New work on the hands of palmistry. How to tell fortunes about the future car'er along the lines on the valley? An eye on the hand is a divine sign of the curse

Perhaps, the most satisfied me, as a practical palmist, gives me the opportunity to help people in their choice of profession. It’s even more important to read according to the hands of a person, as she dedicated twenty or thirty fates of her life to the unloved right, and there is no welcome manifestation about those that she really wanted to take care of (Fig. 180 - 183).

1 - kut spring- I mean the difference between the terminal points of the line of reason and life;

2 -Sontsya line- ymovіrnіst omnisvetnogo vyznannya;

3 - a thin line that goes through the line of the mind to the finger of Mercury, - Nespodіvane otrimannya pennies;

4 - fall line;

5 - the line of luck that starts on the slope of Venus and ends under the finger of Apollo, - lack of happiness, success;

6 - the line of luck that starts on the slope of Venus and ends under the finger of Jupiter, - Financial success of the car'er;

7 - penny tricot- the greater the greater, the greater the financial potential of the person;

8 - great trikutnik (trikutnik vezinnya), dotted line visions - people get their luck;

9 - anxiety flax on the line of life- pennies, otrimani not for the work, but the hell out of happiness

1 - line of intuition;

2 - creative vigin;

3 - line of reason that will end on the hill of M_syatsya, - original creative ideas;

4 - widely spaced fingers- the presence of advance, the introduction of new ideas;

5 - cola, scho disperse on the fingers- Originality;

6 - shoulder blades - practicality;

7 - exploding snow- flexibility to detailed planning;

8 - line of mind is that life that gets angry at the cob, - Such a person thinks on the back, then we will rob;

9 - great kut thumb - being ahead of the curve, interested in new ideas;

10 - strong phalanx - logic;

11 - cut of practicality- the ability to implement ideas in practice

1 - wide chotirikutnik- the heart is cherished by the mind;

2 - reading, the line of the heart is clearly marked, - Zdatnіst love and vіdchuvati kohanim;

3 - short belt of Venus- emotional sensitivity;

4 - fork on the emotion line- Enjoy the romantic atmosphere of love (kviti, wine, light music);

5 - - promotion;

6 - old little finger- Comrade;

7 - persha phalanx dovsha for a friend- strong intuition, which helps to grow correct choice in love;

8 - dodatkova line on the end line of the heart- Trivali, mіtsni vzaєmini with a partner;

9 - the line of the heart is bent, which sways between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn- Buildings with a sense of naypotaєmnіshi;

10 - mali kut of the great toe- minimum transfer and obmezhen;

11 - high pommel of Veneri- passionate nature

1 - wide valley- energy;

2 - strong line of share- spring and luck;

3 - friendly penny sign;

4 - fingers ripped apart- vrіvnovazhenіst;

5 - dovga upper phalanx of the finger of Mercury- good communication skills;

6 - firm hand- physical energy;

7 - an eye-catching finger for a bezimenny- zarazumіlіst;

8 - good repentance of the hump of Jupiter- ambition;

9 - line of mind that life does not go back to the cob- independence and self-confidence;

10 - persha phalanx of the great toe dovsha for a friend- more than will, less than logic;

11 - great thumb- purposefulness and arrogance;

12 - the line of life, which I make right, great pivkolo, - increased energy and vibrancy

The presence of these yakosts is not obov'yazkovaya.

A palmist cannot simply say: “You are working as an agent for an insurance company,” or you can tell people how the sphere of activity brought you the most satisfaction. Zvichayno, like a human befits a yogo robot, it is obov'yazkovo reachable in niy success.


On the back of the hand, it is necessary to designate the shape of the hand. A person with a square bottom can dedicate himself to a practical kind of activity. Even if you have a strong line of share, then you can build a miracle career in the sphere of management and business. As long as I have a good shape, it means that a person is endowed with a rich harvest and needs work, so as to allow her to realize her idea.

A person with the hand of a proven type is better able to show himself in the profession, that he transfers constant intercourse with other people. Conducting programs on television and radio, broadcasting and trading are professions that fall into a thought in the middle of nowhere. This person is arrogant, orderly and knows how to win their analytical skills for the benefit of the sleeping community.

Lyudin with the hand of a fiery type is more open and comrade, lower її "repair" colleague. Zavdyaki strongly rozvinenіy іntuїtsії vіn zdatny svydko ta effektivno priymat prіshennia. You need diversity, change, space for self-expression. Such a person can reach a lot of things from trade, be it another profession, to give him the opportunity to work independently, independently from others.

If your client has an earthly type of hand, then he will need a monotonous robot, which is repeated, and more practical tasks. This person is not only arrogant and honest, he is still a master of all trades. You will be satisfied, as if choosing the profession of a fitter, a plumber, an auto mechanic, or another type of activity, which allows you to immediately work like a smart, so do your hands.

A person with a hand of the water type will require a reception that is comfortable and comfortable environment that works, as to bring aesthetic satisfaction to you. Being a creative person, you will be able to develop your talent, for which you will need additional help and encouragement from relatives and friends. The best harmony profession for him is interior designer, fashion designer, theater decorator and costume master.


Pagorby helps us to determine what a person needs to do better and for some kind of activity, we take away satisfaction. To the very same, the analysis of the hump is even more important when showing the best profession for the client.

strong hump of Jupiter talk about those people who are inspired by enthusiasm, ambition and pride. It’s better to show yourself your fault, keruyuchi in power with someone else’s undertaking. It is also possible to achieve a lot in politics, religious activities, sports and in any other profession, which allows you to realize your non-gaming ambitions.

Hands from the dominant hump of Saturn trapleyayutsya rarely. Such a person vvazha for better practice on their own, in a calm, quiet environment. In the dream of living far away from the noise and bustle of the great place. From a new point of view, a miracle farmer, a specialist in landscape design and design, a gardener. If you are guilty of mathematics and engineering right, then you can show yourself in the special sphere of activity. An interest in occultism and mysticism can be brought to the point where a person can earn a living for the fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, parapsychology and dedication to occult disciplines.

Yakshcho the strongest on the hands hump of Apollo, vin give a person optimism and positive attitudes to life. Such a person always copes with the feelings of the happy and the cheerful. Vіn vіdіznyаєєє svidkіstі smyslennya i ready vіnko pratsyuvati vіd znachnennya svіhu. A new one has a creative cob, that one can grow a successful career in a creative profession. Regardless of what you choose to dedicate your life to, yogo chooses the innate love to the beauty of harmony.

If dominant in rutsі є the hump of Mercury Vіn nadіlyaє people with dilovy feelings and penetrability. Yakshcho tsya people tsіkavitsya science good doctor readings. Jurisprudence to give you the brilliance of the ability to show your intelligence, prac- tism and krasnomovstvo. Having consecrated yourself to acceptance, the person will be proactive and guilty. Vіn not only work hard, but always know the way to outperform competitors.

Like a dominant pommel on the rutsi є the hump of Venery, before us is an energetic, reasonable and strange person. It’s not too serious to put a blame on life, everything has a bright side and a positive aspect. From the new side, a wonderful seller, yakscho, zvichayno, venerable items, yakі befits him himself. The most miraculous and energetic ruler of the second-hand bookshop, whom I, if I ever touched, used the butt of the Venerian.

Vin loved and adored books and respected that you had mercy, as if Vin could work with them. Such a person should be shown to himself and be in the right, po'yazanі z beneficence, dey can zadіyat his chuynіnіst, spontaneity and innately the exercise of justice.

When dominating hump of Mars, a person will be aggressive, combative, assertive and courageous, sensible to pull up to suits and instill in the most safe and most difficult situations to preserve the presence of the spirit. It is logical that such a person can build a miraculous career with the Armed Forces, the police, sports and whether it be another sphere of activity, as if to remind life of diversity and hospitality.

Through those that Mіsyats cheruє vyavu, people, on the hands of Mіsyatsya pagorbє dominant, required I create a robot. Vіn volodіє krasnomovstvo, but at the same time suffering from rubbish and sourness and incompatibilities in oneself, it is better for him to express himself through writing, and not by sleeping a word. Yogo vibes can lie in the musical sphere, and the process of writing music, or її vykonanny building calm down his restless nature.

The predilection of a person for travel can be realized, if you choose the profession of a consultant, who often has to travel with a contractor, or a writer, which will rise in price.


D "Arpentinya, a leading officer of the French army, who has developed the system of classifying hands in the world, giving special respect to the fingers of people.

For the very first time, he marked the sharp contrast between the fingers of the artists and the vchenih. D'Arpentine recalled that the artists in the most vipadkiv vіdznyalis with equal smooth fingers, just like the fingers of their majzhe vzhd were vzluvatymi.

People with long fingers feel the greatest realization in professions, as they allow them to show themselves in detail. I am a clerk to the bank, the client of which I am, and my accountant can lift two fingers, which by itself will bring me great joy. Aje, I want my pennies to be treated carefully and respectfully! A person with long, sharpened fingers, as if it were possible, start a unique roboti that transfers hands to work. Then yoga friend with short fingers of a square or scapular shape will practice with his hands.


The middle is quiet, who works on himself, people are chatting with the most manipulative variations and combinations of hands. With this, the hand of the plumber is strongly shaken like the hand of a sailor, a yak, at his side, if it is not like the hand of the seller.

However, on the hands of the people, as if they could achieve success in business, they are guilty of signs, sleeping for everyone who builds a car in this gallery. The first of these signs is the thumb, and the bigger, the better. Vіn nadіlyaє people tіlespravovanіstyu, napoleglivіstyu and bazhannâ reach success.

A successful businessman will also require a line of share, so that he can be allowed to concentrate on singing goals in the right way. Sometimes people reach success, on the hands of such a line of share of the day, but rarely trap around. For all that, the person calmly poured over the flow and quickly drank it on the same way, which brought her to success that recognition. The appearance of the line of the share is similar to the map, according to the way the person chooses his life path.

Youmu needs it too strong, straight finger of Mercury: the skin of a businessman will require a reminder for that chi іnshоm equal to splkuvatis with people The long finger of Mercury gives the master a penetrating and businesslike chuttya.

Dovgy finger of Jupiter show how ambitious the person is. One, to satisfy his ambitions, is enough for a confectionery shop, and the rest will not rest until you become the ruler of hundreds of such shops.

In addition, a successful businessman will require the qualities that are necessary for your business sphere, having acquired wine for himself. A person with a wide waist, on a little more than a sprat of a line, with wide-spaced shoulder blades and a great kutom practicality on the thumb is not worn in the office more than a day. Vin will require freedom of transfer, open space and perhaps a lot of things to reach in gardening, farming, maritime law.


Luckily, there are no absolutely the same people, but I have no doubts that there is talent in our skin. As a rule, speaking about talents, we can take into account the creative talents that a lot of people are endowed with.

Most of us, however, respect for better, or more often, or often ignore our own sensibilities. Tsomu є kіlka explanation. A person can see and recognize his talent. Yogo talent may not be praised by this. As if before me, a ballet soloist came for a consultation, so that he could start dancing less at the podlitkov’s head. The reason for such a hustle was the categorical fence of the father. But the main reason, through which people do not develop their talents, is the presence of motivation and stimulus. Clients, in which I have looked at those chi іnshі zdіbnostі, stіyno call marriage an hour for the development of the rest. Ale, it’s less of a widmovka. Some of us can know the hour for the beloved.

It is obvious that a lot of talents stand out in the face of these people and their other victims. There are few who are ready to play the piano for a day in spring, if they are willing to become a pianist, a kind of concert. Those same are seen by athletes. If a person wants to become an Olympic champion in swimming, if he happens to spend an indefinite number of years at the pool, docks, friends, and rozvazhayutsya.

Talent, schob rozvinutisya, vymagaє vіddanostі, prihilnostі and important shchennoї pratsі, nezalezhno vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd gradovanіє vlasnik.


You already know the signs, how to talk about those people who can be creative. In order to signify that you can know the viraz, for example, in painting, it is necessary for us to give respect to finger of apollo. Like a strong wine, with a well-groomed humpback of the foundation, with a long upper phalanx and a wide pillow, it means that we have a person in front of us, like we can have artistic zdіbnosti. Dovga friend of the phalanx to give yoga a little color. The same phalanx rattles on the hands of people, like a garnier relish in dress.

We are also guilty of giving respect to the valley, in order to signify that a person can be rich in reality. Ideally Mіsyatsya pagorb I am guilty of good repentance, and by the same token, the creative vigin in the valley.

If a person wants to achieve financial success in science, the mother’s long little finger, a strong thumb and a peacefully wide palm are to blame. Yakshcho tі dіlovі signs on yogo rutsі vіdsutnі, tse mean that people are within reach more success, working as a full-time artist (for example, an illustrator or decorator) or painting as an amateur.


Literature is one of the ways of communication. Let's talk about tse dosit dovgy little finger. Another phalanx can be the greatest. As the line of reason ends on the mountain of Mіsyatsya, people's lives lie near the sphere of fiction. As if the line of the mind crosses the straight line, the talent of a person lies in the sphere of journalism. The writers of fiction have the lower half of the valley lined with strong humpbacks of Venus and the Moon. It is necessary for poets to feel the rhythm and rhyme, for the presence of such an indication to the sound, the spreading of the base of the thumb.

Actor's zdіbnosti

Actors are guilty of expressing emotions and feeling it. Qiu singularity indicates the dovga upper phalanx of the finger of Mercury. Ideally, all the fingers on the actor's hand should be smooth, even and sharpened, so one can speak about building freely expressing emotions. The hand can be a yakomog with a shirsh, which gives people the enthusiasm and building to break forward. And the quality is absolutely necessary in order to achieve a trivial, rich success in the foldable profession of an actor.

Characteristic actors, as a rule, bulge fingers. Comedians and actors who play comedic roles are swayed by the risen humpbacks of Mercury and Mіsyatsya. The rib of the valley can also be kindly forgiven.


The subtleties of the manifestation of various types of musical vibes from the side of a person can be dedicated to the entire book. The material of the flooring is rich, so it is important to see the main signs and rules.

Let's just say that the presence of sleeping sounds can be recognized on the fingers with rounded tips and on the great finger, on what sound and practicality are present. Kindly repentances of Venus' hump give people love to the melody, repentances of the moon's hump - love to musical harmony. In order to become known by the spivak, the person is guilty of the mother's old finger of Apollo and the resentment of yogo pagorb.

About the successful musician-vikonavtsa to speak of practicality and sound, as well as the rise of the hump of Venus and M_syatsya. I am familiar with instrumentalists with different shapes of hands, but people who play on stringed instruments, as a rule, have hands of a water-like shape, and musicians who play percussion instruments have earth-type hands with wide pads.

Of course, gifted musicians, as a rule, make a loop of music, a loop of strangeness and a loop of string music.

Dancing zdіbnosti

Dancers are guilty of feeling the rhythm and tempo, because they need practicality and sound. The line of life on the dancer's hand can be clear and deep, and the bottom - wide, the shards can give strength, energy and vibrancy.

Pagorbi Veneri and M_syatsa are guilty, but high and firm, to allow people to dance in full and all over.

A jazz dancer, as a rule, can end or sharpen his fingers, which indicates the intensity and talent for improvisation. A dancer with square-shaped fingers is the same worker that seems to be moving, and it’s exactly beaten to the back of the curtain.

In order to determine what kind of profession a person should be, there is a lot of people who go to the special technique of fortune-telling by hand - palmistry. Won zdatna razpovіsti about the talents of the people, the prospects in the work and the peculiarities of the career growth.

Chi є on the valley line kar'єri

At the palmistry, the hands of a person should be divided For the right-handed passive left hand, and active - rights. For shulgіv navpak. For the folding of a new picture of the share of the next hour, the witches look at the offending hands. So they transfer the future to the robot, and they reward talents along the way.

Like such a line of kar'єri on the valley is not, but palmistry propagates the peculiarities of the kar'єr's growth with the help of poddnán vіdrіzkіv:

Fortune-telling by smooth Doli on both hands. They are not identical, they can be different levels. The Line of Share on the active route shows what a person can do and what can be realized. A passive hand shows what was prepared for the share of the ear.

The head of rice on the hand is also stashed near the center. Get out from one point with the line of Doli. If a person does not have a chance to Doli, they give respect to the Apollo line. Vaughn is known on the mountain Mіsyatsya, a friend of її name - a line of talent and good luck.

The life path is not limited by a career, it can be poured into a choice of profession and sphere of activity. The palmistry has a line of pennies, as it signifies the folding of a career growth, the financial well-being is thin.

In order to signify, to the extent of the working sphere, a person can be smart, de їy sruchniche pratsyuvati, vrakhovuyut mustaches and signs of that peretina on smugs.

Interpretation beyond the boundary of Apollo

The Smuga of Apollo is like a line of kar'єri on the rut - it's a vertical vіdrіzok, which starts on the upper part of the hump of Mіsyatsya. If the smuga is straightened to the base of the eye-catching finger, then on a person it is checked for a swede by passing through car'er gatherings. Varto score on a highly paid job. Like it’s ripped under the middle finger, it means little paid work.

Rice of Apollo lies under the ring finger - a symbol of light pennies, as if they themselves were held by the hand. It is not necessary to apply special zusil and practice in order to gain wealth. But here it is important to correctly speed up the possibilities. I also razne tlumachennya maє vіdrіzok Apollo, like to lie:

  • - Bring wealth to Rozumov's work;
  • - Great success with creative robots;
  • - folding that worker of the robot with low pay.

Like rice can be impersonal retiniv, it is a sign of crossing the path to wealth and success. It’s important to let the robot work, as the line of the Sun will end with a sight on the mountain of Mіsyatsya, then the people may zdіbnosti to writing.

Witchcraft on the line of pennies

Іsnuє chotiri main lines, as in palmistry they are used for finance:

  • heart;
  • share;
  • life.

If they are looked at for financial transfer, then do not cream the skin from them. The stench symbolizes various aspects of potential wealth. Vrakhovuyut їх roztashuvannya, dozhina that form.

Palmistry can’t tell, how many pennies we take away a person, on what date, but there’s a rozpovist about those, how to pile up pennies and how stench to pour into life.

People varto ochіkuvat great wealth, like:

  • on both valleys there is the underline of Apollo;
  • on the active route, a line for business has been rolled out;
  • the smuga Doli chi Sontsya is straightened to the vkazіvny finger and little finger;
  • on the line of life of rotting, a small tricoutnik is a symbol of a great win.

As for the Sun’s impersonal remorse, then the pennies will be spent or stolen. Trikutnik settles for a line of reason and a line of Share - a sign of a stable income and a stable financial state.

Vorozhinnya along the line of Share

The Line of the Doli is roztashovuetsya vertically, at the center of the valley, pass from the wrist to the base of the fingers. If you are not on your hands, then a person does not have clear goals in life and is shy to the point of partial changes.

Sometimes the share of rice can be roztashovuєtsya diagonally, if you go out of the Mіsyatsya hillock.

As if smuga begins at the middle of the valley and crosses the line of Life, the sign of a strong-willed person. All the decisions of the wines are taken independently from the children and may have a look at the speech. Such specialness is instilled in oneself and is straightforward.

If the share of rice is stashed far away from the line of Life, then people are busy public action and let her live her profession. As soon as it started on the wrist, then from the childhood of a person you know what you want and choose yourself, by the way. Smuga Share on the material and psychological level to talk about the attack:

  • success in the social sphere;
  • kar'єra;
  • prompt plans;
  • exercise for the realization of goals.

As if smuga is straightened to the base of the eye-catching finger, it is a sign of a prudent person with philosophical views on life. Good show yourself in the legal sciences. Like a vіdrіzok roztashuvsya between the middle and ring fingers, the peculiarity is conservative, with a mathematical warehouse of reason. Palmistry to please people to know themselves from the bank's right to conduct business.

If the rice Doli is diagonally straightened at the back of the little finger, it is a sign of communication. A person with such a swarthy swarthy reach all the goals that she set. As if smuga ends with a trident, it is a symbol of the help of greater forces. People with such a sign are lucky, all their work brings me income.

For the help of lines, signs, shifting on the palms, palmistry, they signify skill to professions.

The bankers have the line of the heart, Share and reason of the old, read and straight. On the hump of Saturn's long boundary.

The suddivs are characterized by the presence of smuga, the heart is ruffled on the hump of Jupiter.

A sign of a vchenogo - z'ednani lines to the mind, heart, life, head. Mustaches are smug and readable.

Talking about the worker professions is short, clear smug. Risa Uma is straightened to the mound of Mіsyatsya.

Vchitelі vznachayut, if the rice of the heart is straightened to the hillock of Jupiter, and the smug of Golovya is even and rolled on the hillock of Mіsyatsya.

The accountants have a reading and a long smug Rozum, straight rice Doli.

For models, numerical smog is more expensive. І rozіrvano dolіanka Dolі.

The grace of a person to juridical activity is attributed to a clear swarthy mind, the life of that Solomon's ring, as if it were known on a vkazivny finger.

At lawyers dominating between Doli.

At the actors, on the vіdrіzka of Apollo, lie the star of that bent smug of Doli, as if it were on the hump of Jupiter.

Managers have a straight line, a long line of heart, smuga іntuїtsії, furrows on their fingers.

Professions, connected with everyday life and armchairs, symbolizing the fuzzy line of intuition. Vaughn is in the form of a pivkol, stashed between the humpbacks of Mercury and Moon.

About medical benefits to speak of vertically spreading smuga on the hillock of Mercury, which comes out of the hillock of Venus. The doctor has the same genetic characteristic, yak is planted in the view of Venus's hillock and is overwhelmed by the scourge of life.

Sob to appoint a medium, enough to talk, that the swag of intuition made it clear, and the Golovya rice was littered at the Mіsyatsya hillock.


If people feel the songs of emotions, the stench squeezes or squeezes the valleys, so the signs are laid, changing that line, then the stench will be changed for good. It is necessary to look over the line of kar'єri with a stretch of life, vrakhovuychi and between the Share, and Life and the Sun. rozpo_st about car'erne growth and skill to the profession.

Chi є line kar'єri on rutsi? Chiromancy sings that the signs of the obviousness of singing signs, swarms, symbols can be distinguished, which profession suits you best. For additional information, you can find out about your confession.

At the article:

Line kar'єri on rutsi - de vіdshukati?

Like such a line of kar'єri chi robots on the hands are not used. However, palmistry can help to recognize which profession suits people the most. It is also possible to determine if a robot will be successful in a human being.

In the remainder of the rest of the main smoky gloom in the valley, it will help to wield a line of pennies, as it grows near the line of life and go to the fall of some kind of hillock.

  • It is important that you go to the hillock of Jupiter, the career of a person is fast growing and in it you will earn a lot of pennies.
  • If it’s smug to go to the hillock of Saturn, it’s not enough to talk about an important (nibi slave) work. Possibly, you don’t take away that wine-grower, you’ll pay for it.
  • As the line of pennies turns to the Mount of Apollo, it tells about those pennies will easily come to you.
  • If the smuga collapses the hump of Mercury, then earn money on a hedgehog with a rozum pracce.

Find out the profession, what suits you

I have a number of professions, skill to which it is easy to recognize by looking in reality at the hands of a person, or in a photo of one’s hand. Help signify the robot, recognize the share, zoom in on different signs.

Advocate. The presence of Solomon's ring, the line of reason is indistinct, the read of the smoky life, often the same friend, the line of share is clearly dominating.

Actor. floppy, strongly bent, roztashovuєtsya on the hump of Jupiter. ends on the Mound of the Moon. The line of the sun is long, often on the nіy є sign at the sight of the star.

Architect. On the hillocks of Saturn and Jupiter, the line of the heart stretches. The line of intuition is practically unremarkable, the ale line of the head is even more readable.

Banker. Long Smuga on the mountain of Saturn. Lines of share, heart and mind are straight, read, dovg. Quite often they can overthrow the whole valley.

Likar. Vertical folds on the hillock of Mercury. The presence of a genetic smog, as it stretches along the mound of Venus and crosses the smog of life. The line of the head podіlyaє navpіl.

Writer- tovsta, deep that dovga line to the mind oginaє pagorb Mіsyatsya. On the line of the head, you can swing a fork, stashed under the hump of Apollo. The presence of the belt of Venus and various other marks on the line of the heart.

Politician- Under the first finger, the line of the share is shaved, the revealing line of the sun.

Sportsman- Mustache lines are clear, straight, deep. The presence of another smoky life, on the upper bracelet there is a sprat of islands, which make a lancelet.

Judge- The presence of the ring of Solomon, the line of the mind is straight and clear, the line of the heart is roaring on the hillocks of Jupiter.

Vcheniy- Mustache lines are deep, clear, straight. Mіzh itself zadnani liniya rozamu that life, the heart of that head.

teacher- along the line of the heart, the gorge stretches to the hump of Jupiter, the ring of Solomon. The line of the head is equal, or roztashovuєtsya on the hill of Mіsyatsya.

robotic- all lines are importantly short, clear, strong. The line of reason is straightened at the bik pagorba Mіsyatsya.

Sign of a psychic on the valley

Sign of a psychic on the valley

The palmistry is stverzhu, that a lot of people can be paranormally able and vizorunki on their hands to bring them up with their words. It is important that the gift of a psychic can be developed, and then it is necessary to be recognized for this, for someone who directly needs to practice. There are 13 signs for us to speak about the manifestation of a magical gift.

Cross on the first phalanx of the vkazivny finger- this symbol is ahead of the manifestation of paranormal zdіbnosti. Most often, this gift is activated after a strong stress, experience.

Quite often, this symbol can be used in individuals, as if they revealed their marvelous abilities after an accident, or be it some other situation, de bula threat to life. Explore your gift to help propovidnitska diyalnist.

Trikutnik on the other phalanx of the middle finger svіdchit pro skhilnіst to busy occult practices. Individually, even more sensitive to subtle matters, building contact with ghosts.

Vertical lines on the third phalanges- You can base magnetism, charisma. Victory your gift for help, as you can give to other people.

Three smugs on the hillock of Mercury- the “sign of the Samaritans” confirms that a person can become a strong healer or healer. To learn as a profession, if you don’t go to medicine, you can work with various energy technicians.

Island on the belt of Venus- You have a stronger sense and a chance to become a good clairvoyant. Such people are born to read the future, for an exhausting emotional outburst to fall into a trance.

Ring of Jupiter("White Magician") - the main sign of Maystra. Be inspired, for the people you are recognized to help others, direct them to the right path.

Ring of the Black Mage- such people may have a great reserve of strength. The stench may destroy energy, but often do not manage to control it.

Cross of Saint Andreas in the middle of the valley it is hardening that a person is in harmony with himself with that nature, the stench can give other people a treat, like help with life, take care of healing.

Square on the hump of Jupiter- Share you recognized as a spiritual mentor, teacher. You have good oratorical skills and you can correctly present information.

Smuga Izisa- Often you see prophetic dreams, like obov'yazkovo zbuvayutsya. Since there is a small island on this smoothie, it’s not enough to talk about those who can read the thoughts of other people.

Podvіyna smuha zhittya it is also considered a sign of a psychic gift. Such people may have an indefinite supply of energy, which allows them to charge other people with the life forces.

Radial loop on the left finger- a sign of a scanner, it shows itself in the peculiarities of empathy, as it subtly perceives the moods of others and catches it.

Kolo in the lower part of the Mіsyatsya pagorba- An individual with such a little one can succumb to the future, in the past, a little voice of the spirits.

The eye on the hand is a divine sign of the curse?

The eye, which is often roztashovuєtsya on the mountain of Mіsyatsya, is often called "the sign of the witches". For myself, I imagine the following of different lines, as they are folded into the contours of the human eye. Be careful what to human handє such a symbol, tse witness about the presence of special supranatural features.

The presence of such a sign speaks of a strong energy, the presence of various talents. Such people can cheer for the past and future, converse with the souls of the dead, engage in healing. People with such a sign are very rare. The deyakі chiromancy navit sing that when people appear with such a symbol on the valley, they curl up like a thousand people.

Palmistry - a line of intuition

The cієї chimeric curls on the hands have a rich name. It’s important, what’s closer to the tiled side of the hillock Mіsyatsya, it’s more spiritual meaning may. Deyakі chiromancy call її linієyu Іzіdі.

Roztashovuetsya out in the lower part of the hillock Mіsyatsya, after which it collapses uphill, to the hillock of Mercury.

It’s so thin, straight, uninterrupted, it’s not enough to talk about the recognition of a person’s knowledge. Well, it’s so wide, it’s about those that a person can’t show off his intuition, don’t accept signs, like a powerful share.

The presence of smuga on the left hand of a woman to talk about schilnist to palmistry and psychology. As if on the borders of intuition, islands are roaming, not to speak about the strength of extrasensory zdіbnosti.

However, following cym can come different hearing and visual hallucinations. Svіdomіst can be overwhelmed, so that a person will be too rich to be aware and not always able to correctly convey information to those who are distasteful.

In Europe, mayzhe forgotten palmistry has turned into fashion - transferring the proportions of the lines of the hand. Tsim hung up on the staff. And now managers are arrogantly figuring out who could become artists and stars of show business. Also, have you thought about changing your profession? Are you wondering to your heart's content, maybe a palmist's consultation to place the specks over the "i"?

Palmistry. How to find out why are you good?

The simplest method is to recognize one's recognition of vimagatime of deyah vimiryuvan. Place your palm on the arkush paper, open your fingers wide and circle your hand with an olive, with which circle and wrist tezh.

Mark with dots the middle of the thumb and little finger. And now know the center of the middle finger and lower the line in full (you can go through the center of the finger) to the crossbar with the first line. Otriman's cross point is more important. Now connect this point (O) with the middle of the tips of the pointed finger, the ring finger of that little finger. On the wrist, know the thinnest place and draw a line.

Potim kіntsі ієї linії zadnayte z point O. In front of you is an armchair, which is folded from seven vіdrіzkoy - leather from them starts from point O, five will end on the tips of the fingers, and two - on the wrist. Take a line and measure the length of the skin from seven cuts. The result is suggested, in some area of ​​specialization. Physical training is ideal for those who do not have more than 20 hundred miles between the found and the shortest wind.

Palmistry. How to recognize the leader of your knowledge?

The sign of the ker_vnik is the one who found the little one that hits the point Pro with the tip of the thumb. If it’s your option, then it’s easy for the birth of a leader and building to organize whether it’s a start, to inspire people with your ideas, to become a guide for them. Like you have on your armchair a wreath that has a speck on it.

About with the tip of a vkazіvny finger, obviously more, your sphere of activity is the army, law enforcement, security service ... Spiritual activity is the best way, which has found a vіdrіzok — a line from point O to the tip of the middle finger. The choice is wide: culture, art - only trade and not monotonous physical work. As if you have found on your hand a windmill from the point O to the tip of the ring finger, then you must be blamed for your respect, and for your inclinations you are an artist.

And not ob'yazkovo rozsilati fotografii ї studios, smut, schob you were in the center of respect, quarreled with people and called out to them that interest. The sign of a doctor, whose share to help people, even if you don’t start with a scalpel at your hand, is the one who found a wreath on the valley from the point O to the tip of the little finger. Be-yak diyalnіst bring you satisfaction, as if it would be a home for the restless. In trade, banking right, be it as if you see business, no matter what the crisis is, next to go to merchants - Tim, who has found a wreath on an armchair, runs from the point O to the edge of the wrist, closest to the little finger.

Palmistry. Your element is to earn money

Love pennies, and the stench will give you support in return. Have you been trying to get money on the stock exchange? Sovereign service and science is recognized for savings. If one who has found a wreath on the valley - the whole line from the point O to the edge of the wrist under the thumb, then why else is not an official and not an expert? You are not afraid of routine, but you can fight non-government and build a wonderful administrative career.

Palmistry. Important lines

More important features of palmistry respectfully look at the lines on the palms. The top manager of that be-like manager of the greater Lanka should lie in the mother's lap, open the slit line of other rows of lines, the furrows (or the lines of stress) on the tips of the fingers, the long and straight line of the heart that obov'yazkovo liniyu іntu. In successful models, that fashion model has a long line of Sontsya, the numerical lines are more expensive, and the axis of the line of the share is broken.

Politicians will help the visibility of the line of the Sun. The line of the share of the potential president or the minister will end under the first finger, and the straight line will go down for Bupu Jupiter. The one who becomes famous, sings like a great one, can boast of Venus's lower belt and the line of intuition, which fills the perfect shape of a sickle.

The line of the head of the poets hoots the God of the Moon, and the axis of the ring of Apollo is the day. Become a great successor and reach the list of Forbes millionaires of the building of someone who has a strong genetic line and is strong, a clear line of share, and the axis of the line of the head and life in the distance is one and the same. Tim, who wants to switch to freelancing, varto revise, what may be the line of the share of the short. parallel lines, and chi є on the bottom of the numerical line of the Son.

Like all signs on the field - boldly choose the right profession. Well, for the future visionary and clairvoyants sweaty worlds And when the magical salon needs a line of intuition, which will make sure that line of the head is perfected, it is buried in the Hill of M_syatsya.

If you yourself can’t be appointed in any way, then palmistry will help you, they will strengthen you in Europe.

We will be glad to you, as if you were going to see all of these chiromantic numbers, share in the comments: what lines have you spoken correctly?

Appointment of a promising profession from the quadrants of that line of the hand

The appointment of a future profession is important for a skin person. The skin on the right can know your master. Behind the quadrants of the hand, behind the natural elements, a person can choose the right profession for a new profession.

INTO THE FIRE. Perevagi: we give a positive spit on the whimsical, maє zdіbnostі kerіvnika, willingly rizikuє i love peremagati, thoughts vyslovlyuє for the help of good practiced movement, spritny and shvidky. Nedoliki: badly coping with unprepared personnel and richly rubbish depriving the posture of respect.

WATER. Perevagi. Nedoliki: not coping with busyness, like folding management, sprat lazy and passive, like having to deal with physical practice.

profession: furniture designer or clothes, fashion designer, artist, doctor, make-up artist, singer, writer, palmist, clairvoyant, healer, healer, social practitioner.

EARTH. Perevagi: practical and practical, vidpovidalny, conservative, love to engage in physical practice, stay at one’s own goals and bazhannyah, live well in a team, building good practice in a team. Nedoliki: unikaє whether there are any changes, weakly broken awake.

profession: budіvelnik, artist, sculptor, boxer, craftsman, engineer, farmer, gardener, mechanic, surgeon-veterinarian, forester, musician.

It is not uncommon for a fortune-teller to fly on his valley, and it is true: lines, humps, signs and symbols. Often you are surrounded by the simplest self-deception. However, the possibility of the fact that a person, having come up with a more less favorable forecast for himself, does not include the possibility of putting himself under the blow of a share. At the thought of chiromancers, the payment for the wrong forecast, irrespective of his nature, sometimes becomes zhorstokoy. So listen to the thoughts of fahivtsiv and be respectful of your share for additional analysis of the lines and humpbacks of the valley.

REVIEW. Perevagi: logical in one's actions and words, last, intellectually deciphering, organizing the power of action, planning the action and always achieving the necessary result. Building pratsyuvati until the end, but for the mind, what will be the city. Nedoliki: do not build a good deal with us, it’s important for me to deal with rude people.

profession: programmer, critic, detective, engineer, mechanic, journalist, graphic designer, playwright, winemaker, philosopher, producer, director, politician.

If a person knows about those, what kind of activity is given the best, what profession is the most suitable, as it seems, closer to the spirit, it is easier to look into to the current world, so unsteady that it changes constantly, unreasonable.

For the results of bagatorichnyh warnings, palmistry went to the visnovka, that the hands of short and thin fingers are shy until the manifestation of strengths in the sphere of administrative, social management. Such a person does not lakaє vіdpovіdalіnіst, priynyattya rіznіh rіshenі, vmіє cope with difficulties and vykonuє danі obіtsyanki. The most promising profession for Vlasniks with thin and short fingers will be the director of a great enterprise, an administrator, a senior manager of an insurance company, and a firm's clerk.

People who seem to be too short and thick fingers, as a rule, are practical in character. Vlasniki such hands often show their lives with the professions of a mechanic, agronomist, farmer, practitioner in the field of trade.

Long fingers to talk about those that their volodar є people can achieve calm, vrіvnovazhennoy, smilny show the turbota of well-wishing people, vin m'yaky at occasions with close friends, accepting at splkuvanni. Such a person is self-critical and marvels at the central point of the problem, develops a viable vysnovka and praises the rest of the solution. The best professions for people with long fingers are a salesperson, a cashier, an accountant, in order to be in the sphere of activity, so that they can communicate with people and behave with capital.

Lyudina, who has a long, knotty shape in her arms, even thinner and dry fingers, may have an analytical warehouse of reason. The best professions for such a person will be the profession of a scientist, a scientific child, a senior, a tester.

With long and thick fingers, people are waving, closely tied to the mystic. Such a person is a creative specialty, like a maє tsіkavu speciality: competently cherished by lonely people. Tsya zdatna zdatna remember a mistake in a robot, know the problem area, think over the ways to solve the problem and make the right decision. Such people become the most successful winemakers, playwrights, witnesses, as well as political and religious leaders.

Sometimes you can look like a life finger at the anniversary masters and jewelers. It is explained by the fact that a person with such fingers behind the character is even more tolerant and sedentary, and also builds a good hour with even more detailed details, bringing his work to perfection.

In order to find out about your professional recognition, you need to take a great arkush paper, a pen and a line. It is necessary to put a palm on the sheet, spread your finger (yaknaishirshe) and circle the brush and wrist with a line. Then it is necessary to mark the center of the thumb and little finger with dots. Then we know the center of the middle finger and we draw a line leading to the center to the crossbar with the first line, which we saw. It is necessary to put a point A at points їх the line. Then, on the wrist, it is necessary to know the thinner place and draw the line again. І nareshti kіntsі tsієї linії necessariy z'єdnati z point A. If everything was broken up correctly, then as a result, 7 vіrіzkіv can appear, yak coming out of point A, and end on the tips of the fingers (kryasіm on two, stink). Now it is necessary to reduce the mustache. If the difference between the smallest and longest breaks is no more than 20%, then you can be included in the group of "workers". As the largest airlock hit point A and the tip of the thumb, you lie down to the “rulers” group.

According to the lines, baptized by the very Share on our dolons, still with the people, you can name who we were judged to be for fah.

As well as the largest vyyavivsya vіdrіzok, scho z'ednuє point A with a pointed finger, you lie down to the class "warrior". Those who can find a line going to the center of the middle finger can call themselves “spiritual leaders”. It is the largest cross point that hits the point A and the tip of the ring finger, the birth of the "artist". As soon as you found the line, go to the little finger, your call to become a "doctor". For that one, who, as if he had found, had an eyeball at point A to the edge of the wrist (closer to the little finger), you are a “merchant”. Like the one who found it - tse vіdіzok vіd point A to the edge of the wrist (above the thumb), you can be called a “okhoronets”.

Father, as a “ruler”, then, you have strong leadership qualities, you have the power to lead people after you. Given this, it’s not a fact that a person with such inclinations will be a politician and a lot of high land. It’s quite possible that one is a practical animator, it’s more savage those who love one and are able to consort with people in such a rank that one can recognize the stench of a new leader. People who belong to the category of "workers" are worthy of victorious will of others. Well, I know, "robit worker" - does not mean that a person will spend all his life at a workbench or proprate in the field. Vіn can hug the kerіvnu posada, prote feel calmly and new ideas of wine can not be given. As your call to become a “warrior” - it means that you are being shaken by a quick reaction to the ground, that you are awake, and you are always ready to enter the battle, whether the battle is real or the situation on the robots is foldable.

Those who can call themselves spiritual leaders can confidently say that for them the most important thing in life is not material goods, but spiritual values. If you are an "artist", then you should better lead a bohemian way of life, profession, as if you should be sedentary, smoky, such people do not go. In that case, as if you were a “likar”, then your call to become a helper to your loved ones on all the right of those initiatives.

If you are a "merchant", then your element is the world of finance, be it as you see it. Be a banker, a broker - the axis is your share. Well, if you have saved yourself up to "defense", then it's best to try yourself on the thorns of science. Your call to save the correct order of speeches.

Administrator, manager

The head signs of the well-placed hillocks of Jupiter and Mercury.

The fingers on such a hand are short, there are clearly pronounced philosophical knots, the little finger is smooth and ma square shape, which points to those that in this people are mortgaged by nature to organizational zdіbnosti. The nails are short.

Professions related to scientific activity

Miraculously repenting the hump of Saturn, dosit clearly expressions of the hump of Mercury. At the bіk pagorba of Mercury, there are straightened needles that go into the line of the Head. Additional signs in the line of Life take your cob of the line of the Son. The great finger of the great rosemary.

Professions related to philosophy

The line of the Share ends on the territory of the hillock of Saturn, what to speak about those who are people of philosophical thought.

Professions related to medicine and chemistry

The most important sign of these professions are those who have little needles in the line of Mercury straightened at the beak hillock of Jupiter.


There are strongly dispersed philosophical and material knots on the fingers. Such a sign is evidence of the fact that in this people there is a strong craving for mathematics.

applied science

Like the middle finger of Saturn in the people of goodness, in addition, the wine is smooth, it’s not enough to talk about those who in the city of people are smart to applied sciences.

Professions related to natural science

As in humans, the eye-catching finger of Jupiter has a square shape, it is not enough to talk about those who are in close interplay with nature.

Cultivation, farming

Saturn's hillock turns sharply, Saturn's line ends with the Saturn's hillock, in the Mercury line there are little streaks, like at the side of Saturn's hillock.

Administrator, manager

Professions related to scientific activity

Professions related to philosophy

Business and banking on the right

The miraculous rise of the hump of Mercury. The upper phalanx of Jupiter's eye-catching finger is clearly pronounced, which is a sign of building before analysis.

Additional signs: the ring finger is practically of the same kind, like the middle finger, it is a sign that this person is smart, slender to the point of excitement, love rizikuvati. The little finger is smooth and has a square shape - it’s not enough to talk about organizational features. On the hillock of Mercury there are vertically laid out lines.

Professions related to the sphere of art

On the hill of Sontsya (Apollo), which stands for the development of talents and creative vibes, there is a sign at the chi square.

Additional signs: line Sontsya take your cob in the line of the share or line of the bracelet, ruffled on the wrist.

Professions related to medicine and chemistry

The fingers are smooth and may have a shovel-like shape, with widened, troch flattened tips, the thumb and ring finger Sontsya wide. The line of the head protrudes and ends on the lines of the bracelet.

Vikladatska activity, lecturers, promoters

Kindly forgive the hump of Mercury. Between the lines of the Head of that Life, two are small, but to finish the drawings clearly pronounced - it’s not enough to talk about those people who are gifted with the art of garno to speak, having filled the whirlwinds with their garno and literate language.

Professions related to the appearance of brown copalins, alarm clocks

On the hump of Saturn, there is a sign at the sight of the stake. On the hump of Saturn, the line of the Share ends - it is a sign that these people will be successful in the land on the right, as well as on the right, which may make a connection with everyday life.


applied science

Professions related to natural science

Cultivation, farming

Business and banking on the right

Professions related to the sphere of art

Vikladatska activity, lecturers, promoters

Carrier of great enterprises, director of the company

The fingers on the hands are short and may have a clearly pronounced square shape. The line of Mercury is supra-linguistically strongly deranged. The line of Sontsya is clearly pronounced. People with such signs on their shoulders can become good diggers.


In the line of the Heart to pass the ridge at a straight line to the hump of Saturn. Line Golovi on the valley is straight and dosit dovg.

Additional signs: the line of Doli is clearly marked. The line of the Heart is shifting across the bottom.


Pagorb Mіsyatsya rozvineny vіdmіnno і on dotik shіlniy. The ring finger is smooth and has a square shape. On the hillock of Mercury there is a sign at the sight of the cross chi zirka. On the hill of Sontsya (Apollo), the line of Doli ends. The line of the Sun will end on bracelets. Fingers old.

Professions related to the appearance of brown copalins, alarm clocks

Good rozviny pagorb Mіsyatsya. On the Hill of Sontsya, the Doli line ends. Additional signs: the thumb is small. The other fingers are long, smooth, conical in shape.

Yaskravo vrazhenі material and philosophic vuzliki. At the lower part of the hillock Mіsyatsya there are impersonal different lines.


The line of the Son is subliminal - it indicates to those that a person is gifted with building to music, may have a miraculous ear for music.

Additional signs: wide ring finger, other long fingers, smooth, sharp.


The upper phalanx of the great toe has a finite shape - it tells about the talent to keep the soul of a person, as well as about zdіbnostі to spіvperezhivannya. The upper phalanx of the showy finger is clearly pronounced. The fingers are square in shape, nails are short.

Carrier of great enterprises, director of the company








The other phalanx at the great toe is lower than the upper. On the hump of Jupiter, you can see the sign of the trikutnik. On the hillock of Mercury there is a star chi cross.

On the brightly curved hump of Jupiter, there is a tricutnik or a square, which symbolizes the path to power. On the hump of Mercury there is a sign at the star's eye.


Fingers dovgі that mayut final shape. The finger of Saturn is smooth, which testifies to the presence of mystetsky talent. On the hillock of Sontsya there is a sign at the looking square. At the bik pagorba of the Sontsya, a small tree passes through the line of Doli.

Additional signs: the line of the Sun look like a line of bracelets, ruffled on the wrist.


Actor's mastery

The other phalanx of the great toe is already the same as the upper phalanx - to tell about the building different roles. Fingers make a final shape. The finger of Saturn is smooth, which is an indicator of calling from the sphere of science. Line Sontsya take your cob in the bracelet lines. On the hillock of Sontsya there is a sign at the looking square.


In the line of the Heart, the needles appear and straight at the beak hillocks of Jupiter and Saturn. Slightly commemorative line of Intuition.


The middle finger may have a bulging shape. On the hump of Mіsyatsya there is a sign at the lookout trikutnik, which symbolizes a practical mind.


The ring finger is smooth and has a shovel-like shape, the third phalanx of the dovg, making it possible to create sculptures. Fingers dovgі, vuzluvatі, mayut konіchnu form.


Actor's mastery






On the hump of Saturn, there is a clear sign at the sight of the stake. The Line of Share ends on the hillock of Saturn.


On the hillock Mіsyatsa roztashovani horizontal lines that go along the edge of the valley. Along the line of Mercury, there was a chrysanthemum, which would pass on the territory of the hillock Mіsyatsya. The soft hand, the fingers of the troch are flattened.

Professions related to military service

On the hump of Mars, there is a sign at the lookout for trikutnik - a sign to talk about battle glory. In the line of Mercury, a little tree appears at the beak hillock of Mars. The fingers form a shovel-like shape. The line of the head falls on the bracelet lines.

Professions related to military service

Professions related to religious activity, priest



Professions related to religious activity, priest

On the hump of Saturn, the line of Doli ends. The upper phalanx of the great finger of the dovg is a sign that a person can become a religious priest.

On the hump of Mercury, there are little trees in the line of Mercury, as if to speak about the gift of rejoicing. On the hillock of Mercury there are short vertical lines, which are called medical stigmata.

Like in the lower phalanxes of all fingers, there is a lot of sweat, it is a sign of grace to culinary arts.

Lawyer, attorney, investigator

Fingers may have a square shape and short nails. On the valley and the ring of Solomon. The line of the head is clear, bright, straight.

Lawyer, attorney, investigator

From the book Secrets of Chinese Medicine. 300 meals about qigong. author Housheng Lin

58. What is called the method of relaxing behind three lines (sanxian fangsong). How to practice yoga is one of the ways to achieve the harmony of the heart. After praising the correct position, it is necessary to calm your feelings and, mentally dividing the body along three lines, relax,

3 books Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergiy Oleksiyovich

3.1.3. Professions Ascendant at the sign of Aries indicates on the organizational zdіbnosti and exercise of power. Aries are kind organizers, kerivniki, bosses, commanders. It’s important to beat the pantel, the stink of a strong will, and the unabashed mind of a scientific or philosophical warehouse, up to

From the book Encyclopedia of Chiromantics: Your share is like on the valley author Makiev A. V.

3.4.3. Professions In youth, Cancers are free to work, tied to trips and other travel agencies. Otriman in his youth, the profession most often does not know zastosuvannya, Cancer jokes to himself, to that change in this galuzi, dots are expected, docks do not seem to be right

From the book Jewish World [The most important knowledge about the Jewish people, its history and religion (litres)] author Telushkin Joseph

3.5.3. Professії Robot Lviv, as a rule, is associated with organization, caring, carpentry. They occupy key positions in industry, in state service, in military districts, in the commercial sector, in the textile industry, in the trade in perfumery and

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4.2.2. Professions Persh for all professions related to fire, mechanisms, machines, metal and armor, as well as planting stones.

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4.3.2. Professions Meridian at the sign of Taurus gives two head straight lines. First - natural sciences, technology, applied sciences and craft, and the other - humanities, art, applied art and art craft. Ale artistic chi

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4.6.2. Professions Be-yak organization activities, management, ceramics. Sovereign service, politics, administrative apparatus, army, aviation, navy; criminalistics, secret police. Commercial activities, textile industry, galleys, which are vibrated

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4.7.2. Professions Commercial and government activities: finance, economics, accountants, clerks, cashiers, registrars, secretaries, dispatchers, technologists, practitioners of insurance companies, various bureaus and offices, businesses. Press organizations, editors,

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4.8.2. Professions Jurisprudence: lawyers, judges, attorneys, legal advisers and others.

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4.9.2. Professions Military service, law enforcement and control agencies, intelligence service, state security agencies, army intelligence, military fleet, military units, tax police, secret military intelligence. criminality,

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4.11.2. Professions Sovereign service, law enforcement and control bodies, politics

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4.12.2. Professions Professions related to auto-motor equipment, aircraft, spacecraft, electrical engineering, high-frequency electrical communication, electronic and numerical, radio and television and space technology, as well as the field of education.

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4.13.2. Professions Sovereign service, departments, administration, ministries and authorities. Rozvіduvalna service, private rozshuk, secret activity, secret organizations, sects and other similar organizations.

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Appreciation of health for the quadrants of the hand brown information about healthy skin people. The hand takes care to reach a great number of signs and warnings about the different illnesses, like a person already

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9. “The voice is the voice of Yaakov, and the hands are the hands of Esau” (Breishit, 27:22) One of the most problematic episodes of Tori from the moral side is Jacob's deception of his blind father Yitzhak. Yitzhak was more fond of the eldest, Esau, the first of the two twin brothers, who lived in the womb. Druzhina

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