Robots vs monsters. Robot games. Renault F1 Team. Parallels - converge! French line, urivchasta

Oh, how you want, that the future has come sooner! Robotic games will help you get close to Yogo. Even games about robots for boys - this is a miracle training in cooperation with the race of piece intelligence! Krim tsgogo, іgri Roboti - tse miraculous way to have fun. Take a look at the future and have fun with smart cars at once, it’s awkward - you can work on our site right now!

Who are robots

About robots and those who check on us beautifully tomorrow after they appear, there have already been a lot of films and a lot of books have been written. The first games of Roboti appeared long ago before the winemaking of today's computers, and since that hour, the manifestation of people about these "metal people of the future" has not changed much. All we want to do is to indulge mechanical assistants, to walk with their own dogs in the streets of the city, to go to special robot clubs, or maybe to shut up and turn up the cars.

Actually, checks are not necessary anymore. Aje roboti has been among us for a long time, and we practically do not omit their presence and do not realize that the final future has already arrived. H, on the right, not in the fact that, like in the films "Elektronik", the robots are too similar to people and are not remembered in a flashy mask. Navpaki, modern robots are not similar to people - but at the same time nothing matters to make our lives easier.

In a broad sense of the word, before the robot can be seen whether the technology is automated. І pralny machine, what is standing in your house, і crane on the automatic line for folding passenger cars - all work! And the round boxes of robots-pilosos are merrily running around the booth, and rightly so, they are alive. Ale, no hands, no no, no, there are no more collapsible mutually based on electronic emotions, they don’t have: vtim, nothing seems that the development of robotics is buzzing on pylons!

Progress does not stand on the spot!

More close to the classic ones scientific centers world. In front of the planet, everything is Japan: there have not only appeared there, but for sale robotic dogs, which are bought by self-made people of a frail age. Electronic home wihovants not only can beat the functions of the leaders (for which they were created on the back), but also make them grow up to the master and “love” the lords.

Well, if you talk about human-like robots (the stench itself - the main heroes, be it a grie about robots), then don’t shy away from them as a whole. Then they are engaged in the production of okremikh robotic parts of the body, for example, hands or nig. І vikoristovuyutsya stench in a different way! Here, automatic fingers serve to help people in other routine robots for the selection of details, and here they serve as "reasonable" prostheses.

Behind the great rahunka, there are no more daily transitions for the creation of a robot on the outside of the human growth. Axis only zastosuvan for such outbuildings is still dumb! Costly stench is expensive, but in terms of functionality, they will not greatly outperform cheap, but not human-like models. Adzhe, until the problem of developing an all-round piece of intelligence has not been solved, the dreams of science fiction have not been judged anyway.

However, don’t be too embarrassed! Aje, while we still don’t have any right robots, we can enjoy movies and books about them, play free online games about robots and enjoy yourself virtual conversations z timi, who will no longer become a part of our everyday life.

Rebuilding machines: why did you create a piece of intelligence?

If Jules Verne in the 19th century, having described underwater huts and spaceships, the fellows just laughed at yoga fantasies. Bach, movlyav, the people have grown up - and yet the fools see. And the more they gave a glimpse of technical progress, the less readers laughed at the riddles of science fiction writers: after a few hours they became real. A letter, maybe, and not a building creation, it is technically new, on the authority of a great engineer, but still, it can still be done.

It is not for nothing that most authors of science fiction literature agree on one thing: if the development of piece intelligence continues farther away, the rise of machines will be inevitable. Echoed by one of the most authoritative events of his life, Stephen Hawking. At its own article, as it recently appeared, the people are ahead of the people about the unsafe development of intellectual technologies, even if no one can let it go, it’s not possible to bring up some legacy.

We called vikoristovuvaty computers, gadgets and other electronic equipment as a cost-free working force. It was mindful, it would be marvelous to behave with a counting machine, as if from a living life, endowed with feelings and free will! Ale, the development of a piece of intellect is just like a step-by-step approach of a “myslennya” machine to a human one ... Who can say where to lie between simple logic and right mind? Why not bring these experiments to the creation of not a simple intellect, but a correct knowledge? And how can we suddenly understand, if it happens, that now our electronic servants do not follow the program embedded in them, but satisfy themselves with special features?

Another problem is inevitably the vindication of the industrial race - like robots / like people. Even now, you can replace your arm and leg with a robotic prosthesis. And how, after a few dozen years, it’s possible to heal a person’s illness by installing his piece of slug? Heart? Chi ... piece brain?

Vtіm, while scho dosi live and live! It’s good to go through those that haven’t happened yet, maybe it won’t happen? You need to live today, and today you can play at the miracle game of Roboti, the best of all selected on our site! Bezkoshtovnі online games about robots allow you to spend more than one tedious evening at the hour when the robots will alienate us in reality!

Category roboti - Original name Missing Circuits

Playful maidanchik of performances on a two-world battlefield, where the main character is on one side, and alien monsters are on the other side. Coristuvach can be scrambled with bags, as if it is necessary to throw at the enemies, with which the number of samples is fringed. The more you aim to be a kid, the more chances you have to find a monster at a time.

Cream of monsters, shells can knock out gears, roztashovani in the playing field, like dodatkovі points in grі. At the world, the slipping of equals, the monsters are growing larger, their rotting is changing, which affects the gravity of the stagnation of different strategies.

The functional ability of the gris allows you to chirp with a sound suduct, start a shoulder, and also move with rivulets. Kіntseva meta gri - pick up all the spare parts for the spaceship and help the robot turn back home.


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