Scenario of a class-by-class entry "holy potatoes". Holy potatoes at the pochatkovy school. Scenario Scenario of the Holy Russian Potato

Holy Autumn Scenario

"Holy Baked Potatoes" for 5-7 grades.

Class 6 class stoner: Lopatina Lyubov Borisivna, MBOU "Novoobinska ZOSh", p. Novoobinka, Petropavlіvskiy district, Altai Territory

1 read:

Respect! Respect!

All science:

Who wants to eat some baked potatoes,

2 read:

Salad with her - even savory, cooked maisterno,

3 reading:

Pirіzhkiv, rum'yanyh, fresh,

Boiled potatoes lower,

4 read:

Prepare riddles, verses, orders -

Usogo giblets, but all about potatoes!

1 Leader. Hello lads! Mustaches are generous to fate: spring gives us greenery, the summer sun does not hurt, and autumn, singsongly, naybagatsha. She generously bestows upon us the fruits that have come to us. In autumn, people harvest and glorify the golden beauty of autumn for its generosity: they sing songs, parts, and power the holy Harvest.

2 Lead: And our holy day is consecrated to potatoes - the head sheep on our table. There will be a year and songs, and games, and hot, contests. At competitions in our holy place, 2 teams take part, by which they hope to be able to show their knowledge, to practice smarter, to speak one with one.

3 leading: The competition is evaluated by the jury: _____________. It’s holy to me from the excursion into history - so-so, don’t be surprised, even potatoes are a foreigner, and in Russia they were brought for Peter I in the 17th century.

1 Lead Batkivshchyna potatoes vvazhayut Peru and Chile. There vin ris at the wild camp. Later, the Peruvians started sajati yoga of their life. The climate of Peru is peculiar: it is scorching during the day, and cold at night. The Indians froze potatoes at night, and dried them in the sun during the day and called її "chunya", and the bulbi - "pappo". Having grown potatoes, the Indians ruled sacredly.

2 Lead: From Europe, potatoes were brought by the Spaniards and the Portuguese from the 16th century. And Peter I, manduring Holland, sent a bear to St. Petersburg with an order: “Ask the population to take care of growing potatoes”,

3 leading: Ale potatoes were reluctantly bred because of the bobobonny fear of her, they were vowed with a devil's apple. Bulo saw the Decree on the obov'yazkovu planting of potatoes: "Potato riots" started, like zhorstok strangled.

Postupovo in Russia, the potato "taken root", and not just "taken root", but fell in love with people, became a different kind of bread. Without it, that hedgehog is not a hedgehog.

1 student . Know everything about potatoes in the world:

Rich and ti, who is not rich.

Everyone prepares in their own way,

Leather on the table potato radium:

I who to lubricate, and who to soar,

Who is the baker and who is the friend,

Ale їdyat її everywhere.

Їy i glory, i shana!

2 students . Hello, sweet potato,
Goduesh your honest people.
Yakshcho є potatoes in a booth,
Cityim will be tsiliy rik.

3 school . Ah, potatoes, relish,
More beautiful than waffles and zukerok.
Wow, potatoes, relish,
There is nothing savory.

4th student We take the cebra,

That one is on the road.

Friendship will help us

Wikopati potatoes.

5 school . Qia speed

That's tastier

What happened to the lads

Flirt with her.

6 school . Only the sunset of the autumn sun

Osya forever,

We are in hot ashes

Let's bake potatoes.

7 school . Potato, potato -

Harvest riches!

savory potatoes

Love mustache lads.

1 Lead ..

And now I will ask the participants of the teams. Teams will be divided from the 5th, 6th and 7th classes of 4 individuals. Be kind, guess the name of your teams.

Let's play a little bit. Tse warm-up before important work- Digging potatoes.

Gra on respect

"Drop, stitch, potato." Help the most important team.

( Leading, seeming words, vikonu clumsy ruhi:

"kopna" (kopishka) - standing, raise your hands uphill,

"stitch" - sit down,

"potato" - squatting and shoving your head.

Grie participants repeat everything. If the Rukhs are forgotten, Leading start swindling children - even one, but to rob even more. Override the most important.)

2 Lead: Today we have a wonderful day - "Holy Baked Potatoes". Ale persh nizh її spekti - it is necessary to plant, weed a sprat once, pіdsapuvati і, nareshti, vikopati. However, the harvest will not be rich, as if robiti without a mood. Otzhe, we already carried out exercises, and now “Fun start”!

Usі competitions this year will be pov'yazanі z potatoes.

1 competition. "Take birth"

Potatoes are found in a compartment on one side of the “city”, on command, one person from the team reaches potatoes, take її one at a time and carry її to the next end of the “city”. As for the cost, the potato has fallen, you can’t lift it. That team wins if they take more potatoes for others and don't let them in.

2 competition. "Line Gardener"

Empty cebra to stand on the "city". The skin participant may 3 potatoes, as if you were guilty of "laying" at the wind, throwing from the wind. If you throw more, you will overcome it.

3 competition. "Potato Hockey".

With a leather key, the participant can drive the potato plant near the wind. The maximum number of goals - 6 - per number of participants.

4 competition. "Who is zayviy".

The competition is held for a few times. In the middle of the stake lie a vykopan potato. Її 1 less, lower number of diggers. Teams stand at the stake, all walk along the stake until they smell the word "POTATO". If you need to catch a potato harvest. Who is left without potatoes - vibuvaє. The leader picks up 1 potato and the competition is three. The one who wins, gives a point to his team.

5 competition "Potato liver »

Command to become faces one to one .

According to the skin of the team, they call the grass, in the yakіy є potato, with which they throw the kartoplin from the team to the next. Htos having trimmed the kartoplin more, lower on the rahunok 1,2,3 ... vibuvaє z gri. Peremagaє team, scho lost in grі.

6 competition "Skіlki krokіv to kartoplі"

Stand in front of the cebro with potatoes. How do you know how long it takes to reach a new level?

To distort the correctness, croque widely and rahuemo croki. Peremagaet the one who appears to be accurate.

7 competition "Musical" (partial)

3 Leading .

More shortly a song about potatoes

The world didn't have any,

We sleep with you about potatoes,

And you splash at the vіdpovіd.

1. Harmonist, harmonist,

Blow up the accordion

We are sleeping today

phrases about potatoes.

2. Oh, potatoes, potatoes,

Oh, what an honor to you!

Yakby didn’t have potatoes,

What would they eat?

3. Ex, potato, ty potato,

You are my love

I take a spoon, I eat potatoes -

I don't go hungry.

4. We cleaned the potatoes,

I don’t sit without work:

Tato rie, mother to wear,

Well, I'm cursing.

5. Old man with mom helped

Pick potatoes.

Vin - cebro, won - cebro,

Well, I'm a little bit.

6. We planted potatoes,

Colorado potato beetle.

Viyshov did dig potatoes,

And you don't know potatoes.

7. I love to marvel at a cartoon,

About the rude Antoshka.

I take it in obid

Your big spoon.

8. Without a uniform and in uniform -

All potato garna.

Tsiliy rіk їmo potatoes -

There is no penny worth a penny.

9. We planted potatoes

In the city, there are gates.

Blossomed on niy quotations,

Let the people have mercy.

10. A goat came to the city,

Razchepiril eyes: -

Where is the cibula? Where are the peas?

Everything is planted with potatoes.

11. Having smeared the cook, having steamed the cook,

I fell asleep on the sofa.

And then we will replace potatoes

Vugillya is one of the best.

12. My brother in the kitchen nishporit,

For a whole year I’ve been joking about potatoes,

Well, what about me for the right,

I її already a long time ago.

13. Oh, potato, potato!

What a garna!

І pomazzhish, і parish,

And yak z'їzh - the soul is sleeping!

14. I'll potato vranci їla,

I tried so hard, I pushed so hard

What potatoes are on the eyebrows,

On the nose and on the vahs.

15. We all summer їli porridge,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potatoes.

1 Lead . Contest "Potato Tango"

Children dance, squeezing the potatoes with their foreheads. The couple that danced for the next time wins the prize.

2 Lead. -. And now the word zhuri.

3 Leading And now we have to ask you to cook potatoes for the liver and dance at the disco.

Municipal treasury lighting mortgage

Middle skylight school With. Petropavlivske"

preschool group


Director of MKOU

"middle school

With. Petropavlivske"

O.S. Dokuchaeva

retail group

"Ah, potatoes, ty, potatoes!"

Scenario of marriage for children

retail group

"Ah, potatoes, ty, potatoes!"

Meta: 1. Close up the beginners of rukhovo activity, stop at physical culture and music lessons;

2.Formuvati positive emotions;

3. Expand the creativity of children.

4. Develop musical and creative zdіbnostі children, podtremuvati emotsiyno-positive mood;

5. To embrace the development of the creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, to practice with the team.

    Create positive emotions in children and grown-ups;

    Close the ruhov_ newbies in the main ruhs and ruhlivyh games;

    Develop in children spritnіst, shvidkіst, shvidkіsno-strength vigor;

    Vihovannya moral-ox figure character, courage, friendliness.

    Teach children to victoriously sing songs, sing verses, dance on stage.

Venue: sports hall

Participants: children, motivators, fathers

Equipment: hoops, bowls, spoons, cat, potatoes, balls, hats "Potato", "Colorado beetles", leaves.

Children to the music "Pisenka about autumn" come to the hall to dance.

Host: Hello, children! I asked you in an incredibly sacred, try to guess, in a yak.

Like a leaf on the trees pozhovtilo,

Like birds flew to a distant land,

Like the sky is frowning, like the rain is falling,

Tsya it's time to rock - how to ring out?

Children: Osin!

Leading: Read my verses

About autumn days!

    What time is rock?

frowning nature,

The leaves are falling

The birds are watching

Hmara sonia closed,

Tse Osin has come!

    Autumn, autumn of gold

Decorated our garden

І today at tsіy hall

Picked out the lads!

    Dosch cold llє ta llє,

We are not allowed to walk.

Birds called the road.

The whole autumn has come to us.

    Axis and autumn has come

All dovkola cheered up.

White birches and aspens

Various colors of braids.

    Summer has passed.

Autumn has come.

In the fields and in the gays

Empty and gloomy.

Birds have seen.

The days have become shorter.

The sun is not visible.

Dark, dark nights.

    Autumn is a wonderful time!

To love autumn ditlakhiv.

We walk with cats,

We know a lot of mushrooms there.

    autumns are booming

Clear days.

leaves flutter,

Nemov blizzards.

Children sing the song "Autumn has come"

Autumn, autumn has come,

Leaves sag.

The sun is silent and darkened,

Dosch is starting.

Cap-cap on the tracks,

Cap cap on the bottom.

Dosh water the earth,

Play around with us.

Spiderlings, bugs and midges

hove, hove,

I on a long road

The birds are picking up.

Leader Dear lads!

How many times have you been informed

About the one who has six eyes,

A іnodi і sіm, і p'yat,

About the one who slept licorice in the winter,

Climbing the autumn to the pіdval.

In the spring I attract myself.

About the one whose wonderful eyes

Grew with a skin day,

About the one who was familiar with me,

Ale me not bachiv.

Think crumbs -

What is it ... (potatoes).

Children sing a song to the motive "At the grass sit horse"

Song about potatoes.

    Like we love potatoes, 2 times.

    We can't live without potatoes

    We will live the day.

    Reveal yourself 2 times.

    We can't live without potatoes.

    Reveal yourself, 2 times

    We will live the day.

    We lubricate її ta cook.

    І in the soup її dodaєmo.

    І navit simply in "uniform"

    What can we do.

    Reveal yourself 2 times.

    І navit simply in "uniform"

    Reveal yourself, 2 times

    What can we do.

    We can perform in the spirit, 2 times

    We can make pancakes,

    I on the flames of the spectrum,

    And skilki are different, 2 times.

    Zrobiti can be virobiv

    Reveal yourself, 2 times

    Don't worry about it.

    Love and you potatoes, girls.

    And a lot of secrets.

    Find out about her.

    Reveal yourself 2 times.

    I have a lot of different secrets

    Reveal yourself, 2 times

    Find out about her.

Do you know, lads, how did the potato appear in Russia?

Petro the First gave a bear of potatoes from Holland to his close Sheremetiev and punished the distribution of bulbs in all the kingdoms of the state, so that the population was engaged in the cultivation of potatoes. The axis of quiet hours near Russia began to grow potatoes.

LEADER: And now, lads,

You my riddles:

    Round, rozsipchasta, white

She came to the table from the field.

You salt її troshki,

Aje, however, is savory ... (potato)

    Tsey savory wonder-plaid

All їmo mi tsiliy rіk:

Soup, puree, salad, okroshka -

Skrіz є. (potato)

    I greenery, i dense

On the beds viris bush.

Dig the Trochs:

Under the booth (potatoes)

    What they dug from the earth, lubricated, cooked,

What was baked in the ashes, or was she praised? (potato)

    Vіn i v doshch, vіn i v specu

Hovae bulbi under the ground.

Bulbi vityagnesh in the world -

Axis and snіdanok, і obіd. (potato)

Leading: Holy Kartopli vіznachaemo

And at once I'll eat our potatoes!

At the deakim kingdom-power,

Not on Mars and Moon,

The potato lived near the ground.

The power of the king is small:

Usih people slander out vmila!

The girl-Cartolinks will come out (with headbands on their heads)

1 Potato: Mene, one in the world,

Not just cook, but in uniform.

Navіt savory ogіrok

Well done for potatoes!

2 Potatoes: Three potatoes here and there

Delicious robbing product,

I don't mind potatoes

Call for other bread!

3 Potato: Unshowy, knobby,

And come to the table -

Say fun lads:

"Well, rozsipchasta, tasty!"

4 Potato: It's not decent to boast,

May I tell you:

Without potatoes on "vіdminno"

Don't sing, don't dance!

You listen, lads,

Pieces of vikonuvatimemo,

About those, how to plant potatoes!

The boys are picking up supplies for the Potatoes.

1. What are my black palms,

Do not cook anything for me -

Potatoes from granny at once

We planted mud!

2. We planted potatoes:

Mom is by the field, I am by the garden.

Mama is rich, I am crumbs,

I am only one ridge!

3. So my potatoes grew,

I'll transplant!

4. Let my tresses fall,

I already sound to work.

І savory no potatoes,

What will you plant yourself at the pasture!

5. We planted potatoes

There are thieves in the city.

Blossomed on him quotes.

Let the people have mercy.

6. A goat came to the city,

Razchepiril eyes:

Where is the cibula? Where are the peas?

All planting potatoes!

Leading: Tse buv musical jart,

Now gra is not on the hvilinka.

Children, first dig potatoes, what do you need to grow?

Plant її.

We take the cebra

That one by the road is a path,

Friendship will help us

Plant potatoes.

Relay "Plant potatoes".

(Children are subdivided into two teams.)

(The first graves are taken from the “window” one potato at a time, move the hoop forward, put the potatoes in the hoop, turn into a team).

Relay race "Vikopay kartoplyu"

(The hoop is at the new potato. Leather gravel lives, take one potato, turn around to the command, put it at the cat.

Boys come out - Colorado beetles.

1. Shkіdlі mi men,

Colorado beetles!

Let's eat all the potatoes,

You don't have any antrohi!

2. I'll bake potatoes here all winter

I will fly to the susіdіv.

Hrum - hrum - hrum,

Let's fly to the susіdіv!

Leading: Harvest requires ryatuvati,

Zhukіv Colorado need to drive away!

Leading breeze from a spray gun, beetles tick.

Vine two cats for potatoes.

Host: Zhukiv drove us away,

Harvest has been picked!

Let's continue holy

І z potatoes grow!

Gra "Transfer the potatoes in the spoon".

Leading: Take the potatoes - transfer them to the spoon!

It is necessary to put the potatoes with your hand in a spoon, and then with a swedish crochet bring the potatoes and put them at the cebro, with which the free hand can be behind your back. Who is smarter and faster?

Host: Bury! And now let's listen to the following orders about potatoes.

    Potatoes and porridge are our hedgehog.

    Hungry and potato lasoshchi.

    Potato bread helps.

    Dig potatoes, not waving your hands.

    Take care of potato bread.

    Yalina and birch - what is not firewood, what is that potato - what is not a hedgehog?

Gras "Take the potatoes"

Leading: Axis cat, eyes closed,

Axis of potatoes - take it, do not stick it!

(in two hoops put 5 potatoes each with small balls; you need to close your eyes, know the potatoes on the bunker and put them in the cat)

Sound the song of V. Shaynsky "Antoshka", children dance.

Leading. Our holy already ends,

What can I tell you?

You rightfully potatoes

Call it "other bread"!

From i all! Want and get tired

We harvested potatoes!

Buli songs, games, dances here,

Now chastuvannya potatoes,

On you, lads, check!

Podannya prepared herbs. Chayuvannya.

Autumn is the hour of harvesting, the hour of harvesting potatoes. Tom can be held holy, dedicated to this sheep.


Organize an exhibition of unusual bulbs. The lads can add some extra details: a vіchka, handles – sirnikovі heads, sticks; hair - threads, paper; head ubir - khustochka, kapelyukh thinly. Install tablets with the name of the composition and the name of the author. Kindly show the exhibition at the same time with the author in the photo and video. You can put an order with a clean arkush paperu from a leather exhibit, so that you can willingly name the exhibit yourself. Signatures to be voted for the holy supper.


Mustaches may be uninterrupted in the evening before the "blame" of the evening. At the same time, culinary experts present their passions: recall the name, ingredients, creative advertising is possible (slogans, parts of dances, couplet words).

The parade of fears ends with a no-problem lottery: the lottery tickets are canceled by those participants, so that you can tell about potatoes - from history, the recipe for fear, the values ​​of the power of potatoes too. Before drawing, prepare tokens with ticket numbers. The author shows his strava, leading the token from the box, and the owner of the number otrimu tsyu strava.

Then we’ll have a tasting - ahead of time, prepare individual plates, vials, spoons.

POTATO "Guess"

Gra pass at the kіlka turіv. The leader encourages the tour by stretching the last evening, or to carry out the game at once. The winner of the skin tour is awarded with a special prize or a lottery ticket for participation in the “Surprise from the Bear” event (gifts with numbers are drawn from the bear).

Healthy task:

Vyznach vaga bear with potatoes, after rubbing yoga in the hands for 10 seconds.

How many cards do you have for a transparent bag? (The package has a dry bulb, you can marvel for 10 seconds.)

How much do you need a potato bulb?

Skіlki at the transparent package of red and white potatoes?

How many centimeters between two plates of potatoes?


Prepare knives, utensils for exits, or potatoes.

Gra pass at 7 stages. Points are awarded for the dermal stage. The one who until the end of the spell has more points, is stunned by the Great Potato Mage. The eyepieces are set up to see what is added up from the information of the "kartopeleds".


1. Shkіrka - clean the potato so that the shkіrka establishes an uninterrupted line. Peremagaet the one who has found the line of the skins.

2. Halves - cut the potato so that the halves are equal for the vaga. Permagaet the one who has the lowest vase halves.

3. Dirkokol - make a deep opening in potatoes so that the bulb does not fall apart. Help the one who can open the largest diameter.

4. Cube - cut the maple so that you see the correct cube. Peremagaet the one who has the most similar bagatohedron to the cube.

5. Platіvka - rozrazat navpіl kartoplen, and then we'll cut a thin platіvka in one halves. Permagay to the one who has a shawl of natonsha and before that - the largest for the area.

6. Straws - cut potatoes into “straws” so that the length of the skin “straws” is no less than five centimeters. Overpower the one who has the most five-centimeter "straws".

7. Metamorphosis - with a path of trimming, transform the potato into any other vegetable, fruit or root, for example, carrots and pineapple. Peremagaet the one who has the most original copy of that exact copy.

QUIZ on the topic POTATO

On the cards, write the request and put it in a special envelope. Participants of the quiz draw a card and answer for the question. If the answer is wrong, the correct answer is given by other participants. Yakshto їm tse do not give in, vіdpovіd sound the leader. Prize tokens are awarded for the correct answers.

At the finals, the participants, who scored the most number of tokens, win prizes, and they are rewarded with exciting prizes for their fate.

Power supply:

Name the fatherland of potatoes. (Peru and Chile)

Where in our time is growing wild potatoes? (Near Central and Pivdenniy America)

When, stars and kim, potatoes were brought to Russia? (Peter the First from Holland)

What are some ways to propagate potatoes? (Three: bulbs, nasіnyam and vіchki)

What is the name of the coma-shkidnik, what do you eat badilla potatoes? (Colorado potato beetle)

Are there real potato berries? (Ni, stink of trash)

What kind of speeches are possessed by potatoes? (Starch, molasses, glucose, alcohol, glue too)

What is the potato bulb and what is the root of the roslin? (Ні, bulbi - tse m'yasisі sweating on the underground parts of the stem)

If and why did Russia have a potato riot? (In 1834 and 1840-1844, following the decree of Mikoli I about the obov'yazkovy planting of potatoes)

What is another name for potatoes? (Other bread)

How did Russia call potatoes before? ("Devil's Apple")


The program can be carried out for a day or a day, including competitions for the youngest, older, girls, boys and girls. know-it-alls, etc.

The best

Someone better that yakіsnіshe clean the potato.


Who better to eat potatoes at the cebro on the singing vіdstanі.

plant potatoes

Participants are given a bucket of potatoes. Zavdannya - viklasti її in one line, bulb to bulb. Who better to "plant" potatoes?

Warehouses of potatoes

Zavdannya - from tying up the eyes of the brothers, yaknaybіlshe razkidanih na kartoplin.

relay race

Play commands. Zavdannya - remind the pot of potatoes. Kartoplini are carried by team members along the lines on the spoons, squeezed by the company.

Big with potatoes

The participants of the zmagannya squeeze the potato between two people with sticks and run from it to the finish line. When you spend, you need to lift the potato for additional sticks, after which the distance will collapse.


Overcome the one who, in one piece of fluff, pierce more holes in the potato bulb so that it does not fall apart.

Our group has a lot of different visits for the fate of the fathers. Tse rіznі exhibitions, competitions, KVK, holy is that rose.

Zhovtni mi held an unconventional rally "Holy Potato". Before the next entry, we had a great front work done. We held an exhibition of potato pottery "Potato fantasies". All the Sims took the fate of the Vistavtsy. Try all kinds of things: "Spider and Deer", "Caterpillar", "Bouquet of Daisies", "Cactus", "Zustrich at the Fox", "Kolobki", "Smishka", "Cheburashka", "Friendly Family" and others. The fathers at once from the children picked up sentences, verses, riddles about potatoes, which they included in the scenario of the saint. Before the contest "Potato Master" it was necessary to write verses, short stories, fairy tales and tales about potatoes. Children together from fathers put together verses and riddles. I axis scho in us!

Scenario "Holy potatoes"

(Preparatory group)

Qile: Creation of positive emotions in children and adults. Expand the knowledge of children about potatoes.

Decorated: Sentence about potatoes, p'edestal (did and woman - potatoes in husts and caps).

Good evening, dear children and great fathers!

My joy is with you at our quiet hall.

Hear the riddle:

Like a leaf on the trees pozhovtilo,
Like birds flew to a distant land,
Like the sky is frowning, like the rain is falling,
Tse it's time for fate, how will it ring out? (Autumn)

Song: "Ah, yak, autumn!"

Vedas: What to pick up from the city in autumn? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

How many times have you been informed
About the one who has six eyes,
A іnodi і sіm, і p'yat,
What, vtim, you can fuck.
About the one who slept licorice in the winter,
Climbing the autumn to the pіdval.
About the one who went to the kitchen before us
In the spring I attract myself.
About the one whose wonderful eyes
Grew with a skin day,
About the one who was familiar with me,
Ale me not bachiv.
Think crumbs -
Cho tse (potato)

Ah, potatoes are delicious,
Children and grown-up ideals.
The one you don’t know, please,
Who did not eat potatoes.

In the same state,
In the current state
Not on Mars and not on Moon
The potato lived near the ground.

The power of the king is small:
Tell the people mad.
In a word, our language is about those
Yak the potato came to the booth!
About all the powers, about the exit,
About work in the city.
About virobi, I will relish zhu,
We will not tell you.

Vedas: 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew what roslina is - potatoes. Ale from a distant voyage turned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a double seafarer. With the greatest vantage, which stench was brought to the Batkivshchyna, it was full of nasinnya, bulbi, grains of new roslins. Ale in Europe did not immediately realize that potatoes have a smut - bulbi. One English rich virishiv to invite guests with an overseas marvel planted in his garden. The deputy of the one who digs out the bulbs from the earth, the gardener picks from the bushes of green sacks that hang on the stems after the fact that the potatoes bloom like potatoes. Tsі gіrkі, їstіvnі fruits of potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tasted the chastuvannya, choked, some of the faces were warped, some of them were vibig from the table

Potatoes were not taken lightly. De-no-de in Russia, potato riots began. Russian men believed a little, nibi potatoes, - "devil's apple", plant її sin. Following the tsar’s order, the rebels were sent off with rіzkami, and the most powerful ones were sent to Siberia. Ale not zhorstokі razpravy overkilled the villagers, scho vygіdno plant potatoes. I overcooked the potatoes myself. Do you remember the fairy tale about ripka? Newly needed bula was big - big rіpka? To scold the grandmother, she’s the whole motherland. Earlier in the cold winters, when the soil froze, rapa replaced Russian peasant bread. Sitna vrozhayna potato vytіsnyla ripu. Now it is no longer rapa, but potatoes have become another bread for all the other peoples of Europe.

We called to the point that wheat is called "first" bread, and potatoes "other". Over the years, the Europeans have gone overboard not only in the fact that potatoes can replace bread, but also in the fact that potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.

A girl grew under the earth,
Ale fresh and chubby.
The dog Antoshka barks loudly:
Woof! Woof! Woof! - Hello, potatoes!

Song: "Antoshka"

Vіn i v doshch, vіn i v specu
Hovae bulbi under the ground.
Bulbi vityagnesh in the world -
Axis and snіdanok and obіd.

I am alone in the world,
Not just cook, in uniform.

Lie down
Tovstiy Yegor.
Vіn i in the uniform of garnі i razdagneniya,
And lie down in ashes, there is no savory yoga.

What did we dig in the earth,
Roasted, cooked?
What was baked in the earth,
Did they praise her? (Potatoes)

We've been sitting around for a while
I, get up already, no strength,
Ale kliche on the field us potatoes
Hang out and shove the guts.

relay race

(Children stand at two teams, at the first one there is a bucket of potatoes).

1. "Plant potatoes" (Go ahead - put potatoes in a hoop).

2. "Choose I give birth" (Choose potatoes one at a time).

3. "Bring the potato in the spoon" (Put the potato in the spoon and run it to the hoop and back).


1. "Peel the potatoes in a spiral"

2. "Potato designer"

Vedas: To love the people of potatoes, to that song about it they add up and tsili one attach to it. Axis and mi can such creators. Creative competition is going wild "Potato is right master."(Fathers with children read verses, tales, sing songs: to their creation).

Serving potatoes from potatoes "Ah, potatoes, relish!"

Potatoes can be brushed
Potatoes can be boiled
Potatoes can be filled with wagons,
You need to love potatoes!

Round dance: "On the mountain is a viburnum."

Teacher: Hear the riddle:

Like a leaf on the trees pozhovtilo,
Like birds flew to a distant land,
Like the sky is frowning, like the rain is falling,
It's time for rock, how does it ring out? (Autumn)

Mustaches are generous to fate: spring gives us greenery, the summer sun does not hurt, and autumn, singsongly, naybagatsha. Vaughn generously bestows upon us the fruits that have come to us. In autumn, people harvest and glorify the golden beauty of autumn for its generosity: they sing songs, parts, and power the holy Harvest.

How many times have you been informed
About the one who has six eyes,
A іnodi і sіm, і p'yat,
What, vtim, you can fuck.
About the one who slept licorice in the winter,

Climbing the autumn to the pіdval.
About the one who went to the kitchen before us
In the spring I attract myself.
About the one whose wonderful eyes
Grew with a skin day,
About the one who was familiar with me,
Ale me not bachiv.
Think crumbs -
Cho tse (potato)

Today we have "different bread" as guests.

At the deakim kingdom,
In the current state
Not on Mars and not on Moon
The potato lived near the ground.
The power of the king is small:
Tell the people mad.

In a word, our language is about those
Yak the potato came to the booth!
About all the powers, about the exit,
About work in the city.
About virobi, I'll taste zhu
Ninі in books mi shukayemo ....
What is the fault of the recognition,

And now it's time to start...

All: "Holy potato". .

I'm a Potato

Know everything about potatoes in the world
Rich and ti, who is not rich.
Everyone prepares in their own way,
Leather on the table potato radium.
I who to lubricate, and who to pair
Who is the baker and who is the friend,
Ale їdyat її everywhere.
Їy i glory, i shana!

(enter) Potato

I am not a ripka. I am Potato!
Tse know the gut.
I am the head of all fruits,
Aja understood like two girls in two:
There are no potatoes in the soup,
There is nothing to pick up a spoon.
At the hot oil, marvel at the axis,
Become I can potato fries!
І for chips - vіrish, ні -
I am the top component!

Staged verse "Welding"

Yakos potatoes come before carrots

І to drink: carrots are in the package

- carrot, carrot, tell me for mercy:

Where the hell did you get in like that?

-Oh, you know, potatoes , already I go:

Today I was asked to the knife.

They asked me before you without you,

I, potato, will not take you with me.

Potato said:

« Do you think lower!

Sneeze me on those who won't take me!

They asked me for two spoons for borscht.

I’m going without you, don’t know already!

They asked me to 4 class,

They have a very good time at the same time.

. Want to boast obscenely,

Ale came to tell you:

Without potatoes on "vіdminno"

Don't eat, don't dance

Navіt savory ogіrok

Well done for potatoes.

2 . I want to annoy the green cibula,

And the potato is the best friend

3 potatoes here and there

Needed product

I not without reason, adzhe, potatoes

Sounds like another loaf.

Children sing V. Popov's song "Potatoes".

I'll tell you guys

Lived at the camp mi yak,

I in the sun, like a cochineal,

We grilled like this, we grilled like that.

Our daily pants

Be forever hungry

I vvazhali mi hvilinki

Until midday.

Ah, potatoes, relish,

Our children's ideal

The one you don’t know, please,

Who did not eat potatoes.

And the lads don't care

Eat all the potatoes

And then let's howl in chorus:

Our creatures hurt!

Oh, ty, sweet potato,

Low b'emo tobi cholom,

Find a far road

We are with you baiduzhe.

Dim bagattya, vugillya syayvo,

Syria drank and sang.

To tease our scent

The spirit of the potato was rich.

Hello, love potatoes!

Low b'єmo you cholom!

Find a far road

We are with you baiduzh!

Ah, potatoes, relish,

Our children are ideal!

The one you don’t know, please,

Who didn't eat potatoes!

Teacher. It is important to believe that this marvelous sheep was valued for the lower violet and erysipelas, with which it was fashionable to embellish women's zachіski. So glory to the one who first gained respect not to the top, but to the root.

Whose product we know well and live practically today, but not everyone is conceived as a fatherland and who brought it to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that such a roslin is a potato. Ale from a distant voyage turned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a double seafarer. With the greatest vantage, which stench was brought to the Batkivshchyna, it was full of nasinnya, bulbi, grains of new roslins.

2 . Ale in Europe did not immediately realize that potatoes have a smut - bulbi. One English rich virishiv to invite guests with an overseas marvel planted in his garden. The deputy of the one who digs out the bulbs from the earth, the gardener picks from the bushes of green sacks that hang on the stems after the fact that the potatoes bloom like potatoes. Tsі gіrkі, їstіvnі fruits of potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, skushtuvavshi chastuvannya, choking, someone warped guise, some vibig from the table.

3. Potato sent to Russiafrom Holland, like the 17th century Petrol. The villagers did not accept the overseas sheep for a long time and called it "devil's apple". They zmushuvali vyroschuvati that vzhivat in zhu potatoes. Ale, the villagers, through ignorance, got used to the fruit. Tse called to riches bruen.

4. All over Russia there was a buzz of "village riots". The bunti disdained them, who fired on the villagers from the garmat. Ale not zhorstokі razpravy overkilled the villagers, scho vygіdno plant potatoes. I overcooked the potatoes myself.

5. Do you remember the fairy tale about ripka? Newly needed bula was big - big rіpka? To scold the grandmother, she’s the whole motherland. Earlier in the cold winters, when the soil froze, rapa replaced Russian peasant bread. Sitna vrozhayna potato vytіsnyla ripu. Now it is no longer rapa, but potatoes have become another bread for all the other peoples of Europe.

6. We called to the point that wheat is called "first" bread, and potatoes "other". Over the years, the Europeans have gone overboard not only in the fact that potatoes can replace bread, but also in the fact that potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.

7. It's possible, you know, that it's worth living in families. So the axis of the potato is from the pastlon family. Axis yoga relatives: tomato, eggplant, capsicum.

8. Roslin potatoes are single, up to 150 cm high, our climate is lower. In the autumn, fruits are established in the bushes - green berries with fresh berries.Fuck off!

9. In a rural state, potatoes are planted with bulbs, as they live in a hedgehog. Nearly 150 types of potatoes are available in the wild.

10. Potatoes have a lot of brown words and vitamins: starch, zukor, protein. Take care of potatoes in a dark, cold place. But if a potato lay down on a sonechka, then in a new one it is strong disgusting, even worse for a healthy person. Tse solanine.

Teacher: In Russia, potatoes were valued, they were valued with other bread, and, obviously, about hersang parts.

Put the vushka on top

Listen carefully.

We sleep with you about potatoes

Kinda miraculous.

1. I love potatoes
Simply savory!Whole day її I їla -Axis so good!

2. Ah, the potato-beauty!I don’t need cowbass,I don't want sausageGive me a bowl of potatoes!

3. Blossom near the field of potatoes -What a mess!I'm going to the field to improve,I'm not lazy!

4. We planted potatoes

Colorado potato beetle.

Viyshov did dig potatoes,

And you don't know potatoes.

5. My mother laughed at me:"Skіlki can їsti?!"I love potatoesHow can you hear me?

6. I don't go out with friendsTV is not surprisedІ practice yourself -I love potatoes!

7. We harvested potatoes,

I don’t sit without work:

Tato rie, mother to wear,

Well, I'm cursing.

8. Without a uniform, she has a uniform

All potato garna.

Tsiliy Rik їmo Potatoes

There is no penny worth a penny.

9 . Eh, sit potatoes, Swidko poured,And vzimku at all housesBoil and lubricate!

10. Our city has peopleI live on potatoesI therefore peopleMake fun and sleep!

11. Once upon a time there were three judges:
Rabbit, dog and gut,We treated you todayOne of one all the potatoes.

12. Our potatoes - hotch kudi: Savory, vitamin.Yakshcho їtimesh zavzhdi,Stay healthy, stay strong!

13. Mommy told me: "Krokay, sinu, on the road."Іshov u nadії know the belongings -Priyshov at pіdval іz kartopleyu.

14. I cartoon love to be amazed

About ore Antoshka

I take it in obid

Your big spoon.

15. Without a bite and a bite

All potato garna.

Z'їv today pіvvіdra i -

The soul resurfaced.

16. We all summer їli porridge,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potatoes.

17. Ex, potato, ty potato,

You are my love.

I take a spoon, I eat potatoes -

I don't go hungry.


in front of you at once

We sang ditties.

We also ask you to vibachiti,

Yakscho vushka vushka.

If potatoes were brought to Europe, they called them in their own way

    English -Potato

    Fini -tartu

    Italians -tartufole

    French -pom de ter

    Nіmtsі -potatoes

Ale before im'ya potatoes were "tato", so they called її in Pivdenniy Ameritsі іndіantsі z kechu tribe,Bolotov’s teachings - “tartoplay”, people calling potatoes.

Manager. Come up with a nickname, im'ya, write on the father's potatoes without pardon.

Teacher. Gra. I remember the phrase, as if it’s suitable for my assertions, you are guilty of saying in unison “We don’t get along!”

Fierce autumn boards (We do not compare!)

Spring checks ahead of us (Sperchaєmosya!)

This is the second day of miles of khurtovini (Sperchaєmosya!)

The leaf from the trees falls off (We don’t overlap!)

Konvalіya bіla rozkіtaє (Sperchaєmosya!)

At the gay of the nightingales they fell asleep (Sperchaєmosya!)

And in the city they caught up potatoes (We don’t cross!)

Harvest potatoes! (We don't get along)

Є s small peas (We do not overlap)

Є rozmirom іz valіzu (Sperchaєmosya)

Buryan flowers bloom on the needles.

It’s important for us without potatoes (We don’t get along)

We keep our sacred

All potatoes are associated (We do not share)

Teacher. Have fun.

1. Hungry Vasya for 10 khvilin 3 syri potatoes. City Vasya stained for the same amount of boiled potatoes for 1 year. How much fluff does Vasya look for from the orphan potato, or from the boiled one? (60 - 10 = 50 quilin)

2. Vіkаyuchi vіd vіd іdruzіv, Petya stovhnuv dіdusya, yakі bought 4 same bags of potatoes 2 kg per skin. The packages were torn, and the potatoes burst. How many kilos of potatoes flew to Petya, as you can see that in my youth I was a sniper? (4 2 = 8 kg)

3. Fedya, a third-grader, bought 6 potatoes and wiyshov from school for 1 piece of hand. Tsієї pori in the distance there were 9 first graders,

skins from which you can get 1 potato for the quill. How many potatoes to drink on your plate Fedya, turning around, and how many first-class students became hungry? (Zhodno 9 - 6 \u003d 3 First graders get hungry)

And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?". 1. Name the fatherland of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)2. When, stars and kim, potatoes were brought to Russia? (On the ear of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)4. How is the komakh called? (Colorado beetle.)5. What are the real berries of potatoes? (Ni, otruyni.)6. How to call in one word the stems and leaves of potatoes? (badilla)

7. About potatoes, I’m boiled or baked in shkirtsі, it seems like there’s nothing in it? (At the uniform)

8. Where did the person cook potatoes? (On fire)

9. Is it possible to eat a part of potatoes with vikoristov? (tubers)

10. How to call in one word the weeding of the buryanivs and the furrowing of the earth (weeding)

Forget the Korisni.

    Potatoes, boiled in shells, save 75% of vitamins; cleansing and brewing with bulbs - 60-70%, and spearing - only 35-50%.

    It is impossible to save a peeled potato. In extreme weather, yoga can be left out for a year or two by the water and before that, with large bulbs.

    Having peeled the potatoes, put a cold water in the cold water: it will be better to boil, it will be more spicy.

    If you need to peel the potatoes ahead of time - keep them until they are taken in, not near the water, but in a plastic bag.

    Salt potatoes when cooked the best for 5-10 minutes. until fully prepared.

    Potatoes in “uniforms” cannot be boiled (to rob її unacceptable for a distant lubrication), if you add more salt to the water, lower the temperature when cooking.

    Potatoes, boiled in "uniforms", are easy to peel, just as soon as they are boiled, pour cold water over them.

    Baked potatoes with a ruddy crunchy twist - a traditional hedgehog on a halt. And everyone, obviously, knows the best way to bake, if you remember and dry the potato bulbs, bury the hot ashes.

    Peel young potatoes like this: mash it, put it in a little bag, squeeze it hard and roll it on the table.

    Potatoes need to be boiled on a dead fire, so that they don’t fall apart and burst.

    Potatoes need to be peeled with a thin ball, to that under the skin there are salts and whites.

Song about potatoes

    Yak love mi potatoes, 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    We will live the day.
    Reveal yourself, 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    Reveal yourself, 2 times
    We will live the day.

    We lubricate її, varimo
    І in the soup її dodaemo
    I can mi have “uniforms”
    Boil potatoes.
    Reveal yourself, 2 times
    I can mi have “uniforms”
    Reveal yourself, 2 times
    Boil potatoes.

    Love you potatoes, 2 times
    I all sorts of secrets
    Find out about her.
    Reveal yourself, 2 times
    I all sorts of secrets
    Reveal yourself, 2 times
    Find out about her.

teacher The mustache sprat needed potatoes for ten years, in order to create a right coup in Russian cuisine. Wine has become a consumer product. First potatoes are prepared from potatoes, others and third (dessert) straws. It is important to learn to rethink all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Stravi z potatoes are loved by all people. A monument to potatoes was erected near the town of Marynsk, Kemerivsk region. The artist Yury Mikhailov became the author of the sculpture

We take all the potatoes yaknaishvidshe.
Call to the parting of all friends!
Mi naparimo, mi navarimo, napechemo -
Aja be-yak to us a robot darma!

From potatoes you can grow styles of grass,
What is good for the soul you know here.
Potatoes are our skin radium,
I'll put її at the salad.

And for me there is nothing better in the world,
Chim potatoes in their uniforms.
Nasmazhema for Tanechka
Rum'yanі pancakes.
Ready for Zhenechka
3 potato dumplings.
And you, Andriyka, eat a shanezhka!
And tobi, friend, potato patty!
And for our Olenka with milk, tovchenya!
And for Nadi, marvel, - potato fries!
And you, Valyusha, oiled up !
Tobi, Aloshko, potato okroshka!
And to you, Artem, we’ll burn on the fire!
We didn’t take everything for nothing!
Come and choose what you like!
(all) Know people from long ago,
What savory potatoes are not!

It didn’t seem like it was there, but potatoes have long been called other bread in Russia, and we can’t see the steel without this miraculous sheep.

Difficulty in the way of potatoes in the lands of Europe, ale, zreshtoyu, this culture has won a fierce recognition. The crying phrase "potato is another bread" has become true. Potatoes have a lot of power. Freshly prepared sik potatoes have long been stagnant as a kind zasib against the stove, with the help of an ailment of the sluice: gastritis, virazkovy ailment. In case of illness of the upper dyhal passages, which is accompanied by a strong cough, stasis

steam inhalation potatoes, and freshly grated vicorist porridge for opiate and eczema. Starch is widely used in medicine; Potatoes stagnate in the jubilant eating as a valuable dietary product. The signs of the presence of potassium salts in the veins of vikoristovuєtsya with ailments of the niroka and the heart-vascular system.

Write to us

Zagalnі zbori ovochіv.

Boulli there and pepper, parsley,

Ogіrok, lettuce and cibulya-leek.

Head - Pan Potato,

Terribly buv satisfaction and satisfaction

Tim, sho, one-voiced rebuke,

V_dkrivav i vіv choose.

Podyakuvavshy all for dovira,

Podovid his head.

(potato). Know everything about me, everything in the world:

Rich and ti, who is not rich.

Everyone prepares me in their own way,

Cook someone, someone lubricate, someone bake.

Ale їdat me everywhere, and everywhere

For me, glory is that shana.

Ale Mushu I tell you

Without potatoes on "vіdminno"

Don't sing, don't dance.

Navіt savory ogіrok

Well done for potatoes.

I want to annoy the green cibula,

And potatoes are your best friend.

3 potatoes here and there

Need to roble the product.

I don't mind potatoes

Everything sounds different.

Spring has come. І axle on the cob

The potato badilla has a modest coloration.

Keep the kulbaba blooming. So wine

Bov terribly chirping and roaring:


- Who are you? Will you take the stars in a moment?

How are you not ashamed to stand in front of me?

( Potato card.)

- Who am I? Potato card.

I don’t know what I can do to you here for a moment?


- Potato flower? Well, let me kill you, I don't know.

I don’t feel, I almost miss.

Meni lower, beauty is bestowed at the fall,

I do not deprive your me of a rude state.

Ale until the autumn, he looked praisingly at the litter.

Vіn zhalugіdny becoming fox, all quieter, all pokirnіshih.

And under the badillas, the belongings settled on the ground.

All on the right, not in appearance, but in the root.

Mrs Potato : For you, dear children, You see, you already know a lot about me. And so, if it is important for you to keep an eye on me, then do not be angry: even if I will always pay good.

Our holy already ends
What can I tell you?
You rightfully potatoes
Call "other bread"

Song from the film "Snіdanok on the Grass". (Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Lvivsky)

Skilki times on a halt
We baked potatoes.
Beaty - banquet,
Rozmove led.

Ah, potatoes, potatoes,
Shkirtsі has a little tuft,
Golden sparkle
Blue wild.

Too thin on the right
Navіt for znavtsa-
Pіdrum'yaniti vmіlo
Potatoes have sides.


From the valley to the valley
You її leave!
And salt the potatoes -
Don't let go!


spring water
Mi potatoes zap'emo
I, obviously, with you,
Bіlya bagattya sleepy


You levoruch marvel

Wonder-exhibition to know.

And on niy, but on niy

A lot of strong ideas.

Є i їzhachok, i matrioshka,

Є Kopatich-remote,

Who pratsyuvav-well done!

Ay, that marvelous ditlahi, popratsyuvala with a bang!

-Without potatoes, life in the world
Even summarily children.
Viruchae us zavzhd
Tsya is a modest hedgehog:
I in puree, and in uniforms,
At first straws, and in garnishes,
І boiled, і liver,
I frail, and torn.
It's not a sin to say about her,
What a potato is the best!

- You can't live without potatoes
Know the value of navit children,
Aja won't taste good for spaghetti,
For a long time lie at the lohu.
In the first countries її boil,
Putting on the fire in pich.
And before salads extinguish, lubricate
To love pekti to the ribs.
Good at whatever fears
Sleep with appetite
Satisfy the wonder
Oh, how tasty, - it seems.

Її love to fill the intestines
Our savory potatoes.
All boys and animals
Snidanok check, preparing spoons.
Lubricate my її chimalo,
To get to the vіdvalu
Wait, kids, we'll stick it out
I myself її not z'їm!

-Potato growth in the fields
I in our cities.
People sіyut yogo bagato
Tsey miraculous gift of nature.
Vіn z usіh korisny sides,
Tasty and lively.
Our diet, as you know,
To enter obov'yazkovo.

Versh "Potatoes" (I. Dem'yanov)

What are my black palms,
Do not cook anything for me
Potatoes from granny at once
We planted mud!

Soon here, on the soft slopes,
De warming the sides of the barn,
Bagato green bows
Grass will grow on the ridge.

Pіslya zhovty, white, blue
Light up fires -
Be so stinky garni,
Our beds bіla rivers!

Bring my broods to my dolons,
I already sound to work.
І savory no potatoes,
What will you plant yourself at the pasture!

The Caterpillar appears.

Caterpillar: Nareshti, I was aiming.

I dopovzla ice-ice.

Tired, lost weight

Adje has not eaten for a long time.

Well, what am I doing there?

I want to eat the Potatoes.

Leading the magician to protect Potatoes.

Caterpillar: I won't give you potatoes. I sigh myself. My whole potato.

If you know my task, you will honor me with me, then I can share with you.

Song "Kulba".

    From the bear, take the potatoes
    I eat offal.
    You can eat її boiled
    Chi in uniform baked


Tram, there, there, ta-ra-ta-ra-ta-ta-there
It's bad for us without potatoes. 2 times

    We make porridge from potatoes,
    All the day we honor ours.
    Who cares about porridge
    Let the potatoes in the soup.


    Ay, turi ta rozturi,
    Chi is not of noble nature.
    Like we don’t have potatoes,
    I offended us not against.


Task: come up with and write down the words, how you can make it look like the word "potato".

Song about potatoes.

Potatoes in Ireland and England.

Later, the potato rose its price to Spain, then to Italy, to England.

For example, in the 16th century, potatoes were already known in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Burgundy. At 1665 p. potatoes were brought to Ireland by the slave trader John Gavkins. Since 1684, according to Oleksandr Humboldt, the whole sheep began to be grown in Lancashire (Pivnichno-Zakhidna England). There are a lot of funny stories about the cultivation of potatoes. Let's fast forward to one English May of the 17th century.

How did they find out about the potato liver.

Recipe: medium-sized potatoes, thoroughly wash, dry, cut navpil and lay out on a deck or on a grid. Sleep sill, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, the docks do not smell the fragrant smell.

Potatoes in France.

For example, in the 16th century, there was a cicava history of potatoes in France. When the Semiricna war broke out, the young French pharmacist Parmantje went to the front as an orderly and drank his full, and brought a hedgehog with potatoes to him before the pit.

la iz sіllu. Vaughn gave herself to you savory, lively. Six fates have passed, and Parmentier, turning from the crowd, propagating culture.

I'm not a king, I'm not a count, I'm not a doctor

Not a philosopher, but just a pharmacist,

I, obviously, not a noble family,

But I love helping people.

Sob for youmu to live well,

I want to plant potatoes.

Vіn the reach of seeing you a small village and planting її potatoes, setting a day for the protection of the soldiers. In the night, the warta passed, and the skin could easily come to the city and take the bulb, to plant it in your home. On the fatherland of Parmanty, there is a monument to a great man, which may hold a bouquet of flowers in the hands of potatoes.

In France, they first brought respect to the potato field in 1585. Kaspar Bochen described yoga in his herbalism and inspired some lions to grow potatoes. Dosvіd vdavsya, prodovzheniya not buv through the ear, scho otruynyy ovoch.

The French gave the potato the name "apple earthlings". And having conquered the wines of France, the zavdyaks of the acceptability and cunning of the great chemist and pharmacist - Antoine Auguste Parmentier. Fast forward to the distant 1585 and posture what happened at that hour.

Recipe: 500 g potatoes sliced ​​with thin circles, mixed with 100 g grated syrah, black pepper (1/4 teaspoon), grated nutmeg peas (on the tip of a knife) and viklasti into a chavunna form, rubbed with a teaspoon and brushed. Pour in 2 bottles of milk, sip 100 g of syrah and put a piece of butter | butter | for the beast. All zapіkati at the oven is approximately 30-40 hvilin for temperature. 220-250 s.

The biography of potatoes has few facts. In the 18th century, the Prussian king won the Austrian war. The Prussians jumped off the potato fields, which became the basis of the eating habits of the population, so the war took away the name of the potato.

Potatoes in Russia.

In Russia, potatoes were brought by Peter 1, for example, in the 17th century. Petro 1, rebuying at that hour in Holland, sent B. Sheremetev a bear of potatoes. In 1736 p. potatoes were already listed in the catalog of roslin in the Petersburg Apothecary Garden. The expansion of potatoes in our country seemed to be even more povilno. The dislike of setting up a new culture was bulo viklikane like zabobons, and y furnishing,

scho imports to Europe, potatoes are not the same today, the new one had a harder badilla and drіbnі girkі bulbi. The population did not yet know in what ways it was necessary to grow it, it shone thickly, the growths shaded one another, gave more dribnish bulbs, less savory. In the 1770s, methods were described for growing the vines.

It seems that in Russia there were potato riots. Under the hour of the reign of Mikoli 1, the peasants of the low provinces were punished to plant potatoes. The whole of advanced Europe has been growing potatoes for hundreds of years, and in Russia, neurogy after neurogenesis, in 1839 and in 1840, and in the past.

All this led to the expansion of plantings of potatoes as the most important "help for the people's food". At the order of Mikoli 1 8 sickles and 3 breasts of 1840, as well as 15 fierce, 9 birches and 6 limes of 1842. You ask, but now there are so many orders? Do you think it's easy for a Russian person to go to the new right? It was decided: “... to start large crops of potatoes for the supply of villagers to the future crops, to see the beginning of the work, to take care of the planting of crops, and to look for prizes and

other towns of helpers, who care for his divorces. And here at 1842 p. in the Perm province of potatoes, there was a revolt and grim.

Іsnuє spogad about those who in 1782 p. in the Irkutsk province, in Kamchatka and in Alaska, just as Russia belonged, the inhabitants of the city practiced growing potatoes.

Presentation of herbs from potatoes.

The caterpillar climbs up to squabble.

Potatoes її zupinyaє. Whoever does not work does not exist.

Caterpillar: What didn't I practice?

We practiced all summer

Vіd Sunset to the Svitanka

Or bulbs and bushes filled their stomachs.

Leading: That hiba tse robot? Axis lads popratsyuvali famously. The springs planted potatoes, weeded them, weeded them, and dug up the autumns.

They got it, they made it and they made it.

You levoruch marvel

Wonder-exhibition to know.

And on niy, but on niy

A lot of strong ideas.

Є i їzhachok, i matrioshka,

Vedmedic, kin, cactus, gut.

Є Kopatich-remote,

Who pratsyuvav-well done!


Ay, that marvelous ditlahi,

cheered up!

I've had fun with you for a long time

I know, I got tired.

Autumn to the wife from the yard,

I'll have an hour for the winter.

Go caterpillar.

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