The problem of love - arguments that tvir. The problem of kokhannya is an argument that tvir Valley of love is a soulful robot

The position of the author, as an authoritative mirkuvannyu, is expressed exactly in the theses, arguments and visnovki. The author cares what is placed before the art, especially before the music, like before the rose - a magnificent pardon. Aje music to rob people with the best, to see the fire from their hearts, to bring in the air, awakening the good sense. Vaughn, according to Kabalevsky's thought, it can help spiritual enrichment.

From the position of the author it is impossible to wait, the oskelki are impersonal confirmation of legitimacy. Zokrema, a lot of artists, the words are also worthy of, that it’s impossible to put it up to the art, the sound of the music, it’s impossible to put it up.

For example, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" head hero to be brought up to the priesthood like a rose. Going to the theater is not for spiritual enrichment. Evgeniy Onegin is an inconsistent lover of charming actresses, an honorable hulk of lashtunkivs. For a new theater, it is an opportunity to make new acquaintances, to marvel at women, to show yourself. Those who appear on the stage, it is not enough to cackle the hero of Pushkin. You come to the theater not until the beginning of the performance and їde, without having finished it.

I Evgen Onegin is not independent in the novel. Whoever sees the theater is rich to show himself. For example, "obshikat Phaedra, Cleopatra, // Moina viklikati from the one who only chuli yogo."

F.M. Dostoyevsky said: "Beauty vryatuє light!" Possibly, win mav on the music.

7. N.G. Valley. “Kohannya is an important spiritual robot ...”

(1) Love is an important soulful robot, you can overpower it with leather. (2) Ale kozhen dream about her, joking її. (3) Why do we joke at the kohanna? (4) We joke about the uniqueness of selfhood, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that loving people are important and dear to everything that comes with us, everything that costs us. (6) From the other side, this person will need us, our turboti, help, our intelligence. (7) Friends - to bring closer - can love us less. (8) And we joke about the one who divides our lives, with whom we will be sleeping not only joy, but also pain and pain ...

(9) But if love is born, how do you feel it, so that it will survive? (10) Why should you trim yourself, lower trim the one you love, so that you will be deprived of one-single middle women, like the trojan of the Little Prince was deprived of one-one in the garden, why would there be five thousand such trojans themselves?

(11) It’s a lot of fate, if I was a child, the woman of summer told me a mystery: it’s not important to win love, it’s important to lose it. (12) Even so, I could not grasp the life wisdom of that secret: I was dabbling in the word “outsmart.” (13) I read Pushkin: “Who can take away love?” and Blok: “Oh, love is free, like a bird.”

(14) But really, they discover the secrets and the law of love, and Saint-Exupery is one of the quiet ones who knows the secrets of the secrets.

(15) If the Little Prince has only begun his journey dearly, having seen the planet, on which the old king lives. (16) Having succumbed to the fact that the guest of Yogo was tired and it is possible for him, the ruler did not form himself, but after punishing Yoma, he was put down. (17) For skin needs, ask what you can give. (18) Vlad can be prudent,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about our borders of power over Kokhanim and beloved person And even more often we break the wise law of the old king: "Government can be wise." (20) Young squads, a beautiful girl, having a hoop on her fingers - a symbol of absolute power, - with a rapt vimagati start vimagati in the presence of naked people antrohi no less, the old vimagala at the golden fish is famous.

(21) And in love, no one is guilty of anything. (22) The main and unparalleled law of love is її goodwill: I am standing here, under your vіknami, not to the one that punished me, but to the one that I can’t do otherwise. (23) I from other positions: I cook you soup and iron your shirts, for it is a pleasure for me to serve you.

(24) If you know that you endure everything and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then you begin to cook. (25) If you know that your dominion over him is tolerant, you will not order you to turn into a sea gull, you will tame Yogo more patiently, but we will tame you, until you become one for one united in the whole world.

(For N.G. Dolina)

Love! This topic is one of the most popular among the sciences. Verses, epics, novels, novels, comedies and tragedies have been written about Kohanny. There is a creak: in music, in the paintings of artists, in the works of sculptors. It would be better, everyone said about the kohanny. Prote N.G. Dolinina felt the need to talk about her in her journalistic article.

From the method of obtaining respect to the designated problem of love, accessibility, and the solution, the author goes to the point of reflection with a deductive way of presenting thoughts. The thesis about kohannya like an important robot is specified in the nutrition of another paragraph and is developed further by some arguments, in a different order of illustrations, the other one is by a visnovka. At the mirror bath N.G. Dolinina to go out as a life-saving message, and to help A.S. Pushkin and A.A. Blok on the occasion of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince. The discussed problem is also brought to life in this other form of the borrower “mi” (proposition 1 - 8), which gives the character of slanderiness to the world, and “ti” is a kind of request for deep thoughts.

The position of the author, like an authoritative mirkuvannyu, is expressed exactly. N.G. Dolinina vvazha, scho kokhannya - tse important soulful robot, and that th not skin pіd force. It is easier to win love, according to the author of the article, lower її “upset” that the law of the law is to be established, as if to witness that the government can be sensible, that no one is guilty of the code. That love begins to endure everything in її im'ya, and love - means "to become one for one united in the whole world."

For example, verse to A. Blok "About valor, about feats, about glory ..." itself about those who ditch the kohanny more importantly, win it lower. Kohana left the lyrical hero. Why did it happen? The author says about it like this: “Your appearance is in a yoga simple frame // I cleaned the table with my own hand.”

A.S. Pushkin also cares that the scourge of that egoism is insane. In the verse “I love you: lovingly, it’s possible ...” is more marvelous in purity and fairness of humanity. Navit undivided love the lyrical hero is spared, no matter how hisism. Vіn in a right way to love the lyrical heroine, piss about her, do not want to be turbulent and embarrassed by your own knowledge, bazhaє, so that love for her in the future will be so wide and low.

In this order, if you want to love, you dream about a kohannya, you sing about a new song, but “there is a mystery to others.”

8. To Paustovsky. "Nathnennya - Suvoriy working camp of people"

Nathnennya is a suvorian working camp of a people. 2) Spiritual pidyom does not appear in the theatrical posture and presentation. 3) So it is, like the sorrowful flour of creativity.

4) Tchaikovsky stverdzhuvav, what a nathnenny - tse camp, if a person works on full strength, like he did, and not coquettishly waved his hand.

5) The skin of a person, wanting to have a few times for his life, but survived the camp of inspiration - spiritual rebirth, freshness, lively inspiration of activity, new thoughts and the lightness of his creative power.

6) So, nathnennya is a suvorian working camp, but I can have my own poetic zabarvlennya, my own, I would say, poetic subtext.

7) It’s hard to come in with us, like a summer’s early morning, which only threw off the fogs of a quiet night, splattered with dew, with thickets of wet leaves. 8) It carefully breathes to us in the guise of its kissing chill.

9) Nathnennya - like a first kohannya, if the heart is loudly pounding at the front of the marvelous zustres, incredibly beautiful eyes, grins and lack of humor.

10) Just like our inner world of lashings subtly and faithfully, like a charming instrument, it looks at everything, brings to the most familiar, most reminiscent of the sounds of life.

11) They write a lot about inspiration. 12) Turgenev calling the spirit “the closeness of God”, illuminating people with a thought that feels like it. 13) Tolstoy, having said about inspiration, perhaps, in the simplest way: “Naturity lies in the fact that those who can grow up are rapt. 14) What is the more inspirational, the more I can work hard for yoga vikonannya. 15) And yet, as bi mi, they did not signify the evil, we know that it is vain and not guilty of obscurity, without having bestowed upon people.

(For K.G. Paustovsky)

Nathnennya! What is true, what is a strict working camp, is it similar to the first kohan? K. Paustovsky propagates his own vision of what food has been suggested for the analysis of the text.

From the method of obtaining respect to the problem of tension, accessibility and virishennia, to the text of primality, the author goes to the point of reflection with a deductive way of presenting thoughts. Theses about inspiration as a suvoriy working camp and yoga poeticity Paustovsky rozkryvaє for additional evidence. Posilannya thoughts P.I. Tchaikovsky, I.S. Turgenev, L.M. Tolstoy to shy away from the position of the author how to solve the problem in a reconciliatory way. In Visnovka, Paustovsky repeats the main idea of ​​a larger and more problematic option, speaking already about obov'yazkovy plausibility of inspiration. The explanation of the commented problem and also the adoption of the correspondence (propositions 7, 9, 10).

The position of the author, as an authoritative mirkuvannyu, is expressed exactly in theses, arguments and visnovki. K.G. Paustovsky is aware that the mood is a suvorian working camp, that it does not manifest itself in a theatrical pose and presentness. Tse camp, if a person works to full strength, camp of freshness, spiritual inspiration, recognition of his creative power. Ale, it’s like the first kohanny, which gives a very bright summer wound. Ale golovne: Natkhnennya "it is not guilty and it is not to blame for the unknown, without having bestowed people with yourself."

For example, A.S. Pushkin highly appreciated the most poetic meaning of inspiration in life creative people. Finishing the third part of the novel "Evgeniy Onegin", he sings to talk about the mood like a poryatunok in the bayduzhnosti, callousness, zhorstokostі:

And you, young soul,

Praise my veil

Revive the slumber of the heart,

At my kut often fly.

Do not let the soul of the poet go cold,

Bake, harden...

The modesty of A. Akhmatova did not allow us to talk about the power of creativity as an important work. In one of the verses from the cycle "The Secrets of the Craft", going into self-irony, they write:

Think, tezh robot -

Safe life:

Listen to the music now

I see the fire for your own.

Ale, without a doubt, the mother’s need for grandeur is the pracity of talent, so that you can “listen” to the noise of life and decorate it with a seemingly poetic text.

In this rank, nathnennya - tse rewards for the pracity of the creative people.

9. Yu. Bondarev. "Chi can be spent without seeing the tragic ... "

1) How can you, without seeing the tragic waste, reveal the present world, the relief of a bad sign?

2) In my opinion, this waste would be incorrigible, lower knowledge in our life of electric light, but the most important mechanism was used in the transfer of scientific knowledge, and accumulated by us by epochs of honors, and morality of the human mind having fallen into a viral stagnation. 3) The world, having become a bitter controversy, would break the threads in the same people to the next, and, perhaps, the hour of non-government, suspicion and resignation has come.

4) Similar pink movie, the book in our days is like a splurge of people, like a conductor of information, but more than that - it’s a tool of insight into the extraneous intelligence, a look of a person to herself like a reasonable piece of nature.

5) At the same time, the book is a statement of history, and at the same time the memory of people. 6) What would we know about the way, sound, mentality and characters of people for a long time and not so long ago the past epochs, yakby at the same time was not saved in a drukovany sign, a charitable charisma inspire the biography of people in all її folds, jokes, pardons, vіdkritty and tests know that harden sens buttya? 7) The future will be populated not only from the middle of the day, it will be populated from the past. 8) Even our current knowledge and our setting until today is the result of all the knowledge of millions of people who lived before us, the sum of their feelings is bounded and transformed.

9) Yakby didn’t have the ability to go through the distant and near road of history with our minds and emotions, we would look back, nibi into the fog and empty, having spent the cob, and then, і kintsі, because there is nothing and we can’t be without great points of view.

10) The book is a lifeless treasurer of the spiritual values ​​of all centuries and all peoples. 11) All the light that is not extinguished, sent yet from the children of mankind before us. 12) Tse signal and advance, bіl i suffering, smіh that joy, life that hope. 13) This is a symbol of the superiority of spiritual strength over material strength, which is the best way to attain knowledge.

14) The book is a recognition of the development of thought, philosophical currents, national-historical minds of conspiracy, which at various stages gave rise to faith in goodness, reason, enlightenment, freedom and justice.

15) Richly, immeasurably richly, you can explain, understand and order science, thinking by categories to understand what you are doing speeches, systemic formulas, but for its essence, you still can’t do it alone - like people, create images of people at the hour, to rob the force of the recognized share of literature.

16) Stink is near, science is magic. 17) The stinks know the near spheres - the ability of people in this world, and at once a tool for knowing the differences. 18) Of course, "Homer's Odyssey, Leo Tolstoy's Russian Odyssey" War and Peace "or our modern odyssey" Quiet Don "by Mikhail Sholokhov," Walking through the torments "Olexy Tolstoy unacceptably put into the formula, similar to how you can work in science after seeing the law of the All-world.

19) Art is a historical encyclopedia of human intuitions, super-intelligent predilections, bazhan, anger and downfall in spirit, self-confidence and masculinity, shock and victory.

20) A person who opens a book marvels at a friend of life, as if at a glybinn sphere of a mirror, jokingly vlast hero, vіdpovіdі on vlasnі dumki, mimvolіy reconciling, let's say, someone else's share and someone else's masculinity to a special character, pathetic, hesitant, bothering, laughing, crying, spitting and spitting - and here the spitting of the book begins. 21) All tse i є “infected with feelings”, behind the words of Leo Tolstoy.

22) The word played a unique role in the share of the dermal drug, and I most regret the one who did not have a full of serious books. 23) Tim himself defended his own guilt and shortened the days of his life, giving a friend an insight, another message.

(For Y. Bondarevim)

Drukovyy sign! Book! Yake place is occupied by stench in the life of people in fire and in to the current world zokrema? Y. Bondarev propagates his own version of this food in the proponated text.

With the method of obtaining respect for the problem of the role of a crafted sign, a book, in the life of people, accessibility, a solution, the writer goes to the point of reflection with an inductive way of submitting thoughts. Zmist problem eating the author nadali rozkrivaє for additional evidence, as if he could give a better explanation, as well as similar to the art literature with scientific literature. In order to strengthen the diversity of the language, the development of one’s own setting to the image, the author goes to the metaphor “in the full book” and rhetorical food (6), the explanation of one phenomenon for the help of another - until the equalization (9, 20), fixing respect on other words to strengthen the role - up to anaphoria (11 - 13, 16 - 17) and repetitions (8, 10, 13, 15, 20), the creation of an increase in the weakened reaction - to gradation (14.19, 20). Everything is important for understanding the problem that is being commented on.

The position of the author, as the authoritative mirkuvannyu, is expressed to be without argument in the arguments and vysnovku. Y. Bondarev is reconsidering that the waste of a misguided word by the people would be wrong. The book, according to the writer’s thought, is the goal of splintering people, and a conductor of information, and a tool for penetrating into the real sense of the word, and a virna memory of people, and “the protection of the spiritual values ​​of all centuries and all technological peoples”, National-Historical Minds of the Suspіlstvo "At the share of the skin, to kill the wisps of Y. Bondarev, the word played a unique role."

Kokhannya is an important soulful robot, її does not tighten the skin. Ale kozhen mriє about her, joking її. Why do we joke at the kohanna? We joke in niy uniqueness of selfhood, spiritual support. It is important for us to know that people, how to love, it is important and dear to everything that happens to us, everything that costs us. And from the other side, this person will need us, our turboti, help, our intelligence. Friends - navit nayblizhchi - can only love us. And we joke about the one who divides our life, with whom we will not only sleep with joy, but imagine pain ... But if love is born, how to grow it, so that she lived? Why should you trim yourself, why trim the one you love, so that you will be deprived of one-single middle of your women, like the trojan of the Little Prince was deprived of one-one in the garden, de bulo five thousand such trojans themselves? It’s a lot of fate, if I was a little old, the summer woman told me a mystery: it doesn’t matter to win a kohanny, it’s important to lose it. Then I could not comprehend life's wisdom of this secret: I was worried about the word "abstract". Aja, I read Pushkin: “Who can tame love?” and Blok: “Oh, love is free, like a bird.” But really, it is true that the laws of the kokhannya are found, and Saint-Exuper is one of the quiet, who knows the secrets. If the Little Prince only rose dearly, seeing the planet, the old king is still alive. Pobachivshi, scho yogo guest got tired and that posіhaє, the ruler is not formed, and punishing yomu pozikhati. “From the skin need to nourish, what wine can give. Power can be sensible, ”said the king. In youth, we do not think about our dominion over the kohan people, and we often break the wise law of the old king: “power is to be wise”. Young squads, a beautiful girl, having a ring on her fingers - a symbol of absolute power, - raptly begin vimagati in the presence of naked people anitroha no less, no less famous is the old vimagala near the golden fish. And in the kohanna, nobody is guilty of anything. The main and unparalleled law of love is goodwill: - I am standing here, under your vіknami, not to the one that punished me, but to the one that I can’t do otherwise. -I cook you soup and iron your shirts, for it is a pleasure for me to serve you.
If you know that you endure everything and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then you start shaking. If you know that your dominion over him is tolerant, you do not order him to turn into a sea gull, you tame yogo more patiently, and we will tame you, until you become one for one united in the whole world. (FROM)

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Text from EDDI

(1) Love is an important soulful robot, you can overpower it with leather. (2) Ale kozhen dream about her, joking її. (3) Why do we joke at the kohanna? (4) We joke about the uniqueness of selfhood, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that loving people are important and dear to everything that comes with us, everything that costs us. (6) From the other side, this person will need us, our turboti, help, our intelligence. (7) Friends - to bring closer - can love us less. (8) And we joke about the one who divides our lives, with whom we will be sleeping not only joy, but also pain and pain ...

(9) But if love is born, how do you feel it, so that it will survive? (10) Why should you trim yourself, lower trim the one you love, so that you will be deprived of one-single middle women, like the trojan of the Little Prince was deprived of one-one in the garden, why would there be five thousand such trojans themselves?

(11) It’s a lot of fate, if I was a child, the woman of summer told me a mystery: it’s not important to win love, it’s important to lose it. (12) Even so, I could not grasp the life wisdom of that secret: I was dabbling in the word “outsmart.” (13) I read Pushkin: “Who can take away love?” and Blok: “Oh, love is free, like a bird.”

(14) But really, they discover the secrets and the law of love, and Saint-Exupery is one of the quiet ones who knows the secrets of the secrets.

(15) If the Little Prince has only begun his journey dearly, having seen the planet, on which the old king lives. (16) Having succumbed to the fact that the guest of Yogo was tired and it is possible for him, the ruler did not form himself, but after punishing Yoma, he was put down. “(17) From the skin requirement, ask those who can give. (18) Vlad can be prudent,” said the king.

(19) In our youth, we don’t think about our dominion over a kohan and a beloved person, and we often break the wise law of the old king: “power can be prudent.” (20) Young squads, a beautiful girl, having a hoop on her fingers - a symbol of absolute power, - with a rapt vimagati start vimagati in the presence of naked people antrohi no less, the old vimagala at the golden fish is famous.

(21) And in love, no one is guilty of anything. (22) The main and unparalleled law of love is її goodwill: I am standing here, under your vіknami, not to the one that punished me, but to the one that I can’t do otherwise. (23) I from other positions: I cook you soup and iron your shirts, for it is a pleasure for me to serve you.

(24) If you know that you endure everything and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then you begin to cook. (25) If you know that your dominion over him is tolerant, you will not order you to turn into a sea gull, you will tame Yogo more patiently, but we will tame you, until you become one for one united in the whole world.

(For M. Dolinina)


Kokhannya is the strongest emotion, which reminds our life with a special meaning. For the sake of the kohanny, we have feats, in the name of the kohanny we put together verses and songs, we sacrifice everything for the sake of happy moments, instructed by the kokhanoy people. Kokhannya shtovhaє us for evil deeds that resurrect us to a new kazkovy life.

Chi bring love happiness? Mutual - so, but don’t start to feel like knowing the heart of the object of deification. Everything is right in that which is not the skin of us, the building correctly vibuduvaty their feet, correctly placed before the one you love and who you love.



Vaughn to talk about those scho kokhannya - tse mentally foldable robot, as far as strength is not a skin person. Zvichayno, about kokhannya mriyut mustache, being able to know in a new order in the form of selfishness. We would like to divide all our lives as a whole, not less than її radiance of the moment, but also, in the image, injustice.

Dbaty about someone can bring us their own spiritual satisfaction, especially the knowledge of the one that we need for someone. It seems to match the significance of our reasoning.

The author gave a rozmіrkovuє about those, how the kohanna is born and what it is necessary to work, to utrimati її. For an hour in youth, we are given the opportunity to imaginatively viraz “to cut down the kokhannya”, even after ordering the poets kohannya vilne like birds. Ale M. Dolinina guesses the twirl of A. Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince", who, having escaped the mystery of the kokhannya and knows his own trojand.

Mandruyuschie planets, the Prince got to know the old king, who knew the only true law of life: “From the skin requirement, ask those who can give wine. Vlada can be sensible. The words of the author zastosovuє i to vіdnosin between man and woman.

Our society is based on other principles - the lack of knowledge of the squads repair vimagati for people over rich.

Author's position

N. The valley is broken, that in the kohanna no one is guilty of anything. The main rule of love is goodness. The person is sleeping a serenade under the window, but I’m preparing to go not to the one who was punished like that, but to the one who wants so much.

According to the author’s thought, kokhannya - if you think, what can you do for the sake of a kohanoi people to know all the crossings to the way. If the power over the people will be patient and not hesitate to turn into someone who won’t be there, then, having tamed one one, you will become one and the same irreplaceable one for one.

Your position

I will understand what the author wants to say. For a kohanny, freedom is important. As if through a lack of confidence, jealousy for other reasons, I don’t know, then it’s almost as soon as I die, I die. It is not possible to make a person love, not to greet, to cherish the feats of chi to give gifts. Kokhannya is good and free in its manifestations.

Argument #1

U p'essi O.M. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is a miraculous butt of that, like a kohannya vmiraє under the yoke of no one needs the rules of that border. Katerina and Tikhin are a young girlfriend of a couple, as if they live in the house of the merchant Kabanova, who idealizes the commandments of house building. Vaughn nalashtovuє sina against yoga squad of Katerini, zmushuyuchi pacify її in fear of that subdued.

Katerina loved the squad, but in the minds of despotism, that atmosphere of suffocation of love died out. As a result, the girl hurt the man, and in the end laid her hands on herself.

Argument #2

The butt from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "The Hero of Our Hour", where the main hero Grigory Pechorin robbed a Chechen girl, like you was worthy of him, and, having closed її in the fortress, vimagav vіd еї pochutіv vіdpovіd. Prote, having tried everything, was persuaded to a bribe; If the girl realized her freedom, she realized that she also wanted a young Russian officer. For the first time the stench was truly happy.


Kokhannya - understanding the tenditne and mіtsne at once. In addition, as we put ourselves before our borders, lie down, we will be as happy as we are, our union will be as long as possible.

(1) Love is an important soulful robot, you can overpower it with leather. (2) Ale kozhen dream about her, joking її. (3) Why do we joke at the kohanna? (4) We joke about the uniqueness of selfhood, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that loving people are important and dear to everything that comes with us, everything that costs us. (6) From the other side, this person will need us, our turboti, help, our intelligence. (7) Friends - to bring closer - can love us less. (8) And we joke about the one who divides our lives, with whom we will be sleeping not only joy, but also pain and pain ...

(9) But if love is born, how do you feel it, so that it will survive? (10) Why should you trim yourself, lower trim the one you love, so that you will be deprived of one-single middle women, like the trojan of the Little Prince was deprived of one-one in the garden, why would there be five thousand such trojans themselves?

(11) It’s a lot of fate, if I was a child, the woman of summer told me a mystery: it’s not important to win love, it’s important to lose it. (12) Even so, I could not grasp the life wisdom of that secret: I was dabbling in the word “outsmart.” (13) I read Pushkin: “Who can take away love?” and Blok: “Oh, love is free, like a bird.”

(14) But really, they discover the secrets and the law of love, and Saint-Exupery is one of the quiet ones who knows the secrets of the secrets.

(15) If the Little Prince has only begun his journey dearly, having seen the planet, on which the old king lives. (16) Having succumbed to the fact that the guest of Yogo was tired and it is possible for him, the ruler did not form himself, but after punishing Yoma, he was put down. “(17) From the skin requirement, ask those who can give. (18) Vlad can be prudent,” said the king.

(19) In our youth, we don’t think about our dominion over a kohan and a beloved person, and we often break the wise law of the old king: “power can be prudent.” (20) Young squads, a beautiful girl, having a hoop on her fingers - a symbol of absolute power, - with a rapt vimagati start vimagati in the presence of naked people antrohi no less, the old vimagala at the golden fish is famous.

(21) And in love, no one is guilty of anything. (22) The main and unparalleled law of love is її goodwill: I am standing here, under your vіknami, not to the one that punished me, but to the one that I can’t do otherwise. (23) I from other positions: I cook you soup and iron your shirts, for it is a pleasure for me to serve you.

(24) If you know that you endure everything and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then you begin to cook. (25) If you know that your dominion over him is tolerant, you will not order you to turn into a sea gull, you will tame Yogo more patiently, but we will tame you, until you become one for one united in the whole world.

(For M. Dolina *)

* Natalia Grigorivna Dolinina (1928-1979) - philologist, teacher, writer.

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Natalia Grigorivna Dolinina encourages the readers to think about the problem of the evil of power in the kohanna. Why is rice, for such love and power, cease to be inseparable companions, and incomparable help of the one who is loved, to sing the light of the beautiful feeling in the soul of the one who loves?

Rozmirkovuyuchi, the author seems, that the kokhannya has his own secrets and laws, for which they develop. Shards of love - tse "important soulful robot", schob vykonuvaty її sumlіnі іz satisfaction, varto osagni tsі law. To the one whom you love, there is a trace of destination between your own power over him, who loves, if you want the power and you can start to be serene. The author pronounces before the episode of the creation of "The Little Prince", in which Saint-Exupery named the basic law of power: "From the skin requirement to inculcate, what wine can give." As power is inseparable from love, as a rule, people can be healed, as if they love one and only one and try to save a little.

Natalia Grigorivna Dolinina is aware that "there is no one to blame for anything in the kohanna", the kohanna is good, the person is wise to that, the possibility of vimagati is possible for the one who loves yoga, do not vimagatime richo something. The position of the author is given to me as correct. I think, how only we can overcome the possibilities, their victories become torment and violence,


  • 1 of 1 K1 Formulation of problems in the visual text
  • 3 of 3 K2

(1) Love is an important soulful robot, you can overpower it with leather. (2) Ale kozhen dream about her, joking її. (3) Why do we joke at the kohanna? (4) We joke about the uniqueness of selfhood, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that loving people are important and dear to everything that comes with us, everything that costs us. (6) From the other side, this person will need us, our turboti, help, our intelligence. (7) Friends - to bring closer - can love us less. (8) And we joke about the one who divides our lives, with whom we will be sleeping not only joy, but also pain and pain ...

(9) But if love is born, how do you feel it, so that it will survive? (10) Why should you trim yourself, lower trim the one you love, so that you will be deprived of one-single middle women, like the trojan of the Little Prince was deprived of one-one in the garden, why would there be five thousand such trojans themselves?

(11) It’s a lot of fate, if I was a child, the woman of summer told me a mystery: it’s not important to win love, it’s important to lose it. (12) Even so, I could not grasp the life wisdom of that secret: I was dabbling in the word “outsmart.” (13) I read Pushkin: “Who can take away love?” and Blok: “Oh, love is free, like a bird.”

(14) But really, they discover the secrets and the law of love, and Saint-Exupery is one of the quiet ones who knows the secrets of the secrets.

(15) If the Little Prince has only begun his journey dearly, having seen the planet, on which the old king lives. (16) Having succumbed to the fact that the guest of Yogo was tired and it is possible for him, the ruler did not form himself, but after punishing Yoma, he was put down.
“(17) From the skin requirement, ask those who can give. (18) Vlad can be prudent,” said the king.

(19) In our youth, we don’t think about our dominion over a kohan and a beloved person, and we often break the wise law of the old king: “power can be prudent.” (20) Young squads, a beautiful girl, having a hoop on her fingers - a symbol of absolute power, - with a rapt vimagati start vimagati in the presence of naked people antrohi no less, the old vimagala at the golden fish is famous.

(21) And in love, no one is guilty of anything. (22) The main and unparalleled law of love is її goodwill: I am standing here, under your vіknami, not to the one that punished me, but to the one that I can’t do otherwise.
(23) I from other positions: I cook you soup and iron your shirts, for it is a pleasure for me to serve you.

(24) If you know that you endure everything and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then you begin to cook. (25) If you know that your dominion over him is tolerant, you will not order you to turn into a sea gull, you will tame Yogo more patiently, but we will tame you, until you become one for one united in the whole world.

(For M. Dolina *)

* Natalia Grigorivna Dolinina (1928-1979) - philologist, teacher, writer.

Since the days of our company, after the war, only we have been deprived of the Week. (2) Vadim died of obscurity, Mishko died, Boris died at the blockade of Leningrad, Ira died of typhus, People were gone for a few years, Inna went to Moscow. (3) We didn’t remember how we lost double of it. Vіn came to me in a week, about the twelfth year. (5) Just yshov pov i zayshov, without a call, without a reason. (b) Ring out we stalked at the saint, the days of the people. (7) I didn’t want to speak, we were strong, we made two parties at the shah.

    (8) Let's take a walk, - chanting wine.
falling snow; the sky, low, sire, hung, like sira whiteness.
    (10) Garazd, - I said reluctantly, - I will guide you.
On the streets, we talked to him about China, about our ailments;
    Let's go to Vadim.
Vіn not zdivuvavsya, only for a long time movchav, then asleep:
    New? (13) Do you think Galina Yosipivni will be accepted?
No, I didn't think.
    (15) What about us? (16) Chi varto? (17) Yak you want.
Wanting to take a tram, we took a different number, got to the circus and went to the Fontanka. (19) All the way we discussed the death of American astronauts. (20) Krokiv a hundred before the front door of Vadim, I chirped:
    What shall we say? (21) Let's say that they had been climbing for a long time, they all thought it was unhandy. (22) And now it has become handy? (23) Blame you lad. (24) Well, it’s not pidemo, - Venya waited patiently. (25) To put it more briefly, that vipadkovo boules were nearby.

(26) So it was easier for me, it was possible, for the one who was untrue. (27) Doomed me rearranged the legs. (28) Cowardice and fear tormented us. (29) How many times for many years I had to go through the whole series of granite houses on the Fontanza.

I hurried down the crock, opened my eyes, and somehow guarded for me. (31) Step by step I called. (32) Maizhe mechanically, abi is less likely to get lost, I’m signifying - the axis of Vadim’s booths. (ЗЗ) Reshta was scribbled in the same name, and a little the same was shrunk. Really, why didn’t we go to yoga mothers, yoga’s closest friends? We were told by Nina Ivanivna, aunt Vadim:

    Galina Yosipivna died, thirteen years ago...
It was such a long time ago that I felt less sorry. (37) We are really very, very late on the visit. Thirteen fates ... (39) I'm not nasty. (40) To go out, she died after a few years after I stopped coming in. (41) Not obov'yazkovo bulo pov'yazuvat tsі podії. (42) Obviously, I even sang to myself, scho zhorstok zmushuvat її yatri early. (43) I couldn’t help him with anything - what was it to come? Chi is required to support the squads and mothers of our dead comrades - the axis of nourishment ... (45) Always feel guilty. (46) And why? (47) Why are we alive? Vinen, I’m healthy, I’m laughing. (49) Galina Yosipivna, obviously, did not understand why she should not come to her, what happened. (50) And those were trapiling ... (51) Vm, nothing was trapiling, everything was going well, in that one on the right ... We stood, not knowing how to drink. (53) To that it was more important, anіzh come here.
    (54) See probatchte, we have to go, - Venya said hoarsely. (55) Well, you guys, I was glad, Nina Ivanivna ceremoniously shook her head. - (56) Who would think for a moment ...

(57) Nevsky Prospekt deafening with the noise of a week-long rich man. (58) Shvidki knocked, cars rushed, the sounds stuck together, roared, anxious, joking around.

    (59) Rozturbovali, razvororushili, - saying Venya. - (60) І їй important, and important to us. (61) It's wonderful, what drew us? (62) Shkadaesh? (63) Hi, - having said wine. - (64) If it were my fault to come.

* Danilo Oleksandrovich Granin (born 1919) - Russian radianian writer, hromada dyach.

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