To what nationality the name of Vova belongs. Im'ya Vova, Volodya, Volodymyr: what are the different names? What does the name Vova, Volodya and Volodymyr look like? Vovo, Volodya, Volodymyr: what is the right way to name outside of im'ya? Talent is so sloppy

The people to wear the name of Volodymyr, the child is simply doomed to become successful, rich and great, shards in the name itself, given to him by the fathers, the share of the Volodar is enviable: "lead with the light."

Podzhennya name

In the wake of the old Russian nickname Volodymyr, composed of the roots of "volody" (volody, cheruvati) and "light", the name Volodymyr became known to the co-workers. The significance of the name of Illicha and that share of the yogo carried in history confirms the plan of the ancestors-authors, it is not without reason that until now they have been drinking.

Zagalna characteristic

Vovochka grow to be milked with an invisible boy. At first glance, the little one, who doesn’t look like other children, who loves to be foolish, like others, play in the company of one-liners, brag about a new toy to friends, Vova is seen by his leadership inclinations and natural talents.

Valdemar always stand firmly on his own, stand his point of view for the new one - on the right, honestly, with whom it is important to call a lad a bully, he manages to virishuvati be-like conflicts without curcules.

Volodya's courage does not appear, for the sake of justice, vіn, forbid to intercede for the young and weak, not to allow the impersonation of girls. The lad is respected by all the well-known lads, friends will listen to his thought.

Learning wine building, easy to master foreign language and other humanitarian subjects. Sports activities Vova deservedly demonstrates sharpness, future car'er Vіn can po'yazati zі svoїmіmіchnymi zahoplennâ.

Positive character drawing

Volodymyrka loves cleanliness, with the speeches of wines, be more careful for other children, she helps her mother to put things in order at the booth, you don’t need to ask the girls to clean up the scattered toys. Love is taken to order from the lad and from the grown-up one.
Volodya's childishness is strange and loving and soothing. You can’t get through the climb, try not to help, then you want to help the people.
Volodymyr can feel like a miracle of humor, so it's hot to fall down before speech.
"Volodny light" of volody and emotions: I have a volitional character, no sound of hello and progravat, to the rest to stand on my own. For a robotic person, it is behind a well-thought-out plan, and for a company of wines, there is an unspoken leader, whom one always listens to and respects.

Negative character drawing

Vova is the guarantor of his mood, sometimes vindictive zdіysnyuvaty nevyravdanі rizikovanі vchinki, about yakі sweat shkoduє.
A man, nicknamed Volodymyr, building a new one to his robot, forgetting about the repair. Zayviy workaholism wearing a name can cause problems for health.

Zodiac sign

Im'ya Volodymyr harmoniously joins with the sign of Tereziv.
Venus, which is called by astrologers "Malym Happiness", protects the child.
The color of luck for the Volodar is green.
The talisman of the share is a precious jasper.


Vovka, Volodya, Vova, Vovochka, Vova, Vovan, Volodya, Volodenka, Vovik, Vovchik, Volodechka, Volodymyrushka.

Name options

Valdimar, Volodimir, Vlodzhimezh, Valdemar, Volodimir, Valdomira, Volodimiros, Valto, Volodimer.

Historical Features

OK. 960 - 1015 - Baptist of Russia, Prince Volodymyr I.
1053 - 1125 - Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Monomakh.
1801 - 1872 - Russian scholar, lexicographer, vocabulary list, writer Volodymyr Dal.
1863 - 1934 - Russian trainer Volodymyr Durov.
1870 - 1924 - Radyansk revolutionary, the great political leader of the XX century Volodymyr Lenin (reference name - Ulyanov).
1893 - 1930 - Volodymyr Mayakovsky sings.
1899 - 1977 - writer Volodymyr Nabokov.
1932 - 2006 - Volodymyr Dakhno, a cartoonist from Radiansk.
1938 - 1980 - Vikonian author, actor of the Radian hour Volodymyr Visotsky.
1934 born - Russian TV journalist Volodymyr Pozner.
1939 born - Radyansky actor, director, TV presenter Volodymyr Menshov.
1940 born - Russian choreographer Volodymyr Vasiliev.
1952 born - President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin.
1963 born - Russian actor Volodymyr Mashkov.
1964 born - Epatage Russian politician Volodymyr Zhirinovsky.
1976 born - Ukrainian boxer, the most champion of the current versions Volodymyr Klitschko.
1978 born - Ukrainian comedian, TV presenter Volodymyr Zelensky.

In childhood, the meaning of the name Volodymyr is growing up to adventurism. The boy has a great potential for education, the child is quick to stick to unknown situations. While we call Maliy, listen to the elders, shyly virostaє - rob everyone in their own way, want to continue patiently listening to other people's prayers.

In the collective, the boy always takes the position of a leader, is not afraid of being judged, and always stands up for his words. Receptionist at splkuvanni, benevolent, may faceless friends and acquaintances, among them there were few older children. Not to love conflicts, try not to bring super girls to a peak and quickly adjust the situation.

However, the success of the child lies in the degree of obstruction in the subject. Good are given to technical sciences. I am happy to go to sports sections, adding value to my physical development.

Chistyulya, love order. The boy's room has been tidied up forever, all the speeches have been placed in their own place. Value comfort and calm, giving them a special meaning. Do not let the creatures near the booth.

In youth, the meaning of the name Volodymyr for a child is overgrown with new rice character. lad great value add your own old-fashioned look. It is easy to get along with people, often make new acquaintances.

In other people I value strength and reason. Active, diplomatic, can get a quick reaction. Inquisitive and calm, always know the possibility of pidzarobiti and not show your own.

Self-loving, great significance is added to the minds of the restless. To love if yoga is to be praised. Behind the vdacha - not imaginative, but even if it was already trapilos, then it’s important to imitate. A young person does not expand much on his own image, willfully succumb to equal waters with stunning ones.

Highly values ​​friendship, does not forgive for the sake of it, volitionally trembling in front of a great friend, depriving oneself of equal hundreds of years from him. For friends, the building is rich in what, ale and natomist checks the maximum allowance.

The lads saw the calmness of the mind in their own strength. Often, talents are attracted, which are revealed even in early childhood. In the world he is passionate, in card games you can often be happy.


Skhilny іidealіzuvat іvchinu, scho vouchsafed. In the process of choosing a woman, she is extraordinary, which means the obviousness of being greedy for a partner.

The meaning of Volodymyr's name for a boy is ambiguous. From one side, a man is enchanted with all the forces to please a woman, as he was worthy of you, on the other hand, he does not particularly show the image of great feelings and pretentiousness. The separation is hard.

Most of the vipadkіv are deprived of their true form and not through their special principles, but only after a day of free time, that carelessness makes their life easier. Magnificent and active in bed.


Tlumachennya named after Volodymyr, this man is like a good family man, who will be able to help his family with all his strength.

Even more vivacious at the pobutі, tsіnuє calm and order, vivacious at the hedgehog. This moment means that the druzhina vmagaє povnogo vykonannya all pobutovyh "women" obov'yazkіv.

You should already love your children, you can’t mess around with them and you can’t argue, you willfully shift them on the shoulders of the squad. Take less care of your children, often helping to improve the folding of the task.

Business and Career

The person is well versed in technology, which means that they often choke on cars or motorcycles. A young person has all the inclinations of a leader, for the help of which she can become an excellent stoneworker. Pratsyovity, you know your own worth.

Pokhodzhennya named after Volodymyr

Pokhodzhennya imeni Volodymyr can be old-fashioned root and be remembered until the hour, if there was a fashion to form the name from two bases. Voldemar, whose name became the great-grandfather of the current name Volodymyr, is composed of two words “waltan” and “mari”, an etymological translation of such words as “rule, rule” and “signs, riches”.

As the story goes, the ancient name of Voldemar on Russian land, under the infusion of the frequent foundations of the “light”, step by step began to swell the current outline, the mystery of the name also changed its meaning. I don’t care about those, the names look like, a person named Volodymyr began to be deciphered as “volodar with light”.

Characteristics of the name Volodymyr

The characteristic of the name of Volodymyr, allows the potential fathers to correctly assess the pluses and minuses of the character of the future child. Varto signifies the strong character of a young person, її purposefulness, active life position.

From the children of little lads, follow the strictness, trying to give the greatest task and steps to their vicons. It is even more important to teach the child of discipline, which, singly, in the future you will need it.

It is also of great importance to add to the dialogue between children and fathers, shards in a grown-up life of a person to strive for quiet principles, splintering you from children.

Even often in family life a copy of the behavior of his father, his appointment to his mother, pennies, sums, robots.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone-talisman - jasper, topaz, rubin.
  • Name day - 21, 24, 31 September, 7, 10 fierce, 7.21. 21 years, 3, 4, 5, 16, 25 leaves, 3, 5, 15, 22, 26, 29, 31 breasts. According to the Catholic calendar - 2 April, 15, 28 lime.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Terezi.
  • The ruling planet is Venus.
  • Colir - green, blue, black, purple.

Vіdomі people

  • Volodymyr Putin (1952) - Russian political fiend, president of the Russian Federation.
  • Volodymyr Presnyakov (1967) - Russian pop singer, actor, composer, arranger. Rebuying with a legitimate girl with a partner Natalia Podilskaya.
  • Volodymyr Mashkov (1963) - Russian actor in theater and cinema, Merited Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia. Having become famous for the role of David Holtzman in the television series "Liquidation".

With different language

The translation of the name Volodymyr into English language is similar to its Russian analogue - Vladimir. on the my German The name is translated Waldomar (Valdomar), Valdemar (Valdemar), Woldimar (Voldimar), Waldmer (Waldmer), Walmar (Valmar), Gualdimar (Gvaldimar, Gualdimar). Ukrainian - Volodymyr, Belarusian my name is translated as Volodymyr, Volodymyr, Polish - Włodzimierz (Vlodzimierz, Vlodzіmezh), Włodzimir (Vlodzhimir, Vlodzimir).

on the my Spanish the name is translated as Vladimiro (Volodimiro), the changing form is Miro (Miro), the Italian one is Vladimiro, Wladimiro (Volodimiro), Valdimiro, Waldimiro (Valdimiro), Valdemiro (Valdemiro), Valdomiro (Valdomiro). Chinese myoyu 佛拉基米尔 (Folatzіmіer), Japanese - Heivanushi (p.) - Lord of the World.

Form the name

  • Outside im'ya - Volodymyr.
  • Options - Waldemar, Waldemar, female form- Vlad, Lado.
  • Pokhіdnі (changing-colourful and short forms) - Vova, Vovchik, Vokhasik, Vokha, Volodya, Vovochka, Vovka, Volodka, Vova, Vovulchik, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusik, Vovan.
  • Remembrance of the name - Volodymyr-Volodimir.
  • Church (Orthodox) іm'ya - Volodymyr.

    In short, after reading this article, after reading the comments. To the drive of the bad guys.

    I'm going to do it wider, so that in the middle of a hundred years the mudakivs are rich, the drive is quiet, who is protecting it, more people with smaller names can think of the very same qualities that you described. And now for all: Im'ya just im'ya, no more imposing a bonus on the special features, but only a little more, anger, wait for them, who is super smart, in another place everything is due to the vihovannia of that special features of a person. To bring a commentary related to this state of life, madder, without taking the same statistics of illness for names, and it is not necessary for anyone, about Lenin, read the assistant of history died of wine 1) increased damage to the blood circulation in the brain; 2) having bled the baby's tunic in the "Chertoholmiya" dealership, syphilis syphilis, read wikipedia if you want. In fact, everything that has been written is not brought to a conclusion (like it is more positive and more negative) and whether it is a good beat, which imposes it no more than schilnist to chogos.

    I’ll say this about myself as a hedonist, but I’m not going to throw off my problems on anyone to drive the little girls. So befitting, but thin ones have no more important breasts and hollows, and even then I ask you for mercy to our kuren. Sensitivity not in the least exasperated. I just don't like people. (Ale tse especially my akіst) Pragnennya to vlady є alė zdebіlshkogo me potrabnі grosі yakі yakі vladu vlady i do not need to take the power. I don’t hesitate about the pressure on pity, as it will help you to reach it (there are some ways for the principle, so that the stench will help you win). Ale and again all on the right at the vikhovannі boї my dad is about the same. Іz amendment to vіk.

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    I wanted to lose my voice, I thought here only dithirambis sing to this freak. And then it appeared, the styles of normal people appeared. Well, obviously, Volodymyrs themselves signed up ... how can you not praise yourself.

    First. In fact, the stench is reasonable, but superficial. Volodymyr knows a lot, but nothing to the tune.

    In a different way. Their thoughts are more political. Even love politics. Mryut be bosses. Through a chain of people, weave intrigues, sway vile things at career gatherings.

    Third. Volodymyr - im'ya, scho do not have a bright human zabarvlennya. Volodymyr can't have sex like that, like a human being. Yomu needs a weak, belligerent woman, a bit of a tovstukha and without any particular sexuality. Volodymyr does not run into a sexy and beautiful woman. She saw something new for two days, realizing that, like a man, Volodymyr would not be able to do it again.

    Fourth. Volodymyr is more powerful. Vin - his rightist.

    At five. Bezvіdpovidalny. There, de need to show a human character, Volodymyr vvazhe for better just drink.

    By the way. May not just irritate the callousness, but sometimes I will simply indulge. Skіlki Volodymyrіv didn't bachil - well, not one garny man z cim im'yam - nі! I Volodymyr in the depths of the soul will understand, trying to follow the path behind him, she will practically dress up and become smart. But their names and inner indulgence are all the same vipovzaє name.

    My pіdbags:

    More selfish people. Hisist. Politicians. Vyklikayut less sorry to do it. Vrazlivі. It's important to live with them. Happiness in life is not known like that, it’s less than screaming laughter from lonely people.

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    • My Vovan-hurricane! I am that beautiful nymph string! And you are visible tovstukha, yakіy vіdmoviv if macho-Vovchacho! Roll like a fox and all the evil spirits are here for the wife! And then I'll curse)))

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      In short, having worked in the organization, I was engaged in pre-preparation of documentation. A serious organization with a great budget, I can't describe it as such. And here a newcomer came to work before us. A handful of wines were modest and even more vvіchlivy, and then we suffered. Yogo's name was Volodymyr Vasilovich! After that, as I got to know the chief of the viddila, and that I declared my settlement, I went to Volodymyr Vasilovich's house and got clean. Shchoranka, as if having already fallen asleep, starting with the following words: “Well, what a girl today is a group woman in power?!!” Passed pіvroku mi already Ledve yogo could endure. I became so. Volodymyr Vasilyovich, a seemingly representative person, always walking at the edge in black boots, came to work drunk. Pochav chіplyatisya to svіvrobіtnits, rozmovlyat z cooler, vimagati strichі z yakims Anatolyєm. For a whole year they tried not to fight for a new respect. And here Volodymyr Vasilovich entered the office desk with important documentation: proofs, details, contracts - all the documents were important and lay on other papers. Vіn hvilinu standing on the table, then taking off his pants and sіv navpochіpki. Smorid pishov is such that the assistant at the name of Lenochka zmella, and Ira vibigla into the corridor to call for help. Volodymyr Vasilyovich descended in a grand manner, sitting on top of the table, right in the office in front of a man of twenty spivrobitniks. This has never happened before in my life. Smorid stood like that, to wake up the coming day, after the general cleaning, I have a repeated vomiting positive! More for Volodymyriv I didn’t sing in life, and I got it.

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      I am a neurophysiologist for the illumination. Now I'm deputy. the head physician of the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 14 im. V.G. Queen near Moscow. So, for the whole of my 26th work report, I’ll say that people on the name of Volodymyr have problems, not only with lungs and asthma. Statistics show that they have problems with their sexual development early age, which develops into a mental illness and cancer of the testicles. Early sexual intercourse, late first sexual contact, frequent masturbation, constant dissatisfaction with a partner, mild sexual fantasies, adam complex, underdevelopment of the passages of the sebaceous system, heterogeneous tightness in the testicles and inactive hormonal problems, hypothalamus. various stresses, depressions, nervousness and other more important mental illnesses. The unsatisfied dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere grows into latent sadism, staring at power. Uncontrolled aggression and other mutations in the behavioral structure of the psyche lead to impotence and increased sexual turbulence. Such people, either unique suspіlstva, or become sadists and mankas. Like a doctor, I’ll be surprised at once to go to the clinic and lie down in the hospital for obstezhennya. At the same time, there are a lot of current likіv zdatnі to ignore different symptoms, to control those other emotions. Medical treatment continue for a long time, buvaє scho and all life. Golovne - tse turbota relatives. People!

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      All the right people. More curious. In another way, you are smitten for sex. I learned it at school. I'm going, so I'm at school. Those were summer holidays. We were tempted to work on repairs. So axis. I go to the class, and to that Vova without pants, lie on the teacher's desk and masturbate! I went and told everything to Ann Ivanovna - our classy stoner. Well, yogo, zvichayno, after all, these schools flooded. What would you think? A lot of years have passed. And then I went for a walk with the dog over the river. I have long been married to Arthur (from Dagestan) and there were two children in me - Timur and Shamil. So I’m going for a walk with the dog and then a peasant attacked us from curls. Vіn shaking my dog ​​with a club (Pekіnez na Prіzvisko Nora). Screaming, like cuts. And then I knew yoga ... That was a shock. Tsim man appeared - Vova. Vіn vydmotav chergovy term for the article zґvaltuvannya. I was later told by the lads, who knew that they were in the zone with a bird. Yogo was tempted to clean the toilet and sleep on the bed. Ale, God is with the world. Whom Vova was known better. The axis is such a story.

      And I also know Vova, who works as a mobile phone salesman. Once vin me nasty. I had a chance to say all the people. That Arthur after talking to him in a human way. Zlamav youmu nіs, inadvertently. So the one, like a woman calling mentiv. Thank God our family has enough money to give to the next one. And tsey boyaguz dosi trade phones. I’m just going to beat my Arthur once in a while. Axis.

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      • Varvaro, your matir Andriivno! Well done! gave it to the cops! why don't you write, bitch, why did you step on your head?! You fool is finished with the Russian Little Vovochok watered with mud, and you live with the mud, with the khachik, you didn’t say that Arturi cut his Barbarian like that?) stink just for you, just marvelous that you didn’t appreciate it)

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        I am Volodymyr! And I’m going to start and in the end, I’ll be FIRST, until I got it: what’s good, how can you start to marvel at your mouth and check great truths!? I am the greatest, singsongly, great in his world. On the back of my hand, I was a little hisist. And gave my egoism a mustache, until I realized that in it I would hardly surpass Christ. For I won’t expand my HIM, but I can’t get lost in the world, life is short, and I’m a simple person, not the BLUE OF GOD. The dermal one, pointed to this site, has its own “relish” and its proportions - “negіdniki”. And to become a HUMAN, all life will be spared by real "negіdnikіv", powerful skin and human skin. And then the "negіdnik" pretend to be his protilezhnіst - "good". If you want, whoever has all the sensation of our reason ... And if for you the whole sensation of life is less in “yum-yum” and “fuck-fuck”, then Volodymyrs are trapping you ... similar to you. Tobto you take away the life of those who merit at the top of the line to the numerical injunctions and orders (such as "What you do, - you will reap!" or "How to come around, - so it will turn out!") and BIBLІЄYu. And the greatest of my great nedolіk i sin polyagaє in that (Sorry, I'm a product of an atheistic twist), scho, FUCK GOD, I DO NOT BELIEVE in New, but I KNOW WHAT I'M VIN Є (Well, I'm not a schizophrenic?). So, yes!.. I, as a "lesbian" can not stand the homosexuals of both articles!

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        Even more wondrous are Vov. Do not understand what they need! I'm guessing that elements of paranoid schizophrenia and latent homosexuality are common to all Volodymyrs! As a doctor-psychotherapist I will say that the stench despise their emotions and sublimate the price on their squads. Unstable psyche Volodymyrs bring them to hysterics and depressions, at the hour when Volodymyr builds to go between and slay the filthy vchinok, to instill evils on the sexual soil. Sered Volodymyrіv and Volodymyrovichіv are a great bunch of valtіvnikіv, maniacs and pedophiles in the very last strangulation and sublimation of their power complexes.

        P.S. In the zone, or at the v'yaznitsa (like the stench of the place to go) play the role of quiet, which breeds, and often omissions.

        P.S.S. Often indulge in life yourself. Not knowing the way out, she does not fight together. Volodymyr's fathers often need to speak with him, so as not to take away the tragedy of his life. And if you lied to call your child Volodymyr, then you are guilty of taking all the responsibility, for the life of that unsafe person!

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        • Fu fu fu, yak gidotu write here! I named my son Volodymyr and I never messed up! Even that self-sufficient child is drunk! Good luck! It’s really possible to get along with him, but if you want to irritate or figure it out, then, obviously, it’s easy to get into trouble with him. And in another way… I confessed it purely vipadkovo, for the river of the people. What people stink with Putin one day. Is Putin also a maniac?

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          I remember, I took pity on one Volodya. Sitting at the hut and not talking to kim. Sumny, Sumny. She asked for yoga to dance. Vіn zradiv and chuckled. Appearance in a new boulder, eyes, like a thor, and hands were sleeping. The next day you know me on the Internet. Well, here we have talked with him for a while. And then asked me to go to the theater. Having come before me with his friend Denis, before the speech, he is already a pretty person. After the theatre, I came to the new home, making me drunk with tea, frying my bells and whistles. Even so vvіchlivy that reception. I wanted to have sex with him. TSE SCHOS. Moreover, it is not borrowed from its own 27 years. So I spoke nothing about the Yakus Marina, I know some kind of wine from the first class. Quoting like the verses of Pushkin. Telling me who to vote for. Saying that Chubais - good man. And at this hour I already became cold again.

          Then I became yogo Skoda and I leaned on my side. Well, what can I say. Apparently I got through! It appeared, stink all the freaks! Well, let's say, someone is rich ...

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          • That I remember one tidy-up Anechka, I will see Anetta and I will still buy Annit-v'yaliy cellulite))))

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            And I should be named V'yacheslav. Tsya my first and herself stronger kohannya! I am given from the words of the yansky im'ya V'yacheslav - more worthy.

            And we call Volodimirs in honor of Lenin, who cut through half of the country, ruined temples ... Read the book by V'yacheslav Dobronravov "These knives are at the back of Volodymyr Lenin." Vіn reportedly describes the special features of Volodymyr Lenin, grounded on historical documents. Yogo childishness, the birth of sadistic nahiliv, yogo youth and suffocation by satanism., yogo state of life with Nadiya Krupskaya and homosexual relationship with the French communist Dominique Demarchelier. Before the speech, Lenin died of syphilis, contracted from an Italian lad (Antonio Spaletti), brought to Radyansk Russia for articles, it’s more like a communist top. It is also said there, like Volodymyr Lenin ґvaltuvav Antonio at the vіvtarі in the church of Annie and Joachim in St. Petersburg, reading blasphemous prayers. And what happened after - we already know so well.

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            I read it and it’s funny, the girls didn’t spare their time for the people, why didn’t Volodymyr trap about) I have a red, dbaylivy and loving, minus є at the skin hoch Vasya was called. I’ll bring you to people’s names ... maybe you’ll think about why people walk around you, call them that way, all the people are polygamous, the instinct is self-saving, if you don’t want to be foolish, don’t dig there, don’t ask you, But if you walk around so that you don’t get caught, then think about how you told us before about those who don’t have a problem with you, in a different way about those, but who is your man. I have a father Vova, a cholovik Vova, a chief Vova and all kinds of zovsim, but I’m on my own with a strong energy of volody, which I and Vova’s son will call))))

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            Miles zhіnki not virte in tsyu nіsenіtnitsa. For a match, read about others human names and understand everything yourself. Everything is written like a capirka. I know rich Mikhailov, Sankov, Andreev, Vasiliev, toshcho. exactly with such tributes, as if giving an expert for Volodymyr. I have a wonderful family, a wonderful squad, and good children. Wanting to follow the horoscope of my squad "water and fire" and our hats are guilty of collapsing into the first river of friendly life. Thank God we live with the girl for 26 years and we can’t get separated. Everything is more beautiful and hopeful to us only in the cinema, but in real life everything looks different. There was everything and welding, that scandal, that reconciliation, that love with a new force. I say it again. Do not lie in the middle of nowhere and everything will be good for you, live with your mind, and not with what you are served on a silver platter. We wish you good luck. Good luck, Volodymyr.

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            My man died in the name of Volodymyr. I'm in a complaint. Tse bula was more kind, chuyna, warm people with great vukhs and great teeth. I rolled on licks, sipped expensive cocktails, loved Russian pop music, especially Igor Nikolaev and Sergiy Lazarev. Vіn worked as a doctor, then worked as a manager at the human sauna. As soon as she won, she tried to practice in a human sauna, suddenly changing wine. “For a moment I am tormented by the mustache. working as a doctor?” - saying wine at hearts and crying!

            Yogo was known to be dead and rotting at the third police station in the steam room. Vіn buv drooping, stuck to the new leaves of the Russian birch (obviously in vіd viniki), mova hung from the mouth and hung on one side, the legs were torn apart.

            I have such grief, I'm so confused!

            Volodymyr! Volodymyr! Volodymyr!

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            Skilki Volodymyrіv was in the order of life - a cousin, among the majestic number of relatives in the brightest worlds of childhood, friends, and nothing could have brought such a negative attitude to them. Stronger than a man is an ear, to which a woman is attached. At the same time, my Kokhan's name is also Volodymyr. I am happy that I have appeared in my life. And the women took off, dear, just guess what the women are, and behind the skin of a successful man stand the woman with her love, the lower and the wiser, and turn, at Volodymyr to stick out the inner qualities so that you could write for him and follow the order good man. Every time they understand MARRIED is not just empty words for them

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            Nadya, especially for your man, let me read it, I spoke with my mother in my own knowledge, I slept with two friends, who has a man and another lad Vovi, so the axis of the lie has no problems and there is nothing more beautiful than anything in my life I didn’t have))) Women , do not remember your Vovi, Petі, Vasі, Sergiya, if you don’t belong to you, then there are two options, joke about those who are powerful, or consider the one you love (yes, you yourself are great) Well, you should call us virodki, you yourself will present at once a person with such a victoriously happy, as if you are dissatisfied with the specialty of calling, as if you yourself will accept ... Be happy with him forever, but have a good time ...

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            I went to read what it means to im'ya lad (live 2 years) and richly why I knew the truth!))) I'm already in! (Directly a ram !!!), zavzhd doroblyaє on the right, like having started yoga! Ooooochen vrazlivy, sooooo pedantic !!!)) lord and I am like the world of his))) ask for help (as if it’s good to ask)), absolutely not Skoda pennies, I didn’t ask for nіsenіtnitsyu b))) for talent talent ???. Talent to achieve success!) I haven’t shown any of them) I have all the talents for two;) I’m hopeful and I think you’ll be a wonderful dad!) True, even if you’re annoying, you can be zhorstok, slander gidotiv, but nothing’s ideal)) to the point!) cheers!)

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            I have a good man, Volodymyr, kind, kind not to love yourself in what to inspire. Pratsyuє programmers, sedentary, can pratsyuvati day and night, and then sweat the brain boils and wines get drunk, it’s roaring, problems with a vice, the nature of vibukhovy is not cured. Don't like to walk around, don't like public transport. To love visiting, campaigning, having fun, if you drink at home with your fathers, we don’t swear at the blood conflict like a vampire, when you don’t let go of your hands, you get it morally. To love children. To love dress up representatively, etc.

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            Im'ya Volodymyr speak for himself. And I did not know such a rich choice. So who is Putin? Have some sort of vipadku wine people. I’m only 13 years old and I’ve reached a lot of things. I'm into ski racing. My father is a businessman, mother is a doctor. And they gave me their knowledge. At school I am a drummer. I am going to practice at the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia, on the international level. For me, Putin will serve as a butt. I will reach my goal.


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            Stink to squeeze on pity. Volodymyrs are too lazy and cannot praise their own solution. Forget others, they need a companion or a friend. The stench themselves cannot do anything. Nothing really comes out of them. What is called the hands of the dupi to grow. Even love if you praise them. Do not shine with talent, check the power. If you take away your dovgoochіkuvanu power to become rightful gentiles. Volodya needs to be sensible, but he doesn’t want to be robbed, if he’s got a lot of classy people with other names!

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            My father and father-in-law is Volodymyr. Tse people, good shani. Friends, honest and practical people, good people and fathers. My father in his youth was so blushing that the yurbi girls dried up in no time, and having chosen one wine - and for all life! I spoke about Volodymyr in life, I can’t say bad words about everyday life. And vzagali, watering them with bullshit is a sign of foolishness and rudeness. All people are RIZNI, regardless of the name. Meni you Skoda, watering cans, do not choke with wet rotten.

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            I have a boy named Volodymyr. More quarrelsome and fearful. I have a right IMPOTENT. Never experienced an orgasm. So it’s obvious that the new decrease is equal to tastesterone! Ledve do not cry, like a girl, if you start having sex. Chi then Blakitny scho eating. God knows yoga. The person is very important, fuse, neurotic. At the same time, I am friends with Dmitri and I am very happy with our two children Artem and Oleksandr. And Vova lives with his mother and seems to be drinking too much. So youmu i need it!

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            Olena Anatolyivna ... And in the background the girls remembered that all the Vivs do not have a face in the human mind, but like a physionomy, like peaks. Either wash your hair, then woo. My man calls them Valdemort)))) I don’t know why, but it’s funny. And yet the stinks are always libayutsya like right idiots. Circus of that year!!!..

            Your physionomy can’t be looked at)))

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            after reading the comments, it became already funny, whoever they thought of and all, all Volodymyrs became *****, ladies, first smack such nonsense, think with your head ...

            Most of the girls / aunts know, they “wear” a lot of names, for all the number of “jambs”, so that everything is united by name, do you think, my opinion about the “be-like” woman’s name will be flattering?

            Є want "to the bar'єru" write on meїl

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            The most popular human names for 2012

            1. Oleksandr

            3. Maxim

            6. Mikhailo

            7. Dmitro

            8. Kirilo

            9. Danilo

            11. Andriy

            12. Matthew

            13. Oleksiy

            14. Mikita

            15. Romance

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            • Vidpovisti

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              How can you talk about all people with one name, what is in them all like vampires? You, Mabut, did not spare. I have a grandparent with a grandmother, Volodymyr and Nina and vіdmіnno got along.)))

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              Volodymyr is rather cunning. Just pretend. Women who live with such people are unhappy. The stink of the curse. Volodymyr does not spoil anything in his life. If you want to, you can tell other people. Zazdrіst, unkindness, superficiality, timidity, greed, dominance and that night are Volodymyr's smuts. Like a person and specialty Volodymyr is a fierce, arrogant and vengeful.

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              From the life record. The lads are endowed with a foldable character, unstoppable to life. Life is unlikely to know one's own happiness, and if one knows, one will immediately lose it. One thing, on what stinks can rozrokhovuvat - it's a pity, lower stinks are successful and all their lives are corrosed. Poshkoduvati Volodya - on the right is holy! Ale, don’t be evil from cym, good wine is still not good.

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              • Without a doubt, at the aunt Viri too many people otherwise, there’s something like Volodymyr)) Styles of pessimism and gray znevir in one paragraph! I to speech, merit teacher - and pardons in propositions) A-yay! More nіs!))

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                I remember coming with my mother to the circus. Sidzhu in the armchair at the hour of the vista, come to me a clown and let me enter the arena. I'm fine. ) Visotsky, Putin, Lenin, Prince Volodymyr (baptism of Russia (the yoke is not dyachny, otherwise Earrings ... but who else)) ...

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                axis I read rich! filthy about tse "im'ya" maiden and all that and one comb, do not mow! It’s just that people didn’t take kindly to you s tsim im’yam! like you have been portrayed! im'ya here zovsіm not up to what!!! I have a lot of friends Volodymyriv and stink miracle people! and yakscho you specifically htos having formed! only wine and wine!

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                I have a man and son Volodymyr. The person is calm, stubborn, sassy, ​​you can call it boring. And son Vovochka, Vovik, so we call yoga at home. More fun, vodkrity, comradely, hyperactive. I adore yoga, and all the time to compete in friends. Vtomlyuєtsya vіd vіd nadіrnoї aktіvії, аlе tse norm fоr any person.

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                WONDERFUL, nobler, sonorous im'ya. I have a sin-Volodymyr. If you know Volodymyr, you are the only one who knows Volodymyr. For the most part, they’ve gone to hell, so slander, especially those who don’t have Seryozha’s peak. The father of my lad, whose name was Seryozha, who safely left us. Volodymyr - YOU BETTER

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                I have a son Volodya (called Vovochka, Vovan, Vovik)!

                Charming little one, love me more, if you call me a little one, I didn’t come out for a moment))

                It’s hard to wake up quickly, you need to constantly “switch” yoga and give it more often. If you get angry, you become uncivilized.

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                Volodymyr Volya.

                Everything is fine with me, but there are moments that are not mine, but for the most part I enjoy life. With one retinue 35 years, children 2nd, onukiv 2nd. Women are among friends and kohankas. Friends are already rich, but one friend in life is so unbelievable. To everyone who reads, I wish you happiness.

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                the one who curses Volodymyrov (moreover, without distinction) to marvel at himself, beadlo. I don’t curse your names, and even though you don’t reveal anything, people with the same names, like yours, didn’t lie around like you. Believe me, you must go to one name - Smittya

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                • Do not boil, namesake! Wow, just get to work! Bitches!

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                  I love Vovanov!) I have a friend Vova and a lot of relatives! Companionable, friendly, fun, warm! Confused in robots, ruined in cleanliness!) Im cool! And among the people of virodkіv vistachaє, it's true, only im'ya don't care about anything here!))

                  Vovani - you are super!

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                  My little tit is called Vovka... it's called Vovchik, Vovanchik, but Volodya is still unexplained... soon there will be 3 years! Vіn is already active, do not sit on the mіstsі, love everything to work for your own, you need to take care of yourself with it, and not vimagati, otherwise you can’t do anything anyway)))

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                  It’s good that there is a big problem with the human body of the stench. And the problem is with the teeth and the teeth. They have a great kinska chuckle and howl like a vampire Count Dracula. And the stench is even more nervous and unstrimmable. For the public, they act like clowns and tsapi-vodbuvayla.

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                  Dear mothers do not lie in the midst of the stench, they try to bring that all children are the same people and their character is the same. I have a lad yogo to enroll in the institute, the name of Vova has nothing to do with the psyche.

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                  nuuu, I don’t know, I don’t know)) I know Volodymyr’s skilki, so far I don’t have a filthy opinion on my name)) Volodya’s friend, he’s a good kid, wise) Volodya’s brother-in-law good man, Batko and kinsman ... and yet in me Vova’s cooing, I really love yoga ...

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                  So, so mi so, but you yourself work to choose from kim you put your signature at the registry office and you know what you are going for! So don’t get angry, that we don’t “bring to orgasm” and “thump your skin day”, everything lies in your mind to us and understand our psychology!

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                  The most sexy lads wear the same miracles:) and all the silly, latent jerks, like trying to put themselves more Voviks are just bad luck:) turn me around, Volodymyr is the greatest kohanets, and the most wonderful man:) Putin to steer:)

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                  One option, well, just guessing me a lot, the problem is by will, it’s true, it’s smartly smart to work it out for yourself, but I can do it, that raja will win the heart out in children with the same name willpower.

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                  So. I am also Volodymyr Volodymyrovich. і s GDP shche in Nіmechchinі I said to you, scho vіn bude the head of our state. they spoke about politics at the ZAKS at Pidsdam, if they wrote certificates about the people to children.

                  So, the stench is already inside and out of harm’s eye of the humor)) by myself I know the smut to straighten them into need a channel, stink even more talented, but in chomus only smut yogo is right to straighten.

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                  my little tit Vova sounds, more sensible, at 2 fates knowing all the letters and numbers, leaders appeared in the garden, even drunker, I am pleased that I myself called the child like that

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                  So, the problems are with the mutuals. Volodymyr, Vasi, Sashka-yak, it is easy to attribute everything to them. Ale skin zbіgaє the one who is yoga good. So we write about ourselves ...

                  I'm in a good mood: 3 ale in good: 3 It's just that everything that was read is just fluffy.

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The meaning of the name Volodymyr often sings for future mothers and tat, even if it is wider and more popular. Volodymyr sounds beautiful and proud, and people with such names are inspired by energy and inner strength.

First of all, call the child Volodymyr; Yogo meaning determines the character and instills the share of a person. The meaning of the name of Volodymyr for the boy is in the line for the whole yogo share.

Characteristics of the name Volodymyr

Volodymyr is an active and dope person, who is ready to go on a risk or go on an adventure. The characteristic of this name includes impersonal various nuances, the significance of which can be easily underestimated. Having lived your mustache, you can understand what the name Volodymyr means, and how life will be in the heart of people.

Character and share of the name

Inner energy, self-confidence in oneself, that strength is poured into the success of Volodymyr's life, call out that person reaches everything he wants. It is easy for you to get exact sciences, and in the meantime you just touch the basics of financial nutrition.

Swedish and dope rozum allows you to accumulate impersonal brown information, Yaku Volodymyr postyno vikoristova. Jogo pіdpriєmlivіst and practicality play an important role in making the right and effective decisions.

Volodymyr is generous and open-minded, honest, to this he reacts hospitably to any kind of deceit and injustice that rarely forgives harm. Especially from the side of close people. In women, Volodya acquires like a bright callousness, and a depth of inner zmist.


For a strong and energetic person, a talisman stone is green jasper. It is important that this stone helps everyone who is not successful in the professional sphere, especially people of science and mandrivers.

Colir named after Volodymyr

It is important that a friendly color scheme for all people is for Volodymyr's name. Wine conveys calm energy and enthusiasm for active children. Also, the red and purple colors are of great importance for them.


Zapovitna figure cholovіkіv z іm'yam Volodymyr - the number two.


The patron planet, hopefully pleasuring us Volodymyriv, Venus is respected. However, no less significant is the infusion of the Son, which gives strength, energy.


The element of all Volodymyr's is the essence of Povіtrya, which endows them with such traits, like lightness, resourcefulness, activity and optimism. Having poured in a lot of people, they provoke them by showing such rice as belonging to life and contact with people.

It's time for rock

Autumn is a pleasant time for fate for Volodymyr. She gives peace, inner peace and harmony, pours into the accumulated energy for new and new animals.


The patrons of Volodymyrіv among the creatures are the hawk and the deer. The husky bird is a symbol of freedom, strength and purposefulness. Volodymyr's characters show the very best in character. The deer makes nobility, purity, spirituality and prosperity.


Veres, a symbol of breadth, joy, exuberance and inexhaustible energy, blows the strongest infusion on all Volodymyrs. In addition, maple and birch are planted with roslins. From long ago, the maple instills in itself a strong, young, active and stringy person, who is crowned with success and popularity. Birch is a symbol of purity and light.


A friendly sign of the zodiac for the name of Volodymyr and Terezi.


As a patronizing metal for all Volodymyrs, silver is considered as a symbol of purity and gentry.

Name Description

Volodymyr is clearly seen s-pomіzh іnshih, vіn zavzhdi first, active, suffocation. It is rare for people to sit on the “reserve bench”, passively gazing at the stretch of life. Volodymyr to love children, try for himself, risk and enjoy the results of high school.


From the early childhood, Volodymyr grows drunk and sapient to new knowledge.

Vіn іz suffice to rob those who have not been here before, try new things.

However, if you put two tasks in front of him, you will have to think about the importance and priority of the skin of them, and as a result, you may not be able to do well. At the same time, Volodymyr is awakened by a hospitable mind and a swedish cunning.


Adopt the norms of morality and morality in Volodymyr in the wake of stability and protection. For this reason, it is easy to follow these rules, but with whom it is easy to put yourself in situations, if you run into something, it is absolutely immoral. Himself sometimes you can go to the risk and robiti fenced, but if you are worried, you can come in early, or a public condemnation.


The greatness of Volodymyriv is reminiscent of the strangeness and the heightened strife. The stench of vodkrit and honesty with otochyuchimi, but often go to you, if you don’t take away such a beast from you. It’s nonsense that it’s a good idea to bring Volodymyr back for a long time to yourself and to hesitate to doubt the needs of the authorities, importance.


Most of Volodymyr's health is stable and does not cause problems. Especially, as a person, he adds an hour to his physical state and does not overpower the influx of bad factors. From time to time I can show damage to the robotic intestines and damage to the dawn.


Volodymyr's greatest hoardings are sports. In childhood and youthful wines, you try yourself in rich species sports zmagan. Ale zreshtoy Volodya is assigned to the most favorite occupations and continues to take care of them until a mature age.

For one more hoarding of Volodymyr, there was a lull and an atmosphere of comfort at a wet booth. Vіn love yourself picking up furniture, accessories, seeing the original solution and incorporating into the interior of the house.


Intolerance, willingness to risk and strong inner energy to give to the fact that Volodymyr can be successful in practice, be it right. Prote most cholovikiv iz tsim im'yam tsіkavit science, politics and business.


Occupying the beloved right, Volodymyr can do everything for himself robots, not harming the hour that forces. Sometimes provoking problems in sіm'ї, ale car'єra steadily growing uphill.

Reaching for new goals, Volodymyr sees a rush of enthusiasm in himself and energy for new animals. Such arrogance is the reason why everything goes into the new.


With Volodymyr's dressing up, that extraordinary woman could become more special. A person is constantly becoming popular with women, but he himself can fall in love with nothing more than shyra, exclaim that slaughtered person, as if to support him and spread the slaughtered.

It is important for Volodymyr that the girl valued not only his mind and arrogance, but also his lowness and turbota. Todі vіn ready to bestow їх at non-bordered kіlkostakh. If Volodya knows such a woman, he is ready to commit his life to her forever, even more Volodymyriv is monogamous.


Volodymyr is sexy and prejudiced, to love diversity in intimate images. Vіn is ready to show initiative, he himself can promote innovation, not depending on the type of partner. And to you, it is important that the support of yoga ideas is important. If Volodymyr's wife is not ready for experiments, you will become bored. This particularity is often the reason why Volodymyr's partner is a woman who is informed, lower wine himself.

Shlyub / Sim'ya

In front of him, as if working out the proposition of his image, Volodymyr can think for a long time and call his decision. Vіn seriously put up to the family stosunkіv, and choose the squad for a long life. The dear Volodya is respectful, wanting life to be left with impersonal other interests, crim this, the hour is roamed unevenly. At family vіdnosinakh Volodymyr is accommodating, but always tries to save his inner independence. A friendly union with women in the name of Alla, Angela, Valentina, Olena, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalia, Svitlana and Sofia.

Podzhennya name

Until the end, we will discuss the significance of the features, importantly understand the meaning of the name of Volodymyr. There is a lot of mystery in that story about why the character of the person named Volodya is named. The dermatologist of the same name would have known a little more than the past.

What does im'ya mean (translation of that darkness)

Im'ya Volodymyr came from the Old Slovak language, and literally means "to lead the world."

History of the name

On this day, the meaning of the name Volodymyr came up with a new meaning, the lower one was in Old Russia. At that hour, "light" was interpreted as an agreement to please. It was important to him that Volodymyr is a whole person, as he can reconcile others, blame the objective decision and the singing world, judge the super girls and discords.

Forms (analogues) name

The broader forms of the name of Volodymyr can be called Vladya, Ladya, Vadya, Volodya, Vova, Vovan. Change-colored variations of the name Volodyunya, Volodya, Vovchik, Will, Volka, Vovochka, Vovulya, Vovunya.

I'm English

The literal translation of the name of Volodymyr into the English language Worldowner - Volodya is light. However, this form is not vikoristovuєtsya. Most often, tse im'ya is spelled like Vladimir, and can't English equivalents, oskіlki є spokonvichno russian.

I'm with different words to the world

With different words named Volodymyr practically does not change for the form of writing or sound. Most often, such variations are used:

  • Ukrainian - Volodymyr;
  • Belarusian - Volodymyr;
  • German - Waldemar;
  • Polish - Włodzimierz;
  • Spanish - Vladimir.

Mystery named after Volodymyr

Volodymyr is a strong and active, but often a super smart person. Yogo im'ya carried in himself styles of characteristics, so that specialness cannot be one-sided weak. So it was from a long time ago, and so it is left until today.

Patrons of the name

It is important that the people named after Volodymyr have three main patrons: Prince Volodymyr, who made Christianity in Russia, Metropolitan and Hieromartyr Volodymyr of Kiev and Galicia, and also Rivne-Apostolic Volodymyr of Novgorod.

Angel Day (name day)

Days of the angel are celebrated on the 7th of the fierce, 28th lime and 17th of Zhovtnya to the three main patrons named after Volodymyr. However, it is also necessary to give Volodya’s name day: September 31, February 10 and 16, February 6 and 25, April 3 and 6, 4 worms, 10 limes, 13 sickles, 7.13 and 16 spring, 4 yellow, 5, 16 and 25 leaf fall, 10, 22 and 26 breasts.

Vіdomі people

Under the im'yam Volodymyr was born rich bringing people, political speakers, actors and writers. In order to resurrect їx usіh, it takes a lot of time, the prote of the main middles can be called:

  1. Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Monomakh;
  2. Revolutionary Volodymyr Lenin;
  3. Russian President Volodymyr Putin;
  4. Political gamer and activist - Volodymyr Zhirinovsky;
  5. Volodymyr Mayakovsky sings;
  6. Pismennik Volodymyr Nabokov;
  7. That singer Volodymyr Visotsky sings;
  8. Artist Volodymyr Basov;
  9. Director Volodymyr Menshov;
  10. Artist Volodymyr Vinokur;
  11. Volodymyr Vernadsky, the lecturer of nature;
  12. Neurologist and psychotherapist Volodymyr Bekhterev;
  13. Among the composers are Volodymyr Shaynsky and Volodymyr Matetsky;
  14. famous couples Volodymyr Kuzmin and Volodymyr Presnyakov;
  15. Football player Volodymyr Bezsonov.

So draw the character of Volodymyr, like arrogance, arrogance, that vminnya do not lower your hands, wind up at the folding watch, allow them to reach high peaks, reach goals.

Vidomy is sung by Robert Rizdvyaniy, writing about one of the great Volodymyrivs: “So who is Volodymyr Visotsky? Is Kim win the most? Actor? Tom? Spivak? I dont know. I only know that I am special. Yavischem. The best songs of Volodymyr Visotsky - for life. Wow friends of people. In these songs, there are those that can sing to you with a twisted quilt, - there is an inexhaustible strength, indescribable is the lowerness and scope of the human soul. And they also have memory. The memory of the passed roads and fates that rushed by. Our memory is with you."

Sense of the Name Volodymyr

Im'ya Volodymyr carried in himself a set of qualities that signified the character of a person, like women's names save from their own secrets and special features of a woman's soul. For this reason, with some representatives of a weak state, it sprinkles tight waters and a possible sky, with others - it is unlikely that you will be far away.

Volodymyr and Volodymyr

Volodymyr - a female variation of the name Volodymyr, so such a woman is endowed with similar rices in character. Tsey zbіg can be said negatively on the couple's vіdnosinah, shards of insult and partners are strong, energetic, active. We will be friendly to the union, like a man and a woman, to clearly communicate the rules between their stosunkiv.

Volodymyr and Alisa

The activity and strength of Volodymyr to know the inspiration from the fantasy and the boisterous activity of Alice, that one can see the blues in pairs are formed from the right approaches, the right is the right reach of the goals. It is similar to setting up the norms of those values ​​to bring that harmony into pairs.

Volodymyr and Valeria

Valeria is active, that life is cheerful, which, madly, attracts Volodymyr. You are charged with її positivity and succumb to it with good vibrancy, and even її raznobіchnі іnteresi add and hoot. To create a harmonious union of that mіtsnoї homeland, it is necessary for the couple to improve on trust, nadіynіstyu and vіdkritіstyu one to one. Even more fun and bezturbotnist garni lishe at the first stage of stosunkiv.

Volodymyr and Ganna

Ganni's generosity once again welcomed Volodymyr, the girls will be on honesty and mutual trust. That is why such a union becomes mіtsnim and dovgim. However, that sharp reaction to the injustice of both partners can lead to welding.

Volodymyr and Dar'ya

Dar'ya, like Volodymyr, is guarded by the choice of partners, it is enough that she takes a decision, so the stosunki will be bound for a long time. The call will be prompting for mutual trust and povaz, maybe three years old.

Volodymyr and Rose

Troyanda is stable and consistent with its likenesses, looks and interests. This kind of persuasion can make Volodymyr stubborn, but it’s too early for him to be too smart. The maiden is to blame for her mother's unabashed mind and unconventional thoughts, so that Volodymyr will be long-awaited to her.

Volodymyr and Polina

Polina is naive that vodkrita that I once disarmed Volodymyr. She is trustworthy and womanly, crying out to protect and protect, so the likeness of Volodymyr in such a union is shown by the whole world. Shlyub nagadu stosunki old man and daughter, maybe buti dovgotrivalim and stable.

Volodymyr and Maria

Vіdnosini, founded on love and trust, the basis of the marriage of Volodymyr and Mary. The woman of Talanovite is so modest that it is impossible not to call out Volodymyr's slaughter. With whom, there is a miraculous comrade-in-arms, that pidtrimka be-yakikh mend your partner.

Volodymyr and Anastasia

Anastasia is sensible and virile, but she attracts Volodymyr. The mutual interest of the couple may burn long-term fates, as the partners will give one to one the possibility of independent and free development.

Volodymyr and Victoria

Viktoria, like Volodymyr, has been attracted to a partner for a long time, developing this particularity and character. Having offended partners, respectfully obmirkovuyut their decision and for a long time call yoga. Therefore, the development of the blue is passable, if it is not clear to me. And yet, as a result, all the parameters will be improved, the union will be worthy.

Volodymyr and Yana

Yana is calm, feisty, hopeful and stable. For Volodymyr, it can become a quiet haven and a supporter, as if it were suitable for the role of the keeper of the pit. It is important for Yomu to consider his superior body, and for Yana, you can take care of Yogo. However, the woman is perplexed by her intransigence, that she can bring Volodymyr to herself, if she is wrong in her rightness.

Volodymyr and Alina

Alina sees it better by the senses, and not by the mind, she pierces in the kohannya with her head and partners are seen more and more. Such is the vіddanіst pіdkupovє Volodymyr. The stench at once podolayut be-yakі diffi- culties , inspire vigilance and lack of power, even if emotions are more important for them, and not material goods.

Volodymyr and Olena

Olena is the right keeper of the family nest, just like Volodymyr could reach success in the caravan. Such a harmonious distribution of roles among the couple will give me the ability to inspire the minds of the blues, which are rooted in the dovira and complementary one of the one.

Volodymyr and Evgeniya

Yevheniya is a hell of a fantasy. Її ideї impress Volodymyr, even if you have the strength that energy for their inspiration. Such a symbiosis will lead to impersonal new results, more expensive, more sleepy hours and satisfaction from the skin day. Golovna, so that the family routine did not weaken such a fountain of creativity.

Volodymyr and Yeseniya

Yeseniya love order and stability, but with all the success of the success of the material well-being. Volodymyr is praising so pragnennya, but good luck with the couple’s stalemate in the light of their goals and plans. As soon as the skin will be occupied with one's own interests and career, the joint will quickly fall apart.

Volodymyr and Katerina

Having offended partners, they are active, energetic, vvazhayut for better leadership, that in a couple can be blamed for differences. Svoєridna Katerina will not let Volodymyr be herself and show human qualities, but she will not tolerate humiliation and pride.

Volodymyr and Olga

The partners have absolutely different characters, which create difficulties for the couple. Stink in a different way to marvel at the world, that can be blamed on super girls and diversity. Only a calm discussion of all nutritional problems will help to create the rules of a sound foundation.

Volodymyr and Veronica

An important feature of the pair of Volodymyr and Veronica is the bazhannya and readiness to make a compromise with any food. It gives you the opportunity to bypass conflicts and maintain respect for joint projects, projects and projects. Spіlnіst glancing pozdzhіє pozumіnnya.

Volodymyr and Sofia

Sophia is a woman, it’s not boring at all. Vaughn is cheerful, active, creating for herself a rich halas and diy. It is possible to win Volodymyr's first, but it is not possible to constantly change on such a level of wine activity. Sim'ya, slut that child is guilty of bringing the situation to life, so that Sophia directed her energy to support the family fire. Todi spіlka will be long.

Volodymyr and Kira

You will be addicted to the cob with a creaking element, or else partners can support it with a stretch of a three-time hour - a quick meal. Kira is strong-willed and dexterous, which can greatly spy on Volodymyr.

Volodymyr and Arina

Pochatkov's modesty and sorom'yazlivist' Arini with fates transforms into predilection for a partner. Having learned to trust him, the woman will show the most sexy and the most important pictures of her character, and Volodymyr can sharpen his turbo and respect.

Volodymyr and Xenia

Xenia and Volodymyr dare to look at the new horizons. Partners know, one in one, wonderful companions on the road and initiations, so they will not be tedious at the same time. For a year, such a sleepiness, having looked, will become the basis of mental trust and mutual understanding.

Volodymyr and Tetyana

Tetyana is inspired by romanticism and broadness in the kohanna, which stuns Volodymyr. Yakshto vіn zaredit respect for vіdnosinakh and add the necessary Aunt's hour, the union will be mіtsnim and dovgy. That coldness of Tetyana cannot be tolerated.

Volodymyr and Milana

Milana vodkrita that shira, deeply chomping on new ideas, and zanuryuetsya at repair. If Volodymyr can become a part of his interest, the union will develop rapidly. Yogo privablyuє її honesty and naїvnіst, won't know the support of that commitment to tomorrow.

Volodymyr and Marina

Vіdnosini Volodymyr and Marini are founded on friendship, mutual interest and slaughter. For whom the union will not have a biased kohannya chi nizhnosti, rather a partner's favor. Like a man and a woman in power, such a placement is respectful, the school will be long.

Volodymyr and Maya

Maya is sensible, loves life, and is choked up with everything that she wants to do. Volodymyr in it adds freedom of thought and nimbleness to character. If you can tame її spiritual energy and understand the inner light, the union will be harmonious and trivial.


In such a rite, im'ya Volodymyr puts on his hairdresser, the faceless and strong rice, as if by the year they signify his activity and camp in life. Volodyachi is a strong leader, who knows better and grows more, encourages restless people and always reaches success. If you want wine, if you want to be a woman, you can inspire harmonies, and girls, with whom the union will be the most distant.

Volodymyr has a strong intuition, will, is resourceful and wants to bring practically all his ideas into life. What does the name Volodymyr mean? Forever overwhelmed with pleasant, kind, subtle sense of humor. Love comfort, order and punctuality. Shvydko reacts to the steps that you see, and love to plan ahead of your future.

Pokhodzhennya named after Volodymyr

Іsnuє kіlka options for the appearance of the name of Volodymyr. At the first moment, it came out of the old Nіmechchini, if it was fashionable to create it, victorious with two bases. Walk like the old name Voldemar, which in translation means “rule” and “volody”, which means “volody with light”.

The second version - im'ya Volodymyr maє old-Slovakian root and resemble two bases - vlada (translated like "vlada") and svіt. In Old Russia, it was interpreted as “a year” or “contract”.

Kohannya and sexuality

Vova zakokhaniya, most often respect for the cіkavih, stylish, extraordinary and inspired by their own girls. Dressing can be beautiful, bright, sociable and sexy. It is important that the energy was in order, that enlightened woman is reasonable, it will not be shameful to enter the household. Vminnya play on musical instrument chi robot in the sphere of art for Volodymyr becomes a god. Navit vminnya deliciously cook is not so important.

About his sexual exploits, like Volodymyr is in no way known to anyone. Such a behavior periodically calls out for doubt about one's masculinity. Vlasniki of this name are gracious, sometimes they become too old for women. Є skhilnіst until the appearance of a complex of human innocence. For this very reason, Vova will so desperately demand a steady proof of his powers.

Love the atmosphere, do not mind talking with a partner at the bed. Let's make it better, but not to our women. Often you give respect to the stringy beauties, but even if the stench is not illuminated, you quickly show interest.

Shlyub that sim'ya

Volodymyr becomes a right support for this. Cholovik іz іm іm'yam hoche bachiti instructed і from himself garnu zhіnku, but the order at the booth for the new one is important.

Please take care of your financial security with your own. Do not always give enough respect to the care of children, do not love to help the squad at home. Always listen to the thought that pleases the other half. We do not protest, as if a woman wants to take a leading position in this. Such a camp of speeches is the power of Volodymyr. It is easy to step in, but you can save the power of internal independence.

Have a slave Volodymyr forever faithful to his other half. Such a behavior dictates moral principles, which wines are supposed to be taken forever. Until then, Volodymyr does not want to know new problems, scenes of jealousy and scandals in his family. Come on the boats, you can take the whole free hour, which is not the power of Vova.

Birthday at Volodymyr's

In Sich - 21, 24 and 31 numbers.

For the fierce - 7, 10, 12, 16 and 26 numbers.

In birch - 3, 7, 21 and 25 numbers.

At kvіtnі - 3 and 6 numbers.

For chervni - 20th and 27th.

In Lipny - 10th and 28th.

Thorish Sickle - 13th and 27th.

Veresni - 2, 7, 9.13, 15 and 16 numbers.

Zhovtni - 1, 4, 9, 17 and 21 numbers.

In leaf fall - 3, 4, 5, 16 and 25 numbers.

In infants - 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29 and 31 numbers.

Magic named after Volodymyr

Volodymyr's planet is the Sun.

The element of Volodymyr - Povіtrya.

Stone-talisman of Volodymyr - Green jasper.

Volodymyr's day is Friday - Friday.

Volodymyr's number is 2.

The color of Volodymyr is green.

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