This is how the group is called. Theoretically, plant a group for the undertaking. Positive results for practitioners

In today’s minds of hard competition, running a business will require some knowledge and skills, as well as molding a hard “foundation” of an organization, in the role of such a speaker, not just a team, but a team. Interaction between spivrobitniki and robot team as a single whole: the two factors themselves become a priority for the company, so there may be a first-rate value and may have a great influx on the її prosuvannya that prosvіtannya.

However, do not start in the company of practitioners to work well. Glancing from the side at the staff of the organization, you can tell if the spivrobitniks are closely communicating with each other, the deacons are talking to each other before discussing daily business meals, and yet, who is simply unique. How to organize a team, having turned yoga into one, - an exhausting "dvigun", how can a company succeed in depositing?

Volunteer Consolidation: How to Form a Team

The terminology of today's companies has a new thesis - team building. It's like the English word "team building" - team building. In fact, team building is a complex of special visits, which is a means of organizing a team and a single team from a “coherent” staff of practitioners. Most often come and be held on neutral territory, after the primary office. Collaboration with the new format helps the workers to find the “way” of working mutually and, without formalities, seek out the new situation. Moreover, the spіvrobіtniki not less than rozmovlyayut among themselves: teambuilding for the team gathering, transferring sleeping classes, trainings, games.

Іsnuyut songs go to the command line, yakі mentally can be combined with such a form:

According to the findings of American experts, team building itself is the ideal way to achieve friendly mutual relations among the team, their team building, support. If the little-known people are zanurenі at the vikonannya of minds grey, z-pomіzh them practi- cally blame a little bit of "friendly liktya".

Olena, manager of the Lucretia company:
“We, with Petr Petrovich and Slava Kuzkin, sang the creative leader, taking off the bucket of water and toilet paper on their hands. It was necessary to add the American Statue of Liberty to papa mache format. They all threw themselves into the work: Petro Petrovich, roaming his sleeves, diligently wetting papyrus, Slava was in the role of a mannequin with a proudly raised head and a cartridge for a printer in hand to replace the tar skip. I celebrated my creative mission - I glued Glory softly with wet paper. Viyshlo even more similar, it was funny and fun. A few months have already passed since the sun’s sunset, but we have supported friendly stosunki and s pivslov razum one alone on the robot.

Teambuilding for the teamwork can be done on the basis of not less than a few steps, but also a practice (for example, volunteer subotniks). And the activity is original: in practice, let the specialists of one company spend their minds in a new way for them - the training programs are developed in such a way as to create an unfamiliar situation. Team building instructors try to charge everyone with enthusiasm and passion. Under an hour, a person will come out of a special “comfort zone”, roar, and start to grieve in the head. They are bound by a single method, spivrobitniks begin to help one another, support each other, sympathy and friendship develop between them.

Come to the group team: change daily

Come in and organize a team, you can choose a different form: a corporate party, a quest, a masquerade ball, sleeping trips, psychological training, games, sports magic. Deyakі see team building nabuli form vіdomih TV shows: "Remaining Hero", "Fear Factor", "Fort Boyard". Телевізійні шоу вже втратили первісний зміст заходів такого плану: їхньою метою є створення складних у всіх сенсах ситуацій для прояву в людині лідерських якостей, витіснення слабких, тоді як корпоративні тренінги на згуртування колективу переслідують місію зміцнення (зав'язування) дружніх стосунків між людьми.

Rimma, spokesperson for the Vityaz company:
“Our task was to ensure that from a team of three individuals, form a spider and go the distance. Ivan Stepanovich played the leading “carrying” role, Fedir Mikhailovich acted like a “tulub” of a spider, and I had a chance to sit on my back. It was more and more hiccups and hiccups: we wanted to reach the finish line first, we were also overwhelmed by two "spider mutants". We won! Mayzhe chotiri months passed after our participation in team building. I can’t say that we have become “inseparable friends”, but some “frames” between us have emerged. Now, if Fedir Mikhailovich “fucked up” for my wrong foldings, I innocently marvel at the new one and think: then I went to the new top.

The left part of the training is laid out in such a way that the participants are not only small enough to have a good time, but to take part in the games, which transfer physical contact, dotik, shards of these are important storage closeness. Call us, we don’t let third-party people in our space. At trainings, people do not just hang around one by one, but take the fate of dealing with difficult situations, which are simply not possible in an extraordinary life. It does not mean that if you play in the “spider” you will become close people, the part will be recognised, and the psychological barrier at the intersection will be erased.

Trust, ale believe: corporate team building

It is necessary for the companies to organize the team, the workers of such days change from the regime of increased formality, strict dress code, strict rules of communication, streamlined behavior. Most often, you should learn from state structures, financial organizations, banks, ministries, great, serious companies. The spivrobitnik of such installations constantly recognizes the stresses, the shards of this corporate life are made up of intelligence, as it is necessary to win in the mode of a tailcoat zipped up on all the hudziks.
Also, corporate trainings are necessary for the team of companies, where work wars are constantly conducted. Tiles, sensitive, cheap intrigues, unreasonable - all these problems will come together in a snow sack, as they grow with a skin day. Moreover, it’s even more important that new spivrobitniks shove the “porridge” in qiu, as they can’t resist the atmosphere of hostility that has developed. Therefore, the last step before the final event "all you need to do is to hire new recruits" - corporate trainings for the unification of the team.

“The robots were always blamed for the loss of conflicts in an empty space. The collective of the vikonati was simple to set up, it was necessary to correct and exact instructions. At the corporate training, ours took part in the cirque leader: it was necessary for everyone to stand in the colo, flatten their eyes and encourage the figure given by the instructor. After all the fuss, super that collective zmagan “who is the best” was revealed, that Alla is the leader of the Greek, she is the best wiser, that it is necessary to work and who needs to get up, Igor is a Swedish grave, and Tanya does not understand the essence of the Grita “Put your problem on Alla. We gave Tanya an hour to fix it, and she roared the grouse ourselves. We easily passed the task, already we could clearly fold the pyramid, the trapezium of the colo close ochima just following one by one. Zakhoplennya in the result of that victory was simply grandiose! After such great days of training, full of experiences and super girls, our child stopped conflicting. Zovsim. We are sensible, somewhat important, mutually sensible and friendly contact, and we have given important tasks and problems are virulent to the whole state. Forgetting to say: Tanya, without saying anything to anyone, called.

Collective trainings do not help to unite and educate supporters. Marveling at the group from the side, it is clearly pronounced “weak Lanka” that it respects the work of the entire team. It doesn't mean that after the trainings were carried out, other team building workers would call the weakest sportsmen.
Navpaki, the stink itself to pull up, to begin to get better at the essence of the company’s task and become the single whole of the team. Spivrobitniki, as a negative splurge on the team, after team building call to go on their own - their "vampirism" is exercising strength and simply does not work on friendly spivrobitnikiv.

Teambuilding- this is a wonderful option for a sleepy recovery, a corporate corporate meeting for an hour and a better time between spivrobitniks. The result of the stagnant methods is the optimization of data, the development of a working process, the development of an important quality of “working together” and the variant of conflict situations among the team on a new level: competently and loyally.

In his author's course "Management: kerіvnitstvo i podryadkuvannya" torkaetsya those podryakovannosti, moreover, not only from the position of a svіvrobіtnik, but from the side of the kerіvnoї lanka. Only a collective collective work to bring devi, productive fruits, helping to understand why it is necessary to remember as a cherub, and y podkoryatisya. Those who are trained on the course of this directly, possess effective tools for teamwork, so to marvel in one straight line they collapse to hell. Would you like to know more? We ask you to register on the portals of the Online School for the education of our vikladachivs, so that we can help you to get rich together in your family, with colleagues, to become successful and achieve the prosperity of your business.

How corporate come in as a way to organize the team of the company to win, to reward the staff? Experts have reviewed the material of the article.

From the stats you know:

How to organize the team, to increase the level of comfort, the bazhanya collapses to the set goals - this is the power of blame from the managers, how to increase the productivity of the workplace, the level of the friendliness of the workers to the organization. The word "team building" is similar to the English team - at the crossroads it means the team that building - tse life, encouragement. In a modern organization, team building is accepted as team building. The philosophy of personnel management looks at the practitioners not just, but the image of a single grouped team, as far as possible to reach the goal.

How to organize a team on a robot, victorious for the sake of a psychologist? At the thought of fahіvtsіv, it is necessary to zastosuvat all available methods, schob spіvrobіtniki one team felt like a single person. This work is more rewarding, to reach the goal set in a short term. During the period of active growth of the company, there may periodically be conflicts and stresses in the water between spivrobitniks. At this hour, it is important to add respect to the leaders who have seen them official and informal. Team building helps to create a kind atmosphere among the team.

Trainings on teamwork create minds on the formation of a grouped team. Such methods are rationally applied in such situations:

if it is necessary to develop communicative and emotional information of the participants;

save the team from conflicts, internal competition;

how can stagnation be feared in the event of an economic slump in the organization;

practitioners do not show initiative and zatsіkavlenіst in achieving goals;

blaming local problems, yak require a non-gay installation of ceramics.

Trainings transfer the work of the team. Spivrobitniki alone can’t get in the way of the set tasks. The choice of the plot should be carried out according to the specifics of the company's activities.

Tasks for participants can have a number of views:

  1. extreme;
  2. intellectual;
  3. ethnic;
  4. theatrical;
  5. musical;
  6. dancing;
  7. culinary.

Under an hour of training, the team learns to work together. It is impossible to overcome the magician without the help of all members, as if taking part in the training. One hour you can see the beginning of the day, for example, get the basics of effective sales technology, getting new customers too. All fall in line with the plot and the specifics of the activity of the organization. The script is chosen by the host. It is necessary to be sure that in creative visits spіvrobіtniki show special qualities, show themselves from such a side, as earlier she was attached to the team.

The game quests are allowed to grow up and report the maximum zusil, kmіtlivosti, show intelligence, creativity and other zdіbnostі. Virishiti as a leader of one team - all those who help practitioners of one team to get closer. Informally, the meeting is closer to shvidshe, lesser years of work in one office and cabinet.

It is necessary for managers to ensure that there are a greater number of methods in the given hour, to assist in the selection of food, how to organize the team, to provide insurance for the first time of the visit.

Corporate come in for a thematic scenario. It's just a corporate party to help the spivrobitniks get to know each other, as the stench is practiced by different companies and structural subdivisions, but it won't become the basis for the recruitment. Under the hour of the dawn of the new fate, the celebration of the anniversary of the company and other holy days of entering the bar to establish methods, as if helping the members of the team to unite, to become a single team.

The main wash molding of the grouped team

Chinniki, what to pour into the grouping of the team

Spіlnіst Іnteresіv

  • It is much easier to organize a team with great interests, glances and values;
  • to select a group of one-thinkers, it is necessary to rethink the methods of selection of personnel;
  • promote corporate culture

Vikoviy warehouse group

  • The team, which takes part in the magic, trainings, must choose practitioners of approximately the same age

Psychological safety, kindness

  • As a comfortable psychological environment has been created in the team, spivrobitniks are more likely to go closer, mutually and mutually help.

Privacity of the reference eye

  • The group is selected in the right way, as it follows the standard and is not able to reach the same indicators

The presence of competitors

  • Competing companies get ahead of themselves, as if in one team there was a warm atmosphere, the other is trying to reach the same shows

The presence of a spivrobitnik, which opposes a group

  • The team is getting together, yakshcho іsnuyut yakіs spilnі tsili ta

Labor Unity

  • Zgurtuvannya straightened out on the completion of the tasks set

Qualified work of formal leaders

  • Teamwork directed towards the achievement of professional results and improvement of the productivity of practice

Articles on the topic:

How to organize corporate events as a way to organize a company team

Carrying out corporate visits can lead to the formation of a number of teams. Non-original scenarios, or the same type of such visits, will lead to the fact that spivrobitniks will lose interest, they are put up before Christmas corporate evenings, like something formal and everyday. The staff is as holy as the continuation of the working process. Far away, people feel unhanded and show concern about the correctness of their behavior.

It is holy to come out fully, richly, and unforgettably, like the whole scenario of preparations by the team members. Already under the hour of thinking through the script, preparations for the further process, and the rehearsals of the practitioners are approaching. Zgurtuvannya team vіdbuvaєtsya shvidko that nevimusheneno.

Corporate visits as a way to organize the team of the company are carried out systematically. Every year, an initiative group of leaders is established, just like a whole team is being formed. Nadalі tse dopomogaє i pіd hour of work and feel like members of one team. The organization helps to increase the productivity of the workforce, and to bring the collective, the building viskonate of the warehouse, to the establishment, so that the organization could take a leading position in the sphere of its activities. Everything inevitably leads to the development of that economic stability of business.

Teambuilding helps create loyal mutually, serve as a motive until today, organizing a grouped team. To lead to the inefficiency of management to the point of inefficiency of management. The workforce is increasing, the productivity of work is decreasing. Uzagalneniya that friendly team building podolat be-yakі folded in the transitional period under the hour of the development of the organization. A bone is being formed, which is left in the organization for a long period of work.

How to organize a team for the help of others

Sports come in to be held in teams, de pracyuє more importantly the team of the young and the middle age. Often the members of the same team are working from different departments, workshops, and trainees. The sporting spirit and super-niceness help to organize the team for a short hour.

Preparing for the onslaught of sports zmagannya allows the members of the team to communicate more in non-working situations. As soon as friendly stounki are tied up, the spirit of the same unity of interests appears. Teamwork cursing is easier. Under the hour of labor activity, the presence of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

It is necessary to protect the psychological characteristics of the spivrobitniks, while giving the staff the respect not only for the profession, but also for the special quality of the candidates. Conflicts of interests are blamed on the teams, where the staff can look at those who are close, you can’t know the point of dotik through psychological features. Why is it so important to take time to review the methods of selection, so that we can take care of teamwork, building practice with maximum efficiency.

A team of one-thinkers, as if collapsing to one goal - grouping teams. Willingness to spivpratsi - tse zaporuka plіdnoї spіvprakі mіzh people. Mova can go not only about the working process, but even zgurtuvannya - the ability to understand people, with which you know in one space. Working with one algorithm in tandem with a partner, not out of the comfort zone - productivity and efficiency in force majeure situations.

In order for the group to thrive, it is their fault to have a single pidkhid to the working process of mutual understanding. Motivation that desire can become a miraculous help to your right. The organization of the team is the succession of the initial officials in the international specialties, the organization of life motives is productive no more than the social activity. For the formation of an important social and psychological climate among the team and mutually intelligible
kerіvnik and podlegli.

Spivrobitniki - one whole

Note! Sob zgurtuvatisya, it is necessary to competently deal with the difficulties and differences of the middle team.


A friendly team - all the good inter-society stosunki. Schob to organize connections between people, a little democratic approach. We need to adequately evaluate the optimal psychological balance of the skin member of the group, smooth the shortness and find the optimal solution. In order for the team to be instantly characterized as successful, let’s take a look at the main nuances of this food:

  • Unity is only possible in that moment, as if meta would be socially praised.
  • Primus to chogos, chi give a negative reaction, to that such a pidkhіd varto turn it off.
  • Integrity - tse association of absolutely different people, yakі pratsyyut like a mechanism of enrichment.
  • A clear rozpodіl pozitsіy and competent management of the team.
  • Collectivist visions are manifested through the understanding of morality.
  • The foldedness has a great significance. Vaughn may be not only at the kerivnik, but at the skin member of the team.
  • Ruh to the point, if the team objectively evaluate their successes and failures.
  • Podolannya trudnoshchiv that will help one-thinkers in a folding situation.
  • Vidkritіst kolektiv - zdatnіst pіdtrimuvati friendly atmosphere in the middle of the team and be-yakі razbіzhnosti razbirat and likvіduvati.
  • Rational exit from conflict situations. You will be on a collective basis mutually with other teams and their representatives

A skin member of the team is guilty of his mother's thought. Varto turn off facelessness. If you organize corporate trainings, decompose urgent problems, then you can find out the way out of the current situation. Varto understand that collectivism can be on the verge of not only a turbot that pragnennya, but also a person’s passion, for some reason.

Ways to fold

If a team is needed

The team was formed according to its own efficiency criteria. It is necessary to develop a specific technique to apply to the skin team member. Below are written factors, so that you can tell the clerk to those that the team of roses and її need to be rounded up:

  • Seeing honesty. People give one to one inaccurate information, retracing the power of the goal: to lie, to tell, to provoke conflict situations.
  • Corruption in the middle of the company, evil of power. If spіvrobіtniki whisper zisk іz diyalnostі podpriєmstva.
  • Visibility of motivation.
  • Obscurity of the system of payment for premiums.
  • There is no control, through which discord breaks out. Yaskr's leaders are trying to squeeze into the framework of the leading spivrobitniks.
  • There are unspoken rules and a code of conduct in society, which are common to common understanding.
  • Generation of internal ailing competition. Mostly related to non-written curry. If the main accent is the moment of magic, I will more and more know the trust of the practitioners one to one.
  • The essence of the strategy and the formation and development of the internal corporate culture.
  • The idleness in the case of guilty conflict situations, or the lack of reaction to the songs of the collegues, is less for those who stink good fahivtsy.
  • Time to mark, if people come to work, so that they sit ineptly for an eight-year working day.

It is necessary to competently organize a set of trainings, which are carried out regularly. There are a lot of techniques that allow you to change the appointment of workers before the working process and the team.

Until the next day

Forming methods and mechanisms

It is easy to organize the grouping of the team, thus stowing a sprinkling of modern techniques. Together, from the minds of the minds, the agreement will come, the optimal atmosphere will be created for the efficiency of the practice. The main ways to group a command:

  • social role, business communication;
  • discussion early moments, delicate situations;
  • psychological testing;
  • analysis of the manner of speaking and the behavior of spivrobitnikiv;
  • opratsyuvannya look skin spіvrobіtnik on specific vpadok;
  • forming a sleeping position;
  • discussion of the situation, connected with the reach of the soul;
  • mutual assistance;
  • expert method, which optimizes personnel policy.

In the dermal system, when it comes to the formation of the team, the active part of the worker and the person is necessary, as it is without intermediary control of the robot of a particular person.

Elements of command


In order to understand, how to organize a team, it is necessary to understand how the nuances are brought to separation. Above those, pochatkovu ryvnі remember scho shaping commands vіdbuvaetsya step by step. Be it a team building - it’s a collective work and it won’t require zanurennya. Below is the designation of the main minds / criteria for the formation of a grouped team:

  • zbіg іnteresіv;
  • the collective practices people of the same age category;
  • good-naturedness;
  • severe psychological safety;
  • bajannya to look at and accept the thought of another person;
  • active duty;
  • work for the result;
  • positive butt in the name of the kerivnik.

Raz'dnanistnost can be inspired not by internal conflicts, but by the same environment that people of a different age practice in the company.


How the team is formed

Good luck with that wild meta grouping team. Zatsіkavlenіst - the basis of all foundations. Going to navit not about financial gain, but in spiritual development. The skin of a person needs to become a professional in his job. If you look at the welding and focus on the process, then it’s not a problem for people to become more wise one by one and the indicator of practicality goes uphill. Basic molding factors:

  1. Choose a strategy and that stage is rubbing.
  2. Appointment of the main negative officials.
  3. Operation of conflict situations.
  4. Modeling behaviors and conducting experiments.
  5. Adding a creative touch to the training.

If the molding is completed, the colleagues will be aware of the functionality of the team and will be taken over by the tasks, as they were placed without a middle in front of them.

Note! Otrimuyuchi poperedzhennya vіd bosses, it can motivate, and chi not belittle the self-esteem of the practitioner. Kozhen kerivnik is a psychologist.


Tools and assembly

If you raise a bazhannya at the spіvrobіtnik to help one to one, then you will appear wiser. Even the aggregation of the team is the sum of human qualities, like a rose in a positive key. Main tools:

  1. Creation of corporate traditions.
  2. Spіlne spent an hour in a pose by a robot: active recovery, training, svyatkuvannya.
  3. Systematic collections, which are discussed as working moments.
  4. Gamіfіkatsіya i splkuvannya.
  5. Creative and intellectual team building.

It is necessary to conduct an analysis of the individual/psychological characteristics of the skin member of the team. Roz'ednanist can navitat in that mood, if people are one meta.

Tools for making folds

The well-being of the team is the merit of the entrepreneurial worker. Vіn may come to the organization of the working process with a glance of psychology. The solution to conflict situations, obedient to the middle of Lanka, is the right path. At the “correct approach” to spivrobitnikiv, there are impersonal synonyms, which may be the head of the nobility:

  • Obstruction of order and claims.
  • Selection of system of methods and methods.
  • Correctly rospodіl re-importance.
  • Respectful setting to fit.
  • Participation in the activity of the team.

Equality and adequate assessment of the work of practitioners may be on the first job. It’s important to take a look at a twenty-year-old lad with a woman’s Balzac age, and even as a young man to marvel at a colleague, like a mentor, and that, at his side, to play with a young spy of learning, scurrying will be, unrepentant on a century’s rule.

Navit as a team is a single goal, a constant work is needed, so as to allow the support of the camp. Yogo can be destroyed by any official calling: the appearance of a new member of the team, the situation is conflicting and the look is different. Succeeding in a number of factors and some trainings is not enough.

Molding of a grouped team on a robot- To complete a significant moment for a further successful development of the company. We can look at this material, if you come in, it is necessary to carry out the formation of the team, which, having poured in the stink, you can get into the supporters and in which you believe the success of the grouped friendly team.

If it is necessary to carry out a program of team formation.

Carrying out such programs in support of a friendly atmosphere in the team is necessary to carry out not only what the price is accepted and fashionable, but forward, seeing for yourself the same meta. Really. Tse arcade dієviy sposіb podvishchiti produktivnіst robots svіvrobіtnikіv, oskolki atmosphere maє znachennya for pіdleglih.

Programs for organizing the team are necessary, as follows:

The company is in the active stage of growth. Tse buvay at that vpadku, if the enterprise needed to expand the staff of spivrobitnikiv and recruit newcomers to work. A whole lot of conflicts between spivrobitniks, who arrived again, and many practitioners. In order to splurge, it was necessary to stimulate friendly relations between the leaders. Tse can be like official leaders: directors, like keruyut, so informally, known by the team. Come in with a group of people to allow them to recognize each other as soon as possible and establish friendly contact;

The activity of the company is pinned, or it is going through a difficult moment. If the spіvrobіtniki understand that the company is going through not the best of times, they will start to relax, work without diligence, that diligence, don't scatter future prospects. Too many people are simultaneously looking for new job opportunities and leaving business. To that smut, for whom it is necessary to give respect to such a situation, the team's credit for a successful result is correct. Spivrobitniki owe it to themselves that they themselves could lie in future organizations, and the stench can help you get out of the crisis;

Mіzh vіdіlami vіdіlіm kompanії vіnіklа konflіktna situаії. In such a situation, team building can also be done effectively and at the same time solve problems that winkle. In order to eliminate the conflict between comrades in the service, there are no other tools for team building.

Let's assume that the company's sales rate has started to decrease. Care should be taken to carry out a number of visits as soon as possible to stimulate the staff, it is possible to change the technology of sales, to make new schemes of the structure, and to create a positive effect on away from work companies and supporters.

Speaking about come in, how to promote the team, we didn’t specify, how to get the same category. In our country, most of the vicorists have such an instrument as a corporate holyday. Active companies organize their supporters in sports promotion and training. And the axis of the team building elements in the working process is often not safe. Let's take a look at the report on the methods of organizing the team.

Corporate holyday.

For this purpose, the corporate party not only did not bring additional problems, but it accumulated more, and added special respect to the organization. If you are planning to hire leading animators, then respectfully learn about the program, how to stink, so that tedious contests and comedy jokes are not sacred. In order for the corporate party to help organize the team, we can start talking, new, so that people can talk about what and what to discuss, forgetting about all the problems.

Deyakі pіdlеglі can't accept corporative svyatkuvannya like vіdpochinok. The stench is felt strained, the shards are entrusted with their superiors, and all present are representatives of the office of the philanthropy of the enterprise. Here, the logic is clear: with these people, we are more practical and more serious food, that, having relaxed, sipping your chimney, we are talking about special things, then we can be more foolish about it.

Plan a party ahead of time. Entrust the chiefs of the viddilis with the help of the good ones to help them to be holy. Let the stink rozroblyat special questionnaires, where the main food will be included in the holy day. You can give a few options, and also leave a space for writing your letter to the corporate party. After that, as soon as the completed questionnaires are in hand, it will be clear how to start a corporate party. With this help, you can be engaged in the selection of spivrobitnikiv, which will be entrusted with the development of the script.

Sports zmagannya and training, like molding a grouped team on a robot.

By itself, for the help of team building, you can improve and improve your teamwork, smooth out conflict situations and promote good work among your colleagues. But here, the organization of visits is even more important. As a consequence, the change will be organized in a pardonable way, or else worsen the situation. Lead to additional conflicts, reduce the status of the head or stimulate the increase.

It is necessary to seriously approach the choice of methodology for organizing the team. If you are planning to seek help before fakhivtsya, consult with your know-it-alls - maybe you should know a professional in this room.

Sportivni come in - rich is good, ale rizikova. The ability to overcome injuries is great, and if in the team they pull up the shoes, then the spivrobitniks can stimulate the situation, as if they brought to the clogged places, we’ll protect it here.

If, being a kerіvnik, you have reached the middle or frail age, and in the team you are mostly young spivrobitniks, then it’s better not to win sports as a way to make friends with the team. As a result, your spivrobitniki will gradually overwhelm you, and you will be in the tail, as a whole imovirno, which is in line with the high-profile image and may suffer the rating of the boss.

Do not varto go into sports zmagan, as if you are a professional athlete, or zmushuvat those who are encouraged to go in for this sport, which will make you want to. Kerivnik, who loves extreme sports, for example, haircuts with a parachute or mountaineering, is not guilty of imposing his tastes and interests on others. It's completely imaginative that people, through their particularities, are not able to promote such an initiative. You can choose quiet spіvrobіtnіv, yakі podіlyаyаіy іnteres, and at the same time with them add a deaky hour to extreme sports, at the same time, without frightening others to join.

Molding of a grouped team at the working hour.

This is a complex of entries that are entered without interruption at the working hour, for example, initial courses, lectures, training. The very same ways of recruiting people to help new spivrobitniks better recognize the quiet, who has been working on the firm for a long time, stop the conflicts between comrades in the service and form a team spirit. Effects that can be achieved with the help of a working team building:

Stimulation of mutual understanding. In order for the experts to start better understanding one by one, you can conduct a singing course of lectures for a skin care company, which may be identical. Obviously, people learned in different universities, with different teachers and at different times, so they have a lot of skin problems. In order to organize a team on a robot, it is necessary to teach colleagues, however, to understand the essence of the problem and express their thoughts. After such a course of lectures, people win the same knowledge, characterize tasks using one method and more quickly understand one another. This method is also kinder in order to increase the knowledge of all spivrobitniks to one level.

Vykoristannya new spіvrobіtnikіv. At the initial lecture itself, a new member of the team can instantly get to know his comrades in the service, show his equal knowledge and get used to the middle of new people. From your side, decide spivrobitnikiv, you can also formulate your own idea about a person, increase the level of її recognition and expand the line of spivrobіtnitstva. Without choosing teambuilding methods, adaptation can take more than one month.

Shaping the image. To make the situation wider is the situation, if the process of formation of the collective goes through complicated problems, especially for the core workers. In this situation, when a new boss comes to the calling organization, colleagues are often put on guard and do not try to accept him as a cheruyuchy with their team. For whom, there is a method of working team building, as one of the ways to organize team gatherings. It is permissible, a new ker_vnik can be organized busy from foreign movies, programming the basics of marketing. Obviously, perhaps not from the first lecture, but in a day's time, the spivrobitniks of the vinikne have an interest and a bazhannya in the wake of their visit. Golovnya, to organize the lectures themselves, like a cicada and pick a good vikladach.

Composite molding of documentation. At the lectures, you can add an hour to the formation of a new company statute. Give the opportunity to the spіvrobitniks to independently choose what kind of corporate culture the organization will have, what kind of valuable and behavioral norms they can follow and how they will be mutually supportive. As soon as the head of the skin department distributes a prepared document, folds for special investigations, then it’s completely immovable, so that the spivrobitniks do not show up to a new level of seriousness, and accept the head’s trouble. And the axis of self-destruction of the statutes, in a way that the company and the ways of mutuality, formulated by themselves, are fully accepted with great enthusiasm.

Build a team on robots- The task is more rich-sided and foldable. A lot of companies are struggling with the problems of partial corruption, conflicts and inconsistencies with working standards in the first place of their work. Let's say, it's important for business companies to get rid of a stable warehouse of working groups, de maister often drink, ignore going to work, or they just call, shards of the robot їm nabridaє. I will correct the reason zvіlnennya dosit smoothly zrozumіti, skіlki most organіzаtsії establish a good salary, and think pracі vіdpovіdat usіm norms.

On the very first step of its formation at the enterprise, you always blame a lot of problems, for those who want to delve into the reasons for the call of spivrobitniks, you simply don’t get an hour. Competitors are squeezed to the side, blaming the need for a joke of a superior supplier, buyers, analysis of market trends, so the corporate culture and team building come to the background.

Deyakі ker_vniki spantelichyuyutsya high level of flatness spіvrobіtnikіv і try to zasosuvat hoch yakіs methods to improve the situation: to gain bonuses, additional bonuses, to improve the brain power. Others to take away an important vice from the sight of fines, the advancement of the interest of chi dogan. But often there are no other ways to not give a reliable result.

In such situations, it is necessary to go to the aid of team building and form a friendly and supportive team. Kozhen іz spіvrobіtnіkіv іv is guilty іnѕt іn thе part оf thе аgnalї system, uѕvіdomiti, scho vіd thе аrе thе success оf activity оf аll company, іndependence оf activity. Navit pribiralnik chi okoronets is guilty of nobility, scho vin necessary organization and yogo activity - important and necessary.

Whether it’s necessary for the accommodating person to feel like it, we’ll mark it and demand it - it’s stimulating and effectively pratsyuvati. For the purpose of the lecture itself, come to team building, to unite the team, instill in the skin virus your significance and the need for the company.

It is necessary to follow the policy of entry not in the form of a harsh lecture lesson, but in urgency with various magic tricks, games and hot rebuses and riddles. Tse dopomozhe to form groupings of teams, to bring them closer and more often to recognize one alone.

It is possible that, at the beginning stage, one can blame the differences between the spivrobitniks, but after an additional dialogue, that splintering of the splintering of the number of steps will quickly take place, and people will begin to better recognize one another. Topics can be taken completely differently. Tse can be cost-free initial courses, associative employment and shaping special features at colleagues.

The problem of all newly recruited teams has been expanded the most - shaping an okremih group and nebazhannya cooperating with other spivrobitniks. Three chotiri individuals collide with each other and ignore the others, opposing them to themselves and respecting their best team. Here it is necessary to unite these commands in one goal, so that the skin works together with others.

For whom you can speed up with such a method of team building, like a good recovery. For example, for all teams, you can take vouchers to the base for a few days, where you can have fun for an hour playing sports, getting ready to play at the team games at once. Krim rozvag can be held as a training course, but also in a game style. In order to stimulate the efforts of spivrobitniks to take part in different games and roses, you can recognize gifts for victory, wishing souvenirs, which will be needed for robots.

As a whole, it’s quite imaginative that there will be a lot of conflicts and a low level of versatility for the one who needs that chi іnsha rіch, but in the future the situation will calm down and take the fate of the grі, not for good luck.

Tsіlі, at the reach of these directives, go to the group of the team.

The fight against the constant staffing. Pіdrozdіl, for whom the spіvrobіtniki are constantly changing, pratsyuє nabagato with less efficiency, shards are constantly є factor of adaptation. It is necessary that all the spivrobitniks consider themselves to be equally significant and important for the organization, then you will be able to sink into intellect from the side of the greater spivrobitnikiv and less prestigious settlements.

Minimization of the sound of workers for the vlasniy bajans. With the right approach, before entering the team building, the professional number of those who are willing to leave the work place is to be reduced to the boundary. Spivrobitniki are responsible for ascertaining what the company needs and how they work, they will lead the decision of the team.

Development of corporate culture.

Method is different.

You can vikonate in the same way, like in the first way, but if you give it the ability to independently select the person who is given the data. Tsya people and can lay down their own version of the statute, and then we will give taxes before the decision of the representatives of other authorities.

The third way.

There are situations, if the boss does not allow you to allow them to be able to independently regulate their work activities, but at the same time to work, what is the need to arrange for a change from the method of organizing the command of the subordinates. Then you can independently process the personal data and fold the document in such a way that you look without a trace in the eyes of the clerk. After that, it is necessary to submit a document to the skin s under the statute. Let spіvrobіtniki vyvkat yogo and propononut their ideas about how, like the stink of bacheling the formation of a grouped team on a robot.

One by one you can’t heal a bush, artillery and across the mountain at once.

((People's wisdom))

In the professional sphere, as well as in the splurge, there is a large number of different teams of chi groups. It is blamed on the presence of the structure of the company in the organization, economic factors and the social base, accepted by the other people.

Ale, the most important official, blamed these other groups for being the people themselves, and for the behavior of that order to disgusting people. For example, if you choose a place of work and join an organization, choosing to take up a better profession, you join the team of the organization and respect your professional activity with prestige. In this rank, your position is one hundred percent of the profession, or the groups of people who are engaged in it themselves, have already been appointed. In the organization you have your own position for the workforce.

As a rule, a person in a collective, whether or not, is joking about knowing his interests and values, almost security and comfort. Mіzhosobistіsne splkuvannya, as it is formed in the labor collective, spriyaє tsomu, or not.

If the special needs of the members of the work team are satisfied, then they are considered by the group of interests and the value of the skin, we can talk about the organization of this team.

The ability to lie down and the sympathy of the participants in the team one to one, according to the basic rules. Consolidation of the labor collective- The value of the appearance of a special kind of zv'yazkіv in a group, as if they neutralize the zvnіshnі, given by the structure of the method of innocence, roblyach more significant internal psychological and social innіnіnі mіzh participants of the collective.

Officials, what to add to the aggravation:

yakіst spіlnoї grupovoї ї dіyalnostі і vznachenih її її goі tsіley;

unity of values ​​and ways to achieve goals;

riven emotional vzaєmodіy.

Based on the results of bagatory practice, there is a tendency for people to look after their professional shoes, to go for inter-business formal communication with their work team. Also, the working team is shaped like an official blue, and an unofficial mutuality. To finish the trivaly working hour that perebuvannya people in one hour in one suspension, to smuggle people into friendship, to be friendly to the work team. Blame pragnennya discuss with colleagues not only professional news, support a colleague in a twisted situation, or take care of, informed, on your thought, people. It forms informal contacts and develops informal communications. The presence of high-profile goals and professional difficulties bring fakhivtsiv closer, like they win the same shoes.

The team can be close to significant social and demographic features:

- Vik;

- illumination;

- dosvid work;

- the same family camp.

A diverse team can rarely get crowded. Vіn rozpadaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєє єєєєє ї ії іnformal іn іії і іn the small groups, scho trymayutsya okremo one kind of one.

Climbing into the workforce team can step into the ranks, thoughts about significant phenomena and facts, and the esti- mates of others. Vplivaє hour, holding at once a pose for a working atmosphere. The more unofficial contacts, the more thoughts, the more practical and friendly helping one to one, the more collective we organize.

Right 1.“Designation of the dominating character of your work team”: Think about the meaning of how dominating your team for the current period of work:

emotionally positive;

business, scho lie down to the singing professional tasks;

emotional-negative blue.

Analyze why, nasampered, lie down the position of this type: in the conditions of the city (kerina, in the duty of work), in the manner of behavior, what are the feelings of other spivrobitnikiv?

Tsya has the right to allow you not only to designate the blues, as they are based on your team, but also to designate your stamina to the best changes. And also, can your team be a resource that will help you get out of the worst difficulties.

Right 2. You can rewrite your own ways to form the methods of giving to the work collective: showing solidarity, slander, expressing propositions, special thoughts, updating information, talking about expressing thoughts, talking about information, talking about animals to be, showing tension, seeing , weakening tension, viraz antagonism. Respect the working day next to the 12-point checkmarks, so that your team will have the next one showing the hundredths. "Solidarity", "complaining" and "weakening of tension" - can be seen as emotionally positive forms of recognition. "Vіdhilennya", "tension" and "antagonism" - emotionally negative forms. Rasht is characterized by official delicacy. What forms of vіdnosin are transported? Try the offensive tyzhnya vplinut on vіdnosiny, scho folded, changing, for example, their form of animals to the colleagues? Carry out a new analysis and designate the list to show evidence that is being discussed on the day, has the situation changed?

The riven of the roundness can be deposited depending on how the group is established: referential or Membership group. The stench is recognized by the degree of significance of the skin-protected anti-inflammatory agent of the essential group and the importance of the follow-up. Having poured in the values ​​of the team to the installations of the spivrobitnik included in the group. The team can be considered as a spivrobitnik as a place of perebuvannya, in which case there is a whole group of membership. If the work team plays the essential role of life, the behavior of the worker, then for the new work team it is the reference group. In fact, you can be sure that the speaker will become a member of the reference group, or you can only work in groups, to which you would like to join.

These are the signs that characterize the group of reference groups among the speakers:

A special way of interaction between practitioners.

Feel like belonging to the labor collective.

It is important to have solidarity in looks, thoughts, norms and attitudes.

Stability at the hour and the moldings.

Dovіrchi vіdnosinі.

Informing your team as “mi”, spivrobitnikiv, as not to enter the warehouse of the group, as “stink”.

What can you do to increase the swelling? Good stimulants for the development of the grouping of the work collective can be supernice and the experience of group tension. Professional development with other employees will bring together the team of specialists and achieve an effective result. The high pace of work and the difficult times that befell the team is also beneficial to the crowd. It is only important that the professional difficulties were not long-lasting, otherwise you could not organize the team, but rather the negative consequences of the growth in the work group.

Pluses of the workforce :

With a grouped work collective, blame democratic atmosphere as a positive influence on the adoption of decisions in important professional nutrition.

Informal blues, pinks when folded, form self-discipline in practitioners . It makes it easier to cope with professional obligations and competently divide the labor hour.

Blame when lumpy dovirchi vіdnosiny between the team, which infuses the emotional state of the skin spy. For trusting daily negative emotions. Dovira- ce stіyke a little bit of safety, vpevnennostі in otochuyuchih that in sobі. In a grouped team, a person expresses his own thought, almost, vikoristovuyu, all the potential of his specialty develops. At dovirchih vіdnosinakh fahivets spіvvіdnosit yourself with the participants of the labor collective and vіdchuvaє pіdtrimku groupi.

The internal motivation of practitioners is growing . Come to the work place, knowing that the team is ready to take care of an important situation.

The grouped team vibrates team spirit . In today's management, the presence of a "team" is one of the main officials, which adds to the productivity of the workforce.

Table 16

Necessary knowledge about group development

Artel duzhe mіtsna.

((People's wisdom))

The skin of the labor collective, like any living organism, is not static, but constantly develops and changes. Changes with the help of the dynamics of the active team, the close acquaintance of spivrobitnikiv, under the infusion of labor tasks and other reasons. So, as we know, we can say about those, as the growth of that child develops, we can accurately show the development of professional teams. Sound tse behind the scheme, and find out the main mechanisms by which group development can be developed.

Establish three main mechanisms to help develop a team as a group :

Virishennya raznomanіtnykh protirіch, scho blamed on the labor collective.

The presence of a leader.

Occupation by the performers of singing roles, which allow you to visually exchange information.

The first mechanism for group development You can include different internal group wipes. For example, opposing the professional potential of the labor collective, which is increasing, and yogo help activity. Abo one hour pragnennya spіvrobіtnikіv to samorealіzatsії, self-affirmation and bazhannya buti include to the structure of the team. The other butt of the “developmental” counteraction can be a kind of conflict, a kind of guilt among the spivrobitniks. Bring the conflict of the group to a stable conclusion. Whether there are new conflicts, the team is optimistic and continues to do so.

Appearance to the labor collective of the leader zdatnogo vplinut on group norms, form the necessary values ​​for colleagues and organize the team. Giving a leader to the role of a leader means no recognition of his merits and advantages to lead a group. In the wake of this, the labor collective changes and effectively develops its internal group of visions.

The third mechanism for the development of the workforce to go through the path of uninterrupted professional activity. Leather spіvrobіtnik, by the same token, to rob his contribution from the spіlnu diyalnіst. The work of the dermal is important for reaching the ultimate result and the realization of group values. The personal position, which is naturally distributed to the skin specialist, transfers its role and status to the skin employee of the labor collective. In this way, a successful psychological contribution to the process of robotic launches a mechanism for the uninterrupted development of the group.

Let us report on what roles can be played by the labor collective.

Typology of the main group roles:

Passive members of the group.


Opponent, oppositionist.

The role of the expert it seems, as a rule, people who have special knowledge, professional skills, rich life experience. The health of these people, respect the mustache of the members of the team, learn the depth of yoga knowledge from rich professional and life nutrition. With this, an expert building on self-criticism, critically examines rich food, analyzes the phenomena that appear. Tse postyno thinking ta mislycha people, the building calmly works on its own, and help colleagues with their recommendations, as they work with them. The expert will not in any way instruct the prohanni, but the zumіє utrimatisya in the face, as if there would be no other impressions. As a rule, the expert is rarely merciful, and the information that he sees is known and commended.

Leader– the most active individual of the peer with the expert. Vіn imponuє to the entire labor collective, building sponukaty to large-scale projects. We must know the leader and take it for a person, as if expressing the common ideals and values ​​of the team. The leader is the “disguise” of the labor collective in front of the core, other leaders and other collectives. As practice shows, the leader is allowed to break a lot of norms that are established by the group. Navitt as a violation of these norms, be the other sponsor of the launch of the adoption of group sanctions. Tobto, the leader, of his kind, can have a certain credit, giving to you by other members of the group.

The role of the passive participant zustrіchaєtsya among labor collectives to finish often. Tse nitrohi is not negative but unsuccessful role. Spivrobitniki, as they occupy this role, freely and easily join up with the strange people and zvnіshnіh zmin, who are coming. Quickly they react and guess the leader in their team, then we may always follow him. In this passive group, the participants of the group can properly tie professional shoes, the fate of the organization will be good. Little rozpovidayu about yourself that your feelings and striving to reach a great social distance among the inter-society vіdnosinakh, stench save their anonymity.

Outsider- Tse role is not similar to all others. Її borrow a spivrobitnik, which is strongly disturbed by other colleagues with their behavior, feelings, thoughts. An outsider often does not understand the professional and group activities, does not get caught up in the hourly zapsovaniye of the goiter. As a rule, an outsider provokes aggression in other members of the team through his non-inclusion in all processes that are involved. You have to repeatedly repeat new information in order to get them right on course. It is not necessary to think that an outsider enhances the virological process and negatively affects the development of the group.

An outsider is a necessary group development, the shards let the team miss the main information, allowing them to turn to the already adopted decisions and call them anew. Demonstrating a different point of view of the problem with his own perspective of his kind, protecting the team from the most fantastic ways of thinking. The team is more likely to be humiliated in the face of an aggressive staging to an outsider, the shards of the wines are specially and unfamiliar in the face of other spivrobitnikiv.

The role of the opponent of the oppositionist navpaki, not a bag for the team. Tsya role zustrіchaєtsya in a real situation to dosit seldom, but even if it's not for your work collective - it's not safe for your career successes that reach the single virobnichoy goal.

Oppositionist vіdkrito and svіdomo oppose the leader. Vіn zdatny stavlennya zavazhayut chinnikov at robotі colleagues, navmisny vіdtyaguvannya important zavodіv z vrobnitstva. It is worth doing an active person, so that you can start in the right place at the right time, but through those who її values ​​and norms do not stray from the settings of the team of the organization, and the energy is directed from the neighboring business to the development of the group of organizations.

For the development of the skin of the group, the participant of the team recognizes his/her background in the presence of other participants in the group. Group dynamics development process– the team is active in cooperation, the development of new successful forms of mutual relations between the participants.

Important respect for the development of the workforce:

Labor team- it’s not just the sum of the participants, but the expanse mutually and modifications behavior of the skin member of the group.

With whom spіvrobіtnik prgnuti become a member of that team, with yakim vin ottozhuє yourself, but not zim, like to lie down.

Feel like belonging to the team dominating with the most people navitt akshcho іsnuє negatively unfriendly position from the side of the participants of this team.

Rarely a team develops and takes shape on the basis of whether it is similar, it depends on the result positive interdependenceїї participants.

It’s easier to get into the labor collective chim vplinut on the behavior of okremyh spіvrobіtnikіv, including up to the whole team.

The phases of the group development with the mechanism of the infusion of the liquidation of the conflict:

Acquaintance phase. Spivrobitniki are guided by their behavior. Dominate innocence in behavior, tension, restlessness. The group is looking at a possible development, the skin spivrobitnik will be his allowance at some distance.

Phase of the conflict . Vinikla superbness and conflict activate the activity of the participants in the team. Maybe you could join the subgroup. In this phase, roles are assigned, there is a struggle for a strategy of behavior. Looking for a way out of the conflict situation for the work team.

The phase of bulge. The purpose of the practice is straightened out. Kozhen is actively playing his part. Additives and rules of conduct for the group are being constructed, ways of reaching the goal of the group are being discussed and fixed.

Stability phase. Good cooperation between the participants of the labor collective allows skin satisfaction with one's professional activity. Override positive moods and emotions. Informal parties are developing. The phase continues until a new conflict arises between the intra-group struggle.

Table 17

Chi zdatni vy be a leader

Artil otaman mitsna.

Hot buti - spit, licorice - shove.

((People's wisdom))

You already knew about those roles that you can take from the labor collective, but how much stink will be good for you - we’ll tell you now. The most important role for achieving high career achievements is, of course, the role of a leader. Can you fit for your work team? Or maybe you are already a leader? Having read this paragraph, you will not be less likely to be energized, and you will know how you can make yourself a leader?

In professional activity, vtim, like in be-yakіy іnshіy, the leader is a person, like not only maybe zrobite for your colleagues, ale th want what. The leader is obliged to constantly confirm his position, to actively implement his activity in the right way to the role.

Also, the axis of the main characteristics of the leader:

1) the presence of outstanding abilities and skills;

2) the exercise to borrow a conduit camp from the collective;

3) the ability to show the necessary skills;

4) active actions from the reach of the delivered mark.

Right 1. Think, listed more characteristics can be brought to your specialty? To be objective, guess your rest day at work. How often do you want to and bajannya take to the right? Are you active, are your colleagues? What did you get for the day to reach what you planned?

In the practice of achieving a leadership position in the team, you have your own kind magic at two straight lines:


Internal magic engage in psychological and emotional struggles that are in the middle of your specialty. If you practice virobiti inner motivation, help you to be more successful, work actively and react promptly to outrageous changes. Show values ​​and strength, which will help you to become a leader in a particular workforce.

Zovnishne zmagannya can come in 2 forms:

Significant stosunki.

Competitive prices.

Zmagannya, as a spy worker is stagnant in order to take the position of a leader, they are characterized by constructive, effective actions. Behavior of a person is consistent with the interests of all participants in the workforce, demonstrating common values. The merits and the quality of specialness are just right for the rice of the leader in this team. Whenever there is a need to waste their relevance, the whole team will naturally choose another leader.

The struggle for leadership through competitive media is driven by various methods that are inadequate and unacceptable for this collective. Spivrobitnik, in my opinion, does not talk about group scoring and values, but rather tries to assert himself in the role of leader. The foundations are not based on the necessary qualities and advantages of a spivrobitnik, but on his mystical promptings. In this way, the spivrobitnik does not voluntarily shy away from the role he has taken. As practice shows, such leadership is considered to be ineffective in hromadas and industrial organizations. Mayzhe once guessed that the plans of such a leader are revealed, and the team plays the role of an adversary. As a rule, the labor collective imposes sanctions for similar behavior and does not allow them to renew, embarrassing the colleague, either correcting or depriving them of their collectives.

Zalezhno, as a leader, as a way of victorious behavior, distinguish 3 types of leadership:

1. Dilove.

2. Emotion.

3. Zmishane.

At business leadership override formal opinions between spivrobitnikami, show a significant social distance between the leader and colleagues. The leader, most importantly, is the leader of the team of professional managers. You can easily organize your colleagues on business, come in to significant companies.

Emotional leadership є in the opposite way dії against dilovim. The leader gives respect to the informal exchanges among the team. Keeping up with the positive emotional mood of the spivrobitniks, alleviate conflict situations that are blamed. In all the incomprehensible spivrobitniks, the leader acts as the third independent person, as if he can fairly judge that situation. With the help of any spivrobitnik, who takes the position of a leader, emotionally recognizes and maintains a short social distance between colleagues.

A different kind of leadership conveying the choice of various ways of behavior and communication with the leader's colleagues.

As practice shows, the most effective and demanding type of leadership at a time is emotional leadership.

Behind the strategies of diy leadership can be:

- Vіdkritim;

- We'll take it.

In the first type, leadership is clearly pronounced in the collective. Spivrobitniki, as they occupy the role of a leader, do not win their own proving station, actively stand by the interests of the group, clearly take the blame for the accomplishment of professional leaders of the team. Knowing their leadership, organize activity and meetings among colleagues.

Leaders with an undiscovered leadership position organize the activities of the team, not taking a share from anyone else, but rather indiscriminately directing the activity. Dyuchi as a third-party poster, attachment leader form necessary for the team of values, norms. Without turning respect, I create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the team, as a reminder of the blue among colleagues. Leaders with such a strategy are practically effective allies of any kind of supporter of the labor collective.

Some leaders indulge in the style of accomplices with their colleagues, which they support, they can be: authoritarian, democratic, comradely or collegial style of mutual modality.

Right 2. For example, you commemorated leadership qualities, appreciating your work style. What kind of friends do you try to keep up with your team (formal, informal)? Chi vіdkrito You know your leadership chi zdatnі not clearly cherubate mutually with the group?

Uzagalnyuyuchi said can be significant leader like a person, like a person who trusts the whole team, the oscillators of the wines show the main values, the interests of the installation of spivrobitnikiv, as well as the person, building effectively cheruvati vіdnosiny, which are formed by the labor team. The most important thing in the rozumіnі ієє vіnnya vіnnya vіdіnnya vіdіznyа vіdіznyа vіdіznyа іnіdіnі kolіv іnії vіd manager, іn functional ob'yazkіv ії іn ії dії, іkі іn practice zvіchay rob іder. A simple scheme will help you with tsiom:

Table 18

Now you know a lot about those who are the leader, what are the key functions of the manager, which is the main one for the position of the leader.

If at the same time you are not the leader of your work team, then you can become one for the job. Having done a hand in hand with your own behavior, the necessary constructive actions, You will accept the role of a leader. If you want to let go of your breath, if you want the whole team for an insignificant day, you fix your camp and you can further work on yourself. Remember that leadership is the essence of strength and with oneself!

Control table: "Necessary knowledge about leadership"

How to create a vlasnu merezh

Service for service, help one to one.

One has power.

Your passing friend.

((People's wisdom))

"Vlasna Merezha" for professional partners - ce mutually, based on the deep service and special interests, the union of spivrobitnikiv, as it allows them to be professionally productive. Your colleagues, as they become your friends, will be a colossal support for you in your practice, be a successful careerist. And if fellow friends start to make a lot of money and the stench is aware of getting together at the right time, then help is simply indispensable. How to create such an effective measure?

For the sake of the creation of the “hairy chain” of colleagues:

Do not try to make friends with us once with spіvrobіtnikami , go individually to the skin of a person and value this friendship. The persecution for the kіlkіst suffers yakіst.

Your information includes knowledge about the dates of the people of your spіvrobіtnikіv. Welcome a colleague on National Day and give her a symbolic gift . Do not attach information about significant subdivisions shared with your team. Give the skin wheel the opportunity to enter into your own judgment, vodiyachi this information. Tse rozkriє you deyakі osoblivnostі dermal svіvrobіtnik і і іn kolektivі і not vykliche negative ї ї її, yak, singly, bula b, yakscho b You didn't inform їх.

If any of your colleagues did not come to work, obo'azkovo zayasut the reason for this and tell me about it, in a turnaround situation you can spodіvatisya on the very same setting before you.

As if your spy was sick, see yoga, or if you want to, cheer up morally by telephoning you. Your fate is to advance the ability to set up before you and turn your rich colleagues into friends .

Don't take on more sleep . Zabagato goiter will not give you strength and will provoke a bezvіdpovіdalno setting in your labor collective. Vіdpovіdalnіst nebhіdno dіlіtі with іnshiy svіvrobіtnikami, dovіrivshi їm deserving right to accept the decision. Tse will demonstrate your confidence in your confidence and trust in the confidence of your colleague.

Do not be afraid to trust your spivrobitnik . As practice shows, often people fool your trust in the situation of your distrust of them.

Choose the most convenient way for all of you . Don't waste your working hour for uniting and negotiating, hurry up with your own strategy of communication. For example, write one sheet of paper on an electronic screen.

Be aware of your basic professional information, so you know where to know at a particular moment in time . Raptom to your wheel, you need the pleasure of another help.

Pro organize a sleeping hour with a working space . Promoting good informal vodnosin is possible with joint interests and hoardings, as well as with a pilgrimage.

Such measures of colleagues-friends are effective in the prevention of professional development and the prevention of the "emotional fire" syndrome. The rest can become the result of an overworld professional ambition and not bring the planned results in inter-society interactions. Timely assistance of a colleague, a discussion of problems that are blamed, as a rule, do not allow mental autonomy and tension, ahead of the crisis and pardon in professional activity.

Table 19

What can you give a corporate party

Bagato's titles are few.

Tadey, don’t fight, don’t love fearful lives.

((People's wisdom))

A corporate party is a phenomenon that has become more widespread in the professional sphere recently. The practice of sleeping consecration, as it was founded earlier in organizations, is not less than the same functional significance, as if a corporate party had already begun.

Corporate party– tse association of colleagues in the professional sphere in a neutral informal atmosphere with a method of appreciating the service success of the organization of some other saint.

In books on management and at scientific conferences, both positive aspects and negative aspects of organization and participation in corporate saints are discussed. Dosi thoughts in this gallery are ambiguous, and the manager of the skin can look at the corporate party. The only one without a list - for a person who can’t reach success in professional activity, corporate party - this is a real chance to show my rich abilities and a chance to get closer to achieving career success.

Yakі opportunistic v_dkrivaє corporate party:

Far away is the opportunity to join the labor collective.

Possibility to know that recognition closer than newcomers.

For kerіvnitstva - it's better to recognize one's own associates, to express your thoughts about kerіvnitstvo and that's why it's up to the manager.

The corporate party infuses the workforce into a crowd.

Development of informal vydnosyns.

Accumulation of a positive positive record for the professional team.

Occasionally, at a corporate party, ask potential business partners, the possibility of knowing and establishing contact with them.

If you recently came to the organization, do not be encouraged to participate in the corporate party. With the help of Vishvidshe, you will become a full-fledged participant in the labor collective and you will gain the status of “your” people. Take part in the organization of the party and give your colleagues the opportunity to recognize you closer.

Like your first corporate sacred, pridivіtsya, like a trace, to yoga specifics. The skin deposit has its own tradition of holyday.

Cheer up your colleagues about those who, as it is customary to dress up for similar ones, come in; Take care of what you need to bring with you, if it’s not handy, you’ll come unprepared. Don't fight and be active. Aje corporate party - the opportunity to declare your talents and unique features. With a competent attitude to your behavior at the party, you can win the friendship of rich spivrobitniks.

Even though the corporate party is not the first one, do not hesitate to get ready for it later. Take the initiative and prepare embellishments for the reception, de won't pass. Ask colleagues for help with attached embellishments. Prepare competitions that will look good on your professional evening. Symbolic prizes at the sight of turned bags, pens, olives and mini-notebooks do not waste much of your gamanets, but deliver joyful mites to your supporters. Podbayte about the camera for the saint.

Growing up on holy photographs raises the mood of the tenant team at work everyday life and stressful stages of work. Your initiative and activity without a doubt will not be left unmarked and improve your social position with the work team.

A corporate party allows you to develop informal blues between spivrobitnikami and spryyaє zgurtuvannyu labor collective. Through formal statements, you can easily recognize that the role of skin caregiver is in the work group. It is possible to talk about non-professional hobbies, hobbies. You can learn the same-thinking souls of the same mind. Discuss a positive for you dosvіd strategіy zaєmodії s znimi landowners from your organization, clients, business partners. At corporate parties, values, norms of organizational culture adopted in the establishment. Become aware of the importance of current professional references. For the help of a corporate party, you will easily get into the course of the current professional information.

If you want to achieve success in the professional sphere, win the opportunity of a corporate party for your professional success, and not for retirement. Therefore, do not waste self-control and self-control over your behavior at the hour of the evening. Do not tremble aside and do not be a white crow among the spivrobitniks who have fun, have fun with them in the spirit of the soul, but work with them.

Remember! Be it a camp, you can win the behavior. Be active when interacting with a kerivnik, talk to him, enjoying his mood. Having shown natural interest, it has not changed my sympathy for you. First of all, be harmonious and impress with yourself at the corporate party.

Table 20

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