Who is such a qualified specialist. Qualified specialties

All modern organizations lie in the knowledge, dosvіdu and transfer of information. Qualified specialties specialize in the development of technical knowledge. Professional knowledge cannot simply be brought up to bureaucratic obov'yazkiv, but the necessary trials of the training period, before that fakhivtsy lie down to national and international skills, which are determined by the nature of their jobs. If fahіvtsі work in great organizations, the stench does not fully fit into the hierarchy of power. The stench sounds like more independence, lower those who work on the lower and middle levels of the hierarchy. For example, professors and academics work at universities and colleges, charge salaries for educating students, and in their work and work, they orient themselves to international science disciplines for their discipline. They, as a rule, have great freedom in choosing a course of lectures and themselves virishuyut, in what order of different courses they are obliged to be committed among themselves and such a set of courses will ensure sufficient qualifications for the award of a diploma. Significant world stench perebuvayut posture bureaucratic ієrarchієyu. The administrative-management apparatus of the distribution of financial and material resources necessary for the implementation of the programs of education, that task is richly formulated as bureaucratic obov'yazki. The same can be said about how rozpodіlu obov'yazkіv mіzh doctors and administrative staff at the liquor. The steps of the independence of the fahivtsiv to their own heads of the middle organizations are determined by the richness of the officials: rozmіrі and equal bureaucracy of the organization, the nature of the analyzed profession, the professionalism of the professional association, to lie. Like a protege, apply a perceptible watch for ailments and that jurisprudence. Nurses are called to fakhivtsiv, but the steps of independence in the minds of their work are remarkably small. Likarni - tse suvoro bureaucratic organizations, in some medical sisters, they follow the orders of older sisters and other medical specialists. Associations of nurses establish the fundamental rules of the minds of practical nurses, but cannot control until the end of these rules at the borders of the National Health Service.

Another one of the teaching courses, the first and foremost matrix and the leading lecturers, and the second innovative teaching methodology, which includes a large number of content in the class, with the selection of specific clinical evaluations, the method of discussion. Marcelo Polakov.

The matrix course has two modules centered on Management, so that the pharmacist can develop strategies that are suitable for their clinical practice. Tse may be the mother of a special sense. Tse great innocence, - even the words of the chemist Jaime Rodriguez dos Santos. With the 23-rd note of the vin pragne of knowledge: “It seems that they don’t have any qualifications of fahivtsiv, but how do you know, because they can’t know a job so well-prepared people?”.

Lawyers may wish to have a greater degree of independence from their appointed workers, lower medical sisters, and to learn how to stink at great organizations, and not engage in private practice. Professional associations of lawyers are even stronger; stench viroblyayut code of conduct, such as lawyers inherit. Lawyers dotrimuyutsya nevnyh administrative obmezheny, but їх diyalnіst can evaluate and control only those who are a member of the legal corporation. It is acceptable that a lawyer, who works for a singing company, should protect the interests of a firm in a court case, which is supposedly a roaring buyer. The company can entrust the lawyer to do what is right, but, as a rule, it cannot influence the fact that the lawyer protects your interests in this way, and not otherwise. It is important for the majority of people to be aware that the professional competence of a lawyer is worth it and that they do not work on the side of the hired employee.

Recent experiments of the National Confederation of Industry show that 69% of entrepreneurs can be practitioners, the leading rank for technical and specialized settlements. At the same time, 6.4% of the economically active population in Brazil is unemployed - maybe 1.5 million people, thanks to the surveys conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in six capitals of the country near the city.

The Ministry of Pratsi released on Monday the number of the official register of employed and unemployed. Check out what was done over 200 thousand dollars from the portfolio, signed in the country during this period. At the accumulated roci, the number of official settlements, created on the market, can move the badge 1 million. 272 thousand vacancies were created at the quarter.

Significant part of the injection, which may be fahivtsі in organizations, signifies their role curators for a wide range of services, as a service organization. The curator is a person, the initial access is good (at times - until qualification). For example, professional inspectors and engineers control the issue of licenses, necessary for the cob of everyday life; professors and university candidates appoint those who take the degree and diplomas; practitioners of social security determine who should receive social assistance. The degree of independence of fahivtsiv in all types is determined by factors that are more significant.

Training against the market practice. In the opinion of experts, the greatest flexibility is in the fact that you can become a foreigner for the preparation of candidates from the help of companies. “Sometimes you choose for learning wrong directing and do not use the market for practice”, - even Louis Hartmann, fakhivets іz typing that choice.

But the invisibility is not surrounded by greater illumination. Behind the words of the manager from the selection of people Vali, Renata Romero, Brazil, like before, highly valued the university level, but not invest in it, so go out of the market. "We have thousands of possibilities of a technical level, but it is often impossible to designate a professional profile" - even wine.

In today's industries, a lot of people who are engaged in professional activities are innocently grown up. Oskіlki organіzatsіam more and more often have to rely on special knowledge and skills, ієarkhіchіchі system of bureaucratic type zaznayut daedalі more pressure. Among the fahіvtsіv posterіgaєtsya tendencies pratsyuvat posture great organizations; stench organize powerful small firms and promote their services in the world of consumption. Organizations that have a significant number of qualified fahivtsiv, may, sound, have a greater administrative character, lower organizations of a traditional type.

For Claudio Dedecca, a professor at the Institute of Economics at Unikamp and a specialist in labor relations, “the Brazilian made the country, the company and the support of the nation.” As a result, for example, there are no mechanical turners, household companies and tile makers today.

Looking back at this picture, there are a few alternatives left out of the company, more investment for hire, more workforce. Investing in the company's personnel is cheaper and shorter. Krіm nachalnyh program seredinі kompanіy, vіn kazhe, іnіtsiatіv іnіnіtsіati і s universіtіty аіѕ mаyut good results.

The head center "Phosphoritu" is greeted with drink at all times. Vіn, like before, є structural support to the plant, which zdіysnyuє all can see the beginning.

Since 2006, Margarita Bachova has been the head of the work center. In 1990, the status of a young tradesman was taken by a flotator to a storage factory after the completion of the Leningrad Girnichiy Institute. Usyiy was transferred through the river by an engineer who was responsible for the protection of the practice and security equipment, and in 1997 she was already working as an engineer of the primary center, which at that time was distinguished by O.D. Yakovlev. Yevgenia Dmitrievna generously shared her knowledge and knowledge from Margarita and made her own good change. Today, the head office "Phosphoritu" is violating a lot of the most important tasks. We talked about tse mi іz M.Yu. Bachovy.

Swedish technical progress, which was observed in Rest of the Rocks, instilling significant changes in all areas - as a farmer, as a basis for picking up machines for picking chicken reeds for an engineer, as leaning on sophisticated folding computer programs for picturing his projects.

Sometimes a professional can prepare to the first line, but it is not enough. The search for renewal of that specialization may be temporary for those who want to take a professional change, - even Hartmann, fahіvets іz recruitment. Navit if the initial plan is good, and the renovation is permanent, it’s not so easy to reach. There are opportunities, but those who are 40 or more years old often get more interviews - even wine. Payroll so can be a problem. The results show that the workforce, like engineering, can achieve the best results.

- Margarita Yuryivno, tell me, what are the main tasks of the head office?

We, like before, are engaged in the training of personnel for Phosphorite in other directions. Tse and professional training, and advancement of qualifications, and formation of a personnel reserve, and work with young faculty, and organization of trainings and seminars, to develop.

Ale, day after day, someone can be a little more. “I have already taken away the proposition of practice in the same role and with these very attributes, but I earn half of my old salary,” says Jaime, a chemist’s pronouncements. Tse is folding, - even wine. Vіdsutnіst mobіlnostі mіzh different segments є pereskodoyu for hiring a workforce. "Companies still have concerns about hiring technically qualified recruiters, but stink may have great success in other areas," says Gutemberg Macedo, a resettlement consultant.

Dosvid Jaime, May 23, 23-rd note of work in the fireworks, metallurgy and port galuzah, confirms: I am talking with companies from other sectors, and I’m sure that bula itself: “Your resume is wonderful, but let’s go professionally in this district”, - even wine.

At the link with the reconstruction of the virobnitstva, reorganization is required personnel policy, bigger scale are the goals of that task. In fact, all of our work is directed to the development of staff, professional and career growth. I remember that if I came to the field after graduating from the university, when I was trained, they took a receipt that I did not apply for the ITP plant. At the same time, the company "EuroChem" invests in the development of dermal, stimulates and strongly desires the career of young fahivtsiv, who come to the holding's enterprises more and more with dermal fate.

The stench is to make investments for the selection, the development of that conservation of talents. I'd rather give a thought about those companies that want qualified specialists and vacancies. It's time for me to rewatch. "Brazil can't afford to be naughty with the virility of 14.5% of its population," said Jose Carlos do Carmo, the fiscal controller in the eyes of the Ministry of the State of São Paulo. This number will be updated the next hour if data about this segment is published in the census.

José Carlos do Carmo, doctor and tax auditor of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the State of São Paulo. Cal, how to call yoga, stverzhuє, but only once, if the wisdom of understanding is taken, you can take away professional inclusion. Hiring on the market is part of a larger project, which is the social inclusion of a part of the Brazilian population, as it was always included in access to basic rights, such as the right to medical care, education, allowing the robot to speak.

- How do you rate the activity of the youngest fahivtsiv, their ability to develop, to grow professionally?

With young faculty, we begin to be friends with students, if we ask for graduates to work for our company.

Having discovered the work at the factory, the lads together with their mentors put together an individual development plan, which we will later develop. This document marks the goals, as if they could be reached by the stretch of fate. Obviously, we all at once help them to adapt to the labor collective, opikuєmos, podkazuєmo. The boys can call me and my spivrobitnitsam at any hour, we all know especially, we consider ourselves one homeland.

In yoga words, the Ministry of Pratsi cannot be counted. We try to solve the problem in two ways: by imagining the need for legislation, which is common for companies, and in a way that aligns with sectoral interests, as well as in the business sector, they also compromise trade unions - roboticists and manufacturers - with this method.

What is the latest stage in the inclusion of people with limited opportunities for the labor market? We are far away from the mark, as if we were near the reachable quota on the level of 100%. For example, near São Paulo, we got more trochs, lower on pivdoroz. Ale, the strategy of sectoral pacts has provided an important breakthrough. The fate of professional teams in these actions means great prestige to the right, oskolki vіdpovіdalnіst for those who have accepted the market of practice by professionals with intermediary opportunities, to lay down wealth in the bargain is no less than for companies.

The company has developed the Regulations on the organization of work with young specialists, as a transfer of a whole package of medicines for the first three years, until the status of MS. Well, we’re looking at the boys. Let's go, if the "recruits" do not take root, and, regardless of our susilla, go, especially if we put hope on them. And so, if you don’t want to grow up professionally, take on yourself the power, those who stink stink. Fortunately, there are not so many of them, the majority of young people are more important than they are, they take an active part in the laborious and suspenseful life, they open for new knowledge, which, without a doubt, acquiesce to a special and professional growth.

So, I'm encouraging. Close to 33% of contracts are small for companies of this size. Social integration mobilizes support by other means, lowering the legal need. Companies that hire people with limited ability know that they work just as well as other professionals - if not better. Too many companies complain about the quality of the training of a professional, rozumіyuchi, that low training does not allow the quota to be exceeded. Tse is not an argument. Those who look like companies, tse those who stink of a professional, and not a small one, such a wine can.

At the same time, at the head center, I work a lot of young entrepreneurs - Maria Medvedeva and Evgeniya Shcherbina. I know them from the first whilini of their pracevlashtuvannya on our undertaking to inspire from the moment of the conversation, as it took place at that time. Obviously, before the stench began to work at the sphere of training and development of personnel, the stench passed through the brewery, starting from working positions at the workshops. I'm deeply perekonana, which is correct. Only those fahivets, who have technical knowledge and know the technological processes, can competently conduct the process of professional training at our enterprise. And we write programs, we store examination papers and attestation tests, we are members of the examination and attestation commissions.

Practicing to realize your potential for growth and giving them your own abilities, what else. Most of them are the main programs that stimulate the professional development of their teams. A disabled professional also has the right to any type of investment. Tі, who cares, it seems that he wins є high. In addition, it is necessary to change the way to search for the fahivtsya. Just by looking at the quota, a lot of companies started talking about professionals with reduced abilities, which does not necessarily mean knowing the most qualified disabled specialist.

Since 2007, it has become a tradition in our company to hold a scientific and technical conference for young specialists with the method of their professional development. I want to signify that the growth of the potential of the NTC, as I watch for skin rock, makes me incredibly happy. First, the growth of the kіlkіst robіt i, judging by zіh robіt, the growth of professionalism of our youth, the growth of creativity, technical literacy, love and devotion to virobnitstva and without intermediary to our enterprise. In a different way, we see the interest of our scientists in scientific and technical projects of young specialists. Vikonavchiy director of PG "Phosphorite" Volodymyr Leonidovich Yerlikov was especially present at conferences, giving recommendations and vindicating his summary of the skin presented to the project. Under a bag of work, it can become a project for the undertaking. І tse that result, about which specialist can dream. A young specialist, who won the regional stage of the STC, is delegated to the corporate stage of the scientific and technical conference, which is already traditionally held at the Young Specialists' Ceremony of the MCC "EvroChem" near the city of Sochi. There, young entrepreneurs of all enterprises of the holding should present their work to the directors for direct partnership and the chief directors of the holding organizations. Tse even more great praise, that even more great vіdpovіdalnіst.

We have created a website, which is sponsored and promoted by a group of Russian companies, which is to be cleaned, which was born as one of the partners of the Galuzov pact. On this site, whether a person with a disability can publish his resume, that company from the US country, and whether or not you can advertise your vacancies.

Today, a person with a qualified disability is strongly challenged by the market. It seems that the fools never thought that success and merit were closely tied. - Goethe. Medically navchannya є nadzvichayno foldable. Grati vestibular, dozhinoyu over 10 yew. year, і, nareshti, grati zmagan Medical residence і, nareshti, sieve Test test, suitable for all those who follow the cycle of illumination over 10 years. Not giving due importance to these susillas and distant trials, all the sense is less here, in Brazil, the country, de merit is the method of these savtsiv of our gifts.

Because EuroChem is an international company, maybe a lot of respect is attached to the knowledge of foreign music?

This is one of the company's priorities. Good, as fahіvtsі come to us, like already enough money. Ale for the quiet, who is aware of the landowner's shoes, it is necessary to know English language, for members of the personnel reserve and for young specialists, on the basis of the initial center, the training of English language for the entrepreneurship was organized. We have a small group of people who speak English language. Rozpodіleno stench fallow in vіd іvnya znan. І kerіvniki, і spetsіalіsti, і young specіalisti - all in equal minds can keep busy and pass the interim and pіdbag tests. Like a teacher at a school: with notes, assistants, a magazine, take those assessments.

For more than five years, attack the merits of being numerous, and they created an atmosphere of tension among all those who have their own destiny in medicine. Having applied richly, and be it, someone who has been applied from medicine, you can quote them. Mozhlivostі, vіdkritі pochatkovom text, znenatska established itself as fahіvets, doctor of sumnіvnykh utvoren. Testing, if carried out by a group of specialized partnerships and a medical institution, will no longer be the only way to become a medical professional.

Publication of the text, which is due today, saves the health of the Brazilian population. It was of reasonable significance for the most important problem, and the introduction of members was the key to this process. We have succeeded in making the Brazilian health go back a long way. Unfortunately, we had a chance to spend a lot of energy in order to get to the point where we were three years ago. A lot of work to correct the decree, which could be carried out in a different way.

- What role do mentors play in the formation of lads in the field?

The skin of a young fahivets may have his mentor. Surely, in the form of mentors to lay a lot of money. I used to see profoundly heavenly mentors, like they put their hearts in their podopіchnyh. Among them are Anatoly Khodanovich, head of the energy department, Oleksiy Dmitrochenkov, intercessor of the head of the EFC shop, Oleksandr Smirnov, head of the PSK, Sergiy Mamontov, senior foreman of the Ammophos shop, Kirilo Karyuk, foreman of sulfuric acid production, Oleg Artem'ev, head of the Ammophos shop, Oleksandr Asgafonov, foreman of the KVP. The best mentors of the holding will look for the core of the company "EvroKhim" on the salary of young specialists of the holding. A bunch of stench was taken as a “pretendance”, which has total control, at the same time young colleagues are accepted from the team in a friendly way, sharing knowledge with them and good luck.

The text, hardened by the working group, closed the legal gaps, entered the statutes in the decree, which allowed the order to intervene unilaterally in the form of certification of medical fahivtsiv in Brazil, and that was the preparation of these fahivtsiv.

Guarantee that the decree is not overridden by the preparation of medical fahivtsiv, є last favor, adopted by the working group, formed by representatives of the order, medical institutions of the Chamber of Deputies. Be a fakhіvtsem - on the right, good luck and goodness. For luck, in order to be able to follow an important career.

If we talk about young personnel, then, let's say graduates from universities, "Phosphorite" is ready to hire graduates from the Kingsepp College of Technology and Service. Do you want young workers to go to work?

The college trains three whole groups for two demanding directives: staffers - operators of chemical manufacturing and electrical installers. Three students fit into a tripartite agreement, under which they pay a scholarship (as there are no problems with success and education), they provide free hot meals, and also guarantee the passage of practice with distant practical training. Irrespective of those who at the same time advance the prestige of the labor professions in the country, young people from the cob professional light are reluctant to go to work in the field, and if they come, they won’t stop for a long time. If you want to keep the cotton on until the very end, then the possibility of working on a stable supply of a successful company with leather rock is growing.

The company "EvroKhim" more than 3 students and navit z shkіlnoi ї lava pridivlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєє єєєєєєє єєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєє ії іn'tіnії іnіtаnіїї і nіkreativnіshih lads іv then ask for a job. How do you feel?

- Within the framework of the spіvpratsi MHK "EvroKhim" and vichy - partners, championships are held on a grand scale for the opening of the EuroChem-cases. Championship of promotions for the development of professional and special competencies in universities. The fate of the students at the top cases allows them to recommend themselves well to the leaders of the company. Tasks are reviewed for relevant topics for EuroChem, and solutions for engineering cases are assessed positively to recommendations for such criteria: technology, economics, originality, novelty of solution, innovation. Students who are called to work will be asked to practice before us, and then, for mutual benefit, become practitioners of our Company. In this rank, we choose the best of the best.

"EuroChem" actively promotes the development of chemistry and the formation of a basic interest in the profession of chemistry at a secondary school level. At the cost of the company in the regions, it was created and equipped with the necessary equipment and glassware materials for a number of school classrooms-laboratories of chemistry. For the study of future labor resources among schoolchildren of the 9th, 10th and 11th grades in the regions of presence of the company "EuroChem" jointly with the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Olympiad in Chemistry. Peremozhtsі olympiads enter to the greatest chemical victories on the basis of education for the company’s work, then, come to practice at the enterprises of “EvroKhim”.

- What's new in the system of professional training of practitioners "Phosphorite"?

Nasampered, the very order of practitioners is changed until the process of training. People zatsіkavlenі podvishchuvat svіy rіven іvіlіfіkatsії, often vyyavlyayut bazhannya zdobut zdobut professіu, rozumіyuchi, scho scho with low qualifications and higher professional profile prаtsіvnіk may be not required. The market for practical work today requires the presence of a number of qualification certificates, and we are occupied professional training and the development of practitioners of the industrial group;

For the rest of the years, our robots have a lot of new projects. Obviously, it is mainly due to the policy of the Company as a whole, but also new legislative documents of the Russian Federation that regulate the procedure of our work. For example, according to the new Law on Lighting of the Russian Federation, the head offices of enterprises were equated to others initial mortgages without separation of functions, and now we are working on ordering documents in the lighting sphere and our responsibility for monitoring the committee of general and professional education Leningrad region. Previously, we have been working on the process of navchannya for the investigation of the enterprise, based on methodological recommendations and help from Rostechnaglyad of the Russian Federation.

Professi Nonchangnia was hidden to the tangle by persons of the RIZNOY VIKU of the profession of professionals, for the number of Roboti to the concrete repradanni, technology, the Apalaniy Professi Zasoby, the quarrels of the Rosebiyan, classes, the categories of the labits of the Robi Plants

Хочу сказати, що обсяг нашої роботи (фахівців, задіяних у навчанні та розвитку персоналу) не залежить від кількості працівників на тому чи іншому підприємстві, а залежить від відношення керівництва підприємства та Компанії загалом до того, наскільки керівництву важливо, щоб персонал був висококваліфікованим та професійно sorry. Workers at the link with optimization of personnel and reconstruction of production become universals. Because there, de pratsyuval a few people at once, now most of the time pratsyuє one person, but there are a few professions and, as a rule, a high qualification.

Speaking of innovation, one would like to guess the truth: "Everything is new - but the old is well forgotten." For example, professional skill competitions. If I only came to the primary center like the 90s, then the competitions were also held at our base. Then the stench came from the forgetfulness, and the axis of three fates to that "EvroKhim" having revived the work done, and from a new perspective. The competition is held in two stages - regional and corporate. Regional competitions at the industrial maidanchiks of the holding's enterprises are held at the kvtnі-grass and end before Chemist's Day, and corporate events are traditionally held at the sickle, just before the sleep of our Company's saint - "EuroChemist" Day. I want to express my opinion on the high equal professionalism of the participants. Є great bazhannya pracіvnikіv take the fate of whom you come. A lot of participants are re-applied. The number of nominations for skin rock is expanding. Those who win the prizes of the month in the nominations - represent our company at the corporate stage. Which time corporate stages will take place on the squares of the Kovdorsky GZK (from 07 to 10 hours) and Nevinomisky "Azot" (from 08 to 11 hours). Undertakings will appreciate professionally and materially want and motivate participants and enable the competition of professional mastery.

- Chi pratsyuє on "Phosphorite" scheme of personnel reserve on the nomenklatura plant?

Pratsyuє i sіlkom succesfully. The main meta-formation of the personnel reserve is the creation of minds for the swedish township and professional growth of workers, the provision of the maximum recruitment of personnel potential, the offensiveness and efficiency of the management system. For fakhіvtsіv personnel reserve "EuroChem" to hold seminars for the promotion of qualifications, trainings, probation both in Russian and in foreign enterprises of the holding. Spend up to the personnel reserve - it is prestigious for people. Obviously, the middle nomenclature plantings of personnel change rarely, and we cannot guarantee here the same terms, the scheme is working, and when the gravel planting is changed, we are going to go to the personnel reserve itself.

Organizing the process of training for entrepreneurs, what new things will you and your colleagues learn about the development of staff?

Our sphere has a lot of things that are new and rich. We ourselves are constantly growing and developing. Narazi mi, as and іnshі podrozdіl our pіdpriєmstva, vibudovuєmo agree to work with contractors, occupies the budgeting of articles of education and development, as well as personnel projects, pay for services and phone documents. For the past hour, specialists in accounting have been busy with it. Now for us, fahіvtsіv distant types of accounting, it is important that everything was done competently and at once. In the same year, they became the most reliable in the light of the day and the confirmation of the specialist in the work with the staff of Mykhaylivska Natalia. Tse її "front" roboti.

"EvroChem" has a lot of resources and stained-glass windows to come in, to lead to the development of the Company's practices. Under the supervision of a certifier from the personnel of the division "Dobriva" of JSC "MHK "EvroChem" Volodymyr Baranovsky, we are developing and submitting the following documents, regulations, instructions and methodological recommendations. Tsіkavo take the fate of specially created documents, so that the first thing is the main idea - those that are contagiously created - will regulate our work. My colleagues from Belorechensk, Nevinnomyska and Novomoskovsk - they have been re-verified by the hour with great experience of work in our sphere. We started pratsyuvati in the Company with them, and to this one understands one of the words. I can confidently say that we have a friendly team that is blessed.

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