Staff management strategy at the hotel system. Introduction to the room by the staff of the hotel. Operational plan of work with personnel for a thorough management system at the hotel "Hyatt"

It was accepted to see a dekilka of models for organizing the construction of the hospitality business, which were firmly formed.

The first ix is ​​the same Ritz model. This model is named after the Swiss undertaking of Caesar Ritz. Many prestigious hotels in the world have been named after Yogo Im'yam. The hotels, which are complemented by tsієї models, are inspired by European traditions, vyshukanіstyu and aristocracy.

The next model is the Kemons Wilson model. For her, characteristic of us is a high level of service to guests. The butt can be a merezh of the hotel "Holiday Inn".

Indicative signs of this model:

− dominating a single architectural style;

− check-in of guests;

− gnuchka system of tariffs;

− special numbers for permanent clients;

- availability of the "buffet" (as a rule, on the snack);

− conference hall.

At the moment, hotels, which are equipped with such models, will install over 50% of hotel rooms near the world. To be managed by such a hotel company-corporation or a holding, which is his master.

There has been a strong tendency to unite hotels among themselves at volunteer hotels under a single trade mark. But in order to accept such an alliance, the hotel is guilty of acknowledging the singing vimog and mother of recruiting that standard of service.

United hotels can pay contributions to a single fund. This fund is engaged in advertising and marketing, but it also loses its financial and managerial independence.

Іsnuyut different options for association:

− hotel consortiums (association of a number of hotels and small hotel groups of a different class);

− families or associations (to unite hotels, which are similar to the songs of the greats);

− hotels, united by the principle of franchising.

Also, we use models of hotels, which are different for the nature of the relationship between the ruler of the hotel and the management of the hotel:

1) hotels, which are located at the order of the Vlasnik (independent hotels):

- what is known under the cherubs of the vlasnik himself;

− for the management of these, specialists-managers or management companies are hired;

2) hotels, united in the hotels of the Lanziugs:

- hotels, as if they were united by the council of sovereignty of the rulers and, as a legacy, by the full members of the Lantsyugs. The management of the time is the administration of the lancers - representatives of the Vlasniks. Vlasniki mayut outside the right to take a surplus;

− hotels, yakі came to the hotel lansyug. Your share in the business is regulated by a franchise agreement;

3) association of hotels, professional hotel companies:

− the magistrate grants the operator the full right to manage the authority and does not get involved in the process of management. At to this particular type the operator bears the responsibility for financial and operational risks in his work, and the clerk is less likely to take the net income from the hotel work;

− the sergeant can intervene in the process of management, controlling the activity, and, as a result, bear responsibility for financial risks and all the operational costs of management. The contract may be guarded, as the operator often bears responsibility for the result of his activity;

− Vlasnik resolutely chastise for the diyalnistyu of a vicious company and, through embarrassment, vouch for the result of the work (crime of navmisnyh vipadkіv and vipadkіv rude negligence);

4) hotels that are united among themselves on combined minds;

5) hotels to enter before the unification of independent hotels. At the entrance to the hotel, until the union, they take care of the building of the child independently from everyone. Thus, it is important for the association to have a single trademark and pay contributions for participation in the association.

3 Models of personnel management on the basis of the hotel "Admiral"

Hotel "Admiral" is a remarkable new and great hotel in the city of Saransk.

The hotel was motivated in 2013 to roci and circulate at the business, administrative, historical and cultural center of the Republic of Mordovia. "Admiral" distribution at the center of the city. Not far from the park, there is a culture named after O. S. Pushkin, shopping malls place.

The hotel has 83 rooms with a lot of excellence. The rooms of the hotel are distinguished by the noble color scheme, where the shades of beige are overwhelmed, which creates a sense of inner light. The style of comfortable minimalism, non-standard furniture, as well as a quiet homely atmosphere at the same time with high equal service. The skin room has a bathtub or a shower cabin, a bathroom with a bidet, a climate control system, a safe, a minibar, a telephone, a RK panel, a satellite TV, a wireless phone and a wireless internet. Vіdmіnna zvukovoizolyatsіya i duzhe zruchnі lizhka.

Today, a conference hall for 100 months, a room for negotiations for 16 months is a popular place for holding various visits from companies and organizations. Conference rooms are equipped with everything necessary for seminars and conferences: video projector, satellite TV, DVD-programmer, personal computer, access to the Internet. Also, other services: parking for 30 cars, laundry room, gym, swimming pool, restaurant.

Vіdpovіdno to the method of activity and legislation Russian Federation, the subject of activity of undertaking is:

The main types of activities for the hotel are:

- the provision of hotel services for the timely residence of the community;

− excursion services;

− servants of chemical cleaning;

- servants of the pralni;

− service charge for car parking;

− sale of first-needs goods, foodstuffs, including alcoholic products;

- servants of the community eating;

− sports and health services (gym, swimming pool, spa, sauna);

− protective services;

The enterprise independently plans its activities and determines the prospects for development, depending on the consumption of manufactured products, works, services. On the basis of the general state rozrahunka BAT "Admiral" ensures self-sufficiency, finances and expenses for thorough cultivation, bears responsibility for the results of its hospitable activity and wins the goiter before the state, legal entities and physical persons.

Own material and technical security and organization of a way to provide resources for the market of goods and services on the basis of the training of conjuncture to the market, the possibilities of partners for information and a good price.

They realize their services under the prices and tariffs, which are established independently or on a contractual basis, and for the cases, transferred by the legislation of Russia, - for the prices and tariffs, which are regulated by the state.

At the process of the government's activity, the manager determines what kind of surplus chi, as if a part of the surplus is lost or left at the disposal of the enterprise, satisfying one's needs. Surplus, which is left at the disposal of the enterprise, is sent to the funds of the enterprise, which are formed according to the decisions of the principal, the order of selection of which is determined by him.

In times of zbitkiv, the stench is covered from the reserve fund. In times of lack of capital in the reserve fund to cover any losses, come in to cover such losses, they will be appointed as the director of the business for the next time from the successor.

Pererakhuvannya pributka to the principal to see through the row at the line installed by the principal.

Oskіlki hotel "Admiral" is the latest in Saransk, in order to competently organize your work, you need a reading of the personnel management system. The general director of the hotel is Anatoly Borisovich Lyasnikov.

Structure of the hotel "Admiral":

1. Service of exploitation and maintenance of the number fund:

− resting service

− administrative and state service

− dressing room

− promotion of the life

− other services to secure hotel rooms and guests are necessary for comfortable accommodation

2. Communal eating service:

− restaurant

− section for tidying up internal appliances and utensils

− provided services for mass calls

− room service

3. Administrative service:

− secretariat

− accounting

− personnel service

4. Engineering (technical) services:

− chief engineer

− line repair service

− I will improve service

− call service

5. Viddіl sales

6. Service to the receptionist and accommodation.

7. Armoring service.

8. Additional and additional services.

Usі services to the hotel mutually yazanі mіzh yourself. Let's take a look at the butt of the robotic service of rest. On the skin version of the hotel, there is one room at a time, which is the number of servants to follow behind their camp. Usimi pokoїvkami cheruє zavіduvachka surfіv, like a shoranka gives him a work plan for the day, like a vikonati stench. The worker of the armored service and accommodation tells the rest of the room about the numbers that should be on the armor, as well as about the presence of the last and the last numbers. Dali skin care plans its work, designating the sequence of cleaning that type (in-line, vyzna, general). If it is necessary for some of the guests to give additional services, such as having put on a robe, praying or early health, then the rest will tell you about the military service. Have a different vindication conflict situations or the care of the guest, the rest of the house will tell you about the superintendent of the surfaces, as well as follow the progress of the work of the entire number of rooms.


It should be noted that for the successful functioning of hotels in the most important factories, the organization of such a management system, if it is possible to innovate before managing them, as in the current period, and for a strategic perspective. Under the hospitality of the state, it is necessary to form a rational system of management of the enterprise and to collect strategic guidelines.

Personnel management of the organization - ohoplyuє a wide range of functions - from the recruitment to the recruitment of personnel: hiring, selection and admission of staff; business assessment of the reception staff, attestation, selection; vocational guidance and labor adaptation; motivation of labor activity to the staff and yogo achievement; organization of practice and dotrimannya ethics of business practices; management of conflicts and stresses; personnel safety; management of innovations in personnel work; training, promotion of qualifications and retraining of personnel; management of a business career and service and professional promotions; management of the behavior of the personnel of the organization; management of social development; vivilnennya staff.

In order for the hotel staff to know how to practice and how to get a new binding, they should clearly write down everything in the documents that they regulate, how to sign a spivrobitnik when applying for a job. Landing instructions for the staff, it is the responsibility of adapting to the production, and not falling with a saw at the bunker of the archives and checks of revisions from the side of the director for zvіtnosti. The stench is necessary for a clear appointment of a service camp, obov'yazkiv, rights and personal integrity;

The establishment of standards and working standards can be entirely specific, if you can find out about the workers, whose working results can be clearly assessed (varied). These are such displays, as the number of viroblen products, the sale, the number of customer services and others.

In this way, there may be installations not only of the necessary level of work performances, but also in order to work behavior, as they allow you to achieve a high level of efficiency. For those categories of practitioners, whose work results are not expected to be supported by clearly defined standards, the work goals come to the fore when evaluating working indicators. Tse tsili, yakі are established by gardening functions of the practitioner.

Hotel "Admiral" is a remarkable new and great hotel in the city of Saransk. In order to competently organize your work, you need a reading of the personnel management system and a correct assessment of the work of the staff.

The main sense of evaluation of the work and personnel is that, її the basics of the kerіvniki are small, I can distinguish what kind of work results they can give to the installed assistants, and the organization could create such programs for personnel management (stimulation of work, training and development, personnel development) b increased the potential of human resources in the organization.

In order to maximize the potential of spivrobitnikiv, following the call for food, dealing with management personnel, at the stage of developing plans for the development of all organizations, tobto. personnel management can become a part of the organization's strategy.

Gothel lie down to the sphere of services. The management of this sphere is different: it is the integrity of mutually dependent functions, individual and coherent activities. Prote for all the conditions on the most important land of the current social and economic ideas of the state in the sphere of services.

Functions of management - ce specific view of purposeful activity, orientation of achievement of task results.

In the functions of management, the essence and type of management activity in the sphere of services are revealed, the establishment of the management concept of their virobnitstva and animality is emerging.

The main aspect of improving the management of the hospitality business is the satisfaction of the various needs of people in the necessary services. The greatest success of the robot is achieved, as if the transfer of the characteristic features of the management of this gallery was carried out.

Kerіvnitstvo z uєh spheres gospodarsku diyalnіst neomіnіlnіє can be realized with the help of a rational connection between centralization and decentralization.

The successful result of managing a hotel depends on the number of minds that are related to the psychology of clients, climate criteria for the region, the material prosperity of people, changes in needs, services of companies in the sphere of services, transport communications. Serving is the most visible indicator of the scope of services, through which it is not uncommon to judge about the service station.

Improved management of the service process, which is observed in the first season at the opening of requests for customers, a reasonable organization of the flow of applications, at the formation of daily changes in the duties of services, preparation of service personnel for the service - all for the most important tasks.

The top of the management of the hotel is the promotion of the bags and the work of the employees in the contact zone and the selection of the given service, which satisfies all the needs of the customers. The level of management in the halls of the hotel business is for us to lie due to the high productivity of the interdependence of the processes of the power service and the material variety of the services, so that they will ensure the exact work of the entire organization. In this manner, the hotel business can be characterized by:

    The great number of enterprises of different rozmіrіv i vidіv razkidanі kraїnoy i svіtu;

    A lot of companies work on a healthy basis and every day of the week;

    Prices are fixed and high, the proposition is also fixed, prote є їkhnya seasonality of colivannya, yak to fall in the form of non-perishable drink;

    Ce industry and manufacturing and service;

    Іsnuyut different patrons with different needs and needs;

    Serving is oriented without intermediary to the person, and the servants, who rely on, may be imaginative and elusive nature;

    Most of the operations are combined, most of them are carried out one hour;

All the features of the information he is guilty of are guilty of victorious and victorious in his work.

The nature of the process of serving the population is determined by special methods and organizational structures for managing the sphere of services.

Classification of methods for managing a hotel business

Ways to manage the hotel business are divided into types:

    organizational-administrative, which are based on direct directives;

    economical, smart economic incentives;

    socially-psychologically, which should be promoted for the promotion of social activity of spivrobitniks.

Podіl ways in the management and financial circles is quite noticeable, to that it is practically impossible to clearly beat all of them: the stench interpenetrate one into one and may chimal spilnykh rice. However, different points in the methods of injection on the subject of management give the opportunity to marvel at the skin of them all. An important feature of the molded market economy is the improvement from managerial to economic management benefits.


personnel-technologies / hotel industry / hospitality/ infographics / recruitment / training / assessment / motivation / staff technologies / hospitality industry / hotel / infographics / recruitment / training / assessment / motivation

Abstract scientific statistics on economics and business, author of scientific work - Lustina Tetyana Mykolaivna, Panova Oleksandra Georgievna

At this article, one can see the understanding apparatus of the modern personnel-technologies, what all spheres of activity, what are the concerns of personnel management, and themselves: recruitment, promotion, hiring, training, development, assessment, motivation of personnel. Introduced classification of species personnel-technologies, which reflects the specificity and rich aspect of this understanding. Personnel management is a complex of different concepts, technologies, ideas and methods to encourage and administrate organizations and projects. Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important spheres of activity of business, building inventory and promotion of its effectiveness, and the very concept of "personnel management" is considered in a wide sense: from economic-statistical to philosophical-psychological. To act as a tool in personnel management personnel-technologies. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that in the hotel industry itself, the staff is the most important resource, which is why 90% of the services rely on hotel undertakings warehousing the robot to the staff. The authors conducted a final selection of current personnel-technologies in personnel management hotel businesses Moscow area: TOV "Project Gotel" (given the hotel "Arbat-House"); TOV "Tourist - hotel complex "ALFA" (hereinafter - hotel "ALFA"); TOV "MarriottGrandHotel" (given the hotel "Marriott Grand Hotel"). Special respect given advancing elements personnel-technologies: recruitment, staff assessment, and motivation personnel-technologies it is possible to avoid the truth of "ignoring" such technology, like infographics, and this tool can be used in all workflows with personnel hotel businesses, which is presented in the article. The authors present specific options for scheduling infographics in the selection of staff for that training, as well as describe the effectiveness of this selection. Keeping up with the dynamics of scientific and technological progress, cultivating the history of the largest world corporations in the hotel business, you can develop an unusual visnovka: necessary mental The success of any company is the effective use of modern personnel technologies.

Similar topics science practices in economics and business, the author of science work - Lustina Tetyana Mykolaivna, Panova Oleksandra Georgievna

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For help modern staff technology in the hospitality industry (by the example of Moscow hotels)

This article describes specific equipment of modern staff technology in all spheres of activities relating to personal management, and specifically examines selection, recruiting, hiring, training, development, assessment, staff motivation. It also includes the category of types of technologies and the complexity of this concept. Personnel management is a complex of different concepts, technologies, ideas and methods of everyday life and management of organizations and projects. Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important fields of activity spheres of the enterprise and can greatly increase the enterprise efficiency, and the concept of "personnel management" is considered in the broad sense on hand as economic and statical more philosophically and psychological one. Tools of personal management are staff technologies. Validity study lies in fact that staff is the most important resource in the hospitality because 90% of services provided by hotels include staff's work of high quality. Automobiles have bred the possibility of using modern technologies in human resources management of Moscow Hotels: LLC (Limited Liability Company) "Project Hotel" (hotel "Arbat house"); LLC "Tourist and hotel complex "ALFA"; LLC "Marriott Grand Hotel Moscow". it is possible to observe unnecessary "ignore" of such technologies as infographics , and this tool can be used in all spheres of work with the hotel staff, which are presented in the article. the sum of the effective use of modern staff technologies .

Organization of hotel personnel management

Due to the stagnation of modern technologies, the hotel business has a large number of working areas. This was caused by the choice of alternative methods of organization of work, based on creative and innovative approaches in management.

In the present hour behind the cordon of the university, as they deal with the problems of management, more and more respect is given to the attempts to solve the problems of financial planning and commercial activities with the organization of personnel management. The rest includes: training of practitioners, their training and retraining, wines between them and, nareshti, their winegrowers.

In the service sector, it is also important to carry out the correct selection of practitioners, as they advise the help of clients. Satisfaction of customers in the sphere of hospitality services is also available to the staff and to other people. Therefore, effective personnel management is transformed into the most important function of managing the hotel business.

Increasing the importance of the personnel of this language, as well as the effective mutual relations between the members of this group, is increasingly occupied by the scientific literature for the rest of the hour, the term "human resources" is replacing the term "personnel". However, there is no clear difference between the term "personnel management" and the term "management of human resources". Zakordonny dosvіd proponuє spіrnu thought that the term "personnel management" is gone, and "management of human resources" is a price term that professional managers can operate with personnel.

Prote mozhna pіdkresliti, scho, on vіdmіnu personnel management, human resource management can be more spіvvіdnositsya with a long-term perspective, lower with a short-term one; more with organic, lower with bureaucratic structure; more with the maximum variation of the practice, lower with the minimization of the variation of the practice.

Today's hotels have a greater emphasis on the quality of work in the form of human resource management services for the hotel business by high-class practitioners. This service can be professionally prepared, structured and staffed in such a way that it works in the legal environment, which becomes more comfortable with time.

In personnel management, it is necessary to take to the respect and intangible vigodi, so as a complete moral atmosphere, satisfied with the practice. Behavior and success of the staff, the success of the entire hotel business in the hospitality industry can be recognized as a side effect of the policy and effective activity that is carried out by the staff service.

Goals and tasks of management and organization of personnel

Formation of the system of organization of personnel management to transfer, transfer, promote the "tree of goals", moreover, the goals of the workers and the goals of the administration, ensuring the least superfluousness, revealing the role of personnel management in the security of the main business.

The goals of organizing personnel management for the hotel business are:

Promoting the competitiveness of the hotel;

Improvement in efficiency, productivity and quality of service with a method of maximizing profit;

Ensuring high social efficiency of the functioning of the team. Successful achievement of the set goals will require the achievement of such goals:

Provision of the consumer business with the labor force with the necessary obligations and the necessary qualifications;

Achievement of a grounded spіvvіdnoshennia between the organizational and technical structure of the labor potential and the structure of the labor potential;

More and more effective than the potential of the practitioner and the team as a whole;

Care of minds for highly productive practice, high level of organization, motivation, self-discipline;

Establishment of a practitioner in the hotel business, formation of a stable team as a way to save money, which is used for workforce (training, development of staff);

Providing for the implementation of the bag, the need for the interests of the workers to change the work, the planting of the crop;

Good weather and social goals (balancing the interests of the hotel business and the interests of the workers, economic and social efficiency);

Improving the efficiency of personnel management, reaching the goals of management with a quick increase in workforce.

Efficiency of personnel management, the key to the implementation of the set goals is rich in what lies in the choice of options for encouraging the system of personnel management of the hotel complex, the development of the mechanism of its functioning, the choice of optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

The goals of the hospitality business as for the staff are characterized by three signs: stench in the bazhany stand at the future; the stench signify the station and vіdіznyayutsya vіd іndivіdualnyh tsіley tim, scho mayut vlastіvіst, obov'yazkovu vsіm pratsіvnіkіn і hotell: їkhіtіnіno stverdzhuyut, їkhіvnіtstvo їіkh vlyuє. The goal is to achieve three functions: management, coordination and control.

Tsіlі - tse incentive for behavior, that stench is treated with behavior. The stinks allow and stimulate mutually satisfying behavior and have a coordinating function in the senses. Personnel management is involved in the process of vikonannnya nevnyh tselestryamovanyh diy and peredbachaє: vyznachennya goals and main directives of work with personnel; designation of zasobіv, forms and methods of setting goals; organization of work and vikonannya accepted decision; coordination and control of planned visits; postіyne doskonalennya system of work with personnel.

If the overall strategy of the hotel business is understood, it is possible to install individual functions of personnel management, as the best way to connect with this strategy.

The need to accommodate the strategy of personnel management and the strategy of the hotel business includes the main functions of management, including:

Pidbir, hiring and hiring staff of the hotel business for the best reach of yogo goals;

Evaluation of staff;

The best win for the potential of practitioners of those wine towns;

Security guarantees of social viability of the hospitality business in front of the skin practitioner.

In a practical plan, you can name the following main functions of personnel management:

Forecasting the situation on the market for food among the wet team for the survival of outsiders;

Analysis of the apparent human resources potential and planning and improvement of the prospects;

Motivation for staff, assessment and training of personnel, adaptation of workers to innovations, creation of socially comfortable minds among the team, improvement of private nutrition of psychological integrity of spivrobitniks and others.

With this, traditional tasks of administrative work with personnel are taken care of.

The functions of personnel management are closely related to each other and establish at once the same system of work with personnel, de change, which are in the warehouse of skin functions, and the need to adjust all other functions related to functions. So, for example, the wide expansion of the world's contractual practice of hiring personnel has led to a commemorative change in functional shoes.

For such minds of hire, naturally, the value of functional obov'yazkіv is promoted, the number of ob'ov'yazkіv is expanded within the framework of the functions of hire, manufacturing, material winemaking.

Theoretically, personnel management is seen in the main functions: demand planning, recruitment and hiring, development and orientation, service promotion, assessment of the wine city.


Verma Amit

amity University Dubai,Doctor of Philosophy in management

United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Bekhruzkhon Makhamadaliev

student of Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


I will play a significant role in reaching the success of the hotel business in order to gain service and quality of services, which will help the staff without interruption. The article examines the role of personnel in the hospitality business. And also looked at methods of management and development of personnel and stages in the process of personnel management. To make recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of management and the development of personnel in the hospitality business and improve the supply.


How important is the role of success in a hotel business acquires service and quality service that directly depend of the staff. This material shows the role of a worker in the hospitality industry. In addition, methods for curing and protecting work, and work in installed processes are described. Conducted recommendations to promote the effectiveness of hotel management and results.

Keywords: hotel business; staff; management; effectiveness of curing;

keywords: hospitality; staff; management; management effectiveness; staff management.

The problem of the human factor is discussed on different levels, hoarsely about the order of the day, in the greater part of the world. In search of ways, it is possible to direct the susilla both theorists of management and rich practitioners. The main method is to ensure the highest level of efficiency of practice. However, no specific directions were found for the accomplishment of this task. It is necessary to reinforce that the management of people in organizations of the greater world will be based not on the knowledge of the basis of an effective method of management, but on intuition. special certificate kerivnik. Therefore, personnel management should be done sooner by science, lower by science.

In the sphere of the hotel business, the role of the staff is important, which is an important warehouse service for the hotel and, therefore, the quality of the hotel service lies in its qualifications, motivation, mastery, as well as training to the efficient operation of the hotel. Under the staff, at times, it is understood - “a special warehouse for chi practitioners is established, undertakings, a warehouse group for professional chi іnshim signs”.

However, one of the coherently copying the competitive advantages of hotels is: the building of the staff is flexible and quick to respond to the needs of the hotel's clients; vchitisya that post_yno pokraschuvatisya; іsnuvannya novichok and zdіbnosti on podlannya konflіktnіh situatsіy, opіr napruzі; participation in the process of competitive hotel service. Vmoga until the uninterrupted training, that self-perfection is explained by him, that there is a lack of professional education, and all the time there can be updates from the minds that change. dovkilla, change helped clients, as well as the expansion of service technologies in hotels. For reasons of responsibility, the hotel should attach great importance to the training and retraining of personnel for post-yny bases, and navіt realіzovuvati courses z pіdvіschennya kіlіfіkatsії pracіvnіkіv.

Yak Bulo was correctly appointed by D. A. Novikov: “Management - tse having poured into the system with a method of securing її behavior” . Personnel management is one of the most important parts of warehouse management, as a victorious collection of ideas and acceptance of effective incentives and management of organizations and projects. In other words, personnel management is a kind of activity with people's care, directing at the reach of the company's goal, or accepting the way of victorious practice, proving the talent of these people with the improvement of their satisfaction. The most important functions of personnel management in the hospitality business include:

Planning for the required number of personnel, recruitment needs, marketing personnel, staff search, selection, admission, adaptation, assessment, training, professional development, motivation, career planning, personnel reserve, corporate culture, labor law enforcement.

It is important to respect that the subject of personnel management in the hospitality business is not only personnel, but also managerial, socially and economically efficient workers, as they are formed in the process of successful work and achievement of the organization. The process of personnel management, from a theoretical point of view, should take the following steps:

  • feedback to staff;
  • staff adaptation;
  • staff assessment;
  • training and development of staff;
  • corporate culture;
  • staff motivation.

Full service quality, professional knowledge, as well as newcomers to the fahіvtsіv of the hotel complex, readiness to practice broadly, shaping corporate ethics and culture, distance to vikonnanny obov'yazkіv, participation in children for improving the quality of the important aspects of the service. For the formation of these qualities at spivrobitnikiv hotels, it is recommended to take professional training for an additional intensive program, the main method of which is to motivate the staff to the training of those shortest indicators for robots.

In fact, the specificity of the hotel complex lies in the fact that a large part of the staff working with guests, and, also, the competitiveness and the quality of the hotel services lie in their workmanship, professionalism and special features.

On top of those, personnel management in the sphere of the hotel business zdiisnyuetsya at the low singing methods of management. Methods of personnel management are allowed to: designate goals and main areas of work with personnel; designation of costs, forms and methods for the implementation of goals; organization of work on the implementation of the adopted decisions; coordination and management of planned activities; postіyne improvement of the system of robots with personnel.

As vysnovok to statti, it should be noted that in the sphere of the hotel business, the staff is the most important person of the company and the leading official of the assessment of the guest of all organizations zagalom, also - the guarantee of successful activity.

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