What a gift Katerina 2 gave the counts. Palace of the Imperial Leaders. Porcelain sculpture Triumph of Katerini. Illuminated absolutism of Catherine II

Catherine II.F.Rokotov

Facts about the life and reign of one of the most powerful, glorious and super-honest monarchs in the Russian Empire, Empress Catherine II

1. During the reign of Catherine the Great from 1762 to 1796, the empire expanded significantly. Out of 50 provinces 11 was attached to the king's rock. The amount of sovereign income grew from 16 to 68 million rubles. Bulo 144 new places were opened (more than 4 places on the river of the king). In Mayzha, the army grew larger, the number of ships in the Russian fleet grew from 20 to 67 linear ships, and other ships. The army and navy gained 78 brilliant victories, as they marked the international authority of Russia.

    Palatsova embankment

    The conquests reached the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​​​Azov, came to Crimea, Ukraine (the Crimean region of Lvov), Belarus, Skhidna Poland, Kabarda. It started to arrive to Russia Georgia.

    At the same time, for an hour, the king was able to save only one punishment - the gang of the peasant rebel Omelyan Pugachov.


    2. The order of the day of the Empress was distant from the appearance of the inhabitants of the royal life. Її day of writing according to the years, and the order of yogo having been filled with the inevitable stretch of the king's reign. It took less than an hour to sleep: as in old age, Katerina got up on the 5th, then closer to old age - on the 6th, and until the end of life, I would call on the 7th anniversary of the wound. Posnіdavshi, the sovereign received high-posadovtsіv and secretaries of state. The days of that year for the recipient of the skin planting individual were fast. The working day has ended about the fourth year, and the time has come for reparation. Years of work and reparation, snidanka, insults and evenings were also fast. About 10:11 pm Katerina ended the day and went to sleep.

    3. Today, 90 rubles were spent on the empress’s eating (for the occasion: the soldier’s pay in the era of Katerina’s rule was a total of 7 rubles per river). Yalovichina was boiled with a love of grass with salted oysters, and as a drink, currant juice got used. For dessert, they served apples and cherries.

    4. After an insult, the empress took up the handicraft, and Ivan Ivanovich Betskoy read it out loud at the hour. Katerina "sewed masterfully on canvas", knitted on knitting needles. Having finished reading, she went to the Hermitage, sharpened brushes, wood, burshtin, engraved, played at the billiards.

    View of the Winter Palace

    5. Before modi Katerina bula baiduzha. Vaughn didn’t mind, but for an hour and a whole she completely ignored it. On weekdays, the empress wore a simple cloth and did not dress up with kostoshnosti.

    D. Levitsky

    6. For її vlasnym vyznannyam, there is no small creative mind, prote wrote p'єsi, and navіt corrected deakі z them to "review" Voltaire.

    7. Katerina invented a special costume for the six-month-old Tsarevich Oleksandr, the uniform of which the Prussian prince and the Swedish king asked for in her for their children. And for those who were in love, the empress foretold the crest of the Russian cloth, as if they were embarrassed to wear it at її podvir'ї.

    8. People, who knew Katerina closely, її priyavlyu kolnіshnіshіnі not only in their youth, but also in mature rocks, її especially friendly looking, simplicity in corysty. Barones Elizabeth Dimsdale, as a former bula, was presented at once with her man at Tsarskoye Selo, for example, sickle 1781. described Katerina like this: "a pretty woman with charming eyes and a reasonable look"

    View of the Fontanka

    9. Katerina taught what befits a man and she herself was heavenly to the beauty of that masculinity. "I took away nature's great sensitivity and callousness, if I'm not beautiful, then I'll take it. I fit in the first time and didn't win for any art that embellishment."

    I. Fayzullin. Katerini's visit to Kazan.

    10. The empress was flamboyant, but she took liberty of herself, and in no way, in a fit of anger, did not praise the decision. Bula was more than enough to inspire from the servants, no one felt a rude word in front of her, she didn’t punish, but asked the vikonaty for her will. As a rule, according to Count Segur, it was "praise loudly, and bark slowly."

    Oath of the Izmailovsky regiment of Catherine II

    11. On the walls of the ballrooms behind Katerina II hung the rules: it was difficult to get up in front of the empress, to get yakbi out went to the guest and spoke to him standing up. They fought in a gloomy mood, imitating one of one. ”And on the shield at the entrance to the Hermitage, there was a beautiful inscription:“ Lord of the local city, do not tolerate the primus.


    12. Thomas Dimsdale, English doctor of letters from London for the introduction of natural wood chips in Russia. Knowing about the support of innovation, Empress Katherine II ruled out special taxes and became one of Dimsdale's first patients. In 1768 p. pinning English to the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich. The dress of the empress that її son became a banner trophy at the life of the Russian court.

    Johann the Elder Lampi

    13. The Empress was with a cocked cock. Cunningly wise Katerina, not bazhayuchi, schob її bіli mittens leaked yellow nicotine infusion, ordered to turn the kіnchik of a leather cigar with an expensive seam.

    Coronation of Catherine II

    14. The Empress read and wrote in German, French and Russian, but allowed a lot of pardons. Katerina once told one of her secretaries that "she could only read Russian books without a reader", to that "aunt Elizaveta Petrivna said to my chamberlain: it's good to read, she's smart enough without that." As a result of this, she won a pardon at the word three letters: deputy "shche" she wrote "here".

    15. Shchedovo to death, Katerina Snowla for his Maybutnoye tombstone: "There is a friend of a friend’s Katerina. Vaughn in a greed in 1744 Rotsi, Scho to Vyzhas for Peter III. At Chitinnadium Rock, Vaughov brought to Troyaka: he was stolen by his own Cholovikovi . Vaughn did not take the nycho, they reached the time in the Tsomu Vizimimnadsit Rock, the sponsor of the nudges of the I self -ethnic, they argued ї to read the bagato books. Vaughn did not hate it, I got to the boule of the boule, I was in the bilia, the boulest and small good heart. She is small friends. The work was easy for her.

    Gallery of portraits of Empress Catherine II the Great

    Artist Antoine Pen. Christian August Anhalt-Zerbstsky, father of Catherine II

    Batko, Khristian August of Anhalt-Tserbstsky, having walked from the Zerbst-Dorneburz line of the Anhalt house and having been in the service of the Prussian king, was a regimental commander, commandant, then the governor of the town of Stettin, the future empress and appeared at the wedding, balotus. , finished service as a Prussian field marshal

    Artist Antoine Pen. Johanna Elizaveta Anhalt Zerbstska, mother of Catherine II

    Mati - Johanna Elizabeth, from the Gottorp Volodar, fell in love with the cousin of the future Peter III. The genus of Johann Elisabeth resembles Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the first Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and the successor of the Oldenburg dynasty.

    Grotto Georg-Christoph (Grooth, Groot).1748

    Shetty Castle

    Georg Groth


    Pietro Antonio Rotari.1760,1761

    V. Eriksen. Book portrait of Catherine the Great

    Eriksen, Vigilius.1762

    I. P. Argunov Portrait of Grand Duchess Katerina Oleksiivna.1762

    Eriksen.Katerina II bіla mirror.1762

    Ivan Argunov.1762



    Eriksen.Katerina II bіla mirror.1779


    Lamps Johann-Batis.1794

    R. Brompton. 1782

    D. Levitsky. 1782

    P.D. Levitsky. Portrait of Katerini II .1783

Alexey Antropov

Portrait of Empress Katherine II in travel costume. SHIBANOV Mikhailo. 1780

V.Borovikovsky.Katerina IIon a walk in the Tsarskosilsky park.1794

Borovikovsky Volodymyr Lukich.Portrait of Katerini II

Favoriti Katerini II

Grigory Potomkin

Mabut, the most important among the favorites, who did not spend his money and after that, as Katerina began to pay respect to others. Respect for the empress of wines, deserving an hour for a palace coup. at the court with a large payment and as a gift at the sight of 400 peasant souls.Grigoriy Potiomkin is one of the poor kohantsiv of Catherine II, who did not only succeed in a special way, but also made a rich brown for the country. Potemkin himself began to actively develop Novorosiya and Crimea. Although yoga diї і often became the cause of the cob of the Russian-Turkish war, the ale won ended with a black-and-white win over the Russian zbro. In 1776, Potomkin ceased to be a favorite, but was left behind by people, to the delight of which Catherine II listened to her death. In addition, in the selection of new leaders.

Grigory Potiomkin and Elizaveta Temkina, daughter of the Holy Prince and Russian Empress

J.de Velli.Portrait of Counts G.G. and A.G.Orlovikh

Grigory Orlov

Grigoriy Orlov was born near Moscow, but the service was near, the authorities at the Seventh War sent him to the capital - St. Petersburg. There, after gaining fame, the spree that "Don Juan". Tall, stately, garniy - the young squad of the future emperor Katerina Oleksiivna simply could not help but turn on the new respect.His recognition as a treasury officer of the Head Artillery Office and fortifications allowed Katherine to collect the state pennies for organizing a palace coup.Want to win not be great sovereign fiance, Sometimes vin vykonuvav delicate prohannya of the Empress herself. So, for one version, at once with his brother Orlov, having spared the life of the legitimate man of Catherine II, the fallen Emperor Peter III.

Stanislav August Poniatowski

The old-time Polish aristocrat Stanisław August Poniatowski, with his subtle manners, first met Katerina in 1756. Vіn rich rocіv is alive near London and at the warehouse of the English diplomatic mission he leaned against Petersburg. Poniatowski was not an official favourite, but all the same, he was respected by the empress as a Kohanian, which gave him an edge in suspension. For the hot support of Katherine II Poniatowski became the king of Poland. It is possible that the Great Prince Hanna Petrivna was recognized by Peter III as a true daughter of Katerina and that Polish beauty. Petro III narrated: “God knows, the stars are my team of zavagіtnіє; I don’t know for sure what my child is and what I am guilty of recognizing my own.

Petro Zavadovsky

How many times did Kateryna get Zavadovsky, a representative of the famous Cossack family. Count Petro Rumyantsev, the leader of the former empress, Elizaveta Petrivna, brought yoga to the court. A charming person with an adoptive character - Catherine II is already infatuated in her very heart. Before that, she knew yoga "quieter and more peaceful" Potiomkin.In 1775, he was recognized as cabinet secretary. Zavadovsky took off the rank of major general, 4 thousand peasant souls. Vin navit settled at the palace. Podіbnee approaching the empress stole Potomkin and in the aftermath of palace intrigues Zavadovsky was foreshadowed - having gone to his mother. Irrespective of the price, I saved my fidelity and passionately loved the old hour, making friends after only 10 years. In 1780, he called the empress back to St. Petersburg, having embraced high administrative plantations, including becoming the first minister of public education.

Platon Zubov

Platon Zubov made his way to Katerina from the service of the Semenivsky regiment. Koristuvavsya by the intercession of Count Mikoli Saltikov, the tutor of the empress. Zubov, having become the commander of the film guards, yakі vyzhdzhali to Tsarskoye Selo to carry the varti. On the 21st of Chernivtsi, 1789, for the help of the stats of Anna Narishkina, he took the audience of Katerina II and spent the evening from her. Less than a few days later, smashed by colonels and settled in the palace. It is cold at the court of the receptions, but Katherine II looked like a god. After the death of Potomkin, Zubov played an ever greater role, and Katerina did not get into a new rose - she died in 1796. In this rank, he became the remaining favorite of the Empress. For the last time, Zubov’s friend Oleksandr I took an active part in the battle against Emperor Paul I, and as a result, Zubov’s friend Oleksandr I became the ruler. Guglielmi, Gregorio. Apotheosis of the reign of Katerini II .1767

Zhittєvy way buvaє zvivisty,
ale smut nutrition in that
who is doing yoga.
Ring out, as if you do not sign yogo ti,
yours life way you are appointed
інші - інші people
chi just furnish.
A piece of article from the scientific journal of psychology.

Podії transfer us to the hour of rule in Russia Catherine the Other - Great. An hour, if Katerina was no longer young, and yet she did not pretend to be a smeared matron. I came up with such an idea that there was a suggestion of kimos from її favorites, and then it was planned to create a small military fold at the court, on the square of the page corps. Not only that, some kind of creations for Elizabeth Petrivny, and on the order of Katerina, it was allowed to take only the children of the nobles, but a small death, like a mav, formed from the arch of young people, growing up and spitting from lads, sensible and pretty bells. Well, as if for some kind of rulers, the nobility, trying to be fit for the empress, gave her gifts to looking handsome lads.

Pan Bartosz Vysokodvorsky, a Polish general, who served at the court of Katerina, turned to Petersburg with his retinue, Mr. Jankoy from Lithuania, from his mother in Vilno. The road led to the water of the river at the right time to finish the water. The line of the river now showed itself, then it appeared behind the narrow perelisk, which led the way through the road. It's a warm autumn day. One of the days, about how it can be said that the weather from the rest of the forces is grabbing for summer, but then the axis-axis will be autumnal and without roads, so that the roads will be impassable until the winter season. Pani Yanka did not like Petersburg, she did not quiet all the pink houses, wide avenues, loud balls at the court of the empress, on which the stench was small. That St. Petersburg Syrian climate, that closeness of the still not drained pains, is already rotten on your health, leading you often in deep confusion.

On the shaky road, the general’s head ached, and she punished the superfluous crew of some garrison and handy mist. Nezabar coachman, summer Pole, zupiniv carriage for the helpless settlements of the river. Livoruch squealing thickly descending to the very shore, setting a free expanse for the forest. On the right side of the road there was a field of dormouse, over a kind of dzvinko larks were flooded, smoky, maybe, to drink in the remaining warm days for the whole long winter.
"Panov, here it will be handy for you, he will put a table and benches there on the birch at once," - the servant said, and went to the carriage.

The gentlemen came to the bank of the river, chekayuchi, while they rule everything for a short recovery. Bulo is welcome, the warmth is beautiful. The general and the retinue were discussing the new empress about the creation of the "guards of the lads-kohantsiv", as the general's wife hung out.
And here their glance was fixed at the cost of a trio of vіddalіk, bіla vіla vіdа, to the stringy, scrawny lad of fourteen fates. Vіn standing, trembling in front of him dormouse. Trimav the boy Yogo behind the tovste stalk so that the flower itself, like a disguise of a people, marveled at the new one. The lad stole with his lips, roaming with a ticket. Vіn nіbi rozpovіd roslinі schos, with whom chuckle "spіvrozmovnik". Їx was struck by the appearance of a child. It was superbly beautiful and seemed familiar to him. Well, of course, yoga's appearance is similar to the appearance of a virizano from a tree and how to stand at the Catholic church near Vilna, the great figure of Christ. Tsі thin risi trohi of a well-worn guise. The boy is barefoot. On the new buli siri pants that old shirt. It’s impossible to say about the її color, the shards of the bula were sewn from different klaptik, but the stench was chosen so that to inspire the viishov as a mysterious little one.

The general called the boy with a sign. If that pіdіyshov, the stench could better look at it. Dovge had a shaggy hair of a shaggy color, which, obviously, burned out in the sun, gave him an even greater insignificance. The lad marveled at paniv without fear, more zіkavіstyu. Yogo black eyes with old winds were widely flattened, drooping. The general's wife turned to the Russian lad, asking who would win. You see the lad, smiling sweetly, as if gallantly stretching out your ticket to the woman. She, laughing, accepted the gift, stroking the lad on the cheek and admitting that the child simply did not understand її, turned back to the Polish lad.
The lad rose, that his homeland lives here, entrusted, on the edge of the village, and that the swearing cry of Yogo Leshek. The coachman, sho pidishov, having told the lads, that the lady is guilty of kissing the hand. The general's wife stretched out her white to the lad. Win, squirming over the handle for a kiss, caught and quietly removed from the suffocation: "Bird, little bird." Pani, laughing: "Well, why is the bird, zovsіm and not similar." The general, also grinning, respecting: "And it's true, Yanechko, I never knew such a miraculous match with your lower handles." The stench zamovkli, thinking, maybe, have a moment about those same. “Bartish,” the squad turned back to the Russian general: “Let’s take yoga to Petersburg. garny gift The Empress." The general immediately ordered to take them to the house of this lad.

The arrival of the carriage caused a commotion in a small village. The people hovered over their wretched houses. The boy is big in front, showing the way. Vіn pіdbіg to the house, in front of yakim stood a woman in honed ditlakhіv, a little less. Leshek buv, singsongly, the eldest child in the family. A short glance at this woman, who was badly dressed, was enough to indulge her beauty. It became clear who has the boy wiishov so red. Vaughn stood, laughing sarcastically, but in a humble pose in front of the general's uniform uniform. The general, not moving out of the carriage, chuckled, turned to the woman in Polish: "Mr." The woman's eyes widened in a flattened way. "Sir, we'd like to take your son, Leshek, to Petersburg. I'll give you a penny. You won't get stinky." The general, while trying to mumble, can better understand in his words, savage to a woman, a thought about those who bathe the stench of a poor mother's son.
The woman stood like that, not hanging on to her position until the words of the general.
The general, having called the servant, giving him 15 rubles in silver, punishing the woman for a penny, which is worth a movchka. The servant put a coin into his mother's hand.
The woman did not collapse. Vaughn stood, squeezing her silver coins in her fist.
Todі Generalsha, vyyshovshi from the carriage and pіdіyshovshi to the woman, trying to yakomog lagіdnіshe explain їy, scho otrimaє lad good lighting, and you can teach, like a person, become a general and then you can help and help all її children.
What was your mother thinking about at that moment? Maybe about those that are true, like life checks for її love here. Zlidni. Or maybe she thought that for a penny stink she could buy a new cow, even if the old cow already gives milk to her stylki, like a susiska goat, or maybe she thought that she could buy faces for the sick, that she might lie down, man. There is little that can be done to increase wealth.
The woman only said: “If God is so virulent, then let it be so.
The general, having said zіthnuvshi: "Well, the axis and home, my people will go to St. Petersburg in the spring and take yoga with them. In the meantime, let the boy live at home."

The servant helped his lady to get into the carriage, as if she was immediately on the road.
The first axis is already a crew with unstoppable guests far around the bend. Znik, like a Kazkove bachennya. Life at this zhizhnіy wilderness flowed as before, properly and tediously. A new cow showed up at the booth, the children were celebrated for the winter with a new vozutya, only the eldest one was left alone for the winter in torn batkivskin coats. That one is stained on the new one, everything is the same in the spring. Leshek himself, seeing his underbelly almost in the face of the news, that he was called to the new one. From one side of the wine, having loved his mother, she loved the brothers and sisters of the wine. That way the stench will be here without me, but from the other side, it’s like a cicada to visit in other places, where such garni of pannochka live, like a lady, that she came. Ale, an important worker, who called on the shoulders of the lad through the ailment of the father, brightly showed the memory of that charming fairy tale. That wine has already taken everything that has become of autumn, like a dream. That mother has already stopped crying, if she looked at the new one.

Winter, which had seen that fate more snowy, approached until Sunday, and already it began to warm in the spring sun, but the general's people did not go. Mom was already reconciled, as if from the future of the son’s house, so for him, that he would be deprived of wine at home. Or maybe she thought that she was just a gift from God for all the hardships of her life, and she didn’t check the change for him anymore.

All the same, the general's convoy still arrived, and the grass was like a trap, it was already warm and everything was very happy for the summer.

Leshek buv at that vіtsі, if the zhag of new opportunities becomes equally prihilnosti to the house, to relatives, and only a small post is needed, so that the cup of teresіv yogo bazhan hit in that chi іnshiy bіk.
“That and then, I won’t go for a long time,” the boy thought.
"I'll turn around, mother," - shouting from the waggon, who brought him from the father's house.
Chi felt the words of the mother krіz cry dіtlakhіv, scho run after the cart? Vaughn stood on the edge of the booth. Shoulders її were lowered, hands hung like batogs in the air of the body. Vaughn did not cry, everything was crying in advance of the day. Vaughn stood and was less than the blessing of the Lord, so that she would wake up at the elder's life.

They stink superbly and in 5 days they reached St. Petersburg. At the place the stench blew, if it was already deep. Bula that year, if there was nothing more than a year of darkness. The gas-lighters blazed up the majestic budinok, where yogo vv Uncle Zbіgnev is a coachman, the only person in the convoy, who speaks Polish. Leshek used to be tormented by the trip, having fallen asleep on the lava, like youma was told for the night, lit up at the sheep's casing, taking away from him the coachman for another hour of the trip.

If Leszek prokinuvshis, bovsіm day. Vіn looked around: the room was a bula with a high stele, in the middle stood a long wooden stil, after which the lava was placed. Two women stood in front of Leshek, one of them spoke to my unreasonable mother, pointing her finger at him. But here comes the uncle coachman and, driving the women away, explaining to the lads that now they are sent to Leshek, to show and explain everything, but there’s nothing here, krim paniv that new one, don’t understand Polish language. Vіn provіv lad nadvіr vbiralnyu. Then, turning to the hut, showing you a bowl at the table, there was already a large earthenware bowl with porridge that filled a bowl of milk, which lay a wooden spoon. Leshek slyly raised his eyes at the coachman's uncle, not knowing how much you can see from the bowl. Approximately the same bowl with a yushkoy matusya put on a table for all her great motherland. Vіn only asking: "Me її tse?"
Uncle Zbіnєv laughed and patted the lad on the head with an important warm shoulder, saying: “Zh, Leshek, їzh. Leshek, not knowing that I’m going to get into a bath, but I’m wondering why I trust this great good people. The lad їv vapidly, ale trohi satiated, nіbi shamen, sho needing more than anyone else, putting a spoon on the table, giving the understanding that the wine is ready for the coming miracles, yakі can check on the new one here.

The stench was above the door. It was warm, it was warm, it was welcome. Ale, the uncle coachman shoved him and he himself snarled, having shriveled his head. Leshek, turning around, slapped the general's wife. Vіn navіt ceasing dihati, laying out the bula garn. The lady was now dressed in a woolen cloth, her shawl did not twist her head, as if leaner, likewise, they had a little place, and her hair was sloping over her shoulders for a long time. Vona smiled at you affectionately, saying: "Boy, how are you feeling over the winter! Let's go to the hospital a little while, we need to put you in order, then tell me everything about yourself."
Zhintsi Bulo Tsikave Vovydannya Cotton, Ale, not cheated, she was hotly sung on the nyoye without Odiag, Zkilki, having vaguered about Zvicha izhmitrici, Vaughi Rosumil, the Maybutni Page is not a mate of the garnish, Rozuma I did not mi. reconciliation It is possible that the choice of the applicant would remain victorious before the corral of Katerina's pages.

The general's wife turned and straightened up until she was awake, blessed with good logs. In due course, she punished the Russian people who followed her. Uncle the coachman explained that Solomon-Kravets and Vіn knew the world from Leshek, so that he could sew a cloth for him.
Up to wooden booth, the lady punished with a sign, that the coachman and the scarf were left in the first room, and she herself walked with Leshek at the step. If the general's wife and the lad appeared behind the door, smiled slyly, winking at the coachmen, moving, everything understood. Wonders paniv, movlyav.
At this expanse of the room, where the hare Leszek and the pani, it was already warm, in the middle there were majestic roses of korito, filled with water.
The lady general impatiently ordered Leshek to throw off all his clothes and get into the bathtub, like a woman hanging out, "get out."
Leshek, what a virus in a poor little place, not knowing how to behave. On the one hand, it’s unkind, as the matusya said, showing off naked in front of the girls, and yet pani is such a garna and goodness. Vіn having thrown off from himself everything that was on the new boulder, and turning to the general's guise. Here it became something like that, that nalyakalo boy.
The general's wife, not even glancing briefly at the new one, sat down on the lava, pressing her palm to her lips. No, they didn’t strike її, the stench was reconciled. Ale.....
Vaughn asked for the boy to come closer to Vikna, there is lighter.
Here the coachman and the handsome man, who were sitting at the front of the dressing-room, sensed a roaring, nalyakano-angrily: "Yid!"
Solomon immediately flew in at the lazne, vpevneniy, that the general's cry is yogo.
Ale pani, waving angrily at the new one, yelled: "Get out!" - Ale immediately added: "Hey, shave, come here, talk to him about your mother." The general's wife was more inclined to those who were incomprehensible. Well, maybe it’s a different kind of person, you can do it in such a look, or maybe you’re just a little smaller, and in a new sweat, if you’re viroste, everything will be like everyone else.
"Kendeli, little one, are the stars so red?" - Solomon turned around, walking with my tongue to the lad slicked with a rapt snake in the behavior of the general's lad. Feeling the familiar language, Leshek laughed. Yogo's disguise at once manifested such lower rubbish and stinging joy that the lady general died. Mustache nadії її fell. Now, about some kind of gift to the Empress, there could not be a movie.
Leshek buv is ready to rush and squeeze up to unknown people, what to say, let it be with a different accent, mine, as they said in this little town. Ale vin was ashamed to show his joy in front of the angry woman.
Mrs. Visokodvorska, having turned the disguise of a child, lit up with the change of the sun, who penetrated through a small at the end of the lazn, immediately fainted, she again turned her biblical disguise, like at the statue from the church.
But what about being a boy? Zvichayno well right back, ale vin is so garnished.
The general's homeland is not small for its children. The Їхній first edition died, not having lived up to the single century. She didn’t have a new interest anymore, that century had already passed that period, if the stink of a man had subdued winter.
Let's go crazy, thought Mrs. Yanka, and Bartosz is turning home today after the fifth inspection trip. Wanting in her soul she had a good mind, that the decision would be for her. And there, already, you know, she’s done her own food.
The general's wife ordered the prince to take the world and sew a proper cloth for the boy, and added: "You already, Solomonko, drink yoga in your way, in the Jewish way. Then I want to find out what you think about this child." Pani Yanka, once again looking at the naked body of the lad on the string, sighing deeply, walked out of the laznevoy kіmnati, and then immediately, slamming the doors anew, lowering her voice to a whisper, said: not a villager - I'll rot in the pits! So, take some decent clothes at the door for you. Don't dress Yoma again Yogo lahmittya. And tell Porfirk, let him come so sharply yogo, that nigti yoma cleanly.
Zim won and vyyshla get out of the laznі.

Uncle coachman uvіyshov і, having put Leshek in a corito vіdmokati, having filled yoga with Solomon, and he himself took orders from the general's lady.
Solomon, squatting on the lava of a korita, began to rattle Leshek about his homeland, about the first enemy after leaving the native house.
Alya Leshek wanted to go to sleep, what could have caused such anger to Mr. Vіn rozumіv, what is the reason in the new, but what if the vіn moment is not so, to embarrass the good, affectionate woman?
"Tsa, tsa, tsa," - Solomon smacked his tongue, repeating cunningly: "Kind and affectionate? Be protective of her, boy. read to yourself and be sure and have all the panamas: it may be, if you lose interest, then the order before you will change to the trash.
Solomon asked the lad like this: “Kendeli, sinka, it’s not your fault. What is your real name?"
The boy, not having understood anything of Solomon's explanation, began to tell you about himself, about those who struck Yogo at a cost in the house. Voni spoke Yiddish, tse buv їх spilnu mova- Solomon did not know Polish, and Leshek did not understand Russian.
"They wrote me down in the book at the synagogue, like a Label, but they didn't call me like that, and I already sounded before the name of Leszek. What was it that inspired me the most in my life?"
Uncle Solomon, the horses were dear to the horses. Spravzhnіm, great Zhovtim vіvsom. I know what it is. Mommy used to cook us yushka from vіvsa. Ale, the grains were dribbling and often black. The lad of the castle, thinking about his own, is far away.
Uvіyshov uncle Zbіnєv. He brought clothes and helped the lads, who relaxed in warm water, got up, wiped him with a great soft ganchirka.
Solomon quickly taking the mustache for new clothes worlds and pishov, having rushed to the general's panorama, tell them to respect the boy.
The barber, who came to the clerk, having robbed his right, put the head and hands of the lad in order.

In front of the general's wife, the lad became a clean cut white red. In addition, having described the lad as a miracle-worker, the general's wife unanimously wanted to feel Leshek's rose himself.
"So, it means you're a Label. Ni, it's no good. I'll call you Leshek, ni, rather Alosha. You will be Oleksiy in us," the general's wife began her rozmov.
"Olexia, can you read?" - "So, sir, I can write and read Polish. For me, my teacher from the Polish village, for some tato, while in health, sewing chereviki. I’m a teacher, we were aged there, and in the rahunok pay for the charge, as the mother asked, the teacher giving me lessons in Polish language.
"At the moment, would you tell me less about those who are so young, on the way to St. Petersburg, what did you see, if you came here?" - After a short pause, she added: "Alyosha. You can order it for me, for the whole style."
Only now the lad looked around for a long time. Vіn buv at the bright room; high tables, stylts with right backs, on the windows hang garns of fabric. Mrs. Bula is now dressed in іnshu, blakytna, with a garnim vіzerunk on komіrі for a long time cloth. On the shii, on the yellow lance, a yellow cross hangs. Such a cross, no more than a great one of wood, vin bachiv at the Polish teacher on the wall.
Leszek, not knowing why he would tell his story, what could be such a noble Polish lady. Ale, remembering Solomon about those who need to take interest in themselves all the time, starting from the first whims of the trip.
"The road turned out to be even more wonderfully right! Everything that I instantly jumped from a crated wagon, detracted from its insignificance. The road, with its miracles, raptly blew me away like thoughts about the houses, from which they took me away. , you begin to think about those, how small it is for the greatness of the entire world ... And how great and inexhaustible the wine is, this world ... Then my thoughts turned me into a dream and hope for the future.
We passed a lot of Russian forces. I am a bachelor woman, like working in the fields. The wagon train crossed wide rivers. If we were sleeping for the night, I instantly blew the sun - it’s kazkovo beautiful ........ "The lad glowed, leading his rozpovid. Vin charging the woman with her suffocation in the form of an ill-mannered one. blew a sweater over her.
At that moment, Leshek, choking his rozpoviddyu, bumped into the hands of the general's wife, and immediately there was a lock, his cheeks became erysipelas in the form of zbentezhennya. "Vibachte, sir," - saying vin, lowering his head.
The woman, amazed at the boy’s mind, so beautifully conveys the beauty of nature in descriptions of all the sights, raised her cheeks and gently stroked Leshek on the cheek, she was ready to flower the harny boy, but she streamed her breath, having felt the noise of the carriage behind the window, she started crying.
The general's wife hooted the uncle-coachman, and, having handed over the boy to you, she sent a message to the man who had arrived.

General, like a night in the day at the booth may be more tense, like a change in the mood of the squad (they were so cheerful, and there was no darkness in the її sizable St.
The first yogo having broken the buv, zvichayno, negainoly, straightened yogo back to the fathers, ale, bachachi, as Yanechka fell in love with him, naming the lad Alyosha, vin zdavsya. Zreshtoyu, don't let it get too much. Friends are glad, let them have fun. And there, maybe, God will give and christen yoga, and be a good Catholic.

Vchitelі, zaproshenі to budinku for Aloshi, vіdznali yoga marvelous vibrancy. Already in a short hour, the wines were good in Russian.
Proyshov river. Alyosha pretended to be a twisted youngster and with good manners. Yogo mova Russian bula correct, іnozemny accent nіy buv mayzhe incomprehensible. Pani Yanka spent a good hour with Alyosha. Vchila yoga politeness, dancing.
The stench was vizhzhali to the center of St. Petersburg. Budinok їх roztashovuvavsya beyond the boundary of the city on the Petrograd side, and, in order to spend on the Nevsky prospect, it was necessary to cross the Mykolaivsky bridge to Vasilievsky island, then, after passing the embankment of the Nevi, to the air of the magnificent palace of Count Menshikov, move to the wide river bridge. And earlier, the carriage was constantly ringing against the recently unearthed miraculous monument to Peter the Great. There, noble people walked for a long time. Far away the stench passed to Nevsky Prospekt, marveling at the fresh farbs of the facade of the Winter Palace.
Mrs. Yanka had mercy on Alyosha, who was suffocated, as if he were constantly watching, passing through the mist.
p align="justify"> A special place, de Oleksiy buvav and yak, served as a post office for the selection of him from the distant sciences, boules of Kikin chambers. There, from the Summer Palace, the Museum of the Kunstkamera was transferred, and a collection of curiosities and anatomical evidence was selected. At that time, you can see more live exhibits there - monsters, dwarfs, veletniv, like they lingered at the museum. Possibly, the bugger there so vlinula on the young man, and maybe, often unhealthy Mrs. Yankee, but firmly vindicated for himself, scho vyvchatimu medical science.
One place, where the general's wife did not take the young man with her, there was the Catholic Church of St. Catherine, rotting at the center of the place, on Nevsky Prospekt.
Mrs. Yanka sometimes carefully tried to talk to Alyosha about the Bible, about Christ, but the lad didn’t understand much of what he said.
For an hour, the lady asked to tell Alyosha about yoga faith. Ale, what is the moment of rozpovist tse Oleksiy? Knowing nothing, only vulgar phrases, they acted like a drunken rabbi at their local synagogue at Saturday prayers.

For the young man, it was a great saint when Solomon, the handsome man, appeared at the booth. The lady left them themselves, and Alyosha instantly plunged into Yiddish again. Solomon did not hesitate for a long time, explaining and appreciating that Yogo went to the booth for a long time. Solomon, with his numerical family, is alive on the island of Kotlin, on the edge of the island near the fort of Kronshlot, and he had to get there on a longboat.
On the nutrition of a young man, why don’t you go to St. Petersburg, the remains of all the main wealthy clients live here, Solomon, having laughed, vіdpovіv: “Kendeli, Jews, by the greatest decree of the empress, it was fenced off to settle in the capital. more for deyaky women, but more about them, the boy, the nobility still can’t lie down.
Solomon, lowering his voice, wanting someone to understand them in Yiddish at that house of the Crimea, may whisper: “Ale, I sometimes spend the night in the city. sewing machines, so that they work a little in the direction of clothing.

Pіznіshe Alyosha fed Mrs. Yanka about the island of Kotlin, de live kravets. The lady herself didn’t know anything about the place, but she promised to drink with a person who often sails on the island for inspection at the fort.

General rozpovіv, that the inhabited part of the island can be impersonal good houses, churches, public houses, but the number of small houses, empty towns, German, often wandering streets is so great. There are also German and English churches. There are a lot of merchants and all kinds of handicraft people from these peoples, like a fenced off life near the capital. After the great fire, which may have slandered all the life of the island, we are guided by a single plan, and not a biyak. The empress ennobled the islands, there to moon, may for nothing, the lands for the life of the houses of the noble panamas. "Ale ti, darling, for Alyosha, send me there, and if you are worthy of a misfortune, then we can call houses there, that one is better for the service. us". ..............."

Farther away, a proportion of these people are prostezhuetsya only dotted.
It seems that the healthy Mrs. Yankee has shrunk sharply, and її likar, nіmets, її liquor її її tsі roki, recommending їm to deprive Syria of Petersburg. General Bartish Vysokodvorsky zalishiv military service, and friends were called to move from their mothers to Lithuania. Oleksiy, having become a rightful Petersburger, having studied medical sciences, but, having not accepted Christianity, was deprived of living near the capital. They said that they would lose their guilt, finish their education, and then, God willing. View of Mr. Bartosh and Mrs. Yankee wins having taken away the name of the High Yard and Budinok on the island of Kotlin, which today is called Kronstadt.

So the whole island became a city, the stars, like from a tim'yachka, that having given the cob to the old family of the Visokodvorskys, were scattered by the strings of Aloshi-Label's bait all over the world.

The rose is dedicated to my squad, at the girlhood of Vysokodvorskaya.

Here you will see one of the tips of Aloshi.

The eighteenth hundred imperial leaders had more important people from the state, often stench poured into politics, and they took their fate from the palace intrigues. The favorites were given expensive gifts, palace palaces, which were the best architects of St. Petersburg. "Culture.RF" guessed the most famous mansions of imperial lovers.

Anichkiv Palace

Photo: A.Savin

The Anichkov Palace was built after the coronation of Empress Elizabeth Mikhailo Zemtsov, and Bartolomeo Rastrelli ended the life. The Empress presented a luxurious mansion in the Baroque style to her favorite, Oleksiy Razumovsky. Among the moderns, there were a few (in fact, not confirmed by historians) that Rozumovsky was the secret man of Elizabeth and the father of an illegally born son. I took off my name Anichkiv Palace through the rocks, if Anichkiv Mist was nearby.

In the past, the mansion was repeatedly gifted. And Katherine II bought a house from Razumovsky's relatives and presented it to her favorite - Grigory Potomkin. She also gave Potiomkin 100 thousand rubles for the Rozbudov Palace, which they entrusted to Ivan Starov. The architect made the palace suvorish and monotonous, as if dictating the fashionable classicism of the rock. The future was changed many times: Giacomo Quarenghi for the decree of Alexander I, Karl Rossi - for Mikoli I. Oleksandr II and Oleksandr III lived here. Today in the Anichkov Palace there is the Palace of Youth Creativity.

Shuvalov's mansion

Photo: Florstein

The mansion of the other leader Elizaveta Petrivna, Ivan Shuvalov, is located near the Anichkov Palace. On both days you can easily reach the Summer Palace of the Empress. Shuvalov's mansion was designed in 1749 by Sava Chevakinsky. Vіn zbuduvav tripoverhovy baroque booth, about which Catherine II wrote: “The ringing of these houses, though even more majestic, guessing with their embellishments the cuffs of the Alancon laces, so rich in the new boulder of embellishments”. Years of wakefulness, Prince Ivan Baryatinsky and Prosecutor General Oleksandr Vyazemsky, who ordered to rehabilitate yoga in the classical style, led the way. Formerly, the mansion leaned against other state authorities, and today the Museum of Hygiene is located here.

Marmur Palace

Photo: A.Savin

Grigory Orlov became one of the favorites of Catherine II, and became the father of її cherished son Count Oleksiy Bobrinsky. The Empress gave Orlov anonymous gifts, becoming one of them as a palace. In 1768, Catherine II ordered the architect Antonio Rinaldi to build a building near the imperial residence.

Afterwards, the palace was renamed Marmurovy: during its decoration, the alarm clocks victoriously cast 32 varieties of stone - on the outer facades and in the interiors. The walls of one of the most beautiful bays were lined with Italian, walnut, Karelian and Ural marmur, as well as lapis lazuli. From the splintered marmur boulo vykonano Paradni descend and її decor - robotic sculptures by Fedot Shubin.

Grigory Orlov died until the end of his life, and Katerina gave the palace to her onuk Kostyantin Pavlovich. Meanwhile, one of Katerina's favorites is still alive at his palace, even after the death of the empress. In 1797-1798 the great Polish king Stanisław August Poniatowski settled here.

Today in the Marmur Palace there is a branch of the Russian Museum.

Gatchina Palace

Photo: Litvyak Igor / photo bank "Lori"

Lіva mitten, steel lіzhko, the village of Zavidіvka, self-made checks and other objects, like the empress bestowed on the closest and most unknown people

Prepared by Elizaveta Kanatova

In 1887, the roci writer Mikhailo Pilyaev at the book "Old Petersburg" revealed that the Empress had given a ring from her images to man's robe, a scribbler - “a gamanets with a yard in arshin”, and for someone who is not marked - “a simple hand-made man from water”, for which he plucked an old-fashioned ring. Arzamas guessing ten no less marvelous gifts from Katerina, you can win this day.


Carriage of Katerini II National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

In 1767, the empress went to Kazan at this carriage. Behind the legend, there she presented the Archbishop of Kazan and Sviyazsky Veniamin, even though the carriage was not listed in the descriptions of the archbishop's booth. Protebeneno vіdomo, that in 1889 the Archbishop of Kazan Pavlo handed over the crew to the Moscow Duma, as a gift to the Kazan Museum of Kazan. The length of the carriage is 6 meters, the height is 2.8 meters, the diameter of the rear wheels is 1.8 meters. On the sides are images of Zeus, Neptune, Venus, the chariot and tour of Neptune.


Mittens Katerini II

On April 20, 1767, Katerina II saw a witch's house “in China, near the Barbarian Gates” and presented her pair of mittens to two orphans: Ivan Gerasimov, a lion, Mikit Andreev, a right. About this, remember the inscriptions on the envelopes, which are added to the mittens, embossed with Russian and German. After 156 years, mittens were again found in the collection of the Historical Museum.


A gift from Catherine II to Novoseltsev State Historical Museum

The empress presented the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Novoseltsev with glasses. Novoseltsev, having closed the case, on the krishtsi of which the boulder was crushed, an attack was written: “The eyepieces that are saved here, from the power great empress tribute to the St. Petersburg vice-governor Novoseltsev on the 4th leaf fall, 1786, with the blessing of the most merciful mirkuvannya about the head of the yoga ailment. Obviously, Katerina pleased Novoseltseva to wear eyepieces to avoid a headache, and immediately gave hers.

baby drum

Childish drum of Grand Duke Oleksandr Pavlovich. Close to 1782 rock Sovereign Hermitage

In the middle of the toy, donated by Catherine II її onukovі, to the Grand Duke Oleksandr Pavlovich, there was a silver drum from the monogram of the Grand Duke on the tubule. Oleksandr virіs, and the drum was left at the children's rooms of the Winter Palace, the steps of the princes played with it. Unfortunately, a miniature sword, hand-cut by the empress for onuk from hairpins, as if in 1901 it was guessed in the “Traveler in the Cabinet of Peter the Great, that gallery of koshtovnosti”, perhaps, was not saved.


Shablja, presented by Catherine II to onuk Oleksandr Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin"

It is important that this shablia was also included before the gifts given by Catherine II to the beloved onuk Oleksandr. Prepared її bulo, maybe, like the 1770s. There are inscriptions on the golden blade: “Century of Sultan Suleiman, rіk 957 (1540/1541)”, “No God, God of Allah”, “Almighty God” and “Allah saves”. On the edge of the trichi blade, the word “well-being” is repeated. On the blade, in the grave, in the same technique, he wrote in my walnut: “Judge, Lord, what you depict me, fight the one who is less boron. Take that shield and stand up to help me, Heraclius." On the front side of the hilt there is an image of Emperor Augustus, on the back - Oleksandr the Great.


Shahi, chiseled by Catherine II, from the Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" Koristuvach Raina-rai / fotki.yandex.ru

The brushes with fine carvings were chiseled by the Empress herself, about which he wrote on the case - “The exact Imperial Majesty Catherine the Other. Otrimano 1766: fierce 25 days. Dmitro Ivanov, who was the former head of the Zbroyovo Chamber from 1922 to the 1930s, admitting that the empress gave checks to her special secretary Ivan Betsky. Case Betskoy zamovy himself.


Cups for freezing from a service with cameos. 1777-1788 rocky Sovereign Hermitage

This service was fixed by the Empress in 1777 as a gift to Prince Grigory Potemkin. More than 700 objects were added together, created for the forms, but for other services, they were not stagnant. A service of decorations with the floral monogram of Catherine II and images of cameos from antique originals from the collection of Louis XV.

Staleve lіzhko

Lizhko became a spring gift to the niece of Prince Potomkin Oleksandriya Vasilivna Engelgardt, who in 1781 was appointed for the Polish Grand Crown Hetman Francis Xavier Branicki. Lizhko was prepared for the special request of the Empress at the Tula sling plant. The lower part of the columns is embellished with diamonds. It is easy to know the Lviv Museum of Ethnography and Artistic Craft.


Church near the village of Popivka (Lenino) K. Shastovsky / radzima.org

In 1779, Katerina waved her office-secretary in the Zavadovsky village of the Mogilev province - Popivka, Veselivka, Zavidivka and other populations of 3950 souls of the human state "for the service of yoga<…>under the hour of war ... for Field Marshal Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky.


From the album "Plan of the capital city of St. Petersburg from the images of the most important avenues". Engraving by Y. Vasiliev on a baby by M. Makhaev, painted in watercolor. 1753 Russian National Library

The Anichkov Palace was founded in 1741 by the decree of the Empress Elizaveta Petrivna, as she stepped on the throne, for her favorite Oleksiy Razumovsky. In 1776, Katerina II bought the baroque palace (the remaining architect who worked on it, buv Rastrelli) from Cyril Razumovsky, brother Oleksiy, and presented it to her favorite - Prince Grigory Potomkin.
Prince Potomkin promptly asked the architect Ivan Starov to refurbish the old-fashioned palace, and then sold it to the merchant Shemyakin. Ale, look at the tsar’s gift, you didn’t go far: Catherine II bought the palace again
And again I greeted Yogo Potiomkin.

Katerina spent more than 90 million rubles from the state treasury for gifts to her favorites, for whom the empress is small.

10 її darlings navit took the post of timchas rulers, who gave their own special privileges. The roztashuvannya of Katerini II to Orlov is explained by the fact that the very same empress goiter was tied to her kingship. For the help of the hour of the coup, the homeland of the Orlovs was awarded the newly-baked empress with county honors, and Oleksia Orlova was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky and recognized major general Transfiguration Regiment. Likewise, having taken away the lands from 800 peasant souls.

To his brother, Gregory, the empress gave the village of Obolensk near Moscow with 2929 souls of the villagers and a great sum of pennies.

Krym tsgogo, Katerina realized that Grigory was a gifted person and could bring the melancholy of his Batkivshchyna. At the order of the Empress, the architect Rinaldi, having inspired the Marmur Palace, which Katerina presented to Grigory Orlov. So the Empress bought for Orlov the Gatchina miza at once from the adjacent villages. Tsey gift mav great value for Georgiy - Orlov's father fought there in his time. The leader also gave a gift to Katerina: -

In 1773, having presented the diamond “Orlov” to the empress on her birthday, the value of this was 400,000 rubles. They embellished the tops of the imperial scepter.

Gifts for Grigory Potomkin Dovir, friendliness and generosity to Potomkin from the side of Katerina were immeasurable: she gave him great sumi pennies, villages, villages, places.

For 11 years of his favoritism, the prince took away from the empress about 18 million rubles in cooking and koshtovnosti.

For the capture of Tavria, the empress gave Potiomkin the title of prince and gave him the Taurian Palace - a masterpiece of the architect Starov. Potomkin repeatedly sold the palace, and Katerina promptly bought yoga and granted again. So the Empress bestowed on Grigory Potyomkin with one more garnied house: Anichkin's palace, the prince of victorious, was like a library. Okrim palatsіv that pennies, Katerina gave her favorite a service from the Sevres porcellany. In order to make all 744 fit the service, the entire French manufactory worked on one piece. Becoming a whale, like Katerina, with his cheerful and indefatigable character, he became a gift to Vidpovid Potyomkin.

Gifts to Leaders and Approaches Ignoring those who are the leader of the Empress Oleksandr Dmitriev-Mamonov, not a virtuous one, Katerina Velika was very indulgent. If it was known that Mamonov was in touch with the maid of honor Darya Shcherbatova, Katerina herself enlisted a favorite and a maid of honor and gave the betrothed of the village z 2000 peasant souls, and the names - koshtovnosti.

To Platon Zubov, Katerina presented majestic maetki from thousands of peasant souls. The leader also took away the title of the best prince. Curiosity was eating, if the Empress gave Zubov the same gifts as Potiomkin's gifts under Mogilov.

Symbolic gifts The Empress was a cheerful person with a kind sense of humor, and sometimes gifts were small, sooner, more symbolically. To one year-old courtier, who, with his transcendental love, reached young girls, the Empress gave a papuka, as if she could say one phrase, “It’s not good for the old fool.”

The empress gave a ring of gold inlaid with rubies to the maid of honor, who was unrecognizable at the links, in other words, what a ring - tse names, which is suitable for a maid of honor, which will definitely not be changed. Jewelry sets expensive stone acted as a private gift to those close to them, stench was an official honor for services to the empress.

Just for the time being, the provinces in 1787 turned the price of Katherine II to planting jewelery sets for a sum of money worth a pivmillion rubles.

It was the year of the month of Crimson and persnіv, in the middle of the gifts, there were over 400 golden snuffboxes. To whom Katerina bestowed a vodka High "bread wine" (that was the name of the vodka) in the XVIII century was highly valued and respected by a truly royal gift. The empress bestowed rare varieties of Russian gorilok on foreign rulers and cultures. Voltaire, the Swedish king Gustav II, Frederick II the Great, Immanuel Kant, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and other fellows said good things about the countryside.

Deyakі sorti gorіlki with their subtle relish and vishukanіstyu, for the guidance of their tasters, obscured the famous cognacs from France.

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