About genre features of Goethe's tragedy “Faust. “The originality and the sound of light” Fusta Faust Goethe is the history of creation and the artistic originality

Stages of work:

1) the first version of the tragedy was revealed in 1773 during the period of Goethe's participation in Russia's storm and onslaught, which one knows

2) 1788 rіk - Goethe's turn from Italy, if it changes, that aesthetic concept is luminous. Change the idea of ​​creation

3) 1797-1801r - the key scenes of the first part are being created

4) 1825-1831 p. - another part of the tragedy (residual version), ending the series of 1831.

The legend about Goethe's Faus adds the peculiarity of Faust himself: his ability to penetrate into the mysteries of nature, his rebellious character and his dream about the vastness of the people.

Above this plot, Lessing's respect is given to the verse "Leaves about new literature", a description of the creation of national dramaturgy. As one of the national plots - Faust.

The legend about Faust is a German folk legend that vinified in the 16th century. Faust is real іsnuyucha people, who was born here in 1485 and died in 1540. He studied at a number of universities and had a bachelor's degree. Vіn richly having risen in price with the country and colluding with the advanced people of his hour. Tsіkavivsya astrology and the magic of the Crimean sciences. Becoming an independent, courageous person. Yogo im'ya began to acquire legends. There was a legend about yoga pleasing the devil.

The first literary adaptation of the plot was made in 1587 by Johann Spies (a German writer). Faust was the hero of the folk lyalkovo theater and in his autobiography, he had a lot of evidence that to talk about those enemies, as if he had called Faust on the new one. The legend served as material for the English playwright Christopher Marlowe in 1588, The Tragic History of Doctor Faust.

One part is dedicated, where there is a special emphasis on the author's work, that one speaks about the vindication of the idea.

Prologue on stage. The form of the creation is explained, and it is presented outside the form of an allegory. Tserozmov theater director, poet and actor. All three agree on the fact that the visionary can be like the lookers. The director is fit for a vision, but it brought income. He sings that he does not want to stoop to the low likeness of a natovp. The actor chooses the middle way, so that he propagates wine to be proud and life is important, so Goethe propagates 3 come to the creation of the art and he himself is in solidarity with the actor. In this rank I explain and conceive my creation. Reader checks the plot and philosophical reflection.

Prologue in heaven. The idea of ​​creation is explained. Chinn individuals are biblical heroes. Tse God, choir of archangels. Mephistopheles destroys the heavenly harmony. Meph. Destroy the theme of the suffering of a person, but not a super girl about a person vzagali, but a super girl about a human mind. Mephistopheles is aware that the mind is leading a person into a lifeless state. Without a mind, people live calmer and simpler. Yogo opponent - God, who cares that the mind is the best that a person can. Tsya superechka is violated by its own experiment, the object of which is Faust.

Mephistopheles in Goeta is not only a force of evil, but on the other hand, he is a critical thought, an active cob, an idea of ​​an uninterrupted move forward, and renewal through a new one.

Faust's choice is not vipadkovy, not an ideal hero, you are not strangers to forgiveness and weakness. Vіn wearing the best in people: to the mind that pragnennya to perfection.

On the cob work Faust testimonies old people. All the lives of the vin shukav іtіnі і zadlya tsigo svіdomo vіdmovlyаєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє іѕ the joy of zhittya. Faust calls out the spirit of the earth, but you cannot understand yoga language. To find out what to stand for death, if you want to drink self-destruction, but to reason, what knowledge you cannot convey to people. You show the altruism of Faust.

The scene behind the gate, if the holy spring is described. Faust goes out of the gate, the hulks do the same to you, rich in guilt, having healed from ailments, but at this moment I think about the lack of perfection of my knowledge, so like nibi wines of perfection, vin vryatuvav more people.

Mustaches in front of you lead to a crisis, I will become a spirit of greatness, it will be easy for him to sign a contract. That proponuє to live your life anew, vykonuyuchi all yogo bajannya in exchange for the soul of Faust. The key words of the agreement: "Zupinis mite, you are miraculous." Goethe to think about those that a person is guilty of steadily collapsing forward, developing, henceforth, knowing it thoroughly means knowing it, that it’s more dumb to collapse. Faust will wait for this agreement, oscalls believe that Mephistopheles should give in to yoga.

1 tasting wine that cheerful company, like wine it is easy to pass

Another and more convenient way to experience love. The image of Margarita is seen by the souls of folk songs (folklore, storm and onslaught). Margarita bula was trained in strictly patriarchal traditions and believed in God. Faith in God happens to her with moral laws. Through a little love, one crosses the moral, and the laws of God. The tragedy of Margaret in quiet podia, as if they were waking up (the death of a child, the death of a brother and mother), but even now life with Faust could not be brought out, shards of different ideals of their life. For Margaret, this is the ideal family, the fire, which is not enough for Faust.

The finale of the 1st part - after the tragic podias Margarita opposes the vyaznitsa and Faust virishu vryatuvati її, but Margarita is led into the storm. You can see the flow, the shards want to confuse the fault before God, but not before people. 1 part ends tim, like Margarita dragging to heaven. І voice seems to be: "vryatovana". Vipravdana with pure forces.

Coming to the other part, you should put before you the other tasks, lower at the first part. At the first part of yoga, Faust's special aspirations chimed, and at the other part, they created a broadly symbolic picture of the life of modern society. It is suggested to show the call of the past that day.

In the event, go to the first act of the 2nd part, if Mephistopheles and Faust are dragged to the imperial palace. The stench melts as evidence of the camp, the taman feudal Nimechchini at that hour. The chancellor’s additional talks about the hardship of the camp in the country, de panning lawlessness, slander, venality to the court, piling up and on the edge of the check financial collapse. The scene will end after Imperial Palace(before which territory is the hour of the plague), which symbolizes the upcoming revolution.

Think the poet over the tasks of art and literature. The art, in the thought of Goethe, can accept the moral rebirth of the soul. You turn to ancient images. This is the image of the beautiful Deer, for which Faust is destroying Ancient Greece. Deer is a symbol of ancient beauty. Tse is not such a real image, like Margarity. Euphorion appears at the other part of the meeting of the Deer and Faust. If the wine grows, then straight uphill and breaks. Recognizes and Olena, having redundant clothes in the hands of Faust. This scene has a symbolic meaning. A thought is being made about those who cannot copy the ancient art, they can win over the formal side, but they can be modern. Euphorion, having softened the beauty of the mother and the restless vdacha of the father. Vin is a symbol of the new art, like Goethe's thought, can bring down the ancient harmony and modern rationalism. With this, Goethe himself associates the image with the image of Byron. Sings new mystetstva.

Visnovok: so that the marriage with Olena was fruitful, it is necessary not to look, but to transform the action. About the rest of the fifth act, if Faust, having grown old again, turning into modernity, is engaged in daily rowing. Goethe is talking about the change of the epoch, like the destruction of the old feudal society, and the beginning of the new epoch, the epoch of creation. Goethe shows that creations can be without ruination. The death of two people of a frail age is becoming a ruin.

The tragedy is completed by the death of Faust, which formally vindicates the key words of the contract. Vіn it seems, what can I say to the future, if you can make your land and people happy, but it’s impossible without struggle and without knowledge, and even this life is not marne. Let this knowledge be lost for the benefit of the people. End of tragedy optimistic,

The soul of Faust is taken to heaven, where it will go to the soul of Margarita.

Above the head creation of his life, Goethe worked for about 60 years. having conceived yoga in the 70s. XVIII century, if I started at Strasbourg. Yogo uvagu screwed the 16th century vinyl. folklore about Dr. Johann Faust. Vіn was a magician and a charmer, who sold his soul to the devil, to satisfy his inclination to knowledge and malt. Tsіkavo, scho Faust is historical, truly alive in the example of the XV-XVI centuries. and, being a scholar, engaging in magic. It should be noted that at that time magic was also respected by science. In 1587 p. in Frankfurt, this is the name given to the folk book of “Doctor Johann Faust, the arrogant enchanter and chaklun”, seen by Johann Spies.

A 1588 p. the famous British playwright, Shakespeare's co-worker, Christopher Marlowe, wrote the drama The Tragic History of Doctor Faust. At Nimechchyna, she went to the Vikonan Mandriving Lyalkov Theater, її y bachiv Gete. The first scenes of the tragedy were written in 1773-1775, the literary scholars called them "Protofaust". Potim tsey variant 1790 r. It was published by a brisk looking man under the title “Faust. Fragment". For the most part, it was finished less than 1831. In the past, the light began to sway after the death of the writer, 1832.

The plot is the composition. The tragedy "Faust" consists of five parts: "Dedication", "Prologue at the Theater", "Prologue in Heaven", "First Part", "The Other Part". Supporting the meaning of the three entries, A. Anikst wrote: “You need to rise in three steps, to see the great wake, created by the genius Goethe ... I may have my own recognition from the preparation of the chitach to the main change of drama.”
Also, "Faust" is shown as the verse of "Dedication", in which there is no information about the plot, the theme and the idea of ​​the whole creation. You guess your friends in your youth, with some wines you shared your idea of ​​tragedy.

Rich yoga one-liners have already gone from life:
Resurrected forgotten warning
Love and friendship first before me;
Everything was guessed: and the amount of suffering,
I life with a tangled blackness,
I image friends, from the life of a young
Wiedertih, stunned by fortune.
To whom I'm sleeping if, nathnenny,
Tim my song - sorry! - It's not weird...
Gurtok friends of rozsіyany all over the world,
Їhnіy vіdguk zmovk, those hours have passed.
I am a stranger to NATO with sorrow, sacred to me,
My praise itself is terrible,
And you, to whom my lyre sounded,
Who is still alive, - spread among the world.
Translated by Mikoli Kholodkovsky

“We’re turning to friendly readers of the next generation, and it’s important for you to pass it on, like the stench will take those that were conceived in the rozrahunka for others. This, obviously, is no less than a beast until the readers of the 19th century, and even to posterity, to us in that number. Changes are constantly being made in life and mysticism, and Goethe is insisting that a deyka zusilla is needed in order to touch the world at another hour.
Dalí ide "Theatrical Entry", zavdyaky as a reader nibi sip for theatrical lashtunki and feel the director of the theater, the poet and the actor.
Replicas of the skin of these characters represent three different visions of the theatre. The director, the first for everything, thinks about the material benefit, you need rozvazhalny performances, so that you can lure to the theater as much as possible greater number glyadachiv. And we call in a different way to honor the theater. Vіn upevneniy, scho the creator is not guilty of sinking to the point of drinking natovpu, yogo yelling - plunging the heights of the mystic. The comic actor is in the middle position. Vіn, yak, which constantly splurges with a peeping, perekonany, who succeeded in coming to the one who will use talent that practice to reach the public:

Who is the public, my friend,
You can speak with NATO boldly;
Success is easier, the wider the colo!
Oh, smile ahead! You can laugh
Fantasy, love, rozum, pochuttya, predilection
Enter the stage; don't forget part
І empty headless add.

Like a pіdsumovuyut literaturoznavtsі, sings - an accomplice of romantic art, an actor - realistic. In Goethe's tragedy, insults and tendencies are intertwined.
"Prologue in Heaven" is a symbolic philosophical change. At the center of the center of the creation is the super river of God with Mephistopheles (the devil is called such name). The Lord symbolizes good, Mephistopheles - evil. "Prologue" starts from the songs of three archangels. Having choked on the thoroughness of the All-World, the stinks sing "praise to the greatness of God's rights." The voice of Mephistopheles raptly rumbles in the voice of your soul, and it is deep in your eyes that the head creation of God is a human being, yak, on your mind, not a varta of everyday praises:

I have nothing to say about the sun and light:
I'm running out of more than one human flour.
Funny god of the earth, forever, in all centuries
The divak is such a wine itself, like it was on the cob of a century!
Youmu troshki would live better,
If youmu Volodya did not happen
Tim in the glare of the divine light,
What is the cry of the mind vin: the power of the tse
Vіn less zmіg to live -
Sob from thinness to thinness buti!
Allow me - want etiquette here suvory -
Porivnyannyam mova embellish: wine at a glance
Don't give or take a long-legged horse,
Yaky on the grass now galloping, now pissing off
I always keep repeating old times.

In response to the words of Mephistopheles, the Lord calls the name of Faust, bachachi in a new man, a hoard. Vіn is ready to compete, that this representative of the human race does not try to try and show himself like a lowland. God permits Mephistopheles, in the person of Faust, to pervert the strength of the people, in which she is completely enthralled. How did this super girl end up? Two parts of the tragedy are told about the scenes.

The foundations of the first part begin at the old kіmnati with high gothic crypts. Remark: "Faust, anxiety, sit at your table near a high chair." Let the yoga monologue sound:

I have eschewed philosophy,
I became a lawyer, I became a doctor.
Too bad! with diligence and practice
I penetrated into theology, -
I do not understand, I became a sinner,
How sooner buv ... I'm a fool z durniv!

Before the reader head hero- teaching the dosvidom of middle school teachings, on the one hand, a lot of what the various sciences have attained, and on the other hand, having become enchanted by life. Yogo dratuє self-singing helper Wagner, who has a type of cabinet vchennogo, vіdіrvannogo life. On the vіdmіnu vіd Faust, vіn only start your own scientific way and burn with heat to the knowledge:

Zhahliv in me to boil up to the sciences of pragnennya: I know a lot, but I want to know everything.
As if the stench goes out for a walk and a black poodle is nailed to them, like Faust to bring home. Raztashuvatsya at his office, he chooses to translate the New Testament:

It is written: "On the cob bulo
Word "- І axis is already one shift
done: I can't word so high
appreciate. So, in translating the text, I am guilty of changing, If I feel better
pointed out. I'll write that Dumka - usom
cob. Stop, don't hurry, so first
Row Vіd istini buv not far off! Adje Dumka create
I can't die! Chi is not Strength - the cob of everything
soil? I'm writing - and I'm starting to vagat
having become, I renew my soul
turbo Ale brightly shone - and out
bachu boldly, I can write: “on the cob bulo
On right"!

Apparently, the middle ages propagated a literal translation of the text. Perekladachevi was not allowed to change the original word of the desired word. Why doesn't Faust follow the traditions? Vin is a person, yak viperedzhaє his hour. The first translation solution is a kind of scholastic slogan that panned in the era of the Middle Ages and voted out the heresy for a deep sense of the word. Boris Shalaginov, the modern Ukrainian legacy of Goethe's work, is the epitome of Faust's vision of the literal wisdom of books. “... Faust enters into a free intellectual dialogue with the Holy Letter. Vіn pragne to know in the Gospel vіdpovіdі on the nourishment of life, how to torment yoga.

Why don't you let Faust continue the translation? In the eyes of the robotic yogo, the “unsuccessful guest” is the same black dog, which, in the eyes of the doctor, transforms into a mandriving student. It appears that in the first place, Mephistopheles stands before Faust. Nezabar vodbuvsya yogo another visit. Vіn appeared "in a robe of gold-woven, red, in a cloak of satin fabric, like a dandy, reveler and fighter ...". Mephistopheles pronounces to Faust to spread yoga, show him the “light”, and he is ready not only to satisfy the help of the learned in the known world, but to win over, like, yoga. How can the doctor choke on the “gift” of the devil and vigukne: “Mit. It’s great, try it, shoot it!”, then Faust will become yoga’s slave forever. The stinks creak an agreement with blood and virushayut on tricks on the malt.

Mephistopheles turns youth to Faust and wakes him up in a new brew. Vipadkovo zustrіvshi on the streets of Chudova Margaret (Gretchen), Faust on the floor sighs with her, to ask his companion, so that he will help him to cherish the heart of the girl. The young doctor and the young beauty will suffocate one in one. ale love story turn into tragedy. Like the brother of Margaret Valentine, passing by the її vikno, commemorate Faust and Mephistopheles. Vіn attack zalitsyalnikіv and pіd hour of battle guinea vіd the hands of the doctor. Faust, embarrassed, perekhovuvatisya in the face of justice, deprive Margarita. Having been left alone, without any support, the girl, in a deep roar, to repair a terrible mischief - to beat the power of a new-born child. Margarita is sued to the strata and imprisoned to the vyaznitsa.


"Faust" has given more nourishment to life, philosophy and art - nourishment to sense buttya, recognition of the people of the Earth. Seek nourishment from the position of an educator, which you can believe in the power of reason and the beneficence of progress. Shukach of truth, Faust draws near to her, gazing at the approaching day of humankind, but outline the greater truth, they can stand before him in all reality. The truth, as if defying Faust, will be revealed only to the coming century before the peoples, as if they created socialist revolutions. The grandiosity and complexity of the artistic and philosophical tasks are indicated in every way of tragedy.

Behind his method, Gete realist. Vіn leading the German lyrics on a realistic road, bringing it closer to the poetry of the people. Vіdkriv new era in the history of German prose, having created a realistic novel "The Suffering of Young Werther". Vіn laying the foundations of national realistic dramaturgy. Realist Goethe is also at the top of his creativity - in the tragedy "Faust". Here it’s like yogic jokes and conquests are angered together in all canopies of literature and the originality of yogic enlightenment realism comes out especially clearly. Philosophical tragedy here rozsuvaya between its genre. By epic latitude, by impersonal topics, by the obsession of life material, by the freedom of development of diї, not limited by the suvorim powerful of the theatrical stage, "Faust" can be compared with the most important and greatest genre of literature - the novel. For the diversity of poetic forms and the thoroughness of the poetic mastery of Faust, the German poetic poetry lies to the fullest reach. There are philosophical lyrics, love lyrics, poetry of nature, and satire. Here are songs, and balads, and aphorisms, and dramatic monologues, and dialogues at the verses, as if for an hour it is unimpressed to go over to prose.

With all the freedom, diversity and complexity of the poetic mode of Faust, it takes the main features of the dramatic creation - the unity of action, the severity and tension of conflicts. Philosophical and historical problems, raised in tragedies, vymagali for his decision of the hero-letter, which for a moment was entrusted to Prometheus. Such a hero Geeta did not know in a moment in German deeds, he was tempted to turn to folk retellings.

The legendary Faust grows up against the tragedy of the gigantic post. Vin - instilled in the human race, to think and fight. And at one hour, you gave Faust the real pictures of a German scientist-thinker, putting in his hero a little especially experienced. Similar to the mind-symbolic and real signifies the image of Faust's restless companion - Mephistopheles. Field of tragedy - great world"And at the same time in the Nimechchina hours in Goethe with її internal negativity, interpersonal chvars, with її fearful burghers and pedants-principals, similar to Wagner. Two planes of the image - philosophical-alegorical and life-real - are angry together, interpenetrating. Uzagalnennya, scho to pass at the symbol, mentally fantastic figures are reminiscent of the tragedy of burning zmist.

Challenging, joking Faust nіs in his rebellious blows "Storm and Onslaught", chirping and angry enlightenment thoughts - for him the spirit of a new era appeared. The hero of the tragedy, Goethe, was sternly present with the appearance of the first part of the tragedy, without wasting his current sound and after a quarter of a century, if another part appeared.

"Faust" was one of Byron's inspirations, the creator of romantic songs, the heroes of which feel heavy sorrow and dissatisfaction with the world and strive for a feat. Faustian motifs resounded in Balzac's philosophical novels. Goethe's tragedy spilled on everything distant development European thought, literature and art of the XIX century. "Faust" inspired artists and composers of different nations, like they created canvases, engravings, operas on plots drawn from Goethe's tragedies. The hero of the tragedy is close to all thinkers-innovators and truth-tellers, us, who joke and do not calm down, who go forward and believe in the reach of us, dare, have an immortal great praci and reason.

Do other things

The image of Mephistopheles The image of Mephistopheles in Goethe's tragedy "Faust" Mephistopheles and Faust (for the sing "Faust") The plot of Goethe's tragedy "Faust" The theme of Kohanny in Goethe's tragedy "Faust" The image and characteristics of Faust in the one-men tragedy Goethe Goethe's tragedy "Faust". Composition. Depict Faust and Mephistopheles Goethe's tragedy "Faust" Characterization of the image of Faust Folklore and literary turns sing "Faust" Searches for sense of life in tragedy I. W. Goethe "Faust" The Struggle of Good and Evil in the Tragedy I Goeta "Faust" Image the main characters in the tragedy "Faust" The role of Mephistopheles in the search for sensu butt Faust Seek the sense of life in Goethe's tragedy "Faust" Zagalny zmist of the tragedy "Faust" Expansion in the image of Faust of the most spiritual spirits of people Characterization of the image of Wagner Characteristics of the image of the Deer Characteristics of the image of Margaret Image the main characters in the tragedy "Faust" by Goethe Religious and philosophical image of Faust and Mephistopheles Philosophical change to the image of Faust The tragedy "Faust" is the pinnacle of Goethe's work The image and characterization of Mephistopheles in the tragedy "Faust" Philosophical tragedy I. W. Goethe's "Faust" - a demonstration of the advanced educational ideas of the era Struggle of good and evil FaustVersion for mobile phones Struggle of good and evil in Goethe's tragedy "Faust" "Less than the one who fought for the life of the stars, having earned life and freedom" (for Goethe's tragedy "Faust") "Faust" - Tragedy of knowledge Three of the miracles ... the present - the whole tragedy, the miracle of the text Philosophical depth of Goethe's great work "Faust" margarita Retelling of the scene "Walpurgis Night" from the drama "Faust" The theme of the creation of the Satire of Mephistopheles by the poet Goethe "Faust" Analysis of the final act of the tragedy "Faust" Cause Goethe to write Faust Analysis of the finale of Goethe's "Faust" "Faust" - the legend of chi life Life and death of Faust Faust is the hero of the folk book "The story of Dr. Johann Faust, the famous enchanter and chaklun" Zhaga pіznannya bula the creator of "Faust"

Having risen in price for your life, you have richly. Vіn trichі having visited Switzerland: tsey "paradise on earth" for an hour Goethe buv repeatedly osp_vaniya. Goethe zdiv and the places of Nimechchini, and stumbled upon a marvelous phenomenon - lyalkovy fair performances, in which the main diyovim persons are Faust - doctor and chaklun and the devil Mephistopheles. The very national tradition is associated with those that for the Greek principles, formulated by Aristotle, use the meaning of the eternal norm.

Italy became an unforgettable enemy for Goethe. Vaughn became a frontier, which marked a new one - a classic straight forward in Goeta's creativity. Ale won the poet with such hostility, as if they were already preparing to go beyond the borders of the “Weimar classicism” system.

At Venice, get acquainted with the theater of masks. I think that the very image of the theater of masks was created by Goethe at Faust, and more precisely at Walpurgis Night in the first part and in the ball - the emperor's masquerade at the court in the other part. In addition, in another part of the creation, the place of all things is classically - antique Italian landscapes, and in the rich scenes of Goethe, stylistically, begins to hang out in the rhythm of the verses of ancient authors. I don’t seem to be talking about the plot ...

As it was already planned earlier, Nimechchina's trips led Goethe to the idea of ​​Faust. The theater presented the story of Dr. Faust and Mephistopheles as a cheerful, ironically satirical comedy. But then the theater, and vіn vіn vіdobrazhaє thoughts, think that very style of life of the people. I Goethe turned back to the letters of the dzherel - chronicles and retellings. From the chronicle of recognition, a trifle was far away, and the axis of the legend spread about those who, when a boy was born with a lot of prosperous fathers, and from the early fates of the wines showed a zakhvala vdacha. If you are a father, that uncle pleased you to study at the theological faculty. Ale, the young Faust “leaving all the charitable occupations” and engaging in medicine, as well as “the clouding of the Chaldean ... and Greek signs and letters.” Nezabar wine becoming a doctor and even more indestructible. And yet, the interest to magic was called to the point where he called out the spirit and made an agreement with him ... This was a sudden religious assessment of the situation; here, Faust and Mephistopheles were reluctantly and irrevocably sued, and all the respectful guarded and stood up - they were instructed in a God-fearing life. Mephistopheles, with the use of the legend, deceives Faust, and the island conflict could be formulated as follows: “the conflict between good and evil,” without looking at what is good and what is evil ... as if in the eyes of Faust, only the words of Christianity were seen. Mephistopheles was more than one of the demons, but he is not special.

Goethe translating this legend into the present-day Youma Grunt. In "Faust" organically angry various elements appeared - an ear of dram, lyric and epos. For this very reason, many people of the past call this TV a dramatic poem. "Faust" includes elements, differences and for its artistic nature. At the new one, there are real scenes - like, for example, a description of the spring folk festival on a weekend; lyrical reprimands of Faust and Margaret; tragic - Gretchen at the v'yaznitsi chi moment, if Faust is not pinning life with self-destruction; fantastic. But Goethe's fantasy is always bound up with reality, and real images often have a symbolic character.

The idea of ​​a tragedy about Faust is too early for Goethe to finish. On the back of his head, there were two tragedies - "tragedy of recognition" and "tragedy of kohannya". At the same time, the stench became non-robust. The high-pitched tone of this "great-Faust" is gloomy, and it is not surprising that Goethe has gone far enough to preserve the color of the Middle Ages legend, which he took in the first part. In "great-Faust" scenes, written in verses, interspersed with prose. Here Faust's specimens fell apart, titanism, the spirit of protest, tearing to the point of incomprehensibility.

April 13, 1806 You wrote down with your student: "Having finished the first part of Faust." In the first part, Goethe himself describes the characters of his two main heroes - Faust and Mephistopheles; y - the other part of you gives more respect to the superfluous world and the suspense system, as well as to the spivvіdshenie іdeal і to reality.

The form is a drama for reading, for the genre of a philosophical poem. There is no direct author's words, everything was given to acting persons: monologues, dialogues, charismatic parties. May I finish the folding, but at the same time I will see the composition. It starts with two prologues: 1. the prologue at the theater (for what is the theater of the zokrema, mysticism zagalom - director: spectators pay for tickets, act: words, popularity, satisfaction of Marnoslavism, the author-Goethe's testimony: the mysticism of the isnuє, sob way of self-expression of creative specialty, way of recognition). 2. prologue in heaven, serve as an entry, like shtovkhaє to the eyeballs. Mephistopheles, the messenger, baked, stood before God, declaring that God had given a pardon, created people, that the stench is evil, and they will need to be taken care of. Mіzh God that Mephistopheles blames a super girl, the result of which is an experiment. They lay down an agreement: to test people, as if they were robbed of the old venerable Faust. If Mephistopheles brought that a person is worthless, accessible, then God will impoverish people. Faust becomes an experimental fact, but on the new one is superimposed the responsibility for all people in the world. The prologue is followed by the 1st part (special life of a person), the 2nd part (a person and a society) and an epilogue.

1 part: podіl go to the episode of that scene. The cob is the study of Faust, 80 years old, who may have lived all his life on his own. Yogo life zvelosya to knowledge, vіdobrazhenih in books, abstract knowledge. I didn’t know anything about the world of light in the cabinet of wines. Faust is obsessed with the idea of ​​knowing, he is close to death, he is guilty of knowing that you should live your life for nothing. Through it, the fear of wine turns to the spirits of the elements, stench, but no one can give you food. Yomu becomes more terrible and unbearable. Under a surge of fear, Faust leaves the office. Vіn can't have anything to sleep with people, like to live instructed by them. Goethe draws spring, holy, but no one cares about Faust. Here youmu will come when you are young. Father Faust was a doctor, and if the synov was 14 years old, a terrible epidemic broke out. The elder Faust tried to swindle people, writing faces, but there were even more people in the guinea. Yogo vruchannya is not only marne, but it is devastating. After which Faust-syn goes to seclusion.

In order not to stick with people, Faust walks off the field. De up to the new poodle. The owner turns back home and the poodle slithers up to the new one. If it's bad, the poodle transforms into Mephistopheles. She tries to stay at home with Faust, who wins all the bazhanya, to grow up young, as if Faust signed an agreement from one mind: Faust lives doti. Until you say "Mitya is beautiful, zupinisya, shave!". Faust does not succumb to these spokus, like Mephistopheles. On the image of eternal femininity, Faust calms down and signs an agreement with Mephistopheles. Faust takes away the possibility of living a different life, in principle otherwise. Ale vin can be for the people, watch over them. Turn to the cabinet of wines, but only drink for a while. Yogo's budinku was in charge of Yogo's student Wagner. After the agreement is laid down, the stink goes to the city, to the tavern, where the students get out. Calm down with wine and merriment, Faust does not give in (a song about a flea is a tribute to favoritism). Far away they go to the kitchen, see, the cauldron is boiling there, the owl and the whale are watching. You sip Faust wholeheartedly and turn to a new youth. Winning respect for the Holy Miska, chatting with Margarita (Gretchen). She is an unfortunate person, she lives in the front, garner, modest, vihovana, pious, dbayliva, she loves children. Have a young sister. If a rich young person comes up to her, compliments her, wants to see her off, she gets excited, apparently, she’s not beautiful and she’s becoming a bazhanish for Faust. Mephistopheles for the sake of presenting an expensive gift (screen with stones), but first she gave mother a first shot and she ordered her daughters to bring yoga to church. Suddenly, it was not Margaret, but the sister of Martha, who became the accomplice of Faust and witnessed Gretchen's catness, if her mother was gone. The daruvalnik becomes a mystery for her and a cicavim, it will be nice to spend the night with him. The lady of honesty, about which the song “Balad about the King of Fulsk” was sung, seemed to be sleeping. Kokhannya, as if showing Goethe - a test for a woman, before that ruinous. Margarita is inseparable from loving Faust, becoming wicked. On її conscience 3 wickedness (won't give yourself up to your own self-worth) - piss on a snodine mother, on one unfortunate day, mothers don't slip into an overdose of a snodine, the duel of Valentin and Faust, Valentine appears to be an admonition, to fight with Faust's hand, Margarita causes to drown the non-daughter of Faust in the swamp (chthonic middle). Faust її throwing, out to you tsіkava only the docks of vin її rush. Faust forgets about her, does not look at the goiter in front of her, does not remember her share. Deprived of herself, Margarita rob the crocks, yakі bring її to kayatta, forgiveness. About її vbivstvo staє vіdomo, and її sit down at the bellows, їy, like a mother of children, it is guilty to cut your head.

For example, the 1st part is an important episode "Walpurgis Night". At the end of the fun, in front of Faust, blame the mayor Margarita, and vіn vіmagає deliver yogo to her. Mephistopheles wins and transfers Faust to Margaret's pit, yogo overwhelms the kayattya and wants to vryatuvat the kokhan. Ale Margaret is advised, she doesn’t want to drink after Faust, Mephistopheles shards with him. Vaughn is left at the yard, nothing is already over, and the first exchanges can come cat. Mephistopheles entreats Faust to fight and succumb. At this hour of the moon, a voice from heaven is “Saved.” Margarita accepts all vindication, to pay life for the soul. If Faust dies, in the midst of righteous souls, in the midst of nasustrіch yogo souls, the soul of Margarita will lean.

Physical, cosmological aspect, aspect, binding from the category of "ideal". If Faust utters this phrase, it chirps, the hour rises, all the lands rumble, the revolution of the Sun changes, a great cosmic catastrophe has come, Faust does not commemorate this pasture. Zupiniti mit - means to reach the absolute, to know the ideal. And nature has an ideal. What yoga is not possible to realize, until the new one can be less practiced. In this rank, Mephistopheles violates the law of the light of life (“philosophical paste”). Kokhannya is already not unambiguous. Those who seem to be between Faust and Margarita are suvoro and zhorstoko.

Image system

The image of Faustє super chlivim on the very cob - sometimes vin nathnenny, sometimes tormenting sumnіvi and nadal virishuєtsya on self-destruction, thinking that life has passed for nothing. Faust speaks to zovsіm raznі, navit protilezhnі feel that emotion. Such a period is to be passed by one who is intelligible, which is a real reality - there is no boundary, there are no cordons in it, and therefore, it is necessary to break the political, pierce at the depths of the unknown. Faust distinguishes himself with a constant movement, a constant work, for whose help one can know not only navkolishniy svit, and myself.

Faust is obsessed with knowing the truth. It’s rich who jokes її, sometimes pidsvidomo, but still jokes. It doesn’t matter if the hour is faustian, the daily life of the day sings like nonsense, get the truth, knowledge. Vіn dedicating his life to achievements, but understanding that nothing will be given, not brought to the truth, shards do not add up to facts, rozrahunkіv and proving. Faust himself, having ventured into such a risking of vchinok - sell your soul to the devil.

The hero of Goethe is ready to pay the price, whether he is suffering, experiencing the anger of that fall - he is a strong and strong-willed person, as if he doesn’t care about where he goes to the point where his soul is bad. Ale, for the sake of reaching, it’s better not to simply stick out that dream, because you happen to go through the most difficult path to try and try it.

Positive quality that character is the exercise of being happy and happy, and also helping other people reach it. The image of Faust is inextricably connected with the theme of the sense of life, which, guarding the hero, begins to demystify about the beauty of life, about the sense of life, about its sense and meaning, what is in the new value that Faust has in his own? How can you see dreams on your own, chasing after something new and unrevealed? Faust is alive without a turbulence, satisfying his own life, but if you had the opportunity to induce rowing, you should realize that you can do well for the people, all the right recognition and the sense of life. So, in the skin of a person, a gift is laid, which is necessary to dig, open, to become a gathering of wine, and then the basis for a new life.

Image Mephistopheles“Faustі” to make folds is the order of the scho, that the spirit is forbidden, the negative spirit, the spirit that is at once the spirit, which is the easy-going creator. And in this epoch, as it seems, those who are called by us light and called to respect Creations. Svіtobudova - not as if the unity is closed, where parts of the good are applied one to one, svіtobudova is taken over by the principle of development, the principle of creation, creativity. The one-sided light of Lucifer was corrected to the new light-bearing cob, the manifestation of the light corrected the light of the mother and the light of nature, creations by Lucifer. On the right, Lucifer ended in a fiasco, the yakbi Trinity did not show his activity, did not give her a sense. Tsya activity in the middle of matter, in the middle of life, one hangs with the light of three hypostases and, in such a rank, Lucifer is that yogo cob, yogo messenger on earth Mephistopheles is constantly slapping the wind. When you want to stink, you want to create your own kind of ruin, going into matter, going to the darkness, - and at once create for the deity the ability to see the activity of a person and press on your senses. 9 This is the purpose of that philosophical construction, that mythological conception, as you put it in Faust. Vіn breaks creativity into two cobs - from one side is Faust, from the other side Mephistopheles, who is fluent and ruhaє diyu, vіn becomes a ruinous cob of tragedy.

Faust Gretchen how to get out of the cathedral. The maiden concurred well, and I am aware of the fact that the most important rice of Goeth's heroine is piety. She will believe in God with all her heart. Morally and religiously for her unity, but with all that in the character of Gretchen, it is impossible to know anything that would be divined by clergy. And at the same time - tse absolutely worldly nature. The heroine of Goethe miraculously perceives her own camp, witness to this - first short rozmov with Faust. Morality and God-worship go with her plea-o-plea from the order of speeches established by the world. It is unacceptable for a girl to go beyond her borders. Although Faust is not a nobleman, but Gretchen accepts yoga for such a person, mittevoly assuring the difference between them13. This detail serves as a true transmission of historical color, essence of the character of Gretchen herself. Faust of suffocation by the beauty of the maiden, for you to endure the physical femininity of the heroine, and first, to suffocate Yogo, is simply a bug. The illuminated hero does not fall on the thought of the thought that Gretchen is special and that respect must be deserved. Faust wants mother Gretchen, and Mephistopheles is inexcusably radiant, that at Faust, nareshti, a bajan has been thrown, that area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human psyche, which, on one thought, Mephistopheles himself is in charge of. But in this situation, the devils are in an unenviable camp, so that Faust wants to win as a banal zvіdnik, to take up one of the worst professions of the Middle Ages. Faust is unwelcome, a star, like the fault of Mephistopheles, the devil's busyness. The devil, obviously, humiliation, even miraculously captures the character of Faust's scum. Everything follows this scenario, but it appears that Mephistopheles cannot have dominion over the girl, for Margarita, who only left the temple, is known under the cover of divine blessing. There. de povnistyu zdiisnyuetsya the legislation of God, de tvorinnya perebuvaet under the absolute control of the divine mind, there is no scope for the activity of demonic forces. І Mephistopheles with a bewildered state that Gretchen is absolutely pure and innocent.

Bereznya- a strong contrast Gretchen, don’t scold about the death of your short-lived man and, having recognized that you haven’t lied anything, forget it quickly. In addition, Mephistopheles to endure his gallant behavior, turn his respect to himself. In order to confirm the death of a person, according to legal norms, another certificate is required, and wine is declared - tse Faust. The whole scene is in its own quartet, and two bets are played - Gretchen and Faust, Mephistopheles and Martha. Mephistopheles portrays himself as a tyaganina, who tries to hit Martha, and she is ready to fight for a new zamіzh. The whole situation looks like a mix of scenes - now Martha is with Mephistopheles, then Gretchen is with Faust. Gretchen zakohuєtsya garny young gentleman. Faust still doesn’t have a full boisterousness at the scene, while it’s only more erotic, but even in the offensive scene - at the forest cave - Faust’s addiction is angry with the feelings of nature. Nature pours in, scho to bring yoga a little.

Olena- transferred to the tragedy from the Greek mythology of the ideal instillation of beauty. Nabutya Y. it marks the triumph of Faust in his search for an absolute ideal. Form Y. And Paris viklikana Faust for help magic, proteaesthetic ideal, which presented itself to you, ushering in a new era in yoga grounds. Faith is beautiful, sympathetic to antiquity, - it suffocated Goethe himself, who, having respected that, having swirled in people with a sense of beauty, destroyed the mysticism of them and the exercise of freedom. E. in Goethe - the specialization of the most beautiful beauty, drawn by the heroes, who must go through the stages of approaching her, in the wake of the evolution of the understanding of beauty among the Greeks. Faust has three main developments of images of ancient fantasy. Lower the images of fantastic images (vultures, sphinxes, lilacs). In the middle, there are images of napіvgogіv, navіvlyudey (centavri), fantastic meshkantsіv lіsіv (nymphs). At the third, higher stage, Faust got to know the philosophers Thales and Anaxagoras, so that they could study the wisdom of the world. Only as a result of the mandry of Faust, we are preparing to zestrich z E., which symbolizes the beauty of spirituality. The third act of a different suit depicts the union of Faust and E., magically revived at the moment of their turn after the defeat of Troy. At the scene "In front of the palace of Menelaus at Sparta" E. guesses the episodes of his past life, as the stench is described in "Iliad". The Union of Faust and E. is a symbol of the rise of classical antique and romantic middle-class ideals, the union of beauty and intelligence. The reason for this union is the lad Euphorion (in ancient myth this was the name of the son of E. and Achilles), so that the fathers will draw: harmony beauty and restless spirit. To the thought of Goethe, a modern poet, what an attainment of such unity, byv Byron.

Homunculus- a unique image, oskolki only you can read the thoughts of Faust, bachiti yoga dream. Only the wines of the building natives of the European Pivnoch of Faust and Mephistopheles to lead Hellas, and in the wines that were born in a dark laboratory, it feels like home. On the face of the figure, who knows only a little about ancient Greece, and the Christian middle-class interpretation, de ideal beauty - Olena becomes a diyavice, a good take the fate of the obscene deities on Blocksbury, Homunculus knows everything about antiquity. know the genealogy of Deer. Greece Yomu is a native element.

Philosophical interpretation of the image of the Homunculus as a symbol of human entelechy, free spiritual essence, monads, endowed with the gift of anticipation, the building of light to touch the light until the end, it went into German studies already in the 10th century of the last century. Vlasne, having indicated to Goethe himself, about how to certify Rimer's note dated February 30, 1833: Ekkerman vіdpovіv: Goethe wanted to show entelechy, reason, spirit in such a rite. yakim we can enter life until we know: for the human spirit already shows great talent, we have learned how to do it, we can bring it with us. To you himself light A. G. Astvatsaturov Spirit, scho to fly at the flask. The figure of Homunculus at another part of Goethe's "Faust" I woke up already too early, having seen through the yogo, I first saw the yogo 2 . Like the entelechy of the Homunculus was interpreted by Fritz Shtrikh, who knows the root of Goethe's interpretation of the entelechial monad in Plato, Plotin. Giordano Bruno ta Canta, c. obviously, in Leibniz. Entelechia that monad for Goethe is mutually understandable. Under the monad Goethe rozumiv

entelechy, which appears for singing minds. Monad - fringed

individual entelechia.

Without a doubt, what is the interpretation of a light-seeing extract, to which, obviously, the image of the Homunculus does not appear, on the other hand, a universal analysis is acceptable and light-seeing tomb of that image, and as Goethe is intelligible as an enteleche, then for some especially important figures of tragedy.

The homunculus comes to the world after not long ago, try Faust in a magical way to turn Olena and Paris back to life. After throwing Faust to the ground, Mephistopheles transferred wine to his office, to the hated youma. and exile, perebuvaє in zabutti. At the same time, Wagner goes to the critical stage of his alchemy experiment, which he creates with a piece of people's way. Suddenly, the theme of alchemy is blamed on the tragedy.

12. The genre of fairy tales in romantic literature (at least three authors per student's choice).

Romanticism(fr. romantisme) - a manifestation of European culture in the XVIII-XIX centuries, which was a reaction to Enlightenment and stimulation of scientific and technical progress; ideological and artistic direction in European and American cultures of the XVIII century - the first half of the XIX century. It is characterized by the assertion of the self-worth of the spiritual and creative life of specialness, by the images of strong (mostly rebellious) passions and characteristics, spiritualized and jubilant nature. Shards of a distant development of German romanticism are interested in kazkovy and mythological motives, which were especially clearly manifested in the work of the brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm and Ernst Hoffmann, and Heidelberian romanticism is seen more closely.

Heidelberg romanticism(Нім. Heidelberger Romantik) - a friend of the generation of German romantics. The leading representatives are Akhim von Arnim, Kleemenso Brentano, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Ernst Hoffmann. The scribes turned to the idea of ​​the “folk spirit” and showed interest in the development of national cultural and historical traditions. Dominating the idea of ​​national identity and differentiation of individuality among the "people's tili". The problem of subordinating the dualism of matter and spirit, nature and evidence, almost the same mind, is allowed by the animal artist to the national past, to mythological forms of evidence, to a deep religious sense. Representatives of the school turned to folklore, like to the “proper language” of the people, which spry yoga, the people, unite. The growth of national self-confidence was tied to us in front of the opponents of the state reforms, imposed by Napoleon on the territories he had occupied. Within the framework of the Heidelberian school, the first science was formed directly from the culture of folklore - the mythological school, which was based on the mythological ideas of Schelling and the Schlegel brothers.

Nutrition about the vіdnosini literature and life to lie down to the old ones. It is hardly possible today to accept the metaphor of Stendhal, which has likened literature to a mirror. Prote to recount that the creativity of a writer is collapsible and an hour of unstoppable rank is signified by life, which is repulsive, it is impossible. The history of romanticism as a literary directive is a fine confirmation of this.

The era of romanticism is one of the most important and most significant periods in the history of mankind. The French Revolution, the wickedness of Napoleon, who redrawn the map of Europe, inspired by the old way of life and centuries of human life - such was the hour that the first romantics found.

However, the inconsistency of ideals, like a new reality, that reality, in which romantics lived, frightened them to go to the world of subjective experiences, to present beautifully that apparent prose of life. Zvіdsi - non-searchable interest to everything cryptic, invisible, mysterious and mystical. Zvіdsi - animal special features of a person, bazhannya to pour in, let's think, feel it, impress you. Literary tale follows the laws of the genre, as it cannot fail to follow, often folk traditions those chi іnshі її signs of ti chi іnshіy marriage; cym, zokrema, and the difference is explained literary fairy tale. Later, a literary fairy tale is a manifestation of richness, from one side it takes care of the laws of the genre, the decline of a hundred-fold fairy tale of the people, from the other, it is shy to the rich infusions, in the middle of the most important - the infusion of the historical era and the author's will.

Vivchayuchi folklore, Propp having respected that Kazakhs have constant and changing values. Until the post-ynyh one can see the functions of diyovih osib and their succession. Under the function Propp razumіє dіyu the character from the look of the yogo setting before the break of the dії. Propp saw 31 possible functions in the enchanting tale. With a lot of functions, they are divided in pairs (fence - broken, wrestling - win, retrial - just a little bit). Also, the functions are logically combined according to the stakes of the characters in the enchanting fairy tale, tobto. the Kazakhs have all the same traits: a hero, a shkіdnik, a worker, a gift, a helper, a princess, a hero.

Letter brothers succumbed to the works of folk art of their own aesthetic zrazki, dzherela modern literature and the basis of the national character. їhnіmі literary kazkam pritamanni ob'dnannya enchanting, fantastic, primary and mystical іz modern action.

"Nimets' retellings" by brothers Grimm, like “Children and family tales”, called out to badyor the activity of a selector in rich lands until life. The concept of "kazka" stuck behind the folk kazka, but at one time it meant a literary kazka. At that very hour, they tried to try to date the dedication of a literary fairy tale. Priority belongs to J. Grimm, who is a master of the literary fairy tale in the form of a folk tale in the authorship of the authorship and the first humorous cob in power.

Rozpodіl kazok on genres. Selected practices of the brothers Grimm present fairy tales that belong to different genres:

Enchanting fairy tales ("Rapunzel", "Three zmіїnі leaves", "Mr. Metelitsia"), in which stories are told about different miracles, transformation, conjuration.

Fairy tales about creatures ("Vovk and the seven goats", "Bremensk and street musicians"), de, like in tales, creatures are given the same chi іnshi risi of human character.

Pobutovі fairy tales ("Hansel and Gretel", "Reasonable peasant daughter"), histories, in which stories are told about different experiences from real life.

Hoffman I was a romantic artist. The nature of the conflicts that lie at the basis of his creations, their problems, that system of images, the very art school of the world, is abandoned by him within the framework of romanticism. Yak i ієntsіv, the basis of most of Hoffmann's works is changed by the conflict of the artist from suspіlstvo. Pochatkov's romantic antithesis of the artist and the suspіlstva - in the basis of the svіtovіdchuttya of the writer. For all his trials, virvatisya yogo between the world of art, the hero is left with a sharpened real concrete-historical action. Neither fairy tale, nor mysticism is impossible to bring harmony to you in all the right world, which is the permission of their own order. Zvіdsi postіyne tragіchne protirіchchya between the heroes and її іdeals, from one side, and action - from the other side. There is a dualism, in view of which Hoffmann's heroes suffer, duality in his works, inconsistency between the conflict between the heroes and the greater world among them, the duality of the creative manner of the writer is characteristic.

Hoffmann's fairy tales, such as "The Golden Miner" (Der goldne Topf), "Krykhitka Tsakhes" (Klein Zaches), "Volodar blikh" (Meister Floh) and so on, mark a further development of romantic self-confidence. The romantic flight of fantasy is right, but it is right to approach the earth, to earthly problems. The statement about all-world harmony here consequently collapses with the knowledge of disharmony of everyday activity. Її gnіtyucha, аlе unpenetrable stіykіst, schogodini vіdchuvaєєєє in all details, quench naії, narodzhuє anxiety, perepovnyuє fear. The artist's glance is no longer able to catch the all-season ring of speeches. In one's eyes, the light splits into two unlit spheres. The famous Hoffmanian “dvomirstvo” comes out of the fatally and residually aware of the oppositeness of the ideal and reality, their practical absurdity. Those about which Tik only guessed, for Hoffmann become an indisputable truth.

Charming rig of a boy(Des Knaben Wunderhorn. 1806-1808) - a selection of folk songs, seen by Akhim von Arnim and Clemens Brentano, which played an important role in the history of German culture, but also the famous fairy tales of the brothers Grimm and a selection of German legends and folk books. Like all the folklore activity of the German romantics, initiated by Arnim and Brentano, it was already suffocating with not without list of ideological rethinks, the admiration of nationalism (generated by anti-Napoleonic pathos) and the cult of patriarchy (opposed to the bourgeois way of life) However, folklore appeared stronger than folklorists. "Boy's Charming Rig" is a treasure trove of German folk art, unique both in general and in genre variations. A series of tendentiously selected religious spiritual songs of the XVI-XVII centuries. (Among them are the psalms of Luther, the Catholic song of Jacob Balde and Friedrich Spee) in the selection of songs that express the love of the people to their family, the soldiers' songs and the songs of social protest, in which the hatred of the common people to the gnobbiters is instilled: A lot of songs have a balady character, their heroes are noble robbers on the Robin Hood kshtalt, defenders of bad guys and champions of justice. Miraculous love folk songs, right in their calmness and pronounced by the depths of the senses. Select folk songs robed in the 18th century. (the most common practice of Herder and Burger at this gallery). Zvernennya n_metskoї ї ї ії up to emotsіynoї besrednostі, pіsennoї melodіynostі, scho vyavlyaetsya in the works of Uhland, Merike, Lenau, Kerner, Storm, virishally marked by the number of the selection.


Having risen in price for your life, you have richly. Vіn trichі having visited Switzerland: tsey "paradise on earth" for an hour Goethe buv repeatedly osp_vaniya. Goethe zdiv and the places of Nimechchini, and stumbled upon a marvelous phenomenon - lyalkovy fair performances, in which the main diyovim persons are Faust - doctor and chaklun and the devil Mephistopheles. The very national tradition is associated with those that for the Greek principles, formulated by Aristotle, use the meaning of the eternal norm.

Italy became an unforgettable enemy for Goethe. Vaughn became a frontier, which marked a new one - a classic straight forward in Goeta's creativity. Ale won the poet with such hostility, as if they were already preparing to go beyond the borders of the “Weimar classicism” system.

At Venice, get acquainted with the theater of masks. I think that the very image of the theater of masks was created by Goethe at Faust, and more precisely at Walpurgis Night in the first part and in the ball - the emperor's masquerade at the court in the other part. In addition, in another part of the creation, the place of all things is classically - antique Italian landscapes, and in the rich scenes of Goethe, stylistically, begins to hang out in the rhythm of the verses of ancient authors. I don’t seem to be talking about the plot ...

As it was already planned earlier, Nimechchina's trips led Goethe to the idea of ​​Faust. The theater presented the story of Dr. Faust and Mephistopheles as a cheerful, ironically satirical comedy. But then the theater, and vіn vіn vіdobrazhaє thoughts, think that very style of life of the people. I Goethe turned back to the letters of the dzherel - chronicles and retellings. From the chronicle of recognition, a trifle was far away, and the axis of the legend spread about those who, when a boy was born with a lot of prosperous fathers, and from the early fates of the wines showed a zakhvala vdacha. If you are a father, that uncle pleased you to study at the theological faculty. Ale, the young Faust “leaving all the charitable occupations” and engaging in medicine, as well as “the clouding of the Chaldean ... and Greek signs and letters.” Nezabar wine becoming a doctor and even more indestructible. And yet, the interest to magic was called to the point where he called out the spirit and made an agreement with him ... This was a sudden religious assessment of the situation; here, Faust and Mephistopheles were reluctantly and irrevocably sued, and all the respectful guarded and stood up - they were instructed in a God-fearing life. Mephistopheles, with the use of the legend, deceives Faust, and the island conflict could be formulated as follows: “the conflict between good and evil,” without looking at what is good and what is evil ... as if in the eyes of Faust, only the words of Christianity were seen. Mephistopheles was more than one of the demons, but he is not special.

Goethe translating this legend into the present-day Youma Grunt. In "Faust" organically angry various elements appeared - an ear of dram, lyric and epos. For this very reason, many people of the past call this TV a dramatic poem. "Faust" includes elements, differences and for its artistic nature. At the new one, there are real scenes - like, for example, a description of the spring folk festival on a weekend; lyrical reprimands of Faust and Margaret; tragic - Gretchen at the v'yaznitsi chi moment, if Faust is not pinning life with self-destruction; fantastic. But Goethe's fantasy is always bound up with reality, and real images often have a symbolic character.

The idea of ​​a tragedy about Faust is too early for Goethe to finish. On the back of his head, there were two tragedies - "tragedy of recognition" and "tragedy of kohannya". At the same time, the stench became non-robust. The high-pitched tone of this "great-Faust" is gloomy, and it is not surprising that Goethe has gone far enough to preserve the color of the Middle Ages legend, which he took in the first part. In "great-Faust" scenes, written in verses, interspersed with prose. Here Faust's specimens fell apart, titanism, the spirit of protest, tearing to the point of incomprehensibility.

April 13, 1806 You wrote down with your student: "Having finished the first part of Faust." In the first part, Goethe himself describes the characters of his two main heroes - Faust and Mephistopheles; y - the other part of Goethe gives more respect to the navkolishny world and the suspenseful arrangement, as well as to the spivvіdshenie іdeal і reality. Behind the form is a drama for reading, behind the genre of a philosophical poem. There is no direct author's words, everything was given to acting persons: monologues, dialogues, charismatic parties. May I finish the folding, but at the same time I will see the composition. It starts with two prologues: 1. the prologue at the theater (for what is the theater of the zokrema, mysticism zagalom - director: spectators pay for tickets, act: words, popularity, satisfaction of Marnoslavism, the author-Goethe's testimony: the mysticism of the isnuє, sob way of self-expression of creative specialty, way of recognition). 2. prologue in heaven, serve as an entry, like shtovkhaє to the eyeballs. Mephistopheles, the messenger, baked, stood before God, declaring that God had given a pardon, created people, that the stench is evil, and they will need to be taken care of. Mіzh God that Mephistopheles blames a super girl, the result of which is an experiment. They lay down an agreement: to test people, as if they were robbed of the old venerable Faust. If Mephistopheles brought that a person is worthless, accessible, then God will impoverish people. Faust becomes an experimental fact, but on the new one is superimposed the responsibility for all people in the world. The prologue is followed by the 1st part (special life of a person), the 2nd part (a person and a society) and an epilogue.

Part 1: I went to the episode of the scene. The cob is the study of Faust, 80 years old, who may have lived all his life on his own. Yogo life zvelosya to knowledge, vіdobrazhenih in books, abstract knowledge. I didn’t know anything about the world of light in the cabinet of wines. Faust is obsessed with the idea of ​​knowing, he is close to death, he is guilty of knowing that you should live your life for nothing. Through it, the fear of wine turns to the spirits of the elements, stench, but no one can give you food. Yomu becomes more terrible and unbearable. Under a surge of fear, Faust leaves the office. Vіn can't have anything to sleep with people, like to live instructed by them. Goethe draws spring, holy, but no one cares about Faust. Here youmu will come when you are young. Father Faust was a doctor, and if the synov was 14 years old, a terrible epidemic broke out. The elder Faust tried to swindle people, writing faces, but there were even more people in the guinea. Yogo vruchannya is not only marne, but it is devastating. After whom Faust-sin goes into seclusion. In order not to stick with people, Faust walks off the field. De up to the new poodle. The owner turns back home and the poodle slithers up to the new one. If it's bad, the poodle transforms into Mephistopheles. She tries to stay at home with Faust, who wins all the bazhanya, to grow up young, as if Faust signed an agreement from one mind: Faust lives doti. Until you say "Mitya is beautiful, zupinisya, shave!". Faust does not succumb to these spokus, like Mephistopheles. On the image of eternal femininity, Faust calms down and signs an agreement with Mephistopheles. Faust takes away the possibility of living a different life, in principle otherwise. Ale vin can be for the people, watch over them. Turn to the cabinet of wines, but only drink for a while. Yogo's budinku was in charge of Yogo's student Wagner. After the agreement is laid down, the stink goes to the city, to the tavern, where the students get out. Calm down with wine and merriment, Faust does not give in (a song about a flea is a tribute to favoritism). Far away they go to the kitchen, see, the cauldron is boiling there, the owl and the whale are watching. You sip Faust wholeheartedly and turn to a new youth. Winning respect for the Holy Miska, chatting with Margarita (Gretchen). She is an unfortunate person, she lives in the front, garner, modest, vihovana, pious, dbayliva, she loves children. Have a young sister. If a rich young person comes up to her, compliments her, wants to see her off, she gets excited, apparently, she’s not beautiful and she’s becoming a bazhanish for Faust. Mephistopheles for the sake of presenting an expensive gift (screen with stones), but first she gave mother a first shot and she ordered her daughters to bring yoga to church. Suddenly, it was not Margaret, but the sister of Martha, who became the accomplice of Faust and witnessed Gretchen's catness, if her mother was gone. The daruvalnik becomes a mystery for her and a cicavim, it will be nice to spend the night with him. The lady of honesty, about which the song “Balad about the King of Fulsk” was sung, seemed to be sleeping. Kokhannya, as if showing Goethe - a test for a woman, before that ruinous. Margarita is inseparable from loving Faust, becoming wicked. On її conscience 3 wickedness (won't give yourself up to your own self-worth) - piss on a snodine mother, on one unfortunate day, mothers don't slip into an overdose of a snodine, the duel of Valentin and Faust, Valentine appears to be an admonition, to fight with Faust's hand, Margarita causes to drown the non-daughter of Faust in the swamp (chthonic middle). Faust її throwing, out to you tsіkava only the docks of vin її rush. Faust forgets about her, does not look at the goiter in front of her, does not remember her share. Deprived of herself, Margarita rob the crocks, yakі bring її to kayatta, forgiveness. About її vbivstvo staє vіdomo, and її sit down at the bellows, їy, like a mother of children, it is guilty to cut your head.

For example, the 1st part is an important episode "Walpurgis Night". At the end of the fun, in front of Faust, blame the mayor Margarita, and vіn vіmagає deliver yogo to her. Mephistopheles wins and transfers Faust to Margaret's pit, yogo overwhelms the kayattya and wants to vryatuvat the kokhan. Ale Margaret is advised, she doesn’t want to drink after Faust, Mephistopheles shards with him. Vaughn is left at the yard, nothing is already over, and the first exchanges can come cat. Mephistopheles entreats Faust to fight and succumb. At this hour of the moon, a voice from heaven is “Saved.” Margarita accepts all vindication, to pay life for the soul. If Faust dies, in the midst of righteous souls, in the midst of nasustrіch yogo souls, the soul of Margarita will lean.

Physical, cosmological aspect, aspect, binding from the category of "ideal". If Faust utters this phrase, it chirps, the hour rises, all the lands rumble, the revolution of the Sun changes, a great cosmic catastrophe has come, Faust does not commemorate this pasture. Zupiniti mit - means to reach the absolute, to know the ideal. And nature has an ideal. What yoga is not possible to realize, until the new one can be less practiced. In this rank, Mephistopheles violates the law of the light of life (“philosophical paste”). Kokhannya is already not unambiguous. Those who seem to be between Faust and Margarita are suvoro and zhorstoko.

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