant navigation, a pilot of a free balloon, a dog sled ride, a climber, a writer and a priest of the UOC-MP. The middle of Konyukhov's reach is five famous expeditions, 17 repetitions Atlantic Ocean on display yachts and once - on a merry chute.

Fedir Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951 near the village of Chkalov, Zaporizhia region. The childhood of the future mandriving passed along the birches of the Sea of ​​Azov. Batko Pilip Mikhailovich often went to the sea for fish, taking son from him. Did Mikhailo often shared his knowledge, as if he had learned from the famous Russian polar explorer. Behind him, Mikhail had a chance to serve in one garrison of the tsarist army. Polar explorer flooding Konyukhov with vlasny native cross so that I got to the hired friend of mine. This cross was passed on to Fedorov.

Even then, the lad turned up to be more expensive, if Fedir stood at the helm of the Batkiv ship and looked into the distance. At 15 rokіv the young man rizikniv zdіysniti pershu more expensive and reflowing the Sea of ​​Azov in chovni on oars. Truth is, before which Fedor had a chance to actively engage in paddling, master swimming in the glass.

As if it were a pidlіtok, Fedіr іz pleased with football. Like a strong lad, Konyukhov often slept on sinuvals, and also drunkenly read the useful novels of Jules Verne and other authors. Until the end of school, the young man realized what he wanted to do with life from the sea.

Fedir joined the Odessa navigator and took off the specialty of ship mechanics. They were trained at the polar school in Leningrad as a navigator-navigator, serving in the Baltic Fleet. For two years, Fedir Konyukhov served as a sailor to the special court with the V'etnami, who delivered ammunition to the V'etkongivtsy. For an hour of service, having also visited Nicaragua and El Salvador. After returning to the fatherland, the Konyukhovs do not leave the apprenticeship that takes away the specialty of a cut-incruster at the specialized school of the Belarusian city of Bobruisk.

On the road

The first serious expedition took place in 1977, when a young person took the road near the Pacific Ocean and repeated the route. After the first expeditions went to Kamchatka, Sakhalin.

Fedіr Konyukhov having set a new meta - pіdkoriti Pіvnіchny pole one by one.

Preparing for the expedition of grooms in Chukotsk, having mastered the ride in dog sleds, learning how to be a hutni from the ice, developing other skills for the extreme price - for a reason there was a lot of rock. On the back of the head, the Grooms made a training trip to the Pole of Visibility of Inaccessibility. Mandrivnik made his own task, that he broke on the licks at the hour of the polar night.

Then Fedir visited Canada, on Baffin’s land and at the Pivnichny pole at the warehouse of the Radian-Canadian group on the island of Volodymyr Chukovym. In 1990, a group of grooms were on the licks, with an important backpack and harness, breaking on the road, and after 72 days they reached the Pivnichny Pole. Overcoming the road flasks and hummocks, Fedir the ice did not die under the hour of zіtknennya krizhins. Grooms became a pershoprokhіdnik at a single road trip there. In 1995, Fedir Konyukhov rose to the Pivdenny Pole, and 59 days later, over the extreme point of Pivdenny, he was already Major Ensign of Russia.

The biography of the mandriva had other routes. Fedir became the first Russian, a kind of victorious program of the "Great Sholom", tobto supported the Pivnichny, Pivdenny Pole and Everest. Earlier, in 1992, the rock climbed Mount Everest, in 1996, the rock climbed Mount Aconcagua, and in 1997, the rock climbed the Kilimanjaro volcano.

Seredi Expected, the Yakiki fate Fedir Konyukhov-Radyanco-American bicycle srsr ZHSRIKA-Moscow-Lenindhrad 1989 Roku, Rosіysko-Australіyska Ralі on the School of Zidnodka-Moscow 1991 Rocki, the route of the great shovki gateway in 2002 iz in 2002 land expeditions, repeating the paths of the famous survivors of the taiga.

For his life Konyukhov zdіysniv 40 maritime expeditions. Not everything went smoothly for an hour of such mandrіvok. Cream of problems created by the natural elements, Fedir Konyukhov otrimuvav unacceptable surprises in the sight of people. Under the hour of one voyage Grooms had a tropical infection and zupinitis zupinitsya on the Philippines. Mіstsevі pіrati hurried over the marvelous parking lot of Konyukhov's yacht and screamed її. After dressing up, in order to know the ship in the sea latitudes, Fedir built a pink yacht and overtook his own.

At Lipny 2016, Fedir Konyukhov set a new record for povitryany kuli for 11 days. The Russian Mandrivnik outperformed the leading record holder Steve Fossett by 2 days.

Under an hour more expensive Fedir Konyukhov is engaged in long-term work and creativity: write pictures and books. Having made 3,000 canvases with a swagger, having seen twenty books. In his creations “My Roads Up”, “Under the Bright-Red Vitrilas”, “Alone with the Ocean”, “As I Became a Mandrill”, Fedir Konyukhov shares life's good fortune, podiyas from the road. Є author and historical practice: “Krimskaya war. Defense of Sevastopol", "Oleksandr Vasilyovich Suvorov", "Yak Admiral Ushakov, Black sea Russian robiv". In the books “My Way to the Truth”, “The Power of Viri. 160 Days and Nights Alone by the Pacific Ocean”, “Ocean is my abode” Grooms visvetly nurture. Reader mandrivnik know with his own hands from the sides of the official site, also publishing photographs of wet canvases.

Fedir Konyukhov is a member of the Association of Journalists, the Association of Artists and Sculptors, the Association of Writers in Russia. Konyukhov, having embellished the appearance of the Tao De Ching book with his little ones, seems to respect for himself a different version of the Bible.

Okrim main life, an important side of the biography for Fedor was the service of the Orthodox Church. The rank of subdeacon Konyukhov, having taken a holy rank in 2010, is the patron saint of those who rise in price and seafarers. Finished in Pivnichniy capital the spiritual seminary, Konyukhov, violating his service to Zaporizhzhya, not depriving him of sea, land, and more expensive ones.

Life Specialist

Fedіr Konyukhov bov dvіchi odruzheny. The first team of Lyubov gave Fedor two children - Oscar's son (born in 1975) and Donka Tetyan (born in 1978). Later, the woman moved to the USA, where she settled at once with her daughter. The senior son of Konyukhov is very proud of the All-Russian Sailing Federation.

A friend of the team of the famous mandrivnik is a professor, doctor of legal sciences, an expert in international law Irina Anatoliivna. To know the future made friends with 1995 roci. Irina at that hour was also separated from each other, she wove two blues. Fedir honestly got ahead of the girl about his slaughter, but it didn’t hurt Irina. For the sake of the kokhan, Irina Anatoliivna was inspired to work in the UN and the European Parliament.

Often the squad itself would break at once from a man on the road. 2004 rock, crossing the Atlantic, the ship, where Fedir and Irina knew, was consumed by a strong storm. As soon as they returned home, the Konyukhovs called the chapel of Mykoli the Wonderworker, the chapel of the Moscow creative master Fyodor. For a long time, the parish had no sleepy child, but in 2005, the birth of the son Mikola was born.

At the same time, Fedir Konyukhov is a happy child, who has four onukivs - Philip, Arkady, Iten, Blake and two onuks - Polina and Kate, but I don’t care about you to take care of your beloved right.

Mandrivnik, artist, writer, cyclist, climber, seafarer - all about Konyukhov. Since 1998, the seafarer has shared his knowledge of the young successors and the head of the laboratory of remote training. At the laboratory, they teach young mandriving technicians to survive in folding minds.

Fedir Konyukhov at once

Fedir Konyukhov continues breaking records. The only thing left for the mandriving man was to swim on a balloon. In 2017, Fedir's roci was tested for 55 years for 10 minutes of a non-stop hour. The previous record of 50 years was 38 hvilin laid down by the Japanese pilots Michio Kanda and Hirazuki Takezawa, who set yoga in 1997.

On tsomu the non-tomny mandrіvnik should not be snarled. For summer rafting along the Konyukhiv rivers, having already chosen a place at the Sheregesh resort in the Kemerovo region, I managed to visit the spring of 2018 at the same time.


  • 1996 - Honorary resident of the city of Nakhodka
  • 1988 - Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • 2014 - Gold medal named after M. M. Miklukho-Maklai of the Russian Geographical Association
  • 2015 - Prize of Friendship of Peoples "Bili Cranes of Russia" and a one-time order
  • 2017 - Order of the Poshani


  • The first of the people of the world, as it reached five poles of the Earth: Pivnichny and Pivdenny geographic, Pole of visual inaccessibility near the Pivnichny Icy Ocean, altitude poles - Chomolungma, poles of yachtsmen - Mies Horn
  • The first Russian, to whom the program "Great Sholom" (Pivnichniy Pole, Pivdenniy Pole, Ms. Gorn, Chomolungma) was sent away.
  • Having crossed one Atlantic Ocean on a rowing chute with a light record of 46 dB 4 years.
  • Throwing one by one the Pacific Ocean on a rowing chute with a light record at 159 deb 14 years 45 hvilin.

Today on the territory of Australia about 16:11 after the month of the month (about 11:11 outside Moscow) the "Morton" sack of the Russian mandrivnik Fyodor Konyukhov landed after the navkolosvitny polot. Konyukhov reached 35 thousand kilometers, flew over three oceans and three continents, and set some world records. Zagalom has risen in price for 11 days and 6 years.

The previous record for trivality is more expensive on a repeating cooler, lying to Steve Fossett, which in 2002 rounded the Earth in 13 days and 8 years. Another record of Konyukhov's hits from a distance of a circular route: the Russian mandriving man made 1,000 kilometers more, and at the same time he made his own single flight and found it near the world. Moreover, at the front of Fossett, Konyukhov, having started for the first time, just like that, the leader needed six samples.

Another record Konyukhov set the day before, 21 limes, if he passed a cyclone. For whom did you happen to rise at a record 10,600 meters above the ground. The previous record also lies with Fossett, which is the reach of a height of 10,200 meters.

Fedir Konyukhov on his backside

In the middle of the hour, Fyodor Konyukhov had a chance to overcome a lot of hardships. More than once, the technique went out of tune: 17 lime near the zone of strong turbulence, the valve for venting the excess vise in the helium balloon; 20 lime after the passage of a cyclone with hail and a strong wind warmed three palniks; 21 lime trees in the zone of the low grip of the cult began to drift to the Pivdenny Pole. Fortunately, all the crossings of the mandrivnikovs were far off podolat - rich in why the hesitations of the six-fold preparation before the fall.

At the end of the journey, Grooms feel good, at the new one’s sadden in disguise, which winkled through those that Fedir did not manage to crouch before landing.

There is a great number of extreme voyages, special records and regalia on Fedor Konyukhov's rahunka. Writer, artist, pilot of a free balloon, yacht captain, archpriest of Russia Orthodox Church the Moscow Patriarchate, a member of the Russian Geographical Partnership - all of them, that same person.

Grooms have been on all continents and both poles, near the most accessible corners of the Earth; zdіysniv first history of Russia single-handedly sailing around the world on a yacht without teeth. Having crossed the Atlantic 15 times on glass yachts and one by one, on a merry chute, having set a light record - 46 dB and 4 years. Less than an hour - and she was 159 days old and 14 years old - Konyukhov needed to go through the Pacific Ocean one by one on a rowing 9-meter line, and more expensively brought him a light record. Having installed one more Konyukhov in the sky - for the trivality of the flight on a thermal balloon with a total of 3950 cubic meters - 32 years 20 hvilin.

The biography of Fyodor Konyukhov is the history of the life of a unique and uniquely gifted person. Most of the people know him as a double and non-tongued mandrill, who pierced the naive mountain peaks and overflowed the ocean. However, the distant expeditions are not the only one to be buried. At the right time Konyukhov draws pictures and writes books. In addition, he was a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP).


Fedir Konyukhov was born in 1951 in the Ukrainian village of Chkalov (Priazovsky district of the Zaporizka region). Yogo dads were simple villagers. Mother Maria Efremovna was born in Bessarabia. She devoted her life to the birth of children (the Crimea of ​​Fedor, 2 blue and 2 daughters grew in the homeland of the Konyukhovs). Batko, Pilip Mikhailovich, used to be a fisherman, his ancestors lived in the Arkhangelsk region. Under the Great Hour Vytchiznyanoi war vin deyshov at the same time radyansky vіyskami to Budapest. Konyukhov Sr., catching fish in the Sea of ​​Azov, often took little Fyodor with him. Sinovі befitted ribality at once from the father. The lad, with great satisfaction, helped Pilip Mikhailovich to win the fishermen's city and win another hand. Already at that hour began to beckon more expensive Konyukhov. Peresbuvayuschie in the ribalsky chovnі near the open sea, vіn often wondered at the distant briar and dream to reach the protilezhny shore.

Persha sea is more expensive

Fedir Konyukhov zapovіtnu dityachu mrіyu Fedir Konyukhov zdіysniv zdіysniv 15-river vіtsі, independently spilled on the batkіvskiy ribalskiy channel of the Sea of ​​Azov. Before his first expedition, the fledglings were preparing for many years, starting to sail, sailing and sailing under the glass. Let's get more expensive, young Konyukhov, seriously hooting at the paintings, athletics and football. And he also loves to read. Jules Verne, Ivan Goncharov and Kostyantin Stanyukovich, beloved writers. The Russian naval commander Fedir Ushakov became the idol of a simple peasant boy. Reading the biography of this great person, Fedir dreamed to repeat his share to the future.

Education, army service

In the older classes, Fedir firmly knew what to dedicate his life to the sea. After graduating from school near the native village, joining the Odessa Nautical School, de-emphasizing the specialty of ship navigation. They were given a job as a navigator-navigator at the Leningrad Arctic School. After the end of the year, Konyukhov was called up to the army. Having passed the term service of the wines on the Baltic Fleet, it was taken to the special prison, which was recognized for the departure to V'etnam. Arriving to Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Asia, Fedir spent 2.5 years serving as a sailor on a boat, which was used as ammunition for the Vietnamese partisans. After the demobility, Konyukhov Fedir Pilipovich started working as a carpenter-incruster at the Bobruisk vocational school No. 15 (Belarus).

The cob of forwarding activity

His first seriousness was more expensive Konyukhov zdіysniv at the 26th river, exactly repeating the route near the Pacific Ocean, as if following the hour of his Kamchatka expeditions. Magnificent was the sight of Fedir, having sailed on a glass yacht. Vіn vіdmovivsya іnіd comfort іt repeatedly risked zhittyami, prote nebezpeki yogo did not lak. The old mandrіvnik vyrіshiv zdіysniti passed from the same minds, scho and yogo Bering, who fought the ocean expanses in the first half of the 18th century. Konyukhov was able to independently reach the shores of Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Under the hour of these expeditions to you, as soon as they became in good fortune, the knowledge of that newcomer, as if to you, was given to Odessa by the Naval School. And stay with the important ones natural minds vіn zmіg zavdjaki unrestricted faith with God.

Pidkorennya Pivnochi

From the children of Fedir Konyukhov, vinous the dream of independently reaching the Pivnichny Pole. To prepare for the next expedition, the wines of the spring of the rokiv. I spent a lot of time in Chukotsk, surviving in extreme minds, mastering the secrets of dog sledding and mastering the science of building krizhan huts. Until that moment, how to get one by one more expensive to the Pivnichniy Pole, Konyukhov once had a chance to visit the warehouse of group expeditions.

Self-supporting root Pivnochi began in 1990. On the expedition, Fedir, lying on the licks, carrying a large backpack on his back and pulling sleds with food products and orders. The journey was not easy. During the day, Konyukhov had to pay an impersonal shift, and at night he simply slept on the ice, hovering in the midst of the savory Arctic winds at the outline of a sleeping bag. If only 200 km were lost to the end of the route, the Russian mandrivnik drank near the ice-growing zone and didn’t die a little. Surviving miraculously, in 72 days after the ear of the campaign reached the sacred mark and becoming the first person in history, who was far away to support the Pivnichny Pole without help.

Expedition to Antarctica

In 1995 Fedir Pilipovich zdіysniv solitude dearer than Antarctica. Pivdenny Pole Vіn reach on the 59th day of the expedition, urochisto having set the ensign for the route Russian Federation. The biography of Fyodor Konyukhov is to note that the hour of the expedition in the provinces of impersonal important achievements is how the radiation field of the air continent is mitigated and that the human body is known to the minds of extreme weather minds and mischief. On the basis of the conducted investigations and the examination of the wines, having created a kіlka by the year science practices, yakі zrobili unestimated deposit at the vineyard of Antarctica.

Roots of the largest mountain peaks

In 1992 Grooms at the borders of the implementation of the program "7 Peaks of the World" having single-handedly climbed Elbrus - a mountain that is the most important point in Europe. A few months later, together with the Russian climber Yevgen Vinogradsky, I will find the mountain peak of Asia and the world - Everest. At the beginning of 1996, the year of the expedition to the Pivdenny Pole, Fedir Pilipovich, made a descent to the highest point of Antarctica - the Wilson massif. Hanging on this rock, the mandriving climbed on Aconcagua - I will find the mountain of Pivdennoy America. In 1997 in one of the nastiest points of Australia and Africa - Kostsyushko Peak and the same rock Konyukhov completes the program of heroic descent to Mount McKinley in Pivnichniy America. On the rest of the peak, in the distance, the mandrill climbed in the company of the climber Volodymyr Yanochkin. After the birth of McKinley, Konyukhov became the first person from the SND, who was able to successfully win the program "7 Peaks of the World". In 2012 Fedir Pilipovich at once from a group Russian athletes zdіysnyuє re-descent to Everest, consecrated on the 30th day of the rooting of the mountain peak by Radyansk climbers.

Rise by dry land

The biography of Fyodor Konyukhov could not be done without three trips overland expeditions. In 1985 Vіn zdіysniv pіshiy pokhіd route, laid by the Russian mandrill Volodymyr Arseniev and yoga guide Dersu Uzala. In 1989, the fate of Konyukhov's initiatives was a bike ride Znahidka - Moscow - Leningrad, from which athletes from the USSR took the same fate. One of the participants in the bike ride was the young brother of Fyodor Pilipovich Pavlo. After 2 years, the mandrinnik organized a Radian-Australian trial on the back of the country, which rose at the Znahіdtsі and ended at the Russian capital. Have 2002 r. Groomsmen christened the first caravan expedition in the history of our country along the route of the Great Shovkovy Way. Vaughn passed through the empty territories of Kalmiki, Dagestan, Stavropol Territory, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. Another stage of the expedition, which took place in 2009, traversed the path from Kalmiki to Mongolia.


The roots of the Pivnichny and the Pivdenny poles, the convergence on the naivish mountain peaks of the world and the rest of the hike - a whole insignificant part of the more expensive Konyukhov. Fyodor Pilipovich's main passion for childishness is the sea, and he saved it for the sake of prolonging his life. Zaporizhka region has the right to write to its famous fellow countryman, even if there are more than dozens of sea expeditions and 5 more expensive ones. Win 17 times alone overflowing the Atlantic Ocean. Under an hour of one of these sailings, having set an absolute light record, having completed the necessary amount of time on a string in 46 days. Another record of Konyukhov was recorded in an hour crossing the Pacific Ocean. To make a route from Chile to Australia, the Russian mandriving took 159 days and 14 years.

The sea expeditions of Fyodor Konyukhov ran smoothly. Under an hour, one of them, the mandrill seriously fell ill and drank to the Philippine liquor. While rejoicing in the wine, the pirates stole the ship and hid it on the dry island. After dressing the grooms, breaking on the order of a stolen car. To turn yoga, win the turmoil of the boat, steal it from their own false boats and reach them to the water vessel. Tsya unacceptable good luck ended for the mandriving man, which allowed him to successfully complete his expedition around the Earth.

Creativity activity

Konyukhov is no less of a mandriva, that and a talented artist. Under the hour of his expedition, he painted over three thousand paintings. The artist's creativity has not gone unmarked. Yogo robots were repeatedly demonstrated at Russian and international exhibitions. In 1983 vin becoming the youngest member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Later, yoga was accepted to the Moscow Union of Artists and Sculptors, and was awarded the title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Mystics.

The biography of Fyodor Konyukhov will be inaccurate, otherwise you will guess about his literary activity. Mandrivnik is the author of 9 books, which explain about yoga fit for the hour of the expedition and the ways to overcome difficulties in extreme minds. Let's look at literature for grown-ups, Grooms see children's books. Enter up to the Spilka of Writers in Russia.

Father Fedir

Under an hour more expensive Grooms often risk life and bov a hair's breadth in front of death. Knowing at the open ocean or at the top of the mountain, in important situations, the wines could be saved only for the help of the Almighty. Having become a religious person with a mature person, Fedir Pilipovich virishiv dedicate the decision of life to service to God. So at the yogi dolі vinikla of St. Petersburg spiritual seminary, in yakіy vіn navchavsya the priest. May 22, 2010 at Zaporizhzha Konyukhov, having accepted the rank of subdeacon from the hands of Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Volodymyr. On the coming day, Bishop of Zaporizhia and Melitopolsky Josip will be hung at the deacon. In breasts 2010 Fyodor Pilipovich was called to the priesthood of the UOC-MP. The place of the yogo service is the native Zaporizhka region. Having become a priest, Father Fedir Konyukhov began to spend less time on expeditions, but did not take part in them.

Druzhina, children and onuki

Fedir Pilipovich of friendship with Doctor of Law Sciences Irina Anatolyivna Konyukhova. He has three grown children (daughter Tetyana, blue Oscar and Mykola) and six children (Philip, Arkady, Polina, Blake, Iten, Kate). From the comfort of the mandriving man, we made it famous for his son Oscar Konyukhov, who consecrated his life. Vіn go to the expedition swimming and carry out projects, in which I take the fate of Yogo Batko. From 2008 to 2012, Oscar rocked the landing of the former director of the Sailing Federation of Russia. At the son of Fyodor Pilipovich, there is a promise to make a circumnavigation of the world without teeth in 80 days. The expedition needs great material contributions, and so it remains in the plans for the time being.

Preparing for the povtryanoї kuli

For those who have received religious rank, Fyodor Pilipovich's good fortune has subsided, but not yet. Not long ago, I swung at a new light record, scoring one by one to fly around the Earth on a winding backdrop. The length of the route will be 35 thousand kilometers. Fyodor Konyukhov's cooler is called "Morton", they can fly to Australia and land there. The start of the plans for the 2nd day of 2016 was rescheduled, but through a strong wind and turmoil, they were rescheduled until the weather was full of minds. Until his dearest dear, the priest prepared himself over the river. Yogo povіtryana kula bula was awakened in England. Meteorological equipment was delivered to the new one from Belgium, palniki from Italy, and an autopilot from Holland. Nearly five hundred people from 10 countries of the world took part in preparing the project.

Batko Fedir plans not only to fly around the planet, but also to beat the light record of the American mandriving-extreme fan Steve Fossett, who was the first in the history of mankind to fly one by one around the Earth on a windy backdrop. The entire flight of Konyukhov is broadcast online, and you can watch for him.

Born 1951r.

Professional Russian mandrivnik, merited master of sports, yacht captain, alpinist, polar explorer, artist. Three trips to the Pivnichniy Pole, including one single trip, several yacht trips around the world, convergence on Everest, bike rides from Wrangel Bay to the banks of the Nevi and to Brest - the axis is beyond the main creative reach of Konyukhov. In total, there are over 50 different expeditions for yoga.

About the price of dreams from childhood. At 15 rokіv overflowing on the chovni of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, yogo іdealom Chichester buv - the seafarer is the same. I youma was spared in life: the child of the dream permeated all life, Konyukhov became a professional mandriving man. Professional, but we don’t cast. It is not necessary for me to intrigue the climbers, but the quiet yachtsmen, like to respect people of other ranks and in two professions - people lower for themselves.

In youth, self-reliance (and Konyukhov, ring out, walk alone) disdained. With the fates of Marnoslavism, ambitions were often satisfied, creative passion came to change the craving for sports records (to painting and literature), which tarnishes the whole nature of a non-gaming people and does not let them fall into tightness and nostalgia in the middle of a vast ocean.

One of the more expensive ones is the root of the Kilimanjaro volcano, the highest point in Africa (5985 m), in 1997. Let's take a few days - even if the mountain is available, be it a trained person. Ale on the right was not in a sports shoes. "Dahs of Africa" ​​having become the devil's point in the program of raising the highest peaks of all continents. Behind Fyodor there are the most beautiful mountains: Everest, the Vinson massif in Antarctica, Aconcagua in Pivdenniy America, Elbrus (for example, in Europe, Mont Blanc can be left out), McKinley in Pivnichniy America. I, nareshti, for the completion of the program "Sim peaks" - the root of the mountains of Jaya in Oceania.

“My dearest is the exercise to know not only nature, but also your soul,” Konyukhov said, turning around from the world-famous voyage on the Karaana yacht, built over 224 days 1990-1991. It was the first time in Russia for flawless solitary voyages. Vіn viyshov from Australian Sydney and without stopping at the port of the most folded path between the roaring forties and crazy fifties from the equator, rounding the earth sump. Konyukhov, who knew, like nothing, a riot of the elements, who sounded high-on-high and the silent, and gurgling ocean, which, by will and marvel, more than once, having seen from the fragile cigts of nebuttya, knowing the map of his lover: “Look at the card: to believe that you can climb into such a wilderness, near such an island of Easter, it is closer to people, lower I am at once on a small yacht. Everything is so trendy, that once the ocean rises and descends on us like a trail - and my soul rises to the heavens of light, and the body goes into the abyss of the waters forever. Under me, the depth is the day, above me, the height is the day. Where do you want to go? Where can you get lost in safety?

So the most dramatic boom and single root of the Pivdenny Pole in 1996. (before the speech, the most recent organization of the expedition). Mandrivnik after 1350 km of the ice hollow and 60 days the way went "five" of the Earth already under Orthodox Rіzdvo. Having installed on the Pivdenny Pole Russian ensign, for which, having been honored with the vital telegrams of the Russian President Ale, the polar explorers of the American station Amundsen-Scott still received the first, as they became evidence of this achievement. After that, Konyukhov, having become the only person on the planet, yak corroborated all the earth's poles - Pivnichny and Pvdenny - and the height pole - Everest. And also Miss Horn, having rounded, is a kind of record for sailors, the pole of ships. Tse yak is the prize of the Great Sholom for professional mandrivniki, sea and land. And there was one more root point at Konyukhov - the Pole of Inaccessibility - even far from the pine points of the mainland in the place near the Pivnichny Icy Ocean.

It's wonderful, ale Fedir to build up after a visceral ice campaign to the Pivdenny Pole, to finish it with a garne form. Once harvested, the organism is already quickly mobilized before important trials, and it is easily inspired. Vіn not rushing to the possibility of a flight from Antarctica, but continuing to follow the primary plan - to reach the top of the continent (5140 m) - the Vinson massif. Ale navit until її podkornya vіn vvozhav yourself, scho for a long time zіyshov to the place of Antarctica. І navіt painted її at farbakh. And in one of the Moscow salons, he said so: First of all. Now it’s only left to go and marvel at her.” Axis so tsey unimaginable person- Fedir Konyukhov. Everything is simple for him: having thought, come, podkoriv ...

And in the order of the day - the devil's plan: zanurennya in the Mariansk depression, dog sledding with eskimos from Greenland to Chukotka through the pivnіchny pole, arranging an incredible and gigantic yacht to root all world records, and also with rich scientific equipment on the image of "Kallіp" ... Adzhe vin can no longer imagine his own expedition without ground science advice.

Stop updated: 02/07/2017

At vvtorok, 7 fierce, about 09:03 Moscow time, Russian mandrivnik Fedir Konyukhovі master of sports in swimming Ivan Menyailo, on board a thermal aerostat, they took off from the Pivdenniy airfield, Ribinsk place (Yaroslavl region). The task of pilots is to set an absolute light record for flying on a thermal balloon and flying around the age of 51.

The current light record of trivality on a thermal balloon - 50 years 38 hvilin - was set by the Japanese Pilot Michio Kanda and Hirazuki Takezawa 1 fierce 1997 rock. The crew of the zletіv from Canada landed to the USA.

For the successful establishment of a new light record for a non-stop flight to Konyukhov and Menyailo, it is necessary to break the line of cordons broken by foreign powers - you can see a fallow in a straight line in the wind of a cool near the banks of Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania. In which time the pilots happen to go for a landing. In addition, it may happen that the aerostat will intrude into the expanse of Moscow, and also at times of heavy snowfall. direct the biography of Fyodor Konyukhov.

Fedir Konyukhov. Photo: AiF / photo by Evgen Talipov


Fedir Pilipovich Konyukhov is a Russian clerk, writer, artist, pilot of a free balloon, archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Born on December 12, 1951 on the birch of the Sea of ​​Azov, the village of Chkalov (Troitska), Pryazovsky district, Zaporizka region, Ukraine. Batko Pilip Mikhailovich mothers Maria Efremivna, a native of Bessarabia.

Graduate student of the Odessa Nautical School for the specialty of a shipbuilder. Graduate student of the Bobruisk Art School (Belarus). Graduate student of the Leningrad Arctic School for the specialty "ship mechanic".

From 1974 to 1995 he lived near the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai. Honorable sack of Nakhodka (Primorsky Territory). From 1995 to this day she lives in Moscow.

In 1983, the number of acceptances to the Union of Artists of the SRSR. Since 1996 a member of the Moscow Union of Artists (MSG), section "Graphics", since 2001 also formed in the section of the MSG "Sculpture".

Pilot of a free balloon. Captain of a distant navigation. Yacht captain.

From 1998 to the present day - head of the laboratory of remote training in extreme minds (LDOEU) at the Modern Humanitarian Academy, Moscow.

May 23, 2010, on the day of the Holy Trinity, hangings on the deacon. December 19, 2010, at the day of St. Mykoli the Wonderworker, hanging to the priesthood in his small Batkivshchyna at the Holy Mikilsky Church in Zaporizhzhia. Hanging bow Bishop of Zaporizhia and Melitopol Yosyp (Maslennikov).

Rightful member of the Russian Geographical Association.


Having visited the coming poles:

· The first Russian, to whom the program "Great Sholom" (Pivnichniy Pole, Pivdenniy Pole, Ms. Gorn, Everest) came to vikonate.

· The first among the SNDs, having completed the program “Sim of the Tops of the World”, having climbed the peaks of all continents (the mountains of Asia - Everest, Europe - Elbrus).

· Fifteen times crossing the Atlantic on glass yachts.

· Throwing one by one the Atlantic Ocean on the rowing rope "Uralaz" with a light record of 46 dB 4 years (in the category "autonomous").

· First history of Russia solo circumnavigation on yachts without teeth (1990-1991).

· The record holder of the Antarctica Cup Race Track around Antarctica in the single yachtsman class.

· Throwing one by one the Pacific Ocean on the rowing line K9 (Konyuhiv 9 meters - dozhina chovna) with a light record of 159 deb 14 years 45 hvilin.

· Having set a light record for flying on a thermal balloon with a volume of 3950 m - 32 years and 20 hours.

· On June 23, 2016, Konyukhov completed a solo non-stop flight on the right side of the Earth. The last flight took 11 days, the sailor reached nearly 34.7 thousand kilometers and set a new light speed record by himself. Until then, only two girls were more expensive for such a foldable navkolosvetnya. 1999 swiss swiss Bertrand Picard that English Brian Jones flew 40 thousand kilometers from Switzerland to Egypt in 19 days, 21 years and 55 years and American Steve Fossett in 2002 rotated around the world in 13 days, 8 years and 33 years. Konyukhov, like and Fossett, having rounded the earth's sump, having started and finished off Australia, but having robbed the wines richly swedish.

Family camp:

Friends on Іrinі Anatolіїvnі Konyuhova. Three children: blue Oscarі Mykola, daughter Tetyana. Onuki: Philip, Polina, Arkady, Kate, Iten and Blake.


Reward that rank:

Honored Master of Sports.

Member of the Conference of Writers of the Russian Federation. Awarded with the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the SRSR for the transarctic expedition "SRSR - Pivnichny Pole - Canada" (1988).

Awarded "for diyalnist, scho priyaє prosvetannyu Chelyabinsk region, promoting її authority in the Russian Federation and beyond the cordon" with the highest award - the badge "For services to the Chelyabinsk region."

Awarded with a gold medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Awarded with the UNEP "GLOBAL 500" prize for contribution from the defense dovkilla. Entry to the encyclopedia "CHRONICLE OF HUMANITY".

Awarded with the Order of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Great Martyr George the Victory of the 1st degree for teaching and diligence to the merit of the Holy Orthodox Church of God.

Awarded with a gold medal of the Russian Geographical Association named after Miklukho-Maclay for crossing the Pacific Ocean on the chovn.


1977 - a scientifically-recorded expedition on the yacht "Chukotka" (Alcor) of the Far East Far East Veterinary Institute following the route of Vitus Bering.

1978 - a scientifically-recorded expedition on the yacht of the Far East High School "Chukotka" following the route of Vitus Bering; Archaeological expedition.

1979 - another stage of the scientific and long-standing expedition on the yacht of the Far East Far East Sailing Islands "Chukotka" following the route Vladivostok - Sakhalin - Kamchatka - Commander Islands; descent to Klyuchevskiy volcano; author of memorial plaques of Vitus Bering and yoga team, installed on the Commander Islands.

1980 - participation in the international regatta "Baltic Cup - 80" at the warehouse for the crew of the Far East High School (Vladivostok).

1981 - crossing of Chukotka on a dog harness.

1983 - scientific and sports expedition in the Laptevikh sea. The first polar expedition at the warehouse of Dmitry Shparo's group.

1984 - rafting along the river Lena; participation in the international regatta for the Baltic Cup - 84 at the warehouse for the crew of the Far East High School (Vladivostok).

1985 - expedition through the Ussuri taiga following V. K. Arsenyev and Dersu Uzala.

1986 - a lower crossing at the polar night to the Pole of Visibility inaccessibility in the Pivnichny Icy Ocean.

1987 - expedition to Baffin Island (Canada) at the warehouse of the Radian-Canadian expedition (preparation for the march to the Pivnichny Pole).

1988 - participant of the transarctic expedition of the USSR - Pivnichny Pole - Canada. Start: Pivnichna Zemlya, Seredniy Island, Miss Arktichny 3rd Birch, 1988 - the group reached the Pivnichny Pole on April 24, 1988 and finished in Canada, Worth Hunt Island on 1st March, 1988.

1989 - participant of the first Russian autonomous expedition "Arktika" under Volodymyr Chukov's ceramics to Pivnichny Pole. Start March 4, 1989 from the Pivnichna Zemlya archipelago, Shmita island. The expedition reached the Pivnichny Pole on May 6, 1989.

1989 - joint Radian-American transcontinental bike ride Znahidka - Moscow - Leningrad; ker_vnik run from the Russian side; start 18 worm 1989 - finish on July 26, 1989.

1990 - the first solo trip in the history of Russia on the slopes to the Pivnichny Pole. Starting from Misu Lokot, Seredniy island, 3rd birch. Dosyag Pole 8 May 1990 roku. An hour at the door is 72 days.

1990 (Autumn) - 1991 (Spring) - the first time in the history of Russia, one by one non-stop circumnavigation of the world on the yacht "Karaana" for the route Sydney - Miss Horn - Equator - Sydney (Australia) for 224 days.

1991 - the organizer of the Russian-Australian auto race on the back roads along the route Nakhodka - Moscow; filming of the documentary film "Through Chervona Nevidomist" by SBS TV channel (Australia); start 5 sickle 1991 - finish date 15 spring 1991

May 14, 1992 - climbing Everest (Asia) together with Evgen Vinogradsky (Yekaterinburg) as part of the program "Sim of the Summits of the World".

1993-1994 - round-the-world expedition on a double-headed kech "Formosa" following the route: Taiwan - Hong Kong - Singapore - island of Ve (Indonesia) - island of Victoria (Seychelles) - Yemen (port of Aden) - Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) - Sue (Egypt) - Gibraltar - Casablanca (Morocco) - Santa Lucia (Caribbean Islands) - Panama Canal - Honolulu (Hawaii Islands) - Mariana Islands - Taiwan. Start March 25, 1993 Taiwan Island, Kilun Bay - finish date 26 September 1994 island of Taiwan.

1995-1996 - the first in the history of Russia, a solo trip to the Pivden Pole with an offensive descent to the highest point of Antarctica - the Vinson massif (5140 m). Starting from Hercules Bay 8 leaf fall 1995 - reached the Pivdenny Pole on September 6, 1996. Reaching the Pivdenny Pole in 64 days, one by one, autonomously.

September 19, 1996 - descent to the Vinson massif (Antarctica) as part of the program "Sim the tops of the world".

March 9, 1996 - descent to Aconcagua ( Pivdenna America) within the framework of the program "Sim tops of the world".

February 18, 1997 - descending on Kilimanjaro (Africa) within the framework of the program "Sim the heights of the world".

April 17, 1997 - descending to the Kosciuszko Peak (Australia) as part of the "Sim of the Summits of the World" program.

May 26, 1997 - convergence to McKinley peak (Pivnichna America) together with Volodymyr Yanochkin (Moscow) within the framework of the "Sim of the Summits of the World" program.

1997 - participation in the European regattas Sardinia Cup (Italy), Gotland Race (Sweden), Cowes week (England) at the warehouse of the crew of the maxi-yacht "Grand Mistral" (80 feet), skipper Sergiy Borodinov.

1998-1999 - participation in the American single sailing cruise "Around Alone 1998/99" on the Open 60 yacht "Suchasny Humanitarian University" (designed by Nandor Fa), the third sailing alone in the world.

2000 - participant of the Iditarod dog sledding race across Alaska following the Anchorage - Nome route, 1800 km. Won the prize of the National Bank of Alaska - Red Lantern.

2000-2001 - the first in the history of Russia, the fate of the French single uninterrupted round-the-world race "Vendee Globe" on the yacht Open 60 "Current Humanitarian University".

2002 - organization of the first caravan expedition on camels in the history of modern Russia "Traces of the Great Seam Way - 2002". The expedition passed through the territory of Kalmiki, Astrakhan, Dagestan, Stavropol Territory and Volgograd Region. Passed 1050 km. The caravan consisted of 13 camels; start 4 April 2002 - finish in Elista 12 March 2002.

2002 - the first time in the history of Russia to cross the Atlantic Ocean on the rowing line "Uralaz". A light record has been set - 46 decibels for 4 years (in the category of a single crossing). Route: Canary Islands (La Gomera island) - about. Barbados, 3000 miles; start 16 June 2002 — finish 1 December 2002. Chauvin "Uralaz" is located in museums, on the territory of the complex "Golden Beach", on Lake Turgoyak.

2003 - Russian-British transatlantic record crossing with a crew on a 100-foot maxi-catamaran "Torgіvelna merezha "Chervoni vitrila"" behind the route of the Canary Islands (La Gomera island) - about. Barbados. A light record was set for large-hull ships on the route - 9 decibels.

2003 - Russian-British transatlantic record crossing with a crew on a 100-foot maxi-catamaran "Torgіvelna merezha "Chervoni vitrila"" for the route Jamaica (Montega Bay) - England (Lands End). The length of the route is 5100 miles. A light record was set for large-hull ships on the route - 16 decibels.

2004 - single transatlantic record crossing on the 85-foot maxi-yacht "Torgіvelna merezha "Chervoni vitrila"" for the route Canary Islands (La Gomera Island) - Barbados (Port St. Charles). A light record was set for spanning the Atlantic Ocean on a maxi-yacht for one person – 14 days and 7 years.

2004-2005 - single-handed circumnavigation on the 85-foot maxi-yacht "Torgіvelna merezha "Chervoni Vitrila"" on the route Falmouth (England) - Hobart (Tasmania Island) - Falmouth (England). First in the history of light showcase sport alone circumnavigation on yacht class "maxi" through miss Horn. Fourth successful solo sailing.

2005-2006 - project "Navkoro Atlantic Ocean". Fedir Konyukhov with a Russian crew made a trip on a yacht on the route England - Canary Islands - about. Barbados - about. Antigua - England. Zagalna kіlkіst miles traveled - over 10,000 nautical miles.

2006 - organization of testing of an experimental polar buoy (trimaran on gliders under a sail) "Modern Humanitarian Academy" on the coast of Greenland.

2007 - Crossing of Greenland on dog sleds along the escape shore (settlement Isortok) through the ice dome, to the west coast (settlement Illulisat), the base of the Polar Col. A record was set for crossing Greenland on this route - 15 dib and 22 years.

2007-2008 - participation in the Australian race around Antarctica - "Antarctica Cup" for the route Albany (Western Australia) - Miss Horn - Miss Good Hope - Miss Luyn - Albany (Western Australia), in the category "yachtsman is the same", non-stop. Maxi-yacht "Trading Merezha "Chervoni Vitrila"" - 102 dobi.

2009 - near the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, starting the II stage of the international expedition "Following the Great Seam Way - 2009" for the route Mongolia - Kalmikiya (Elista).

2011 - expedition "9 greatest peaks of Ethiopia".

19 May 2012 - at the warehouse of the Russian team "Sim of the heights of the world" Fedir Konyukhov made a climb to the top of Everest along the Pivnichny ridge (on the side of Tibet). Fedir Konyukhov became the first priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, who was responsible for climbing Mount Everest.

2013 - cooperating with Viktor Simonov (Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk) having crossed the Pivnichniy Ilodovity Ocean on a dog sled for the route: Pivnichniy Pole - Canada (Worth Hunt Island). Start 6 April, finish 20 May 2013.

2013-2014 - staging the Pacific Ocean crossing on a spring line from the continent to the continent, without calling at the port, without third-party assistance in a record hour - 160 days - following the route Chile (Con Con) - Australia (Mululuba), reaching 9400 nautical miles (17 40 kilometers).

2015 - setting a Russian record for 3950 cubic meters on the thermal balloon "Binbank" class AX-9 with a volume of 3950 cubic meters - 19 years 10 minutes.

2016 - setting a light record of 3950 cubic meters on the thermal balloon "Binbank" - 32 years 20 minutes.

2016 (lyuty) - a joint expedition with Viktor Simonov on dog sleds "Onizke Pomor'ya - 2016". Passed 800 km following the route Petrozavodsk metro station, Republic of Karelia (Vodlozersky National Park) – Sevrodvinsk metro station, Arkhangelsk Region (Onizke Pomorya National Park).

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