James Aldridge father and son short zmist. Analysis of the short story "The Last Inch" by James Aldridge. Podalannya heroes vlasnoy fear that powerlessness


The problem is mutually father and child, to the fact that people of different age can easily understand one another, and sooner or later we are stuck with this problem. The skin of us is brought to virishuvati її. Even more often, given the correctness of the decision, to lie down all life. The problems of mutual relations between grown-ups and children are attributed to the great number of creative people. In his short story "The Remaining Inch", the American writer J. Aldridge turned up to the same diet.

Ben, a professional pilot, having taken up a film about sharks, it was easy for a robot to know in a profession, it was “critical” for a pilot, and “pennies, like wines, having saved two rocks, flying over a baked wasteland, gave the squad the opportunity to live a decent life . at Cambridge. Yomu "needed to earn a yakomog more pennies, and such an opportunity appeared."

Virushayuschie on Zyomku ruined in the sea Shark Bay, Ben took from him the decimal son of the Virgin - "self-reliant, restless child, like in ten years she realized that her mother should not cluck, and the father is a stranger, sharp and not rich, does not know, about which of them speak in those rіdkіsnі hvilini, if the stench happened at once. If Ben, being alone with the boy, having felt sorry for his conscience and feeling guilty, that he could not make trustworthy stoksіv from blue, not know the way to his heart: , and now, maybe, it was pizno.

However, varto bulo Virgo appeared from the field to the dawn of the lily, like Bennemov forgetting about yoga. Vіn navіt forgetting to take the water chi sіk, if the stench flew into the deserted Shark Bay, having bought only beer for themselves. And the lad, like a skin child, wanted a loving mother, a daring father, a gift date for food, what to chirp.

Ben and all yogo food were fighting and vіn buv rіzkiy z Virgo. The rude and mocking words of the father began to choke and imitate a boy. Syn bentezhivsya and daedals more zamikavsya at his own.

Vіdnosini mіzh batkom і blue boules foldable і it seemed impossibly, scho stinks if you ever think, yakbi nі "yogo majesty vpadok". It’s only a pity that this ice has not spared both of their lives.

In Shark Bay, at noon, Ben recognized the attack of sharks. Vіn suffered so much from the sharks that he could not lead the flight himself. And now I have hope for my son. The lad, who, being so unstoppable to life, showed his unmistakable masculinity, mobilized his strength, and guessed everything that his father was. And the smut, having believed the words of Ben, that a person can see everything that is worth it. “You don’t know what the building is for, until you try it,” said the father. І blue having tried it. І vіn zmіg. Win a win! Vin vryatuvav himself that dad. The virgins don’t just zoom in to bandage the father’s wounds and pull Yogo into the air, but independently, keruyuchis Ben’s usual remarks, which, having become angry at the loss of blood, bring the air to Kahir and plant Yogo far away. For the first time in life, the father heard that son, and they were one of the others, more in the same time they had a single chance for a row.

Having given my life to my father's friend, my faith, my love, my son. And now Ben understands that in this life speech is very important for letters and work. Having changed internally, vin vyshiv, that it is not necessary to melt the ice at the vents from the blue: “The lad’s heart is already out of the way! It’s early early, but before it’s too late, it’s too early.” I believe that Ben podolzhet tsey "remaining inch", which podіlyaє yogo іz sinom, і the problem of mutual "daddy" and "children" will cease to be relevant for them.

J. Aldridge. "Father and son" (According to the story "The Remaining Inch")

The figure of the English writer James Aldridge cries out with boisterous activity in the struggle of the world. Vіn buv svіdkom battles Other light wars near Berlin, the author of combat reports, and after the war - the creation of political zmist. In order of these two topics, create a devotion to the affirmation of the moral stamina of a person.

Otzhe, journalist, a writer, an anti-fascist, a fighter for peace, an author of front-line reports, works of political change that strengthened the moral stamina of a person - this is the spectrum of Aldridge's activity.

The story “The Remaining Inch” is dedicated to the very moral steadfastness of a person. For її vyvchennya, scientists can speed up the prepared by literature the book "Batko and son". It is important that the seventh graders understand why the author called his story "The Remaining Inch". What do you want to say with my name? Why is the bula bay named Akuleyu?

Learn to retell close to text zustrіch Ben with sharks, showing strіmkіst, with such a throaty podії, that they brought the hero to the tragic end of the planned operation. Stink to prostite, like sharks to lead:

“The sharks came right away, smelling the smell of blood ... The stench rushed right at the horse's coat. In front of me was a spitting gut, and behind it were two or three sharks, and they gave birth, but less. The stench did not spit and navit did not collapse with swimmers - the stench rushed forward, like sir rockets that blasted. Approaching the meat, the sharks moved the trochs sideways, tearing up shmatkas on the go ... "

How to behave father and son in an extreme situation? Why do you have to think about Ben and the author?

“... the only hope is to vryatuvatisya and the boy and you - tse zmusit the Virgin to think independently, rob those who can grow wine. It’s required to inspire the lad.”

“The decimal child was necessary to vikonate on the right an inhuman problem. Yakshto vin want to live ... "

“... Tse bula that child herself, with these very disguises, as if vin had recently looked ahead. Ale on the right was not familiar with what Ben had seen: it was important to recognize that the lad was smart enough to care for his father ... "

“... an hour is needed for both of us. Youmu, Ben, now needs all his life, like giving you a boy.

Schoolchildren give advice to the teacher, form a plan for reading, try read behind the roles, retelling the text, at once touching important thoughts, the author articulated about the important problem of the mutually grown-up children. At once, the stench will thoroughly sting in the mind of a virulent reading, a snarling order, vminnya to conduct a dialogue (on the example of the dialogue of the father and the son in a litak, the dialogue of Ben and the Virgin in front of the old father in the sea).

Let's think about why the author describes the skin in such a short way. What can be reached by this description? What are the characters of the Virgin and Ben? How many native women of the motherland approached the father of that son at the polly and after that? Why did the situation, in which the heroes stumbled, helped them to reason alone? How can you explain?

At the process of changing nutrition, retelling the students, they experience a particular situation, at the same time the heroes oppose themselves, understand, as if morally adventurous, carry Aldridge's twirl; father ryatuє sin, sin - father. At the same time, they know one of the same, continuing to be inhuman difficulties, emerging from an extreme situation with help.

Oskіlki problem, as it sounded in the work of Aldridge, is close to pіdlіtkіv, maє sense pov'yazati discussed the text of the understanding of life situations, problems, disrupted by literally, for example, about the mutual understanding of grown-up children. Children guess similar moods in their lives, if an unimaginable situation helped to evaluate the children, the most different showed a better picture of the character (masculinity, courage, delicacy, honesty, etc.), took the mind of grown-up people - relatives, relatives.

Razpovіsti about tse usno chi in writing - one of the creative leaders of the litter. In addition, you can ask to create a screenplay for the text of Aldridge Batko and syn.

V. Ya. Korovina, Literature 7th grade. Methodological reasons - M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2003. - 162 p.: il.

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The story "The Last Inch" by James Aldridge is often compared with "The Old Sea" by Ernest Hemingway. The creativity of writers has a lot of summative moments. Tse, let's think, those who occupied the writers, a similar system of values, problems and central characteristics of works. However, it is not possible to put a sign of equality between an Australian and an American.

Aldridge reinterprets the theme of masculinity in a new way. Capturing romance and mysticism, the author depicts heroism in everyday life. Yogo prose is freed by the beauty of that artistic vision. The author's style of the sheet is subtle, precise, here a little bit dry, but not primitive in any other way. The depths of deep psychologism and dramatism of the "human" prose of Aldridge does not bog down. The lack of richness seems to be rather promotional.

Having developed writing activities in the role of a correspondent for the Viysk, James Aldridge achieves success both in journalism and in literature. From 1944 to 1945, the wines were located on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic. Zatyaty anti-fascist, Aldrіdzh zahopluєєєєєєє force of spirit and vіdvagoyu radyanskih people. In Russia, talented Europeans were loved and awarded with the Lenin Prize "For the achievement of peace among peoples." And the axis on the Zahodі friend of the Krayina Rad was not especially fussy. Aldridge was by no means a media writer, like, say, Hemingway.

By the end of fate, political ambitions were lost in the past, only mysticism is immortal - blissful novels written by Aldridge in the 50s and 40s (“To the Right of Honor”, ​​“Sea Eagle”, “Diplomat”, “Mislivets”, “Hero of Desert Horizons” ”), journalism and masterpieces of small prose (reviews of the story “Shark Cage”, “Russian Fin”, “The Remaining Inch” and others).

The story "The Remaining Inch" is a pearly little prose by James Aldridge. Її inevitably include before the selection of the works of the writer. And the light cinematography increased the plot of the creation on the screen. The cult film directed by Mikitya Kurikhin and Theodor Vulfovich is well known to the veterinary spectator. Vin viyshov on the Radiansky screen in 1958. The main roles of Viconal Slava Muratov (Davey) and Mikola Kryukov (Ben).

James Aldrіdzh vvazhav, scho literary vygadka can rely on real life dosvіd. "Remaining inch" without becoming a vinnyatok. head hero in fact - a professional litter. From the solid right, the writer was well known - at the youth of wines, having seen the London courses of pilots.

Podії create razvivayutsya in Egypt. Aldridge knew about this exotic country not from books. Having lived for a long time at Kahiri and navitt, dedicating the book “Kahir. Biography of the place. The idea of ​​"The Remaining Inch" was born after seeing Shark Bay in Egypt. There, Aldridge easily transferred his literary heroes- Litter Ben and Yogo decimal son Dave.

Guess how the story “The Remaining Inch” developed.

Poloti is Ben's lifelong passion. Navit after twenty fates at the helm of the litak wins the greatness of satisfaction, shiryayuchi over the gloom, and in a youthful radiance of black virtuoso settlements. The sky is the only moon, de Ben is just as happy. The new one has that decimal son of Dave. Prote members of this family are strangers to each other. The druzhina, as a rule, were tightening their journeys and an important speck to Egypt, arrived, turned to native Massachusetts. Dave, that "having been born nadto pizno", appearing not needed by the fathers. The restless child's self-consciousness grew closed and, singsongly, suffered from the mother's hardiness and father's hardship.

Ale Ben didn’t care about anything. Yogo praised only one thing - the prospect of a Swedish pension. The vik of the liotchik is short. At his forty-three, Ben is already getting old. Knowing the robot was becoming more important. Vіn bravaya for be-yakі zavdannya, smut schob richly paid. Having earned a penny, you can send Dave to motherhood, and rush to Canada yourself. There, it is possible, to go to the grave and continue to live.

Narazi Ben works for a TV company. Flying to Shark Bay, in Yaku you can reach only once again, and make underwater fishing. The robot is not safe, but highly paid. That day Ben letіv to Shark rise.

Porivі batkіvskih pochuttіv, yakі vyyavlyalsya dosit rіko, Ben took polit Davy. Already on the cob the way of the wines of the thought, cursing oneself for the thoughtlessness of the vchinok. Sina did not know his wines, the presence of the boy tightened him. Ben fought once and for all and never had a moment to figure out what this little dark-eyed lad was thinking about.

In order to defuse the situation, the father says to the son: “If you prove it, you need six inches. Not a foot and not three, but exactly six inches! If you take more, then you will knock on the landing and knock it out. Too low - sip on the bush and roll over. All right in the rest of the inch.

Arriving in the bay, Ben, with annoyance, declares, what a wine is a bad father - he has only drunk beer and no drops of water, forgetting that the decimal lad does not drink alcohol. To be brought to pour a child a little beer, to smack spragu in a desert spice.

First of all, it is successful to pass through the water. Ben takes a lot of shots in the distance. Trochs are waking up on the birch, I’m starting to take the scuba gear again - I need to take the shark-gut. To wrap up the hut, Ben took a specially brought kіnsk's leg. Vlastuvavshis at the ledge of the reef, imagining how sharks, one by one, reach for the bait and grapple with their tight slits at the fresh meat. Ale "gut" pliva not up to the leg, she straightened straight at Ben. Only once in a while commemorate the fatal pardon - the blood from the kіnskoy's feet has become fermented on his arms and chest - the guilt of sayings.

Ben's offensive mite is thinking about Dave. At the bay you can reach only the sky. Nobody knows that the lad from the father flew here. If Dave starts shukati, he will already die of help and hunger. Ben categorically cannot die here under the water. Reporting non-human zusils, they see each other in the huts and scream at the shore.

Throwing himself after a non-trivial inconsistency, Ben understands that he is still alive. However, the shark severely crippled him - his legs were completely cut, one hand was covered in blood, the other was practically torn. Ben gives himself one single task - to live the whole day, to bring the sin to the place. At the breaks between the unobtrusive wines, Dave is asked to bandage the wound, pull it up to the litak, get ready for the cold. Golovnya, so the lad didn’t snarl, didn’t panic. Bidolakha, I still don’t suspect that I’ll have a chance to work with the car one by one! And wine, Bene, I do not know my son. It is necessary to guess the psychology of which one is right and such a strange lad.

Dave is steadfast in blaming the trial. Give it to you ten, that day, it seems like a father’s life to lie down. We will understand on the maps and know how to fly to Kahir. “Having lost three thousand feet on the heights, Dave said that you couldn’t cry any more. The new one's tears have dried up forever. However, the most significant moment ahead is landing that remaining inch. Ledve not crashing into the aircraft, which zlitaє, decimal pilot and yogo father, who drained the blood, landed. Quiet. Ben closes his eyes. Now you can die.

However, the share zіgrala chergovy heat - litchik Ben did not die. The Egyptian doctors called Yogo a lucky one - the numerical wounds shone in their eyes. Truth is, one hand of the injured has put in, like a pilot's car.

Ale Ben didn’t care about anything. Yogo praised only one thing - like a son's heart. After the tragedy, raptom began to gain first-rate importance. Litaki, pennies, a hand wasted - everything was given now to rubbish. Ben knows that he checks his debt and the importance of the robot. Ale vin is ready to dedicate his mustache to life. Life, like giving you a boy. Gra, perekonaniya father, cost a candle.

Zavdyaks of their richly planned story "The Remaining Inch" circulated to a wide range of people. An intriguing plot, a tension that doesn't weaken to the point of unraveling, adds a mass reader. Psychological line, which develops in parallel with adventurous, is a wide field for literary studies.

The problem of survival and mutuality

The post-approved two problems: the behavior of a person in extreme minds (the theme of masculinity before death) and the same father and son. Offended by problems perebuvayut have a close relationship.

Head heroes (Ben and Dave) perform feats not for the sake of the people, but for the whole people, skin from them is nothing more than ryatuє their lives. Ale, the scale of the "battle" of antrohi does not apply the value of a feat. Ben does not have the right to die, for death is cowardly to ruin his son. Decimal Dave does not allow himself to cry like a child and lyakatis, vomit rages, even if only so you can vomit tata.

Batko, who never had an hour and a day to take care of his son, and son, who is afraid of a playful, fiery father, is thrown into one harness before death. Whose terrible flight over the Chervonim Sea has changed both. The author is not a small idyllic final picture of the rise of the father from the son. The human soul is richly folded - її it is impossible to simply switch to the “cooking”, “friendship”, “pretty” mode. Aldridge is out of the final round. Away, the fate of Ben and Dave you is as vague as that of a reader. Vіn is less likely to send light into the distance of the future crying prominence of light. Tse bajannya heroes іti nazustrіch one alone.

Date of publication: 1957

The story of James Aldridge "The Remaining Inch" should be read as soon as possible before the school program. Tudi v_n buv inclusions within an hour of the SRSR and from that hour having won love from the hearts of our reader. For the justification of "The Remaining Inch" a film of the same name was made, and that same writer himself became familiar with our own land of the very beginning of this justification.

Rozpovіdі "Remaining inch" short zmіst

In the report of "The Remaining Inch" of a short story, you learn about the departure from Canada - Bene. Even in the Fatherland, becoming a good pilot and now flying over the shores of Egypt with geologists in the search for oil. Yogo was loved and respected for those who could plant a wine in a moment practically in any place. But in the rest of the hour the oil-and-sand company's oil and gas company's oil and gas company ran out of oil, and Ben, surviving on his vivacious earnings. At the same hour, the retinue, not showing off the poor minds of life, turned to native Massachusetts. At the same time, she deprived them of a decimal son with the father, which was equal punishment for Ben. Aje sleepy movie I didn’t know the blue wine in any way;

Dali, in the description of James Aldridge's "The Remaining Inch", you can read about those who, as a result of having a crush on Ben, having taken their son from themselves from the waters on the Chervona Sea. Here Ben wanted to take sharks, even TV companies paid well for a skin meter of swimming with such signs. At the mercy of wines, teach the son to cherubate with a letak, docking yoga to tears with your devilish cry. Ale pіd the hour of landing vin zmusiv blue stitches for planting, pushing, scho all to the right in the rest of the inch.

As soon as you read the short story “The Remaining Inch”, you will know that in Shark Bay, Ben was engaged in sacking. The sharks were aggressive, and one cat shark showed a real interest in Ben. Through tse wines hurried to the shore. Here he won the power of resentment, and revealed an hour that he took only beer for himself, without telling about his son the Virgin. That kind of drinking blue about those, how you can have a drink in Akulyacha Bay did not hit Ben. Adzhe vin navit not realize that the son is afraid to be left alone here, so you can hang out with him.

How did James Aldridge tell the story of "The Remaining Inch" read short zmist, then you know that, regardless of the fear, Ben is brave on the new zanurennya. Aje on pennies, otrimani vіd zyomok, vіn spodіvaєtsya vіdpraviti Virgo to mother. How many times did you kick with a kіnsk leg. Ale kitty shark throws itself at a new one, and not at a leg. Ben was the first to run ashore. Yogo's right hand was maizha torn, the lion was badly damaged, and his legs were badly chewed. Only now Ben understands that he is guilty of living for the sake of the Virgin, even without a new fault.

The main hero of James Aldridge's "The Remaining Inch" description for the help of the son is a litak. Ben could no longer help his sons to drag himself. And in order for the father to climb on the passenger seat of the aircraft, the Virgin had a chance to build a ramp made of stone. Now it's my share, as it depended only on the boy's vmіnnya cherubate it like that, and Ben didn't know how to kick it. Prote lad zletіv i, koristuyuchis compass, flying to Kahir. By a miracle, having saved the accident with the great lad, the boy was far from sitting. Ben surviving hoch i vtrativ left hand. Ale now yoga head managers in life, the remaining inch began to be patched up, like a vіddalyav yogo vіd sin.

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Interested in rozpovid "Remaining inch" to read to the temple. Zavdyaki tsyomu the book is presented to dosit visoko middle. In addition, the book is presented among . And looking at the stable dynamics of interest in the book, we admit that we have given rise to our ratings from time to time. best books for genres.

More briefly: The litter, having spent a lot of work, tries to earn pennies, knowing the sharks. On zyomki vіn bere decimal sin, stosunki with yakim do not get along with him. The shark attacks the litchik, and sin ryatuє the wounded dad.

Name the divisions of the mind and do not match the original.

Ben's life story

Ben is a good litchik. Required certificate of winding up, flying in Canada with an old aircraft DS-3. At Rest of the Rocks vin Litav at Fairchild, distributing naphtha for the non-export company Texegipto. In order for the geologists to hang out, Ben would immediately plant it so be it: “on the sand, on the grassland, on the stoney bottom of the dry streams and on the long white line of the Red Sea”, with a double remaining inch above the ground.

Ale at once and tsya robot ended. The company's craftsmanship was inspired by the knowledge of the great ancestor of naphtha, and it proved that it did not need the development of the oil. Ben got 43 years old. The druzhina, not having seen life at the spekotniy Egyptian wilderness, went to native Massachusetts. Ben announced that he would come to her, but he understood that it was impossible to hire a liar in old age, and Yogo did not adopt a “decent and orderly” robot.

Now Ben has lost more than the decimal son of the Virgin, which squad did not respect for the need to take with him. Cebula is a closed child, selfishness and restlessness. Mother did not squawk at him, but the father, a sharp, not rich, lad, was afraid. For Ben, he was a stranger and an unreasonable person, for which he did not try to be wise.

shark attack

The axis and at the same time shkoduvav, taking his son with him - the plane "Auster", rented by Ben, strongly shook, and the boy was nauseous. Take the Virgin on the Chervona Sea was like one more generous blow of Ben, which rarely ended in good. Under the hour of one of such porivіv vіn nauchiv lad cheruvati litakom. Wanting the Virgin and being a smart child, the rude shouts of the father brought him to tears.

On the shore of the Red Sea, Ben brought a cherd robot: win maw know the sharks. The television company paid well for a meter of water with such a film. Sitting down a little for a long time to sing milina, Ben zmusiv son marveled and read, wanting the lads to be even worse.

The shallows established the Shark Bay, so named after the toothy sacks. Given the sinovі kіlka nakazіv, Ben znik near the water. The virgin sat on the birch until the end, wondering at the deserted sea, and thinking, what will be with him, as if the father did not turn around. The huts were no more active this year, and Ben tried to lure them with his female foot, taking them with him. Vin had already taken a sprat of swimming, if a cat shark got stuck in him.

Vaughn podplivla nadto close, and Ben hastened to the shore.

For an hour, I’ll resent wine, having taken less than beer from me - about a sin, which I don’t drink beer, I didn’t think again. The lad is chirping, what do you know about this trip. Ben said that in this bay you can only drink a glass of wine, you don’t understand wine, that the boy is afraid not of bad guests, but of self-sufficiency.

Ben hated and was afraid of sharks, but he wrote about the offense again, once again, as usual. On the pennies, won for the film, I was inspired to govern the Virgin to the mother.

The huts scrambled towards the meat, but the cat shark rushed at the people. Ben scrambled onto the sand, covered in blood. If the Maiden was up to the new, it was revealed that the shark might have torn off Ben's right hand and harmed the lion. The legs were all bruised and bruised.

Ben understood, what to do with this evil, ale vin did not die in a moment. Win maw fight for the sake of the Virgin. Just now, having tried to know the pidkhіd to the lad, and to move the yoga system at the helm of the aircraft.

Father and son

Shchokhvilini wasting svіdomіst, Ben lay down on the towel and shoved his feet into the pussy, while pulling his blue to the litak. Sob the father instantly climbed into the passenger seat, the Virgin clapped a stone in front of the stone and coral shmatka and pulled the father into the ramp.

Only now the Virgin understands that the role of the pilot belongs to you. In time, a strong wind rose and darkness began to set in. Ben shkoduvav widely, scho did not dare to find out about that gloomy lad, and now you can’t know the necessary words, schob pіdbadjoriti yogo.

Dorimuyuchis vkazivok dad, Virgo forcibly lifted the light at the door. The boy remembered the map, wised up with a compass and knew that he needed to fly through the Suetsky Canal, and then turn to Kahir. Mayzhe all the way Ben bov unobtrusive. Opritomnіv vіn just before landing. Pushing hard at the armchair, Ben helped his sons to put the car in. At this stench, they miraculously disappeared from the majestic chotirimotornym letak.

On the heels of the Egyptian physicians, Ben is alive, even though he has put his left hand at once, because of the ability to drive a fly. Now the new bula has one turbo: to know the path to the heart of his son, to repair the remaining inch, which is spreading them.

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