Dual education at the Pedagogical College. Dual training: an innovative path for cooperation with businesses

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Branch of JSC "NTsVK"Ө rleu"

Institute for the advancement of qualifications of pedagogical practitioners in the Akmola region


« Etapi zastosuvannya

dual system navchannya"


cerivnik - Buteev Murat Sultanovich, vikladach of special disciplines, KITIS

preparation of advanced training – Kozhakov Azamat Maratovich, vikladach of special disciplines, KEILG

preparation of the presentation – Bekenova Zhadra Sarsembekivna, lecturer of special disciplines, KEILG

Translated by: Mamilina Kuralay Kuanishbekivna,

Senior Vikladach of the Department of Psychology

pedagogical support professional

teacher developmentrleu"



Project theme

« Steps in the implementation of the dual system of training "

Actuality of the problem.


Target: Within the framework of this project, it is planned to stretch 3 years of life and to make a single contribution to the creationKazakhstani model of dual training and stage-by-stage promotion in the TVE system.


- form a new model vocational training, as if it would have been better in obsyagi that the quality of labor resources in the face of real powers of specific businesses.

Training of highly qualified working personnel and fahivtsiv in the Middle Lanka.

- virishiti supply of appointment;

- signing the contract with the acceptance on a practical basis. At whom businesses are oriented towards consumption;

- training of graduates (a lot of students are deprived of training at the quiet enterprises themselves, where they went through practical training);

- virishiti nutriment vіdpovіdnostі zmіstu osvіti to vimog robotodavtsіv;

- virishiti supply of sufficient finance for the TIPO system;


Today, the system of technical and professional education in Kazakhstan has been institutionalized. However the main problem the quality of training of fahivtsiv is lost, their competitiveness is low and the inadequacy of qualifications helps the market practice.

The systemic factor is the unsatisfactory relationship between TIPO and the practice market, the fate of roboticists in the development of education, the process of training and promotion of TIPO organizations is very weak.

Similar shortcomings in the preparation of future fahivtsiv have been relieveddual training system , scho during the process and theoretical, and practical training.

The butt can be a system of professional education of Nimechchini, yak, according to the International Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Work Force, one of the leaders in terms of equal qualifications of personnel, and a system of dual European education of the Union for all in all.

For business - The cost of preparing personnel for yourself, saving on white papers for a joke and the selection of practitioners, their retraining and adaptation.

For young people dual education is a miracle chance to gain self-reliance early and easier to adapt to a grown-up life.

The flawless winner is deprived ofpower , which effectively fulfills the task of training qualified personnel for its economy.

    Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On lighting" (para. 35-1 article 1)

    Article of the Head of State

“It is important to develop dual professional education. Applied Qualifications Needed , how to allow the shortage of personnel in mass professions to be patched up.

Ministry of Education and AT FNB "Samuriq-Kazina» Approved Plan of entry (road map) for the implementation of the dual system for the training of working personnel in the Companies AT FNB «Samuriq-Kazina».

To the main achievements є razuminnya by all zatsіkavlennyh parties need to provide dual training with a method of subdivision for training qualified specialists for the eye of the economy

Обговорення міжнародного досвіду низки провідних країн світу (Австрія, Німеччина, Південна Корея, Сінгапур та ін.) щодо організації та впровадження дуальної системи підготовки фахівців спільно з керівником Німецького товариства з Міжнародного співробітництва паном Райнером Гертц показує, що в кожній країні є свої особливості в організації dual training.

In 2013, on the basis of the JSC "Republican Scientific and Methodological Center for the Development of Technical and Professional Education and the Assignment of Qualifications" (hereinafter - JSC "RSMC"), a 3-rd (2013-2016) pilot project was launched dual system of education. The main method of the project is scientific and methodological security foldKazakh model of dual training .

This meeting will be held at the meeting of the Recommendations of the round table on the implementation of the dual system of training, held on 18 March 2013 under the head of the Committeefrom the control in the field of education of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Irsalieva S.A.. ( addendum ).

JSC "RSMC" plans to post-yny bases see Collections of materials for this project. Propositions and respect for nadsilatie- mail: zhanat_ rnmc@ mail. en .

2 stage - Organizational

Organization and holding of a round table to promote the dual training system

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the aim of developing partnerships and for the long term, the hand of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev's program for the implementation of the dual training on 18 March 2013 at the fate of the city of AstanaRound steel from the power of the dual system of education (Dali - Round stil) under the heads of Irsalіїva S.A. – Head of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The organization of that run was entrusted to the AT "Republican Scientific and Methodological Center for the Development of Technical and Professional Education and the Assignment of Qualifications" (hereinafter - AT "RSMC"). The organizers of the Round Table were the representatives of the Department for the Development of Technical and Professional Education of JSC "RNMC".

Creation of experimental maidanchiks from the implementation of the dual system of training

Subject to recommendation to the Department of Technical and Professional Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the orders of the military education authorities of the regions, mm. Astana and Almaty25 colleges given the status of "experimental maidanchiv" to promote the dual system of training for work in the experimental mode.

From the listexperimental maidanchiksyou can see what25 colleges are experimenting with 22 TIPO specialties. At the same time, two colleges declared 2 specialties each. 3 majors for 7 colleges:

    for the specialty 1401000 "Business and exploitation of life and spores" - 2 colleges;

    for the specialty 0901000 "Electrical control of electric stations and merezh (for types)" - 2 colleges;

    for the specialty 1109000 "Turn on the right and metalworking (behind the views)" - 3 colleges.

In addition, 8 colleges were included in the list of experimental maidanchiks, as earlier they signed agreements on the organization of dual training with subsidiaries of Samruk-Kazina JSC:


Experimental maidanchik


Social partner


Almaty College of Telecommunications and Machine Building, Almaty

JSC "Kazakhtelecom"

Almaty State College of Energy and Electronic Technologies

JSC "Samruk-Energo"

Ust-Kamyanogirsky technical college


(AT "NAC "Kazatomprom")

Geological Exploration College m. Simey

JSC "Volkovgeologiya"

(AT "NAC "Kazatomprom")

Mangistau Energy College

TOV "MAEK-Kazatomprom" (JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom")

Karaganda Polytechnic College

JSC "KEGOC" (group of companies "Samruk-Kazina")

Pavlodar Chemical-Mechanical College

JSC "Pavlodar Naftochemical Plant"

Sovereign establishment "Ekibastuz professional lyceum No. 18 im. K.Pshembaev»

TOV "Bogatir Komir"

(AT "Samruk-Energy")

Also, 3 third-party agreements were signed by the usma regions: the Department of Education of the Region, JSC "RSMC" and the college-experimental Maidanchik.

Kazakhstani legislators can take part in the development of dual education by stating at the meetings for the sake of national investors Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev.

« Dual training duzhe garniy dosvid at Nіmechchinі. Most of the great companies take young of their own foraging, 60% of the time spent in foraging. If it is necessary, then we need it by all laws. Even though it’s not clear to them, the state can pay extra. Naygolovnіshe - take young people from the middle light, learn their professions, as if you want to deprive them of them at home (on the list - approx. agency), if not - guilty, as if ready (specialist - approx. agency) to go to the market, "- saying the Head powers.

M.Nazarbayev, stating that there is a shortage of technical personnel in the country.

“We have no choice of electric locomotives, such great ones as General Electric, and there were none. We can induce, but there won’t be anyone to pratsyuvati. Tse more important food. As a matter of fact, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will improve the system in a good way, and all the participants who sit here will be of good use. In our country, the development of the economy turns into personnel, the presence of working hands,” the President said.

At the current stage of the development of the country, before the initial pledges of technical and professional education, the food is low. Yakimi stink buti? How to organize the illumination? How to raise the prestige of the initial mortgage on the market of lighting services? And so far. Leading head of TIPO - , as if it would have been better in obsyagi that the quality of labor resources in the face of real powers of specific enterprises. Even the training of highly qualified working personnel and tradesmen in the Middle Lanka is one of the quietest tasks, the perfection of which can be ensured by a stable economic development of any country.

The main problem in the TIPO system is higher education students in their specialties. At the same time, the modernization of the system of technical and professional education is being carried out, a new management system is being introduced, and head managers nіy є pratsevlashtuvannya uchnіv.

Yakіsna profesіyna osvіta sgodnі - zasіb social zakhistu, guarantee of stability, professional self-realization of people at different stages of life. The sovereign policy of the TIPO Galuzia has become a part of the State Program for the development of education for 2011–2020.

The format of the implementation of state programs for the modernization of TIPO, including low entry. Nasampered, the reorganization of the initial mortgages along the way of reorganization on single sight initial mortgage, college. It was also handed over to the courtier's preparation of fakhivtsiv. At the same time, the advancement of the qualifications of vikladachivs of special disciplines and masters of the vocational training beyond the cordon was transferred.

Modernization of vocational education indicates the need for a fundamental change in the low traditional approaches to the system of training fahivtsiv. Today, the dual training system is one of the largest effective forms training of professional and technical personnel in the world. It is not for nothing that the importance of such a kind of enlightenment was voiced by the President in his program article. Її the peculiarity of the fact that the beginning is carried out above the initial mortgage, but in the undertaking.

This system is successfully victorious in such countries as Nimechchina, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland.

The dual model - tse podednannya іnteresіv іnteresіv іnteresіv іnteresіv, probable fahivtsya і dvora. Tsya transfer system, scho 70-80% of the time the student learns without intermediary s vyrobnitstva, and only 20-30% - at the college.

The dual system supports the interests of all parties that take part from them - enterprises, practitioners, states. For undertakings - the ability to prepare personnel for oneself, saving on windshields for a joke and recruiting practitioners, their retraining and adaptation.

For young people, dual training is a miracle chance to gain independence early and easier to adapt to a mature life. Already at the beginning of the hour, the stench will be taken off for your work at the undertaking of a penny wine-groovy, and after completion - the robot, until it is well prepared.

Approximately half of the young people in Nіmechchinі after school nabuvayut within the framework of the dual system of one of 350 officially recognized by the power of primary professions. The education of a profession is considered as a day of high-school professional education, which is typical for rich countries. 3-4 days for a day at the undergraduate training is carried out, and the theory of specialty is 1-2 days for a day at a vocational school. The term of training is from 2 to 3.5 years.

Over 80% of the students' jobs are run by small and medium-sized firms. The prevalence of the dual system is often low among young people, who do not care about the profession of a student, in Nimechchyna it is quite small: only 4.2% of the middle class, who are between 15 and 19 years old.

If there is equal unemployment in Nimechchyna, then the average number of unemployed is 7.8%. If we talk about the rіven of worklessness in the middle of youth up to 25 years, then in Nіmechi tse 7%, in Greece - 45%, in Spain - 43%, in Slovakia - 33%, in France - 30%. In this way, the numbers clearly show the advantages of the German dual system of education.

Modern theory and practice guarantee high qualification of craftsmen and workers. Profnavchannya - tse cob kar'єri, scho gives mozhlivist with a little more navchannі become a master.

  • In a first step, a high number of graduate students is guaranteed, because stinks are more likely to be given to the help of robots. Start as close as possible to the drinking of the drink.

    In a different way, reach high motivation from the well-being of knowledge. A new psychology of the future practitioner is being formed. The students, having succumbed to the undertakings as potential practitioners, learn in a different way, more aware that zatsіkavleno. The position of the passive supporter of the initial information is changed by the initiative position of the fahivtsya of the choice, which needs to take a decision and bear the responsibility. The student earlier adapts to social interactions with the team, learns social changes.

    Thirdly, practicing the principle “from practice to theory”, the student works more not with texts and sign systems, but with generic situations. Folding theories are easier to master through practice and the versatility of real professional tasks.

    Fourthly, the assessment of the quality of training of specialists is carried out by the robots themselves. From the first days, I spend most of my time at work at work, showing my skills and efforts. Robotic providers have the ability to assess the level of preparedness of future fahivtsiv without intermediary in the minds of the minds of scientists.

    On-p'yate, vikladachi owe to mother not only a garni of theoretical knowledge, but vodіti all innovations in virobnitstvі.

    As a matter of fact, the cost of the budget is reduced. Part of the work on the profession was carried by the entrepreneurship.

Today there is no readiness from the side of the industry and enterprises.

Perche. Prior to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Lighting” it was required:

    understanding of "cooperative training" as one of the forms of organization of training of personnel, which is based on the excellence of the state, robots and primary mortgages. Almost analogue dual models;

    new article "Social partnership in the gallery of professional education". It identified the main direct interactions between robotic assistants and training of fahivtsiv, organization of professional practice and practical training, training of roboticists to the process of training specialists from vocational training, assessment of vocational training.

Other. The Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed the creation of the National Qualification System, the development of professional standards by robotic workers, the creation of an independent system for certification of qualifications of practical workers.

As a result of the implementation of the dual system, the college expands programs that meet the needs of the market in the region, develops its potential, improves the qualifications of the recruitment warehouse, which will allow you to improve the quality of training of personnel in the primary salary

For business dual lighting- it is possible to prepare your own personnel exactly “on the spot”, having ensured their maximum performance to your students, saving on the windowsills of the search and selection of practitioners, their retraining and adaptation. Until then, it is possible to choose the best scholars, even if in three years all their strengths and weaknesses become obvious. In my own line, such a pidkhid motivates students to learn not for show.

The dual system gives miraculous possibilities for cherubing by a powerful car. Riven navchannya at її framework is constantly moving. A little wheel of enlightenment is not capable of giving such a knowledge of the middle, like a dual training, to rob him with an important meeting on the path of a successful kar'єri.

The idea of ​​a dual education develops its own real practical contours. Interaction of knowledge with business, subjects, markets and practices is one of the modern warehouse models that is necessary for the industry. For this very reason, all the support of the dual education program is needed at once and can be continued to work with the implementation of the work with the help of robotic providers and social partners, who are interested in the development of dual education.

Dual training system

For the whole hour, there are 888 TPO organizations near the countryside.
They train 587.3 thousand students, incl. over 338.1 thousand per state. Training is conducted for 185 specialties.

At the change plan for the improvement of the quality of TIPO, come in: the state's official language education standard (GOSO) and education programs have been updated, professional standards are being expanded, and an independent assessment of the qualifications of graduates is being introduced.

The main problem is the lack of qualifications for the market of practice.

Similar shortcomings in the training of future fahivtsiv have been relieved by the system of dual training, which will continue the initial process and theoretical, and practical training.

The dual system supports the interests of all parties that take part from them - enterprises, practitioners, states.

Kazakhstan is getting used to real opportunities to promote dual (cooperative) education. A legal framework has been created:

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On lighting" (clauses 35-1, article 1)

"Cooperative training is one of the forms of organization of professional training of personnel, which is based on the corporate performance of the state, roboticists and initial deposits."

State program for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

“Will be widely promoted cooperative education for the improvement of the actual supply of businesses. The education of the first pledges of the TIPO will be attractive and prestigious for young people”.


Article of the Head of the State - "Social Modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Kroki to the Partnership of Central Pratsi".

“It is important to develop dual professional education. Applied Qualifications Needed, how to allow the shortage of personnel in mass professions to be patched up.

On a permanent basis, the Temirtau Forum is held through the implementation of a dual training system.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Federal National Welfare Fund "Samurik-Kazina" approved the Plan of entry (road map) for the implementation of the dual system of training of working personnel in the Companies of the JSC FNB "Samurik-Kazina", which transfers the implementation of the dual system of training of personnel. The draft Regulations on undertakings and organizations to promote the implementation of the dual model of personnel training have been developed.

At the current stage of the development of the country, before the initial pledges of technical and professional education, the food is low. Yakimi stink buti? How to organize the illumination? How to raise the prestige of the initial mortgage on the market of lighting services? And so far. Leading head of TIPO - form a new model of vocational training, as if it would have been better in obsyagi that the quality of labor resources in the face of real powers of specific enterprises. Even the training of highly qualified working personnel and tradesmen in the Middle Lanka is one of the quietest tasks, the perfection of which can be ensured by a stable economic development of any country.

The main problem in the TIPO system is low height higher education students in their specialties. At the same time, the modernization of the system of technical and professional education is being carried out, a new management system is being introduced, and the main tasks at it are training schools.

Yakіsna profesіyna osvіta sgodnі - zasіb social zakhistu, guarantee of stability, professional self-realization of people at different stages of life. The sovereign policy of the TIPO Galuzia has become a part of the State Program for the development of education for 2011–2020.

The format of the implementation of state programs for the modernization of TIPO, including low entry. Nasampered, the reorganization of the initial mortgages by way of transformation into a single type of the initial mortgage, college. It was also handed over to the courtier's preparation of fakhivtsiv. At the same time, the advancement of the qualifications of vikladachivs of special disciplines and masters of the vocational training beyond the cordon was transferred.

Modernization of vocational education indicates the need for a fundamental change in the low traditional approaches to the system of training fahivtsiv. Today, the dual system of training is one of the most effective forms of training professional and technical personnel in the world. It is not for nothing that the importance of such a kind of enlightenment was voiced by the President in his program article. Її the peculiarity of the fact that the beginning is carried out above the initial mortgage, but in the undertaking.

This system is successfully victorious in such countries as Nimechchina, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland.

The dual model - tse podednannya іnteresіv іnteresіv іnteresіv іnteresіv, probable fahivtsya і dvora. Tsya transfer system, scho 70-80% of the time the student learns without intermediary s vyrobnitstva, and only 20-30% - at the college.

The dual system supports the interests of all parties that take part from them - enterprises, practitioners, states. For entrepreneurship - the ability to train personnel for oneself, saving on expenses for training and recruitment of practitioners, their retraining and adaptation.

For young people, dual training is a miracle chance to gain independence early and easier to adapt to a mature life. Already at the beginning of the hour, the stench will be taken off for your work at the undertaking of a penny wine-groovy, and after completion - the robot, until it is well prepared.

Approximately half of the young people in Nіmechchinі after school nabuvayut within the framework of the dual system of one of 350 officially recognized by the power of primary professions. The education of a profession is considered as a day of high-school professional education, which is typical for rich countries. 3-4 days for a day at the undergraduate training is carried out, and the theory of specialty is 1-2 days for a day at a vocational school. The term of training is from 2 to 3.5 years.

Over 80% of the students' jobs are run by small and medium-sized firms. The prevalence of the dual system is often low among young people, who do not care about the profession of a student, in Nimechchyna it is quite small: only 4.2% of the middle class, who are between 15 and 19 years old.

If there is equal unemployment in Nimechchyna, then the average number of unemployed is 7.8%. If we talk about the rіven of worklessness in the middle of youth up to 25 years, then in Nіmechi tse 7%, in Greece - 45%, in Spain - 43%, in Slovakia - 33%, in France - 30%. In this way, the numbers clearly show the advantages of the German dual system of education.

Modern theory and practice guarantee high qualification of craftsmen and workers. Profnavchannya - tse cob kar'єri, scho gives mozhlivist with a little more navchannі become a master.

To the non-transverse paradoxes of the dual education, we can see, and those that won:

In a first step, a high number of graduate students is guaranteed, because stinks are more likely to be given to the help of robots. Start as close as possible to the drinking of the drink.

In a different way, reach high motivation from the well-being of knowledge. A new psychology of the future practitioner is being formed. The students, having succumbed to the undertakings as potential practitioners, learn in a different way, more aware that zatsіkavleno. The position of the passive supporter of the initial information is changed by the initiative position of the fahivtsya of the choice, which needs to take a decision and bear the responsibility. The student earlier adapts to social interactions with the team, learns social changes.

Thirdly, practicing the principle “from practice to theory”, the student works more not with texts and sign systems, but with generic situations. Folding theories are easier to master through practice and the versatility of real professional tasks.

Fourthly, the assessment of the quality of training of specialists is carried out by the robots themselves. From the first days, I spend most of my time at work at work, showing my skills and efforts. Robotic providers have the ability to assess the level of preparedness of future fahivtsiv without intermediary in the minds of the minds of scientists.

On-p'yate, vikladachi owe to mother not only a garni of theoretical knowledge, but vodіti all innovations in virobnitstvі.

As a matter of fact, the cost of the budget is reduced. Part of the work on the profession was carried by the entrepreneurship.

Today there is no readiness from the side of the industry and enterprises. Wanting to create the necessary legal and regulatory change of mind.

Perche. Prior to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Lighting” it was required:

understanding of "cooperative training" as one of the forms of organization of training of personnel, which is based on the excellence of the state, robots and primary mortgages. Almost an analogue of the dual model;

new article "Social partnership in the gallery of professional education". It identified the main direct interactions between robotic assistants and training of fahivtsiv, organization of professional practice and practical training, training of roboticists to the process of training specialists from vocational training, assessment of vocational training.

Other. The Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed the creation of the National Qualification System, the development of professional standards by robotic workers, the creation of an independent system for certification of qualifications of practical workers.

As a result of the implementation of the dual system, the college expands programs that meet the needs of the market in the region, develops its potential, improves the qualifications of the recruitment warehouse, which will allow you to improve the quality of training of personnel in the primary salary

For the adoption of dual illumination - it is possible to prepare for yourself the personnel exactly “for the appointment”, ensuring the maximum capacity for all of your helpers, encouraging them to work on the windowsill for the selection of practitioners, their re-training and adaptation. Until then, it is possible to choose the best scholars, even if in three years all their strengths and weaknesses become obvious. In my own line, such a pidkhid motivates students to learn not for show.

The dual system gives miraculous possibilities for cherubing by a powerful car. Riven navchannya at її framework is constantly moving. A little wheel of enlightenment is not capable of giving such a knowledge of the middle, like a dual training, to rob him with an important meeting on the path of a successful kar'єri.

The idea of ​​a dual education develops its own real practical contours. Interaction of knowledge with business, subjects, markets and practices is one of the modern warehouse models that is necessary for the industry. For this very reason, all the support of the dual education program is needed at once and can be continued to work with the implementation of the work with the help of robotic providers and social partners, who are interested in the development of dual education.

Dual training system

Today in the country 888 TIPO organizations.
They learn 587,3 thousand osib, including more 338, 1 thousand for the state. Training is conducted from 185 specialties.

The main problem is the lack of qualifications for the market of practice.

Similar shortcomings in the preparation of future fahivtsiv have been relieved dual training system, scho during the process and theoretical, and practical training.

The dual system supports the interests of all parties that take part from them - enterprises, practitioners, states.

Kazakhstan is getting used to real opportunities to promote dual (cooperative) education. A legal framework has been created:

- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On lighting"(para. 35-1 article 1)

"Cooperative training is one of the forms of organization of professional training of personnel, which is based on the corporate performance of the state, roboticists and initial deposits."

- State program for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

“Will be widely promoted cooperative education for the improvement of the actual supply of businesses. The education of the first pledges of the TIPO will be attractive and prestigious for young people”.

- XIX session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on April 27, 2012.

"Design a change of basic enterprises and develop a comprehensive plan for the implementation of a dual model of a system for training robotic personnel."

Article of the Head of State - "Social Modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Krokiv to the Partnership of Zagalnoy Pratsі".

“It is important to develop dual professional education. Applied Qualifications Needed, how to allow the shortage of personnel in mass professions to be patched up.

On a permanent basis, the Temirtau Forum is held through the implementation of a dual training system.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Federal National Welfare Fund "Samurik-Kazina" approved the Plan of entry (road map) for the implementation of the dual system of training of working personnel in the Companies of the JSC FNB "Samurik-Kazina", which transfers the implementation of the dual system of training of personnel. The draft Regulations on undertakings and organizations to promote the implementation of the dual model of personnel training have been developed.

For the support of the Round table held on 18 March 2013 under the head of Irsaliev Serik Aztaevich - the head of the Committee for Control in the field of education of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at JSC "RSMC" created 24 experimental maidanchiks how to implement a dual education system on the basis of colleges in all 16 regions. Mayzha z usima colleges signed 3 third party agreements.

Within the framework of this project, it is planned to stretch 3 years of marriage and the generation of only one possible for the creation Kazakh model of dual training in the TIPO system.

Implementation of the Kazakhstani model of dual training to spry the virishennu of the upcoming tasks:

There is a change in the supply of the appointment of personnel (the market itself regulates the demand for personnel. The main principle is to sign an agreement with the undertaking on a practical basis. In case of undertaking, they are guided by their own needs);

What is wrong with the training of graduates (a lot of students are deprived of training at the quiet enterprises themselves, where they went through practical training);

Virishuetsya nutritional support to learn from the help of roboticists (roboticonderers themselves prepare the order of training at the enterprise and take advantage of the theoretical training at the college);

The supply of sufficient financing of the TIPO system is growing (most of the financial support is based on the enterprises themselves: on practical training (including payment for the students), glass materials, additional support for the material and technical security of the professional school);

the prestige of the TIPO system is rising at a fast pace.

List of references

1. National doctrine of enlightenment. Materials of the All-Russian for the sake of practitioners of enlightenment. - M., 2000.

2. Alfiorov Yu.S. Dzherela and the mechanism of financial education outside the cordon // Pedagogika. 2000. - No. 8. - P.85-94

3. Anisimov V.V. Theory and practice of the development of professional education in Russia in the XX century. M.: IOO MO RF, 2000. - 225p.

4. Gaskov V.M. management professional training and preparation. -Geneva-Moscow., 2000. 386s.

5. Zejer E.F., Vodenikov V.A. that in. Psychological and pedagogical care for the training of rem_snik_v-p_dpri_mts_v. Yekaterinburg: Vidavnitstvo Ural. holding prof. - Ped. un-tu:, 2001. - 236s.

4. Kobelev N.B. Organization crafts activities. M., 2000.

5. Oliynikova O.M. Social partnership in the field of professional education in the Netherlands//. Middle professional education. -2000. - No. 2. - P.52-62.

6. Fedotova G.A. Regulatory security for the standard of professional education at the FRN. M.: ІRPO, 2000. - 51 p.

7. Fedotova G.A. Foreign education training at foreign vocational schools // Professional education. No. 8. - 2001. - P. 6. (with a colleague)

8. Fedotova G.A. Vocational education and training for robotic professions at the FRN. M.: ІRPO, 2001. - 72 p.

Cob navchannya nearest group: 20 spring. Payment can be made at the bezvіdsotkovu rostochku (10% on the cob of training and 90% on the cob of training)!

The high status of the Bugulma machine-building technical school, organized by the Ministry of Chemical and Oil Machine Building of the USSR in 1989 (mandate No. 94), is explained not only by the uniqueness of the initial pledge, but also by the small communication from the robots.

Career and pedagogical staff of the technical school deeply understand the importance of spivpratsi installations of SPO with enterprises. The key partners of the technical school are BAT "Tatnafta" im. V.D. Shashina, TNG-Group, Bugulma Electric Pump Plant, Energoservis, BOZNA. Zmіst osvіti tekhnіkum svіvvіdnosit z vimogami, yakі pred'yavlyayutsya specialists z vyrobnitstva. The training programs are solidified by the technical engineering of enterprises.

The fate of the conducting fahivtsiv of undertakings-partners with the robotic subsidiaries of the state commissions, the development of competencies for the professions of early and middle education, the education of students in a technical school to participate in scientific and practical conferences, sportswear, star-selection conferences of young practitioners and specialists of the BMZ - the axis of the new transition of the joint work of the teaching staff of the technical school and factory workers.

Hundreds of graduates of the technical school work in all the most important local enterprises. Only BAT Tatnafta has over 400 osib. A job is guaranteed, a high salary, and a social package after graduating from a technical school - the axis of the main arguments, like getting applicants for training to our CVD.

Problems for the current day є protirichcha mіzh zrostannyam pribіl fakhivtsy i vіdsutnіstyu ob'ktivnіstyu ob'ktivnoj prognoz schodo galuzy ekonomіki, irrational vykoristannya that low price pratsi fahivtsіv іz avіdnоyu professіynoyu osvіtoyu.

Innovative form of interaction with robots - dual training of fourth-year students of specialties "Technology of machine-building", "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical possession", which is implemented in partnership with the plant of mechanical engineering. Tsya form is gaining more and more popularity for the rest of the hour. Vaughn relies on gnuchkistyu and individualization in the organization of practice. The dual training of transferring to the mutual acceptance of entrepreneurship and establishing the SPO: at the technical school, the student is obliged to complete the basics of professional activity;

The experiment with dual training was developed in 2011 and showed that the practice of that theoretical training (3 days - training in a technical school, 3 days - a robot at a factory), training in paying for work jobs, laying a term labor contract, completing a social package z-pomіzh dosvіdchenih pratsіvnikіv - all tse spryaє adaptation of probable fahivtsіv to virobnicheskogo middle, confirming the correctness of the choice of profession, giving a sense of її significance.

Employment contracts of students from the undertaking include the same social guarantees, as for the practitioners of the Tatnafta enterprise: security with a policy of voluntary medical insurance, vouchers to a dispensary and others. Graduates of the technical school are guaranteed to save their working days until the end of their service at the lava of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on the day of the conscript, they are given personal gifts.

Kerіvnitstvo to the plant and the technіkum dіyshlo vysnovku, scho dual form navchannya maє perevagi. First, it allows you to significantly improve the practical warehouse of the initial process, saving at the same time the theoretical training, which ensures the implementation of the FSES SPO. In a different way, it helps to complete the task of preparing fahivtsiv, so that I will be more ready to complete specific labor functions. Thirdly, it promotes professional mobility and competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

In 2012, the roci experiment from the dual training was vitiated. At the present time, at the technical school, there is a development of regulatory legal and initial and methodological documentation for the system of dual training, the nutrition of training the staff of the undertaking of the basics of pedagogical mastery is being considered.

Let's hope that the future technical school will change its position on the market of lighting services, as I will conduct lighting, install primary and secondary special education, and a rich-profile resource center for training, retraining and advanced qualifications.

Youth is with us, youth is up to the future, new technologies!

Marina Georgiivna Kozina,

intercessor of the director of the initial work

and social nutrition,

GAPOU RV "Don Banking College", Rostov-on-Don

Elements of dual education in the lighting process of DBC

The development of our local market of practice dictates the need to reconsider the traditional approaches of the system of professional education. Reorientation on the market and the blue vimagala of serious changes in the system of professional education. When hiring roboticists, it’s not necessary to use the format of theoretical knowledge of graduates in the initial mortgages, but rather the readiness to start professional work.

Today's abundance lighting installations until you are ready to reorient yourself to the new training camps. Federal state lighting standards that aim lighting organizations for practice-oriented training of graduates - the indicator of practice-oriented training is responsible for becoming 50-65% for EI SPO basic training and 50-60% for advanced training. The main principle of shaping the lighting program is the most possible appearance of the need to be able to qualify and competencies of the practitioner from the side of the robot, but without school for the heat-technical and heat-theoretical training.

Lіkvіduvati rozrіv mіzh teorієyu and pіraktіv іn priіdєmstvo, іn our graduates pracevlashtovuyutsya. Skin virishu tse nutrition in its own way. Here, before the newcomers, they add mentors, introduce them to the planting, here they expand it and help them through the programs of training and adaptation. І as a result, for a few years, we cut off a ready-to-work fahivtsya.

A number of Russian regions have launched the project "Training of working personnel to support high-tech loafers of industry, on the basis of dual education". This is the system of preparation of fahivtsiv, if theoretical knowledge students of colleges gain in classrooms, and practical - without any intermediary at manufacturing enterprises, at the future working place. The subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as launched a project for the promotion of dual lighting elements, which were selected for a competition by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI).

Russia is at odds in the light markets. One of the officials is a shortage of highly qualified workers.For danim Federal Service from work and employment Russian Federation In the given hour, 60% to 80% of vacancies in the labor market become robitnic professions. During the middle age of the Russian worker - 51-54 years, Crimea:

    the productivity of the labor professions in Russia is significantly lower, lower in the most advanced regions of the world;

    unwilling to achieve the high level of light, Russian workers do not have practical skills necessary for the fact that the businessmen of the country could compete on the light market;

    Investors are not ready to come to the regions, which have the strength of the necessary level of training and qualifications every day.

In this way, statistics talk about the important situation of the newly qualified working personnel, andThe basic system of professional education of working specialties cannot cope with the problem. Virishiti її spodіvayutsya for additional duality osvіti - new model, in yakіy poddnuyutsya theoretical training and practical employment at the master and in the workplace.

The dual system of professional education, which took away the knowledge of the world, is the most expanded and the recognition of the form of training of personnel, as a combination of theoretical training at the initial level and the general training at the manufacturing enterprise.

The system of vocational and technical education was clearly prompted by the Radyansk Union, but it was not saved. And now, spriyayuchi її vіdrodzhennyu, Russia orients itself on the German dosvіd, oskіlki "Dual osvіta in Nіmechchinі" є recognized as the leader in this gallery. Nіmechchinі has a dual system of illuminating about 40 thousand programs. You can choose from 350 professions.Russia is choosing to take from the German model of “dual enlightenment” such important aspects:

Theoretical and practical training for daily professional education, for which the practical part of the training is to pass without intermediary work for business, and the theoretical part is for the improvement of the organization;

Spіlne finansuvannya programs for training personnel for more specifically working places of commercial enterprises, zasіkavlenimy from qualified personnel, and regional government bodies, zatsіkavleniya from the development of the economy and the promotion of life in the region.

Dosvіd vykoristannya dual system navchannya showing such advantages of this system is equal to the traditional one:

    the dual system of training fahivtsiv uses the main shortfall of traditional forms and methods of training - developing between theory and practice;

    the mechanism of the dual system of training has an investment in the specialty of the specialist, the creation of a new psychology of the future practitioner;

    the dual system of training of practitioners creates a high motivation for the acquisition of knowledge and a newcomer to the robot, because yakіst knowledge without intermediary z vykonannyam service obov'yazkіv on working missions;

    zatsіkavlenіstyu kerіvnіkіv vіdpovіdnih stanovіv prakіvnі svogo pratsіvnik;

    initial mortgage, what is practiced in close contact from the deputy, vrakhovu wimogi to the future fahivtsiv at the head of the navchannya.

Among the Germans, we can reckon with the traditionally shoddy setting to practice, as for modern minds, it can only be mentally called physical. Our young people after going to school to go to high school. And more than half of the children at Nimechchina go through professional and technical education, learning to work with their hands.

Why do young people want to get a job as a specialist? In Nіmechchina, students take care of themselves, the fathers cease to take care of them after they finish school, they are ready to beat a robot and take it for a penny.And what do we have?

“If you study badly, you will go to a vocational school,” the teachers of the Radyansk school actively scolded such a horror story. At that hour, the training at the vocational school was continued by young people and their fathers took it as an option for the new ones. For example, the XX century, the situation has recognized the essence of changes.And today in Russia they want to take everything off once, to make young people to be a manager with a great salary.

The high vitality and supremacy of the dual system is explained by the fact that it supports the vital interests of all parties, that they take part in them - enterprises, entrepreneurs, powers. For the adoption of the duality of illumination - it is possible to prepare for yourself the personnel exactly “for the purpose”, having ensured the maximum capacity for the use of our students, with whom - for the sake of being on the windowsill at the request of the selection of practitioners, their re-adaptation. It is possible to choose the best students, even if for three years all their strengths and weaknesses become obvious, and the students show motivation to read not for show.

Our college has practice-oriented training, knowledge of the Federal State Educational Standard. The formation of professional, high-level competencies of students will require the implementation of innovative technologies in the lighting process. Particular respect was given to the formation of a diyalnisno-competent approach through the promotion of practice-oriented tasks. With the development of global educational disciplines of the professional cycle, the laborers form a smarter knowledge with an orientation towards professional competencies. Theoretical employment vibudovuyutsya z practical applications of real virobnitstva, practical robots as close as possible to the virobnic activity. Practice-oriented training is directly related to the practical training of students, to their "zaurrennyam" in the professional activity during the period of the passage of the primary, manufacturing practice(according to the specialty profile), pre-diploma practice. The program of practitioners directing to mastering the practical skills of a specific professional competence is applicable to the federal state budget of specialties.It is practically more practical to learn to take place on real training places - structural subdivisions of Pivdenno-Zakhidny bank, Oschadbank of Russia and other commercial banks of the city of Rostov-on-Don, to which the roboticists already at this stage have an idea about the knowledge and skills of students. At the same time, students during an hour of practice can be able to get to know the mode of work and bank, with minds and economic opportunities for entrepreneurship. For the theoretical and practical training of professional modules, students confirm the mastery of professional competencies - they form a qualification test.

For the formation of a contingent of students between the robotic provider and the initial mortgage, a special agreement is drawn up, in which the qualifications of the employer are to be awarded qualifications to fahivtsiv, and the organization of the process of starting the qualification examinations. It is necessary to draw up an agreement between a robot supplier and a candidate for a job (for example, the applicant is not a robot supplier). At the contract, the financial goals of the parties are assigned, so that the applicant for financial assistance will be given a job for training for the help of the wised-up term of the binding contract. It does not include the execution of a trilateral agreement according to the scheme: the robot supplier - the initial mortgage - the applicant for the apprenticeship.

How to talk about provadzhennyadual system study in the middle of the college, then їїelements vikoristovuyutsya pіd hour fіdgotovki fahivtsіv already a long time ago. Theoretically and practically, training is carried out at colleges, at undertakings, and at primary centers at undertakings. I respect that our college as a whole can switch to dual training and realizing training through close cooperation with robots. So, before the theoretical training, get the faculty of banks, including those who are vikladachiv, and experts in the assessment of initial plans, working primary programs, primary disciplines, professional modules, program practitioners, etc. The Yak was conceived as a more practical way to learn on real picking places near banks. And the specialists of banks are competent teachers of practical training, and during the period of practice, students are specialists (learners) of banks. The head of the Sovereign Examination Commission are representatives of the robotic provider. 95% of fahivtsiv bank facili- ties recognize the diploma project as the graduate students.

The practice of students in the warehouse OPOP, which ensures the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the SPO. Types of practice of students, how to master the OPOP, є: initial practice and vocational practice, pre-diploma practice.

Initial practice is focused on:

    shaping students' minds, gaining practical practical knowledge for further mastering their advanced and professional competencies in the chosen specialty;

    Mastering a robotic profession, qualifying for the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education;

Virobnicha practice includes the following stages: practice in the profile of the specialty and undergraduate practice.

Practice with a specialty profile is directed to:

the formation of the student's advanced and professional competencies, the development of practical knowledge and implementation within the framework of the professional modules of the OPOP, the transfer of the Federal State Educational Standards of the secondary vocational educationBankivska on the right.Organization and care culinary practice zdіysnyuyut kerіvniki practice vіd college and vіd credit organizations mіsta.

The pre-diploma practice is focused on:

    the destruction of a student’s practical practical knowledge, the development of high-level and professional competencies, the conversion of one’s readiness to self-sufficiency labor activity, as well as for training to graduation qualification work

The initial practice and the culling of practice are carried out by the path of drawing with the theoretical lessons of the day (lower) for the mind and the safe connection between the theoretical training and the cost of practice.

Pre-diploma practice is carried out without interruption after mastering primary and secondary practice in the specialty profile. A student is admitted to pre-diploma practice if he/she has completed one of the main professional education programs and successfully passed the previous attestation test, transferred to the initial plan - hall, differentiation hall, sleep s primary discipline, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules

Our college has a good record of interoperability with roboticists, if the real minds of the minds of the masters master the deeds and see the activity in the middle of the profession that is being developed.

As a result of the good cooperation with the main employer, those who work at the college today have over 85% of their graduates.

The dual system of education is dictated by life, in the wake of the current development, the need for a successful implementation of the Sovereign program of forced industrial and innovative development.


    Tereschenkova Y. V. The dual system of education as the basis for the training of specialists // Concept. - 2014. - No. 04 (night). - ART 14087. - 0.4 d.a. - URL:

    Anikєev A. A., Arturov E. BUT. Modern structure sanctify Nimechchini // Alma mater. – 2012. – No. 3. – P. 67–68. 2

    Yugfeld E.A. Analysis of the effectiveness of the dual model of training for the preparation of fahivtsiv for the minds of state-private partnership // Bulletin your school Alma mater. 2014. No. 9. Page 44-47;

    Yugfeld E.A. Characteristics of the structure of professional education in Niemachchini: the duality of education // Contemporary education, education and science: collection science practices according to the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on April 31, 2013: in 5 parts.

For the sponsorship of the Russian-Nimets State Chamber of Commerce, our college has advanced to the program of dual training with the companies TOV "HYPERGLOUS" and TOV "ZELGROS". For us, tse rich dosvіd, mozhlivіst vivchit nіmetsku model navchannya.

    The organization of the dual training began from the next steps:
  1. Software distribution
  2. Staff training for the weekend
  3. Recruitment of students for the apprenticeship program
  4. Launch and approbation

The basis of the program for the training of highly qualified workers for TOV "HYPERGLOBUS" is based on the German model of dual training, which transfers 50% of the training hour in college and 50% of the hour - at the enterprise. "Technology of the production of community eating" on the subject of the viability of roboticists, the promotion of dual education and the program is fully divided. The program is developed for the dermatological profession, which includes theoretical and practical parts, general instructions, rules of safety technology and protection of work. The specialists of the college, qualified chemists, and engineers from the protection of work took part in the development of programs. Kozhen the initial program of regulations for the year. Theoretical year is implemented in colleges (three days per day) - at TOV "HYPERGLOBUS" in the form of mentoring. On the skin of the month, a breakdown is made according to the days of the week.

The implementation of the program of dual training for the professions of "Kukhar", "Baker" and "Butcher" both for college graduates and for the staff of TOV "HYPERGLOBUS" is new on the right.

    Vіdpovіdalnіst іn preparation for nіy dіy vyazav vіn TOV "HYPERGLOBUS". The training of staff for the implementation of the expanded program was carried out according to the plans:
  • training of mentors (21.10.2014 - 06.11.2014);
  • graduate students at the college (21.10.2014 - 06.11.2014);
  • passing the internship of vikladachs to the college at the undergraduate level (leaf fall 2014).
    For the selection of students for the program of additions, the plan of entry, which includes:
  • presentation of enterprises for students and fathers (24.09.2014);
  • excursion to the enterprises for students and fathers (25.09.2014);
  • rozroblennya input testuvannya;
  • conducting an entrance test (July 2014 and June 2015);
  • rozroblennya uchnіvskogo contract;
  • the signing of the student agreement (10.11.2014 and spring 2015).
    The entrance test was carried out in the form of an interview with competencies:
  • motivation to work;
  • customer orientation;
  • loyalty;
  • result orientation;
  • leadership and infusion;
  • motivation for self-development;
  • team work;
    As a result of the entrance test, students were selected for the program of dual training in various professions:
  • M'yasny shop - 9 osib (1 resurfacing);
  • Bakery - 7 cases (2 insurances);
  • Restaurant - 9 osіb (1 refurbished).

The program started on November 10, 2014.

Ninі is being analyzed. Not all students were correct about the results of the selection for the program (4 rehab) the skin has its own reason). Tse didn’t get caught up in the program’s wild run, she’s picking up wraps. An important moment in evaluating the results is the organization of pivotal contacts “enterprise-student”, “college-student”, “enterprise-college”. Therefore, I organize a round table for college students and mentors in enterprises, conduct attestation and testing of students, and equal results. On the basis of a positive communication with the participants of the project, corrections are made to the program.

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