Currentzis sim'ї. Teodor currentzis, the squad is a special life. television and virtual communication

The world knows the impersonal talents of the conductors, the building ones, with the wave of a stick, raise up the whole orchestra, which bestows the world with miraculous music. Today's mova pide about a young, bright, gifted conductor. Yogo's name is Teodor Currentzis. Vin wins the respect of the public not only with his virtuoso thunder and creative achievements, but also with his extraordinary specialness.

De b'appearing a rosy brunette - all respect switches only to the new one, pochinayuchi in a weak state, and ending with the paparazzi. The life of a talented person makes the theater - always unstoppable, creative, with a mass of behind-the-scenes intrigues, extraordinary podias, turning and unreproducible vchinkivs.

Childhood in Greece

In Athens, on the 24th of February 1972, a new star blew up in the sky, a boy appeared with the unimaginable name Theodore.

From the very first day of life, the little one will be tightly intertwined with music. The fathers loved playing the violin and the pianoforte. Choyno child bleeped chotiri rocky, the stench began to lead її to employment, de juniy gift taking lessons on the keyboard instrument. Not so rich an hour passed, and before that, learning to play the violin came.

The boy virіs pіd the sounds of classical music. Mother woke up the son with a piano sound. Vaughn herself reported her hand to the development of creative, musical specialty. A year later, the woman became a vice-rector at the Athens Conservatory.

Theodore's younger brother can also be directly related to music. At the moment, we store various compositions and live in Prague.

child prodigy

By right, Currentzis is called a genius. At the fifteenth century, the lad graduated from the Faculty of Theory at the Athens Conservatory, and only after one year - having completed the course of training in stringed instruments. Everything in Yogo's hands was burning and convulsing, the instrument was loving the young gift, on which he gave Yoma in return.

After graduating from the conservatory, Theodor started to take vocal lessons. In 1990, talented musicians create nothing else, like an orchestra, moreover, they have their own power, which plays chamber music. Teodor independently coached and picked up the team's repertoire. first time in such young vice. Orchestra of Teodor Currentzis waking up the whole chotiri rocky.

After the conductor diyshov vysnovku, scho vіn pererіs vzhe tsey rіvenі i yoma it is necessary to continue the training in order to reach new musical peaks.

Navchannya near St. Petersburg

1994 Rock Theodore comes to the cultural capital with important decisions to support his master and talent. I would like to take Yogo on the course of Illi Musin to the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

Conductor of all the world vodomim im'yam talk about the child prodigy with pride and suffocation. Currentzis stverzhuє, that everything that the wine has reached, the merit of this brilliant teacher.

Needless to say, the young Greek choked on the music of Russian composers, constantly hearing and listening.

At the process of training, Theodore had an internship in one of the St. Petersburg orchestras under Yuri Temirkanov's ceremonial work. If so, the lad will be promoted in a number of orchestras of the cultural capital.


After graduating from the conservatory, the young conductor Teodor Currentzis again denounces Russian life, de panning the grandeur of Music.

We start practicing with such virtuosos like Volodymyr Spivakov, as well as playing with the national orchestra and taking part in a grandiose international tour.

The І new turn in the career of Curezentis, the robot conductor at the Moscow Theatre, was successful in winning two productions by the great G. Verdi.

Root of peaks

Varto guess and about the number of festivals in which Theodore took part. Vіn pіdkoriv musical peaks of Moscow and Bangkok, as well as spicy Miami, cold London and exotic Colmar.

For twenty years of his creative career, conductor Teodor Currentzis has played with orchestras in more and less than thirty countries throughout the backcountry of the earth. The dancers hooted and repeatedly called out for an encore to the gifted people, suffocating with bunches of bouquets, stomping the concert hall near them.

In 2009, the role is a talented musician, a permanent guest at the Great Theatre, and since 2011, Teodor is the head conductor of the Perm Theater.

Siberia and creativity

In 2003, the band of musicians succumbed to the understated Novosibirsk, de you should put on a ballet under the name "Fairy's Kiss".

Potim nova creative robot behind the works of Morzart, J. Rossin, K. V. Gluck.


Yaskrave the life of the director is spovnene nagorod and zdobutkіv. The Theodor Currentzis collection has five Golden Mask awards.

Let's not forget about the Stroganov Prize.

In 2008, roci - wellness to the Order of Friendship.

Teodor Currentzis: Sim'ya

It's not amazing what yaskrava specialty to cackle the stunners of great talent. Tim is better, that Theodore is namingly amiable.

It is necessary to say that the leader of the world knows them to love talking with the representatives of the press and do not hesitate, tell them about the details, that they are worthy of a special life, then plan for the near future of creativity.

And one day, the journalists’ food is constantly littered with the incomprehensible - chi friends of talents are red chi. There are a lot of tiles and a little bit of food to walk around, but there is no exact information in anyone.

It is reliable to see that Theodore had a prick of friendship. In its time, the heart of a young lad was reprimanded by a miraculous dancer, that fine ballerina from the Mariinsky Theater. Your name is Julia Makhalina. Tsei zirkovy blows once having turned his respect to himself. Teodor Currentzis and Yuliya Makhalina became the subject of a press review. The cultural life of St. Petersburg has yet another memory of friendship.

The ballerina chimalo zusil vitratil on those, schob pіdtremuvat v_domoy cholovіka, ruhayuchi yogo kar'єrnimi descents. The girl helped people with everything, moreover, at the time of her acquaintance with Theodore, she was trying to finish the popular specialty.

Unfortunately, Teodor Currentzis and Yuliya Makhalina were at once short-lived, the hats fell apart.

What is the heart of Currentzis at once? Unseen. One thing we know for sure, he is young, smart and neymovirno talented. And in novels to you they attribute an indistinguishable quantity, the director himself does not tell about the greater number of them.

House of Teodor Currentzis

The place of residence of creative people is located in one of the most prestigious districts of the city. Veliky budinok adding a sponsor to the theater for the conductor, who generously gave yogo to Theodore from his side.

The interior of the mansion was occupied by Natalka Barb'є, who works as an editor of the leading magazine "Mezonin". Vaughn decided that the musician should be put to the acoustics in a hasty way. Yogo's booth has a faceless installation that belongs to the Classe trademark.

The girl knew that the design of Currentzis' booth was the first thing to be known. If you want, judging by the luxurious atmosphere and the unique decor, it is important to believe.

Everyone who honors Theodore's booths, talk about his enigmaticity, insincerity, and also about those who are all reminiscent of love for music.

From now on, information about the blind, ingenious conductor with a subtle soul and divine willpower has become three times more. I would like to encourage the talented musicians to rush forward, to get well-deserved rewards and to please the numerical chandeliers in a virtuoso thunder like classical works, so it will work for the young talents.

Three years later he learned the pianoforte, seven years he took lessons on the violin, and after five years he joined the Theoretical Faculty and the Faculty of String Instruments at the Greek Conservatory in Athens.

1987 graduated from the Theoretical Faculty of the Greek Conservatory, 1989 - Faculty of String Instruments.

In 1988-1989, he took vocals at the Greek Conservatory with Professor D. Arivas, continued his studies at the Athens Academy with Professor K. Paskalias, and later took the master class of G. Gabor.

1990 rock fell asleep chamber orchestra in Athens.

From 1994 to 1999, he began conducting with Illi Musin at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory. As a conductor, she took part in the concert programs of the Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater.


Since 1999, he has become an assistant conductor to the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra under the management of Yuri Temirkanov.

Currentza regularly performs with the Moscow Virtuoso Orchestra, the Great Symphony Orchestra (BSO), the Russian National Orchestra (RNO), the State Academic Symphony Orchestra (DASO), the orchestra " Nova Russia". With the “Pratum Integrum” orchestra, which united the best Russian victors of ancient music on historical instruments, preparing, victorating, and taking part in the recording of the CD of the first Russian symphony - “Symphony in C-dur” by Maxim Berezovsky. Since 2003, he has been the permanent conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia (NPR).

Repeatedly performing at festivals near Colmar, Bangkok, Carton, London, Ludwigsburg, Miami.

Directed by Oleksandr Shchetinsky (libretto by A. Parina) at the premiere of the Russian opera vistavi "Slipa Lastivka" at Lokkumi (Nimechchina) as part of the 2002 rock music festival.

In July 2003, he acted as director of the ballet "Fairy's Kiss" by Igor Stravinsky at the Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (NGATOiB) (choreographer Alla Sigalova).

In the year 2004, he was director-producer, having staged Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Aida" at the NDATOIB (director Dmitro Chernyakov). Vistava Bula was awarded the Golden Mask award.

Since May 2004, the rock is a music maker and the main conductor of the NDATOIB. At the same time, on the basis of the theater, having created the chamber orchestra Musica Aeterna Ensemble and the choir The New Siberian Singers, they specialize in the gallery of historical viconavism.

In 2005 and 2006, the concert victories of the operas Dido and Aeneas by G. Purcell, Orpheus and Euridice by K. V. Gluck (with the editorial office of G. Berlioz), “Thus Sharing Everything”, “Vesilla Figaro”, “Don Giovanni » Mozart, 2007 - “Popelyushka” by J. Rosin.

At the beginning of the 2006-2007 season, I reappeared as director-producer of NDATOiB performances - "Vesilla Figaro" (stage director - Tetyana Gyurbach) and "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District" (stage director - Genrikh Baranovsky).

In the autumn of 2006, the fate of the middle of the young children of culture was the spivorganizer of the festival of modern art "Territory".

Within the framework of the project “Brought to Svyatoslav Richter” on 20 March 2007, Teodor Currentzis presented Verdi’s “Requiem” to the public, changing the interpretation and bringing the instrument warehouse closer to that which sounded at the premiere in 1874.

In April 2007, the NDATOIB “Popelyushka” became a laureate of the National Theater Award “Golden Mask”. Teodor Currentzis, conductor and musical composer of the ballet, was awarded with a special jury prize “For the well-being of the score by S. S. Prokofiev”.

Let's embrace the interest in the music of the composers of the Baroque era and classicism, in the distance surmising the authentic vikonavstvo at the gallery, Teodor Currentzis in his creativity attaches great respect to the music of our days. For the rest of the year, the director created over 20 world premieres of works by Russian and foreign authors.

In the 2007-2008 season, the Moscow Philharmonic presented a personal subscription "Theodor Currentzis Conductor", concerts of which were a resounding success.

At the red 2008 making his debut at the Paris National Opera as director of G. Verdi's opera Don Carlos. In breasts 2008 having acted as a music composer for the production of G. Verdi's opera "Macbeth" - a joint project of the Novosibirsk Opera Theater and Ballet and the Paris National Opera. April 2009 the premiere with great success took place near Paris.

Decree of the President of Russia Dm. Medvedev dated November 29, 2008 Teodor Currentzis among the children of culture - the inhabitants of foreign powers - were awarded the Order of Friendship.

Іz Season 2009-2010 years. Teodor Currentzis is the director of the Sovereign Academic Great Theater of Russia. At the fall of the leaves 2009 On the New Stage of the Great Underground Artist Teodor Currentzis, the premiere performances of O. Berg's opera "Wozzeck" (staged by Dm. Chernyakov) were staged.

In sichni 2011 appointments to the planting of the artist's ceremonial worker of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after Tchaikovsky. At the same time, a part of the musicians in the Musica Aeterna Ensemble moved to Perm.


2009 - featured in the biographical drama I. Khrzhanovsky "Dau" - the role of Lev Landau is victorious.

Among the talented conductors, who bestow light music, Teodor Currentzis is especially admired. This enchanting artist wins the respect of the public not only with his virtuoso thunder, but also with creative achievements. If a rosy brunette does not show up - all respect inevitably shifts only to the new one, pochinayuchi in a weak state and ending with the cіkavimi paparazzi.

Childhood and youth

Teodor Currentzis was born on February 24, 1972 near the capital of Greece - Athens. From the first day of Theodore's life was closely intertwined with music. The fathers of the future artist, like only a child, sang the chotiri rocks, sent their beloved child to a music school. There, the young mastered the azi gris on keyboard instruments, and for a little rock they knew the mystery of the sound of the violin.

Talented conductor viris under the sounds of classical music. It seems that mother woke up the son with a piano sound. Batko, who worked as a vice-rector at the Athens Conservatory, pinned Currentzis's love to the ilusory world of sounds. In addition, the young brother of the conductor also took up life with music, becoming a composer.

At the 15th century, Theodore graduated from the theoretical faculty of the Greek Conservatory, and through the river completed a course on learning to play string instruments. Everything in Theodore's hands burned and twisted. The instruments loved the youthful gift, on which they gave them back. After the end of the conservatory, the young man started to take vocal lessons.

Teodor Currentzis with father and brother

1990 rock talented musician organized his own orchestra, which plays chamber music. Theodore independently trained and selected the repertoire for the members of the team, waking up some of the rocks. After the conductor diyshov vysnovku, scho you need to continue the training in order to reach new heights.

Few people know, but a Greek, living in Athens, choking on the music of Russian composers, constantly listening and watching. It is not surprising that in 1994 the conductor came to the cultural capital of Russia from important decisions to support his master and talent. From that river, the brilliant musician was immediately taken on the course of Illi Musin to the conservatory of St. Petersburg. It can be seen that Teodor was trained by the St. Petersburg orchestra of Yuri Temirkanov.

Young Teodor Currentzis and Illya Musin

Varto signify that the speakers of Currentzis already prophesied the child prodigy of the great future, talking about the new in a positive way. Among the representatives of ZMI, the artist has repeatedly shown that everything that he has reached is the merit of his wise mentors. Having graduated from the conservatory, the young conductor dropped his head from the robot.

The virtuoso sang with the national orchestra for a long time, with the help of the national orchestra, with the help of the wines, having visited the international tour. Let's sweat the robot with an orchestra named after the famous world dear to the lands of the USA, Bulgaria and passionately loved Greece. A new turn in the career of Currentzis was the robot conductor at the Moscow Theatre, where Teodor played two productions of the great.


In an hour of caring, Theodore saw a great number of festivals and competitions, as well as playing a couple of dozens of different light and Russian works.

The Music Aeterna orchestra and the chamber choir New Siberian Singers, created by Teodor, appeared for an hour as a conductor in Novosibirsk. Tsі musical associations became known all over the world, and trips with ledges added more than a thousand people to the army of chanulers in the work of Currentzis.

With these collectives, Theodore at a different hour created a concert vicon of the operas Dido and Aeneas (Henry Purcell), Orpheus and Eurydice (Christoph Gluck), So Shall All (), Vesilla Figaro (Wolfgang Mozart), Don Juan "(Wolfgang Mozart)," Popelyushku "().

In September 2011, Theodore's rock was assigned to the planting of the artistic ceremonial worker of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Apparently, at the same time, some of the musicians in the Music Aeterna orchestra moved from Perm. After whom Currentzis staged the opera "Iolanta" at the Royal Theater in Madrid.

Work on the territory Russian Federation continue dosi. Theodore himself repeatedly showed that he would be left here forever. Yogo pulled up to Russian music, the folklore of the floor is penetrating, that it is to fill the edges, that it has become familiar to you, wine is not possible.

Life Specialist

Varto signify that on the vіdmіnu vіd bolshostі zіrok, the conductor from the all-world vіdomiy іm'yam іz satisfied with the representatives of the press, telling the journalists the details of the special life of that plan in the nearest future.

It is reliable to see that Theodore is friendly. In his hour, the heart of a young lad was reprimanded by a ballerina from the Mariinsky Theater - Yuliya Makhalina. About stosunki tsikh dvoh zirok todі wrote usі ZMI. Schopravda, tsey union buv dovgostrokovim. The couple parted, and the skins of the many suffocated pishov went their own way.

At the same time, musicians ascribe to the name of a number of novels, prote chi є really an artist, a girl - nevidomo

Teodor Currentzis at once

2017, the director continues to travel around the world, speaking in different places with a concert program that is made up of favorite compositions. For example, the artist shows the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Moscow Conservatory named after Pyotr Tchaikovsky and the Tonhall Concert Hall (Zurich).

The schedule of performances at the chest is already the same as the schedule for days, right up to the end of the month. Before the New Rock lovers of classical music, who live near Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen and Perm, will also feel the concert performance of classical melodies by the Music Aeterna orchestra.

Crimea, from 20 September to 30 September 2018 Currentzis accompanied the orchestra of the Perm Opera as part of the Salzburg Festival, playing nine symphonies.

It is true that there is no musician in "Instagram" and "Twitter". Pro the rest of the novelties From the life of Theodore, shanuvalniks are recognized on the official website of the conductor. There, if you are willing, you can get acquainted with the layout of the nearest concerts, as well as materials related to the creative biography of Zirka.


  • 2017 - "Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.6"
  • 2016 - "Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op. 35 - Stravinsky: Les Noces»
  • 2016 - "Mozart: Don Giovanni"
  • 2015 - "Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps"
  • 2014 - "Rameau - The Sound of Light"
  • 2014 - "Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro"
  • 2014 - "Mozart: Così fan tutte"

Teodor Currentzis is one of the most famous and his own young conductors of our time. Concerts and opera performances for yoga always become unforgettable podias. Teodor Currentzis was born in 1972. in Athens. Graduated from the Greek Conservatory: Theoretical Faculty (1987) and the Faculty of String Instruments (1989), also sang vocals at the Greek Conservatory and the "Athinian Academy" and introduced the master class. Navchannya diriguvannya rozpochav in 1987. And already three years later, after the Musica Aeterna Ensemble. Z 1991 – chief conductor of the Summer International festival in Greece.

From 1994 to 1999 studying with the legendary professor I.A. Musin at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory. Became assistant to Y.Temirkanov in the Honored Team of Russia Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic.

Crimean team, sing with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater, the Russian National Orchestra (zokrema, near the fierce birch 2008 with the RNO on a great tour of the USA), the Great Symphony. P.I. Tchaikovsky, State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia named after. E.F. Svitlanov, the State Symphony Orchestra "Nova Russia", the State Chamber Orchestra "Virtuosi of Moscow", the Moscow Chamber Orchestra "Musica Viva", the Greek National, Sofia and Cleveland Festival Orchestras. Since 2003, he has been the conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia since 2003.

Creativity spіvrobіtnitstvo pov'yazuє conductor from the Moscow theater "Helikon-Opera". In the autumn of 2001, the premiere of G. Verdi's opera "Falstaff" took place in the theater, and Teodor Currentzis acted as a stage director. Also, Currentzis repeatedly led at the Helikon-opera theater with another opera by Verdi - Aida.

Teodor Currentzis has performed at many international music festivals in Moscow, Colmar, Bangkok, Kartoni, London, Ludwigsburg, Miami. Conductor-producer of the light premiere of the Russian opera vistavi "Slipa lastivka" by A. Shchetinsky (libretto by O. Parin) at Lokkumi (Nimechchina) within the framework of the music festival (2002).

In 2003, she acted as director of the ballet "The Fairy's Dance" by I. Stravinsky at the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater (choreographer A. Sigalova), in 2004 - the opera "Aida" by G. Verdi (stage director D. Chernyakov) was awarded a kіlkokh honored for the "Golden Mast" (2005), including the nomination "Director-director".

Since May 2004, T. Currentzis is the head conductor of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. At the same time, on the basis of the theater, they created the Chamber Orchestra Musica Aeterna Ensemble and the Chamber Choir of the New Siberian Singers, which specialize in historical viconavism. For 5 years, the foundations and teams have become popular in Russia, and there.

For the season 2005-2006, according to the opinion of the leading critics, the director of the titles of "Personal Rock".

At the beginning of the 2006-2007 season, Teodor Currentzis again acted as director-director of the performances of the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballet Theater - "Vesilla Figaro" (stage director T. Gyurbach) and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" (stage director). .

The conductor is widely known as a fahive of the galley to the vocals and the operatic style. With great success, Moscow hosted concert vikonnanny of operas: “Didona and Aeneas” by G. Purcell, “Orpheus and Euridice” by K.V. , “Popelyushka” by J. Rossin, “The Soul of a Philosopher, or Orpheus and Evridika” by J. Haydn. Within the framework of the project "Bringing to Svyatoslav Richter" on 20 February 2007, on the day of the birth of the great pianist, at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Teodor Currentzis presented to the public "Requiem" by G. .

Let's embrace the interest in the music of baroque composers and classicism, in the distance surmising at the gallery of authentic vikonavstvo, Teodor Currentzis in his creativity attaches great respect to the music of our days. For the rest of the year, the director created over 20 world premieres of works by Russian and foreign authors. In the fall of 2006, on the middle of the young children's cultures, they acted as a spivorganizer of the festival of modern art "Territory".

In the 2007-2008 season, the Moscow Philharmonic presented a personal subscription "Theodore Currentzis Conductor", concerts of which were a phenomenal success.

Teodor Currentzis, two of them, became the laureate of the National Theater Award "Golden Mask": "For the true instillation of the score of S.S. Prokofiev" (ballet "Popelyushka", 2007) and "For the hostile achievement in the blind of musical authenticity" (opera "Vesilla Figaro" ) O. Mozart, 2008).

In black 2008, he debuted at the Paris National Opera (stage director of G. Verdi's opera Don Carlos).

In the fall of 2008, the Alpha record company released a disc with G. Purcell's opera "Didona and Aeneas" (Theodore Currentzis, Musica Aeterna Ensemble, New Siberian Singers Chamber Choir, Simona Kermes, Dimitris Tilyakos, Deborah York).

In early 2008, he acted as a music composer for the production of G. Verdi's opera "Macbeth" - a joint project of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater and the Paris National Opera. In April 2009, the premiere was held with great success in Paris.

By the Decree of the President of Russia D. Medvedev dated July 29, 2008, Teodor Currentzis among the cultural figures - the inhabitants of foreign powers - was awarded the Order of Friendship.

3 season 2009-2010 years. Teodor Currentzis - permanent inquiries director of the Sovereign Academic Great Theater Russia, in preparation for the premiere of A. Berg's opera "Wozzeck" (staged by D. Chernyakov). Krym tsgogo, pod kerіvnitstvom maestro Currentzisa zdіysknі new performances in the Novosibirsk Opera Theater and ballet, concerts in Novosibirsk z Musica Aeterna Ensemble, they sounded the works of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev and Shostakovich (soloists A. Melnikov, pianoforte). , concert at Brussels with the Belgian National Orchestra 11 March 2010 rock (symphony "Manfred" by Tchaikovsky and Piano Concerto with Grieg's orchestra, soloist Y. Leonska) and rich others.

Since 2011, he has been an artistic designer for the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after Tchaikovsky.

Theodor Currentzis. Photo: Charis Akriviadis/EPA/Scanpix/LETA.

On the 23rd of the Latvian National Opera with his MusicAeterna orchestra, Teodor Currentzis, the conductor-superstar of the Greek journey, the Russian city of living on a world scale, will perform.

Where does Europe begin? On the basis of geographically incorrect food, you will be given no hesitation in the largest of the largest similar places in our part of the world - in the Ural Perm. "Perm is the first place in Europe!" - such a vtіshna for the city dwellers gave rise to a її place on the map. Truthfully, the whole place can be described in the same order: moving, Europe will end at Perm. Prote in the rest of the dozens of rocks near the hospitals at the first point of the dawn є kozir. Tse іm'ya found at home in the world of Perm'yak and one of the most at home in the world of modern music of Russians. Greek who was born in Athens. Conductor, musician, kulturtrager, crazy experimenter Teodor Currentzis.

Reference caliber

Not long ago, Robert Wilson, the most famous American theater director, said: "New York is a provincial town, because there is nothing to know about Perm." In this phrase, the citations for the patriotic pride of the Russians are really more, lower in all reports from the Moscow military parades, as well as reports about the launches of Kalibr missiles at once. And the merit is that the Americans Wilson and Peter Sellars, the Italian Romeo Castelluch, the Austrian Markus Hinterhäuser and other theatrical grandi are now miraculously aware of Perm, in the fact that at the premier he stood in the gloom of the industrial-prison-taiga Prikavalom Valom , belong to one person to the Artistic worker of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, who lives in a rural house for a year, travels from the city, and with whom he constantly moves between the Week, Salzburg and other musical capitals of the planet. To the undoubted and broad Russian patriot, which is a dosi Russian mine with a strong accent.

Vipadok Currentzis is rich to talk about the role of specialness in history, but in geography. "It's even more fun if you fly to conduct the Vidensk opera from Perm, and not from Paris," - I respect the wines in the interview, not without a hint. Shalena activity maestro nіvelyuє geographic vіdstanі and zvichnі cultural ієrarchії. At the time of his work at the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater (yogo lead director Currentzis buve nul'ovі) he played Verdi's "Macbeth": the Moscow director Dmitro Chernyakov staged the opera, the Paris National Opera took an active part in the project, and on the Siberian stage art. different places of the country. In Perm, they staged the opera Nosferatu by Currentzis, calling on the Moscow composer Dmitri Kurlyandsky, the Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos, and about the result, the British observer said: The production in Perm of a textbook, nachebto, “Traviati” (directed by Robert Wilson) was no less impressive with its radicalism - the Danes, Austrians, and Luxembourgers took the part of the robots over it.

I’d better apply more from the inexhaustible track record of Currentzis, about some kind of fortune-telling Markus Hinterhäuser, the candidate for the most prestigious Salzburg Festival, saying simply (about the conductor of that yogo orchestra): “At the moment, there is nothing better in the world.”

“I am conquering the capital of the world from my village,” states Theodore. - Can you tell me who from the Moscow orchestras performs at the Salzburg Festival? No one will propagate to the Russian orchestra the sounds of Mozart at the Salzburg and Mahler at the Wind of Provence. And we ourselves are busy.”

Press photo

The very mind was wise and deserved: what year are Currentzis and the Perm orchestra and the MusicAeterna choir (in the orchestra, different lands) performed the opera program of the Salzburg Festival "To the Mercies of Titus" staged by the American film director Peter Sellars. Salzburzky is not the main music festival in the world, but "Mercy" is one of the two remaining operas of Mozart's majestic genius. The twirl of the 18th century in the Permian-American interpretation turned into a language of contemporary contemporary topics (for example, the topic of refugees), and also recognized the sound of musical changes. Journalists wrote: to show the same way in Mozart's fatherland - "the price of nibi to a restaurant with centuries-old traditions in the center of the day, cooks came from Russia and said: "I'll show you right now how to cook schnitzel correctly." Prote staging is a small gibberish success.

Ще цього року Курентзіс провів традиційний пермський Дягілевський фестиваль (Теодор — його художній керівник), підписав контракт із відомим німецьким SWR Orchestra (з сезону 2018/19 р. буде його головним диригентом), а концертом у Латвійській Національній опері, що пройде «Балтійських музичних sezoniv”, to celebrate the yogo sleep with pianist Oleksandr Melnikov on a tour of Europe.

Orchestral cymbals and flying cymbals

2017, the name of Currentzis sounds at ZMI permanently - but it will sound from them (according to the Russians) more or less constantly richly rocky. Why take on the director’s practicality, and his uncommon innovation (often provocative), and, arguably, the figure itself: extravagant, hostile, supernaturally attractive for journalists and the public.

The conductor is a public profession, and Currentzis in front of the cameras and voice recorders is no less artistically, less than his theater colleagues from the actor's workshop. A 45-inch tall brunette, unfamiliar for Russia's age and with a spicy accent, he takes part in glamorous photo shoots, releases a perfume of a good name, willingly gives interviews to various kinds, including glossy ones. You call Theodore the “black prince” and give him the reputation of a heart. As a result, the Russian Google immediately prompts an additional request like this: “Teodor Currentzis, squad” - the girls chirp and, perhaps, pay for it.

Brightness, memory, efficiency are characteristic of everything that would not be robbed of the conductor. Chi tse avant-garde "Traviata", concerts, on which listeners can lie on the floor, and programs to take on the way out, the manner of Currentzis to conduct or else the manner of dressing up. “Narazi on the new strict black jacket, but the maestro’s stage image sounds more theatrical and thoughtful to the point,” writes Russian Vogue. - Odyag - only black and white. Legs are pulled in at the ballet leggings and chobots with lacing, a shirt with wide sleeves and cuffs a la Don Juan. From the hair it’s also intriguing.”

At the articles about the maestro, the examples of “mysterious”, “mystical”, and “alien” are blinking. Well, zagalom, it’s natural - it’s like talking about the baggy Urals, the Russian metropolis of mysticism and ufology. The old-timers, similar to me, are guilty of remembrance of the cycle of reports “M-sky trikutnik”, which once glorified the newspaper “Radyanska molod” for the entire Union. It was said in the past about contacts with aliens, behind the cryptic letter “M” there was the village of Molebka in the Perm region - it still claims to be the Mecca of Ufonavtiv and Ufomaniv.

You can’t believe in specific Ural miracles, but you can’t help but recognize that the Urals are the land of miracles. The writer Olga Slavnikova, born in Sverdlovsk, developed a special Ural (“Riphean”, as it is called in the novel “2017”) type: passionariya, idealist, divak, contactee from otherworldly and otherworldly essences. “The thoughts of a true Riphean are fantastic thoughts,” they won out. That one, as much as possible, reflects the spirit of the earth, who moves as far as possible into the Earth, into the fire, into the solid ground, flat reality. Born in Zhovtіy spekotnіy Attitsa, having lived for twenty-two years on the shores of the Aegean Sea, the Greek Currentzis, zgіdno z zim vznachennyam, — stovіdsotkovy Rifeets, Uralets.

An idealist and an ascetic who wins the mind of the masses. A mystic who gives business cards to journalists with the writing Dreamer of dreams (“Dreamer of Dreams” in his hands) and explains: “Those are real lives, in which we live, perebuva in harmony with the light of dreams.” Mystificator, which can easily tell the interviewer that someone else looks in the past.

“I called Brahms the other day, and said to me, how to beat me,” throws the conductor at the superchance with fellow musicians. Tse, obviously, hot. But it’s unlikely that Currentzis is ironic, explaining “super-datness” like this: “My intuition is close to mysticism - it brings us to a different world.”

When talking about music, we often go as far as metaphors from the realm of magic and alchemy. The word “alien” in the mouth of Theodore is a high praise for the composer. This is how they call Stravinsky, whom they respect as the “greatest artist of the 20th century” for musical radicalism, building to go against tired rules. “Stravinsky letter kimos on the eye of an alien, - even Currentzis. “Also, the right voice of Russia.” The same can be said about the new one himself.

Storulova Opera

Look in the past, break the zvichnі rules: for Currentzis himself, and those, and іnshe shchos on kshtalt credo. From one side, Vіn vіdomy as an innovator, provocateur, adept of music and the theater of the future, from the other side — like such a reenactor, who tries to recreate the old creations at the sight, like the stench was conceived and sounded. A century ago, the instruments were different, the music sounded differently, the opera scenery and costumes looked different — Mozart's viconess on violins with lively strings, which became a parable in the tongue, and Currentzis's other historical whimsicality, which is done with no less radical gesture.

“Non-formal in the form of classical art”, as they call it, Currentzis is closely within the traditional framework of customs, wines are made to at least get out of them, as a maximum - to erase them. For example, wipe out the cordon between the stage and the audience room, which the conductor directly calls his method. For this Permian theatre, the laboratory of a modern spectator is working, so that the public is brought to the working process of musicians. Ce lectures, master class, rehearsals, where outsiders are allowed. “Less bachachi and smelling all the stages of work on the work, you can understand what the composer has put into the new one,” Currentzis seems. - And my meta has begun - to erase the cordon between the stage and the hall. I want to create something that we are all at once, the orchestra is watching, we are working on music.

The last democratism among celebrities is a lot of misfortune, a lot of privileges. Currentzis, who was in his Greek youth of the Lviv perekonan, going to demonstrations, and now not without pride, high and ironic, calls his Permian theater "absolutely communist." In the Russian capitals, Theodore's concerts are famous for the outrageous prices for tickets - but he himself knows that he can't control the price-setting process in the touring process, and he insists: you can listen to yoga in Perm for 100 rubles. For the last exchange rate - the second euro.

Before speech, speaking in Moscow and St. Petersburg Currentzis infrequently. For the second dozen years, which propraciuvav near Siberia and in the Urals, the patriots of the provinces began to reconsider. In her, according to the words of the conductor, over the Vikonavtsy, the pennies and the status of the miraculous are much less burdensome, in them the musical policy of the gnuchkish is not so crushed by tradition.
However, even on the minuses of Russian provincial life, it is impossible not to give respect to Currentzis. The Perm Theater famous all over the world can't name the stage of all opera theaters in Russia. “Musicians rehearse at the gyms, ballet does not sit on the stage, but let it blow in the wind,” – this is how preparations for the premieres look like in Currentzis’s description, as if the western theatergoers and Moscow oligarchs are clamoring. Until 2020, the Perm Opera House will announce a new stage - and the leader of the disturbances will stir up homeness with them with threats of vikhati from Perm, as if the obitsyanka will not be killed.

Theater of the Perm period

Vtіm, everything began for Currentzis yakraz near the capitals. Near the capital of Greece, de vin was born in 1972, having entered the Greek Conservatory, graduating from the Faculty of Music and the Faculty of String Instruments. At pіvnіchnіy capital Russia, who arrived in the first half of the 1990s, learned from the legendary teacher Illi Musin. “Peter’s master of directors, masters of wine, builds, all, the foundations of the ninth, the ceremonies of Mary and the Great,” they write about Musin; And even if there are such dissimilar Russian stars, like Gergiev and Currentzis, then the price of training in Illi Oleksandrovich.

At the zeros, Teodor achieved success in Moscow with the orchestras of Mikhail Pletnov, Volodymyr Spivakov, with the Great Theater - and even from 2003, the name of Currentzis began to sound through the bands, to create sensational premieres in distant Novosibirsk. In the same place, in 2004, the MusicaAeterna orchestra, which the conductor now calls “special forces” (“All the collective of prominent musicians, how they get together, to remake the musical system. The strength of that predilection vikonannya, like giving stench - it’s wonderful. Stink like special forces in tsoma” ).

Perm Currentzis opined 2011. For the then young ambitious governor Oleg Chirkunov, a scary industrial place tried to turn it into the cultural capital of Russia - the crown of the zeusillas requested by enthusiasts. Of these, little has come of it. Moscow gallerist Marat Gelman became a special enemy of Permian patriots and vreshti-resht buv zvilneniy z put the director of the museum of modern art created by him. Chirkunov was soon dismissed from state service. І only a few appointments at this hour as an artist at the Perm Opera Currentzis until this very day in his settlement.

To understand, as if one single extravagant Greek has stuck on the reputation of a harsh Ural millionaire, you can align two passages. Speaking about his native place, de vin is still alive, Perm writer (and great patriot of the Urals!) Oleksiy Ivanov, author of “The Heart of Parmi” and “Tobola”: “In the evening, you can’t walk here alone. Not long ago, there was a path that I would take a walk, if I guess the plots, at night at the gas station they shot the security guard and the girl operator - for thirty thousand rubles. Not far from the house of my student, they dug up the corpse of a yoga classmate. Before the speech, at the mystic school, where I worked, they revealed a gang of schoolchildren, for eleven murders in a row. Like I’ll take a collective photo of the students, like they went to my local leader’s group, you can gracefully beat the third: you hung up, they beat you, you were strong ... "

And the axis, writing less to that fate, the Moscow glossy magazine: “Now the most important public from the experience of Russia and the real magnitude of light art is now celebrating the Diaghilev festival to Perm. Theatrical legends walk along the streets of Perm: directors Peter Sellars and Bob Wilson. At the dumplings you can taste the radical performance artist Romeo Castellucci. And for a plate of soup at the hotel "Ural" - the intendant of the Videno and Salzburg festivals Markus Hinterhäuser.

Іm'ya Diagіlєva the Permian festival is not worn casually - the organizer of the "Russian Seasons", which virіs on the Kamі, having dazzled Paris, until recently was the main symbol of the importance of the Ural province to the great cultural world. Schopravda, Petro Vail, having seen Perm, having written that Diaghilev "flies out of her light and if you turn around." Ale - appearing wrong. Diaghilev turned around - recognized by the most popular festival of his name; more, light itself came to deaf Perm.

It’s true, people, it’s become a storm, the Russian enormity took away only a lot of fate after filing an application (though at the time of filing it was already a famous celebrity). Do not compare with the swedishness, with which the Russians recognized Depardieu and Sigal - for nothing, that the water of clowning was pure for the quiet ones, and Currentzis with ten years of raising (and yak successfully!) the international prestige of Russian culture.

When a Greek talks about his Russian patriotism, raptom rozumіsh, naskіlki rіdkіsny before you for nіshnіh vіpadok — a declaration of not loyalty to the authorities, not belonging to the aggressive greatness, but the right idealism, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right. that Russia is a country, as it was created in order for people to dream, for they set a new goal for the future. Even though reality does not kill us, it tries to inspire us with our fate. I respect what Russia can give richly to the people.

Before the speech, for all his impeccable romanticism, Currentzis is by no means a transcendental dreamer. Vіn maє civil temperament, scho doviv, having written a note on the support of Boris Mezdrich, director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater (that was called after big scandal with the opera “Tannhäuser”, as it is respected by the lack of morality of the Orthodox bulk there).

There, the director of the middle writes: “Show me, in what a cultural life will be in your country, and I will say, as soon as I check on you.” In an hour, if you harry "Tannhäuser", sing "Nureyev", burn for "Matilda", these words are unlikely to turn into an optimistic mood. But those who in this hour in the same country are practicing and may have a neimovirny success Currentzis, let me believe that not everything is hopeless.

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