Homework for the needy world of Fedotov. Chi required solution


Vidavnitstvo - Akademkniga

Rick of sight - 2014

Number of sides - 128

Fedotova, Trafimova: Navkolishniy svіt. Grade 3 Part 1 - splitting up to the light standard and the Federal State Educational Standard

The assistant implements the concept of a promising apprenticeship.

Learn to know the mountain breeds, soil, natural spilinots, learn more about the geography and history of our country. Kozhen divided books including impersonal creative tasks and tasks on the logic of learning. You have the right to call on the handmaiden to decorate the international stosunki with one-year-olds, grown up and with the most beautiful light. A set of supplements with a robotic zoshit and an anthology.

Assistant to creativity and the logic of learning

Assistant Fedotov, Trafimova: Navkolishniy svіt. Grade 3 Part 1 is based on the best traditions of Russian education.

The main method of the program is the formation of independent and harmonious specialty of a child: literate, thinking, “honest”. Schoolchildren learn how to finish, rozmirkovuvat, independently decide. The lesson material of the assistant was supplemented by a series after-class visits. All have the right to be grounded on grі, which is especially easy given to young schoolchildren.

Worker sling, and more precisely - sash for independent work with the subject Navkolishniy svit for the first class, authors O.M. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov, 2015 edition (2nd edition). Tsey asks to enter the program Promising Pochatkov school. Posіbnik to revenge the illustrative material for the work of a first-grader at school and at home. It’s easy to file the order, but all the same, some of the scientists and their fathers have problems with the reports. The assistant is not given all the material, and the first grader needs to find out the verses of the tasks set in anthologies, encyclopedias and the Internet. We will try not only to sing out the voice of the court, but also to give the fireworks on the order, where it is necessary. Ready home tasks for your decision, like everything on our site, they have been reviewed and praised by the teacher.

If, nevertheless, it would not be possible for you to blame the food, put it in the comments.

Vіdpovіdі to zoshita for independent robіt z navkolishny svіtu 1 class

Choose side of the zoshita: List of parties 33 34-35 36-37 38-39

Side 3-5. What will you take away from us?

Task 2. Name the viroba near the skin row of little ones in one word. Add Lavi. Name your number of subjects.

Note: In the 1st row, the virobu - toys, in the 2nd row - clothes, in the 3rd row - dishes. Small number of "fruits".

Task 3. Reveal that you are sleeping on Sonya. Tell me what you are doing, feeling, seeing. Rosefarbuy sun and paint on the sky haze.

Vidpovid: I'm lying on a galyavin and I'll look at the sun. The grass is green in the neighborhood. Behind Galyavino - the village of that rate. I can smell the rustle of grass, the cackle of geese near the village, the singing of birds and the rumble of the vantage, which is passing in the distance. I see, like a sleepy prominence warms my skin, and the warm wind is glossy and develops hair.

Side 6-9. We know the light. Organi chuttya

Task 4. Tick off those little ones, depicting objects that see sounds. Can they be called virobs? Rosefarbuy little ones with virobs. Give that organ a little help, which helps you a little.

Vidpovid: Pivnik spivaє, woodpecker knocking, conic tsvirkoche, call the phone. Helps a little wah sounds.

Task 6. Significance of little licorice products eating with a red tick, sour - blue, hot - black, salty - green tick. For the help of what kind of body do you feel everything? Suggestion: mova. And how is it called? Suggestion: very relish.

Zavdannya 7. Can you call a burulka a human being? Suggestion: no.
How do you know that tea is hot and kriga is cold? Suggestion: obviously, put your hand up to the object.

The rear red line depicts solid objects, and the green line depicts soft ones. What organs help you to help you? Vidpovid: shkira (dotik), eyes (zir).

Storinka 10-17. nature is alive

Task 8. What do little babies look like in a skin pair? Vidpovid: one of the little ones in the skin pair is a human virus, the other is a creature.
Why did one of the little ones get lost without a bet? Verdict: the fact that the creatures "cheburashki" in nature do not know, is the clue of a person.

Task 9. Give the creatures colorful entrance tickets to these houses.

At the first booth - komakhi: God's Korivka, beetle.
At another booth - birds: woodpecker, leleka.
At the third booth - savtsі: vovk and grizun (not understandable, chi shur, chi beaver).

Task 10. Tell me about your beloved creature.

On our website, there is an anonymous report, additional presentations about creatures, be it from them, like for roses, so for the wild development of a child: roses about creatures >>

Task 12. Marked with a colored check mark for people. What sleep do these little ones have from the reshtoi? Verdict: there are images of creatures on the reshti. What word can you call all the painted creatures? Suggestion: coma.

Task 13. What mental sign do you not use in order to signify all the little ones? Vidpovid: sign for chagarnik.

Task 15. Name the painted parts of the tomato. Skіlki їх? 4 parts are painted: root, flowers, leaves, fruits. Є sche 5 part - stem.

Task 16. Mark the little ones with a tick, quietly growing up, leafing through some kind of people vikoristovuє in a hedgehog.

You can’t come to the reader until you hear a single letter. Lettuce, krіp, cabbage and cibula - it's definitely a tick. And the axis of leafing with sprinklings, currants and kulbabi vikoristovyut at zhu, ale shvidshe with a jubilant method, lower for eating.

Storinka 18-19. Autumn time

Storinka 20-23. Schodennik guard

Zavdannya 19. Rosefarbuy leafing like it looks like autumn.

The Syrian second paper of that zoshita is not called back to the reception of the fermentation, but all the same, the task is the task. And marvel, as if looking at the leaves of autumn trees, you can look at the side: trees and chagarniki of autumn \u003e\u003e

You can find information about wintering and migratory birds in the atlas-signature of creatures "From the earth to the sky" in the birds >>

Storinka 24-31. Winter has come

Day 23 Marked with an unsafe situation icon. Why is it necessary to put such a sign at your cities?

Suggestion: Not necessary. It is not possible to ride on unsafe weights.

Task 24. Tell me about the number of people at the winter hour.

Vzimku people do not sit without work. It is necessary for the city to clean up snow from roads and sidewalks. In the villages - look at home thinness. Snow-covered fences are sprouted near the fields, so that winter wheat does not freeze and so that there is enough water to hang on the ground.

Task 25. Rosefarbuy the little ones of quiet animals, as they do not store food for the winter.

Note: even if that witch falls into a hibernation, the stench does not store food. And the axis of the borsuk wants to fall into a hibernation, but all the same food is stored. The fox that vovk poluyut і tezh do not store food. You don’t store food and hare, you eat dry grass, weed the snow, and the bark of young trees.

Task 28. Name the birds and write their names (you can use the first letter).

Vidpovіd zlіva to the right: gorobets, snigovik, magpie, woodpecker, dove, feather, tit, crow.

Task 29. Do you know these water bags? Write on the gurtkah the numbers you need. Tell me how these creatures hibernate.

Toad and rablik burrow into the ground and fall into hibernation (anabiosis).
Ribis hibernate in the depths of rivers and lakes, where the water does not freeze.
Crayfish climb under writhing, at nori under water and fall into anabiosis.

Page 32. Spring has come. Storinka 33-35. Watchdog.

Task 33

Mother-and-mother-mother has a yellow flower, with no fuzzy pelyustok.

Kviti primrose yellow, start washing from old tubes.

The flowers of the windmill are small, out of 5-6 with oval pellets. Buy white, yellow and other colors.

At the perelisk, the flowers are black, in the other they are similar to the windmill.

I stretched the flowers from light yellow to purple, with large pellets, fluffy calls, the middle of the yellow flowers.

Chubka flowers - erysipelas or black tubules.

Task 34. Find a nest for a skin bird.

Finding a nest is easy, picking 2 halves of the puzzle.

Paint a nest of zozuly, as if throwing eggs at someone else's nest.

In the photo there is a zozuly nest. It looks a little like:

Storinka 36-39. Lіs pіdemo for berries

Task 35. Look at the little yagid. Circle the little roslin with a red olive, yakі є unsafe for health. Name them.

Vidpovid: Otrayni kvіtki konvalії (upper leviy kut), raven's eye (the first row has another zlіva), vovche face (below zlіva).
Їstіvnі: raspberry, lokhina, crane, gorobina, sunnitsa, blackberry.

Task 36. What kind of mushrooms grow near your meat?

Glue little ones: Podbereznik, boletus, masluki, porcini mushroom, chanterelles, honey agarics. Invincible mushrooms: fly agaric, white toadstool, wild mushroom.

Task 38. What is wrong with children?

1. Breed bagatya at the fox.
2. Row up bird nests.
3. Lamayut goosebumps.
4. Tear up Polish tickets.

At another class those of the most common light become more wide and require a sash. Not varto vіdmakhuvatisya in this subject, the shards of this knowledge lay the foundation for the development of rich other disciplines. In addition, there are many ways to expand knowledge about the life of our planet and about space, about the world of creatures and about coma. Make it easier to know more help the solver to the assistant "Navkolishnіy svіt. Robotic zoshit 2 class" Fedotova, Trafimova. vidavnichy booth"Academbook", 2014

What is up to the new included.

The collection is divided into two parts. The first is to avenge forty-six parties, and the friend - sixty-three. All right in GDZ s navkolishnogo svіtu 2 class Fedotov avenge thoroughly the solution. So just tables and crosswords.

What is the required solution.

Deyakі children can not independently vporatis z d / z, so that they can not bug any aspects of this subject. Although in essence there is nothing coherent in the tasks, but nevertheless, show the schoolchildren the principle of the right solution, so that he does not blame everyday problems. Reshnik to assistant "Navkolishnіy svіt. Robotic zoshit 2 class" Fedotov dopomozhe to formulate in uchnіv analytical mislennya.

  • Within the framework of the improved program "Promising School", the discipline of the New World is given special respect. Emphasis of directing on the formation of basic skills that are seen within the framework of this subject, for further development of the cycle of social and natural disciplines. Teaching materials include a theoretical part (a tutor) and practical work on a vibrate.
  • Tsіkavim decisions are respected by teachers working zoshit according to the navkolishny world for the 4th class, laying like Fedotova O. N. and Trafimova G.V. , natural sciences. After the completion of the skin topics (divided), a special field is created for this (mini-descriptions), to summarize the main idea, to put together competent visnovki.
  • In order to understand how to correctly practice with the help (as in schools, your assistant is not the main practical material), you can speed up GDZ to new. Yakіsno folds of the solution, krіm vіrnih vіdpovіdey, demonstrating the form of record adopted on the іspitah and VVR. Tse become an effective base for training before the folding of the sub-bag assessment already from the cob school.
  • Preparing for the next world GDZ to help Fedotova for fourth-graders

  • Vyvchennya navkolishny svіtu for fourth-graders - cіkave, but often not an easy task. In order to master the material in a complete way, it is necessary to improve it and go to work in a conscientious, thoughtful, scrupulous manner. Tse allow us to achieve good results from the low disciplines of the natural-social cycle, the champion of post schoolі є navkolishniy svit. Engaging in special assistants, workshops and solvers before them regularly, fourth-graders successfully overcome the task set before them.
  • Start training GDZ in the selection of necessary literature - basic theoretical collections and practical materials before them. You can get in touch with these zavdannyam for help of fathers or better fahivtsiv - subject teachers, tutors, kerіvnikіv kursіv and gurtkіv. After that, as a set is selected, it is necessary to put together a similar plan for the future work, which is to be paid:
    - basic knowledge of a choti-class student;
    - to put your interests, horizons, goals, and wines in front of you - in the promotion of a streaming ball, marks from discipline to participation in competitions and olympiads in the world of science;
    - kіlkіst o'clock, which is regularly spent on training;
    - Ability to organize self-control and self-verification, assessment of the dynamics of achieved results.
    It is not necessary to allow oneself to adjust the plan, promptly solve the problems, blame them, use the shortfalls at the early stage of their appearance.
  • In the number of core posіbnikіv praktikumіv eksperta robochi zoshit z navkolishny svitu for class 4, warehouses Fedotova O.N. The versatility of the book makes it possible to vindicate as an addition to any kind of WMC with the necessary world, and not only to the "Perspective Cob School", for which working zoshit fell apart.
  • The selection is often scored by tutors in their work with fourth-graders, so as a leader, presented in a new, cіkavі, raznoplanovі and may have a different level of folding, allowing the realization of different training goals. Suitable for borrowing what to prepare for the building of the VVR, diagnostic for the sub-bags of the pochatkovo school.

GDZ without VIP- All author's resolvers for the people. It is no longer necessary to enter a number for a paid SMS prepayment and spend thousands of rubles for those that can be paid absolutely free of charge. To enter our site and access to ready-made homework, you don’t need a penny, please save us. Not vitrative - otzhe, having earned! About those who are solvers for 1-11 class of korisn, one can speak indefinitely. However, remember those who are against such accomplices, come to the visnovkiv, which is a good word for schoolchildren. How to show the results, from 100% of the information, how the children learn in the lessons, only 30% are remembered. Obviously, in order to remember the knowledge, study new material and vikonate homework correctly, the child needs supplementary literature. To tsієї categorії і lie sіbniki with ready-made home tasks, divided by qualifications of teachers and methodologists!

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Solutions for grades 1-4 in mathematics, Russian language, modern science and other subjects will become a help for fathers. It will be easier for such accomplices to help such accomplices to explain their child, the material, which is not clear on the lesson, and to help them turn to the folding right.

On our site of representations there is a great selection of selections, which will be correct in all respects. Therefore, I apply the verses of the task of mathematics, insert the missing letters and signs of the Russian language, and also translate the words and texts of the foreign languages. Practically all GDZ for 1-4 classes are illustrated with bright little ones, and ready-made tasks are accompanied by selective schemes, tables and short explanations.

Krim standard selections with ready-made home tasks from assistants, you will know with us the right to work rights, as well as to control and independent work.

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With the skin fate of cultivating that rank of another subject, starting from the fifth class, it becomes important to learn for the teachers. Neskіchennі home tasks, not zavzhdі zrozmilі those that impersonal ruled і the main reason why children simply do not get behind the school program. Collections of the GDZ for grades 5-11 will help you get out of the most important leaders, improve your knowledge, and also, promote success.

Such helpers to avenge the impersonality of the number of selected typical tasks from various subjects. Experts from the exact sciences have chosen examples and applications, formulas, algorithms and dividing tasks, filling tables with external data, graphics and stimulating figures.

Solutions for grades 5-11 in geography and biology include completing the scheme contour drawings with the use of applied objects and other marks on them. In the collections of Russian and foreign languages, and the literature of the Crimea, it is right to translate texts, short essays, dialogues, and work with propositions, too.

With the help of GDZ for grades 5-11, you can not only write off the correct statement on the task, but correct your decision, and therefore, independently distort the authority of knowledge. Forward, for knowledge and good grades!

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