Children's kindergartens and schools in Nha Trang for Russian children. How do Russians live near V'etnam? Russian schools in Vietnam

How do Russians live near V'etnam?

The Russian diaspora near the krains of Pvdenno-Skhidnoy Asia is markedly growing by the remaining rocks. And what a marvelous thing, it was often used by families with small children. V'etnam is especially appreciated. People go here for warmth, to the sea, fresh fruits and rich tropical nature. How to move to live before V'etnamu? Read the instructions for moving.

It’s important to say that some of our spivvitchizniks live among the V’etnami. It’s rich who lives there steadily, and so, who comes to earn pennies, who wants to spend the winter, and dehto, mandruyuchi, zatrimuetsya at V’etnami for a sprat of months. Stop calling not to practice, but to live on a passive income, which is taken from Russia. Such Russians are called downshifters by V'etnam. E freelancers, for those who work, the place is the whole world. Those who dabble in “dovshe” know how to work in restaurants, travel agencies, sales assistants in pharmacies and shops and so on.

To live permanently and work with V'etnam spivrobitniki leading Russian tour operators. Vung Tau has a subsidiary of "V'etsovpetro". Vono is engaged in vidobutkom naphtha. Yogo spіvrobіtniki - Russian fahivtsі - rich fates live with V'єtnami zі sіmіm'yami. The city has created a special microdistrict for them with its own infrastructure. There is the th Russian school.

They come here and they are vikladachi, who know how to work at the initial mortgages. Ale, for whom you need good luck in English and English language.

And yet the Russians, who came to V'etnam on the cob of 2000 years and now start their own business - mini-hotels, jewelry stores, restaurants and shops. In Nyachanzia, there are promising young mothers, who came to the PMP from small children, they saw miracles nursery garden"Okay".

Golovne - choose the right place. Choose to lay down the type of thing you need a robot and a yak.

Where to go?

On the Internet today you can take away some information about the country. And the axis of understanding, which is right for you for a trivial life, you can only have been in it. It’s better for that fellow to get there at the entrance. V'etnamy has a sprinkling of climatic zones. Pivnich - tse Hanoi, Halong and Haiphong, central V'etnam - Hoi An, Hue and Danang, pivdenny - from Nha Trang to Phu Quoc Island. Here is the distribution and the largest metropolis of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). If you want to save you, then tse Nha Trang, Phanth'et, Vung Tau and Mui Ne. Make it warm here yourself, don’t threaten typhoons tsiliy rik bathing season.

Our spіvvіtchizniki don't get on the piss of Hoi an, more of them will stay in Nyachanzi. Where the infrastructure can be opened, it will actively promote the work for Russian locales (foreign residents). New Russians have more opportunities, lower at Mui Ne, although the rest began to be called a “Russian” village, a lot of Russians and bagatians arrived in the rest of the country.

If you don’t need to be told to earn money, but if you work far away, you can calmly dominate Fukuoqi. Not a job for Russians only in the high season - from leaf fall to birch. Then we’ll start to slowly move to Nha Trang in search of some kind of income.


If you are going to live here, then you will need a visa. Without a visa, Russians can only wait 15 days. Earlier, you could just come for a visa, and then you’ll have to apply for a visa for a longer term. At the same time, there is no such possibility, so you need to take a document, which is called an Approval Letter. Yogo can be issued through an online travel agency. The rate of visa support for 1 month is 10 dollars, for 3 - 25 dollars.

buvaє disposable and bagatorase. Tse means that you cannot first visit and enter the country without a new visa. Bagatoraz visa gives you such opportunity.

First of all, the registration of the airport in V'etnam is free of charge for the Russians (take a look at it, as the mitnik starts to cost you pennies).

You can sell a Russian visa to V'etnami in the country through the same number of travel agencies that provide similar services. Prodovzhennya vіzi zavzhdі vіdbuєєtsya for pennies. Varity of yoga is stored for 70 dollars. You can apply for a visa no more than three times, then you will need to travel to another country and start all over again.

Recently, there is one more rule that will not make life easier for those who are embarrassed to continue their visa. If you were driven out of the country through the end of the visa, then you can turn around and take it back again only after 30 days. In order to avoid such a situation, looking out for V'etnam for the renewal of the visa, stock up again with a visa support.

If you are planning to live long and work with the V'etnam, think about a working visa. Її can be issued by the term from 1 to 3 years. The cost of such a ticket is about 600 dollars (per river). Ale! You can only ask a robot seller who is preparing to sign a contract with you.

Insurance and medicine

If you go up in price to Vietnam, it is recommended that you take out health insurance. But for a 3-year stay there (more than 3 months) it’s not worth it. Firstly, it will be expensive, in a different way, take pennies for her (as you were sent for medical help, bypassing the service company) you can only use the song term, it’s important to work, I need to file a separate application.

Let's say a few words about medicine in V'etnam. The Russians, like the V'etnami, write about her richly and super eloquently. V'єtnamі іsnuіє impersonal likuvalnyh pledges of different equals - from municipal to leading and private clinics. Medicine is paid there, but not too expensive (sovereign). Private clinics can set up "naughty" faces. For consumption, you can ask I'll help the shvidka to take you to the municipal hospital. Mayzhe, they have a Russian medicine for their skin, which was learned from Russia.


It is not important to know the accommodation near V'etnami, here everything is - from luxury apartments near condominiums to found guesthouses. Keep everything in mind of what budget you can think of, your advantages.

The best shukati lived, perebovayuchi on mistsі. On the Internet, you can find yoga and housekeeping with a hairdresser for one price, and as a result, you will come and take away a good deal.

In Nyachanzia, for example, there are Russian realtors working, you can search for an apartment or houses through travel agencies, you can see and find free rozpovsudzhuyutsya different magazines of Russian language, where you can know information about renting a dwelling.

In a word, there are a lot of possibilities, a smut - to appoint what you want. The Russians, who were already in power with the V'etnami, recommend shukati living with a kitchen. Self-preparation will help you save on eating.

The cost of renting a room in a guesthouse can be from 150 to 200 USD per month. Tse fall in the season (low season - low prices). Apartments and houses will be cheaper than the larger term rent. The axis of the specificity of the orendi of the dwelling near V'etnami:

  • If you choose houses, a cottage or an apartment, you will obov'yazkovo take a deposit at the rozmіrі vartosti orendi for 1, 3 or 6 months. This is the way of the Lord to practice minimizing the risk of succumbing, or spend some kind of lane in the life that is being built (as a rule, using the butt technique). If you see that everything is in order, you will be returned the deposit. Obov'yazkovo obmovte z hospodar mozhlivist yogo vikoristannya as a rent for the rest of the month of residence;
  • Bargain with the master, as if you were renting a living on a three-term term. В'єтнамці give garn nizhku;
  • At the appointed vartosti, orendi vіdrazu zasovuyte, chi payment of electricity to enter before it. This is a virtuous article, so then we can vykotity to a full-blown orendi;
  • Whenever you find a room in a guest house, bargain obov'yazkovo, so that you will be told a highly dependent price on the back;
  • What gave life to the sea, it is cheaper.

Budinki and apartments here are built with the necessary necessities: furniture, equipped kitchen, by-butov technique. Screeze - central water supply and obov'yazkovo flow heaters near bathrooms.

Varity of a pre-stay rent of an apartment (they are also called studios here) or a house will cost 230 dollars for rent + utilities in the apartment up to 1000-1500 dollars for renting a cottage with a swimming pool. Well, I know it is still fallow in the distance from the sea.

I started to work as a teacher of English movies at V'etnami, if I stayed with Laos. I was helped by groups on Facebook, like Vietnam Teaching Jobs and similar to them. There are 10–20 vacancies being offered today.

Among the most important ones are European renown, a bachelor's degree and the presence of an international certificate about the right to publish an English movie like a foreign one (find out about it for example).

The rest is not needed (I don’t have it, and, as I thought, I don’t need it - I’m also a graduate for specialty). Salaries start at $10 per year and cost $20 as a native speaker (born in England, USA, Australia, New Zealand or PAR).

In five days, I have edited my resume for up to 70 companies. I wrote that I don’t have a certificate, I have a bachelor’s degree, three years of experience in private lessons (nonsense) and an opinion about listening to 5 years of courses. For controversy, I attached a photo of the diploma of that of my European individual.
Nearly half of the companies lied to tell me, another third wrote that a certificate was needed, they asked for a interview in Hanoi. I didn’t choose to go to Vietnam for the sake of interview, leaving the remaining option - the Popodoo smart english school near the Tay Nguyen district, as it was a good time to conduct an interview with me on Skype.

Having satisfied the director in my English day, two days later I landed at the airport of Hanoi and took off my work visa. For Russians, it costs 5 dollars, for other foreigners - 20-100 dollars in fallow land.

At the school, I successfully passed a special interview, after listening to two lessons of the last week, I went through two three-year trainings, signed a paper about a two-year trial term - and I’m the driver, with the keys to the air and a special moped.


At the head office of our movnoy school, they arranged class and rooms for vikladachiv. There were nine readers: four Russians, including me, a Pole, a German, an eel, an American and an Italian.

The rooms, in which we lived, were boxes of drywall 4 meters of lintels and 7 folds. Furnishings: two-bedroom bed, wardrobe, two chairs. Stіni pofarbovanі in rozhevy. Air conditioning at the skin room, toilet - one for the whole top, shower - on top below.

Refrigerator tezh buv one for all, and smіtnik znakhodivsya directly bіlya toilet. At night, through the windows, the eyes steadily climbed up to her. Whenever one came out by the corridor, the stench clucked and hovered at the right machine, which was standing by the toilet.

It’s like a small squint so less sly, that it was at the negotiation room and there it was flying through the wires at the air conditioner.

A moped was put to the skin teacher, but it’s not practical for everyone to reach them, and sometimes it’s necessary to bring one of them to the main centers. Mustache mopeds are old, more wrong for dribnitsy. The agreement was made to pay the bill to the teacher and buy gasoline for them, the cost of transport is 200 dollars.

School and children

Our school is private, and children were sent there from three years, the oldest students were 15.

V'etnamskі children vіdznyayutsya unsatisfied and unimportant positions to the readers. In addition, the stench constantly kolupayutsya in the nose and shorts. Too many people to succumb to the bіlu people, they lakayutsya and cry.

Lessons are conducted together with helpers, the role of which is played by students of local universities. The skin group has 10–12 studies. Somebody in the group, which has already been formed, induce newcomers, as if they do not know English at all, to learn that they have already passed a few first lessons.
Class - room 6 by 6 meters, computer, on the wall - an interactive board, on the floor - soft mothers and balls: children love to be amazed. They don’t scorch the bribe, the temperature is constant - about 13 degrees, before that it’s already cold and looks even colder. Children and vikladachi are engaged in jackets.

The skin group can be called places or states: Leipzig, California, Seattle.


On weekdays, I have more than two second lessons: from 17:30 to 19:00 and from 19:30 to 21:00. Don't start the stink in one place, often it was possible at the break to go to the judicial center.

Natomist at the weekend - 4-5 lessons per day. The first one starts at 8:00, the rest ends close to the ninth evening. A vikladach has a six-day working week, a single free day - for another time it’s not Saturday or a week.

Before you need to take a day, put together plans for a short time, it takes close to a year. As a teacher, it is necessary to show more acting skills, have fun and play with children, do not be boring and do not get married. You can punish children for filthy behavior, putting them in a kut for 10-15 minutes or allowing them to participate in games.

The process of inducing impulses on the basis of ihor and interactive boards. To memorize new words, cards are drawn from images of objects. On the cob of the skin lesson, the cartoon that vital dog is included. Children dance, repeating the movements after the character from the video sequence.

Vimova is greedy with rich children, absolutely do not follow him and do not scold him, so that you do not become overly boring and intrusive. I added phonetics to the hour, and then the director said that the children should be afraid of the fathers for the tedious atmosphere of the lessons.

The headmistress herself became a victim of such a reprieve. Vaughn could not move like a firm voice, for example, "t" replaced "s", after which such words, like "meeting" turned into "missing", calling for other meanings.


For the smallest, it was split up with cards.

For example, children sit at the stake and pass the ball on the stake to the music. If the teacher presses the stop, the one who has the ball in his hands is guilty of naming the English word from the picture. A more active occupation: the cards are laid out in a row, the teacher names the words, and the two academic duties are shown in front of the pictures of their meaning. At such moments in the class panuє chaos, to that scho to the pictures it is absolutely learned.

Games on the interactive doshtsi are even simpler: a voice is like a word, a child can point an object on the screen with a finger. Or such an option: divide objects from two different topics, for example, “play” and “my room”.

For example, a skin lesson for little ones, the song and video sequence turn on again, the stench dances and has fun.

senior class

It's easier to deal with high school students. The stench is badly disciplined, it’s already badly spoken in English, and it’s no longer necessary to play with them.

The task for the elders is also elementary: pick up the uncommon word, put in the missing one, split the words in order in the speech. Grammar is about a third of a skin lesson.

Vimov's senior students are also good, half of the words that they learn, I had a chance to guess, spiraling on the topic of dialogue.

Stickers for assessments

I senior, and young students take a lesson for example homework that sticker.
Stickers are some kind of bonuses for good behavior and activity at the lesson. Small pictures from images of various fantastic characters to be glued into working zoshit on the first side.

For virnі vіdpovіdі at the lesson, the students win stars, as they are enrolled on the board. Skills of stars are accumulated for a lesson, skills of stickers are taken away.

Payment for services

By the protyagation of the probationary term, the salary is paid from the salary of 10 dollars per year. After the signing of the contract, the fee will increase to 11 c.u./year.

For a month they paid 1000 dollars. The norm is 100 years for a month, but at least 1000 dollars we paid, it was less than that. The transfer is paid for at the same rate.

I got 1050 dollars for a month at a rate of 10 dollars / year with the improvement of the fact that I had 4 lessons at the weekend. Yakby їх was 5, I would have earned 1130 dollars.


After the end of the two-term term, the boss told me that I’m badly adapting to children, I have little fun with them and I think too much. Therefore, the testing period lasted for me for two more years. We signed a contract for 4 months with warnings that I am not good enough, the company of yoga rose. The teacher cannot unilaterally open the contract.

Until the end of the month, I got tired of seeing clownery and having seen the director, who was dissatisfied with the minds. Vaughn was more mischievous for my decision, but she could not make up her mind.

The salary was already paid for the day, regardless of those who were in the yard on the 1st of September. You can see the difference with the Vietnamese currency, and this looks like a squabble: I took 22 million dong.

Change them for dollars, to the point, more illegally at jewelry stores, as in this way they often legalize their goods.

For the third month of vikladatskoy activity in V'etnamy my vysnovok is unambiguous: it is better to be born in England or PAR. 10 dollars for a year is not a good penny for the necessary clownery as a graduated tradesman.

And the international certificate, which gives the right to speak English, as it was written earlier, was made by the teachers of the school at Photoshop.

We have already settled down to a little bit in a new place for ourselves, and maybe a little bit of rozpovesti, how the children of those old fathers live here.

Children's nursery tripoverhovy

Children do not hesitate here, during the day, creative and musical activities

Zі schools, zvichayno, folding i. There is a French-English school in Nha Trang, children should go to the English section at any time, and all subjects are given to them in English. School price $450 from 1 to 3 class to $ 700 for 8 and 9 class. Zagalom at school is less than 9 classes. Before the speech, at this school there is a children's garden, there are wines about t $ 250 per manger (up to 3 years) up to $ 400 for a kindergarten group (up to 5 years).

Є Singapore-V'etnam school, international English language education program is respected here even for its prestigious cost $ 11,000 for river. Navchannya also up to 9th grade. This school has a richly cheap national program, all subjects here are taught more importantly in English language at home. Tsei variant of the cost $ 4,000 per river

The last of the options we have found is that the school “Children of the future” has already been established. For preschool children, there is a kindergarten, which earlier cost $500 per month, but after the crisis, the price dropped to $300. At school they put Russian subjects English language.

At the red 2015 of rock, the school of the Child of Maybutny, unfortunately, closed. We came up to her for two months, after which we turned to the garden of Ladushka.

Chic territory with a swimming pool, children to the garden and school deliver a transfer

IMPORTANT! Updated in 2017. School "Children of the future" pracyuє. You can also be found on An V'єni, but in other days. The format of the school has changed, the training is carried out only by the Russian language. Dodatkovі divided: choreography, music. School vacancy per day - $200 per month with 3-time admission per day (to borrow 12 per month). All the food for the school "Children of the Future" can be placed by the directors Tetyana Breusova especially,

(VOVworld) - Last week at the address of the editorial office of the radio "Voice of V'etnam" there were a lot of lists and telephone calls from radio listeners different lands world. Last week, there was an even more important occasion: schoolchildren and students all over the country made a new 2013-2014 head note. Let's take a look at our correspondent and see a special school, as it is located in the very center of the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - the Russian school at the Russian embassy in Hanoi, as an initial proof of friendship between the two countries.

In Russia, a new chief rok begins on the 1st of spring, the same as in the V'etnam - on the 5th of spring. Another note: in Russia, the initial roar sounds the sound of the first little twinkle, and in Vietnam - the sound of the drum. However, be-yakіy kraїnі every day may blatant meaning: new and expensive schoolchildren and students are beginning to learn from the world of knowledge special school, published in 1975 for Russian children from Russia and Vietnam. Shhoroku at the tract line in the Russian school at the Russian embassy in Hanoi, you can easily commemorate the triumphal individuals of the students, as after the summer holidays they have accumulated enough energy to acquire new knowledge. The father of one of the students, Olena Andriivna, shared: “Obviously, children are praised - even if it’s the beginning of the beginning of fate, then the stench can enter the class with a mood for learning, so that there would be less than a garni of assessment from all the subjects. Well, the stinks are happy, for the friends are chirping, they didn’t fuss with them all summer.

For the study of the admission class of Nguyen Jan Tkhanovich, in the course of Russian and V'etnam blood, whose fate the tract line may have a special meaning rest river on school lava. Vіn іz khvilyuvannyam podіlivsya svoіdstvami: “I feel a sense of embarrassment: I commend that joy, for the school is stability, but there will be no house ahead. It’s impossible to see what will be, and through it it’s scary to wind up. So I will, obviously, take care of my teachers and my friends. The school had a lot of fun.

The Russian school at the Russian embassy in Hanoi widely opens its doors not only for Russian children at the Vietnamese, but also for the Russians themselves, as if to start the Russian language of children. There are 148 studies in this initial mortgage. Half of them are Russians, the other half are Russians, and the number of children is insignificant. The father of one of the Vietnamese scientists Tribute to Van Hoa, saying: « Here we give light to Russian mine, and for our children best option continue your training. This is a short way in order to continue your education without forgetting the Russian language, as for them it is like a friend».

Rozpochavsya 2013-2014 initial rіk - tse initial mortgage I am re-accepting first-class students, so that I can get to know and get to know new friends. First grader Alina said: "I'm really glad, I think that I'll be a good mathematician."

Deyakі people are doubtful about the equality between the Russian and Russian children at this school. However, in truth, everything is rich, otherwise it is simpler. Reader Olga Panoeva said: “Stink miraculously get along. As conflicts are escaping, then we should not lie in wait for the fact that she is a Russian child, that she is a Vietnamese. Between children, there are some small conflicts, after such stench they will be reconciled and play together. At our school, there is no such thing as a podіlu between British and Russian children - they stink all at once. Їх united then, what stinkchildren».

A new head office with new benefits checks for students of the Russian school at the Russian embassy in Hanoi. Here the stench is not less likely to gain new knowledge, and they learn to live in a team and be friends with their peers of their nationality. Voni - the future generation of V'etnam and Russia.

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