Geese swans fly heroes. "Geese-swans" leading heroes. Vіdminnіst narodї vіd literary kazka

Once upon a time there lived a man that squad. Buli in them daughter Mashenka and son Vanyushka.

Once the father was taken with the mother to the place and it seems Masha:

Well, daughter, be reasonable: don’t go anywhere, take care of your brother. And we will bring you hotels from the bazaar.

They went from father to mother, and Masha put her brother on the grass under the window and ran over the top, to her girlfriends.

Raptom, the stars don’t take, geese-swans flew in, drank Vanyushka, put him on wings and took him away.

Masha turned, marvel - there is no brother!

She gasped, rushed here and there - Vanyushka was nowhere to be seen. She called out, hooted - the brother did not look up. Masha began to cry, that grief cannot be helped with tears. She herself is guilty, she herself is guilty of knowing her brother.

Vibіgla Masha in the open field, looked at all sides. To fetch - geese-swans rushed in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest.

Masha guessed that the geese-swans had taken away her brother, and rushed to the chase.

Beagle, beagle, succumb - to stand by the field is rude. Masha before her:

Stove, rude, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

Give me some firewood, - it seems rude, - then I’ll say it!
Masha quickly chopped wood, and threw a rough one.

The stove said, in a kind of bіk tіkati. Masha died away. To succumb - to stand an apple tree, all covered with ruddy apples, the chicks have shriveled up to the ground. Masha before her:

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

Be afraid of my little apple, for all the jacks are bent and stand tall!

Masha was afraid of the apple, the apple tree lifted the chicks, straightened the leaves, Masha showed the way.

- Dairy river - take care of kisselny, where did the swan geese fly?

Having fallen a stone at me, - a river springs up, - it gives milk a long flow.
Zrush yogo in the bik - then I’ll tell you where the swan geese flew.

Masha sang the great chick, put in the stone. The river zadzyurchala, said Mati, kudi tikati, de geese-swans shukati.

Beagle, beagle Masha and came to the dense fox. I got to the point and don’t know where to go now, what to work. Marvel - sit under the stump of a hedgehog.

Zhachok, zhachok, - Masha feeds, - don’t bach you, where are the geese-swans

Zhachok seems to be:

Wherever I swing, go there and go!

Blowed up in a ball and rolled between the yalinkas, between the birches. Rolling, rolling and clinging to the hut on chicken legs. To marvel at Masha - to sit at your hut Baba Yaga, yarn strand. And Vanyushka beat the ganka with golden apples.

Masha quietly crept up to the hut, snatched up her brother and ran home.

Baba Yaga glanced at the windows for a year: there is no lad! The swan geese called out:

Hurry, swan geese, fly in pursuit!
The geese-swans roared, screamed, flew away.

And Masha lives, carry a brother, I don’t feel myself. Zirnula back - swan geese ... What work?

Went out to the milk river - jelly banks. And the geese-swans scream, caress with wings, scold її ...

River, river, - ask Masha, - shove us!

The river planted її with her brother under a steep bank, in the form of swan geese she shoved.

The swan geese didn't hit Masha, they flew over. Viyshla Masha from the steep bank, sang along to the rivers and lost anew.

And the swan geese patted її - they returned, fly nazustrich. Pushed Masha to the apple tree:

Apple tree, apple tree, shove me!

Yablunka shielded її with needles, covered with leaves. Geese-swans circled, circled, did not know Masha and Vanyushka and flew past. Viishla Masha rose from the apple tree, yapped at him and died again.

Get out, carry your brother, it’s not far to get home ... That famously swan geese bobbed again її and well after her! Cackling, pouring, waving wings over your very head, marvel at that, wring Vanyushka out of hand ... Good, what a rude order. Masha before her:

Pich, pich, shove me!

The stove її shovala, closed it with a shutter.

Geese-swans flew to the stove and let's make a sound, it wasn't there. They stuck the stench in the chimney, they didn’t eat it in rudeness, they only smeared the wings with soot. The stench circled, circled, shouted, shouted, and so for nothing they turned to Babi Yaga ...

And Masha and her brother went rough and went home to the fullest. She ran home, touched her brother, combed her hair, put him on a bench, the power itself was in order with him.

Nezabar and father and mother turned away from the place, they brought hotels.


Topic of interest: we hear the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

The front of the work: children under the sculpture of a grown-up vir_zayut from the colorful gluing of the figurine of the characters in the fairy tale (Masha, Vanyushka, the father with the mother, I will play the swan geese, coarse, apple tree, hedgehog) and the decorations (hut on chicken legs, boodinok, field, fir a river, a horse with a cart) and install them on stands.

Occupation objectives

Vikhovny- to form in children for a century respectfully to hear the rose of the grown-up, to trim the rules of the roaring grey; viroblyat first-time students (reply nutrition, hear others, do not interrupt); wihovuvat a little more vidpovidalnosti for vchinki; razuminnya, what is good and what is bad.

Initial- improve gross motor skills; to activate the use of nouns from the changeable-variegated suffixes, the successor “mіzh”, the suffix “left-handed” and “right-handed”; close the ordinal rahunok.

Developing- to develop auditory respect in children, to guess riddles, to comprehend fairy tales.


Figurines of fairy tale characters - Masha, Vanyushka, playing swan geese, coarse, apple tree, hedgehog, father with mother (div. insert, fig. 16, 22, 29, 31-36);

nizhkakh, and in niy Baba Yaga, river (div. insert).

Hid busy

1. Organizational moment. Tell the children: "Stand up, children, stand in the colo, left-handed friend and right-handed friend." Stand yourselves in the center of this stake and, turning up to one of the children, inquire from the new one: Let's ask the little one about those who stand right-handed in the first place. Together with a child, make whiskers about those who stand there, for example, between Petya and Katya. Examine all children according to your will. If the children give food requisitions, the stench sits on the tables, placed on the table with a pivkol.

2. Knowledge of the tale. Tell the children that today the stench can be heard
sku folk tale "Geese-swans". Read or tell the children a fairy tale, at the same time moving the figures of characters against the backdrop of decorations.

3. Think about it. Ask the children to eat a good fairy tale.
Where did tato z mother go?

What did Masha's fathers lead before leaving?

Did Masha Batkiv listen?

What did Masha do when the father went out to the mother?

Who took brother Vanyushka?

What did Masha do, if she babbled, why did her brother know? Who did Masha bang at the floor? What did Masha sleep with rudeness? What did the rude woman ask Masha about? Did Masha pich help? And how did Pich help Masha? Who else did Masha shoot at the field? What did the apple tree ask Masha about?

From whom did Masha feed, where did the swan geese fly? Why did Masha help the river?

Who grafted Masha to Vanyushka from the dark fox? Where is Vanyushka sitting?

What did Masha do when she beat her brother? Whom did Baba Yaga send in pursuit of Masha and Vanyushka? Who hove Masha and Vanyushka in the sight of swan geese? Name them in order. Did Masha and Vanyushka turn around home before the arrival of the fathers? If Masha did something bad, but if it's good?

How do you think, yakbi Masha did not help rude, apple trees and rivers, showed the stink, where did the swan geese fly?

Do you help others? Guess who you helped. Tell me about it.

4. Rukhliva gra "Baba Yaga". Prompt the children to take the fate of the rickety mountain "Baba Yaga". Sign on the line of the hut on chicken legs.

Choose a child for the role of Babi Yaga, vicorist for him a lichilka-drazhnilka:

baba yaga,

Kіstyan leg, Z rude fell, Leg broke.

Baba Yaga sits on her hips in a hut and imagining that she should sleep, and all the other children often chant a teaser about her in chorus. If the rest of the word is sounded, Baba Yaga is thrown and lives to kill the children. Spyman's child becomes a caretaker and go at once to her hut, de stinks, until the children start teasing again. After that "Baba Yaga" that її pomіchnik - the first gander from the graї geese-swans - wiggles out of the hut and catches children.

Spilling graves to bring to the hut on smoking legs, and the stench of swan geese. If the "geese-swans" and "Baba Yaga" catch all the children, the gra will end.

5. Riddles. Put on the table figurines of fairy tale characters: a rude tree, an apple tree, a jack-o'-lantern and swan geese; instruct the children to tell riddles about them.

Dovgi shi, red paws, Pinch on the toes - bezhi without looking back.


Round rouge flow, flow - not vitiche,

I will remove from the tree. Live, live - do not live.

(Apple from apple tree) (Richka)

Grandmother gray-bila, Mizh pines, mizh yalinok

I love the skin. Walk-blokayut a hundred goals.
From the trumpet to fly the ring - (Zhachok)

Tse dim from our... (Pichki).

If the riddles are clear, ask the children who from these fairy tale characters helped Masha to know her brother Vanyushka. Who showed Masha to the first, the other, the third and the fourth, where did the swan geese fly?

6. Name it affectionately. Put a figurine of Masha on the table and propagate to the children on
call її affectionate names - for example, Mashenka, Mashechka, Mashunia. Potim
put up the figurine of Vanya and also instruct the children to give him affectionate names:
Vanechka, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Vanyushechka. Similarly, children pick up affectionately
name up to the words “bee”, “apple tree”, “river”, “zhak”.


Topic of interest: rozpovidaemo fairy tale "Geese-swans".

Occupation objectives

Vikhovny- molding in children for the time being dorimuvatis chergovіst, taking part in the collective retelling and crumbling grі; to stimulate the development of the creative individuality of children; vikhovuvat good-natured setting of children one to one.

Initial- improve the deep, dry and articulatory motility; dodoskonalyuvaty novichki gris with a ball, correctly koristuvatisya with an olive, circle the numbers; read the children clearly and listen to the sound of different sounds; fix the lexical and grammatical vminnya that navichki (set the words in the change-colored form, change the words to the names); improve the communication of children; close the rakhunkovі navichki, knowing the numbers at the boundary of the five, dodoskonalyuvati expanses of manifestation.

Developing- develop hearing and sound respect in children, form phonemic hearing on the equal sound of that word; read the children guessing riddles; to develop a reaction and a ruhov_ navichki pіd hour gri z m'yachem.


Decorations: budinok, fox halyavina, fox, waggon, hut on chickens

Demonstration little ones "Hell of the swan geese" (Fig. 50, p. 105) and "Similar words" (Fig. 52, p. 106);

Sheets from individual mathematical tasks “Skіlki geese-swans?” (Fig. 51, p. 105) for the number of children;

Red olives for the number of children.

Hid busy

1. Organizational moment. Tell the children: "Children got up, stood in the colo, left-handed friend and right-handed friend." Tell the children that at once the stench will be one for one lagni names. Turn up to one of the little ones and ask him to affectionately name the one who stands in the right hand. The child turns her head right-handed and succinctly calls her suid. The names of the little ones in their circle are named after the offensive child, as to stand in it right-handed. If all children call their susis right-handed, stench can sit on the table, which should stand like a beer on the table.

2. Spile order. Encourage the children to conduct a collective retelling of the fairy tale "Geese-swans". The skin of a child speaks 2-3 words. Gesture, let the children understand, whose devil to continue the rhyme. Insert decorations and figurines of characters yourself, work with them, which are described in the story. If someone from the children under the hour blames difficulties, give him food, what to induce, or fix the phrase yourself.

3. Rukhliva gra with the ball "Who should kill." Encourage the children to play by the pile with a ball. Instruct the little ones to "go to the galyavin and grow the gurtok." Take the ball yourself and stand at the center of the stake. Explain to the children the rules of the game: you throw the ball and at the same time call the name of one of the heroes of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", the child, yak caught the ball, is guilty of throwing yogo back, having called the name of the hero. For example, a grown-up throws a ball and says: “Geese-swans”, and a child turns a ball to a grown-up, adding the word: “Fly”.

Possible options for the day:

Batko went to his mother, turned around, brought hotels;

Masha - put Vanyushka on the meadow, beat her little brother, slept
where the geese-swans flew, threw firewood into the coarse, lifted the apple trees
the chicks that stuck a stone in the river, carrying Vanyushka;

Vanyushka - sit on the grass, fly with geese-swans, golden

Geese-swans - fly, cackle, circle, nazdoganyayut chi pіdhopili Vanyushka;

The stove - the stove, showed where the swan geese flew, hid;

The apple tree - growth, showed where the swan geese flew, hid;

River - flow, jitter, showed where the swan geese flew, hid;

Zhachok - feast, kitten, showing the way;

Baba Yaga - yarn in a strand, cry of swan geese, sent geese to the back -

4. Know behind the voice. Put on the table figurines of geese-swans, coarse, apple trees, rivers and hedgehogs. Get to know children with sounds: geese-swans shout-"ha-ha-ha"; rudeness to plow with heat - “pip-pip-pip”; rustle the apple tree with leaves - “sh-sh-sh” (the sound of waving for a long time, one breath); the river runs along the chimneys - “s-s-s” (the sound of a long time, one breath); їzhak pirkhaє - "f-f-f" (the sound of moving for a long time, on one breath).

Let's promote the sounds one by one and tell the children to guess whose voices. Children name a fairy tale hero and show a yoga figurine. Like children without mercy guessing sound riddles, urge them themselves to guess one by one.

5. How many swan geese? Show children demonstration babies
"Keeping the swan geese" (Fig. 50, p. 105). Pray for the little ones, skilki
at the edge of the swan geese. See for children the sheets with individual mathematical
the head of the “Skіlki geese-swans?” (Fig. 51, p. 105).

Encourage the little ones to place stilts and sticks near the frame, swan geese for the little one. And then choose the middle ones and circle the correct number.

6. Listen and show. Show the children the demonstration babies “Similar words” (Fig. 52, 106). Ask respectfully to hear and point to
in the pictures there are those objects, which will be named at once. Let's sleep alone
3 children: De budinok? (The child shows a different image.) De
dim? (Child showing.) "

Similarly, after the pictures, ask the food for other children to pairs of sounding words: “grass - firewood”, “apple - apple”, “pie - rіzhok”, “pіch - rіchka”.

7. Pіdbittya pіdbagіv busy. Give positive feedback to children.


Topic of interest: we show the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

Occupation objectives

Vikhovny- read the children to find their own day for the hour of the collective performance; to stimulate the development of the creative individuality of children; read preschoolers to understand the emotional state of other people from yoga mimics and gestures.

Initial- improve the mime and gross motor skills of children; to stimulate the recognition of prikmetnikiv, which characterize the different emotional states of people, in young children; to develop in children a comprehension of foldable, foldable propositions and propositions same members; get a feel for the rhythm.

Developing- develop the auditory and zorovu respect of children, learn to listen to the language of the grown-up; develop the zv'yazne movement of children.


Figures of fairy tale characters - Masha, Vanyushka, playing swan geese, coarse, apple tree, river, hedgehog, father with mother (div. insert, fig. 16, 22, 29, 31-36);

Decorations: budinok, fox halyavina, fox, waggon, hut on chickens
nizhkakh, and in niy Baba Yaga, river (div. inset);

Great true mirror.

Hid busy

1. Organizational moment. Tell the children: "Stand on the road, lift the legs." (Children stand in line in front of the teacher.) Ask the children, they told the stench of the Russian folk tale at the past busy. Let me know that today you will all at once show a performance behind the fairy tale "Geese Swans".

Play the roles of Masha, Vanyushka, Batkiv, bees, apple trees, rivers, hedgehogs and swan geese (as there are fewer children, lower characters in the fairy tale, then the rest of the roles should be taken on yourself).

2. Staged fairy tales. Help children to stage fairy tales,
stepping at once like a reader in the name of the author and director: tell the decorator where to put the necessary scenery; point to the artist
what the hell to say; as necessary, guess the words of yoga role.

3. Psychogymnastics. Encourage children to picture in front of a mirror for additional mimics and gestures of different emotional states of a person (for
which children stand in a row in front of a wall mirror, or they hold individual mirrors). Teach your children mimic poses that express differences on
wake-up call:

Sum - squeeze the lips, lower the folds of the lips down; brows lightly lift until transferred, brows slightly lowered, head lowered, hands lifelessly
zvіsiti vzdovzh tuluba;

Joy - laugh widely, bring your eyes together, clasp your hands;

Fear - flatten your mouth, widen your eyes, raise your eyebrows to the edge,
put your hands;

Anger - frown, frown your eyebrows, wrinkle your nose, bend your arms at your elbows and clench your fists.

Then sleep with the children, like Baba Yaga (evil), and instruct the little ones to depict it.

Then let the children show the children what kind of individuals were at Masha and Vanyushka, if the swan geese were chasing them. (Glitch.)

Yaka bula Masha, if she was joking with her brother? (Sum.)

Masha became Yaka, if she knew Vanyushka? (Radisna.)

(If children are able to learn psycho-gymnastics, take away individual mirrors from them.)

Give the task of mimicry according to the vision of the image of different emotions. Name them casually: sadness, joy, aggressiveness, fear, joy.

4. Listen respectfully. Encourage the children to listen to you respectfully and know the pardons, as if there will be a stench. As if it was said incorrectly, the children are guilty of hitting their heads to the side on the side and in unison say: "Ni, nі, ni." As if there is no pardon, the little ones nod their heads and repeat: “So, so, so.”

Father and mother went to the city, and Masha and Vanyushka were left at home. (Well, well, well.)

The swan-geese flew in, drank Mashenka, put her on wings and took her away. (Nі nі nі.)

Masha pich helped - she threw wood from her. (So, so, so.) Masha helped the apple - the apple fell on her. (Ні, ні, ні.) Masha kiselniy rіchtsі - milk shore helped: she destroyed the stone. (Well, well, well.)

A bug grafted Masha into a dense forest to a hut on chicken legs. (Well, well, well.)

Masha let Vanyushka go home, and she quickly ran home. (So, so, so.) To run Masha in the field is a rough flow, and the charge of the river is the stove. (Ni, nі, nі.) Cars with Vanyushka helped to get close to the swan geese: rude, apple tree, river and Baba Yaga. (Nі nі nі.)

Masha ran home: she took Vanyushka, combed her hair, put her on a bench, she was quite strong. (Well, well, well.)

5. Lesson goose move. Encourage children to learn how to speak goose
mine. For whom it is necessary to repeat everything behind the swan geese. Show the little ones the figurine “playing swan geese” and give an individual task to one
s children remember: "Ha-ha (pause), ha." The child hears on the back, and then I repeat, copying the rhythmic little ones. Other children to follow for correctness
correct your friend, and the teacher checks with them whether it is correct to correct the child
repeating goose words.

Give the head of the attacking child to repeat my goose phrase: "Ha-ha (pause), ha-ha."

Goose voices of other children sound like this: ha (pause), eider; ha-ha (pause), ha-ha (pause), ha; ha (pause), ha-ga (pause), ha; ha-ha (pause), ha (pause), ha-ha.

If the children correctly follow the rhythm, tell them that now the stench has thoroughly slandered the goose language.

6. Pіdbitya pіdbagіv occupied. Positively evaluate the work of children.

Olga Bazarya
Literary and mystical analysis of the Russian folk tale "Gus-swans"

Literary and mystical analysis of the Russian folk tale

« Geese-swans »

1. « swan geese» Russian folk tale - charivna.

2. Theme: AT tell me about those, yak geese- the swans, who served Baba-Yazi, stole a brother, if the sister flirted with her girlfriends, then she rushed out of yoga and vryatuvala.

3. Idea: Nothing can replace the old houses, native land, love to relatives. Goodness, guilt, kmitlivist sway.

4. Characteristics of the main heroes:

In tsіy kazciє positive hero sister that negative hero Baba Yaga.

sister: love your brother:

Gasped, rushed back and forth - dumb! Vaughn clicked Yogo-Brother not vodgukuetsya.

Start crying, that tears of grief will not help you.

Khorobra: Vibіgla in an open field; rushed into the distance geese-swans and disappeared behind a dark forest. geese-swans have long gained their own filthy fame, stole a lot of mischief and stole small children; the girl guessed that the stench had taken away her brother, rushed to chase them down.

Vmіє vpravlyati their pardon - Itself winna, she herself and know the brother is guilty.

Baba Yaga: Evil

A baba-yaga sits at the khatintsy, her muzzle lived, her leg was made of clay;

Called out Geese - swans: - shvidshe geese - swans, Fly off the chase!

5. Artistic originality create:

Features of the composition:

o Traditional cob kazki: Zachin (Buli lived ....)

o Exposure (order of the fathers)

o Tie (Brother's day with Geese - swans, the girl violated her brother's jokes)

o Climax (knew her brother at Babi Yaga)

o Kazka end traditionally: Rozvyazka (flow from the hut and turn back home). -And she came home, she was kinder, she came to come, and then her father and mother came.

The tale is already dynamic, nіy has a lot of dієslіv rhu scho transmit raptov and shvidkі dії. For example, about Goose - swans speak: "They flew, they drank, they took them away, they disappeared" the stench conveys the severity of the situation.

At kazci victorious world:

Pich said; Yablunka helped with a little twig; River said.

At kazci victorious law three times repetition: three trials of chasing swan geese. Characteristic movie: Barvisty, emotional, virazny. For example: geese-swans have long gained their own filthy fame, stole a lot of mischief and stole small children; "Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, howdy the geese have flown Sit and brother on the bench, grazh with golden apples.

6. Visnovki:

Kazka teach children to love their native land, their relatives, loved ones. Vchit vikonuvat obіtsyanki, vіriti in good and in good people help in the formation of moral values.

Publications on the topic:

"Geese-swans". Choreographic composition based on the motives of the Russian folk tale of the same name Video Learning patriotic feelings from children of the preschool age, for the help of folk music and classical music, for me, the right life.

Meta: Develop interest before physical rights shape the rukhova awake. Vihovuvati friendly setting, viklikati bajannya.

Gram-dramatization behind the motives of the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans"“Children’s nursery of a high-growing species with priority activities for the physical development of children No. 47 “Fox Cossack” - philia.

Synopsis of an open-ended illuminating activity from the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans". OGOU "Children's house for children with limited opportunities for health in Cheremkhovo"

Synopsis - scenario of the Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans" middle group Synopsis - scenario of the Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans" middle group Program change: Tasks to develop: - Develop skills.

Program change: 1. Order for the development of commemorative needs: a) Improve the number of accounts no more than 10, close the warehouse.

Synopsis of a lesson for a young group reading the Russian folk tale "Gus-swans" Tsіl. Learn the children from the fairy tale "geese swan", call out the bazhanya from the children, listen to the fairy tale again. Front of the robot. In front of the whistleblower.

GCD for the development of language based on the motives of the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans" in the senior speech therapy group NOD for the development of a language based on the motives of the Russian folk tale “Gusilebedi” in the senior speech therapy group. Correction-illumination.

Tsіl. In a game form, consolidate mathematical knowledge. Manager. Zakriplyuvat vminnya rahuvati no more than five, restore the equality of objects.

Outline plan

Topic: The Kazakhs tell about those who served Baba-Yazi like the Gusilebeds, they stole a brother, if the sister played with her girlfriends, then she rushed out of yoga and vryatuvala.

Idea: Nothing can replace the houses of the native, native land, love to relatives. Goodness, guilt, kmitlivist sway.

Why read the fairy tale "Geese-swans"?

The fairy tale "Geese-Swans" to read children of love to their relatives and loved ones, to be viable, to be bold, to be merciful, to be within reach of meti. The tale is also to read an important staging to the hell out of the native people. The main sense of the fairy tale "Geese-swans" lies in what is more dear to a person than his homeland. Love to relatives and loved ones, remembrance for my share - such a theme goes like a red thread through a fairy tale.

The tale is also to read the chitacha buti guilty and rіshuchim, not to be ruined in important situations. Wanting the sister to pardon, depriving her brother without sight, she reported all her efforts in order to rectify the situation and reached with all success, turning the little brother home. The sister set a mark in front of her - and tsієї meti agreed, without regard for the change, what they were doing.

Heroes of "Geese-swans":

1. Brother
2. Sister
3. Bird, river and apple tree - miracle helpers
4. Baba Yaga
5. Geese-Swans

Features of the composition of the fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Cob of fairy tale traditional:
Zachin (Once upon a time - boules ....) Exposition (mandate of the fathers)
Zav'yazka (I steal my brother geese - swans, my sister violated my brother's jokes)
Climax (sister knew her brother from Babi Yaga)

The tale is even more dynamic, in it there is a lot of fluff, which is conveyed by raptov and shvidki dії. For example, about the Goose - swans say: “They flew, they drank, they took away, they disappeared,” they convey the whole severity of the situation.

Cossacks victorious by taking apart the inanimate world: The stove said; Yablunka helped with a little twig; River said.

The number three, traditional for the Russian fairy tale, is three charitable characters (bear, apple tree and river), like they look at the head heroine and help her get home.

Kazkoy is called one of the folklore, and the other literary genres. Tse epіchne tvіr sound like a prose character, that I can heroic, pobutovu chi charіvnu theme. The main drawings of this genre are the presence of historicity and the vision of the plot, which is thrown into the eyes, is not attached.

"Geese-swans" - a fairy tale, short zmist which we look lower, lie down to the people. Tobto won’t be the author like this, її slaving the Russian people.

Vіdminnіst narodї vіd literary kazka

Folklore, chi folk, kazka appeared earlier than literary and was transmitted for a long time from mouth to mouth. Stars and impersonal variations of plots and variants of such stories. So, we can imagine here the widest short zmist of the fairy tale "Geese-swans". However, it does not mean that in other cities and regions of our country there are such heroes. The plot will be unanimous, but you can quarrel in nuances.

The literary fairy tale was invented by the author. Її the plot cannot be changed for the current situation. In addition, such a twir appeared on the paper, and not in the movement.

Russian folk tale "Geese-swans": a short zmist. zavyazka

A long time ago there lived a man from a retinue. They had two children: the eldest daughter Mashenka and the youngest son Vanya.

As if the fathers were violating to the place and punished Masha to look at his brother and not go out of the yard. And for the good behavior they condemned the hotels.

A little bit, but the fathers went, Masha put Vanya at the end of the booth on the grass, and she herself went for a walk on the street with her girlfriends.

And here, unexpectedly, the geese-swans appeared, the birds drank the lad and sipped at the fox.

Masha turned, marveling - Vanya was nowhere to be seen. The girl rushed to shukati her brother, she was nowhere to be seen. She called out to Vanya, but did not call herself. Masha sat down and wept, but you can’t help grief with tears, and she blew it away at her brother’s jokes.

The girl ran away from the yard, wondered around. I chimed raptom, as the geese-swans flew far, and then appeared in the dark fox. Masha understood, who had robbed her brother, and rushed in pursuit.

Vibіgla dіvchinka galyavinі and slapped rude. She asked for directions. The stove fired, it rose, where the swans flew, as Masha threw firewood to it. The girl screeched, the rude woman said where the vikradachs flew. And our heroine died far away.

Baba Yaga

Masha continues to find out where the swan geese flew. A fairy tale (a short change of representations at this article) rozpovida about those, like a girl growing an apple tree, like a tree with ruddy fruits. Masha feeds in it, where the swan geese straightened. Yablunka asked to shake an apple out of her, and even then it seemed where the birds had flown. The girl vikonala prohannya she recognized where the vikradachs had violated.

To live Mashenka fared and sipped the milk river from the jelly banks. The girl asked the river, where the swan geese flew. And that one at the tip: "Put down the stone, which one zavazhayut me tekti, then I'll say it." Masha broke the stone, and the river said, where the birds straightened.

The girl reached the dense fox. And here їy їzhachok showed the way. Curled up in a ball and reached the hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga sits at that hut, and Vanya beats the gank with golden apples. Masha crept up, snatched up Vanya, and rushed off.

Baba Yaga respected that the boy was known, and ruled the swan geese in pursuit.

Razvyazka creative

"Geese-swans", a fairy tale, a short zmіst as we are saying here, dobigaє kіntsya. Masha lives with her brother and succumbs to what these birds do. Todi vona rushed to the river and asked that vkriti їх. The river hid them, and the reconnaissance officers flew by, did not remember anything.

And the children are ticking again, lost not far from home. And here the birds again commemorated vtikachiv. Dig virvati brother from the hands. But then Masha remembered the rudeness, in a yakіy i she hid with Vanyusha. The geese-swans could not reach the children and turned back to Babi Yaga.

Vibralis brother and sister with rudeness, they ran home. Here Masha took in and combed Vanya's hair, seated him on the bench, and straightened herself. The fathers turned around and brought the children hotels. Donka did not tell them anything. So the swan geese were left with nothing.

Kazka (short zmіst tse pіdtverzhuє) is brought up to the so-called charms. Such works are characterized by the presence of a magical lihodiya (Baba Yaga in our mood) and enchanting helpers (bee, apple tree, river, zhzhachok).

Head heroes of the fairy tale "Geese-swans":

  • brother- In some versions, wear the name Ivashushka, but don’t call yourself on the name.
  • sister- good girl, do not be afraid of Baby Yaga and її geese; in some versions it is called Olenka or Masha, but more often it is nameless.
  • Stove, river and apple tree- miracle helpers, but only on the return path (the girl vikonuє їhnі vimogi), help to get together with the swan geese.
  • bear- є less with the work of A. M. Tolstoy (helping the girls to flow into Yaga).
  • Baba Yaga.
  • Geese-Swans- Helpers of Baba Yaga.

In Kazakhs, the theme of strangeness and podiaki is roaring. If the maiden gave a whim to the mother, she did not take away her help. And if, on the way back, my sister ate some of the proponings of her part, I’ll help her out of harm’s way. Vmіy buti chuynym and vdyachnym and good to turn a hundredfold before you.

The Kazakh Geese-Swans has a sister as a positive hero, as if she was turning her brother in, and Baba Yaga as a negative character, as she conceived a girl.

The plot of the fairy tale of inducements according to the classical canons. He has the beginnings of watching the words “Once upon a time there were ..”, and exposition, if the fathers entrust the girls to follow the brother. The moment when the brother is seen by birds is the beginning of the plot, and the appearance of the stolen boy Babi Yaga is the climax. Vtecha vіd Babi-Yaga that turn to the native house є rozv'azkoyu plot.

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