Development of managerial decisions in the personnel policy of business. Features of the work of the staff

For a practical example in Denmark term paper taken by the Partnership with a fenced-in vіdpovіdіlіstyu "KS".

The Partnership with the Intermediate Distance “KS” (abbreviated name of TOV “KS”), which complied with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, was created by decision No. and decent civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The establishing documents are given in accordance with the Federal Law of 08 February 1998. “About partnerships with a fringed vіdpovіdіlіstyu”, who gained chivalry on the 1st day of 1998. The statutory capital is based on the amount designated by the supremely designated law.

The undertaking is a legal special - a commercial organization, the statutory capital of which is divided into parts appointed by the establishing documents of the reconciliation, we will create a profit for the owner. Legal addresses of TOV "KS": m. Kazan, Khimichna bud.13.

Suspіlstvo may be in power in the Kremlin, which is protected on the yoga independent balance, rozrahunkovy and other rahunki; follow for your goiters to all the important ones, you can please, according to your name, please, fill in that name non-main rights, to speak up, or to give evidence to the court, arbitration court. In this rank, TOV "KS" is an independent state loneliness, which operates on the basis of a full state rozrahunka, self-financing and self-sufficiency.

Main partnerships to establish the main funds and werewolves, as well as other mains. Financial resources of the enterprise are formed with additional income from their activities.

The labor laws are regulated by the official legislation of the government. Pratsіvniki priymayutsya on the job and zvіlnyayutsya z roboti director vіdpovіdno up to the standard layout.

The main method of creation of TOV "KS" is the need to establish commercial activity for the purpose of executing the task of vikonnannya robit, connected with the wholesale and retail trade in feed for household creatures, obviously, we will take away the surplus. To achieve the goals of TOV "KS" the following types of activity and work are required:

1. Wholesale trade in feed for domestic animals;

2. Retail trade in domestic animals and food for domestic animals;

3. Our wholesale trade;

4. Wholesale, retail and auction trade in products of wet harvesting, as well as products of other businesses, organizations and physical facilities;

5. Nadannya personal services;

6. Other types of activity, not fenced by the legislation of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the population.

The main governing body of the partnership is the general selection of participants. The management of the partnership with the obmezhenoyu vіdpovіdalnіstyu TOV "KS" is single-handedly - the director.

The director of TOV "KS" implements his obligations on the principle of unity of command, bearing personal responsibility for the activity of business.

The organizational structure of TOV "KS" is linear. The basis of the linear organizational structure of the enterprise to become so called the "mining" principle of encouraging and specialization of the management process of the organization's functional subsystems. According to the skin subsystem, a hierarchy of services (“mine”) is formed, which permeates the entire organization and burns to the bottom. The head accountant is assigned to the director without intermediary, who is responsible for the formation of the oblіkovoї policy, management accounting style, timely submission of a complete and reliable accounting record.

The head accountant takes care of the enforcement of government operations under the legislation of the Russian Federation, control over the operation of the mine and the implementation of financial goiters. Wimogi head accountant documentation government operations and submission to accounting of the necessary documents and statements of obov'yazkovy for all practical organizations. Accounting is carried out directly to the head accountant of the enterprise. Head of Accounting є:

1. Organization and perfection of the accounting form in the enterprise.

2. Formation of new and reliable information about government processes and financial results of business activity.

3. Ensuring control over the presence and labor of the lane, the selection of material, labor and financial resources compliant to the approved standards.

Legal responsibility for the work of the director of the business without intermediary, for the tasks of any distribution, you take part in the distribution of documents of a legal nature. Also, the juridical worker works methodically with the correct work at the enterprise, gives legal support to structural support and large organizations in the preparation of the formalized various legal documents, taking part in the preparation of the drafting of the proposals in the event.

Other functions of the legal entity of TOV "KS":

1. conducting call and claim work;

2. Preparation of jointly with other subcontractors of materials on the embezzlement, waste, shortages, release of unfavorable, non-standard products and services, violation of environmental legislation and other legal violations for transfer to court, courts;

3. designing the appearance of that security, which is known to the executors and endings of judicial and arbitration certificates;

4. participation in rozrobtsі and zdіysnennі zahodіv shkodo zmіtsnennya konovіrnoi, іnаnsovoї and labor discipline, zabezpechennya zberezhennya lane pripriєmstva;

5. carrying out, reviewing, analyzing and clarifying the results of reviewing claims, judicial and arbitration certificates, the practice of laying down and viconating the state's debts with the method of developing propositions about the subsequent liquidation of the revealed shortcomings and the expansion of the state's financial administration;

6. design necessary materials about the attraction of practitioners (depending on the established procedure) to disciplinary and material viability;

7. taking part in the work with the inclusion of state contracts, conducting their legal expertise, breaking up the minds of collective agreements, and looking at the supply of debtors and creditors;

8. control over the timeliness of the submission of structural documents, rosrahunkivs, explanations and other materials for the preparation of relevant claims from customers;

9. Preparing jointly with other supporters for the adoption of propositions about the change of incumbent or kasuvannya nakazіv, who have spent the rank, and other normative acts that have been seen at the enterprise;

10. carrying out work from a systematized form and the collection of official legislative and regulatory acts, additional notes on their statements, changes and additions;

11. preparation of preliminary documentation for the improvement of the development of state-of-the-art information technologies.

Under the authority of the administrative director, which is ordered without interruption to the general director of the enterprise, is responsible for personnel, which is responsible for the recruitment, registration and staffing of the company with personnel of all necessary categories, professions and specialties in the staffing position.

The following functions have been added:

1. recruitment, registration of the staffing of the company with personnel of all necessary categories, professions and specialties up to the staffing level;

2. registration of acceptance of practice, translation, svіlnennya, admission of pracіvnіkіv in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and instructions;

3. registration, collection of the type of work books, in due time entering the necessary records before them;

4. issuance of pensions for entrepreneurs;

5. organization of the appearance of the opening and the appearance of the workers;

6. Conducting the establishment of the appearance and rank of personnel, zdiisnyu vydakov, characteristics of those other documents on the request of practitioners and other organizations;

7. organize the work of the regional table;

8. maintaining the execution of documents for the acquisition of the policy of obov'yazkovy medical insurance;

9. to know the personifications of the pensioners' appearance;

10. keep statistics of workforce.

The main function of the supplier is the supply of uninterrupted supply of the necessary materials.

The administrative-government body was responsible for the control of the office, and I will purchase the state equipment as soon as possible.

Transport voddіl vіdpovіdaє for tehnіchniy stán nayavnіh vіdpriєmstva avtomobilіl'nyh resourіvіv.

TOV "KS" will be recognized as blue with other legal entities physical persons in all spheres of activity, including s urakhuvannya contracts. At its own duty, the undertaking of the guards has the interests of the caregivers, they work to the extent of their services, the services that are realized are hoped for at reasonable prices and tariffs.

Management in TOV "KS" is established in all areas of activity: manufacturing, planning and financial, technical and technology, work with personnel. Such an aspect gives a clear picture of one side of the activity, and less in the totality of the stench is a complete characteristic of the activity of business. The skin from the designations of the subsystems can be purposeful and does not overlap with another purposeful subsystem. The stench is closely tied to each other, and mutually complement one another.

It should be noted that TOV "KS", acting on the basis of legislation, determines its purpose - to take profits, wholesale and retail trade of goods for native creatures, its own trade services. Management decisions are accepted unilaterally by the director, high concentration of functions, contributions to ceramics, low interchangeability of ceramics. At what cost made a decision that їх vikonannya is not high - the wine is roamed by the great їх kіlіstyu and low yakіstyu. Riven according to the information of spivrobitnikіv perebuvaє at the borders, yakі nebhіdnі vykonanny sing work. These officials, no doubt, are assigned to the economic establishment of the enterprise.

All the mines of TOV "KS" are rebuyed by the authorities, they are taken care of by the independent balance, the statutory fund was created in the penny form by Dzherel molding of the mine, including financial resources, є:

1. surplus, taken away as a result of the government's activity;

2. fixed costs, including bank loans and other credit institutions;

3. Other dzherela, yakі superechat the legislation of the Russian Federation.

TOV "KS" vicorist form salary- Hourly, the cost of payment will be due to the trivality of the hour spent on the job (for servicemen). Forms are constructed on the basis of tsієї different options that combination of payment for work.

In addition, a new form of payment for practice is being introduced under the auspices of victors - "for qualification". This form is characterized by the fact that the payment is due to the knowledge and skills of practitioners, the breadth and diversity of their professional skills. At the її osnovі - pogodinna payment pracі, yak can be zbіlshena vіdpovіdno up to promotion of qualifications by a practitioner, yak within the framework of the main gardening obov'yazkіv, so and when mastering other types of activity. Її advance є increase in self-esteem of practitioners, change in the routine of the process of practice, and the degree of flexibility of work force or in the workplace, if a daily practitioner can easily replace one of his colleagues. In order for the system to work, it gives practitioners the opportunity to train and advance their qualifications, as well as establish methods for objectively evaluating the level of their qualifications.

TOV "KS" has a legal act that regulates labor, social and economic and professional relations between workers and robots - "Collective agreement", which stands for all aspects of stimulating workers, both tangible and intangible.

The main division of the "Collective Agreement" is the system of payment for labor.

Under the system of payment for the practice, it is possible to understand the method of calculating the vineyards, which will allow the payment to the practitioners to be paid by them to the cost of the practice, or the results of the practice.

The tariff system of payment is practically fixed at this organization in a weather-prime form.

Intangible incentives:

1. We hope to be able to advance qualifications.

2. Work space to complete the equipment, protect a part of the facility will require repair and modernization.

3. Organization of a room for the payment and acceptance of a husband.

4. Insurance of workers against accidents and injuries, occupational illnesses.

Also, I will analyze the analysis of the activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to insure the warehouse to the staff. Most of the staff at TOV "KS" is folded by fahivtsі - 70%, 27% is folded by workers, and kerіvnitstvo at TOV "KS" is 3%.

Satisfaction with work on the undertaking of a high temple, not a lot of those who want to change the place of work, dissatisfaction is important to hang young workers with a greater light, and it is natural, even at the undertaking there is no planning of careers.

In this way, the characteristic characteristic of TOV "KS" is presented at this point, allowing you to better understand the analysis of activity, the personnel service and the organizational structure of the enterprise. They gave the next step to go directly to the analysis of the personnel management system at TOV "KS".

Vіdbir and hiring staff.

At the end of the undertaking, vicorists are hired as if they were hired, and internally. But the greater emphasis is still on the inner dzherel. For a month, which naturally vilnyayutsya (eye for a pension, zvilnennya) transfer practitioners from short settlements, train, train them. Tse nabagato vigіdnіshe, nizh svoryuvat tsiliy vіddіl z selection and hiring staff. Oskіlki varіst vіdboru vіznaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєєєє working day spіvrobіtnikіv, zadіyanyh vіdborі, varіstyu zvnіshnіh resourіvіv, і navіt іn the value of vtrat vіd vіdsutnostі pratsіvіnіk worker іїєєєєє.

Prior to the approval of the decision on acceptance for a job, the candidate must go through the following stages of selection:

1. front rozmov with an uninterrupted kerivnik and the head of the service;

2. filling in the application form;

3. review of track record;

4. obov'yazkovy medical examination;

5. praise solution.

Development and evaluation of staff

Adaptation to the personnel at TOV "KS" is carried out at the form of mentoring. When joining a job, or transferring to another place, an obligatory test is carried out for all internships at a work place. By order, a special payment for probation is assigned, which takes an additional payment from the rozmіrі 25% of the landed salary, who is probationary.

The period of probation cannot be less than two days. Sound її trivality - one month, for young fakhіvtsіv, for the decisions of the head of the probation service, you can be trivalіsh.

PID Hour of the experience of the novachka Know for the IZ with core documents, the planting of izdostriye, with the izdoi reservoir of the Otladnan, behind the sides of the Vipads, with the Khudoni Pratsi, the techies of the imperative, the service-technical documentary, the worship of the male.

After the completion of the probation, the commission assesses the knowledge of the probationers, withdrawn during the probation period, and it issues an order for admission to independent work.

This form of adaptation is rooted in three sides: in an organization, for a student, for a mentor.

Zagal can talk about the effectiveness of the adaptation of the practitioner at TOV "KS". In a short hour, I mastered the possession, the core of the documentation. The instructions describe the algorithms for non-standard situations (including electricity, supervised subdivisions) and, in addition to basic documents, to be on the job site. All this allows the practitioners to merge into the brewing process.

Promotion of qualifications and training for staff.

The advancement of qualifications is a key tool, for the help of which practitioners develop at once from the development of science and technology, improved technologies.

Staff motivation.

Be it a motivational system, it can be safe to earn a high salary and earn a high salary of a practitioner and a member of this family. The provisions on material and penny incentives may be fixed in the official document. The workers of the business at TOV "KS" are provided with a safe payment system, with additional guarantees, established by the strict legislation of Ukraine and the minds of the collective agreement. Salary payment є compensation for the labor contribution of practitioners in business activities. In connection with the cim, the main function of the salary payment is shown as motivating practitioners to effective practice. The manager of the system of payment for work in TOV "KS" is based on the differentiation of wages, on the one hand, motivating practitioners to efficient practice, and on the other hand, it can be economically corrected to the value of the results of their work.

The first step in the creation of an effective mechanism for stimulating entrepreneurship care is a clear description of the labor functions of the practitioner. His analysis is carried out on the inventory of the workload and the labor process, the feasibility and potentialities of the worker himself, on the interview when he is hired to work, including his high-power assessments and assessments. The description of gardening functions is compiled by a non-intermediate kerivnik with the participation of a victor. The canceled document is approved by the attestation commission with representatives of the personnel services and becomes the main one for the upcoming attestations, the establishment of payment for work, and the decision to pass through the review of the garden functions.

Analyzing all the foregoing, I respect that the business enterprise should add respect to the system of bonuses, the increase in wages, the minds of practitioners (repair of the premises, comfort at the work station, equipping the workforce with the necessary tools). Chastkove award - ce tezh is not the best solution. This creates a tense situation among the team, and significantly reduces the productivity of the workplace.

On the basis of everything else, a low recommendation was made on how to improve the personnel management system of TOV "KS".

At the great Russian state organizations, they have been awarded the head of personnel management, call it like this:

· Vіddіl kadіv (OK).

· Vіddіl pratsі and zarobіtnoї pay (OTiZ).

· Vіddіl tehnіchnogo navchannya (OTO).

· Vіddіl okhoroni pratsі (ВІД).

Viddil scientific organization practice (NOT).

As a rule, the work of human resources management should be the intercessor of the director of human resources and social nutrition, prote bagatto who is not rehabilitated from rehabilitated subsidiaries (OTiZ, VID, NOP).

For radian hours, the personnel work and the organization of the labor process were actively involved political organizations(CPRS and VLKSM) and professionals, like their specific activity, also replaced a lot of professional obov'yazkiv of personnel services.

As a result of the market changes, there was a need to reorganize the organization of personnel work, to give it integrity. In Russian firms that are being reorganized, they began to create Personnel Assessment Centers (CPC), and in more radical cases - personnel centers with new employees. One of the schemes for the personnel center is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2 - Scheme of the personnel center

The personnel management service fails to meet the following requirements:

1. Evaluation of trained personnel

2. Observation of supplementary needs from practitioners

3. Vyvchennya possibilities zvіlnennya that renavchannya

4. Evaluation of the number of hired practitioners

5. Development of personnel balance

6. Planuvannya priyomu, zvilnennya, navchannya and relocation of practitioners

7. Appointment of recruitment from staffing.

Above the first three heads of the planners of personnel planning, fakhіvtsі z personnel management and linear kerіvniki work together. The core of this work is analysis, planning and design of work areas, and the most important result is technological and financial support for in-line and promising employment structures.

The most widely used methods for evaluating the prospective structure of employment are the same.

Management (expert) assessment. It is reported that it is essential that there is enough information about the future, also, additional needs for personnel. An expert assessment can be taken as a principle of moving information from the bottom (in the form of linear pits) uphill, so to the top down (if the pit is more important to bring to the planning authorities about the selection and personnel changes).

Analysis of coefficients. For additional factors, which characterize the dynamics of the release of products and the increase in the productivity of the workplace, the dynamics of the number of workers is being developed.

Fahіvtsі vvazhayut that there is no ideal management model and it is impossible to develop a universal personnel policy. The real politics is the creative process, the prote її vibir is rich in what to lie in the minds of the outer and inner minds of the functioning of the firm.

When looking at the links between the main goals of business and the method of personnel management, the main structural solutions are related to the development of business, organizational motivation, external and internal links. At this stage, the need for human resources is being formed.

I Persh, the NIZh component, to the same way, who has been forgotten by his pits (viri, yak form hire of Vikoristovuvati, for the Yaki Professions I Yakovyta Prazivati, is a kind of tuning for the formulars of the consumption in the frames the kind.

Prior to internal organizational inputs, as a form of investment in human resources, include:

· Reorganization of subsidiaries of the company (science, closing, association);

· Changes in the functions of feeders;

· Creation of brigades with delegations to them of additional duties;

· Significance of the trivality of a working day and a working day.

As a result of such visits, there is an increase in work, a change in the professions, a change in the professional and qualification warehouse of the necessary personnel.

To zovnіshnіh organіzatіynykh zahodіv, yakі vplyvayut formirovannya consumption in personnel, include:

· Vidsіkannya ineffective types of activities;

· Expansion or abbreviation of contract vodnosyns (indicated on the bik);

· Gnuchki forms for hire;

· Selection of intermediary firms that are engaged in personnel.

As a result of this kind of company, it ceases to demand large groups of practitioners, or it takes itself (partially or more often) to show that it is valid for their victories.

If the needs of the practitioners are formed by the company, then satisfaction can be secured in two main ways:

for the rent of hiring practitioners;

for the preparation of the company of their practitioners.

Offending ways of providing the company with personnel and alternative types of personnel policy - market and internal, the "buy personnel" policy and the "hiring personnel" policy. Like two types of personnel policy, there are ways to use alternative approaches to personnel. And from a practical point of view, they are reflected in a meaningful world mentally. In practice, follow these steps:

· The first teacher of a practitioner in the middle of the company must be hired to work. And, then, the procedure for hiring is expanding with the use of practitioners in the company without blame. At the same time, if any new practitioner will require singing training, take such a way to ensure yoga adaptation in new working minds;

· independent of the choice of the company's personnel policy at the same warehouse at the other proportions of the presence of practitioners, as hired from the side, and prepared in the middle of the company.

As a practical robotic company opposing these two ways of providing personnel for a significant world mentally, then in order to change the personnel policy, it is necessary to use arguments that reveal the advantages of that other way.

The advantages and shortcomings of these methods can already be seen on the level of their characteristic fig.

Characteristics for hire:

· Low training costs for the necessary practitioners (for us, practitioners of mass professions);

· Small terms otrimannya necessary practitioners;

· Necessity for adaptation of practitioners to the minds of the firm;

· Vіdsutnіst nebhіdnostі dovgostrokovogo scheduling;

· Opir practical innovations;

· Vіdkritіst for vigilance from the side of competitors.

Characteristics of training by the company of its personnel:

· Significance of staff training;

· risik spend the deposit at the preparation;

· Meaning of terms for the selection of necessary personnel;

· A high level of adaptation of practitioners to the minds of the company;

· Necessity of long-term planning;

· Reduced support for innovations;

· Closeness for keeping abreast of competitors;

· High image of the company on the market of practice.

Cicavia material is also given later analysis the level of risk (Table 1), which shows the indicators of the activity of undertaking the choice of the method of providing human resources.

Table 1 - Characteristics of the risk associated with the company's staffing (risk level: B - high, H - low, U - low)

Another argument for the choice of another way of providing a company with personnel can be, as with which one the specialists of such a company’s core are formed (Table 2), as if they directly contribute to the corporate culture.

Table 2 - Characteristics of business opportunities between manufacturers and kerivenstvo companies with different types of personnel policy

Vrakhovuchi, that the goals of human resources management have already been appointed, we formulate the essence of personnel policy in this order: personnel policy- ce vibir that implementation by the company of zabiv and ways to achieve the goals of personnel management, which is the result of the dominance of other values.

The values ​​that are realized by the personnel policy, meanwhile understand the role of the human resource for the company that is functioning as a wine. The dominating values ​​are popularized by the interdependence of the participants, who contribute to the development of the personnel policy of the enterprise.

The goals of human resources management can be achieved in various ways and ways.

National and cultural features of personnel policy.

The formation and development of the personnel policy is essential to lie in the national and cultural features of the functioning of the business.

U. Ouchi, an American scholar of the Japanese campaign, a specialist in the management of the country, described the American and Japanese models (Table 3) of personnel policy. In addition, W. Ouchi, having formulated the signs of the model, which he called the theory "Z", as the most promising figure of the American and Japanese models.

Obviously, Russia is also trying to create its own model of personnel management, based on the principles of management with the peculiarities of self-sufficient Russian culture. An important clerk in direct government changes is labor (and wider - government) morality.

Table 3 - Characteristics of the three types of personnel policy of W. Ouchi

Organization type "A"

(American model)

Organization type "U" (Japanese model)

Organization type "Z"

1. Hiring practitioners within a reasonably short hour.

1. Subsidiary hiring of practitioners.

1. Dovgostrokovy hiring.

2. Individually praised solution.

2. Collectively make a decision.

3. Collective responsibility.

3. Individual responsibility.

4. Swedish design and slipping

4. More development and protrusion.

5. Mechanisms of obvious, precise control.

5. Mechanisms for indirect control.

5. Indirect, informal control based on exact, formal criteria.

6. Footprint of a specialized carer of practitioners (vertically).

6. Support for non-specialized caregivers of practitioners.

6. Specialized kar'єra pratsіvnikіv has been marked.

7. Choice of appointment before the practitioner.

7. Holistic (ciliary) pidkhіd to the practitioner as a specialty.

7. Holistic pidkhid, including family.

Morality (from Lat. moralis - moral) regulates the behavior of people on the basis of fundamentally significant values, so that people attribute their behavior to the behavior of others and how they function in the maintenance of morality. Norms of morality can be both primal (for example, Christian values) and local in nature (for example, the values ​​of the labor group or the central social environment - hired workers, entrepreneurs, etc.). On the basis of legal norms, norms of morality are not sanctioned by the power of the state, but by force I call, traditions, vihovannya, hromada thought.

Personnel policy with a glance of orientation on the markets and internal organizational capabilities:

a) employment policy, the main feature of this is an orientation towards the outer possibilities of completing and stimulating personnel. Such a policy is also called "buy a frame". A clean-looking person has a way of providing the company with personnel transfer, that it hires a practitioner, which is absolutely replaceable and does not require additional training. Really, such a change is more rare. І, as evidenced by the statistics (both domestic and foreign), approximately 70% of those who work undergo regular or partial cycles of training in the field.

Hundreds of modern minds of the masters of the policy of hiring, is oriented more importantly to the labor market in, sound, cease to be effective. The scarcity and uniqueness of rich professions, the need for safety and security of technological changes, the uniqueness of the labor process itself, the deprivation of traditional spontaneous motives to the point of practicing forced the company to create internal mechanisms to satisfy the needs of personnel.

b) internal personnel policy in opposition to the policy of hiring, this type can be called the policy of "hiring a cadre." The basis of the internal personnel policy is training, retraining, advanced qualifications and (as a result) promotion of practitioners in the middle companies. In this case, hiring is like the first phase (first step) of turning the practitioner into a company. In today's minds, the main step, the stones themselves on the basis of which the mutual goiters of the practitioner and the company's foundation are formalized - a labor agreement (contract) is drawn up, in which mutual contracts and obligations are formed.

Company investment financial costs the qualifications of personnel (human resources) change the position of their practitioners in the practice market, allowing them to move to work with another company at a time, so that they will ask for a salary. The company may appear for another time, as it does not invest pennies in the training of its own personnel, having the opposite policy - the policy of hiring.

Prosuvannya vlasnyh kadriv, kar'єra pratsivniki.

Today's companies are looking for ways to help secure their investment in human resources. Therefore, it’s stink to pragmatize the cost of spending money and the risk of the investment, creating sleeping programs for training, building on private compensation for private work from the fund for paying for the work, gaining support from the other side of the government of other municipalities.

Ale, by the main methods of "self-insurance" step system preparation and advancement of their qualifications and organically connected with it is the system of passing practitioners, the system of selecting schemes for individual careers of practitioners.

Schemes of chi models of individual careers are fixed with a development of special organizational motives, shaping the so-called internal market of practice, tools for salary and non-salary incentives. Career schemes are based on professional training and retraining of workers, their training and assessment is appropriate for the company's goals.

For the promotion of a career, it is necessary to develop long-term plans for the training and advancement of the qualifications of practitioners, the creation of opportunities for promotion through the service. The characteristics of the American and Japanese models of personnel policy show how Japanese companies try to develop a specialized career of workers, and the American ones - the development of that growth of workers, as they turn out to be from a different professional company, the transition to a foreigner. Such a pіdhіd to kar'єri is called diversification. From one side, American companies write that the spivrobitniks who went through them achieved success in other areas. On the other hand, the trial of the robot at the company's best recommendation and guarantee of the removal of the new robot.



Today, mind the development of the economy and competition over the market dictate their own rules for managing the organization. In this hour of success, be it a company in the first place, to lay down in the capacity to promptly and promptly take the necessary up-to-date information, and also, in the form of an organization of work with documented information in the middle of the organization.

For the sake of special respect, the next thing is to give the very documentation of personnel management, the organization and regulation of this work to pour into the success of the company. Henceforth, all directly activities, which may be directly related to personnel management, are reviewed in other areas and may have their own peculiarities. Before these peculiarities, we must bring to the fore the peculiarities of legal and social responsibility, as the robot-seller carried in front of his practitioners. Documentation of the work with the staff є without intermediary fermentation and fixation of the vodnosin between the robotic provider and the practitioners, so that they close the vodpovidalnost “on the paper”.

The urgency taken by those is due to the lack of respect of the rich organizations to the documentation security of the work with the staff. The majority of roboticists do not defend the usability of personnel management, but rather exalt the power of legislation in their circles. This is why we are mindful of the recommendatory nature of the normative and legislative acts that regulate this sphere, as well as the lack of their efficiency.

In the course of the diploma work, it was analyzed and analyzed the main directives of the activity of the staff of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University with documenting and organizing the work with the personnel with the method of revealing their features.

Vihodyachi zgogo, vibudovuetsya a number of zavdan, and itself:

· Knowledge of the organizational structure of the staff;

· Vivchennya and analysis of normative documents that regulate the activities of the staff of the University;

· Showing the main directions of the work of the personnel service;

· Vivchennya the main vimog before the folding of personnel documentation and organization of work and such documents;

· Doslіdzhennya features of the management of personnel management in the initial mortgage.

To improve the lack of knowledge of those when writing the graduation qualification work, it was more broadly written about the dzherel. Nasampered was studied and analyzed normative and methodological legislative base. Particular respect was attached to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the work of a worker between a practitioner and a roboticist. On the other hand, the most important topics for the young women were the following authors: Grudtsina L.Yu., Kuznetsova T.V., Kirsanova M.V. and others.

A number of documentary materials served as a special guardian and practical certificate, taking off the first hour of passing before graduation practice at senior staff of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

Vіdpovіdno before the appointments are given, the qualification of the robot is folded from the entrance, chotirokh rozdіlіv, vysnovkіv and dodatkіv. All warehouses work and at once call to reveal the peculiarities of personnel management and bring its significance to the organization.

The place of personnel service in the management system

Service for the recruitment of personnel and management of it (vіddіl аbo prіnіnіnnyа from cadres) є independent structural subdivision of a commercial non-commercial organization, the main lines of activity of such a є:

documentation of labor records;

Designing work for picking, arranging and recruiting workers and fahivtsiv;

forming a stable working team;

collation of the personnel reserve;

Organization of a system for the appearance of personnel.

In this way, the role of the responsibility of the personnel service in the global management system is considered to be the functions, the basis of which is the responsibility, connected with the documentation of labor records and the organization of work with personnel.

Documentation of labor days is an indispensable part of the activity of any organization. Documented information is the basis of management. In the society, information has become an absolute resource of choice, an important element of the social and political life of the society. The quality of information determines the quality of management. In today's minds, in order to improve the efficiency of management, it is necessary to give sufficient respect to a thorough work with documents, the shards of a management decision are based on information, on service documents.

The organization of work with documents contributes to the quality of the work of the administrative apparatus, the organization and culture of the practice of managerial practitioners. For the sake of a better system of documentary security of management, the swedish ruh and vikonannya of service documents, their savings, vikoristannya and the correct choice in the state savings are available. That is why the activity of the entire administrative apparatus will be easier, quicker, becoming more clear and organized.

The care of skin care is to blame, that documents from a special warehouse, that reflect the labor activity of practitioners and confirm the length of service necessary for earning a pension, play a special role in the life of a person. It is unacceptable to see the quality of documentation in the case, and to bring about the conduct of personnel management in violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to ensure that the documentation from a special warehouse is transferred to the state archives for a trivial saving.

The worker of the enterprise bears a personal responsibility for the documentation of the fund, which is established on the enterprise, and is guilty of knowing the basics of labor legislation.

It is no less important for the administration of the enterprise to draw up documents in the personnel service under the hour of resolving disputes with practitioners. Labor conflicts are always accompanied by documents submitted to the court, prepared by the personnel service. The most important thing in its own way is the more correct folding of the replacement part of the skin document, and the second one is issued in accordance with the relevant normative acts, so that the document has legal force. The very pardons are allowed at the hour of preparation of documents, it is wrong for some other details and it is not correct for them to often lead the fakhivtsiv of the personnel service to failure at the ship's super-trainer with a doctor for good knowledge of the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the correct zastosuvannyh.

In this way, the personnel documentation, as it always played a significant role in the life of the skin-producing people in our country, continues to be relevant and in the minds of the development of the market-places. So, how to serve as documentary evidence of the rights of a practitioner in social security for old age and disability, hope to go to trial in labor conflicts, get to the state archives on the trial of savings, win over to the final goals in case of an animal population to the archivists.

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Placed on


1. Theoretical foundations adaptation of spivrobitnikov in the organization

1.1 The concept of adaptation. Goals of adaptation

1.2 See the stages of adaptation

1.3 Adaptation management

1.4 Documentation security of adaptation

2. Analysis of the practice of adapting to the OVS in the Karpinsky, Vovchansky districts

2.1 Zagalna characteristic organizations

2.2. Characteristics of the workforce

2.3 Analysis of the personnel management system

2.4 Continued adaptation of young practitioners to RVO




Adaptation to the personnel of the organization is a necessary guide for personnel management. Indeed, being a practitioner of a particular enterprise, the novice is faced with the need to accept organizational support: planting instructions, punish, order the administration too. bud. Wins also accept the wealth of social and economic minds that rely on it under the patronage. Vіn zmusheniy re-evaluate your look, zvichki, spontaneity їх іz adopted by the collective norms and rules of behavior, reinforced by traditions, virobiti vidpovіdnu line of behavior.

It's a pity, the importance of entering the process of adaptation of practitioners in our country is not enough seriously taken by the personnel services for a long period of time. Dosі rich state enterprises and commercial organizations can't build basic programs of adaptation. Тим часом, в умовах запровадження нового механізму господарювання, переходу на госпрозрахунок, самофінансування та самоокупності, що супроводжується значним вивільненням і, отже, перерозподілом робочої сили, збільшенням числа працівників, вимушених або освоювати нові професії, або міняти своє робоче місце та колектив, важливість проблеми adaptation grows even more.

The implementation of the management system for adaptation in the enterprise is to make it easier to manage, and then to lay down the number of such important tasks for the enterprise, such as: change in starting wages, change in the number of personnel; it is possible to have better access to working displays, accepted into the organization - robots; the entrance of a practitioner to a working team, yoga has an informal structure and considers himself a member of the team; reduction of anxiety and unpredictability, as if trying a new practitioner. Anxiety and restlessness to this particular type mean the fear of failures in the work and the lack of orientation in the work situation. This is a normal fear of the new and unavoidable, saving the hour of the uninterrupted worker and ordinary practitioners, the development of the new worker's satisfaction with the work, the positive setting to work and realism in the work.

Service in the OVS spіvvіdnositsya military service, which are characterized by increased social and professional viability, and vimagaє in the form of spontaneous stresses and self-discipline.

The adaptation of young specialists is an important stage in the course of their professional development and special development. Spivrobitnikam need to take a new social role - a spivrobitnik of internal affairs bodies. Acceptance of such a social role cannot be spontaneous;

Great respect has been attached to looking at the different points of dawn and going to resurrected more realities, for which we have used primary materials and articles on personnel management.

The system of adaptation poklikana virishuvati listed more problems.

At the connection with the actual є the purpose of the day of adaptation, the description of the system, the designation of direct, stages, the development of indications of the assessment will become a work of adaptation, the development of the program of adaptation.

The problem of adaptation to personnel at the enterprise and її impact on the efficiency of work and personnel in various aspects was seen in scientific publications Arkhipova N.I., Bazarova T.Yu., Vesnin V.R., Volina V.A., Dyatlova V.A., Eryomin B.L., Ignatyeva A.V., Kibanova A.Ya., Kokhanova E. F., Kuznetsova Yu.V., Maksimtsova M.M., Maslova E.V., Meskona M.Kh., Odegova Yu.G., Pleshina I.Yu., Podlisnykh V.I., Samigina S.I. , Suldina G.A., Stolyarenko L.D., Travina V.V., Khedouri F., and other authors.

Meta doslіdzhennya polagaє rozrobtsі slyahіv udoskonalennya sistemy adaptії ї personnel on pіdpriєmstva.

At the borders of the set marks should be placed like this:

determine the essence and purpose of adaptation;

designation of warehouse management systems for the adaptation of the practitioner at the enterprise;

cultivating the peculiarities of the adaptation by the personnel;

revitalize the personnel management system in the OVS for the Karpinsky and Volchasnitsky districts;

to analyze the system of adaptation to personnel in the OVS in the Karpinsky, Volchassky districts.

The subject of the graduation project is the system of adaptation of practitioners.

The object of the graduation project is the system of adaptation of spivrobitniks to OVS in the Karpinsky, Vovchansky districts.

To continue the system of adaptation to the staff, the following methods were won:

1. Interview with the senior inspector of OK OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky city districts.

2. Questionnaire of young spivrobitniks OVS.

Methods for the follow-up of the system of adaptation to personnel in the graduation project:

1. Methodology for assessing adaptive capacities (MOAS)

2. MCV - Luscher's color selection method.

The first section describes the theoretical basis for the management of adaptation to personnel, gives the designation of adaptation, classification, aspects, management system of adaptation to personnel; dosl_dzhuyuyutsya methods for evaluating the work of adaptation.

At another branch, an analysis of the management of the adaptation system for personnel in the OVS in the Karpinsky and Volchasnitsky districts was carried out. For whom the system of personnel management is being developed, and the warehouse adaptation system. The system of adaptation to personnel is analyzed.

1. Theoretical foundations for the adaptation of practitioners in the organization

1.1 The concept of adaptation. Goals of adaptation

Adaptation is the process of mutually attaching the practitioner and organization to new professional, social and organizational and economic minds of the practice.

Adaptation (lat. adapto-pristosovuyu) - the process of attaching a practitioner to the minds of the outer and inner environment.

Adaptation - the process of active attachment of a person to a new environment.

Adaptation - the process of getting to know the spy worker with the activity and organization and changing the state of the vlasnoy behavior visibly to the middle.

Adaptation - tse mutually attached practice and organization, which is rooted in the constant recruitment of a spivrobitnik in new professional, social and organizational and economic minds of practice.

Starting and accepting a job is to make it through a trivial and expensive process - until the first day of the work of a new sponsor, the company is already spending on a new significant cost. That is why the company is entrenched in the fact that the recruiter did not call for a job for a few months. However, as the statistics show, the largest number of employees accepted for work leaves the organization itself for the first three months. The main reasons for sightseeing are the diversity of reality with salience and the folding nature of integration to a new organization. Help the spіvrobіtnik successfully merge into the new organization - the most important manager of the yogo kerіvnik and fakhіvtsіv from cadres.

Most of the "newbies" come to the reception, but the work place is not prepared, and nothing is especially taken over, the newcomers are given the right to sing themselves. Ale, the oskіlki before the lesion sounds like a deep trace, such a procedure can have a negative impact on the motivation and setting the spy to work. "Dosvid" of this kind can often explain the high quality of personnel in the first year or months of work and the reasons for which a new recruiter can become familiar and take a negative position when organizing right from the first day of work. As new spіvrobіtniki rely on themselves, the organization can't spit on those who stink vipadkovyyutsya, and waste the ability to form their positive attitude to work and respect the traditions of the company.

Facilitate the entry of new recruits to the organization of a call for an adaptation procedure.

In sociology and psychology, they see social and virobnichu adaptation. In a singing world, two kinds of adaptations overlap one by one, but the skin of them may and self-sufficient spheres of stagnation: social activity does not focus on the virobnitstv, and the virobnicha - includes technical, biological, and social aspects.

From the position of personnel management, the greatest interest may be in adapting. The very same is a tool for solving such problems, as the formation of a new working necessary level of productivity and efficiency of practice in more short terms.

The principal goals of adaptation, for Kibanov A.Ya., є:

· Change of starting quotas, so as long as the new practitioner knows his work place badly, he works less effectively and uses additional quotas;

· Decrease in slurring and insignificance in new practitioners;

shortness of work force, the shards of newcomers are felt quietly on new robot and inappropriate, the stench can react to that sound;

· Saving an hour of kerіvnik and spіvrobіtnikіv, so as to be carried out for the program of the robot, it helps to save an hour of skin care;

· Development of a positive attitude to work, satisfaction with work.

In addition, the ways of including new spivrobitnikiv in the life of an organization can significantly activate the creative potential of spivrobitnikiv, which is already being practiced, and strengthen their inclusion in the corporate culture of the organization.

For a ceramics worker, information about those, how organizations in yoga developed the process of adaptation of new practitioners, can say a lot about the development of the team, the development of the organization and internal integration.

1.2 See the stages of adaptation

1. For the subject-object:

· Active - if іndivіd pragne vplivat to the environment in order to change її (including number and tі norms, values, forms of mutual modality and activity, yakі vіn can be mastered);

· passive - if you do not pragne such a splash and change.

2. For a splash on the practitioner:

· Progressive - friendly vplyvaє on the practitioner;

· Regressive - passive adaptation to the middle with a negative bias (for example, with low labor discipline).

3. For money:

· Pervinna - if a person is first included in the permanent labor activity at a specific enterprise;

· Secondary - at the offensive change of work.

· Adaptation of the practitioner to the new settlement;

· Adaptation of the practitioner to a decrease in the plantation;

4. For directions:

· Virobnicha;

· Nevirobnicha.

The remaining criterion for classification is the primary one for broad classification. Most of the time, you can file for looking at the scheme induced by Kibanov A.Ya. (Fig. 1). Let's try to find out the meaning of some of the suggested types of adaptation:

Professional adaptation practice in an active mastered profession, її thinness, specifics, necessary skills, approaches, ways to make a decision for the cob in standard situations. It starts from the fact that after z'yasuvannya dosvidu, knowing that the nature of the novice for the new one, sign the most acceptable form of training, for example, to send to the course or attach a mentor.

The complexity of professional adaptation to lie in the breadth and diversity of activities, interest in it, change of practice, infusion of professional middle ground, individual psychological power of specialness.

Rice. 1. Goals and objectives of the management system for career counseling and adaptation of personnel in the organization

personnel motivation personnel management

Psychophysiological adaptation- adaptation to labor activity on a par with the body of the practitioner as a whole, the result of which is less change in the yogo functional state (smaller volume, attaching to high physical urges too).

The psychophysiological adaptation does not represent any particular folding, but it is possible to get it quickly and to lie in the great world in the form of healthy people, її natural reactions, the characteristics of their minds. Tim is not less, more unfortunate moods trap in the first days of the work itself through the day.

Socio-psychological adaptation people to the virobnic activity - adaptation to the closest social sharpening in the collective, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the collective, to the style of the robotics, to the peculiarities of the international differences that have formed in the collective. Won means the inclusion of a practitioner to the team as an equal, accepted by all members.

Vaughn can be tied up with a lot of difficulties, until such time as to linger on the recognition of Swedish success, understanding the underestimation of difficulties, the importance of living human intercourse, practical proof and reassessment of the significance of theoretical knowledge and instructions.

Appropriate to the heading guide "Personnel Management" edited by T.Yu. Bazarova and B.L. Єriomina, the process of adaptation can be divided into several stages.

Stage 1. Evaluation of the level of readiness of a novice it is necessary to develop the most effective adaptation program. As a practitioner, he may not only have special training, and if he has worked in similar subdivisions of other companies, the period of his adaptation will be minimal. However, the next thing to remember is that it is possible to instill in these moods in the organization an invariable variant of the accomplishment already in the past.

Shards of the organizational structure lie in low parameters, such as the technology of activity, the existing infrastructure and personnel, the newcomer will inevitably consume the singing world in an unknown situation. Adaptation is due to allowance as knowledge of the organization's specific features, and inclusion to the communicative measure, familiarity with the staff, corporate features of communication, rules of conduct, etc. bud.

Stage 2. Orientation- Practical acquaintance of the new practitioner with his own obligations and vimogami, which until now are presented on the side of the organization. Significant respect, for example, in US companies, is added to the adaptation of the newcomer to the minds of the organization. Until the end of the day, the robots radiate like uninterrupted clerks of newcomers, and specialists of personnel management services.

Stage 3. Dieva adaptation. This stage helps the newcomer to his status and a significant world to become a member of the international community with colleagues. Within the framework of this stage, it is necessary to give new opportunities to actively work in various areas, reviewing on your own and testing knowledge about the organization. It is important, within the framework of this stage, to give the maximum encouragement to a new colleague, regularly, at once, evaluate the effectiveness of the activity and features of interaction with colleagues.

Stage 4. Functionality. This stage completes the process of adaptation, vin is characterized by step-by-step adjustments of gynecological and interspecific problems and the transition to stable work. Sound, with a spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage comes after 1-1.5 years of work. As well as the process of adaptation of regulation, the stage of effective functioning can come already in a few months. Such a short adaptation period can not bring a huge financial burden, especially as there is a large number of staff in the organization.

Changes in stages call for difficulties, the titles of "adaptation crises", the shards of the influx of the social environment sound sharply growing.

As a result, the practitioner blames the state of anxiety, opirnosti, stress, looking for a way out, viniknennya need for more active mastering of the unknown.

At the dermal stage, a system of adaptation management is needed. About her and timetsya at the offensive part.

1.3 Adaptation management

Adaptation process management - tse "active injection into the factor, which means overrun, terms, reduction of unacceptable nasledkіv just". . The need for management of adaptation is marked by a great confluence of both virobnitstva, so pracіvnіkіv, like the possibility of being brought to the attention of domestic and foreign enterprises and purchasing organizations. The development of inputs that positively contribute to adaptation, transferring knowledge of both the subjective characteristics of the worker (statement, age, psychophysiological characteristics, as well as enlightenment, experience and experience) indications and results of adaptation. Therefore, when optimizing the process of adaptation, it follows from the obvious possibilities of acceptance (for some of the minds of the workforce, the work hours, the organization of the work is too thin) that the change of the worker (for the development of quiet and lesser health, for the greater subtleties). etc.), it is also necessary to protect the authority in a new and large area of ​​work, especially new and large professions, because stench can be significant, which can serve as a serious bar for professional mobility and personnel policy of entrepreneurship. Adaptation of the practice of virobnitstva, effective management of this process requires a great organizational work. Also, the rich enterprises of the country are creating special services for the adaptation of personnel.

Prote organization needs to work in different ways: depending on the number of personnel of the enterprise, the structure of management of the enterprise, the visibility and organization of the personnel management system, the focus of the administration of the enterprise on the achievement of social tasks in the sphere of management. The services of the adapts prazivniks can Vistupati Yak Self -Structural PIDRODILI (Viddil, Laboratory) Subto Come to the warehouse of the most functional PIDRODILIV (Yak Bureau, Grup Tu Remim Pratriv, Social Laboices, Vydddi, in -depth, in -depth, in -depth. Innodі posad spetsіlіsta s adaptation to be introduced before the regular layout of the shop management structures. It is important that the adaptation service was a warehouse lankoy of the global system, personnel management for business. The goals of the management system for adaptation are well formulated by Kibanov A.Ya. they can be presented in the visual scheme.

Rice. 2. Directly the activities of the support to the management of career counseling and adaptation of the staff

The head of the department added a specialist in the management of adaptation in the organization of technology to the process of adaptation, for Kibanov A.Ya., є:

· Organization of seminars, courses on various food adaptations;

· Carrying out individual interviews of a teacher, a mentor with a new spivrobitnik;

· Intensive short-line courses for kerіvnikіv, scho re-enter the settlement;

· Special training courses for mentors;

· Vykoristannya to the method of step-by-step adjustment of the newcomer's tasks;

· Wiconning of one-time community handbooks for establishing contacts between the new practitioner and the team;

· Preparing replacements for personnel rotation; conducted at the team of special role-playing games and recruitment of spivrobitnikiv.

Structurally fixed adaptation control functions can be followed by such directives:

1. Vision of a separate subdivision (bureau, executive office) at the structure of the personnel management system. Most of the adaptation management functions are included in the warehouse for the delivery of personnel.

2. Rozpodіl spetsialistіv, yakі are engaged in the management of adaptation, for virobnichimi fіdrozdіlami pridpriєmstva in case of short-term, coordination of their activities from the side of the service of personnel management.

3. Development of mentoring, yak u Rest of the Rocks at our undertakings undeservedly forgotten. Just talk about specific steps or stages of adaptation, then clearly distinguish between the functions of an unintermediated clerk and a personnel manager. Primirom, bachat Bazarov T.Yu. that Eryomin B.L. rozpodil obov'yazkіv in the course of preparation and implementation of the orientation program (Table 1):

Tab. 1. Rozpodil obov'yazkіv s orientation

Functions and go in your choice of orientation


bezperedny kerіvnik

personnel manager

Folding software orientation



Getting to know the newcomers with the company and its history, personnel policy, smart practices and rules




Introduction of a practitioner to a working group


Wanted to help newbies from the side of familiar practitioners


Yak Bachimo, a significant part of obov'yazkіv z profієntatsії personnel lie on to an uninterrupted clerk. Tse podkreslyuєtsya at the bottom of the chief assistants. Vesnin V.R. for this sense by the author, which broadly explores its functions at all stages - from “introduction to the plantation” to the final stages of adaptation.

On the other hand, with an individual entry into the settlement (like, again, it’s more beautiful than a group one, which is more effective and requires less vitrate), a non-intermediate kerivnik “breathing a new spivrobitnik with an ear of work, representing the yogo team (recognizing, especially renaming the biography) , to know from the past that the situation in the new one, reportably sing out great things, including unwritten words, tell about the difficulties, how they can get along, that the most wide-ranging pardon in work, about future colleagues, is especially quiet, who has an important character, that is quiet, on You can bow to some of them, ask for help ... The teacher builds instruction, control over the first grades of a beginner, reveals the strengths and weaknesses of yoga training, shows the real need for additional training, and hopes for universal help in adaptation.

The process of adaptation will be significantly facilitated by the participation of a new kerivnik. Before yoga obov'yazkіv to enter the carrying out of the front work with the future colleagues, so that the newcomer was good; confession of a guardian; I will turn over the material minds of the workers.

On the first day of the week, the clerk is supposed to work with the practitioner, find out about success and help solve problems. Tse allow yakomog earlier (ideally for a month) to put together a statement about his weakness and perevaga, mutually in a team, diligence, a good look.

It is necessary for the Kerivnik to create a card for control over adaptation and trimming in the field of vision of the process. At the first stage, it is necessary to help the new specialist to choose the best suitable job, at the second stage, to master the subtleties of one’s profession, at the third stage, the best professions, and also to get the team to the right.

It’s hard to fit in with us with the help of visnovkas, because in today’s Russian minds, if more organizations can’t afford not those who organize the organization of the university, they’ll be able to function as an adaptation to the staff, but the staff warehouse will function normally Qualified spivrobitnikiv In their minds, on the shoulders of uninterrupted kerivnikiv, there are more functions to fall on.

It is easy to say that the concentration of adaptive functions in the hands of a stone worker is a positive and a negative moment. Delegating to you this function, you need to remember that the maker himself is also an object of adaptation, and that it takes an hour for him to attach himself to the right place.

Vesnin V.R. also gave a lot of respect to the socio-psychological adaptation of the scientists. Vіn, zokrema, write, that this adaptation is foldable “for us through the inconsistency of their equals and new ones. Like a kerivnik will be head and shoulders above the team, the rest will not be able to take yoga, and the kerivnik, in fact, will lean in the camp of the general without a military; Otherwise, the collective will be "a flock without a shepherd." The entry process becomes more complicated at times, if the larger boss is left with the chief of the greater equal.

At the assistant, at Kibanov A.Ya. presented, in essence, an idealized scheme for rozpodіl functions of adaptation to the staff of mizh pіdrozdіlami. Ale її nebhіdno vyvchati and namagatisya to her as close as possible.

To achieve the goals of adaptation in the organizations of docile mothers in the development of the personnel of the fahivtsiv or the independent support of the management of the professional education and adaptation of the personnel. The staff of such a pilot can be formed as a minimum of two specialties: a professional consultant (professional orientation) and a manager with personnel (training, training and adaptation of practitioners).

Функції цього підрозділу мають бути орієнтовані на працівників, яким потрібна допомога у професійній орієнтації та переорієнтації, а також випускників підшефних шкіл, які стоять перед вибором своєї подальшої професії, та на нових працівників, які прийшли в організацію або змінили місце роботи всередині неї.

Pіdrozdіl z management of professional education and adaptation may include the following functions:

· Vivchennya that prognozirovannya conjuncture to the market pratsi, carried out zakhodіv schodo adaptation to the new, zdіysnennya vіdpovidnoї restructuring of personnel potential;

· hiring and recruiting staff with a variety of professionals and descriptions of work, testing and interviews of practitioners with the method of their short professional education;

· Placement of personnel for trainees, dilnitsy, working positions, fixed rotation and internal shifts of personnel, formation of a stable labor collective;

· Vіdbіr lіderіv z number of young pracіvnikіv, yakі mayut talent organizer;

· Organization of mutual relations with the regional system of management of professional education and adaptation on mutually vigilant minds.

In shoes' ties professional consultant enter:

1. Professional consultation of practitioners in business.

2. Collection, accumulation of information, development and forecasting of market conditions, prestige of the profession.

3. Participation in hiring and selection of staff.

4. Organization (together with the administration of schools) work with vocational guidance for schoolchildren.

5. Improvement of communications from vocational schools.

6. Organization of the establishment of a career counseling office for undertakings.

7. Helping vocational schools and schools with thematic stands in vocational guidance.

8. Organization of professional development.

9. Organization of theme parties for schoolchildren.

10. Conducting lectures at schools, seminars on the basis of requests from workers, scientists, specialists in business management.

11. Organization of exhibitions of literature about the choice of profession in schools.

12. Carrying out a group promotion of professional orientation of schoolchildren.

13. Organization of a lecture hall for fathers of schoolchildren with food for professional education.

14. Spending at the opening day of opening doors.

In shoes' ties personnel manager enter:

1. Knowledge of the organization; characteristic; mind hiring; payment for labor.

2. A tribute to a clerk, an uninterrupted boss, an instructor with a job.

3. Organization of excursions by working places.

4. Understanding the minds of robots, understanding the functions (at the same time as a stoner).

5. Organization of training (together with the training).

6. Introduction to the collectives, giving to the spіvrobіtnikіv (at once from the kerіvnik).

1.4 Documentation security of adaptation

As well as when recruiting personnel, so when entering the planting of newcomers, it is important to understand the main motives that tell them the need for work, as well as the need for battle. Most people, starting to work, want to learn more and show that they can do good with her. However, irrespective of the fact that the first day of work is not enough, new workers come to the first day of work from the faceless natural battles. To prevent such situations, a procedure for entering the landing or, in other words, an adaptation program for personnel is necessary.

The program of adaptation is the recruitment of specific actions, as it is necessary to work out a specialist, a necessary adaptation. In different headings, there are different synonyms for adaptation programs - they are called programs of orientation and simply orientation. The essence of these manifestations is approximately the same. We use the term “adaptation program” to describe the adaptation as a basic and complex process, which sub-order itself enters and orientation.

Most of the authors subdivide the program into a global and special (specialized) program. Global adaptation program stosuєtsya zagale usієї organіzatsії. Various authors include up to 6 to 9 main meals. Most often, in our opinion, the essence of the global adaptation program was laid down by the assistant Bazarov T.Yu. that Eryomina B.L. Behind him, during the course of the program, the following duties are broken:

1. General statement about the company:

· Goals, priorities, problems;

· Traditions, norms, standards;

· Products and її spozhivachі, stages of bringing products to spozhivacha;

· Diversity of types of activities;

· Organization, structure, links of the company;

· Information about ker_vniki.

2. Policy of the organization:

· Plant personnel policy;

· Principles of personnel selection;

· Straight lines vocational training that advanced qualification;

· spryyannya to practitioners at times attracting them to the ship's reliability;

· Rules for koristuvannya by phone in the middle of business;

· Rules for choosing different modes of working hours;

The rules of protection commercial secrets and technical documentation.

3. Payment for work:

· Rates and forms of payment for practice and ranking of practitioners;

· Payment for weekends, overtime.

4. Additive pills:

· Insurance, work experience;

Helpers for timchasovoy unpracticality, temporary helpers, helpers for sickness at home, for more important expenses, help for motherhood;

· Pіdtrimka u razі zvіlnennya аbo retirement;

· Possibility of training on robots;

· Availability of distant, buffets;

· Other services of the organization for their spivrobitnikiv.

5. Protection practice and dotrimannya security equipment:

· Place of first aid medical assistance;

· come in later;

· Warning about the possibility of insecurity in the field;

· Rules of anti-burning safety;

· Rules of conduct in case of unfortunate fluctuations and the order of notification about them.

6. Pratsіvnik ta yoga vіdnosini s profsplkoyu:

· Terms and conditions for hiring;

Appointment, relocation, pushing;

· trial term;

· Cursing with a robot;

· information about failure to work and delay in work;

· The rights and obligations of the practitioner;

· The rights of an uninterrupted clerk;

· Organizations of workers;

· Establish a professional split and company policy;

· kerіvnitstvo that otsіnka vykonannya robi;

· Discipline and contraction, formalized scarg;

· Communication: communication channels, mailing materials, expansion of new ideas.

7. Pobutu service:

· organization of eating;

· Availability of service entrances;

· Wash for parking special vehicles;

8. Economic officials:

· Vartist workforce;

· vartist obladnannya;

· clashes with absenteeism, zapiznen, unfortunate trips.

After zdіysnennya spіlnoї program sіd go to special (special). Vaughn ohoplyuє nutrition, pov'yazanі without intermediary s be-yakim pіdrozdіl chi a working mіsce and zdіysnyuєtsya in the forms of special roses from the spіvrobіtniki of that pіdrіl, where the novice came, and spіvbesіd z kerіvnik (without middle and standing). Before it, you can but include the following meals:

1. Functions of the update:

· Goals and priorities, organization and structure;

· directing activities;

· Mutual with others;

· Vzaєmini vzedinі pіdrozdіlu.

2. Working footwear and performance:

· Detailed description of in-line work and evaluation of results;

· Explaining the importance of this work, as it should be with others at the parent and on the enterprise as a whole;

· normative standards for the viability of the work and the basis for the assessment of the vikonanny;

· Trivality of the working day and layout;

· Dodatkovі ochіkuvannya (for example, the replacement of the daily practitioner).

3. Necessary soundness:

See for help, as you can buti nadan, if you ask for it;

· Vіdnosini z mіstsevimi i zagalnosoverzhennym іnspektsіyami.

4. Procedures, rules, regulations:

· Rules that are typical only for a given type of robot or a given child;

· behavior in case of accidents, rules of safety engineering;

· informing about unfortunate fluctuations and nebezpeku;

· Hygiene standards;

· Protection and problems connected with theft;

· Vіdnosini z pratsіvniki, yakі not lie down to tsgogo pіdrozdіlu;

· Rules of conduct at the work place;

· Vinesennya speeches z pіdrozdіlu;

· Damage control;

Perervi (smoke, obid);

· Telephone conversations of a special nature during the working hour;

· Vikoristannya obladnannya;

· Control and evaluation of vikonannya.

5. Giving spіvrobіtnikіv pіdrozdil.

According to Kibanov A.Ya. in the course of the adaptation of new practitioners, the manager from the staff is responsible for developing a specially developed program. The adaptation program is subdivided into general and specialization. Global adaptation program stand in the whole of all organizations and thrive on advancing food:

· General statement about the organization: vital language; development trends, goals, priorities, business problems; traditions, norms; products and її spozhivachі; see the activity; organization, structure, links; information about ceramics, internal blues;

· Payment for labor in the organization;

· Dodatkovі pіlgi: see insurance; weekend helpers; helpers for sickness, sickness for the family, helpers for motherhood; pension allowance; ability to learn to work on robots;

· Protection practice and security technique: come in later; rules for anti-burning safety and control; rules of conduct at times of unfortunate events; health protection and the first medical aid;

· Vіdnosini pratsіvnikіv z profsplkoyu; terms and mind hiring; recognition, relocation, prosuvannya; rights and obov'yazki practitioner; the vikonannya praised the profspilok; discipline is tight;

· Pobutu service: eating; kіmnati vіdpochinku; I will try other services.

After the implementation of the global adaptation program, be carried out a special adaptation program. Vaughn ohoplyuє pitanya, po'yazanі without intermediary s be-like a child of a work place. Call for this program to be carried out by line scientists and mentors. This program includes the following meals:

· Functions pіdrozdіlu, tsіlі and priority; organization, structure and functions; mutually with other children;

· Obov'yazki and vіdpovіdalnіst; a detailed description of the in-line work and scoring results; roz'yasnennya, why this particular job is important, how to work with other types of work in parenthood in general; the trivality of the working day and the layout; vimogi to the point of victorious work;

· rules-ordering: rules that are typical only for a given type of work or a given child; safety engineering rules; vodnosini іz pratsivnami іnshih pіdrozdіlіv; eating, chicken at the work place; telephone conversations of a special nature at the working hour;

· Look at the pіdrozdіlu: fire alarm button, come in and out; place for chicken; a month of help for the first time;

· Giving to spіvrobіtnikam pіdrozdil.

The whole program can be twisted as a primary or secondary adaptation. Oskіlki adaptation of young practitioners, as if they still have a professional background, are surprised by the fact that they learn from the acquired information about the organization, and from the trained robot itself, the program of adaptation of shoes and language is included. Special needs of adaptation are experienced by senior workers. They also require training and their needs are similar to those of young workers, and it is often more important for them to fit into the team. Their peculiarities may adapt to the disabled, the spivrobitniks, as they turned after the training. Everything cannot be abandoned without respect and it is necessary to protect it when the programs for adaptation are put together.

Іnshimi documents for adaptation to personnel є: Regulations on adaptation to personnel. The provision is recognized for the implementation of a single adaptation procedure for all structural subdivisions of the enterprise. It is aimed at ensuring a greater security of entry to the landing of a new employee, a change in the number of pardons that are tied to a worker, a positive image of the company, a change in the discomfort of the first days of work, as well as an assessment of the qualification of the qualification of a thermal tester and the potential tester. “Plan of the work of the interviewer for the period of the trial term”, “Assessment of the activity of the interviewer during the passage of the trial term” and other documents that will help to organize and adapt in the company.

Traditionally, there are three main divisions of adaptation programs:

1. Introduction to the organization.

2. Introduction at the pіdrozdil.

3. Introduction to landing.

At the stage of introducing a spivrobitnik into the organization, you may be aware of such clear documents:

1. Statute of the company.

2. Collective agreement.

4. Rules of internal labor order.

5. Instructions for the protection of work.

At the stage of introduction at the landing, the spivrobitnik may be aware of the Regulations on the landing, and at the stage of entering the landing with the landing instruction.

The more documents the company has for adaptation to personnel, the more adaptation and the primed results.

2. Analysis of the practice of adapting to the OVS in the Karpinsky, Vovchansky districts

2.1 Characteristics of the organization

Historical data

Vіdpovіdno to the Regulations of the administrative duty on the internal rights in the Karpinsk city district, Vovchansky city district:

1. State establishmentвідділ внутрішніх справ по міському округу Карпінськ, Вовчанському міському округу (далі ОВС по Карпинському, Вовчанському МВ) здійснює повноваження органів внутрішніх справ Російської Федерації в галузі забезпечення громадської безпеки особи, захисту власності від протиправних зазіхань, охорони громадського порядку, забезпечення громадської безпеки, боротьби з mischief in the territory of Karpinska and Vovchanska.

2. OVS for Karpіnskiy, Vovchanskiy MV is created, reorganized and liquidated in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. OVS for Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV to be included in the system of bodies of internal information of the Russian Federation, and under the order of the GUVS of the Sverdlovsk region.

4. In its activity, the Joint Armed Forces in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV are subject to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fundamental principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, указами та розпорядженнями Президента Російської Федерації, постановами та розпорядженнями Уряду Російської Федерації, нормативними правовими актами МВС Росії, наказами Головного Управління МВС Росії по Уральському федеральному округу, наказами ГУВС Свердловської області, цим Положенням, законами та іншими нормативними правовими актами самоврядування міст Карпінська та Вовчанська , seeing at the borders of new importance, giving them the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation,

5. OVS for the Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV є Legal special, MAH SEC IZ ZAKOMENNAM Sovereign Coat of arms of the Rosiysko federal federal residents of their own horseman, Nekhokhiydni, a stamp, racheny, and the federal federations. banks and other credit organizations.

6. Allied Armed Forces from Karpіnskogo, Vovchanskiy MV in civil legal entities take a part in the form of state establishment.

7. Named differently: "State establishment of the Viddil of internal rights in the Karpinsky, Vovchansky city districts." Brief name: "OVD from Karpinskogo, Vovchanskogo MV".

8. Locality of OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV: 624930, Sverdlovsk region, Karpinsk area, st. Lunacharsky, bud. 90.

9. To the organizational structure of the OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV, the Vovchansky city of the police department should be included.

Locality of Vovchansky GOM: 624940, Sverdlovsk region, Vovchansk district, street of the Ural Komsomol, bud.

10. When OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV is created, it was created after the death of a guardian, which is a legal special, a coat of arms and an independent rahunok at the bank. Financing the activities of the state according to the need to protect the budget of the federal budget and others permitted by the legislation dzherel.

11. During the OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV, a medical chimney is created, which zdiyasnyuє its activity is valid until the “Regulations on the medical chimney at the local authority of internal affairs”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on 30.05.1985r. No. 106.

12. За ОВС по Карпинському, Вовчанському МВ з метою забезпечення його діяльності закріплюються в установленому законом порядку на праві оперативного управління будівлі, будівлі, приміщення, обладнання, техніка, інвентар та інші необхідні для здійснення діяльності матеріальні засоби, належність яких встановлюється відповідно до законодавством Російської Federation, laws and other normative legal acts of the Sverdlovsk region and the city of Karpinsk and Vovchansk.

Land plots are given by OVS in the Karpinsky, Vovchansky MVs for free, line-free payment, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Financing of the OBC in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV is charged for the expenses of the federal budget, and in the cases transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation - for the expenses of the budget of the Sverdlovsk region, the local budget of those other, permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation

14. The material and technical security of the OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV is established in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the MVS of Russia.

15. The activities of the Joint Armed Forces in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV will be based on principles of respect for the rights and freedoms of people and citizens, legitimacy and humanism, publicity, on the basis of mutual relations with other bodies of state power, bodies of local self-regulation, and huge communities.

16. Control over the activities of the OVS for Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV of the GUVS of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as the relevant authorities of the Sverdlovsk region and the town of Karpinsky and Vovchansky in the boundaries established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the event of the zdiisnennnі data of control renovating the organs of state power and organs of self-regulation do not have the right to intercede at the procedural department, operational-rozshukovu diyalnіst and provadzhennia from the right about administrative law enforcement.

17. Overseeing the activities of the Joint Armed Forces from the Karpinsky, Vovchansky MVs, the bodies of the prosecutor's office are to follow the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

18. Business management and entering into the regime of secrecy in the OVS in Karpinsky, Vovchansky MV are established, in order, which is determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Main tasks

1. Defender of life, health, rights and freedom of the people.

2. Construction of the public order and public security on the territory of Karpinska and Vovchanska townships.

3. The advancement of the pinning, the manifestation of that rozkrittya of mischief, the establishment of pre-trial proceedings on the right, brought to the competence of the bodies of internal references.

4. Investigation of inquiries about mischief, brought to the forefront of internal authorities.

5. Ensuring the safety of road traffic on the territory of Karpinska and Vovchanska.

6. Tasks for control over the volume of civil and service personnel, vibukhov speech and virobiv, to avenge them.

7. Setting up at the borders of their own new importance for the control of non-state (private) security activities and non-state (private) rozshukovoy activities.

8. Vikonannya at the borders of their new importance of the legislation of the Russian Federation about the community of the Russian Federation and the registration appearance of the citizens.

9. Organization of the protection of the lane of physical legal issues for contracts.

10. Regulations on the rights of the right about administrative law enforcement, pіdvidomchi bodies of internal information.

The main functions of the OVS from Karpinsky, VovchanskyMoscow districts

1. Deciding to accept and register an application, informing that other information about malice, administrative law enforcement and other crimes that threaten special or public safety; in his own time, he came after them, passed on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Здійснює аналіз та прогнозування стану правопорядку, на території муніципального утворення «міський округ Карпінськ» та на території муніципального утворення «Вовчанський міський округ», вносить до ГУВС Свердловської області пропозиції щодо зміцнення законності, забезпечення громадського порядку та громадської безпеки, посилення боротьби зі злочинністю .

3. Узагальнює правозастосовну практику та вносить на цій основі до ГУВС Свердловської області та органів місцевого самоврядування муніципального утворення «міський округ Карпинськ» та муніципального утворення «Вовчанський міський округ» пропозиції щодо вдосконалення законодавства Російської Федерації, нормативних правових актів МВС Росії, законодавства Свердлов нормативних правових activists of the bodies of self-regulation

4. Take part in the development and implementation of regional and social programs for the protection of the community order, the provision of community security, and the fight against malice and illegal migration.

5. Take care of law and order in the streets, squares, parks and other large municipalities with the authorities of the local self-regulation of the municipality "Misky Okrug Karpinsk" and the municipal enlightenment "Vovchansky Misky Okrug".

6. Take part in the conduct of the criminal investigation of the criminal right, bringing it to the forefront of the investigation bodies of the internal justice.

7. Responsible for conducting investigations at the criminal right, bringing to the next stage of recognition (investigative) bodies of internal references.

8. Ensure that, prior to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the bodies of internal inquiries for the authorization of the prosecutor, the investigator, the authority for the investigation of the following and other procedural acts.

9. The establishment of operational-rozshukovu diyalnist with the method of revealing, advancing, pinning and revealing evils.

10. Take part in the organization of expert-forensic activities.

11. Organizing and arranging investigations of deficiencies, which were covered by the authorities of recognition, preliminary investigation, and the court, which are defrauded of victorious punishment, absence of those other categories of deficiencies, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. Organize and organize the investigation of the stolen lane.

13. Safeguarding, pending the legislation of the Russian Federation, the arrest of those accused of being accused in the isolation ward of the Timchasovy Trimann, the protection and convoying of persons, suspecting and accusing of those accused of evil.

14. Organize the work of special premises for the management of employees, work in the administrative order; secure the fate of the bodies of internal rights at the vikonannі administrative punishments for the violations established by the federal law.

15. Vikonu the legislation of the Russian Federation about the induction of errors, which are swindled without good reasons in the criminal right and the right about administrative law violations.

16. The establishment of control over dotrimanny persons, as if they were born out of the space of free will, established for them, according to the law, obmezheniya; I take part in the cases of law enforcement in the control of the behavior of convicts, which is recognized as a criminal punishment, not due to free will, but punishment, which is recognized mentally.

17. Здійснює відповідно до законодавства Російської Федерації державний контроль та нагляд за дотриманням правил, стандартів, технічних норм та інших нормативних документів у галузі забезпечення безпеки дорожнього руху на території муніципального утворення «Міський округ Карпінськ» та на території муніципального утворення «Вовчанський міський округ» , as well as special control, visual and permissible functions in the field of road safety.

18. Healthy in Mazhi, rushing the legislation of Rosiysko federal, liCensuvannya, and such a control over the obige, Bohpasvyv, Vybukhovikh Tu Vribor, the Minskiye Torpoynika of the Minori Karpinnika, at the Terpiniye, at the Terunsinsky, at the Teriteli of the Musynii Minikipili Minikipili Minikipili Minikipili Mini -Tyniciper .

19. Здійснює в межах, встановлених законодавством Російської Федерації, видачу, продовження строку дії та анулювання ліцензій, а також контроль за недержавною (приватною) охоронною та недержавною (приватною) розшуковою діяльністю на території муніципального утворення «міський округ Карпинськ» та на території муніципального утворення "Vovchansky city district".

20. I will see that I will change the passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation and other documents that will make a person famous.

21. Здійснює реєстраційний облік громадян Російської Федерації за місцем перебування та за місцем проживання в межах муніципального утворення «Міський округ Карпінськ» та муніципального утворення «Вовчанський міський округ», а також контроль за дотриманням правил реєстрації та зняття громадян Російської Федерації з реєстраційного обліку.

22. Take part in the implementation of the entry into any way that is caused by illegal migration.

23. Аналізує причини та умови, що сприяють скоєнню злочинів та адміністративних правопорушень на території муніципального утворення «Міський округ Карпинськ» та на території муніципального утворення «Вовчанський міський округ», в межах своїх повноважень вживає заходів щодо усунення даних обставин, вносить пропозиції щодо їх усунення to the organic self-ordering, sovereign bodies, as well as community associations that organization.


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