What is there to say to a foolish person. SMS kohanomu I love you in my own short words

I feel free without you not only on winter evenings, but in the smoky smoky summer I am cold without your kohan.

Juicy potsіlunki, mіtsnі vіymi, smilіv vchinki - one person appeared to be building all the goals, and this is my person.

SMS kohanomu I love you in my own short words

With you, you can be free, being yours. You can be roaring, being full.

Find out what I can now - all my feelings are up to you. The stench is fresh, like spring parosts. And I protect them from possible villains.

As snowballs melt at warm bottoms, so dance my heart in your arms.

Like a winter povitrya ti korisny and necessary, sob to saturate my life with a sour kohannya.

Chiple nіs your aroma, calm down, beckon forever to be left behind.

With the calm of your caresses, under the infusion of enchantment, I plunged into childishness, where everything was miraculous.

Narodzhena in the quiet little corners of my soul and buried in the eyes of others, my kohanny blossomed, like a wondrous "Chervona kvitochka".

At the cordon, with love, I wanted to settle in peace before you. Ale, having pumped the strength of that mіts suіdka, changed her mind.

I will follow you, like a mermaid by the sea, like snow on the ground, like a mother for a child.

Give our water a little bit of water, strongly scorch, let everything be in the world.

Like a ranking svitanok to come to sleeping nature, so a shoranka, get in touch with you, transform into a fairy tale.

Lungs, like marshmallows, your dots scorch stronger, lower metal openings.

Wild untidy love flows through my veins, wild love is up to you. How can you cut off my throat without a syringe?

Necessary, irreplaceable, like an elite perfume. Bov a second, and the next stretches for a long time.

How to look at the beauty of the human soul. How to understand її thought? Know your eyes and stare at them. And in your eyes there is such a depth that you can drown.

I will manage to wash my skin after you, you won’t lie with me.

You are my kazkova story, de obov'yazkovo will be a happy end.

You need me, as it turns out, dihat you. Yak zha - you sti. Like a dream, like a dream, like a meta, like a dream.

You can not bachit you for a year, but it’s impossible to forget about you even for a year.

Sweet, like chocolate. Sticky, like honey. Hard, like the earth under your feet, my savory that kohaniy.

You zmіg inhale kohannya in my cold heart, and now I have a burning passion for someone.

Mi, like a pair of swans: pure, young, inseparable, and always on high.

Like a bright wind pulling the night blizzards, so you pull me to yourself. I know that I’m getting drunk, but I don’t have the strength to repair the opir.

My captain, I give you the ability to rule, for the ability to love.

In order to grow, I will need ginger, and if I want to, I will need less.

Yak Poseidon is majestic and strong, on a passing sea wind, with the power of a tsunami, you have entered my life.

Two opposites cannot be at the same time. And we’ll just add one to one.

As the Greek heroes were ready for feats for the sake of the kokhanny, so I am ready to come in handy - abi buti with you.

The merry have a lot of tickets, and then come back after the board. You have a lot of sides, and these messages are a gift to me.

You can tame a wild creature with affection, as you say about a woman.
The happiness of a new skin day, the silence of a new skin night, the pride of a mother about a child, my backyard, that shore lived.

You are my trump card in grі, proudly set on walks, intrigue in women's roses and a novel in life.

If, you know, I will sum it up. If you are lucky, I will sit down. I will forever imitate your feelings, to the fact that I am your soul mate.

You can't describe in words. You need to see with your skin, understand with your soul, shy with your mind.

I am hmilna not like a liquor, cheerful not like a song, not necessary in words, you are the reason for my happiness.

Behind my back there is a shield, a kind of trembling mіy kohany man, to protect me in the form of a puff, fuss, image.

The magic of transformation is felt by me, if I keep your chaklunsky eyes.

Elegant gentleman, who instilled in my heart, I ask you to turn around, like a wine city you should have an unbounded quantity of drinks.

The creator, having created impersonal miracles, and having created pretentiousness, so that we could perceive the force of gravity. I'm thinking for you.

SMS kohanіy dіvchinі sumuyu i love my words short funny (Іm'ya), look at the sky. I wrote on the khmarintsі mіsce that hour of our zustrіch. I'm checking for advice....

  • If you have no order, I myself am not myself. I check the moon during the day, and the sun at night.
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