Magic squares of abramelin. Magic squares of abra-melina. Away from the robot with the Guardian Angel

Holy magic of Abra-Melin
The structure of this practice can be described as follows:
The first book is an autobiography, addressed to the author's son, Lamech. Another book - outside Zagalny description ways of awakening magical powers.
The third book is the means of reporting these forces for the recovery of impersonal magical results.
Avraham witnessed that, having taken away the system of sacred magic from the magician Abra-Melin, he affirmed that he had especially and thoroughly attained the greater part of the miraculous results described in the third book, as well as riches of others, not known in them.
The meta in this practice is formulated by an offensive rank: for the help of purity, that self-proclaiming, reach recognition and spontaneity with your guardian angel, so that you yourself can take away the right to victorious evil spirits like servants from all material rights.
Such is the system of the Mystical Magic of the magician Abra-Melin, vikladen and divided right up to the most important details, we will teach Abraham the Hebrew.
The third book is given to the practice of clarifying the Kabbalistic letter squares, like pantacles, and the value of which is given by victorious names in them.
Avraham the Jew repeatedly repeats that this system is sacred to the magic of Abra-Melin and is based on bondage. Pentacles and symbols of value as a leveled and stable basis for gaining magical power; But if the operator is not able to get to them by strength, the stench is filled with more inanimate and miraculous schemes. Prote in the hands of the dedicated, who truly spitted their zmist, the stench becomes a mighty defender and helper, who supports and cherishes the will of yoga.
David and King Solomon could have humiliated their enemies, but they didn’t hurt like that; in the inheritance of God himself, who does not punish, as if there are no evils. As soon as you follow these rules, you will be given by your holy guardian angel these symbols, as if you go lower and impersonal others. Let the fear of God be in front of the eyes and in the heart of the one who has the divine wisdom and Holy Magic.
Magic squares of Abra-Melina

Talisman clairvoyance , helping to bachiti the past and the future. Take the Symbol by your hand, put yoga on the top of your head, and the Spirit will help you secretly to all those who care about you.

Talisman of Friendship helping to gain friendship, be it a human being, and make a pardoning friend look like a true one.

Talisman knowledge , allowing you to easily take away knowledge in a be-yak_y gallery. Take the Symbol in your hand and say what information you require.

A talisman for the transfer of a future looking-glass for help , put the symbol in front of the mirror and ask what you want to know.

A talisman for the transfer of the future for help to the fire , put the symbol under the candle and ask about those who want to know.

A talisman that protects against black magic

A talisman that helps to find out about be-yaki secrets. Stick to the Symbol, loudly name the people whose secret you want to know, and the Spirit will whisper in your ear.

A talisman for treasures. Carry a symbol with you, and the Spirit will show you your belongings. If you put a symbol on your belongings, then the wine will not go into the ground and you cannot be blamed. Be some kind of spirit, some kind of yogo to protect, enter, and you can pick up the belongings, like you’re forgetting.

A talisman that relieves physical pain. Put the Symbol on the sick place and deprive it of yoga for about a quarter of a year, then clean it up and save it in order to win the victory for the next time. If you go about the inner ailment, then you are guilty of laying the Symbol (down on your side, de broken writing). There is no shortage of troubles, for example, the Symbols will be improved and continued, but all the same, it will be better, so that none of them are successful, and none, we will kill you, not taking them to the hands.

A talisman that relieves the headache and confusion. Put the symbol side down, dezroblenі write on the bare head of the patient. There is no shortage of troubles, for example, the Symbols will be improved and continued, but all the same, it will be better, so that none of them are successful, and none, we will kill you, not taking them to the hands.

Talisman for the sight of wounds. On the bandages of an ill person, the bandages are cleansed, on ointments, compresses and bandages are put on the bandages. There is no shortage of troubles, for example, the Symbols will be improved and continued, but all the same, it will be better, so that none of them are successful, and none, we will kill you, not taking them to the hands.

Talisman of a kokhannya. Helping buti cohanim.

Talisman of passion. Helps to achieve physical closeness.

A talisman that helps to reach a specific person's talent. Vimovte in the voice of my people, whose love you are at home. As well as possible, kindly put this symbol directly to the body of a human being.

A talisman that fires a witch.

The talisman calls out to the fortuneteller among women.

A talisman that helps to greet the elders for their lives.

A talisman that helps to look young. Take symbol left hand and lead them in the face.

Charm Talisman, help to enchant people and subdue your will. Symbol next bury or hide there, de imovirno pass needed people yakscho it is possible, it is required to get to the new symbol.

The talisman helps to open the doors. Hit the castle, whichever you want to mark with a symbol (on the other side, on which vein of ink), and the veins are negligently sounded silently or without poshkodzhen. If you want to close yoga, stick to that side of the symbol, nothing is painted on, and you will close again, without leaving the traces of the day that you shouted it.

Talisman of wealth. Dopomogaє shvidko reach dobrobutu. Put a symbol at your hamanets, fill in yoga there.

“At the Bagatoria’s repeated repetition of the pardons themselves lies the reason for our current day’s hardships, like trying to end the world”

(“Sacred Magic, book 1, ch. 10)

In the midst of different magical literature, one knows the true new sound when closed with the neo-magical system of the Golden Dawn. This most magical movement of the New Hour, having reinterpreted and reworked the rich classical texts and rituals, the “Holy Magic of the Wise Abramelin” was revered for majestic popularity, having drunk the respect not only of the founders of the Order, but of his brilliant vihovantsa - A. Crowley. He himself remained, having inhaled the ideas of "Sacred Magic", having created a pearl of the Thelemic system - a revelation about "Spivbesidu z by the Holy Guardian Angel" and the famous "Ritual of the Non-Narodzheny".

The idea of ​​"Sacred Magic" is based on the fact that through purity and self-revelation, one can reach recognition and wisdom with one's guardian angel, so that oneself will take away the right to victorious evil spirits like servants from all material rights. The term "Holy Guardian Angel" was first used by such a meaning in the "Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Magician", and has been fixed for a year, becoming one of the outer ideas of modern Magic.

Behind Crowley's words

“The only Greatest Ritual is the attainment of the Knowledge and Spivbesidi of the Holy Guardian Angel. With this, the whole person rises and hovers around a vertical straight line. Be-yaké repentance in the direction of direct lines threatens to transform into black magic. Be it another operation - black magic".

The manuscript of the "Sacred Magic" is taken from the Library of the Arsenal near Paris and is dated to the 18th century. To say that based on writing in Hebrew the original, dating XV centuries. The book itself says that Abraham began writing in 1409, having learned the "Sacred Magic" from the Egyptian sage Abramelin. pershy English translation tsієї "Books of sacred magic" zrobleno 1898 to the year of S.L. Mathers. The new title of the book is: “The Book of Persh (Friend of the Third, in the vіdpovіdny vpadku) of the Sacred Magic, as God gave to Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon and the other holy patriarchs and prophets, as he laid the right divine knowledge, Abraham ".

This work is divided into three books, written by an old magician and left by him in the fall of his son.

The first book tells the story of the author, who, having grown the Kabbalah, defying the tricks of the greatest Wisdom. Following the decimal ponoviryans in Europe, the names of the famous teacher in the person of Abramelin, the hermit, who is alive in the Egyptian wilderness. Singing at the purity of Abraham's names, Abramelin took yoga in his studies.

“Holy Magic” will proclaim that the skin of us is tied with a special spiritual essence, as we call wine the Holy Guardian Angel. It is clear to the system of magic, after a successful call of an angel, a person to know power over us spirits and demons. Doki Mage cannot enter into a spiritual union for the sake of his day, he cannot be able to punish the spheres of our lower nature with the baggies in a right way, nor protrude with a path of spiritual development.

The author of the book respects that the good spirits of that angelic Force of the Light can overcome the power of the dark spirits of Temryavi, as if for early condemnation to serve as an initiator at the crypt of the magic of the Light and all the zvichayny material results are reachable by usils evil spirits, yak_ ring out to be in subordering at the good Obviously, the meta-magical work in this practice is based on the fact that, for the help of purity, that self-revelation can reach recognition and wisdom with your guardian angel, and they themselves will gain the right to victorious evil spirits like servants in all material rights. After the reach of Spivbesidy itself, the Guardian Angel becomes the guardian of the Mage and sees the further magical activity from the position of the greatest wisdom.

Having reached the Angel, the Magician will take away the instructions for the calling of "Chotiroh of the Great Princes of Evil" and support them, having taken the oath of sovereignty. On the coming day, it will be remembered and shkodo Eight podleglih Princes, and so on, until all the inhabitants of hellish kingdoms swear to the vіddanostі and not bow to the new Magician.

Kіlka razіv stretching the text, the author says that this system of Sacred Magic is based on bondage. The ritual part of the "Sacred Magic" shows richly primal attributes - colo, roses of the year and hour, and natomistity gives rich respect to the special training of the Magician, yoga discipline and sensibility. great value one also hopes to properly obshtuvannya cult space. The book fills the choice between two possibilities: to dominate such a place in the nature of human minds. The pose of the place is better than working in the fox, de needing to argue in the vіvtar, having attached it with the nail to the board. For sim krokiv vіd vіvtary to roar about z kvіtіv i kuschiv. As ceremonies are held at the city, the Magician is obliged to choose a room with a balcony and arrange a small hut with windows there, so that in the middle one can see the exit to the balcony.

The whole ritual takes a trival hour to complete - for different versions, from pivroku up to two years, for which the magician is guilty of leading a self-pious life. Izrael Regardie, saying that, behind Crowley's apologetics, he did not know anyone who had successfully completed the operation of Abramelin.

Another Book of "Sacred Magic" to avenge the information about those "Powers of Temryavi", for additional management of what and possible implementation.

"Chotiri the Great" - tse Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial, and "highly supportive princes" - Astarot, Magot, Belzebut, Oriens, Paimon, Ariton and Amaimon.

Tsі Spirits are good in other goetic dzherel. All the things that are described in the book are consecrated by the spirits themselves, and for the sake of having control over them, the Ritual. Spirits need to call and swear to swear allegiance to the order, so that we can win over their power later. The book also induces a long list of spirits (total 316), as in the order of the head ones. In other words, the cosmological part of the "Sacred Magic" is the same as in other cases. The peculiarity of this book itself is near: The magician gets angry with the “good” spirit and sings himself own power over the “evil”.

The third book of "Sacred Magic" is dedicated to one more technical drawing of this system - "Magic Squares". Ideologically similar to the “Tablet” of the “Enochian” system of J. Dee. In the middle of these squares there is a variant of the famous "Sator, Arepo, Tenet, Opera, Rotas" - one of the pantacles pointed at the "Keys of King Solomon". A lot of symbolic letter squares have the character of an undercurrent acrostic, moreover, in quiet ones, they seem to great numbers, The letters do not fill the square on the surface, but are shaped like a gnomon, etc. Traplyayutsya also squares, in which the central part is empty. Leather from the squares may have its own goals, for example:

“[Helping] to recognize everything about the speech of the past and the future, but, however, without superficially not to supersede God and that yoga of the holy will.

(1) Recognize all speeches of the past and future in principle.

To the skin group of squares, an insertion is made, by the power of any of the descriptions in Another book spirits vin pracyuє. Tse means that the robotic mechanism of these squares is Enochian - the stench reflects the power of singing spirits. vikupovuyuchi relevant phenomena behind the Sikl principle.

It is important that these symbols are valuable as a leveled and reliable basis for the adoption of magical power; But if the operator is not able to get to them by strength, the stench is filled with more inanimate and miraculous schemes. Prote in the hands of the Magus, who has strengthened his strength to revive them, the stench becomes a mighty zahist and help, which supports and maintains the will of yoga. These squares will help the Magician to master all knowledge and wisdom, give love to be-like people, know all the treasures, including sculpture and ancient art of magic. You can make yourself invisible, call out and cheer up your spirits, create zombies, chew on corpses, and frighten them to function with living essences for a stretch of seven years. Vіn mozhe letati povіtryam at the sight of the gloomy, eagle, raven, crane or vulture. Vіn can forge sickness, change your position, vik and look, spread hatred, discord, welding and other mischief and inacceptability.

Tim is no less, the robot works according to the System Abramelin, obviously, dotrimannya all the basic rules of magical security. Imagine that the very ignorance of these rules has brought to collapse such an arduous magical organization, like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

In this way, in its original appearance, "Sacred Magic" is far from the vinyatkovo presented-occult image, which the modern Magi gave. Regardless of the technical features, it is not seen among the great Grimoires, and it is directed not to “nabootya itself”, but on the other hand, “nabootya” is seen only as a path to the control of forces, which will alienate the Mage. Abramelin's system can be even more effective for those who don't fit in, and in this case, the main value is to expand the set of ways in the realization of one's strength.

Rules for folding the Great Square of Abramelin. Tsey square of appointments for the will of the subject, naturally you yourself will understand this infusion to get your karma. More precisely, this square serves for the construction of such an action, only as it is really necessary, the frames for doing it vary at great boundaries. For example, you can beat it like a lucky break, so bad luck like love, like hate, the resultlie in the sight of your bazhanya, the strength of the result is in the depths of the bajannya (tobto an emotional charge). And so it is clear that for the beginning of this magical operation, there is a need for a reason that is supported by your emotions. More precisely, an emotion for charging a square, and a thought (a reason is clearly formulated), as if there would be a potential action. For the creation of the square, papyrus is used, for a thin one, papyrus papyrus (shards of papyrus can be used for energy-conducting properties). The expansion of the square has no particular meaning. Naturally, oskіlki tse SQUARE usі sides can be equal. Now let's get down to writing. We write whether it is a well-written letter, backwards along the horizontal of the square, then, starting from the first letter, we write the same word vertically (Reporting to the little one), the number of letters - at your discretion, depending on how to lay only the size of the square, but not strength. A square, indications for a little one, creations for a successful kohanny, and the main warehouse word for a square is “HAGIT” (Spirit of Venus).

The main word of the square can be like a double letter, just with a variety of names (more precisely, pseudo-names) of entities, which can be directly related to the implementation of what was conceived,the power of the square grows. Otzhe, having turned the smut word, we continue to fill in the square. Mustache words are not cyclical, like there is no sense. A charge from the basis of the butt of a distant filling of the square Now, more headily, under the hour of writing the skin word, you are guilty of charging the square with new emotions. Love, hatred, anger, spontaneity, ... those emotions, like you call out a potential subject, - for whom you are planning a further injection of the square, - you are guilty of helping and charging the square more strongly, when writing a skin letter, visualize it a little and feel a charge at the square (You can for help visualization). Mustache? But don’t relax, you’ve loaded the square, - you can pass your hand over it, as if the sensitivity of the hands and palms has been wounded by a sufficient world, then you see a strong charge of energy, but you didn’t put a yoma met. Again, the other stage involves the creation of the methi. Clearly formulate why you created this square. Now know the approximate center of the square, and, concentrating, send your idea to the central point. All Great Square to Abramelin is ready to win. Dіє vin at zіtknennі z subject, on what may be added. For example, you can inadvertently put the square into a pack with us, people get behind us, reach the square and that’s it, or you can put the square in your hand and take care of the subject, with the energy of the square being handed over, it will close with the subject, and that is already enough for zdіysnennya. The term “deposit” in your own eyes, and then sound “dee remember” in 7-20 days.

HAGIT - the spirit of Anael, led by the planet Venus.
FIL - the spirit of Gabriel, guarded by the planet Moon.
Phalen is the spirit of Samael, guarded by the planet Mars.
DARKHUL - a platform for the devils, roaring the devils.
BETAEL - miracles performed by Jesus Navvin.
VOAEL - spirit primar, bring.
ZAIMEL - the spirit of the thunder wand.
Getatia - the spirit of prophecies.
TETATIA - the spirit of knowledge.
ALEPTA - the spirit of ancestors.
BETEL - the spirit of knowledge.
GIMEL is the spirit of the Primars of Adam.
DALETE - the spirit of the earthly paradise.
FALET - the spirit of masculinity.
KAMAEL - the spirit of courage, victory, light of the Son.
TGAAANTHEL - the spirit-spirit.
GANIEL - the spirit of a precious stone.
OFIL - the spirit of piety.
VERALIAN spirit of love and passion.
BOSUM - the spirit of the world of the dead.
KRAM - the spirit of the earth cowards.
FAGOTT - the spirit of the scoundrel, the Punishment of God.
SHIRKH - the spirit of thunder and bliskavki.
BARAEL - the spirit of wealth, maє the form of a deer.
GURAM - the supreme King of the mental world, knows all the information of the All-world.
NETONIEL - the spirit of good luck.
DIVACHI - the patron saint of princes.
Beliabel - the spirit of life force.
GRIZL and DROKHLO - the spirit of the informer.
GETANIEL - patron and helper of magic.
OVCHIEL, OESHIEL, OSEKHTEL - lead through the dark worlds

"Any time, do not try to beat the square, given in the "Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin", until you complete the operation. In addition, until you complete the square, and do not begin to prepare for it, mother this book will be full of foolishness. may shillnіst vіlnyatisі and work speech for vlasnoy іnіtsiаtivu, їхні results are not worthy of you.

Nebizhchik Philip Hazeltine, a brilliant young composer, won one of these squares, so that his team turned to the new one. Vіn neatly virіzav yogo on the hands. I don’t know how Vіn was getting ready to go to work, but then the squad turned around safely, after which Vіn suddenly put his hands on himself. I changed the translation of the rest of the paragraph through the sources, in my opinion, creating the text by translating the original - approx. hipparion)*.

A. Crowley "Magic without tears", ch.20 "Talismany. Lamen. Pentacle"

*The rest of Philip Haseltine, a young computer genius, beat one of these squares to take his wife to turn to the next. He engraved it neatly on his arm. I don't know how those that I'm timid to put on the job; alé yogo wife came back all right, and a very short time afterwards he killed himself.

Who is Heseltine?

"For history buffs: Philip Arnold Heseltine was born at the Savoy Hotel in London for the year 1894. He is an English composer, critical, and editor renowned for his songs and for his editions of Elizabethan music. Vіn vikoristovuvav yogo real name, first for everything, if literature & editorial works are selected, with the inspiration of Peter Warlock for yogo musical work. As many are numbered among Aleister Crowley's circle of friends, we don't know what Heseltine's involvement is. However, magick's interest is believed by many to have been his downfall. The catalyst began when his wife left him. In the great world in love with him and romances, which are known among their number of people, they victorious black magick in order to take yoga. Although he boasted that he had succeeded in getting her back, in the other world he failed, losing both his mind and his soul. Under the hour of the remaining twenty, it became obvious that Heselina was under a serious thought and life in general, so that she would become unrepentant in the 1930s. Dark moods of depression over-took him more frequently than not. For example, on a birch chest 17th 1930, man, as if alive above Heseltine in Yogo Chelsea byt woke to sounds Heseltine logically closing all windows and locking the doors. I don’t think that the third side, but continue the struggle, won’t live. Stop, vin zm'yazavsya strong sheep gas, scho go z pіd yogo doshkoy і in the zone. She immediately summoned the Police who broke open the door and found Heseltine lying fully dressed on the couch. He was dead of coal-gas poisoning. For the rest of the rock, if Aleister Crowley wrote about classic talismans, he won Heseltine like a butt of magického being applied wrong". Aaron Leitch

"The Book of Abramelin" is a German magical text, written, imovirno, by Abraham of Worms on the cob of the XV century. A new one describes how to call and tie his Holy Guardian Angel to himself with inexplicable fetters. This angel becomes the main teacher and spiritual mentor of the applicant. Zavdyakova zdobuvach know the building to create magic, to punish the spirits of the lower rank i, more headily, more successfully, I will become more spiritually pure.

If you are reading my article, you can admit that you already know about this famous grimoire, or, take it, say it with a story and a fairy tale. However, it may not be easy to know the correct information about him. About the pіvіchny (or pіvtorarіchny) rite of Abramelin, which was written at this book, it was written chimalo, but no one wrote about those that are expected after the rite is completed. Vtіm, it's been agreed recently that I published an article about Abramelin's magic of perfumes, in a yakіy viklav zagalnі principle work with perfumes and talismans for the whole system - roboti, as it starts after the completion of the main rite. Now I want to tell you about those, how mutual relations develop not with the lower spirits, but with the Holy Guardian Angel himself.

A lot of readers of the "Book of Abramelin" are pardoned by pardon, nibi descriptions of her rite - only a ceremony of evokatsii. Obviously, it seems like the stench, this ritual is long and deep, but it’s just such a way to call out an overly powerful angel. And this angel, the stench is coming, I’ll tell you about all your nourishment about life, all the world and everything else, and endow you with miracle-working powers, with which you are only a little bit. So you pretend to be a great magician, and you will never need Abramelin anymore. You have already taken everything that you can give.

If you think so, then I can sing you, you will have a deep mercy. In this article, I will tell you about those that, with great understanding, can be considered in rest days consecrated to the rite as such and the coming of tyzhnі, mіsyatsі and fates. I will try to unravel the popular myths about Abramelin and explain that the “Book of Abramelin” itself has a system laid out for a child's practice. Let's take it to respect - and let's get started!

The rite of Abramelin is not just a ceremony of calling an angel. The rite of coronation

The rite of Abramelin is even more famous, but with it, it becomes one of the most intelligible esoteric traditions. As it was already guessed, at a superficial glance, richly, someone pardoningly takes yoga for a folding and trival ceremony of an angelic evokatsii, directed at establishing contact with the secret that mighty day, under the name "Holy Guardian Angel". And so many people care that the contact itself is called “knowing that conversation” with the Guardian Angel, but it’s really not like that.

The rite of Abramelin effectively includes intercourse with an angel. Prote splkuvannya, tobto “spіvbesida”, is only half of the understanding of “knowledge that spіvbesida”. To learn how to speak with your Guardian Angel, The Book of Abramelin is not needed. For all that you practice, then just live righteously, pray for this evening before going to bed and spend the day silently meditating, and in a day's time you will take away the result. How to write Agrippa, what an angel

... cherish the life of the soul and put good thoughts into the mind, unfailingly pray to enlighten us, even if we don’t forget about it; those of us who are cleansed and live in a calm world, you can smell it; And then you won’t speak to us and show us your voice, previously indistinct, and work day after day, to lead us to holy perfection.

In other words, the Holy Guardian Angel is constantly with us, in order to take yoga, it is necessary to reach the right state of purity and clarity. If you know the Rite of Abramelin, then you know that you are pleased with Agrippi's helpers, punishing the cleansing of that trouble-free life. However, if you think, you can vikonate without Abramelin. I know a lot of people who have attained spiritual wisdom with the Holy Guardian Angel on their own; for some, a sprinkling of months has passed, for others, a sprinkling of fates. More than that, I know a lot of people, until such an angel came for the power of initiative - not to the one who stench took care of his respect, but simply after work, like the stench led in other magical or mystical traditions. (In such situations, the angel often є uvі snі or in the course of ceremonial work, spramovanovanoї on yakus іnhu metu.) At the heart of connection with the Guardian Angel lies the pragnennia of the Most High and the right of self-perfection that purification.

So, for what purpose is the whole noble operation of Abramelin needed, if it is possible to establish contact with your Holy Guardian Angel without it? Vidpovid gives the first half of the verse "knowledge that spivbesida". The word “knowledge” here needs to be understood not as a hardening about those who have already learned, and now you know what it is. This word is lived in the biblical meaning and means direct, without middle ground and deeply special understanding of mutual modality with being.

For vyslovlyuvannya tsієї ideї є more appropriate Greek term - "gnosis". In the old esoteric tradition, gnosis is often called the experience of the greatest spiritual states. To get to know on the intellectual level, enough to read a book, but gnosis come only by way without a middle special certificate. If you have obtained a divine gnosis, then you have known God in your senses, which means that the deity has stuck behind you without a trace. In such a rite, “to know” your Holy Guardian Angel means to establish with him a special special link with your spiritual sense. Just as a person “knows” his squad, so does a man in the Rite of Abramelin join with his Guardian Angel – spiritually and physically. Tse friendship, for which two flock like one.

This idea, I realized, is far from new. Keeping alive the ancient traditions of shamanism, we can see that a new shaman often makes friends with his patron deity - in the literal meaning of the word. Vіn having taken his own squad of the world of spirits (and the shaman, apparently, the person), and the spirits-friends became the core of the magical powers, healing and prophetic vibes, like a shaman.

One old shamanic tradition that originated in Africa and has survived to this day is called Lukumi; the New World has more vіdoma like santerіya. To become a priest of lukumi (and the priests of this religion are called “santo”, which means “holy”), it is necessary to go through a ritual called “osha”. This coronation ceremony is for that sensi who has the spirit (orisha), which is being opined by the future priest, “to plant youma in the head.” In other words, the spirit-orisha is called to take him to the consecrated forever: now the priest will be "possessed" by him forever; the two actually become one. In some traditions, they are called "stars at the saint." Coronation and this ceremony call to the one who orisha settles in the head of the priest, and the head, as the best point of the body and in the place of the light of the present, is tied with the heavenly light of the spirits.

Those who have seen the Rite of Abramelin, ymovirno commemorate rice similarities with the process of consecration at the priestess of Santeria. The process begins with a seven-day ceremony (vlasne, osha), at the entrance of some spirit-orisha they call and bind to the applicant. (It would be easier for the spirit to go to the head, the applicant to be bald.) In the wake of this ritual, the orish will get tired and for some hour they will go to sleep. Tim hourly the applicant to conduct the river and one day on its own, zdiisnyuyuchi cleansing rites. During this period of wine, it is only to dress up in white, to try a vegetarian diet and not to leave the house at night. After fate, the black ceremonies are held to infuriate and wake up the sleeping orish, and as a result, a new santo comes into the world - the vessel of the deity is alive.

The process of descriptions in the “Book of Abramelin” is day-to-day analogous to that of Santeria, although the period of purification before the new seven-day ritual of coronation. In the new German version of the rite, the applicant is punished to lead an independent life and clean up by stretching the second fate (three 6-month stages). In the newest French version, this period is shortened to production (or three stages of 2 months each). Healthy is also guilty of dorimuvatisya vegetarian diet and fast at the hour. day dream do not want to - why should the applicant be simply unhanded when leaving the house at night. For the rest of the months, the applicant is guilty of dressing in a white robe, if he breaks to prayer. And, come on, the process ends with a seven-day ritual, at the entrance of which the applicant calls out the Guardian Angel and joins him with inextricable bonds.

In fact, equivalent procedures in these and other forms are common in rich cultures and traditions throughout the world. Think of Moses, who lived on his own on the top of the mountain for forty days and forty nights, and if he descended, “Yogo’s disguise began to shine as exchanges” (Veh. 34:29). A similar appearance accompanied the Transfiguration of Jesus: “it shone forth the appearance of Yogo, like the sun” (Mt. 17:2). Catholic saints - quiet, who, having recognized an ecstatic spiritual transformation, are depicted with halos; and varto signifies that it is a tradition for Christians to bare themselves on their heads with tonsure. It is not uncommon to tarnish the tonsure as a symbol of the vision of the material world, but even less, in the presence of one priest, I feel that it is truly a symbolic entry for the Holy Spirit.

"The Book of Abramelin" does not vibrate the tonsure. Prote, zgidno with the French version of the text, stretching the first two days of talking with an angel, the angel is guilty of staging a vlasny funeral (suck in the sackcloth, close the guise with a veil and sip your head), and then lie for a year on the very same place, de vin for a few months, having called out to your Guardian Angel. On the third day, the applicant enters before the prayer service in a pure white robe (fortune about the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of Jesus); you know that now you know your Guardian Angel. Spend the last day of wines at the meeting with the Angel. In fact, I have been crowned and now I have become, so to speak, constantly obsessed with my Angel. The two became friends and became one flesh.

Henceforth, the operation of Abramelin, like the ceremony of an osha, is a rite that transforms a person into a living saint (or a prophet), and not just folding the procedure of calling. Understandably, the applicant, when calling an angel - but not for the sake of a short sermon, if you allow some angels to enter. If you do everything right, the angel didn’t go anywhere, and you will be able to share your witness with other circumstances.

Why should the newly minted prophet Abramelin be judged?

One of the biggest problems with which applicants who practice the Abramelin system are stuck is whether it is possible to rejoice on the rest of the day, that very “Day X”, if the magician is clothed in white and enters the prayer house in order to proceed to the final conversation with the Angel. Okhoronets. If you have successfully carried out the operation broadly, then you can boldly assert: having put everything on the result, for your soul, all your hope and faith. I fully realized that I was gazing at the deep and hvilyuyu spiritually. Zreshtoy, Abramelin himself describes the power of zustrich from an angel like this:

And then you can try it first, chi with the dignity of provіv tsі your shіst Mіsyatsі і pobachish, naskіlki kindly and hospitably ti pratsyuvav at the jokes of the wisdom of the Lord; for you will dance, like an angel-protector of your post in invisible beauty in front of you; And I will speak to you and speak in words that are filled with such love and kindness and such licorice that human language cannot speak. And in your breath you are greatly pleased with the fear of God, having resurrected you as a blessed gift, you have taken away the sight of God; And, having instilled in you sins as a memory, having portrayed Yogo for all your life, to instruct you and give you repentance, as to propitiate Yogo with clean lives, pious and reconciled, and deeds honorable and worthy, and all of them, God command you . After that, I’ll help you with wisdom and holy magic, and show the children, having mercy on their operations, and as soon as possible, they should repair, so that the spirits of evil can be healed and reach the goals of the gods. And give you a debt, so that you can’t deprive you of anything, but you will be a defender and a guardian until the end of your days - on your mind, why do you follow yoga orders and in no way form your Creator from the will of God. In a word, I will accept you with such love that my rose will be given in harmony with them, as you see yourself.

It’s not vague why it’s necessary to introduce bagatioh and bagatioh into Oman. It doesn't mean that Abramelin admits some inaccuracies, but it's just a mistake. In fact, everything will become true by itself, as described. Ale is great imovirnist, that everything will not happen at the same time and not on that remaining day of the operation, if the magician is told to cross Rozmov with an angel. It is not excluded that in Abraham of Worms everything was described in a flash, but on the whole it is imaginative and those who are expressed metaphorically and speak not about the days of one day, but about those that should be seen in the far future. Without a doubt, we don’t know anyone.

And yet, I can stverdzhuvaty as if from the power of knowledge, so from the knowledge of other people, as if they carried out this ritual: not varto razrakhovuvat, that on the woeful “Day X” you see yourself “Ezekiel’s tower”, whom you don’t need a check parade special effects No, I realized, everything is possible, but there are no guarantees. And here it is important to understand that the presence of a bright sight does not mean that you have known bad luck. A lot of applicants are terribly enchanted, not having spent the last long day with the miraculous angel forever and ever, not feeling any trumpet voice and not knowing any special magical powers. In its own time, it became for me a serious stone of stumbling.

If I have performed the Rite of Abramelin, month after month, relatively executing all orders, my good friend and mentor (santero Oshani Lele) laughed in the door at my testimonies of refining. What-oh-oh-oh? - trembling in a thin voice, squirming at the Scrivener's physiognomy. - How is it ta-a-a-ak? And why are there no dreams of light? And why are there no dim clubs? And why not de-e-e-e-e-e-e-mona? ..” Obviously, it’s not a fool to have fun just like that, but I’m more aware of it, that in such a rank I’ve been trying to prepare me for a great rozcharuvannya. Knowing what the osh ceremony is like and what kind of problems applicants often face. Calling on everything, new santo will be confused if it is dedicated to pass without special effects.

In addition, knowing that wine is important. As I have already guessed, the coronation ceremony is exhausting - and not only for the applicant, but for the deity, as if entering the physical body of a person, so be moving, people will be born anew. The process, in its own way, is not less traumatic, lower canopies, which are involved not only in mothers, but in newborns. Tse means that after the ceremonies, the two orders are needed: for the applicants, and for the deity. To that orisha, who settled into a person during the ceremony of osha, zanuryuetsya in a dream of a celestial river, so that the strength of that call will call to a new one. And only through rіk yogo do they wake up for one more ritual.

At the "Book of Abramelin" for the first time after the rite, the whole day is introduced and nothing is said about those who the Guardian Angel sleeps for the next hour. Ale, you can not hesitate: it’s true, you’ll fall asleep. How many times do I need to get repaired, it’s not clear: better for everything, in a skin-smooth mood - in a different way. Ale, if the applicant has to be patient and believe, sooner or later the angel will roll over and start large-scale changes in yoga life.

It’s a pity, I myself don’t know what, if passing through I will dedicate to the system of Abramelin. Hot days, that Oshani's advance could not break through the armor of my hopes. Also, “Day X” had a check on me for the greatness of rozcharuvannya. It’s true, the savings for that hour until the end of the magical work didn’t pass for nothing: I did see a lot, and I managed to catch up with my angel. Later, it was clear that in the night and the night, I had really deep zmist, but at that moment I was more doubtful: it seemed that it was better to see and try to see the Bazhan for the day. No ecstatic state, similar to that described in Abraham, I do not see. I didn’t recognize the magic mysteries of the day, I didn’t take away the day’s moods, I didn’t feel the blessing, and, in short, apparently, I didn’t experience anything that could make my heart sing with wonder and bliss.

I finished the excess of the ritual to the end in a mechanical way. And if everything is over, I’ll say that I won’t tell about my disappointment to everyone and the skin. Natomist I turned privately for joy to three of my acquaintances, whom I respected deeply. I did not become dilitisya with them all the details and skarzhitisya on the number of hostile results. I'm less likely to put them on the skin from one simple diet.

First buv Oshani Lele, without whom I did not dare to bring the Rite of Abramelin to the end. Yogo, I asked: “On what can I reserve the initiation once after having passed the osha ceremony?” In my opinion, having guessed why I’m thinking about it, — and the same wine, nareshti, explaining that after the Orish ritual, you fall asleep for a certain hour.

To another, Steve Kinni, my close friend, a Quaker and an informed master of ceremonial magic. Yogo simply by asking for a spread on the Tarot. The food before the cards sounded like this: “Now, since I have finished the Rite of Abramelin, what can I check?” Without going into the details of the layout, I’ll say more than that, having vipated “Court” with the final card, it is a sign of the future awakening of great power. (At the deck, as we scurried, on this card of images, the Archangel Mikhailo, who emerges from the sea, and of the dedications, who rises from his tombs, like a phoenix in a halo of fire.) ale nevdovzі pochnetsya more importantly.

Let's stop, to whom I turned for joy, buv Chіk Sіserow, adept of the Order of the Golden Dawn, — with him I also know the least. True, at that hour, Vin came to give me a momentary wand, as if I had won in the rite of Abramelin, for calling the spirits. Chick himself, in his own time, also went through the rite of Abramelin, although not in the primary version, and in the new, a good idea was already formed about those who were the Guardian Angel. I energized yogo, for which a person can check after the completion of the rite. Chik vіdpovіv, sho mi with my angel at once - like a new people, so far I have not been able to make too much of something. May I pass an hour, while we call him one to one.

Otrimavshi three, in fact, however, vіdpovіdі z such different ones and not related to each other, I've been hostile. Then I realize that Abraham himself at the “Book of Abramelin” affirms that the rite does not transform a person into an adept: after that, as “knowledge and understanding” will be, the applicant will be left with a newcomer, which is the only thing he can learn a lot of. Having taken it to the point of respect, I decided not to be more turbulent and became just a virity and a check. I continued to pray to my Guardian Angel today and confirm my faith in those who are guilty, or rather, they are right here, behind me; what do you smell me and it’s too early to find out.

Chekati did not have a long time - it was only close to a month. I suspect that the process was far away to hasten the dawn of that, for example, the future of that fate, I saw the great ceremony in honor of Samhain - and came to her in the same dress, in which I performed the rite of Abramelin. After the completion of the main Christmas ritual, a few more people brought their Tarot decks and led them to the center of the stake. There they blessed us and nourished our logs with strength for the future witch. And if I put down the cards, my angel leaned over and started prophesying through me. Nothing like this has ever happened to me! The secret places of the skin people were screaming at me, as if they had turned before me; they saw me right - and in fact the cards showed me nothing to no purpose! Many of those present were then told that I was not shining at that hour. I didn’t catch my eye and blink, as before me I had seen a long time of those who were eager to take a forecast. That evening, a new one appeared and ended up a difficult period in my life. I have not yet guessed, like a razyuchchi change to check on me, but as a result I have become the name of another person.

Now, since a lot of fates have already passed, I can confirm that, having won in the name of my angel, all the believers in the Book of Abramelin. More than once I have spoken to my guardian and have seen my love and sympathy. Vaughn told me the right secrets of magic: how to call the angels, how to practice with the spirits, how to correctly win the talismans and richly other things. Vaughn showed me more knowledge and wisdom. Vaughn taught me how to live well and interact with other people. With a splash, all important decisions were announced to us, as if I praised my life. Vaughn made me, who she is, a writer and mentor in the esoteric sciences. Vaughn always answered all my prayers, and even if she wanted to go, she led me like that, having been thorny for an hour, she never once directed me to hell.

About those well rozpovidat іnshi privyachenі, scho passed the Rite of Abramelin: nothing special is mentioned, but if you firmly believe and do not say hello, then it's too early to turn over all the results. It took me less than a month; For some, the angel can be thrown earlier, for some it is richer. But the worst - do not waste faith and vіddannosti: let's go on the rock, or bring on a mustache of life that has been lost - all the same, continue to believe. If you performed the ceremony correctly and did not give up, the angel will appear without fail - as soon as you will be ready in a right way.

Father, you didn't beat your angel. What are you doing?

If I explain everything to the teacher’s teaching, that one, as a rule, asks: “And how should the spirits call?” Reasonable food. And this “Day X”, if you see an angel with an angel, is only the fourth day of the seven-day ritual. In the remaining three days, the magician invokes the lower spirits and takes an oath from them to serve you and never harm you. But how to complete the Rite of Abramelin, if you didn’t beat the Guardian Angel and didn’t take away the instructions about how to fight with the lower spirits? There are a few options.

It's a pleasure, as I give more teachings, - get the hell out of calling the spirits before you start the Rite of Abramelin. What kind of tradition would you not practice - at voodoo or worse, behind Solomon's grimoires or other systems of ceremonial magic - such a practice would be more than just greed. The one who can take an oath of allegiance from the mighty demons for the sake of Lucifer and Satan, we do not want to make a far-reaching mind, how to practice with the spirits is simpler. In addition, if you already have the knowledge of spiritual essences, you will be able to communicate not only with the lower spirits, but with the Angel of the Guardian himself.

On top of that (and it’s super important!), you don’t have such a knowledge and you can’t accept the presence of an angel, all the same, it’s necessary to continue the operation with firm faith in those that your angel is already with you and helping you in the kingdom of spirits. Vіn (chi Vona) do not fall asleep, do not complete the rite, do not think that the angel of the building will throw you on the potal to the demonic princes! Read a spell to call the spirits of the next at the top of the line, that your guardian should be instructed by you and take the sword out. And at the same hour, you are not guilty of doubting that the vicarious spirits smell you and take their due part in the rituals, you can’t inspire them. As soon as the ritual is completed, the spirits swear not to give you shkodi, the angel sleeps, and you can take offense at him.

I give such a joy to the axis of the teachings, for in me everything has become so by itself. In the midst of innumerable quiet sights, as if I had taken off the sight of my angel at “Day X”, there were no rainy days for spirits. Ale, for goodness sake, I mav singed robots with spirits according to grimoires, and I provіv Shklikannya with sufficient firm faith in those who perform the ritual and the angel supports me without regard for anything.

On the other hand, I spoke with other people, as they performed the operation of Abramelin, and the deacons from them gave priority to another - but not less than one - option. One of these contenders, like me, having practiced the French version - tye, in the Rite of Abramelin borrows a pivroku. Having reached the end of the X day, and so, without having woken his angel, he simply virіshiv continued in the same soul. Win without becoming a clicker of perfumes. Vin simply continued his self-confidence with us with punishments of cleansing and prayers until the coming Great Day. I, having added wine, yakbi needed it, having continued the bi rite for six months, and for six more, and so on - doti, docks the angel did not honor the bi yogo long bachelor. For good luck, it all worked out: on the approach of the Great Day of the wines, you sang an angel, after which you called the spirits and completed the ceremony.

The whole working option, and for those є kіlka reasons. In the first place, such a decision to speak about the neumovirna faith and impudence. Vono reminds your unfamiliar and world as a whole, that you simply won’t give up until you reach the goal - to bring it on you to spend all your life.

In a different way, even though they didn’t know some of it, but later it was revealed that the Rite of Abramelin was repaid not for six, but for eighteen months. To that, having praised the decision to continue the operation for six months, and then, as soon as it is needed, it is still necessary, the applicant, not having sinned against the spirit, but against the letter of the rite. Yogo Guardian Angel, directing yoga on the path, the correctness of which was confirmed by the year, if the German version of the "Book of Abramelin" was published in the English translation.

I, nareshti, on the merit of the applicability of such an approach, to certify those that my power of results is good for them, which the applicant can reach. I was asked more than once, as I think: what next will the next second rite be held, six months will be enough? And I have confirmed that it doesn’t matter, that I’ve been obliged to work, which you happen to be vikonati, which won’t change. The work behind the system of Abramelin does not end with a sacred rite, but rather begins. To restore respect, to inspire Abraham to think about those that the angel will show you for pardon, allowed under the hour of the operation, and, perhaps, explain how to correct them at the end of the work.

In other words, if for those who want to establish a full link with your Guardian Angel, you especially need a second fate, then you should wind it up and complete the ritual itself in six months, without changing anything. All the same, you have to continue the work of another tsily rіk, to get results. And if, let’s say, the installation of such a link is especially necessary for you for five years, then to bring up a new second version of the rite is not to shorten this term. More than that, as I already said, the robot’s right hand will only open up after the fact that the link has been established.

If I myself carried out the operation of Abramelin, having completed the final seven-day rite, I was punished like that. I just believe in those who perform the ritual, so that I will do everything correctly. Ale and after that, I continued to pray and bend my angel until I reached the mark. At the other butt, the applicant vyrishiv performed the final seven-day rite, and then continued to call the angel until he reached his own. In a word, we did not give up and did not recognize the blows. My resentment showed the firmness of the faith and that impudence. I offended me, zreshtoy, pierced the whole work, as the bula is necessary for the skin from us to achieve the result.

Ale naigolnishe - those who offended me continue to practice Abramelin's system until now. I know a little, so it goes with all the others who have tried to initiate according to this system. The rite of Abramelin is not just a magic dosvіd, which you can try and forget. As soon as the bells ring and your Holy Guardian Angel will roll over in a dream, you will see the prospects of a farther work, like a trivatime until the end of your days.

Away from the robot with the Guardian Angel

Otzhe, let's say, scho vykonali Rite of Abramelin from the cob to the end. The angel winked at your head, the spirits swore an oath of fidelity, and consecrated the foundation for these days. What now? Better for everything, your Zberigach is still sleeping, but you know that your hour of guilt will roll over and you will sleep with him to work. How can I try the process of knowing and speaking? Avraham replies to the request at the Book of Abramelin. In the first place, we know that in a new price will come:

In addition, as a blessing, you can deprive all the amenities at the mіstsі, and even earlier, keep the prayer house clean and in order; the rest, at the same time, you can rearrange in the kut, as in the center of the stone of wines [zavdaє] you [non-handedness]. And in this room, if you don’t waste purity and become undefiled, you can savor your skin [Saturday] with the blessing of your guardian angel, - and this is one of the greatest gifts, about which only you can dream in your sacred mysticism.

Tse respect is shown on the head; such an anger that it was attributed to the past. The warning “what a mess” suggests that it’s not obov’yazkovo to get it right. Ale, it’s true, it’s true, it’s true, it’s Korisny. The whole Rite of Abramelin is necessary for this, to bring the Guardian Angel to the forefront of your life and to achieve, to become your mentor and teacher. So, you understand, you want to “enjoy yourself with the help of your guardian angel” to finish it often! And here it is even more demonstrative є Abraham's final words: "... this is one of the greatest gifts, about which only one can dream in this sacred mystic." Otherwise, it seems that it’s not only necessary, but necessary.

How can I get it, behind the viraz "like a zabazhaesh" varto is less for those who save outside the improvement of prayer is not obov'yazkovo. As far as I know, few people can afford such a prayer, like a daughter's morning prayer. In my mind, for example, prayer took up most of my life, and I had a chance to make room for all my homeland after the rite ended. Before that, we had long since moved to another house. Other people live on rented apartments otherwise, there will be temporal clocks for prayers in the sky. Understanding, it will be just miraculous, if you still dare to save that very prayer in lack of torment, in the same way they performed the ceremony, - the same place, de wi found another people in the soul, - and you yourself continue to speak and speak with the angel until the end of your days. But it’s still impossible - no big deal!

As an option, you can pidshukat in a booth for a new prayer, and it’s not obligatory that you are guilty of such a thing, as you victorious for the hour of the rite. I was spared: a temple room was consecrated in my house. Near the center there is a black vіvtar for magical operations of a slanderous character, but the other side of the stone room is set for prayer: there is the white vіvtar of Abramelin, the city of white curtains.

However, don’t worry so much. Prodovzh rich months after the rite vіvtar Abramelin just standing in my bedroom. It was not possible to navit fіranki, schobi vіdgoroditi yogo in the expanse of life. But I successfully worked with an angel and for such minds - and at the price there were no problems.

How could it not be there, let it be on your vows: to continue the conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel, trimaty in the consecrated space - and trim in purity and order - a special vіvtar. In addition, we spoke regularly to the angel: Abraham, it seems, is the best work on Saturdays. (While, deyakі, and I am including, vіddayut provagіn nedіlі — I respect, tse lie down in addition, what day of the day is traditionally assigned for remembrance at your cultural center.)

Standard procedure

Feeding on: what is the most important procedure when working with an angel? Abraham points to a new one, dedicated to that, as if to take on the appearance of an angel of a new magic square. A healthy eye suggests that we use the standard method to follow up with a scoff, if you encourage us to speak with an angel:

On the eve of that day, fast, and in the morning, having looked clean, go to the prayer room, put on a white robe, light the lamp and put the plow into the censer. Let's put a silver lamen on the fire, anointing two kuti yogis with sacred oil; fall on your knees and offer a prayer to the Lord, and I will buy a gift for all those gifts, as you already know.

Then Yoma was angry, for Vin had sent you your holy angel and taught you that, for you had changed from non-government, and allowed you to viconate your bajan. After that, viklich before his sacred guardian angel Blessedly, I’ll show you at the bachelor’s and instruct you about those, how to make a symbol of the operation, like you bazhaesh vikonati. And continue to pray, doti, doki do not bobachish before you the appearance of an angel in a lot of yoga writing. Let's buckle up and marvel, if we don't see the fault of you, and we won't be punished for the shape of a foolish symbol.<…>I, don’t stick around the lamen and don’t destroy your mind, immediately repaint the symbol - just like that, like you’ve seen it; and the metal plate is left on the vіvtarі until the evening; in the evening, clean it up, lighting up in a clean shovkovy klapot, after that, as you offer up your resounding prayer and vіddasi podyaku.

If you know about the “Book of Abramelin”, then, perhaps, they remembered that this procedure is similar to the one that is punished to follow the hour of prayer in the rest of the month of dedication. In other words, Abraham pushes against those who have this consecration process with my sense trvatime until the end of your days. With the Guardian Angel, they spoke less often every day - on Saturdays. The І procedure of tsikh zustrіchey is essentially not considered in ієїї, yak you spent the first hour of preparation before the first wedding with the angel.

Over the past few years, I have developed two standard methods of practice. The first and most important of the two is the method, for the help of which I call an angel, so that I can speak with him and be wise. Another method is a short practice, which includes prayers and worship, but does not send a full call. In the upcoming divisions, I will describe the insults and methods of work.

Ahead of Saturday: preparatory work

By this bi method you didn’t finish it, it’s necessary to start from fasting ahead of Saturday. In the French version, Avraham says that fasting starts from the moment when the first star is lit in the sky. I sing out I try not to eat anything after the sun goes down - I only drink water.

What evening is the best time to put things right at the prayer house. I read the pidlog, I rub the pill from the vvtar, I rub the fireworks, I clean and wipe all the sacred objects that stand on the vvtar.

If you choose to carry out an angel’s call outside, or if you plan for tomorrow as another magical operation, then you need to spend the rest of the evening on your own and calm, best for reading prayers for the success of your future work.

Saturday morning: prayer prayers (I fast rite)

On the offensive wound before the sun goes down, dress yourself in a white robe and go to the prayer house (obov'yazkovo barefoot).

For us, open all windows in the room. (Yakshcho in the prayer tilki alone, Bazhano, Shchob, they were in a way, a lot of Suvorovo in the Tsoma Nema.) I am a wake of vіkna Navstizh, Ale Yaksho Ts Yakihos of the reasons for unrighte , you can just open the curtains and let in the ranking light into the room. Turn on all the lighting.

Sweat, pidishovshi until tomorrow, light the lamp and fire at the censer with arable land. (At the vapadka, as if you are going to carry out an outward cry, it is also necessary to kindle and put a silver [or wax] lantern on the vіvtar, but I’ll tell you more about it at the offensive split).

Bow to the knee before the vvtar and offer prayers to the Almighty and your Guardian Angel. Praise the gods for all the good things that happened to your life, and be sure of your pardons and shortcomings.

Let us pray that your Guardian Angel will come and speak with you. (Following the French version of the “Book of Abramelin”, I also read the 137th psalm (“I praise You with all my heart ...”)

If you are performing a fast rite, then if it is necessary, it is not necessary to offer similar prayers in support of your Guardian Angel. And then we’ll just sit silently and silently in prayer. When you finish, get up, turn off the lamp, close the window and fill the prayer room. This abbreviation rite is good for vipadkіv, if you have little time, you don’t get enough strength, or you just don’t feel the arrogant need to talk to your angel forever and ever.

Externally invocation of the Guardian Angel (and silver lamen)

Outside the call of an angel, call it better than a short-lived rite: having chimed in with your guardian, you can ask Yogo to set up and listen to Yogo. At new version it is necessary for the rite to vicorist silver (or wax) lamen.

What is this mysterious constellation? This is a tool of communication, for the help of which you can take the reminder of an angel. The traditional name for such a magical armor for interfacing with spiritual entities is “almadel”. For a long time, clairvoyants marveled at the surface of the waters of sacred waters, to take prophecy. Later, they began to vicorate other surfaces, which they vibrate - and this is how the current announcement about the magic mirror was formed. It’s a good thing someone came to the visnovka, who didn’t need to make a mirror surface for whom, and almadels began to work with wax and other similar materials. Two versions of the “Book of Abramelin” describe two variants of the almadel: the French version has a square plate of a polished slab, and the older, German one has a wax semi-cut. I especially work with a square silver plate. But what a bi option you didn’t see the trouble, trim yoga under your hand, if you want to speak directly to the angel.

Henceforth, as you carry out the last ceremony, then after that, as you light the lamp and plow, and before that, as you bow the knee before the vvtar for prayer to the All-Vishish, win the lamen / almadel from the white seam, into the wine that is lit up. Put yoga near the center of the vvtar. Then let us take the sacred oil, fool the tip of our finger and touch the lamen's husk. I will anoint all the chotiri (and not just two) kuti, with small crosses on them, and with oil, which is left on my fingers, I will make a small cross on my forehead.

Viconic, get down on your knees, pray and speak to the Almighty, as if you were a leader, and then proceed to pray for those that your Guardian Angel will come and speak to you. Continue to call Yogo Doti, doki do not realize that the angel is with you. If anything, you can speak to him as much as you want, and ask for everything you need.

As you yourself bachtimete, feel in a different rank, receive your angel - nutrition is individual. In one of the leading quotes, Abraham insists that the magic square, which you want to look like an angel, appears on the surface of the silver lamen. In another world of wines, it seems that letters appear on the surface of the metal, like up to dew. Ale, I will ring out with my lamen like a magic crystal. Sometimes I marvel at Yogo's mirror surface, but more often I just stick my fingers up to the new one and splatter my eyes - and in front of my gaze, different reminders of that image appear. To my mind, I don't often turn to my keeper with ramblings about new magic squares. I just ask її speak with me, about what she herself is zabazhaє, and I cherish, what is not in her for me, it seems that the star of the Almighty has risen. During the course of the rite, I repeatedly experienced an ecstatic experience.

Closing prayers

Having completed the conversation, I offer a tribute to my Guardian Angel and the Almighty for all my dear belongings - the gift of knowing that I spoke with an angel. Then I put a fresh portion of arable land on the vugill and put out the lamp.

If you are conducting a fasting ceremony, you can close windows in prayer and just drink - nothing more work is needed. Vugіllyakadilěto burn samosib.

If you happened to be quick with a silver lamen, just lie down on the vіvtarі, walking, do not close the windows. Let's light up the lamp for the whole day - obviously, as if it were safe. Until evening, before the prayers, there is no next entry.

At sunset, I will start washing myself again, dress myself in a white robe and turn to prayer. It’s time to light the lamp (like the wine went out) and plow, to heal the knees before the vvtar and to send prayers of prayer in tribute to the All-Vishish and the Guardian Angel for all that extra help, like the stench they bestowed on you. (Read the 137th psalm in a language neobov'yazkovo.)

Having finished, close the window, throw a fresh portion of arable land on the vugill and turn off the lamp. (Especially in my mood, the angel sang to replace the olive lamp with a white candle, so that, when I miss the prayer service in the evening, I will make the candle burn out.) If so, you can deprive the prayer service until the eve of the coming Sabbath.

I will nonchalantly rajah proceed to these short bows immediately after completing the Rite of Abramelin. Give yourself some time to recover, as it is punished, and after that, on the next day of Saturday, proceed to practice. If your Guardian Angel is still sleeping, it’s okay: by conducting these rituals of Saturday, just bring the year of yoga awakening closer. In fact, you continue the Rite of Abramelin, creating by yourself the ideal mind for the angel to slip through the night. And then, as it happens, Saturday rites in prayer will give you the opportunity to regularly speak and speak with the angel vich-na-vich.

Visnovok: Life with the Holy Guardian Angel

I will conduct the above-described rite no less than a week later on Saturday, and before any serious magical operations. I call my keeper and ask for help from the future robot, and then, without closing the prayer, I proceed to the planned magical ceremony. From that hour, as I began to repair it myself, the quality and scale of the results grew enormously. My guardian is forever deprived of a mandate from me, what kind of angel would I call to the spirit, what kind of talisman would I not consecrate and so on. Vaughn give for the sake of it, in the course of the rituals, and roam with other spiritual beings. In the light of it, I found out about the old magic more richly, lower in the light of any other reader, or from the books I have read. Vaughn is the head dzherel of my magical comforts, and it is entirely natural.

I am sure that those who read this article will understand seriously the difference between a simple ceremony of exclaiming and “permanent obsession” that arises as a result of the Rite of Abramelin. The majority of authors, who advocate alternative (and, as a rule, simplified) versions of the Abramelin operation, in fact, speak less about “spivbesidu” with an angel. І z tsієyu method of їх methods, better for everything, completely suitable. However, that large-scale process, which, having described in his book Abraham of Worms and the words of the Egyptian prophet Abramelin, cannot be forgiven, nor can it be replaced by any other, more by a short ceremony.

Few people dare to carry out the Rite of Abramelin in a proper manner - not giving up at an early stage and not making amendments until the new year for the sake of good fortune (changes can be made, which means that you can not set the furniture, but you can’t call it an important reason). However, I am convinced that this article and my future robots will help the new applicants to get that rare and expensive gift, which is what the “Book of Abramelin” promises - it’s reasonable, mind you, that it’s stinking to dedicate all your life to it.

Aaron Leich is a current occultist, practicing magician and a linguist in the history of magic. Member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Автор безлічі статей з європейської гримуарної традиції, магії Золотої Зорі та Телеми, кабале, ангелології, єнохіанської магії, близькосхідної релігії та міфології, шаманізму, неоплатонізму, герметизму, алхімії, Вікке, неоязичності, релігій магічних гримуарів», «Ангельська мова» (у 2 -x vols.) and "Enochian grimoire: angelic magic from John Dee to the Golden Dawn". - Here and given notes transfer, as it is not indicated otherwise.

Ros. prov. divas: Aaron Leich, Abramelin's Magic of Spirits. // The world of spirits and demons. Anthology. M: Ganga, Thelema, 2014, page 185-223.

Translation: Anna Blaze, 2017
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