Mark Bashmakov: “Good knowledge can be learned only on trust. Alpinisti Pivnichnoy capital. Bashmakov Mark Ivanovich

On December 29, 2015, in a new edition of the post expedition published in Cabinet of Artists' Books presenting books from collection of Mark Ivanovich Bashmakov, academician of Russian Academy of Education, and Hermitage own stocks Opened in rooms. Mikhail Vitalyevich Balan, further updated in the State Hermitage Department of Western European Fine Art, talk about the new scaling scale, rate values ​​(i.e. periodic changes of the exhibitions), and most interesting publications.

The opening of the exhibition entitled “Paroles Peintes. Books from the Collection of Mark Bashmakov”.
M. Bashmakov, M. Balan. 17 April 2015. Photo by A. Koksharov

The term “artist's book” is likely familiar to most viewers primarily as a definition of a radical, purely modern tendency in book art. Here є signed in broader sense, jmenovitě as a vulgar term and a term with broad boundaries, yakі can be quoted as up to literature, such as art masters, and exact publications, illustrations of the rest of the tourist gallery of art, in the first place, art nouves live. All publications are published in Cabinet; to the one that stench cannot be in the future artist books or else images illustrated by books will not be showcased.

Tristan Tzara. Parler Seoul
Joan Miro
Collection of M.I. Bashmakov

A Cabinet of Artists' Books is not only a new exhibition room, but also a completely new endeavor of our museum. More than that, just once, fabulous illustrations of books, as starý and new, from our and other collections were exhibited in Hermitage. Just over the past few years probably a dozen similar exhibitions have been held. Yet those boules are nothing else but one-time temporary displays , not necessarily suggesting any continuation. in contrast, A Cabinet of Artists' Books represent permanente exhibition space.

For the first hour in Hermitage history ilustrated books for his permanente place in the museum. Reasonably, it chiefly deals with the fact that books on display are highly unusual. They stink like robots with maisters, rich with some kind of vicons of international accolades, like textiles and sculptors (similar to the terms “livre d'artiste” or the “artist's book”). including etchings, lithographs, wood engravings, more than photo reproductions we are so well familiar with today.

True sense of the word, books of this kind represent museum exhibits, and their proximity to painterly masterpieces is quite natural. It is important that A Cabinet is located next to the Sergei Shchukin and Morozov Brothers Memorial Gallery. Tapping on hand is also recently opened pastels room , which gives visitors to the museum rare opportunity to compare paintings and graphic works by the same artists, and, conversely, see those works by 20th-century painters, whose Hermitage. Wow, comparison of the two related displays, showcasing paintings and books, can be quite revealing.

Henri de Montherlant. Pasiphae – Chant de Minos
Henri Matisse

A Cabinet of Artists' Books presents and will present publications from 2 collections: alongside books from the collection of Mark Bashmakov, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, the exhibition will feature publications from the Hermitage Museum's own stocks. For the most part of their work, the star before the work of the 20th century by the Frankish maisters, like і, yakbi buv earlier, display can include entirely different items, for example, old illustrated books or publications by Russian futurists. On the whole, the chronological and geographical framework is quite clearly defined; However, books on view will be changed on a regular basis, once every three or four months. This is to be understood for preservation of exhibits which can be harmed by extended exposure to light. At the hour, it will be time for regular images of new books, connected with the history of “artist's book” with different images and, as it were, to different aspects in focus, including theme, an author, an artist, a publisher .. up to a detailed display of a single book of particular value.

At present A Cabinet of Artists' Books houses an exhibition which opened in December 2015. Vaughn was promoted to the fact that it was introduced into the future creation and as a point, designated in the subsequent distribution of the material, as a variation and in the current mood it’s almost impossible. Shown here, like dozens of quotes, like a variety of artists, like good, like wide drawings of artistic trends, like Nabis before posting Abstractionism and late Surrealism. Early publications go back to the 19-20th centuries (important prototype, Faustus by Delacroix, 1828, sets the stage for thethers), while the latter go back to the 1970-1980s.

Even though viewers had a chance to visit 2 shows from the collection of Mark Bashmakov will be at Hermitage in 2013 and 2015, the stench will be stinking richly and fairly familiar. At the first place, tse Parallelement Bonnard, the book is always thinking about “livre d'artiste” history's point of reference. L'enchanteur pourrissant, Le Bestiaire ou Cortege d'Orphée), the famous books by Matisse (Mallarmé. Poesies and Pasiphae) and Picasso ( Le Chef-d "œuvre inconnu and Metamorphoses).

Paul Verlain. Parallelement
Pierre Bonnard

Tse m'yako come a lot of times, to look at all the books on the look over. We obviously didn’t disturb the editorial board, as if in some way they were untimely. However, it does no follow that the visitor will the same artworks as before see. What only appears on home “old” books are open on a different page. Zavzhd everything, the stretch of which will be a lot of new books, like the number of reasons not guilty but on a huge display in front.

Please help me to make small books, if we don't need them, so we exhibit previously. For example, like a poem by Vlaminck with llithographs by his friend Derain ( A la sante du corps), a couple of books with Vlaminck's illustrations, Chronique du temps heroiques by Max Jacob with Picasso's gravings are now included in the distribution, as if they blazed their artists. Establish truly remarkable books, which we had to intentionally “sacrifice” for the sake of the other, equally important ones. Among these is, for example, I Fioretti di San Francesco with illustrations by Denis, Les Conquerants by Masson, Paris by Utrillo, as well as two robots by van Dongen.

Paul Leclere. Venise, Seuil des Eaux
Van Dongen

Displayed for the first time are Art Deco publications, the most prominent among which being Alfred de Vigny's Daphne illustrated by F.-L. Schmied.

Alfred de Vigny. Daphne
F-L. Schmied

Finally there just no possibility to show some of the books earlier. Having become a passionate collector, Mark Bashmakov is constantly developing his collection of new books. On the other hand, at once several new acquisitions, which qualify as absolutely unique. Stink include two early books by Pierre Bonnard entitled Scenes de family and Almanach du pere Ubu, de mi robimo z entirely different Bonnard in comparison to what we saw in the classic Parallelement.

Alfred Jerry. Almanach du pere Ubu
Pierre Bonnard

first and foremost, Verses and Xylographies by Raoul Hausmann publishes Iliazd (Ilia Zdanevich) masterpiece of avant-garde typography and design. Just as original is the makeup of Laisses, André du Bouchet's sing collection, with color aquatints by Pierre Tal Coat, master of the rest of abstract art, which is uncommon in hermitage. For the first year, there are two books to look forward to, Roberto Matta, a new title for Hermitage. Come baby...(Titled by a multiple-meaning quotation from The Divine Comedy) is the artist's collection of texts containing his “cosmic” compositions. Pere Ubu is a witty combination of the old and the new (the rest of the 19th century of typography, a comic book). In chronological terms, this is the last book in the display and at the same time a reference to its beginning, namely to just just mentioned Bonnard's Almanach du pere Ubu).

For the first time exposition, three more equivalents, more different for your character and range of exhibits, will be held in A Cabinet of Artists' Books in 2016. The first exhibition entitled Encounters on the Page, Images taken for the mid-April, will be promoted to the role of “livre d'artiste” for the public, art galleries, collector's societies, as good, as artists and masters. pripinyaetsya as zapochatkuvannya modern equivalent, so very different in the terms of the artists' Names (yakby stinks seem to be artists, close to all books є new ones, looming more unfamiliarly, to go to), but it will be allowed to give on uvazi Next End of the light of the light.The next exhibition scheduled for September–November will present the work of Aleksandr Alekseev, a most interesting illustrator and the world renowned animation filmmaker. the end of the year. Here we are trying to win the concept, as it will be recreated in the great established traditions: Lanskoy's work will be shown as a whole, but will be centered on the great thematic persons, including a wide range of publications, such as Renaissant to contemporary ones.

The Parisian school was extended for two periods - until the First World War on that day. Which period do you rate as the most beautiful?

Before the First Light, shaving artists shone, after the war, there appeared more richly rich artists from the most unforgiving lands: Kubi, Pivdenny America, Denmark, not seeming about the Spaniards, Russians, Germans.

Here is a tsіkavy vipadok from Khaimom Sutinim. An American gallerist came to Paris and bought a hundred robots of Soutine for a thousand dollars. Qi robots vіn vіdvіz to America and having put it on the lookout. A lot of American artists are aware that the exhibition itself took on the shape of American art, as we well know. The same Pollock recognized that Sutin was the founder of American art of the 20th century. And the pennies of the Americans helped a lot of people.

The school of Paris has acquired a majestic collection of myths, and more often than not we can’t tease the truth in the face of guesswork. It is also similar to a marketing strategy. The axis, for example, is the story about Pablo Picasso and Max Jacob. If the stench lived on the Boulevard Voltaire, then the beds of the bіdnі, which were small on one and the same droplet, did not appear in public without some kind of something. Max slept on his bed at night, if his friend worked, in the daytime, if Max went to the department store, somehow earning a living, Pablo's devil came. Do you have a similar love story?

My love is the story about the spivpratsy of Modilyana and Sutina. The two artists were namingly different: Modilyani - the beauty of Italy, the people, seen at the narrow stakes, from the heavenly beauty of the maiden of sixteen rocks. І Sutin - the call of that neohayna person is unacceptable. Ale Modilyani, having sipped at a new storm of talent, and the stench went to one studio. Italians took patronage over him and buv zakhopleniya yogo builders paint an olive without forward sketches. Modilyani zavzhdy pragniv to perfection, zahoplyuvavsya primitive art and African masks, zvіdsi i especial yogic style. Ale Sutin was able to create beauty from dissimilarity.

More like the story of the creation of one work of Salvador Dali. Vіn perebuvav have deakіy depression, and yogo vydavets napoljagav on the fact that vin zdav roboti for the motives of "Don Quixote". Farther roaring, saying, scho win robots, without reaching them, and a new way, which they called bulizm (“bul” in French translation means kulya). I set up fireplaces on the Senya birch and hired a small boat. A friend posed for his middle-class arquebus, a special kull was seen on the yak. Passers-by of the river, Dali streaked stones, pouring bloopers on them, like sweat draping and transforming them into images.

Bashmakov Mark Ivanovich (10.02.1937) – Leningrad. Here I was born as a Meshkan of the besieged Leningrad. Graduated from Mathematics of the Leningrad State University (1959). Dali – PhD student, Ph.D. n., worked as a professor at LDU, head of the Department of Mathematics at LETI, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, director of the Institute of Productive Education. Deputy of Lenradi on the 21st election in 1990 (as a deputy, having taken an active part in the poshukovo-ryatuval operation on the village of Lenina after the avalanche on July 13, 1990, since 23 Leningrad citizens perished). First convergence- 1971 (at Vіtsі 34 rocks, in the a / l "Baksan", instructor). Rest of the convergence- more in front. KMS- 1978 Created more than 50 similarities. The girls presented themselves to the FA of Leningrad with the rank of MS SRSR, but were reported to have broken the rules of climbing the mountain in the SRSR. "Snow leopard": Lenina village - 4 times, Khan-Tengri 2 times, all other seven-thousanders of the SRSR. Actively promoting the practice of folding (5-6 k / tr.) wintering: 5b - 9 notes, 6 - 2; the rest of the sixth meeting of 1983 in Kichik-Alay. (By the stretch of fifteen years, he was the captain of the selected Leningrad "Burevisnik", the initiator of folding winter gatherings, rich mountain expeditions). Cheruvav first skhodzhennyam on the village of Komunismu. Have 1980 r. having trained the FLIGHT team - candidates for the first Radian expedition to Everest (Baliberdina, ). My hobby is bibliophile (book collector). The yoga collection has books, illustrated by Picasso, Salvator Dali, Juan Miro. Together with my brother Anatoliy Ivanovich, having seen the book “The Voice of Handwriting”, St. Petersburg 2009 (Vidobrazhennya Sribny vіku) with a description of the collection of books, to avenge autographs, from the library of M.I. Bashmakova. Series "Library of the All-World Club of Petersburgers".


I, Mark Ivanovich Bashmakov, was born on the 10th of February 1937 near Leningrad. My father, went out of the villagers of the Tverskoy province, in the presence of a singing profession. At the very beginning of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war Vіn pіshov volunteered for the front, 1943 spent a rock at the hospital, viyshov became a disabled veteran and worked until the end of his life in Leningrad. Mother, originally from Vinnitsa, worked as an accountant and led a great homeland from three blues (I'm middle).

We spent the main period of the blockade in Leningrad, not long before the її znyatya we hung up to the father, some time after visiting the hospital. I graduated from secondary school near Leningrad in 1954 with a gold medal, having entered the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Leningrad University. Until the end of the University in 1959, the main directions of life were formed in me.

Way of the scientist - mathematics is more successful. I finished my postgraduate studies, having taken a number of positive results in one of the new fields of mathematics, which are actively developed, and some of them have advanced to the top monographs; having created a scientific school, I gave low brilliant mathematicians to the names of the world, having defended my candidate's and doctoral dissertations. In 1977, I vyrishiv z different reasons for the rise of the activity of an active mathematician and went as far as it did not turn around, having grown rich with help of uchniv.

Vikladatsky robot, the leader of the companionship of the scientist-theorist, was trival and varied. Vaughn included work as a teacher at the middle primary level (zocrema, sim roki - at the boarding school at LDU, three roki - at vocational schools), lecturer at the Sovereign University, professor of that I dosi; professorship (for a period of twenty years) at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, reading lectures from a number of requests from our country beyond the cordon.

The scientific-vikladatsky path is a modern accompanying path, which can be called the path of a leader, an organizer of various collectives. This way was rozpochavsya at student's rocky and buv naturally po'yazaniy іz the Komsomol (I looked at the kerіvnik Komsomol kolektivіv in the course of up to ten thousandth collective of the entire University) and the communist party. I was urged to turn the path of a party functionary, but I judiciously looked at her, although I didn’t hesitate about my Komsomol-party past, but I suggested to write to them that I was far away to work in the mountains for different people.

Parallel to the scientific and vikladatskoy activity all the times, I am on the path of the leader and the organizer of various collectives. This path rose from students’ fates and naturally led them from the Komsomol Leningrad University) that Communist Party. I was urged to choose the path of a party functionary, but I thoughtfully looked at her, although I didn’t hesitate about my Komsomol-party past, but I suggested to write to them that I was far away to work for people in the future.

The activity of the leader - the organizer gave birth to the organizational design of the most innovative ideas, most of which are still alive. It is possible to fold the statement about the variability in this case for such a clear choice:

The development of new forms of work with schoolchildren (creation of the Youth Mathematical School, organization of All-Union Olympiads, seen by the Kvant magazine, organization of a boarding school at LDU, inventing olympiads for students of vocational schools, nareshti, competition "Kangaroo", rіlkіst participant 2 . outweighed the second million);

Implementation of new technological developments at the school (creation of a number of Centers for professional development, implementation of over two dozen international projects at the school, creation of a large number of schools and institutions of productive learning);

Organizational-training work for mountaineering (with a stretch of fifteen years I became the captain of the selected Leningrad "Burevіsnik", the initiator of folding winter climbs, rich mountain expeditions).

Understandably, I don’t particularly ascribe to myself all the overhauled things: my friends, colleagues and comrades have always left me, - but my role as a generator of ideas and a motor of their implementation was widely acknowledged.

The main professional path after 1977 for me became the path of fahivtsya in the gallery of pedagogy, in the widest spectrum. Zovnishno successes on this path were recorded in 1993 as an academician of the Russian Academy of Education (minus the stage of a corresponding member), from the creation of a great scientific team, and preparation for a number of great pedagogical programs. In this hour, I am busy with the implementation of upcoming projects:

1. The program "Mathematics for All", which delivers the graduation of about 50 assistants and primary assistants for all classes and equals of middle education - from the first to the eleventh class, including vocational schools and technical schools (colleges). The work is close to completion.

2. The system of gaming competitions to develop the creativity of students ("Kangaroo" - from mathematics, "Golden Fleece" - from the history of world culture, "British Bulldog" - from English language, "KIT" - computers, informatics, technology, etc.).

3. Productive training - functioning and pedagogical security of a number of productive schools, aimed at development and development of individual training trajectories, based on a significant expansion of the spectrum of creative activity of students.


Born on 10 fierce 1937 near Leningrad. Father-descendant from the villagers of the Tver province, mother-born from Vinnitsa.

Have 1954 p. graduating from secondary school with a gold medal and entering the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Leningrad State University (LDU). Have 1959 r. znakkoyu graduating from LDU and priynyatiya in graduate school, after graduating as a consecutive pratsyuvav as an assistant, associate professor and - until now - a professor. In parallel with the work in LDU since 1977, I spent 15 years as head of the department advanced mathematics at LETI im. V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin).

From 2002 to 2010 r.b. - head of the laboratory of productive training at the Institute for the Change of Methods of Training of the RAV, since 2011 - head of the laboratory of productive pedagogy of the Institute pedagogical education and enlighten the mature RAV.

In 1993 appointment as a current member of the Russian Academy of Education (RAT).

Science robot

Scientific work and main results of M.I. Bashmakov can be seen as far as algebra and number theory. Head straight ahead - zastosuvannya modern apparatus of algebra and topology to the top of the classical tasks of the theory of Diophantine equations, algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry. We took away the low scores of the results, yak wide popularity that is reflected in the survey monographs. The mathematical literature of the world has gained such understanding of what to wear this name, like "Bashmakov's theorem", "Bashmakov's problem" and "Bashmakov's method".

In 1965 M.I. Bashmakov, having prepared a PhD dissertation prepared by D.K. Faddev, and 1976. - doctoral dissertation. Having created the school of science, it became a low school for mathematicians (A. A. Suslin (English) Russian. and in), more than two dozen candidates and doctors of physical and mathematical sciences.

Pedagogical activity

Actively working with schoolchildren M.I. Bashmakov more often, being a student of matuho LDU, and having continued її on the cob of the 60s. Vіn taking part in the creation of robotic merezhi gurtkіv spochatku at the faculty, then in other districts of Leningrad, and later in other places of Pivnichny Sunset. Among the organizers of the first regional Olympiads in mathematics in Murmansk, Siktivkar and other places, taking part in the preparation of the first All-Union Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics.

Boarding school №45

Have 1963 p. from the initiative for the active support of academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR A. D. Aleksandrova, I. K. Kikoina, A. N. Kolmogorova and M. A. Lavrentiev Decree for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR (No. 905 dated 23 September 1963) at the largest universities in the region near Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Novosibirsk, the creation of a middle school of a new type. Ce buli specialized boarding schools in natural profile, calling for the training of schoolchildren at a higher, lower at natural schools, rivni.

M.I. Bashmakov was one of those who made the largest contribution to the organization and formation of a specialized boarding school No. 45 at the Leningrad State University. Будучи головою комітету з організації школи, він керував усією підготовчою роботою і брав участь сам у визначенні місця розміщення школи, підборі викладачів та вихователів, відборі учнів із республік та областей Північно-Заходу країни, підготовці необхідних документів та у вирішенні інших численних питань. Less than two months later, after an hour of seeing the decision of the Uryad, all problems were resolved on the 16th of July 1963. the boarding school rozpochala its work in full commitment.

M.I. Bashmakov was the first head of the priymalny komіsії, їm it was proposed to the first program in mathematics and the initial plan was laid down. Year of the year, for seven years, he made a speech at the boarding school.

About this period, the head teacher of the boarding school No. 45 G. M. Efremov wrote:

About whom you want to say especially - so about Mark Ivanovich Bashmakov. Amazing person! The school was, in fact, a yogo child - I prepared the main work before її vіdkrittam having grown wines, and then, until the beginning of the 70s pp.

Professional lighting system

In the 80s of the last century M.I. Bashmakov played for three years at the middle vocational schools of Leningrad. Vіn having created an innovative program for his time in mathematics for secondary vocational schools, writing his assistant in mathematics more than once, revisiting and completing requests from the system of postal and secondary professional education. To recognition of the merits of M.I. Bashmakov was awarded yoga with the badge "Representative of vocational education of the SRSR".

Methodical developments

On the basis of evidence of work in boarding schools at LDU and vocational schools M.I. Bashmakov developed and continued to develop the pedagogical concept of productive learning. The concept is a pedagogical system that implements the educational process for additional individual routes, with activities that ensure special growth, social self-development of the participants, the growth of their roles in the formation, implementation of the route and assessment. Come M.I. Bashmakova turned out to be close to quiet, which are implemented by the International Network of Productive Schools (INEPS). The inclusion of the Russian line in 1991 took place at the INEPS congress near Penishi (Portugal) with the initiative of M.I. Bashmakova.

Primary-methodical complexes

M.I. Bashmakov is the author of a great series of assistants in mathematics of the new generation. The assistants satisfy the basic needs of mathematics education from grades 1 to 11 sacred lighting school different profiles, installations of primary and secondary professional education. Before the series, there are over 20 assistants, included before the Federal translation of assistants, as well as over 30 other additional initial materials.

Organizational and pedagogical activity

M.I. Bashmakov was an active participant and organizer of the system of All-Union Olympiads for Schoolchildren, he was also a member of the editorial boards of the mass popular science magazine Kvant and the magazine Mathematics at School.

As part of the implementation of the concept of productive education under the ceramics of M. I. Bashmakov created a system of massive didactic competitions and competitions. The math competition "Kangaroo" has become a clear example of such competitions, which will take the fate of schools in over 20 countries. Zokrema, all-Russian competitions "Golden Fleece" for the history of world art culture, "British Bulldog" for English movies, "KIT" (computers, informatics, technologies) for informatics, "ChiP" (people and nature) for natural sciences were organized. In 1994 M.I. Bashmakov as a representative of Russia uviishov to the warehouse of the international association "Kangaroo without cordon".

In 1992, roci in St. Petersburg under the ceramics of M. I. Bashmakova was recognized by the Institute of Productive Education (IPO). In the coming years of the IPO, I was a participant and organizer of low international and national projects, a method of developing methods for productive training and of their recognition in practice.

Suspіlno-politichna diyalnіst

M.I. Bashmakov at the student's fate, having been a clerk of the Komsomol organizations of the course, the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics and the entire LDU. Have 1990 r. buv obrany deputy Lenradi on the 21st call, having become the head of the commission for public education.

Selected services


M.I. Bashmakova becoming a mountaineer. Vіn zdіysniv similarity to all seven-thousanders of the SRSR, awarding the sign "Snow leopard". For 15 years he was the captain of the zbіrnoi Leningrad branch of the sports association "Burevіsnik" for mountaineering, cherubing the first convergence of V. Baliberdin on the peak of Komunіzmu, taking the fate of the training athletes of Leningrad until the first radyansk convergence on Everest. I didn’t fill up my wines until the rest of the hour.

M.I. Bashmakov vіdomy biblіofіl. Based on the materials of his collection, having seen some books. Member of the All-World Club of Petersburgers.


  1. Profile M.I. Bashmakov on the RAV website.
  2. Autobiography on the site "Vchimos Bashmakov".
  3. Personal side of M.I. Bashmakova on the website of the IPOIV RAT.
  4. List of publications M.I. Bashmakova at the database Math-Net.Ru
  5. Serge Lang. Elliptic Curves: Diophantine Analysis. - Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag, 1978. - 261 p. - ISBN 978-0387084893
  6. Ciperiani M., Stix J. Weil-Châtelet divisible elements in Tate-Shafarewich Groups I: Shoe problém for elliptic curves over Q : Preprint, submitted. - 2012. - P. 22.


I, Mark Ivanovich Bashmakov, was born on the 10th of February 1937 near Leningrad. My father, went out of the villagers of the Tverskoy province, in the presence of a singing profession. At the very beginningThe Great Vitchiznyanoi war, vin pishov volunteered for the front, 1943 having spent a year at the hospital, vyyshov became a disabled war veteran and worked until the end of his life in Leningrad. Mother, originally from Vinnitsa, worked as an accountant and led a great homeland from three blues (I'm middle).

We spent the main period of the blockade in Leningrad, not long before the її znyatya we hung up to the father, some time after visiting the hospital. I graduated from secondary school near Leningrad in 1954 with a gold medal, having entered the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Leningrad University. Until the end of the University in 1959, the main directions of life were formed in me.

Vcheny's way - mathematics is more successful. I finished my postgraduate studies, having taken a number of positive results in one of the new fields of mathematics, which are actively developed, and some of them have advanced to the top monographs; having created a scientific school, I gave low brilliant mathematicians to the names of the world, having defended my candidate's and doctoral dissertations. In 1977, I vyrishiv z different reasons for the rise of the activity of an active mathematician and went as far as it did not turn around, having grown rich with help of uchniv.

Vikladatsky robot, the future of the activity of a scientist-theorist, was a long time and a versatile one. Vaughn included work as a teacher at the middle primary level (zocrema, sim roki - at the boarding school at LDU, three roki - at vocational schools), lecturer at the Sovereign University, professor of that I dosi; professorship (for a period of twenty years) at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, reading lectures from a number of requests from our country beyond the cordon.

Parallel to the scientific and vikladatskoy activity all the times, I am on the path of the leader and the organizer of various collectives. This way was rozpochavsya at student's rocky and buv naturally po'yazaniy іz the Komsomol (I looked at the kerіvnik of the Komsomol organizations in the course of up to ten thousandth team of the entire Leningrad University) and the Communist Party. I was urged to choose the path of a party functionary, but I thoughtfully looked at her, although I didn’t hesitate about my Komsomol-party past, but I suggested to write to them that I was far away to work for people in the future.

The activity of the leader - the organizer gave birth to the organizational design of the most innovative ideas, most of which are still alive. It is possible to fold the statement about the variability in this case for such a clear choice:

The development of new forms of work with schoolchildren (creation of the Youth Mathematical School, organization of All-Union Olympiads, seen by the Kvant magazine, organization of a boarding school at LDU, inventing olympiads for students of vocational schools, nareshti, competition "Kangaroo", rіlkіst participant 2 . outweighed the second million);

Implementation of new technological developments at the school (creation of a number of Centers for professional development, implementation of over two dozen international projects at the school, creation of a large number of schools and institutions of productive learning);

Organizational-training work for mountaineering (with a stretch of fifteen years I became the captain of the selected Leningrad "Burevіsnik", the initiator of folding winter climbs, rich mountain expeditions).

Understandably, I don’t particularly ascribe to myself all the overhauled things: my friends, colleagues and comrades have always left me, - but my role as a generator of ideas and a motor of their implementation was widely acknowledged.

The main professional path after 1977 for me became the path of fahivtsya in the gallery of pedagogy, in the widest spectrum. Zovnishno successes on this path were recorded in 1993 as an academician of the Russian Academy of Education (minus the stage of a corresponding member), from the creation of a great scientific team, and preparation for a number of great pedagogical programs. In this hour, I am busy with the implementation of upcoming projects:

1. The program "Mathematics for All", which delivers the graduation of about 50 assistants and primary assistants for all classes and equals of middle education - from the first to the eleventh class, including vocational schools and technical schools (colleges). The work is close to completion.

2. The system of gaming competitions to develop the creativity of students ("Kangaroo" - from mathematics, "Golden Fleece" - from the history of world culture, "British Bulldog" - from English movies, "KIT" - computers, informatics, technology and in.) .

3. Productive training - functioning and pedagogical security of a number of productive schools, aimed at development and development of individual training trajectories, based on a significant expansion of the spectrum of creative activity of students.

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