Charity fund flight 9268 vk

ST. PETERSBURG, 31 Zhovtnya /TAS/. On July 31, 2015, the plane A321 of Kogalimavia airlines, which flew straight on the Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg route, crashed over the Sinai Pivostrov. A tragedy that took the lives of 224 people, united hundreds of people, who lost their loved ones on that flight. Through rivers the stench continues to talk and talk one about one.

About people who have united, to increase the memory of their loved ones and help them, who, after a catastrophe, have become alone, - in the TARS material.

"Bow new information vacuum"

"After a while, if this tragedy happened, it was a new informational vacuum, absolutely new. Some data was taken from the TV screen. No one could specifically ask us for food. Filled. Buv telephone of Golovi Komizteta Iz Social Poliytiks Oleksandra Rzhanenkova - VIN, NASTUVNO, TSILODOOVOVOVOVOVAVE on the WITHOUT, I can be bounced tILOSE TO TO TO TASS. ALE all the same is IMARICA, - RASHRAVARA, - RASPAYALAYA, - RASPARILA, - RASHPILAYALAYALA, - daughter Elvira Voskresenska.

Oleksandr Voytenko, who had involved his sister Irina Vitaliyeva and niece Alisa Vitaliyeva in a plane crash, created a group in the social network "VKontakte" in a few days after the tragedy, where information began to flow from other girls. "For what greatness I thank you. Kozhen's relative, who took away some information from the authorities, and added it to the group of the group. We all could read it, one in one, feed it, give it another way. , - Irina rose.

If the procedures for the death are over, and then the funeral, the relatives of the viniclo bazhanya will be especially struck. Nutrition, as it has matured for everyone, - what work was done. Irina Zakharova, director of one of the St. Petersburg schools, urged to speak there.

"It's hard to say what the idea was. Such an initiative group was organized, as if it took over the functions of uniting all the relatives, and then conveyed to all the information about those who could be even richer food, but rather the organization was respected," won.

Help tim, whom there is no one to beat

At the birch rock, the charitable fund "Flight 9268" was officially born. I use the method of the founders to improve the memory of their relatives and help those who have died, as they require financial, legal and psychological support.

Zustrichaєmosya, we start to guess our loved ones, and cry, and laugh at the same time. Sometimes you hug your grandmother, and it’s easier for them to learn, more, it’s a pity, there’s no one to hug them

Irina Zakharova

head of the benevolent fund "Flight 9268"

Relatives meet in St. Petersburg about once a month; They discuss the food, pov'yazanі zі zі svrennyam memorialu and just talk.

“We start to hurt our loved ones, and weep, and laugh at once. Sometimes we hug a grandmother, and it’s easier for me to wind them up, more, unfortunately, they’re already hugged by no one,” Irina said.

Members of the beneficent fund work at the newcomer in huge ambushes. The stench is not less than nourishment, which they have been left without criticism after the tragedy, and they are watching other relatives. Quiet, who does not swear social measures And, obviously, do not interrupt the call constantly, call the activists regularly, call them right and help at times.

"Irino Evgenivno, who are we talking about now?"

Zavdyaks of the work of the fund and the activity of the fathers, for a short time, the church reached the reach of everyday life, which would become a spiritual and educational center. Yogo will be called for donating rahunok. It is planned that a spiritual and educational center with a week-long school, a parfial library, a service of Orthodox psychologists, and a children's choir will be built on the first version of the roztashov. At this center, the relatives of the dead can also be trained and assisted by yoga robots.

Such a family, like ours, if we have wasted a single daughter, there are too many of them. Ask relatives to create a club of lonely fathers. The fathers, who have lost only one child, seem to say: "Irina Evgenivna, we called the brothers about their children, we called to live in the interests of their children. Who are we talking about now?"

Irina Zakharova

head of the benevolent fund "Flight 9268"

Behind the words of Zakharova, with the idea of ​​building a memorial in the Leningrad region, which can be ready for the coming fates, the power of the region came to the relatives itself. Vaughn, as the head of the foundation, took part in the selection of the monument project. The project of the memorial "Garden of Remembrance" became a supporter, and the students of the St. Petersburg State Architectural and Budіvelny University (SPbDASU) divided it up. Vіn bude zbudovaniya for rahunok koshtіv region.

After the completion of the life of the temple, the building of the memorial to the robot will not end. They plan to organize and go to the riddle about their relatives, as well as to try and understand one by one.

"There are such families, like ours, if we have spent one daughter, they are rich, - like the head of the fund. - Ask relatives to create a" club of lonely fathers. dbats called out about their children, we called out to live in the interests of their children. Who are we talking about now?

A terrible terrorist attack on a Russian pilot over the Sinai took the lives of 224 passengers: 217 passengers (of which 25 were children) and 7 crew members. Middle of the dead - 130 Petersburgers, 46 Meskants Leningrad region, 36 persons lived in Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Murmansk, Tambov regions, near Karelia, Altai Territory and Udmurtia. There were 4 Ukrainians on board, and one - Belarus.

It so happened that the tragedy struck in the skin of the homeland of the 5-millionth Petersburg: they worked together at once, whoever was a sleeping friend, we know. OK-inform may spend your money: our colleague Tetyana Mokievska was on that black flight; in one school with dead Diana and Daniyal, the children of one began, and others were friends with the children who flew on a fatal flight.

About memory and monuments

“It’s not easy to talk about it… As of today, the main part of the remains have been identified, but 7 others can’t get identification certificates, they can’t be installed. The decision was praised for this on May 20, 2017 on the territory of the Serafimovsky Tsvintar near St. Petersburg,” Oleksandr Rzhanenkov, head of the social policy committee, said.

With Oleksandr Mikolayovich, a bunch of hundreds, and then already thousands of Petersburgers, literally walk-o-plea for over 10 years. Tse tі, who were the first to spend their relatives on flight 612 from Anapi to St. Petersburg in 2006. We’ll be hanging out at the Nevsky Express checkpoint, flight 9268, the terrorist attack near the metro on April 3, 2017. Oleksandr Rzhanenkov, it seems that earlier the city - neither the officials, nor the security forces, nor the Ministry of Taxation - did not lack the knowledge of all types of emergency assistance (including psychological) to such a great number of people injured by a terrible loss of life. Ninі tsey did not appear.

Oleksiy Shupenko, the intercessor of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties for St. Petersburg, says: “If on July 31, 2015, we received information that there was a light on the radar, an operational headquarters was created at the shortest term. The best fahivtsy of Centrospas flew to Egypt, and the best psychologists of the Ministry of Taxes and Minds flew to St. Petersburg on behalf of Yuliya Shoigu. In addition, we were afraid of provocations: if they threw in misinformation, they peacefully misinterpreted it.”

“The charitable fund "Flight 9268" has been doing a tremendous job, and a letter about the monument on the Serafimovsky Tsvintar has already been written. On the 28th anniversary of the 12th anniversary, the ceremony of yoga will be held. We try to fool these people,” said Oleksandr Rzhanenkov.

His colleague from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties announced that in these days of plaintiffs, the protesters should switch to a forced mode. Not to someone who is afraid of someone - just for the comfort and safety of people. In the same place, the psychologists of the Ministry of Taxes and Minds are to be cherguvatimut.

Oleksandr Rzhanenkov clarified in his interview with the correspondent of OK-Inform what was done to increase the memory of the dead: “We wanted a monument to the victims of these catastrophes, they propagated a single solution. But the thoughts of the relatives were divided, and nothing was imposed on me. Zupinilis on the fact that the need to harrow there, de want to sim'ї. More food - if there are no remains. They wanted to create a mass burial in one place, create there on a kshtalt memorial - those who will be at the Serafimovsky Tsvintar at once. Ale in the Leningrad region, people were scattered, that was praised by the decision to put an obelisk on the Rumbolov mountain, whose rock there is the Garden of Remembrance. Ale, a memorial, dedicated to the memory of the victims of those catastrophes, will be at the Baltic Pearl. They wanted a little more than a monument there, then a small temple. Ale buli tight - the Chinese company, like the territory of Volodymyr, was put on guard. Let's wait for the initiatives of the state politicians, we went to trade. They took the signatures of the Meshkants, scho stink against the monument, then - against the temple. They also said that there would be a social object there, whichever one needs. In the city, life is colossal, but there is no social infrastructure. Axis there zbuduyut social center іz bezkoshtovnym juridical and psychological services for the church, and for the new - the temple, where you can already honor the dead. From now on, the whole process has already calmed down, and the memory will be magnified in such a look.

Oleksandr Rzhanenkov don’t waste time here everyday - even reminders to the Afghans, black-and-white people, and don’t stink one to one.

And from the Pulkovo airport there will definitely not be a suitable memorial. “Singingly, and you will be against it, if you sit in the air, take such a guess. We had a single power, we were accustomed to applause after landing - it started after the catastrophe on the flight from Anapi. And here is a guessing call. The skin of the litak has everything one thing stuck in his head, and that needs to be unique, ”the head of the social department reconciled.

"Shock proishov, phantom pain began"

At the head of the Flight 9268 Foundation, Irina Zakharova, one daughter, Elvira Voskresenska, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Taxes and Minds, perished in a plane crash. The intercessor of the head of the fund, Valery Gordin, is the son of Leonid, who turned to Egypt with his named Sasha Ilarionova. Irina Zakharova - school director, Valery Gordin - doctor of economic sciences, professor, intercessor of the director of the NDU HSE branch near St. Petersburg. Now the fund has become the right of their life, and Valery Ernstovich is still on the right, becoming the president of the Charitable Foundation to Help Homeless Creatures "Lyonkin Kit".

Without help alone, we can’t do anything alone. On the 31st it will be a day of mourning: pass a memorial service at the Trinity Cathedral, ring the bells 224 strikes. Let's look at that rock memorial on the Rumbolov Hill, which rock was seen there Garden of Remembrance. We vdyachnі all, hto vіdgukuєtsya. We can’t say that they don’t help us - help us. I Oleksandr Rzhanenkov, I order. You can't hang out at your apartment with your own bed. Memory is not needed by the dead, it is alive. Come to plaintively come in, stink of the nobility, what to remember them, ”Irina and Valery seem to be.

And Valery Gordin's axis of turbulence: “There are problems. We don’t have any information until the investigation is over, and it’s even more worrying. Zlochintsiv was not found, the role of the Egyptian security services was not revealed. І at the same time mi chuєmo rozmovi schodo possibilità vіdnovlennya politіv to egypt. We turned to Minister Sergius Lavrov, we were afraid that in such a time the life of the Russians could oppose the threat.

Relatives seem that at once the most terrible cautions of psychologists began to be true: the hour is filthy gleeful, and at once a lot of animals for psychological help begin to grow.

“Shock proshov, phantom pain began. We must live in good faith. The psyche of people is clearly poshkodzhena. We are trying to talk about children. On that flight, 25 children perished. Two days ago we planted 25 trees - for my memory. But the orphaned children were left without our group. Of these, two boys - Fedya Mnatsakanov and Dima Usatov 2006 and 2004 the fate of the people. The stink of leukemia, and the stink of living near Petersburg. I need help. We organize campaigns, we help as much as we can. Ale, the boys have a hard future. The donation (sms) can be sent to the short number 3434 with the word - Flight, probіl, and give the donation amount (in numbers). The allowable donation amount is 10 to 15,000 rubles. Commission per subscriber – 0%. We ask for the respect of the benefactors.

Jackals and angels

An OK-Inform correspondent asked to comment on information about those 118 relatives who filed a collective proposal for the contraction of insurance companies for an unimaginable sum - over 1.3 billion rubles. Moscow lawyers respected that the amount paid to relatives was too small according to international standards. Apparently, more than 224 million rubles were taken from the budget of St. Petersburg.

However, Irina Zakharova categorically advised her to comment, having respected that the fund does not engage in such activities. And the axis Oleksandr Rzhanenkov, having said, that similar rozmovi that dії buli and after the tragedy with the flight from Anapi, and in the courts do not hear discussions, that the payment is insufficient.

“Crazy, change the legislature needs. We don’t have any standards, as we ourselves need help in happiness, and in the mountains. For example, we gave birth to quadruplets. Absolutely, we can help, but there is no clear algorithm. Unfortunately, stop writing on blood. If the flight from Anapi crashed, we didn’t know anything in front of us, and there were no common minds. At the same time, we learn, we get better at the help, including legislators. Oksana Dmitrieva has already filed a bill to help victims of terrorist attacks and disasters. Wine is discussed.

Having also respected the head of the committee, that it is possible to get paid from such an angle - that it can be more here - then you can get as far as possible. Vіn vvazhaє, scho in іnіtіatiіvі vіdsuditi іnіtsiatiі vіdsuditi іnіtsiаtіvі vіplati zadіyano th political moment.

Vtim, not less political. Priest Sergiy - the rector of the future temple on the riddle about the victims of disasters at the Baltic Pearl - roses, that lawyers of all stripes literally terrorize the relatives of the dead.

“Like shuliks, and it’s already dishonorable to behave. The stench is selling phones and special stories of relatives, calling them, preaching services. Zvіsno, not bezshtovno. Unfortunately, the relatives of the dead have become objects of profit. I know the situation in the middle. For example, this is how a Moscow lawyer behaves (yogo is an informal nickname for professional stakes - Scavenger. - Approx. ed.). And relatives need help from people who are not biased.”

Ale є th good, navіt navitshlivі news. At the same time, yak spent a donka, two days ago a girl was born. At the homeland of the Salakhbekovs, where brother and sister perished - 9-year-old Diana and 14-year-old Daniyal - since that time, twins were born, a boy and a girl. And three more sіm'ї check for replenishment - they will become orphaned children.

Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, which, straight behind the route, crashed over the Sinai Pivostrov. A tragedy that took the lives of 224 people, united hundreds of people, who lost their loved ones on that flight. Through rivers the stench continues to talk and talk one about one.

About people who have united, to increase the memory of their loved ones and to help them, who, after a catastrophe, have been left alone - in the TARS material.

"Bow new information vacuum"

"Reckoningly, if this tragedy happened, it was a new informational vacuum, absolutely new. Some data was taken from the TV screens. Nothing could be given to us specifically for food. When the phone of the head of the committee on social policy - Oleksandr Rzhanenkov - wine, sing-songly, positively answered for the power supply, it was possible only for him to telephone that it was reasonable to feel. Irina Zakharova, as a result of tragedy, lost her only daughter, Elvira Voskresenska.

Oleksandr Voytenko, who involved his sister Irina Vitaliyeva and niece Alisa Vitaliyeva in a plane crash, created a group in the social media “VKontakte” in a few days after the tragedy, where information began to flow from other girls. “For which I thank you very much. Kozhen relative, which otrimuvav yakus іnformatsiyu vіd vlady, vykladav її її tsієї grupi. We all could її read, one could inquire from one, give for the sake of it, and so on. At the same time, our intercourse was the same among a group of relatives,” Irina said.

If the procedures for the death are over, and then the funeral, the relatives of the viniclo bazhanya will be especially struck. Food, as it has matured for everyone - what work has been given. Irina Zakharova, the director of one of the St. Petersburg schools, encouraged me to study there.

"It's hard to say what the idea was. Such an initiative group was organized, as if it took over the functions of uniting all the relatives, and then conveyed to all the information about those who could be even richer in food, but they could only care about the organization," won.

Help tim, whom there is no one to beat

At the birch rock, the charitable fund "Flight 9268" was officially born. I use the method of the founders to improve the memory of their relatives and help those who have died, as they require financial, legal and psychological support.

Relatives meet in Petersburg about once a month, call them richly: 50-60 people can come. They discuss the food, pov'yazanі zі zі svrennyam memorialu and just talk.

"We start to make your loved ones and weep, and laugh at once. Sometimes you hug your grandmother, and it's easier for you to wind them up, more, unfortunately, you already hug them to no one," Irina said.

Members of the beneficent fund work at the newcomer in huge ambushes. The stench is not less than nourishment, which they have been left without criticism after the tragedy, and they are watching other relatives. Quiet, who does not corrode with social barriers and, apparently, does not constantly call on the phone, call the activists regularly, chirp with their rights and help at times.

"Irino Evgenivno, who are we talking about now?"

Zavdyaks of the work of the fund and the activity of the fathers, for a short time, the church reached the reach of everyday life, which would become a spiritual and educational center. Yogo will be called for donating rahunok. It is planned that a spiritual and educational center with a week-long school, a parfial library, a service of Orthodox psychologists, and a children's choir will be built on the first version of the roztashov. At this center, the relatives of the dead can also be trained and assisted by yoga robots.

Behind the words of Zakharova, from the ideas of building a memorial in the Leningrad region, which can be ready for the coming fates, the power of the region came to the relatives itself. Vaughn, as the head of the foundation, took part in the selection of the monument project. The project of the memorial "Garden of Remembrance" became a supporter, and the students of the St. Petersburg State Architectural and Budіvelny University (SPbDASU) divided it up. Vіn bude zbudovaniya for rahunok koshtіv region.

After the completion of the life of the temple, the building of the memorial to the robot will not end. They plan to organize and go to the riddle about their relatives, as well as to try and understand one by one.

"So this is it, like ours, if we have spent one daughter, they are too rich. Ask relatives to create a "club of lonely fathers." Fathers, as if they have spent only one child, it seems: Іrino Evgenivno, we called dbats about their children We called to live in the interests of our children.

June 30 Airbus 321-231 "Kogalimavia" successfully completed two flights on the route Sharm el-Sheikh - Samara - Sharm el-Sheikh. The crew of the PIC, who is building, Dmitro Zhigalkovich and another pilot Yuriy Yushko, do not hang out on the liner every day. It's already early on 31 July, but there are still two flights in a row: Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg - Sharm el-Sheikh. The board is already accepting an offensive crew: the report of the 48-year-old Valery Nemov, who flew over 12,000 years, that 45-year-old other pilot Sergiy Trukhachov, at the last military pilot, who was in the Chechen campaign.

There are 217 passengers on board on board, most of them are from St. Petersburg, many of them turn home with their families from a pre-cleared visa in Egypt. At 03:50:06 after the local hour (06:50 Moscow time) flight 7K-9268 leaves Sharm el-Sheikh, after which, following a corridor to save the inlets of Aqaba, it begins to gain altitude.

At St. Petersburg, passing by the Sinai Pivostrіv, it will be your fault to arrive at 12:10 for the mass hour, at the great Saturday afternoon of the middle of the dozens of domestic and international flights, which appear on the Pulkovo scoreboard. And yet, no more, no more than a few hiccups that hung on the scoreboard, finishing flight 9268 without turning back to the Fatherland.

A few days after the catastrophe in the sky over Egypt, Flightradar surveyed the data for the rest of the flight on board the A321 over Sinai. Vidpovidno to the link published on the site, so safely zletіv і beginning to gain height, collapsing in parallel to the safety. Through the treatment of hvilini, after the liner, having burnt the coal of the fire island, its height begins to fall sharply by 6000 feet. Zv'yazok іz let's ruin like that. The first notifications from ZMI about those that the Airbus aircraft of the airline "Kogalimavia" is on the radar, begin to appear as soon as 10:18 outside Moscow. In short, new notes, there are summaries of data: for the information that can be found in them, there were 207 to 224 errors on board. There are some clues that there is a sign near the Larnaca region in Cyprus.

Flight 9268 Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, which was flying on the Airbus 321 "Kogalimavia", departed at 6:21 am behind the Kiev hour and the sign from the radar screens after 23 hours, there were 217 passengers and seven crew members on board, - support at Rosavi.

Rakhunok to go to sleep - in two hvilini, news from the Arab ZMIs are announced, as if they were reminded that the Russian letak fell near the central part of the Sinai Pivostrov. Ale, the data is still scanty and not supported by official confirmations. Hope is saved. About 10:42 Reuters and Sky News publish the first announcements, as if to predict the aircraft accident. Dzherela sees that the crew of the viyshov has known the flight to the bell in Turechchina. Do not confirm the fall and Flightradar, specifying that the liner sharply lowered its height in front of it, as a sign of radar.

The Federal Air Transport Agency informs you that they are trying to get in touch with the radar of the flight. From 11:44 on the Pulkovo online scoreboard there will still be information that the arrival on board from Sharm el-Sheikh will be delayed (from 12:10 to 12:20). Ale, closer to 12 o'clock from the request to the dzherel in the Federal Air Transport Agency, more ZMI publish information about the crash of the airliner over the Sinai Pivostrov. At Pulkovo, at that time, the information about the arrival disappears from the scoreboard, it starts operational work Headquarters of emergency situations, Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation prepares two boards for delivery to Egypt. P_znіshe v_domstvo virіshuє vіdpraviti to Egypt five special boards.

Poshukov's corrals revealed the scene of a catastrophe in the midst of the mountains of the Sinai Pivostrov. The lanes of the liner were scattered with a stretch of 13 kilometers.

The operation for a joke took place in difficult minds: Pivnіchny Sinai was a closed zone, then the army of Egypt had to carry out a large-scale operation there against militants of extremist grouping, connected with IDIL (superior court grouping on the territory of Russia). Note. ed.). The Egyptian military themselves, yak, patrolled the territory, the first to reveal the tricks of the liner. Letak fell at the En-Nakhal mountain massif, empty, waterless and deserted place. For clarified and confirmed official information, there were 224 individuals on board the litak, including seven members of the crew. For the tribute of Rosaviatsi, among the passengers of the liner there were 192 grown-ups and 25 children. Mustaches perished.

Road Amalia, 28 years ago you gave the light of a miracle boy. Skin mother dreaming about such a son and a girl dreaming about such a dream beloved person order. Since then, photographs of all the dead were published, I once forgot the appearance of Armen, it attracts a glance with my kind and pure smile, the whole appearance of the decent young person. I didn’t know yoga, but I’m more like Skoda Armen. So the lads have little life and give the world of beautiful children. Ale, unfortunately, the other world, black and evil, taking away from the new life. Strength to you and your health. I swear to you for such a son. Shaleno Skoda ... Light is the memory of Armen and the heavenly day of narodzhennya. (Tetyana Svetlova, St. Petersburg), - such leaves through the river after the tragedy continue to take away the lives of those who perished in the terrible plane crash over the Sinai.

On the 26th of July, a few days before the plane crash, Armen Vishnev, a native of the town of Pushkin, who served in the Federal Military Service, turned 27 years old. Armen flew to Egypt in return, in one of the last reminders, asking his mother not to bother, even if the separation will be unhappy, ordering to bring a magnet or - zhartom - to bring a whole camel.

Through the river after the tragedy, Amaliya dbaily takes all the photographs and commemoration of her son. To cherish the memory and survive the grief, help the residents of other regions of Russia and dozens of other close victims of the plane crash. The tragedy brought together over 36,000 people at Merezhya. The charitable fund "Flight 9268" was created for the citizens of St. Petersburg, which at once gives encouragement to people who lost their loved ones in the catastrophe over the Sinai.

Head meta, for the sake of which we have united, - to increase the memory of our relatives on the right, as we can rob: creating a memorial and a temple, saving money about our loved ones, helping those who died, yak require financial, legal that psychological support. Our fund is not just a test to get organized in the right way. This is a protest against terrorism, vibivs, zhorstokostі and injustice. The Great Way begins with a small crocodile. And the whole world is robbed all at once - the very same metaphor to put in front of people, the lives of such a tragedy divided into before and after the catastrophe.

Group fund have long ago become a kind of elemental book of memory among socialist organizations, where you can find out the rest of the information about the passage of the investigation of the tragedy, renew the photo of all those who did not turn back home from the ill-fated flight, and also give it all possible to help them.

And the language is not only about pennies: the value of whether it’s a pidtrimka, even if it’s shown through the river, practice shows: the hour is not merry, but the long legacy and important bureaucratic procedures, due to the payment of compensation, it’s not enough .

The tragedy cut short the lives of many families: Olga, Yury Sheini and three of their children perished in the catastrophe. The whole country from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok was shaken to the core by the story of Oleksandr Chernov and Yevgen Yavsin, who were on board the A321: Yevgen specially saved a penny to take Sasha to Egypt and there he made a proposition.
And dozens of other stories in my life, how unfairly and raptly I broke off that wicked yellow wound. Most of the passengers of the A321, who broke up, were residents of the Pivnichno-Sunset of Russia, mainly from St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions. Also on board were four citizens of Ukraine and one citizen of Belarus. Flight 9268 "Irini Zakharovoi, the remains, Yaki Odraza Zberegayan in the cremator on Shafirovo Prospekti, do not pydlyagaye -expertiz.

The abstained of the Mission of the Mission of the Rosli -Divine of the Rosiysky A321 above the sinam: about the results of the results of his Roboti (I through the RISL ROZLIDUANNIA), behind Danimi in the Mineli Tsiva, the riza, Fakhipta

At the same time, a number of technical analyzes will be carried out, if any of them will be publicized in advance, - a representative of the Ministry of Aviation of Egypt will be appointed on the 26th of July.

Let's guess, representatives of six countries take part in the investigation of the causes of the catastrophe: Egypt, Russia, as well as foreigners from France, Germany, Ireland and the USA. Yogo move is up to the rules of the International Organization of Civil Aviation (ICAO) for the aviation authority of Egypt.
One of the first versions of the catastrophe was the release that the Russian flyer could be hit by a rocket, as the militants let loose in the region of Pivnichny Sinai. However, the admission was practically impossible to deal with fakhivtsy. For a long time, the fakhіvtsі vіdpratsovuvali іnshу ymovіrnu cause of the accident of the airliner "Kogalimavia" - a version about technical problems. About tse on the day of the accident was announced in the operational services of Egypt for pіdbags ahead of looking at the ulamkіv lіtak. Up to the cієї version, at the cob stage of the investigation, the Russian fakhіvtsі also schilyalis.

Representatives of Kogalimavia (trademark Metrojet) were the first to speak: after 2 leaf fall, the press secretary of the airline, Oleksandr Smirnov, turned on the technical inaccuracy and pardon of the pilots as the cause of the disaster and declared about the "outrageous influx" on the liner. Vіn pіdkresliv, scho lіtak, yakim the airline volodila on the minds of the leasing, bv ready to fly by 100% and yоgo crew bv "dossvіdchenim". The representative of the company signed his promo with certificates, taking away the airline company for the beginning of 2015. Also, he declared that the engine of the aircraft was overturned on July 26, five days before the disaster.

On the 7th of the fall of the IAC, having informed that until the moment the record was made on the registrars, the flight was in normal mode, no information about the types of systems and aircraft units was recorded.

At the party in the Kremlin on 16 leaf fall, the head of the FSB, Oleksandr Bortnikov, officially announced that the cause of the disaster was a terrorist attack. Versions about third-party messages sent to different dzherela were published earlier in foreign and Russian ZMI. - You can unequivocally say that this is a terrorist act, - Bortnikov said, adding that on the streets of those speeches, a trace of vibukhovo speech of foreign virobnitstva was revealed. - For the assessment of our fahіvtsіv, on board the ship in full spratsyuvav samorobnoy vybuhovyy pristrіy otuzhnіstyu up to 1 kg in TNT equivalent, after which there was a flare-up of the fuselage on the poіtrі, which explains the great rozkid parts of the fuselage on the lіtakаstan.

Bortnikov explained that the visnovkas were broken by fakes after a serious follow-up of special speeches, the luggage of passengers and parts of the liner, which caused an accident.

On the back it was transferred that the vibukhovy attachment was laid under the passenger seats 30A and 31A. However, in the spring of 2016, there were publicly given commissions, with some swaying at the tail section, at the side for oversized baggage. Bomb with a timer was buried in the middle of childish vizkіv. The experts came up with such a pattern after they analyzed the collection of selected fragments of the A321 in the hangar at the Kahira airport. Through the vibes of the fly, having put in the tail part, after which the crossings at the neck were not dived.

The investigation of the tragedy is carried out properly, and all circumstances are unknown. Vidpovіdalnіst for the accident of the Russian flier mayzhe vіdrazu having found out on itself the Egyptian core of the “Islamic power” grouping, fenced in Russia. The vibokhovy strokes could be carried on board the Aeroport, the Numerostvvy about the weak riven of the Bezpeki in the Vitriyani Gavani Virzly, the tragedye was the same, the Bagato of the Sloki was carried through the mustache. However, the Egyptian side for a long time lied to itself on the version about a technical injustice, trying to figure out the possibility of a terrorist attack on board the liner. The infantry 2015 has a rock of the technical ROZSLIDUANNYA Obbeling the statement, in Yakiy, the K-K-Kamir is not wiking the honors of the Terorist before the Airbus 321 disaster. The lichen in fierce 2016 President Abdel Fattah as-Sisy is a priority of the catastrophe of the Buvas. About the head of the state, he said at the presentation of additional documents dedicated to the development of the country until 2030.

On April 30, 2016, it was announced that in Syrian Aleppo Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani was killed, who, imovirno, was the organizer of the terrorist attack.

Aircraft received from Egypt, as it was caused in the wake of the A321 crash, has not yet been confirmed. According to the official commentary of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the situation will not change, the docks will not lose all respect in the sphere of aviation security.

Adoption of a decision on the renewal of air traffic between Russia and Egypt is only possible after the adoption of all respect in the sphere of aviation and transport security. Warto signify that the Egyptian side has significantly poked its way into the top of their power and the relationship between the two countries is entirely constructive, - the ministry announced on 25th Zhovtnya.

The garden of memory, which grows on Rumbolіvskiy Gorі near Vsevolozhsk, will be produced and living flowers will bloom here. , on which you will grate the wind, to babble, be someone, someone who walks the Road of life.

On Monday, July 31, in St. Isaac's Cathedral, a memorial service was held for the victims of the A321 accident in the sky over the Sinai Pivostrov. The answer to the riddle about the quiet, who never turned back home to his relatives and loved ones, tried the cathedral 224 times.

In 2015, the fate of the company "Kogalimavia" will fly from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. A bomb planted on board vibrated over the Sinai Pivostrov, 224 individuals perished: with this crew member and 217 passengers, 25 of them were children.

"Papir" she talked with the dead and recognized how the stench lives in two fates after the tragedy, why the relatives of the victims call for compensation and how the memory of the greatest catastrophe in Russian aviation in St. Petersburg.

In 2015, the assistants Larisa and Anatoly Pulyanov were picked up at the entrance to Abkhazia. On the back of your head, the son of Roman proponuvav poїhati to Egypt. Larisa categorically thought: she didn’t want to fly like that and richly stained glass on the road - at the dacha they rebuilt the room anew until the wedding of Roman and the yogo named Aunt Mokievskaya.

Roman from Tetyanoy, not respecting the protests of the mothers, flew at the entrance to Egypt. 31 stinks of stink at once with another 222 A321 flights that were on board, died as a result of the sway of the aircraft.

All and two times we think about the death of the sin: you roll over and zasinaєsh, think about it during the day. We are not god-willed - we cry, boo. Ale, I’ll understand, it’s almost as if I’m dying, and I won’t let it in anyway, - like Anatoly Pulyanov.

Earlier in the day we started from Roman’s call that yoga question: “Fathers, how are you there?”, And ended: “Fathers, how the day has passed?”, Larisa guesses. “I have lost my best friend. Such stosunki are rarely bought by the father from the blue, but we were small ourselves like that, ”Anatoliy continues.

Roman that Tetyana

Yakos Anatoly got lost at the unfinished stoker, it was dark, the fittings were washing away and the metal was hot. Protecholovik did not suffer. “We think that Roman saved it. We try so hard to think, don't die. Adzhe already є relatives died, yak died for two rocks, - Larisa explains. - With us, speeches are constantly being made, as if confirming that it is a small link, and it has accumulated a lot over two years. I know that death is not over yet. I see.”

Irrespective of those that a couple can even manage for blue, the stench is not selfish. The good friends of Roman are constantly talking to them - one knows, Maria, to call Mayzha every day. Sche Pulyanov and walk on the trains of the members of the beneficent fund "Flight 9268", with whom they change the lives of these dead passengers. If you make friends with him, you will know, what is your mind.

How to practice the fund, creations after the tragedy

The prototype of the fund was a closed group for relatives, like the first day after the tragedy, created by St. Petersburg resident Oleksandr Voytenko. Both 37-year-old sister Irina and 14-year-old niece Alisa perished in a plane crash. Oleksandr and his sister lived in different places ale postiyno splintered.

For the next two months, we were not given bodies. It was necessary to take all the brothers at once, if we had a single information space, it’s easier. I have written with permission that it is necessary to create your fund: if it is issued legal person, it is easier to communicate with the administration of the locality of the IC and provide material and legal assistance.

Photo: Flight 9268 charity group on VKontakti

The director of the St. Petersburg school, Irina Zakharova, became the head of the foundation; near the plane, having wobbled, flew її 28-year-old daughter, a spokesman for the Ministry of Taxes and Duties Elvira Voskresenska. The first selection of relatives, de and boulo created a fund, we were in the assembly hall of the school, which Zakharov cherishes.

The remains of the relatives were seen only by the herb. Seven people so, behind the words of Voitenko, became unknowable.

The group fund has 40,000 payers from Ufa, Bilgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad and other places. Voytenko is called their great homeland, where people always help one another. Among them are the zvichayní rosіyani, yakі vvazhayut that this tragedy hit them especially. Oleksandr himself is aware that the catastrophe over the Sinai has hit the skin in such a way.

For a few days, those relatives of the dead were presented with a collection of verses “They sang for eternity,” part of them was written by a member of the group, Arina Korol. Voytenko guesses that she began to propagate to help relatives from the first days and until the next day, write verses, we will perish in the consecration. And one more participant - Irina Solya - helps the foundation to organize visits: concerts are sacred for children. So, not long ago, the participants of the fund planted trees at once, and then organized a tea party. At the catastrophe over the Sinai, Arina and Irina did not spend their loved ones, but all the same they take the tragedy as a special officer.

The head of the meta fund is the preservation of the memory of all the dead. On July 28, on the Serafimovsky Tsvintary, over the grave with the unrecognized remains of the victims of the disaster, a monument was erected called “Krill Warehouse”, which was created on the pennies of the rulers of St. Petersburg. At the river, 31 Zhovtnya, on the Rumbolivsky Gori, a memorial "Garden of Memory" was erected.

Like a place to commemorate the dead and what to rob for the preservation of memory

If everything just happened, we were helped by the psychologists of the Ministry of Taxes and Minds, professionals of a high level: the stench made people go into shock. Then the baton was picked up by the psychologists of the district services of the socialist: for everything that was required, the social psychologists were reinforced. After the second time, we realized that the ties with the specialists have weakened, and the hour is not merry, all the same social support is needed, - the foundation’s sponsor, Professor Valery Gordin, spoke out.

For this reason, after they announced the program, for which the fund was ready to pay for anonymous consultations of psychologists, dozens of people followed them. Psychologists, following the words of Gordin, seem to blame phantom bills among the dead relatives.

At Valery, in a plane crash, the son of the 28th Leonid died at once with his named Oleksandra Ilarionova. Lyonya is already loving creatures and boo, like a father, a natural zookeeper. As if, if Gordin chose to start a gut, encouraging not to bathe the vihovantsa, but take it from the back. And if the whale Kisya perished in Leonid himself, he whistled at once with the volunteers.

Then the father stood before Leonid’s reconciliation with irony and did not listen to him. After the death of a couple of wines, they organized the Lonkin Kit fund, which helps the creatures.

The Lonkin Kit Foundation at the Night of Museums

Gordin still remembers the “Lyonkiy Kot”, this setting has changed to the zoosachist. The person seems to be going to the right pragmatically, she reports rozpovidaє, like changing the fund. I plan to open another center for the rental of veterinary facilities, so that veterinarians and those who want to help would be better able to get there, that school of zoo volunteers, to help homeless cats.

Valery is aware that after the tragedy, the government of the place behaved properly, always looked at the fate of relatives. At the same time, the deputies together with the vice-governor Albinim help to build a temple near the “Baltic Perlina” area. At the temple, it is planned to build an educational center, to provide social assistance.

“Not only the dead relatives, but the Meshkants of the region. In my opinion, it’s even more important that it’s symbolic, ”signs Gordin.

Against the everyday life of the temple, the inhabitants of the city spoke up, they said that they couldn’t wait a hundred years before the “Baltic pearl”, and they vied with food about the everyday life, not rejoicing at them.

Proudly rozpovidaє that the opponents “like the world” have lost:

Who needs the idea of ​​saving memory, who decides what needs to be put in a box. We chatted, explained our position. I’m sure that the next hour the temple will be conjured, - explaining Gordin.

Petersburgers were afraid that the temple would be built to create schools and polyclinics. For the tribute of "KP", dissatisfied with the list turned back to Volodymyr Putin.

Yaku pіdtrimku otrimuyut relatives crew from Moscow and what is known about payment

Those who work at St. Petersburg for education are all the greater merit of the fund. For us tse maє great value. How about another spiritual and educational center for us - there will be one more place where we can visit the memory of relatives and loved ones, - like the father of the 25th river flight attendant Oleksiy Filimonova, Muscovite Andriy Filimonov.

Andriy rozpovidaє that two roki regularly telephones that she is written off with relatives of the crew. May they all live near Moscow and Podmoskov'ї, they often try to chime in and out one by one. Some people come to support the fund at St. Petersburg.

25-year-old Oleksiy, following the words of the father, having spent on board at the last moment: he was not guilty of pracsyuvati on this flight: on the way to the airport, the car broke into the Moscow Ring Road, as a result, the young man missed his flight and spent it at the reserve. Yogo was called 12 years before Villot to replace another flight attendant.

Relatives of the crew make up their own VKontakte group, and all tsі two rocks support the payers. Some of them, who are now dead, are now aware of the specialties that are regularly spoken about. Andriy is given icons and verses about sin, souvenirs are made from St. Petersburg.

Andriy and Oleksiy Filimonova

Previously, the catastrophes of our lives were caused by the fault of the crew. But in the same moment, our loved ones stumbled in the same situation as the passengers. That's true buv terrorism. There were no chances for an order. Golovne, don't forget us.

Following the words of Filimonov, none of the relatives of the deceased members of the Kogalimavia crew ever paid compensation. About the group of the charitable fund

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