Im'ya Kuzma like that meaning. Kuzma meaning of the name. Zagalny description of the name Kuzma

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Similar meaning

Cholovіche іm'ya Kuzma may have been a long time trip to the Greeks. It appeared in the name of Kosmas, as in the translation of my Russian language it means "forge". You can also use such meanings as “light”, “all-light”, “brand”, “embellishment”.

Astrology of the name

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Pluto
  • Stone-talisman: surma
  • Colour: dark red
  • Roslin: pіvonіya
  • Creature: murah
  • Happy day: Tuesday

Draw character

Kuzma is a Volodar of a difficult character, in which one knows every day great super-cheerfulness. Win soft at the soul and a hooligan behind a vdacha, love to shrug at others, but don’t take a slander on yourself. Among the lads is the right leader, like the ringleader of the rich igors. In childhood, youma often gets away as grown-ups for disobedience, yoga is often punished, but you can’t change your guilt. Having given the word to get better, you immediately forget about everything. Having choked, you know thousands of reasons to grow everything in your own way.

Growing up, Kuzma is changing his position to the extreme. We become more striman at the vchinkah, but we can easily eat someone else's infusion. You will never get bored with him. Rizik, suitability is yoga element. Vinahіdlіvіst i vrodzhena limіtlіvіst sponkayut lad to neperebachuvannyh dіy, but the result is not always good. Some wines do not appear in friendly situations.

Vlasnik of whose name the authoritatively honors justice. Be it as early as punishment from your youthful fates, Kuzma is ready to endure, as it is well deserved. In the protileous type of wine, you can attach it to the image and nadovgo. It is important for rich people to understand yoga. Often, under the mask of rіshuchostі and deakoї coldness hovaetsya good and soft character. A person rarely reveals his emotions and experiences. And it’s easy to talk to him, win loyalty to others, and for the price I can have great trust in my order.

The mystery named after Kuzma is crying out for the yoga of friendliness. He has a lot of friends. The stench can always be inspired, what entrusted to them is a right defender, a fighter for the truth. This lad is ready to intercede for a friend, if you furnish the building, you will be harmed. But the share is up to a new part prihilna for power in the character of internal harmony and peacefulness.

Among the negative yogis, vanity can be called sickly. Kuzma reacts sharply to criticism, as if accompanied by sarcasm. Vin will require praise and praise. In order to achieve success in the right, you need the presence of an order of a person, like to believe with her selflessly.

Hobi and profession

Learning in the name of Kuzma is a burdensome, іz vіdmіnmi іntelektualnymi inclinations, ає а synthetic storehouse of reason. Ale, with a congenital vmіnі mittєvo otsіnyuvati whether the situation vіn rіdko vіntaє respect for important drіbnitsa. Therefore, the realization of the zdіbnosti yomu needs a clear understanding of the mark and self-discipline.

The diligent lad loves to work with technology, from satisfaction he is engaged in housekeeping and statehood. The work of youmu has an important conversation, a change of situation. In the professional sphere of wines, the greatest talent manifests itself in the role of a military officer, archaeologist, community gamer, lawyer, doctor.

Kohannya ta sіm'ya

Before the ship at Kuzmi's, there are already a lot of women, but it's not good enough for the official wine list. The first attempt to make friends often ends in separation. For another school, a person will be less likely to do so after a recurrent re-verification for the mentality of mutual feelings. To love children more, to be placed before them with a great turbo. After separation, you can take them back to yourself and make them whole happy people.

  • Santi Cosma e Damiano
  • Saint Cosmas

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Wonder what is "Kuzma (im'ya)" in other dictionaries:

    Kuzma, im'ya Kozma, in orders means poor, hot. Kuzma beyatalanna head. Hot forged a heavy doshka. Orphan cat. Kuzmiti Kogos, with the drive pіd, pіdіkati, pіdchіpuvati cunning, deceive. Show someone... Dahl's Dark Dictionary

    Im'ya priv., folk., іn. Cosma, Cosma. Z Greek. Κοσμᾶς (beyond Kozmas), close to the forger. St. Kuzma is considered the patron saint of the school (kuє vesіllya); div. Kaluznyatsky, Jagic Festschrift, 513; Dobrovolsky, Smol. slіv.; Grot, Phil. Etymological Dictionary of Russian by Max Fasmer

    Kuzma Minich Zakhar'ev Sukhoruky Kuzma Minin ... Wikipedia

    Im'ya Russia - a project for the TV channel "Rosiya", directing to a selection of significant personalities, connected with Russia, by way of voting on the Internet, TV viewers and radio listeners. Analogue of the English "100 Great Britons (English)" and Ukrainian ... ... Wikipedia

    Im'ya Russia is a project for the TV channel "Rosiya" and TV company "ВіD" of the other half of 2008, directing the choice of significant personalities, connected with Russia, by way of voting on the Internet, TV viewers and radio listeners. An analogue of the English movie ... Wikipedia

    First name at the people: Sergєєv Kuzma Sergiyovich Pseudonyms: Kuzma Turhan Date of birth: 8th of July 1915 (1915 10 08) Location of the people: der. Podlіsnі Churachiki of the Kazan province (nіnі ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek Κοσμάς) walnut Rіd: person. Etymological meaning: order, light, all-light, embellishment, selection and other.

    Kuzma ta Demyan- (Canonical Cosmas and Damian) saints, were highly popular with the villagers, being at the same time patrons of crafts (especially forgers), squads. needlework, as well as a family fire, making friends. happy that fun. The spring songs were saved ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Y, man.; rozg. Kozma, s; old. rozg. Cosma, s; old. Kosma, s.Otch.: Kuzmich, Kuzminichna.Virobny: Kuzya; Kuzyut; Kuzyakha; Kuzyash; Kuzyona.Pokhodzhennya: (Vіd Greek. kosmos svit; embellishment.) Іmeni: 15 September, 3 birch, 8 birch, 1 grass, 14 lime, 11 ... Glossary of special names

    Kuzma Mikitovich Galitsky Born July 24, 1897 (18971024) February 14, 1973 The place of the people ... Wikipedia


  • Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma, Daniel Sergiy Mikhailovich. Named after Kuzmi Sergiyovich Petrov-Vodkin, who became famous in the first decade of the last century, is now accepted as a symbol of high art, Russian classics. Behind him - inclusive ...
  • Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. Life and creativity. Judgment about art. Suchasniki about the artist, S. M. Daniel. Named after Kuzmi Sergiyovich Petrov-Vodkin, who became famous in the first decade of the last century, is now accepted as a symbol of high art, Russian classics. Behind him - inclusive ...

Pokhodzhennya named after Kuzma

Type of Greek "cosmos" - vsesvit, svіt.

Zagalny description of the name Kuzma

The children have a restless lad, the ringleader is a beshketnik, who is not able to hear the elders. Let the obіtsyanka not be empty and immediately forget about the new one, go to the game. The organizer of the usikh іgor at the yard; in case of need, the lads are not opposed to writing off all the troubles to Kuzma, because I take all the blame on myself. Steadily endure the punishment, but if the stench is unfair, it can be permanently attached to the image. May the independent nature of that staunch psyche - do not rob the tragedy for nothing, really spriymayuchi light. Older people are often dissatisfied with their disobedience.

Tse hoary nature can forget about everything in the world, as if occupied by a cicada for a new one on the right. The sound is similar to matir, in character, prote, there are more batkiv traits.

Older Kuzma is becoming more vrіvnovazhenim, building on extraordinary vchinki. Smіlivy, kmіtlivy, rіshuchy. Not zamislyuyuchis, throwing themselves on the defense of friends, defending justice. Ready to rizikuvati, may be-yakoy hvilini sharply change the way of life. Live in order with him, but it’s not safe, we’ll need to prepare the shards until the permanent changes and failures.

Kuzma's colleagues may agree. Zavzhd vykonuє tsі obіtsyanki, try not to pіdbivati ​​comrades. Nevdachi take close to the heart. Not to like to stick to the bosses, but always watch, what a wind to take, it’s rare to bring the situation to conflicts. I choose a job, I’m tied up with trips, shards don’t like single-mandate. Irreplaceable there, de needing to live with people. With enthusiasm, take on a new right, especially as it is to you to the soul.

The people who wear the name's name, may have majestic intellectual vigor, which can be realized for the minds of self-discipline and a clear purpose of the set goal. Praising the decision, Kuzma can take a compromise with his own conscience, defy the norms of suspenseful morality. Warehouse rozumu synthetic, building mittevo ohopit and assess the situation, but often Kuzma is not enough dribnitsy.

Weakness of the body - eyes nervous system. Blame alcohol.

The totem creature is a seagull, the totem growth is an osika. The will is rather weak, which seems to be peculiar: they can change a promising job unsustainably. All of Kuzma's life was followed by nervousness, which gave him a woman's life. The intuition is good, but if you’re alive, you’ll be less able to overcome your anxiety.

Sexuality named after Kuzma

Kuzma is inconsistent in women with women, often changing partners. Often the first school ends in separation. All of a sudden, you’ll have to go to the selection of a squad: you’ll get married with a kohana for a long time, you can build a statehood with your mother, but you won’t hurry to the registry office. Just having changed your mind, which yoga is the right choice, you can make a marriage and have children. Painfully worried about growing up from the first family, as children were left there. Children Kuzma already love, you can piss about them not more for matir; prepare for a lot of sacrifices, for example, act like a beloved robot, as you need reconditioning. Kuzmi has golden hands, and all the work at home, good master.

You need a soft, tolerant squad to the point of weakness, as you don’t seem to be especially powerful to your sexual temperament, fit for a modest butt and spared supernatural material drinks.

Injecting the name of Kuzma into the share

Kuzma is a very powerful nature to herself, which is a pragmatic know-how of the world. May have a strong character, an intuitively pragmatically stable and peaceful life. Alone, sometimes on a new one, there is a tightness behind the “distant horizons”, and you want to throw everything away and go into the sonic routine, where you can see creativity, spiritual perfection, extraordinary vchinka.

Kuzmі zovsіm is not powerful greed, greed, zazdrіst. Vіn dosit shvidko zabuvaє image. Trying to develop one's body, good, I do not allow you to be healthy. Tolerant, summary. To love physical practice, nature.

The weakest place Kuzmi - yogo sickly self-love and innocence in in power. Yomu needs someone, who is supported in a new faith in himself, do well in success. Values ​​praise, lasy in the woods, but it is practically impossible to fool yoga with the incomprehensible standards. Start chatting with people close to you stake, your experience is right. Pochutya justice and honesty rozvinenі in a new supernaturally, zavdyaki tsomu vіn often haunts the feelings of otochyuyuchy that їхної love.

The most suitable employment for Kuzma can be the profession of a naval officer, mountaineer, polar explorer, Viysk, geologist-rozvіdnik.

The key to the meeting with Kuzma

Kuzma love praise and for her sake prepare a lot for what. Vіn also kindly accepts the phrase “you don’t care”, the shards of the stench impress you, I feel the binding and viability. And the axis seems to be weakened by humor and not to love hot wines.

Short form of the name Kuzmi. Kuzya, Kuzyuta, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Kosik, Kos_k, Kosik, Kosmasek, Kosmake, Kuz, Kuzko, Kuzema, Kuzemka, Kuzemochka, Kuzmichok, Kuzmina.
Synonyms of the name Kuzmi. Cosma, Cosma, Cosma, Cosmo, Kouzmo, Cosmas, Cosmos, Com, Cosme, Cosima, Kuzo, Kuzma, Kuzman, Kuisma.
Pokhodzhennya named after Kuzma. Im'ya Kuzma Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Im'ya Kuzma is a walnut root. It was approved in the name of the Greek name Cosmas, which is close to the meanings of the word "forger". On the back of the tongue it sounded like Kosma, but in the Russian language it was transformed by Kosma, Kozma and Kuzma. In the present, the victors are less likely to be named after Kuzma. In the name of such name, such a name was granted, like Kuzmin, Kuzmenko, Kuzmintsev and others.

Among Christians, Saints Cosmas (Kuzma) and Damian (Dem'yan) of Asia are especially reverent. The stench is vvazhayutsya by the patrons of fun, crafts (especially koval's work and women's needlework), doctors and swiss birds. So the stench trembles like a saint, like a healer of ailments. Catholic days have a name day for Kosmi - 6 fierce, 10 spring, 26 spring. Other appointed dates are Orthodox birthdays.

Little Kuzma is a restless growth, a factory worker and a beshketnik. He listens badly to his elders, easily forgets about his good behavior, often goes to games. At the courtyard of the wines, she started, the main organizer of the successful games. Often other lads write off their faults on someone else, and Kuzma takes all the blame on himself. To endure the punishment of the lad steadfastly, but on unfair ones you can attach to the image.

Kuzmі vlastivі stіyka psihіka ta nezalezhny character. Vіn really spriymaє light and rob tragedies in an empty place. Zovni Kuzma is similar to matir, and the character is more batkovy. Vіn is already a hooting specialty. If Kuzma is occupied by a beloved right, you forget about everything in the world.

Dorosliy Kuzma vrіvnovazheny, prosthesis on extraordinary vchinki. Tse smilie cholovik, vіn rіshche vіdstoyuє justice and always ready to defend his friends. Kuzma spritny and building on a risk can easily greatly change the way of your life. It is not safe to change the order from such a person, scarlet. Instructing them, we will always prepare the need for work until the change is not completed.

Among colleagues, Kuzma is greeted with respect and trust. Navkolishnі can swear on the new one, keep your obіtsyanki, do not bring your comrades. Kuzma is aware of the mood of the authorities, it is also rare to get into conflicts with them, but not to love the authorities. Kuzma privablyuє raznomanіtnіst that robot vibiraє tsіkavu, pov'yazanu z trips and living intercourse with people. Yakshto new has done to his soul, wine with enthusiasm for the new to take.

Kuzma maє maє velichestnі Іntelektualnі zdіbnostі. For the realization of people and their names, self-discipline and a clear understanding of the set goal are necessary. Kuzma may have a synthetic warehouse for the mind, the building should quickly assess the situation, and at the same time, carry out some deeds. For the attainment of Meti Kuzma, the building is defied by the norms of suspіlnoї morality, pіshovshi on compromise from vlasnoi conscience. Kuzmі powerful deyak nervousness and weakness of will. So you can change a promising job without fail. In similar vchinkah, the role of well-placed intuition Kuzma is alive and well. For pobudovi garnoї kar'єri Kuzmi not vystachaє hardness.

Kuzma is not fast among the famous statues, his companions often change one by one. Often the first slub of thoughtlessness and quickly ends in separation. It’s more likely to walk to the approaching Kuzma’s ship. With a new kohana, it’s possible to settle down for a long time, and live with it, but you can’t hurry up to draw up a hundred. Just after that, how many times to misread the references to the motherhood, Kuzma will be lucky to register a new hat and have children.

Children Kuzma already love, and if in the first place children lost their love, then having opened their wines, it hurts. Kuzma miraculously replace his mother, for her sake, she is ready to make a lot of sacrifices, for example, to change her job, to act in the wake of work. Kuzma has a lot to do around the house. Vin maє true "golden hands".

I'm at Kuzmi's house, in the house rich for orders and gostrots. It’s worth chanting to blame the warmness of the otochyuchy, and as a result of the rise in Kuzm’s ill self-esteem. In view of the complex of innocence, Kuzma can only swear at the humor, but it will help to establish itself among the collective. Among friends Kuzma seems to be a gentle, life-giving and good-natured person.

Birthday Kuzmi

Kuzma svyatkuє іmeni 15 September, 6 February, 3 Birch, 8 Birch, 1 Herb, 21 Cherry, 23 Cherry, 14 Lipnya, 31 Linden, 2 sickle, 11 sickle, 16 sickle, 6 spring, 10 spring, 26 spring, 5 yellow , 18 yellow, 23 yellow, 25 yellow, 27 yellow, 30 yellow, 11 leaf fall, 13 leaf fall, 14 leaf fall, 16 leaf fall, 8 breast, 15 breast.

Vіdomi people z іm'yam Kuzma

  • Kuzma (Kozma) Minin ((end of the 16th century - 1616) outside of im'ya- Kuzma Minich Zakhar'ev Sukhoruky; Russian national hero, organizer and one of the ceremonies of the Zemsky militia of 1611-1612 during the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish and Swedish intervention)
  • Brothers Kuzma and Luka (Lukash) Mamonich (merchants, book-readers and public figures of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL). During the spring house near Vilna in 1574 - 1623, the drukry "Budinok Mamonichiv" was founded on their bones, until 162.)
  • Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin ((1878 - 1939) Russian and Radian symbolic painter, graphic artist, art theorist, writer and teacher, Merit of the RSFSR Artistic Artist (1930))
  • Kozma Prutkov (a literary mask, which appeared in the journals "Suchasnik", "Iskra" and others performed at the 50-60s of the 19th century, the poet Oleksiy Tolstoy (the largest contributor in the kіlkіsny), brothers Oleksiy, Volodymyr and Oleksandr Zhemchuzhnikovі (actually - his collective pseudonym), as well as Petro Ershov.
  • Mykola Romanovsky, more commonly known under the pseudonym Kuzma Chorniy (also known as Chorniy) ((1900 - 1944) Belarusian writer)
  • Kuzma Kiselov ((1903 - 1977) Belarusian politician and diplomat)
  • Kuzma Derev'yanko ((1904 - 1954) Radian military commander, lieutenant general, Hero of Ukraine (the title was posthumously awarded by decree on May 7, 2007). At the hour of the Great Vitchiznian War - chief of staff of the kіlkoh armіy (53rd, 57th, 4th Guards). Having taken part in the battle of Kursk, in the battle for the Dnipro. having signed the Act of Surrender of Japan to the Radyansk Union under the Rada.)
  • Kuzma Andrianov ((1904 - 1978) Radyansky chemist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964; corresponding member 1953), Hero of Socialist Pratsі (1969))
  • Kuzma Bilibin ((1908 - 1937) participant hromada war in Spain, commander of a tank platoon of the international tank brigade, junior commander, Hero of the Radian Union)
  • Kuzma Filatov ((1929 - 2008) Radiansky state fiend, Head of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, intercessor of the Head of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR (1986-1989))
  • Kuzma Lutokhin (Voivode of Saratov in 1670. His biography and service record are unknown. Before us, there was more than enough to set aside this death: the vineyards of archers, who rose up. On the coming day, if Stepan Razin especially entered the place, (drownings). Kuzma Lutokhin's death will be forgotten by the mortal Razin.
  • Kuzma Gurov ((1901 - 1943) Lieutenant General, member of the Viyskovoy for the sake of the Pvdenny Front, one of the chiefs of the defense of Stalingrad and the defense of Donbas)
  • Kuzma Aleksiev (the head of the peasant khvilyuvan teryukhans in the 1806-1810s. Vіdomy as the Mordovian prophet "Kuzya-God", "Kuzka-God". The rites were held in the taєmnitsa at the blessing (keremeti) near the village of Malago-Seskіnі. in a series of letters of exclamations, a great sack of death, as if burying a false prophet. roci vin buv messages to the Irkutsk province, de not leaving their own to engage in sectarianism.
  • Kuzma Galitsky ((1897 - 1973) Radian military leader, Hero of the Radian Union, army general)
  • Kuzma Dekhtyarov ((1718 - 1774) Yaєtsky Cossack, participant in the Pugachov rebellion)
  • Kuzma Gvozdev ((1882 - 1956) Russian revolutionary, fiend of the Timchas order, menshovik)
  • Kostyantin "Kuzya UO" Ryabinov ((born 1964) Russian (Radyansk) punk/rock musician, vodomy, zokrema, as one of the founders of the "Hromadyanska Oborona" group, a colleague of that participant in the rich projects of Yogor Letov, an artist and a collage artist)
  • Kuzma Purgin ((1903 - 1944) sergeant-zv'yazkіvets, Hero of the Radyansk Union. Awarded: the medal of the "Gold Zirka", the Order of Lenin, medals. Yogo im'yam was named a street in the metro station Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. To the riddle about the Hero of Radyansky A memorial plaque was erected to the Union of K. Purga at the railway station "Bogdanovich" of the Sverdlovsk Region.)
  • Kuzma Kachanov (radian military commander, in the early period of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war Commander of the 34th Army, Major General)
  • Kuzma Kresnitsky ((1925 - 1995) Radian, Belarusian director of animated films)
  • Kuzma Petrulin ((1923 - 2005) Belarusian topographer, hydrotechnician. Author of other works and 19 rationalization propositions, including: ground waters”, “Vimіryuvach of great turbidity of the water flow” (in collab., 1976), “Adjustment for the designation of water penetration of deep concrete and low-filtering soils” (in spіvavt., 1978), “Adjustment for the designation of structural sealing of the soil” (1978). Vytchiznyanoy war II stage, medals of the SRSR.
  • Kuzma Podlas ((1893 - 1942) Radian military commander, lieutenant general (1941))
  • Kuzma Shilnikov ((1901 - 1989) Radyansky doctorate-girnik, candidate of technical sciences (1948), associate professor (1949), rector of the Novocherkask Polytechnic Institute in 1939-1949. creation of garnished shoe making.)
  • Kuzma Abramov ((1914 - 2008) folk writer of Mordovia, Yerzya)
  • Kuzma Gnidash ((1914 - 1944) Radyansk officer, rozvіdnik, near the rock of the Great Vitchiznyana war, participant in partisan struggle in Ukraine and Belarus, commander of a sabotage and rozvіduval corral. Hero of the Radyansk Union (1945, posthumously), major.)
  • Kuzma Trubnikov ((1888 - 1974) Radian military commander, participant in the Great Vitchiznyan war, colonel general)
  • Kozma Indikoplevst, “Kozma, Swiming in Indiy”, Cosma Indikopoliv (Vizantiyki merchant, writing mi 535 I 547 Theologian-cosmographic treatise “Christian Topography”, Sho Vydkida popular at the Christian gathering. In the "Christian topography" the structure of the Earth is depicted in a seemingly flat, more doveous straight line from the entrance to the exit, in the middle of which there is the earth's firmament, which is washed by the ocean. , Shchob Zranku Zhita Znova. Vigori over the heavenly firm at the form of the form of the arches of the Roads of Paradise, Deer the earnings of the captivity of the nyibilshi rihki. , Iran, Arabia and on the island of Ceylon. in up to one of the monasteries in Sinai. For your time, buv duzhe illuminated people. Yogo Pratsі - unique dzherela early Serednyovichchya, scho our hour at a greater or lesser extent obsyasi. Translations of the "Christian topography" appeared in Russia in the late 14th century.)
  • Kozma Yerusalimsky, Kosma Mayumsky (Byzantine church sings of the VIII century. Having become the brother of John of Damascus, at the same time he moved from Damascus to Jerusalem and from 732 became a monk at the monastery of St. The birth of death is not unknown. In the history of Byzantine church poetry, Kozma together with John of Damascus and the greatest representatives of the canon. , Dormition of the Theotokos, Epiphany, Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem, glorification of the Mother of God "The Great Cherubim ..." and etc.)
  • Kozma Soldatenka ((1818 - 1901) Moscow priest, Old Believer, book-seeker, master of the art gallery)
  • Kozma Spasky-Avtonomov ((1807 - 1890) Russian teachings, graduate of Baku)
  • Kozma Kryuchkov ((1890 - 1919) Don Cossack, was the first to be awarded the St. George Cross at the First World War)
  • Rev. Kuksha Odessky ((1875 - 1964) at the retinue - Kosma Velichko; Saint Ukrainian Orthodox Church, reverend, shіїgumen)
  • Cosmas of Verkhotursky ((d.1680) Ural holy fool, saint of the Russian Church)

Kuzma - Rіdkіsne, ale duzhe cіkava human name. Yogo Vlasnik has an energetic nature and a strong character. From the point of view of the statutes, you know the meaning of the name Kuzma and that yoga trip, and also understand how the temperament of that share is in yoga.

Im'ya Kuzma take your cob from Ancient Greece. It looks like the word "cosmos", as if it is translated as "light, all-light". The second option for translating is the forger. Earlier, I had a little form of Kosma, but then - it changed and began to appear like Kosma and Kozma. Now the Kuzma variant is victorious.

The most extended short form of the name is Kuzya. Other options - Kosmik, Kuzyuta, Kosma. Church namesє Cosma.

One of the most important patrons of the name is Rev. Cosmas Mayumsky. Vin is alive in the VIII century and as a church poet in Byzantium. Before this creation, one can bring a great number of songs, like the dossi of victorious liturgy in the Orthodox liturgy.

Kosma Yakhrovsky became another patron, who is alive in Russia and was the abbot of the Orthodox Church. Vin is the founder of the Holy Assumption Cosmo-Yakhroma man monastery.

At the courtyard, Kuzma speaks with an inveterate soul of the company, and becomes the organizer of the games. Not infrequently, the lad's friends lay their blame on the new one, and Kuzya, at his side, steadily takes it upon himself.

Early batkіv vіn accept good, the shards of the building marvel at the world realistically. But to the image for unfair throw from the side of grown-up wines, you can keep it for a long time.

The soundness of a child comes from the mother, as well as the character of the father. Kuzya has an independent temperament. The lad does not rule over scandals in the equal place, but it is driven by internal jealousy and strength.

Kuzma - specialty, chomping. If you know right, as if you will be to your soul, a child can get on the floor with her, so you will forget about everything in the world.

Growing up, Kuzma becomes calm. However, the vines can still produce ill-behaved veins. A person building for a change in life, or a new extreme hobby, to love risky.

Vlasnik of whose name is a good man. Vin is so ready to protect his friends and fight for justice. Ale for yoga firmness and rіshuchіstyu cry good heart.

The character of a person shows inner strength and harmony. It is rare for Kuzma to speak of someone who is in the soul. Prote wines are always ready to listen to another person and with respect to be put up to її pochuttіv.

Navkolishni already love a person for yoga is easy and impassioned manner of intercourse. Kuzmi's friends are already rich. For this building, support and vtishiti be-yakoy mitі people pay to you with the same coin, to that person, entrust him to whom to swear at an important hour.

To the weaknesses of the ruler of whose name one can see heavenlyness to praise. It's hard to endure wine if someone criticizes something hot. Success is within the reach of a person, if a person is instructed to change from him, as if to believe in a new one.

Kuzma has a high intellect and a synthetic storehouse of mind. Vіn zdatny z zdatny zіstyu otsіnit be-yaku situatsіyu. If a person clearly defines his goal and is not inexhaustible with rubbish, then he will easily reach his own.

Oskіlki Kuzma love raznomanіtnіst, more її priblyuє kar'єra, de є possibility to rise in price and get to know new people. So a person can know himself in such professions, like a military lawyer, a lawyer chi likar.

Like a robot you need, you will become a valuable spy. With colleagues, the man has good stature. As a pracіvnik vіn not to love podkoryatisya komus, prote konflіktіv іz the authorities do not blame him.

Have vіdnosinah іz zhіnkami Kuzma dosit indecent and often change the companion. The first route, as a rule, is light and ends in separation. Suddenly, a person becomes friends already more aware, reluctantly testing the union for a sense of that fidelity.

I adore the children of my father and for their sake prepare a lot for what. Help your team around the house. Another man's lover is even more happy, this same person becomes the standard of companionship and friendliness.

Garne of the old times im'ya Kuzma endows his Volodar with a staunch spirit, schilnistyu to suitability and a lot of it. Such a person is a good friend, a valuable companion and a wonderful father. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

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