Move on 1 dream as an understanding. Transition to one day's sleep. If you feel like a dream

Healthy and healthy sleep is necessary for a complete development. As time goes on, that trivality of time changes constantly. For the first two months, it is impossible to sleep for 7-9 years in the extraction. It is significant that in the first year of the life of the new people it is not enough to sleep and most of the time we spend in a sleeping camp.

Step by step, the hour of the day sleeps quickly. Until four months, it’s impossible to sleep on the day of 5-6 years and lie down in a bed for a couple of times, after a pivroku - for a year or two three times. At the age of 9 months - 1.5 years, children sleep for 2-4 years and can sleep up to two in the daytime. After the fate of a lot of little ones, they themselves are forced into such a regimen and sleep less than once. At the statistics, we know how to transfer a child to 1 day and older by one day's sleep.

Features of the transition

If you go to 1 day's sleep to lie down as soon as the baby is ready. The deyaki are not ready to switch to such a regime before the due date, and the deyak not earlier than 1.5-2 years. The transition process also proceeds differently. Some children chirp for a trivaly hour, others go over in a row. First, transfer the child to one day's sleep, make sure you're ready to go.

The first signs of readiness of the baby appear up to 10-12 months:

  • It’s good for the lie to sleep, but for the little one it’s important to lay down the evening;
  • Sleep vranci and feel comfortable with it;
  • Constantly reminded to sleep in the day and repair another sleep;
  • Lying and falling asleep at night over it;
  • With two good dreams a day, a child starts to go to the wound earlier and earlier.

If you have commemorated these signs, start step by step to speed up the hour of the day. Doctors indicate that the appropriate readiness to be observed in children at the age of 1 year and 3-4 months. At this hour, the stench can sleep peacefully for 5-6 years a day.

How to switch to a one-time nap a day

  • If you remember the signs of readiness, step by step pass the hour of one of the two day's dreams;
  • Vznachte, yake zі nіv it is necessary to tidy up. For whom, watch out for the little one, if you are under a regimen, do not sleep and believe. As a rule, this is another dream;
  • Step by step, one hour at a time, block the hour of the early morning sleep, with which the other’s twitchiness is fleeting;
  • Step by step spend another hour of sleep a day and increase the trivality of the first one, but, on the contrary, like a child, you are guided by the first;
  • Lay the little ones to sleep on a sity slug;
  • Deyakі children immediately wake up in one dream. In this case, you can immediately turn off this item from the baby mode. Do not put the unwillingness to sleep in the day by force;
  • Do not disturb the child to force another sleep. Yakshcho wine strongly believes and promptly wakes up, make a transition and repeat the test in two or three days. Unique revtomi that accumulated vtomi!;
  • Deposit children no later than 21:00;
  • At night, children may have complete recovery. The sleep of a child for 2 nights at night should be no less than ten years old;
  • If without another sleep, the little one wakes up, or wakes up for a short term, add evening sleep to trivality up to 40 minutes, or put the little one to sleep earlier;
  • After the transition of a child for 3 years, the daytime recovery is due to become 1.5-2 years old.

Early transition: Skoda chi Korist

Deyakі children vpevneno vіdmovlyayutsya in another dream a day already 9-10 months. And other fathers and s of the power initiative organize the transition from the city, replacing the day's orders for games and walks. Ale navit like a baby, accept such an arrangement, you can be negatively recognized by the self-perceived mood of the baby. Vіn becomes prim and drіvlivim, often starts to wander at night, we can but we mlyavim and feel nasty.

Do not hurry to learn about the reception procedure, even a day's sleep is more difficult. Before the speech, doctors recommend that people should take 20-30 minutes to grow up. Even though you didn’t sleep at night, you can increase the hour to 40-60 hours. Golovna, scho vіdpochinok is not guilty of being dragged out and is guilty of passing no later than three years of the day. To the thought of fakhіvtsіv, the most beautiful and away hour for the whole procedure - between 13:00 and 15:00.

The pain of daily sleep

  • Changes the nervous system;
  • Safeguard the normal development of young children;
  • Greater practicality, acceptance of new information and concentration of respect by 30-50%;
  • Ten hours of drowsiness charge badiorism and give strength to the whole year;
  • Vіdnovlyuє marriage nіchny vіdpochinku;
  • Increases nerve conduction and improves rukhovy reactions by 15-20%;
  • Reduces the risk of contagion of the heart and vessels, including heart attacks and strokes;
  • Knowing the nerve tension and calming down, improving the mental and emotional state;
  • Increase mood and hormonal levels of joy (endorphin and serotonin);
  • Viroblya growth hormone, which is even more important for older children;
  • It helps the little ones to get in touch with those emotions that are taken away in the first half of the day. Even a child's nervous system is the most subtle to the point of emotional excitement;
  • Regular and regular sleep improves immunity. Until the speech, afterward, they show that children, who do not sleep a day, often get sick.

Povna vіdmova vіd daytime sleep

After three fates, children are guilty of sleeping less than once a day, due to trivality, no more than two years. During the whole period, the child mode is significantly changed in parallel with the mode 1-2 years. It is important that in the same city the little ones are already conscious of the building, to take care of themselves and to take care of themselves. Obov'yazkovo vicorist tse. Do not shout at the little one, but calmly and easily explain what you want and need.

Zagalom children 3-6 rokіv dutifully sleep for 11-12 years for production. The daytime start in 3-4 years is 1-2 years old, and the night time is 9-11 years old. After 5 years, a lot of little ones start to sleep in the day. The trivality of the process is short, children can easily endure this bypass. However, babies in 5-6 years of age may still periodically require a day-to-day repair through a second one. Tse to lie down at the hour of the ranking pіdёmu that step vtomi.

Do not wake up every day before sleep. Tse negatively signify on the nervous system, mental and physical state of the baby. Vіn is very tired and vereduvatim, often wandering around at night and do not want to get up in a lie. The child cannot bear the physical and emotional pressure.

Cho zrobiti, schob child slept well

For whom you need sufficient physical vanity. Let's kids get enough and get rich, wink physically right and bring children to sports, walk in the fresh air. Ale, stezhte, so that you don’t re-start during the day and don’t re-start at the evening hour! Tіlki zavazhu mіtsnuyu sleep. The most active may be the first half of the day.

Evenings 2-3 years before, how to go to bed, allow only quiet quiet games or busyness, you can have water procedures, massage. Read or tell a child's fairy tale. You can give a bottle of warm milk and tea with honey. Don't give kefir! Do not forget about psychological comfort.

Put the children to bed at the same hour and finish the ritual of getting ready for bed. Tse may be a single algorithm with the same procedures and the same sequence. Give the child the right to choose. Let him choose his own pajamas, a toothbrush, a kazka. And how to learn not to sing and sing independently, read.

The transition to one day's sleep is important for another fate of the child's life. The tying of wines from the ob'ektivnym grown-ups of the little one, as if dragging behind him the devil's change of the regime in about one time. In addition, if a child switches to 1 day's sleep, this is a turning point in his life and life of his father, after the transition, a single regimen will be established for all preschool children. Also, food is not less important here: if the child is transferred to one day's sleep? In this article, we can see the differences for one child and for the twins, the shards of the stink of the troch differ.

Nasampered, z'yasuєmo, as it seems to pass one day's dream, and yakі difficulties can be blamed here. I take a new breath with twins, like the most foldable, but it’s better for 1 child.

If the child switches to 1 daytime sleep, the child's regimen changes to 1 day

The closer to one fate the baby, the more often at the heads of the fathers blames food - if the child goes to 1 day's sleep.
? The conclusion to this is simple - close to one fate is the life of a child. Maybe a little while, or maybe earlier. Buvay, scho children stop sleeping girls for a day and more early age Ale ce is already often associated with psychological problems, or else in the wake of a clear regimen.

The transition to 1 day's sleep was changed to the regimen of the child, as in the first rotation of life they changed periodically every three months. Tilki, on the vіdminu of the whole first fate of life, the regime of the child for 1 rіk is changing in the revival. As soon as you stand up, then all preschool childishness is trivatime, and it will smoothly fade away if the children stop sleeping during the day. Tse can be in 5 to 7 years. To that, if you switch to one day's sleep in the "regular" mode, then you can "sleep" calmly before school. And let the school take away the sleep of these children, who for a new mіtsno cherished.

Spodіvaєmosya, scho mi pіdpovіli on nutrition, if the child goes to 1 day's sleep, and what an important moment.

If the child is shifted to one day's sleep - the signs of such a way to understand what time

As if with the twins of one child, you watched the singing regime with the last of the first fate, then until the ear of the other fate, the little ones will sleep on the girls’ day. You know what I went ahead for one dream. Todi becomes relevant nutrition - if the child is shifted to one day's sleep, and what are the signs that the time has already come?

For the obviousness of the regime, most often the first daytime sleep occurs around 10 - 10.30 am, sometimes 11. And the other is close to 16 - 16.30. It’s time to finish it mentally, we already wrote in the article a regime for a new-born child according to the age, as it is necessary to put it up to the regime, painted according to the age. Therefore, there are options. I most often at the bik pіznіshogo hour. Few of the same children, having risen on the 6th - 7th morning, want to sleep already on the 9th anniversary of the morning.

A true sign, if the child is transferred to one day's sleep, it will be the same. Once you remember that at the prime hour for sleep, the little ones do not want to lie down and obviously walk more smartly. Otzhe, it would be easier to lay down the trochs later for the appointment of earlier terms. Here again I’m still warto respectfully watch what will happen if you break your first dream. Like a child, she took a walk earlier in the morning, and then, without any whims, she fell asleep, which means that she is already ready to walk out of the wound more, lower earlier. It is entirely possible, the children's shards grow, and after the rock, they develop rapidly in the physical plan.

If the child switches to 1 daytime sleep, it is also important to watch for another sleep. Like a little one, you need to sleep at that hour, if you have fallen asleep to the end, and if you want to lie down, you can also pull the bar. You can take a walk with him at the vіzku at the right time: sleep - good, no - nothing terrible, earlier go to night. And again, if it is possible for a normal transition to one daytime sleep, you can speed up another dream: after sleeping for the first five years, quilin 40, and waking up. It's time to roll over.

And now let's get some video. De mother told all those about going to one day's sleep. There they are given for the sake of it, and share the word, if the child is shifted to one day's sleep and reproach, like signs for him.

Switching to one day's sleep - set the mode

If you understand that the child is ready before the transition to one day's sleep, a new regimen will be needed. As if the child began to sleep late in a morning sleep, if you don’t want to sleep suddenly, then it’s necessary to induce a new regimen after the 1st fate in such a manner that the dream starts around 12 - 12.30. Until the second time - the best option.

To sleep the little one is now at home, at the bedside, more on the streets the walks are active: like a little child has gone, it is reasonable to start mastering the children of the Maidanchiki, walking them from walks to the vіzku. Such a transition to 1 day's sleep will lead to sleepiness for about 2-3 years. However, it is possible to lie down for a variety of reasons, including the temperament of a child. We do not take a fall, if the teeth are cut, the ailment is thin. It’s not varto to say about price, here abi shvidshe everything fell into place.

After sleep, the weather is better for the child, and go for a walk with her. This is the name of the evening promenade. You will have a walk for the time being early in the evening. About 16 – 16.30. Or maybe even earlier. It’s possible, of course, to wake up like this: having rolled over, we had the weather, we played at home, and then we went for a walk. Such an option for switching to one daytime sleep is good, if you only change to another sleep. In this type of activity, activity is active, going for a walk on a vіzka, you can sleep in different ways. If you understand that everything, the evening sleep is no longer needed, then it is better to walk in the morning after sleep. And in the evening, step by step, go to the quiet mountains of the house. Sleep baby lyagatime close to 20 - 20.30.

If a child goes to 1 day's sleep - preparation for a child nursery

If a child switches to 1 day's sleep, yoga can already be prepared for a child's garden and a normal preschool life. And the work is more likely to match the realities of our life. That is closer to the second fate, if the child is zmіtsnіє, the day's sleep will be broken until the 13th year. Tse so ranks mode nursery, this time of the year is from 13 to 15. As a child calls to her, then at the garden it will be easier to adapt.

Whenever a child hoots, it’s easier, it’s good to actively walk before going to bed, throw off your energy. Come out, you will have a walk for two days. It is important for a normal transition to 1 day's sleep, the shards of which are more children on the street, and then they develop physically. Naturally, there will be great changes in the weather: less people walk around the winter, no one is affected by natural disasters and more.

Going for one day's sleep - a trip with twins / twins

Father, sticking around with those twins. Vlasne kazhuchi,
the transition to one day's sleep at the twins here is like that, like with one child. And all for nothing, yakbi is not one great ALE ...

Twins often develop differently. I axis is a banal situation for you, as you know, more mothers are twins: one is ready for the transition to a 1-day sleep, while actively preparing. And the other one is not yet ripe, it’s just a natural “sleepy”. І scho work in this situation? Let's figure out how to transfer a child to one day's sleep.

Well, different modes two children have great difficulties for the fathers. Especially if after pіvroku, іz zaprovadzhennyam prikormі, nareshti z'appeared possiblіst robіt sіd dvаmі dіtmi at once. So what varto її do it yourself? Is it better to get by with little blood, or save the regime of the same?

Even more often the fathers of the twins are allowed to give a great pardon: the stench begins to repair in the face of the one who is weak. Tobto if the child goes to 1 day's sleep, they are guided by the new one. Begin to get out of the need for "sleep". I kill the first one, which is already “ripe” for one sleep. At the result, what should we take? "Sonya" fell asleep, while the other is miraculously awake. If wine is ready, then you can ride another day. The first axis of wines, having fallen asleep for a year later, and the one who fell asleep, take that and roll over.

If a child has two sleeps, then in whichever year to sleep, as a rule, from one year to the next. Go out two short sleep, and after skin sleep - that's it, I've thrown myself. The child is full of strength and energy, don’t mind grabbing that. And in the light of the yogo igor, the other one can also fall asleep, having fallen asleep. That other one, which has been ready for a long time before the transition to one day's sleep, will not be drunk and we will take it. The day for all will be unequivocally signed.

If the child is shifted to one day's sleep - a drop from the underbelly

So that the unacceptable moments from the transition to one day's sleep were not seen by the twins, varto vrahuvat step on: practically all children are ready after the 1st fate before the transition to one dream. And galmuєmo їх most often mi, fathers. Fear of being naughty. At the result, "We wanted it to be better, but it turned out like it was."

To that, at times they are twins, twins stink, if the child is shifted to one day's sleep - it is necessary to take care of the one who is already ready for the transition! І destroy the regime both back to back for the first year of my life, and then for the year. With whom, “sleepy”, better for everything, will be hot and small, albeit at once with a brother (sister). And through the zayvі pіvgodini it's easy to fall asleep. First, breaking the shards of a dream, it turns into a dream. You don't need to wake them up. Hi to sleep, the docks do not spill over.

In the evening sleep, we saw, as it is described more: we got up, ate, played, went for a walk. The active part was replaced by a stroller. The first axis here is “sleepyhead”, as it is necessary for you, you can sleep miraculously. Optimal 40 hvilin, soon їх up to 30. So it will be doti, children do not call the docks to the new regime. On the way, it's close to tizhnya. And then, in the process of switching to one day's sleep, even for a few days, you can destroy your early sleep in the first year. Already up to 12 years old. With this “sleep” you can suddenly sleep for a trival hour, and once you just feel like sitting in a stroller for a trivaly hour and being carried together with your brother (sister).

Transition to one day's sleep - pіdbag

Later, we looked to finish the important moment of the residual change in the regime.
transition to one day's sleep for one child and for twins. Normal daytime sleep will be up to 1.5 - 2 years. And from fate to the second there will be transitional moments. To say that the stench goes smoothly - no, not smoothly. They can be capricious, and induce hysterics in the air. Alebats during this period of warto show firmness for a day, give the little ones a call to a new layout for them, and calmly move forward.

And for a smut, for a normal transition to 1 day's sleep, you need to walk more with children, let them throw off the seething energy, competently draw active and calm games and dotrimuvatisya clear order of the day. It's easy to solve a lot of problems. It’s worth to hang out and one child, and, more, twins.

Starting from 12 months, most children sleep on the day of 1.5-3 years, start at two, and may not sleep 3-3.5 years before the first daytime sleep and 3.5-4 years between the end of the first and the beginning of another daytime sleep . In the world, the periods of growth can increase step by step by 15-30 quills at a time.

Your task is to respectfully watch over the child and cherubate her behavior. It’s not necessary to independently transfer the day’s sleep to the late hour, rather let me show you myself that I’m ready for it: for three or three days you don’t want to sleep on the day close to the chert line at the rosette). Nebazhannya sleep can be manifested in the fact that the child sleeps or belkotateme, lying in a lizhechku, crying loudly at an hour that is unknown to him, or sleep is not good for sleep. Remember these signs, transfer the day's sleep later.

If your little one from 12 to 18 months old and vin to sleep less than once a day, wonder about the daytime sleep schedule for children from 18 to 24 months old.

As if you began to lay the child for 30 minutes later, but then, as before, you don’t want to sizzle, or as if through a sprat of calm days, you will again forcefully calm down, which means that it’s necessary to put it down for the rest of the year.

Further rescheduling of daytime sleep more late hour

  • Zasipannya: 19:30
  • Wake up: 6:30
  • First nap: 10:00 a.m. (sleep until 11:30 a.m.)
  • Other afternoon nap: 3:00 pm (sleep until 4:00 pm)

A day's sleep is not to blame, but it's good to know!

As another daytime dream of a child ends close to the hour of evening bedtime and you don’t get tired, it means that it’s time to switch to a one-time daytime dream. It is not less than 3-3.5 years before the hour of sin is to blame for the tsomu vіtsі vіn. For example, if a baby sleeps at 7:30 pm, then until 4:00 pm, 4:30 pm, daytime sleep can already end.

Transition from double daytime sleep to disposable

As a rule, this transition takes place between 14 and 16 months, although the normal range is 12-20 months. Like a child sleeping for 4-6 days, you don’t want to, or you can’t fall asleep on a sudden day, or like another day’s sleep, you start to have a calm sipan at the great evening hour, the time has come to switch to a one-time daytime sleep. And here the transitional period begins again, if the two are already rich, and one is not enough. Sometimes the child will sleep for a short hour, another time a day, and sometimes it will be enough once. Tsya minlivist trohi vtomlyu batkіv, but sing out loud for a maximum of one month.

Transitioning to a one-time daytime sleep, the child will sleep earlier in general from 1.5 to 3 years per day, and it is your responsibility to help him to continue the early hour of sleeplessness, so that we do not make a big gap between the end of daytime sleep and evening sleepiness. Kіntseva meta - approximately the middle of the day, between morning awakenings and the beginning of daytime sleep, it took about an hour, more between endings and nighttime sleep. However, back to back, better for everything, it will happen to start at 11:30; if the child went to bed at 10:30, then by stretching for a few days, step by step, increase the period of non-sleeping by 15 hours, the docks will not reach until 11:30.

  • If the little ones go to one daytime sleep more often, it might be important for you to sleep more during the year, otherwise I will call for the valority of the first daytime sleep. In such a state of mind, after waking up, leave yoga for a deaky hour at the bedside, whilin at 15-30, trying to fall asleep again. As it is necessary, sprat once in a while see yogo. Like a child, do not cry, do not turbo її.
  • Be patient; the passage will take an hour, and it is possible to pass a sprat of tizhniv, first of all, the child is more stable to sleep at least 1.5 years.
  • Like in times of transition from three times a day to a daily daytime sleep, it’s possible to get one hour three times earlier to put the child to bed in the evening. You can also give him a sip of praise at the other half of the day - at the bus or the car, - so that you will get strength for the evening. Just follow it, so that the little ones don’t start sizzling too early, otherwise you’ll be too early (to break the hour of sinning no more than 1 year ago, then everything will be harazd).

Typical schedule for switching to one-time naps

Sleep: 19:30 Waking up: 6:30 Daytime sleep: 11:30 (sleep until 13:30)

In the world of grown-up children, the triviality of daytime sleep should sound the same, but the hour of sleeplessness may increase. For example, baby, yak slept from 11:30 to 13:30, then we can sleep from 12:00 to 14:00, then from 12:30 to 14:30 and so on.

Healthy sleep schedule

Sleep: 19:30 Waking up: 6:30 Daytime sleep: 12:00 (sleep until 14:00)

Sleep schedule for kids 2-3 years old

Until two nights, most children can fall asleep from 12:30 to 13:00 and sleep from 1.5 to 3 years. Wake them up as soon as possible 4 years before the evening sleep.

Good sleep schedule for children 2 years

Sleep: 19:30 Wake up: 6:30 Daytime sleep: 12:30 (sleep until 14:30)

Mіzh troma ta chotirma with fates most of the children begin to wake up in the daytime sleep. But your child can sleep a day that up to 5 years (how to have mercy!). At 3 o'clock, a child can go to bed later in the day, close to 13:00, or wake up at 14:00 and sleep until about 15:30.

Good sleep schedule for a child 3 years old

Sleep: 19:30 Wake up: 6:30 Daytime sleep: 13:30 (sleep until 15:00)

If the child is constantly dreaming of a daytime sleep, the rest of the transitional period will come, if the little one is significant himself, it is necessary for him to sleep in the daytime. For an hour, follow yoga behavior: if we sleep in the day, in the evening put yoga at the great hour. If you want to sleep in the daytime, in the evening put it down earlier, lower (if you need it, then for the whole year). You can cunningly fool the little one, for example, by rolling yoga in the car. I’ll be sure to wake up in a day’s sleep, and my body calls to sleep until the evening.

Vіdkryte schlodennik sleep and zapovnіt scheduling schedіl daytime sleep for the well-being of your child. Note. If a child sleeps more than once a day, then the hour of the next and third sleep will vary depending on how long the previous sleep ends.
When planning a daytime sleep schedule, take a full hour of another and a third time just as a guide, and not as an obov'yazkova vimoga.

For a normal growth and development of a child, an additional repair is necessary. And if new people sleep until they are 20 years old in the harvest, then as the baby grows older, the intervals between periods of sleep gradually increase. At this hour, the child knows the light, to turn over, sit, povzati, etc. Until the fateful day, the sleepiness of a day's sleep will shorten up to 2-4 years and sleep, as a rule, one chi twice a day. Step by step, children are forced into such a regimen and sleep less than once. About those, if a child switches to one day's sleep and how to grow so that it becomes as smooth as possible, according to our statistics. Here we can see the thought of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky about this stage of development of the baby.

Full recovery is one of the criteria for health. For the attainment of norms of sleep, there is an increase in the rozumovy zdіbnosti of the child and the concentration of respect, the expansion of the exchange processes, the stabilization of the psycho-emotional state. For the skin age group, it is “introduced” the number of years for repair in the extraction. A guideline for the fathers of guilt but also the norm of sleep:

  • nemovlya - 20-22 years old;
  • 3-5 months - 15-17 years;
  • 5-8 months - 14-16 years;
  • 5-12 months - 13-14 years;
  • 12-18 months - 12-13 years;
  • 18-36 months - 11-12 years.

The number of years at the same time is total, stained for the day night dream. But it is necessary to understand that, as a newborn child, you can sleep up to 8 times a day for food, then three times less - only once.

The most stable schedule is changing for about 1.5 years. The hour of the day after 18 months becomes 1-2 years. Sleep baby, for rare vines, 1 time. Reshta time to go to sleep and wreath the necessary light.

To learn that children are “invested” in the number of years of the night established by the norms, it does not mean that they do not need a full reparation a day. Yakraz out of the blue. A day's dream carries in itself a burden for the child's organism, as it grows:

  • spriya zmіtsnennyu nervous system;
  • zbіshuє concentration of respect and spontaneity of new information by 30-50%;
  • charge energy and vigor;
  • zapovnyu nestacha nіchnogo vіdpochinku;
  • reduce the risk of contagion of the heart and vessels, heart attacks and strokes;
  • changes in nerve tension, increased alertness;
  • improve mental and emotional state;
  • raises mood and serotonin (hormone of joy);
  • spray the growth hormone, which is especially important for small children;
  • allows you to hide emotional revantazhen and transcendent automi.

Studies have shown that children, if they do not sleep a day, often get sick more, less of the same age. Otzhe, krіm of the most named thing, the day's sleep will protect the immune system of the child. It is necessary for the fathers themselves to report all the zusil, in order to save Yogo Yaknaydovshe.

When do children switch to daytime sleep?

Leather baby - individuality. The new one has its own character, its own schedule of teething, growth and development. Itself to say exactly, if the child goes to one day's sleep, it is impossible. The skin baby has its own mode of sleeplessness and its own needs from the child. The task of the father is to help him instantly show the readiness of the little one before the transition from two-day sleep to one and help him to adapt more easily to the next stage of development.

As a rule, the first signs of the transition can be observed at 10-11 months. At the same time, they can develop like this:

  1. Malya is guided by a rank sleep, but it’s good to sleep after an offense.
  2. The child for a long time vіdpochiva vrantsі, ale vіdmovlyаєєєєєі vіd vіchіrny slumber.
  3. It’s good for the baby to sleep in the first and the next, but after a night’s sleep, it rolls over the skin day earlier and earlier.

As the fathers commemorated one of these signs, it is necessary for them to step by step to speed up the valor of the day. The most favorable time for the transition to 1 dream is 1 day and 3-4 months. At this hour, the child calmly shows 5-6 years of sleeplessness.

Why not an unsafe early transition to one day's sleep?

Deyakі children are supposed to sleep a day already at 9 months. And sometimes the fathers independently steal an hour, if you go to 1 day's sleep, so that the little one will fall asleep earlier in the evening. In fact, it’s not necessary to hurry anywhere, the shards can be negatively thrown into the self-perception of crying. Nestacha vіdpochinku for the little one can bring to the accumulation of the volume, which manifests itself in looking whimsical, hysterical and driven dramatization. Not alone in depression, if the child begins to wander at night, becomes sluggish, lethargic, becomes self-conscious, decreases immunity.

Many children at age 1-1.5 are physically ready before the transition to 1 sleep. In my opinion, I’m more likely to find it less than a sprat of months.

In the world of that, as the regime of the child is changing, it is necessary to carefully guard, so that the new one does not accumulate a volume. At this right, the sequence and patience is important. When changing the regimen, psychologists recommend that the fathers cherubate with the following principles:

  1. Do not switch to one daytime sleep, if the child has not yet reached the age of 1st fate. Bazhano reach 18 months. The longer the little one will sleep on the day of the girl, the easier it is to pass the transition to 1 complete repair and the lesser the accumulated hyperventilation.
  2. Not varto magatisya replace 2 dreams for 1 more at a time. It is possible that the first few days are all behind the plan, but farther, the world has accumulated it, the new regime will be more difficult to beat and it will not be easy to make it again.
  3. You don’t need to be afraid to put the child in at night too early, about the 7th and 6th years of the evening. Like a child who is under-sleeping, it is necessary to compensate for a year of rest. In other times, more often accumulate in volume.

How to painlessly switch to one dream a day?

In order to change the regime for the child, it was painless, it is necessary to follow the upcoming recommendations:

  1. As if the fathers commemorated the first signs of the fact that the little ones go to one day's sleep, if the vines are taken in the evening after the evening, then step by step to pass an hour of one of them into a sprat of khvilin.
  2. Lay the little ones to sleep only on the baby's bed. To di yoga repairs will be trival.
  3. Do not put the child to sleep suddenly forcibly, as if she were forced into another dream.
  4. Like a child, the eve of the evening begins to pray, passed one dream after a month. Tse allow the accumulation of the volume to disappear, which can negatively infiltrate the psycho-emotional state of the baby.
  5. Put the child to sleep the night before 9 p.m.
  6. The sleep of a child at night may be complete, trivality is less than 10 years old.
  7. Before the trinity nighttime sleep, a baby can become 1.5-2 years old. If the carelessness of the recovery will be insufficient, it can be compensated for by early packing.

When do you feel sleepy again?

After three years, a child can be no less than 11-12 years old for production. Sound at this hour of yoga daytime sleep for 1-2 years, and night sleep for 9-11 years. After the 5th anniversary of the baby, most of the time, and most of the time, they are taken to rest on the day and it is easy to endure physically and emotionally transfers. Ale, in some moods, a daytime sleep is still necessary, especially during a change. Leave everything at the hour of the early afternoon and nightly packing. The sumarna kіlkіst of years in the vіdpochinku at tsyom vіtsі to become 10-12 years old.

Dumka of Dr. Komarovsky

Call the little one to sleep well at night, so that even in the daytime it was all right for you. And for whom it is necessary to properly plan a day's sleep. If a child is taken to bed every day at the courtier's office, it is not the norm. In this period, it is necessary to make adjustments to the mode of recovery and non-sleeping.

What is the cost of nutrition, if it is necessary to switch to one day's sleep, Dr. Komarovsky does not give an unequivocal answer. Vіn vvazhaє, scho tse lie down according to the individual needs of the child. But one thing is clear: and nightly, and daytime repairs can be done, and we will confirm that we will establish additional standards.

So that the little one has slept well, I need sufficient physical strength. І bagzhano to secure її in the first half of the day. It’s necessary to take care of your mind, for such a child it’s small to be able to walk a lot, to gather up and streak. If so, it is necessary to follow him, so that you do not rest and do not wake up in the evening. Closer to sleep, ask the children to play calm games, do massage, read books. Tse dopomozhe to save the accumulated money in that period, if the child goes to one day's sleep.

To secure the children's povnotsіnny vіdpovchinok allow suvora dotrimannya order of the day. Put to sleep in the day and in the evening next at once. Until then, it is recommended to trim the sing-song sequence to change the tone. For example, you can have water procedures, reading a favorite fairy tale, so those who calm the little one and help him to have a healthy sleep. Calm little baby kindly sleep soundly the whole night. It is important for that number and for this harmonic growth that development.

Sob the little ones were fully aware of the number of years established by the norms, the fathers should report all the zusil:

  • make sure I get a good walk in the fresh air;
  • the temperature should be checked in the room at a level of 20 °;
  • water content repeat - at a rate of 50-70%;
  • garni kharchuvannya (without rescheduling);
  • good bedding and pajamas.

Dotrimannya tsikh minds to allow for the safety of children's remembrances of the day even less until the fifth century.

You can guess what time, if the child goes to one day's sleep, it varies from 1 to 1.5 years. With whom the child will sleep more for a day, then the psycho-emotional state will be better.

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