Scandal from Sobchak. The greatest scandals of Ksenia Sobchak. Prize "Nika" and nutrition Chulpan Khamatova

TV presenter, editor-in-chief of the magazine LʼOfficiel Russia Kseniya Sobchak on the 18th of July announced that she was running for president of Russia. “I’m definitely standing up to be such a great success in the vast field, and, having seen all the risks and the naming complexity of such a task, I believed that my fate in the presidential elections could justly be on the way to such transformations, which are necessary for our country,” she said. Sobchak at the leaf, published in the newspaper "Vidomosti"

Publication by Xenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) Ver 13 2017 at 10:09 PDT

Prize "Nika" and nutrition Chulpan Khamatova

At the award ceremony of the Nika Film Festival in 2012, everything went according to plan, until Ksenia Sobchak’s provocative power to Chulpan Khamatova sounded from the scene: political participation? Xenia of that hour was booed by all those present in the hall, and Chulpan vowed to better evade the commentary. In the past, the leader meant that she was embarrassed: “To be honest, I am beaten by such a reaction. Why is it that the whole country was not vouching for power, the whole country minted on the yak? I didn't criticize, I didn't sue. I asked."

Demonstration of a VIP pass to the waist of the Virgin at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

In 2011, Sobchak announced the need for VIP-tickets for passage to the Belt of the Virgin at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, until which the bagatokilometer chergi were waived. At her microblouse, she published a photograph of the request with a transfer for two individuals at any time. The TV presenter was talking about this fact, at that hour you want to stand near the devil in the cold for 15-20 years. “For me today, a squad of one official “requested” to go to the Belt with VIP tickets. I thought it was cynical fever. It appeared - the truth is cynical, ”Sobchak wrote.

Sobchak was sent to the request of the Russian Orthodox Church, they are convinced that there is no VIP transfer. “But what about the commandment “do not breach”?” - Won got pissed off after publishing a photo of one of the tickets. “And the axis and bypass for the “especially” believers. Beyond good and evil. I ROC still shut up!” - appointed Sobchak.

Scandal from a record about children

For a long time, Sobchak has little fame for the veiled opponent of children. 2013 rock Merezh "vibrated" record її telephone line with the manager of the house, in front of the house, the TV presenter in an obscene form was talking about the Susi ditlakhiv. The reason for the scandal was the so-called “years of silence” in the middle of the day, at the hour of which little children have day dream. Sobchak was overwhelmed that through the work of life, lies were carried out, and they themselves were destroying її vіdpochinok. “Drіbnі bastards, let the stink breathe,” Sobchak shouted into the phone on the recording, which was expanded on the Internet. Commenting on the situation, Xenia stated that the dialogue was being mounted, and then she decided to file a complaint with the Investigating Committee for the fact of wiretapping.

Vislovlyuvannya about "fat people"

In response to criticism of the rest of the lining of the magazine, as a kind of stare, about those who chose thinner models for the photo and put more models on it, Sobchak published a photo, at the signature before which she knew that “not to like fat people”, and meant that “in light fashion, like before, thinness - obov'yazkov mind of great success. The journalist ended her commentary with chants “deprive women with shapes and roundness of far-reachers”, accompanying it with the hashtag #boyszhirobasami.

Recognition of the blame for the introduction of the mother for the sake of the Federation

In 2012, Sobchak recognized her guilt at the presentation of her mother for the sake of the Federation. “It was like it was clear, better for everything, to “clean up” my mother from for the sake of the Federation. I’m really ashamed that through me it feels like this,” Ksenia wrote on her Twitter.

In an interview with the Vognik magazine, the TV presenter's mother admitted that the decision about her entry was praised in the United Russia, and she was not a member of it in any way. Todi Narusova also said that after her speeches, her daughters at anti-Ukrainian rallies were brought up to one list to the top oppositionists. “From so, through whom: Udaltsov, Navalny, Yashin, Sobchak. We ran into a bunch of horses, people,” Narusova said.

Romani with a billionaire, an official and an oppositionist

One of the most important novels for the TV presenter was the girls with the billionaire Oleksandr Shusterovich. Sobchak, himself, followed the great successor three times, the first time he built his official proposition. For friendship, a palace on Strilni was rented for 100,000 dollars, hundreds of guests were requested, and Lyudmila Narusova was housed in power, so that the bridges in St. Petersburg were allowed to build a special rank. Valentin Yudashkin sewed a wonderful cloth for the team, the happy bridegroom spoke about training in ZMI, as a rapt for a day before the wedding she said: “There will be no wedding.”

Sobchak's first novel after the rozіrvannya zaruchin became її stosunki with a large head to the Department of Culture of Moscow Sergiy Kapkov, they were close to rock. For the sake of the TV presenter, the townsman abandoned his squad - the host of the channel "Visti 24". For a banquet in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Svitsky Levytsya, the official paid five million rubles. Andriy Malakhov, who was present at the urochistost, reminded me that Xenia at that moment looked like “the next day of the lady of Moscow”. The blue bet ended in spring 2011.

In early 2012, at the beginning of the rally in the Boloty, Kseniya Sobchak got to know Illya Yashinim. Then the couple showed up at a rally on Chistoprudny Boulevard, followed by more protests. The blues of political activists ended so spontaneously, as if they started - through the air, it became known on the live broadcast of the “Silver Board” on the program “Barabaka and Syrian Vovk”, as Ksenia and Sergiy Kalvarsky led.

If you know a skin Russian, but the bulk of the population may have a more negative character: 60% of those who are out of the house said about it. And it’s not surprising - for a long time, the personality of the TV presenter was associated with the greater image of the leftist, Instagram celebrity and “blonde with chocolate”.

Why in the past fate was the presidential candidate under the sign "Against all" in the eyes of "FederalPress".

Volodymyr Solovyov began to rejoice with the "warmth" of his feelings for Sobchak, and she showed him reciprocity. The editors of the radio station, on which they tried to offend the hosts, put their airs not just at different days, but at different hours, so that the journalists did not mingle one by one in the corridors. And from the producers of the Rosiya TV channel, they planted up to one of them on the air of the program "Girls" in 2010. Hitting their foreheads in the studio, Sobchak and Solovyov began to bake the decks with each other, so their debates were out of the air and never went on air.

Already in the spring of streaming fate, Sobchak did not lose his way around the conflict of Solovyov and Ivan Urgant. Vaughn published a photograph, de Solovyov's book “The Conservative Revolution. Viyna svіtіv ”the instruction from the creation“ In the mouth of the tsiliy rіk ”was added:“ Not only the cloth - the books also have #ideal summіsnіst! Read the book "In the Mouth of the Tsiliy Rik" and marvel at Solovyov's programs!

Not only cloth, but books also have #ideal summіsnіst! Read the book "At the Mouth tsiliy rik”, and marvel at the programs of V. Solovyov!??

Publication by Kseniya Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) Ver 13 2017 at 10:09 PDT Nika award and nutrition Chulpan Khamatova

At the award ceremony of the Nika Film Festival in 2012, everything went according to plan, until Ksenia Sobchak’s provocative power to Chulpan Khamatova sounded from the scene: political participation? Xenia that hour was booed by all those present in the hall, and Chulpan vowed for the better to look at the commentary. In the past, the leader meant that she was embarrassed: “To be honest, I am beaten by such a reaction. Why is it that the whole country was not vouching for power, the whole country minted on the yak? I didn't criticize, I didn't sue. I asked."

Demonstration of a VIP pass to the waist of the Virgin at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

In 2011, Sobchak announced the need for VIP-tickets for passage to the Belt of the Virgin at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, until which the bagatokilometer chergi were waived. At her microblouse, she published a photograph of the request with a transfer for two individuals at any time. The TV presenter was talking about this fact, at that hour you want to stand near the devil in the cold for 15-20 years. “Today, a squad of one official “requested” to go to the Belt with VIP tickets. I thought it was cynical fever. It appeared - the truth is cynical, ”Sobchak wrote.

Less than a year ago, a squad of one official “requested” to get through to the waist on ticket tickets. I thought it was cynical fever. The cynical truth emerged: (- Xenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) 24 falling leaves 2011

Sobchak was sent to the request of the Russian Orthodox Church, they are convinced that there is no VIP transfer. “But what about the commandment “do not make a breach”?” - Vaughn chimed, after which she published a photo of one of the tickets. “And the axis and bypass for“ especially ”believers. Beyond good and evil. I ROC still shut up!” - appointed Sobchak.

Scandal from a record about children

For a long time, Sobchak has little fame for the veiled opponent of children. In 2013, the Merezha’s clerk “bang” a record of a її telephone call with the manager of the house, in a TV presenter’s house, in an obscene form, she spoke about the sudіdskih dіtlakhіv. The reason for the scandal was the so-called “anniversaries of silence” in the middle of the day, at the hour of which little children sleep. Sobchak was overwhelmed that through the work of life, lies were carried out, and they themselves were destroying її vіdpochinok. “Drіbnі bastards, let the stench breathe,” Sobchak shouted into the phone on the recording, which was expanded on the Internet. Commenting on the situation, Xenia stated that the dialogue was being mounted, and then she decided to file a complaint with the Investigating Committee for the fact of wiretapping.

Vislovlyuvannya about "fat people"

In response to criticism of the rest of the lining of the magazine, as a kind of stare, about those who chose thinner models for the photo and put more models on it, Sobchak published a photo, at the signature before which she knew that “not to like fat people”, and meant that “in the light of fashion, like before, thinness - obov'yazkova of the mind of great success. The journalist ended her commentary with chants “deprive women with shapes and roundness of far-reachers”, accompanying it with the hashtag #boyszhirobasami.

In 2012, Sobchak recognized her guilt at the presentation of her mother for the sake of the Federation. “It was like it was clear, better for everything, to “clean up” my mother from for the sake of the Federation. I’m really ashamed that through me it’s like that with her,” Kseniya wrote on her Twitter.

In an interview with the Vognik magazine, the TV presenter's mother admitted that the decision about her entry was praised in the United Russia, and she was not a member of it in any way. Todi Narusova also said that after her speeches, her daughters at anti-Ukrainian rallies were brought up to one list to the top oppositionists. “From so, through whom: Udaltsov, Navalny, Yashin, Sobchak. We ran into a bunch of horses, people,” Narusova said.

Romani with a billionaire, an official and an oppositionist

One of the most significant novels for the TV presenter was the one with the billionaire Oleksandr Shusterovich. Sobchak, himself, followed the great successor three times, first to break the official proposition. For friendship, a palace on Strilni was rented for 100,000 dollars, hundreds of guests were requested, and Lyudmila Narusova was housed in power, so that the bridges in St. Petersburg were allowed to build a special rank. Valentin Yudashkin sewed a wonderful cloth for the team, the happy bridegroom spoke about training in ZMI, as a rapt for a day before the wedding she said: “There will be no wedding.”

Sobchak's first novel after the rozіrvannya zaruchin became її stosunki with a large head to the Department of Culture of Moscow Sergiy Kapkov, they were close to rock. For the sake of the TV presenter, the townsman abandoned his squad - the host of the channel "Visti 24". For a banquet in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Svitsky Levytsya, the official paid five million rubles. Andriy Malakhov, who was present at the urochistost, reminded me that Xenia at that moment looked like “the next day of the lady of Moscow”. The blue bet ended in spring 2011.

In early 2012, at the beginning of the rally on Bolotnaya Square, Ksenia Sobchak got to know Illya Yashinim. Then the couple showed up at a rally on Chistoprudny Boulevard, followed by more protests. The blues of political activists ended so unhappily, as if they had begun - through the fire, about what became known on the live broadcast of the “Silver Board” on the program “Barabaka and Siry Vovk”, as Ksenia and

Photo: Oleksandr Kurov

5 falling leaves of Ksenia Sobchak vypovnyuєtsya 32 rocks. In the house of a TV presenter, that active hromadsky playboy practically every day gives ZMI іnformatsionіnі bring write about yourself: either Xenia directly from the stage put unruly food for her colleagues, or the Internet “vibrates” recording of її telephone welding with the manager of the house. We wrote five of the best stories for the fate of Ksenia Sobchak.

Call for jart on "Sribny galosh"

Just before the hour of the ceremony of presenting the “Sribna Kalosh” award, which is traditionally awarded to celebrities for doubtful achievements, one of the statuettes was awarded to TV presenter, photo model and business lady Olzya Rodionovyi.

Photo: Olena Sukhova

In this rank, the її book The Book of Olga was designated, in which the businessman's team stood in a naked look. Before the speech, the nomination, in which Rodionova was awarded, was called “Golly and funny, or for the sake of it.” Xenia did not get involved and fired at the other drive.

Ale Volodarka's "galoshes" didn't chime anything funny with him. Vaughn didn’t come to the ceremony and filed before the court, respecting Ksenia Sobchak’s address to her address in such a way that they violate the law, the rights of that interest. The process ended on the melancholy pozivachki. The TV presenter Zobov was ordered to pay a fine of 20 thousand rubles from the rozmiri.

Political catering at the ceremony of awarding the prize "Nika"

Scandal was saved at the jubilee XXV ceremony of the awarding of the cinematographic award "Nika", the illustrious bula Ksenia Sobchak. Presenting a special prize for the benevolence of Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatoviy, she delivered the meal in an unsatisfactory way, as it was not appropriate for the theme of the tract entry. Sobchak squealed: “Chulpans, but the yakbees did not engage in charitable work, would you still campaign for Putin?” After that, a scandal broke out on the stage, at the hour of which the actor Yevgen Mironov marveled, now the leader asked such a question. And Khamatova asked not to discuss the topic of elections, because “Nika” is holy cinema.


Glyadachi pidtrimali actors booing Sobchak, on scho she remembered that she had the right to put food, as if you were paying for it. Later, Xenia meant that she was embarrassed: “To be honest, I am beaten by such a reaction. Why is it that the whole country was not vouching for power, the whole country minted on the yak? I didn't criticize, I didn't sue. I asked."

Superechka with Aunt Arno

It all started from the fact that Ksenia Sobchak and Tetyana Arno began to exchange on Twitter a lot of comments about their skin forms. Sobchak posted photographs of her colleagues, accompanying them with caustic respect: “It’s not surprising that a person with such breasts can be found at the news :)”. To which Arno parried: “Dear friend, please colleagues do not stray with a hanger and do not throw speeches at me))”.

The super girl was faring before Tetyana Arno announced she would lose weight by 10 kg for a month.

Vchora having saved the scandal from the leading journalist Ksenia Sobchak, as if she was watching the plot, the dedications to the people and the cochants.

Ksenia Sobchak, as the site NTV.Ru has been exposed to clean water, having published her listing from the producer of the program “Central TV Broadcasting”, is outraged by the truth for deceit. The celebrity starred at the transfer, and after the scandal, which had swelled, in the aggressive manner of the authorities, she sweared at the TV viewers.

« To the drive of NTV - (obscene language) that provocation. I spoke with the editor-in-chief for three certificates and once said, “What exactly is a conversation about Ukraine?”, - Sobchak wrote on her side of the social media.

For її words, the editor-in-chief, for example, asked Sche Kurili to comment. With whom, she was embarrassed to know that the first food was about the beater: “ I immediately said that you can’t go like that and you can’t be main topic interview. The editor-in-chief said: “Surely, it’s easy to clean up, then the first ones should be pardoned.” As a result, the number of introductions and the plot are attributed to tsіy *** and NІ WORDS about Ukraine».

Let's guess, Ksenia Sobchak literally flowed into the NTV studios after deception. She wrote on the back of her head in her social media that she was asked to talk about Ukraine. Prote, for її words, in the midst of quiet unexpectedly for her appeared and a recent beat.

With screenshots posted on the website of the TV channel, the producers of the Central TV Channel and Ksenia Sobchak discussed in detail all the participation of the TV presenter in the program. Moreover, the team of Maxim Vitorgan was eager to wait for her to get food, like to deliver the program for an hour, which was broken up by the team of TV presenter Vadim Takmenev.

Zgіdno s listuvannyam, odnієyu z that Іnієyu mаv аѕ а conflict wіth thе person οf thе TV presenter wіth theatrical director Kostyantin Bogomolovym. "Central TV Broadcasting" wanted to tell you what was wrong or what was fake. In addition, planning and power supply for Sobchak's recent visit to Ukraine.

The celebrity catered to all meals and came to the studio to get ready for the air. Prote in the last moment flared up that pishla.

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