About those that I am not a good person. Why can't anyone love good and weird people. The path to the solodi: from the grass to

Often kindness is strayed by the weakness of the heart,
like a vice. Іsnuє chotiri
signs of right kindness. Good man:

1. Easily receive relief and send it to your address;

2. Trying to get away, how to do good right;

3. Equally, softly put before all;

4. Kindly for any furnishing.

A good person can easily accept it and send it to your address

Good people can easily take such criticism at their address, for those who don’t want to portray a person, as if they were judged by judgment. The stench will understand that the wisdom of being with them is the greatest blessing, as if you allow us to understand what you have in life.

Good people are chuyni for the dacha and want to, so that the resting mustache was good. Qiu sign is not a trace of swindle with loyalty. If a kind person feels fair criticism at his address, then he will take it so easily, like an unfair vipadi. Vіn razumіє, scho vіdrazu vіznáchit, chi presented to you claims є unsubstantiated.

Obviously, the first reaction of a be-like people to be-like strictness is roiling, zahist. However, a person who is kind to nature, knowing tse, does not try to repair the opir of confidence and give їy іdsіch. Vіn zavzhdi vіdkritiy krititsі, rozumiyuchi, scho won є good for the new. Then, if you figure out that the criticism at your address was unsupported, you will try not to make special claims to the people, like you criticized it; so you train your own humility.

Good people of understanding, that criticism is unfair - this is the result of the past ungodly vchinkiv. An evil person, be it like criticism, takes it as a heavy image to his address. Good people to critically trained people are put in guard. In order not to blame the drive for the black outburst of negativism, we try not to be close to people from negatively, critically imposed people. So behave good people. If the claims were not unbelievable before the new, then the guilt of the venerable people, as the respect for you has grown, and this is a sign of a good heart.

Some people choose good things and thoughts, others choose evil. Lyudina, how do you choose good things, wisely, that you are happy, and firmly stand up to your future. Lyudina, how do you choose evil, you see, that the world of filth, that you don’t have happiness, but you think that in the future you will become better by yourself. The soul (voice of truth) in the middle shows the honest people їхнє really more likely.

Delusional people to spend their future in the heavenly world. The code of a person, ya know that you are happy. Knowing what a misunderstanding, wine of understanding, that it will only clear yoga and in future happiness will become even bigger. If it’s unbearable to come to an evil person, as if you don’t take good rights, she starts to get nervous, thinking: “Lord! How many can suffer? Everything in the world came up, soon the light would come, bezkhmarne future.

Good people are wrong, so do the right thing, do it right

Kindness manifests itself to the extent that people know about those who are so good and what are so nasty. Good people are wrong, get away, how to fix it right in life.

The softness of the character can spontaneously give a person pennies to an alcoholic for a drink. And just like a person, zmіtsnyuyuchi svіy roza, more often analyze what she did right, then pity for him, that he will become an alcoholic nadali. Vivchayuchi pisannya, vin zrozumіє, scho having robbed the wrong, evil vchinok.

What is the fault of understanding? First of all, if you understand, what an alcoholic for such a staging to the new one is more important, that everyone can give him pennies on the burner. In a different way, stosunki z ієyu people are zіpsuyutsya with her, because if the coming day does not give pennies to an alcoholic, then we won't be able to take a benevolent good friend. As if to give an earful, and then not to give it, it means to give a hundred dollars. In addition, in the wake of this merciful alcoholic drink more and sleep well, and so, perhaps, endure bi.

In this order, zgіdno with the Vedas in to this particular type buv zrobleny evil vchinok, not good. Todi scho work? Just put a p'anitsu outside the door? Tsezh evil vchinok. How to fix it, if the p'yanitsa-susid phoned at the door and asked for a drink? Fix the door - filthy, give pennies - also filthy. Only a good person is born to understand, as if he needed to have a child in his mind.

A person with a soft heart will not give pennies for drinking, but the alcoholic will say a good word to you. It appears that a good person cannot fix the door and do not give pennies. The only thing you can do is to let the people go to the house and say: "I have grievances, let's have a meal together." So vіn goє susіda, and to that yomu: "Well, let's have a penny."

However, it was not here that Bulo was there - the one who, after pleading with the guest, having done good to the right, and the power of justice on yoga bots, the rotten karma was practiced. And the person seems to be: You know, I won’t give you pennies for a burner, to the one I don’t want, so that I’m drunk. If you want, come before me, and we will eat with you again. And the susіda won’t have a drive to call out to the people, because they were put up before her in a kind way, before the kind of friendly setting, it’s possible, her mind will be thrown out, and she’ll want to throw a drink.

Doing good is not easy, for whom the mother needs inner wisdom and strength of spirit. For whom the mother needs knowledge, how to fix it in different life situations. Good people pragna touch, how to behave correctly, behind the sacred writings. Good people know the hardness and understanding, that the sacred writings do not lie, that they start a happy life.

Mayuchi strange heart, in any situation it is easy to orient yourself, how to blame it. To that people cannot call yoga in anything. Father, good people dbaє about those who are right to do good, and for whom to turn the word of God, how to speak clearly, how to do good work.

Good people, however, are softly put up to all

The third sign of a good person - for her nature, however, she is a m'yaka z usima. Tse does not mean. Why not love your own children more than someone else's. And if two children come to the booth - one’s own and someone else’s, you’ll think: “It’s a stranger to form a child, so I’ll talk more about my own.” Therefore, in the presence of someone else's child, the vins seem to sing about both. Price and є however good setting. It is quite natural that we love our own child more, however, in the presence of someone else's child, it is necessary to be generous, they were able to swear at the same time and both were kindly placed before them.

Even kinder people in such moods navit more talk about someone else's child, lower their own. To roil the stench for the sake of vihovannya that for the sake of vihovannya of your child. In order to pinch your child garni yakosti character, stink to give you a butt, as a requirement is placed before people. As a result, the child thinks: “My father is good, the stink is good to my friend.”

And how do evil people whip their children? Unlit people seem: “It’s time to sit. Why did you come from a friend? Get it right, hurry up and sit at the table. Such fathers are left without “pants”, so that in a similar rank of stink to start children, dbats are less about members of their sіm'ї.

What's the problem here? The problem will come in a pinch. If the children go out of the house, the fathers lean on the posture of "their" family, for the children the stench will become a "foreign" family. The result is the same, as the fathers were put to quiet, who would be the posture of their homeland, the children were put far away and up to their fathers. Moreover, the stinks will beg: “You know, mom, we don’t have a penny. We are young, we need it, come on! If my mother becomes German, I’ll say: “We don’t have a penny, but you have enough crackers. You don’t need much, you’re already old.”

Shards of clumsy families have no kindness, their children grow up greedy, unrespectful of those that the fathers devoted all their lives to them. The result of mischievous stosunkivs: misbehave children, don’t misbehave - then we’ll stink the door in front of you. Otzhe, good people, however, are soft with us, but with loved ones they often become suvori. Tim is no less, for suvoriste is no more sound, for that kindness always sounds in his voice. A good person can have a firm mind and then, if he wears shoes, he tries to look sharply, but to call a voice early in the morning, all the same, he is left kind. Tilki so followed their children. Prote anger people this style of vihovannya inaccessible.

Good people of goodness for whatever furnishing

The fourth sign of a good person is that kindness is manifested forever, if it threatens your hostility. For example, someone who does not like the whole team; my people have become nasty, and everyone is happy: “Oh, miraculous! Our darling is dying." Ale, a good man, boldly, more often, to help him out. Yomu baiduzhe, yogo dii do not praise the team. To the one who does yoga, a good person will kindly say: “I would help you, it was bad for you. I help everyone." So the good people are gaining an inconsequential powag from the side of the lonely.

Good people don’t slander the filthy positions, so that it’s better to put them in a good way, and the conflict with the team naturally fades. Good people in a right way are in the air and dissatisfied with the side of comrades in the service, її respect the mustache. However, you yourself can’t say about a weak-willed person who rides everything.

I can’t doubt that more people know the answer to the question “what does it mean to be a good person”, and, having read this article, many people can say “I already knew that”. Ale, chi is rich in building heritage, obviously knowing and honestly say to yourself that I am kind. Volodinnya knowledge - tse realized, those who are a part of our life, those that we follow in behavior, reshta - just a knowledge of this knowledge. With riches, we don’t have the strength to believe in those who, robyachi zgіdno z obvious knowledge, our life is more corrected in the best way, otherwise we just don’t want to work the first crock, check, if you want to kill the other. Ale, life may not change like that, if you don’t start to stagnate knowledge in a special life, if you don’t start changing and more fluently, but rather continue to accumulate information, as if falling like a saw in our memory. Read at the article, how to become a good person.

Let’s take a look at what it means to be a good person, in whom kindness is shown, and how you can help our lives. Kindness is a strange moral behavior, viklikana. Become a good person - means mothers of such basic warehouses of good behavior: soft heart, chuynist on reaching others and building, but not vigilant - about everything is reported.

The chuyniste of others means that a person is respected as much as the problems of other people. How to be a good person - tse means mother strangeness Such people are not the same as those who hang out with lonely, close people, and in the twisted whiting they won’t be left out. And then there are people, the strangeness of which is overwhelmed on the equals of words, it seems that you can swear on me, and you are ready to help me in a bad time, and how to do it right, so "I would help you, you know it's right here, let's do it again" and there was a song, moreover, once in a while it was different. In a flash, like scho, so there were no such "friends" like that - that's why the bazhannya is known to be strange and strange, and most of all, after all, there are some cunning goals. A strange person is widely encouraged to help, and the main manifestation of strangeness is to take the fate of the lives of loved ones.


Ale, strangeness is not the only thing, in order to be kind, people need to be and not vigilant - tobto do not present great vimog before anyone, especially, allowing people to get rid of at their own point of view, accepting them such as they stink and not be intrusive. Even though our foreignness does not know the cordons, and we do not accept the position of other people, we do not care about their thoughts, to inspire us like we are in good spirits, but we don’t have a spirit - it doesn’t mean to be kind. to correct the person to tell about those who we are aware of, but also to the other person, to that which we show to be less sensitive to itself, taking its mystical position, concentrating on special happiness.

"Whoever rushes forward in knowledge, but stays in morality, the more I go back, lower ahead" Aristotle

How to become a good person treba become nevibaglivim, Such a person of intelligence, that people mourn their shortfalls, if they don’t correct it, they don’t attach themselves to the idea of ​​changing a person, they don’t cry out for tears from her shortfalls. How to be a good person - tse means your behavior to give others an example of the right behavior, knowing that the breeze kicks out of the company, it’s not enough to bring your own, it’s practically impossible to change something else, more - you can call the stosunki, having spent the ability to help people. Zalyshayuchi, and not like deaks, they could have thought - they’ve been put up, the people themselves are virish, how they repair and what they correct in themselves. I, bachachi hatefully setting up to myself, it’s too early for myself to turn to such a friend, whom I always listen to. Supply your own food, would you like such a friend?

Good heart

The first warehouse of kindness - tse m'yaké kind heart, so that the very building of acquiring moral principles, about how it was with the appointed kindness. Lyudina, as I have a soft heart, builds not to change evil for evil, punish, not to show anger, and is sensitively placed before people, as if they were leading the wrong way of life.

"Spivchutya heal more sins, lower condemnation" Henry Ward Beecher

Too many people ask food, negative words and words addressed to their address, respecting that they showed humiliation of that mess. At the same time, responding to the attacks of the opponent in a similar manner, respect yourself better, and it seems to you that I have taken a good person, but I’m just guilty of such a bad person. ale what is itkindness is our quality of character, our setting to the people, pouring with anger and divination to the other people, a negative connection is created, on the basis of which the drastic behavior is blamed.

If we are angry, we forget about all those good things that are in people, end peacefully such a rozmov, without feeding anger, and image it for something else, it’s practically impossible. Anger is inspired by this very anger, showing kindness and calmness, thinking about it well about this person, unkind moods are step by step. To become a good person, try to follow such a behavior when you are blamed for super girls, or be like a family nonsense, try to save correct blue. Otherwise, guessing chi bachachi people, for yaku my anger chi skrivdzheni, we have a mood that wiggles at otochuyuchih.

“Remake hatred with love, lies.truth, violencetolerant" Mahatma Gandhi

Ale not varto stray to a good heart with a weak character, as it manifests itself in the constant repairing correctly and behaving severely otochyuyuchih. W Labocharacteristic - the one who is strongly attached to a special happiness, to a lasting comfort, a whole person, as it is not good to say "Hi", as a strong fallowness. For clarity, let's take a look family blue, de cholovik exploiting the squad and constantly їy znevazhaє. If a person allows a request to his address, which means humiliation, then what it means - the person is simply cheeky. Eif a person does not repent, then rude behavior becomes a part of his character. in such a behavior, the life of both the one whom they have depicted, after the accumulation of the image, and the hoaxer himself, is futile. We are guilty of analyzing our own reasons, and marveling at the fruit of our behavior, bring it to the future.

Man, what good heart, how did you stand up, leaning in a similar situation? Be kind - it means deeply understanding and accepting, so long as you don’t calm a person, it’s practically impossible to call out to a rosy conscience, it’s practically impossible for that bud to speak and show a zapodiya to your image, thinking about your own person, so as not to be jealous yourself , and continue to behave suvoro. Like a person raised her hand, but before that she didn’t show such a behavior, she’s more likely to be shy and ask for forgiveness more often, or to inspire someone in a mood, it’s necessary to behave sternly and turn aside, so that a person will be reassured by peace.

ale in order to kill the wind, you need to be not very fallow in the other. dignifiedly wooing children, as if we were led by them on occasions and we can’t tolerate their prima, we simply spread our children, allowing everything that they can only be tempted. It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to punish for good reasons, and not for malice, to which people feel strongly, as the strength is vibrated from the heart. How to become a good person - you need to work hard to do good work but, at the end, it’s been said in a nutshell, what to bring positive things into our lives, if we are directly on the path of goodness.

Be a good person, mean mother

  • Good friends
  • Building tolerance of the short life of other people
  • Building to help people lead the wrong way of life
  • Building will be and save the right blue
  • Zdatnіst repair suvoro for the benefit of yourself and other people
  • and rich, rich other ... but what about yourself, turn it over on your life!

May the skin of a person be respected by a good person. Having done no great harm to anyone, he is already good. And even more of their reproach of clothes, having given the homeless chi into ditboudinok, they ignited coryphas of mercy.

Ale ce is not a real approach. Tse not spravzhnya kindness. And at the same time, we are kind and respectful. To that, being a good person means being happy. Only for whom you need to be really kind, and not like a mustache and not like me.

Highlights of education: distance (online) course "Basic principles of life at home"

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do good

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What is kindness? Kindness is the one without which a human being cannot live. And it’s all my fault to do more than good work, even if it’s not for nothing that everything in life turns like a boomerang.

But how can a person be called good? Nasampered, such a person can be strange, help others, whoever needs it, prote with whom it’s not varto, give yourself vicorists. A good person can also be something, diplomatic, mindful of housekeeping and expressing one’s own decision, not imagining vague people. Good people, as a rule, are more powerful than delicacy; However, kindness is guilty of expanding with the mind, that good people cannot be wound up but at the same time and kmitlivim.

Kindness is far from being a skin person, it’s a simple thing, to the extent that it is necessary to bend, even to a good person, it’s appropriately placed. Good people are powerful, generous, be friendly and save fidelity. Vіn vmіє stand up for weak people: old, women, children, protect creatures, as if they are punished by insecurity. Naygolovnіshe - all goodness can be robbed without cowardice, people do not need to check the same at the top, but do good work with a wide heart.

A good person needs to be absolutely dermal. For whom it is necessary to take a deep breath, cherish the watery nedolіki and usuvati їх. Good people will always feel the same way, like over there, people. He has a lot of friends and friends;

Good people have always been valued by suspility, even if you can swear on everything, you can trust such people with your best secrets and secrets. Kindness can be always in fashion for our skin. To whom we can teach and future generations.

4 class

The more good people there will be in the world, we will live better for all of us. Kindness is an even more important quality, as it can be taman to all people. Without her, in the life of evil, it will be impossible to live.

What does it mean to be a good person? Such people are taman-like, generous, smart to enter a stranger's camp. Likewise, good people can be empathetic and empathetic, able to speak calmly and diplomatically.

Become a good person - the first task for the skin representative of the human race. People with good hearts always make a lot of friends and swear with a wild head.

4th grade, 6th grade.

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